- The mid-boss for the zone Dynamis - San d'Oria (D).
- Grants a 30 minute time extension and the title "Dynamis-San d'Oria [D] Trespasser" when defeated.
- Uses only Numbing Glare and Seismostomp.
- Has innate auto-regain.
- As its HP is lowered, the regain effect appears to become more potent, causing the use of TP attacks more frequently.
- While using TP attacks, if it is fed additional TP from damage taken, it can continuously use additional TP attacks.
- Observed up to 5 TP attacks back to back in quick succession as melees were constantly hitting it. When no damage was dealt during these tp attacks, it didn't seem to do any additional moves.
- Advisable for DDs to sub NIN to absorb Seismostomp with Utsusemi as back to back use of this move can result in death.
- Stunners are also advisable to suppress usage of TP attacks.
- Due to it's various damage resistances. Skillchains and magic bursts are highly effective in speeding up the kill for this mob.
- It is ideal to fight this mob at his spawn area and have the back line party members off to the left of right side of it to avoid a mass wipe due to statues popping on the ramp after the Overseer's Tombstone has been defeated.