Job Points

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Capacity Points Header.png


Job Points can only be gained after a player obtains the job breaker key item from the Nomad Moogle in Ru'Lude Gardens at (H-5). The Key Item job breaker will be obtained after speaking with the Nomad Moogle if the player has previously obtained the limit breaker key item and reached level 99 on their current job. A new menu button will appear under the Merit Points section of the Status menu. Here, the player may see Job Point totals on each of their unlocked jobs.

Acquiring Capacity and Job Points

  • Capacity Points are earned by vanquishing monsters that are level 96 or higher.
    • The amount of Capacity Points earned per kill depends on your item level; the higher you are, the more you'll get.
  • You gain 1 Job Point per 30,000 Capacity Points earned.
  • Capacity and Job Points acquired independently for each job, are specifically associated with the job on which they are gained, and cannot be used to upgrade other jobs.
  • You may hold a maximum of 500 Job Points on each job.
  • Like Experience Points, Capacity Points gained depend on the size of your party (decreases with increased party size), the area you defeat the enemy, and the level of the enemy.

Capacity Point Chain Bonus

Consecutively defeating foes of level 100+ will grant a chain bonus to the Capacity Points gained.

  • The chain bonus increases on each consecutive kill, reaching a maximum multiplier of x1.6 for chains of 30+ kills.
  • The time window to continue the chain decreases on each consecutive kill, reaching a minimum of 30 seconds for chains of 30+ kills.

Job Point Usage

Job points can be spent on two different things:

  • Allocating them in order to improve your character, which in turn rewards Gifts.
    • Continue reading this page for information on this process.
  • They can be used as an alternative to defeating a Dynamis - Divergence Wave 3 boss, which in turn allows augmenting of Ultimate Weapons.
    • 10,000 Job Points are required for one weapon type. See Step 3 on the Oboro page for further details.

Allocating Job Points

  • Like Merit Points abilities and traits, Job Points are allocated by selecting the appropriate menu inside a Mog House.
  • The amount of Job Points needed per upgrade increases by 1 each upgrade (ex: The second rank of "Mighty Strikes Effect" requires 2 Job Points, the third requires 3, etc.)
  • You are able to upgrade each category for each job to a maximum of 20 levels.

Capping Job Points

  • Upon reaching 2100 Job Points, you gain a Job Master status symbol above your name, represented by 3 stars, for that specific job.
  • This effect only appears when on a mastered job, and can be disabled with the command: /jobmasterdisp
  • Once a job is Mastered you can start gaining Master Levels

Capacity Point Bonuses

The amount of Capacity Points you obtain may be increased via several bonuses. Capacity Bonus Rings & Mantles, Records of Eminence Quests, Trusts, Corsair Rolls, Key Items and Job Gifts. Capacity Point Bonus Campaigns are also ran by Square Enix every few months. These give the highest amount of bonuses, up to triple chain bonuses in some cases!

The maximum Capacity Points you can get from a single kill is 65535 (maximum unsigned 16-bit integer value).

Monthly Adventurer Campaigns

There are two type of campaigns that may run any given month.

Double Capacity Points Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, all players simply earn double the amount of Capacity Points.
    • Some forms of earning Capacity Points are not doubled, such as:
    • The first 16 Capacity Point campaigns were a simple double up gain rate mechanic. After these, they changed the way the campaign worked and it became the chain capacity campaign.

Chain Capacity Bonus Points Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, players earn double to triple the normal amount of Capacity Points from appropriate levelled monsters when they earn a chain kill.
    • Depending on the number of chains, Capacity Points earned accumulate at double to triple the normal rate.

Chain Capacity Bonus Points Campaign - PLUS!

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, the capacity point chain bonus campaign described above is in effect. Additionally, items that grant the Dedication effect are also doubled.
    • An item that grants Capacity Points +150% is increased to a bonus of +300%. Additionally, a maximum bonus of 30,000 is increased to 60,000.
      • This has an effect on all capacity point bonus items, not just the ones that offer +150%/30,000. The above was an example.

Bonuses From Items

  • Guide Beret icon.png Head Armor - Enchanted items that grant a bonus onto the player like any other buff. The enchanted bonus cannot be dispelled, will not wear off when changing jobs, nor upon death. The bonus will only wear off after the designated duration time has elapsed, after acquiring the designated amount of bonus points, or when overwritten with a ring that grants either a "Dedication" or "Commitment" bonus.
    • Guide Beret: +150% while active. Obtained via Vana'diel Adventurer Recruitment Program.
      • Up to 30,000 Capacity Points for up to 720 minutes, 12 hours.
      • Total Cumulative Bonus: 150% ( Up to 30,000 Capacity Points for up to 720 minutes, 12 hours. Does not stack with Rings.)

  • Trizek Ring icon.png Rings - Enchanted rings that grant a bonus onto the player like any other buff. The enchanted bonus cannot be dispelled, will not wear off when changing jobs, nor upon death. The bonus will only wear off after the designated duration time has elapsed, after acquiring the designated amount of bonus points, or when overwritten with another ring that grants either a "Dedication" or "Commitment" bonus. Buy them with Sparks of Eminence points, with Mog Pells, or obtain in either Brown or Gold boxes in Escha zones.

  • Mecisto. Mantle icon.png Mantles - You can purchase an Aptitude Mantle from the Auction House. The NQ version provides a +25% capacity point bonus, and +30% for the HQ version. You can also obtain a Mecistopins Mantle via Incursion, although the augment values are random. Capacity Point bonus can range from 1~50%. You must be wearing the Mantle at the time the target dies. Simply having it in your inventory will not grant you the bonus. Many people wear these capes full time during their party and store all other capes in their Mog Safe, Satchel, or Sack to prevent macros from swapping it out. Alternatively, Gearswap users can "lock" their mantle in place, preventing back pieces from being swapped, by typing the command: //gs disable back.

Bonuses From Records of Eminence

Certain Records of Eminence quests grant a permanent Capacity Point Bonus after completing the quests.

Reminder that you need to clear the actual final RoE quest in each category when you've completed the mission to receive the bonus. In the RoE menu, exit and re-enter each category to have additional quests appear after accepting & completing each one, and do this repeatedly until you've finished all in that category.

Some tips on pursuing the Wildskeeper Reive bonuses on a "fresh 99" character:
  • You need to accept the respective RoE quest before finishing the Reive, otherwise you would need to defeat that Naakual again even though it provides you with a permanent key item upon completion (the Aged *** Naakual crests), which is a bit different from the earlier Mission RoE objectives in that you can't accept these after you're done with them to get credit.
  • Consider double-dipping with the Intermediate RoE objective Taming the Wilds which requires completion of any one Wildskeeper Reive if you haven't done so previously, as it blocks unlocking further intermediate objectives and you're doing it anyway.
  • If you're a blue mage, it wouldn't hurt to have Assimilator's bazubands +1-or-better equipped to better your chances of lucking out on learning one of the Unbridled Learning spells they offer - Droning Whirlwind, Carcharian Verve, Blistering Roar, Uproot, Crashing Thunder, and Polar Roar.
  • Each of these have a Home Point associated with them, so it's pretty simple to save them for when you're ready to take them on. It might be more streamlined to get a Reives-bonus accessory from mission 4-3-8 (...or the +1 version from mission 4-6-1) if you're completing Seekers of Adoulin Missions anyway.
  • Having Key Item"Rhapsody in Ochre" will also lower the fee for Wildskeeper Reives down to 7500 Bayld per entry, and as noted above will get you a significant capacity point bonus (in case you've been putting it off!)

  • Category-Cardian.jpg Unity Concord Ranking - Players who have joined a Unity Concord faction will receive a Capacity Points bonus depending on their ranking if not in first place, with the current lowest ranking faction having a maximum of +20%. The bonus is calculated by: 2 x (Rank - 1).
    • Total Cumulative Bonus: +0~20%

Miscellaneous Bonuses

  • Moogle Cap icon.png Trust: Kupofried - Only obtained with Cipher: Kupofried. Grants a "Dedication" and "Commitment" Geomancy type aura bonus to both Experience Points and Capacity Points. Kupofried's bonus stacks with the enchantment bonus granted by rings. He cannot be attacked or damaged by enemies.
    • Total Cumulative Bonus: +20%

  • Corsair Die icon.png Corsair's Roll - Grants a "Dedication" and "Commitment" bonus to both Experience Points and Capacity Points. The effect will wear off upon timing out or upon death, and can be dispelled.
    • Total Cumulative Bonus: +8% ~ 45%

  • Job Point-Icon.png Gifts - By spending Job Points, every individual job will be granted bonus Capacity Points depending on the total amount of Job Points spent. Unlike all other bonuses, these are exclusive to the job in which you have spent the Job Points only.
    • 5 Job Points spent: +5%
    • 25 Job Points spent: +7%
    • 55 Job Points spent: +9%
    • 95 Job Points spent: +11%
    • 145 Job Points spent: +13%
    • 205 Job Points spent: +15%
    • 275 Job Points spent: +17%
    • 355 Job Points spent: +19%
    • 445 Job Points spent: +21%
    • 545 Job Points spent: +23%
    • 655 Job Points spent: +25%
    • 775 Job Points spent: +27%
    • 905 Job Points spent: +29%
    • 1045 Job Points spent: +31%
    • 1195 Job Points spent: +33%
    • 1355 Job Points spent: +35%
      • Total Cumulative Bonus: +320%

Monster Rearing Bonuses

  • Category-Behemoth.jpg Monster Rearing - Certain monsters raised in your Mog Garden can grant you a Capacity Points Bonus with the Cheer. The Cheers are key items obtained after your raised monster reaches a certain level of happiness following particular raising pattern. The cheers also grant other bonuses toward the player's skill gain rates, stats increases, certain resistances, alter ego utility, and a few others.

Indented creatures are along a similar path and a higher evolution from the creature above it.
  • Rearing Rank 1
  • White Rabbit: +1%
  • Rearing Rank 3
  • Uragnite: +3%
  • Limascabra: +5%
  • Rearing Rank 4
  • Lynx: +3%
  • Buffalo: +3%
  • Clot: +3%
  • Slime: +3%
  • Hecteyes: +5%
  • Ake-Ome: +5%
  • Rearing Rank 5
  • Bugard: +4%
  • Abyssobugard: +4%
  • Adamantoise: +4%
  • Great Adamantoise: +5%
  • White Adamantoise: +5%
  • Ferromantoise: +4%
  • Great Ferromantoise: +5%
  • Rearing Rank 6:
  • Bomb: +5%
  • Djinn: +5%
  • Snoll: +6%
  • Behemoth: +5%
  • King Behemoth: +7%
  • Elasmoth: +8%
  • Skormoth: +9%
  • Rearing Rank 7:
  • Jumbotender: +7%
  • Abyssal Wyrm: +6%
  • Lunar Wyrm: +8%
  • Blazing Wyrm: +8%
  • Wyvern: +6%
  • Blue Wyvern: +6%
  • Green Wyvern: +6%
  • Total Cumulative Bonus: +1% ~ 9%


Gifts were added in the December 10th, 2014 Version Update. Gifts are a reward system with a variety of effects derived from the number of job points already spent. Some affect the performance of a job, while others provide increased capacity point gains and the ability to equip special equipment marked as "Superior."

Gifts are automatically "Gifted" to a player after he or she spends the required amount of Job Points as shown below.

Job Point Bonuses & Gifts


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Mighty Strikes Effect Increases physical accuracy while under the effects of Mighty Strikes. Increase physical accuracy by 2.
Brazen Rush Effect Increases physical attack while under the effects of Brazen Rush. Increase physical attack by 4.
Berserk Effect Increases physical attack while under the effects of Berserk. Increase physical attack by 2.
Defender Effect Increases physical defense while under the effects of Defender. Increase physical defense by 3.
Warcry Effect Increases physical attack while under the effects of Warcry. Increase physical attack by 3.
Aggressor Effect Increases physical accuracy while under the effects of Aggressor. Increase physical accuracy by 1.
Retaliation Effect Increases chance of retaliating against attacks while under the effects of Retaliation. Increase chance by 1.
Restraint Effect Decreases the amount of time it takes to reach the maximum weapon skill attack bonus while under the effects of Restraint. Decrease time by 2%.
Blood Rage effect Increases the critical hit rate of ranged attacks while under the effect of Blood Rage. Increases critical hit rate by 1.
Double Attack effect Increases physical attack from double attacks. Increase physical attack by 1.


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Hundred Fists Effect Increases physical accuracy while under the effects of Hundred Fists. Increase physical accuracy by 2.
Inner Strength Effect Increases the amount of HP recovered while under the effects of Inner Strength. Increase amount of HP recovered by 2 percent.
Dodge Effect Increases evasion while under the effects of Dodge. Increase evasion by 2.
Focus Effect Increases accuracy while under the effects of Focus. Increase accuracy by 1.
Chakra Effect Increases the amount of HP recovered when Chakra is activated. Increase amount of HP recovered by 10.
Counterstance Effect Increases attack power of counterattacks while under the effects of Counterstance. Increase DEX bonus by 2 percent.
Footwork Effect Increases the damage of kick attacks while under the effects of Footwork. Increase damage by 1.
Perfect Counter Effect Increases the VIT bonus of Perfect Counter. Increase VIT bonus by 1.
Impetus Effect Increases the maximum damage of physical attacks while under the effects of Impetus. Increase maximum physical attack by 2.
Kick Attacks Effect Increases the physical attack and accuracy of kick attacks. Increase physical attack by 2 and accuracy by 1.

White Mage

Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Benediction Effect Recovers caster's MP when Benediction is activated Increase amount of MP recovered by 1 percent.
Asylum Effect Increases magic evasion while under the effects of Asylum. Increase magic evasion by 4.
Divine Seal Effect Reduces the amount of enmity accrued by casting Cure spells while under the effects of Divine Seal. Reduce enmity by 3
Magic Accuracy Bonus Increases magic accuracy. Increase magic accuracy by 1.
Afflatus Solace Effect Increases potency of Cure while under the effects of Afflatus Solace. Increase Cure power by 2.
Afflatus Misery Effect Increases the potency of Banish and Auspice while under the effects of Afflatus Misery. Increase magic damage dealt by Banish by 2.
Increase both the physical accuracy bonus when missing target and additional damage by 1.
Divine Caress Duration Increases the duration of strong resistance to status ailments dispelled while under the effects of Divine Caress. Increase duration by 2 seconds.
Sacrosanctity Effect Increases the minimum value of magic defense that weakens over time while under the effects of Sacrosanctity. Increase minimum value by 1.
Regen Duration Increases the effect duration of Regen. Increase duration by 3 seconds.
Bar Spell Effect Increases potency of Bar spells. Increase effect resistance by 2.

Black Mage

Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Manafont Effect Increases the elemental magic damage while under the effects of Manafont. Increase elemental magic damage by 3.
Subtle Sorcery Effect Reduces the casting time of spells while under the effects of Subtle Sorcery. Reduce spellcasting time by 1 percent.
Elemental Seal Effect Reduces enmity accrued by casting elemental magic while under the effects of Elemental Seal Reduce enmity by 3.
Magic Burst Damage Bonus Increases magic burst damage. Increase magic burst damage by 1 percent.
Mana Wall Effect Reduces MP consumed when transferring damage while under the effects of Mana Wall. Reduce MP consumed by 1 percent.
Magic Accuracy Bonus Increases magic accuracy. Increase magic accuracy by 1.
Enmity Douse Recast Reduces the recast time for Enmity Douse. Reduce recast by 2 seconds.
Manawell Effect Increases elemental magic damage while under the effects of Manawell. Increase magic damage by 1.
Magic Burst Enmity Decrease Reduces enmity generated by magic bursts. Reduce enmity by 1.
Magic Damage Bonus Increases magic damage. Increases damage by 1.

Red Mage

Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Chainspell Effect Increases elemental magic damage while under the effects of Chainspell Increase elemental magic damage by 2.
Stymie Effect Increases the effect duration of enfeebling magic spells while under the effects of Stymie. Increase the effect duration by 1 second.
Convert Effect Restores HP when using Convert. Restores HP by 1 percent of maximum HP.
Magic Accuracy Bonus Increases magical accuracy. Increase magic accuracy by 1.
Composure Effect Increases physical accuracy while under the effects of Composure. Increase physical accuracy by 1.
Magic Atk. Bonus Enhances Magic Atk. Bonus. Enhance Magic Atk. Bonus by 1.
Saboteur Effect Increases enfeebling magic accuracy while under the effects of Saboteur. Increase enfeebling magic accuracy by 2.
Enfeebling Magic Duration Increases enfeebling magic effect duration. Increase effect duration by 1 (second).
Quick Magic Effect Reduces MP consumption while under the effects of Quick Magic. Reduce MP consumption by 2 percent.
Enhancing Magic Duration Increases enhancing magic effect duration. Increase effect duration by 1 second.


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Perfect Dodge Effect Increases magic evasion while under the effects of Perfect Dodge. Increase magic evasion by 3.
Larceny Effect Increases the duration of effects stolen via Larceny. Increase the effect duration by 1 second.
Sneak Attack Effect Increases the DEX bonus to Sneak Attack. Increase DEX bonus by 1 percent.
Trick Attack Effect Increases the AGI bonus to Trick Attack. Increase AGI bonus by 1 percent.
Steal Recast Reduces the recast time of Steal. Reduce recast time by 2 seconds.
Mug Effect Steals HP when using Mug. Steal HP equal to 5% of DEX and AGI.
Does not work on undead.
Despoil Effect Steals TP when using Despoil. Steal 2% of target's TP.
Conspirator Effect Increases physical accuracy while under the effects of Conspirator Increase physical accuracy by 1.
Bully Effect Increases the chance of the target becoming intimidated while under the effects of Bully Increase chance by 1 percent
Triple Attack Effect Increases the physical attack of Triple Attack Increase physical attack by 1


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Invincible Effect Increases the amount of static enmity accrued from activating Invincible. Increases static enmity by 100.
Intervene Effect Increases damage dealt when using Intervene. Increase damage dealt by 2 percent.
Holy Circle Effect Reduces the amount of damage taken from undead while under the effects of Holy Circle. Reduces damage taken by 1.
Sentinel Effect. Increases enmity while under the effects of Sentinel. Increase Special Enmity Bonus by 1%.
Shield Bash Effect Increases damage dealt with Shield Bash. Increase damage dealt by 10.
Cover Duration Increases the effect duration of Cover. Increase effect duration by 1 second.
Divine Emblem Effect Increase divine magic damage while under the effects of Divine Emblem. Increase magic damage by 2.
Sepulcher Duration Increases the effect duration of Sepulcher. Increase the effect duration by 1 second.
Palisade Effect Increases chance of blocking with shield while under the effects of Palisade. Increase chance by 1 percent.
Enlight Effect Increases additional light damage and physical accuracy while under the effects of Enlight. Increase additional damage by 1 and physical accuracy by 1.

Dark Knight

Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Blood Weapon Effect Increases the amount of HP absorbed while under the effects of Blood Weapon. Increases the amount of HP absorbed by 2 percent.
Soul Enslavement Effect Increases the amount of TP absorbed while under the effects of Soul Enslavement. Increase amount of TP absorbed by 1 percent.
Arcane Circle Effect Reduces the amount of damage taken from arcana while under the effects of Arcane Circle. Reduces damage taken by 1.
Last Resort Effect Increases physical attack while under the effects of Last Resort. Increases physical attack by 2.
Souleater Duration Increases the effect duration of Souleater. Increase effect duration by 1 second.
Weapon Bash Effect Increases damage dealt with Weapon Bash. Increase damage dealt by 10.
Nether Void Effect Increase the amount absorbed by dark magic spells while under the effects of Nether Void. Increase the amount by 2%.
Increase the number of statuses absorbed by Absorb-Attri by 1 per 10 points.
Arcane Crest Increases effect duration of Arcane Crest. Increase effect duration by 1 second.
Scarlet Delirium duration Increases effect duration of Scarlet Delirium. Increases effect duration by 1 second.
Endark effect Increases additional dark damage and physical attack while under the effects of Endark. Hidden Bonus: Increases physical accuracy too. Increases damage, physical attack & physical accuracy by 1.


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Familiar Effect Increases the deployed pet's attributes while under the effects of Familiar. Increases attributes by 3.
Unleash Effect Increases damage dealt by pet special attacks while under the effects of Unleash. Increase special attack damage dealt by 2 percent.
Pet Accuracy Bonus Increases the deployed pet's physical accuracy. Increases physical accuracy by 1.
Charm Success Rate Increases the success rate of Charm. Increase success rate by 1.
Reward Effect Increases amount of pet's HP recovered when using Reward. Increase amount of HP recovered by 1 percent.
Pet Attack Speed Increases attack speed of a called pet. Increase pet attack speed by 1 percent.
Ready Effect Increases pet special ability damage. Increase damage by 1 percent.
Spur Effect Increases pet physical attack while under the effects of Spur. Increase physical attack by 3.
Run Wild Duration Increases the duration of Run Wild. Increases the Effect duration by 2 seconds.
Pet Enmity Increases the Enmity of a summoned pet. Increases enmity by 1.


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Soul Voice Effect Reduces the casting time of songs while under the effects of Soul Voice. Reduces casting time by 2 percent.
Clarion Call Effect Increases the effect duration of songs while under the effects of Clarion Call. Increase the effect duration by 2 seconds.
Minne Effect Increases physical defense granted by Minne. Increase physical defense by 1.
Minuet Effect Increases physical attack while under the effects of Minuet. Increase physical attack by 1.
Pianissimo Effect Reduces the casting time of songs while under the effects of Pianissimo. Reduce casting time by 2 percent.
Song Accuracy Bonus Increases song accuracy. Increase song accuracy by 1.
Tenuto Effect Increases the effect duration of songs while under the effects of Tenuto. Increase effect duration by 2 seconds.
Lullaby Duration Increases the effect duration of Lullaby. Increase effect duration by 1 second.
Marcato Effect Increases effect duration of songs while under the effects of Marcato. Increase effect duration by 1 second.
Requiem Effect Increases damage over time of Requiem. Increase damage over time by 3.


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Eagle Eye Shot Effect Increases damage from Eagle Eye Shot. Increase damage by 3 percent.
Overkill Effect Reduces enmity while under the effects of Overkill. Reduce enmity by 1.
Sharpshot Effect Increases ranged attack while under the effects of Sharpshot. Increase ranged attack by 2.
Camouflage Effect Increases the critical hit rate of ranged attacks while under the effects of Camouflage. Increases critical hit rate by 1.
Barrage Effect Increases ranged attack power while under the effects of Barrage. Increase ranged attack power by 3.
Shadowbind Duration Increases the effect duration of Shadowbind. Increase effect duration by 1 second.
Velocity Shot Effect Increase ranged attack while under the effects of Velocity Shot. Increase ranged attack by 2.
Double Shot Effect Increases the chance of shooting twice while under the effects of Double Shot. Increase chance by 1 percent.
Decoy Shot Effect Increase the maximum amount of enmity transferrable while under the effectos of Decoy Shot Increases the volatile enmity limit by 15 and the cumulative enmity limit by 5.
Unlimited Shot effect Reduces enmity while under the effects of Unlimited Shot. Reduces enmity by 2.


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Meikyo Shisui Effect Increases skillchain damage while under the effects of Meikyo Shisui. Increase skillchain damage by 2 percent.
Yaegasumi Effect Increases the TP bonus granted by Yaegasumi. Increase TP bonus by 30.
Warding Circle Effect Reduces the amount of damage taken from demons while under the effects of Warding Circle. Reduce damage taken by 1.
Hasso Effect Increases STR while under the effects of Hasso. Increase STR by 1.
Meditate Effect Increases the amount of TP gained per tick while under the effects of Meditate. Increase amount of TP gained by 5.
Seigan Effect Increases physical defense while under the effects of Seigan. Increase physical defense by 3.
Konzen-ittai Effect Increases skillchain damage while under the effects of Konzen-ittai. Increase damage by 1%.
Hamanoha Duration Increases the effect duration of Hamanoha. Increase effect duration by 1 second.
Hagakure Effect Increases TP bonus while under the effects of Hagakure. Increases TP bonus by 10.
Zanshin Effect Increases the physical attack of Zanshin. Increases physical attack by 2.


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Mijin Gakure Effect Increase the damage dealt by Mijin Gakure. Increase damage by 3 percent.
Mikage Effect Increase physical attack while under the effects of Mikage. Increase physical attack by 3.
Yonin Effect Increases physical evasion when directly in front of the target while under the effects of Yonin. Increase physical evasion by 2.
Innin Effect Increases accuracy when attacking from behind the target while under the effects of Innin. Increases accuracy by 1.
Ninjutsu Accuracy Bonus Increases ninjutsu accuracy. Increase ninjutsu accuracy by 1.
Ninjutsu Cast Time Reduces casting time of ninjutsu. Reduce casting time by 1 percent.
Futae Effect Increases ninjutsu magic damage while under the effects of Futae. Increase the magic damage by 5.
Elemental Ninjutsu Effect Increases the magic damage of elemental ninjutsu. Increase magic damage by 2.
Issekigan Effect Increases the enmity bonus earned upon successfully parrying while under the effects of Issekigan Increase volatile enmity by 10
Tactical Parry Effect Grants a chance to counter an attack upon parrying it. Increase chance of countering by 1 percent.


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Spirit Surge Effect Increases the DMG value of weapons while under the effect of Spirit Surge. Increase DMG value by 1.
Fly High Effect Increases the physical attack of all jumps while under the effects of Fly High. Increase physical attack by 5.
Ancient Circle Effect Reduces the amount of damage taken from dragons while under the effects of Ancient Circle. Reduces damage taken by 1.
Jump Effect Increases the physical attack of Jump and Spirit Jump. Increase physical attack by 3.
Spirit Link Effect Reduces caster's HP consumption when Spirit Link activates. Reduce HP consumption by 1 percent.
Wyvern Max HP Bonus Increases the maximum HP of wyverns. Increase max HP by 10.
Dragon Breaker Duration Increases the effect duration of Dragon Breaker. Increase effect duration by 1 second.
Wyvern Breath Effect Increases the effect of wyvern breath. Increase effect by 10.
High Jump Effect Increases the attack of High Jump and Soul Jump. Increases attack by 3.
Wyvern Attr. Increase Effect Increases the master's physical attack and defense when the wyvern's attributes are boosted. Increases physical attack and defense by 2.


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Astral Flow Effect Increases attributes of Avatars and Spirits while under the effects of Astral Flow. Increase attributes by 5.
Astral Conduit Effect Enhances blood pact effects while under the effects of Astral Conduit. Increase damage dealt by Blood Pact: Rage abilities by 1 percent.
Increase effect duration of Blood Pact: Ward abilities by 1 percent.
Avatar/Spirit Accuracy Bonus Increases Avatar and Spirit physical accuracy Increases physical accuracy by 1
Avatar/Spirit Magic Accuracy Bonus Increases Avatar and Spirit magic accuracy. Increase magic accuracy by 1.
Elemental Siphon Effect Increases amount of MP recovered when using Elemental Siphon. Increase amount of MP recovered by 3.
Avatar/Spirit Physical Attack Increases avatars' and spirits' physical attack. Increase physical attack by 2.
Mana Cede Effect Increases the amount of TP given to avatars and spirits when using Mana Cede. Increase TP by 50.
Avatar's Favor Effect Increases the starting value of the summoned avatar's duration for the purposes of determining the effects of Avatar's Favor. Increase value by 3 seconds.
Avatar/Spirit Mag. Damage Increases the magic damage of avatars and spirits. Increase magic damage by 5.
Blood Pact Damage Increases damage dealt by Blood Pacts. Increase Blood Pact damage by 3.

Blue Mage

Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Azure Lore Effect Increases damage of physical blue magic while under the effects of Azure Lore. Increases damage by 1
Unbridled Wisdom Effect Enhances the potency of Conserve MP while under the effects of Unbridled Wisdom. Enhance potency by 3.
Blue Magic Point Bonus Increases the maximum number of blue magic points. Increases blue magic points by 1
Burst Affinity Bonus Increases blue magic spell damage while under the effects of Burst Affinity. Increase damage by 2.
Chain Affinity Effect Increases physical blue magic skillchain damage while under the effects of Chain Affinity. Increase skillchain damage by 1 percent.
Physical Blue Magic Effect Accuracy Increases the accuracy of the additional effect of physical blue magic. Increase additional effect accuracy by 1 percent.
Unbridled Learning Effect Increases the damage dealt by blue magic usable under the effects of Unbridled Learning. Increase damage by 1%.
Unbridled Learning Effect II Increases the effect duration of blue magic usable under the effects of Unbridled Learning that affects party members. Increase effect duration by 1%.
Efflux Effect Increases the TP bonus from physical blue magic spells under the effect of Efflux. Increase TP bonus by 10.
Magic Accuracy Bonus Increases magic accuracy. Increase magic accuracy by 1.


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Wild Card Effect Grants a Wild Card roll of V or higher a chance to reset Wild Card's recast time. Increase the probability of resetting by 1 percent.
Cutting Cards Effect Reduces the recast time of applicable special abilities. Reduce recast time by 1 percent.
Phantom Roll Duration Increases the effect duration of phantom rolls. Increase the effect duration by 2 seconds.
Bust Evasion Grants a chance to avoid busting. Increase probability by 1 percent.
Quick Draw Effect Increases magic damage dealt with Quick Draw. Increase magic damage by 2.
Ammo Consumption Grants a chance to avoid consuming ammunition. Increase probability by 1 percent.
Random Deal Effect Grants a chance to reset the reuse time of two job abilities when using Random Deal. Increase chance by 2%.
Ranged Accuracy Bonus Increase ranged accuracy. Increase ranged accuracy by 1.
Triple Shot Effect Enhances Triple shot activation rate. Enhances Triple shot activation rate by 1%.
Optimal Range Enhances ranged attack power from sweet spot. Enhances ranged attack power from sweet spot by 2.


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Overdrive Effect Increases automatons' attributes while under the effects of Overdrive. Increases attributes by 5.
Heady Artifice Effect Increases the potency of the various head-related abilities. Harlequin Head: Increase physical accuracy by 2.
Valoredge Head: Increase static enmity by 100.
Sharpshot Head: Increase damage by 3 percent.
Stormwaker Head: Increase magic damage by 2.
Soulsoother Head: Increase amount of MP recovered by 1 percent.
Spiritreaver Head: Increase magic damage by 5.
Automaton Max HP and Automaton Max MPBonus Increases the maximum HP of automatons. Increases maximum HP by 10 and maximum MP by 5.
Activate Effect Decrease burden when Activate or Deus Ex Automata is used. Decrease burden by 1 per rank.
Repair Effect Gradually restores automaton's MP when Repair is used. Amount of MP recovered depends on the item used.
Automaton Oil: +5
Automaton Oil +1: +10
Automaton Oil +2: +15
Automaton Oil +3: +20
Deus Ex Automata Recast Reduces the recast time of Deus Ex Automata. Reduce recast time by 1 second.
Tactical Switch Increases TP of automaton's master when using Tactical Switch. Increases TP by 20.
Cooldown Effect Reduces automaton's burden when using Cooldown. Reduces burden by 1.
Deactivate Effect Relaxes the requirement for reducing Dectivate's cooldown based on automaton's remaining HP. Reduces the requirement by 1 percent of remaining HP.
Martial Arts Effect Reduces attack delay for hand-to-hand attacks. Reduces attack delay by 2.


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Trance Effect Increases TP when Trance is activated. Increase TP by 100.
Grand Pas Effect Increases damage while under the effects of Grand Pas. Increase damage by 1.
Step Duration Increases the effect duration of all steps. Increase effect duration by 1.
Samba Duration Increases the effect duration of all sambas. Increase duration by 2 seconds.
Waltz Potency Increases Waltz potency. Increase Waltz power by 2.
Jig Duration Increases the effect duration of jigs. Increases effect duration by 1 second.
Flourish I Effect Enhances the effect of Flourishes I. Enhance different effects depending on the flourish.
Animated Flourish: Increase volatile enmity by 10.
Desperate Flourish: Increase physical accuracy by 1.
Violent Flourish: Increase additional effect: accuracy by 1.
Flourish II Effect Enchances the effect of Flourishes II. Enhance different effects depending on the flourish.
Reverse Flourish: Increase TP by 2.
Building Flourish: Increase weapon skill damage by 1 percent.
Wild Flourish: Increase skillchain damage by 1 percent.
Flourishes III Effect Increases the charisma bonus from Flourishes III Increases charisma bonus by 1 percent.
Contradance Effect Reduces Waltz TP consumption while under the effects of Contradance. Reduce TP consumption by 3 percent.


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Tabula Rasa Effect Recover caster's MP when Tabula Rasa is activated. Increase amount of MP recovered by 2 percent.
Caper Emissarius Effect Recovers the target's HP when using Caper Emissarius. Increase the amount of HP recovered by 2 percent.
Light Arts Effect Increase the effect duration of Regen while under the effects of Light Arts. Increase effect duration by 3 seconds.
Dark Arts Effect Increases the effect duration of Helix spells while under the effects of Dark Arts. Increase effect duration by 3 seconds.
Stratagem Effect I Increases magic accuracy of spells tied to either Light Arts when Penury activates, or Dark Arts when Parsimony activates. Increase magic accuracy by 1.
Stratagem Effect II Reduces casting times for spells tied to either Light Arts when Celerity activates, or Dark Arts when Alacrity activates. Reduce casting times by 1 percent.
Stratagem Effect III Increases magic damage of spells tied to either Light Arts when Rapture activates, or Dark Arts when Ebullience activates. Increase magic damage by 2.
Stratagem Effect IV Reduces the recast time of spells tied to either Light Arts when Accession activates, or Dark Arts when Manifestation activates. Reduce recast time by 2%.
Modus Veritas Effect Increases damage over time when using Modus Veritas. Increase damage over time by 3.
Sublimation Effect Increases the maximum amount of MP accumulated from Sublimation. Increase maximum MP accumulation by 3.


Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Bolster Effect Increases the maximum HP of the deployed luopan and reduces its perpetuation cost while under the effects of Bolster. Increase maximum HP by 3 percent and reduces perpetuation cost by 1.
Widened Compass Effect Reduces the casting time of geomancy spells while under the effects of Widened Compass. Reduce casting time by 3 percent.
Life Cycle Effect Increases the amount of HP recovered by the luopan when Life Cycle is activated. Increase amount of HP recovered by 1 percent.
Blaze of Glory Effect Increases the initial HP value of luopans while under the effects of Blaze of Glory. Increase initial HP by 1 percent.
Magic Atk. Bonus Enhances Magic Atk. Bonus. Enhance Magic Atk. Bonus by 1.
Magic Accuracy Bonus Increases magic accuracy. Increase magic accuracy by 1.
Dematerialize Duration Increases the effect duration of Dematerialize. Increase effect duration by 1 second.
Theurgic Focus Effect Increases the magic damage of specific spells while under the effects of Theurgic Focus. Increase magic damage by 3.
Concentric Pulse Effect Increases damage when using Concentric Pulse. Increase damage by 1 percent.
Indicolure Spell Effect Dur. Increases the effect duration of Indicolure spells. Increase spell effect duration by 2 seconds.

Rune Fencer

Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Elemental Sforzo Effect Adds an absorb elemental damage effect to Elemental Sforzo. Increase amount of damage absorbed by 2 percent.
Odyllic Subterfuge Effect Reduces Magic Atk. Bonus while under the effects of Odyllic Subterfuge. Reduce Magic Atk. Bonus by 2.
Rune Enchantment Effect Increases elemental resistance granted by each rune. Increase resistance by 1 point.
Vallation Duration Increases the effect duration of Vallation and Valiance. Increase effect duration by 1 second.
Swordplay Effect Increases the maximum amount physical accuracy and physical evasion may be raised by Swordplay. Increase maximum amounts by 1.
Swipe Effect Increases damage dealt with Swipe and Lunge. Increase damage based on combat skills by 1 percent.
Embolden Effect Increases the effect of enhancing magic gained via Embolden. Increases enhancing magic effect by 1 percent.
Vivacious Pulse Increases the amount of HP restored through the divine magic skill when Vivacious Pulse is used. Increases amount restored by 1 percent.
One for All Effect Duration Increases the effect duration of One for All. Increases effect duration by 1 second.
Gambit Effect Duration Increases the effect duration of Gambit. Increases effect duration by 1 second.
