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equipset template

Set Template
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jse priority table

Artifact Armor

Ignominy Armor Set
Item Upgrade? Notes
Ig. Burgeonet +3 icon.png
Ig. Burgeonet +3366px link=
Ignominy Cuirass +3 icon.png
Ignominy Cuirass +3366px link=
Ig. Gauntlets +3 icon.png
Ig. Gauntlets +3366px link=
Ig. Flanchard +3 icon.png
Ig. Flanchard +3366px link=
Ig. Sollerets +3 icon.png
Ig. Sollerets +3366px link=

Relic Armor

Fallen's Armor Set
Item Upgrade? Notes
Fall. Burgeonet +3 icon.png
Fall. Burgeonet +3366px link=
Fall. Cuirass +3 icon.png
Fall. Cuirass +3366px link=
Fall. Fin. Gaunt. +3 icon.png
Fall. Fin. Gaunt. +3366px link=
Fall. Flanchard +3 icon.png
Fall. Flanchard +3366px link=
Fall. Sollerets +3 icon.png
Fall. Sollerets +3366px link=

Divergence Weapon
Item Upgrade? Notes
Father Time icon.png
Father Time366px link=

Divergence Neck Accessory
Item Upgrade? Notes
Abyssal Beads +2 icon.png
Abyssal Beads +2366px link=

Empyrean Armor

Heathen's Armor Set
Item Upgrade? Notes
Heath. Bur. +3 icon.png
Heath. Bur. +3366px link=
Heath. Cuirass +3 icon.png
Heath. Cuirass +3366px link=
Heath. Gauntlets +3 icon.png
Heath. Gauntlets +3366px link=
Heath. Flanchard +3 icon.png
Heath. Flanchard +3366px link=
Heath. Sollerets +3 icon.png
Heath. Sollerets +3366px link=

Empyrean Armor Accessories
Item Upgrade? Notes
Heath. Earring +2 icon.png
Heath. Earring +2366px link=
[[]]366px link=
[[]]366px link=

Support Jobs

Fighter's Mask icon.png Warrior
Blood Knight
A fairly uncommon subjob that has fallen by the way side. Still has uses while soloing and/or low-manning content, as well as for Scarlet Delirium hilarity if used correctly.
  • Abilities: Berserk, Aggressor, Warcry.
  • Traits: Defense Bonus II, Double Attack, Max HP Bonus I, Fencer I, Double Attack II & Max HP Bonus II (ML5).
Kasuga Kabuto icon.png Samurai
The most commonly used subjob for a Dark Knight in a standard party or alliance setting. Mainly due in part to the offensive benefit of Hasso, as well as the defensive benefits of Seigan & Third Eye.
  • Abilities: Warding Circle, Third Eye, Hasso, Meditate, Seigan, Sekkanoki.
  • Traits: Zanshin II, Store TP II, Store TP III & Zanshin III (ML5).
Rogue's Bonnet icon.png Thief
2004 Called...
Long defunct subjob for Dark Knight. Just Don't.
  • Abilities: Sneak Attack, Trick Attack.
  • Traits: Treasure Hunter II, Triple Attack I (ML30).
Peltast's Mezail icon.png Dragoon
Recent changes such as the addition of WS Damage Boost trait and Mastery Level increases has made Dragoon a more interesting subjob with some niche utility. Still won't be used much by Dark Knight, but an honorable mention nonetheless.
  • Abilities: Jump, High Jump, Super Jump (ML5).
  • Traits: Dragon Killer, Accuracy Bonus I, Conserve TP, WS Damage Boost, WS Damage Boost II (ML30).
Hattori Zukin icon.png Ninja
Adds a host of spells, abilities, and traits to add to your soloing and/or low-man tool kit. Won't see as much use, but still worth having for situations where it will be needed.
  • Traits: Dual Wield III, Subtle Blow III, Max HP Boost II.
  • Buffing Ninjutsu: Tonko: Ichi/Ni, Utsusemi: Ichi/Ni.
  • Enfeebling Ninjutsu: Kurayami: Ichi/Ni, Hojo: Ichi/Ni, Dokumori: Ichi, Jubaku: Ichi.
  • Elemental Ninjutsu: Katon: Ichi/Ni, Suiton: Ichi/Ni, Raiton: Ichi/Ni, Doton: Ichi/Ni, Huton: Ichi/Ni, Hyoton: Ichi/Ni.
Maculele Tiara icon.png Dancer
"Dancing Mad"
A high-utility subjob which provides Dual Wield and Job Ability Haste in the form of Haste Samba; survivability via Curing Waltz and Healing Waltz; debuffs such as Quickstep and Box Step; Sneak and Invisible via Spectral Jig, and self-Skillchains with Reverse Flourish. More ideal for soloing content which doesn't allow Trusts or subjects you to frequent debuffs.
  • Traits: Dual Wield II, Subtle Blow II, Evasion Bonus II, Accuracy Bonus.
  • Abilities: Sub-menus (see below)--
    • Sambas: Drain Samba I ~ II, Aspir Samba, Haste Samba.
    • Waltzs: Curing Waltz I ~ III, Divine Waltz, Healing Waltz.
    • Steps: Quickstep, Box Step, Stutter Step.
    • Flourishs: Animated Flourish, Desperate Flourish, Violent Flourish, Reverse Flourish, Building Flourish (ML5).
    • Jigs: Chocobo Jig (ML30).
Atrophy Chapeau icon.png Red Mage
Crimson Knight
Another utility-based subjob for soloing and/or low-man purposes. Grants Dark Knight access to Healing Magic, key Enhancing Magic spells, and the extensive pool of low-level Enfeebling Magic spells that Red Mage normally specializes in.
  • Abilities: Convert
  • Traits: Fast Cast II, Magic Attack Bonus II, Magic Defense Bonus II, Fast Cast III (ML30).
  • Healing Magic: Cure I ~ IV, Raise I.
  • Enhancing Magic: Barspells (self), Protect III, Shell II, Haste, Regen, Refresh, Phalanx.
  • Enfeebling Magic: Dia II, Diaga, Slow, Paralyze, Silence, Blind1., Dispel.
  1. Despite having access to most of the dark-aligned Enfeebling Magic spells, Dark Knight since its inception has not had native access to Blind...
Scholar's M.board icon.png Scholar
The Tactician
Scholar occupies a similar spot as Red Mage as a subjob for Dark Knight. However, Scholar offers further utility through various magic enhancing Job Abilities.
  • Abilities: Light Arts, Dark Arts, Sublimation. Sub-menus (see below)--
    • Third Strategem use (ML5).
    • Light Arts Stratagems: Penury, Addendum: White, Celery, Accession
    • Dark Arts Stratagems: Parsimony, Alacrity, Addendum: Black, Manifestation, Ebullience (ML30).
  • Traits: Resist Silence II, Max MP Boost.
  • Healing Magic: Cure I ~ III, Reraise, Status Effect -na's, Cure IV (ML30).
  • Enhancing Magic: Storm Spells, Protect II, Shell II, Regen II, Protect III (ML5).
  • Enfeebling Magic: Dispel.
Erilaz Galea icon.png Rune Fencer
Rune of Darkness
A utility subjob choice in the case of soloing and/or low-manning purposes, aimed specifically for survival against magic damage and status effects. Offers quite a bit in terms of enmity tools when in an off-tank or even main tank scenario.
  • Abilities: Sub-menus (see below)--
    • Rune Enchantment: Ignus, Gellus, Flabra, Tellus, Sulpor, Unda, Lux, Tenebrae.
    • Effusions: Swordplay, Swipe & Lunge.
    • Wards: Vallation, Pflug, Valiance (ML5).
    • Traits: Max HP Bonus II, Tenacity III, Magic Defense Bonus II, Inquartata II, Auto-Regen, "Magic Defense Bonus III & Accuracy Bonus I (ML5).
    • Enhancing Magic: Barspells (self), Protect II, Shell II, Regen II, Stoneskin (ML 5).
    • Divine Magic: Flash
Ebers Cap icon.png White Mage
Gray Knight
A niche subjob choice with similar utility to RDM or SCH, but with heightened emphasis on status curing.
  • Abilities: Divine Seal
  • Traits: Auto-Regen, Magic Defense Bonus II, Magic Defense Bonus III (ML5).
  • Healing Magic: Cure I ~ IV, Curaga I ~ II, Reraise, Status Effect -na's, Curaga III (ML10), Reraise II (ML35).
  • Enhancing Magic: Barspells (group), Protect III, Shell II, Regen II, Haste, Shell III (ML40).
  • Enfeebling Magic: Dia II, Diaga, Slow, Paralyze, Silence.
  • Divine Magic: Flash

Tanking Support Jobs

Futhark Bandeau icon.png Rune Fencer
Rune Fencer Pre-Master levels is a rather Lackluster support job. it really only bought enhanced elemental resilience, and increased parry rates as its features. With Master levels, it has gotten slightly more powerful. With Future master levels (MLv:45), this will be a VERY potent tanking Support Job for Red Mage.

  • Future Master Levels: Things to keep in mind as master levels progress.
    • MLv:45:Foil - Will allow RDM To functionally "Aoe Tank" using Diaga, and repeatedly casting foil using a SIRD + Enmity Set.
Gallant Coronet icon.png Paladin
Paladin is a fairly potent Tanking support job option for Red Mage. Red Mage makes a Disturbingly adequate Main tank when subbing Paladin with the proper gear selection- Even more so when paired with proper support buffs to shore up their Defense Score.

  • Future Master Levels: Master Levels will do little to improve Paladin as a support job. SE Was very adamant that Stances, like Majesty will not be available as a sub'

Enmity Table


Enmity Table
Ability Cumulative Enmity Value Volatile Enmity Value
Invincible 1 CE 7,200 VE
Shield Bash 450 CE 900 VE
Sentinel 0 CE 900 VE
Rampart 320 CE 320 VE
Palisade 900 CE 1,800 VE
Majesty 0 CE 300 VE
Divine Emblem 0 CE 300 VE
Fealty 1 CE 300 VE
Chivalry 1 CE 300 VE
Intervene ??? CE ??? VE
Spell Cumulative Enmity Value Volatile Enmity Value
Flash 180 CE 1,280 VE


Enmity Table
Ability Cumulative Enmity Value Volatile Enmity Value
Elemental Sforzo 1,800 CE 7,200 VE
Rune Enchantments 0 CE 0 VE
Vallation 450 CE 900 VE
Swordplay 160 CE 320 VE
Swipe & Lunge Damage Based Damage Based
Pflug 450 CE 900 VE
Valiance 450 CE (per party member) 900 VE (per party member)
Embolden 160 CE 320 VE
Vivacious Pulse No Posted Value No Posted Value
Gambit 640 CE 1,280 VE
Rayke 640 CE 1,260 VE
Battuta 450 CE 900 VE
Liement 450 CE1 900 VE1
One for All 160 CE (per party member) 320 VE (per party member)
Odyllic Subterfuge 1 CE 318 VE
Spell Cumulative Enmity Value Volatile Enmity Value
Flash 180 CE 1,280 VE
Foil 320 CE 880 VE

# With Rune Fencer's Ergon Weapon Epeolatry equipped, Liement's effect is augmented to an Area of Effect of 10 yalms. The Enmity Values are multiplied per party member hit with the effect.


Spell/Ability CE VE
Provoke 0 1,800

JA Table

Job Traits
Lvl. Name
75Merit Points Assimilation
75Merit Points Enchainment
Job Ability
Lvl. Name Noteworthy Equipment
1 Azure Lore Luhlaza Bazubands icon.png Luhlaza BazubandsLuhlaza Bazubands description.png
25 Burst Affinity Hashi. Basmak +3 icon.png Hashi. Basmak +3Hashi. Basmak +3 description.png
40 Chain Affinity Hashishin Kavuk +3 icon.png Hashishin Kavuk +3Hashishin Kavuk +3 description.png
75 Merit Points Convergence Luhlaza Keffiyeh icon.png Luhlaza KeffiyehLuhlaza Keffiyeh description.png
75 Merit Points Diffusion Luhlaza Charuqs icon.png Luhlaza CharuqsLuhlaza Charuqs description.png
83 Efflux Hashishin Tayt +3 icon.png Hashishin Tayt +3Hashishin Tayt +3 description.png | Rosmerta's Cape icon.png Rosmerta's CapeRosmerta's Cape description.png
95 Unbridled Learning
95 Unbridled Wisdom

Other Table Test

Skill Rank Level 99 Skill Master ML50
Elemental Skill (Neutral) D 334 370 420
Elemental Skill (Dark Arts) B+ 404 440 490
dINT and Magic Accuracy+ A B C D F G H
dINT <-70 -70 ~ -31 -30 ~ -11 -10 ~ +10 +11 ~ +30 +31 ~ +70 >+70
MAcc+ Per INT 0 0.25 0.5 1 0.5 0.25 0