Ranger / Warrior
Berserk, Barrage, Decoy Shot, Double Shot
Weapon Skills
Coronach / , Slug Shot / / , Heavy Shot , Split Shot /
- Trade the Cipher: Elivira item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Possesses Store TP-30, Melee Attacks and Ranged Attacks: TP+100%
- When using Coronach, Elivira benefits from the relic aftermath (enmity -10).
- Elivira will melee the enemy if in range and perform ranged attacks regardless of position.
- Elivira will hold her position when engaging an enemy, she will neither move in or out.
- Summoning Elivira early in the trust order helps to ensure she is in melee range and increase her TP gain.
- Elivira tends to use TP immediately upon reaching 1000%; however, she will close a skillchain if possible.
- Gains 127 TP with Sword hits, 178 TP with Marksmanship.