Monthly Stop Asking What to Buy with Login Points Guide

From FFXI Wiki

New and returning players can often feel overwhelmed by the number of options to choose from each month's Login Rewards. Without knowing what the items do or how valuable they may be, it can be easy to feel like you might miss out on something important. For the most part, Login Rewards tend to be less impactful than one may think, with many of them being cosmetic options. Most months see a similar base set of Rewards on offer, a non-standardized rotation of other items, and (typically) one new cosmetic piece or similar. Priorities on purchasing are mostly just my opinion, so if you feel strongly about something feel free to take it to the Discussion page. Don't be afraid to deviate from recommendations to pick up an item you think looks neat, there is always next month.

March 2025's offerings really suck, especially compared to February. Buy some lockstyle pieces, Savory Shanks, or hoard Crests/Seals.

Remember, you may carry over 1500 Login Points to the next month. Any points exceeding this number are lost. If you are attempting to optimize spending, keep this value in mind as next month's rewards may have items which are of greater interest to you than the current month.

March 2025 Login Rewards
Item Name Usage Priority
10 points
Beastmen's Seal
Kindred's Seal
Kindred's Crest
High Kindred's Crest
S. Kindred Crest
Seals are used primarily for entering Orb Battlefields. Beastmen's Seals particularly are used to enter the Up in Arms battlefield, which has a miniscule chance of dropping the famous and expensive Kraken Club. If you are below level 99, seals may be valuable for your Genkai quests. If you are 99+, S. Kindred Crests be used to farm Rem's Tale 1-5 for Job-Specific Equipment upgrades. Medium/High
10 points
Cordial Invite
Martial Ball Invite
Tr. Grounds Key
M. Camp Entry
Pest Repellent
Athena Orb
These items are used to enter themed instances battlefields. There is zero tangible reward for clearing these fights, only a title awarded for each. Low
10 points
Cracked Nut
Pungent Powder
Pungent Powder II
Provide temporary costume effects. You can look like a Colibri or baby beast for a bit. Low
10 points
Seasoning Stone
Fossilized Fang
Fossilized Bone
Used to make the level 95 Genkai quest Beyond Infinity substantially easier. They are relatively common drops from mobs you may be exping off of anyways. Only buy for convenience if you didn't get enough for 1-3 Olde Rarab Tails. Low
10 points
Glinting Shield
Shields whose only purpose are for lockstyle. Unlike many other lockstyle pieces offered in Login rewards, there is no +1 version of these to be made via Synergy. Low
10 points
Bonanza Ball
Level 1 All Jobs Throwing weapon. Situationally useful for pulling a target from a dangerous location to a safe one if you don't have better tools such as Magic. Bots love this! Low
100 points
Kupon I-S1
Eudaemon Blade
Eudaemon Cape
Eudaemon Shield
Eudaemon Ring
Eudaemon Sash
Items used to create entry key items for Skirmish. These are fairly easy to farm, relatively cheap and plentiful on the Auction House (may vary on server), and not in very high demand. There are better uses for your points. Low
100 points
Drill Calamary
Dwarf Pugil
Used to catch high level fish. If you are on a mission to catch every fish or skill up fishing to 110, then buying a few of these is much easier than their regular acquisition from Inside the Belly. Low
100 points
Astral Cube
An invisible chair you can use to sit awkwardly in the air with /sitchair 10. Low
100 points
Far East Hearth
When placed in your Mog House, provides Moghancement: Skill Gains. This month's campaigns includes Combat and Magic Skill Increase Campaign, slightly devaluing the use of this item. Low
100 points
Cherry Tree
A cute spring-themed tree for your Mog House viewing pleasure. See how many you can fit in one 8x8 space! Low
100 points
Rounsey Wand
Weekly teleport item which takes you to the Chocobo Circuit. The teleport itself isn't very useful, but an All Jobs 1 Damage Club is super helpful for Abyssea Procs. Low
100 points
Pungent Powder III
Turns you into baby HNM Kings. Nothing else to say. Low
300 points
Rarab Cap
Morbol Cap
Sheep Cap
Diamond Buckler
Various lockstyle pieces. No serious functional use but Tarutaru will almost certainly buy at least one of these hats. Low
300 points
Arciela Statue
Lion Statue
Prishe Statue II
Iroha Statue
Lilisette Statue
Aphmau Statue
Cosmetic items for your Mog House. If you have an affinity for these characters it may be nice to display their figures in your home. Their storage bonus and Moghancement effects are minimal. Low
300 points
Another All Jobs 1 Damage weapon great for Abyssea Procs but just a lockstyle piece otherwise. Given the relative difficulty of obtaining an All Jobs 1 Damage Great Katana, players may want to pick this up now even if they aren't quite to Abyssea yet. Medium/High
300 points
Mandragora Pot
Gardening is effectively dead in 2025, except the occasional month in which it's a requirement for Deeds of Heroism. But hey, if you are going to plant a seed, it may as well be in a cute pot. Low
300 points
Various mounts. As all mounts have the exact same movement speed, these are simply cosmetic changes. Low practical priority but high aesthetic priority. Low
300 points
Esoteric Athame
Another All Jobs 1 Damage weapon great for Abyssea Procs but just a lockstyle piece otherwise. Low
500 points
Sheet of Fishing Tunes
An Orchestrion scroll to play the incredible Selbina and less incredible Mhaura themes in your Mog House. Collectors may enjoy this; everyone else has YouTube. Low
750 points
Kitchen Brick
Kitchen Stove
Kitchen Plate
Used to synergize Galley Kitchen, which provides occasional, random food in your Mog House. Most of the known food does not see regular use. It's neat to look at I guess. Low
750 points
Honey Wine
Blue Pondweed
Beastly Shank
Force spawn items for NQ HNM Kings of yore Fafnir, Behemoth, and Adamantoise. None of their drops have any viable use in endgame. Unless you want their title or a nostalgia trip, this is a huge waste of points. Low
750 points
Job Cards
Used in the Reforged Artifact Armor +2 and beyond process. The minimum number of cards needed to upgrade a single piece is six. One character can buy maximum five in a month. While this is the first time Job Cards have been offered in a Login Rewards campaign, it's a huge trap to spend 750 points per card. For reference, players should expect to get about three cards per Omen run, or seven to ten during Omen Job Card Campaigns. Low
1000 points
Patio Design Plans
Changes the look of your Mog House second floor. Have you ever even been to your second floor? Did you even know you could have one? Low
1000 points
Facility Ring
Caliber Ring
The former increases Capacity Points gained while the latter only increases Experience Points. I can't recommend either at the price, but some new players may find the extra exp valuable if they want to level quickly. If you are already stacking Emperor Band and Echad Ring, you may not need another source of bonus experience points. Low
1000 points
Various Unity Concord Items from 119 and 122 [Unity Notorious Monsters]
1000 points per item. 50 items needed to upgrade one NQ Unity Rewards item to HQ. You do the math. It's a scam. The majority of these items sell on the Auction House for roughly 20k gil. Skip. Low
1500 points
Sweet Tea
Red Pondweed
Savory Shank
Force spawn items for HQ HNM Kings of yore. Only King Behemoth's Savory Shank has any real value in purchasing, as Defending Ring is still a fantastic item even in endgame. Any player who is level ~80+ should be able to solo this with trusts. Even if you don't need/want Defending Ring, a Savory Shank can sell to other players via Bazaar for several hundred thousand gil. High