Blue Mage Job Traits

From FFXI Wiki

Blue Mage has the unique ability to determine which Job Traits it possesses by setting appropriate spells which grant trait bonuses.

Note, that Job Traits acquired through Blue Magic do not stack with Job Traits acquired from setting the appropriate Support Job. In the event that a trait is granted through both spells and one's support job, whichever grants the higher level of the trait will take priority.
Trait tiers cap at IV from set points alone, but can be brought up to tier VI through Job Points.

Min. Level Job Trait Min.Pts lvl 99 Min.Pts 100 JPs Min.Pts 1,200 JPs
4 Beast Killer 5 - -
16 Auto Regen 5 - -
20 Lizard Killer 4 - -
24 Clear Mind 3 - -
30 Resist Sleep 4 - -
32 Magic Attack Bonus 3 - -
34 Undead Killer 5 - -
38 Attack Bonus 6 - -
38 Rapid Shot 6 - -
40 Max MP Boost 4 - -
40 Defense Bonus 5 - -
44 Plantoid Killer 3 - -
46 Clear Mind II 7 3 -
50 Magic Defense Bonus 6 - -
58 Auto Refresh 9 - -
61 Clear Mind III 13 7 3
62 Magic Attack Bonus II 9 3 -
62 Max HP Boost 5 - -
63 Accuracy Bonus 5 - -
63 Attack Bonus II 13 6 -
65 Conserve MP 4 - -
66 Clear Mind IV 20 13 7
68 Conserve MP II 9 4 -
69 Evasion Bonus 6 - -
69 Resist Gravity 3 -
69 Store TP 5 - -
70 Counter 5 - -
72 Fast Cast 0 6 - -
74 Magic Attack Bonus III 16 9 3
75 Defense Bonus II 11 5 -
78 Magic Burst Bonus 6 - -
80 Double Attack 5 - -
80 Dual Wield 4 - -
82 Accuracy Bonus II 11 5 -
82 Max MP Boost II 11 4 -
83 Skillchain Bonus 6 - -
83 Zanshin 4 - -
86 Attack Bonus III 19 13 6
87 Magic Attack Bonus IV 24 16 9
89 Dual Wield II 10 4 -
90 Gilfinder 8 - -
90 Magic Burst Bonus II 11 6 -
91 Max HP Boost II 11 5 -
92 Triple Attack 12 - -
95 Store TP II 11 5 -
96 Skillchain Bonus II 12 6 -
98 Treasure Hunter 12 - -
99 Accuracy Bonus III 19 11 5
99 Accuracy Bonus IV 29 19 11
99 Accuracy Bonus V - 29 19
99 Accuracy Bonus VI - - 29
99 Attack Bonus IV 27 19 13
99 Attack Bonus V 27 19 -
99 Attack Bonus VI - 27 -
99 Auto Regen II - 5 -
Min. Level Job Trait Min.Pts lvl 99 Min.Pts 100 JPs Min.Pts 1,200 JPs
99 Auto Regen III - - 5
99 Clear Mind V - 20 13
99 Clear Mind VI - - 20
99 Conserve MP III 14 9 4
99 Conserve MP IV - 14 9
99 Conserve MP V - - 14
99 Counter II 15 5 -
99 Counter III - 15 5
99 Critical Attack Bonus 6 - -
99 Critical Attack Bonus II - 6 -
99 Critical Attack Bonus III - - 6
99 Defense Bonus III 17 11 5
99 Defense Bonus IV 25 17 11
99 Defense Bonus V - 25 17
99 Defense Bonus VI - - 25
99 Dual Wield III 16 10 4
99 Dual Wield IV 24 16 10
99 Dual Wield V - 24 16
99 Dual Wield VI - - 24
99 Evasion Bonus II 12 6 -
99 Evasion Bonus III 22 12 -
99 Evasion Bonus IV - 22 12
99 Evasion Bonus V - - 22
99 Fast Cast I 12 6 -
99 Fast Cast II 21 12 6
99 Fast Cast III - 21 12
99 Fast Cast IV - - 21
99 Inquartata 7 - -
99 Magic Accuracy Bonus 8 - -
99 Magic Accuracy Bonus II - 8 -
99 Magic Accuracy Bonus III - - 8
99 Magic Attack Bonus V - 24 16
99 Magic Attack Bonus VI - - 24
99 Magic Burst Bonus III 17 11 6
99 Magic Burst Bonus IV - 17 11
99 Magic Burst Bonus V - - 17
99 Magic Defense Bonus II 12 6 -
99 Magic Defense Bonus III 20 12 6
99 Magic Defense Bonus IV - 20 12
99 Magic Defense Bonus V - - 20
99 Magic Evasion Bonus 8 - -
99 Magic Evasion Bonus II - 8 -
99 Magic Evasion Bonus III - - 8
99 Max HP Boost III 18 11 5
99 Max HP Boost IV 26 18 11
99 Max HP Boost V - 26 18
99 Max HP Boost VI - - 26
99 Max MP Boost III - 11 4
99 Max MP Boost IV - - 11
99 Resist Silence 4 - -
99 Skillchain Bonus III 18 12 6
99 Skillchain Bonus IV - 18 12
99 Skillchain Bonus V - - 18
99 Store TP III 19 11 5
99 Store TP IV - 19 11
99 Tenacity 7 - -

Trait Points

  • Each spell has a number in parenthesis while setting it. These are the spells point value contributions to creating traits.
    • 8 points are required for each tier of a trait.

Job Trait Bonus

  • Gifts obtained by spending 100 and 1200 Job Points in Blue Mage categories; increases the level of Job Traits gained from equipped Blue Magic by 1 for each gift.
    • Seems to function by adding 8 Trait Points to each Job Trait you have equipped. This makes it possible to achieve higher level traits, and achieve existing traits with fewer equipped spells.
    • Also unlocks tier V and VI job traits.
  • Does not work with Auto-Refresh, Double Attack, Gilfinder, Rapid Shot, Zanshin, Killer Traits Verification Needed, or Resist Traits Verification Needed.
  • Previously it was possible to set half a triat and gain the first tier. As of a hotfix, it is no longer possible to obtain level I traits with fewer than 8 trait points using this gift.
    • The belief that Killer traits and Resist traits are not enhanced the job trait bonus gift. Is due to the fact setting half a trait did not grant the first tier during this glitch. This is more or less speculation though and has yet to be tested.

In the following trait tables:

  • A * denotes 100+ job points are needed.
  • A ** denotes 1200+ job points are needed.
Show All Tables

Accuracy Bonus

Attack Bonus

Auto Refresh and Auto Regen

Clear Mind

Conserve MP


Critical Attack Bonus

Defense Bonus

Double Attack & Triple Attack

  • Set 8 trait points for double attack and 16 for triple attack.
  • Setting triple attack removes the double attack trait, but it can be regained through subbing warrior which provides a higher double attack rate than the spell trait does.

Dual Wield

Evasion Bonus

Fast Cast

Gilfinder & Treasure Hunter


Killer Traits

Magic Accuracy Bonus

Magic Attack Bonus

Magic Burst Bonus

Magic Defense Bonus

Magic Evasion Bonus

Max HP Boost and Max MP Boost

Rapid Shot

Resist Traits

Skillchain Bonus

Store TP



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