Fields of Valor

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Fields of Valor is training regime that is available to players in certain zones.

In order to participate in Fields of Valor, you need to speak to a Field Manual and select a training page.
The training page will instruct the player the type and number of mobs to kill required to finish the specific regime and will reward the player with Experience Points, Gil, and a currency named Tabs.

You may only receive the Tabs reward from a regime once per game day, but Experience Points may continue to be gained.

The following tables list the available zones and training regimes.

Were you looking for Treasure Chest or Treasure Coffer?

Treasure Caskets

In addition to a Book-based system in these zones, Treasure Caskets that can contain a Rare Rare piece of equipment specific to each zone can drop from monsters. In addition to the listed drop below, there are a variety of medicines and assorted crafting items available that can appear in Treasure Caskets.

The quality of medicine and equipment that appears in brown caskets depend on the level of the monsters defeated that spawn it. That said, there are reports of obtaining the Rare Rare drop off low level monsters. Chest drop rate is also likely proportional to the level of the monster killed compared to your level, so fighting stronger monsters give you a better chance of a chest.

The rate of Treasure Casket Discovery for Fields of Valor zones increases during the Super Kupower: Myriad Mystery Boxes.

Blue Caskets are not locked, and contained Temporary Items. Brown Caskets are locked, with a combination guessing game to open them.

Treasure Caskets will despawn in 3 minutes after appearing, regardless of being opened or not.

Zone Item
North Gustaberg Rambler's Cloak icon.png Rambler's Cloak
South Gustaberg Bronze Bandolier icon.png Bronze Bandolier
West Ronfaure Blind Ring icon.png Blind Ring
East Ronfaure Surviver icon.png Surviver
West Sarutabaruta Firefly icon.png Firefly
East Sarutabaruta Pile Chain icon.png Pile Chain
Konschtat Highlands Attar of Roses icon.png Attar of Roses
La Theine Plateau Desperado Ring icon.png Desperado Ring
Tahrongi Canyon Protect Earring icon.png Protect Earring
Valkurm Dunes Phl. Trousers icon.png Phlegethon's Trousers
Buburimu Peninsula Pestle icon.png Pestle
Jugner Forest Pinwheel Belt icon.png Pinwheel Belt
Pashhow Marshlands Wurger icon.png Wurger
Meriphataud Mountains Mammut icon.png Mammut
Rolanberry Fields Rambler's Gaiters icon.png Rambler's Gaiters
Batallia Downs Mokusa icon.png Mokusa
Sauromugue Champaign Herder's Subligar icon.png Herder's Subligar
Qufim Island Custodes icon.png Custodes
Yuhtunga Jungle Buc. Scimitar icon.png Buccaneer's scimitar
Yhoator Jungle Beluga icon.png Beluga
Eastern Altepa Desert C. Melon Tank icon.png Casaba melon tank
Western Altepa Desert Galkan Dagger icon.png Galkan Dagger
Beaucedine Glacier Haraldr's Muffler icon.png Haraldr's Muffler
Xarcabard Gothic Gauntlets icon.png Gothic Gauntlets
The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah Rossignol icon.png Rossignol
Behemoth's Dominion Gothic Sabatons icon.png Gothic Sabatons
Ro'Maeve Diana Corona icon.png Diana Corona
Cape Teriggan Sirocco Axe icon.png Sirocco Axe
Valley of Sorrows Daedalus Hammer icon.png Daedalus Hammer
Ru'Aun Gardens Caract Choker icon.png Caract Choker

Field Manuals

North Gustaberg

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(L-8) (D-10) (I-6) (J-6)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 6 members of the worm family 1~6 270
2 6 Maneating Hornets 3~6 285
3 5 Vultures
1 Walking Sapling
3~7 300
4 4 members of the quadav family
2 Rock Lizards
3~8 315
5 3 members of the quadav family
4 Ornery Sheep
3~8 330
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Rambler's Cloak icon.png Rambler's Cloak

South Gustaberg

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(K-8) (H-9)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 6 members of the Bee family 1~6 270
2 7 Stone Eaters 2~5 285
3 3 Vultures 3 Walking Saplings 3~6 300
4 7 members of the Goblin family 3~6 315
5 5 Rock Lizards 2 members of the Crab family 4~8 330
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Bronze Bandolier icon.png Bronze Bandolier

West Ronfaure

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(I-6) (G-9)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 6 members of the worm family 1~6 270
2 6 Forest Hares 2~6 285
3 5 Scarab Beetles
1 Forest Funguar
4~7 300
4 4 members of the Orc family
2 Scarab Beetles
4~8 315
5 3 Strolling Saplings
3 Huge Wasps
8~12 330
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Blind Ring icon.png Blind Ring

East Ronfaure

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(G-6) (H-9)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 6 members of the Pugil family 1~5
2 6 Carrion Worms 2~5 270
3 7 Forest Hares 2~6 285
4 4 members of the Orc family
2 Forest Funguars
5 4 Wild Sheep
2 Scarab Beetles
4~8 300
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Surviver icon.png Surviver

West Sarutabaruta

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(J-8) (H-6) (I-10)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 6 members of the mandragora family 1~5 270
2 6 Savanna Rarabs 2~5 285
3 5 members of the crawler family
1 Carrion Crow
3~8 300
4 4 members of the Yagudo family
2 members of the Crawler family
4~8 315
5 3 Strolling Saplings
3 Killer Bees
7~12 330
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Firefly icon.png Firefly

East Sarutabaruta

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(F-4) (G-11) (J-7)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 6 members of the mandragora family 1~6 270
2 6 members of the bee family 1~8 285
3 6 Savanna Rarabs 2~6 300
4 4 River Crabs
2 Crawlers
3~6 315
5 4 Carrion Crows
3 Crawlers
3~6 330
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Pile Chain icon.png Pile Chain

Konschtat Highlands

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(I-6) (F-11)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 4 Strolling Saplings
2 Huge Wasps
8~11 340
2 4 Huge Wasps
2 Mist Lizards
9~12 360
3 3 Rock Eaters
3 Mist Lizards
10~12 330
4 6 members of the Quadav family 9~15 380
5 2 Goblin Ambushers
2 Goblin Tinkerers
2 Goblin Butchers
12~14 400
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Attar of Roses icon.png Attar of Roses

La Theine Plateau

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(D-4) (K-8)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 3 Strolling Saplings
3 Huge Wasps
8~12 330
2 3 Mad Sheep
5 Akbabas
11~13 360
3 8 Grass Funguars 12~13 390
4 5 Mad Sheep
3 members of the crab family
11~14 420
5 5 members of the bat family
3 members of the funguar family
10~15 450
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Desperado Ring icon.png Desperado Ring

Tahrongi Canyon

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(G-12) (I-6) (J-8)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 3 Strolling Sapling
3 Killer Bee
7~12 330
2 8 Akbaba 11~13 450
3 4 Canyon Rarab
2 Pygmaioi
7~11 315
4 3 Pygmaioi
3 Killer Bee
8~12 370
5 3 Canyon Crawler
4 Wild Dhalmel
12~16 475
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Protect Earring icon.png Protect Earring

Valkurm Dunes

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(H-7) (L-11) (K-6)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 7 Hill Lizards
1 Sand Hare
15~19 475
2 6 Crabs
2 Hill Lizards
15~22 500
3 5 Damselflies
3 Crabs
18~23 525
4 4 Brutal Sheep
4 Damselflies
20~23 550
5 4 Thread Leeches
2 Goblins
20~23 575
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Phl. Trousers icon.png Phl. Trousers

Buburimu Peninsula

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(E-7) (I-9)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 7 Sylvestres
1 Mighty Rarab
15~19 475
2 6 Carnivorous Crawlers
2 Sylvestres
15~23 500
3 5 Bull Dhalmels
3 Carnivorous Crawlers
20~24 525
4 4 Poison Leeches
4 Bull Dhalmels
21~24 550
5 4 Pugils
3 Goblins
22~27 575
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Pestle icon.png Pestle

Jugner Forest

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(E-11) (I-8)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 8 Wandering Saplings
2 Screamers
15~18 480
2 9 Forest Leeches 21~22 540
3 8 Stag Beetles
1 Forest Leech
21~23 570
4 7 Jugner Funguars
2 Stag Beetles
22~25 600
5 6 Jugner Funguars
3 Forest Tigers
24~25 630
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Pinwheel Belt icon.png Pinwheel Belt

Pashhow Marshlands

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(K-6) (E-12)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 9 Gladflies 20~21 540
2 8 Thread Leeches
1 Gadfly
20~22 570
3 7 Carnivorous Crawlers
2 Thread Leeches
21~23 600
4 6 Marsh Funguars
3 Carnivorous Crawlers
22~25 630
5 4 Death Wasps
3 Berry Grubs
25~28 690
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Wurger icon.png Wurger

Meriphataud Mountains

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(E-5) (K-6) (F-12)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 9 Crane Flies 20~21 540
2 8 Hill Lizards
1 Crane Fly
20~22 570
3 7 Stag Beetles
2 Hill Lizards
21~23 600
4 6 Raptors
3 Stag Beetles
22~25 630
5 4 Hill Lizards
3 Diving Beetles
25~28 690
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Mammut icon.png Mammut

Rolanberry Fields

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(J-5) (H-14)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 5 Death Wasps
2 Poison Leeches
25~26 670
2 4 Death Wasps
3 Berry Grubs
25~28 690
3 6 Berry Grubs
2 members of the Goblin family
26~32 710
4 6 Berry Grubs
2 members of the Quadav family
27~33 740
5 5 Ochus 36~37 800
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Rambler's Gaiters icon.png Rambler's Gaiters

Batallia Downs

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(K-8) (F-9)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 5 Stalking Saplings
2 May Flies
23~26 630
2 5 Stalking Saplings
2 Bas
23~28 650
3 4 May Flies
3 Bas
25~28 670
4 5 Sabertooth Tigers
2 members of the Goblin family
2 members of the Orc family
26~32 700
5 9 Sabertooth Tigers 31~32 730
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Mokusa icon.png Mokusa

Sauromugue Champaign

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(E-6) (K-11)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 4 Hill Lizards
3 Diving Beetles
25~28 690
2 4 Sauromugue Skinks
4 members of the Goblin family
26~32 710
3 2 Champaign Coeurls
5 members of the Goblin family
26~34 710
4 3 Sauromugue Skinks
5 members of the Yagudo family
27~33 730
5 5 Tabar Beaks
3 members of the evil weapon family
36~38 770
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Herder's Subligar icon.png Herder's Subligar

Qufim Island

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(F-6) (I-8)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 9 Clippers
1 Land Worm
26~29 630
2 8 Clippers
2 Seeker Bats
26~29 650
3 7 Greater Pugils
3 Clippers
28~29 700
4 6 members of the Gigas family
4 Greater Pugils
28~30 735
5 5 Acrophies
4 members of the Gigas family
1 Greater Pugil
28~34 770
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Custodes icon.png Custodes

Yuhtunga Jungle

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(G-5) (G-11) (K-6) (F-9)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 4 Yuhtunga Mandragoras
5 Ivory Lizards
30~35 820
2 7 Death Jackets
4 members of the Goblin family
32~37 840
3 10 Young Opo-opos 34~36 860
4 4 members of the Sahagin family
6 Makaras
34~38 880
5 4 Young Opo-opos
6 Soldier Crawlers
34~41 920
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Buc. Scimitar icon.png Buc. Scimitar

Yhoator Jungle

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(F-7) (F-9) (I-8)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 3 White Lizards
6 members of the Goblin family
35~39 840
2 3 Yhoator Mandragoras
6 Yhoator Wasps
35~40 880
3 10 Young Opo-opos 40~44 920
4 7 Worker Crawlers
3 Young Opo-opos
40~46 940
5 10 members of the Tonberry family 45~49 1,000
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Beluga icon.png Beluga

Eastern Altepa Desert

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(F-10) (G-7) (J-8)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 10 Giant Spiders 30~34 810
2 3 Antican Auxiliarii
1 Antican Faber
7 Sand Beetles
35~40 830
3 3 Antican Funditors
1 Antican Faber
7 Desert Dhalmels
35~44 870
4 5 Antican Decuriones
2 Antican Sagittarii
2 Antican Speculators
1 Lesser Manticore
44~49 950
5 3 Goblin Poachers
3 Goblin Robbers
2 Goblin Reapers
1 Lesser Manticore
45~49 970
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: C. Melon Tank icon.png C. Melon Tank

Western Altepa Desert

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(L-5) (G-7) (H-10)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 7 Desert Spiders
3 Antican Essedarii
40~45 920
2 5 Desert Dhalmels
1 Antican Eques
4 Antican Retiarii
44~49 980
3 10 Desert Beetles
1 Cactuar
47~53 1,020
4 2 members of the Goblin family
8 Tulwar Scorpions
51~56 1,080
5 4 Antican Secutors
6 Antican Lanistae
54~58 1,140
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Galkan Dagger icon.png Galkan Dagger

Beaucedine Glacier

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(F-7) (H-9) (I-7) (J-8)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 9 Tundra Tigers
2 members of the Golbin family
34~38 810
2 8 Tundra Tigers
3 Living Statues
34~39 855
3 7 Bat Eyes
4 Living Statues
37~42 900
4 6 members of the Golbin family
4 Bat Eyes
1 Living Statue
37~43 945
5 5 members of the Gigas family
4 members of the Golbin family
2 Bat Eyes
40~43 990
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Haraldr's Muffler icon.png Haraldr's Muffler

The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(G-9) (E-11)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 7 Ogreflies
2 Goobbue Gardeners
41~46 900
2 7 Myxomycetes
3 Ogreflies
41~46 940
3 7 Goobbue Parasites
3 Myxomycetes
40~44 980
4 7 Master Coeurls
3 Goobbue Parasites
42~47 1,020
5 3 Rock Golems
5 Master Coeurls
44~50 1,100
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Rossignol icon.png Rossignol

Behemoth's Dominion

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 3 Lesser Gaylas
2 Greater Gaylas
41~44 350
2 3 Lesser Gaylas
2 members of the evil weapon family
41~46 400
3 3 Greater Gaylas
2 undead-type creatures
43~47 450
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Gothic Sabatons icon.png Gothic Sabatons


Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(H-11) (G/H-6)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 3 Killing Weapon
3 Ominous Weapon
60~65 1,300
2 7 Magic Flagon 64~69 1,330
3 7 Cursed Puppet 65~69 1,360
4 6 Apocalyptic Weapon
1 Darksteel Golem
78~82 1,540
5 6 Infernal Weapon
1 Darksteel Golem
79~82 1,570
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Diana Corona icon.png Diana Corona

Cape Teriggan

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(G-8) (I-6)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 4 Beach Bunnies
4 Sand Lizards
62~66 1300
2 4 Robber Crabs
5 members of the Goblin family
64~68 1320
3 4 Robber Crabs
5 Velociraptors
64~69 1340
4 7 Velociraptors
3 Sand Cockatrices
66~74 1390
5 4 Sand Cockatrices
5 Greater Manticores
71~79 1450
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Sirocco Axe icon.png Sirocco Axe

Valley of Sorrows

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
(F-8) & (J-9)
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 5 Velociraptors
2 Perytons
66~72 1,220
2 5 Velociraptors
1 Valley Manticore
66~74 1,260
3 4 Perytons
1 Valley Manticore
69~74 1,300
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Daedalus Hammer icon.png Daedalus Hammer

Ru'Aun Gardens

Fields of Valor Manual Locations
Page Objective Lvl. Exp
1 8 Flamingoes
3 Sprinklers
72~76 1,450
2 8 Sprinklers
3 members of the Doll family
73~78 1,500
3 11 members of the Doll family 75~78 1,550
4 2 Fire Elementals
2 Air Elementals
2 Thunder Elementals
78~79 1,600
5 2 Ice Elementals
2 Earth Elementals
2 Water Elementals
78~79 1,600
Zone Treasure Casket Reward: Caract Choker icon.png Caract Choker

Elite Training

This section is in need of attention, but this NM fighting augment iteming content was forgotten as fast as it came.


Tabs, also known as Valor Points, can be redeemed at Field Manuals for a variety of beneficial effects. "Rhapsody in White" halves the Tabs cost of these rewards.

Name Cost in Tabs Effect
Repatriation 50 Sends you to your home nation
Circumspection 5 Grants Invisible and Sneak
Homing Instinct 50 Returns you to your Home Point (Warp)
White magic: Reraise 10 Reraise effect (Not available in all areas)
White Magic: Reraise II 20 Reraise II effect (Not available in all areas)
White Magic: Reraise III 30 Reraise III effect (not available in all areas)
White magic: Regen 20 1 HP/tick for 60 minutes
White magic: Refresh 20 1 MP/tick for 60 minutes
White magic: Protect 15 Protect effect for 30 minutes. Effect depends on level, capping at Protect V.
White magic: Shell 15 Shell effect for 30 minutes Information Needed
White Magic: Haste 20 Grants Haste for 30 minutes
Field recipe: Dried Meat 50 Food effect for 30 minutes: Strength +4, Attack +21.5% (64+ cap)
Field recipe: Salted Fish 50 Food effect for 30 minutes: Vitality +2, Defense +29% (?? cap)
Field recipe: Hard Cookie 50 Food effect for 30 minutes: Intelligence +4, MP+30
Field recipe: Instant noodles 50 Food effect for 30 minutes: Vitality +1, HP +27% (75 cap), "Store TP"+Information Needed
Field Recipe: Dried Agaricus 50 (Needs Info)
Field Recipe: Instant Rice 50 (Needs Info)
Trust: Koru-Moru 300 Only during "Alter Ego Extravaganza" Monthly Campaigns. Cost not reduced by Rhapsody in White.
Trust: Sakura 300 Only during "Alter Ego Extravaganza" Monthly Campaigns. Cost not reduced by Rhapsody in White.