Shiyo Server Systems/Mining

From FFXI Wiki

Mining requires the use of a Pickaxe icon.png Pickaxe on a "Mining Point" in order to potentially gain items from it. The result of the mining will either be an item or nothing at all. In either instance the pickaxe may either be reused or will break with a corresponding message informing of it.

  • Players may simplify the process of mining with a macro of "/item "Pickaxe" <t>".
  • The Field Attire Set reduces the instances of breaks.
  • Mining caps at level 100. There are level requirements to mine in every zone, which is 20 below the zones cap(indicated below). Being higher level than the zones level increases your chance of gathering more items from a single gathering attempt.



Original Areas

Rise of the Zilart

Ifrit's Cauldron (Lvl Cap: 100)

Chains of Promathia

Aht Urhgan

Wings of the Goddess

North Gustaberg (S) (Lvl Cap: 40)

Adoulin (NYI)