
From FFXI Wiki
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Abbreviation GEO
Japanese 風水士 (風)
Japanese Romaji Fuusuishi (Fuu)
French Géomancien
German Geomant
Expansion Pack Seekers of Adoulin
Quest Dances with Luopans

Abilities and Traits

Job Ability
Lvl. Name
1 Bolster
5 Full Circle
25 Lasting Emanation
25 Ecliptic Attrition
Sub-Job Accessible
40 Collimated Fervor
Sub-Job Accessible
Sub-Job accessible with a Master Leveled job only
50 Life Cycle
Sub-Job accessible with a Master Leveled job only
60 Blaze of Glory
70 Dematerialize
75 Entrust
75 Merit Points Mending Halation
75 Merit Points Radial Arcana
80 Theurgic Focus
90 Concentric Pulse
96 Widened Compass



Geocolure spells are learned through use of Geomantic Reservoirs after learning the corresponding Indicolure spell.
While they may be available at the appropriate level of Geomancer as a sub-job, only main job Geomancers may cast Geocolure spells.

Lvl. Name Icon
1 Indi-Poison Water-GEO-Icon.gif
4 Indi-Voidance Wind-GEO-Icon.gif
4 Stone Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
5 Geo-Poison Water-GEO-Icon.gif
8 Geo-Voidance Wind-GEO-Icon.gif
9 Water Water-BLM-Icon.gif
10 Indi-Precision Thunder-GEO-Icon.gif
14 Aero Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
14 Geo-Precision Thunder-GEO-Icon.gif
15 Drain Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
15 Indi-Regen Light-GEO-Icon.gif
16 Indi-Attunement Light-GEO-Icon.gif
19 Fire Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
19 Geo-Regen Light-GEO-Icon.gif
20 Geo-Attunement Light-GEO-Icon.gif
22 Indi-Focus Dark-GEO-Icon.gif
24 Blizzard Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
25 Stonera Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
26 Geo-Focus Dark-GEO-Icon.gif
28 Indi-Barrier Earth-GEO-Icon.gif
29 Thunder Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
30 Indi-Refresh Light-GEO-Icon.gif
30 Aspir Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
30 Indi-CHR Light-GEO-Icon.gif
30 Watera Water-BLM-Icon.gif
32 Geo-Barrier Earth-GEO-Icon.gif
33 Indi-MND Water-GEO-Icon.gif
34 Indi-Fury Fire-GEO-Icon.gif
34 Geo-Refresh Light-GEO-Icon.gif
34 Geo-CHR Light-GEO-Icon.gif
34 Stone II Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
35 Aera Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
35 Sleep Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
36 Indi-INT Ice-GEO-Icon.gif
37 Geo-MND Water-GEO-Icon.gif
38 Geo-Fury Fire-GEO-Icon.gif
38 Water II Water-BLM-Icon.gif
39 Indi-AGI Wind-GEO-Icon.gif
Lvl. Name Icon
40 Indi-Fend Water-GEO-Icon.gif
40 Geo-INT Ice-GEO-Icon.gif
40 Fira Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
42 Aero II Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
42 Indi-VIT Earth-GEO-Icon.gif
43 Geo-AGI Wind-GEO-Icon.gif
44 Geo-Fend Water-GEO-Icon.gif
45 Indi-DEX Thunder-GEO-Icon.gif
45 Blizzara Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
46 Fire II Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
46 Indi-Acumen Ice-GEO-Icon.gif
46 Geo-VIT Earth-GEO-Icon.gif
48 Indi-STR Fire-GEO-Icon.gif
48 Indi-Slow Earth-GEO-Icon.gif
49 Geo-DEX Thunder-GEO-Icon.gif
Sub-Job accessible with a Master Leveled job only
50 Blizzard II Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
50 Geo-Acumen Ice-GEO-Icon.gif
50 Thundara Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
52 Indi-Torpor Ice-GEO-Icon.gif
52 Geo-STR Fire-GEO-Icon.gif
52 Geo-Slow Earth-GEO-Icon.gif
54 Thunder II Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
56 Geo-Torpor Ice-GEO-Icon.gif
58 Indi-Slip Earth-GEO-Icon.gif
58 Stone III Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
Main Job Only
61 Water III Water-BLM-Icon.gif
62 Geo-Slip Earth-GEO-Icon.gif
64 Aero III Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
64 Indi-Languor Dark-GEO-Icon.gif
67 Fire III Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
68 Indi-Paralysis Ice-GEO-Icon.gif
68 Geo-Languor Dark-GEO-Icon.gif
70 Blizzard III Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
70 Indi-Vex Light-GEO-Icon.gif
70 Sleep II Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
70 Stonera II Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
72 Geo-Paralysis Ice-GEO-Icon.gif
73 Thunder III Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
Lvl. Name Icon
74 Geo-Vex Light-GEO-Icon.gif
75 Watera II Water-BLM-Icon.gif
76 Indi-Frailty Wind-GEO-Icon.gif
76 Stone IV Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
79 Water IV Water-BLM-Icon.gif
80 Geo-Frailty Wind-GEO-Icon.gif
80 Aera II Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
82 Aero IV Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
82 Indi-Wilt Water-GEO-Icon.gif
85 Fira II Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
85 Fire IV Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
86 Geo-Wilt Water-GEO-Icon.gif
88 Blizzard IV Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
88 Indi-Gravity Wind-GEO-Icon.gif
88 Indi-Malaise Thunder-GEO-Icon.gif
90 Aspir II Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
90 Blizzara II Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
91 Thunder IV Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
92 Geo-Malaise Thunder-GEO-Icon.gif
92 Geo-Gravity Wind-GEO-Icon.gif
93 Indi-Haste Wind-GEO-Icon.gif
94 Indi-Fade Fire-GEO-Icon.gif
95 Thundara II Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
97 Geo-Haste Wind-GEO-Icon.gif
98 Geo-Fade Fire-GEO-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Stone V Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Water V Water-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Aero V Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Fire V Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Blizzard V Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Thunder V Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Aspir III Dark-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Stonera III Earth-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Watera III Water-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Aera III Wind-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Fira III Fire-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Blizzara III Ice-BLM-Icon.gif
99 Job Points Thundara III Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif


  • When casting a Geocolure using subtarget (via the menu or with an <st>-type macro), you may hold Ctrl or Alt and use the arrow keys to position your bubble in a different location than the target itself.
  • Luopans will vanish after 10 minutes even if they have not been defeated.
  • Luopans have an innate -50% Damage Taken. Pet damage taken reduction caps at 87.5%, meaning the sum of Pet: Damage Taken and Luopan: Damage Taken from equipment must total only -38% to reach the cap.
  • Geomancy spells which apply buffs to allies (regardless of whether they are applied through Indicolures or Geocolures) affect only the caster's (or Entrust target's) party members, and do not affect pets.
  • All Geomancy effects will fade when receiving the Confrontation status (such as when beginning a Geas Fete battle) or when Level Sync resets due to the Level Sync target gaining a level or Master Level. They will need to be recast to restore their effects.
  • Geomancy spells which apply debuffs to enemies (regardless of whether they are applied through Indicolures or Geocolures) take effect only on enemies for which the caster (or Entrust target) is on the hate list. You must "tag" each enemy you wish to affect by attacking, casting an offensive spell (the initial target of a Geocolure is already tagged), or casting a spell such as Cure on a player who already has hate on the enemy. Multiple enemies can be tagged with a single action. This restriction does not apply in zones where all players are on the hate list by default, such as Outer Ra'Kaznar (U) (Vagary) and Maquette Abdhaljs-Legion (Ambuscade).

Combat Skills

Skill Rank 49 99 ML50
Club B+ 144 404 454
Staff C+ 139 378 428
Dagger C- 139 368 418
Skill Rank 49 99 ML50
Evasion D 133 334 384
Parrying E 124 300 350
Skill Rank 49 99 Master ML50
Elemental B+ 144 404 440 490
Enfeebling C+ 139 378 378 428
Dark C 139 373 409 459
Geomancy C 139 373 409 459
Handbell C 139 373 409 459


Group 1
Name Description
Full Circle Effect Restores up to 5% additional MP per merit.
Ecliptic Attrition Recast Recast is reduced by 10 seconds per merit.

Also reduces the recast time of Lasting Emanation.

Life Cycle Recast Recast is reduced by 20 seconds per merit.
Blaze of Glory Recast Recast is reduced by 20 seconds per merit.
Dematerialize Recast Recast is reduced by 20 seconds per merit.
Group 2
Name Description
Curative Recantation Adds an HP recovery effect to Full Circle. Additional merits restore up to 5% additional HP.
Primordial Zeal Enhances Collimated Fervor with an elemental magic casting time reduction effect. Additional merits reduce casting time by 10%.
Mending Halation The Luopan will vanish and restore HP to party members within the area of effect. Recast Time: 5 minutes. Additional merits increase HP recovery by 5% per merit.
Radial Arcana The Luopan will vanish and restore MP to party members within the area of effect. Recast Time: 5 minutes. Additional merits increase MP recovery by 3% per merit.

Job Points

Job Points
Job Point Category Description Effect per Tier
Bolster Effect Increases the maximum HP of the deployed luopan and reduces its perpetuation cost while under the effects of Bolster. Increase maximum HP by 3 percent and reduces perpetuation cost by 1.
Widened Compass Effect Reduces the casting time of geomancy spells while under the effects of Widened Compass. Reduce casting time by 3 percent.
Life Cycle Effect Increases the amount of HP recovered by the luopan when Life Cycle is activated. Increase amount of HP recovered by 1 percent.
Blaze of Glory Effect Increases the initial HP value of luopans while under the effects of Blaze of Glory. Increase initial HP by 1 percent.
Magic Atk. Bonus Enhances Magic Atk. Bonus. Enhance Magic Atk. Bonus by 1.
Magic Accuracy Bonus Increases magic accuracy. Increase magic accuracy by 1.
Dematerialize Duration Increases the effect duration of Dematerialize. Increase effect duration by 1 second.
Theurgic Focus Effect Increases the magic damage of specific spells while under the effects of Theurgic Focus. Increase magic damage by 3.
Concentric Pulse Effect Increases damage when using Concentric Pulse. Increase damage by 1 percent.
Indicolure Spell Effect Dur. Increases the effect duration of Indicolure spells. Increase spell effect duration by 2 seconds.

Job-Specific Equipment

Artifact Armor
Geomancy Attire Set Geomancy Attire Set +1 Geomancy Attire Set +2 Geomancy Attire Set +3
iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name
109 Geomancy Galero 119 Geomancy Galero +1 119 Geomancy Galero +2 119 Geomancy Galero +3
109 Geomancy Tunic 119 Geomancy Tunic +1 119 Geomancy Tunic +2 119 Geomancy Tunic +3
109 Geomancy Mitaines 119 Geomancy Mitaines +1 119 Geomancy Mitaines +2 119 Geomancy Mitaines +3
109 Geomancy Pants 119 Geomancy Pants +1 119 Geomancy Pants +2 119 Geomancy Pants +3
109 Geomancy Sandals 119 Geomancy Sandals +1 119 Geomancy Sandals +2 119 Geomancy Sandals +3
Weapon & Handbell
99 Dowser's Wand and Filiae Bell
Relic Armor
Bagua Attire Set Bagua Attire Set +1 Bagua Attire Set +2 Bagua Attire Set +3
iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name
109 Bagua Galero 119 Bagua Galero +1 119 Bagua Galero +2 119 Bagua Galero +3
109 Bagua Tunic 119 Bagua Tunic +1 119 Bagua Tunic +2 119 Bagua Tunic +3
109 Bagua Mitaines 119 Bagua Mitaines +1 119 Bagua Mitaines +2 119 Bagua Mitaines +3
109 Bagua Pants 119 Bagua Pants +1 119 Bagua Pants +2 119 Bagua Pants +3
109 Bagua Sandals 119 Bagua Sandals +1 119 Bagua Sandals +2 119 Bagua Sandals +3
JSE Neck
99 Bagua Charm 99 Bagua Charm +1 99 Bagua Charm +2
Divergence Weapon
Su4 Bagua Wand Su4 Sifang Wand Su5 Bhima
Empyrean Armor
Azimuth Attire Set Azimuth Attire Set +1 Azimuth Attire Set +2 Azimuth Attire Set +3
iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name iLvl. Name
109 Azimuth Hood 119 Azimuth Hood +1 119 Azimuth Hood +2 119 Azimuth Hood +3
109 Azimuth Coat 119 Azimuth Coat +1 119 Azimuth Coat +2 119 Azimuth Coat +3
109 Azimuth Gloves 119 Azimuth Gloves +1 119 Azimuth Gloves +2 119 Azimuth Gloves +3
109 Azimuth Tights 119 Azimuth Tights +1 119 Azimuth Tights +2 119 Azimuth Tights +3
109 Azimuth Gaiters 119 Azimuth Gaiters +1 119 Azimuth Gaiters +2 119 Azimuth Gaiters +3
99 Azimuth Earring 99 Azimuth Earring +1 99 Azimuth Earring +2

Spell Cheat Sheet

Show Cheat Sheet (Warning: breaks page on mobile)

GEO Cheat Sheet.png

Please Note: The above +5, +6, +7, and +10 values are the TOTAL value of the item plus the maximum skill value, not the boost from the item alone.


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