Category:Job Guides

From FFXI Wiki
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This page hosts all the job guides you may need! This includes any relevant guides around the web, including the guides on FFXIAH.

Feel free to contribute your own or to any community guide.

The idea behind any repeat job guides as collaborative guides is that many times over the years authors have quit their guides, and left them to rot.

  • Several versions of the same concept have occurred this way on for example.

Collaborative guides also allow multiple authors to collaborate, work together, and build off of others ideas.

General Guide Practice
  • Please tag any Job guides with a {{Guide}} or {{Collaborative Guide}} tag in the header.
  • Please reference the BGWiki:Formatting page for any assistance in general formatting. Don't be afraid to recycle formatting and ideas from other pages and guides on the wiki.
  • Please ask for help if it is needed and collaborate through methods such as the BGWiki Community Guides thread or the BG Discord in the wiki channel.

Fighter's Mask icon.png Warrior

Temple Crown icon.png Monk

Healer's Cap icon.png White Mage

Wizard's Petasos icon.png Black Mage

Warlock's Chapeau icon.png Red Mage

Rogue's Bonnet icon.png Thief

Current Guides:
Outdated Guides:

Gallant Coronet icon.png Paladin

Chaos Burgeonet icon.png Dark Knight

Beast Helm icon.png Beastmaster

Choral Roundlet icon.png Bard

Hunter's Beret icon.png Ranger

Myochin Kabuto icon.png Samurai

Ninja Hatsuburi icon.png Ninja

Drachen Armet icon.png Dragoon

Evoker's Horn icon.png Summoner

Current Guides:
Outdated Guides:

Magus Keffiyeh icon.png Blue Mage

Corsair's Tricorne icon.png Corsair

Current Guides:
Video Guides:
Outdated Guides:

Pup. Taj icon.png Puppetmaster

Current Guides:
Video Guides:
Outdated Guides:

Dancer's Tiara icon.png Dancer

Scholar's M.board icon.png Scholar

Current Guides:
Video Guides:
Outdated Guides:

Geomancy Galero icon.png Geomancer

Current Guides:
Video Guides:
Outdated Guides:

Runeist Bandeau icon.png Rune Fencer