CatseyeXI/Fishing Guide

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Welcome to the CatsEyeXI Fishing Guide!

This guide will review some basics and provide a recommended path to work your way to 110.

General Information

CatsEyeXI uses the following rates, adjusted from retail.

Fishing Skillup Rate: 3.0x CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
Fishing Skillup Multiplier: 1.0x CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
Fishing may be skilled up to 110 regardless of any other craft progress.

Helpful Gear

Fisherman's (Fsh. Tunica icon.png Fsh. Tunica, Fsh. Gloves icon.png Fsh. Gloves, Fisherman's Hose icon.png Fisherman's Hose, Fisherman's Boots icon.png Fisherman's Boots) or Angler's (Angler's Tunica icon.png Angler's Tunica, Angler's Gloves icon.png Angler's Gloves, Angler's Hose icon.png Angler's Hose, Angler's Boots icon.png Angler's Boots) set should be your starting gear. Crafted or bought from other players.

Waders icon.png Waders can be obtained from Fishing Guild Points.

Fisherman's Apron icon.png Fisherman's Apron can be obtained from Fishing Guild Points.

Fisher's Torque icon.png Fisher's Torque can be obtained from golden Treasure Caskets in Outer Horutoto Ruins or through Domain Invasion for 15,000 beads.

Fishermn. Stall icon.png Fishermen's Stall can be obtained by purchasing an Fishermn. Emblem icon.png Fishermn. Emblem with Fishing Guild Points then trading it with the following items to a Synergy Furnace: Water Cluster icon.png Water Cluster x12, Beech Lumber icon.png Beech Lumber, Oak Lumber icon.png Oak Lumber x4, Grass Cloth icon.png Grass Cloth, and Fastwater F. Rod icon.png Fastwater F. Rod. This stall provides Mega Moglification: Fishing which gives a +5 bonus to your fishing skill.

Mariner's Equipment can be obtained through ventures, it will increase your daily fishing fatigue so it is advised to obtain this as soon as you can (boots then chest as a priority). More details on the gear can be found here.

Tlahtlamah Glasses icon.png Tlahtlamah Glasses can also be obtained through ventures.

Lu Shang's F. Rod icon.png Lu Shang's F. Rod can be obtained through The Rivalry/The Competition or brought from other players.


You can use the command !fatigue to view your current fatigue. More details on CatsEyeXI's fishing fatigue limits can be found here.

Guild Points

After obtaining Novice rank (Lvl. 28+) you will be able to acquire Fishing Guild Points. Most fish are not stocked (or restocked) in NPC shops so you will either need to rely on purchasing fish from other players or fishing them entirely yourself.


Zaldon is an NPC which allows players (Lvl. 30+) to trade fish for rewards. To gain access to trade Zaldon you will need to complete the following quests in order: The Sand Charm, The Gift, and The Real Gift. Once completed you will have access to the Inside the Belly quest. This is a requirement to obtain the legendary Ebisu Fishing Rod. Not all fish are currently implemented at Zaldon on CatsEyeXI.


Marceo is a custom CatsEyeXI NPC located in Norg at (H-9) which allows players (Lvl. 15+) to trade fish for rewards. More info on the fish you can trade and the rewards you receive can be found here.

Crooked Jones & Sinister Stash

Crooked Jones and the Sinister Stash are a custom CatsEyeXI NPCs located in Norg at (H-8) which allows players (Lvl. 20+) to provide a random selection of fish daily in exchanged for a custom currency, "doubloons".

More details and a list of rewards can be found here.

It is recommended once you hit 5000 total to buy the shovel as you will be able to do an extra daily treasure hunt for more rewards!

Fish Recommendations

The below recommendations assume you do not have a Lu Shang's F. Rod, if you do feel free to ignore rod suggestions as Lu works for everything. Some legendary fish will require it and also be able to break it, so level Woodworking to 70 to repair it yourself. Otherwise you will need complete The Immortal Lu Shang to repair it.

Fish Level Cap Rod Bait Location(s)
Crayfish icon.png Crayfish 7 Halcyon Rod icon.png Halcyon Rod Little Worm icon.png Little Worm West Ronfaure Knightwell (G-10)
Moat Carp icon.png Moat Carp 11 Halcyon Rod icon.png Halcyon Rod Insect Ball icon.png Insect Ball West Ronfaure Knightwell (G-10)
Quus icon.png Quus 19 Halcyon Rod icon.png Halcyon Rod Sabiki Rig icon.png Sabiki Rig Korroloka Tunnel pool (K-6)
Cheval Salmon icon.png Cheval Salmon 21 Halcyon Rod icon.png Halcyon Rod Fly Lure icon.png Fly Lure East Ronfaure river
Nebimonite icon.png Nebimonite 27 Halcyon Rod icon.png Halcyon Rod Shrimp Lure icon.png Shrimp Lure Sea Serpent Grotto pool (J-12)
Pipira icon.png Pipira 29 Halcyon Rod icon.png Halcyon Rod Minnow icon.png Minnow Windurst Waters
Ogre Eel icon.png Ogre Eel 35 Halcyon Rod icon.png Halcyon Rod Shrimp Lure icon.png Shrimp Lure South Gustaberg sea, East Sarutabaruta sea, West Sarutabaruta sea
Coral Butterfly icon.png Coral Butterfly 40 Halcyon Rod icon.png Halcyon Rod Worm Lure icon.png Worm Lure Kazham
Black Eel icon.png Black Eel 47 Halcyon Rod icon.png Halcyon Rod Trout Ball icon.png Trout Ball Zeruhn Mines (H-11)
Icefish icon.png Icefish 49 Halcyon Rod icon.png Halcyon Rod Sabiki Rig icon.png Sabiki Rig Beaucedine Glacier ponds (H-9)
Giant Donko icon.png Giant Donko 50 Comp. Fishing Rod icon.png Composite Fishing Rod Frog Lure icon.png Frog Lure Rabao / Eastern Altepa Desert oasis (F-9)
Elshimo Newt icon.png Elshimo Newt 60 Halcyon Rod icon.png Halcyon Rod Frog Lure icon.png Frog Lure Yhoator Jungle pool (E-9)
Crescent Fish icon.png Crescent Fish 69 Halcyon Rod icon.png Halcyon Rod Fly Lure icon.png Fly Lure East Sarutabaruta Lake Tepokalipuka (F/G-9)
Zebra Eel icon.png Zebra Eel 70 Comp. Fishing Rod icon.png Composite Fishing Rod Shrimp Lure icon.png Shrimp Lure Den of Rancor (E-9)
Bladefish icon.png Bladefish 71 Comp. Fishing Rod icon.png Composite Fishing Rod Meatball icon.png Meatball / Slice of Bluetail icon.png Slice of Bluetail South Gustaberg sea, East Sarutabaruta sea, West Sarutabaruta sea
Gavial Fish icon.png Gavial Fish 81 Comp. Fishing Rod icon.png Composite Fishing Rod Lizard Lure icon.png Lizard Lure / Meatball icon.png Meatball North Gustaberg Drachenfall (F-7/8) accessed through Dangruf Wadi
Bastore Bream icon.png Bastore Bream 86 Comp. Fishing Rod icon.png Composite Fishing Rod Shrimp Lure icon.png Shrimp Lure Port Windurst / Port Bastok
Mercanbaligi icon.png Mercanbaligi 86 Comp. Fishing Rod icon.png Composite Fishing Rod Shrimp Lure icon.png Shrimp Lure Nashmau
Ahtapot icon.png Ahtapot 90 Comp. Fishing Rod icon.png Composite Fishing Rod Shrimp Lure icon.png Shrimp Lure Nashmau
Emperor Fish icon.png Emperor Fish 91 Comp. Fishing Rod icon.png Composite Fishing Rod Peeled Crayfish icon.png Peeled Crayfish / Trout Ball icon.png Trout Ball Beaucedine Glacier ponds / Jugner Forest Lake Mechieume river mouth
Dil icon.png Dil 96 Halcyon Rod icon.png Halcyon Rod # / Hume Fishing Rod icon.png Hume Fishing Rod # Sliced Cod icon.png Sliced Cod Talacca Cove
Black Sole icon.png Black Sole 96 Comp. Fishing Rod icon.png Composite Fishing Rod # / Halcyon Rod icon.png Halcyon Rod # / Hume Fishing Rod icon.png Hume Fishing Rod # Sinking Minnow icon.png Sinking Minnow / Sliced Cod icon.png Sliced Cod Port Jeuno / Lower Jeuno / Qufim Island pond (H-7)
Armored Pisces icon.png Armored Pisces 108 Comp. Fishing Rod icon.png Composite Fishing Rod §# Frog Lure icon.png Frog Lure / Minnow icon.png Minnow Oldton Movalpolos
Gerrothorax icon.png Gerrothorax 110 May Break: Comp. Fishing Rod icon.png Composite Fishing Rod Meatball icon.png Meatball Pashhow Marshlands (S)
§: Fish may be too small    #: Line may snap

It is always best to prioritize fish you can both level and obtain venture points on. A list of venture fish can be found here.

Rank Tests

Every ten skill levels, you are required to prove to the guild that you "have what it takes" by catching (or buying) a Fishing item of the guild's choosing. This item can be turned in once you have reached an "8" in skill (8, 28, 48, etc.) or higher (up to the cap). Once you have the requisite skill, speak with the Guild Master, [Thubu Parohren]

Rank Item Level
Recruit Moat Carp 8-10
Initiate Cheval Salmon 18-20
Novice Giant Catfish 28-30
Apprentice Gugru Tuna 38-40
Journeyman Monke-Onke 48-50
Craftsman Bhefhel Marlin 58-60
Artisan Bladefish 68-70
Adept Three-eyed Fish 78-80
Veteran Gigant Squid 88-90
Expert Tiger Shark 98-100