Category:Escha Rewards/Arcane Glyptics Inscription

From FFXI Wiki

This system becomes available after you talk with Shiftrix the first time. You need to flag Darkness Beckons before you can enter Reisenjima.
Augments in FFXI are placed into "slots" on items.
In the case of augmenting armors from Reisenjima with Pellucid Stones ( P), Fern Stones ( F), and Taupe Stones ( T), there are 5 slots that are used whose caps and probability of occurring varies between the different stones.

Oseem in Norg (I-7) is in charge of this process and is also able to store the stones.

The slots used for augmentation are:

  • Slot 1: 60% chance of this slot occurring.
    • When it occurs, the distribution is approximately Attack (40%), Accuracy (40%), or Attack / Accuracy (20%)
    • Forced to occur (100% chance) via Pellucid Stone icon.png Pellucid Stones.
      • There is no immediately apparent additional effect of Pellucid Stones, although they may make the combined Attack / Accuracy augment more common.
    • Cap is 30 for on-path Accuracy and Attack, and 25 for the combined augment and off-path Accuracy and Attack.
    • Distribution is flat. You are just as likely to get the maximum value as the minimum value.
    • Varies based on path (ie. Magic path would have Magic Attack, Magic Accuracy, and Magic Attack/Accuracy).
    • "Off-path" augments occur with a 10% rate. The combined Attack/Accuracy off-path augment is not possible.
  • Slot 2: Job-trait or "special" stats, like Physical Damage Taken, Store TP, DA or TA, WSD, etc.
    • Forced to occur via Fern Stone icon.png Fern Stones.
    • Cap varies from stat to stat, and are increased by 1 when using Fern Stones.
    • Higher values are less likely than lower values. With Fern Stones, the probability of a maximum potency augment is approximately 3%.
    • There are 8 different augments for each armor that depend on the path.
  • Slot 3: Base stats
    • Forced to occur via Taupe Stone icon.png Taupe Stones.
    • Cap is 10 normally, or 15 under the effect of Taupe Stones.
    • Distribution is flat. You are just as likely to get the maximum value as the minimum value.
    • The 3 on-path base stats vary based on path and armor, but off-path augments are possible with a low probability (10% rate).
  • Slot 4: Accuracy
    • Cap is 15.
    • Probability of occurrence is 40% and cannot be forced.
    • Distribution appears flat.
      • It is possible that if the combined total of Slot 1 and Slot 4 exceed 40 Accuracy, the Slot 4 augment will be dropped.
    • There are no off-path augments for this slot.
  • Slot 5: Attack
    • Cap is 15.
    • Probability of occurrence is 40% and cannot be forced.
    • Distribution appears flat.
      • It is possible that if the combined total of Slot 1 and Slot 5 exceed 40 Attack, the Slot 5 augment will be dropped.
    • There are no off-path augments for this slot.
  • Dark matter: Specialized augments
    • Dark Matter icon.png Dark Matter, which has its own category called "technique" currently has very little information available due to the high cost of dark matter which is used in upgrading equipment to iLv119 and crafting.
    • Current known information is that it provides stats from all category such as melee,magic,ranged and pet completely randomly whiling mixing stats (E.g. Ranged attack with pet attack with int stat) with a chance to go over the cap set on normal stones (Be aware that its extremely rare)(E.g. WS dmg +9 or Mattack +50)
    • Currently suspected that all 5 slots can have any stats appear that would normally stay in a certain slot.
    • It makes every stat type from all armors available to any armor type (e.g.Valorous stats on Merlinic armor).
    • It also has specialized stats including but possibly not limited to, quadruple attack +1-3, Phalanx +1-5, TH +1-2, refresh +1-2, weaponskill damage +1-10%, etc

In the augment tables below, On-path augments are indicated using the bold font weight, while F and T indicate cap changes based on Fern and Taupe stones respectively.

Note! All of the equipment below has the "AugSendable" tag. This means that they can be sent to alternate characters on the same PlayOnline account, even after they are augmented!

Monthly Adventurer Campaigns

There is one type of campaign that may run any given month. Either below may be running, but both dont run at the same time.

Dark Matter Arcane Glyphics Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, six free "Technique" augments are available every earth day via Oseem.
    • Through the power of Arcane Glyptics, Reisenjima armor drops can be engraved for free up to six times per earth day at no charge. The only requirement is that you are on or past Rhapsodies of Vanadiel Mission 3-1.
      • Dark Matter augments are highly random, and sometimes surpass the maximum values of Taupe, Pellucid, and Fern stones. This is the way players obtain Treasure Hunter and Refresh on pieces that normally do not have it.
    • The equipment will receive the same benefits as if they were engraved with Dark Matter.
    • Visit Oseem in Norg at (I-7) to engrave your equipment. This resets every day at JP Midnight.
    • Note: This campaign usually starts at 1AM Pacific time on the months it runs. This essentially gives six extra augments before the JP Midnight reset 6-7 hours later after the campaign starts. Be sure to take advantage of this!

Dark Matter Arcane Glyphics Campaign - PLUS!

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, twelve free "Technique" augments are available every earth day via Oseem (instead of six from the NQ campaign).
    • The other details of this campaign are the same as the NQ version described above.
    • Note: As of the September 10, 2020 version update: On the day of the switchover from the normal Dark Matter Arcade Glyphics Campaign to Dark Matter Arcade Glyphics Campaign PLUS, the number of times you may augment an item will increase even if you have already augmented items that day.

Armor Augments

Chironic Armor Set

Base Statistics

Name Icon Item Level Slot Description
Chironic Hat Chironic Hat icon.png 119 Head DEF:98 HP+25 MP+59 STR+14 DEX+14 VIT+14 AGI+5 INT+29 MND+29 CHR+24 Accuracy+15 Magic Accuracy+15 Evasion+33 Magic Evasion+86 "Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Magic damage taken -2% Haste+6% "Aquaveil"+1
Chironic Doublet Chironic Doublet icon.png 119 Body DEF:129 HP+43 MP+70 STR+16 DEX+19 VIT+16 AGI+16 INT+39 MND+34 CHR+30 Evasion+38 Magic Evasion+91 Magic Accuracy+20 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+15 "Magic Def. Bonus"+7 Haste+3% "Conserve MP"+5 "Cure" potency +13%
Chironic Gloves Chironic Gloves icon.png 119 Hands DEF:87 HP+11 MP+23 STR+3 DEX+23 VIT+20 AGI+2 INT+25 MND+38 CHR+20 Accuracy+15 Magic Accuracy+15 Evasion+19 Magic Evasion+48 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+15 "Magic Def. Bonus"+3 Enhancing magic skill +15 Haste+3% Enmity-4 Spell interruption rate down 20%
Chironic Hose Chironic Hose icon.png 119 Legs DEF:109 HP+31 MP+47 STR+19 VIT+6 AGI+14 INT+42 MND+29 CHR+20 Magic Accuracy+20 Evasion+24 Magic Evasion+118 "Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Enfeebling magic skill +13 Haste+5% "Cure" potency +8% "Immunobreak"+1
Chironic Slippers Chironic Slippers icon.png 119 Feet DEF:70 HP+4 MP+23 STR+6 DEX+6 VIT+6 AGI+26 INT+23 MND+24 CHR+34 Attack+20 Evasion+60 Magic Evasion+118 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+20 "Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Divine magic skill +15 Haste+3% Enmity-5 Physical damage taken -2%


Augmented Statistic Melee Healing
STR +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
DEX +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
VIT +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
AGI +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
INT +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
MND +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
CHR +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
Accuracy +1~30 +1~25
Attack +1~32 +1~25
Magic Accuracy +1~25 +1~40
Magic Attack Bonus +1~25 +1~40
Double Attack +1~3 ( F: 4) Eks.gif
Dual Wield +1~4 ( F: 5) Eks.gif
Spell Interruption Rate Down +1~8% ( F: 9%) +1~8% ( F: 11%)
Magic Damage Taken -1~5% -1~5%
Physical Damage Taken -1~5% -1~5%
Damage Taken -1~3% -1~3%
Chance of Successful Block +1~3 ( F: 4) Eks.gif
Fast Cast +1~6 ( F: 7) +1~6 ( F: 7)
Subtle Blow +1~3 ( F: 4) Eks.gif
Weapon Skill Accuracy +1~15 ( F: 17) Eks.gif
Conserve MP +1~7Question ( F: 8) +1~7Question ( F: 8)
Cure Potency Eks.gif +1~10% ( F: 11%)
Cure Spellcasting Time Eks.gif -1~10% ( F: 11%)
Drain and Aspir Potency Eks.gif +1~10 ( F: 11)
Haste Eks.gif +1~2% ( F: 3)
Enmity Eks.gif -1~7 ( F: 8Question)
Resist Silence Eks.gif +1~10 ( F: 11)

Herculean Armor Set

Base Statistics

Name Icon Item Level Slot Description
Herculean Helm Herculean Helm icon.png 119 Head DEF:108 HP+38 STR+22 DEX+28 VIT+18 AGI+25 INT+20 MND+16 CHR+17 Attack+15 Ranged Attack+15 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+10 Evasion+55 Magic Evasion+59 "Magic Def. Bonus"+3 Haste+8% "Fast Cast"+7%
Herculean Vest Herculean Vest icon.png 119 Body DEF:133 HP+61 STR+28 DEX+34 VIT+24 AGI+30 INT+21 MND+20 CHR+21 Accuracy+15 Ranged Accuracy+15 Evasion+60 Magic Evasion+69 "Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Haste+4% Enmity-4 "Store TP"+3 Critical hit rate +3%
Herculean Gloves Herculean Gloves icon.png 119 Hands DEF:97 HP+20 STR+16 DEX+39 VIT+30 AGI+8 INT+14 MND+26 CHR+19 Accuracy+12 Ranged Accuracy+12 Evasion+41 Magic Evasion+43 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2 Haste+5% "Triple Attack"+2% "Subtle Blow"+5 Physical damage taken -2%
Herculean Trousers Herculean Trousers icon.png 119 Legs DEF:114 HP+38 STR+33 VIT+16 AGI+32 INT+29 MND+15 CHR+10 Attack+15 Ranged Attack+15 Evasion+62 Magic Evasion+75 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Haste+6% Enmity-4 "Store TP"+4 Physical damage taken -2%
Herculean Boots Herculean Boots icon.png 119 Feet DEF:79 HP+9 STR+16 DEX+24 VIT+10 AGI+43 MND+11 CHR+26 Accuracy+10 Attack+10 Ranged Accuracy+10 Ranged Attack+10 Magic Accuracy+10 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+10 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Evasion+80 Magic Evasion+75 Haste+4% "Triple Attack"+2 "Subtle Blow"+6 Physical damage taken -2%


Augmented Statistic Melee Ranged Magic Familiar
STR +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
DEX +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
VIT +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
AGI +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
INT +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
MND +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
CHR +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
Accuracy +1~40 Eks.gif +1~25 +1~30
Ranged Accuracy +1~25 +1~40 Eks.gif +1~30
Magic Accuracy Eks.gif +1~25 +1~35 +1~30
Attack +1~40 Eks.gif +1~25 +1~30
Ranged Attack +1~25 +1~40 Eks.gif +1~30
Magic Attack Bonus Eks.gif +1~25 +1~35 +1~30
Weapon Skill Damage +1~4% ( F: 5) +1~4% ( F: 5) +1~4% ( F: 5) Eks.gif
Critical Hit Rate +1~4% ( F: 5) +1~4% ( F: 5) +1~4% ( F: 5) +1~4%
Critical Hit Damage +1~4% ( F: 5) +1~4% ( F: 5) +1~4% ( F: 5) Eks.gif
Store TP +1~5 ( F: 6) Eks.gif +1~7 ( F: 8) +1~10 ( F: 11)
Triple Attack +1~3 ( F: 4) Eks.gif Eks.gif Eks.gif
Counter +1~4 ( F: 5) Eks.gif Eks.gif Eks.gif
Waltz Potency +1~10% ( F: 11) Eks.gif Eks.gif Eks.gif
Dual Wield +1~4% ( F: 5-6) Eks.gif Eks.gif Eks.gif
Subtle Blow Eks.gif +1~10 ( F: 11) Eks.gif +1~10
Skillchain Bonus Eks.gif +1~4% ( F: 5) Eks.gif Eks.gif
Snapshot Eks.gif +1~5 ( F: 6) Eks.gif Eks.gif
Rapid Shot Eks.gif +1~6 ( F: 7) Eks.gif Eks.gif
Fast Cast Eks.gif Eks.gif +1~5 ( F: 6) Eks.gif
Enmity Eks.gif -1~7 ( F: 8) -1~6 ( F: 7) Eks.gif
Double Attack Eks.gif Eks.gif +1~4 ( F: 5) +1~4 ( F: 5)
Magic Burst Bonus Eks.gif Eks.gif +1~7% ( F: 8%) Eks.gif
Physical Damage Taken -1~4% ( F: 5%) -1~4% ( F: 5%) -1~4% ( F: 5%) -1~4% ( F: 5%)
Magic Damage Taken -1~4% ( F: 5%) -1~4% ( F: 5%) -1~4% ( F: 5%) Eks.gif
Damage Taken -1~3% ( F: 4%) -1~3% ( F: 4%) -1~3% ( F: 4%) Eks.gif
Haste +1~3% ( F: 4%)
Repair +1~7% ( F: 8%)
Regen +1~4% ( T: 4%)

Merlinic Armor Set

Base Statistics

Name Icon Item Level Slot Description
Merlinic Hood Merlinic Hood icon.png 119 Head DEF:95 HP+22 MP+56 STR+15 DEX+15 VIT+15 AGI+6 INT+29 MND+28 CHR+26 Evasion+33 Magic Evasion+86 Magic Accuracy+15 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+10 "Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Haste+6% "Fast Cast"+8%
Merlinic Jubbah Merlinic Jubbah icon.png 119 Body DEF:124 HP+41 MP+67 STR+16 DEX+19 VIT+16 AGI+16 INT+40 MND+33 CHR+32 Evasion+38 Magic Evasion+91 Magic Accuracy+20 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+20 "Magic Def. Bonus"+7 Haste+3% Enmity-5 "Fast Cast"+6% Physical damage taken -2%
Merlinic Dastanas Merlinic Dastanas icon.png 119 Hands DEF:84 HP+9 MP+20 STR+3 DEX+23 VIT+20 AGI+2 INT+26 MND+37 CHR+21 Evasion+19 Magic Evasion+48 "Magic Def. Bonus"+3 Haste+3% Avatar: Attack+20 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+20 Enmity+5 "Blood Pact" damage +5
Merlinic Shalwar Merlinic Shalwar icon.png 119 Legs DEF:106 HP+29 MP+44 STR+19 VIT+6 AGI+14 INT+43 MND+28 CHR+21 Magic Accuracy+20 Magic Damage+13 Evasion+24 Magic Evasion+118 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+15 "Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Haste+5% Enmity-5
Merlinic Crackows Merlinic Crackows icon.png 119 Feet DEF:67 HP+4 MP+20 STR+6 DEX+6 VIT+6 AGI+26 INT+24 MND+23 CHR+35 Evasion+60 Magic Evasion+118 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+15 "Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Haste+3% "Fast Cast"+5% "Conserve MP"+4 "Drain" and "Aspir" potency +7


Augmented Statistic Magic Familiar
STR +1~10 ( T: 15)
DEX +1~10 ( T: 15)
AGI +1~10 ( T: 15)
VIT +1~10 ( T: 15)
INT +1~10 ( T: 15)
MND +1~10 ( T: 15)
CHR +1~10 ( T: 15)
Accuracy +1~30
Attack +1~30
Magic Accuracy +1~40
Magic Attack Bonus +1~40
Magic Damage +1~15 ( F: 16)
Magic Burst Damage +1~10% ( F: 11%)
Magic Critical Hit Damage +1~10% ( F: 11%)
Fast Cast +1~6 ( F: 7)
"Drain" and "Aspir" Potency +1~10 ( F: 11)
Conserve MP +1~6 ( F: 8)
Enmity -1~6 ( F: 7)
Occult Acumen +1~10 ( F: 11)
Physical Damage Taken -1~5%
Magic Damage Taken -1~5%
Damage Taken -1~4% ( F: 4)
Pet: STR Eks.gif +1~10 ( T: 15)
Pet: DEX Eks.gif +1~10 ( T: 15)
Pet: INT Eks.gif +1~10 ( T: 15)
Pet: MND Eks.gif +1~10 ( T: 15)
Pet: CHR Eks.gif +1~10 ( T: 15)
Pet: VIT Eks.gif +1~10 ( T: 15)
Pet: AGI Eks.gif +1~10 ( T: 15)
Pet: Physical Damage Taken Eks.gif -1~5% ( F: 6)
Pet: Accuracy and Pet: Ranged Accuracy Eks.gif +1~30
Pet: Attack and Pet: Ranged Attack Eks.gif +1~30
Pet: Magic Accuracy and Pet: Magic Attack Bonus Eks.gif +1~30
Pet: Magic Attack Bonus Eks.gif +1~30
Pet: Magic Accuracy Eks.gif +1~30
Pet: Store TP Eks.gif +1~5 ( F: 6)
Pet: Haste Eks.gif +1~5% ( F: 6%)
Pet: Double Attack Eks.gif +1~5% ( F: 6%)
Pet: Critical Hit Rate Eks.gif +1-4% ( F: 5)
Blood Boon Eks.gif +1-9 ( F: 10)
Avatar Perpetuation Cost Eks.gif -1-8 ( F: -9)
Blood Pact Ability Delay Eks.gif +1-5 ( F: 6)
Blood Pact Damage Eks.gif +1-10 ( F: Question)

Odyssean Armor Set

Base Statistics

Name Icon Item Level Slot Description
Odyssean Helm Odyssean Helm icon.png 119 Head DEF:120 HP+112 MP+89 STR+29 DEX+15 VIT+35 AGI+18 INT+17 MND+17 CHR+17 Accuracy+8 Attack+8 Evasion+33 Magic Evasion+53 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2 Haste+7% Physical damage taken -2%
Odyssean Chestplate Odyss. Chestplate icon.png 119 Body DEF:152 HP+66 MP+59 STR+30 DEX+17 VIT+30 AGI+19 INT+19 MND+19 CHR+19 Attack+14 Evasion+41 Magic Evasion+69 "Magic Def. Bonus"+4 Haste+3% Enmity+6 "Fast Cast"+5% "Store TP"+5
Odyssean Gauntlets Odyssean Gauntlets icon.png 119 Hands DEF:108 HP+31 MP+14 STR+12 DEX+28 VIT+34 INT+8 MND+24 CHR+19 Accuracy+10 Evasion+22 Magic Evasion+48 "Magic Def. Bonus"+1 Haste+4% "Skillchain Bonus"+5 Weapon skill damage +2% Magic damage taken -2%
Odyssean Cuisses Odyssean Cuisses icon.png 119 Legs DEF:132 HP+54 MP+41 STR+37 VIT+23 AGI+16 INT+26 MND+12 CHR+10 Accuracy+15 Evasion+22 Magic Evasion+86 "Magic Def. Bonus"+4 Haste+5% Enmity+4 "Store TP"+5 "Double Attack"+2%
Odyssean Greaves Odyssean Greaves icon.png 119 Feet DEF:93 HP+20 MP+14 STR+19 DEX+12 VIT+19 AGI+29 MND+10 CHR+24 Accuracy+10 Magic Accuracy+10 Evasion+49 Magic Evasion+86 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2 Haste+3% "Fast Cast"+5% "Cure" potency +7% Spell interruption rate down 20%


Augmented Statistic Melee Magic
STR +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
DEX +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
AGI +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
VIT +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
INT +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
MND +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
CHR +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
Attack +1~40 +1~25
Accuracy +1~40 +1~25
Magic Attack Bonus +1~25 +1~30
Magic Accuracy +1~25 +1~30 ( F: 31)
Cure Potency Received +1~7% ( F: 8) +1~7% ( F: 8)
Cure Potency +1~5% ( F: 6) +1~5% ( F: 6)
Weapon Skill Accuracy +1~15 ( F: 20) +1~15 ( F: 20)
Double Attack +1~4% ( F: 5) +1~4% ( F: 5)
Fast Cast +1~5 ( F: 6) +1~5 ( F: 6)
Store TP +1~7 ( F: 8) +1~7 ( F: 8)
Weapon Skill Damage +1~4% ( F: 5%) +1~4% ( F: 5%)
Physical Damage Taken -1~5% -1~5%
Magic Damage Taken -1~5% -1~5%
Damage Taken -1~4% -1~4%
Enmity +1~7 ( F: 8) +1~6 ( F: 8)

Valorous Armor Set

Base Statistics

Name Icon Item Level Slot Description
Valorous Mask Valorous Mask icon.png 119 Head DEF:116 HP+38 STR+28 DEX+24 VIT+23 AGI+18 INT+14 MND+14 CHR+14 Accuracy+13 Evasion+36 Magic Evasion+48 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2 Haste+7% "Regain"+3 Critical hit rate +2%
Valorous Mail Valorous Mail icon.png 119 Body DEF:146 HP+61 STR+29 DEX+25 VIT+29 AGI+20 INT+20 MND+20 CHR+20 Accuracy+20 Evasion+44 Magic Evasion+59 "Magic Def. Bonus"+4 Haste+3% "Store TP"+3 "Double Attack"+2% Physical damage taken -2%
Valorous Mitts Valorous Mitts icon.png 119 Hands DEF:102 HP+22 STR+13 DEX+33 VIT+33 AGI+8 INT+7 MND+24 CHR+17 Accuracy+10 Attack+10 Evasion+24 Magic Evasion+32 "Magic Def. Bonus"+1 Haste+4% "Zanshin"+10 "Skillchain Bonus"+5
Valorous Hose Valor. Hose icon.png 119 Legs DEF:127 HP+95 STR+39 VIT+26 AGI+16 INT+24 MND+14 CHR+11 Attack+15 Evasion+24 Magic Evasion+80 "Magic Def. Bonus"+3 Haste+5% "Double Attack"+3% Physical damage taken -2%
Valorous Greaves Valorous Greaves icon.png 119 Feet DEF:84 HP+11 STR+17 DEX+20 VIT+17 AGI+26 MND+6 CHR+20 Accuracy+12 Attack+12 Evasion+55 Magic Evasion+80 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2 Haste+3% "Store TP"+5 Critical hit damage +4% Magic damage taken -2%


Augmented Statistic Melee Familiar
STR +1~10 ( T: 15) Eks.gif
DEX +1~10 ( T: 15) Eks.gif
VIT +1~10 ( T: 15) Eks.gif
AGI +1~10 ( T: 15) Eks.gif
INT +1~10 ( T: 15) Eks.gif
MND +1~10 ( T: 15) Eks.gif
CHR +1~10 ( T: 15) Eks.gif
Attack +1~40 +1~25
Accuracy +1~40 +1~25
Double Attack +1~4 ( F: 5) Eks.gif
Magic Attack Bonus +1~25 ( F: 30) Eks.gif
Store TP +1~7 ( F: 8) Eks.gif
Weapon Skill Damage +1~4 ( F: 5) Eks.gif
Weapon Skill Accuracy +1~15 ( F: 20) Eks.gif
Skillchain Damage +1~5 ( F: 6) Eks.gif
Critical Hit Rate +1~4 ( F: 5) Eks.gif
Critical Hit Damage +1~4 ( F: 5) Eks.gif
Enmity +1~7 ( F: 8) Eks.gif
Physical Damage Taken -1~5% Eks.gif
Magic Damage Taken -1~5% Eks.gif
Damage Taken -1~4% Eks.gif
Pet: STR Eks.gif +1~10 ( T: 15)
Pet: DEX Eks.gif +1~10 ( T: 15)
Pet: INT Eks.gif +1~10 ( T: 15)
Pet: MND Eks.gif +1~10 ( T: 15)
Pet: Accuracy and Pet: Ranged Accuracy Eks.gif +1~30
Pet: Attack and Pet: Ranged Attack Eks.gif +1~30
Pet: Magic Accuracy Eks.gif +1~30
Pet: Magic Attack Bonus Eks.gif +1~30
Pet: Subtle Blow Eks.gif +1~10 ( F: 11)Verification Needed
Pet: Store TP Eks.gif +1~10 ( F: 11)Verification Needed
Pet: Physical Damage Taken Eks.gif -1~5%
Pet: Regen Eks.gif +1~4 ( F: 5)Verification Needed
Pet: Haste Eks.gif +1~4% ( F: 5%)Verification Needed
Pet: Double Attack Eks.gif +1-4 ( F: 5)Verification Needed
Pet: Critical Hit Rate Eks.gif +1-4% ( F: 5)Verification Needed

Augmenting Weapons

Augments in FFXI are placed into "slots" on items. In the case of augmenting weapons from Reisenjima with Pellucid Stones ( P), Fern Stones ( F), and Taupe Stones ( T), there are 5 slots that are used whose caps and probability of occurring varies between the different stones. Those slots are:

  • Slot 1: Job-trait or "special" stats, like Physical Damage Taken
    • Forced to occur via Fern Stones.
    • Cap varies from stat to stat, and are increased by 1 when using Fern Stones.
    • Higher values are less likely than lower values. With Fern Stones, the probability of a maximum potency augment is approximately 3%.
    • There are 8 different augments for each weapon that depend on the path.
  • Slot 2: +1~10 Base stat (60% chance of slot)
    • Taupe Stones raise the stat cap to 20 and force this slot. MP or HP can occur instead of a stat, but never both a stat and HP/MP.
    • Distribution is flat. You are just as likely to get the maximum value as the minimum value.
    • The 3 on-path base stats vary based on weapon, but off-path augments are possible with a low probability (10% rate).
  • Slot 3: +1~30 Accuracy/Magic Accuracy (60% chance of slot)
    • Pellucid stones raise the cap to 25 and force the slot
    • Distribution appears flat.
    • There are no off-path augments for this slot.
    • Form of Accuracy dependent on the path (ie. Magic path would have Magic Accuracy).
  • Slot 4: +1~30 Attack/Magic Attack (60% chance of slot)
    • Pellucid stones raise the cap to 25, but do not affect the frequency.
    • Distribution appears flat.
    • There are no off-path augments for this slot.
    • Form of Attack dependent on the path (ie. Magic path would have Magic Attack).
  • Slot 5: +1~20 DMG (60% chance of slot)
    • Stones do not affect this slot.
    • Distribution appears flat.
    • There are no off-path augments for this slot.

In the augment tables below, On-path augments are indicated using the bold font weight, while F and T indicate cap changes based on Fern and Taupe stones respectively.

Reisenjima Weapons


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs
Aganoshe Aganoshe icon.png Great Axe DMG:297 Delay:504 Accuracy+25 Attack+5 Great Axe skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +188 "Store TP"+5 Physical damage taken -3% WAR
Augmented Statistic Melee Ranged Magic Pet
DMG +1~30


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs
Colada Colada icon.png Sword DMG:140 Delay:240 Accuracy+20 Magic Accuracy+15 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+14 Magic Damage+123 Sword skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +201 "Fast Cast"+4% RDM / PLD / BLU
Augmented Statistic Melee Magic
DMG +1~20 +1~20
STR +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
DEX +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
VIT +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
AGI +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
INT +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
MND +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
CHR +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
Accuracy +1~20 ( P: 25) +1~20 ( P: 25)
Attack +1~20 ( P: 25) +1~20 ( P: 25)
Magic Accuracy +1~20 ( P: 25) +1~20 ( P: 25)
Magic Attack Bonus +1~20 ( P: 25) +1~20 ( P: 25)
Magic Damage Eks.gif +1~8(+?) Question
Enhancing Magic Duration Eks.gif +1~2 ( F: 4) Question
Refresh Eks.gif +1~2(+?) Question
Cure Potency Eks.gif +1~9(+?) Question
Store TP +1~5 +1~5
Double Attack +1~4(+?) Question +1~4(+?) Question
Weapon Skill Accuracy +1~18(+?) Question Question
Enmity +1~5 Eks.gif
Physical Damage Taken -1~3(+?) Question Eks.gif
Haste +1~3(+?) Question Eks.gif
Weapon Skill Damage +1~3(+?) Question Eks.gif
Critical Hit Rate +1~3(+?) Question Eks.gif


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs
Condemners Condemners icon.png Hand-to-Hand DMG:+113 Delay:+54 Accuracy+20 Hand-to-Hand skill +242 Guarding skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +188 "Double Attack"+3% "Store TP"+5 MNK / PUP
Augmented Statistic Melee Ranged Magic Pet
DMG +1~17 ( F: 20)
Weapon Skill Accuracy +1~14 ( F: 20 Question) Question
Weapon Skill Damage +1~3 ( F: 4) Question
Physical Damage Taken -1~3 ( F: 4) +1~4 ( F: 5)
Store TP +1~5 ( F: 6 Question) +1~5 ( F: 10)
Double Attack +1~4 Question Question Question
Martial Arts +Question~4
STR +1~20
DEX +1~20
VIT +1~20
AGI +1~20
INT +1~20
MND +1~20
CHR +1~20
Accuracy +1~25
Attack +1~20
Pet: Damage Taken +1~4 ( F: 5)


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs
Digirbalag Digirbalag icon.png Axe DMG:159 Delay:276 STR+10 VIT+10 CHR+10 Accuracy+20 Axe skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +188 "Double Attack"+3% Pet: Accuracy+20 WAR / BST
Augmented Statistic Familiar Melee
DMG +1~17 ( T: 19) +1~18
STR +1~10 ( T: 15)
DEX +1~10 ( T: 15)
VIT +1~10 ( T: 15)
AGI Eks.gif
INT +1~10 ( T: 15)
MND +1~10 ( T: 15)
CHR +1~10 ( T: 15)
Accuracy +1~20 ( P: 25)
Attack +1~20 ( P: 25)
Weapon Skill Accuracy +1~14 ( F: 15 Question) +1~15 ( F: 20)
Weapon Skill Damage +1~2 ( F: 3 Question) +1~3 ( F: 4)
Physical Damage Taken -1~3 ( F: 4 Question) -1~3
Store TP +1~4 ( F: 5) +1~5 ( F: 6)
Skillchain Damage +1~4 ( F: 5) +1~5 ( F: 6)
Double Attack +1~3 ( F: 4 Question) +1~3
Regen +1~2 ( F: 3)
Haste +1~3 ( F: 4)
Subtle Blow +2~6 ( F: 7)
Pet: STR +1~10 ( T: 15) Eks.gif
Pet: DEX +1~10 ( T: 15) Eks.gif
Pet: INT +1~10 ( T: 15) Eks.gif
Pet: VIT +1~10 ( T: 15) Eks.gif
Pet: AGI +1~10 ( T: 15) Eks.gif
Pet: MND +1~10 ( T: 15) Eks.gif
Pet: CHR +1~10 ( T: 15) Eks.gif
Pet: Accuracy & Ranged Accuracy +1~25 Eks.gif
Pet: Attack & Ranged Attack +1~30 Eks.gif
Pet: Double Attack +1~4 ( F: 5 Question) Eks.gif
Pet: Damage Taken -1~4 ( F: 5 Question) Eks.gif
Pet: Store TP +1~8 ( F: 9 Question) Eks.gif


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs
Gada Gada icon.png Club DMG:118 Delay:217 INT+6 MND+6 Magic Accuracy+20 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+16 Magic Damage+124 Club skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Divine magic skill +18 Healing magic skill +18 Enhancing magic skill +18 Enfeebling magic skill +18 Magic Accuracy skill +215 "Cure" potency +18% WHM / BLM / SMN / SCH / GEO
Augmented Statistic Melee Magic
DMG +1~20 +1~20
STR +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
DEX +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
VIT +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
AGI +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
INT +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
MND +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
CHR +1~10 ( T: 15) +1~10 ( T: 15)
Accuracy +1~20 ( P: 25) +1~20 ( P: 25)
Attack +1~20 ( P: 25) +1~20 ( P: 25)
Magic Accuracy +1~20 ( P: 25) +1~20 ( P: 25)
Magic Attack Bonus +1~20 ( P: 25) +1~20 ( P: 25)
Conserve MP Eks.gif +1~7 Question
Enhancing Magic Duration Eks.gif +1~5 ( F: 6)
Indi Duration Eks.gif +1~10 ( F: 11)
Enmity -1~5 Question -1~5 Question
Cure Potency Eks.gif +1~9 Question
Cure spellcasting time Eks.gif -1~9% Question
Fast Cast Eks.gif +1~5% ( F: 6)
Haste +1~2%(+) Question Eks.gif
Store TP +1~4(+) Question Eks.gif
Physical Damage Taken -1~2%(+) Question Eks.gif
Double Attack +1~3(+) Question Eks.gif
Critical Hit Rate +1~3%(+) Question Eks.gif
Weapon Skill Damage +1~2(+) Question Eks.gif


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs
Grioavolr Grioavolr icon.png Staff DMG:202 Delay:366 INT+19 MND+19 Magic Accuracy+14 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+30 Magic Damage+217 Staff skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +228 "Conserve MP"+5 "Fast Cast"+4% Avatar: Magic Accuracy+35 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+115 WHM / BLM / RDM / BRD / SMN / SCH / GEO
Augmented Statistic Familiar Magic
DMG Question Eks.gif
MP Question +1-109 Question
STR Question +1~15 ( T: 20)
DEX Question +1~15 ( T: 20)
VIT Question +1~15 ( T: 20)
AGI Question Eks.gif
INT Question +1~15 ( T: 20)
MND Question +1~19 ( T / F: 20)
CHR Question +1~15 ( T: 20)
Accuracy Question Eks.gif
Attack Question Eks.gif
Magic Accuracy Question +1~30
Magic Attack Bonus Question +1~30
Magic Damage Question +1~10 ( F: 11)
Enhancing Magic Duration Question +1~9 ( F: 10
Enmity Question -1~6 ( F: 7)
Fast Cast Question +1~7% ( F: 7)
Magic Burst Damage Question +1~9% ( F: 10)
Occult Acumen Question +1~9 ( T / F: 9)
Magic Critical Hit Damage Question +1~10% ( F: 11)
Enfeebling Magic Skill Question +1~15 ( F: 16)
Spell Interruption Rate Down Question -1~10% ( F: 11)
Conserve MP Question -1~6% ( F: 11)
Blood Pact damage +1~10 ( F: Question) Eks.gif
Pet: Double Attack Question ( F: 1-6+) Eks.gif
Pet: Physical Damage Taken +1~4 ( F: 5) Eks.gif
Pet: Magic Attack Bonus +1~25 Verification Needed ( P: Question) Eks.gif


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs
Holliday Holliday icon.png Marksmanship DMG:107 Delay:600 STR+15 AGI+15 Ranged Accuracy+10 Ranged Attack+15 Marksmanship skill +242 "Store TP"+5 RNG / COR
Augmented Statistic Ranged
DMG +1~30
STR +1~19 ( T)
DEX +1~20 ( T)
VIT +1~10 ( T)
AGI +1~19 ( T)
INT +1~19 ( T)
MND +1~20 ( T)
CHR +1~13 ( T)
Enmity -1~7 ( T)
Physical Damage Taken -1~2% ( T)
Ranged Accuracy +1~24 ( T)
Ranged Attack +1~25 ( T)
Rapid Shot +1~7 ( T)
Snapshot +1~10 ( T)
Skillchain Damage +1~5% ( T)
Store TP +1~6 ( T)
Weapon Skill Accuracy +1~11 ( T)
Weapon Skill Damage +1~4% ( T)
Magic Attack Bonus +19% ( T)
Enmity -1~ ( T)


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs
Kanaria Kanaria icon.png Katana DMG:127 Delay:227 Accuracy+15 Attack+10 Ranged Accuracy+15 Ranged Attack+10 Evasion+22 Katana skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +188 "Store TP"+5 "Fast Cast"+5% NIN
Augmented Statistic Melee
DMG +1~20 ( T)
STR +1~10Question ( T: 15)
DEX +1~10Question ( T: 15)
VIT +1~10Question ( T: 15)
AGI +1~10Question ( T: 15)
INT +1~10Question ( T: 15)
MND +1~10Question ( T: 15)
CHR +1~10Question ( T: 15)
Attack +1~20 ( P: 25)
Accuracy +1~20 ( P: 25)
Critical hit damage +1~6%Question ( T)
Critical hit rate +1~3% ( F:4 Question)
Subtle Blow +1~7Question ( T)
Additional effect: Stun +1~9 ( T)
Store TP +1~4 ( F: 5Question)
Weapon Skill Accuracy +1~15 ( T)
Weapon Skill Damage +1~3%Question ( T)
Physical damage taken -1~3% ( F: 4Question)
Triple Attack +1~3 ( F: 4Question)


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs
Obschine Obschine icon.png Scythe DMG:295 Delay:501 STR+22 Accuracy+10 Attack+20 Scythe skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +188 Weapon skill damage +3% DRK
Augmented Statistic Melee
DMG +1~26 ( T: 27 Question)
STR +1~15 ( T: 20)
DEX +1~15 ( T: 20)
VIT +1~15 ( T: 20)
AGI +1~15 ( T: 20)
INT +1~15 ( T: 20)
MND +1~15 ( T: 20)
CHR +1~15 ( T: 20)
Attack +1~25 ( P: 30)
Accuracy +1~25 ( P: 30)
Store TP +1~5 ( F: 6Question)
Weapon Skill Accuracy +1~15 (Question)
Weapon Skill Damage +1~3% ( T): 4Question
Physical damage taken -1~5% ( F: Question)
Double Attack +1~4 ( F: Question)
Zanshin +1~5 ( F: Question)
Fast Cast +1~5 ( F: Question)
Enmity -1~6 (Question)
Resist Paralyze +1~15 (Question)


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs
Reienkyo Reienkyo icon.png Polearm DMG:282 Delay:480 STR+20 Accuracy+20 Attack+10 Polearm skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +188 Critical hit rate +3% DRG
Augmented Statistic Melee
DMG +1~30
STR +1~15 ( T: 20)
DEX +1~15 ( T: 20)
VIT +1~15 ( T: 20)
AGI +1~15 ( T: 20)
INT +1~15 ( T: 20)
MND +1~15 ( T: 20)
CHR +1~15 ( T: 20)
Accuracy +1~25 ( P: 30)
Attack +1~25 ( P: 30)
Critical Hit Rate +1~3 Question ( F: 4Question)
Physical Damage Taken -1~5 ( F: Question)
Weapon Skill Damage +1~2 Question ( F: 4Question)
Weapon Skill Accuracy +1~18 Question ( F: Question)
Enmity -1~5 Question ( F: Question)
Pet: Damage Taken -1~4 Question ( F: Question)
Store TP +1~6 Question ( F: 7Question)
Double Attack +1~3 Question ( F: 4Question)
Subtle Blow +1~7 Question ( F: Question)
Damage Taken -1~3 Question ( F: Question)


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs
Skinflayer Skinflayer icon.png Dagger DMG:116 Delay:210 Accuracy+15 Attack+10 Ranged Accuracy+15 Ranged Attack+10 Evasion+22 Dagger skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +188 "Triple Attack"+2% "Subtle Blow"+8 THF / BRD / DNC
Augmented Statistic Melee Magic
DMG +1~20 Question
STR +1~10 ( T: +15) Question
DEX +1~10 ( T: +15) Question
VIT +1~8 Question
AGI +1~10 ( T: +15) Question
CHR +1~10 ( T: +15) Question
Accuracy +1~20 ( P: +25) Question
Attack +1~20 ( P: +25) Question
Triple Attack +1~3 ( F: +?) Question
Critical Hit Rate +1~5 ( F: +6?) Question
Critical Hit Damage +1~6 ( F: ?) Question
Physical Damage Taken -1~3% ( F: ?) Question
Store TP +1~5 ( F: ?) Question
Subtle Blow +1~7 ( F: ?) Question
Triple Attack +1~3 ( F: +?) Question
Waltz Potency +1~9% ( F: ?) Question
Weapon Skill Accuracy +1~18 Question
Weapon Skill Damage +1~3 ( F: ?) Question


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs
Teller Teller icon.png Archery DMG:270 Delay:600 DEX+15 AGI+15 Ranged Accuracy+15 Archery skill +242 Enmity-5 RNG
Augmented Statistic Melee Ranged Magic Pet


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs
Umaru Umaru icon.png Great Katana DMG:262 Delay:450 Accuracy+20 Attack+10 Great Katana skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +188 "Store TP"+5 "Zanshin"+5 SAM
Augmented Statistic Melee Ranged Magic Pet


Name Icon Slot Description Jobs
Zulfiqar Zulfiqar icon.png Great Sword DMG:297 Delay:504 Accuracy+15 Attack+15 Great Sword skill +242 Parrying skill +242 Magic Accuracy skill +188 "Double Attack"+2% Weapon skill damage +2% WAR / DRK / RUN
Augmented Statistic Melee
DMG +1~29
STR +1~10 ( T: 15)
DEX +1~10 ( T: 15)
VIT +1~10 ( T: 15)
AGI +1~10 ( T: 15)
INT +1~10 ( T: 15)
MND +1~10 ( T: 15)
CHR +1~10 ( T: 15)
Accuracy +1~25 ( P: 30)
Attack +1~25 ( P: 30)
Magic Accuracy +1~20 ( P: 30)
Magic Attack Bonus +1~20 ( P: 30)
Double Attack +1~4 ( F: 5)
Fast Cast +1~6 ( F: 7?)
Physical Damage Taken -1~4% ( F: 5%?)
Weapon Skill Damage +1~4%
Weapon Skill Accuracy +1~20
Store TP +1~6
Haste +1~3%


FFXIAH Dark Matter discussion/findings

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