Red Mage / Paladin
Enspells, Haste/II, Distract/II, Frazzle/II, Phalanx/II, Protect I - V, Shell I - V, Refresh
Weapon Skills
Burning Blade , Red Lotus Blade / Vorpal Blade / , Savage Blade /
- Trade the Cipher: Rainemard item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Special Features
- Will only cast Haste II and other enhancing magic spells on himself.
- Casts Enspells on himself based on the enemy's weaknesses (Note: he may change his Enspell each time he engages with a different enemy family).
- Rainemard's Enspells are extremely powerful: capable of dealing 50-350+ damage depending on his level/ilevel and stat buffs (MAB, etc).
- Casts Refresh when he falls below 50% MP.
Trust Synergy
- Curilla: Rainemard casts Phalanx II (unlocked at level 75) only on Curilla and himself. His Phalanx, like his Enspells, also appears to benefit from his extremely high enhancing magic skill, his Phalanx II is -35 damage.