Category:Pulse Panoplia

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Pulse Panoplia are a category of weapons and body armor, initially introduced in Voidwatch, named for their visible pulsing aura and known for their extremely rare drop rate.
Pulse body armor have a constant pulsing glow, while the pulse animation effect of the weapons is only present while engaged with a target.

Each of these items also have a more easily acquired, pulseless equivalent; typically with reduced stats and missing the "unique stat" in the table below.
Item Level 119 variants do not have a lesser, nonpulse version that can be acquired more easily than the pulse version; however, the Kaja tier of the Ambuscade Weapons function in a similar way as previous Pulse Panoplia.

As of the March 2019 Update[1], fully upgraded Ambuscade Weapons join the ranks of the Pulse Panoplia. However, they are not identical in texture to their older pulse animation equivalents; being recolors with the same pulse animation effect. Ambuscade variants also grant access to Quest Weapon Skills while equipped regardless of skill level or unlocking quest completion; as well as a unique effect while the weapon is used in the main hand.

Voidwatch Armor

These items have an associated Pulse Cell, 5 of which may be traded to Ardrick in Jugner Forest (I-8) (behind the Outpost) in exchange for the associated pulse item; however, the associated Notorious Monster must have been defeated before Ardrick will accept the exchange. You must be the one to pop it in order for the NPC to accept the pulse. You know this if you get the title from the NM.
Pulse Cells may be purchased on the Auction House, bazaared, or traded.


Voidwatch Weapons

These items have an associated Pulse Cell, 5 of which may be traded to Ardrick in Jugner Forest (I-8) (behind the Outpost) in exchange for the associated pulse item; however, the associated Notorious Monster must have been defeated before Ardrick will accept the exchange.
Pulse Cells may be purchased on the Auction House, bazaared, or traded.
They may also be chosen as a possible reward from a Kupon W-Pulse.

NM Icon Pulse Panoplia Unique Stat(s) Item Level 119 Variant Ambuscade Variant
Pulse Panoplia NM Battle Content Pulse Panoplia Linked Weapon Skill Unique Stat(s)
Botulus Rex Asteria icon.png AsteriaAsteria description.png Critical Hit Rate +4% ---x---
Morta Aytanri icon.png AytanriAytanri description.png Attack occasionally varies with defense ---x--- DolichenusDolichenus description.png Decimation Increases weapon skill damage based on skillchain length.
Ig-Alima Borealis icon.png BorealisBorealis description.png Occasionally deals severe Weapon Skill Damage ---x--- NandakaNandaka description.png Ground Strike Weapon Skill: Weakens defense based on the number of downgrades to the target.
Qilin Coruscanti icon.png CoruscantiCoruscanti description.png Occasionally deals severe damage ---x--- TauretTauret description.png Evisceration Increases critical hit rate based with lower TP.
Bismarck Delphinius icon.png DelphiniusDelphinius description.png Jump additional effect: Stun Annealed LanceAnnealed Lance description.png Shockmaw Escha Zi'Tah Geas Fete Shining OneShining One description.png Impulse Drive Weapon Skill: Increases critical hit rate based on amount of TP consumed.
Aello Ephemeron icon.png EphemeronEphemeron description.png Additional Effect: TP Drain ---x--- NaeglingNaegling description.png Savage Blade Weapon Skill: Attack Bonus based on the number of upgrades.
Uptala Murasamemaru icon.png MurasamemaruMurasamemaru description.png Hidden Effect: Weapon Skills deal non-elemental damage ---x--- HachimonjiHachimonji description.png Tachi: Kasha "Auto-Attack": Converts Store TP to Multi-Strikes.

NonVoidwatch Weapons

These lack associated Pulse Cells, so can only be obtained by vanquishing the Notorious Monster that drops the weapon, or be chosen as a possible reward from a Kupon W-Pulse. * Note: These can also be obtained from the Special Dial on the Goblin Dial Box for 50 points.

NM Icon Pulse Panoplia Unique Stat(s) Item Level 119 Variant Ambuscade Variant
Pulse Panoplia NM Battle Content Pulse Panoplia Linked Weapon Skill Unique Stat(s)
Location - Dynamis - Xarcabard
Arch Dynamis Lord Sagasinger icon.png SagasingerSagasinger description.png Additional effect: Steals enhancement effect ---x---
Location - Legion
Paramount Gallu Girru icon.png GirruGirru description.png Occasionally deals severe Counter damage ChastisersChastisers description.png Urmahlullu Escha Zi'Tah Geas Fete KarambitKarambit description.png Asuran Fists "Auto-Attack": "Store TP"+50 gained when landing critical hits.
Paramount Botulus Ikarigiri icon.png IkarigiriIkarigiri description.png Additional effect: Reduces enemy TP ---x--- GokotaiGokotai description.png Blade: Ku Enhances "Regain" based on "Dual Wield" effect.
Location - Meeble Burrows
Samursk Adflictio icon.png AdflictioAdflictio description.png Latent effect: DMG:154
(Activated by draining user's HP on each swing when user has HP>100)
---x--- DrepanumDrepanum description.png Spiral Hell Skillchain bonus based on amount of MP consumed.
Silagilith Dukkha icon.png DukkhaDukkha description.png Enhances "Starlight" effect
Additional effect: Regen
---x--- MaxentiusMaxentius description.png Black Halo Increases magic burst damage based on skillchain length.
Dreyruk Gusterion icon.png GusterionGusterion description.png Additional effect: Blink ---x---
Grannus Himthige icon.png HimthigeHimthige description.png Occasionally prevents "weakened" status
Additonal effect: Regen
RouterRouter description.png Fleetstalker Escha Zi'Tah Geas Fete LycurgosLycurgos description.png Steel Cyclone TP Bonus based on current HP.
Svaha Tenkomaru icon.png TenkomaruTenkomaru description.png When in front of enemy: Occasionally attacks twice ---x---
Location - Ambuscade
---x--- Ullr icon.png ---x--- UllrUllr description.png Empyreal Arrow "Ranged Attack": Increases the ranged accuracy upper limit for attacks from a suitable distance by +4%
---x--- Xoanon icon.png ---x--- XoanonXoanon description.png Retribution Increases magic damage based on amount of TP consumed.