Treasure Hunter

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(Redirected from Treasure Hunter III)
Job Trait Information
Description Increases chance of getting treasure.
Type Level
Tier Level Obtained Value
I THF15, BLU98* See Table
II THF45 See Table
III THF90 See Table
Blue Mage Notes * Requires the setting of appropriate spells to receive the trait.

** Requires the 100 or 1,200 Blue Mage job gift.


Treasure Hunter Drop Rate Data Points
TH Level Very Common Common Uncommon Rare Very Rare Super Rare Ultra Rare
0 24.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 1.00% 0.50% 0.10%
1 48.00% 30.00% 12.00% 6.00% 1.50% 0.75% 0.20%
2 56.00% 40.00% 15.00% 7.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.30%
3 60.00% 42.50% 16.50% 7.50% 2.25% 1.20% 0.35%
4 64.00% 45.00% 18.00% 8.00% 2.50% 1.40% 0.40%
5 66.66% 47.50% 19.00% 8.50% 3.00% 1.60% 0.45%
6 68.00% 50.00% 20.00% 9.00% 3.50% 1.80% 0.50%
7 69.00% 52.50% 21.00% 9.50% 4.00% 2.00% 0.60%
8 70.50% 55.00% 22.50% 10.50% 4.75% 2.30% 0.70%
9 72.00% 57.50% 24.00% 11.50% 5.50% 2.60% 0.80%
10 73.50% 60.00% 26.50% 12.50% 6.50% 3.00% 0.90%
11 74.00% 62.50% 28.00% 13.50% 7.50% 3.50% 1.00%
12 76.00% 65.00% 29.50% 15.50% 8.25% 4.00% 1.15%
13 78.00% 67.50% 31.00% 17.50% 9.00% 4.50% 1.30%
14 80.00% 70.00% 32.50% 20.00% 10.00% 5.00% 1.50%
  • This trait is not believed to make "superior" treasure drop, but it increases the odds that you will get items and by default increases the odds "superior" will drop.
    • Example: There are some items that share treasure slots, such as Strider Sword and Sarutobi Kyahan from Quu Domi the Gallant. One of the two always drops. In this situation, Treasure Hunter will not make both or all items drop and is unlikely to affect them in any way.
  • With THF as a main job, the effect of equipment, atma, and job ability bonuses on Treasure Hunter is limited to a base of Treasure Hunter +8. This can be raised to a maximum of +12 (or +14, see below) through procs during battle.
  • With any other main job, the base effect is limited to Treasure Hunter +4.[1]
  • Trusts on THF or /THF are capable of applying Treasure Hunter on a mob. Note that they do not gain access to higher than the first Treasure Hunter trait, regardless of the level they are summoned at.
    • THF trusts: Aldo, Aldo (UC), Chacharoon, Fablinix, Jakoh Wahcondalo (UC), Lehko Habhoka, Lion I, Lion II, Maximilian, Nanaa Mihgo, and Romaa Mihgo.
    • /THF trusts: Ark Angel MR, Maat, and Margret.
  • Pets are limited to the first Treasure Hunter trait. (As of 2012)

Applying Treasure Hunter:

  • Treasure Hunter works as a debuff effect on the monster. The player with Treasure Hunter must take some aggressive action against the mob in order to apply the Treasure Hunter effect. Afterwards, the effect will remain even if the player is dead, no longer present in the party, or in the zone.
    • It is possible to apply Treasure Hunter using an AoE attack.
    • The effect is only removed if the mob becomes passive and regenerates.
    • The effect of Treasure Hunter +1 items are considered and applied after the first enmity generation, and then can be removed even before a "proc".

Treasure Hunter Proc System:

  • The Treasure Hunter proc system was introduced in the December 2010 update and applies to players using Thief main job, as well as the Ranger job ability Bounty Shot.
  • The maximum base Treasure Hunter level that can be applied from the first action against an enemy is 8.
    • This includes the Treasure Hunter trait.
    • The Kupower "Treasure Hound" is not subject to this cap. In areas affected by Kupowers, it is possible to apply TH9 on the first action.
  • Treasure Hunter can be increased up to a maximum value of 12, with 0 Job Points invested into Thief Job Points or via Bounty Shot.
    • The 100 Job Points Gift on THF increases the maximum possible value of Treasure Hunter to 13.
    • The 1200 Job Points Gift on THF increases the maximum possible value of Treasure Hunter to 14.
  • Bounty Shot allows the initial application of TH2 (up to TH5 with Bounty Shot+3) and can also cause upgrades between TH levels with repeated usage (up to a maximum of 7 with Bounty Shot+3).
  • Upgrading TH levels from normal attack rounds is inversely proportional to the difference between your current TH level in trait/gear and the monster's current TH level[2].
    • Example 1: If you plant TH6 on the monster by pulling with your TH gear on and then continue to use your TH gear while you kill the monster, there is a 0-level gap between your current TH level and the monster's current TH level. This makes it "easy" to proc.
    • Example 2: If you plant TH6 on the monster by pulling with your TH gear on and then swap to TH3 to kill the monster, there is a 3-level gap between your current TH level and the monster's current TH level. This makes it comparatively more difficult to proc.
    • A proposed model that is within margin of error of the testing and has a clear pattern could be: 4% with 0 level gap, 2% with 1 level gap, 1% with 2 level gap, 0.5% with 3 level gap, 0.25% with 4 level gap, and 0.125% with 5 level gap [3].
    • There is a much greater chance of TH level upgrade from Sneak or Trick Attack (approximately 10x).
      • This is multiplicative to the TH up bonus from Feint merits.
    • Treasure Hunter can only proc on the first hit of an attack round.
    • Attacks must do damage in order to potentially upgrade Treasure Hunter effectiveness. Hits for 0 do not count.
    • Treasure Hunter can proc on the first hit of weaponskills, but will not display any message when it does.


  • Treasure Hunter I/II seem to offer a substantial bonus over no-Treasure Hunter, but Treasure Hunter >III is less potent.
    • Treasure Hunter diminishing returns have been confirmed by Sicycre, Community Rep, on the Official Forums.
  • Combining all the proc-system factors, TPing and SA/TAing in equipment with Treasure Hunter +1 will allow you to reach high TH levels much more rapidly (See References).


XI TH DropRate.pngXI TH DropRate.png Treasure Hunter Relative.pngTreasure Hunter Relative.png

Blue Mage Job Trait Information
Minimum Set Points Needed 12
Trait Points Needed per Tier 8
Level Spell Set Points Trait Points
88 Charged Whisker 4 6
90 Evryone. Grudge 4 6
98 Amorphic Spikes 4 6
  • Setting only two spells will grant the trait Gilfinder instead.


Treasure Hunter + Gear
Item Slot Jobs Bonus
Perfect Lucky Egg Ammo All Jobs +1
Assassin's Knife Dagger THF +1
Plun. Knife Dagger THF +2
Gandring Dagger THF +3
Sandung Dagger THF +1
Taming Sari Dagger THF / BRD / DNC AugRank.png (Sinister Reign): +1
Thief's Knife Dagger THF +1
Volte Cap Head All Jobs +1
White Rarab Cap +1 Head All Jobs +1
Volte Jupon Body All Jobs +2
Assassin's Armlets Hands THF +1
Assassin's Armlets +1 Hands THF +1
Assassin's Armlets +2 Hands THF +2
Plunderer's Armlets Hands THF +2
Plunderer's Armlets +1 Hands THF +3
Plunderer's Armlets +2 Hands THF +3
Plunderer's Armlets +3 Hands THF +4
Volte Bracers Hands All Jobs +1
Volte Hose Legs All Jobs +1
Raider's Poulaines +2 Feet THF +1
Skulker's Poulaines Feet THF +2
Skulker's Poulaines +1 Feet THF +3
Skulker's Poulaines +2 Feet THF +4
Skulker's Poulaines +3 Feet THF +5
Volte Boots Feet All Jobs +1
Gorney Ring Ring All Jobs +1
Gorney Ring +1 Ring All Jobs +1
Chaac Belt Waist All Jobs +1
Tarutaru Sash Waist MNK / WHM / BLM / RDM / PLD / BRD / RNG / SMN /BLU / PUP / SCH / GEO / RUN AugRank.png (Abyssea - La Theine): +1
Reisenjima Armor Varies Various (All Jobs) AugRank.png (Dark Matter): +1~2
Reisenjima Weapons Varies Various (All Jobs) AugRank.png (Dark Matter): +1~2
