Talk:Unafraid of the Dark

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Great guide, just would like to add that Marine Stewpot (HQ) is incredibly useful for COR and maybe other backline jobs in this fight. HP, macc, acc, all in one package. Blu can probably benefit from it too if he attempts to land def- spells to overwrite Arm Block defense boost.

With macc food, light shot lands 100% of time without ever needing focus from geo, which is quite useful for emergency sleep if BRD has trouble.

We've tried different DD combinations and strategy such as WAR RUN or 2 DD + COR multi step SCing, so far NIN+BLU SCng with each other still has the most effective result with very reliable/consistent win rate in less than 45 min. Although in the end the optimal DD choice probably depend on who you have in your group.

--Viar (talk) 23:10, 15 August 2017 (EDT)


Jobs: NIN (Heishi Shorinken icon.png and daggers recommended for Yagudo), BLU/nin (Clubs required), COR/nin, WHM (Yagrush (Level 119 III) icon.png recommended), GEO (Idris (Level 119) icon.png recommended, DT idle set is mandatory), BRD (Gjallarhorn (Level 99) icon.png required, and Daurdabla (Level 99) icon.png and Carnwenhan (Level 119 III) icon.png recommended)

Basically I just replicated Mischief's Strategy, but figured I would share here anyway. You can use WAR and other things from this fight, but this setup makes the most sense to me. The problem is finding a NIN.

  • Alternatively if your COR/BRD is DDing you can just use a RUN instead of a NIN, but I am a NIN fan for this.

Fight should take about 45 minutes if things go well.

Food Used:

  • BLU and NIN: I used Rabbit Pie icon.png Rabbit Pie and I am not sure what the NIN used, but I like the defense and attack boost from the pie.
    • Accuracy will be fine for DDs because of the BRD.
  • WHM, BRD, GEO: Miso Ramen +1 icon.png Miso Ramen +1/NQ
  • COR: Sublime Sushi +1 icon.png Sublime Sushi +1/NQ



Specialty Weapons:

Kill order:
Yagudo → Orc → Quadav → Shadow Lord

Buffs carry over into the fight. Get 3,000 TP outside, and optionally have COR, SCH, etc mules to buff you or something.

Once inside buff up, BRD uses Clarion Call to get and maintain a fifth song. Only the Shadow Lord dispels. One buff from Boon Void in single wield mode.
NIN aggros and the BRD JA sleep the mobs, commence the jigglin'.

NIN should maintain Yonin so that they have a leg up on holding hate over the BLU while they both DD.

Make sure to keep all mobs dispeled regularly. Knockback is a big thing in this fight as well so fight near the door or up on the throne. This way any weakened player has a shot of staying out of range of the 30' TP moves from the Orc and more importantly the Shadow Lord.

This entire fight should be a cake walk until the Shadow Lord unless you get unlucky with Vorticose Sands from the Yagudo or something. GEO Bolsters immediately, JAs and things are used by evceryone, and then the COR will Wild Card, hopefully restoring Bolster and things. If it is restored then use

NIN should be using Evisceration and the BLU should be closing with CDC.

If Kaustra is used the WHM should immediately Benediction the affected players to remove it. Kaustra may only be used once after Tabula Rasa if chosen over Embrava.

Astral Flow is lame, and it alone can never kill you Diabolos just reduces HP by a random %, just have Curaga ready.

The most annoying mob in the fight between the Invincibles and the annoying TP moves. This will test the mettle of your WHM. Erase the defense down from Shoulder Charge immediately. NIN ditches the daggers for the rest of the fight now by the way.

The most dangerous move used is Veil of Chaos which is 30' and also a hate reset. When Meikyo Shisui is used call it out and keep everyone in curaga range so potentially back-to-back Veils of Chaos (30' Element: Light) do not kill someone like the BRD or COR.

BLU throws on their trusty clubs and goes to town using Black Halo (Fragmentation SC Icon.png) to skillchain with the NIN's Blade: Shun (Fusion SC Icon.png and Light SC Icon.png with Aeonic AM on). Alternatively if a COR is in the mix with Savage Blade (Fragmentation SC Icon.png) then Realmrazer (Fusion SC Icon.png) may be used to open or close light with it while the NIN closes light/radiance with their Aeonic. Skillchaining can make this fight quicker and easier.

NIN must keep up Migawari: Ichi up. GEO needs to be in full DT gear with Stoneskin on. Mighty Strikes to Hellspin is a legal combination. Ore Lob is also fairly dangerous.

Make sure the quadav is away from the Shadow Lord as Benediction will wake him if he is. These reasons are why you do the quadav last.

Shadow Lord:
The only challenge in this fight, and that is more because of the clones and status ailments like doom, curse and defense down combined with Mighty Strikes. Perhaps Bolster and things have come back on their own already by now or maybe the COR used Cutting Cards and it already is.

TP moves are mostly conal so the GEO should stand on the side out of conal range.

DD should have some minor -DT gear on full time while TPing like a defending ring, especially while the Shadow Lord is in two handed mode as it gains 100% double attack combined with a potential Mighty Strikes powered weaponskill following a curse. For that reason keep a lot of holy waters ready. You need them for doom anyway.

When a clone is called the BLU and anyone fighting who isn't the NIN should change targets and take it down. The NIN is the defacto tank for this so let them handle the Shadow Lord exclusively.

Have the GEO stick to their bubbles above, and if someone goes down you might as well ditch fury for wilt. The good news is that if your NIN d/cs mid fight (thanks Aza!) your BLU should be able to take on the Shadow Lord and a clone until they get back in the game, and vice versa. Make sure the GEO tags the clones too.

Try to land slow if you can manage to.

TP Moves to watch for in the single wield mode include:

  • Implosion- -50% HP
  • Boonvoid - Dispel
  • Umbral Orb - Far range dark damage that may kill weakened members.

TP Moves to watch for in the dual wield mode include:

  • Blighting Blitz - Conal powerful curse effect
  • Cross Smash - Conal defense Down
  • Doom Arc - 10 count doom

Basically all the TP moves!

The Shadow Lord will take the longest, but the whole fight is fun and manageable.

--Spicyryan (talk) 21:25, 24 July 2017 (EDT)

2022 Testimonials

Masa SAM, nothing fancy PLD, Caladbolg DRK, Naegling COR, REMA BRD, Yagrush WHM, No outside buffs. ML40 all except PLD, r20 Nyame. 20 minute fight.

  1. Enter and buff up with WHM (Haste, Protect, Shell, Regen, Boost-STR, Barfira, Baramnesra) and COR (Chaos/Sam rolls) for 2-3 minutes.
  2. PLD flashes Yagudo, BRD uses Nitro
  3. BRD Horde Lullaby II all four mobs
  4. BRD Soul Voice/Clarion Call - Minuetx3, Honor March, Minne. Sirvente on PLD. Ballad on PLD/WHM.
  5. WHM debuffs Dia II, Slow, Paralyze. BRD debuffs Nocturne/Elegy
  6. SAM (Shining One Impulse spam), DRK (Torcleaver spam), COR (Savage Blade spam), PLD tank/cure, BRD/DNC Haste Samba/Cures against Yagudo. 2 minutes
  7. SAM (Tachi: Fudo spam), DRK (Torcleaver spam), COR (Savage Blade spam), PLD tank/cure, BRD/DNC Haste Samba/Cures against Orc. 4 minutes
  8. Quadav and Shadow Lord should wake up around this time. Random Deal to try to get Troubadour up, otherwise burn Wild Card. Lullaby II the mobs. Reapply Songs as needed.
  9. SAM (Tachi: Fudo spam), DRK (Judgement spam), COR (Savage Blade spam), PLD tank/cure, BRD/DNC Haste Samba/Cures against Quadav. 3 minutes
  10. Take a breather before waking Shadow Lord. If you got lucky, maybe you can even reapply SVCC and any SPs you used before Wild Card.
  11. SAM (Tachi: Fudo spam), DRK (Torcleaver spam), COR (Savage Blade spam), PLD tank/cure, BRD/DNC Haste Samba/Cures against Shadow Lord. ~8 minutes
  12. During Shadow Lord, please make sure to spam Holy Waters during doomed status, and also make sure to kill clones ASAP.
  13. Ending DPS: COR 30%, 2.3k; SAM 28%, 2.1k (Died to SL and had to wait out Arise); DRK 21%, 1.6k (Died to Yag shortly after pull and fought weak/no songs at start)
  14. Accuracy was not capped at 1400 for TP, 1300 for WS.
  15. About 7.3m HP altogether. Yagudo: ~1.3m, Orc: ~1.5m, Quadav: ~1.5m, Shadow Lord: ~3.0m (2+ clones)

You could pre-buff BRD/COR outside with another character if you so wanted.

Recommend a lot of Holy Waters, Remedies, and Vile Elixir/+1 just in case.

Make sure autotarget is off to not accidentally wake up an NM.

Between the WHM dropping Curagas, PLD dropping Majesty AoE cures, and the BRD/DNC occasional waltz, you will have a lot of curing coverage. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you could drop the PLD for a RDM or SCH for just more cures.

Minor FPS drop in arena, if you aren't steady 30fps you may see some stuttering.

Kriz (talk) 13:19, 24 August 2022 (EDT)

2024 Testimonials

Whm/Sch (Yag) Brd no Carn, Rdm/Blm, Sam/Drg, Mnk/Nin, Cor/Nin Prep Buff outside, Sam/Chaos, Normal Brd SV/CC Songs, Yag w Piercing > Orc Slashing > Quad Blunt > Shadow Lord

Have Sam step in to pull, Brd Nitro Sleep by start. Dia 3 Yag, Rdm Debuff, Kill. Rinse, repeat with Orc, Dispelling buffs he puts up, Keep shadow lord debuffed from Quad buffs, rebuff before shadow lord if needed, otherwise Sam Warding circle and kill.

Kill time 10:45 including Buff time at start. Honestly trivial fight.

Dmhlucky (talk) 18:00, 7 January 2024 (EDT)