CatsEyeXI Content/Missions

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While the missions across CatsEyeXI are retail accurate, and follow the wiki's mission walkthroughs. There are some exceptions with Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.
Rhapsodies has been partially implemented in order to grant ACE accounts Trusts without needing a custom system. As the two corresponding key items (White/Crimson) are tied to them.
Thus, certain rewards (mostly key items) have been removed and others added.

  • Trust ciphers, and Rhapsodies KIs are only received by ACE/CW accounts while the other rewards are received by all account types.
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel

In order to progress through the Rhapsodies of Vana'diel without interruption, your character must have progressed to the following missions below in other expansions:

Chapter Number Mission Name Type Reward
Creation and Rebirth
Chapter 1 1-1 Rhapsodies of Vanadiel Cutscene
1-2 Resonance Cutscene
1-3 Emissary from the Seas Cutscene
1-4 Set Free Quest Anniversary Ring icon.png Anniversary Ring
1-5 The Beginning Cutscene Key Item Reisenjima Sanctorium orb
1-6 Flames of Prayer Cutscene Key Item "Rhapsody in White"CatsEyeXI Accelerated
▼ Obtain Rank 3 in your home nation by completing San d'Oria Flag.jpg Journey Abroad Bastok-Flag.jpg The Emissary Windurst-Flag.jpg The Three Kingdoms
1-7 The Path Untraveled Cutscene Unlocks access to 10119 icon.png Cipher Of Semih's Alter Ego and Cipher Of Halver's Alter EgoCatsEyeXI Accelerated
1-8 At the Heavens' Door Cutscene
1-9 The Lion's Roar Fight - Popped NM S. Reraiser Tank icon.png Super Reraiser Tank
Note: Level 50 cap, encounter status applied and is removed upon zoning. Trusts are not allowed and despawn upon clicking the vortex.
1-10 Eddies of Despair Cutscene Access to Escha - Zi'Tah, 1,000 Silt (Currency of Escha, allows warping from teleports in the zone)
1-11 A Land After Time Cutscene 10119 icon.png Cipher of Lion's alter ego IICatsEyeXI Accelerated
▼ Obtain Rank 6 in your home nation by completing San d'Oria Flag.jpg The Shadow Lord Bastok-Flag.jpg Xarcabard, Land of Truths Windurst-Flag.jpg The Shadow Awaits
1-12 Fate's Call Cutscene Miratete's Mem. icon.png Miratete's Memoirs
1-13 What Lies Beyond Cutscene
1-14 The Ties That Bind Cutscene
1-15 Impurity Cutscene
1-16 The Lost Avatar Fight - Popped NM Beastmen's Seal icon.png Beastmen's Seal x30
Uncapped, no encounter status applied, trusts allowed.
1-17 Volto Oscuro Cutscene 10119 icon.png Cipher of Zeid's Alter Ego IICatsEyeXI Accelerated
1-18 Ring My Bell Cutscene
▼ Progress in Chains of Promathia until your current mission is The Last Verse if you are past 7-5 The Warrior's Path
Chapter 2 2-1 Spirits Awoken Cutscene
▼ Progress in Chains of Promathia until your current mission is The Road Forks
2-2 Crashing Waves Cutscene 10119 icon.png Cipher Of Tenzen's Alter Ego IICatsEyeXI Accelerated and Kindred's Seal icon.png Kindred's Seal x30
2-3 Call to Serve Cutscene 10119 icon.png Cipher Of Prishe's Alter Ego IICatsEyeXI Accelerated
2-4 Numbering Days Cutscene
2-5 Inescapable Binds Cutscene
2-6 Desert Winds Quest
▼ Progress in Treasures of Aht Urhgan until your current mission is Royal Puppeteer
2-7 Ever Forward Cutscene
2-8 The Endless Sky Quest
2-9 Aphmau's Light Quest 10119 icon.png Cipher Of Nashmeira's Alter Ego IICatsEyeXI Accelerated
2-10 Reunited Cutscene
2-11 Take Wing Cutscene
2-12 Prime Number Cutscene Rebirth Feather icon.png Rebirth Feather
2-13 From the Ruins Cutscene Key Item "Rhapsody in Crimson"CatsEyeXI Accelerated and Far East Hearth icon.png Far East Hearth
Progress in Rhapsodies of Vanadiel Missions is not available beyond this point on CatsEyeXI.
  • Cutscene: A mission that is entirely or almost entirely cutscenes.
  • Quest: A mission that involves a lot of running around and cutscenes.
  • Dungeon: A mission that takes place mostly in a dungeon, such as Promyvion or Sacrarium.
  • Fight: A mission that mostly involves one or many NM fights.
  • BCNM: A mision that is either solely a BCNM, or culminates in a BCNM fight. Usually referenced along with Dungeon-type missions.