CatsEyeXI Systems

From FFXI Wiki

CatsEye is home to various custom systems. In addition, some systems found in retail FFXI may be changed on this server to varying degrees. These changes and additions are detailed below.

If a system is not listed here (or on other CatsEyeXI pages such as Content or NPCs) then assume it is the same as retail. Also, keep in mind with any link you click that if the URL or title of the wiki page does not say "CatsEyeXI" in it, then you are looking at retail info, which may or may not be accurate to this server.

Just getting started? Check out the New Player Guide (ACE) or New Player Guide (Crystal Warrior)!

Aeonic Weapon Skill

Aeonic Weapons.jpg

Start NPC: Domain Officer (G-9) Upper Jeuno

  • Conquest Points, Imperial Standing, or Allied Notes
  • Corresponding Farmable Items from Dynamis (See the walkthrough).
  • 50,000 Domain Shards (a custom currency for CE) from Domain Invasion.


  • Speak with the Domain Officer, select Unlock Weaponskill and spend one category of either Conquest Points, Imperial Standing, or Allied Notes.
    • Accelerated CatsEye characters:
      • 300,000 for the first unlock.
      • 200,000 for subsequent unlocks.
    • Crystal Warriors and Wings-Era Warriors:
      • 100,000 for the first unlock.
      • 75,000 for subsequent unlocks.
  • With the trade complete, he will make another request for items that can be farmed in Dynamis.
  • Finally, you will need to earn 50,000 Domain Shards through CatsEye's Domain Invasion.
  • With your Domain Shards, return to the Domain Officer and select Unlock Weaponskill again. It will now be available for purchase.
Aeonic Item Requests
Weapon Skill Weapon Type Items Required
Shijin Spiral Hand-to-Hand Lancewood Log icon.png Lancewood Logx10 Infinity Core icon.png Infinity Corex10
Exenterator Dagger Slime Juice icon.png Slime Juicex10 Infinity Core icon.png Infinity Corex10
Requiescat Sword Colossal Skull icon.png Colossal Skullx10 Infinity Core icon.png Infinity Corex10
Resolution Great Sword Goblin Grease icon.png Goblin Greasex10 Infinity Core icon.png Infinity Corex10
Ruinator Axe Griffon Hide icon.png Griffon Hidex10 Infinity Core icon.png Infinity Corex10
Upheaval Great Axe Giant Frozen Head icon.png Giant Frozen Headx10 Infinity Core icon.png Infinity Corex10
Entropy Scythe Relic Iron icon.png Relic Ironx10 Infinity Core icon.png Infinity Corex10
Stardiver Polearm Fresh Orc Liver icon.png Fresh Orc Liverx10 Infinity Core icon.png Infinity Corex10
Blade: Shun Katana Wootz Ore icon.png Wootz Orex10 Infinity Core icon.png Infinity Corex10
Tachi: Shoha Great Katana Sparkling Stone icon.png Sparkling Stonex10 Infinity Core icon.png Infinity Corex10
Realmrazer Club Giant Frozen Head icon.png Giant Frozen Headx10 Colossal Skull icon.png Colossal Skullx10
Shattersoul Staff Slime Juice icon.png Slime Juicex10 Fresh Orc Liver icon.png Fresh Orc Liverx10
Apex Arrow Archery Griffon Hide icon.png Griffon Hidex10 Lancewood Log icon.png Lancewood Logx10
Last Stand Marksmanship Goblin Grease icon.png Goblin Greasex10 Relic Iron icon.png Relic Ironx10

Aether Caskets

Aether Caskets are designed to award all participants in endgame content with the opportunity to roll personal rewards including materials, abjurations, equipment and new unique items.

  • Aether Caskets have a chance (15%) to roll as an Aether Trove, with better drop rates on rare items
  • Each player must open caskets with a crafted Prelate Key icon.png Aether Key or Delkfutt Key icon.png Prismatic Key
  • Delkfutt Key icon.png Prismatic Keys give a greater drop rate for rare items and include an additional pool of rewards
  • Aether Caskets and Aether Troves are unaffected by Treasure Hunter
  • Each pool/column below is guaranteed to roll an item but the rare pool requires Delkfutt Key icon.png Prismatic Keys

Monster Area Equipment Materials Abjurations Rare (Delkfutt Key icon.png)
Adamantoise 3.png
Ru'Aun Gardens Arctic Wind icon.png Arctic Wind 80%
Genbu's Shield icon.png Genbu's Shield U
Genbu's Kabuto icon.png Genbu's Kabuto U
Adaman Ore icon.png Adaman Ore VC
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log C
Adamantoise Shell icon.png Adamantoise Shell C
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood C
Adaman Ingot icon.png Adaman Ingot U
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log R
Venomous Claw icon.png Venomous Claw R
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood R
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment VR
Genbu Scrap icon.png Genbu Scrap x1-3 60%
W.Abjuration- Ft. icon.png W.Abjuration: Ft. U
A.Abjuration- Hd. icon.png A.Abjuration: Hd. U
A.Abjuration- Hn. icon.png A.Abjuration: Hn. U
M.Abjuration- Hn. icon.png M.Abjuration: Hn. U
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood 20%
Adaman Ingot icon.png Adaman Ingot 20%
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log 20%
Venomous Claw icon.png Venomous Claw 20%
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment 20%
Roc 2.png
Ru'Aun Gardens Antarctic Wind icon.png Antarctic Wind 80%
Suzaku's Scythe icon.png Suzaku's Scythe U
Suzaku's Sune-Ate icon.png Suzaku's Sune-Ate U
Silk Thread icon.png Silk Thread VC
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather C
Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair C
Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth C
Shining Cloth icon.png Shining Cloth U
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood R
Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair R
Venomous Claw icon.png Venomous Claw R
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot R
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment VR
Suzaku Scrap icon.png Suzaku Scrap x1-3 60%
N.Abjuration- Ft. icon.png N.Abjuration: Ft. U
D.Abjuration- Hn. icon.png D.Abjuration: Hn. U
E.Abjuration- Hd. icon.png E.Abjuration: Hd. U
A.Abjuration- Lg. icon.png A.Abjuration: Lg. U
Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair 20%
Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth 20%
Shining Cloth icon.png Shining Cloth 20%
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot 20%
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment 20%
Wyvern 1.png
Ru'Aun Gardens East Wind icon.png East Wind 80%
Seiryu's Sword icon.png Seiryu's Sword U
Seiryu's Kote icon.png Seiryu's Kote U
Wyvern Skin icon.png Wyvern Skin VC
Wyvern Wing icon.png Wyvern Wing C
Dragon Blood icon.png Dragon Blood C
Dragon Meat icon.png Dragon Meat C
Dragon Heart icon.png Dragon Heart U
Dragon Talon icon.png Dragon Talon R
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood R
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood R
Angel Skin icon.png Angel Skin R
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment VR
Seiryu Scrap icon.png Seiryu Scrap x1-3 60%
W.Abjuration- Hn. icon.png W.Abjuration: Hn. U
D.Abjuration- Hd. icon.png D.Abjuration: Hd. U
A.Abjuration- Lg. icon.png A.Abjuration: Lg. U
M.Abjuration- Hd. icon.png M.Abjuration: Hd. U
Dragon Blood icon.png Dragon Blood 20%
Dragon Meat icon.png Dragon Meat 20%
Dragon Heart icon.png Dragon Heart 20%
Angel Skin icon.png Angel Skin 20%
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment 20%
Tiger 2.png
Ru'Aun Gardens Zephyr icon.png Zephyr 80%
Byakko's Axe icon.png Byakko's Axe U
Byakko's Haidate icon.png Byakko's Haidate U
Blk. Tiger Fang icon.png Blk. Tiger Fang VC
Tiger Hide icon.png Tiger Hide C
Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide C
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log C
Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot U
Malboro Fiber icon.png Malboro Fiber R
Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide R
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood R
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood R
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment VR
Byakko Scrap icon.png Byakko Scrap x1-3 60%
N.Abjuration- Hn. icon.png N.Abjuration: Hn. U
D.Abjuration- Lg. icon.png D.Abjuration: Lg. U
E.Abjuration- Ft. icon.png E.Abjuration: Ft. U
A.Abjuration- Hd. icon.png A.Abjuration: Hd. U
Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide 20%
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log 20%
Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot 20%
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood 20%
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment 20%
Manticore 2.png
Ru'Aun Gardens Raise III (Scroll) icon.png Raise III (Scroll) C
Cure IV (Scroll) icon.png Cure IV (Scroll) U
Raise (Scroll) icon.png Raise (Scroll) U
Raise II (Scroll) icon.png Raise II (Scroll) R

Quake (Scroll) icon.png Quake (Scroll) C
Stonega III (Scroll) icon.png Stonega III (Scroll) U
Stone III (Scroll) icon.png Stone III (Scroll) U
Stone IV (Scroll) icon.png Stone IV (Scroll) R

Kirin's Pole icon.png Kirin's Pole C
Kirin's Osode icon.png Kirin's Osode R
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore VC
Orichalcum Ore icon.png Orichalcum Ore C
Raxa icon.png Raxa C
Shining Cloth icon.png Shining Cloth C
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot U
Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot R
Adaman Ingot icon.png Adaman Ingot R
Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth R
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment VR
Genbu Scrap icon.png Genbu Scrap x1-3 U
Suzaku Scrap icon.png Suzaku Scrap x1-3 U
Seiryu Scrap icon.png Seiryu Scrap x1-3 U
Byakko Scrap icon.png Byakko Scrap x1-3 U
Neptunal Tatter icon.png Neptunal Tatter x1-3 C
Dryadic Tatter icon.png Dryadic Tatter x1-3 C
Wyrmal Tatter icon.png Wyrmal Tatter x1-3 C
D.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png D.Abjuration: Bd. R
W.Abjuration- Lg. icon.png W.Abjuration: Lg. R
N.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png N.Abjuration: Bd. R
Shining Cloth icon.png Shining Cloth 20%
Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot 20%
Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth 20%
Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair 20%
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment 20%
Monster Area Equipment Materials Salvage Rare (Delkfutt Key icon.png)
Adamantoise 3.png
Escha - Ru'Aun Fenian Ring icon.png Fenian Ring R
Ruler icon.png Ruler R
Gnadbhod's Helm icon.png Gnadbhod's Helm R
Witch Sash icon.png Witch Sash R
Adamantoise Shell icon.png Adamantoise Shell VC
Adaman Ore icon.png Adaman Ore C
Petrified Log icon.png Petrified Log C
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log C
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood C
Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide R
Venomous Claw icon.png Venomous Claw R
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment R
Genmei Earring icon.png Genmei Earring VR
Deimos's Gnt. icon.png Deimos's Gnt. R
Enlil's Kolluks icon.png Enlil's Kolluks R
Freya's Gloves icon.png Freya's Gloves R
Hikazu Gote icon.png Hikazu Gote R
Macha's Cuffs icon.png Macha's Cuffs R
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood 20%
Adaman Ingot icon.png Adaman Ingot 20%
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log 20%
Venomous Claw icon.png Venomous Claw 20%
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment 20%
Roc 2.png
Escha - Ru'Aun Roundel Earring icon.png Roundel Earring R
Enhancing Mantle icon.png Enhancing Mantle R
Cuchulain's Belt icon.png Cuchulain's Belt R
Karasutengu icon.png Karasutengu R
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather VC
Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair C
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log C
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot C
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood C
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log R
Venomous Claw icon.png Venomous Claw R
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment R
Shukuyu Ring icon.png Shukuyu Ring VR
Anu's Gaiters icon.png Anu's Gaiters R
Enyo's Leggings icon.png Enyo's Leggings R
H.kazu Kyahan icon.png H.kazu Kyahan R
Nemain's Sabots icon.png Nemain's Sabots R
Njord's Ledelsens icon.png Njord's Ledelsens R
Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair 20%
Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth 20%
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log 20%
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot 20%
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment 20%
Wyvern 1.png
Escha - Ru'Aun Prester icon.png Prester R
Koschei Crackows icon.png Koschei Crackows R
Zha'Go's Barbut icon.png Zha'Go's Barbut R
Crapaud Earring icon.png Crapaud Earring R
Wyvern Skin icon.png Wyvern Skin VC
Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales C
Dragon Blood icon.png Dragon Blood C
Dragon Meat icon.png Dragon Meat C
Dragon Heart icon.png Dragon Heart C
Dragon Talon icon.png Dragon Talon R
Cashmere Wool icon.png Cashmere Wool R
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment R
Kobo Obi icon.png Kobo Obi VR
Bodb's Pigaches icon.png Bodb's Pigaches R
Ea's Crackows icon.png Ea's Crackows R
Freyr's Ledelsens icon.png Freyr's Ledelsens R
Phobos's Sabat. icon.png Phobos's Sabat. R
T.kazu Sune-Ate icon.png T.kazu Sune-Ate R
Dragon Heart icon.png Dragon Heart 20%
Dragon Meat icon.png Dragon Meat 20%
Dragon Blood icon.png Dragon Blood 20%
Cashmere Wool icon.png Cashmere Wool 20%
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment 20%
Tiger 2.png
Escha - Ru'Aun Assault Earring icon.png Assault Earring R
Balestarius icon.png Balestarius R
Cuchulain's Mantle icon.png Cuchulain's Mantle R
Nimue's Tights icon.png Nimue's Tights R
Blk. Tiger Fang icon.png Blk. Tiger Fang VC
Tiger Hide icon.png Tiger Hide C
Behem. Leather icon.png Behem. Leather C
Malboro Fiber icon.png Malboro Fiber C
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log C
Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot R
Cerberus Hide icon.png Cerberus Hide R
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment R
Jokushu Chain icon.png Jokushu Chain VR
Deimos's Leggings icon.png Deimos's Leggings R
Enlil's Crackows icon.png Enlil's Crackows R
Freya's Ledelsens icon.png Freya's Ledelsens R
Hikazu Sune-Ate icon.png Hikazu Sune-Ate R
Macha's Pigaches icon.png Macha's Pigaches R
Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide 20%
Cerberus Hide icon.png Cerberus Hide 20%
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log 20%
Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot 20%
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment 20%
Escha - Ru'Aun ? Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot VC
Mulcibar's Scoria icon.png Mulcibar's Scoria C
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment C
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood C
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log C
Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot R
Cerberus Hide icon.png Cerberus Hide R
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment R
Reikiono icon.png Reikiono VR
Fire Ore icon.png Fire Ore 12.5%
Ice Ore icon.png Ice Ore 12.5%
Wind Ore icon.png Wind Ore 12.5%
Earth Ore icon.png Earth Ore 12.5%
Lightning Ore icon.png Lightning Ore 12.5%
Water Ore icon.png Water Ore 12.5%
Lightning Ore icon.png Lightning Ore 12.5%
Light Ore icon.png Light Ore 12.5%
Dark Ore icon.png Dark Ore 12.5%
Mulcibar's Scoria icon.png Mulcibar's Scoria 20%
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log 20%
Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot 20%
Cerberus Hide icon.png Cerberus Hide 20%
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment 20%
Monster Area Wyrm Materials Materials Abjurations Rare (Delkfutt Key icon.png)
Wyrm (Ouryu).png
Meriphataud Mountains Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales VC
Dragon Blood icon.png Dragon Blood VC
Dragon Meat icon.png Dragon Meat C
Dragon Heart icon.png Dragon Heart U
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale R
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth R
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot VR
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log VC
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood VC
Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth VC
Adaman Ingot icon.png Adaman Ingot VC
Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair VC
Dragon Talon icon.png Dragon Talon C
Dragon Meat icon.png Dragon Meat C
Dragon Heart icon.png Dragon Heart C
Cashmere Wool icon.png Cashmere Wool C
Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide C
Thokcha Ore icon.png Thokcha Ore U
Molybdenum Ore icon.png Molybdenum Ore U
Kunwu Ore icon.png Kunwu Ore U
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood R
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment R
Titanium Ore icon.png Titanium Ore VC
Gr. Blk. Thread icon.png Fable Thread VC
Martial Tatter icon.png Martial Tatter x1~3 U
Aquarian Tatter icon.png Aquarian Tatter x1~3 U
Earthen Tatter icon.png Earthen Tatter x1~3 U
Wyrmal Tatter icon.png Wyrmal Tatter x1~3 U
M.Abjuration- Ft. icon.png M.Abjuration: Ft. VR
A.Abjuration- Hn. icon.png A.Abjuration: Hn. VR
E.Abjuration- Lg. icon.png E.Abjuration: Lg. VR
W.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png W.Abjuration: Bd. VR
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment VC
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale C
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth C
Cactuar Root icon.png Wyrm Gold C
Saida Ring icon.png Titanium Band VR
Buremte Hat icon.png Erudite Cap VR
Xux Trousers icon.png Acrobat's Breeches VR
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot VR
Coffee Powder icon.png Fine Ochre UR
Wyrm (Jormungand).png
Pashhow Marshlands Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales VC
Dragon Blood icon.png Dragon Blood VC
Dragon Meat icon.png Dragon Meat C
Dragon Heart icon.png Dragon Heart U
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale R
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth R
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot VR
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log VC
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood VC
Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth VC
Adaman Ingot icon.png Adaman Ingot VC
Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair VC
Dragon Talon icon.png Dragon Talon C
Dragon Meat icon.png Dragon Meat C
Dragon Heart icon.png Dragon Heart C
Cashmere Wool icon.png Cashmere Wool C
Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide C
Thokcha Ore icon.png Thokcha Ore U
Molybdenum Ore icon.png Molybdenum Ore U
Kunwu Ore icon.png Kunwu Ore U
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood R
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment R
Titanium Ore icon.png Titanium Ore VC
Gr. Blk. Thread icon.png Fable Thread VC
Neptunal Tatter icon.png Neptunal Tatter x1~3 U
Aquarian Tatter icon.png Aquarian Tatter x1~3 U
Martial Tatter icon.png Martial Tatter x1~3 U
Dryadic Tatter icon.png Dryadic Tatter x1~3 U
N.Abjuration- Lg. icon.png N.Abjuration: Lg. VR
A.Abjuration- Ft. icon.png A.Abjuration: Ft. VR
M.Abjuration- Hn. icon.png M.Abjuration: Hn. VR
D.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png D.Abjuration: Bd. VR
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot C
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale C
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth C
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment C
Ejekamal Mask icon.png Assailant's Visor U
Olympus Sash icon.png Subtle Sash U
Otomi Gloves icon.png Ornate Gloves U
Coffee Powder icon.png Fine Ochre R
Cactuar Root icon.png Wyrm Gold R
Wyrm (Vrtra).png
Jugner Forest Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales VC
Dragon Blood icon.png Dragon Blood VC
Dragon Meat icon.png Dragon Meat C
Dragon Heart icon.png Dragon Heart U
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale R
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth R
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot VR
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log VC
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood VC
Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth VC
Adaman Ingot icon.png Adaman Ingot VC
Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair VC
Dragon Talon icon.png Dragon Talon C
Dragon Meat icon.png Dragon Meat C
Dragon Heart icon.png Dragon Heart C
Cashmere Wool icon.png Cashmere Wool C
Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide C
Thokcha Ore icon.png Thokcha Ore U
Molybdenum Ore icon.png Molybdenum Ore U
Kunwu Ore icon.png Kunwu Ore U
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood R
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment R
Titanium Ore icon.png Titanium Ore VC
Gr. Blk. Thread icon.png Fable Thread VC
Earthen Tatter icon.png Earthen Tatter x1~3 U
Wyrmal Tatter icon.png Wyrmal Tatter x1~3 U
Dryadic Tatter icon.png Dryadic Tatter x1~3 U
Neptunal Tatter icon.png Neptunal Tatter x1~3 U
E.Abjuration- Hn. icon.png E.Abjuration: Hn. VR
W.Abjuration- Hd. icon.png W.Abjuration: Hd. VR
D.Abjuration- Lg. icon.png D.Abjuration: Lg. VR
N.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png N.Abjuration: Bd. VR
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot C
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale C
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth C
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment C
Quauhpilli Helm icon.png Conqueror's Helm U
Checkered Scarf icon.png Loxo Scarf U
Jeweled Collar icon.png Covenant Belt U
Coffee Powder icon.png Fine Ochre R
Cactuar Root icon.png Wyrm Gold R
Bibiki Bay Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale C
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth C
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot C
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log VC
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood VC
Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth VC
Adaman Ingot icon.png Adaman Ingot VC
Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair VC
Dragon Talon icon.png Dragon Talon C
Dragon Meat icon.png Dragon Meat C
Dragon Heart icon.png Dragon Heart C
Cashmere Wool icon.png Cashmere Wool C
Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide C
Thokcha Ore icon.png Thokcha Ore U
Molybdenum Ore icon.png Molybdenum Ore U
Kunwu Ore icon.png Kunwu Ore U
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood R
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment R
Titanium Ore icon.png Titanium Ore 40%
Gr. Blk. Thread icon.png Fable Thread 40%
E.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png E.Abjuration: Bd. R
A.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png A.Abjuration: Bd. R
P.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png P.Abjuration: Bd. R
H.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png H.Abjuration: Bd. R
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot C
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale C
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth C
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment C
Isleracea icon.png Isleracea C
Serica Cloth icon.png Serica Cloth R
Cactuar Root icon.png Wyrm Gold R
Monster Area Elemental Ores Materials #1 Materials #2 Rare (Delkfutt Key icon.png)
Bibiki Bay Fire Ore icon.png Fire Ore 12.5%
Ice Ore icon.png Ice Ore 12.5%
Wind Ore icon.png Wind Ore 12.5%
Earth Ore icon.png Earth Ore 12.5%
Lightning Ore icon.png Lightning Ore 12.5%
Water Ore icon.png Water Ore 12.5%
Light Ore icon.png Light Ore 12.5%
Dark Ore icon.png Dark Ore 12.5%
Uragnite Shell icon.png Uragnite Shell VC
Seashell icon.png Seashell C
Shall Shell icon.png Shall Shell C
Cone Calamary icon.png Cone Calamary C
Vongola Clam icon.png Vongola Clam U
Bibiki Urchin icon.png Bibiki Urchin U
Jacknife icon.png Jacknife R
Bladefish icon.png Bladefish R
Titanictus Shell icon.png Titanictus Shell VR
Coral Fragment icon.png Coral Fragment VC
Seashell icon.png Seashell C
Crab Shell icon.png Crab Shell C
H.Q. Crab Shell icon.png H.Q. Crab Shell C
Pearl icon.png Pearl U
Black Pearl icon.png Black Pearl U
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood R
Angel Skin icon.png Angel Skin R
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment VR
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood 20%
Angel Skin icon.png Angel Skin 20%
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log 20%
H.Q. Crab Shell icon.png H.Q. Crab Shell 20%
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment 20%


See the CatsEyeXI Systems/Augments page.

Divine Might Earrings

Divine Might can be repeated to obtain several earrings.

The earrings are also available for purchase from Cumetoutflaix.

CoP Rings

Note: The previous method of trading to the door was removed and replaced by the NPC Livia in the 7-11-2024 update. This method also removed the ability to exchange rings for ones you didn't have.

Unlike on retail, you don't drop the ring reward from Chains of Promathia in order to exchange it on the server. If you have CoP rings from other methods besides completing CoP (like the now depreciated login campaign rewards or purchased with Ancient Beast Coins) and are now ready to claim your reward for completing CoP you'll have to do some extra steps to make this happen.

Since you normally can't have more than one CoP ring the system checks if you already have one and if you do it won't allow you to get another. This system was put in place to allow the player the obtain their reward even if they already have a CoP ring or two.

  1. Trade all of the CoP rings (one or two) you have to the Ducal Guard Livia just outside of the Marble Bridge, Upper Jeuno (F-7).
  2. Touch the door for a cutscene.
  3. Select the ring you don't already have as a prize (remember, you can't have two of the same rings).
  4. Talk to Livia again to retrieve your rings you previously traded to her.

Claim Shield

CatsEyeXI is outfitted with a Claim Shield that protects players from unfair advantages in claiming certain mobs. These advantages can include but are not limited to:

  • Differing connection speeds
  • Using approves addons in ways against our rules/ToS
  • Illegal use of third party programs

How it works: For 4 seconds after the mob is spawned by the server, it will be:

  • Unclaimable
  • Unkillable
  • Unable to move
  • Unable to attack or use abilities
  • Unable to be Call for Help'd on
  • Shielded to Physical, Magic, and Ranged damage (not immune)

During this time, players have to place their claim on the mob. You may do this by any means of enmity gain. Examples of which include, but are not limited to:

  • Attacking the mob
  • Having your pet or trust attack the mob
  • Using an ability on the mob
  • Casting a spell on the mob

Upon gaining enmity with the mob, your name will be placed on a list. That list will NOT EVER include the names of your pets or trusts. There is no priority or weight attached to any player's name on the list.

After the 7 seconds have passed, a randomly generated winner will be chosen from the list. If any player is not part of the winning player's party or alliance, they, as well as their pets and/or trusts, will be forcibly disengaged from the mob.

A system message will be sent out to every player that had a claim to the mob. This message will include whether or not you, or your party/alliance, won the claim to the mob.

At this time, the mob will shed all of it's Claim Shield buffs, any enfeebles will be removed and it will be healed back to full HP. It will then engage the winning player and imbue 1000 enmity onto the winning player to ensure they do not immediately lose claim due to any technicality.

Disclaimer: Any time your name appears on a Claim Shield list, it will be logged. That log will include whether or not you, or your party/alliance, won the claim to the mob.

Custom Commands

Command (Type in /say)
!box Access the Ephemeral Box (you need to be within 5 yalms of an Ephemeral Box) Crystal Warrior
!chef Grants the player a food item of their choosing in exchange for gil. You may also NPC items with it.
Available Foods
Antacid icon.png Antacid 8,000G
Meat Jerky icon.png Meat Jerky 2,000G
Meat Mithkabob icon.png Meat Mithkabob 5,000G
Coeurl Sub icon.png Coeurl Sub 7,000G
Boiled Crab icon.png Boiled Crab 2,000G
Fish Mithkabob icon.png Fish Mithkabob 5,000G
Jack-o'-Lantern icon.png Jack-o'-Lantern 2,000G
Tuna Sushi icon.png Tuna Sushi 8,000G
Dorado Sushi icon.png Dorado Sushi 8,000G
Apple Pie icon.png Apple Pie 2,000G
Melon Pie icon.png Melon Pie 2,000G
Cream Puff icon.png Cream Puff 7,000G
Orange Juice icon.png Orange Juice 2,000G
Melon Juice icon.png Melon Juice 5,000G
Yagudo Drink icon.png Yagudo Drink 7,000G
CatsEyeXI AcceleratedWings-Era Warrior
!currency List how much Dynamis Currencies, Alexandrite icon.png Alexandrite, H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayld and Incursion Currencies you have, and where they are stored (Inventory or E.Box) CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!dailykills View your daily quest progress for Murdoc. CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!dawnunstuck Releases the player from the stuck event at CoP 8-4 Dawn. Try using it for other missions too, should you get stuck. CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!delexp Removes the players dedication buff. CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!essences Verifies which Dynamis 2.0 wins you have obtained. CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!fatigue Displays one's fishing fatigue for the day. CatsEyeXI AcceleratedWings-Era Warrior
!help Displays all commands available to your character. CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!keys Displays chest/coffer keys stored with Picklox. Crystal Warrior
!lsstats x Display the top x contributors in a player's Linkshell for Summit_of_the_Stars. CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!summitnotify Toggles on/off the Summit of the Stars notifications Summit_of_the_Stars. CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!mog Allows access to the mog house menu anywhere in a city.
⚠️ This command may only be used in cities.
CatsEyeXI AcceleratedWings-Era Warrior
!newadventurer Removes the ? from the heads of new players. CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!pass Displays garrison pop items stored with Picklox. Crystal Warrior
!pf Displays those seeking with the Party Finder addon. CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior

Lists all of the various point amounts:
Currencies: Obsidian Fragments, Escha Beads, Dynamis RP, DKP
Ventures: EXP, Fishing, Mining, Gathering, Logging
CW: Arena Points, Gobbie Grandeur Points, Helper Points

CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!quest Displays your progress on CatsEye Custom Quests. CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!re Refreshes the party status, if it doesn't show players in the current zone or other similar issues. CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!sanction, !sigil, !signet Applies the bonuses of either Sanction, Sigil, or Signet anywhere in the game. CatsEyeXI Accelerated
!scroll scroll-name Check if a scroll is stored in the Ephemeral Box/ Gramateus Crystal Warrior
!skills Displays custom skill such as Garbagio CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!skipfloor Allow to skip lamp floors in Nyzul_Isle_Investigation every 30 minutes via the command !skipfloor.
The lockout applies to all party members!
CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!summit on
!summit off
Enable/Disable earning points for Summit of the Stars.
This is intended for players who don't want to affect their LS AMC but still play the game regularly.
Only works for people who have completed the Summit of the Stars quest.
Once a player has earned any points for the AMC of their LS of this week, there's no point in using !summit off since their LS AMC has already increased.
The command has a 30-minute cooldown.
CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!summitcalc points-amount Show a full breakdown of your adjusted points (which will go as contribution towards your linkshell points), where points-amount is the amount of points you received. CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!trials View your novice trial progress. CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!venture Activate/disable ventures. CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior
!ventures sub-category Lists all of the various Ventures objectives for the day.
sub-category is optional and can be one of: dynamis (Crystal Warrior only), exp, fishing, helm
CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior

Custom Equipment

Over time the server has built up a wide collection of custom armor. Everything from enhancements to 75 era armor, higher level armor scaled down, or just custom created pieces. Much of this is contained on the CatsEyeXI Content page, but a new sub page was created to keep track of the items in-between all of that (such as crafted items outside of content).

Oboro Weapons

Oboro allows players to create powerful job specific weapons in exchange for materials.

Crafting Rewards

Various custom crafting rewards are available. Additionally:

  • Players may have one main craft (and Fishing) to level 110.
  • Players may level all other sub crafts to level 70.

100 Skill Rewards

  • CatsEyeXI Accelerated Leveling a craft to 100 will grant ACE players with a free Relic Weapon voucher to be redeemed at any "ending" relic NPC.
    • Speak with Momiji in Lower Jeuno (I-6). This will place a flag on your character and cannot be seen as an item or Key Item.
      • Then go to the blank target associated with the weapon to receive your reward. Reference the Relic Weapon page.
  • CatsEyeXI AcceleratedCrystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior Leveling a craft to 100, purchasing the "Way of the <craft>" Guild Point Key Item, and trading the requested item will grant the player with a Kupo Shield icon.png Kupo Shield.
Craft Required Item
Alchemy Cursed Mail icon.png Cursed Mail or Saida Ring icon.png Saida Ring
Smithing Cursed Hauberk icon.png Cursed Hauberk or Gorkhali Kukri icon.png Gorkhali Kukri
Bonecraft Cursed Harness icon.png Cursed Harness or Hajduk Ring icon.png Hajduk Ring
Woodworking Cursed Togi icon.png Cursed Togi or Vejovis Wand icon.png Vejovis Wand
Cooking Cursed Soup icon.png Cursed Soup or Sprightly Soup icon.png Sprightly Soup
Goldsmithing Cursed Cuirass icon.png Cursed Cuirass or Evader Earring icon.png Evader Earring
Clothcraft Cursed Dalmatica icon.png Cursed Dalmatica or Swith Cape icon.png Swith Cape
Leathercraft Dusk Jerkin icon.png Dusk Jerkin or Urja Trousers icon.png Urja Trousers


Experience points are not split when partying server-wide, in order to encourage partying rather than penalize teaming up.


See the CatsEyeXI Systems/HELM page.


New ACE and Wings Era Warrior characters start with a limit of 20 fish per real life day. To increase this limit:

Crystal Warriors are exempt from the fishing fatigue limit. This limit resets at JST midnight.


Each character has a limit of 300 items from digging per real life day. The digging limit can not be increased. This limit applies to all account types (including Crystal Warriors). This limit resets at JST midnight.

Elemental Ore may be dug up during weather in select zones (not RotZ or ToAU) during a 10-40% waxing or waning moon phase.

Job Adjustments

Various jobs either have custom systems or changes in general.

Limit Breaks

The ???s for the Level 50 (In Defiant Challenge) and 55 (Atop the Highest Mountains) limit breaks are functional.

All Limit Breaks related to Maat work as expected, and are one try per testimony. However, custom quests and fights were created for the limit breaks for BLU, PUP, COR, DNC, SCH as they did not.

  • Since players need to reach level 75 for GEO and RUN, they do not have a limit break.
Job Quest Name Start NPC NPC to Locate
BLU Immortal Kombat! Nandiyah, Aht Urhgan Whitegate (J-10) Razhud, Aydeewa Subterrane (F-11) (Map 7)
(Enter from Wajaom Woodlands (9) (F-11) )
PUP Master of Puppets Kirk, Bastok Markets (F-9) Lars, Caedarva Mire Map #1 (K-5)
See Mosshorn for directions.
COR Missing Rum Jacquotte, Aht Urhgan Whitegate (J-12) Morgan, Arrapago Reef Map #5 (H-8)
DNC Daddy Issues Brittany, Upper Jeuno (G-7) Mindy, Jugner Forest (S) (K-9)
SCH Revenge of the Nerds Lewis, The Eldieme Necropolis (J-8) Poindexter, Pashhow Marshlands (S) (H-5)

Login Campaigns

Login Campaigns are run year round on CatsEyeXI. Rewarded items are hand picked and regularly rotated.

Speak with any Greeter Moogle, located near the Mog House of the following areas:

  • Each Login Campaign starts the first day of the month and ends the last day of the month with no down time between.
    • Points are spendable until the last moment, and then lost the first of the month.
  • First login rewards 500 points, each subsequent login 200 points
  • Only 1,500 points will carry over to the next Login Campaign.
  • Crystal Warriors cannot obtain login points.
  • Wings Era Warriors have their own separate login rewards.
  • Items are subject to change in the future.
CatsEyeXI Login Points Cycle

300 Points

500 Points

1,500 Points

Loxley Quest System (LQS)

Catseye provides custom content for its players using Loxley's Quest System (

The Quest System includes:

  • Custom quests
  • Novice/grand/adept trials
  • Goblin brew
  • Dragonslaying
  • Allied incursion
  • Allied skirmish
  • Crystal Warrior Battle Content, including: Yagudo arena, Goblin's gambit, Tonberry trouble, Moblin mayhem

The quest system uses an alternative method for loot drops, which is unaffected by Treasure Hunter.

Mini Tuning Fork Warps

After completing the mini-tuning fork fight, SMNs may trade 100 gil to the corresponding avatar trial NPC in order to warp to the cloister. This means mini-tuning forks do not need to be held on to just to warp.

Milestone Rewards

Milestone Rewards are available for ACE and WEW characters only.

To participate in the Adventurer Milestone Rewards players must complete objectives. These objectives vary for new or existing players.

New Player Milestone
The New Player milestone is a static objective and is always active, and are without any time limit or other conditions.

  • Rewards for the initial new player Milestone are always active.
    • You may claim this on both ACE characters, unlike existing Milestone campaigns.
  • Rewards for existing player Milestones are active for a limited time.
  • New players must obtain rank 10 in any nation and at least one job leveled to 75.

Upon completing the requirement players may receive their reward via the Spatial Anomaly in Castle Zvahl Baileys at (J-8).

Reward choices include any one of the following:

  • Any Stage 3 Relic Weapon.
  • A "Mythos Token" which allows players to complete the HNM trophy rewards stage of a Mythic Weapon.
    • Players still need to obtain the T4 ZNM trophies, imperial gold pieces, and alexandrite.
  • A Defending Ring icon.png Defending Ring
  • An Octave Club icon.png Octave Club
    • This has been modified to be the exact equivalent of the Kraken Club as a rare/ex reward for Milestones due to it's popularity.
      • The Octave Club can not be equipped at the same time as the Kraken Club.

Existing Player Milestone

Note: There is currently no active Existing Player Milestone campaign.

Existing Player milestones are limited time events with a varying objective.

  • You may claim one reward per player per campaign.
  • You may not claim a reward on more than one character.
    • This means you and your mule—if you have one—can not both receive an item. This is referred to as "double-dipping."
  • Note: Players must be at least 90 days old before claiming this prize.
    • You may complete the criteria before then and receive credit, but 90 days must have passed.

To review the objective or collect your reward, log into the CatsEyeXI website and select "Milestone Rewards" under "Account Tools".

  • Use the drop down menu under Item Reward and select your item and then click Submit Claim.

Rewards for existing player milestones contain most rare/ex items in the game. Including Relic or Mythic Weapons, etc. There are no tradeable items available for redemption.

Pick your item carefully, there are no exchanges, returns, or do-overs.
⚠️ Failure to follow the rules may result in forfeiture of earned rewards or reward eligibility may be revoked.
⚠️ Adventurer Milestone Reward items are subject to change without notice, so plan accordingly! Server staff reserve the right to deny a milestone reward for any reason.

Mog Bonanza

The server also hosts Mog Bonanzas. See the CEXI Mog Bonanza page for details.

Mythic Weapon Skill

Note: The custom quest to obtain a Mythic Weapon Skill has now been removed. The following quest will now unlock Mythic Weapon Skills: Unlocking a Myth.

The amount of WSP required is reduced based on your Nyzul Isle Progress.

Nyzul Progress WSP Required
0 16000
1 - 19 14080 - 8000
20 - 39 7040 - 4000
40 - 59 3520 - 2000
60 - 79 1760 - 1000
80 - 99 880 - 500
100 (Key Item Runic key) 250

Ultimate Weapon

Relic Weapon

Relic Weapon Changes With Retail

Exchanging a Relic Weapon

In the event that a Relic weapon is not what one hoped for, players may exchange one for another:

Example: You want Aegis and currently have Mandau. You go to Carpenter's Landing, trade the Mandau and 5 million gil to the nameless target, then the Relic Shield.

Mythic Weapon

Mythic Weapon Changes with Retail

  • All DMG+ augments (obtained via the first 3 Trial of the Magians) also add the same amount of Resist "Death".
    • For example, DMG+2 is not DMG/Resist "Death"+2

Mythic Weapon Creation

Note: Rune Fencer and Geomancer have Mythic Weapon equivalents in the form of Ergon Weapons

While Nyzul Isle Investigation is completable on LSB, much of the other necessary content for Mythic Weapons is not implemented. Owing to this, there is an improvised quest line to get your weapon.


Acquiring The Base Weapon

To receive your base weapon you'll need to speak to Nonoroon, Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-11) while on your main job and in possession of at least 6,000 Zeni (ZNM) points.

  • He will ask you for 5 Imp. Gold Piece icon.png Imperial Gold Pieces. Upon trading, Nonoroon will deduct the zeni points from your currencies.
    • Note: Be sure you are on The job that you want the base weapon for!
Obtaining Zeni

Just as in retail, players must take photographs of monsters in order to satisfy Sanraku's Def Leppard fueled desires.

  • Unlike in retail, there is no bonus multiplier. When you take a picture it is simply a random amount of Zeni rewarded, no matter the target.

See Zandjarl at (F-7) in The Colosseum and trade them Imp. Gold Piece icon.png Imperial Gold Pieces to receive Jettons. You then may purchase Soul Trappers and Soul Plates with Jettons. The main door to The Colosseum does not work, you must enter via The Pit entrance at K11.

Trade Sanraku at (E-8) in Aht Urhgan Whitegate your successful Soul Plate icon.png Soul Plate in exchange for Zeni.

Achieving Mercenary Sergeant Rank

Since assaults are not fully implemented, your Assault rank on CatsEyeXI will be directly connected to your ToAU mission progress.

Improvised Mercenary Ranking
Mission Name Rank Reward Currency Required
3 President Salaheem Private Second Class N/A
10 Astral Waves Private First Class Imp. Brz. Piece icon.png Imp. Brz. Piece x10
15 The Black Coffin Superior Private Imp. Brz. Piece icon.png Imp. Brz. Piece x20
20 Teahouse Tumult Lance Corporal Imp. Brz. Piece icon.png Imp. Brz. Piece x30
24 Foiled Ambition Corporal Imp. Slv. Piece icon.png Imp. Slv. Piece x10
28 Bastion of Knowledge Sergeant Imp. Slv. Piece icon.png Imp. Slv. Piece x20
32 In the Blood Sergeant Major Imp. Slv. Piece icon.png Imp. Slv. Piece x30
36 Gaze of the Saboteur Chief Sergeant Imp. Mtl. Piece icon.png Imp. Mtl. Piece x10
40 Unraveling Reason Second Lieutenant Imp. Mtl. Piece icon.png Imp. Mtl. Piece x20
44 Nashmeira's Plea First Lieutenant Imp. Mtl. Piece icon.png Imp. Mtl. Piece x30
48 Eternal Mercenary Captain Imp. Gold Piece icon.png Imp. Gold Piece x30

Players must speak to the Wildcat Captain at the Commissions Agency (K-10) in Aht Urhgan Whitegate. After completing the required missions and being offered a promotion, players can trade the requested currency to receive their new rank and accompanying Key Item.

  • This also makes purchasing items from the guards in Whitegate for Imperial Standing possible.
Collecting Alexandrite

Alexandrite icon.png Alexandrite and Ctn. Purse (Alx.) icon.png Alexandrite Purses have been added to the to the treasure pools of various beastmen around Halvung, Mamook, and Arrapago Reef.

Paparoon, Nashmau (G-7) has been coded to store your Alexandrite.

  • He will not accept bags or pouches, break everything down to alexandrite first.

A total of 30,000 Alexandrite is required for your mythic weapon. Once the required amount has been traded, Paparoon will deduct 30,000 Alexandrite from your stored balance, you'll be rewarded a Cat's Eye icon.png Cat's Eye, and you'll be sent on a journey to acquire some Zeni NM (ZNM) drops.

Required Items

For the second phase of the quest, you will be required to procure the items below. You can obtain them in any order.

Once the above items have been gathered, you will need to trade them to the Seaprince's Tombstone in Caedarva Mire (E-10). You will finally be asked to trade your base weapon to complete building your weapon.

  • Trade the base weapon you obtained in the first step and this will complete your Mythic. Congratulations!

Exchanging a Mythic Weapon

In the event that a Mystic Weapon is not what one hoped for, players may exchange one for another:

  • Trade your Mythic Weapon to the Seaprince's Tombstone in Caedarva Mire (E-10)
  • Visit Nonoroon at Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-11) on the job you want the new mythic weapon for.
    • You must have at least 6000 Zeni, and be level 75.
  • After speaking with Nonoroon, trade him 5 Imp. Gold Piece icon.png Imperial Gold Pieces, and he will give you a new base weapon.
  • You will be told to go to Paparoon (Nashmau) deduct 10,000 Alexandrite icon.png Alexandrite from your balance.
    • Once this condition has been met you will be instructed to return to the Seaprince's Tombstone with the new base weapon to collect your reward.

Ergon Weapon

Creating an Ergon Weapon

Obtaining the base weapon
  • Obtain an Soiled Letter icon.png Adoulin Letter from Reliquary icon.png Domain Coffers in Domain Invasion
  • Defeat the fomors and obtain a Idris (Level 119) icon.png Broken Wand or Epeolatry (Level 119) icon.png Broken Sword
Sylvie and Volgoi
Collecting Bayld
Domain NMs
  • Obtain Cerberus Hide icon.png Amphisbaena Hide, Hydra Fang icon.png Battosai Fang and Adamantoise Shell icon.png Tortuga Shell from Domain NMs
  • Find the Lost Trail in Misareaux Coast while in possession of a base weapon (F-4 up the hill by the waterfall next to a tree)
  • Upon trading the base weapon, Wildernix will give a list of requirements
  • Trade the Idris (Level 119) icon.png Broken Wand or Epeolatry (Level 119) icon.png Broken Sword alongside: P. Yggrete Crystal icon.png P. Yggrete Crystal, Bayld Crystal icon.png Bayld Crystal, Cerberus Hide icon.png Amphisbaena Hide, Hydra Fang icon.png Battosai Fang, Adamantoise Shell icon.png Tortuga Shell
  • After JST Midnight, revisit the Wild Trail for a cutscene, to receive Idris (Level 119) icon.png Idris or Epeolatry (Level 119) icon.png Epeolatry

Refer A Friend Program

Players may gain bonuses for each other when creating an account with a referral code.

When signing up simply use the link:


Synergy is not implemented so work-arounds were created to replace it in certain cases. Simply trade the required items to any Synergy Furnace as listed below:

Synergy Furnace Created Items
Crafting Stalls
Blksmth. Stall icon.png Blacksmiths' Stall Fire Cluster icon.png Fire Cluster x12 Iron Sheet icon.png Iron Sheet x3 Rosewood Lbr. icon.png Rosewood Lumber x2 Silk Cloth icon.png Silk Cloth Dark Adaman icon.png Dark Adaman Blksmth. Emblem icon.png Blksmth. Emblem
Gldsmth. Stall icon.png Goldsmiths' Stall Light Cluster icon.png Light Cluster x12 Iron Sheet icon.png Iron Sheet x3 Rosewood Lbr. icon.png Rosewood Lumber x2 Silk Cloth icon.png Silk Cloth Ph. Gold Ingot icon.png Phrygian Gold Ingot Gldsmth. Emblem icon.png Gldsmth. Emblem
Bonewrk. Stall icon.png Boneworkers' Stall Dark Cluster icon.png Dark Cluster x12 Iron Sheet icon.png Iron Sheet x3 Rosewood Lbr. icon.png Rosewood Lumber x2 Silk Cloth icon.png Silk Cloth Marid Tusk icon.png Marid Tusk Bonewrk. Emblem icon.png Bonewrk. Emblem
Weavers' Stall icon.png Weavers' Stall Earth Cluster icon.png Earth Cluster x12 Darksteel Ingot icon.png Darksteel Ingot Maple Lumber icon.png Maple Lumber x3 Gold Ingot icon.png Gold Ingot Red Grass Cloth icon.png Red Grass Cloth Twill Damask icon.png Twill Damask Weavers' Emblem icon.png Weavers' Emblem
Culinary Stall icon.png Culinary Stall Wind Cluster icon.png Wind Cluster x12 Darksteel Ingot icon.png Darksteel Ingot Maple Lumber icon.png Maple Lumber x3 Gold Ingot icon.png Gold Ingot Red Grass Cloth icon.png Red Grass Cloth Wild Onion icon.png Wild Onion Culinary Emblem icon.png Culinary Emblem
Tanners' Stall icon.png Tanners' Stall Ice Cluster icon.png Ice Cluster x12 Darksteel Ingot icon.png Darksteel Ingot Maple Lumber icon.png Maple Lumber x3 Gold Ingot icon.png Gold Ingot Red Grass Cloth icon.png Red Grass Cloth Manticore Lth. icon.png Manticore Lth. Tanners' Emblem icon.png Tanners' Emblem
Fishermn. Stall icon.png Fishermen's Stall Water Cluster icon.png Water Cluster x12 Beech Lumber icon.png Beech Lumber Oak Lumber icon.png Oak Lumber x4 Grass Cloth icon.png Grass Cloth Fastwater F. Rod icon.png Fastwater F. Rod Fishermn. Emblem icon.png Fishermn. Emblem
Carpntr. Stall icon.png Carpenters' Stall Earth Cluster icon.png Earth Cluster x12 Beech Lumber icon.png Beech Lumber Oak Lumber icon.png Oak Lumber x4 Grass Cloth icon.png Grass Cloth Bundling Twine icon.png Bundling Twine Carpntr. Emblem icon.png Carpntr. Emblem
Alchmsts. Stall icon.png Alchemists' Stall Lightning Cluster icon.png Lightning Cluster x12 Beech Lumber icon.png Beech Lumber Oak Lumber icon.png Oak Lumber x4 Grass Cloth icon.png Grass Cloth Elixir icon.png Elixir Alchmsts. Emblem icon.png Alchmsts. Emblem
Crafting Smocks
Carpenter's Smock icon.png Carpenter's Smock Earth Cluster icon.png Earth Cluster x12 Carpenter's Apron icon.png Carpenter's Apron
Blksmith. Smock icon.png Blacksmith's Smock Fire Cluster icon.png Fire Cluster x12 Blacksmith's Apn. icon.png Blacksmith's Apron
Goldsmith's Smock icon.png Goldsmith's Smock Light Cluster icon.png Light Cluster x12 Goldsmith's Apron icon.png Goldsmith's Apron
Weaver's Smock icon.png Weaver's Smock Earth Cluster icon.png Earth Cluster x12 Weaver's Apron icon.png Weaver's Apron
Tanner's Smock icon.png Tanner's Smock Ice Cluster icon.png Ice Cluster x12 Tanner's Apron icon.png Tanner's Apron
Bonewrk. Smock icon.png Boneworker's Smock Dark Cluster icon.png Dark Cluster x12 Boneworker's Apn. icon.png Boneworker's Apron
Alchemist's Smock icon.png Alchemist's Smock Lightning Cluster icon.png Lightning Cluster x12 Alchemist's Apron icon.png Alchemist's Apron
Culinarian's Smock icon.png Culinarian's Smock Wind Cluster icon.png Wind Cluster x12 Culinarian's Apron icon.png Culinarian's Apron
Fisherman's Smock icon.png Fisherman's Smock Water Cluster icon.png Water Cluster x12 Fisherman's Apron icon.png Fisherman's Apron
Iridal Staff icon.png Iridal Staff Fire Staff icon.png Fire Staff Ice Staff icon.png Ice Staff Wind Staff icon.png Wind Staff Earth Staff icon.png Earth Staff Thunder Staff icon.png Thunder Staff Water Staff icon.png Water Staff Light Staff icon.png Light Staff Dark Staff icon.png Dark Staff
Chatoyant Staff icon.png Chatoyant Staff Vulcan's Staff icon.png Vulcan's Staff Aquilo's Staff icon.png Aquilo's Staff Auster's Staff icon.png Auster's Staff Terra's Staff icon.png Terra's Staff Jupiter's Staff icon.png Jupiter's Staff Neptune's Staff icon.png Neptune's Staff Apollo's Staff icon.png Apollo's Staff Pluto's Staff icon.png Pluto's Staff
Fotia Gorget icon.png Fotia Gorget Flame Gorget icon.png Flame Gorget Snow Gorget icon.png Snow Gorget Breeze Gorget icon.png Breeze Gorget Soil Gorget icon.png Soil Gorget Thunder Gorget icon.png Thunder Gorget Aqua Gorget icon.png Aqua Gorget Light Gorget icon.png Light Gorget Shadow Gorget icon.png Shadow Gorget
Hachirin-no-Obi icon.png Hachirin-no-Obi Karin Obi icon.png Karin Obi Dorin Obi icon.png Dorin Obi Suirin Obi icon.png Suirin Obi Furin Obi icon.png Furin Obi Hyorin Obi icon.png Hyorin Obi Rairin Obi icon.png Rairin Obi Korin Obi icon.png Korin Obi Anrin Obi icon.png Anrin Obi
Track Shirt +1 icon.png Track Shirt +1 Fire Cluster icon.png Fire Cluster x12 Track Shirt icon.png Track Shirt x2
Track Pants +1 icon.png Track Pants +1 Fire Cluster icon.png Fire Cluster x12 Track Pants icon.png Track Pants x2
Fylgja Torque icon.png Artisan's Torque Carver's Torque icon.png Carver's Torque Smithy's Torque icon.png Smithy's Torque Goldsmith's Torque icon.png Goldsmith's Torque Weaver's Torque icon.png Weaver's Torque Tanner's Torque icon.png Tanner's Torque Boneworker's Torque icon.png Boneworker's Torque Alchemst. Torque icon.png Alchemst. Torque Culinarian's Torque icon.png Culinarian's Torque
Woltaris Ring +1 icon.png Artisan's Ring Carpenter's Ring icon.png Carpenter's Ring Smith's Ring icon.png Smith's Ring Goldsmith's Ring icon.png Goldsmith's Ring Tailor's Ring icon.png Tailor's Ring Tanner's Ring icon.png Tanner's Ring Bonecrafter's Ring icon.png Bonecrafter's Ring Alchemist's Ring icon.png Alchemist's Ring Chef's Ring icon.png Chef's Ring
Thrace Strap icon.png Omni Grip Fire Grip icon.png Fire Grip Water Grip icon.png Water Grip Wind Grip icon.png Wind Grip Ice Grip icon.png Ice Grip Thunder Grip icon.png Thunder Grip Earth Grip icon.png Earth Grip Light Grip icon.png Light Grip Dark Grip icon.png Dark Grip
Hi-Reraiser icon.png Goblin Brew +1 Reraiser icon.png Goblin Brew x8
Super Reraiser icon.png Goblin Brew +2 Hi-Reraiser icon.png Goblin Brew +1 x8
Light Cluster icon.png Prismatic Cluster Fire Cluster icon.png Fire Cluster x12 Ice Cluster icon.png Ice Cluster x12 Wind Cluster icon.png Wind Cluster x12 Earth Cluster icon.png Earth Cluster x12 Lightning Cluster icon.png Lightning Cluster x12 Water Cluster icon.png Water Cluster x12 Light Cluster icon.png Light Cluster x12 Dark Cluster icon.png Dark Cluster x12
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragments
Genmei Shield icon.png Genmei Shield AugRank.png Genbu's Shield icon.png Genbu's Shield (Aug) Genbu Scrap icon.png Genbu Scrap x99 Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x10
Shukuyu's Scythe icon.png Shukuyu's Scythe AugRank.png Suzaku's Scythe icon.png Suzaku's Scythe (Aug) Suzaku Scrap icon.png Suzaku Scrap x99 Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x10
Koboto icon.png Koboto AugRank.png Seiryu's Sword icon.png Seiryu's Sword (Aug) Seiryu Scrap icon.png Seiryu Scrap x99 Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x10
Jokushuono icon.png Jokushuono AugRank.png Byakko's Axe icon.png Byakko's Axe (Aug) Byakko Scrap icon.png Byakko Scrap x99 Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x10
Genmei Kabuto icon.png Genmei Kabuto AugRank.png Genbu's Kabuto icon.png Genbu's Kabuto (Aug) Genmei Kabuto icon.png Cracked Kabuto Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x25 Divine Lumber icon.png Divine Lumber x5
Reiki Osode icon.png Reiki Osode AugRank.png Kirin's Osode icon.png Kirin's Osode (Aug) Reiki Osode icon.png Tattered Osode Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x25 Mulcibar's Scoria icon.png Mulcibar's Scoria x5
Kobo Kote icon.png Kobo Kote AugRank.png Seiryu's Kote icon.png Seiryu's Kote (Aug) Kobo Kote icon.png Ruined Kote Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x25 Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot x5
Jokushu Haidate icon.png Jokushu Haidate AugRank.png Byakko's Haidate icon.png Byakko's Haidate (Aug) Jokushu Haidate icon.png Ripped Haidate Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x25 Behem. Leather icon.png Behem. Leather x5
Shukuyu Sune-Ate icon.png Shukuyu Sune-Ate AugRank.png Suzaku's Sune-Ate icon.png Suzaku's Sune-Ate (Aug) Shukuyu Sune-Ate icon.png Scuffed Sune-Ate Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x25 Siren's Macrame icon.png Siren's Macrame x5
Great Club +1 icon.png Kraken Club +1 Kraken Club icon.png Kraken Club Soulfl. Tentacle icon.png Slimy Tentacle

Dropped by ???, spawned with an Epic Lure obtained from Junknix

Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x99 Oxblood Orb icon.png Oxblood Orb x12 Angel Skin Orb icon.png Angel Skin Orb x12
First Virtue icon.png Absolute Virtue
Combatant's Torque icon.png Combatant's Torque Torque icon.png Virtue Torque Fortitude Torque icon.png Fortitude Torque Faith Torque icon.png Faith Torque Temp. Torque icon.png Temp. Torque Justice Torque icon.png Justice Torque Hope Torque icon.png Hope Torque Prudence Torque icon.png Prudence Torque Love Torque icon.png Love Torque
Qiqirn Sash +1 icon.png Enlil's Sash Ninurta's Sash icon.png Virtue Sash Ninurta's Sash icon.png Ninurta's Sash Luminion Chip icon.png Radiant Chip x15 Luminian Tissue icon.png Luminous Tissue x15 Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x25 Anct. Beastcoin icon.png Anct. Beastcoin x99
Fickblix's Ring icon.png Ares's Ring Medada's Ring icon.png Virtue Ring Mars's Ring icon.png Mars's Ring Luminion Chip icon.png Radiant Chip x10 Luminian Tissue icon.png Luminous Tissue x10 Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x15 Anct. Beastcoin icon.png Anct. Beastcoin x50
Lehko's Ring icon.png Enyo's Ring Medada's Ring icon.png Virtue Ring Bellona's Ring icon.png Bellona's Ring Luminion Chip icon.png Radiant Chip x10 Luminian Tissue icon.png Luminous Tissue x10 Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x15 Anct. Beastcoin icon.png Anct. Beastcoin x50
Gurebu's Ring icon.png Athena's Ring Medada's Ring icon.png Virtue Ring Minerva's Ring icon.png Minerva's Ring Luminion Chip icon.png Radiant Chip x10 Luminian Tissue icon.png Luminous Tissue x10 Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x15 Anct. Beastcoin icon.png Anct. Beastcoin x50
Guild NMs
Woltaris Ring +1 icon.png Artisan's Ring +1 Woltaris Ring icon.png Artisan's Ring R Chocotrain icon.png Guild Token
Fylgja Torque +1 icon.png Artisan's Torque +1 Fylgja Torque icon.png Artisan's Torque R Chocotrain icon.png Guild Token
Marid Ring +1 icon.png Craftmaster's Ring +1 Craftmaster's Ring icon.png Craftmaster's Ring R Chocotrain icon.png Guild Token x3
Haubergeon +1 icon.png Reverend Mail +1 AugRank.png Reverend Mail icon.png Reverend Mail (Aug) Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x50 Maliya. Coral Orb icon.png Maliya. Coral Orb x12 Oxblood Orb icon.png Oxblood Orb x12 Angel Skin Orb icon.png Angel Skin Orb x12
Bone Earring +1 icon.png Brutal Earring +1 Brutal Earring icon.png Brutal Earring Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x50 Maliya. Coral Orb icon.png Maliya. Coral Orb x12 Oxblood Orb icon.png Oxblood Orb x12 Angel Skin Orb icon.png Angel Skin Orb x12
Warrior's Belt +1 icon.png Warwolf Belt +1 Warwolf Belt icon.png Warwolf Belt Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x50 Ovinnik Leather icon.png Ovinnik Leather x5 Fiendish Skin icon.png Behemoth Pelt x5
Mythril Ring +1 icon.png Defending Ring +1 Defending Ring icon.png Defending Ring Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment x50 Behem. Leather icon.png Behem. Leather x5 Fiendish Skin icon.png Behemoth Pelt x5

Three Mage Gate

Is always open, just select it and watch the magic happen.


Name (Job) Available Obtainment Customized Notes
Apururu (UC) (WHM/RDM) CatsEyeXI ACE.png Join Apururu Unity and earn 5000 accolades to unlock.
Players can exchange 5 Copper Vouchers for Unity Accolades to instantly unlock.
No Every conquest tally you must earn 5000 accolades to keep Apururu (UC).
Cherukiki (WHM/BLM) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Complete CoP 6-4.
Speak with Taillegeas in Ru'Lude Gardens (I-7).
Kupipi (WHM) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CatsEyeXI ACE.png Trust: Windurst
Crystal Warrior via A Matter of Trust III (Windurst)
No Prioritises tanks for healing <75% HP. Others <50% HP
Mihli Aliapoh (WHM) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CatsEyeXI ACE.png RoE Tutorial
Crystal Warrior via Goblin's Gambit
Yoran-Oran (UC) (WHM) Join Yoran-Oran Unity and earn 5000 accolades to unlock.
Players can exchange 5 Copper Vouchers for Unity Accolades to instantly unlock.
No Does not use Nott.

Magic DPS
Name (Job) Available Obtainment Customized Notes
Adelheid (SCH) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CatsEyeXI ACE.png RoE Tutorial
Crystal Warrior via Goblin's Gambit
Ajido-Marujido (BLM/RDM) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CatsEyeXI ACE.png Trust: Windurst + Rank 6
Crystal Warrior via A Matter of Trust I (Windurst)
Shantotto (BLM) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Complete Quest: Curses, Foiled A-Golem!? No

Name (Job) Available Obtainment Customized Notes
Aldo (THF/NIN) CatsEyeXI CW.png Tonberry Trouble Yes Uses Despoil, Sneak Attack and has Dual Wield. Gains Treasure Hunter II at 45.
Uses Dancing Edge and Evisceration. Will open Skillchains when you have 1000+ TP.
Ayame (SAM) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Trust: Bastok + Rank 3 No
Iron Eater (WAR) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png See Page No
Lehko Habhoka (THF) CatsEyeXI ACE.png Curio Vendor Moogle (Scrolls) "Rhapsody in Crimson" Key Item No
Lion II (THF/NIN) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png RoV Mission 1-7 No Casts Utsusemi. Gains Treasure Hunter II at 45. Holds up to 1500 TP to try to close skillchains.
Maat (MNK) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Complete Shattering Stars for six or more jobs.
Speak with Maat in Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5).
Yes Attack Bonus, Accuracy Bonus & Double Attack bonus.
Matsui-P (NIN/BLM) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png(?) Domain Invasion Yes Double Attack & MP bonus. Uses Innin, and will Magic Burst.
Maximilian (THF/NIN) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png(?) Purchase at Cumetouflaix Yes Accuracy Bonus & Double Attack bonus. Casts Utsusemi.
Mayakov (DNC) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Purchased from Domain Officer for 50,000 Domain Shards Yes Accuracy Bonus, Double Attack, and Store TP bonus. Uses Haste Samba, Waltz, and Saber Dance.
Naja Salaheem (MNK/WAR) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Curio Vendor Moogle (Scrolls) "Rhapsody in Crimson" Key Item Yes Accuracy Bonus and Store TP bonus. Uses MNK Job Ability.
Naji (WAR) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CatsEyeXI ACE.png Trust: Bastok
Crystal Warrior via A Matter of Trust III (Bastok)
Nanaa Mihgo (THF) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Trust: Windurst + Rank 3 Yes Accuracy Bonus and Store TP bonus. Uses Despoil. Gains Treasure Hunter II at 45.
Nashmeira II (WAR) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png After RoV Mission 2-9 No
Prishe (MNK/WHM) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CoP 8-4. Examine Walnut Door in Tavnazian Safehold (K-7, Top floor) No
Prishe II (WHM/MNK) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png After RoV Mission 2-3 Yes Uses Curaga at 75% HP instead of 25% when Ulmia is in the party.
Shikaree Z (DRG/WHM) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Complete Three Paths. Speak to Perih Vashai in Windurst Woods (K-7). No
Tenzen (SAM) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CatsEyeXI ACE.png RoE Tutorial
Crystal Warrior via Tonberry Trouble
Uka Totlihn (DNC/WAR) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CatsEyeXI ACE.png Curio Vendor Moogle (Scrolls) "Rhapsody in Crimson" Key Item
Crystal Warrior via Goblin's Gambit
Yes Accuracy Bonus and Store TP bonus. Uses Waltz, Haste Samba, and Quickstep. Stuns TP moves with Violent Flourish.
Volker (WAR) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CatsEyeXI ACE.png Trust: Bastok + Rank 6
Crystal Warrior via A Matter of Trust I (Bastok)
Yes Accuracy Bonus and Enmity bonus. Uses WAR Job Ability.
Zeid II (DRK/WAR) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Curio Vendor Moogle (Scrolls) "Rhapsody in White" Key Item or after RoV Mission 1-17 Yes Accuracy Bonus. Casts Stun.
Abquhbah (WAR/MNK) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Complete President Salaheem (AU3) and Ever Forward (RoV 2-7). Holds up to 1500 TP to try to close skillchains.
Rainemard (RDM/PLD) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Obtain Bundle of scrolls Key Item and speak with Shanene in Batallia Downs (S) (J/I-7). Yes Only casts enhancing magic player and himself. Haste and Phalanx II.

Name (Job) Available Obtainment Customized Notes
Elivira (COR) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CatsEyeXI ACE.png Curio Vendor Moogle (Scrolls) "Rhapsody in Crimson" Key Item
Crystal Warrior via Goblin's Gambit
Yes Only uses Evoker's Roll and Warlock's Roll.
Semih Lafihna (RNG/WAR) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Speak to Kupipi during mission 2-3 or after RoV Mission 1-7 Yes Ranged Accuracy Bonus and Store TP bonus. Uses RNG Job Ability.
Tenzen II (SAM/RNG) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png After RoV Mission 2-2 No

Name (Job) Available Obtainment Customized Notes
Cornelia (GEO) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Daily Quest Rewards Yes Uses Indi-Haste (?%)
Kupofried (GEO) CatsEyeXI ACE.png Curio Vendor Moogle (Scrolls) "Rhapsody in Crimson" Key Item Yes Uses Corsair's Roll.
Moogle (GEO) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Daily Quest Rewards No
Sakura (GEO) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Daily Quest Rewards No

Name (Job) Available Obtainment Customized Notes
Joachim (BRD/WHM) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CatsEyeXI ACE.png RoE Tutorial
Crystal Warrior via Goblin's Gambit
Yes Only uses 1x March and 1x Ballad song.
Koru-moru (RDM) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CatsEyeXI ACE.png Curio Vendor Moogle (Scrolls)
Crystal Warrior via Goblin's Gambit
Qultada (COR) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI ACE.png Curio Vendor Moogle (Scrolls) "Rhapsody in Crimson" Key Item Yes Only uses Samurai Roll and Fighter's Roll.
Sylvie (UC) (GEO) CatsEyeXI ACE.png Join Sylvie Unity and earn 5000 accolades to unlock.
Players can exchange 5 Copper Vouchers for Unity Accolades to instantly unlock.
No Every conquest tally you must earn 5000 accolades to keep Sylvie (UC).
Ulmia (BRD) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CoP 8-4. Examine the Dilapidated Gate in Misareaux Coast (I-11). Yes Only uses 1x Minuet and 1x Madrigal song.

Name (Job) Available Obtainment Customized Notes
Ark Angel Ev (PLD/WHM) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Purchase at Cumetouflaix Yes Enmity++ bonus.
August (PLD/WAR) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Purchase - Leafallia Vendor (Linkshell Rank 1 Access) 5000 Adventure Points. No Possesses HP+10%
  • Uses Divine Emblem to enhance Holy II.
  • August's attacks are not affected by Sambas.
  • August wears the Founder's Gear and has accordingly all Killer Effects and high resistance to Terror.
  • August can switch weapons at will while auto attacking and performing weapon skills, it is unknown if this changes his damage type or is merely cosmetic.
  • He has been observed wielding H2H, Dagger and Axe, Bow (Auto Attacks), Great Axe and Scythe (Alabaster Burst), Great Sword (Tartaric Sigil), Dual Katanas and Great Katana (Noble Frenzy) Club and Staff (Fulminous Fury), All Weapons combined (No Quarter), and Flute (Daybreak) in addition to his default Sword and Shield.
  • August is considered to be wielding a Great Sword for the purposes of Damage Limit+ and Inundation. [Reference:Patch Notes]
  • Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP and does not try to skillchain.
  • Daybreak (~3 min cooldown, ~1 min 30 sec duration)
  • When August's HP drops below a certain threshold (~66%), he uses Daybreak if it's available which partially restores some HP and MP, resets his TP, and activates an aura with wings of light
  • Daybreak is a -50% PDT effect, full Erase, Stats boost, Regen, and Store TP
  • During Daybreak, August's next weapon skill will be Fulminous Fury or Noble Frenzy, followed by No Quarter
  • Daybreak is removed after the use of No Quarter.
  • Daybreak's cooldown may start when No Quarter is used (meaning it's about a 1.5min cooldown) Information Needed
Curilla (PLD) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CatsEyeXI ACE.png Trust: San d'Oria + Rank 3
Crystal Warrior via A Matter of Trust I (San d'Oria)
Excenmille (PLD) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CatsEyeXI ACE.png Trust: San d'Oria
Crystal Warrior via A Matter of Trust III (San d'Oria)
Gessho (NIN/WAR) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Complete Passing Glory. Examine the cushion in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (J-12).
Halver (PLD/WAR) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Speak to Halver during mission 2-3 or after RoV Mission 1-7 Yes CatsEyeXI Accelerated Enmity bonus.
Crystal Warrior Only builds TP and performs Weaponskills.
Trion (PLD) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png Trust: San d'Oria + Rank 6 No
Valaineral (PLD/WAR) CatsEyeXI ACE.png CatsEyeXI CW.png CatsEyeXI ACE.png RoE Tutorial
Crystal Warrior via Goblin's Gambit

Working BCNMs

See the BG Wiki Battlefields page for general BCNM information.

Chamber of Oracles
Battlefield Lvl. Cap Entry Item Players/Trust Cap Working?
Legion XI Comitatensis 60 Cloudy Orb 6 Check.gif
The Scarlet King Uncapped Atropos Orb 6 Check.gif
Cactuar Suave Uncapped Clotho Orb 6 Check.gif
Eye of the Storm Uncapped Lachesis Orb 6 Check.gif
Ghelsba Outpost
Battlefield Lvl. Cap Entry Item Players/Trust Cap Working?
Wings of Fury 20 Cloudy Orb 3 Check.gif
Petrifying Pair 30 Sky Orb 3 Check.gif
Toadall Recall 30 Sky Orb 6 Check.gif
Sacrificial Chamber
Battlefield Lvl. Cap Entry Item Players/Trust Cap Working?
Amphibian Assault 60 Moon Orb 6 Check.gif
Jungle Boogymen 60 Moon Orb 6 Check.gif
Jungle Boogymen II Uncapped Moon Orb 6 Eks.gif