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![]() The Voracious Resurgence |
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Prime Weapons • Ultimate Weapons • Ultimate Augments • Abjurations iL119 • JSE Necks • Divergence Augments • Escutcheons | |
Reforged Armor Artifact: +1 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 Relic: +1/+2 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 Empyrean: +1/+2 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 |
Guides • Crafting • Trusts • Apex Monsters |
Category:Dynamis - Divergence
Entry Requirements
- Level 95 or higher.
- Have completed the mission A Rhapsody for the Ages.
- Be in possession of the permanent Key Item Dynamis - Tavnazia sliver.
- Obtained by defeating at least one of the Dynamis - Tavnazia bosses:
Diabolos Heart, Diamond, Spade, or Club.
- Obtained by defeating at least one of the Dynamis - Tavnazia bosses:
- Purchase the permanent Key Item Empty hourglass from the goblin Aurix via the ??? in Ru'Lude Gardens (G-8) (near the AH) by trading a single
100 Byne Bill,
M. Silverpiece, or
L. Jadeshell to the ???.
- This only needs to be done once.
- A player may enter once every 60 hours (Earth Time). The 60 hour lockout begins the minute the player is entered into Dynamis-Divergence when the Key Item Empty hourglass is exhausted.
- Aurix is able to tell when the player may reenter again when selecting to "Ask about time limits with Dynamis (D)" when talking to him.
- You may also check the exact time you are able to reenter by clicking the entrance to Dynamis-San d'Oria [D] at Southern San d'Oria K-10.
- To enter a zone, interact with the corresponding Enigmatic Footprints.
- Parties must be between 3 and 18 players.
- Every party member must have the Empty hourglass key item.
- There may not be more than 50 parties participating in Divergence at once.
- Trusts may be called in individual parties. It is possible to have up to 3 separate parties in Dynamis-Divergence with trusts.
- In a case like this with more than one alliance group in the zone, neither claim of monsters nor any loot is shared among any of the separate groups.
- Parties must be between 3 and 18 players.
Time Limit
- The initial time limit is 60 minutes (Earth time) and may be extended up to 120 minutes.
- Each statue killed provides a 1 minute time extension.
- The zone's mid-boss grants a 30 minute time extension when defeated and the zone's Mega Boss provides a 2nd 30 minute time extension when defeated minus the number of statues killed for each respective wave.
- The total amount of time extended per wave cannot exceed 30 minutes. The time extensions only apply to wave 1 and 2. Wave 3 does not have a time extension.
- Players may leave at any time before time expires by using the
Black Hourglass temporary item received upon zoning in.
- Currency may be traded, bazaared, or sold on the auction house (under misc 3.).
- Between 1 and 4 cards may drop per monster. With the corresponding weekly zone bonus, the maximum increases to 5.
- Treasure Hunter affects this drop rate.
- Cards may also be stolen from enemies using the Thief job ability, Steal.
- Shard and Void items required for reforging relic armor 119 to the +2/3 variants have a rare chance of dropping from a monster of the associated job.
- However, Aurix will allow you to exchange beastman and kindred medals for them.
Aurix Currency Exchange 100 Rusted I. Card →
1 Beastmen's Medal 100 Black. I. Card →
1 Kindred's Medal 100 Old I. Card →
1 Demon's Medal
Beastmen's Medal Exchange
Requirement: Enter the Dynamis - Divergence zone once.
Shard redemption is limited to only Jobs you have entered the zone on.Dynamis - San d'Oria Dynamis - Bastok Dynamis - Windurst Dynamis - Jeuno All Zones Cleared 3 → Footshard 3 → Handshard 3 → Headshard 3 → Legshard 3 → Torsoshard 1 → Moldy Nodowa 1 → Moldy Necklace 1 → Moldy Torque 1 → Moldy Charm 1 → Moldy Stole 1 → Moldy Gorget 1 → Moldy Collar 1 → Relic Adaman 1 → Relic Adaman 1 → Relic Adaman 1 → Relic Adaman
Kindred's Medal Exchange
Requirement: Defeat the Dynamis - Divergence zone Wave 1 boss.
Voidpiece redemption is limited to only Jobs you have defeated the boss on.Dynamis - San d'Oria Dynamis - Bastok Dynamis - Windurst Dynamis - Jeuno All Zones Cleared 3 → Voidfoot 3 → Voidhand 3 → Voidhead 3 → Voidleg 3 → Voidtorso 1 → Seedstone Crystal 1 → Ruby Crystal 1 → Iolite Crystal 1 → Topaz Crystal 1 → Pyrope Crystal 1 → Sapphire Crystal 1 → Malachite Crystal 1 → Alexandrite Crystal 1 → Diamond Crystal 1 → Peridot Crystal 1 → Rutile Crystal 1 → Jadeite Crystal 1 → Andalusite Crystal 1 → Obsidian Crystal 1 → Lapis Lazuli Crystal 1 → Sardonyx Crystal 1 → Moonstone Crystal 1 → Amber Crystal 1 → Emerald Crystal 1 → Sunstone Crystal 1 → Ratnaraj 1 → Tanzanite Crystal 1 → Ratnaraj 1 → Apatite Crystal 1 → Ratnaraj 1 → Ratnaraj Demon's Medal Exchange
Requirement: Defeat the Dynamis - Divergence zone Wave 2 boss. Dynamis - San d'Oria Dynamis - Bastok Dynamis - Windurst Dynamis - Jeuno 1 → Moldy Sword 1 → Moldy Great Axe 1 → Moldy Sword 1 → Moldy Weapon 1 → Moldy Club 1 → Moldy Weapon 1 → Moldy Club 1 → Moldy Dagger 1 → Moldy Polearm 1 → Moldy Dagger 1 → Moldy Staff 1 → Moldy Axe 1 → Moldy Staff 1 → Moldy Scythe 1 → Moldy Crossbow 1 → Moldy Greatsword 1 → Moldy Katana 1 → Moldy Bolt 1 → Moldy Great Katana
- Aurix will only begin dealing with +2 and +3 Relic 119 upgrades, as well as synthesis materials, after you have visited Dynamis - Divergence at least once.
- To upgrade Relic +2, you must simply visit the corresponding armor zone with the job you wish to unlock upgrading of the specific piece of armor for.
- Body upgrades +2 requires visiting all four zones with the job.
- To upgrade Relic +3, you must defeat the corresponding zone's mid-boss (statue) with the job you wish to unlock upgrading of the specific piece of armor for.
- Alternatively, as of the November 2021 Version Update, players can defeat 100 squadron enemies to unlock the ability to upgrade that area's Relic +3 slot on the job that the player defeated the enemies on. This is an alternate method to earn Relic +3 armor instead of defeating the Mid-Bosses in each zone.
- Body upgrades +3 requires defeating all four zones mid-bosses with the job.
- There exists party/alliance hate. When a party member stands too close to the puller, that member is also on the hate-list.
- Monsters aggro do not have any delay after killing their intended target and will immediately target the next person on the hate list even if that person generated no enmity directly. It is important to keep your distance from allies if unintended aggro occurs.
- Enemies are either true sight or true sound based on their typical family aggression.
- Orcs, Yagudos and Goblins are true sight, but do not aggro by sound while Quadavs and Volte mobs are true sound, but do not aggro by sight.
- Any summoned pets (SMN, DRG, or BST) will immediately disappear once their master is defeated.
- Monster Levels:
- Wave1 - Fodder mobs: 127, Leaders: 129, Boss: 132
- Wave2 - Fodder mobs: 134, Leaders: 137, Boss: 139
- Wave3 - Fodder mobs: 142, Leaders: 146, Boss: 149
Weekly Zone Bonus
- Once per week (Earth Time) a specific zone will see a drop rate bonus to each wave's respective currency, both cards and medals.
- This also means medals may very rarely drop from normal monsters in either wave, but the rate seems to be comparable to a
proc and drop in the old Dynamis.
- The bonus resets after the Conquest Tally on Sundays (JP Midnight)
- Speak with Aurix in Ru'Lude Gardens to find out which zone currently has the bonus.
- When attempting to enter a bonus zone, you will receive a system message about treasure caskets being active.
- The Zone Bonus rotation order is: Bastok >> Windurst >> Jeuno >> San d'Oria >> Bastok, etc.
- This also means medals may very rarely drop from normal monsters in either wave, but the rate seems to be comparable to a
Monthly Adventurer Campaigns
There are two type of campaigns that may run any given month.
Statue Crusher Campaign
- When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, all players in the instance receive extra loot when any type of statue is defeated.
- 1st Wave: A Rusted Identification Card appears in every player's individual pool, 100% of the time.
- 2nd Wave: A Blackened Identification Card appears in every player's individual pool, 100% of the time.
- 3rd Wave: This campaign does not offer any benefit during Wave 3.
Statue Crusher Campaign - PLUS!
- When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, all players in the instance receive extra loot when any type of statue is defeated.
- 1st Wave: Every player receives ONE of the following: Rusted Identification Card, Beastmen's Medal, a Torsoshard, or a Footshard/Handshard/Headshard/Legshard in their inventory.
- All shard drops depend on the zone you are in (Bodies are all zones), and you only obtain shards for the current job you are playing.
- 2nd Wave: Every player receives ONE of the following: Blackened Identification Card, Kindred's Medal, a Voidtorso, or a Voidfoot/Voidhand/Voidhead/Voidleg in their inventory.
- All shard drops depend on the zone you are in (Bodies are all zones), and you only obtain shards for the current job you are playing.
- 3rd Wave: This campaign does not offer any benefit during Wave 3.
- 1st Wave: Every player receives ONE of the following: Rusted Identification Card, Beastmen's Medal, a Torsoshard, or a Footshard/Handshard/Headshard/Legshard in their inventory.
- All Notorious Monsters in Divergence have a -75% resistance to all Geomancy effects.
- All statues are
true sight and link with each other, but may be deaggroed by running far enough away while all other monsters will not deaggro, likely tracking by scent.
- Each statue has a fixed spawn number which may vary between as low as 1 and up to as many as 6.
- Note: If a statue is one shotted (commonly from a well geared Corsair via Leaden Salute), this will cause it to die with no adds being able to spawn from it. This is a good way to cut down on time if you are trying to get to Wave 3 as fast as possible.
- Statues have different color eyes and, as of the November 2019 Update[3], differing nameplate icons which determine the following effects of both the statue and spawned monsters:
Divergence Statues Zone Icon & Eyes Statue and Monsters
San d'OriaBlue
+25% magical damage.
-75%physical damage.
+25% physical damage.
-75%magical damage.
Spawns higher level Orc NMs.
These NMs will have access to Orcish Counterstance.
Orcish Counterstance:Grants a potent Counter effect against melee attacks.
+30% /
based physical/magical attacks and spells
based physical/magical attacks and spells
+30% /
based physical/magical attacks and spells
based physical/magical attacks and spells
Spawns higher level Quadav NMs. These NMs will have access to Wrath of Gu'Dha.
Wrath of Gu'Dha:AoE move which inflicts knockback and a super gravity effect on players. Absorbable by shadows.
Reduced damage taken (-50%) from all melee damage types. Green
Reduced damage taken (-33.3%) from ranged and
magic damage types.
Spawns higher level Yagudo NMs. These NMs will have access to Doom.
Doom:Inflicts a 10-second doom on a single target. This effect may be resisted.
+50% damage taken.
AoEs will deal -99% damage to secondary targets.Green
+20% damage taken.
Resist the effects of all Enfeebling Magic including Sleep and Lullaby.Red
Spawns higher level Goblin NMs. These NMs will have access to Goblin Dice.
Goblin Dice: Varies between 12 different results based on the roll.
All players nearby will have theirabilities restored on a roll of a 2.
Remaining dice values vary from AoE physical or magical damage, various enfeebles, dispel, TP reset, or completely restoring the NM's HP.
All ZonesColorless NOTE: Lacks any nameplate icon. - Takes the place of any random statue in the zone. Only one may be up in the zone at a time.
- When aggroed, the Goblin NM Aurix will spawn in addition to that statue's normal spawns.
- When this statue is defeated, another random remaining statue is picked to become the new colorless in which "Aurix" will spawn from again.
- This process stops after "Aurix" is defeated. There is one "Aurix" per wave.
- If Aurix is not damaged and left alone, he will run away over time. It seems to be 2-3 minutes before he runs away.
- If Aurix runs away and respawns from another colorless statue, he will have his previous HP remaining from the last despawn.
- After the zone mid-boss is defeated, all previous enemies and statues in the zone will despawn.
- New statues will appear in their place, which will spawn stronger enemies and NMs of a different title.
- These enemies will be the same job variants as the ones before them.
- These are significantly stronger than their normal counterparts with higher defense, attack, and HP.
- New statues will appear in their place, which will spawn stronger enemies and NMs of a different title.
- After the zone mega boss is defeated, all previous enemies and statues in the zone will despawn.
- New stationary Elemental "Circle" Fetters will appear in their place, which are guarded by several "Volte" Hydra Corp fomor mobs. Engaging/acting upon the circle will spawn a "Disjoined ???" mob in place.
- In addition, "Aurix" may spawn from a circle in a similar fashion to the colorless eye statues of the prior waves.
- These enemies will be the same job variants as the ones before them but have access to all weapon skills of the weapon type they have equipped in addition to their respective job combination 1 hr abilities.
- These are significantly stronger than the "wave" 2 monsters with higher defense, evasion, attack, and HP.
- Unique to wave 3, there is always 1 Hydra Corps Fomor that is significantly stronger than the other 3 that are alongside it. Generally, each group are in sets of 4. The "Leader" of the pack is signified by carrying a blue colored "DREAM" weapon associated with its job. These "Leaders" have substantially higher attack, defense, evasion and HP than the normal "Volte" mobs.
In-depth guide
Dynamis - San d'Oria [D]
Entrance: Southern San d'Oria (K-10) (HP #2) Reforge Items: Footshard and Voidfoot Mid-Boss: Overseer's Tombstone
(Near Northern San d'Oria)Mega Boss: Halphas
(Mog House)Disjoined Boss: Disjoined Elvaan
(Near zone to Northern San d'Oria)Footshards
Warrior- Squadron Skullcrusher
- Ravager Leader
Monk- Squadron Pugilist
- Mendicant Leader
White Mage- Squadron Medic
- Priest Leader
Black Mage- Squadron Evoker
- Warlock Leader
Red Mage- Squadron Enchanter
- Invoker Leader
Thief- Squadron Fleetfoot
- Cutpurse Leader
Paladin- Squadron Knight
- Stalwart Leader
Dark Knight- Squadron Skullcrusher
- Ravager Leader
Beastmaster- Squadron Tamer
- Hunter Leader
Bard- Squadron Troubador
- Minstrel Leader
Ranger- Squadron Tamer
- Hunter Leader
Samurai- Squadron Troubador
- Minstrel Leader
Ninja- Squadron Shinobi
- Kagemusha Leader
Dragoon- Squadron Knight
- Stalwart Leader
Summoner- Squadron Medic
- Priest Leader
Blue Mage- Squadron Shinobi
- Kagemusha Leader
Corsair- Squadron Pirate
- Canoneer Leader
Puppetmaster- Squadron Pugilist
- Mendicant Leader
Dancer- Squadron Fleetfoot
- Cutpurse Leader
Scholar- Squadron Pirate
- Canoneer Leader
Geomancer- Squadron Evoker
- Warlock Leader
Rune Fencer- Squadron Enchanter
- Invoker Leader
Void Footwear
Warrior- Regiment Skullcrusher
- Ravager Commander
Monk- Regiment Pugilist
- Mendicant Commander
White Mage- Regiment Medic
- Priest Commander
Black Mage- Regiment Evoker
- Warlock Commander
Red Mage- Regiment Enchanter
- Invoker Commander
Thief- Regiment Fleetfoot
- Cutpurse Commander
Paladin- Regiment Knight
- Stalwart Commander
Dark Knight- Regiment Skullcrusher
- Ravager Commander
Beastmaster- Regiment Tamer
- Hunter Commander
Bard- Regiment Troubador
- Minstrel Commander
Ranger- Regiment Tamer
- Hunter Commander
Samurai- Regiment Troubador
- Minstrel Commander
Ninja- Regiment Shinobi
- Kagemusha Commander
Dragoon- Regiment Knight
- Stalwart Commander
Summoner- Regiment Medic
- Priest Commander
Blue Mage- Regiment Shinobi
- Kagemusha Commander
Corsair- Regiment Pirate
- Canoneer Commander
Puppetmaster- Regiment Pugilist
- Mendicant Commander
Dancer- Regiment Fleetfoot
- Cutpurse Commander
Scholar- Regiment Pirate
- Canoneer Commander
Geomancer- Regiment Evoker
- Warlock Commander
Rune Fencer- Regiment Enchanter
- Invoker Commander
Dynamis - Bastok [D]
Entrance: Bastok Mines (I-9) (HP #1) Reforge Items: Handshard and Voidhand Mid-Boss: Mu'Sha Effigy
(Near Bastok Markets)Mega Boss: Ka'Rho Fearsinger
(Mog House)Disjoined Boss: Disjoined Galka
(Near Zone to South Gustaberg)Handshards
Warrior- Squadron Weaponmaster
- Fighter Leader
Monk- Squadron Combatant
- Combatant Leader
White Mage- Squadron Mender
- Healer Leader
Black Mage- Squadron Magister
- Magus Leader
Red Mage- Squadron Magician
- Magician Leader
Thief- Squadron Trickster
- Pickpocket Leader
Paladin- Squadron Cavalier
- Chevalier Leader
Dark Knight- Squadron Weaponmaster
- Fighter Leader
Beastmaster- Squadron Harnesser
- Harnesser Leader
Bard- Squadron Balladeer
- Joculator Leader
Ranger- Squadron Harnesser
- Harnesser Leader
Samurai- Squadron Balladeer
- Joculator Leader
Ninja- Squadron Shadowstalker
- Shadowstalker Leader
Dragoon- Squadron Cavalier
- Chevalier Leader
Summoner- Squadron Mender
- Healer Leader
Blue Mage- Squadron Shadowstalker
- Shadowstalker Leader
Corsair- Squadron Scallywag
- Scallywag Leader
Puppetmaster- Squadron Combatant
- Combatant Leader
Dancer- Squadron Trickster
- Pickpocket Leader
Scholar- Squadron Scallywag
- Scallywag Leader
Geomancer- Squadron Magister
- Magus Leader
Rune Fencer- Squadron Magician
- Magician Leader
Warrior- Regiment Weaponmaster
- Fighter Commander
Monk- Regiment Combatant
- Combatant Commander
White Mage- Regiment Mender
- Healer Commander
Black Mage- Regiment Magister
- Magus Commander
Red Mage- Regiment Magician
- Magician Commander
Thief- Regiment Trickster
- Trickster Commander
Paladin- Regiment Cavalier
- Chevalier Commander
Dark Knight- Regiment Weaponmaster
- Fighter Commander
Beastmaster- Regiment Harnesser
- Harnesser Commander
Bard- Regiment Balladeer
- Balladeer Commander
Ranger- Regiment Harnesser
- Harnesser Commander
Samurai- Regiment Balladeer
- Balladeer Commander
Ninja- Regiment Shadowstalker
- Shadowstalker Commander
Dragoon- Regiment Cavalier
- Chevalier Commander
Summoner- Regiment Mender
- Healer Commander
Blue Mage- Regiment Shadowstalker
- Shadowstalker Commander
Corsair- Regiment Scallywag
- Scallywag Commander
Puppetmaster- Regiment Combatant
- Combatant Commander
Dancer- Regiment Trickster
- Trickster Commander
Scholar- Regiment Scallywag
- Scallywag Commander
Geomancer- Regiment Magister
- Magus Commander
Rune Fencer- Regiment Magician
- Magician Commander
Notorious Monster Statue Locations
Red Eyed Statue Locations Pre Mid-Boss WAR
DRKChocobo Stables
RNGAlchemy Guild (Upper)
BLUAlchemy Guild (Lower)
SAMDepot (Up Ramp)
SCHZeruhn Mines
DRGMog House
(K-8)Post Mid-Boss WAR
DRKStore Yard
PUPZeruhn Mines
SMNDepot (Up Ramp)
GEOAuction House (Left)
RUNAuction House (Center)
DNCAuction House (Right)
DRGGustaberg Gate (Right)
RNGGustaberg Gate (Left)
SAMAlchemy Guild (Upper)
BLUAlchemy Guild (Lower)
SCHAlchemy Guild (Door)
(K-6/7)Dynamis - Windurst [D]
Entrance: Windurst Walls (H-7) (HP #1) Reforge Items: Headshard and Voidhead Mid-Boss: Envincing Idol
(Near Windurst Waters)Mega Boss: Fii Pexu the Eternal
(Mog House)Disjoined Boss: Disjoined Tarutaru
(Near Heaven's Tower)Headshards
Warrior- Squadron Hoplite
- Hoplite Leader
Monk- Squadron Ascetic
- Ascetic Leader
White Mage- Squadron Orisha
- Orisha Leader
Black Mage- Squadron Magian
- Magian Leader
Red Mage- Squadron Prognosticator
- Prognosticator Leader
Thief- Squadron Ruffian
- Ruffian Leader
Paladin- Squadron Champion
- Champion Leader
Dark Knight- Squadron Hoplite
- Hoplite Leader
Beastmaster- Squadron Empath
- Empath Leader
Bard- Squadron Minnesinger
- Minnesinger Leader
Ranger- Squadron Empath
- Empath Leader
Samurai- Squadron Minnesinger
- Minnesinger Leader
Ninja- Squadron Spy
- Spy Leader
Dragoon- Squadron Champion
- Champion Leader
Summoner- Squadron Orisha
- Orisha Leader
Blue Mage- Squadron Spy
- Spy Leader
Corsair- Squadron Privateer
- Privateer Leader
Puppetmaster- Squadron Ascetic
- Ascetic Leader
Dancer- Squadron Ruffian
- Ruffian Leader
Scholar- Squadron Privateer
- Privateer Leader
Geomancer- Squadron Magian
- Magian Leader
Rune Fencer- Squadron Prognosticator
- Prognosticator Leader
Warrior- Regiment Hoplite
- Hoplite Commander
Monk- Regiment Ascetic
- Ascetic Commander
White Mage- Regiment Orisha
- Orisha Commander
Black Mage- Regiment Magian
- Magian Commander
Red Mage- Regiment Prognosticator
- Prognosticator Commander
Thief- Regiment Ruffian
- Ruffian Commander
Paladin- Regiment Champion
- Champion Commander
Dark Knight- Regiment Hoplite
- Hoplite Commander
Beastmaster- Regiment Empath
- Empath Commander
Bard- Regiment Minnesinger
- Minnesinger Commander
Ranger- Regiment Empath
- Empath Commander
Samurai- Regiment Minnesinger
- Minnesinger Commander
Ninja- Regiment Spy
- Spy Commander
Dragoon- Regiment Champion
- Champion Commander
Summoner- Regiment Orisha
- Orisha Commander
Blue Mage- Regiment Spy
- Spy Commander
Corsair- Regiment Privateer
- Privateer Commander
Puppetmaster- Regiment Ascetic
- Ascetic Commander
Dancer- Regiment Ruffian
- Ruffian Commander
Scholar- Regiment Privateer
- Privateer Commander
Geomancer- Regiment Magian
- Magian Commander
Rune Fencer- Regiment Prognosticator
- Prognosticator Commander
Notorious Monster Statue Locations
Red Eyed Statue Locations Pre Mid-Boss WAR
SAMHouse of the Hero
RUNJeuno Consulate
SMNToraimarai Canal
BLUMog House Bridge
RNGKoru-Moru's Manor
SCHWindurst Woods Bridge
(J-13)Post Mid-Boss WAR
DRKYoran Oran Bridge
PUPHeaven's Tower (NW)
SMNHeaven's Tower (NE)
GEOHeaven's Tower (South)
RUNToraimarai Canal
DNCZonpa-Zippa Bridge
DRGKoru-Moru Bridge
RNGJeuno Consulate
SAMBefore Auction House
BLUWindurst Woods Bridge
SCHMog House Bridge
(F-13)Dynamis - Jeuno [D]
Entrance: Ru'Lude Gardens (F-9) (HP #3) Reforge Items: Legshard and Voidleg Mid-Boss: Impish Golem
(Palace Stairs)Mega Boss: Obstatrix
(Mog House)Disjoined Boss: Disjoined Mithra
(Near Zone to Upper Jeuno)Legshards
Warrior- Squadron Berserker
- Berserker Leader
Monk- Squadron Fistfighter
- Fistfighter Leader
White Mage- Squadron Vivifier
- Vivifier Leader
Black Mage- Squadron Arcanomancer
- Arcanomancer Leader
Red Mage- Squadron Defiler
- Defiler Leader
Thief- Squadron Vandal
- Vandal Leader
Paladin- Squadron Banneret
- Banneret Leader
Dark Knight- Squadron Berserker
- Berserker Leader
Beastmaster- Squadron Animist
- Animist Leader
Bard- Squadron Flautist
- Flautist Leader
Ranger- Squadron Animist
- Animist Leader
Samurai- Squadron Flautist
- Flautist Leader
Ninja- Squadron Operative
- Operative Leader
Dragoon- Squadron Banneret
- Banneret Leader
Summoner- Squadron Vivifier
- Vivifier Leader
Blue Mage- Squadron Operative
- Operative Leader
Corsair- Squadron Buccaneer
- Buccaneer Leader
Puppetmaster- Squadron Fistfighter
- Fistfighter Leader
Dancer- Squadron Vandal
- Vandal Leader
Scholar- Squadron Buccaneer
- Buccaneer Leader
Geomancer- Squadron Arcanomancer
- Arcanomancer Leader
Rune Fencer- Squadron Defiler
- Defiler Leader
Warrior- Regiment Berserker
- Berserker Commander
Monk- Regiment Fistfighter
- Fistfighter Commander
White Mage- Regiment Vivifier
- Vivifier Commander
Black Mage- Regiment Arcanomancer
- Arcanomancer Commander
Red Mage- Regiment Defiler
- Defiler Commander
Thief- Regiment Vandal
- Vandal Commander
Paladin- Regiment Banneret
- Banneret Commander
Dark Knight- Regiment Berserker
- Berserker Commander
Beastmaster- Regiment Animist
- Animist Commander
Bard- Regiment Flautist
- Flautist Commander
Ranger- Regiment Animist
- Animist Commander
Samurai- Regiment Flautist
- Flautist Commander
Ninja- Regiment Operative
- Operative Commander
Dragoon- Regiment Banneret
- Banneret Commander
Summoner- Regiment Vivifier
- Vivifier Commander
Blue Mage- Regiment Operative
- Operative Commander
Corsair- Regiment Buccaneer
- Buccaneer Commander
Puppetmaster- Regiment Fistfighter
- Fistfighter Commander
Dancer- Regiment Vandal
- Vandal Commander
Scholar- Regiment Buccaneer
- Buccaneer Commander
Geomancer- Regiment Arcanomancer
- Arcanomancer Commander
Rune Fencer- Regiment Defiler
- Defiler Commander
Notorious Monster Statue Locations
Red Eyed Statue Locations Pre Mid-Boss WAR
DRKAuction House
SMNUpper Jeuno entrance
RUNMog House
DRGPalace Balcony
SAMMagian Moogle area (West)
SCHMaat area (East)
(H-5)Post Mid-Boss WAR
DRKPalace lower level (West)
PUPPalace lower level (East)
SMNMagian Moogle area (West)
GEOMaat area (East)
RUNArch Duke's House (North)
DNCAuction House (Upstairs)
DRGAuction House (Downstairs)
RNGUpper Jeuno entrance
SAMBastokan Embassy (South)
BLUSan d'Orian Embassy (West)
SCHWindurstian Embassy (East)
(I-9)Torso, Shards and Voids
Torso items drop in all zones. Torso drops are a 100% drop from a red eye NM of the corresponding job. - However only one of the two torso items may drop per NM.
Torsos are a separate drop slot, and another shard or void item of that zone may also drop.
Warrior- Ravager Leader
- Fighter Leader
- Hoplite Leader
- Berserker Leader
Monk- Mendicant Leader
- Ascetic Leader
- Hoplite Leader
- Fistfighter Leader
White Mage- Priest Leader
- Healer Leader
- Orisha Leader
- Vivifier Leader
Black Mage- Warlock Leader
- Magus Leader
- Magian Leader
- Arcanomancer Leader
Red Mage- Invoker Leader
- Magician Leader
- Prognosticator Leader
- Defiler Leader
Thief- Cutpurse Leader
- Pickpocket Leader
- Ruffian Leader
- Vandal Leader
Paladin- Stalwart Leader
- Chevalier Leader
- Champion Leader
- Banneret Leader
Dark Knight- Ravager Leader
- Fighter Leader
- Hoplite Leader
- Berserker Leader
Beastmaster- Hunter Leader
- Harnesser Leader
- Empath Leader
- Animist Leader
Bard- Minstrel Leader
- Joculator Leader
- Minnesinger Leader
- Flautist Leader
Ranger- Hunter Leader
- Harnesser Leader
- Empath Leader
- Animist Leader
Samurai- Minstrel Leader
- Joculator Leader
- Minnesinger Leader
- Flautist Leader
Ninja- Kagemusha Leader
- Shadowstalker Leader
- Spy Leader
- Operative Leader
Dragoon- Stalwart Leader
- Chevalier Leader
- Champion Leader
- Banneret Leader
Summoner- Priest Leader
- Healer Leader
- Orisha Leader
- Vivifier Leader
Blue Mage- Kagemusha Leader
- Shadowstalker Leader
- Spy Leader
- Operative Leader
Corsair- Canoneer Leader
- Scallywag Leader
- Privateer Leader
- Buccaneer Leader
Puppetmaster- Mendicant Leader
- Ascetic Leader
- Hoplite Leader
- Fistfighter Leader
Dancer- Cutpurse Leader
- Pickpocket Leader
- Ruffian Leader
- Vandal Leader
Scholar- Canoneer Leader
- Scallywag Leader
- Privateer Leader
- Buccaneer Leader
Geomancer- Warlock Leader
- Magus Leader
- Magian Leader
- Arcanomancer Leader
Rune Fencer- Invoker Leader
- Magician Leader
- Prognosticator Leader
- Defiler Leader
Warrior- Ravager Commander
- Fighter Commander
- Hoplite Commander
- Berserker Commander
Monk- Mendicant Commander
- Ascetic Commander
- Hoplite Commander
- Fistfighter Commander
White Mage- Priest Commander
- Healer Commander
- Orisha Commander
- Vivifier Commander
Black Mage- Warlock Commander
- Magus Commander
- Magian Commander
- Arcanomancer Commander
Red Mage- Invoker Commander
- Magician Commander
- Prognosticator Commander
- Defiler Commander
Thief- Cutpurse Commander
- Pickpocket Commander
- Ruffian Commander
- Vandal Commander
Paladin- Stalwart Commander
- Chevalier Commander
- Champion Commander
- Banneret Commander
Dark Knight- Ravager Commander
- Fighter Commander
- Hoplite Commander
- Berserker Commander
Beastmaster- Hunter Commander
- Harnesser Commander
- Empath Commander
- Animist Commander
Bard- Minstrel Commander
- Joculator Commander
- Minnesinger Commander
- Flautist Commander
Ranger- Hunter Commander
- Harnesser Commander
- Empath Commander
- Animist Commander
Samurai- Minstrel Commander
- Joculator Commander
- Minnesinger Commander
- Flautist Commander
Ninja- Kagemusha Commander
- Shadowstalker Commander
- Spy Commander
- Operative Commander
Dragoon- Stalwart Commander
- Chevalier Commander
- Champion Commander
- Banneret Commander
Summoner- Priest Commander
- Healer Commander
- Orisha Commander
- Vivifier Commander
Blue Mage- Kagemusha Commander
- Shadowstalker Commander
- Spy Commander
- Operative Commander
Corsair- Canoneer Commander
- Scallywag Commander
- Privateer Commander
- Buccaneer Commander
Puppetmaster- Mendicant Commander
- Ascetic Commander
- Hoplite Commander
- Fistfighter Commander
Dancer- Cutpurse Commander
- Pickpocket Commander
- Ruffian Commander
- Vandal Commander
Scholar- Canoneer Commander
- Scallywag Commander
- Privateer Commander
- Buccaneer Commander
Geomancer- Warlock Commander
- Magus Commander
- Magian Commander
- Arcanomancer Commander
Rune Fencer- Invoker Commander
- Magician Commander
- Prognosticator Commander
- Defiler Commander
Reforged Relic Sets
Reforged Relic Armor Sets WAR MNK WHM BLM RDM THF PLD DRK BST BRD RNG SAM NIN DRG SMN BLU COR PUP DNC SCH GEO RUN Nav: Reforged Artifact / +1 / +2 / +3 ↔ Reforged Relic / +1 / +2 / +3 ↔ Reforged Empyrean / +1
This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total.
Pages in category "Dynamis - Divergence"
The following 41 pages are in this category, out of 41 total.