CatsEyeXI/Crystal Warrior New Player Guide

From FFXI Wiki

Getting Started

  • Create a new account and select the Create a Crystal Warrior account option
  • Verify your email. If you didn't receive an email (Check spam folder), file a GM ticket under Help Desk on the Discord
  • Login and create a character on the website (This is necessary to ensure your Crystal Warrior goes through the intro, receiving Provenance Ring and the option to become Unbreakable)
  • If your character does not start in Provenance, file a GM ticket under Help Desk on Discord to have your character set up properly.
  • You can refer friends by using their link (eg. or by entering their character's name during the sign up process

A Crystal Prelude

Onion Sword icon.png Cure (Scroll) icon.png You must complete this introductory quest to receive your starting equipment.

The basic steps are as follows:

  • Speak to your starting NPC (Robineaux, Iron Wolf, Erudu-Faludu) to receive a Hatchet icon.pngHatchet, Pickaxe icon.pngPickaxe or Sickle icon.pngSickle
  • Trade the tool to the relevant gathering point (Loose Branch, Brittle Rocks, Dangling Root) to receive a material
  • Trade the received material back to the starting NPC to receive your starting equipment (Equip yourself and prepare for combat)
  • Speak to the starting NPC to begin an encounter with a new notorious monster
  • Defeat the monster and speak to the NPC again to receive an Adventurer Cpn. icon.pngAdventurer Coupon and be warped out

Obtaining your Starting Ring

All quests can be completed, regardless of your current allegiance.

Early Tips


Returning players may be unaware of the Wardrobe system. As a Crystal Warrior, you can unlock this extra storage through various activities. This storage can be accessed at any time, and gear can be equipped directly from storage to free up inventory space.

  • Defeating any of these starter area Notorious Monsters for the first time grants 2 Wardrobe slots: Leaping Lizzy, Jaggedy-Eared Jack, and Spiny Spipi.
  • Each starting nation has a HELM introductory quest that grants an easy Wardrobe slot and requires ingredients from the starting zones: Hatchet Job (San d'Oria), Mining My Business (Bastok), and Reaping Rewards (Windurst). Completing all three quests rewards a Field Tunica.
  • Completing every nation's missions awards a single Wardrobe slot. This includes optional missions, so complete every available mission for extra storage. This can be done for each nation, not just your starting nation.

Full lists of all unlocks can be found on the CatsEyeXI Content page.


Valkurm Dunes header.jpg

In addition to Fields of Valor, characters on CatsEyeXI may participate in EXP Ventures which cycle daily. Ventures are designed to promote traditional EXP parties for the Lv75 Era. Ventures offer additional experience and rewards but come with some restrictions:

  • You must register with one of the Guild Goblins for 5000G
  • Mobs must be higher than 2 levels above your party
  • Parties with trusts will not gain credit

Special Ventures may also be undertaken for other activities such as HELM, Fishing and Dynamis.

Venture Overview

  • Daily ventures can be viewed with the !ventures command or by visiting a member of the Goblin Venture Guild
  • Unlike Fields of Valor and Grounds of Valor all listed mobs qualify for progression credit
  • Upon defeating enough targets, the player will receive EXP, Venture Points and a Giftbox
  • Ventures will automatically repeat until they change over (JST Midnight)
  • All participants must first join the Goblin Ventures Guild (5000 gil is required):

New Starting Quests

San d'Oria
Quest Zone NPC Level Required Reward
Hungry Customer Southern San d'Oria Couquillard (K-6) 1 Hare Meat icon.png Hare Meat x12 Counterfeit Gil icon.png 900 Gil
Staying Afloat Northern San d'Oria Archimedes (F-6) 1 Acorn icon.png Acorn x12 Counterfeit Gil icon.png 800 Gil
On Guard West Ronfaure Somnelius (H-5) 5 Sleepshroom icon.png Sleepshroom x2 AugRank.png Kenpogi icon.png Kenpogi
In Sheep's Clothing Northern San d'Oria Chilly Wolf (C-9) 5 Sheepskin icon.png Sheepskin x3 Counterfeit Gil icon.png 250 Gil
Hatchet Job East Ronfaure Aesculian (I-7) 5 Grilled Hare icon.png Grilled Hare x1 Hatchet icon.png Hatchet x12
On Watch West Ronfaure Somnelius (H-5) 10 NM Fight AugRank.png Brass Xiphos icon.png Brass Xiphos
Rambling Around Southern San d'Oria Glenda (K-8) 10 NM Fight Counterfeit Gil icon.png 1500 Gil
Rambling Around II Southern San d'Oria Glenda (K-8) 10 Lanolin icon.png Lanolin x2 Counterfeit Gil icon.png 1800 Gil
Quest Zone NPC Level Required Reward
Bug Report Port Bastok Bardus (K-6) 1 Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing x12 Counterfeit Gil icon.png 400 Gil
Chasing Tails Bastok Mines Shining Stone (K-7) 1 Lizard Tail icon.png Lizard Tail x12 Counterfeit Gil icon.png 600 Gil
Buzz Off Bastok Mines Sinister Moon (K-6) 5 Giant Stinger icon.png Giant Stinger x1 AugRank.png Leather Vest icon.png Leather Vest
Birdsearch Bastok Markets Neavias (H-9) 5 Bird Feather icon.png Bird Feather x4 Counterfeit Gil icon.png 400 Gil
Mining My Business Zeruhn Mines Iron Digger (J-9) 5 Sweet Lizard icon.png Sweet Lizard x1 Pickaxe icon.png Pickaxe x12
Buzz Kill Bastok Mines Sinister Moon (K-6) 10 NM Fight AugRank.png Brass Spear icon.png Brass Spear
That's All Folks Port Bastok Conchata-Potata (E-6) 10 NM Fight Counterfeit Gil icon.png 1500 Gil
In A Bucket Port Bastok Conchata-Potata (E-6) 10 Crab Shell icon.png Crab Shell x3 Counterfeit Gil icon.png 1800 Gil
Quest Zone NPC Level Required Reward
Only the Dose Windurst Woods Perah Celehsi (J-8) 1 Giant Stinger icon.png Giant Stinger x1 Counterfeit Gil icon.png 300 Gil
Down to Earth Windurst Waters Hermin-Harmon (F-7) 1 Meteorite icon.png Meteorite x1 Gold Ore icon.png Rare Ore
Say Peas Windurst Waters Perara (E-9) 5 Rarab Tail icon.png Rarab Tail x5 AugRank.png Robe icon.png Robe
Rustling Feathers Port Windurst Puluki-Culuki (B-4) 5 Yagudo Feather icon.png Yagudo Feather x12 Counterfeit Gil icon.png 400 Gil
Reaping Rewards West Sarutabaruta Fha Mhakyaa (G-9) 5 Honeyed Egg icon.png Honeyed Egg x1 Sickle icon.png Sickle x12
Get Cracking Windurst Waters Perara (E-9) 10 NM Fight AugRank.png Holly Staff icon.png Holly Staff
Neck and Neck Port Windurst Erbelie (G-8) 10 NM Fight Counterfeit Gil icon.png 1500 Gil
Neck and Neck II Port Windurst Erbelie (G-8) 10 Papaka Grass icon.png Papaka Grass x3 Counterfeit Gil icon.png 600 Gil

Obtaining Your First Trust (Matter of Trust I)

At level 10, you'll be able to obtain your first trust, via a quest from the following NPCs:

The NPC will send you to inspect a Crystal Anomaly:

Prepare for combat. You will face off against a Crystal Weapon in a level capped (Lv10) encounter.

  • Build TP on nearby mobs before you begin
  • Ensure you have a level appropriate weapon
  • If you're playing a mage, consider asking for help

After the fight, inspect the Crystal Anomaly again and return to the quest giver to receive your first trust!

Additional info:

  • The Matter of Trust quest line consists of three quests (Levels 15/30/40)
  • Each nation's quests can be completed regardless of current allegiance

Lower Level Quests

There are many new Crystal Warrior quests to explore. Here are just a few to get you started.

New Early Quests
Quest Zone NPC Level Required Reward
Head First Konschtat Highlands Hume Footprint (L-8) 15 Magicked Skull icon.png Magicked Skull AugRank.png Lizard Mantle icon.png Lizard Mantle
Likely Tails Tahrongi Canyon Mithra Tracks (J-8) 15 Wild Rabbit Tail icon.png Wild Rabbit Tail AugRank.png Cotton Cape icon.png Cotton Cape
Helping Hands Selbina Manusiel (J-9) 20 Damselfly Worm icon.png Damselfly Worm AugRank.png Lizard Gloves icon.png Lizard Gloves
Rolling with Punches Selbina Manusiel (I-9) 20 Dhalmel Saliva icon.png Dhalmel Saliva AugRank.png Cotton Tekko icon.png Cotton Tekko
Saving My Hide Southern San d'Oria Alutanie (D-8) 20 NM Fight AugRank.png Lizard Belt icon.png Lizard Belt
Wanting Ore Metalworks Ferredec (F-9) 20 NM Fight AugRank.png Plate Belt icon.png Plate Belt
Feather Forecast Windurst Woods Pennana (G-12) 20 NM Fight AugRank.png Silver Obi icon.png Silver Obi

Level 30 Armor Quests

Level 30 Armor Quests
Quest Zone NPC Reward
Empty Handed Ru'Lude Gardens Faded Footprint (H-7) AugRank.png Shade Harness icon.png Shade Harness Set
Running on the Range East Ronfaure Nefari (K-4) AugRank.png Garish Tunic icon.png Garish Attire Set
Searching the Citadel Garlaige Citadel Cramp (G-8) Seer's Tunic icon.png Seer's Attire Set
Navigating the Nest Crawlers' Nest Bella (J-9) Noct Doublet icon.png Noct Attire Set
Negotiating the Necropolis The Eldieme Necropolis Aletta (J-8) Eisenbrust icon.png Eisen Armor Set

Mid-level Tips

Level 40 Ephemeral Box

Level 50 Yagudo Arena

The Yagudo Arena is a Level 50 capped group encounter that provides augmented rewards. It can be completed every 3 days (71 hours). See the quest page for a list of potential augments.

  • Speak to the Yagudo Outlaw (I-9) in Castle Oztroja
  • Trade the Yagudo Outlaw 7-Knot Quipu icon.png 7-Knot Quipu and 13-Knot Quipu icon.png 13-Knot Quipu (Yagudo Arena is now unlocked)
  • Trade the Yagudo Outlaw Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin x12 (This is a recurring cost)
  • Proceed to the Yagudo Tracks (K-8) in Meriphataud Mountains and click it to begin
  • You will face off against three NMs: Yagudo Paraiah (NIN), Yagudo Exile (MNK) and Yagudo Heretic (BLM)
  • Return to the Yagudo Outlaw (I-9) in Castle Oztroja, then click his box to select which set to receive a random piece from
  • Crystal Warriors can travel to Castle Oztroja quickly by using Portalix (H-9) in Lower Jeuno after completing the quest "Gobbie Travels"