Dragoon Guide By Kaius

From FFXI Wiki


Dragoon is a heavy-ish DD job capable of producing some of the highest damage output in the game in some situations. The job has a fast-paced playstyle due to the arsenal of low cooldown job abilities it comes equipped with. As a Dragoon you also have a best friend / pet wyvern to accompany you throughout Vana'diel. Your wyvern is what drives your damage output by providing you with 20% attack, 20% defense, 10% Job Ability Haste, 10% Weapon Skill Damage, and 15% Double Attack. It is essential that you understand your Wyvern (Dragoon Pet) in order to maintain those benefits and be successful as a Dragoon. For the equipment portion of this guide I will focus on end-game ready options. For Odyssey gear this means I will show Rank 25 options in the sets. It's obviously safe to assume R30 is even better, and usually R20 is almost as good (although there are a few places where R20 is noticeably worse than R25 - such as Gleti's Breeches). Furthermore, I will try to explain what you're looking for in a set and provide some alternatives so that you can have the confidence to mix-and-match as needed, or even experiment on your own.

Support Jobs

There are four main jobs which can all be a viable support job selection for a Dragoon, depending upon the engagement.

Wakido Kabuto icon.png Samurai

  • Hasso - Capped equipment haste (25%), capped magic haste (43.75%), and 10% job ability haste from the wyvern puts you at 78.75% haste. Hasso provides an additional 10% job ability haste, pushing us over the 80% total cap. That last 1.25% may seem insignificant but it ends up being a big deal because of the nature of haste - "As delay goes 0, dps goes to infinity". Additionally, there may be times where you want to use a gear set with less than 25% haste - Hasso will allow you the flexibility to due so by making up the difference with extra job ability haste.
  • Store TP - Grants Store TP III which yields +20 STP
  • Zanshin - Grants Zanshin III which provides 35% chance to attack again immediately after missing a target.
  • Sekkanoki - Limits TP cost of next weapon skill to 1000.
  • Warding Circle - Makes you and your party do 5% more damage to, and take 5% less damage from demons.

The primary benefit of /SAM is an increased rate of TP generation via the additional haste received from Hasso, and the additional 20 Store TP. Faster TP leads to more frequent weapon skills and more damage. Importantly, Hasso can be maintained with 100% uptime. This makes it ideal for situations where your damage output needs are constant over a long period - such as Odyssey C where you are basically constantly engaged for 30 minutes.

Ignominy Burgeonet icon.png Dark Knight

  • Last Resort - A 3 minute duration, 5 minute cooldown buff that gives 25% attack and 15% job ability haste buffs - at the cost of a 25% defense down penalty on yourself.
  • Weapon Bash - On demand stun
  • Souleater - Some additional auto-attack damage at the cost of self-inflicted damage.
  • Arcane Circle - Makes you and your party do 5% more damage to, and take 5% less damage from arcana.

The primary benefit of /DRK is Last Resort which also closes the final 1.25% haste gap, while also providing a huge attack boost. However, it is important to note that Last Resort will not have 100% uptime, and you do not have the additional store tp provided by /SAM. The nature of Last Resort lends itself to situations where you may engage a target in combat for 1-3 minutes and then have a long period without combat before engaging in another battle. (read: Sortie bosses). In this case, Last Resort is always up when you need it and it's cooling down while you run between fights.

Pummeler's Mask icon.png Warrior

  • Fencer - +200-300 TP bonus makes Savage Blade (and Judgment) shine.
  • Double Attack - Grants Double Attack II which yields +10% double attack.
  • Berserk - 25% increased attack with 60% uptime.
  • Aggressor - A boost of 25 accuracy, also with 60% uptime. Hopefully not needed, but nice when it is.
  • Warcry - A percentage based attack boost for the whole party with 30 second duration. Always welcome buff.
  • Provoke - A little enmity utility for emergencies.

The War support job's most important contribution is Fencer. (Fencer I until master level 45, then Fencer II). Fencer provides either +200 or +300 TP bonus and either +3% or +5% crit when single wielding. For better or worse, a Dragoon wielding a Naegling is a force to be reckoned with, and Fencer amplifies this effect. The additional attack provided by Berserk and Warcry are always welcome as well. When properly geared and executed /WAR is exceptionally powerful in Odyssey C as TP can be generated very quickly via jumps, and a single Savage Blade from a DRG/WAR will kill a fodder mob on any floor. Even outside of Odyssey there are certain fights where a Savage Blade only strategy is called for, and DRG/WAR will be very powerful in those situations.

Maxixi Tiara icon.png Dancer

  • Dual Wield II - The main attraction here - access to an offhand weapon for Dragoon - typically only used if you have access to a Kraken Club.
  • Box Step - Can add a little bit of defense down if no one else is there to apply the same class of debuff for you. More likely you will be killing too quick to need it (eg seg run), or someone else will be applying defense down.
  • Curing Waltz III - Some very solid utility. At the rate you generate tp as /DNC with a Kraken Club you can easily afford to use some TP for emergency curing.
  • Healing Waltz - Always handy to be able to erase yourself when the healer is occupied, there isn't a healer, and/or you want to save yourself 20,000 gil using a panacea.
  • Chocobo Jig - Who doesn't love running a little faster?
  • Subtle Blow II - Nice little bonus when you are smacking things with your Kraken Club

The Dancer support job is used primarily by owners of the infamous Kraken Club with the goal of firing off Savage Blade as rapidly as possible. You may wonder about the /NIN option, especially if you have experience with other jobs where /NIN is commonly used for Dual Wield. For those other jobs, one of the main benefits of /NIN is access to Dual Wield III compared to /DNC's Dual Wield II. Jobs like Red Mage and Bard need the extra 10% delay reduction from /NIN to get to a place where they need only 11% Dual Wield on gear to achieve the delay reduction cap of 80%. Dragoon, however, comes with 10% Job Ability haste by virtue of it's Wyvern (Dragoon Pet) which more than makes up for the difference in Dual Wield. Here are two full calculations showing how Dragoon achieves the 80% delay reduction limit with /DNC, assuming maximum magic haste, and gear haste of of 25% or 23%.

  • 25% Gear Haste => (1 - 0.15 Dual Wield) × (1024 - 256 Equipment Haste - 448 Magic Haste - 101 Job Ability Haste) ÷ 1024 = 0.1817 (18.2% Delay remaining / 81.8% Delay reduction)
  • 23% Gear Haste => (1 - 0.15 Dual Wield) × (1024 - 235 Equipment Haste - 448 Magic Haste - 101 Job Ability Haste) ÷ 1024 = 0.1992 (19.9% Delay remaining / 80.1% Delay reduction)

Accordingly, you only need 23% gear haste and ZERO +Dual Wield on gear to achieve maximum attack speed. In fact, adding dual wield would actually lower your TP gained per swing. For the same reason, /NIN will actually reduce your TP rate compared to /DNC, and should only be used if for some reason you have a critical need to be a dual wielding Dragoon with Utsusemi: Ni.


Group 1
Name Description Level Notes
Ancient Circle Recast Shorten recast time by 10 seconds. 0 It's already 3 minute CD on a 5 min recast. If there was a fight that where you needed high uptime over a long duration you could swap to this, but it's not useful for general purpose.
Jump Recast Shorten recast time by 2 seconds. 2 More jumps, more tp!
High Jump Recast Shorten recast time by 4 seconds. 3 More jumps, more tp!
Super Jump Recast Shorten recast time by 6 seconds. 0 Does no damage and gives no tp -- so Super Jump is simply a hate reset tool. It should be up often enough already, especially on fights that matter where you will likely be getting Random Deal as well.
Spirit Link Recast Shorten recast time by 3 seconds. 5 Instant, on-demand TP is great, and it comes with a host of other benefits for your wyvern.
Group 2
Name Description Level Notes
Deep Breathing Enhances effect of next wyvern breath. Recast: 5min. Enhance effect by an additional 10%. 0 Healing breath is as potent as it needs to be without this merit, and any other breath is just some incidental damage. Not useful.
Angon Expends an angon to lower an enemy's defense. Recast: 3min. Increase defense down duration by 15 seconds. 5 Angon is very useful in certain situations, and it's great to have it when you need it. There aren't many quality group 2 options so this will have to do.
Empathy Copies beneficial status effects to wyvern when using Spirit Link. Increase number of copied effects by 1 and experience points obtained by 200. 5 The most important merit a DRG has. Do not skip this one. This is what let's you gain all of the essential benefits from your Wyvern buff instantly upon zoning rather than waiting to earn 1000 experience points. The job is basically unusable in some places (eg Odyssey NMs) without this.
Strafe Increases accuracy of wyvern breath. Increase accuracy by 5. 0 Breath damage is, for the most part, insignificant. Avoid.


Gungnir (Level 119 III) icon.png Gungnir (Level 119 III) Opens up access to Geirskogul, DRG's only weapon skill with the (Distortion) property. May find niche uses, but will most likely want to prioritize other REMAP options.

Rhongomiant (Level 119 III) icon.png Rhongomiant (Level 119 III) A strong option for low-buff situations when you can really take advantage of Camlann's Torment defense ignoring properties.

Ryunohige (Level 119 III) icon.png Ryunohige (Level 119 III) Considered to be a high quality option (at or better than Trishula) when sufficiently geared and spamming Drakesbane in a fully buffed zerg situation.

Trishula icon.png Trishula The bread-and-butter option. Relatively easy to obtain with very high damage potential. Works well either in a party/raid zerg situation or solo self-skillchaining.

Gae Buide (Level 119 III) icon.png Gae Buide (Level 119 III) The top tier option, but it comes with a very large barrier to entry. If this is your chosen Prime and you do do enough Sortie to support the grind to stage 4 and beyond, then you will be rewarded with an incredible polearm.

Shining One icon.png Shining One Even easier to obtain than Trishula and can be very competitive with the REMAP options. Damage from Impulse Drive scales well with WSD and crit.

Aram icon.png Aram If you find yourself needing a full subtle blow kit on Dragoon then Path B will be the way to go. It simply won't compete with the other polearms on damage, however.

Naegling icon.png Naegling Love it or hate it, it's likely here to stay. Dragoon's tp generation and weapon skill damage potential are a lethal combination with a Naegling equipped. Really shines in segment runs where your main goal is kill each target in a single weapon skill. Dragoon does only come with a C- Sword rating so accuracy may be a concern, especially at low to medium master levels. Also always useful for those fights where everyone is using Savage Blade in order to avoid skillchaining.

Mafic Cudgel icon.png Mafic Cudgel The only club option. Use it to slap skeletons in Odyssey C.

Job-Specific Armor

Note: The augments on Relic pieces, and some special attributes (eg Ancient Circle +1) are available at the base 119 version of the item. If the piece is only used for this purpose, then you do not need to fully upgrade the item to +3 to gain those effects. The recommendations in "Upgrade?" box refer to my personal opinion on whether the item should go all the way to +3.

Job Specific Equipment
Item Upgrade? Notes
Vishap Armet +3 icon.png
Vishap Armet +3366px link=
Maybe Could be a macro-piece for Spirit Link but at +3 we are only talking about an additional 16 hp restored.
Vishap Mail +3 icon.png
Vishap Mail +3366px link=
Yes Used for all jumps as it provides +39 TP per jump at +3.
Vis. Fng. Gaunt. +3 icon.png
Vis. Fng. Gaunt. +3366px link=
Yes Used for all jumps as it provides +34 TP per jump at +3.
Vishap Brais +3 icon.png
Vishap Brais +3366px link=
Maybe Used for Ancient Circle and Steady Wing. Very minimal upgrades past +1 (more wyvern hp translates into larger Steady Wing shields)
Vishap Greaves +3 icon.png
Vishap Greaves +3366px link=
No No known use
Ptero. Armet +3 icon.png
Ptero. Armet +3366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Enhances Deep Breathing effect by 10% per merit level.
Maybe Increases the efficacy of Healing Breath, which is always nice in a pinch.
Ptero. Mail +3 icon.png
Ptero. Mail +3366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Enhances 'Spirit Surge' effect
Maybe A very interesting item. Augment adds 20 seconds to Spirit Surge which is nice. Perhaps more importantly, it should also be used whenever Call Wyvern is used, and also whenever entering a new zone with your pet in order to grant support job capabilities to the wyvern.
Ptero. Fin. G. +3 icon.png
Ptero. Fin. G. +3366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Enhances 'Angon' effect
Maybe Increases Angon efficacy for enhanced defense down. 10% WSD maybe useful if lacking access to sufficiently ranked Nyame and/or Gleti hands.
Ptero. Brais +3 icon.png
Ptero. Brais +3366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Enhances 'Strafe' effect
Yes 10 Store TP coupled with Wyvern PDT makes this still a top tier TP piece.
Ptero. Greaves +3 icon.png
Ptero. Greaves +3366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Enhances 'Empathy' effect
Maybe Used with Spirit Link to improve the duration of buffs transferred to the wyvern. Additionally, grants a large bonus to wyvern HP, making it useful for Steady Wing.
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.png
Peltast's Mezail +3366px link=
Yes 12% WSD, 27 Polearm skill and all the stats that come with empyrean +3. Default head slot for most weapon skill sets.
Pelt. Plackart +3 icon.png
Pelt. Plackart +3366px link=
Yes A whopping 14 Store TP, 10 PDL, and top tier stats. Amazing TP piece.
Pel. Vambraces +3 icon.png
Pel. Vambraces +3366px link=
Yes 7% double attack paired with 11% DT and all the glory of empyrean +3. Sign me up.
Pelt. Cuissots +3 icon.png
Pelt. Cuissots +3366px link=
Yes 13% Critical hit damage is impressive whenever you are using Drakesbane or wielding a Shining One
Pelt. Schyn. +3 icon.png
Pelt. Schyn. +3366px link=
Maybe Nice DT, and empy stats, but a bit lacking in oomph. Useful for Spirit Jump TP bonus.

Engaged Sets

The goal of any engaged or "TP" set on Dragoon is to generate TP as quickly as possible (while not dying - and not letting your wyvern die!) in order to reach 1000 TP and be able to perform a weapon skill. The most important thing you can do as a damage dealer is stay alive - and so having the proper amount of defensive stats in your engaged set is paramount. Besides staying alive, the next two most important aspects to any engaged set are accuracy and haste. Much like your defensive needs, your accuracy needs will vary widely depending on exactly what you are fighting. In my opinion most (if not all) accuracy issues should try to remedied by 1. Higher master levels 2. Using the appropriate buffs and/or debuffs (BRD/GEO/COR/RDM) 3. Food. Note that any additional accuracy beyond the amount needed to reach the 95% cap is wasted.

Haste is the other critical component of a TP set, and you always want to come as close to the overall delay-reduction cap of 80% as possible, regardless of the encounter. Dragoon is in a unique position when it comes to haste due to the effects granted by the Wyvern (Dragoon Pet) - specifically 10% Job Ability (JA) Haste - and the ability to still obtain additional JA Haste via a support job (either Hasso or Last Resort). Most commonly, you will likely be /SAM, and have Hasso with 100% uptime providing an additional 10% JA haste - this means that you need only 17% gear haste to reach the overall 80% delay reduction with full magic haste. With /DRK and Last Resort giving 15% JA haste, the amount needed on gear falls even lower (but only during Last Resort). With all of that said, the sets provided in this guide (other than /DNC) still prioritize reaching the 25% gear haste cap for the simple reason that support jobs are not available in one of the two main components of end-game content - Odyssey Sheol Gaol.

Once you have achieved the necessary levels of gear haste for your support job and enough accuracy to reach the cap, you can begin looking to maximize your Store TP and Multi-Hit (double/triple/quad attack).

Glass Cannon
32x32.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Coiste Bodhar icon.pngCoiste Bodhar description.png
Flam. Zucchetto +2 icon.pngFlam. Zucchetto +2 description.png Vim Torque +1 icon.pngVim Torque +1 description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png Sroda Earring icon.pngSroda Earring description.png
Pelt. Plackart +3 icon.pngPelt. Plackart +3 description.png Gleti's Gauntlets icon.pngGleti's Gauntlets description.png
Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Ptero. Brais +3 icon.pngPtero. Brais +3 description.png Flam. Gambieras +2 icon.pngFlam. Gambieras +2 description.png
  Danger! See Notes
  • 26% gear haste
  • Only 22% PDT / 5% MDT
  • Telos Earring instead of Sroda Earring if no Wyvern
  • Use at your own risk

Standard Kit (/SAM /DRK)
32x32.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Coiste Bodhar icon.pngCoiste Bodhar description.png
Hjarrandi Helm icon.pngHjarrandi Helm description.png Vim Torque +1 icon.pngVim Torque +1 description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png Sroda Earring icon.pngSroda Earring description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png
Pel. Vambraces +3 icon.pngPel. Vambraces +3 description.png Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Gleti's Breeches icon.pngGleti's Breeches description.png
Flam. Gambieras +2 icon.pngFlam. Gambieras +2 description.png
  • 23% gear haste - if using /DRK (LR down), or in Odyssey G (no subjob), consider Nyame Helm instead to maintain cap
  • 50% PDT / 31% MDT (50% with Shell V)
  • Telos Earring instead of Sroda Earring if no Wyvern

God Save the DRG!
32x32.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Coiste Bodhar icon.pngCoiste Bodhar description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png
Dgn. Collar +2 icon.pngDgn. Collar +2 description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png Sroda Earring icon.pngSroda Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png
Pel. Vambraces +3 icon.pngPel. Vambraces +3 description.png Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  Max DT & MEva
  • Particularly effective with R25+ on Path B Nyame
  • 25% gear haste (technically 30%)
  • 50% DT- (technically 54%)
  • Very high MEva
  • Telos Earring instead of Sroda Earring if no Wyvern
  • Use when you don't want to get cranked; great on Odyssey bosses!

Naegling icon.pngNaegling description.png Regis icon.pngRegis description.png 32x32.png Coiste Bodhar icon.pngCoiste Bodhar description.png
Flam. Zucchetto +2 icon.pngFlam. Zucchetto +2 description.png Vim Torque +1 icon.pngVim Torque +1 description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png Sroda Earring icon.pngSroda Earring description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png
Pel. Vambraces +3 icon.pngPel. Vambraces +3 description.png Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Gleti's Breeches icon.pngGleti's Breeches description.png
Flam. Gambieras +2 icon.pngFlam. Gambieras +2 description.png
  • 27% gear haste
  • Need to maintain gear haste without /SAM Hasso
  • 43% PDT / 16% MDT
  • 45% MDT with Shell V
  • Telos Earring instead of Sroda Earring if no Wyvern
  • Should be enough for seg runs, adjust as needed

Clubbing /DNC
Naegling icon.pngNaegling description.png Kraken Club icon.pngKraken Club description.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Hjarrandi Helm icon.pngHjarrandi Helm description.png Vim Torque +1 icon.pngVim Torque +1 description.png
Crep. Earring icon.pngCrep. Earring description.png Telos Earring icon.pngTelos Earring description.png
Pelt. Plackart +3 icon.pngPelt. Plackart +3 description.png Gleti's Gauntlets icon.pngGleti's Gauntlets description.png
Chirich Ring +1 icon.pngChirich Ring +1 description.png Chirich Ring +1 icon.pngChirich Ring +1 description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Ptero. Brais +3 icon.pngPtero. Brais +3 description.png Pelt. Schyn. +3 icon.pngPelt. Schyn. +3 description.png
  • Max store tp and accuracy
  • 22% gear / 43.75% magic / 10% ja haste
  • 15 dual wield
  • Total 84% delay reduction (over 80% cap)
  • 38% PDT / 21% MDT
  • 50% MDT with Shell V

Wyvern DT
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png Dgn. Collar +2 icon.pngDgn. Collar +2 description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png Gleti's Gauntlets icon.pngGleti's Gauntlets description.png Dreki Ring icon.pngDreki Ring description.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
  • Wyvern: Level +2
  • Wyvern: Damage Taken -33%
  • If the Dgn. Collar +2 isn't enough, add the Gleti's Gauntlets. If that's still not enough, add the Dreki Ring.

Weapon Skill Sets

Weapon skill sets (except Diarmuid and Leg Sweep) are borrowed from the "All Jobs Damage Simulator and Gear Sets" created by Izanami. These sets are generated by his python simulator and have proven quite reliable and accurate in my experience. It is worth noting that some sets here include the Rigorous Grip +1, however since you can't switch grips when using a weapon skill I would suggest that Utu Grip is the default full time option on meaningful content. The 30 accuracy and 70 hp is likely more valuable than a small weapon skill damage increase, unless you are 100% certain you are accuracy capped. Like all things FFXI, you can and should adapt the situation at hand and the gear at your disposal. (Including fitting in your chosen TVR Ring, and slotting in your Pel. Earring +2 -- if you are so lucky)

Note: Use the 'Expand' link at the bottom of each section for more information about the sets.

Stardiver (Standard)
Mid Buff  
32x32.png Rigorous Grip +1 icon.pngRigorous Grip +1 description.png
32x32.png Coiste Bodhar icon.pngCoiste Bodhar description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Fotia Gorget icon.pngFotia Gorget description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png
Pel. Vambraces +3 icon.pngPel. Vambraces +3 description.png Sroda Ring icon.pngSroda Ring description.png Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
High Buff  
32x32.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Coiste Bodhar icon.pngCoiste Bodhar description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Fotia Gorget icon.pngFotia Gorget description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Pel. Earring +1 icon.pngPel. Earring +1 description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png
Gleti's Gauntlets icon.pngGleti's Gauntlets description.png
Sroda Ring icon.pngSroda Ring description.png Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Gleti's Breeches icon.pngGleti's Breeches description.png
Gleti's Boots icon.pngGleti's Boots description.png
  • Stardiver is a 4-hit FTP replicating weapon skill
  • Up to an 85% STR modifier with 5/5 merits, or Trishula
  • WSD only affects 1 hit out of the 4+. Accordingly, multi-hit, high attack, and PDL are all valued highly here

Mid Buff  
Gae Buide (Level 119 III) icon.pngGae Buide (Level 119 III) description.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Knobkierrie icon.pngKnobkierrie description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Dgn. Collar +2 icon.pngDgn. Collar +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Thrud Earring icon.pngThrud Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png
Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
High Buff  
Gae Buide (Level 119 III) icon.pngGae Buide (Level 119 III) description.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Knobkierrie icon.pngKnobkierrie description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Dgn. Collar +2 icon.pngDgn. Collar +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Pel. Earring +1 icon.pngPel. Earring +1 description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png
Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Sroda Ring icon.pngSroda Ring description.png Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  • Diarmuid is a 2-hit weapon skill which scales very well with TP
  • FTP values unconfirmed, but fTP at 3k is more than 4x fTP at 1k
  • Values WSD, STR, attack, and PDL when fully buffed

Impulse Drive
Mid Buff  
Shining One icon.pngShining One description.png Rigorous Grip +1 icon.pngRigorous Grip +1 description.png
32x32.png Knobkierrie icon.pngKnobkierrie description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Dgn. Collar +2 icon.pngDgn. Collar +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Thrud Earring icon.pngThrud Earring description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png
Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Begrudging Ring icon.pngBegrudging Ring description.png Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
High Buff  
Shining One icon.pngShining One description.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Knobkierrie icon.pngKnobkierrie description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Dgn. Collar +2 icon.pngDgn. Collar +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Pel. Earring +1 icon.pngPel. Earring +1 description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png
Gleti's Gauntlets icon.pngGleti's Gauntlets description.png
Sroda Ring icon.pngSroda Ring description.png Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Gleti's Breeches icon.pngGleti's Breeches description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  • Impulse Drive is a 2-hit weapon skill
  • These sets assume Shining One, which enables all polearm weapon skills to critical hit, and also adds 40% damage bonus to Impulse Drive
  • Critical hit bonus from Shining One: +5% at 1k TP, 10% at 2k TP, and +15% at 3k TP
  • STR, WSD, Attack, Crit %, Crit Damage %, Multi-hit are all valuable here - as well as PDL with high buffs.

Camlann's Torment
Mid Buff  
32x32.png Rigorous Grip +1 icon.pngRigorous Grip +1 description.png
32x32.png Knobkierrie icon.pngKnobkierrie description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Dgn. Collar +2 icon.pngDgn. Collar +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Thrud Earring icon.pngThrud Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png
Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
High Buff  
32x32.png Rigorous Grip +1 icon.pngRigorous Grip +1 description.png
32x32.png Knobkierrie icon.pngKnobkierrie description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Dgn. Collar +2 icon.pngDgn. Collar +2 description.png
Thrud Earring icon.pngThrud Earring description.png Pel. Earring +1 icon.pngPel. Earring +1 description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png
Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Sroda Ring icon.pngSroda Ring description.png Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Gleti's Breeches icon.pngGleti's Breeches description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png

Stardiver (Crit based)
Mid Buff  
Shining One icon.pngShining One description.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Coiste Bodhar icon.pngCoiste Bodhar description.png
Blistering Sallet +1 icon.pngBlistering Sallet +1 description.png Fotia Gorget icon.pngFotia Gorget description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png
Gleti's Gauntlets icon.pngGleti's Gauntlets description.png
Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png Begrudging Ring icon.pngBegrudging Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Pelt. Cuissots +3 icon.pngPelt. Cuissots +3 description.png Gleti's Boots icon.pngGleti's Boots description.png
High Buff  
Shining One icon.pngShining One description.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Coiste Bodhar icon.pngCoiste Bodhar description.png
Gleti's Mask icon.pngGleti's Mask description.png
Dgn. Collar +2 icon.pngDgn. Collar +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Pel. Earring +1 icon.pngPel. Earring +1 description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png
Gleti's Gauntlets icon.pngGleti's Gauntlets description.png
Sroda Ring icon.pngSroda Ring description.png Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Gleti's Breeches icon.pngGleti's Breeches description.png
Gleti's Boots icon.pngGleti's Boots description.png
  • Stardiver is a 4-hit FTP replicating Weapon Skill
  • Up to an 85% STR modifier with 5/5 merits, or Trishula
  • This crit-based build relies on the unique Shining One property to generate critical hits.

Mid Buff  
32x32.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Coiste Bodhar icon.pngCoiste Bodhar description.png
Blistering Sallet +1 icon.pngBlistering Sallet +1 description.png Dgn. Collar +2 icon.pngDgn. Collar +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Pel. Earring +1 icon.pngPel. Earring +1 description.png
Hjarrandi Breast. icon.pngHjarrandi Breast. description.png Gleti's Gauntlets icon.pngGleti's Gauntlets description.png
Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png Begrudging Ring icon.pngBegrudging Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Pelt. Cuissots +3 icon.pngPelt. Cuissots +3 description.png Gleti's Boots icon.pngGleti's Boots description.png
High Buff  
32x32.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Crepuscular Pebble icon.pngCrepuscular Pebble description.png
Gleti's Mask icon.pngGleti's Mask description.png
Dgn. Collar +2 icon.pngDgn. Collar +2 description.png
Thrud Earring icon.pngThrud Earring description.png Pel. Earring +1 icon.pngPel. Earring +1 description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png
Gleti's Gauntlets icon.pngGleti's Gauntlets description.png
Sroda Ring icon.pngSroda Ring description.png Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Gleti's Breeches icon.pngGleti's Breeches description.png
Gleti's Boots icon.pngGleti's Boots description.png

Mid Buff  
32x32.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Knobkierrie icon.pngKnobkierrie description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Fotia Gorget icon.pngFotia Gorget description.png Thrud Earring icon.pngThrud Earring description.png Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png
Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
High Buff  
32x32.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Knobkierrie icon.pngKnobkierrie description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Dgn. Collar +2 icon.pngDgn. Collar +2 description.png
Thrud Earring icon.pngThrud Earring description.png Pel. Earring +1 icon.pngPel. Earring +1 description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png
Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Vishap Brais +3 icon.pngVishap Brais +3 description.png Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png

Savage Blade / Judgment
Mid Buff  
Naegling icon.pngNaegling description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Knobkierrie icon.pngKnobkierrie description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Rep. Plat. Medal icon.pngRep. Plat. Medal description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Thrud Earring icon.pngThrud Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png
Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
High Buff  
Naegling icon.pngNaegling description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Knobkierrie icon.pngKnobkierrie description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Dgn. Collar +2 icon.pngDgn. Collar +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Pel. Earring +1 icon.pngPel. Earring +1 description.png
Pelt. Plackart +3 icon.pngPelt. Plackart +3 description.png Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Sroda Ring icon.pngSroda Ring description.png Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png

Leg Sweep
Stun 'em  
32x32.png Khonsu icon.pngKhonsu description.png 32x32.png Pemphredo Tathlum icon.pngPemphredo Tathlum description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Fotia Gorget icon.pngFotia Gorget description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png Pel. Earring +1 icon.pngPel. Earring +1 description.png
Pelt. Plackart +3 icon.pngPelt. Plackart +3 description.png Pel. Vambraces +3 icon.pngPel. Vambraces +3 description.png Crepuscular Ring icon.pngCrepuscular Ring description.png Stikini Ring +1 icon.pngStikini Ring +1 description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Pelt. Cuissots +3 icon.pngPelt. Cuissots +3 description.png Pelt. Schyn. +3 icon.pngPelt. Schyn. +3 description.png
  • 12 seconds of stun!
  • Even works to lock down Sortie Bosses! Crank & Spank

Non-Linear AOE  
Blurred Staff +1 icon.pngBlurred Staff +1 description.png Utu Grip icon.pngUtu Grip description.png 32x32.png Pemphredo Tathlum icon.pngPemphredo Tathlum description.png
Pixie Hairpin +1 icon.pngPixie Hairpin +1 description.png Baetyl Pendant icon.pngBaetyl Pendant description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png Friomisi Earring icon.pngFriomisi Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png
Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Archon Ring icon.pngArchon Ring description.png Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  • Set courtesy of Smii

Job Ability Sets

A quick note on these sets - it is possible to min/max some of these even further by including extremely niche pieces which will provide only negligibly increased utility. At this point in the game, I find myself weighing the benefits of an item against the inventory space needed to hold on to it. As such I choose not include things like "Acro" gear in the breath sets. Besides the inventory space, it is possible to be hit while activating a job ability or other breath, and I would argue that maintaining proper DT levels/MEVA throughout these sets is more important than eeking out a few dozen dps, or getting an extra 50 hp on your Steady Wing. Of course feel free to customize as needed. Check out Tatang's page for even more comprehensive sets.

Call Wyvern / Spirit Surge
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Ptero. Mail +3 icon.pngPtero. Mail +3 description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png

Jump / High Jump / Soul Jump
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Flam. Zucchetto +2 icon.pngFlam. Zucchetto +2 description.png Vim Torque +1 icon.pngVim Torque +1 description.png Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png Telos Earring icon.pngTelos Earring description.png
Vishap Mail +3 icon.pngVishap Mail +3 description.png Vis. Fng. Gaunt. +3 icon.pngVis. Fng. Gaunt. +3 description.png Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png Chirich Ring +1 icon.pngChirich Ring +1 description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Ptero. Brais +3 icon.pngPtero. Brais +3 description.png Ostro Greaves icon.pngOstro Greaves description.png
  • Maximize TP return through JSE bonuses and Ostro Greaves

Spirit Jump
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Flam. Zucchetto +2 icon.pngFlam. Zucchetto +2 description.png Vim Torque +1 icon.pngVim Torque +1 description.png Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png Telos Earring icon.pngTelos Earring description.png
Vishap Mail +3 icon.pngVishap Mail +3 description.png Vis. Fng. Gaunt. +3 icon.pngVis. Fng. Gaunt. +3 description.png Niqmaddu Ring icon.pngNiqmaddu Ring description.png Chirich Ring +1 icon.pngChirich Ring +1 description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png Ptero. Brais +3 icon.pngPtero. Brais +3 description.png Pelt. Schyn. +3 icon.pngPelt. Schyn. +3 description.png
  • Like other jumps, but with Empyrean feet

32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Angon icon.pngAngon description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png Ptero. Fin. G. +3 icon.pngPtero. Fin. G. +3 description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
  • 25% Defense Down with maxed merits
  • Stacks with Dia, Geo-Frailty, and Box Step
  • Does not stack with other Defense Down effects i.e. BLU spells, Weaponskills (Armor Break, Shell Crusher etc), Acid Bolts

Spirit Link
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png Pratik Earring icon.pngPratik Earring description.png 32x32.png
32x32.png Pel. Vambraces +3 icon.pngPel. Vambraces +3 description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Ptero. Greaves +3 icon.pngPtero. Greaves +3 description.png

Elemental Breath
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Ptero. Armet +3 icon.pngPtero. Armet +3 description.png Adad Amulet icon.pngAdad Amulet description.png Enmerkar Earring icon.pngEnmerkar Earring description.png Handler's Earring +1 icon.pngHandler's Earring +1 description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png
Gleti's Gauntlets icon.pngGleti's Gauntlets description.png
C. Palug Ring icon.pngC. Palug Ring description.png Dreki Ring icon.pngDreki Ring description.png
Updraft Mantle icon.pngUpdraft Mantle description.png
Glassblower's Belt icon.pngGlassblower's Belt description.png Pelt. Cuissots +3 icon.pngPelt. Cuissots +3 description.png Pelt. Schyn. +3 icon.pngPelt. Schyn. +3 description.png
  • 44% PDT / MDT Capped with Shell V
  • Glassblower's Belt adds 5% to Breath Damage

Healing Breath
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Ptero. Armet +3 icon.pngPtero. Armet +3 description.png Dgn. Collar +2 icon.pngDgn. Collar +2 description.png Lancer's Earring icon.pngLancer's Earring description.png Anastasi Earring icon.pngAnastasi Earring description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Dreki Ring icon.pngDreki Ring description.png
Updraft Mantle icon.pngUpdraft Mantle description.png
Glassblower's Belt icon.pngGlassblower's Belt description.png Vishap Brais +3 icon.pngVishap Brais +3 description.png Ptero. Greaves +3 icon.pngPtero. Greaves +3 description.png
  • Earrings provide minimal gains, don't worry if you don't have them.
  • Glassblower's Belt adds a 1/9 multiplier to Healing Breath
  • Fill in other slots with DT items (you can be hit while activating breath)

Ancient Circle
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png Vishap Brais +3 icon.pngVishap Brais +3 description.png 32x32.png

Utility Sets

32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Dgn. Collar +2 icon.pngDgn. Collar +2 description.png Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Sanare Earring icon.pngSanare Earring description.png
Sacro Breastplate icon.pngSacro Breastplate description.png Gleti's Gauntlets icon.pngGleti's Gauntlets description.png
Shadow Ring icon.pngShadow Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Plat. Mog. Belt icon.pngPlat. Mog. Belt description.png Gleti's Breeches icon.pngGleti's Breeches description.png
Gleti's Boots icon.pngGleti's Boots description.png
  • Mix of defensive stats, regen, and regain
  • Chance to absorb damage for wyvern
  • Many other options to choose from. Use Carrier's Sash if concerned about too much HP fluctuation.

Fast Cast
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Carmine Mask +1 icon.pngCarmine Mask +1 description.png
Orunmila's Torque icon.pngOrunmila's Torque description.png Loquac. Earring icon.pngLoquac. Earring description.png Enchntr. Earring +1 icon.pngEnchntr. Earring +1 description.png
Sacro Breastplate icon.pngSacro Breastplate description.png Leyline Gloves icon.pngLeyline Gloves description.png
Rahab Ring icon.pngRahab Ring description.png Prolix Ring icon.pngProlix Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
32x32.png Enif Cosciales icon.pngEnif Cosciales description.png Carmine Greaves +1 icon.pngCarmine Greaves +1 description.png
  74% Fast Cast

Emergency PDT
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Loricate Torque +1 icon.pngLoricate Torque +1 description.png
Tuisto Earring icon.pngTuisto Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png
Gleti's Gauntlets icon.pngGleti's Gauntlets description.png
Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Plat. Mog. Belt icon.pngPlat. Mog. Belt description.png Gleti's Breeches icon.pngGleti's Breeches description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png

Emergency MDT
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Peltast's Mezail +3 icon.pngPeltast's Mezail +3 description.png Warder's Charm +1 icon.pngWarder's Charm +1 description.png Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Sanare Earring icon.pngSanare Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png
Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Shadow Ring icon.pngShadow Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Brigantia's Mantle icon.pngBrigantia's Mantle description.png
Plat. Mog. Belt icon.pngPlat. Mog. Belt description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png

Starter Gear

Rather than try to create specific sets of gear for various levels of progression, I think it will be more beneficial to provide optimal sets to work toward paired with explanations of what to look for in each set - the "why" behind the set - and then let each player mix and match from their own gear to create gear sets that work for their current level of progression. Here I will try to show items for each slot which may be of use to up and coming Dragoons working toward the sets shown above.

One thing to note - I would urge any new player, or anyone looking to gear a Dragoon from zero to prioritize Sortie as much as possible. Getting 50,000 Gallimaufry and obtaining 5/5 Empyrean +2 will do more for you than almost anything else. The base stats (str/dex/meva/mdef/attack/acc) on all these items is very high compared to anything else you can reasonably obtain quickly. Even if you end up choosing to use some pieces where other (more geared) players may not (for example using Pelt. Cuissots +3 in your TP set) you will likely be in great shape to while you continue building up your collection of other items.

Item Notes
Eminent Lance icon.png Eminent Lance If Dragoon is your first 99, and you need something to start out with, grab this from the Sparks vendor.
Geirrothr icon.png Geirrothr Might take longer to obtain than just working toward Shining One. But if you are able/willing to farm the Odin HTMB, this is a fine non-REMAP option.
Ikenga's Lance icon.png Ikenga's Lance If you are able to pick up Information on Xevioso, you could consider purchasing this and using it until you get the Shining One. Not worth investing any RP into this.
Kaja Lance icon.png Kaja Lance The precursor to Shining One and a great option even at this stage. It takes 16,500 ambuscade hallmarks to reach this point. Prioritize getting this ASAP when starting out.
Item Notes
Duplus Grip icon.png Duplus Grip Decent starter option
Gracile Grip icon.png Gracile Grip Nice pre-Utu option on the AH. HQ also available. Fills out the two most important TP stats, but you likely don't need the haste when /SAM.
Item Notes
Floestone icon.png Floestone Could be used for weapon skills if you don't have anything better.
Oshasha's Treatise icon.png Oshasha's Treatise Good starter WS, obtainable from missions.
Ginsen icon.png Ginsen Might take a while to obtain if you can't do the HTMB on a higher difficulty, but still a decent item if you don't have access to even the base Coiste Bodhar
Aurgelmir Orb icon.png Aurgelmir Orb Available on the AH. Significantly cheaper than the HQ and the STP is always welcome.

Item Notes
Flam. Zucchetto +1 icon.png Flamma Zucchetto +1 Upgrades into one of the strongest overall pieces of armor from Ambuscade for any job. Useful at any stage when starting out.
Sulevia's Mask icon.png Sulevia's Mask +1 A very respectable Store TP+8 paired with 5% DT.
Peltast's Mezail +2 icon.png Peltast's Mezail +2 For just 10,000 Gallimaufry and a Ra'Kaz. Sapphire you get an exceptional weapon skill helm.
Valorous Mask icon.png Valorous Mask Can be obtained through Domain Invasion, and customized for either TP or WS sets via augmenting.
Item Notes
Anu Torque icon.png Anu Torque Nice STP piece, useful for other jobs, very viable until you get your Vim Torque +1.
Dgn. Collar +1 icon.png Dgn. Collar +1 So much cheaper than the +2. Contrary to what you may hear, there's no shame in starting here if you're just getting off the ground in FFXI!
Item Notes
Brutal Earring icon.png Brutal Earring Very nice starter TP earring. Easy enough to find Ancient Beastcoin in bazaar, or even farm them yourself.
Cessance Earring icon.png Cessance Earring Another strong TP earring. Comes from the same HTMB as Ginsen.

Item Notes
Valorous Mail icon.png Valorous Mail Very easy to obtain (over the course of a week or more) via Domain Invasion, and having one for TP (look for augs with accuracy and store tp) and one for weapon skilling (look for augs with WSD) will work nicely.
Pelt. Plackart +2 icon.png Pelt. Plackart +2 Get 10,000 Gallimaufry and use your first Ra'Kaz. Sapphire on these, or the gloves.
Item Notes
Acro Gauntlets icon.png Acro Gauntlets Can reach very high STP once augmented. The Mellidopt Wings used to purchase these can be obtained from certain monthly campaigns, or you could try your hand at Alluvion SKirmish.
Sulev. Gauntlets +1 icon.png Sulevia's Gauntlets +1 A very respectable 5% Double Attack paired with 4% DT.
Pel. Vambraces +2 icon.png Pel. Vambraces +2 Get 10,000 Gallimaufry and use your first Ra'Kaz. Sapphire on these, or the body piece.
Valorous Mitts icon.png Valorous Mitts Can be obtained through Domain Invasion, and customized for either TP or WS sets via augmenting.
Item Notes
Rajas Ring icon.png Rajas Ring A true classic - get it from COP missions and use it until you get something better.
Flamma Ring icon.png Flamma Ring Can't go wrong for TP set with accuracy and Store TP.
Petrov Ring icon.png Petrov Ring Solid option, with a relatively low barrier to entry.
Chirich Ring icon.png Chirich Ring Obviously, the +1 is where you want to be, but when gil is a concern the NQ is viable when starting out.

Item Notes
Bleating Mantle icon.png Bleating Mantle Really, you just want to work toward an Ambuscade cape as fast as possible, but this may have to suffice for a TP set until then.
Updraft Mantle icon.png Updraft Mantle You can get some passable WSD on this via augments. and you'll want one anyway for your jump sets.
Item Notes
Sailfi Belt icon.png Sailfi Belt Even the unaugmented NQ is a wonderful belt. Try to get the base item ASAP via Unity and then build up to +1 and augments as soon as you can.
Ioskeha Belt icon.png Ioskeha Belt A cheap option on the AH. Could consider the +1, but I would recommend putting that gil toward upgrading the Sailfi Belt as much as you can.
Item Notes
Sulevi. Cuisses +1 icon.png Sulevia's Cuisses +1 A terrific ambuscade reward - 3% triple attack with 6% DT. Even better at +2, of course.
Valorous Hose icon.png Valorous Hose Can be obtained through Domain Invasion, and customized for either TP or WS sets via augmenting.

Item Notes
Flam. Gambieras +1 icon.png Flamma Gambieras +1 Great TP piece with Store TP and multi hit. The +2 is a top-tier item.
Sulev. Leggings +1 icon.png Sulevia's Leggings +1 Nice weapon skill set option: 6% WSD on the +1 stage.
Valorous Greaves icon.png Valorous Greaves Can be obtained through Domain Invasion, and customized for either TP or WS sets via augmenting.


Here are some common self skillchain sequences a Dragoon can execute. Trishula icon.png denotates the need of Trishula to continue the Skillchain.

  • Trishula icon.png Stardiver → Trishula icon.png Stardiver = Darkness
  • Stardiver → Sonic Thrust = Distortion → Stardiver = DarknessTrishula icon.png Stardiver = Umbra
  • Penta Thrust → Stardiver = Transfixion → Sonic Thrust = Distortion → Stardiver = DarknessTrishula icon.png Stardiver = Umbra
  • Stardiver → Camlann's Torment = Fragmentation → Drakesbane = Light → Camlann's Torment = Light (Trishula icon.png creates Radiance instead of double light)
  • Stardiver → Sonic Thrust = Distortion → Drakesbane = Fusion → Stardiver = Gravitation → Camlann's Torment = Fragmentation → Drakesbane = Light → Camlann's Torment = Light
