CatsEyeXI/New Player Guide

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CatsEyeXI is a private server which provides a customized Final Fantasy XI experience. If you are new to FFXI entirely, keep in mind that the game was released in 2002, during a time when MMORPG design tended towards extreme complexity and "grindiness" with sparse information disseminated via rumor in online message boards. Over the decades, the game has become considerably less grindy but only more complex, as new expansions and quality-of-life improvements have added more and more systems and content. Even using Google to research this game can be confusing, as not everything in retail FFXI is available in CatsEyeXI, and the server also has its own systems on top of what's in retail.

All in all, starting FFXI for the first time on CatsEyeXI can be an intimidating or even overwhelming experience. And even if you played FFXI in its heyday, a lot has changed over the years! This guide is intended to help get you up-to-speed on things every new player should know. And overall, CatsEyeXI is full of very friendly, helpful, and proactive people. If you still have questions or need assistance with anything, don’t be afraid to ask in the Catseye linkshell!

Never Played FFXI Before?
This guide assumes you have some familiarity with retail FFXI. If you are totally new to the game, or if you haven't played in many years, please check out other online guides that can get you acquainted with the basics. A great new player guide can be found here on bg-wiki; just start reading at "Starting Jobs," and ignore all the mentions of Abyssea since it doesn't exist here. Pay special attention to the Macro User's Guide on that page, as learning the macro syntax will be a huge help in streamlining your gameplay experience.

Returning players are encouraged to check out bg-wiki's Returning to Vana'diel guide.

Important Links
Features links to access the discord, wiki, and user area. The database tools tab has some very useful features such as:

  • Auction House
  • Bazaar Lookup
  • Character Lookup
  • Crafter list
  • Crafting Recipe Lookup
  • Monster Bestiary
  • Weather Lookup
  • Item Database
    • Item Search is incredibly useful to use on this server, as it not only shows you an item's Auction House listing, but also which mobs drop which items, and at what % drop rate. If you ever find yourself needing to farm an item, check here (over other FFXI wikis) first!

The Sidebar Guide has helpful instructions on how to customize the left-hand navigation panel to better suit your needs - fill it with various CatsEye pages, for example.

Quick Tips and FAQs

The following list includes answers to some of the most frequently-asked questions on the CatsEye linkshell. If many of these questions don't make sense to you, don't worry, just skip 'em and reference this list again once you've gotten your feet wet.

  • The minimap is blocking my macro menu, how do I move it? (or any other addon)
    • Hold shift and click+drag any addon wherever you'd like.
  • Which Unity should I choose?
    • Apururu and Sylvie are the only Unity trusts that are implemented and usable, and even those two are not fully coded. Do not choose any others until they are working! For a comparison of the two, see Trust Recommendations. Also, keep in mind you must earn 5000 or more Unity accolades each week in order for your Unity trust to appear in your list.
  • I'm trying to earn a support job through the Rhapsodies of Vanadiel mission, but instead of receiving Gilgamesh's introductory letter, I got an Anniversary Ring instead. What gives?
    • This is by design. Earning a support job must be done the "old fashioned way": either through the quest Elder Memories in Selbina or The Old Lady in Mhaura. Despite this, completing the early RoV quests is still highly recommended at the beginning of your adventuring career, as they give you a permanent experience point bonus, extra trust slots, cheaper home-point teleports, and more.
  • I'm trying to complete RoV mission 1-9, The Lion's Roar, the fight against Ophiotaurus in Qufim. But when I summon the monster, my trusts disappear! That shouldn't happen! What's going on?
    • Yes, this fight caps your level at 50 and *despawns your trusts*. This is by design and is not a bug. You need to get a party together to defeat "the monkey" and advance the RoV plotline. Check the CatsEyeXI Missions page for more details on how RoV missions are implemented here.
  • Where should I go to earn experience at <insert your level here>?
  • When is daily reset?
    • Japanese Midnight (15:00 UTC, 07:00 PST, 10:00 EST)
  • The mithra NPC at the boarding dock in Mhaura is telling me the next ship is going to Selbina, but that's what she said about the last ship. When is the Aht Urghan Whitegate ship? And why is this NPC saying the ship won't arrive for another 19 hours?
    • Don't bother talking to the NPC at the end of the boarding dock, she's bugged. For correct times and destinations, speak with the galka by the rotating sign just outside the gate to the boarding area; you can speak with him from inside the gate. Or, just take a look at the Vana'diel clock just above your chat window (or type /clock if it isn't showing up). The ship to Aht Urghan Whitegate departs Mhaura at 4:00, 12:00, and 20:00 each day.

Miscellaneous Tips

  • There are a few handy shortcuts that you can use:
    • !mog - opens nomad moogle menu (can only be used in cities). Use this to check your storage, change your job, check your delivery box, and send stuff to other players.
    • !signet, !sigil, !sanction - these give you the corresponding area buffs. Make sure you keep these up (and the right ones in the right zones). Use Sanction for Treasures of Aht Urhgan areas, Sigil for Wings of the Goddess areas, and Signet for everywhere else.
    • !chef - a food shop that you can access anywhere. Very handy if you forgot to eat. If you are in a city, you can also use this command to sell items to an NPC.
  • You can obtain a free Relic Weapon for leveling your first craft to 100. Working on a craft is one of the first things you should be doing once you hit 75! If you want to hit 100 the cheapest/fastest, do cooking. You can always change later.
  • Fast way to make gil: exchange Sparks of Eminence for items to NPC/sell on AH. The sparks exchange amount is capped at 150,000 per week, but resets on Sunday.
    • For a mid-game location you might farm for profit, consider Castle Oztroja—the yagudo there drop lots of gear and spells which sell well, either on the auction house or even directly to NPCs. Other areas with beastmen spellcasters (e.g. Sea Serpent Grotto) also tend to yield good loot.
  • You can put on equipment that is stored in one of your eight wardrobes in your Mog House; it doesn't have to be in your inventory. For this reason, you don't really need to keep any equipment in your inventory unless you need it for a quest or you plan to sell it or something. You can access your wardrobes at any time by going into the menu and selecting "View House." You can move items between your inventory and your wardrobes there (as well as your satchel, sack, and case) even when out in the field.

Starting Out


The first thing you should do is speak with any of the following Trial NPCs to recieve:

Trial NPCs have a Yellow/Green pedal logo on the /map and can be found at:

Country Area Coordinate NPC Name
San d'Oria Flag.jpg Kingdom of San d'Oria Southern San d'Oria (I-9) Ailevia
Northern San d'Oria (J-8) Matildie
Port San d'Oria (F-9) Teilsa
Bastok-Flag.jpg Republic of Bastok Bastok Mines (H-7) Arva
Bastok Markets (G-8) Reet
Port Bastok (J-8) Dulsie
Windurst-Flag.jpg Federation of Windurst Windurst Waters (G-9) North Jack of Hearts
Windurst Walls (C-13) Jack of Diamonds
Port Windurst (E-6) Jack of Clubs
Windurst Woods (H-11) Jack of Spades
  • Note: this process used to require trading an Adventurer Cpn. icon.png Adventurer Coupon to the NPC, but now new players can simply speak with the NPC to receive their beret and shirt.

The next thing you should do is to get to level 10 and then talk to the Shady Dealer next to a Curio Moogle.
The Shady Dealer will initiate the quest to unlock access to the Curio Moogle, which will provide many helpful items.
You can find the Moogle at:

Experience Points

Make sure you use your Sprout Beret icon.png Sprout Beret daily, and get an Empress Band icon.png Empress Band from the Gate Guard once you have enough Conquest Points (earned by defeating monsters in Conquest areas with Signet active).

  • Note 1: After using your Sprout Beret to gain the exp bonus "Dedication" effect, you can (and should) swap it out for your Destrier Beret or other head equipment.
  • Note 2: If you created your character before June 2022, you may not have a Sprout Beret in your inventory. You will then need to do the goblin daily quests listed on the wiki to earn one.

The Curio Moogle also sells the Kupofried trust (he is customized here on CatsEyeXI) for 500k (after completing RoV 2-3). When near him, you and your party members will receive the effect of Corsair's Roll which gives and extra 20% EXP gained when defeating a foe. This does stack with other Experience Point buffs.

At some point you may want to look into doing EXP Ventures to gain Venture Points to obtain the Echad Ring for 750 Venture Points.

Records of Eminence (RoE’s)

  • Please Note: Not all RoE objectives are currently coded, and there is no indicator that a given quest does or doesn't work until you attempt to activate it. Please feel free to explore the menu and find which ones are currently working.

The BEST way to gain extra XP while leveling! RoE quests also provide Sparks of Eminence, which are a great source of equipment and gil, as well as a variety of other rewards. These can be found in the Quest Tab (hit Main Menu button twice to scroll to the second page).
You start RoE’s by going to:

  • Quests > Objective List > Tutorial > Basics > First Steps Forward

Then talk to one of the NPC that is listed. This will unlock further RoE Quests. Next you should accept the following (not mandatory, but very useful):

  • Quests > Objective List > Tutorial > Basics
    • Heal without using magic - /heal after taking damage
    • Vanquish One Enemy
    • Call Forth an Alter Ego - This part is covered in the Trusts section below. Complete these quests as soon as possible!
  • Quests > Objective List > Tutorial > Quest 1
    • Obtain an Alter Ego: (Your home City)
  • Quests > Objective List > Combat (Wide Area) > Combat (General)
    • Vanquish Multiple Enemies I
    • Deal 10-20 Damage
    • Total Damage I
    • Total Healing I (if you are a healer)
    • Total Damage Taken I
    • Weapon Skills I
  • Quests > Objective List > Combat (Wide Area) > Combat (Spoils) 1
    • Accept all Spoils (Crystals) (If you’re hitting RoE limit, you can add/remove certain crystals as you need to, like light crystal, dark crystal, depending on what you’re exping on)

Here is a great exp maker. If any mob you are fighting drops any of these items, you should have the Spoil enabled. I will list the ones I nearly always have enabled, but check this periodically if you need to add any others.

  • Quests > Objective List > Combat (Wide Area) > Combat (Spoils) 2
    • Spoils (Bat Wing)
    • Spoils (Flint Stone)
    • Spoils (Rabbit Hide)
    • Spoils (Honey)
    • Spoils (Sheep Skin)
    • Spoils (Lizard Skin) - super important leveling 39-75 in Crawler’s Nest.
    • Spoils (Treant Bulb)
    • Spoils (Wild Onion)
    • Spoils (Sleepshroom)
    • Spoils (Zinc Ore)
    • Spoils (Beehive Chip)

While this one is not currently available when starting out, every new zone you enter will populate with a Conflict: Area RoE, that is very helpful in boosting your exp. Remember to always set the one for the zone you are in!

  • Quests > Objective List > Combat Region) > Conflict: Area
  • Quests > Objective List > Other > Daily Objectives
  • Vanquish Multiple Enemies (D) - Remember to select this every day! Also grants a Copper Voucher.

Note: Certain RoE quests give items. If your inventory is full you will get an error message. Once you make space in inventory you must go to Quest tab Records of Eminence under Current and accept reward on the completed task.
Also: Despite the message that displays each time you complete a repeatable quest, you only receive the item from a RoE quest upon completing it the first time. That is, you only receive an Invisible Mantle the first time you defeat 10 enemies in Batallia Downs, not every ten.

Unity RoE’s and joining a Unity

In order to participate, players must have completed ten or more Records of Eminence objectives and then visit one of the following areas:

  • Southern San d'Oria / Northern San d'Oria / Port San d'Oria
  • Bastok Mines / Bastok Markets / Port Bastok
  • Windurst Waters / Port Windurst / Windurst Woods

Players may then join a Unity by setting the Records of Eminence objective All for One (Which is in the Tutorial part), and speaking to one of the NPCs given below, and selecting a Unity to join:

Unity Service NPCs:

  • Urbiolaine in Southern San d'Oria (G-10)
  • Igsli in Bastok Markets (E-11)
  • Teldro-Kesdrodo in Windurst Woods (J-10)
  • Yonolala in Windurst Woods (J-10)

Note: Apururu (UC) and Sylvie (UC) are the only Unity Leader Trust Magic that are available. Please select one of these two choices at this time.

Spending Sparks of Eminence (Sparks)

They can be exchanged for items and equipment at the following A.M.A.N. NPCs:

Players can hold 100,000 sparks, but the exchange amount is capped at 150,000 per week, and resets on Sunday at JP Midnight.

Spark items are capped at a ratio of 1 Spark:10 Gil. While some low level items are less rewarding and can even sell for 0, 1:10 is the cap. Players need only go into "Equipment (Lv.71 - 98)" and buy Acheron Shield icon.png Acheron Shields for 2,755 sparks, and NPC them. Any lesser remaining sparks can be spent on the cheaper items in the same category if you wish to spend anything left over.

Pro Tip
CatsEyeXI supplies two addons (located in the launcher under the addons tab) that help to facilitate the buying and selling of Sparks items. Check both sparks and sellit addons to auto load when the game launches. If already in game and you don't have the addons loaded yet, you can use the Ashita command /addon load sparks and /addon load sellit to load them. Once loaded, use the command /sparks buyall acheron shield to buy either as many shields as your inventory can hold or until you run out of sparks. Now that you have a bunch of shields use the command /sellit acheron shield to sell all the shields you just bought. These need to be used near the Sparks NPC.

Don’t let this be your only source of making gil. You will need to find additional ways to make gil, but this goes a long way, especially as a new player.

"Gainz": Limited-time Challenges

Throughout the week at specific times of day, every character will be given a repeatable limited-time RoE quest, such as "Vanquish Arcana" or "Crack Treasure Caskets." These quests are available for four hours, and grant a Copper Voucher (first completion only), Sparks of Eminence, Unity Accolades, and Experience Points.

By far the most valuable and sought-after limited-time challenge is Gain Experience. This quest comes around three times per week, and the times when it is active are referred to as "gains" or "gainz" by the community. This quest grants you experience (and sparks, and accolades) for simply gaining experience. Logging in during gainz and fighting exp-granting enemies can skyrocket your progression, allowing you to gain dozens of levels or merits and hundreds of thousands of gil (by converting sparks into Acheron shields and selling them to an NPC).

Two of the most commonly asked questions on the server are "When is gainz?" and "How much longer is gainz?" Please refer to the below schedule. Times are shown in UTC and EST; use this tool, google, or any number of other online tools to convert these times to your local time zone. (Note that, as of September 2024, these challenges tend to start and end 3-4 minutes early on this server).


Add one hour to each of the above times during British Summer Time (March-October), if you live in an area which observes it.


  • Sunday 6:00 - 10:00 AM EST
  • Monday 10:00 PM - Tuesday 2:00 AM EST
  • Wednesday 2:00 - 6:00 PM EST

Add one hour to each of the above times during US Daylight Savings Time (March-November), if you live in an area which observes it.

Trust Magic

The most effective way to level up is by using Trust Magic. These are Alter Egos of NPCs such as Shantotto, Prince Trion, Koru-Moru, etc. that are able to be used in battle.

Starting out you can only summon 3 trusts at one time. By progressing in Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, you can unlock the ability to summon up to 5 trusts:

  • Rhapsody in White unlocks the ability to summon 4 trusts.
    • It is recommended that new players earn this key item as soon as possible. It can be done as soon as you reach Selbina or Mhaura.
  • Rhapsody in Crimson unlocks the ability to summon 5 trusts.

Initial Trust Guide

Once you hit your first level 5 job (shouldn’t take long with Sprout Beret or an exp ring active), talk to the NPC listed below based on your Home City. Make sure you enable the Obtain an Alter Ego: (Your home City) RoE listed above.

Trust NPCs:

  • Gondebaud - South San d’Oria (L-6)
    • Unlocks Trust: Excenmille - Northern San d’Oria (D-9)
  • Wetata - Windurst Woods (G-10)
    • Unlocks Trust: Kupipi - Heavens Tower (in Windurst Walls)
  • Clarion Star - Port Bastok (K-7)
    • Unlocks Trust: Naji - Metalworks (J-8)

Once you obtain your first trust, go outside the city and summon him to complete the Obtain an Alter Ego: (Your home City) RoE.

You MUST go back to Excenmille or Kupipi or Naji (depending on your city) to finish the quest and the RoE.

You can also go to each of the other 2 cities and obtain the first Trust, but I would do this after completing the next part of this guide.

RoE Trusts

Upon summoning your first Trust, you will obtain a Cipher of Valaineral’s alter ego. Trade this item to a Trust NPC listed above. Once you do this, and after a short cutscene, you will learn Trust: Valaineral.

You MUST accept ROE quest:

  • Quests > Objective List > Tutorial > Basics > Alter Ego: Valaineral

Now go outside and summon Valaineral. Because you enabled the RoE quest, upon summoning the Trust you will obtain a Cipher of Mihli’s alter ego.
If you repeat steps 1-3, you will obtain the following

  • Valaineral - Paladin / Warrior
  • Mihli Aliapoh - White Mage
  • Tenzen - Samurai
  • Adelheid - Scholar / Black Mage
  • Joachim - Bard

If for some reason you do not get a Cipher after summoning one of these Trusts (with the exception of Joachim - he is the final Trust obtained via this method) make sure you have the RoE quest relating to the Trust enabled.
Note: Joachim will not start casting songs until around level 35-40

The Curio Vendor Moogle has some very good additional trust ciphers, including: Kupofried, Koru-Moru, and Qultada. Zeid II is also for sale here, but this cipher is also earned over the course of completing the RoV missions, so purchasing it is not recommended.

Note: as this is a private server, not all trusts are coded and working 100% the same as retail. Many have been customized and have unique features. Read in detail about our custom trust magic system here.

Trust Recommendations

Particularly useful trusts include:

  • Nanaa Mihgo and/or Lion II are useful to unlock before a player levels the Thief job, as they have access to Treasure Hunter just like a player character does. This increases to the tier 2 trait at level 45. Note that Nanaa Mihgo also uses the Despoil ability.
  • The two premier tank trusts on the CatsEye server are Halver and Gessho. Halver has a sizable enmity bonus, allowing him to keep hate better than most other trusts; he also has been customized to specialize as a tank, so he never uses Berserk unlike his retail version. Gessho is great at staying alive with Utsusemi, but usually needs a thief to Trick Attack him to keep enmity; with the right party setup, Gessho can tank even sky gods quite well. Other tank trusts have their uses, but generally are outclassed by these two.
  • Sylvie and Apururu Unity trusts are both great healer/support options, but you can only have one of the two, and they have slightly different uses.
    • Sylvie's behavior changes based on what job you are when you summon her; if you are a mage, she casts Indi-Refresh (MP recovery), otherwise she casts Indi-Regen (HP recovery). In either case, Sylvie is better suited for general adventuring, as her persistent regen or refresh keep your party alive and running without the expenditure of much MP. However, she struggles when dealing with "spike" damage as her direct heals are less impactful than Apururu's.
    • Apururu is better suited for harder fights, as she uses Cure V and Protectra/Shellra V, and can also cast Stona; however, she tends to assume every fight is life-or-death, and runs out of MP very quickly. Other white mage trusts such as Kupipi can fill Apururu's role in a party, but most players consider Apu a better choice if you have her.
    • Overall: Apururu is the best WHM trust. But because other WHM options exist, many players prefer Sylvie due to her low maintenance and flexibility.
  • Koru-Moru is a very useful support trust, able to cast Haste, Refresh, and Dispel while also healing and debuffing.
  • Tenzen is a powerful damage-dealer during early levels, but his accuracy begins to fall off as you level up, to the point where he will miss much more often than he hits by level 75. Many players prefer Zeid II, Shikaree Z, or Semih Lafihna for trust damage-dealers.
    • Zeid has the added benefit of using Stun when enemies use TP moves or spells, though he is occasionally too late.
    • Shikaree Z has the added benefit of casting -na spells (removing negative status effects) due to her white mage subjob.
  • Kupofried is MVP. Does literally nothing in combat, but grants you a sweet 20% experience point bonus. If you are in a party with another player who has summoned Kupofried, make sure to stay close enough to the moogle that you see the dice icon in your buffs when you defeat an enemy, or else you won't benefit from his bonus.
  • Qultada on this server only performs two abilities: Samurai Roll, and Fighter's Roll. Store TP and Double Attack are very useful traits for any melee job. However, many players find him underwhelming, since he only rolls once and doesn't use Double-Up.
  • Cornelia (purchased with obsidian fragments) is useful for her persistent Indi-Haste, which stacks with ordinary Haste.

Getting Around Vana'diel

Outpost Warps

All Outpost Warps are unlocked from level 1, however your main job must meet the level requirement for the region to which you wish to teleport.
Outpost Warp NPCs:

  • Conrad - Bastok Mines (K-8)
  • Jeanvirgaud - Northern San d’Oria (L-10)
  • Rottata - Port Windurst (L-4)

Home Point Crystals

Once you initially click on any Home Point crystal you find, you unlock the ability to teleport to it for a fee. While in a city, teleporting to another home point within that city is free. Fees are lowered 80% once the Rhapsody in White has been obtained.

Most home points also restore your HP/MP back to full.

Survival Guides

Once you initially click on a survival guide you find, you unlock the ability to teleport to it for a fee of gil or tabs (the currency obtained from completing ground tomes). There are typically 1 Survival Guide in every zone (with some exceptions). Cities only have 1 Survival Guide located somewhere in the city zones.

Chocobos and Mounts

At level 20, head to Jeuno to unlock the ability to ride on Chocobos, and subsequently unlock a Raptor mount that you can summon at-will. You should prioritize getting a mount as soon as you reach level 20, as doing so allows you to quickly move through overworld areas without being attacked by aggressive mobs.

The first quest you need to complete is called Chocobo's Wounds. To complete it:

  • Talk to Brutus - Upper Jeuno (G-7) (May need to talk multiple times to trigger the right quest)
  • Feed the chocobo 4 clumps of gausebit grass (You only need to wait 1 real-life minute between each feed)

Congratulations, you can now ride a Chocobo from any city! The next step is to complete the quest Full Speed Ahead! to unlock the Raptor mount:

  • Speak with Mapitoto in Upper Jeuno (G-7) after completing the chocobo quest above
  • Run around Batallia Downs on the mount, looking for the food.
    • They are located on your map, and they are inside the hills - you have to go in!
    • If the mount slows down (motivation <50%), use /cheer to increase its motivation back up

Sometimes the food inside the hills will not load. You still need to go inside the hills all the way to the center and get the message prompt that your raptor overcame the munchies. You will need to do this 5 times total, then head over to the west end of Batallia where Syrillia is located.

Once you complete the quest, you unlock the ability to use /mount Raptor in any zone it’s possible to ride a chocobo in.

You can get additional mount options from the Greeter Moogles using login points, as well as from Goblin daily quests. These different mounts are cosmetic changes only, and their mobility is identical to that of the raptor mount. Trade these "astral notebook" items to Mapitoto to add the new mount to your list.

Unity Warp

You can teleport to certain Wanted areas. Some of the warps have been disabled on this server.

Available Unity Warps are:

99 & Below

Content Level 119

Content Level 122

Content Level 125

Content Level 128

Content Level 135

Explorer Moogles

Before you have access to home points or survival guides in a given city, Explorer Moogles can teleport you directly to Bastok, San d'Oria, or Windurst for 300 gil. You must be at least level 20 to use this service. Explorer Moogles can be found in the three starting cities as well as Selbina and Mhaura.

Auction House

The Auction House is the market system that allows players to buy a wide variety of items from each other. All Auction Houses are connected and there is no limit to how many items you can sell.

We used to have an AH bot that stocked the AH, but since the economy has become self-sustaining, it has been disabled.


Crafting, also known as Synthesis, is a means by which players can combine ingredients with an elemental Crystal to create a variety of items, including equipment, food, and potions. Categories of synthesis include Smithing, Leathercraft, and Alchemy. On this server, you can obtain a free Relic Weapon and a Kupo Shield for leveling your first craft to 100; see Crafting Rewards for more information.

The easiest craft to level is Cooking, but lacks the value of other crafts. All crafts are relatively quick to level from 1-50, as the crafting kits are sold at the guilds. You can farm Crystals or Clusters, or buy Clusters from the Curio Vendor Moogle.

For Cooking, you can buy all materials to synth to level 100 at vendors around Vana’diel. As mentioned above, all of the crafting test items are sold at the Auction House.

  • It’s recommended you view the crafting guide listed here.


CatsEyeXI Progression Chart
Level Endgame
20 30 40 50 60 70 75 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Artifact Armor Relic Armor Dynamis wins Dynamis 2.0
Garrison Goblin Dailies Sea Jailer of Love
BSNMs, KSNMs, ENMs Domain Invasion
Crafting Sky Sky 2.0
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Missions Limbus Bahamut
WSNMs Nyzul Isle ZNMs and HNMs
Mythic WSs Augment AF+1 and Abjuration Armor
Aeonic WSs Oboro Weapons Relic & Mythic Weapons
Novice Trials Grand Trials Adept Reforging

Immortalized Authors

  • Toxic [@CatsEyeXI], 2021. "Welcome to CatsEye XI Server!"
  • Fallen [@CatsEyeXI], 2022. "CatseyeXI - New Player Guide (v2)"
  • GM Box [@CatsEyeXI], 2023. "CatsEyeXI - New Player Guide (v3)"
  • JDEV Aeltorian [@CatsEyeXI], 2023. "CatsEyeXI - New Player Guide (BG-Wiki v1)"