Category:JSE Capes

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JSE Capes are a category of level 99 back armor that are obtained from Colonization Reives and Lair Reives in Marjami Ravine, Yorcia Weald, Kamihr Drifts and Ra'Kaznar, the various Gates that connect them, and any Wildskeeper Reive.
Augmented versions of the capes found in Reives may be obtained from coffers dropped in Incursion.
With the April 2016 update[1], a second line of augmentable capes were introduced, being obtained in Ambuscade.

Ambuscade Capes

Ambuscade capes can be obtained by redeeming a Ambuscade Voucher: Back by the Tarutaru Gorpa-Masorpa in Mhaura (G-9). They can also be obtained by redeeming a Mog Pell (Silver). These capes can be strengthened further via augments which are explained below.

Augmenting Process

  • Trade the cape to Gorpa-Masorpa along with either an Abdhaljs Thread, Abdhaljs Dust, Abdhaljs Sap, Abdhaljs Dye, or an Abdhaljs Resin.
  • Select the desired attribute.
    • Augments may be changed by repeating the above steps.
    • Changing the augment path will not return any items used up to that point.
      • However, when using an Abdhaljs Needle to change the augment, the current potency is maintained.
  • Further trading an augmented cape with items corresponding to the attribute initially selected will increase the strength of the augmentation.
    • For maximum strength augments the total needed of each item:
Abdhaljs Thread icon.png Abdhaljs Thread x20 (100 Hallmarks/Gallantry each, 2000 to max.)
Abdhaljs Dust icon.png Abdhaljs Dust: x20 (100 Hallmarks/Gallantry each, 2000 to max.)
Abdhaljs Dye icon.png Abdhaljs Dye: x10 (800 Hallmarks/Gallantry each, 8000 to max.)
Abdhaljs Sap icon.png Abdhaljs Sap x10 (200 Hallmarks/Gallantry each, 2000 to max.)
Abdhaljs Resin icon.png Abdhaljs Resin: x5 (1,500 Hallmarks/Gallantry each, 7500 to max.)
Grand Totals: A total of 21,500 Hallmarks and/or Gallantry per fully augmented cape.
  • Each application will increase an augment by 1 parameter stage. After the initial trade, you can max out a category if you trade the remaining required amount of material on your subsequent trade.
  • Trading the corresponding item after the category cap has been reached will result in resetting the category back to the first level augment for a different stat.
    • E.g. 20 Dexterity could become 1 Strength and you will have to start all over again.
  • Only 60 Abdhaljs Thread or Abdhaljs Dust, 20 Abdhaljs Dye, 30 Abdhaljs Sap, and 15 Abdhaljs Resin may be purchased each month.
  • Making only three capes capable of being fully augmented via Threads, Dust, Sap, and Resin each month.
  • (Enough for two capes with those augment items bought with Hallmarks and one more with those bought via Gallantry.)
  • With only two capes capable of being fully augmented completely via the additional Dyes.

Capes and Augments

Name Description Name Description
WAR Cichol's Mantle
Cichol's Mantle icon.png
DEF:18 "Double Attack" damage +20 "Berserk" effect duration +15 MNK Segomo's Mantle
Segomo's Mantle icon.png
DEF:16 "Kick Attacks"+10 "Kick Attacks" attack +25
WHM Alaunus's Cape
Alaunus's Cape icon.png
DEF:15 "Afflatus Solace"+10 "Cursna"+25 BLM Taranus's Cape
Taranus's Cape icon.png
DEF:15 Magic burst damage +5 "Mana Wall"+10%
RDM Sucellos's Cape
Sucellos's Cape icon.png
DEF:15 Enfeebling magic effect +10 Enhancing magic effect duration +20 THF Toutatis's Cape
Toutatis's Cape icon.png
DEF:16 "Sneak Attack"+10 "Triple Attack" damage +20
PLD Rudianos's Mantle
Rudianos's Mantle icon.png
DEF:20 Converts 5% of physical damage taken to MP Chance of successful block +3 DRK Ankou's Mantle
Ankou's Mantle icon.png
DEF:18 "Last Resort" effect duration +15 "Absorb" effect duration +10
BST Artio's Mantle
Artio's Mantle icon.png
DEF:18 "Reward"+30 "Spur"+10 BRD Intarabus's Cape
Intarabus's Cape icon.png
DEF:15 "Madrigal"+1 "Prelude"+1
RNG Belenus's Cape
Belenus's Cape icon.png
DEF:16 "Velocity Shot"+2% "Double Shot" damage +20 SAM Smertrios's Mantle
Smertrios's Mantle icon.png
DEF:18 "Meditate" effect duration +8 "Skillchain Bonus" +3
NIN Andartia's Mantle
Andartia's Mantle icon.png
DEF:16 "Utsusemi"+1 "Migawari"+5 DRG Brigantia's Mantle
Brigantia's Mantle icon.png
DEF:18 All Jumps: "Double Attack"+20% Wyvern: "Breath" attacks +15
SMN Campestres's Cape
Campestres's Cape icon.png
DEF:15 Avatar: Lv.+1 "Blood Pact" damage +5 BLU Rosmerta's Cape
Rosmerta's Cape icon.png
DEF:16 Monster correlation effects +10 "Efflux" TP bonus +250
COR Camulus's Mantle
Camulus's Mantle icon.png
DEF:16 "Phantom Roll" effect duration +30 "Triple Shot"+5% PUP Visucius's Mantle
Visucius's Mantle icon.png
DEF:16 "Overload" rate -10 Automaton: Lv.+1
DNC Senuna's Mantle
Senuna's Mantle icon.png
DEF:16 "Samba" effect duration +15 Critical hit damage +5% SCH Lugh's Cape
Lugh's Cape icon.png
DEF:15 "Skillchain Bonus" +10 "Regen" effect duration +15
GEO Nantosuelta's Cape
Nantosuelta's Cape icon.png
DEF:15 Indicolure effect duration +20 "Life Cycle"+10 RUN Ogma's cape
Ogma's cape icon.png
DEF:18 "Inquartata"+3 "Vallation" and "Valiance" effect duration +15
Abdhaljs Thread icon.png Abdhaljs Thread Aug/Item Max Aug
HP +3 +60
MP +3 +60
STR +1 +20
DEX +1 +20
VIT +1 +20
AGI +1 +20
INT +1 +20
MND +1 +20
CHR +1 +20
Pet: Accuracy
Pet: Ranged Accuracy
Pet: Attack
Pet: Ranged Attack
+1 +20
Pet: Magic Accuracy
Pet: Magic Damage
+1 +20
Abdhaljs Sap icon.png Abdhaljs Sap Aug/Item Max Aug
Weaponskill Damage +1% +10%
Critical Hit Rate +1% +10%
“Store TP” +1 +10
“Double Attack” +1% +10%
Haste +1% +10%
“Dual Wield” +1 +10
Enmity +1 +10
Enmity -1 -10
“Snapshot” +1% +10%
“Magic Atk. Bonus” +1 +10
“Fast Cast” +1% +10%
“Cure” potency +1% +10%
“Waltz” potency +1% +10%
Pet: Regen +1 +10
Pet: Haste +1% +10%
Abdhaljs Dye icon.png Abdhaljs Dye Aug/Item Max Aug
HP +2 +20
MP +2 +20
STR +1 +10
DEX +1 +10
VIT +1 +10
AGI +1 +10
INT +1 +10
MND +1 +10
CHR +1 +10
Accuracy +1 +10
Attack +1 +10
Ranged Accuracy +1 +10
Ranged Attack +1 +10
Magic Accuracy +1 +10
Magic Damage +1 +10
Evasion +1 +10
Magic Evasion +1 +10
Pet: Accuracy
Pet: Ranged Accuracy
+1 +10
Pet: Attack
Pet: Ranged Attack
+1 +10
Pet: Magic Accuracy +1 +10
Pet: Magic Damage +1 +10
Abdhaljs Dust icon.png Abdhaljs Dust Aug/Item Max Aug
+1 +20
Ranged Accuracy
Ranged Attack
+1 +20
Magic Accuracy
Magic Damage
+1 +20
Magic Evasion
+1 +20
Abdhaljs Resin icon.png Abdhaljs Resin Aug/Item Max Aug
DEF +10 +50
Evasion +3 +15
Magic Evasion +3 +15
Physical damage taken -2% -10%
Magic damage taken -2% -10%
Damage taken -1% -5%
Regen +1 +5
Counter +2% +10%
Blocking rate +1% +5%
Parrying rate +1% +5%
Status ailment resistance +2 +10
Casting interruption rate -2% -10%
Pet: Physical damage taken -2% -10%
Pet: Magic damage taken -2% -10%
Pet: damage taken -1% -5%
Pet: Regen +1 +5
Specific DT value is 12/256.

Reive and Incursion Capes

You may augment these capes with a Refractive Crystal icon.png Refractive Crystal via Detrovio at the Inventors' Coalition in Western Adoulin (J-10).

Unaugmented capes can be traded at a 3:1 ratio via the NPC Makel-Pakel in the Celennia Memorial Library, who may also remove augments from capes so that they may be exchanged.

To remove an augment from a cape, simply trade it to him and he will remove it for no cost.

Name Description Incursion/Refractive Crystal Augment
WAR Mauler's Mantle
Mauler's Mantle icon.png
DEF:17 STR+5 Accuracy+13 Attack+13 "Double Attack"+3% STR 1~5
DEX 1~5
Accuracy 1~7
Critical Hit Damage 1~3%
MNK Anchoret's Mantle
Anchoret's Mantle icon.png
DEF:16 HP+80 VIT+5 Accuracy+20 Attack+15 STR 1~5
DEX 1~5
Counter 1~5
Subtle Blow 1~5
WHM Mending Cape
Mending Cape icon.png
DEF:13 Enmity-6 Enhances "Cursna" effect Enhances "Divine Caress" effect Magic Accuracy 1~10
Healing Magic Skill 1~10
Enhancing Magic Skill 1~10
Cure Potency 1~5%
BLM Bane Cape
Bane Cape icon.png
DEF:13 MP+90 Magic Accuracy+10 Magic Damage+10 Enmity-2 Magic Attack Bonus 1~5
Elemental Magic Skill 1~10
Dark Magic Skill 1~10
Fast Cast 1~5
RDM Ghostfyre Cape
Ghostfyre Cape icon.png
DEF:13 "Cure" potency +6% Magic Damage+6 Sword enhancement spell damage +5 Magic Accuracy 1~10
Enfeebling Magic Skill 1~10
Enhancing Magic Skill 1~10
Enhancing Magic Duration 10~20
THF Canny Cape
Canny Cape icon.png
DEF:16 AGI+6 Accuracy+10 Evasion+15 "Triple Attack"+2% DEX 1~5
AGI 1~5
Dual Wield 1~5
Critical Hit Damage 1~3%
PLD Weard Mantle
Weard Mantle icon.png
DEF:20 HP+40 MP+40 Accuracy+15 Damage taken -3% DEX 1~5
VIT 1~5
Enmity 1~7
Phalanx 1~5
DRK Niht Mantle
Niht Mantle icon.png
DEF:16 STR+5 Attack+35 Attack 5~15
Dark Magic Skill 1~10
Drain and Aspir Potency 10~25
Weaponskill Damage 1~5%
BST Pastoralist's Mantle
Pastoralist's Mantle icon.png
DEF:16 MND+10 Accuracy+10 Attack+20 Pet: Attack+20 STR/DEX 1~5
Accuracy 1~5
Pet: Accuracy/Ranged Accuracy 5~20
Pet: Damage Taken -1~5%
BRD Rhapsode's Cape
Rhapsode's Cape icon.png
DEF:13 MP+50 Magic Accuracy+13 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Wind instrument skill +8 HP 18~30
Magic Accuracy 1~7
Enmity -1~10
Damage Taken -1~3%
RNG Lutian Cape
Lutian Cape icon.png
DEF:13 HP+50 Ranged Accuracy+15 Ranged Attack+15 Enmity-5 STR 1~5Question
AGI 1~5
Store TP 1~3
Snapshot 1~3
SAM Takaha Mantle
Takaha Mantle icon.png
DEF:17 Accuracy+15 Attack+15 "Store TP"+10 STR 1~5
Store TP 1~3
Zanshin 1~5
Meditate Duration 4~8
NIN Yokaze Mantle
Yokaze Mantle icon.png
DEF:16 HP+50 Accuracy+15 Attack+15 Ranged Accuracy+15 Magic Accuracy+15 Evasion+15 "Double Attack"+2% STR 1-5
DEX 1~5
Skillchain Damage 1~5%
Weaponskill Damage 1~5%
DRG Updraft Mantle
Updraft Mantle icon.png
DEF:16 VIT+8 Accuracy+20 Attack+20 Wyvern: HP+100 Attack+20 STR 1~5
Weaponskill Damage 1~5
Pet: Damage Taken 1~5%
Breath 1~10
SMN Conveyance Cape
Conveyance Cape icon.png
DEF:13 MP+100 Summoning magic skill +8 Enhances "Elemental Siphon" effect Summoning Magic Skill 1~5
Blood Pact Damage 1~5
Blood Pact recast time II -1~3
Pet: Enmity 5~15
BLU Cornflower Cape
Cornflower Cape icon.png
DEF:16 STR+5 INT+5 MND+5 Magic Accuracy+15 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+15 Blue magic skill +5 MP 15~30
DEX 1~5
Accuracy 1~7
Blue Magic Skill 1~10
COR Gunslinger's Cape
Gunslinger's Cape icon.png
DEF:16 Ranged Accuracy+20 Magic Accuracy+10 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+10 "Recycle" Magic Attack Bonus 1~5
Enmity -1~5
Phantom Roll delay -1~5
Weaponskill Damage 1~5%
PUP Dispersal Mantle
Dispersal Mantle icon.png
DEF:16 Accuracy+15 Attack+15 Evasion+10 "Subtle Blow"+4 Reduces "Overload" rate STR 1~5Question
DEX 1~5
Martial Arts 10~20
Pet: TP Bonus 100~500
DNC Toetapper Mantle
Toetapper Mantle icon.png
DEF:16 Accuracy+20 Evasion+10 "Subtle Blow"+10 "Waltz" potency +5% Store TP 1~5
Dual Wield 1~5
Reverse Flourish 10~30
Weaponskill Damage 1~5%
SCH Bookworm's Cape
Bookworm's Cape icon.png
DEF:13 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+10 Elemental magic skill +8 Dark magic skill +8 Magic Damage+10 INT 1~5
MND 1~5
Helix Duration 10~20
Regen Potency 1~10
GEO Lifestream Cape
Lifestream Cape icon.png
DEF:13 HP+50 MP+50 Enfeebling magic skill +10 Geomancy skill +5 Enhances "Fast Cast" Effect Geomancy skill 1~10
Indi Duration 10~20
Damage Taken -1~5%
Pet: Damage Taken -1~5%
RUN Evasionist's Cape
Evasionist's Cape icon.png
DEF:16 Accuracy+15 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+10 Evasion+15 Physical damage taken -3% Double Attack 1~5
Enmity 1~7
Embolden 5~15
Damage Taken -1~5%