General Information
- One of the original six Advanced Jobs, as well as the direct opposite of Paladin.
- Physical damage dealer (re: DPS).
- Has the highest base physical attack rating and possesses the most physical attack traits of any job in the game.
- TLDR: Hits really hard.
- Please don't be a R15 Calad / R0 Sakpata DRK. . . - Brahmsz (talk)
- Dark Knight is primarily a Damage Dealing class, or in more modern MMO vernacular a DPS. Within the scope of FFXI, DRK is a Heavy DD (because of its use of heavy armor and whose primary weapons are two-handed great swords and scythes).
- DRK fills additional roles in an auxiliary fashion such as:
- An off-tank (with some finagling as a main tank);
- A caster through its limited pool of enfeebling magic (which can be further extended using additional effect weaponskills);
- As well as (but more particularly) through its unique line of Dark Magic spells.
- Dark Knight is a complex heavy DD to gear and play. You'll feel pulled to cast, but not too much. To take damage... but just enough. You'll debate TP phase vs. Weapon Skill phase damage ratios... and never feel completely satisfied. [DRK can be an] incredibly rewarding job to [deep] dive into and play in a variety of ways. -- Celebrindal
Food & Medicines
Accuracy Options:
Sublime Sushi
- Stats: HP+40, MP+20, STR+6, DEX+7, MND-3, CHR+6 Accuracy / Ranged Accuracy+10% (Max. 100), "Resist Slow" +1.
- One of the best accuracy-based foods in the game.
- Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
Grape Daifuku
- Stats: HP+20, STR+2, VIT+3, Accuracy / Ranged Accuracy+10% (Max. 80), Attack / Ranged Attack+10% (Max. 50), "Magic Attack. Bonus " +3. Mirrored Pet Stats.
- If Sublime Sushi is the best accuracy-based, Grape Daifuku comes in as a close second. Adding moderate attack in exchange for a small loss of accuracy.
- Purchased from the Curio Moogle for 4,000 gil, 48,000 a stack.
Seafood Gratin
- Stats: DEX+7, MND+7, Accuracy / Ranged Accuracy+20% (Max. 70), Evasion / Magic Evasion+12% (Max. 60).
- An honorable mention. A step down in accuracy, however, Seafood Gratin exchanges the further accuracy loss for a significant boost in magic evasion. (Which becomes a much bigger dealer in mid to late-endgame content.)
- Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
Attack Options:
Red Curry Bun
- Stats: Attack / Ranger Attack+23% (Max. 150), Demon Killer +4.
- One of the oldest attack foods in the game. Tried and true (if you have the accuracy to use it of course).
- Purchased from the Curio Moogle for 7,000 gil, 84,000 a stack.
Popo. Con Queso
- Stats: STR+5, MND+5, Attack / Ranged Attack+20% (Max. 130), Evasion / Magic Evasion+12% (Max. 60).
- Honorable mention. Introduced around the same time as the above Seafood Gratin (serves as the attack food version).
- Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
- Stats: HP+14% (Max. 175), MP+10, STR+4, VIT+2, INT-3, Attack+17% (Max. 65), Evasion / Store TP+6.
- Honorable mention. Is an old school food item that definitely sees less use but still deserves a highlight due to the STP+ and the HP+% value (which can be abused for Drain 3 Shenanigans. Will come back to that later).
- Purchased from the Curio Moogle for 4,000 gil, 48,000 a stack.
Specialty Options:
Marine Stewpot
- Stats: HP+90, Accuracy/R. Accuracy/M. Accuracy +90, Mirrored Pet Stats, -20 each.
- Group Food (~6 Party members within 10 yalms).
- A highly desired food choice--particularly in endgame content and scenarios. Only exists as singles and does not stack. As mentioned in the above description, a Marine Stewpot will work on up to an entire party as long as each member is within 10 yalms of the person using it.
- Any party member with an existing food effect on will not receive the effect of the stewpot.
- Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
Riverfin Soup
- Stats: Accuracy / Ranged Accuracy +14% (Max. 90), Attack / Ranged Attack +18% (Cap: 80), Amorph Killer +5
- Honorable mention. Slightly stronger version of Daifuku. Only exists as singles and does not stack.
- Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
- Stats: Double Attack"+5%, Weapon skill damage +5%
- Introduced September '22. Largely speaks for itself. No addtional stats, so make sure you can actually hit something if you're going to use it.
- Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
Popoto Gratin
- Stats: Double Attack+5%, Store TP+5!!!
- Honorable mention. Very interesting food with a duration of 5 minutes but stacks to 99. Great for short battles.
Defensive Options
Om. Sandwich
- Stats: HP+11% (Max. 150), VIT+7, MND+7, Accuracy+11% (Max. 80), DEF+11% (Max. 120), Enmity+4.
- Introduced in The Voracious Resurgence mission-line. Comparable to Miso Ramen in HP and Defense; exchanging Magic Evasion and Magic Defense Bonus for accuracy and enmity+.
- Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
Echo Drops
- Useful for when silenced and no one else can (or is able to) Silena you. Keep these stocked.
- Useful for curing most debuffs curable with -na spells (ie: Paralyna). You can receive 12 a month for free from ambuscade. Keep these stocked.
Reraiser /
- Nothing wrong with keeping extra sources of Reraise in your pocket. Keep these stocked.
Holy Water
- Extremely useful to have, especially when spell priority or universal cool downs from back=line supports are bottle necked... Keep them stocked.
- Sometimes you are overwhelmed with a number of debuffs (like an Impact) that need Erase and this is much faster than waiting on a support to erase them. Keep these stocked.
Vile Elixir /
Vile Elixir +1
- You never know when these might come in handy. Even for other party members... Great for putting in a bazaar for back-line supports when in a pinch as well! A single Vile Elixir or HQ can save you in those situations. Keep these stocked.
- Purchased from the Curio Moogle; 20,000 Gil for NQ. 40.000 Gil for HQ.
- Often cheaper to buy off the Auction House.
- A number of NM's and various content drop these for free as well.
- Great for switching food on the fly when the situation calls for it. Keep a few, just in case.
El. Pachira Fruit
- Effect: 1hp/tick Poison Effect for 2 minutes.
- Perhaps you aren't engaged and can't swap to a particular piece of equipment with a damage over time effect. Poisoning yourself is a good option. Keeps you awake when you know the mobs you are fighting will spam sleep. Keep a few on hand.
Abilities, Traits, Merits, and Job Points
Abilities and Traits
ExpandGroup 1
Souleater Recast
Shorten recast time by 12 seconds.
Since this is already so niche, meriting into this does not really help in DPS.
Arcane Circle Recast
Shorten recast time by 10 seconds.
AF feet already boost the duration to 4:30 with a recast of 5:00.
Last Resort Recast
Shorten recast time by 10 seconds.
You want to reduce the downtime of this ability. 5/5 takes out 50 seconds from the recast. Minimal downtime = Higher DPS. High value investment.
Last Resort Effect
+2% Attack, -2% Defense
At 5/5 it will increase your attack under Last Resort by ~34.77% (89/256) and reduce your defense by the same amount. High value investment.
Weapon Bash Recast
Shorten recast time by 6 seconds.
You are going to hurt your DPS if you merit out of Last Resort Effect/Recast.
ExpandGroup 2
Dark Seal
Enhances the accuracy of your next dark magic spell. Recast: 5min. Shorten cast time of all dark magic spells by 10% per merit.
Highly desirable. Dark Seal is especially useful for higher end content with Nether Void as it increases your dark magic accuracy, but does not impact potency. The augmented relic head will increase the duration of a Dark Sealed spell by 10% per merit level. This boils down to a longer Drain III HP boost which is why you 5/5 this.
Diabolic Eye
Reduces maximum HP by 15%, increases accuracy. Recast: 5min. Increase physical accuracy by 5% per merit.
0/5 to 1/5
While an increase of +5% to overall accuracy (per merit) is nice, the loss of HP is undesirable and doesn't work well with current gameplay and mechanics.
Muted Soul
Reduces enmity while using Souleater (separate from enmity gear/merits). Reduces enmity by 10(%) per merit.
0/5 to 1/5
The enmity-10 is in fact -10%. Niche use as this affects enmity on all actions while Souleater is active.
Desperate Blows Effect
Reduces delay for two-handed weapons while under the effect of Last Resort. Reduces delay by 2% per merit.
0/5 to 5/5
Highly desirable. Last Resort offers a baseline 15% Job Ability Haste (for 2-handed weapons) by itself. Hasso & Haste Samba provide 10% (2-handed) and 5% (Any weapon type) respectively. And the cap for JA Haste is 25%. Without any additional Job Ability Haste, meriting Desperate Blows Effect 5/5 will place you at the JA Haste cap solely with Last Resort active. With capped Gear Haste (25%) and JA Haste (25%), you can cap (2-handed) weapon delay with just 30% Magic Haste (Haste II). Even though it reads that it reduces delay, Desperate Blows will not lower TP gain.
Job Points
ExpandJob Points
Notes on Effects
Blood Weapon Effect
Increases the amount of HP absorbed while under the effects of Blood Weapon.
Increases the amount of HP absorbed under Blood Weapon by 2% per point for a total of 40%.
Soul Enslavement Effect
Increases the amount of TP absorbed while under the effects of Soul Enslavement.
Increases the amount of TP absorbed under Soul Enslavement by 1% per point for a total of 20%.
Arcane Circle Effect
Reduces the amount of damage taken from Arcana while under the effects of Arcane Circle.
Reduces the amount of damage taken from Arcana while Arcane Circle is active by 1% per point for a total of 10%.
Last Resort Effect
Increases physical attack while under the effects of Last Resort.
Increases physical attack during Last Resort by 2 per point for a total of 40 physical attack.
Souleater Duration
Increases the effect duration of Souleater.
Increases the effect duration of Souleater by 1 second per point for a total of 20 seconds.
Weapon Bash Effect
Increases damage dealt with Weapon Bash.
Increases the amount of damage dealt by Weapon Bash by 10 per point for a total of 200 damage.
Nether Void Effect
Increase the amount absorbed by dark magic spells while under the effects of Nether Void.
Increases the amount absorbed by Drain, Aspir, and the Absorb-line by 2% per point for a total of 20% absorbed. Increases the number of beneficial statuses absorbed by Absorb-Attri by 1 per 10 points for a total 2 additional statuses.
Arcane Crest Duration
Increases effect duration of Arcane Crest.
Increases effect duration of Arcane Crest by 1 second per point for a point of 20 seconds.
Scarlet Delirium duration
Increases the effect duration of Scarlet Delirium.
Increases the effect duration of Scarlet Delirium's second stage by 1 second per point for a total of 20 seconds.
Endark effect
Increases additional darkness damage and physical attack while under the effects of Endark. Hidden Bonus: Although it is not written in the help text, Endark Effect increases physical accuracy as well.
Increases Endark's en-spell damage, physical attack & physical accuracy by 1 per point for a total of 20 to each category.
Support Jobs
Expand Warrior
- Blood Knight
- A fairly uncommon subjob that has fallen by the way side. Still has uses while soloing and/or low-manning content, as well as for Scarlet Delirium hilarity if used correctly.
- Abilities: Berserk, Aggressor, Warcry.
- Traits: Defense Bonus II, Double Attack, Max HP Bonus I, Fencer I, Double Attack II & Max HP Bonus II (ML5).
Expand Samurai
- The most commonly used subjob for a Dark Knight in a standard party or alliance setting. Mainly due in part to the offensive benefit of Hasso, as well as the defensive benefits of Seigan & Third Eye.
- Abilities: Warding Circle, Third Eye, Hasso, Meditate, Seigan, Sekkanoki.
- Traits: Zanshin II, Store TP II, Store TP III & Zanshin III (ML5).
Expand Thief
- 2004 Called...
- Long defunct subjob for Dark Knight. Just Don't.
- Abilities: Sneak Attack, Trick Attack.
- Traits: Treasure Hunter II, Triple Attack I (ML30).
Expand Dragoon
- Recent changes such as the addition of WS Damage Boost trait and Mastery Level increases has made Dragoon a more interesting subjob with some niche utility. Still won't be used much by Dark Knight, but an honorable mention nonetheless.
- Abilities: Jump, High Jump, Super Jump (ML5).
- Traits: Dragon Killer, Accuracy Bonus I, Conserve TP, WS Damage Boost, WS Damage Boost II (ML30).
Expand Ninja
- Adds a host of spells, abilities, and traits to add to your soloing and/or low-man tool kit. Won't see as much use, but still worth having for situations where it will be needed.
- Traits: Dual Wield III, Subtle Blow III, Max HP Boost II.
- Buffing Ninjutsu: Tonko: Ichi/Ni, Utsusemi: Ichi/Ni.
- Enfeebling Ninjutsu: Kurayami: Ichi/Ni, Hojo: Ichi/Ni, Dokumori: Ichi, Jubaku: Ichi.
- Elemental Ninjutsu: Katon: Ichi/Ni, Suiton: Ichi/Ni, Raiton: Ichi/Ni, Doton: Ichi/Ni, Huton: Ichi/Ni, Hyoton: Ichi/Ni.
Expand Dancer
- "Dancing Mad"
- A high-utility subjob which provides Dual Wield and Job Ability Haste in the form of Haste Samba; survivability via Curing Waltz and Healing Waltz; debuffs such as Quickstep and Box Step; Sneak and Invisible via Spectral Jig, and self-Skillchains with Reverse Flourish. More ideal for soloing content which doesn't allow Trusts or subjects you to frequent debuffs.
- Traits: Dual Wield II, Subtle Blow II, Evasion Bonus II, Accuracy Bonus.
- Abilities: Sub-menus (see below)--
- Sambas: Drain Samba I ~ II, Aspir Samba, Haste Samba.
- Waltzs: Curing Waltz I ~ III, Divine Waltz, Healing Waltz.
- Steps: Quickstep, Box Step, Stutter Step.
- Flourishs: Animated Flourish, Desperate Flourish, Violent Flourish, Reverse Flourish, Building Flourish (ML5).
- Jigs: Chocobo Jig (ML30).
Expand Red Mage
- Crimson Knight
- Another utility-based subjob for soloing and/or low-man purposes. Grants Dark Knight access to Healing Magic, key Enhancing Magic spells, and the extensive pool of low-level Enfeebling Magic spells that Red Mage normally specializes in.
- Abilities: Convert
- Traits: Fast Cast II, Magic Attack Bonus II, Magic Defense Bonus II, Fast Cast III (ML30).
- Healing Magic: Cure I ~ IV, Raise I.
- Enhancing Magic: Barspells (self), Protect III, Shell II, Haste, Regen, Refresh, Phalanx.
- Enfeebling Magic: Dia II, Diaga, Slow, Paralyze, Silence, Blind1., Dispel.
- Despite having access to most of the dark-aligned Enfeebling Magic spells, Dark Knight since its inception has not had native access to Blind...
Expand Scholar
- The Tactician
- Scholar occupies a similar spot as Red Mage as a subjob for Dark Knight. However, Scholar offers further utility through various magic enhancing Job Abilities.
- Abilities: Light Arts, Dark Arts, Sublimation. Sub-menus (see below)--
- Third Strategem use (ML5).
- Light Arts Stratagems: Penury, Addendum: White, Celery, Accession
- Dark Arts Stratagems: Parsimony, Alacrity, Addendum: Black, Manifestation, Ebullience (ML30).
- Traits: Resist Silence II, Max MP Boost.
- Healing Magic: Cure I ~ III, Reraise, Status Effect -na's, Cure IV (ML30).
- Enhancing Magic: Storm Spells, Protect II, Shell II, Regen II, Protect III (ML5).
- Enfeebling Magic: Dispel.
Expand Rune Fencer
- Rune of Darkness
- A utility subjob choice in the case of soloing and/or low-manning purposes, aimed specifically for survival against magic damage and status effects. Offers quite a bit in terms of enmity tools when in an off-tank or even main tank scenario.
- Abilities: Sub-menus (see below)--
- Rune Enchantment: Ignus, Gellus, Flabra, Tellus, Sulpor, Unda, Lux, Tenebrae.
- Effusions: Swordplay, Swipe & Lunge.
- Wards: Vallation, Pflug, Valiance (ML5).
- Traits: Max HP Bonus II, Tenacity III, Magic Defense Bonus II, Inquartata II, Auto-Regen, "Magic Defense Bonus III & Accuracy Bonus I (ML5).
- Enhancing Magic: Barspells (self), Protect II, Shell II, Regen II, Stoneskin (ML 5).
- Divine Magic: Flash
Expand White Mage
- Gray Knight
- A niche subjob choice with similar utility to RDM or SCH, but with heightened emphasis on status curing.
- Abilities: Divine Seal
- Traits: Auto-Regen, Magic Defense Bonus II, Magic Defense Bonus III (ML5).
- Healing Magic: Cure I ~ IV, Curaga I ~ II, Reraise, Status Effect -na's, Curaga III (ML10), Reraise II (ML35).
- Enhancing Magic: Barspells (group), Protect III, Shell II, Regen II, Haste, Shell III (ML40).
- Enfeebling Magic: Dia II, Diaga, Slow, Paralyze, Silence.
- Divine Magic: Flash
Weapons & Weapon Skills
Dark Knight has access to a variety of weapon types and weaponskills.
While in most cases a weaponskill's main purpose is to do as much damage as possible, some can be leveraged and utilized for a wide range of status effects that are useful across various situations.
- Disclaimer: I won't be discussing "Attack Capped" sets.
Great Sword Options
Voluspa Blade:
- How to obtain:
- Purchase from Zurim with Domain Invasion Points.
- Cost: 80 Points.
Raetic Algol / Raetic Algol +1:
- How to Obtain:
- Requirements:
- To equip Raetic Algol, the player requires "Superior 3" status: 500 Job Points spent/invested.
- How to Obtain:
- Chance drop from Gaes Fete NM Sarsaok in Reisenjima.
- Can also be purchased for 800 Domain points from Zurim.
- How to Obtain:
- Chance drop from Gaes Fete NM Schah in Reisenjima.
Scythe Options
Voluspa Scythe:
- How to obtain:
- Purchase from Zurim with Domain Invasion Points.
- Cost: 80 Points.
Crepuscular Scythe:
- How to Obtain:
- Chance drop from The Wyrm God High Tier Mission Battle.
- Cost: 20 Merit Points and <ahem> proper access requirement: Complete Abyssea ("Visions of"; "Scars of"; and "Heroes of") Add-on Scenarios.
Sword Options
- How to Obtain:
- Chance drop from Gaes Fete NM Kouryu in Escha - Ru'Aun.
Axe Options
Beryllium Pick / Beryllium Pick +1:
- How to Obtain:
- Crafted Only.
- To equip Raetic Beryllium Pick, the player requires "Superior 2" status: 100 Job Points spent/invested.
Great Axe Options
Hepatizon Axe:
- How to Obtain:
- Requirements:
- To equip Hepatizon Axe, the player requires "Superior 2" status: 100 Job Points spent/invested.
Club Option
Ultimate Weapons
Great Swords
Weapon Skills
Great Sword
- One of the earliest utility-based weapon skills you can learn.
- Functionally a short-ranged Sleepga centered around the player. Use it for larger pulls to make it easier for cures and tanking.
- A full Accuracy & Magic Accuracy set such as Flamma +2 from Ambuscade will land this on most fodder mobs.
- Because of Shockwave's AoE (Area of Effect) nature, it can be [ab]used to whittle mobs down around the player with little consequence.
- You can use a full set of Relic Reforge +2 or +3 to increase it's physical damage and still maintain a high level of Accuracy & Magic Accuracy.
- 75 cap Torcleaver.
- Great for opening, connecting, and/or closing skillchains with both Fragmentation and Distortion skillchain properties.
- Low damage Ice-base Weapon skill.
- Offers utility in its ability to paralyze mobs that you use it on. The paralysis may not be very potent but still worth keeping in mind.
- Relic Weapon Skill
- One of Great Sword's two Light skillchain property weapon skills and the only Fusion skillchain property weapon skill.
- Alternative Great Sword Accuracy Swaps have made using Ragnarok even more niche for this reason.
- Scourge is a great skillchain linker for Great Swords on Dark Knight and provides an alternative for multi-step Fusion & Fragmentation into Light skillchains.
- Resolution: Learnable at 357 Great Sword Skill minimum. Requires Merit Points to unlock. Pleas see

- Dark Knights second best Great Sword weapon skill.
- Seeing as Resolution is a TP replicating weapon skill, the key is focusing on multi-hit proc's for spike damage. If a swing misses in the weapon skill, you will notice.
- Resolution also offers utility in its Fragmentation property when fighting mobs that absorb skillchain damage (ie: Light skillchains from Torcleaver spam, or when you don't want to skillchain with the current "Meta" weapon skills like Savage Blade).
- Empyrean Weapon Skill
- By far Dark Knights strongest Great Sword weapon skill. Boasting an 80% Vitality modifier, you would want to stack as much VIT and WSDMG as you can.
- Also scales extremely well with TP overflow, so the higher the TP you use this weapon skill at, the more damage you get out of it.
- Pair this up with Caladbolg and watch your overall damage soar. Even when solo, spamming light skillchains will do insane damage to mobs that aren't light based.
- Dark-base Elemental weapon skill which scales with TP.
- Offers niche utility as an Elemental weapon skill. As such, Shadow of Death will never miss outside of special circumstances such as a magic shield.
- Great for times where [double] Darkness weather can be [ab]used and / or for when Perfect Dodge or Invincible is active.
- Bread & butter Scythe weapon skill for Dark Knights of a certain age (75 Cap Era).
- While lacking in the damage department, Guillotine serves two great purposes:
- Skillchain connector for a four-step Light skillchain with Scythe.
- As well as having a moderately high chance of landing Silence on most everything short of mobs with Resist Silence job trait.
- Dark Knight's strongest Scythe weapon skill by far.
- Much like Torcleaver, Cross Reaper scales well with TP & is a necessary component in a standard three to five-step double Darkness skillchain.
- While Cross Reaper may not be tied to an Ultimate weapon, it pairs very nicely with Anguta for ridiculous levels of damage.
- 75 cap Cross Reaper. Has fallen out of prominence due to positive adjustments to Cross Reaper and both weapon skills having the same skillchain property of Distortion.
- Mentioning for historical reference moreso than for actual use.
- A 99 cap updated version of Shadow of Death.
- In order to differentiate the two weapon skills, Internal Scythe does not scale with fTP, but also has no dINT modifier (Difference between player Intelligence and Mob Intelligence).
- Infernal Scythe also serves a utility purpose in lowering mob attack by 25% for a minimum of 3 minutes, similar to Weapon Break.
- Damage from Infernal Scythe won't be nearly as high as other weapon skills but definitely deserves an honorable mention.
- Relic Weapon Skill
- Relic-based weapon skill and Dark Knight's bread & butter entry point to soloing.
- One of the two relic weapon skills Dark Knight has access to (the other being the greatsword skill Scourge).
- Catastrophe has a static fTP value.
- However, the drain effect itself scales with TP (~70% of damage dealt).
- With a fully upgraded (Afterglowed) item level 119 Apocalypse, Catastrophe's attached Aftermath effect offers +10% Job Ability Haste, easing off dependence to job abilities such as Last Resort, Hasso, or Haste Samba for capping melee delay.
- Mythic Weapon Skill
- Dark Knights second best1 Scythe weapon skill.
- Primarily a damage weapon skill, Insurgency is unique in that it utilizes both multi-hit as well as front-loaded damage.
- Similar to Scourge, Insurgency is the only Fusion option in the Scythe category.
- Requires fully upgraded Liberator (Level 119 III) in order to reach fully realized damage potential.
- Empyrean Weapon Skill
- Dark Knight's other Empyrean weapon-based weapon skill.
- Quietus has a static fTP value, but bears special mention for the fact that its special feature is "Ignore's Enemy Defense" starting at 10% (1,000 TP) up to 50% Defense Ignored (3,000 TP) which shines in lower buffed scenarios.
- Quietus is the second Scythe weapon skill with a native Darkness skillchain property (with a sub-property of Gravitation), making it another excellent closer for a multi-step Darkness skillchain.
- Entropy: Learnable at 357 Scythe Skill minimum. Requires Merit Points to unlock. Pleas see
- Accessible when equipped with
- Originally, a Merit Point weapon skill, Entropy was updated as an Aeonic weapon-based weapon skill.
- Entropy's fTP value does not climb that high (starting at 0.75 to a maximum of 2.0).
- However, Entropy is an fTP replicating weapon skill which means all swings hit at the same functional value. Which helps to close the gap in damage.
- Entropy serves a significant utility purpose for Dark Knight in replenishing the player's MP pool by 15~20% of damage dealt.
- When equipped with an
Anguta, Entropy gains a native Darkness skillchain property and unlocks the Aftermath effect of Level 4 Ultimate skillchains, Umbra & Radiance.
- Skillchain damage gains a noticeable increase as well.
- Scales well with fTP and TP overflow.
- Does not synchronize well with Dark Knight's current playstyle.
- Requiescat: Learnable at 357 Sword Skill minimum. Requires Merit Points to unlock. Please see
- Requiescat was originally a Merit-based Weapon Skill which primarily served as a utility weapon skill for serving out Non-Elemental damage.
- Skill ability reads as "Attack power varies with TP".
- As such won't see much use outside of situations such as breaking through a specialty damage shield.
- Honorable mention. Castrophe without the Apocalypse.
- Falls under Magic Weapon Skills, so will never miss, but... has a dINT stat attached.
- Heavily influenced by MAB as well as Darkness affinity accessories.
- Retains a static fTP value but the drain effect scales with TP (50% to 160%).
- A single-hit "ranged" weapon skill (usuable up to 15 yalms away).
- Scales extremely well with TP and offers the Fusion skillchain property.
- Only downside is Mistral Axe lacks a second weapon skill modifier and relies heavily on its 50% STR modifier.
- Perhaps this was done for balance purposes.
- Mulit-hit weapon skill. Damage does not scale with TP.
- However, Decimation is TP replicating and offers the Fusion skillchain property as well. Making it a highly effective weapon skill with minimal gear investment.
- Highly recommended for new and returning players just starting out without REMA weapons.
- Ruinator: Learnable at 357 Axe Skill minimum. Requires Merit Points to unlock. Please see
- Essentially a Merit Point-based variation on Decimation.
- In order to differentiate the two weapon skills, Ruinator Was given a 10% attack bonus and the Distortion skillchain property.
- Ruinator primarily serves more as a skillchain connector than a source of damage.
- Still worth keeping a point in if you can swing it. (No pun intended)
- Learned at an even lower skill level than even Shockwave.
- Armor Break is the earliest and one of the most effective utility weapon skills a Dark Knight can use.
- Armor Break focuses on lowering the mob's defense, offering a Defense Down effect of -25% defense ranging from 3 to 9 minutes based on the TP value used at.
- Full Break is a combination of all the Great Axe weapon skills, but each effect is a lower potency than their individual-based weapon skills
- Lowers mob attack and defense by 12.5% and lowers evasion and accuracy by 20 points.
- Same as Armor Break above, the duration is based on TP value used at, at a minimum of 3 minutes.
- Individual effects can each be resisted independent of one another.
- Excellent crowd control/cleaving weapon skill that deals damage based on WSDMG gear as well as your STR.
- Damage does not scale with TP...
- However, Fell Cleave's Area of Effect expands with higher TP values.
- Upheaval: Learnable at 357 Great Axe Skill minimum. Please see
- Strongest Great Axe weapon skill Dark Knight has access to. Period.
- Merit Point based weapon skill; eerily similar to Insurgency (except for a high weapon skill modifier).
- Utilizes both multi-hit as well as front-loaded damage and is yet another option for the Fusion skillchain property.
- Is well worth keeping around, especially if you were to make a Lycurgos.
- But that's a point to explore later on.
- The club equivalent of Savage Blade.
- Scales extremely well with TP.
- Great for situations where slashing damage may not be feasible or blunt damage is far more exploitable.
Job Specific Equipment
Artifact Armor
Relic Armor
ExpandDivergence Weapon
Shown previously in the weapon section, this Divergence-based Scythe is quite useful when augmented and used appropriately. Has three augment paths which turn it into either a mini-Empyrean, a mini-Mythic, or the strongest Drain/Aspir option in the weapon slot available. The HQ1 variant, Fallen's Scythe, is also a decent alternative.
ExpandDivergence Neck Accessory
  STR+25 STP+7 PDL+10%
Divergence-based neck slot. As can be gleaned, offers significant melee stats that play to DRK's strengths. Don't settle for less than the HQ1 variant, Abyssal Beads +1.
Empyrean Armor
ExpandEmpyrean Armor Accessories
  Acc/MAcc+16~20 WSD +4%~8% STR/INT +7~15
One of the strongest Weapon Skill earrings currently available. Period. HQ1 is a bare minimum for swapping into any builds.
Equipment Sets
Disclaimer: The sets posted herein are a bridge gap for new & returning players. This isn't a true end-to-end High-End sets guide. If you are already geared at or past the sets posted herein, please feel free to check out the High-End Sets Theorycafting thread on FFXIAH under the DRk forum. --Brahmsz (talk)
TP Sets
- All sets herein should be regarded as benchmark targets to gauge gear progression.
Starting Out
Stepping into an Ambuscade
Escha Ru'Aun & Reisenjima
Alt. Geas Fete Set (Store TP)
Alt. Geas Fete Set (Accuracy)
Omen & Dynamis Divergence
Odyssey & Sortie
Odyssey Set 2 (Rank 20)
- Utu Grip
- Coiste Bodhar
- Sakpata's Helm
- Att+20, "Double Attack" DMG+10%, Acc/MAcc+5
- Valorous Mail
- STR+, Acc/Att+, DA or STP+
- Sakpata's Gauntlets
- Att+20, STP+5, Acc/MAcc+5
- Sakpata's Cuisses
- Att+20, Skillchain DMG+10%, Acc/MAcc+5
- Flam. Gambieras +2
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Cessance Earring
- Dedition Earring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Moonbeam Ring
- Ioskeha Belt +1
- Ankou's Mantle
- DEX+20, Acc/Att+20, Acc+10, DA+10, PDT-10%
Odyssey Set 3 (Rank 30)
- Utu Grip
- Coiste Bodhar
- Sakpata's Helm
- Att+30, "Double Attack" DMG+15%, Acc/MAcc+15, Cure Pot. Received+5%
- Valorous Mail
- STR+, Acc/Att+, DA or STP+
- Sakpata's Gauntlets
- Att+30, STP+8, Acc/MAcc+15, VIT+5
- Ig. Flanchard +3
- Flam. Gambieras +2
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Cessance Earring
- Heath. Earring +2
- Acc/MAcc +16~20, WSD +4~8%, STR/INT +7~15
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Moonlight Ring
- Ioskeha Belt +1
- Ankou's Mantle
- DEX+20, Acc/Att+20, Acc+10, DA+10, PDT-10%
Alt. Odyssey Set 3 (Rank 30)
- Utu Grip
- Coiste Bodhar
- Flam. Zucchetto +2
- Valorous Mail
- STR+, Acc/Att+, DA or STP+
- Sakpata's Gauntlets
- Att+30, STP+8, Acc/MAcc+15, VIT+5
- Ig. Flanchard +3
- Flam. Gambieras +2
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Cessance Earring
- Heath. Earring +2
- Acc/MAcc +16~20, WSD +4~8%, STR/INT +7~15
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Moonlight Ring
- Sailfi Belt +1
- Ankou's Mantle
- DEX+20, Acc/Att+20, Acc+10, DA+10, PDT-10%
DT & TP Hybrid Builds
*A few notes on DT Sets and the advancement of TP Hybrid builds:
- There is no true "Best in Slot" (BiS) DT or Hybrid TP build.
- Going back as far as the introduction of Ambuscade on up to Odyssey, Dark Knight (as well as many jobs) has seen a proliferation in DT-% (and to a lesser extent PDT-%) gear that also doubles as excellent TP options.
- Your Mileage May Vary... depending on what you have access to and what you have the patience to attain.
- So once again, use these sets as benchmarks to gauge where you stand as well as decide how & where you can improve your own gear builds/sets.
Utility, Situational & Misc Sets
- Situational awareness goes a long way...
- Sets herein may or may not see as much use but are nice to have around when the circumstances come up.
Spell: Impact Set
- Friendly reminder that Impact can be utilized for Occult Acumen shenanigans as well.
- Twilight cloak can still be used if that's all you want to use it for but Crepuscular is practically necessary if you want to land it for full (or close to full) duration.
Great Sword Weapon Skills
- As stated in the introduction at the top, Dark Knight "has the highest base physical attack rating and possesses the most physical attack [and physical damage limit] traits of any job in the game."
- This leads to murky circumstancess in which the job's greatest strength makes for uncertainty.
- ie. "Am I Attack Capped or Attack uncapped?"
- The sets herein are not adjusted for Attack Capped Scenarios.
Torcleaver Set III
- Utu Grip
- Knobkierrie
- Nyame Helm
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Ignominy Cuirass +3
- Nyame Gauntlets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Fall. Flanchard +3
- Nyame Sollerets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Thrud Earring
- Moonshade Earring
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Sailfi Belt +1
- Ankou's Mantle
- VIT+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, VIT+10, PDT-10%
Resolution Set III
- Utu Grip
- Coiste Bodhar
- Flam. Zucchetto +2
- Sakpata's Plate
- Att+20, Resist All+10, Acc/MAcc+5
- Sakpata's Gauntlets
- Att+20, STP+5, Acc/MAcc+5
- Sakpata's Cuisses
- Att+20, Skillchain DMG+10%, Acc/MAcc+5
- Flam. Gambieras +2
- Fotia Gorget
- Moonshade Earring
- Balder Earring
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Fotia Belt
- Ankou's Mantle
- STR+20, Acc/Att+20, DA+10%, STR+10, PDT-10%
lol Scourge
- Apologies, but if this doesn't deter you from using Scourge, feel free to visit the High-End Sets thread on under the DRK Forum. Azargarth has an actual Scourge set listed. You won't find an actual set listed here...
Ground Strike
Ground Strike Set III
- Utu Grip
- Knobkierrie
- Nyame Helm
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Nyame Mail
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+10%, DA+3%
- Nyame Gauntlets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Sakpata's Cuisses
- Att+20, Skillchain DMG+10%, Acc/MAcc+5
- Nyame Sollerets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Thrud Earring
- Ishvara Earring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Karieyh Ring +1
- Fotia Belt
- Ankou's Mantle
- STR+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, STR+10, PDT-10%
Shockwave Set III
- Utu Grip
- Knobkierrie
- Nyame Helm
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Nyame Mail
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+10%, DA+3%
- Nyame Gauntlets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Nyame Flanchard
- Nyame Sollerets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Thrud Earring
- Moonshade Earring
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Fotia Belt
- Ankou's Mantle
- STR+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, STR+10, PDT-10%
Herculean Slash
Herculean Slash Set III
- Utu Grip
- Knobkierrie
- Nyame Helm
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Nyame Mail
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+10%, DA+3%
- Nyame Gauntlets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Nyame Flanchard
- Heath. Sollerets +3
- Sanctity Necklace
- Friomisi Earring
- Hecate's Earring
- Epaminondas's Ring
- Metamor. Ring +1
- Eschan Stone
- Ankou's Mantle
- VIT+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, VIT+10, PDT-10%
Scythe Weapon Skills
- As stated in the introduction at the top, Dark Knight "has the highest base physical attack rating and possesses the most physical attack [and physical damage limit] traits of any job in the game."
- This leads to murky circumstancess in which the job's greatest strength makes for uncertainty.
- ie. "Am I Attack Capped or Attack uncapped?"
- The sets herein are not adjusted for Attack Capped Scenarios.
Cross Reaper
Cross Reaper Set I
- Ratri gear is easily accessible (with 500 JP invested).
- Reisenjima augmented gear is still a fine alternative that can be utilized for other purposess down the road.
- Ratri set is worth keeping around for Dread Spikes Shenanigans, but I would advise upgrading from it quickly.
Cross Reaper Set III
- Anguta
- Base DMG+17, Entropy DMG+10%, Acc/MAcc+30
- Utu Grip
- Knobkierrie
- Nyame Helm
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Ignominy Cuirass +3
- Nyame Gauntlets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Fall. Flanchard +3
- Nyame Sollerets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Thrud Earring
- Moonshade Earring
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Sailfi Belt +1
- Ankou's Mantle
- STR+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, STR+10, PDT-10%
Insurgency Set I
- In this particular case, Ratri Legs are in here for the STP it gives to Multi-hit Scythe weapon skills like Insurgency & Guillotine. I've found I fall short of a 4~5 hit without them personally.
- Hit builds become less of a concern when using a Liberator in sets II through IV.
- If you don't have a Liberator; are using Insurgency without one; or don't plan on making one in the future, my personal suggestion is keep the Ratri Cuisses/+1 around in case.
Insurgency Set III
- Liberator (Level 119 III)
- Base DMG+34, Insurgency DMG+15%, Acc/MAcc+30
- Utu Grip
- Knobkierrie
- Nyame Helm
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Nyame Mail
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+10%, DA+4%
- Sakpata's Gauntlets
- Att+20, STP+5, Acc/MAcc+5
- Sakpata's Cuisses
- Nyame Sollerets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Moonshade Earring
- Balder Earring
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Kentarch Belt +1
- Ankou's Mantle
- STR+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, STR+10, PDT-10%
Quietus Set III
- Redemption (Level 119 III)
- Base DMG+13, Quietus DMG+10%, STR/DEX/INT/MND+15
- Utu Grip
- Crepuscular Pebble
- Nyame Helm
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Sakpata's Plate
- Att+20, Resist All+10, Acc/MAcc+5
- Sakpata's Gauntlets
- Att+20, STP+5, Acc/MAcc+5
- Sakpata's Cuisses
- Att+20, Skillchain DMG+10%, Acc/MAcc+5
- Nyame Sollerets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Thrud Earring
- Moonshade Earring
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Fotia Belt
- Ankou's Mantle
- STR+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, STR+10, PDT-10%
Catastrophe Set III
- Apocalypse (Level 119 III)
- Base DMG+21, Catastrophe DMG+20%, "Drain" potency+10%
- Utu Grip
- Crepuscular Pebble
- Nyame Helm
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Nyame Mail
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+10%, DA+3%
- Nyame Gauntlets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Nyame Flanchard
- Nyame Sollerets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Thrud Earring
- Heath. Earring +2
- Acc/MAcc+16~20, WSD+4~8%, STR/INT+7~15
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Sailfi Belt +1
- Ankou's Mantle
- STR+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, STR+10, PDT-10%
Entropy Set III
- Anguta
- Base DMG+17, Entropy DMG+10%, Acc/MAcc+30
- Utu Grip
- Coiste Bodhar
- Hjarrandi Helm
- Sakpata's Plate
- Att+20, Resist All+10, Acc/MAcc+5
- Sakpata's Gauntlets
- Att+20, STP+5, Acc/MAcc+5
- Ratri Cuisses +1
- Sakpata's Leggings
- Att+20, Subtle Blow+10, Acc/MAcc+5
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Lugra Earring +1
- Balder Earring
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Fotia Belt
- Ankou's Mantle
- STR+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, INT+10, PDT-10%
- This is another case in which I lean towards using Ratri Leggings for the STP value they add.
Guillotine Set III
- Utu Grip
- Coiste Bodhar
- Hjarrandi Helm
- Sakpata's Plate
- Att+20, Resist All+10, Acc/MAcc+5
- Sakpata's Gauntlets
- Att+20, STP+5, Acc/MAcc+5
- Ratri Cuisses +1
- Sakpata's Leggings
- Att+20, Subtle Blow+10, Acc/MAcc+5
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Cessance Earring
- Balder Earring
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Sailfi Belt +1
- Ankou's Mantle
- STR+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, STR+10, PDT-10%
- Again, this is a case in which I lean on the Ratri Leggings.
- The prevalence of DT- gear makes this largely a non-issue.
Shadow of Death
Shadow of Death Set III
- Anguta
- Base DMG+17, Entropy DMG+10%, Acc/MAcc+30
- Utu Grip
- Knobkierrie
- Pixie Hairpin +1
- Nyame Mail
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+10%, DA+3%
- Nyame Gauntlets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Nyame Flanchard
- Nyame Sollerets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Sibyl Scarf
- Friomisi Earring
- Moonshade Earring
- Archon Ring
- Epaminondas's Ring
- Skrymir Cord +1
- Ankou's Mantle
- INT+20, MAcc/Mdmg+20, WSD+10%, INT+10, PDT-10%
Infernal Scythe
Infernal Scythe Set III
- Father Time
- Base DMG+15, "Drain" potency+25%, WSD+15%
- Utu Grip
- Knobkierrie
- Pixie Hairpin +1
- Nyame Mail
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+10%, DA+3%
- Nyame Gauntlets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Nyame Flanchard
- Nyame Sollerets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Baetyl Pendant
- Friomisi Earring
- Heath. Earring +2
- Acc/MAcc+16~20, WSD+4~8%, STR/INT+7~15
- Archon Ring
- Epaminondas's Ring
- Skrymir Cord +1
- Ankou's Mantle
- INT+20, MAcc/Mdmg+20, WSD+10%, INT+10, PDT-10%
Sword Weapon Skill Sets
Savage Blade
- Naegling
- Blurred Shield +1
- Crepuscular Pebble
- Nyame Helm
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Ignominy Cuirass +3
- Sakpata's Gauntlets
- Att+20, STP+5, Acc/MAcc+5
- Sakpata's Cuisses
- Att+20, Skillchain DMG+10%, Acc/MAcc+5
- Nyame Sollerets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Thrud Earring
- Moonshade Earring
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Sailfi Belt +1
- Ankou's Mantle
- STR+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, STR+10, PDT-10%
- Naegling
- Blurred Shield +1
- Crepuscular Pebble
- Hjarrandi Helm
- Sakpata's Plate
- Att+20, Resist All+10, Acc/MAcc+5
- Sakpata's Gauntlets
- Att+20, STP+5, Acc/MAcc+5
- Sakpata's Cuisses
- Att+20, Skillchain DMG+10%, Acc/MAcc+5
- Sakpata's Leggings
- Att+20, Subtle Blow+10, Acc/MAcc+5
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Moonshade Earring
- Balder Earring
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Fotia Belt
- Ankou's Mantle
- STR+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, STR+10, PDT-10%
Sanguine Blade
- Naegling
- Blurred Shield +1
- Knobkierrie
- Pixie Hairpin +1
- Nyame Mail
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+10%, DA+3%
- Nyame Gauntlets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Nyame Flanchard
- Nyame Sollerets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Baetyl Pendant
- Friomisi Earring
- Malignance Earring
- Archon Ring
- Epaminondas's Ring
- Skrymir Cord +1
- Ankou's Mantle
- INT+20, MAcc/Mdmg+20, WSD+10%, INT+10, PDT-10%
Axe Weapon Skills
- A couple of notes on Decimation
- The sets for Decimation can effectively be copy/pasted from Resolution.
- Decimation sets are identical to Ruinator and to save time and space this subsection will be used for both Decimation & Ruinator.
- Dolichenus
- Sangarius +1
- DMG+35, Acc/MAcc+30, QA+3%
- Coiste Bodhar
- Flam. Zucchetto +2
- Sakpata's Plate
- Att+20, Resist All+10, Acc/MAcc+5
- Sakpata's Gauntlets
- Att+20, STP+5, Acc/MAcc+5
- Sakpata's Cuisses
- Att+20, Skillchain DMG+10%, Acc/MAcc+5
- Flam. Gambieras +2
- Fotia Gorget
- Lugra Earring +1
- Balder Earring
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Fotia Belt
- Ankou's Mantle
- STR+20, Acc/Att+20, DA+10%, STR+10, PDT-10%
Mistral Axe
- Beryllium Pick +1
- Blurred Shield +1
- Crepuscular Pebble
- Nyame Helm
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Ignominy Cuirass +3
- Nyame Gauntlets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Fall. Flanchard +3
- Nyame Sollerets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Thrud Earring
- Moonshade Earring
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Sailfi Belt
- Ankou's Mantle
- STR+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, STR+10, PDT-10%
Great Axe Weapon Skills
- Lycurgos
- Utu Grip
- Knobkierrie
- Nyame Helm
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Ignominy Cuirass +3
- Sakpata's Gauntlets
- Att+20, STP+5, Acc/MAcc+5
- Fall. Flanchard +3
- Nyame Sollerets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Thrud Earring
- Moonshade Earring
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Sailfi Belt +1
- Ankou's Mantle
- VIT+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, VIT+10, PDT-10%
Armor Break
- Lycurgos
- Utu Grip
- Knobkierrie
- Nyame Helm
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Nyame Mail
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+10%, DA+3%
- Nyame Gauntlets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Nyame Flanchard
- Nyame Sollerets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Thrud Earring
- Moonshade Earring
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Fotia Belt
- Ankou's Mantle
- STR+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, STR+10, PDT-10%
Club Weapon Skill
- Loxotic Mace +1
- DMG+33, Acc/MAcc+40, WSD+10%
- Blurred Shield +1
- Crepuscular Pebble
- Nyame Helm
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Ignominy Cuirass +3
- Sakpata's Gauntlets
- Att+20, STP+5, Acc/MAcc+5
- Sakpata's Cuisses
- Att+20, Skillchain DMG+10%, Acc/MAcc+5
- Nyame Sollerets
- Path B: Att+25, WSD+8%, DA+2%
- Abyssal Beads +2
- Thrud Earring
- Moonshade Earring
- Regal Ring
- Niqmaddu Ring
- Sailfi Belt +1
- Ankou's Mantle
- STR+20, Acc/Att+20, WSD+10%, STR+10, PDT-10%
Magic Casting Sets
Fast Cast
- Endark serves two purposes:
- Additional moderate darkness-based enspell damage which decays with each melee swing.
- Increases physical attack based on Dark Magic Skill when cast. Attack buff decays as well with each melee swing.
- Please note that Drain II & III grant a bonus HP buff to the player exceeding the player's normal HP.
- The native cap for Drain II/III is 9,999 HP.
- The 9,999 HP cap can be exceeded by food with the HP+% stat.
- Drain is ineffective against undead.
Absorb Sets
Dread Spikes
- For anyone unfamiliar with or fortunate enough to not have faced an enemy with Dread Spikes, it is a spell that envelops the caster in darkness-based spikes that drains HP back from the enemy whenever they hit you in a melee round.
- Dread Spikes has a cap of 50% of the player's maximum HP upon cast.
- The HP cap can be increased by Job Points Gift and additional equipment. Exceeding 100% of maximum HP.
- Ineffective against undead.
Enfeebling Magic
- Though not used often in group content, Dark Knight does infact have access to Enfeebling Magic. Dark Knight has access to the majority of darkness aligned Enfeebling spells (with a glaring exception to Blind). When properly geared for it, a DRK can easily toss an additional sleep, break, or Bind to help in a pinch.