Category:Status Effects

From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from Debuff)
General Debuffs
Name Description Enhanced
Accuracy Down Reduces melee and ranged accuracy  
Addle Increases spell casting time, reduces magic accuracy  
Amnesia Prevents use of JA and WS commands  
Attack Down Reduces melee and ranged attack  
Attribute Down Reduces a cardinal attribute  
Bind Prevents movement  
Bio Reduces attack and causes a Slip Effect  
Blind Reduces melee and ranged accuracy  
Bust Occupies a Phantom Roll slot and causes a negative effect depending on roll type  
Charm Allows another character to control the host's actions Animated
Curse Reduces HP, MP, and movement speed Bane, Haunt (Status Effect)
Defense Down Reduces defense  
Dia Reduces defense and causes a Slip Effect  
Disease Prevents recovery of HP and MP Plague
Doom Causes imminent death if not cured within a time limit  
Elemental Debuff Subducts a cardinal attribute and causes a Slip Effect  
Evasion Down Reduces evasion  
Flash Reduces melee and ranged accuracy  
Magic Attack Down Reduces damage dealt from magic sources  
Magic Defense Down Increases damage taken from magic sources  
Max HP Down Reduces maximum HP  
Max MP Down Reduces maximum MP  
Medicated Prevents the use of medicines which would also cause Medication  
Muddle Prevents the use of temporary items  
Overload Removes and blocks manuvers. Slows automaton. Can be removed with Cooldown.  
Paralysis Occasionally stops abilities, spells, ranged attacks, and melee attacks  
Petrification Prevents movement and all actions  
Poison Causes a Slip Effect Taint
Silence Prevents spellcasting Mute
Sleep Prevents movement and all actions Nightmare (Status)
Slow Reduces attack speed and lengthens spell recast timers  
Stun Prevents movement and all actions Terror
Weakness Reduces max HP, MP, reduces attack speed and lengthens spell recast timers. If a player dies while afflicted with Weakness, the subsequent Weakness from being raised will also severely reduce ranged accuracy and magic attack bonus  
Weight Reduces movement speed and evasion.  
General Buffs
Name Description
Accuracy Boost Enhances melee and ranged accuracy.
Aquaveil Prevents a number of spells from being interrupted.
Attack Boost Enhances attack or damage.
Attribute Up Raises a cardinal attribute.
Bar Element Raises resistance to a particular element.
Bar Status Raises resistance to a particular status effect.
Berserk Raises melee and ranged attack, and lowers defense.
Blink Occasionally absorbs the next single-target attack, up to the maximum number of blink shadows granted.
Boost Enhances power of your next attack.
Circle Effect Grants increased damage, resistance and the respective killer effect against monsters of a given type.
Copy Image Absorbs the next single-target attack, up to the maximum number of copy images granted.
Damage Spikes Causes damage and inflicts negative effects to any target that physically strikes the host.
Dedication Increases XP earned from defeating monsters.
Defense Boost Increases defense.
Deodorize Hinders scent-based tracking.
Enspell Causes additional elemental damage when striking a target.
Evasion Boost Increases evasion.
Food Confers various effects, depending on the food used.
Flee Increases movement speed by 60%.
Haste Increases attack rate and reduces spell recast times.
Invisible Causes host to be invisible, preventing sight-based aggro
Magic Attack Boost Increases damage dealt through magic sources
Magic Defense Boost Reduces damage taken from magic sources
Maneuver Maneuvers control and grant bonuses to your Automaton.
Phalanx Reduces damage taken from non-Damage Over Time sources.
Protect Increases physical defense.
Refresh Gradually replenishes MP.
Regain Gradually replenishes TP.
Regen Gradually replenishes HP.
Reraise Automatically gain the effect of Raise in the event of being KO'd.
Phantom Roll Various effects depending on the roll type.
Quickening Enhanced movement speed typically granted by items and Swift Shoes kupower.
Shell Reduces damage taken from magic sources, reduction based on level of spell cast.
Shining Ruby Increases physical defense and reduces damage taken from magic sources.
Sneak Prevents sound-based aggro.
Song Various effects, not all beneficial, based on the song type.
Stoneskin Absorbs a fixed amount of damage.
Specialized Status Effects
Name Description Notes
Awaken Defeating the last minion during Domain Invasion Domain Invasion
Debilitation Base stats down Salvage
Encumbrance Prevents equipment from being changed in 1 or more slots Salvage
Impairment JA's(including pet commands) disabled Salvage
Obliviscence Reduce support job level to 0 Salvage
Omerta Magic use disabled, school specific. Salvage
Pax Enmity Down Gnostic's Drink in Besieged, Nyzul, Salvage
Potency Increased critical hit rate Champion's Drink in Besieged, Nyzul, Salvage
Regain Slowly replenish TP Monarch's Drink in Besieged, Nyzul, Salvage
Level Restriction Reduce job levels to a specific cap Battlefields, certain CoP zones
SJ Restriction Reduce support job level to 0 CoP Dynamis
Chocobo Player cannot be aggroed, cannot act, moves at enhanced speed, and visually appears on a Chocobo Many outdoor zones
Item Enchantment Based on the item that granted the enchantment Varies greatly in effects
Synthesis Image Support Increases a particular synthesis skill by a fixed amount +1 for free support, otherwise +3
Besieged Player is in besieged 0 XP loss on KO
Battlefield Player is permitted to enter a battlefield Also applies to Limbus
Costume Player's outward appearance is modified Rarely has any effect other than visual
Signet Player earns Conquest Points in conquest areas Benefits described on Signet page
Sanction Player earns Imperial Standing in Aht Urhgan areas Benefits described on Sanction page
Sigil Player benefits in Shadowreign areas Benefits described on Sigil page
Ionis Player benefits in Adoulin areas Benefits described on Ionis page
Intension Improves Magic Accuracy Ascetic's Temporary Items from Voidwatch, Grounds of Valor, Abyssea