Category:Weapon Kupons

From FFXI Wiki

This page is for informational purposes only. See Mog Kupons page for the full Bonanza Kupon list.

Weapon Specific

The following vouchers have a "W" prefix, thus they are Weapon specific.

Kupon W-A119

This Kupon was deprecated by a newer version, or is no longer relevant.
The item has been grandfathered with no ability to acquire.

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the following Aeonic Weapons.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon W-A119 Mog Kupon W-A119
Prize Selections
Aeneas Anguta
Chango Dojikiri Yasutsuna
Fail-Not Fomalhaut
Godhands Heishi Shorinken
Khatvanga Lionheart
Marsyas Sequence
Srivatsa Tishtrya
Tri-edge Trishula

Kupon W-ASCC

This Kupon can be redeemed for Cirdas Caverns Alluvion Skirmish Weapons.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon W-ASCC Mog Kupon W-ASCC
Prize Selections
Nehushtan Olyndicus
Phaosphaelia Doomsday
Nenekirimaru Izuna
Linos Svalinn

Kupon W-ASRW

This Kupon can be redeemed for Rala Waterways Alluvion Skirmish Weapons.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon W-ASRW Mog Kupon W-ASRW
Prize Selections
Ohrmazd Ipetam
Macbain Inanna
Kumbhakarna Svarga
Claidheamh Soluis Keraunos

Kupon W-DeIII

This coupon can be redeemed for one of the Delve boss weapons listed below:
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon W-DeIII Mog Kupon W-DeIII
Prize Selections
Oatixur Upukirex
Tsurumaru Buramenk'ah
Izizoeksi Qalgwer
Ngqoqwanb Jushimatsu
Kerehcatl Izhiikoh
Illapa Ukudyoni
Tajabit Bolelabunga

Kupon W-E119

This Kupon was deprecated by a newer version, or is no longer relevant.
The item has been grandfathered with no ability to acquire.

Kupon W-E85

This Kupon was deprecated by a newer version, or is no longer relevant.
The item has been grandfathered with no ability to acquire.

Kupon W-E90

This Kupon was deprecated by a newer version, but it is still relevant if you wish to choose Ochain or Daurdabla.
If you wish to have a reward other than those, you would be foolish to pick this. Kupon W-RMEA offers Item Level 119 III weapons with Augment Rank 15 on them. It is unknown why they didn't add these two options to that Kupon.

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the following Level 90 Empyrean Weapons, and upgrade materials.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon W-E90 Mog Kupon W-E90
Prize Selections
Prizes include one item from the left column paired with the items listed in the right column.

Upgrade materials provided will allow you to immediately upgrade the weapon chosen to 99/119.

Verethragna (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftcinder, 300x Riftborn Boulders
Twashtar (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftdross, 300x Riftborn Boulders
Almace (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftcinder, 300x Riftborn Boulders
Caladbolg (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftdross, 300x Riftborn Boulders
Farsha (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftcinder, 300x Riftborn Boulders
Ukonvasara (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftdross, 300x Riftborn Boulders
Redemption (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftcinder, 300x Riftborn Boulders
Rhongomiant (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftcinder, 300x Riftborn Boulders
Kannagi (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftdross, 300x Riftborn Boulders
Masamune (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftcinder, 300x Riftborn Boulders
Gambanteinn (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftdross, 300x Riftborn Boulders
Hvergelmir (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftdross, 300x Riftborn Boulders
Gandiva (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftcinder, 300x Riftborn Boulders
Armageddon (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftdross, 300x Riftborn Boulders
Ochain (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftcinder
Daurdabla (Level 90) 1x Dense Cluster, 60x Riftdross

Kupon W-EMI

Kupon W-Eth

Kupon W-EWS

This Kupon was deprecated by a newer version, or is no longer relevant.
The item has been grandfathered with no ability to acquire.

This Kupon can be redeemed for one of the following fully upgraded Walk of Echoes Weapons.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon W-EWS Mog Kupon W-EWS
Prize Selections
Dumuzis Khandroma
Brunello Xiphias
Sacripante Shamash
Umiliati Daboya
Kasasagi Torigashira
Rose Couverte Paikea
Circinae Mollfrith

Kupon W-Job

Kupon W-M119

This Kupon was deprecated by a newer version, or is no longer relevant.
The item has been grandfathered with no ability to acquire.

Kupon W-M90

This Kupon was deprecated by a newer version, or is no longer relevant.
The item has been grandfathered with no ability to acquire.

Kupon W-Pulse

This Kupon can be redeemed for one of the following Level 99 Pulse Panoplia Weapons.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon W-Pulse Mog Kupon W-Pulse
Prize Selections
Girru Coruscanti
Asteria Gusterion
Sagasinger Ephemeron
Borealis Aytanri
Himthige Delphinius
Adflictio Ikarigiri
Murasamemaru Tenkomaru

Kupon W-R119

This Kupon was deprecated by a newer version, or is no longer relevant.
The item has been grandfathered with no ability to acquire.

Kupon W-R90

This Kupon was deprecated by a newer version, but it is still relevant if you wish to choose Aegis or Gjallarhorn.
If you wish to have a reward other than those, you would be foolish to pick this. Kupon W-RMEA offers Item Level 119 III weapons with Augment Rank 15 on them. It is unknown why they didn't add these two options to that Kupon.

This kupon can be redeemed for one of the following Level 90 Relic Weapon, and upgrade materials.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon W-R90 Mog Kupon W-R90
Prize Selections
Prizes include one item from the left column paired with the items listed in the right column.

Upgrade materials provided will allow you to immediately upgrade the weapon chosen to 99/119.

Aegis (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5
Amanomurakumo (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5, Pluton x300
Annihilator (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5, Pluton x300
Apocalypse (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5, Pluton x300
Bravura (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5, Pluton x300
Claustrum (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5, Pluton x300
Excalibur (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5, Pluton x300
Gjallarhorn (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5
Gungnir (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5, Pluton x300
Guttler (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5, Pluton x300
Kikoku (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5, Pluton x300
Mandau (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5, Pluton x300
Mjollnir (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5, Pluton x300
Ragnarok (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5, Pluton x300
Spharai (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5, Pluton x300
Yoichinoyumi (Level 90) Umbral Marrow x5, Pluton x300

Kupon W-RMEA

This Kupon does not offer the following Relic or Empyreans: Aegis, Gjallarhorn, Ochain, or Daurdabla.
If you wish to have one of these rewards, you must choose the Kupon W-E90 or Kupon W-R90.
That being said, you would be foolish to pick one of those. This Kupon offers a much higher valued weapon.

This kupon can be redeemed for ONE Item Level 119 III Relic, Mythic, Empyrean or Aeonic Weapon.

All weapons except the Srivatsa and Marsyas are Augmented at Rank 15 AugRank15c.png.

Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon W-RMEA Mog Kupon W-RMEA
Prize Selections
Spharai (Level 119 III) Mandau (Level 119 III)
Excalibur (Level 119 III) Ragnarok (Level 119 III)
Guttler (Level 119 III) Bravura (Level 119 III)
Gungnir (Level 119 III) Apocalypse (Level 119 III)
Kikoku (Level 119 III) Amanomurakumo (Level 119 III)
Mjollnir (Level 119 III) Claustrum (Level 119 III)
Yoichinoyumi (Augmented) & Yoichi's Quiver Annihilator (Augmented) & Eradicating Bullet Pouch
Glanzfaust (Level 119 III) Kenkonken (Level 119 III)
Vajra (Level 119 III) Carnwenhan (Level 119 III)
Terpsichore (Level 119 III) Murgleis (Level 119 III)
Burtgang (Level 119 III) Tizona (Level 119 III)
Aymur (Level 119 III) Conqueror (Level 119 III)
Ryunohige (Level 119 III) Liberator (Level 119 III)
Nagi (Level 119 III) Kogarasumaru (Level 119 III)
Yagrush (Level 119 III) Laevateinn (Level 119 III)
Nirvana (Level 119 III) Tupsimati (Level 119 III)
Gastraphetes (Augmented) & Quelling Bolt Quiver Death Penalty (Augmented) & Living Bullet Pouch
Epeolatry (Level 119 III) Idris (Level 119 III)
Verethragna (Level 119 III) Twashtar (Level 119 III)
Almace (Level 119 III) Caladbolg (Level 119 III)
Farsha (Level 119 III) Ukonvasara (Level 119 III)
Rhongomiant (Level 119 III) Redemption (Level 119 III)
Kannagi (Level 119 III) Masamune (Level 119 III)
Gambanteinn (Level 119 III) Hvergelmir (Level 119 III)
Gandiva (Augmented) & Artemis's Quiver Armageddon (Augmented) & Devastating Bullet Pouch
Aeneas Anguta
Chango Dojikiri Yasutsuna
Fail-Not (Augmented) & Chrono Quiver Fomalhaut (Augmented) & Chrono Bullet Pouch
Godhands Heishi Shorinken
Khatvanga Lionheart
Marsyas Sequence
Srivatsa Tishtrya
Tri-edge Trishula

Kupon W-SCC

This Kupon can be redeemed for Cirdas Caverns Skirmish Weapons +2
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon W-SCC Mog Kupon W-SCC
Prize Selections
Ninzas +2 Leisilonu +2
Iztaasu +2 Iizamal +2
Qatsunoci +2 Shichishito +2
Uffrat +2 Bocluamni +2

Kupon W-SRW

This Kupon can be redeemed for Rala Waterways Skirmish Weapons +2.
Inventory Kupon Key Item Variant
Kupon W-SRW Mog Kupon W-SRW
Prize Selections
Crobaci +2 Faizzeer +2
Iclamar +2 Kannakiri +2
Aedold +2 Hgafircian +2
Lehbrailg +2

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