Windurst Mission 2-3

From FFXI Wiki
The Three Kingdoms
Series None
Starting NPC Any Windurst Gate Guard
Title Dread Dragon Slayer or Dark Dragon Slayer, Warchief Wrecker, Certified Adventurer
Repeatable No
Description Determine the state of affairs in San d'Oria and Bastok, and render assistance on behalf of Heavens Tower. Inquire at our consulate in each country for more information. Traveling by ship from Mhaura to Selbina is recommended.
Previous Mission Next Mission
A Testing Time To Each His Own Right

Note: This Mission is essentially identical for all 3 Nations. While each Nations requires you to travel to the other two, they all follow the same path.

  • San d'Orians and Windurstians who choose Bastok first will do the same things. Therefore, it IS possible to group people together from different Nations to ultimately end up on the same BCNM fight.
  • A Windurstian may choose to do the Bastok portion first, and San d'Orian portion second, while a Bastokan can do the Windurstian portion first, and the San d'Orian portion second. In this scenario, Windurstians and Bastokans can enter the same BCNM for the San d'Orian portion.
  • Players who have already completed this Mission (for any Nation) may enter any of the BC, except for the one associated with their Nation (A Windurstian who has completed 2-3 is unable to enter the Giddeus BCNM to help others, unless they have completed this battle through another Nation's 2-3 Mission).


Trade three Crystals to the Conquest NPC to raise your Rank bar and unlock the Mission, then accept it from the Gate Guard.

  • This Mission can be long if you do not have Home Points, and is broken down in to two legs. Whichever Nation you choose first determines how the next plays out. The Bastok path progression is typically easier and faster.
  • Speak with Kupipi in Heavens Tower. She is inside the Clerical Chamber. She will give you a Key Item Letter to the consuls.
    • You may receive Cipher: Semih if you don't already have it and are participating in Trust.

Option 1: Bastok Path

Windurst to Bastok

  • Speak to Patt-Pott in Bastok Metalworks HP#1. He is inside the Windurstian Consulate top floor (I-7).
  • Speak to Pius in the President's Office Department of Industry (J-8).
  • Speak to Grohm at (H-9) in the Craftsmen's Eatery. He will give you 3 Pickaxe icon.png Pickaxes. Consider buying more, as they can break. Although 3 should be sufficient, you are not guaranteed to get the gravel before all your pick axes break.
  • Make your way to Palborough Mines in North Gustaberg, at the very north of the zone. You will need to mine Mine Gravel icon.png Mine Gravel from the Mythril Seams located throughout the zone. There is one on the first floor at (I-8), and one on the top floor at (I-9). Trade the Pickaxe to the Seam until you receive some Mine Gravel.
  • Once you receive the Mine Gravel, head to the second floor, and make your way to (I-7). Trade the gravel to the refiner and then pull the lever. Drop off the ledge to the level below and pull another lever. You will receive Mythril Sand icon.png Mythril Sand.
  • Trade the Mythril Sand to Patt-Pott. Talk to him once more. This is the end of the Bastok leg.

Bastok to San d'Oria

  • Speak to Kasaroro in the Windurstian Consulate in Northern San d'Oria (H-9).
  • Speak to Halver in Chateau d'Oraguille.
    • You will receive Cipher: Halver if you don't already have it. You MUST be able to accept the Trust Cipher (not already have one in your inventory) when speaking to him in order to be able to enter the battlefield at Horlais Peak.
  • Go to Horlais Peak and clear the BCNM "The Rank 2 Final Mission".
    • If you are low level consider forming a party (and/or use Trusts) of level 25 or higher, but make sure everyone has gear for a level 25 fight. A BLM or RDM is ideal for this fight, as you'll want sleep.
    • To get to Horlais Peak use the Homepoint to Yughott Grotto or make your way to Ghelsba Outpost from West Ronfaure, it is in the northwestern corner. Inside, follow the left wall until you zone in to Yughott Grotto. Follow it all the way to the end, around (K-5). You should exit to Fort Ghelsba.
    • Outside, head straight and stick to the left wall. You should start going up hill. Follow it around. At the top, there will be a large hut to your right. Enter it and go to the back, there is a hidden entrance here. It returns to Yughott Grotto#4. Head for (J-6) to enter Horlais Peak.
    • Prepare and enter. Buffs will wear on zone, so buff up inside. Make your way to the top to face off against two NMs, an Ahriman called Seeker and a Dragon called Dread Dragon.
    • Sleep the Dragon and then defeat the Seeker, who is weak. Attack the dragon and take it down. This fight is really easy with a full party.
    • If you are low level it can easily be defeated with a MNK/WAR and WHM/BLM. Can be soloed by some jobs with a lot of meds, and duoed by almost any melee job with a WHM healer.
  • Return to Kasaroro at Northern San d'Oria after clearing the BCNM.
  • Return to Kupipi Heavens Tower to complete the Mission.

Option 2: San d'Oria Path

Windurst to San d'Oria

San d'Oria to Bastok

  • Make your way to Bastok. Enter the Metalworks from Bastok Markets. Make your way to the top and speak with Patt-Pott inside the Windurstian Consulate, around (I-7).
  • Speak to Pius in the President's Office. He will send you to the Craftsmen's Eatery to speak to Grohm.
    • If you're low level, form a party (and/or use Trusts) of level 25 or higher, but make sure everyone has gear for a level 25 fight. A BLM or RDM is ideal for this fight, as you'll want sleep.
  • Make your way to Palborough Mines, in the very far north of North Gustaberg.
  • Inside, make your way to (I-8) and head upstairs. Here, make your way to (H-10) and zone in to Waughroon Shrine.
  • Prepare and enter. Buffs will wear on zone, so buff up inside. Make your way to the top to face off against two NMs, an Ahriman called Seeker and a Dragon called Dark Dragon.
    • Sleep the Dragon and then defeat the Seeker, who is weak. Attack the dragon and take it down. This fight is really easy with a full party.
    • It can easily be defeated with a MNK/WAR and WHM/BLM. Can be soloed by some jobs with a lot of meds, and duoed by almost any melee job with a WHM healer.
  • Once cleared, return to Patt-Pott in Metalworks.
  • Your journey is almost complete, head back to Heavens Tower in Windurst Walls and speak to Kupipi to complete the Mission and receive your rewards.