
From FFXI Wiki
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This category is for entries concerning Final Fantasy XI-related music. For physical releases of such music, see Albums.

Final Fantasy XI was the first MMO to have different music in (nearly) every zone. There are zones that intentionally didn't have music if they were far from civilization to create an atmosphere of isolation.

Song List

Final Fantasy XI music

Final Fantasy XI music
Song Name Composer Location Heard Orchestrion Albums File
Battle Theme Naoshi Mizuta Field Area Battle theme (solo) Unavailable FFXI OST,
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection
Battle in the Dungeon Naoshi Mizuta Dungeon Area Battle theme (solo) Unavailable FFXI OST music115
Battle Theme #2 Naoshi Mizuta Field Area Battle theme (party) Unavailable FFXI OST music103
Battle in the Dungeon #2 Naoshi Mizuta Dungeon Area Battle theme (party) Unavailable FFXI OST music102
Ghelsba / A Road Once Traveled Naoshi Mizuta Mission/Quest scenes (formerly Fort Ghelsba's and Yughott Grotto's theme in the FFXI Beta) Unavailable Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) music104
Mhaura Naoshi Mizuta Mhaura Unavailable FFXI OST music105
Voyager Naoshi Mizuta Ferry - Mhaura/Selbina Unavailable FFXI OST music106
The Kingdom of San d'Oria Naoshi Mizuta Kingdom of San d'Oria Sheet of San d'Orian tunes FFXI OST music107
Vana'diel March Naoshi Mizuta Title screen Available by default FFXI OST music108
Vana'diel March #2 Naoshi Mizuta Mission/Quest scenes Sheet of conflict tunes FFXI OST music120
Ronfaure Nobuo Uematsu Ronfaure Sheet of San d'Orian tunes,
Spinet icon.png Spinet
FFXI OST music109
The Grand Duchy of Jeuno Naoshi Mizuta Jeuno Sheet of Jeuno tunes FFXI OST music110
Blackout Naoshi Mizuta K.O. Unavailable FFXI OST music111
Selbina Naoshi Mizuta Selbina Spinet icon.png Spinet FFXI OST music112
Sarutabaruta Naoshi Mizuta Sarutabaruta Sheet of Windurstian tunes FFXI OST music113
Batallia Downs Naoshi Mizuta Batallia Downs Unavailable FFXI OST music114
Gustaberg Kumi Tanioka Gustaberg Sheet of Bastokan tunes FFXI OST music116
Ru'Lude Gardens Kumi Tanioka Ru'Lude Gardens Sheet of Jeuno tunes FFXI OST music117
Rolanberry Fields Naoshi Mizuta Rolanberry Fields Unavailable FFXI OST music118
Awakening Kumi Tanioka The Rank 5 Mission Sheet of conflict tunes FFXI OST,
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection
Shadow Lord Kumi Tanioka Mission/Quest scenes Unavailable FFXI OST music121
One Last Time / Just Once More Nobuo Uematsu Mission/Quest scenes Unavailable Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) music122
Hopelessness Nobuo Uematsu Mission/Quest scenes Unavailable FFXI OST music123
Recollection Nobuo Uematsu Mission/Quest scenes Unavailable FFXI OST music124
Tough Battle Naoshi Mizuta Battlefields Unavailable FFXI OST music125
Mog House Naoshi Mizuta Mog House Available by default FFXI OST music126
Anxiety Nobuo Uematsu Mission/Quest scenes Unavailable FFXI OST music127
Airship Nobuo Uematsu Airship Unavailable FFXI OST music128
Tarutaru Female Kumi Tanioka Character Creation Sheet of character selection tunes FFXI OST music130
Elvaan Female Kumi Tanioka Character Creation Sheet of character selection tunes FFXI OST music131
Elvaan Male Naoshi Mizuta Character Creation Sheet of character selection tunes FFXI OST music132
Hume Male Naoshi Mizuta Character Creation Sheet of character selection tunes FFXI OST music133
The Federation of Windurst Naoshi Mizuta Windurst Sheet of Windurstian tunes FFXI OST music151
The Republic of Bastok Kumi Tanioka Bastok Sheet of Bastokan tunes FFXI OST music152
Prelude Nobuo Uematsu Login, Updating, Quest scenes Unavailable FFXI OST music153
Metalworks Kumi Tanioka Bastok Sheet of Bastokan tunes FFXI OST music154
Castle Zvahl Naoshi Mizuta Castle Zvahl Sheet of Bastokan tunes FFXI OST music155
Chateau d'Oraguille Naoshi Mizuta Chateau d'Oraguille Sheet of San d'Orian tunes FFXI OST music156
Fury Kumi Tanioka Mission/Quest scenes Unavailable FFXI OST music157
Sauromugue Champaign Naoshi Mizuta Sauromugue Champaign Unavailable FFXI OST music158
Sorrow Nobuo Uematsu Mission/Quest scenes Unavailable FFXI OST music159
Repression (Memoro de la S^tono) Nobuo Uematsu Mission/Quest scenes Unavailable FFXI OST music160
Despair (Memoro de la S^tono) Nobuo Uematsu Mission/Quest scenes Unavailable FFXI OST music161
Heavens Tower Naoshi Mizuta Heavens Tower Sheet of Windurstian tunes FFXI OST music162
Sometime, Somewhere Nobuo Uematsu Mission/Quest scenes Unavailable FFXI OST music163
Xarcabard Naoshi Mizuta Xarcabard Unavailable FFXI OST music164
Galka Naoshi Mizuta Character creation Sheet of character selection tunes FFXI OST music165
Mithra Kumi Tanioka Character creation Sheet of character selection tunes FFXI OST music166
Tarutaru Male Naoshi Mizuta Character creation Sheet of character selection tunes FFXI OST music167
Hume Female Kumi Tanioka Character creation Sheet of character selection tunes FFXI OST music168
Regeneracy Kumi Tanioka Job Change Land (Removed in 2002 update) Unavailable FFXI OST music169
Buccaneers Naoshi Mizuta Ferry - Mhaura/Selbina (Pirate Attack) Unavailable FFXI OST music170
Eternal Oath / Wedding March Naoshi Mizuta Wedding Support - Wedding ceremony Unavailable Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) music214
FF11 Opening Theme Nobuo Uematsu Opening movie Unavailable FFXI OST

Rise of the Zilart music

Rise of the Zilart music
Song Name Composer Location Heard Orchestrion Albums File
Yuhtunga Jungle Naoshi Mizuta Elshimo Lowlands Unavailable FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music134
Kazham Naoshi Mizuta Kazham Sheet of Zilart tunes FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music135
Altepa Desert Naoshi Mizuta Kuzotz Unavailable FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music171
Dash de Chocobo Naoshi Mizuta Riding a chocobo Sheet of chocobo tunes FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music212
The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah Naoshi Mizuta The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah Sheet of Zilart tunes FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music190
Battle Theme #3 Naoshi Mizuta Zilart Field Area Battle theme Unavailable FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music191
Battle In the Dungeon #3 Naoshi Mizuta Zilart Dungeon Area Battle theme Unavailable FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music192
Tough Battle #2 Naoshi Mizuta Zilart BF Unavailable FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music193
Bloody Promises Naoshi Mizuta Mission/Quest scenes (Raogrimm's theme) Unavailable Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) music194
Belief Naoshi Mizuta Rise of the Zilart final boss theme (phase 2) Sheet of conflict tunes FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST,
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection
Fighters of the Crystal Naoshi Mizuta Zilart Missions (Ark Angels) Spinet icon.png Spinet FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST,
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection
To The Heavens / Kamlanaut#2 Naoshi Mizuta Zilart Missions Unavailable Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) music197
Eald'narche Naoshi Mizuta Rise of the Zilart Final Boss theme (phase 1) Unavailable FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music198
Grav'iton Naoshi Mizuta Zilart Missions Unavailable FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music199
Hidden Truths / Kamlanaut#1 Nobuo Uematsu Zilart Missions Unavailable Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) music200
End Theme Naoshi Mizuta Rise of the Zilart ending theme Unavailable FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music201
Moongate (Memoro De La S^tono): Ancient Verse of Ro'Maeve / Ancient Verse of Altepa / Ancient Verse of Uggalepih Naoshi Mizuta Mission scenes Unavailable Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) music202
Revenant Maiden / The Zilart Naoshi Mizuta Zilart Missions (Yve'noile) Unavailable Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) music206
Ve'Lugannon Palace Naoshi Mizuta Ve'Lugannon Palace Unavailable FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music207
Rabao Naoshi Mizuta Rabao Unavailable FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music208
Norg Naoshi Mizuta Norg Unavailable FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music209
Tu'Lia Naoshi Mizuta Tu'Lia Sheet of Zilart tunes FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music210
Ro'Maeve Naoshi Mizuta Ro'Maeve Unavailable FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music211
Hall of the Gods Naoshi Mizuta Hall of the Gods Unavailable FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music213
Sunbreeze Shuffle Naoshi Mizuta Sunbreeze Festival, Legion Unavailable Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) music227

Chains of Promathia music

Chains of Promathia music
Song Name Composer Location Heard Orchestrion Albums File
Depths Of The Soul Naoshi Mizuta Promathia Dungeon Battle Theme Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music218
Onslaught Naoshi Mizuta Promathia Field Battle Theme Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST,
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection
Turmoil Naoshi Mizuta Promathia Mission BF Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music220
Moblin Menagerie - Movalpolos Naoshi Mizuta Movalpolos Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music221
Faded Memories - Promyvion Naoshi Mizuta Promyvion Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music222
Conflict: March of the Hero Naoshi Mizuta Conflict (Team is winning) Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music223
Dusk and Dawn Naoshi Mizuta Promathia Missions Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music224
Words Unspoken - Pso'Xja Naoshi Mizuta Pso'Xja Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music225
Conflict: You Want To Live Forever? Naoshi Mizuta Conflict (Team is losing or tied) Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music226
Gates Of Paradise - The Garden of Ru'Hmet Naoshi Mizuta The Garden of Ru'Hmet Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music228
The Currents of Time Naoshi Mizuta Manaclipper Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music229
A New Horizon - Tavnazian Archipelago Naoshi Mizuta Tavnazian Archipelago Spinet icon.png Spinet FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music230
Celestial Thunder / Trembling Sky Naoshi Mizuta Promathia Missions (Nag'molada's theme) Unavailable Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) music231
Ruler of the Skies Naoshi Mizuta Promathia Missions Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music232
The Celestial Capital - Al'Taieu Naoshi Mizuta Promathia Missions Sheet of Al'Taieu tunes FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music233
Happily Ever After Naoshi Mizuta Promathia Missions Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music234
First Ode: Nocturne Of The Gods Nobuo Uematsu Promathia Missions Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music235
Second Ode: Distant Promises Nobuo Uematsu Promathia Missions Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music240
Third Ode: Memoria de la S^tono Nobuo Uematsu Promathia Missions Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music237
Fourth Ode: Clouded Dawn Naoshi Mizuta Promathia Missions Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music236
Fifth Ode: A Time for Prayer Naoshi Mizuta Promathia Missions Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music241
A New Morning Naoshi Mizuta Promathia Missions Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music238
Unity Naoshi Mizuta Title screen Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music242
Grav'iton (Duplicate File "music243") Naoshi Mizuta Promathia Missions (Gravi'ton's theme) Unavailable FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music243
Revenant Maiden / The Zilart (Duplicate File "music244") Naoshi Mizuta Promathia Missions (Yve'noile's Theme) Unavailable FFXI - Rise of the Zilart OST music244
The Forgotten City - Tavnazian Safehold Naoshi Mizuta Tavnazian Safehold Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST music245
Distant Worlds Nobuo Uematsu Promathia Missions ending theme Unavailable Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) music900
A Realm of Emptiness Naoshi Mizuta Chains of Promathia final boss theme (2nd phase), Apocalyse Nigh boss theme Sheet of conflict tunes Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc),
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection
Hook, Line, and Sinker Naoshi Mizuta Fishing Small! Fish Unavailable Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) music129
The Big One Naoshi Mizuta Fishing Large!!! Fish Unavailable Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) music136
Jeuno ~Starlight Celebration~ Naoshi Mizuta Starlight Celebration, Dynamis - Tavnazia Sheet of Starlight tunes Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) music239

Treasures of Aht Urhgan music

Treasures of Aht Urhgan music
Song Name Composer Location Heard Orchestrion Albums File
Mercenaries' Delight Naoshi Mizuta Aht Urhgan Field Area Battle theme Unavailable FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST,
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection
Delve Naoshi Mizuta Aht Urhgan Dungeon Area Battle theme Unavailable FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST,
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection
Hellriders Naoshi Mizuta Aht Urhgan Mission BF Unavailable FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music143
Rapid Onslaught -Assault- Naoshi Mizuta Assault Unavailable FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST,
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection
Fated Strife -Besieged- Naoshi Mizuta Besieged Unavailable FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music142
Eastward Bound... Naoshi Mizuta Ferry - Mhaura/Al Zahbi, Ferry - Nashmau/Al Zahbi Unavailable FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music147
Forbidden Seal Naoshi Mizuta Nyzul Isle Unavailable FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music148
Jeweled Boughs Naoshi Mizuta Bhaflau Thickets, Wajaom Woodlands Sheet of Near East tunes FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music149
Ululations from Beyond Naoshi Mizuta Arrapago Reef Unavailable FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music150
Black Coffin Naoshi Mizuta The Ashu Talif Unavailable FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music172
Illusions in the Mist Naoshi Mizuta Caedarva Mire Sheet of Near East tunes FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music173
Whispers of the Gods Naoshi Mizuta Aydeewa Subterrane Unavailable FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music174
Bandits' Market Naoshi Mizuta Nashmau Sheet of Near East tunes FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music175
Circuit de Chocobo Naoshi Mizuta Chocobo Circuit Sheet of chocobo tunes FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music176
Run Chocobo Run! Naoshi Mizuta Chocobo Circuit Sheet of chocobo tunes FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music177
The Bustle of the Capital Naoshi Mizuta Aht Urhgan Whitegate, Al Zahbi Sheet of Near East tunes FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music178
Vana'diel March #4 Naoshi Mizuta Title Screen Unavailable FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music179
A Puppet's Slumber Naoshi Mizuta Aht Urhgan Missions Unavailable FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music183
Eternal Gravestone Naoshi Mizuta Aht Urhgan Missions, Beseiged (defeated) Unavailable FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music184
Ever-Turning Wheels Naoshi Mizuta Aht Urhgan Missions Unavailable FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music185
Iron Colossus Naoshi Mizuta Aht Urhgan Missions, Einherjar Unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music186
Ragnarok Naoshi Mizuta Aht Urhgan final boss theme Spinet icon.png Spinet FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST,
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection
An Invisible Crown Naoshi Mizuta Treasures of Aht Urhgan ending theme Unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music189
The Colosseum Naoshi Mizuta Pankration Unavailable FFXI - Treasures of Aht Urhgan OST music146
Choc-A-Bye-Baby Nobuo Uematsu Chocobo Raising Sheet of chocobo tunes Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) music188

Add-on Scenarios and Battle Area Add-on music

Add-on Scenarios and Battle Area Add-on music
Song Name Composer Location Heard Orchestrion Albums File
Echoes of Creation Naoshi Mizuta A Crystalline Prophecy Final Boss theme, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Missions Spinet icon.png Spinet Final Fantasy XI Original Soundtrack - PLUS - music047
Luck of the Mog Naoshi Mizuta A Moogle Kupo d'Etat Final Boss theme Spinet icon.png Spinet Final Fantasy XI Original Soundtrack - PLUS - music049
Feast of the Ladies Naoshi Mizuta A Shantotto Ascension Final Boss theme Spinet icon.png Spinet Final Fantasy XI Original Soundtrack - PLUS - music050
Abyssea - Scarlet Skies, Shadowed Plains Naoshi Mizuta Abyssea Spinet icon.png Spinet Final Fantasy XI Original Soundtrack - PLUS - music051
Melodies Errant Naoshi Mizuta Abyssea Battle theme Spinet icon.png Spinet Final Fantasy XI Original Soundtrack - PLUS -,
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection
Shinryu Naoshi Mizuta Abyssea Final Boss theme unavailable Final Fantasy XI Original Soundtrack - PLUS -,
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection
Main Theme -FINAL FANTASY XI Version Naoshi Mizuta A Crystalline Prophecy ending theme, Abyssea ending theme Spinet icon.png Spinet Final Fantasy XI Original Soundtrack - PLUS - music048
Where it All Begins Naoshi Mizuta Provenance unavailable FFXI - Seekers of Adoulin OST music056
Provenance Watcher Naoshi Mizuta Voidwatch Final Boss theme unavailable FFXI - Seekers of Adoulin OST,
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection

Wings of the Goddess music

Wings of the Goddess music
Song Name Composer Location Heard Orchestrion Albums File
Wings of the Goddess Naoshi Mizuta Title Screen Unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music140
Summers Lost Naoshi Mizuta Wings of the Goddess Missions (Lilisette's theme) Unavailable Final Fantasy XI Original Soundtrack - PLUS - music045
Goddess Divine Naoshi Mizuta Wings of the Goddess Final Boss theme Unavailable Final Fantasy XI Original Soundtrack - PLUS - music046
Everlasting Bonds Naoshi Mizuta Wings of the Goddess ending theme unavailable Final Fantasy XI Original Soundtrack - PLUS - music054
March of the Allied Forces Naoshi Mizuta Wings of the Goddess quests unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music246
Flowers on the Battlefield Naoshi Mizuta Batallia Downs (S), Rolanberry Fields (S), Sauromugue Champaign (S) unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music252
Roar of the Battle Drums Naoshi Mizuta Campaign Battle theme unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music247
Autumn Footfalls Naoshi Mizuta East Ronfaure (S) Sheet of ancient battle tunes,
Spinet icon.png Spinet
FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music251
Griffons Never Die Naoshi Mizuta Southern San d'Oria (S) Sheet of ancient tunes FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music254
Clash of Standards Naoshi Mizuta Wings of the Goddess Field Battle theme Spinet icon.png Spinet FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST,
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection
Echoes of a Zephyr Naoshi Mizuta North Gustaberg (S) Sheet of ancient battle tunes FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music253
Thunder of the March Naoshi Mizuta Bastok Markets (S) Sheet of ancient tunes FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music180
Encampment Dreams Naoshi Mizuta Wings of the Goddess Missions unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music145
The Cosmic Wheel Naoshi Mizuta West Sarutabaruta (S) Sheet of ancient battle tunes FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music141
Stargazing Naoshi Mizuta Windurst Waters (S) Sheet of ancient tunes FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music182
On this Blade Naoshi Mizuta Wings of the Goddess Dungeon Battle theme unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST,
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection
Young Griffons in Flight Naoshi Mizuta Wings of the Goddess quests (The Young Griffons' theme) unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music248
Run Maggot, Run! Naoshi Mizuta Wings of the Goddess quest BF, Moblin Maze Mongers unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST,
Sword Songs ~ FFXI Battle Collection
Cloister of Time and Souls Naoshi Mizuta The Threshold, Walk of Echoes unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music040
Royal Wanderlust Naoshi Mizuta Wings of the Goddess Missions (Cait Sith's theme) unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music041
Under a Clouded Moon Naoshi Mizuta Wings of the Goddess quest BF unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music250
Where Lords Rule Not Naoshi Mizuta La Vaule (S), Beadeaux (S), Castle Oztroja (S) unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music044
Kindred Cry Naoshi Mizuta Wings of the Goddess Mission BF, Odyssey unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music217
Snowdrift Waltz Naoshi Mizuta Xarcabard (S) unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music042
Troubled Shadows Naoshi Mizuta Castle Zvahl Baileys (S), Castle Zvahl Keep (S) unavailable FFXI - Wings of the Goddess OST music043

Seekers of Adoulin music

Seekers of Adoulin music
Song Name Composer Location Heard Orchestrion Albums File
A New Direction Naoshi Mizuta Title Screen unavailable FFXI - Seekers of Adoulin OST music058
Breaking Ground Naoshi Mizuta Reive Battle theme unavailable FFXI - Seekers of Adoulin OST music064
The Pioneers Naoshi Mizuta Western Adoulin Sheet of W. Adoulinian tunes FFXI - Seekers of Adoulin OST music059
The Sacred City of Adoulin Naoshi Mizuta Eastern Adoulin Sheet of E. Adoulinian tunes FFXI - Seekers of Adoulin OST music063
Into Lands Primeval - Ulbuka Naoshi Mizuta East Ulbuka Territory unavailable FFXI - Seekers of Adoulin OST music060
Steel Sings, Blades Dance Naoshi Mizuta Seekers of Adoulin Battle theme unavailable FFXI - Seekers of Adoulin OST music057
Arciela Naoshi Mizuta Seekers of Adoulin Missions (Arciela's theme) unavailable FFXI - Seekers of Adoulin OST music066
Mog Resort Naoshi Mizuta Mog Garden unavailable FFXI - Seekers of Adoulin OST music067
Water's Umbral Knell Naoshi Mizuta Rala Waterways, Yorcia Weald unavailable FFXI - Seekers of Adoulin OST music061
Keepers of the Wild Naoshi Mizuta Wildskeeper Reive, Skirmish, Delve unavailable FFXI - Seekers of Adoulin OST music062
The Divine Naoshi Mizuta Mount Kamihr unavailable Forever Today: FFXI Seekers of Adoulin Original Soundtrack PLUS, Priceless Remembrance music073
The Serpentine Labyrinth Naoshi Mizuta Outer Ra'Kaznar, Ra'Kaznar Inner Court unavailable Forever Today: FFXI Seekers of Adoulin Original Soundtrack PLUS, Priceless Remembrance music072
Clouds Over Ulbuka Naoshi Mizuta Seekers of Adoulin BF unavailable Forever Today: FFXI Seekers of Adoulin Original Soundtrack PLUS, Priceless Remembrance music074
Worlds Away Naoshi Mizuta Seekers of Adoulin Missions unavailable Forever Today: FFXI Seekers of Adoulin Original Soundtrack PLUS, Priceless Remembrance music068
Hades Naoshi Mizuta Seekers of Adoulin Final Boss theme (phase 1) unavailable FFXI - Seekers of Adoulin OST music065
The Price Naoshi Mizuta Seekers of Adoulin Final Boss theme (phase 2) unavailable Forever Today: FFXI Seekers of Adoulin Original Soundtrack PLUS, Priceless Remembrance music075
Forever Today Naoshi Mizuta Seekers of Adoulin ending theme unavailable Forever Today: FFXI Seekers of Adoulin Original Soundtrack PLUS, Priceless Remembrance music076
Forever Today (instrumental version) Naoshi Mizuta Seekers of Adoulin epilogue quests Sheet of Adoulinian tunes Priceless Remembrance, Gifts from Vana'diel: Songs of Rebirth music078

Rhapsodies of Vana'diel music

Rhapsodies of Vana'diel music
Song Name Composer Location Heard Orchestrion Albums File
Iroha Naoshi Mizuta Reisenjima, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Missions unavailable Priceless Remembrance, Gifts from Vana'diel: Songs of Rebirth music079
The Boundless Black Naoshi Mizuta Escha unavailable Priceless Remembrance, Gifts from Vana'diel: Songs of Rebirth music080
Isle of the Gods Naoshi Mizuta Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Missions unavailable Priceless Remembrance, Gifts from Vana'diel: Songs of Rebirth music081
Wail of the Void Naoshi Mizuta Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Final Boss theme unavailable Priceless Remembrance, Gifts from Vana'diel: Songs of Rebirth music082
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Naoshi Mizuta Rhapsodies of Vana'diel ending theme Available after completion of RoV missions Priceless Remembrance, Gifts from Vana'diel: Songs of Rebirth music083

The Voracious Resurgence music

The Voracious Resurgence music
Song Name Composer Location Heard Orchestrion Albums File
The Voracious Resurgence Naoshi Mizuta The Voracious Resurgence Missions unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Prime Memories music025
The Devoured Naoshi Mizuta The Voracious Resurgence Battle theme unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Prime Memories music026
Encroaching Perils Naoshi Mizuta The Voracious Resurgence Missions unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Prime Memories music027
The Destiny Destroyers Naoshi Mizuta The Voracious Resurgence Missions Sheet of Destiny Destroyer tunes Gifts from Vana'diel: Prime Memories music028
Black Stars Rise Naoshi Mizuta The Voracious Resurgence Missions unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Prime Memories music031
All Smiles Naoshi Mizuta The Voracious Resurgence Missions unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Prime Memories music032
We Are Vana'diel Naoshi Mizuta Title Screen unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Prime Memories music034
Valhalla Naoshi Mizuta The Voracious Resurgence Final Boss theme (phase 1) unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Prime Memories music033
All-Consuming Chaos Naoshi Mizuta The Voracious Resurgence Final Boss theme (phase 2) unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Prime Memories music037
Your Choice Naoshi Mizuta The Voracious Resurgence ending theme unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Prime Memories music038

Other music

Other music
Song Name Composer Location Heard Orchestrion Albums File
Full Speed Ahead! Naoshi Mizuta Mounts Sheet of Mapitoto tunes Gifts from Vana'diel: Songs of Rebirth music084
Monstrosity Naoshi Mizuta Monstrosity unavailable Forever Today: FFXI Seekers of Adoulin Original Soundtrack PLUS, Priceless Remembrance music070
Times Grow Tense Naoshi Mizuta Ambuscade unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Songs of Rebirth music085
Between Dreams and Reality Naoshi Mizuta Dynamis - Divergence Wave 1 / Wave 2 unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Songs of Rebirth music088
Disjoined One Naoshi Mizuta Dynamis - Divergence Wave 3 unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Songs of Rebirth music089
For a Friend Naoshi Mizuta Omen unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Songs of Rebirth music087
Winds of Change Naoshi Mizuta Heroines' Combat II unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Songs of Rebirth music090
Goddesspeed Naoshi Mizuta Sortie - Ground Level unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Prime Memories music035
Good Fortune Naoshi Mizuta Sortie - Basement unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Prime Memories music036
Devils' Delight Naoshi Mizuta Harvest Festival unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Prime Memories music028
Sojourner Naoshi Mizuta Odyssey (Bumba's battle theme) unavailable Gifts from Vana'diel: Prime Memories music030

Unused music

Unused music
Song Name Composer Location Heard Orchestrion Albums File
Sunbreeze Shuffle (Sunset Mix) 2014.7.11 Naoshi Mizuta Unused Unavailable on Square Enix Music Blog n/a
Sunbreeze Shuffle (AMSZ Fest 2019 Summer Mix) 2019.8.2 Naoshi Mizuta Unused Unavailable on Square Enix Music Blog n/a
Distant Worlds -Guitar Version- Naoshi Mizuta Unused Unavailable Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) n/a
Distant Worlds -Nanaa Mihgo's Version- Naoshi Mizuta Unused Nanaa Mihgo Statue icon.png Nanaa Mihgo Statue Nanaa Mihgo's Stolen Hearts music069
Distant Worlds -THE BLACK MAGES Version- Nobuo Uematsu Unused unavailable The Black Mages III Darkness and Starlight n/a
Distant Worlds (instrumental version) Naoshi Mizuta Unused Sheet of Promathia tunes Priceless Remembrance, Gifts from Vana'diel: Songs of Rebirth music077
Ru'Lude Gardens (Star Onions version) The Star Onions Unused Unavailable Unreleased Tracks (Premium Box disc) n/a
Gustaberg (Star Onions version) The Star Onions Unused Unavailable FFXI - Chains of Promathia OST n/a
The Pioneers -Nanaa Mihgo's Version- Naoshi Mizuta Unused Nanaa Mihgo S. II icon.png Nanaa Mihgo Statue II Nanaa Mihgo's Stolen Hearts music071
Forever Today (ep ver.) Naoshi Mizuta Unused Unavailable Forever Today: FFXI Seekers of Adoulin Original Soundtrack PLUS, Priceless Remembrance n/a
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel (ep ver.) Naoshi Mizuta Unused Unavailable Priceless Remembrance, Gifts from Vana'diel: Songs of Rebirth n/a
Wings of Dawn Naoshi Mizuta Wings of the Goddess trailer (Tokyo Game Show 2007) unavailable Final Fantasy XI Original Soundtrack - PLUS - n/a
An Ode to Heroes Fallen Naoshi Mizuta Wings of the Goddess trailer (Square Enix Party 2007) unavailable Final Fantasy XI Original Soundtrack - PLUS - n/a
The Shadow Lord Battle (Final Fantasy Record Keeper version) Naoshi Mizuta Mobile Game Sheet of Shadow Lord tunes none music086
Shadow Lord's Christmas Kumi Tanioka Unused unavailable X'mas Collections II n/a

Song Count

  • SE has mentioned there's a limit to certain things they can add to the game such as spells and zones. Since they assign song files a number between 1 and 255, it's likely the game has a similar limit with 255 songs. As of March 2024, there seems to be a total of 220 songs used in the game, with 35 file slots remaining.
    • FFXI - 54
    • RoZ - 28
    • CoP - 31
    • ToAU - 25
    • Add-on - 9
    • WoTG - 25
    • SoA - 18
    • RoV - 5
    • TVR - 10
    • Other - 11
    • Orchestrion key item or campaign code exclusives - 4


  • Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XI were the first Final Fantasy games to have multiple composers.

Naoshi Mizuta

  • Primary composer of Final Fantasy XI. Also worked on Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Final Fantasy Grandmasters.
  • Started a band with other Square Enix staff called The Star Onions and another band called The Nanaa Mihgos.

Kumi Tanioka

  • Composer on the original release of Final Fantasy XI. Also worked on Chocobo Mystery Dungeon 2 and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.
  • Performed solo piano music at Square Enix events.

Nobuo Uematsu

  • Known for being the sole composer of the Final Fantasy series from Final Fantasy I-IX.
  • Final Fantasy IX, X, and XI were in development at the same time. Nobuo Uematsu was the sole composer of IX, and the lead composer for the original release of Final Fantasy XI[1] until his retirement in 2004, though he was commissioned by Tanaka to compose Distant Worlds in 2005 and worked on Final Fantasy XIV in 2010.


The Star Onions

  • Named after The Star Onion Brigade, this band features Naoshi Mizuta, Kumi Tanioka, and Hidenori Iwasaki. They had various guest members from Square Enix staff join their live performances and albums.
  • This band was formed without a drummer. You can hear them use creatively substitute drums with guitar or other methods on tracks such as Gustaberg (Star Onions Version) on the Chains of Promathia OST.
  • Members
    • Naoshi Mizuta - Bass
    • Kumi Tanioka - Piano / Synthesizer
    • Hidenori Iwasaki - Synthesizer
    • Tsuyoshi Sekito - Guitar (Guest)
    • Arata Hanyuda - Drums (Guest)
    • Hiroku Murakami - Drums (Guest)
    • Masato Kato - Synthesizer (Guest)
    • Michael-Christopher Koji Fox - Drums (Guest)
    • Osamu Koike - Soprano Sax / Alto Sax (Guest)
    • Aundrea Hopkins - Vocals (Guest)

The Nanaa Mihgos

  • Members
    • Naoshi Mizuta - Programming / Drums / Other
    • Machi Okabe - Violin
    • Takuro Iga - Piano


  • Nobuo Uematsu's progressive metal band formed with members of Square Enix staff.
  • Performs rock arrangements of Final Fantasy music, typically battle music.
  • Has performed at Square Enix events. The only Final Fantasy XI music arrangement available is Distant Worlds, from their 3rd album Darkness and Starlight.
  • Members
    • Nobuo Uematsu - Piano / Organ / Keyboard
    • Tsuyoshi Sekito - Guitar
    • Michio Okamiya - Guitar
    • Arata Hanyuda - Drums
    • Kenichiro Fukui - Keyboard


  1. WE DISCUSS VANA’DIEL #8 Masato Kato Part 3
  1. WE GREW VANA'DIEL Michael-Christopher Koji Fox part 4
  2. Naoshi Mizuta / Nanaa Mihgo's Interview Part 1
  3. Naoshi Mizuta / Nanaa Mihgo's Interview Part 2

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