Rune Fencer

From FFXI Wiki
Rune Fencer
Rune Fencer
Abbreviation RUN
Japanese 魔導剣士 (剣)
Japanese Romaji Madoukenshi (Ken)
French Epéiste Runique
German Runenfechter
Expansion Pack Seekers of Adoulin
Quest Children of the Rune

Abilities and Traits

Job Ability
Lvl. Name
1 Elemental Sforzo
Sub-Job Accessible
5 Ignis Element: Fire
5 Gelus Element: Ice
5 Flabra Element: Wind
5 Tellus Element: Earth
5 Sulpor Element: Thunder
5 Unda Element: Water
5 Lux Element: Light
5 Tenebrae Element: Dark
10 Vallation
20 Swordplay
25 Swipe
25 Lunge
40 Pflug
Sub-Job Accessible
Sub-Job accessible with a Master Leveled job only
50 Valiance
Sub-Job accessible with a Master Leveled job only
60 Embolden
65 Vivacious Pulse
70 Gambit
75 Merit Points Battuta
75 Merit Points Rayke
85 Liement
95 One for All
96 Odyllic Subterfuge
Level # of Runes
Maximum Rune Number
1 1
35 2
Main Job Only
65 3


Lvl. Name Icon
4 Barstone Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
6 Barsleep Light-WHM-Icon.gif
8 Barwater Thunder-WHM-Icon.gif
9 Barpoison Thunder-WHM-Icon.gif
10 Shell Light-WHM-Icon.gif
11 Barparalyze Fire-WHM-Icon.gif
12 Baraero Ice-WHM-Icon.gif
15 Aquaveil Water-WHM-Icon.gif
16 Barfire Water-WHM-Icon.gif
17 Barblind Light-WHM-Icon.gif
20 Barblizzard Fire-WHM-Icon.gif
20 Protect Light-WHM-Icon.gif
22 Barsilence Ice-WHM-Icon.gif
Lvl. Name Icon
23 Regen Light-WHM-Icon.gif
24 Barthunder Earth-WHM-Icon.gif
30 Shell II Light-WHM-Icon.gif
35 Blink Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
38 Barvirus Water-WHM-Icon.gif
40 Protect II Light-WHM-Icon.gif
42 Barpetrify Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
45 Blaze Spikes Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
45 Flash Light-WHM-Icon.gif
48 Regen II Light-WHM-Icon.gif
Sub-Job accessible with a Master Leveled job only
50 Shell III Light-WHM-Icon.gif
55 Stoneskin Earth-WHM-Icon.gif
58 Foil Wind-WHM-Icon.gif
Lvl. Name Icon
Main Job Only
60 Protect III Light-WHM-Icon.gif
62 Refresh Light-WHM-Icon.gif
65 Ice Spikes Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
68 Phalanx Light-WHM-Icon.gif
70 Regen III Light-WHM-Icon.gif
70 Shell IV Light-WHM-Icon.gif
76 Baramnesia Water-WHM-Icon.gif
80 Protect IV Light-WHM-Icon.gif
85 Shock Spikes Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
88 Crusade Dark-WHM-Icon.gif
90 Shell V Light-WHM-Icon.gif
99 Regen IV Light-WHM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Temper Light-WHM-Icon.gif

Combat Skills

Skill Rank 49 99 ML50
Great Sword A+ 150 424 474
Sword A 150 417 467
Great Axe B 144 398 448
Axe B- 144 388 438
Club C- 139 368 418
Skill Rank 49 99 ML50
Parrying A+ 150 424 474
Evasion B+ 144 404 454
Skill Rank 49 99 Master ML50
Divine B 144 398 398 448
Enhancing B- 144 388 424 474


Group 1
Name Description
Rune Enhancement Effect Increase potency of runes harbored by 2 points.
Vallation Effect Adds an elemental damage reduction to Vallation and a magic defense bonus to Valliance of 1 point per harbored rune.
Lunge Effect Increase the accuracy of Lunge by 3 points per harbored rune.
Pflug Effect Enhance the likelihood of resistance activating by 1 point per harbored rune.
Gambit Effect Shorten recast time by 10 seconds.
Group 2
Name Description
Battuta Increases the likelihood of parrying and deals counter damage after parrying dependent upon harbored runes. Recast: 5 min. Increase chance of parrying by 4 percent and increase counter damage by 4 points per rune harbored.
Rayke Expends runes to reduce elemental resistance of the target. Recast: 5 min. Increase duration of effect by 3 seconds.
Inspiration Grants a “Fast Cast” effect to Vallation and Valiance. Increase cast speed by 10 percent.
Sleight of Sword Grants a “Subtle Blow” effect during Swordplay.

Increase the maximum value of Subtle Blow by 5 points.

Job Points

Job Points
Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Elemental Sforzo Effect Adds an absorb elemental damage effect to Elemental Sforzo. Increase amount of damage absorbed by 2 percent.
Odyllic Subterfuge Effect Reduces Magic Atk. Bonus while under the effects of Odyllic Subterfuge. Reduce Magic Atk. Bonus by 2.
Rune Enchantment Effect Increases elemental resistance granted by each rune. Increase resistance by 1 point.
Vallation Duration Increases the effect duration of Vallation and Valiance. Increase effect duration by 1 second.
Swordplay Effect Increases the maximum amount physical accuracy and physical evasion may be raised by Swordplay. Increase maximum amounts by 1.
Swipe Effect Increases damage dealt with Swipe and Lunge. Increase damage based on combat skills by 1 percent.
Embolden Effect Increases the effect of enhancing magic gained via Embolden. Increases enhancing magic effect by 1 percent.
Vivacious Pulse Increases the amount of HP restored through the divine magic skill when Vivacious Pulse is used. Increases amount restored by 1 percent.
One for All Effect Duration Increases the effect duration of One for All. Increases effect duration by 1 second.
Gambit Effect Duration Increases the effect duration of Gambit. Increases effect duration by 1 second.

Job-Specific Equipment