CatsEyeXI Systems/HELM

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Logging Header.png

CatsEyeXI is home to various zones of custom Harvesting, Excavation, Logging, and Mining.

  • Access to a few of these unique HELM zones must be earned by completing a one time quest, detailed on the Quests page.
    • Excavating Aht Urghan: Clink to the Past
    • Harvesting The Crawlers' Nest: Thread Bare
    • Mining Gustav Tunnel (CW Only): Here be Dragons
  • Below are the CatsEye unique HELM zones and their results.
      • Rarity information is as follows:
        • G {{gdrop}} - Guaranteed (100% drop rate, 1/1)
        • VC {{vcdrop}} - Very common (24%)
        • C {{cdrop}} - Common (15%)
        • U {{udrop}} - Uncommon (10%)
        • R {{rdrop}} - Rare (5%)
        • VR {{vrdrop}} - Very Rare (1%)
        • SR {{srdrop}} - Super Rare (0.5%)
        • UR {{urdrop}} - Ultra Rare (0.1%)
  • There are currently no custom maps for these HELM points.
    • Anyone who wishes to make and share one is free to do so, and it will be uploaded.


Crawlers' Nest

Deep in the heart of Derfland lies a labyrinth of twisting tunnels, where many creatures make their nest. The Iron Musketeers in collaboration with the Department of Industry have designated new sites to search for valuable resources in this previously untapped area. This area will become available after completing a quest.
(Requires Quest: Thread Bare)
Item Rarity
Crawler Cocoon icon.png Crawler Cocoon VC
Beehive Chip icon.png Beehive Chip C
Silk Thread icon.png Silk Thread C
Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing U
Crawler Egg icon.png Crawler Egg R
Rolanberry icon.png Rolanberry R
Silver Thread icon.png Silver Thread R
Royal Jelly icon.png Royal Jelly VR
Rainbow Thread icon.png Rainbow Thread VR
Crawlers Nest Full.png

Pashhow Marshlands

The thriving marsh of Derfland is home to a diverse array of creatures. While seeming an unlikely place to strike rich, this area has become of increasing significance to botanists and alchemists who seek fresh materials for their own interests.
Item Rarity
Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing C
Boyahda Moss icon.png Boyahda Moss C
Malboro Vine icon.png Malboro Vine C
Beastman Blood icon.png Beastman Blood U
Puffball icon.png Puffball R
Wijnruit icon.png Wijnruit R
Rain Lily icon.png Rain Lily R
Dahlia icon.png Dahlia VR
Copper Frog icon.png Copper Frog VR
Reishi Mushroom icon.png Reishi Mushroom VR
Grain Seeds icon.png Grain Seeds VR
Porxie Wing icon.png Porxie Wing VR
Pashhow Marshlands-map.jpg


Arrapago Reef

Lost at sea, the wrecks of many ruined vessels come to rest upon these rocks. An accumulated trove of abandoned articles turned this once empty ghost yard into a hive for treasure hunters.
(Requires Quest: Clink to the Past)

??? Item Appraisers: Ciciroon (J-9) Al Zahbi / Gegeroon (H-8) Nashmau

Item Rarity
Corsair Bullet icon.png Corsair Bullet VC
Shall Shell icon.png Shall Shell C
Imp Horn icon.png Imp Horn C
Firesand icon.png Firesand U
Silica icon.png Silica U
Old Bullet Box icon.png Old Bullet Box R
Imperial Cermet icon.png Imperial Cermet R
Petrified Log icon.png Petrified Log R
Soulflayer Robe icon.png Soulflayer Robe R
Soulflayer Staff icon.png Soulflayer Staff R
??? Sword icon.png ??? Sword VR
??? Headpiece icon.png ??? Headpiece VR
??? Ingot icon.png ??? Ingot VR
Orobon Lure icon.png Orobon Lure SR
Minium icon.png Minium UR
Arrapago Reef Composite Map.png

Aydeewa Subterrane

Remnants of the once great Olduum civilization litter the catacombs below Wajaom. Previously only in the purview of Qiqirn archeology, these sites have gained new interest from the Empire’s mercenaries, looking to find their fortunes.
(Requires Quest: Clink to the Past)

??? Item Appraisers: Ciciroon (J-9) Al Zahbi / Gegeroon (H-8) Nashmau

Item Rarity
Pebble icon.png Pebble C
Colibri Beak icon.png Colibri Beak C
Blk. Tiger Fang icon.png Blk. Tiger Fang U
Silver Leaf icon.png Silver Leaf U
Marid Tusk icon.png Marid Tusk R
Silica icon.png Silica R
Firesand icon.png Firesand R
Gold Leaf icon.png Gold Leaf R
??? Necklace icon.png ??? Necklace VR
??? Earring icon.png ??? Earring VR
??? Ring icon.png ??? Ring VR
Qiqirn Cape icon.png Qiqirn Cape SR
Platinum Leaf icon.png Platinum Leaf SR
Aydeewa Subterrane-map2.jpg


Reports of lost Zilart artifacts have recently surfaced from the ruined tower in Fauregandi. Under authority of the Archduke himself, the Armathrwn Society is summoning adventurers from across the land to excavate the ruins and uncover its secrets.
Item Rarity
Pebble icon.png Pebble VC
Magic Pot Shard icon.png Magic Pot Shard C
Bat Fang icon.png Bat Fang U
Golem Shard icon.png Golem Shard U
Doll Shard icon.png Doll Shard U
Mercury icon.png Mercury R
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore R
Phil. Stone icon.png Phil. Stone R
Cermet Chunk icon.png Cermet Chunk R
Fire Ore icon.png Fire Ore VR
Granite icon.png Granite SR
Fei'Yin-map1.jpg Fei'Yin-map2.jpg

Labyrinth of Onzozo

Beneath the waves of the Pamtam Straits, winding tunnels lead to the resting place of legendary beasts from another age. Once a well kept secret of the Goblin race, adventurers of Vana'diel are beginning to unearth the mysteries of this long lost trove of archaeological treasures.
(Requires Quest: Broken Bones)
Item Rarity
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip C
Scorpion Claw icon.png Scorpion Claw C
Manticore Fang icon.png Manticore Fang U
Manticore Hide icon.png Manticore Hide U
Coral Fragment icon.png Coral Fragment R
Shall Shell icon.png Shall Shell R
Giant Femur icon.png Giant Femur R
H.Q. Coeurl Hide icon.png H.Q. Coeurl Hide R
H.Q. Scp. Shell icon.png H.Q. Scp. Shell R
Coeurl Whisker icon.png Coeurl Whisker R
Wyvern Scales icon.png Wyvern Scales R
Wyvern Skin icon.png Wyvern Skin VR
Unicorn Horn icon.png Unicorn Horn SR
Dragon Bone icon.png Dragon Bone SR
Labyrinth of Onzozo-map.jpg


Bibiki Bay

The Optistery at Windurst has restored a previously indecipherable text. This mysterious manuscript tells of a land with bountiful fine wood for building staves and bows, in the bay of Gugru Blue off the shores Mindartia. The Sibyl Guards have requested the aid of adventurers to scout the vicinity.
Item Rarity
Holly Log icon.png Holly Log C
Lauan Log icon.png Lauan Log C
Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log U
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log R
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log R
Bird Feather icon.png Bird Feather R
Bird Egg icon.png Bird Egg VR
Lizard Egg icon.png Lizard Egg VR
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather VR
Bibiki Bay-map1.jpg

Grauberg (S)

In the rolling hills of Grauberg lies the Witchfire Glen, home to the Sidhe, a peaceful race of pixies. However, their magical trees recently caught the unwelcome attention of adventurers.
Item Rarity
Yew Log icon.png Yew Log C
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log C
Chestnut Log icon.png Chestnut Log C
Ash Log icon.png Ash Log R
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log R
Teak Log icon.png Teak Log R
Jacaranda Log icon.png Jacaranda Log VR
Faerie Apple icon.png Faerie Apple VR
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log UR

La Theine Plateau

Only during Gobbie Gathering.
Moonbow Whistle icon.png Union Commendation VR can also be obtained upon logging.
Item Rarity
Ash Log icon.png Ash Log Question
Chestnut Log icon.png Chestnut Log Question
Petrified Log icon.png Petrified Log Question
Acorn icon.png Acorn Question
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log Question
Mahogany Log icon.png Mahogany Log Question
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log Question
La Theine Plateau.jpg


Garlaige Citadel (S)

Built into rock, the heavily fortified citadel of Garlaige rests atop caverns, which have now been reinforced to allow miners to commence their activities.
Item Rarity
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone VC
Bomb Ash icon.png Bomb Ash C
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore U
Aluminum Ore icon.png Aluminum Ore U
Marble Nugget icon.png Marble Nugget U
Scorpion Shell icon.png Scorpion Shell R
Bomb Arm icon.png Bomb Arm R
Red Rock icon.png Red Rock R
Adaman Ore icon.png Adaman Ore VR
H.Q. Scp. Shell icon.png H.Q. Scp. Shell VR
Orichalcum Ore icon.png Orichalcum Ore VR
Garlaige Citadel (S)-map2.jpg

Grauberg (S)

Upon the peaks of Skyrend, many a miner has met their end at the clutches of the fearsome Ajattara who prowl to guard their nest from any intruders who would dare take their treasure.
Item Rarity
Pebble icon.png Pebble C
Iron Sand icon.png Iron Sand C
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore U
Wyvern Wing icon.png Wyvern Wing U
Adaman Ore icon.png Adaman Ore R
Wyvern Scales icon.png Wyvern Scales R
Wyvern Skin icon.png Wyvern Skin VR
Scholar Stone icon.png Scholar Stone VR
Wootz Ore icon.png Wootz Ore VR

Ordelle's Caves

A Mining Expedition sent by San d'Oria has discovered new mineral deposits in Ordelle's Caves. Curilla V Mecru has called on the Temple Knights to secure the surrounding area, now inviting adventurers to investigate.
Item Rarity
Copper Ore icon.png Copper Ore C
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore C
Bomb Ash icon.png Bomb Ash C
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore U
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin U
Rock Salt icon.png Rock Salt R
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin R
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore R
Fire Cluster icon.png Fire Cluster R
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore VR
Ordelle's Caves-map1.jpg Ordelle's Caves-map2.jpg Ordelle's Caves-map3.jpg

Gustav Tunnel (CW Only)

Khartes, in Selbina has heard rumours of a wyvern guarding mineral veins in Gustav Tunnel. He has asked adventurers to investigate and report back any sightings.

Crystal Warrior (Requires Quest: Here Be Dragons)

Item Rarity
Flint Stone icon.png Flint Stone C
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore C
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin C
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore U
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore U
Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin U
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin R
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore R
Heavy Metal icon.png Heavy Metal R
Orichalcum Ore icon.png Orichalcum Ore VR
Gustav Tunnel-map1.jpg

Konschtat Highlands

Only during Gobbie Gathering.
Moonbow Whistle icon.png Union Commendation VR can also be obtained upon mining.
Item Rarity
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore Question
Konschtat Highlands.jpg

General Changes

While the above tables are fully custom, there are also a few changes to HELM results of established zones.

  • Only items that have been modified or added to existing zones will be listed below. All other HELM results follow BG Wiki gathering pages.
    • The exception being that mining in any zone can result in elemental ores (Earth Ore icon.pngEarth Ore, etc). A table isn't needed for that.

Logging Changes
Zone Item Drop Note
East Ronfaure (S) Jacaranda Log icon.png Jacaranda Log Rarity Decreased from SR to VR.
Persikos icon.png Persikos C, added to zone.
Jugner Forest (S) Jacaranda Log icon.png Jacaranda Log Rarity Decreased, still VR, but higher than Ronfaure.
Persikos icon.png Persikos C, added to zone.
Fort K-N Persikos icon.png Persikos C, added to zone.
Yuhtunga Jungle Kitron icon.png Kitron C, added to zone.
Yhoator Jungle Kitron icon.png Kitron C, added to zone.
Harvesting Changes
Zone Item Drop Note
Bhaflau Thickets Felicifruit icon.png Felicifruit VR~R, added to zone.
Wajaom Woodlands Felicifruit icon.png Felicifruit VR~R, added to zone.
Yhoator Jungle Agaricus icon.png Agaricus R, added to zone.
Yuhtunga Jungle Agaricus icon.png Agaricus R, added to zone.