CatsEyeXI Content/Crystal Warrior

From FFXI Wiki
See the Talk page for player provided information on Crystal Warrior.


CatsEyeXI CW1.png

The Crystal Warrior game mode aims to provide an unique level of challenge for players who prefer more era style gameplay, combined with the vast custom content available on CatsEyeXI.

Crystal Warrior is founded on the following principles:

  • Group-based progression with party based leveling, giving additional rewards to motivate it
  • Trading is restricted, encouraging players to explore all content to acquire their items
  • Era forms of travel retain importance to provide immersion and make the world feel connected
  • Features unlock through meaningful content to avoid "free" rewards that undermine accomplishment


Players who wish to participate in Crystal Warrior mode must register a new account on the website. That will be flagged for this mode by clicking the Crystal Warrior “checkbox” on the creation screen.

  • Once enabled, the Crystal Warrior status cannot be removed, and players are not allowed to leave the program.
  • Players must also create their Crystal Warrior character through the character creation process on the website.


CatsEyeXI CW2.png

Crystal Warrior is designed as a completely fresh experience. Combining Self-Found and Classic 75-era style gameplay.
This separate mode runs alongside existing CatsEyeXI players.

Crystal Warrior has two modes, Standard and Unbreakable. With the main differences currently being that:

  • Crystal Warriors will be denoted by their colored name and accompanying icon. Next to their character's name in-game, and in search results.
  • Outposts currently must be controlled by your nation in order to do a Supply Run.
    • Players must still complete the supply quest from their nation Signet NPC.
  • BCNM teleporting is enabled for Crystal Warriors via Domenic in the Tenshodo of Lower Jeuno.
    • This is designed to provide a way for Crystal Warriors to easily participate in BCNMs while maintaining the challenge of the Crystal Warrior mode.
  • The announcement system will globally broadcast Crystal Warrior milestones and deaths.
    • Unbreakable characters have their own announcements and leaderboards.
  • Unbreakable characters de-level to 1 upon death outside of a BCNM or before hitting 75.

Otherwise, all of the Standard features of a Crystal Warrior apply to an Unbreakable character.

Choose carefully. Do not underestimate Unbreakable. It is recommended that most players choose Standard to enjoy Crystal Warrior.
This is a Private Server, and some unexpected aggro or being one-shot by a Final Sting or Berserked Lamb Chop will happen. However, being a private server also means that a Standard CW will have an awesome custom experience.

Standard Crystal Warrior

  • On death, the player’s current job will not be reset to Level 1.

Unbreakable Crystal Warrior

  • On death, the player’s current job will be reset to Level 1.
    • Two-Hour ability Mijin Gakure has been modified to give 3 shadows, and does not kill the character upon use (and thus does not de-level the player to 1).
    • Unbreakable characters will not de-level in a BCNM (or any other Level Restriction activities, except Garrison), allowing them to safely push the boundaries or experiment without dire consequence.
  • Upon reaching Level 75, the job will no longer reset to Level 1 on death (even if you de-level to 74 first), allowing players to safely participate in all of the endgame content CatsEyeXI has to offer.
    • Players will not lose any items, spells, or skill points as a result of the death.
  • Upon reaching Level 75 with all jobs, Unbreakable Crystal Warriors earn “Master” stars over their names.
  • Unbreakable Crystal Warriors may convert to Standard. Trade a Faded Crystal icon.png Faded Crystal to the NPC Shattering Stone in Mhaura.
    • There is no changing back to Unbreakable after this point.
    • Shattering Stone will also give you the opportunity to restore 1 of your 5 highest deaths, gaining all the levels back for that chosen job only.

Experience Points

Crystal Warriors receive bonus EXP when in a party with other players:

Level EXP
Level 40 +20%
Level 50 +30%
Level 60 +40%

This bonus is given with the following design goals in mind:

  • Encourage players to team up and tackle challenges together
  • Promote higher level parties
  • Offset the overbearing EXP curve at higher levels

Furthermore, Crystal Warriors level 40 and above receive an additional XP bonus to EXP chains.

Chain# EXP
0 +0%
1 +20%
3 +30%
4 +40%
5~8 +50%
9~13 +60%
14~18 +70%
19 +80%
20+ +88%


The Crystal Warrior mode is designed to reward players as they progress through the game. The following rewards are implemented:

  • Players will be eligible to unlock two trust slots through exclusive Crystal Warrior quests at levels 10 and 40, respectively.
  • Character progression milestones have point values assigned to them throughout gameplay. Including leveling and completing missions or quests.
  • Exclusive Rewards have been made available to participants of the program.
    • These items were designed to overall be meta-altering. Some are stronger than other options in general, but that was not the general aim.
    • All players will still need to participate in end-game events to acquire best-in-slot items.
  • Other than armor sets, select à la carte items will be made available that can be augmented using a selected currency (TBD).

Helper Rewards

When players help with missions and progression quests, they receive EXP scrolls. These are also tallied on the leaderboard.
Crystal Warriors can claim additional rewards upon reaching "Helper Milestones"

  • All EXP scrolls stack and are no longer Rare-Icon.gif "Rare".
  • Players may not use EXP scrolls inside battlefields.
  • Perrin in Port Jeuno (J-8) offers rewards based on the number of times players have given assistance.
    • Milestone points are not lost after redeeming for an item.

Helper Milestone Rewards
Item Times
Cracker icon.png Cracker x99 10
Brilliant Snow icon.png Brilliant Snow x99 20
Stuffed Chocobo icon.png Stuffed Chocobo 30
Charity Cap icon.png Charity Cap 40
Shadow Lord Shirt icon.png Shadow Lord Shirt 50
Poroggo Coat icon.png Poroggo Coat 80
Harpsichord icon.png Harpsichord 120
Mizukage Naginata icon.png Mizukage Naginata 240


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Crystal Warrior mode is designed to test a player's skill and dedication. Players choosing to accept this challenge will be subject to the following restrictions and changes to gameplay:

  • Players will not be able to obtain login points.
  • Gobbie Mystery Box is restricted.
  • Records of Eminence is disabled.
  • Only conventional EXP rings are enabled.
  • Trade of any kind is restricted. This includes player-to-player trades, use of the Auction House, and bazaars.
  • EXP is reduced to 75 era accurate rates, but receive bonuses detailed above.
  • Survival Guides, Home Points and Unity Warps are disabled.
    • This ensures that the player must travel on foot or by airship, chocobo, unlocked outposts or boat to progress through the game.
  • Fields of Valor are enabled, but subsequent completions reduce EXP gained from them significantly.
  • Receiving heals or support from non-Crystal Warrior players is blocked to ensure fair play.
  • While Level Sync is available at 15+. Gear scaling is disabled, and any equipped gear over the sync's level will be automatically unequipped.
  • Synthesis and Fishing skill-ups are slightly above 75 era accurate rates and amounts. As players must level all crafts to make their own items.
    • Combat skill-ups are era accurate.
  • Dual boxing Crystal Warriors is not allowed. Including using a QoL account to trivialize things, pull zones, etc.
    • This ensures the player must rely solely on their own abilities, and those of other Crystal Warrior players to progress through the game.
  • Crystal Warriors will not be able to join parties or alliances containing non-Crystal Warrior players.


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In addition to all that there is on CatsEye. Crystal Warriors have unique content available to the awesome experience.

  • Crystal Warriors will begin their adventure in new starting areas. Complete with introductory cutscenes and quests!
  • Missions have been fully rebalanced with the original level caps. Including new rewards for helpers.
  • 70+ New quests and New Notorious Monsters have been implemented.
  • 10+ New locations for HELM (Harvesting, Excavation, Logging, Mining) have been added to provide players (including non-CWs) with more options and access to raw materials!
  • Crystal Warriors can explore all of the existing content already on CatsEyeXI.
  • Future content is already being developed, ready to be delivered in the first Crystal Warrior update!

Yagudo Arena

CatsEyeXI CW3.png

In this feathery bout of fisticuffs, players engage in a level 50 capped battle to earn Arena Points to augment armor. It was originally released with the launch of Crystal Warrior in June 2023, and later updated in August 2023. Yagudo Arena was completely reworked in May 2024, to remove the random factor in augments, add Arena Points, new opponents, new items and a new shared treasure pool.

  • To start this repeatable quest, Speak with the Yagudo Outlaw, Castle Oztroja (I-7) north courtyard on the second floor (Exit F on Map 2).
    • Entry to the battlefield costs 4 Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoins.
    • The cooldown for repeating the arena is every Japanese Midnight.
    • For a walkthrough and rewards see the Quests page for the quest named Featherweight.


Yagudo Teams
Name Mob #1 Mob #2 Mob #3
Terrible Trio Yagudo Heretic (BLM)
Ether icon.png Ether C
Yagudo Exile (MNK)
Himantes icon.png Himantes U
Yagudo Paraiah (NIN)
Shuriken icon.png Shuriken C
Deadly Duo Yagudo Shinobi (NIN)
Fuma Shuriken icon.png Fuma Shuriken C
Yagudo Kunoichi (NIN)
Fuma Shuriken icon.png Fuma Shuriken C
Outstanding One Yagudo Pugilist (MNK)
Adargas icon.png Adargas R
Mighty Monster-tamer Yagudo Wildling
Coeurl Meat icon.png Coeurl Meat U
Coeurl Hide icon.png Coeurl Hide R
Frost Raptor
Raptor Skin icon.png Raptor Skin VC
Rock Salt icon.png Rock Salt R
Flame Raptor
Raptor Skin icon.png Raptor Skin VC
Sulfur icon.png Sulfur R
Serpent Singers Yagudo Flutist (BRD)
Parchment icon.png Parchment C
Angel's Flute icon.png Angel's Flute R
Yagudo Charmer (BRD)
Parchment icon.png Parchment C
Flute icon.png Flute R


Each chest contains the following items:

  • 1-3 pieces of Shinobi Tekko icon.png un-augmented armor used in the upgrade process
  • 1 White Rock icon.png colored rock corresponding to the current day (Low chance to receive Fire Ore icon.png elemental ore instead)
  • 2-3 assorted items from the table below:
Item Rate
Yagudo Feather icon.png Yagudo Feather VC
Coin of Glory icon.png Arena Token C
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment R
Scout's Crossbow icon.png Arcane Arbalest R
Sphene Earring icon.png Outlaw's Earring R
Quartz Tathlum icon.png Talon Tathlum R
Drachenblut Cape icon.png Exile's Cloak R
Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoin R
Remedy icon.png Remedy R
Hi-Ether icon.png Hi-Ether R
Hi-Potion icon.png Hi-Potion R
Yagudo Cherry icon.png Yagudo Cherry R
Yagudo Drink icon.png Yagudo Drink R
Yagudo Necklace icon.png Yagudo Necklace R
Juji Sh. Pouch icon.png Juji Sh. Pouch R
Manji Sh. Pouch icon.png Manji Sh. Pouch R
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood R
Juji Shuriken icon.png Juji Shuriken VR
Manji Shuriken icon.png Manji Shuriken VR
Auspice (Scroll) icon.png Auspice VR
Reraise (Scroll) icon.png Reraise VR
Hojo: Ni (Scroll) icon.png Hojo: Ni VR
Kurayami: Ni (Scroll) icon.png Kurayami: Ni VR
Tonko: Ni (Scroll) icon.png Tonko: Ni VR
Gold Capriccio (Scroll) icon.png Gold Capriccio VR
Foe Requiem V (Scroll) icon.png Foe Requiem V VR
Carnage Elegy (Scroll) icon.png Carnage Elegy VR
Aero III (Scroll) icon.png Aero III VR
Tornado (Scroll) icon.png Tornado VR
Air Spirit (Scroll) icon.png Air Spirit Pact VR
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin VR

Yagudo Arena: Purchases

Items can be purchased for Arena Points at the Yagudo Fence (I-7) in Castle Oztroja.

Arena Points
Item Cost
Yagudo Drink icon.png Yagudo Drink 150
Coin of Glory icon.png Arena Token 300
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment 1500
Yagudo Headgear icon.png Yagudo Crown 5000



Each armor can be upgraded using Arena points by trading each armor piece to the Yagudo Fence (I-7) in Castle Oztroja

High-quality versions of each armor piece can be traded to Yagudo Fence alongside an augmented piece, transferring the augments to the high-quality piece.

Armor Augments
Item A1 (100 Arena Points) A2 (200 Arena Points) A3 (300 Arena Points)
Mythril Armor Set
AugRank.png Mythril Sallet icon.png Mythril Sallet MP+5, Accuracy+6,
MP recovered while healing +1
MP+10, Accuracy+7,
MP recovered while healing +2
MP+15, Accuracy+8, Regen +1,
MP recovered while healing +3
AugRank.png Mtl. Breastplate icon.png Mtl. Breastplate MP+10, Attack+6, Accuracy+6 MP+20, Attack+7, Accuracy+7 MP+30, Attack+8, Accuracy+8,
Phys. dmg. taken -2%
AugRank.png Mythril Gauntlets icon.png Mythril Gauntlets MP+5, STR+2, Accuracy+6 MP+10, STR+3, Accuracy+7 MP+15, STR+4, Accuracy+8, Haste+2%
AugRank.png Mythril Cuisses icon.png Mythril Cuisses MP+10, INT+2, Attack+6 MP+15, INT+3, Attack+7 MP+20, STR+4, INT+4, Attack+8
AugRank.png Mythril Leggings icon.png Mythril Leggings MP+5, INT+2, Accuracy +6 MP+10, INT+3, Accuracy +7 MP+15, INT+4, Accuracy +8, Store TP +2
Shinobi Garb Set
AugRank.png Shinobi Hachigane icon.png Shinobi Hachigane HP+5, Attack+6, Counter+1 HP+10, Attack+7, Counter+2 HP+15, Attack+8, Haste+2%, Counter+3
AugRank.png Shinobi Gi icon.png Shinobi Gi HP+10, Attack+6, Accuracy+6, HP+20, Attack+7, Accuracy+7, HP+30, Attack+8, Accuracy+8,
Magic. dmg. taken-2%
AugRank.png Shinobi Tekko icon.png Shinobi Tekko HP+5, Attack+6, Accuracy+6 HP+10, Attack+7, Accuracy+7 HP+15, Attack+8, Accuracy+8, Store TP +2
AugRank.png Shinobi Hakama icon.png Shinobi Hakama HP+10, Attack+6, Counter+1 HP+15, Attack+7, Counter+2 HP+20, Attack+8, Haste+2%, Counter+3
AugRank.png Shinobi Kyahan icon.png Shinobi Kyahan HP+5, Accuracy+6,
Magic. dmg. taken-1%
HP+10, Accuracy+7,
Magic. dmg. taken-2%
HP+15, Accuracy+8, Haste+2%,
Magic. dmg. taken-3%
White Cloak Set
AugRank.png White Cloak icon.png White Cloak MP+10, DEX+4,
MP recovered while healing +1
MP+20, DEX+5,
MP recovered while healing +2
MP+30, DEX+6,
MP recovered while healing +3,
Pet: Attack+6 Rng.Atk.+6
AugRank.png Black Mitts icon.png Black Mitts MP+5, AGI+3,
Pet: Attack+4 Rng.Atk.+4
MP+10, AGI+4,
Pet: Attack+5 Rng.Atk.+5
MP+15, AGI+5,
Pet: Attack+6 Rng.Atk.+6
AugRank.png White Slacks icon.png White Slacks MP+10, AGI+3, Haste+1% MP+15, AGI+4, Haste+2% MP+20, AGI+5, Haste+3%, Regen +1
AugRank.png Moccasins icon.png Moccasins MP+5, DEX+2, Enmity-1 MP+10, DEX+3, Enmity-2 MP+15, DEX+4, Mag.Acc.+2, Enmity-3
Raptor Jerkin Set
AugRank.png Raptor Helm icon.png Raptor Helm HP+5, AGI+2, Attack+3 HP+10, AGI+3, Attack+4 HP+15, AGI+4, CHR+4, Attack+5
AugRank.png Raptor Jerkin icon.png Raptor Jerkin HP+10, CHR+2, Attack+6 HP+20, CHR+3, Attack+7 HP+30, DEX+4, CHR+4, Attack+8
AugRank.png Raptor Gloves icon.png Raptor Gloves HP+5, DEX+2, CHR+2 HP+10, DEX+3, CHR+3 HP+15, DEX+4, CHR+4,
Pet: Attack+5 Rng.Atk.+5
AugRank.png Raptor Trousers icon.png Raptor Trousers HP+10, AGI+2, Accuracy+3 HP+15, AGI+3, Accuracy+4 HP+20, VIT+4, AGI+4, Accuracy+5
AugRank.png Raptor Ledelsens icon.png Raptor Ledelsens HP+5, AGI+2, CHR+2 HP+10, AGI+3, CHR+3 HP+15, AGI+4, CHR+4, Haste +2%
Unique Items

The unique items can be upgraded at the Yagudo Fence by trading them alongside the required Coin of Glory icon.png Arena Tokens.

Item Upgrades
Item A1 (Coin of Glory icon.png Arena Token x1) A2 (Coin of Glory icon.png Arena Token x2) A3 (Coin of Glory icon.png Arena Token x3) A4 (Coin of Glory icon.png Arena Token x4)
Scout's Crossbow icon.png Arcane Arbalest DMG+1, AGI+1 DMG+2, AGI+2 DMG+3, AGI+3 DMG+4, AGI+4
Sphene Earring icon.png Outlaw's Earring Attack+1, Evasion+1 Attack+2, Evasion+2 Attack+3, Evasion+3 Attack+4, Evasion+4
Quartz Tathlum icon.png Talon Tathlum HP+2, Accuracy+1 HP+4, Accuracy+2 HP+6, Accuracy+3 HP+8, Accuracy+4
Drachenblut Cape icon.png Exile's Cloak DEF+1, STR+1 DEF+2, STR+2 DEF+3, STR+3 DEF+4, STR+4
Yagudo Headgear icon.png Yagudo Crown AGI+1, Attack+1 AGI+2, Attack+2 AGI+3, Attack+3 AGI+4, Attack+4

Tonberry Trouble

Yhoator Jungle header.jpg

Tonberry Trouble is a level 60 required and capped Crystal Warrior battle system that can be completed once per day for unique augmentable rewards, trusts and Ephemeral Box unlocks. Players must work together by co-ordinating magic spells and using elemental weaponskills to activate the correct triggers and earn as many points as possible.

  • The quest begins at an Old Inscription in Yhoator Jungle (J-11)
  • All participants must trade 4 Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Mythril Beastcoins.
  • The cooldown for repeating the arena is every Japanese Midnight.


Sozu Burberry will change elements, casting San spells to indicate the current element. To earn a high score and more Tonberry Tokens, players must perform weaponskills with elements that counter each element.

After a matching weaponskill is performed, Sozu Burberry will emote after reaching certain thresholds. These emotes indicate the player's current "threat" level which determines the Tonberry Tokens received after battle.

Message Weaponskills
Sozu Burberry barely acknowledges you. 0
Sozu Burberry finds you mildly annoying. 1
Sozu Burberry regards you as a nuissance. 3
Sozu Burberry considers you a threat. 5
Sozu Burberry has made you a mortal enemy. Max (?)

Sozu Burberry periodically casts illusions, spawning additional monsters to target players. These illusions can be dispelled by casting spells aligning with the correct magic element. Once hit with the corresponding element, illusions will die immediately.

Monster Element
Element: Fire Lizard Illusion Element: Water Water spells
Element: Thunder Coeurl Illusion Element: Earth Earth spells
Element: Wind Bee Illusion Element: Ice Ice spells
Element: Water Pugil Illusion Element: Thunder Lightning spells
Element: Earth Beetle Illusion Element: Wind Wind spells
Element: Ice Ghost Illusion Element: Fire Fire spells

At 15%, a powerful Wyvern Illusion will be summoned, forcing participants to end the battle quickly. The wyvern is higher level and possesses a strong Regain effect. After the battle is complete, all players must examine the Old Inscription to receive rewards (Personal loot) based on the group's performance.


Each chest contains the following items:

  • 1 Fire Cluster icon.png Randomly selected elemental cluster
  • 1 Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin or Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin
  • 1 Randomly selected elemental "San" Ninjutsu scroll
  • 1-3 Crafting materials or Shuriken pouches
  • Chance at one of four exclusive items R


Items can be purchased for Tonberry Tokens at the Tonberry Spirit in Yhoator Jungle (J-11).

Tonberry Tokens
Item Cost
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin x12 200
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin x12 300
Antacid icon.png Antacid x12 500
Koga Cabinet * 2000
Chef's Pantry ** 3000
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment 3000
Lux Pugio icon.png Savage Shiv 5000
Tonberry Lantern icon.png Radiant Lantern 5000
Wing Earring icon.png Bandit's Earring 5000
Happo Shuriken icon.png Madoushi Shuriken 5000
Cipher- Aldo icon.png Cipher: Aldo 5000
Cipher- Tenzen icon.png Cipher: Tenzen 7000

* Ephemeral Box NIN tool storage
** Ephemeral Box food storage


Upgrades can be performed by the Tonberry Spirit in Yhoator Jungle (J-11).

Tonberry Token Upgrades
Item AugRank.png A1 (300 TT) AugRank.png A2 (500 TT) AugRank.png A3 (800 TT) AugRank.png A4 (1200 TT)
Lux Pugio icon.png Savage Shiv Magnolia Lumber icon.png Magnolia Lumber x2 Attack+1
Magnolia Lumber icon.png Magnolia Lumber x3 Attack+2
Magnolia Lumber icon.png Magnolia Lumber x4 Attack+3
Magnolia Lumber icon.png Magnolia Lumber x6 Attack+4
Tonberry Lantern icon.png Radiant Lantern Balloon Cloth icon.png Balloon Cloth x2 INT+1
Balloon Cloth icon.png Balloon Cloth x3 INT+2
Balloon Cloth icon.png Balloon Cloth x4 INT+3
Balloon Cloth icon.png Balloon Cloth x6 INT+4
Pet: Damage Taken -2%
Wing Earring icon.png Bandit's Earring Shakudo Ingot icon.png Shakudo Ingot x2 AGI+1
Shakudo Ingot icon.png Shakudo Ingot x3 AGI+2
Shakudo Ingot icon.png Shakudo Ingot x4 AGI+3
Shakudo Ingot icon.png Shakudo Ingot x6 AGI+4
Parrying rate +2%
Happo Shuriken icon.png Madoushi Shuriken White Steel icon.png White Steel x2 HP/MP+4
White Steel icon.png White Steel x3 HP/MP+6
White Steel icon.png White Steel x4 HP/MP+8
White Steel icon.png White Steel x6 HP/MP+10
Magic Accuracy+2

Goblin's Gambit

Goblins Gambit.png

Released in August 2023 this content sees players engage in heated battle against Goblins in Movalpolos.
Each goblin has a different damage immunity, and thus requires players of different damage types to work together.

This may be completed once per day (JST Midnight), and is an uncapped fight.


You will battle against 3 monsters:

  • Healix (Goblin) - Weak to Slashing damage
  • Flapix (Bat) - Weak to Piercing damage
  • Gruflox (Goblin) - Weak to Blunt damage


Upon victory three different colored chests appear. An augmented weapon, crafting materials, and gil always drop, but each box will have a different reward. One box with Shell V (Scroll) icon.png scrolls, one with Cipher- Koru-Moru icon.png Trust ciphers, and a final one with Shock Absorber icon.png Automaton attachments. Each box has a different color, but is randomized each Vana'diel day. Allowing for players targeting certain items to gain foresight from fellow adventurers that discover the combination of the day.

Item Cost
Cipher- Adelheid icon.png Cipher: Adelheid 50
10130 icon.png Cipher: Elivira 50
Cipher- Mihli icon.png Cipher: Mihli 50
Cipher- Uka icon.png Cipher: Uka 50
Cipher- Joachim icon.png Cipher: Joachim 100
Cipher- Koru-Moru icon.png Cipher: Koru-Moru 100
Cipher- Valaineral icon.png Cipher: Valaineral 100
Item Cost
Distract (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Distract 30
Frazzle (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Frazzle 30
Quake II (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Quake II 40
Flood II (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Flood II 40
Tornado II (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Tornado II 40
Flare II (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Flare II 40
Freeze II (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Freeze II 40
Burst II (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Burst II 40
Dia III (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Dia III 50
Phalanx II (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Phalanx II 50
Bio III (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Bio III 50
Blind II (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Blind II 50
Paralyze II (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Paralyze II 100
Protectra V (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Protectra V 100
Shellra V (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Shellra V 100
Slow II (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Slow II 100
Crusade (Scroll) icon.png Scroll of Crusade 100
Item Cost
Arcanic Cell II icon.png Arcanic Cell II 50
Arcanoclutch icon.png Arcanoclutch 50
Condenser icon.png Condenser 50
Economizer icon.png Economizer 50
Magniplug icon.png Magniplug 50
Mana Tank III icon.png Mana Tank III 50
Optic Fiber icon.png Optic Fiber 50
Reactive Shield icon.png Reactive Shield 50
Resister II icon.png Resister II 50
Steam Jacket icon.png Steam Jacket 50
Tranquilizer icon.png Tranquilizer 50
Turbo Charger icon.png Turbo Charger 50
Dynamo icon.png Dynamo 100
Schurzen icon.png Schurzen 100
Auto-Rep. Kit III icon.png Auto-Repair Kit III 100
Coiler icon.png Coiler 100
Flame Holder icon.png Flame Holder 100
Ice Maker icon.png Ice Maker 100


Players will earn "Gobbie Grandeur" (GG) from completing Goblin's Gambit and can use this currency at Gambilox for a variety of services:

  • Purchase any scroll, attachment or cipher individually - Variable GG (see above under Rewards)
  • Select any weapon (Random augments) - 50 GG
  • Upgrade the attribute augment (eg. STR) on an existing weapon - 30 GG per +1 (up to 5)
  • Upgrade the stat augment (eg. attack) on an existing weapon - 50 GG per +1 (up to 5)
  • Purchase a Copper Key icon.png Moblin Master Key for starting Moblin Mayhem - 60 GG
  • Gambilox can also upgrade items found in Moblin Mayhem using Erudit. Necklace icon.png Moblin Medallions

Available weapons (for purchase 50GG or drop):

Item Cost
Adaman Kilij icon.png Adaman Kilij 50
Adaman Kris icon.png Adaman Kris 50
Adaman Sainti icon.png Adaman Sainti 50
Anelace icon.png Anelace 50
Bahadur icon.png Bahadur 50
Bhuj icon.png Bhuj 50
Buzdygan icon.png Buzdygan 50
Culverin icon.png Culverin 50
Flamberge icon.png Flamberge 50
Gully icon.png Gully 50
Ice Lance icon.png Ice Lance 50
Iron-splitter icon.png Iron-splitter 50
Kaskara icon.png Kaskara 50
Kazaridachi icon.png Kazaridachi 50
Manoples icon.png Manoples 50
Misericorde icon.png Misericorde 50
Nadziak icon.png Nadziak 50
Ox Tongue icon.png Ox Tongue 50
Scepter icon.png Scepter 50
Tabarzin icon.png Tabarzin 50
Verdun icon.png Verdun 50
+ 1~5
+ 1~5
Attack STR
Accuracy DEX
Enmity VIT
Evasion AGI
Mag.Atk.Bns INT
Mag.Acc MND
Waltz potency CHR
Cure potency
Phys. dmg. taken
Magic dmg. taken
HP recovered while healing
MP recovered while healing

Moblin Mayhem

Trading a Copper Key icon.png Moblin Master Key to the Moblin Moneybox (G-7 northern path that leads to a dead end) in Oldton Movalpolos will initiate a battle against three formidable Moblins. Warloq is capable of summoning a variety of different NMs at 50%. Upon defeating all enemies, the player starts a mini-game at the Moblin Moneybox similar to Corsair Die icon.png Corsair rolls where they can roll 1-6 (Max 11) for a chance at increased rewards Strix's Coffer icon.png. Note: roll dictates number of drop slots. 1-8 is 3, 9 is 4, 10 is 5, 11 is 6

(The player who initiated the battle must wait until JST midnight to repeat it but may assist other players with their battles. As with Goblin's Gambit, all helpers receive Dragon Chronicles icon.png Dragon Chronicles.)


Moblin Moneybox
Item Rarity
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin U
Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragment U
Erudit. Necklace icon.png Moblin Medallion U
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore R
Molybdenum Ore icon.png Molybdenum Ore R
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log R
Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth R
Adamantoise Shell icon.png Adamantoise Shell R
Kejusu Satin icon.png Kejusu Satin R
Galateia icon.png Galateia R
Dragon Bone icon.png Dragon Bone R
Eltoro Leather icon.png Eltoro Leather R
Viridian Urushi icon.png Viridian Urushi R
Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair VR
Angel Skin icon.png Angel Skin VR
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood VR
Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales VR
Dragon Blood icon.png Dragon Blood VR
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot VR
Khroma Ore icon.png Khroma Ore VR
Malboro Fiber icon.png Malboro Fiber VR
Khimaira Tail icon.png Khimaira Tail VR
Star Sapphire icon.png Star Sapphire VR
Kunwu Ore icon.png Kunwu Ore VR
Dragon Talon icon.png Dragon Talon VR
Wyrm Horn icon.png Wyrm Horn VR
Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot VR
Behemoth Horn icon.png Behemoth Horn VR
Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide VR
Dragon Heart icon.png Dragon Heart VR
Cestus Belt icon.png Champion Belt VR
Asklepian Ring icon.png Moblinium Might VR
Erudit. Necklace icon.png Warloq's Locket VR
Club Hammer icon.png Moblin Mallet VR


The unique items Cestus Belt icon.png Champion Belt and Asklepian Ring icon.png Moblinium Might can be upgraded at the Gambilox by trading them alongside the required Erudit. Necklace icon.png Moblin Medallions.

Item Upgrades
Item A1 (Erudit. Necklace icon.png Moblin Medallion x4) A2 (Erudit. Necklace icon.png Moblin Medallion x8) A3 (Erudit. Necklace icon.png Moblin Medallion x12) A4 (Erudit. Necklace icon.png Moblin Medallion x16)
Cestus Belt icon.png Champion Belt CHR+1 Haste+1% CHR+2 Haste+2% CHR+3 Haste+3% CHR+4 Haste+4%
Asklepian Ring icon.png Moblinium Might STR+1 MND+1 STR+2 MND+2 STR+3 MND+3 STR+4 MND+4
Erudit. Necklace icon.png Warloq's Locket Enmity-1
Phys. dmg. taken -1%
Phys. dmg. taken -2%
Phys. dmg. taken -3%
Phys. dmg. taken -4%
Club Hammer icon.png Moblin Mallet STR+1
Club skill +1
Club skill +2
Club skill +3
Club skill +4

Allied Incursion

Allied Incursions takes place over multiple beastmen areas.

Allied Incursions consist of the following:

  • Players start with a level sync at the lowest level, which increases as they defeat bosses.
  • Each Incursion consists of several rounds where players are given a series of target monsters followed by a boss target.
  • Each round may feature either a bonus target monster or a bonus chest for extra currency.
  • Once engaged, the boss pulls in all party members.
  • After using a weaponskill on a boss, it will reveal its weapon type weakness. Using a weaponskill that matches the weakness will award an extra bonus.
  • Once each round's boss is defeated, the level sync cap will raise, currency will be rewarded, and a purple marker will appear on the ground offering one of several boss bonus buffs.
  • A variety of temporary items can be purchased from the Incursion flag or obtained as rewards from bosses and chests to aid in combat.

The Incursion ends when the final round is completed.

Fort Ghelsba

  • This incursion begins at the Rallying Point (F-8) (Map #1)
  • The level cap range is 8-16
Fort Ghelsba Incursion
Bosses General Base Weapons
Orcish Martial (G-6) (Map #1)
Orcish Axesmith (I-7) (Map #1)
Orcish Sieger (I-9) (Map #1)

Pennon Earring +1 icon.png Tribal Earring R
Darksteel Sheet icon.png Orcish Steel VC
Ram Leather icon.png Orcish Leather VC
Wool Robe +1 icon.png Druid's Robe U
Lgn. Knuckles icon.png Worn Knuckles
Shamshir icon.png Worn Sword
Legionnaire's Axe icon.png Worn Axe
Atlas icon.png Worn Chopper
R.K. Army Lance icon.png Worn Lance
T.K. Army Shield icon.png Worn Shield
Orcish Ironlord
(I-8) (Map #1)
Bugard Strap +1 icon.png Orcish Axegrip C

Fort Ghelsba.jpg


  • This incursion begins at the Rallying Point (J-8) (Map #1)
  • The level cap range is 20-50
Davoi Incursion
Bosses General
Orcish Marcher (K-7) (Map #1)
Orcish Spearman (J-11) (Map #1)
Orcish Savager (H-10) (Map #1)

Behem. Mantle +1 icon.png Hunter's Shawl R
Darksteel Sheet icon.png Orcish Steel VC
Ram Leather icon.png Orcish Leather C
Darksteel Chain icon.png Orcish Chain C
Mage's Robe icon.png Illusionist's Garb U
Orcish Watcher
(H-9) (Map #1)
Conte Manopolas icon.png Axemaster's Gauntlets C


Palborough Mines

  • This incursion begins at the Rallying Point (I-8) (Map #1)
  • The level cap range is 8-16
Palborough Mines Incursion
Bosses General Base Weapons
Granite Quadav (J-6) (Map #2)
Quartz Quadav (I-8) (Map #2)
Obsidian Quadav (J-8) (Map #3)

Yataghan +1 icon.png Terrapin Traitor R
Brass Sheet icon.png Quadav Brass VC
Gold Thread icon.png Quadav Thread VC
Breastplate +1 icon.png Coarse Breastplate U
Musketeer's Sword icon.png Worn Rapier
Ryl.Swd. Blade icon.png Worn Blade
Mrc.Cpt. Scythe icon.png Worn Scythe
Decurion's Hammer icon.png Worn Hammer
Freesword's Staff icon.png Worn Staff
Musketeer Gun icon.png Worn Musket
Marble Quadav
(G-8) (Map #3)
Nymph Shield +1 icon.png Pixie Shield C

Palborough Mines-map1.jpg


  • This incursion begins at the Rallying Point (G-7) (Map #1)
  • The level cap range is 20-50
Beadeaux Incursion
Bosses General
Flint Quadav (F-7) (Map #2)
Opal Quadav (H-10) (Map #1)
Aged Quadav (L-7) (Map #1)

Wisdom Earring icon.png Curate's Earring R
Brass Sheet icon.png Quadav Brass VC
Gold Thread icon.png Quadav Thread C
Brass Chain icon.png Quadav Chain C
Staurobow +1 icon.png Revenge U
Bismuth Quadav
(K-7) (Map #1)
Felicitas Cape +1 icon.png Bruiser's Cloak C



  • This incursion begins at the Rallying Point (H-5) (Map #1)
  • The level cap range is 8-16
Giddeus Incursion
Bosses General Base Weapons
Yagudo Scout (J-9) (Map #1)
Yagudo Sparrer (F-6) (Map #2)
Yagudo Conjurer (J-11) (Map #1)

Baron's Chapeau icon.png Gambler's Chapeau R
Silver Sheet icon.png Yagudo Silver VC
Silk Cloth icon.png Yagudo Cloth VC
Marid Mantle +1 icon.png Sniper's Shroud U
Mercenary's Knife icon.png Worn Knife
Tobi icon.png Worn Katana
Hyogugusarinotachi icon.png Worn Tachi
Mercenary's Pole icon.png Worn Pole
Ryl.Arc. Longbow icon.png Worn Longbow
Flute icon.png Worn Fife
Yagudo Seer
(H-14) (Map #1)
Feather Collar +1 icon.png Pegasus Collar C


Castle Oztroja

  • This incursion begins at the Rallying Point (G-9) Map #1
  • The level cap range is 20-50
  • Players may take a shortcut after defeating Yagudo Whistler by trading 1 Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoin to the nearby Yagudo Fence
Castle Oztroja Incursion
Bosses General
Yagudo Bouncer (I-9) (Map #1)
Yagudo Diviner (G-8/G-9) (Map #2)
Yagudo Whistler (H-8) (Map #5)

Kunai +1 icon.png Yoiyami R
Silver Sheet icon.png Yagudo Silver VC
Silk Cloth icon.png Yagudo Cloth C
Silver Chain icon.png Yagudo Chain C
Heavens Ring icon.png Chaplain's Ring U
Yagudo Keeper
(I-11) (Map #3)
Wivre Hairpin +1 icon.png Heroic Hairpin C

Castle Oztroja-map1.jpg

Incursion Bonuses

Boss Bonuses
Name Buff Ranking
Adept's Advance Haste +5% / Fast Cast +5%
Archer's Aim Accuracy +5 / R. Accuracy +5
Assailant's Ambush DEX +3 / AGI +3
Braver's Bulwark Defense +8 / Physical Damage Taken -5% ★★
Brawler's Brawn STR +2 / Attack +5
Champions Command Combat Skills +5
Cleric's Clerity MND +5 / Cure Potency +10% ★★★
Dancer's Delight CHR +5 / "Waltz" Potency +10% ★★★
Fighter's Fury STR +3 / Attack +8 ★★
Guardian's Glory VIT +2 / Phys. Dmg Taken -3%
Healer's Hands MND +2 / Cure Potency +5%
Hero's Heart HP +30 / MP +30
Hoarder's Hostility Enmity +2 / "Gilfinder" +2
Mage's Memory INT +2 / MP + 8%
Marcher's Melody CHR +3 / Waltz Potency +5%
Plunderer's Precision DEX +3 / Accuracy +8 ★★
Rambler's Respite HP/MP Recovered while healing +10 ★★★
Roamer's Reprieve HP/MP Recovered while healing +5
Rogue Retribution DEX +5 / Critical hit rate +10% ★★★
Ronin's Revenge Weaponskill Accuracy +3 / "Store TP" +8 ★★
Sage's Seersight Magic Accuracy +3 / Accuracy +8 ★★
Scholar's Swiftness Fast Cast +10% / Movement Speed + 10% ★★★
Sniper's Salvo Ranged Accuracy +8 / Ranged Attack +8 ★★
Soldier's Stamina VIT +2 / HP +8%
Stalwart Sentinel VIT +5 / Damage Taken -10% ★★★
Thaumaturge's Tempest INT +5 / "Magic Attack Bonus" +10 ★★★
Trickster's Tenacity AGI +3 / Evasion +8
Warlord's Wrath Enmity +5 / Double Attack +10 ★★★
Wizard's Wisdom INT +3 / "Magic Attack Bonus" +5 ★★

Incursion Rewards

Smithnix (Oldton Movalpolos, I-8) can repair the "Worn" base weapons from Allied Incursion, using currency found in the respective Incursion area and similar crafted weapons as prototypes for the final result.

Smithnix's Forging
Base Requirements Stage I Requirements Stage II
Lgn. Knuckles icon.png Worn Knuckles Darksteel Sheet icon.png Orcish Steel x300
Metal Knuckles +1 icon.png Metal Knuckles +1
Mtl. Knuckles +1 icon.png Mtl. Knuckles +1
Platoon Cesti icon.png Platoon Cesti
Bas. Knuckles icon.png Persuasion Darksteel Sheet icon.png Orcish Steel x500
Darksteel Chain icon.png Orcish Chain x10
Cross-Counters icon.png Cross-Counters
Exocets icon.png Exocets
Tourney Patas icon.png Tourney Patas
Republic Knuckles icon.png Persuasion +1
Shamshir icon.png Worn Sword Darksteel Sheet icon.png Orcish Steel x300
Longsword +1 icon.png Longsword +1
Broadsword +1 icon.png Broadsword +1
Platoon Spatha icon.png Platoon Spatha
Shamshir +1 icon.png Fealty Darksteel Sheet icon.png Orcish Steel x500
Darksteel Chain icon.png Orcish Chain x10
Bloodsword icon.png Bloodsword
Ancient Sword icon.png Ancient Sword
Grudge Sword icon.png Grudge Sword
Shamshir +2 icon.png Fealty +1
Legionnaire's Axe icon.png Worn Axe Darksteel Sheet icon.png Orcish Steel x300
Battleaxe +1 icon.png Battleaxe +1
War Pick +1 icon.png War Pick +1
Platoon Axe icon.png Platoon Axe
Bastokan Axe icon.png Woodlander Darksteel Sheet icon.png Orcish Steel x500
Darksteel Chain icon.png Orcish Chain x10
Lohar icon.png Lohar
Viking Axe icon.png Viking Axe
De Saintre's Axe icon.png De Saintre's Axe
Republic Axe icon.png Woodlander +1
Atlas icon.png Worn Chopper Darksteel Sheet icon.png Orcish Steel x300
Greataxe +1 icon.png Greataxe +1
Voulge +1 icon.png Voulge +1
Platoon Cutter icon.png Platoon Cutter
Atlas +1 icon.png Savagery Darksteel Sheet icon.png Orcish Steel x500
Darksteel Chain icon.png Orcish Chain x10
Kinship Axe icon.png Kinship Axe
Eisentaenzer icon.png Eisentaenzer
Raifu icon.png Raifu
Atlas +2 icon.png Savagery +1
R.K. Army Lance icon.png Worn Lance Darksteel Sheet icon.png Orcish Steel x300
Brass Spear +1 icon.png Brass Spear +1
Lance +1 icon.png Lance +1
Platoon Lance icon.png Platoon Lance
R.K. Lance +1 icon.png Heartpiercer Darksteel Sheet icon.png Orcish Steel x500
Darksteel Chain icon.png Orcish Chain x10
Gae Bolg icon.png Gae Bolg
Calamar icon.png Calamar
Behourd Lance icon.png Behourd Lance
R.K. Lance +2 icon.png Heartpiercer +1
T.K. Army Shield icon.png Worn Shield Darksteel Sheet icon.png Orcish Steel x300
Strong Shield icon.png Strong Shield
Kite Shield +1 icon.png Kite Shield +1
Platoon Disc icon.png Platoon Disc
T.K. Shield +1 icon.png Solus Darksteel Sheet icon.png Orcish Steel x500
Darksteel Chain icon.png Orcish Chain x10
Serket Shield icon.png Serket Shield
Adoubeur's Pavise icon.png Adoubeur's Pavise
Jennet Shield icon.png Jennet Shield
T.K. Shield +2 icon.png Solus +1
Musketeer's Sword icon.png Worn Rapier Brass Sheet icon.png Quadav Brass x300
Degen +1 icon.png Degen +1
Fleuret +1 icon.png Fleuret +1
Platoon Spatha icon.png Platoon Spatha
Msk. Sword +1 icon.png Spellsword Brass Sheet icon.png Quadav Brass x500
Brass Chain icon.png Quadav Chain x10
Crimson Blade icon.png Crimson Blade
Duel Rapier icon.png Duel Rapier
Buzzard Tuck icon.png Buzzard Tuck
Msk. Sword +2 icon.png Spellsword +1
Ryl.Swd. Blade icon.png Worn Blade Brass Sheet icon.png Quadav Brass x300
2-Hand. Sword +1 icon.png 2-Hand. Sword +1
Greatsword +1 icon.png Greatsword +1
Platoon Sword icon.png Platoon Sword
Ryl.Swd. Blade +1 icon.png Bitterness Brass Sheet icon.png Quadav Brass x500
Brass Chain icon.png Quadav Chain x10
Balmung icon.png Balmung
Arondight icon.png Arondight
Icicle Sword icon.png Icicle Sword
Ryl.Swd. Blade +2 icon.png Bitterness +1
Mrc.Cpt. Scythe icon.png Worn Scythe Brass Sheet icon.png Quadav Brass x300
Zaghnal +1 icon.png Zaghnal +1
Mythril Scythe +1 icon.png Mythril Scythe +1
Platoon Zaghnal icon.png Platoon Zaghnal
Win. Scythe icon.png Foreshadow Brass Sheet icon.png Quadav Brass x500
Brass Chain icon.png Quadav Chain x10
Demonslicer icon.png Demonslicer
A l'Outrance icon.png A l'Outrance
Mutilator icon.png Mutilator
Federation Scythe icon.png Foreshadow +1
Decurion's Hammer icon.png Worn Hammer Brass Sheet icon.png Quadav Brass x300
Warhammer +1 icon.png Warhammer +1
Maul +1 icon.png Maul +1
Platoon Mace icon.png Platoon Mace
Bastokan Hammer icon.png Stoutheart Brass Sheet icon.png Quadav Brass x500
Brass Chain icon.png Quadav Chain x10
Arcana Breaker icon.png Arcana Breaker
Asklepios icon.png Asklepios
Sealed Mace icon.png Sealed Mace
Republic Hammer icon.png Stoutheart +1
Freesword's Staff icon.png Worn Staff Brass Sheet icon.png Quadav Brass x300
Elm Staff +1 icon.png Elm Staff +1
Oak Staff +1 icon.png Oak Staff +1
Platoon Pole icon.png Platoon Pole
Windurstian Staff icon.png Radiance Brass Sheet icon.png Quadav Brass x500
Brass Chain icon.png Quadav Chain x10
Healing Staff icon.png Healing Staff
Power Staff icon.png Power Staff
Himmel Stock icon.png Himmel Stock
Federation Staff icon.png Radiance +1
Musketeer Gun icon.png Worn Musket Brass Sheet icon.png Quadav Brass x300
Arquebus +1 icon.png Arquebus +1
Pirate's Gun +1 icon.png Pirate's Gun +1
Platoon Gun icon.png Platoon Gun
Musketeer Gun +1 icon.png Insurance Brass Sheet icon.png Quadav Brass x500
Brass Chain icon.png Quadav Chain x10
Lion Crossbow icon.png Lion Crossbow
Othinus' Bow icon.png Othinus' Bow
Thug's Zamburak icon.png Thug's Zamburak
Musketeer Gun +2 icon.png Insurance +1
Mercenary's Knife icon.png Worn Knife Silver Sheet icon.png Yagudo Silver x300
Poison Knife +1 icon.png Poison Knife +1
Mythril Knife +1 icon.png Mythril Knife +1
Platoon Dagger icon.png Platoon Dagger
Windurstian Knife icon.png Bushwhacker Silver Sheet icon.png Yagudo Silver x500
Silver Chain icon.png Yagudo Chain x10
Triple Dagger icon.png Triple Dagger
Avis icon.png Avis
Calveley's Dagger icon.png Calveley's Dagger
Federation Knife icon.png Bushwhacker +1
Tobi icon.png Worn Katana Silver Sheet icon.png Yagudo Silver x300
Mokuto +1 icon.png Mokuto +1
Ganko icon.png Ganko
Kodachi +1 icon.png Kodachi +1
Tobi +1 icon.png Hikage Silver Sheet icon.png Yagudo Silver x500
Silver Chain icon.png Yagudo Chain x10
Narigitsune icon.png Narigitsune
Amanojaku icon.png Amanojaku
Ohaguro icon.png Ohaguro
Tobi +2 icon.png Hikage +1
Hyogugusarinotachi icon.png Worn Tachi Silver Sheet icon.png Yagudo Silver x300
Nodachi +1 icon.png Nodachi +1
Homura +1 icon.png Homura +1
Gunromaru icon.png Gunromaru
Hyogugusari +1 icon.png Giritachi Silver Sheet icon.png Yagudo Silver x500
Silver Chain icon.png Yagudo Chain x10
Soboro Sukehiro icon.png Soboro Sukehiro
Sukesada icon.png Sukesada
Kagehide icon.png Kagehide
Hyogugusari +2 icon.png Giritachi +1
Mercenary's Pole icon.png Worn Pole Silver Sheet icon.png Yagudo Silver x300
Holly Pole +1 icon.png Holly Pole +1
Elm Pole +1 icon.png Elm Pole +1
Platoon Pole icon.png Platoon Pole
Windurstian Pole icon.png Arcanium Silver Sheet icon.png Yagudo Silver x500
Silver Chain icon.png Yagudo Chain x10
Mercurial Pole icon.png Mercurial Pole
Cocytus Pole icon.png Cocytus Pole
Dusky Staff icon.png Dusky Staff
Federation Pole icon.png Arcanium +1
Ryl.Arc. Longbow icon.png Worn Longbow Silver Sheet icon.png Yagudo Silver x300
Power Bow +1 icon.png Power Bow +1
Great Bow +1 icon.png Great Bow +1
Platoon Bow icon.png Platoon Bow
San d'Orian Bow icon.png Elvenlore Silver Sheet icon.png Yagudo Silver x500
Silver Chain icon.png Yagudo Chain x10
Eurytos' Bow icon.png Eurytos' Bow
Selene's Bow icon.png Selene's Bow
Shikar Bow icon.png Shikar Bow
Kingdom Bow icon.png Elvenlore +1
Flute icon.png Worn Fife Silver Sheet icon.png Yagudo Silver x300
Gemshorn +1 icon.png Gemshorn +1
Traversiere +1 icon.png Traversiere +1
Platoon Edge icon.png Platoon Edge
Flute +1 icon.png Rouser Silver Sheet icon.png Yagudo Silver x500
Silver Chain icon.png Yagudo Chain x10
Siren Flute icon.png Siren Flute
Kard icon.png Kard
Jongleur's Dagger icon.png Jongleur's Dagger
Flute +2 icon.png Rouser +1

Allied Skirmish

Allied Skirmish is designed to give solo players with limited time an opportunity to slowly accumulate currency for the ultimate weapon upgrades that would normally only be obtained in Allied Incursion.

  • Each participant will be awarded Allied Incursion currency and materials
  • The content has no level requirement, but 60+ is recommended for solo players
  • Can be attempted once per conquest tally


  • Activate at the Rallying Point at G-7 Map #1 in Castle Zvahl Baileys
    • It's the little room with the Ahrimans.
    • Beware of the NM Likho who spawns there as well.
  • Kill 10 of each Beastmen type (Orc, Quadav, Goblin, Yagudos)
  • Go to H-8 Map #2 and click the Skirmish Point to spawn a Drake NM
    • It's in the middle of the map
    • Lower level characters may want to clear the surrounding first as Ahrimans and Demons might aggro
  • Defeat the Zvahl Drake
    • Uncapped, can use trusts
    • Killable as lv60 with 2 trusts
    • Has all usual Drake moves
  • Click the Skirmish Point again to release a Skirmish Coffer


  • 20~25 Darksteel Sheet icon.png Orcish Steel or Brass Sheet icon.png Quadav Brass or Silver Sheet icon.png Yagudo Silver
  • 1~ Darksteel Chain icon.png Orcish Chain or Brass Chain icon.png Quadav Chain or Silver Chain icon.png Yagudo Chain
  • 2~3 Ram Leather icon.png Orcish Leather or Gold Thread icon.png Quadav Thread or Silk Cloth icon.png Yagudo Cloth
  • 2~3 Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoin or Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin

Other Services

Riding Thunder

Riding Thunder in Upper Jeuno allows Crystal Warriors to apply an appearance to the mount called by their Chocobo Whistle icon.png Chocobo Whistle (Earned through Venture Points) with any of the appearances they have unlocked.


Nemosyne offers a service to restore lost or discarded unique quest rewards. Rewards from Crystal Warrior Quests will be received complete with the original augments. Additionally, Nemosyne can also restore many unique Era Quest rewards, detailed in the table below. Items that can be crafted or obtained through other means are not included. Players must have completed the quest indicated to be able to purchase the reward.

(Nemosyne can be unlocked by completing the quest Finding Nemosyne)

Nemosyne Era Quests
Quest Reward Cost
San d'Oria
Waters of the Cheval Wing Pendant icon.png Wing Pendant 5000
The Pickpocket Light Axe icon.png Light Axe 5000
Undying Flames Friar's Rope icon.png Friar's Rope 5000
The General's Secret Lynx Baghnakhs icon.png Lynx Baghnakhs 5000
Black Tiger Skins Tiger Stole icon.png Tiger Stole 5000
The Rumor Drain (Scroll) icon.png Drain 10000
Signed in Blood Cunning Earring icon.png Cunning Earring 10000
Healing the Land Teleport-Holla (Scroll) icon.png Teleport-Holla 15000
Sorcery of the North Teleport-Vahzl (Scroll) icon.png Teleport-Vahzl 15000
The Rivalry Lu Shang's F. Rod icon.png Lu Shang's F. Rod 30000
The Competition Lu Shang's F. Rod icon.png Lu Shang's F. Rod 30000
The Wisdom of Elders Traveler's Hat icon.png Traveler's Hat 5000
Out of One's Shell Monk's Headgear icon.png Monk's Headgear 5000
Mean Machine Warp (Scroll) icon.png Warp 10000
Silence of the Rams Purple Belt icon.png Purple Belt 10000
The Eleventh's Hour Small Sword icon.png Small Sword 5000
Fear of Flying Black Neckerchief icon.png Black Neckerchief 10000
Blade of Death Deathbringer icon.png Deathbringer 5000
Altana's Sorrow Teleport-Dem (Scroll) icon.png Teleport-Dem 15000
Faded Promises Fukuro icon.png Fukuro 10000
The Usual Speed Bow icon.png Speed Bow 5000
Love and Ice Lamia Harp icon.png Lamia Harp 5000
Lovers in the Dusk Siren Flute icon.png Siren Flute 10000
Truth, Justice, and the Onion Way! Justice Badge icon.png Justice Badge 5000
Know One's Onions Blaze Spikes (Scroll) icon.png Blaze Spikes 5000
Onion Rings Bouncer Club icon.png Bouncer Club 5000
Crying Over Onions Star Necklace icon.png Star Necklace 10000
The Promise Promise Badge icon.png Promise Badge 10000
The Fanged One Ranger's Necklace icon.png Ranger's Necklace 5000
A Pose by Any Other Name Ancient Blood icon.png Ancient Blood 5000
Star Struck Cmp. Eye Circlet icon.png Cmp. Eye Circlet 5000
To Catch a Falling Star Fish Scale Shield icon.png Fish Scale Shield 5000
Overnight Delivery Power Gi icon.png Power Gi 10000
Blue Ribbon Blues Purple Ribbon icon.png Purple Ribbon 8000
Blue Ribbon Blues Blue Ribbon icon.png Blue Ribbon 10000
Acting in Good Faith Teleport-Mea (Scroll) icon.png Teleport-Mea 15000
Save My Son Beast Whistle icon.png Beast Whistle 5000
A Candlelight Vigil Flower Necklace icon.png Flower Necklace 5000
A Clock Most Delicate Engineer's Gloves icon.png Engineer's Gloves 5000
The Kind Cardian Green Cape icon.png Green Cape 10000
The Clockmaster Time Hammer icon.png Time Hammer 10000
Other Areas
Donate to Recycling Wastebasket icon.png Wastebasket 5000
Test My Mettle Power Sandals icon.png Power Sandals 5000
The Real Gift Sleep Dagger icon.png Sleep Dagger 5000
Expertise Tableware Set icon.png Tableware Set 5000
The Basics Tea Set icon.png Tea Set 5000
Missionary Man Teleport-Yhoat (Scroll) icon.png Teleport-Yhoat 15000
Secret of the Damp Scroll Jubaku- Ichi (Scroll) icon.png Jubaku: Ichi 10000
It's Not Your Vault Tonko- Ichi (Scroll) icon.png Tonko: Ichi 10000
Like a Shining Subligar Kurayami- Ichi (Scroll) icon.png Kurayami: Ichi 10000
Like Shining Leggings Dokumori- Ichi (Scroll) icon.png Dokumori: Ichi 10000
Mama Mia Evoker's Ring icon.png Evoker's Ring 30000
Stop Your Whining Hojo- Ichi (Scroll) icon.png Hojo: Ichi 10000
The Sahagin's Stash Utsusemi- Ichi (Scroll) icon.png Utsusemi: Ichi 15000
An Undying Pledge Light Buckler icon.png Light Buckler 10000
Don't Forget the Antidote Dotanuki icon.png Dotanuki 15000
The Missing Piece Teleport-Altep (Scroll) icon.png Teleport-Altep 15000
Personal Hygiene Mithran Stone icon.png Mithran Stone 15000
The Opo-opo and I Opo-opo Crown icon.png Opo-opo Crown 20000
Wrath of the Opo-opos Opo-opo Necklace icon.png Opo-opo Necklace 10000
Wandering Souls Flagellant's Rope icon.png Flagellant's Rope 10000
Soul Searching Bat Earring icon.png Bat Earring 10000



Petros provides the following services:

  • Introduces Crystal Warriors to the game and allows them to choose Unbreakable Mode
  • Allows Crystal Warriors to purchase Crystal Warrior Milestone Rewards
  • Return to Vana'diel (Based on current home nation)
  • Access to the Prestige system upon reaching Crystal Warrior Master (All jobs Lv75)
Prestige System

The Prestige System allows Crystal Warriors to continue to grow after reaching Lv75 with all jobs. This will reset the current job to Lv1 and provide a permanent stat bonus to all jobs. Each job provides a different bonus, which can be increased up to 5 times.

  • Players will receive an EXP Bonus from Ventures while using a job with Prestige (+20% per tier)
  • Crystal Warrior Masters can check their Prestige status with the !prestige command
  • Unbreakable Crystal Warriors will not lose levels while re-leveling a job for Prestige
Prestige Bonuses
Job Bonus I II III IV V
Fighter's Mask icon.png Warrior STR+ 1 2 4 6 8
Temple Crown icon.png Monk HP +% 3 5 8 10 12
Healer's Cap icon.png White Mage Cure Potency II +% 1 2 4 6 8
Wizard's Petasos icon.png Black Mage Magic Atk. Bonus+ 1 2 4 6 8
Warlock's Chapeau icon.png Red Mage Fast Cast +% 1 2 3 4 5
Rogue's Bonnet icon.png Thief Treasure Hunter+ * 1 2 3 4 5
Gallant Coronet icon.png Paladin Phys. dmg taken -1% -2% -3% -4% -5%
Chaos Burgeonet icon.png Dark Knight Attack 5 10 15 20 25
Beast Helm icon.png Beastmaster Killer Affects (All) + 3 5 8 10 12
Choral Roundlet icon.png Bard Enhancing Magic / Song Duration +% 3 5 8 10 12
Hunter's Beret icon.png Ranger Ranged Attack+ 5 10 15 20 25
Myochin Kabuto icon.png Samurai Store TP+ 1 2 3 4 5
Ninja Hatsuburi icon.png Ninja Ranged Accuracy+ 5 8 10 12 15
Drachen Armet icon.png Dragoon Accuracy+ 5 8 10 12 15
Evoker's Horn icon.png Summoner MP +% 3 5 8 10 12
Magus Keffiyeh icon.png Blue Mage Magic Accuracy+ 5 8 10 12 15
Corsair's Tricorne icon.png Corsair EXP to Gil +% 10 20 30 40 50
Pup. Taj icon.png Puppetmaster DEX+ 1 2 4 6 8
Dancer's Tiara icon.png Dancer Evasion+ 5 8 10 12 15
Scholar's M.board icon.png Scholar INT+ 1 2 4 6 8
Geomancy Galero icon.png Geomancer MP Recovered while healing+ 3 5 8 10 12
Runeist Bandeau icon.png Rune Fencer Magic dmg. taken -% -1% -2% -3% -4% -5%

* Not available while Thief main job. Doesn't stack with Treasure Hunter gear. Stacks with /THF, maxing out at TH6.


Ametrine in Provenance facilitates transferring Crystal Warrior Quest augmented quest rewards onto crafted high-quality equivalents. The high-quality version must be provided by the player. Trading each piece to Ametrine will list off the required materials but a list is provided below for convenience:

Ametrine Augment List
Item Quest Upgrade Materials
Aht Urhgan
Sipahi Turban icon.png Sipahi Turban Insult to Gingery Abtal Turban icon.png Abtal Turban Marid Hair icon.png Marid Hair x2
Wivre Mask icon.png Wivre Mask Pecking Battles Wivre Mask +1 icon.png Wivre Mask +1 Wivre Hide icon.png Wivre Hide x2
Brass Mittens icon.png Brass Mittens A Matter of Trust I (Bastok) Brass Mittens +1 icon.png Brass Mittens +1 Zinc Ore icon.png Zinc Ore x2
Greaves icon.png Greaves A Matter of Trust II (Bastok) Greaves +1 icon.png Greaves +1 Iron Chain icon.png Iron Chain x2
Leather Vest icon.png Leather Vest Buzz Off Leather Vest +1 icon.png Leather Vest +1 Sheepskin icon.png Sheepskin x4
Brass Spear icon.png Brass Spear Buzz Kill Brass Spear +1 icon.png Brass Spear +1 Brass Ingot icon.png Brass Ingot x2
Degen icon.png Degen The Way of the Wadi Degen +1 icon.png Degen +1 Silver Ingot icon.png Silver Ingot x2
Ash Pole icon.png Ash Pole A Little Courage Ash Pole +1 icon.png Ash Pole +1 Ash Lumber icon.png Ash Lumber x6
San d'Oria
Lizard Belt icon.png Lizard Belt Saving My Hide Lizard Belt +1 icon.png Lizard Belt +1 Lizard Skin icon.png Lizard Skin x4
Gloves icon.png Gloves A Matter of Trust I (San d'Oria) Gloves +1 icon.png Gloves +1 Saruta Cotton icon.png Saruta Cotton x4
Cotton Gaiters icon.png Cotton Gaiters A Matter of Trust II (San d'Oria) Great Gaiters icon.png Great Gaiters Cotton Cloth icon.png Cotton Cloth x2
Ram Mantle icon.png Ram Mantle A Matter of Trust III (San d'Oria) Ram Mantle +1 icon.png Ram Mantle +1 Ram Skin icon.png Ram Skin x4
Holy Breastplate icon.png Holy Breastplate All Thine Heart Divine Breastplate icon.png Divine Breastplate Darksteel Sheet icon.png Darksteel Sheet x2
Kenpogi icon.png Kenpogi On Guard Kenpogi +1 icon.png Kenpogi +1 Grass Cloth icon.png Grass Cloth x2
Brass Xiphos icon.png Brass Xiphos On Watch Brass Xiphos +1 icon.png Brass Xiphos +1 Brass Ingot icon.png Brass Ingot x2
Crossbow icon.png Crossbow Counting Lost Sheep Crossbow +1 icon.png Crossbow +1 Chestnut Lumber icon.png Chestnut Lumber x4
Silver Obi icon.png Silver Obi Feather Forecast Silver Obi +1 icon.png Silver Obi +1 Silver Thread icon.png Silver Thread x4
Linen Cuffs icon.png Linen Cuffs A Matter of Trust I (Windurst) Linen Cuffs +1 icon.png Linen Cuffs +1 Linen Thread icon.png Linen Thread x2
Sandals icon.png Sandals A Matter of Trust II (Windurst) Mage's Sandals icon.png Mage's Sandals Sheep Leather icon.png Sheep Leather x2
Robe icon.png Robe Say Peas Robe +1 icon.png Robe +1 Grass Thread icon.png Grass Thread x4
Holly Staff icon.png Holly Staff Get Cracking Holly Staff +1 icon.png Holly Staff +1 Holly Lumber icon.png Holly Lumber x2
Sapara icon.png Sapara Fowl Tales Sapara +1 icon.png Sapara +1 Silver Ingot icon.png Silver Ingot x3
Silver Hose icon.png Silver Hose Leg Work Silver Hose +1 icon.png Silver Hose +1 Silver Chain icon.png Silver Chain x2
Velvet Slops icon.png Velvet Slops Leg Work II Mage's Slops icon.png Mage's Slops Velvet Cloth icon.png Velvet Cloth x2
Other Areas
Rose Harp icon.png Rose Harp Broken Bones Rose Harp +1 icon.png Rose Harp +1 Rosewood Lbr. icon.png Rosewood Lbr. x4
Lizard Mantle icon.png Lizard Mantle Head First Lizard Mantle +1 icon.png Lizard Mantle +1 Lizard Skin icon.png Lizard Skin x2
Lizard Gloves icon.png Lizard Gloves Helping Hands Fine Gloves icon.png Fine Gloves Lizard Skin icon.png Lizard Skin x4
Cotton Cape icon.png Cotton Cape Likely Tails Cotton Cape +1 icon.png Cotton Cape +1 Cotton Cloth icon.png Cotton Cloth x2
Cotton Tekko icon.png Cotton Tekko Rolling With Punches Cotton Tekko +1 icon.png Cotton Tekko +1 Cotton Cloth icon.png Cotton Cloth x4
Garish/Rubious Attire
Garish Crown icon.png Garish Crown Running on the Range Rubious Crown icon.png Rubious Crown Coeurl Whisker icon.png Coeurl Whisker x2
Garish Tunic icon.png Garish Tunic Running on the Range Rubious Tunic icon.png Rubious Tunic Scarlet Linen icon.png Scarlet Linen x4
Garish Mitts icon.png Garish Mitts Running on the Range Rubious Mitts icon.png Rubious Mitts Bloodthread icon.png Bloodthread x2
Garish Slacks icon.png Garish Slacks Running on the Range Rubious Slacks icon.png Rubious Slacks Scarlet Linen icon.png Scarlet Linen x4
Garish Pumps icon.png Garish Pumps Running on the Range Rubious Pumps icon.png Rubious Pumps Bloodthread icon.png Bloodthread x2
Shade/+1 Attire
Shade Tiara icon.png Shade Tiara Empty Handed Shade Tiara +1 icon.png Shade Tiara +1 Eft Skin icon.png Eft Skin x2
Shade Harness icon.png Shade Harness Empty Handed Shade Harness +1 icon.png Shade Harness +1 Luminicloth icon.png Luminicloth x4
Shade Mittens icon.png Shade Mittens Empty Handed Shade Mittens +1 icon.png Shade Mittens +1 Uragnite Shell icon.png Uragnite Shell x2
Shade Tights icon.png Shade Tights Empty Handed Shade Tights +1 icon.png Shade Tights +1 Luminicloth icon.png Luminicloth x4
Shade Tights icon.png Shade Leggings Empty Handed Shade Tights +1 icon.png Shade Leggings +1 Uragnite Shell icon.png Uragnite Shell x2


Note: If a custom unlock did not work (for example, mission clear or nm kill gives one slot), make sure to talk to Carnelian in Provenance which might restore the missing slots.

Base Bag

  • Starts with the standard 30 inventory spaces.
  • Complete Gobbiebag quests for further expansion. You will need to level your crafts to create and trade in the required items.

Mog Case

  • Slots are unlocked as they level up crafting.
    • 1 slot rewarded, per craft, at lv 1, 6, 15, 26, 35, 46, 55, 66, 75, 86, 95

Mog Satchel

  • Get access to 30 slots of it after the Gobbiebag Part VI quest.
  • Every successive Gobbiebag quest after awards 5 more slots.
  • Will max out at 50 slots once your inventory reaches 80 slots.

Mog Safe 1

  • Start with 50 slots.
  • Expansion works the same as retail, see the Mog Safe page for details on all of this.

Mog Safe 2

  • Mog Safe 2 is unlocked by completing the "Back Alley" quests in each nation (Starting + Jeuno, excluding Aht Urhgan Whitegate).
  • It mirrors the storage capacity of your Mog Safe 1.

Mog Wardrobes

  • Mog Wardrobe 1-4 are unlocked and expanded separately, a few slots at a time by completing various Missions and tasks. Additional slots are also provided by unlocking advanced jobs (See table below).
    • Unlike QoL characters on CatsEye, CWs experience level capped zones and fights for missions.
    • Nation Mission wardrobe slot rewards are per-nation, for a total of +60.
  • Mog Wardrobe 7 & 8 are unlocked with Venture Points.

Wardrobe 1 (20) x 3
Conquest.png Nation Mission Slots
Mission 1-1 1
Mission 1-2 1
Mission 1-3 1
Mission 2-1 1
Mission 2-2 1
Mission 2-3 1
Mission 3-1 1
Mission 3-2 1
Mission 3-3 1
Mission 4-1 1
Mission 5-1 1
Mission 5-2 1
Mission 6-1 1
Mission 6-2 1
Mission 7-1 1
Mission 7-2 1
Mission 8-1 1
Mission 8-2 1
Mission 9-1 1
Mission 9-2 1
Wardrobe 1 (20)
Conquest.png Quests Slots
A Knight's Test (PLD) 1
Blade of Darkness (DRK) 1
Path of the Beastmaster (BST) 1
Path of the Bard (BRD) 1
The Fanged One (RNG) 1
Forge Your Destiny (SAM) 1
Ayame and Kaede (NIN) 1
The Holy Crest (DRG) 1
I Can Hear a Rainbow (SMN) 1
An Empty Vessel (BLU) 1
Luck of the Draw (COR) 1
No Strings Attached (PUP) 1
Lakeside Minuet (DNC) 1
A Little Knowledge (SCH) 1
The Unnamed Way (GEO) 1
Runic Insurrection (RUN) 1
Elder Memories
The Old Lady
Chocobo's Wounds 1
In Defiant Challenge (LB1) 1
Atop the Highest Mountains (LB2) 1
Wardrobe 2 (15)
Tenshodo Flag.jpg RoZ Mission Slots
ZM 4 The Temple of Uggalepih 2
ZM 5 Headstone Pilgrimage 2
ZM 7 The Chamber of Oracles 2
ZM 8 Return to Delkfutt's Tower 2
ZM 14 Divine Might 5
ZM 16 The Celestial Nexus 2
Wardrobe 2 (25)
Tavnazia-Flag.jpg CoP Mission Slots
PM1-3 The Mothercrystals 3
PM 2-3 Distant Beliefs 2
PM 2-5 Ancient Vows 2
PM 3-5 Darkness Named 2
PM 4-2 The Savage 2
PM 5-2 Desires of Emptiness 2
PM 5-3 Three Paths 3
PM 6-4 One to be Feared 5
PM 7-5 The Warrior's Path 2
PM 8-4 Dawn 2
Wardrobe 2 (20)
AhtUrghan Icon.png ToAU Mission Slots
AU 15 The Black Coffin 3
AU 22 Shield of Diplomacy 2
AU 29 Puppet In Peril 3
AU 31 Shades of Vengeance 2
AU 35 Legacy of the Lost 2
AU 42 Path of Darkness 3
AU 44 Nashmeira's Plea 5
Wardrobe 3 (80)
Rare-Icon.gif NM Defeated Slots
Leaping Lizzy 2
Jaggedy-Eared Jack 2
Spiny Spipi 2
Valkurm Emperor 2
Argus 2
Genbu 2
Seiryu 2
Suzaku 2
Byakko 2
Kirin 7
Proto-Omega 5
Proto-Ultima 5
Jailer of Prudence 3
Jailer of Hope 3
Jailer of Justice 3
Jailer of Love 6
Overlord's Tombstone 2
Gu'Dha Effigy 2
Tzee Xicu Idol 2
Goblin Golem 2
Angra Mainyu 2
Dynamis Lord 10
Cirrate Christelle 2
Apocalyptic Beast 2
Antaeus 2
Diabolos Diamond 4
Wardrobe 4 (30)
Conquest.png Quests Slots
A Matter of Trust (San d'Oria) I 1
A Matter of Trust (San d'Oria) II 2
A Matter of Trust (San d'Oria) III 2
A Matter of Trust (Bastok) I 1
A Matter of Trust (Bastok) II 2
A Matter of Trust (Bastok) III 2
A Matter of Trust (Windurst) I 1
A Matter of Trust (Windurst) II 2
A Matter of Trust (Windurst) III 2
Mining My Business 1
Hatchet Job 1
Reaping Rewards 1
Boxed Up (Ephemeral Box) 2
Yagudo Arena (10 Wins) 5
Goblin's Gambit (10 Wins) 5

Ephemeral Box

The Ephemeral Box is a Crystal Warrior specific material storage, that can hold (nearly) all materials and collectibles.


Rare-Icon.gif NMs Defeated
NM Defeated Points
Leaping Lizzy 100
Jaggedy-Eared Jack 100
Spiny Spipi 100
Valkurm Emperor 200
Argus 300
Genbu 1000
Seiryu 1000
Suzaku 1000
Byakko 1000
Kirin 2000
Proto-Omega 2000
Proto-Ultima 2000
Jailer of Prudence 1000
Jailer of Hope 1000
Jailer of Justice 1000
Jailer of Love 3000
Overlord's Tombstone 500
Gu'Dha Effigy 500
Tzee Xicu Idol 500
Goblin Golem 500
Angra Mainyu 1000
Dynamis Lord 2000
Cirrate Christelle 1000
Apocalyptic Beast 1000
Antaeus 1000
Diabolos Diamond 2000
Conquest.png Quest Milestones
Quest Points
Jeuno-Flag.jpg Chocobo's Wounds 50
Jeuno-Flag.jpg Divine Might 1000
Jeuno-Flag.jpg Storms of Fate 1000
Jeuno-Flag.jpg Apocalypse Nigh ?
San d'Oria Flag.jpg A Matter of Trust 50
San d'Oria Flag.jpg A Matter of Trust II 100
San d'Oria Flag.jpg A Matter of Trust III 200
San d'Oria Flag.jpg Hatchet Job 50
San d'Oria Flag.jpg Ring Around the Roses 50
Bastok-Flag.jpg A Matter of Trust 50
Bastok-Flag.jpg A Matter of Trust II 100
Bastok-Flag.jpg A Matter of Trust III 200
Bastok-Flag.jpg Mining My Business 50
Bastok-Flag.jpg Running Ring Around 50
Windurst-Flag.jpg A Matter of Trust 50
Windurst-Flag.jpg A Matter of Trust II 100
Windurst-Flag.jpg A Matter of Trust III 200
Windurst-Flag.jpg Reaping Rewards 50
Windurst-Flag.jpg Give Me a Ring 50
Smithing.gif Skills
Skill Level Points
Leathercraft.gif Synthesis Skill (Any) 25 500
Leathercraft.gif Synthesis Skill (Any) 50 1000
Leathercraft.gif Synthesis Skill (Any) 75 1500
Leathercraft.gif Synthesis Skill (Any) 100 2000
Cooking.gif Cooking Skill 25 250
Cooking.gif Cooking Skill 50 500
Cooking.gif Cooking Skill 75 750
Cooking.gif Cooking Skill 100 1000
Fishing.gif Fishing Skill 25 1000
Fishing.gif Fishing Skill 50 1500
Fishing.gif Fishing Skill 75 2000
Fishing.gif Fishing Skill 100 2500
Chocobo Digging Digging Skill 25 500
Chocobo Digging Digging Skill 50 1000
Chocobo Digging Digging Skill 75 1500
Chocobo Digging Digging Skill 100 2000
Job Levels
Level Points
10 100
20 200
30 300
40 400
50 500
55 550
60 600
65 650
70 700
75 750
LB5 250
Prestige Levels
Tier Points
1 200
2 400
3 600
4 800
5 1000
Tenshodo Flag.jpg Zilart Milestones
Mission Points
ZM 4 The Temple of Uggalepih 200
ZM 5 Headstone Pilgrimage 500
ZM 6 Through the Quicksand Caves 500
ZM 8 Return to Delkfutt's Tower 500
ZM 12 The Mithra and the Crystal 300
ZM 14 Ark Angels 1000
ZM 16 The Celestial Nexus 500
Tavnazia-Flag.jpg Promathia Milestones
Mission Points
PM1-3 The Mothercrystals 1500
PM 2-3 Distant Beliefs 500
PM 2-5 Ancient Vows 1000
PM 3-5 Darkness Named 1000
PM 4-2 The Savage 2000
PM 5-2 Desires of Emptiness 2000
PM 5-3 Three Paths 3000
PM 6-4 One to be Feared 1000
PM 8-3 When Angels Fall 1000
PM 8-4 Dawn 1000
AhtUrghan Icon.png Aht Urhgan Milestones
Mission Points
AU 15 The Black Coffin 500
AU 22 Shield of Diplomacy 500
AU 29 Puppet In Peril 1000
AU 31 Shades of Vengeance 500
AU 35 Legacy of the Lost 500
AU 42 Path of Darkness 1000
AU 44 Nashmeira's Plea 1000


Q: How do I play Crystal Warrior?
A: You must create a separate Crystal Warrior account through the website.
Q: How many characters can I have?
A: Your Crystal Warrior account may have 2 characters, so that you can play both CW/UCW. This account is separate from regular CatsEye XI character limits.
Q: Why don't I have a starting weapon?
A: Please complete the introductory quest
Q: My Crystal Warrior didn't start in Provenance.
A: Please submit a GM ticket to have your character reset.
Q: Can Crystal Warriors use Mounts, Home Point warps or Survival Guides?
A: They cannot. Crystal Warriors must use rental chocobos and classic means of travel like ships and teleports.
Q: Can Unbreakable Crystal Warriors group with standard Crystal Warriors?
A: Yes.
Q: Can Crystal Warriors use EXP rings?
A: Crystal Warriors have access to the regular Emperor, Empress and Chariot Band rings with rates slightly enhanced from era.
Q: Why can't I summon the trust I unlocked?
A: Your main job must be 15+ summon 1 trust and 40+ to summon 2 trusts.
Q: Can I convert from an Unbreakable CW to a Standard CW?
A: Yes, this is a one way and one time deal. You may not change back.
Bring a Faded Crystal icon.png Faded Crystal to the NPC Shattering Stone in Mhaura.

Release Trailer