Category:Zeni NM System

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The Zeni Notorious Monster system is a tiered series of Notorious Monsters spawned throughout Aht Urhgan.
Named after the currency players accumulate and exchange with Sanraku in order to face these foes. The system is an integral part of upgrading Mythic Weapons.

Gaining Zeni

Zeni NM System by Spira
(Wild Dragon Chase)

Zeni is used to purchase the pop items to fight ZNMs. Obtaining Zeni requires Feral Drain which requires Jettons. Jettons may be earn by trading an Imperial Currency to Zandjarl or participating in Pankration.

  • See the Pankration page for more details on using Feral Drain.

Trading in images of specific monsters to Sanraku (Aht Urhgan Whitegate at E-8) will reward Zeni. Sanruku will only accept 10 used soulplates per Vana'diel day.

The amount of Zeni rewarded for an image is dependent on several modifiers. Sanruku will be looking for a specific type of monster type ("Recommended Fauna") and in addition a specific high level NM ("Subject of Interest"). Either will reward a more reasonable amount of Zeni. Sanruku's desired images will change over time.

  • Additionally, higher level foes have a positive effect on the amount Zeni rewards.

Having a monster claimed and with low health will increase the success rate of the Feral Drain and increase Zeni given.

  • To maximize Zeni gained, it is important to lower the mobs health significantly (1-2%), and take the photo from the front at a close range (~3 yalms).
  • Nauls (wyrms in Abyssea - Tahrongi by Conflux #03 at (E-9)) will give up to 1560 zeni regardless of Sanraku's subject of interest.

You may check Sanraku's taste by speaking to Ryo, located next to Sanruku. You may also check the amount of Zeni that would be given for an image by trading it to Ryo.

  • The maximum amount of zeni that may be held at a time is 1 million.

Using Zeni

Zeni are used to purchase pop items, often these pop items require specific key items in order to purchase.
The prices fluctuate depending on demand: buying a pop item, makes it more expensive whereas passing game days where none of that type are purchased reduces the price.

To purchase any Tier II pop item, a Tier I monster in the given path needs to be defeated and that trophy item needs to be turned in to obtain the key item. This repeats for the higher tiers, Tier IV and Tier V need 3 key items to purchase the pop item.

The Zeni Notorious Monster Farming Guide is a great resource for the most efficient way to solo the entire ZNM system.


ZNM Spawn Cheat Sheet
Maroon Seal Cerise Seal Pine Green Seal
Puk 1.png
Wajaom Woodlands (D-10), Hellcage Butterfly icon.png Hellcage Butterfly

Recommended Route:
Survival Guide → Wajaom Woodlands
Voidwatch Warp → Aht Urhgan → Mamook (entrance)

Brass Borer
Wamouracampa 1.png
Mount Zhayolm (I-7), Shadeleaf icon.png Shadeleaf

Recommended Route:
Halvung Staging Point → Behind the Gate of Halvung

Skeleton 6.png
Arrapago Reef Map 1 (F-11), Golden Teeth icon.png Golden Teeth

Recommended Route:
Ilrusi Atoll Staging Point (Map 2) → (J-8) → Map 1 → (I-8) → (F-11)

Colibri 1.png
Mamook (J-10), Floral Nectar icon.png Floral Nectar

Recommended Route:
Voidwatch Warp → Aht Urhgan → Mamook (entrance)

Slime 3.png
Mount Zhayolm (J-8) (tunnel), Pectin icon.png Pectin

Recommended Route:
Halvung Staging Point → Behind the Gate of Halvung
Voidwatch Warp → Aht Urhgan → Mount Zhayolm

Lil' Apkallu
Apkallu 1.png
Arrapago Reef Map 1 (I-9), Greenling icon.png Greenling

Recommended Route:
Ilrusi Atoll Staging Point (Map 2) → (J-8) → Map 1 → (I-9)

Cheese Hoarder Gigiroon
Qiqirin 1.png
Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (F-8), Rodent Cheese icon.png Rodent Cheese

Recommended Route:
Nyzul Isle Staging Point
Unity Warp → Level 128 → Alzadaal Undersea Ruins

Automaton 1.png
Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (G-7), Cog Lubricant icon.png Cog Lubricant

Recommended Route:
Nyzul Isle Staging Point → (H-9) teleport → (G-7)
Unity Warp → Level 128 → Alzadaal Undersea Ruins

Chigoe 1.png
Aydeewa Subterrane Map 2 (E-8), Spoilt Blood icon.png Spoilt Blood

Recommended Route:
Survival Guide → Mamool Ja Savagelands → Aydeewa Subterrane

Apple Green Seal Salmon Seal Amber-Colored Seal
Iriz Ima
Marid 1.png
Wajaom Woodlands (J-8), Senorita Pamama icon.png Senorita Pamamas

Recommended Route:
Zone out from Whitegate's southern port (H-10)

Dragon 2.png
Mount Zhayolm (E-6), Raw Buffalo icon.png Raw Buffalo

Recommended Route:
Home Point → Halvung → Mount Zhayolm
Unity Warp → Level 128 → Mount Zhayolm

Imp 3.png
Caedarva Mire Map 1 (J-6), Mint Drop icon.png Mint Drop

Recommended Route:
Azouph Isle Staging Point → (J-6)

Lividroot Amooshah
Morbol 3.png
Bhaflau Thickets (H-9), Oily Blood icon.png Oily Blood

Recommended Route:
Zone out from Whitegate's northern port (I-7)

Flan 3.png
Halvung Map 2 (J-6), Granulated Sugar icon.png Granulated Sugar

Recommended Route:
Home Point → Halvung → Mount Zhayolm (D-9) → Halvung Map 2 (J-6)

Acrolith 1.png
Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (G-6), Opalus Gem icon.png Opalus Gem

Recommended Route:
Nyzul Isle Staging Point
Unity Warp → Level 128 → Alzadaal Undersea Ruins

Iriri Samariri
Poroggo 2.png
Mamook (F-7), Samariri Corpsehair icon.png Samariri Corpsehair

Recommended Route:
Home Point → Western Aht Urhgan → Bhaflau Thickets (I-9) →
Mamook (E-8) → (E-7) → (F-7)

Bomb 1.png
Halvung Map 1 (H-6), Bone Charcoal icon.png Bone Charcoal
Essentially requires a Key Item Bracelet of verve

Recommended Route:
Home Point → Halvung → Mount Zhayolm (D-9) → Halvung Map 2 (K/L-9) → Map 1 (H-6)

Zareehkl the Jubilant
Qutrub 1.png
Arrapago Reef (I-10) Map 2, M. No. 11 Molting icon.png Merrow No. 11 Molting

Recommended Route:
Ilrusi Atoll Staging Point → (I-10)

Charcoal grey seal Copper-Colored Seal Taupe-Colored Seal
Armed Gears
Archaic Gears 1.png
Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (G-11), Ferrite icon.png Ferrite

Recommended Route:
Nyzul Isle Staging Point
Unity Warp → Level 128 → Alzadaal Undersea Ruins

Wamoura 1.png
Halvung (G-4) Map 1, Rock Juice icon.png Rock Juice

Recommended Route:
Survival Guide → Halvung → Halvung → (G-4)
Home PointHalvung → Mount Zhayolm (D-9) → Halvung Map 2 (K-6) → Map 1 (G-4)

Experimental Lamia
Lamia 2.png
Caedarva Mire Map 2 (F-7), Myrrh icon.png Myrrh

Recommended Route:
Survival Guide → Arrapago Islands → Caedarva Mire

Deep Purple Seal Gold-Colored Seal Fallow-Colored Seal
Gotoh Zha the Redolent
Mamool Ja 2.png
Wajaom Woodlands (F-5), Sheep Botfly icon.png Sheep Botfly

Recommended Route:
Survival Guide → Mamool Ja Savagelands → Wajaom Woodlands → (F-5)

Khromasoul Bhurborlor
Troll 2.png
Mount Zhayolm (G/H-8), Vinegar Pie icon.png Vinegar Pie

Recommended Route:
Voidwatch Warp → Aht Urhgan → Mount Zhayolm

Mahjlaef the Paintorn
Soulflayer 2.png
Caedarva Mire Map 4 (H-7), Exorcism Treatise icon.png Exorcism Treatise

Recommended Route:
Unity Warp → Level 135 → Caedarva Mire

Chestnut-Colored Seal Purplish Grey Seal Sienna-Colored Seal
Wivre 1.png
Bhaflau Thickets (F-7), Olzhiryan Cactus icon.png Olzhiryan Cactus

Recommended Route:
Cast Escape inside Alzadaal Undersea Ruins

Vampyr 1.png
Aydeewa Subterrane Map 2 (F-9), Pure Blood icon.png Pure Blood

Recommended Route:
Survival Guide → Mamool Ja Savage → Aydeewa Subterrane (F-9)

Orobon 1.png
Arrapago Reef Map 3 (G-6), Rose Scampi icon.png Rose Scampi

Recommended Route:
Survival Guide → Caedarva Mire → Arrapago Reef → (G-6)

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Lilac-Colored Seal Bright Blue Seal Lavender-Colored Seal
Hydra 1.png
Wajaom Woodlands (J-13), Monkey Wine icon.png Monkey Wine
Via Engraved Tablet (H-13), Key Item Sicklemoon salt

Recommended Route:
Unity Warp → Level 135 → Wajaom Woodlands

Cerberus 1.png
Mount Zhayolm (I-12), Buffalo Corpse icon.png Buffalo Corpse
Via Engraved Tablet (I-10), Key Item Silver Sea salt

Recommended Route:
Voidwatch Warp → Aht Urhgan → Mount Zhayolm

Khimaira 1.png
Caedarva Mire Map 4 (J-13), Singed Buffalo icon.png Singed Buffalo
Via Engraved Tablet (H-6), Key Item Cyan Deep salt

Recommended Route:
Unity Warp → Level 135 → Caedarva Mire

Pandemonium Warden
Dvergr 1.png
Aydeewa Subterrane Map 7 (K-6/7), Pandemonium Key icon.png Pandemonium Key

Recommended Route:
Voidwatch Warp → Aht Urhgan → Mamook (entrance) → Wajaom Woodlands (E/F-11)

Tier 1

Name Pop Item Trophy Location Other Drops
Hellcage Butterfly Vulpangue's Wing (Maroon seal) Wajaom Woodlands (D-10).
Floral Nectar Chamrosh's Beak (Maroon seal) Mamook (J-9).
Cheese Hoarder Gigiroon
Rodent Cheese' Gigiroon's Cape (Maroon seal) Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (F-9).
Brass Borer
Shadeleaf Brass Borer's Cocoon (Cerise seal) Mount Zhayolm (I-7).
Pectin Claret Globule (Cerise seal) Mount Zhayolm (J-8).
  • Right beside Brass Borer. Go through the South East tunnel and drop off the ledge.
Cog Lubricant Ob's Arm (Cerise seal) Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (G-7).
Golden Teeth Velionis' Bone (Pine green seal) Arrapago Reef (F-11).
Lil' Apkallu
Greenling Lil' Apkallu's Egg (Pine green seal) Arrapago Reef (I-9).
Spoilt Blood Chigre (Pine green seal) Aydeewa Subterrane (Map 2 E-8).

Tier 2

Name Pop Item Trophy Location Other Drops
Iriz Ima
Senorita Pamama

Key Item: Maroon seal

Iriz Ima's Hide (Apple green seal) Wajaom Woodlands (J-8).
Iriri Samariri
Samariri Corpsehair

Key Item: Maroon seal

Iriri Samariri's Hat (Apple green seal) Mamook (F-7).
  • Use the Survival Guide to Mamook or enter from (C/D-12) in Wajaom Woodlands. Go through the tunnels starting at (H-6) then (F-7) then (E-8). In the room at (D/E-7) go through the East tunnel.
Lividroot Amooshah
Oily Blood

Key Item: Maroon seal

Amooshah's Tendril

(Apple green seal)

Bhaflau Thickets (H-9).
Raw Buffalo

Key Item: Cerise seal

Anantaboga's Heart

(Salmon-colored seal)

Mount Zhayolm (E-6).
Bone Charcoal

Key Item: Cerise seal

Reacton's Ashes

(Salmon-colored seal)

Halvung (H-5).
  • Obtain a Bracelet of verve or gather 5-6 people to open the Operating Lever doors. Home Point #1 to Mount Zhayolm then head south following the left wall to zone into Halvung. In Halvung at the (H-8) bridge go East up the hill bridge then proceed to the Cast Bronze Gate at the NE section of (K-9) to reach map 1, the ??? is just past this gate.
Granulated Sugar

Key Item: Cerise seal

Dextrose's Blubber

(Salmon-colored seal)

Halvung (J-6).
  • Home Point #1 to Mount Zhayolm then head south following the left wall to zone into Halvung. In Halvung keep left over a bridge and past a Cast Bronze Gate till you get to (F/G-7) then open another Cast Bronze Gate to the right. Drop down the ledge and keep right Dextrose is not far ahead.
Zareehkl the Jubilant
Merrow No. 11 Molting

Key Item: Pine green seal

Zareehkl's Neckpiece

(Amber-colored seal)

Arrapago Reef (I-10).
Mint Drop

Key Item: Pine green seal

Verdelet's Wing (Amber-colored seal) Caedarva Mire (J-6).
Opalus Gem

Key Item: Pine green seal

Wulgaru's Head (Amber-colored seal) Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (G-6).

Tier 3

Name Pop Item Trophy Location Other Drop
Armed Gears

Key Item: Apple green seal

Armed Gears' Fragment

(Charcoal grey seal)

Alzadaal Undersea Ruins (G/H-11).
Gotoh Zha the Redolent
Sheep Botfly

Key Item: Apple green seal

Gotoh Zha’s Necklace

(Deep purple seal)

Wajaom Woodlands (F-5).
Olzhiryan Cactus

Key Item: Apple green seal

Dea's Horn (Chestnut-colored seal) Bhaflau Thickets (F-7).
Pure Blood

Key Item: Salmon-colored seal

Nosferatu's Claw (Purplish grey seal) Aydeewa Subterrane (E/F-9).
Khromasoul Bhurborlor
Vinegar Pie

Key Item: Salmon-colored seal

Bhurborlor's Vambrace

(Gold-colored seal)

Mount Zhayolm (H-8).
Rock Juice

Key Item: Salmon-colored seal

Achamoth's Antenna

(Copper-colored seal)

Halvung (H-4).
Mahjlaef the Paintorn
Exorcism Treatise

Key Item: Amber-colored seal

Mahjlaef's Staff (Fallow-colored seal) Caedarva Mire (H-7).
Experimental Lamia

Key Item: Amber-colored seal

Experimental Lamia's Armband (Taupe-colored seal) Caedarva Mire (F-7).
Rose Scampi

Key Item: Amber-colored seal

Nuhn's Esca (Sienna-colored seal) Arrapago Reef (G-6).

Tier 4

Name Pop Item Trophy Location Other Drop
Monkey Wine

Key Item: Charcoal grey seal, Deep purple seal, Chestnut-colored seal

Tinnin's Fang (Lilac-colored seal) Wajaom Woodlands Islet (H-13).

Survival Guide warp to Aydeewa Subterrane then exit beside the book or Unity warp 125 to get to Wajaom Woodlands.

Buffalo Corpse

Key Item: Purplish grey seal, Gold-colored seal, Copper-colored seal

Sarameya's Hide (Bright blue seal) Mount Zhayolm Islet (H-13).

Voidwatch warp to Mount Zhayolm then take the tunnel to your left, and proceed to the most southern coast of the map.

Singed Buffalo

Key Item: Fallow-colored seal, Taupe-colored seal, Sienna-colored seal

Tyger's Tail (Lavender-colored seal) Caedarva Mire Islet (H-6).

Unity warp 135 to Caedarva Mire if you have a Captain Wildcat badge. At (I-7) go NE through some tall grass. Or use the Runic Portal in Aht Urhgan Whitegate at (K-7) and select Nyzul Isle Staging Point to get to Alzadaal Undersea Ruins. Use the NE Silver Sea Remnants teleporter then East portal. Go North and exit to zone into Caedarva Mire.

Tier 5

Pages in category "Zeni NM System"

The following 108 pages are in this category, out of 108 total.