Community Rune Fencer Guide

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Food & Medicines



  • Miso Ramen icon.png Miso Ramen
  • Stats: HP+100, STR+5, VIT+5, DEF+10% (Max. 170), "Magic Def. Bonus"+5, Magic Evasion +10% (Max. 50),"Resist Slow" +10.
    • The best defensive tanking food there is. It couples HP+, Defense, and Magic Evasion+ all into one food.
      • Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
  • Om. Sandwich icon.png Om. Sandwich
  • Stats: HP+11% (Max. 150), VIT+7, MND+7, Accuracy+11% (Max. 80), DEF+11% (Max. 120), Enmity+4.
    • Introduced in The Voracious Resurgence missionline. Comparable to Miso Ramen in HP and Defense; exchanging Magic Evasion and Magic Defense Bonus for Accuracy and Enmity.
    • Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.


  • Black Curry Bun icon.png Black Curry Bun
  • Stats: (DEX+2, VIT+4, INT+1, Accuracy+5, Ranged Accuracy+5, Evasion+5, DEF+15% (Max. 180), "Resist Sleep"+3, HP recovered while healing +2, MP recovered while healing +1)
    • The next best thing. This food actually has 10 more defense than Miso Ramen, but lacks the other benefits. The silver lining is that they are a fourth to a fifth the price of Miso depending on the market.
      • Purchased from the Curio Moogle for 4,000 gil, 48,000 a stack.
  • Tavnazian Taco icon.png Tavnazian Taco
  • Stats: (HP+20, MP+20, DEX+4, VIT+6, AGI+4, CHR+4, DEF+25% (Max. 150), HP and MP recovered while healing +1)
    • The once famous food. There is no reason to really use this anymore, but if you are a lower level it will grant more defense than one of these higher level items given its lower cap, but higher percentage increase.
      • Purchased from the Curio Moogle for 4,000 gil, 48,000 a stack.
  • Rabbit Pie icon.png Rabbit Pie
  • Stats: (STR+5 VIT+5 INT-2 Attack+25% (Max. 100) Ranged Attack+25% (Max. 100) DEF+25% (Max. 100))
    • An honorable mention. The attack and defense parameters aren't as high given it's hybrid status but definitely worth looking at.
      • Purchased from Curio Moogle for 3,000 gil, 36,000 gil a stack.
  • Fried Popoto icon.png Fried Popoto
  • Stats: (HP +30, VIT +2, Element: Fire +20, Defense +20% (Cap:145), Subtle Blow +8)
    • This food is as cheap as it gets, excluding the crystal it costs less than 300 gil to make 6 of these a synth. Making these in bulk to store and use for Ambuscade spam and similar events will cost you next to nothing. Even if you have to shout and pay a level 90+ cook 50-100k to make them for you. It would still only cost you roughly 10-20k a stack of Fried Popotos.
      • Purchased from the Auction House, crafted only.


  • Echo Drops icon.png Echo Drops
    • Useful for when silenced and no one else can (or is able to) Silena you. Keep these stocked.
  • Remedy icon.png Remedy
    • Useful for curing most debuffs curable with -na spells (ie: Paralyna). You can receive 12 a month for free from ambuscade. Keep these stocked.
  • Reraiser icon.png Reraiser / Hi-Reraiser icon.png Hi-Reraiser
    • Nothing wrong with keeping extra sources of Reraise in your pocket. Keep these stocked.
  • Holy Water icon.png Holy Water
    • Extremely useful to have, especially when spell priority or universal cool downs from back=line supports are bottle necked... Keep them stocked.
  • Panacea icon.png Panacea
    • Sometimes you are overwhelmed with a number of debuffs (like an Impact) that need Erase and this is much faster than waiting on a support to erase them. Keep these stocked.
  • Vile Elixir icon.png Vile Elixir / Vile Elixir +1 icon.png Vile Elixir +1
    • You never know when these might come in handy. Even for other party members... Great for putting in a bazaar for back-line supports when in a pinch as well! A single Vile Elixir or HQ can save you in those situations. Keep these stocked.
      • Purchased from the Curio Moogle; 20,000 Gil for NQ. 40.000 Gil for HQ.
      • Often cheaper to buy off the Auction House.
      • A number of NM's and various content drop these for free as well.
  • Antacid icon.png Antacid
    • Great for switching food on the fly when the situation calls for it. Keep a few, just in case.
  • El. Pachira Fruit icon.png El. Pachira Fruit
  • Effect: 1hp/tick Poison Effect for 2 minutes.
    • Perhaps you aren't engaged and can't swap to a particular piece of equipment with a damage over time effect. Poisoning yourself is a good option. Keeps you awake when you know the mobs you are fighting will spam sleep. Keep a few on hand.


Hybrid Tank with emphasis on magic damage mitigation.

Support Jobs

Heathen's Burgonet icon.png Dark Knight

A Dark Knight serves as one of two of the most common sub jobs for Rune Fencer. As a more offensively oriented sub job, a RUN/DRK has the potential to increase it's damage output through the use of abilities and traits it gains. The tanking strategy for this set up is to establish hate with Poisonga and then rotate Foil, Stun, Flash to maintain hate on the threats.
  • Abilities: Arcane Circle, Last Resort, Weapon Bash
  • Traits: Smite II, Resist Paralyze II, Desperate Blows II, Attack Bonus III & Resist Paralyze III (ML5), Smite III & Damage Limit III (ML30)
  • Spells: Stun, Poisonga, Aspir

Hashishin Kavuk icon.png Blue Mage

Using Blue Mage as a sub job is commonly seen with Paladin, but for beginning Rune Fencers, this is a common tactic. While your use of spells and traits will vary based on the spells you set, the most common spells set are Healing Breeze, Sheep Song, Wild Carrot, Terror Touch, Grand Slam, Cocoon, Jettatura, and Blank Gaze.
  • Abilities: No noteworthy abilities
  • Traits: Varies
  • Spells: Varies

Kasuga Kabuto icon.png Samurai

A fairly uncommon subjob, this sub job is more common for soloing where a Rune Fencer is either opening or soloing Skill Chains in parties such as CP or Odyssey were a true tank is not needed.
  • Abilities: Warding Circle, Hasso, Third Eye, Meditate, Sekkanoki
  • Traits: Store TP II, Zanshin II, Resist Blind III, Store Tp III & Zanshin III (ML5)

Hattori Zukin icon.png Ninja

While boosting an impressive amount of skills to add to your kit when soloing, using Ninja for a subjob provides little to a Rune Fencer. Commonly the purpose for this use is for Ambuscade fights or Master Trails. The lack of skill in Ninjutsu means that holding hate will become reliant mostly on Rune Fencer's Capabilities. Not to mention Elemental Ninjutsu will not be of use effective in endgame content.
  • Traits: Dual Wield III, Subtle Blow III
  • Buffing Ninjutsu: Tonko: Ichi/Ni, Utsusemi: Ichi/Ni,
  • Enfeebling Ninjutsu: Kurayami: Ichi/Ni, Hojo: Ichi/Ni, Dokumori: Ichi, Jubaku: Ichi
  • Elemental Ninjutsu: Katon: Ichi/Ni, Suiton: Ichi/Ni, Raiton: Ichi/Ni, Doton: Ichi/Ni, Huton: Ichi/Ni, Hyoton: Ichi/Ni

Tanking: Mitigation & Enmity

  • A Rune Fencer's job of tanking can be split into two [simplified] schools of thought: 1) Mitigating incoming damage and negative status effects through defensive measures; and 2) Maintaining a high(er) level of enmity over other party and/or alliance members. Please see below.

Layering Defenses

  • Ah Defense. As mentioned above, the key to mitigating damage and negative statuses is through layering defenses against them.
  • On the physical side for Rune Fencer, it starts with the most basic of stats of Vitality and Physical Defense. Further enhanced by stats such as Physical Damage Taken -% (PDT-%) gear and its more advanced form Damage Taken -% (DT-%) gear. Rune Fencer also specializes in Parrying which completely negates damage when facing an attacking monster while engaged. There are various spells and abilities which augment physical defenses such as Protect, Phalanx, and Battuta.
  • On the magical side for Rune Fencer, it starts with the the stats of Intelligence, Mind, Magic Defense and Magic Evasion. Further enhanced by magic damage taken -% (MDT-%) gear and its more advanced form Damage Taken -% gear (which covers bother Physical and Magical damage, but also the less often seen Breathe damage). There are various spells and abilities which augment magical defenses such as Shell (which is itself a form of MDT-%) and One For All for example.


  • Enmity itself can be divided into two specific measurable types: Cumulative Enmity and Volatile Enmity.
  • Cumulative Enmity is largely static and typically builds slower than its counterpart. Cumulative Enmity is reduced by outside actions such as taking damage and getting debuffed (negative status effects).
  • Volatile Enmity is more fluid in that it builds quickly--typically (but not always) at a rate of three times that of Cumulative Enmity. Volatile Enmity however, natively reduces overtime. Approximately 60 Volatile Enmity per second.
  • Please see Enmity Table section below for the measurable caps on both types of enmity.
  • Enmity in general can be split across three categories: Curing, Damage, and Actions. The first two are fairly self-explanatory but here is a direct link for further explanation: Damage and Cure Enmity Gain. Please see below for Actions.
  • Virtually every player action in the game generates enmity. Although most don't do much, "enmity actions" would be actions with notable enmity value(s) attached. (Such as Flash or Provoke)
  • Enmity also has a general range limit. Which should be kept in mind for tanking purposes, such as when kiting a mob.
    • The maximum range for registering a Spell or Ability's Enmity with/against a given foe is 25 yalms.

Enmity Table

  • As per the Enmity page:
  • The cap enmity is 60,000 total (30,000 each of Cumulative (CE) and Volatile Enmity (VE)).
  • If multiple players have enmity on a monster (on the hate list), the monster will target the player on the hate list with the highest combined enmity values.
  • In the case of multiple players having identical enmity values (being at enmity cap for example), a monster will target the player that acted most recently.
Rune Fencer Enmity Table
Ability Cumulative Enmity Value Volatile Enmity Value
Elemental Sforzo 1,800 CE 7,200 VE
Rune Enchantments 0 CE 0 VE
Vallation 450 CE 900 VE
Swordplay 160 CE 320 VE
Swipe & Lunge Damage Based Damage Based
Pflug 450 CE 900 VE
Valiance 450 CE (per party member) 900 VE (per party member)
Embolden 160 CE 320 VE
Vivacious Pulse No Posted Value No Posted Value
Gambit 640 CE 1,280 VE
Rayke 640 CE 1,260 VE
Battuta 450 CE 900 VE
Liement 450 CE1 900 VE1
One for All 160 CE (per party member) 320 VE (per party member)
Odyllic Subterfuge 1 CE 318 VE
Spell Cumulative Enmity Value Volatile Enmity Value
Flash 180 CE 1,280 VE
Foil 320 CE 880 VE
  1. With Rune Fencer's Ergon Weapon Epeolatry equipped, Liement's effect is augmented to an Area of Effect of 10 yalms. The Enmity Values are multiplied per party member hit with the effect.

Notes on Tanking /BLU

Blue Mage as a sub (or support job) has been very effective for quite some time now. "/BLU" provides a number of benefits both directly and indirectly to help bolster the player's defenses and Enmity gain & retention. Those familiar with setting their Blue Magic spell list may already know this but it's worth mentioning that you only are able to set 14 spells or a total of 30 points (whichever comes first) as a Level 49 /BLU. With Master Levels allowing access to Blue Magic spells from Levels 50~59, at Master level 10, those caps increase to 16 spells and 35 set points, respectively.

See below for a list of spells to think about setting:

  • Non-Mastered
  • Direct Uses
    • Cocoon: Increases Physical Defense rating by 50%.
    • Bomb Toss and Cursed Sphere are both Medium Range (13.5 Yalm distance) spells for multi-target Area of Effect pulls (7 Yalm Radius).
    • Blank Gaze: Single-target Enmity spell.
    • Jettatura: Front conal Enmity Spell (9 Yalm range, 30~45° cone).
    • Caster-Focused Area of Effect Enmity Spells: As the bullet point indicates, /BLU has a variety of AoE spells focused around the caster which can be used to either tag a group of mobs or bolster the Enmity already established on a group of enemies.
      • Sheep Song, Stinking Gas, Soporific, and Geist Wall.
      • Please Note: There is a 15 target maximum initial Enmity establishing limit. So for example, if there is a group of 20 monsters and you cast an AoE Enmity spell covering all 20, only 15 will add you to their Enmity List. Anything past that limit has to be either tagged individually one at a time or AoE'd outside of that initial 15 targets.
  • Job Traits

  • Stat Gains
    Yes, stat gains. Even with the amount of stats given by Item Level equipment, you still will have some spell slots left over to add additional stats according to your own personal preferences. In this case, listing spells which add a few extra points of HP as it's objectively the most reasonable gain one can get out of the list and may push you over a HP threshold:
  • Master Level 5+:
  • Direct Uses
    • Caster-Focused Area of Effect Enmity Spells:
      • Cold Wave: Becomes an additional option in your rotation after ML 15 and even has a minor added benefit of applying a Frost DoT.
  • Job Traits

  • Stat Gains

/BLU Enmity Table

Enmity Table
Spell Cumulative Enmity Value Volatile Enmity Value
Blank Gaze 320 CE 320 VE
Jettatura 180 CE 1,020 VE
Sheep Song 320 CE 320 VE
Stinking Gas 320 CE 320 VE
Geist Wall 320 CE 320 VE
Soporific 320 CE 320 VE
Cold Wave
320 CE 320 VE

Picking your Spells

Brahmsz (talk): This is more of a personal notation, but your set list of spells while limited in capacity by sub is a still a matter of personal preference. All the spells listed here should have their respective links but in an abundance of caution for those who will likely skip over these sorts of things here's some tips:

  • MP Cost, Casting time, Casting & AoE Range, and Stat Gains (HP) are all considerations for what spells you choose.
    • Personally, I lean more into a spell set that favors HP gains to push my HP cap over a given threshold, for example.
      • As such, I avoid Soporific & Geist Wall as they both have HP-10, for example.
    • Of the 4 non-Master Level AoE spells available, Sheep Song has the lowest MP Cost (22MP), followed in order by Soporific (24MP), Stinking Gas (44MP), and Geist Wall (46MP).
      • Stinking Gas has the longest casting time at 4 seconds compared to 3 seconds for the others.
        • Geist Wall has the shortest recast time (30 sec), followed by Stinking Gas (37s), Sheep Song (60s), and Soporific (90s).
    • Cursed Sphere has a lower MP Cost (32v42), Cast Time (3v4), and Recast (20v25) over Bomb Toss while having the same Casting & AoE Range.

Job Traits and Abilities


Group 1
Name Description Level Notes
Rune Enhancement Effect Increase potency of runes harbored by 2 points. 5/5 This is nice, and provides up to 10 magic evasion per rune. Only alternative would be Pflug.
Vallation Effect Add elemental damage reduction to Vallation and Valiance of 1 point per rune. 5/5 Not optional.
Increases the elemental damage reduction of the JAs from 15% to 20% per rune.
This is not counted as MDT and is multiplicative with and thus passes the MDT cap for those elements though.
This is similar to Barrier Tusk, and the potency over DT cap.
Given that you may AoE this to your party. This is a crucial category for fulfilling your role as a magic reduction tank.
Lunge Effect Increase the accuracy of Lunge/Swipe by 3 per rune. 0/5 Hey look ma', garbage!
Pflug Effect Enhance the likelihood of resisting opposing rune elements by 1% 0/5 If it weren't for the fact that resistance is halved against NMs (so +2% at 5/5, woah!) and the Runeist's Bottes +3 needing to be equipped while the ability is on, then this would be a nicer option.
The best way to use this would be against an enemy like Arebati V15. Where Amnesia and Encumbrance, which are both fire based enfeebles, are plaguing your existence, but are a different element than the runes you need to run to not get destroyed by Blizzard VI and ice based TP moves. You may use Unda x3 and Pflug then go back to Ignis runes and evade some of the Amnesia and Encumbrance.
However, you are probably much better off just running a barfire/baramnesia to combat those effects (despite the dispelling..) and running 3 ignis full time to nerf any damage and hate loss. So, lets go Rune Enhancement 5/5.
This is not bad, but its "so SE".
Gambit Recast Shorten recast time by 10 seconds. 0/5 No.
Group 2
Name Description Level Notes
Battuta Parry +4% per level. We don't care about counter-spike damage. 4/5 or 5/5 Inquartata is your best way of mitigating physical damage for overall tanking.
Battuta not only protects you from hordes of well positioned foes spitting on your face, but also allows you to situationally take risks in the name of DPS by more safely wearing offensive sets while gaining TP from Tactical Parry and going shall we say, apeshit. Such a situation is most common in something like Ambuscade, but it sure feels good.
Rayke Expends runes to reduce the resistance (SDT) of a target. 1/5 This is something which I historically had at 5/5 when BLM MBing was the way many moons ago. It also helps dramatically with SC damage, and landing debuffs (see SDT page and resistance tiers) despite its short duration of 33-45 seconds. Rayke also works as a last resort for grabbing enmity after a hate reset. This ability is one of the best magical niches RUN can fulfil. Use it after throwing on Gambit as it lasts twice as long (like this should!).
Inspiration Grants a Fast Cast effect to Vallation and Valiance, 10% per level. 4/5 or 5/5 This may sound underwhelming at first, but a Paladin would give their left ovary to have this.
The real benefit isn't obvious at first to some, but being able to reduce your FC by 60% (with Futhark Trousers) allows for more DT, Enmity, HP, and survivability. Dying midcast is probably going to be your most likely event over time, and this helps prevent that.
Properly gearing around this is critical in being all the RUN you can be.
Alternatively, if you needed points, RUN gets enough FC (~70% out of 80% cap) to run this at 1/5.
This 10%/tier FC bonus also applies to your party during Valiance, so be the guy.
Sleight of Sword Grants a "Subtle Blow" effect during Swordplay. 0/5 This is really only useful for niche situations such as Sealed Fate strategies, but it does have a use.


Sets by Brahmsz

Preliminary Information

  • Inputting base HP values of each race for reference herein. Non-mastered; 15/15 HP Merits assumed.
    • Tarutaru: 2,043 HP
    • Mithra: 2,073 HP
    • Hume: 2,073 HP
    • Elvaan: 2,113 HP
    • Galka: 2,173 HP
  • Master Level HP per Level: +7.
    • Support Job Level increase (per 5 Master Levels) not factored into this.
  • Notable Master Level HP Values:
      • ML15. HP +105
      • ML29. HP +203
      • ML36. HP +252 HP
      • ML43. HP +301 HP
      • ML50. HP +350 HP

New Players Sets


  • When it comes to Rune Fencer, I find it to be a slightly difficult task to tell people "Where to start". As content has been introduced over the years and as The Meta™ has changed, so have entry sets.
  • What I can advocate for, and still stick to however, is that Rune Fencer's Artifact, Relic, and Empyrean armors remain at the core of their sets (from Entry Level to High-End). So collect those first and foremost!
  • Some accessory examples to consider (if you don't have them of course) are Defending Ring, Loricate Torque, Odnowa Earring & Tuisto Earring, and Staunch Tathlum for defensive purposes.

Equipment Sets: Work in Progress.

Entry Tank Set 1
Aettir icon.pngAettir description.png Mensch Strap icon.pngMensch Strap description.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum icon.pngStaunch Tathlum description.png
Fu. Bandeau +1 icon.pngFu. Bandeau +1 description.png Twilight Torque icon.pngTwilight Torque description.png Ethereal Earring icon.pngEthereal Earring description.png Upsurge Earring icon.pngUpsurge Earring description.png
Futhark Coat +1 icon.pngFuthark Coat +1 description.png Runeist Mitons +1 icon.pngRuneist Mitons +1 description.png Ayanmo Ring icon.pngAyanmo Ring description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Ogma's cape icon.pngOgma's cape description.png
Flume Belt icon.pngFlume Belt description.png Eri. Leg Guards +1 icon.pngEri. Leg Guards +1 description.png Erilaz Greaves +1 icon.pngErilaz Greaves +1 description.png

High-End Endgame Sets

  • You may notice that Defending Ring changes slots based on the set. While this may not seem like a glaring error it would bad not to point this out. Personally, I use Vocane Ring +1 as well as Ragelise's Ring and officially retired my Defending Ring as of this year (2024). Not a choice I would ask anyone else to make but for the sake of being transparent, there it is.
  • Additionally, I don't use Gelatinous Ring +1 either...
    • My approach has always been to cap or at least get as close as possible to capping the Damage Taken-% stat. Not a fan of the "You only need MDT-21% approach" to gearing. It makes gearing a bit easier in some respects though. As always, "Your Mileage May Vary" & "Sh*t's Situational."

High-End Tanking Set I
Epeolatry (Level 119 III) icon.pngEpeolatry (Level 119 III) description.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png Warder's Charm +1 icon.pngWarder's Charm +1 description.png Etiolation Earring icon.pngEtiolation Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png Erilaz Gauntlets +3 icon.pngErilaz Gauntlets +3 description.png Shadow Ring icon.pngShadow Ring description.png Fortified Ring icon.pngFortified Ring description.png
Shadow Mantle icon.pngShadow Mantle description.png Engraved Belt icon.pngEngraved Belt description.png Eri. Leg Guards +3 icon.pngEri. Leg Guards +3 description.png Erilaz Greaves +3 icon.pngErilaz Greaves +3 description.png

High-End Tanking Set II
Epeolatry (Level 119 III) icon.pngEpeolatry (Level 119 III) description.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png Futhark Torque +2 icon.pngFuthark Torque +2 description.png
Etiolation Earring icon.pngEtiolation Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png Turms Mittens +1 icon.pngTurms Mittens +1 description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Ogma's Cape icon.pngOgma's Cape description.png
Engraved Belt icon.pngEngraved Belt description.png Eri. Leg Guards +3 icon.pngEri. Leg Guards +3 description.png Turms Leggings +1 icon.pngTurms Leggings +1 description.png
  Parry Focused

High-End Tanking Set III
Aettir icon.pngAettir description.png
Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Erilaz Galea +3 icon.pngErilaz Galea +3 description.png Warder's Charm +1 icon.pngWarder's Charm +1 description.png Sanare Earring icon.pngSanare Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Erilaz Surcoat +3 icon.pngErilaz Surcoat +3 description.png Erilaz Gauntlets +3 icon.pngErilaz Gauntlets +3 description.png Shadow Ring icon.pngShadow Ring description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Ogma's Cape icon.pngOgma's Cape description.png
Engraved Belt icon.pngEngraved Belt description.png Eri. Leg Guards +3 icon.pngEri. Leg Guards +3 description.png Erilaz Greaves +3 icon.pngErilaz Greaves +3 description.png

High-End Tanking Set IVA
Soulcleaver icon.pngSoulcleaver description.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Yamarang icon.pngYamarang description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png Bathy Choker +1 icon.pngBathy Choker +1 description.png
Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Infused Earring icon.pngInfused Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png Vengeful Ring icon.pngVengeful Ring description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Ogma's cape icon.pngOgma's cape description.png
Kasiri Belt icon.pngKasiri Belt description.png Eri. Leg Guards +3 icon.pngEri. Leg Guards +3 description.png Hippo. Socks +1 icon.pngHippo. Socks +1 description.png
Goal: 80% Evade

High-End Tanking Set IVB
Epeolatry (Level 119 III) icon.pngEpeolatry (Level 119 III) description.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Iron Gobbet icon.pngIron Gobbet description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png Futhark Torque +2 icon.pngFuthark Torque +2 description.png
Etiolation Earring icon.pngEtiolation Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png Erilaz Gauntlets +3 icon.pngErilaz Gauntlets +3 description.png Shadow Ring icon.pngShadow Ring description.png Warden's Ring icon.pngWarden's Ring description.png
Reiki Cloak icon.pngReiki Cloak description.png Engraved Belt icon.pngEngraved Belt description.png Eri. Leg Guards +3 icon.pngEri. Leg Guards +3 description.png Erilaz Greaves +3 icon.pngErilaz Greaves +3 description.png
  Phy. Def. &
Crit. Hitrate-%

Magic Casting Sets

Endgame Tanking Sets By Kingkitt

Last updated January 2022 by Kingkitt.

Tanking Inquartata  
Epeolatry (Level 119 III) icon.pngEpeolatry (Level 119 III) description.png Refined Grip +1 icon.pngRefined Grip +1 description.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png Futhark Torque +2 icon.pngFuthark Torque +2 description.png Hermodr Earring icon.pngHermodr Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png Turms Mittens +1 icon.pngTurms Mittens +1 description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Ogma's cape icon.pngOgma's cape description.png
Engraved Belt icon.pngEngraved Belt description.png Eri. Leg Guards +1 icon.pngEri. Leg Guards +1 description.png Erilaz Greaves +3 icon.pngErilaz Greaves +3 description.png
  PDT II -25%, PDT-7%
MDT -2%
DT -47%, 677 M.Eva.

Hybrid Tanking/DD  
Epeolatry (Level 119 III) icon.pngEpeolatry (Level 119 III) description.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Yamarang icon.pngYamarang description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png Anu Torque icon.pngAnu Torque description.png Cessance Earring icon.pngCessance Earring description.png Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png
Ashera Harness icon.pngAshera Harness description.png Herculean Gloves icon.pngHerculean Gloves description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png
Ogma's cape icon.pngOgma's cape description.png
Ioskeha Belt +1 icon.pngIoskeha Belt +1 description.png Samnuha Tights icon.pngSamnuha Tights description.png Herculean Boots icon.pngHerculean Boots description.png
  PDT -37%, DT -12%
413 M.Eva.
  • Can play with hybrid set as much as you want based on gear/augments to fit your specific needs.

Aettir icon.pngAettir description.png
Irenic Strap +1 icon.pngIrenic Strap +1 description.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png Futhark Torque +2 icon.pngFuthark Torque +2 description.png Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Hearty Earring icon.pngHearty Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png Purity Ring icon.pngPurity Ring description.png
Ogma's cape icon.pngOgma's cape description.png
Engraved Belt icon.pngEngraved Belt description.png Agwu's Slops icon.pngAgwu's Slops description.png Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  MDT -9%
DT -50%, 801 M.Eva.
+36 Resist Stat. Ailments


Sets by Epic

Last updated June 2024 by Epicgalka. These are the sets I most commonly use

Idle Tank  
Epeolatry (Level 119 III) icon.pngEpeolatry (Level 119 III) description.png Refined Grip +1 icon.pngRefined Grip +1 description.png
32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png Loricate Torque +1 icon.pngLoricate Torque +1 description.png
Tuisto Earring icon.pngTuisto Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Erilaz Surcoat +3 icon.pngErilaz Surcoat +3 description.png Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Gelatinous Ring +1 icon.pngGelatinous Ring +1 description.png
Ogma's cape icon.pngOgma's cape description.png
Engraved Belt icon.pngEngraved Belt description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png Erilaz Greaves +3 icon.pngErilaz Greaves +3 description.png

Parry Tanking  
Epeolatry (Level 119 III) icon.pngEpeolatry (Level 119 III) description.png Refined Grip +1 icon.pngRefined Grip +1 description.png
32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png Futhark Torque +2 icon.pngFuthark Torque +2 description.png
Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Erilaz Earring +1 icon.pngErilaz Earring +1 description.png
Erilaz Surcoat +3 icon.pngErilaz Surcoat +3 description.png Turms Mittens +1 icon.pngTurms Mittens +1 description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Gelatinous Ring +1 icon.pngGelatinous Ring +1 description.png
Ogma's cape icon.pngOgma's cape description.png
Engraved Belt icon.pngEngraved Belt description.png Eri. Leg Guards +3 icon.pngEri. Leg Guards +3 description.png Turms Leggings +1 icon.pngTurms Leggings +1 description.png

Epeolatry (Level 119 III) icon.pngEpeolatry (Level 119 III) description.png Refined Grip +1 icon.pngRefined Grip +1 description.png
32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Erilaz Galea +3 icon.pngErilaz Galea +3 description.png Warder's Charm +1 icon.pngWarder's Charm +1 description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Erilaz Earring +1 icon.pngErilaz Earring +1 description.png
Erilaz Surcoat +3 icon.pngErilaz Surcoat +3 description.png Erilaz Gauntlets +3 icon.pngErilaz Gauntlets +3 description.png Shadow Ring icon.pngShadow Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Ogma's cape icon.pngOgma's cape description.png
Plat. Mog. Belt icon.pngPlat. Mog. Belt description.png Eri. Leg Guards +3 icon.pngEri. Leg Guards +3 description.png Erilaz Greaves +3 icon.pngErilaz Greaves +3 description.png

Utility Sets

  • Alternatives Taeon+3 until dark matter Herc
