Category:Trial of the Magians Job Emotes

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Note: As of the February 2015 Version Update, completion of trials is no longer required to access job emotes - the job simply needs to be unlocked and available to the player to access its emote.

  • The entry to use a job emote is "/jobemote XXX" where XXX is the 3 letter abbreviation for the emote you wish to use. Job emotes cannot be performed "silently" (i.e. the "motion" command does not function with job emotes).
  • See Job Emote for usage details.


  • The requirement for starting these trials is to have that job at or beyond level 30. You do not need to be currently on the job in order to receive the trial.
  • Begin the trial by speaking with the Magian Moogle (Green) in Ru'Lude Gardens at (H-5).
  • The torque will be automatically inscribed with the associated trial upon receipt.
  • Once the upgrade item is obtained, trade the upgrade item with the torque to the Delivery Crate. Then trade the torque back to the Magian Moogle (Green). The torque will then receive an augment with job-related stats.
  • If needed, see the Discussion page for a step-by-step explanation of the process.

Item upgrades

Job Base Trial Number Upgrade Item Reward
Warrior Fighter's Torque 4424 Shaman Garlic Fighter's Torque AugRank.png (Accuracy+3, Attack+3)
Monk Temple Torque 4425 Dhalmel Saliva Temple Torque AugRank.png (Accuracy+3, "Subtle Blow"+2)
White Mage Healer's Torque 4426 Ctdl. Tapestry Healer's Torque AugRank.png (Cure Potency+1%)
Black Mage Wizard's Torque 4427 Magicked Skull Wizard's Torque AugRank.png (INT+1, "Magic Atk. Bonus"+1)
Red Mage Warlock's Torque 4428 Bloody Robe Warlock's Torque AugRank.png (MND+1, Mag. Acc.+1)
Thief Rogue's Torque 4429 Yuhtunga Sulfur Rogue's Torque AugRank.png (Accuracy+3, Evasion+3)
Paladin Gallant Torque 4430 Sunsand Gallant Torque AugRank.png (HP+18)
Dark Knight Chaos Torque 4431 Odd Postcard Chaos Torque AugRank.png (STR+3, Attack+3)
Beastmaster Beast Torque 4432 Wild Rabbit Tail Beast Torque AugRank.png (STR+3, Pet: Attack+3, Ranged Attack+3)
Bard Choral Torque 4433 Siren's Tear Choral Torque AugRank.png (Singing Skill+1)
Ranger Hunter's Torque 4434 Seedspall Astrum Hunter's Torque AugRank.png (AGI+3, MND+3)
Samurai Myochin Shusa 4435 Crab Apron Myochin Shusa AugRank.png (Attack+3, "Store TP"+1)
Ninja Ninja Shusa 4436 Eastern Paper Ninja Shusa AugRank.png (DEX+3, Accuracy+3)
Dragoon Drachen Torque 4437 Damselfly Worm Drachen Torque AugRank.png (STR+3, VIT+3)
Summoner Evoker's Torque 4438 Damp Envelope Evoker's Torque AugRank.png (MP+15)
Blue Mage Magus Torque 4439 2Leaf Mandra Bud Magus Torque AugRank.png (MP+10, Magic Accuracy+1)
Corsair Corsair's Torque 4440 Counterfeit Gil Corsair's Torque AugRank.png (Ranged Accuracy+3, Ranged Attack+3)
Puppetmaster Puppetry Torque 4441 Nyumomo Doll Puppetry Torque AugRank.png (DEX+3, Pet: Accuracy+3, Ranged Accuracy+3)
Dancer Dancer's Torque 4442 Torn Epistle Dancer's Torque AugRank.png (DEX+3, CHR+3)
Scholar Scholar's Torque 4443 Castle Floor Plans Scholar's Torque AugRank.png (Magic Accuracy+1, "Magic Atk. Bonus"+1)


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