
From FFXI Wiki
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General Notes
Troll 1.png
Japanese とろーる
Type Beastmen
Typical Job Chaos Burgeonet icon.png Dark Knight
Fighter's Mask icon.png Warrior
Gallant Coronet icon.png Paladin
Hunter's Beret icon.png Ranger
Warlock's Chapeau icon.png Red Mage
Temple Crown icon.png Monk
Pup. Taj icon.png Puppetmaster
Crystal Fire Crystal icon.png Fire Crystal
Detects Sight
Troll Resistances
Physical Damage Magical Damage Breath Damage Slashing Blunt H2H Piercing Ranged
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Element: Fire Element: Wind Element: Thunder Element: Light Element: Ice Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Dark
60% 115% 100% 115% 100% 100% 130% 115%
Gurfurlur (King Troll) Resistances
Physical Damage Magical Damage Breath Damage Slashing Blunt H2H Piercing Ranged
100% 100% 32.75% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Element: Fire Element: Wind Element: Thunder Element: Light Element: Ice Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Dark
25% 70% 25% 50% 25% 25% 70% 50%
A: Absorbs · S: Susceptible · R: Resists
During battle some monsters may change resistances.

100% denotates that a monster takes full damage.
Tiers of 50% or less guarantee a spell resist.


Ability Y' Area Target Type Copy Image.png Condition
Diamondhide 1P Monster Status Enhancement
Gains Stoneskin.
Enervation AoE Monster Magical Damage Element: Dark
Magic Defense Down (-50%) and Defense Down (-50%)
Overthrow 1P Player Physical Damage Troll has no weapon.
Damage (based on enemy's remaining HP) and Knockback.
May be avoided if player moves to the side of the enemy before being hit with the move.
Ignores shadows.
Potent Lunge 1P Player Physical Damage Troll has a weapon.
Damage and Knockback.
Absorbed by one shadow.
Quake Stomp 1P Monster Status Enhancement
Gains Boost effect for the next attack.
Rock Smash 1P Player Physical Damage Troll has no weapon.
Damage and Petrification.
Absorbed by one shadow.
(Ranger Trolls only)
AoE Player Magical Damage Element: Fire
Ignores shadows.
Drop Hammer
(Hammer Trolls only)
AoE Player Physical Damage Hammer unbroken.
Damage and Bind.
Absorbed my multiple shadows.
(Hammer Trolls only)
1P Player Physical Damage Hammer unbroken.
Damage and Stun.
Absorbed my one shadow.
(Hammer Trolls only)
AoE Monster Physical Damage Hammer unbroken.
Damage and Knockback.
Absorbed my multiple shadows.
(Hammer Trolls only)
1P Player Physical Damage Hammer unbroken.
Damage and Petrification.
Absorbed my one shadow.
Healing Stomp
(Notorious Monsters only)
AoE Monster Status Enhancement
Gains an undispellable Regen.
Arcane Stomp
(King Trolls only)
1P Monster Status Enhancement
Gains an undispellable magic absorption effect.
(King Trolls only)
Conal Player Physical Damage
Damage, Amnesia, and Knockback.
Absorbed by multiple shadows.
Head Snatch
(King Trolls only)
1P Player Physical Damage
Critical damage (-90% HP) and resets enmity.
Ignores shadows.
Incessant Fists
(King Trolls only)
1P Player Physical Damage
5-hit damage.
Absorbed by five shadows.
Pleiades Ray
(King Trolls only)
10' AoE Monster Magical Damage
Damage and Bind, Blind, Gravity, Paralyze, Plague, Poison, Silence, and Slow.
(King Trolls only)
Conal Player Physical Damage
Damage, Petrification, and Knockback.
Absorbed by multiple shadows.
Area: 1P, AoE, Gaze, Conal · Target: Player or Monster
Type: Physical-Magical-Breath-Buff · Element or Damage Type
Copy Image.png: Utsusemi shadows consumed (#), B Bypasses, but does not remove shadows, R Removes all shadows.


Notorious Monster


Event Appearances

Pages in category "Troll"

The following 76 pages are in this category, out of 76 total.