Overseer's Tombstone

From FFXI Wiki
General Notes
  • The mid-boss for the zone Dynamis - San d'Oria (D).
  • Grants a 30 minute time extension and the title "Dynamis-San d'Oria [D] Trespasser" when defeated.
  • Uses only Numbing Glare and Seismostomp.
  • Has innate auto-regain.
  • As its HP is lowered, the regain effect appears to become more potent, causing the use of TP attacks more frequently.
  • While using TP attacks, if it is fed additional TP from damage taken, it can continuously use additional TP attacks.
  • Observed up to 5 TP attacks back to back in quick succession as melees were constantly hitting it. When no damage was dealt during these tp attacks, it didn't seem to do any additional moves.
  • Advisable for DDs to sub NIN to absorb Seismostomp with Utsusemi as back to back use of this move can result in death.
    • Stunners are also advisable to suppress usage of TP attacks.
  • Due to it's various damage resistances. Skillchains and magic bursts are highly effective in speeding up the kill for this mob.
  • It is ideal to fight this mob at his spawn area and have the back line party members off to the left of right side of it to avoid a mass wipe due to statues popping on the ramp after the Overseer's Tombstone has been defeated.

Overseer's Tombstone
Type Unclassified
Family Replica
Class Divergence NM
Physical Damage Magical Damage Breath Damage Slashing Blunt H2H Piercing Ranged
Question Question 12.5% 100% 86.5% 81.25% 75% 75%
Element: Fire Element: Wind Element: Thunder Element: Light Element: Ice Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Dark
85% 115% 115% 115% 85% 115% 130% 115%
A: Absorbs · S: Susceptible · R: Resists
100% denotates that a monster takes full damage.
Tiers of 50% or less guarantee a spell resist.


Listings by Zone
  Dynamis - San d'Oria (D)
FFXIDB Icon v3.png

     Battlefield: Dynamis - Divergence
      Spawns at the entrance to Northern San d'Oria
Level Behavior
132 This monster is aggressive. True Sight
Question 122
Dynamis-San d'Oria [D] Trespasser
Abilities Spells
Numbing Glare


Ability Y' Area Target Type Copy Image.png Condition
Seismostomp AoE Self Physical Damage Orc replicas only
Damage + Stun.
Absorbed by Utsusemi
Numbing Glare Gaze (Conal) 1P Magical Damage Element: Ice Orc replicas only
Inflicts Paralysis
Area: 1P, AoE, Gaze, Conal · Target: Player or Monster
Type: Physical-Magical-Breath-Buff · Element or Damage Type
Copy Image.png: Utsusemi shadows consumed (#), B Bypasses, but does not remove shadows, R Removes all shadows.