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![]() The Voracious Resurgence |
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Ambuscade Archive
Volume 1 Archives
Volume 1, March 2025, Antica | ||||||||||||||||||
Bozzetto Consul:
Sabotender Dulce:
Bozzetto Stalwart
Bozzetto Hunter
Bozzetto Magister
Bozzetto Stalker
Bozzetto Valiant
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Very Easy:
Key Item Suggestions:
Volume 1, March 2025, Corse | ||||||||||||||||||
Uses the following TP Moves:
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
The fight should take around 5.5 to 9 or so minutes (including buffing) depending on the group.
Jobs: MNK
Very Easy:
Key Item Locations:
Volume 1, March 2025, Dullahan | ||||||||||||||||||
Boss States
Uses the following TP Moves:
Bozzetto Charger:
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Key Item Locations:
Volume 1, March 2025, Fomor | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Fomor Summoner
Volume 1, March 2025, Fomor | ||||||||||||||||||
Avatar's and their moves:
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
The name of the game is Earth Shot and Savage Blade. Rolls are Warlock, Wizard's, Fighter's, Chaos, Samurai and Tactician's. Scholar should throw in Regain, Barthunder and Sandstorm. When ready, Paladin goes in and Shield Bashes Ramuh to knock off Shock Spikes. Unload into Ramuh with blades and earth shot as he becomes more deadly and TP move happy as his health decreases. Once he's fallen, the Doppleganger will appear with a free avatar in one of the four corners. One Corsair should Random Deal at this moment, while the Bard needs to run up and Elemental Seal Lullaby to remove him from the picture temporarily. The avatar should be dealt with immediately, then a coordinated set of Earth Shots vs. the Doppleganger should put him down ending the fight. If you don't move fast enough from the first Earth Shot to their demise, they will Astral Flow and pull out either Odin or Alexander, the former will one-shot anyone not healing, the second extends the fight possibly allowing more avatars to appear and making victory impossible. If Shiva shows up at any time, reset the fight. Alternatively, bring a BLU with Absolute Terror. Have them use it on the Summoner right before you wake him up. Assuming your DPS are decently geared he'll die before he can do anything at all. Normal:
The fight starts off vs Bozzetto Ramuh who casts Lightning Armor (Shock Spikes) on himself. This is fairly potent. Make sure you have decent Magic Evasion or a way to dispel these or your gonna have a long fight ahead of you. BLU Osmosis seemed to work. Remove the spikes and goto Town on Bozzetto Ramuh. At some point he'll SP (which I'm assuming is akin to Astral Conduit he will spam Volt Strike which stuns for a bit. He may Sprinkle in some Stungas or a Thunderspark's. The latter of those is only single Target so only 1 person will end up getting paralyzed. After you dealt with Bozzetto Ramuh the Bozzetto Doppleganger Summoner will spawn and summon up 3 avatars over time. If you have enough DPS you can kill each one one at a time. If not you may end up with Wrangling 2-3 mobs at a time. Upon Summoning the last Avatar the Bozzetto Doppleganger will join the fight as well. With it's 3 WS's he will form some Skillchains which can drop a DPS or healer into Low HP fairly quickly. At some point he will summon Alexander or Odin after he Astral Flows. Alexander Will lengthen the fight with Perfect Defense where the Bozzetto Doppleganger will take reduced damage (most hits are reduced down to 1-2 damage some WS's hit for 100). Odin will use Zantetsuken which you can /heal through if you disengauge. There are accounts of being able to outrun its range though I have not tried this as resting is far easier. After the
Bozzetto Doppleganger and all summoned Avatars are dead the fight ends.
Similar to harder difficulties.
Bozzetto Doppleganger Summoned 1 elemental avatar, and immediately joined the fight. Summoned Alexander later in the fight.
Similar to harder difficulties. Bozzetto Doppleganger immediately joined the fight, and shortly after summoned only 1 avatar Alexander |
Volume 1, March 2025, Gigas | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Buffs: Barfira, Unda Vallianced, March, Fire Carol, Madrigal, Chaos/Sam roll, Frailty, Fury, and entrust w/e. Could use wilt to grant the RUN more offensive gearing flexibility. Pull to the corner, take out the Enceladus as quickly as possible. Then the Fistfighter → Fistfighter → Marshall → Swiftshooter → Meghan-tubs-Trainer.
Key Item Locations:
Volume 1, March 2025, Goblin | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Furious Bozzetto Bomber
Baby Bomber
Bozzetto Ravager
Bozzetto Deathbringer
Bozzetto Incanter
Setups and Strategies:
Very Difficult:
DD, DD, Buffs: COR: Chaos and Samurai. BRD: March X2, Minuet, Madrigal. PUP: Sub WAR and use a standard Valoredge frame setup with strobe and flashbulb, optic fibers, repair kit, and other standard flare. The puppet is not in any danger ever. Master wears no pet oriented gear. Strategy: PUP sends the automaton after the Ravager (WAR) to hold it and start the fight. They then immediately provoke the Deathbringer (DRK) and separate it to remove the aura. I favored using a few counter pieces such as Mpaca body, Bathy Choker R15, and Cryptic earring over a offense oriented DT set. As the Deathbringer rapidly attacks with low damage club and you can counter them up as a PUP. The PUP shouldn't be in any danger of dying with Regen on as the Deathbringer has weak attacks. The rest of the party goes after the Don. Then the Incanter, which doesn't need to be slept as it just wakes up. Then the Ravager. Unless there are some unlucky stuns or paralyze procs then the PUP should be able to finish or nearly finish their Deathbringer. The WHM should stand out of range of AoE range of and to die from the Baby Bomber once or twice as the Don rapidly eats the floor. Keep reraise on and get back up. That's it. Simple month. Rinse and repeat. Lionheart RUN x2, COR/WAR, GEO/WHM, BRD/WHM, WHM or g Buffs: March x2, madrigal x2, Chaos/Sam. Fury/frailty on RUN 1, entrust frailty on RUN 2. 1) RUN 1 goes in and pull Don to starting corner, RUN 2 pulls Ravager to far left corner. COR provoke pulls Deathbringer to far right corner. BRD sleeps Incanter. WHM or RDM cast reraise, silence Don then position themselves in the middle of battle field, away from the other members. Geo entrust frailty on RUN 2 after everyone position themselves. 2) RUN 1 and RUN 2 use battuta and zerg Don and Ravager. COR holds Deathbringer, WS with Savage Blade and cures himself with sangine blade. BRD move between the battlefield and cast stona, paralyna and blindna on RUN 2 and COR. GEO baby sits RUN 1 with cures, blindna and paralyna. 3) If bomb kills WHM or RDM, they must get up immediately and cast Reraise or Goddess's Hymnus on them again. 4) After Don and Ravager is dead, RUNs kill Deathbringer next and Incanter last. Note: Clear time with setup above is about 4.5 min to 5 depending on buffs and support. RUN 2 can be replaced with a PLD, RUN 1 can be replaced with another DD using entrust Wilt, COR can be replaced with any DD with hate tool and PDT- set. DD, DD, Buffs: RDM: Haste II, Phalanx II, standard RDM stuff. COR: Crooked Cards Chaos Roll / Samurai Roll. BRD: Honor or Victory March / Minuet V / Minuet IV / Madrigal WHM: Barparalyzra / Barblizzara / Boost-Str / Regen IV-ga / Auspice Strategy: Bard can Lullaby the Incanter while the rest of the group murders the Don. Dispel from Finale or Dark Shot is a must to remove the Don's Ice Spikes. Silence on the Don can help reduce its threat during SP. With proper DPS output, a group can kill the Don before the Furious Bozzetto Bomber spawns. The White Mage should still stand away from the group in case you are not fast enough. Once the Don is dead, move on to the Incanter. If your Red Mage has properly controlled the Warrior and Dark Knights, they should still be bound. Incanter will melt. You can then choose either of the two remaining Goblins to gang up on. Once the third is dead, finish off the last one. If your Red Mage fails to Bind the first Goblin without aggroing everything, all is not lost. Do not panic. Bring the Goblins to whichever is Bound so the Red Mage can Bind the second one with its brother. You can then continue the strategy above without any issues.
TANK X2, BRD/WHM, WHM/BLM, DD X2 So long as the goblins are separated (removes aura), the tanks will hardly take damage when using -DT gear. Some Regen on the tanks before starting will but is not necessary (bring along Remedies, though). Each tank pulls the ravager and deathbringer to the wall near their respective spawning positions. The DDs should target the Don and provoke. WHM should ES Silence (although silence can land after ~3 attempts without ES). You may choose to not engage until the Don's spikes have been Finale'd but a good WHM (with helping BRD) should be able to keep paralyze off until the spikes are removed. This month seems to favor heavy-armor DDs but any well-geared pair of DDs should be able to take out the Don before silence wears off. WHM, BRD, and two DDs should form a square around the Don to prevent conal damage from hitting everyone. As soon as a bomber is spawned, WHM should be ready to Curaga IV (or higher). Solace, -DT gear, and SS all help. Once the Don is dead, the party should then take down each add (fights should be very straightforward hereon out). Tanks do not have to be PLD or RUN; in fact any DD with /RDM sub and phalanx on should be able to hold the two side goblins. Solo Red Mage Strategy for Difficult: As of the April 2023 version of this fight, it is completely soloable (with trusts) by Red Mage. Job: Red Mage / Ninja. This was done at Master Level 24. Weapons: Naegling / Thibron Trusts: Joachim, Ulmia, Monberaux (I did not pay him), Selh'teus, Qultada Buffs: Haste 2, Phalanx, En-Whatever-Day-It-Is, Aquaveil, Temper 2, Refresh 3, Barblizzard, Barparalyze, Stoneskin, Blink, Gain-STR, Protect/Shell V. I did not buff any of the trusts. Ate Grape Daifuku. After buffing, Spontaneity and Saboteur. Bind the rightmost Goblin from max distance. You should not aggro the others. If you do, it's fine, simply Bind the other Goblin and pull the Don away. Silence immediately, then Distract 3 and Dia 3. Press Savage Blade every time you have 1000+ TP. Position yourself within all of your trusts to soak the split damage from the Furious Bomber. Ideally Selh'teus will Rejuvenation, but you may need to help spot heal. You have 30 seconds between bombs to deal damage. The third bomb will be the Baby Bomber, just run away from it. Repeat the process, re-positioning after each Baby Bomber as needed. If Bind wears off the other Goblins, stop to re-apply. Once the Don is dead, pull whichever Goblin has the shorter remaining Bind duration and Dia 3, Distract 3, and kill it. Repeat with the final Goblin. This strategy requires that you be very well-geared. TP set consisted of Malignance and R30 Bunzi pieces. Savage Blade set consisted of R25 Nyame and Empyrean +3.
Iron Giant
Volume 1, March 2025, Iron Giant | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult: Ranged Setup: RUN, COR, COR, BRD, WHM, GEO. Two shooty boys, one doing Last Stand on Frostnought and the other doing Leaden Salute on Blazenought. (Which is weird because the attempt prior, the magic and physical resists of both were reversed?) Keeping them similar HP negated ALL of the mechanics. The two only spammed Cyclone Turbine the entire time. No Eradicator. No chat messages. No two-hours. No blizzaga. No invulnerable. No regens. Nothing. Cyclone Turbine over and over. Despite the RUN being buffless the entire time, it was pretty non-threatening. The problem? It took 15 minutes and our COR's are geared to the teeth with full REMA buffs from the BRD and GEO. If the intended method of doing this is keep them close in HP, then that leads to unending Dispel spam, then melee is absolutely not an option. Even in full m.eva gear, it would be a matter of seconds before you lose every buff you have. Difficult and lower:
Volume 1, March 2025, Lamiae | ||||||||||||||||||
Uses the following moves:
Bozzetto Skathi:
Uses the following moves:
Very Easy - Difficult:
Normal - Very Difficult:
Uses the following moves:
Very Easy - Difficult:
Very Difficult:
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Setup: PLD/BLU RNG/WAR RNG/WAR COR/RNG BRD/RDM WHM/SCH Buffs: COR: SAM / Chaos BRD: Honor March / Archer Prelude / Minuet x2 WHM: Barstonra / Barpetra Strategy: Party move 20+ from start and always stay 20.1+ from all three. PLD pulls them to start and faces them to party. PLD turns away on: Petrifactive Dance, Petrifaction, Blight Dance, and Luxurious Dance. Kill order: Freyja > Skathi > Frigg Dia II followed up with light shot x2 Just before Freyja goes down PLD uses Fealty.
Samurai / Chaos rolls, and Tactician / Hunter if using second COR. Honor March, Minuet x2, Archer's Prelude (or second Minuet if CORx2 and only 3 songs available). Scherzo on tank. PUP tanks Frigg far away while tank pulls to where party zones in. Tank turns during gaze moves, and faces Freyja and Skathi during any Disregard moves. BRD prioritizes Poisona if tank misses turning or facing a special move while WHM prioritizes Stona. Kill Freyja, then Skathi, and finally Frigg (let the puppet tank Frigg). As long as no one casts a debuff directly on Freyja (causing Draw-in), and the tank can at least avoid Doom (face target during Imperiling Disregard), this should be a very easy battle.
Key Item Locations:
Mage Mamool Ja
Volume 1, March 2025, Mamool Ja | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Other Mamools: Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Key Item Locations: |
Mamool Ja
Volume 1, March 2025, Mamool Ja | ||||||||||||||||||
Other Mamools:
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Key Item Locations: |
Volume 1, March 2025, Meeble | ||||||||||||||||||
Uses the following moves:
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Key Item Locations:
Volume 1, March 2025, Moogle | ||||||||||||||||||
Bozzetto Steward:
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Alternate Strategy (not luck-based):
Very Easy:
Key Item Locations: |
Volume 1, March 2025, Orc | ||||||||||||||||||
Bozzetto Bozzetto Crusader:
Uses the following TP Moves:
Bozzetto Warlock:
Bozzetto Pugilist:
Bozzetto Reaver:
Bozzetto Tamer:
Bozzetto Duelist:
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult: 2023 Edition: MNK WHM BLU GEO BRD RUN Geo-Malaise / Indi-Acumen, Honor March / Minuet x3, Light Carol I/II RUN, Diffusion Mighty Guard. Pull everything to the start. Silence the Warlock and the Reaver to prevent Death, Sleepga, and Break. The Hecteyes pet uses annoying AoE debuffs, but will die in one AoE from the BLU. MNK focuses on the Crusader, using Formless Strikes when Invincible goes up. Be sure to WS from behind if the Crusader starts to glow in order to prevent Charm. BLU and GEO AoE everything else down. Entomb, Spectral Floe, Anvil Lightning, and Horde Lullaby to constantly lock down the Orcs. Geist Wall / Dispelga to remove buffs if desired. When only a couple mobs remain, single-target nukes from the BLU will do work. <4min clears if properly performed by a well-geared group. Big note, the Tamer can use a charm move (Fanatic Dance) if the pet is killed. May want to be careful to kill the Tamer, then kill the pet. Setup: TANK, BRD, HEALER, DDx3 (or 1 DD replaced by GEO or COR) Strategy: Usual buffs at the start, with Light Carol and Light Carol II for the tank. On the pull, BRD should Night/Troub Horde Lullaby II the adds. Have the tank pull the the corner where everyone warps in. It is fine to keep the adds slept in the center (so the boss has less of a chance of buffing the adds). One DD has the sole job of attacking the boss from the back, and using a physical weaponskill every time the boss raises his aura. This aura is the start of the charm cycle (2 rounds of Veil of Chaos followed by Manic Dance). To prevent charm, simply remove the aura to reset the boss. The other DD(s) should focus on the adds. It is best to take out the Warlock first (please note that it can and will cast Death). An Elemental Seal'ed Silence should be more than enough to stop the Warlock from casting death. If possible, try to use a skillchain during the add's SP moves as they seem to take extra damage during their SP duration. The Reaver should be handled with care since it can cast Dread Spikes. The BRD should focus on debuffing the adds while waiting on sleep timers. Once the adds wake up and beeline for the tank debuffing can become a major pain because something like spikes buffs might be buried several layers deep. BRD should try to keep double march songs (Tenuto) full time to help with Finale recast timers. After all the adds are killed, go for the boss. The boss appears to use Invincible at fixed HP levels (75/50,25?) -- it is possible to still remove his aura even when weaponskilling for 0 damage; save TP and plan accordingly. (Avoid killing the boss before the adds; otherwise the adds will gain a large damage reduction)
For BLU, this is very straightforward. AAEV, Cornelia, Arciela 1, Koru-Moru, and Apururu make a solid team of trusts. When soloing, however, it is best to kill the boss first. Sleep the adds with Dream Flower during the pull. Avoid using Aggressor, Warcry, and Berserk when attacking the boss so that AAEV can maintain hate (and never be charmed). Use Sudden Lunge when the boss uses Invincible. Once the boss is dead, the threat of charm is over. Attack the Warlock next and use Sudden Lunge during its SP or during spells. After the Warlock is dead, the only thing to worry about is the Pugilist using 100-fists. Simply Sudden Lunge to stun, disengage and sleep with Dream Flower. Your NPCs will auto-regen/refresh during this downtime. After about 30 seconds have passed, finish the Pugilist off for the win.
Key Item Locations:
Volume 1, March 2025, Poroggo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TP Moves
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Key Item Locations:
Volume 1, March 2025, Qiqirn | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Key Item Locations:
Volume 1, March 2025, Quadav | ||||||||||||||||||
Will use the following TP moves:
Setups and Strategies:
Very Easy:
Key Item Locations:
Volume 1, March 2025, Qutrub | ||||||||||||||||||
will use the following TP moves:
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
1) Mewing strategy: This is the most reliable strategy, with reasonable clear speed. PLD or RUN, DD/NIN or NIN/WAR, RDM/NIN, COR/NIN, BRD/NIN, SMN. DD pulls NM to the corner and the PLD or RUN kites adds around the pillar when they spawn. BRD does March, Mad, Mad, Min and keeps elegy on Bigwig. DD keep shadows up to prevent endeath kill, rdm keeps dia3, slow II on megaboss, silence on astrologers when they pop, then dps when they are not casting. SMN cure the tank. At 30% tank stop kiting and hold all mobs away from megaboss in one place so mewing lullaby can land on all the adds, smn spams mewing lullaby on cooldown to prevent Triple Reversal fires off. Rdm will need to recast silence on Astrologers as soon as silence wears off. At 30% when NM spams Turn the Tables, just let the DD sit at single digit HP. Nin should toss some vokes before wsing to help the lesser shadow DDs eaten by a potential multi attack. 2) Kiting strategy: This strategy is potentially faster than mewing strategy, with more flexibility on dps job types, but they are a little bit less reliable because Triple Reversal has a chance to look tank if party doesn't kill fast. PLD or RUN, DD/NINx2, BRD/NIN, COR/NIN, RDM or healer This strategy is identical to mewing strategy except the tank kites all the adds from start to finish, no mewing lullaby used. Healer will need to silence the adds. 3) Kill adds strategy: This strategy is the slowest strategy but most reliable of all. Instead of kiting adds, DDs will kill all adds that spawned. There are 2 waves of adds total. Once adds are dead, NM will no longer us endeath nor triple reversal, therefore removed all the potential possibility to wipe. Normal:
Normal Half Kiting Strat: PLD/WAR, PUP/NIN, DD/NIN, BRD/NIN COR/NIN, WHM
The idea of this strategy was to supress the Boss' En-death from killing any DD/NIN and not making a Ninja mandatory in every runs. Also the PLD doesn't have to kite the adds and risk of dying in the process, only at the end before the last 30% HP but they never lived enough to cause troubles. Worked like a charm with little to no risk and each run took around 8~10 mins. Now go enjoy your wins. Easy:
Key Item Locations:
Volume 1, March 2025, Sahagin | ||||||||||||||||||
Very Difficult:
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Volume 1, March 2025, Demons | ||||||||||||||||||
Casts the following spells:
Uses the following moves:
Bozzetto Imp:
Use the following moves:
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Key Item Locations:
Volume 1, March 2025, Tonberry | ||||||||||||||||||
Uses the following moves:
Bozzetto Rascal:
Bozzetto Defiler:
Bozzetto Slicer:
Bozzetto Chaser:
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Melee Strat VD RUN, WHM, GEO/RDM, Savage BRD/NIN, Savage COR/NIN, DD Pre Fight Setup
Fight Strategy
This fight is essentially won or lost in the first couple minutes, and comes down to killing the first mob (SMN Tonberry called Bozzetto Rascal) who is present when you first enter. Your goal is to try and kill the Rascal SMN as quickly as possible. While fighting the Rascal several things occur, the first of which are his astral flows. For this strategy you let the astral flows hit you (which should be survivable) as long as you have barblizzard from the WHM, sulpor / valiance from the RUN, and finally your RUN's One for All (OFA) up. I wait about 15 seconds AFTER pulling the Rascal before the RUN does OFA in order to increase the amount of time it's available to help reduce astral flow damage (In other words, when used too soon it's wasted as the Rascal doesn't use astral flow until about 20-30 seconds into the fight). Also, while fighting the Rascal several adds will spawn followed shortly after by the boss. In order to deal with these spawns and allow the Run to perform a quick AoE hate grab (Geist Wall or whatever), I would highly suggest having EVERYONE grouped together within ~5 yalms. Most of the newly spawned mobs will run right into your camp (if everyone is grouped together) allowing the RUN to cast an AoE hate spell on them quickly. With all this in mind, everything comes down to quickly killing the SMN (Bozzetto Rascal) as quickly as you can. Get Dia II on it and use anything else that will help you kill it before your Sulpor/Valiance and One For All buffs wear off. After you have successfully defeated the SMN then this is a relatively easy fight.
After the SMN, proceed with the following kill order. Make sure to have your GEO cast Dia II, Distract, and Dispel on all of these mobs. Magic Finale will not work, as Tonberries have high Light resistance. 1: Engage and deal damage to the first Bozzetto Chaser (THF) until he uses Perfect Dodge at which point you will disengage and go to the next mob 2: Engage and deal damage to the second Bozzetto Chaser (THF) until he uses Perfect Dodge at which point you will disengage and go to the next mob 3: Engage and kill the Bozzetto Defiler (BLM) 4: Engage and kill the first Bozzetto Chaser (THF) 5: Engage and kill the second Bozzetto Chaser (THF) 6: Engage and kill the Bozzetto Slicer (NIN). Have your Whm put Sacrosanctity up.
Now it's time for the Boss, the Bozzetto Monarch. You will want your GEO to swap their spells to Geo-Frailty / Indi-Precision / Entrust Torpor. Lastly, you will need to reset and keep your Tonberry hate as low as possible, due to a couple of the Bozzetto Monarch's moves doing x20 and x100 whatever your current Tonberry Hate is at. You CAN call for help on every mob in this ambuscade and still receive ALL the Hallmark and Gallantry rewards for this fight. By calling for help on all the mobs you will build less tonberry hate which also results in fewer deaths from moves that multiply damage based on Tonberry Hate. I had to reset my hate every few fights as you still build up hate from killing the mobs for the KI. Strategy by Tayana (Asura)
Key Item Locations: |
Volume 1, March 2025, Troll | ||||||||||||||||||
Uses the following moves:
Uses the following moves only while aura is active:
Also uses the following move while the aura is active on Very Difficult:
Bozzetto Justicar (PLD): Uses the following moves: Uses the following Spells: Bozzetto Sharpshooter (RNG): Uses the following moves:
Very Difficult Only:
Uses the following moves:
Setups and Strategies:
Key Item Locations:
Volume 1, March 2025, Velkk | ||||||||||||||||||
Uses the following moves:
All Bozzetto Servitors:
Uses the following moves:
Bozzetto Servitor (PLD): Additionally uses the following moves:
Bozzetto Servitor (DRK): Additionally uses the following moves:
Bozzetto Servitor (BLM): Additionally uses the following moves:
Casts the following spells:
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Key Item Locations:
Volume 1, March 2025, Yagudo | ||||||||||||||||||
Bozzetto Conjurer:
Bozzetto Mob: Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult: TANK BRD/WHM HEALER DDX2 COR or GEO
Once target changes to Garuda, make sure to use Baraera. BRD should double check that Protect, Shell, and Baraera should be on the DDs until healer can reapply stronger versions.
1) RUN pulls everything to the corner and brd sleep them all. 2) WHM silence Stormbringer. 3) DD and COR kill Stormbringer, DD RUN solo DD swordsman. Brd and geo dispel spam on anything thats being engaged. 4) After Stormbringer and swordsman dead, DD, RUN and COR engage Brawler, Shinobi and Lyricist. 5) Before DDs engage Shinobi WHM could use Sacrosanctity and RUN could use One for All to prevent Mijin Gakure from Shinobi one shot everyone. 6) After all the adds are dead, kill Garuda then Conjurer.
Notes: The setup above takes less than 3.5 min to clear from start to finish, including buff time. Actual engage time is about 2 min +/- 10 sec. Because the fight is so short, it is ok to use entrust wilt from start. For groups without the firepower to clear before entrust wilt wears, it is better to save entrust on conjurer. Conjurer tp moves can be very deadly without wilt. Brd and geo must spam dispel for brd songs and Howl. From our experience, Sacrosanctity works well for Mijin Gakure, thus WHM recommended. Scherzo is not necessary as long as wilt is up, howl dispelled and Sacrosanctity used for Shinobi. Our RUN engaged different mob from other DDs just to save engage time, thats it. It is alright to have all 3 DD engage the same add, or have each DD solo their own add with multi step SC. As long as backline can handle the cures/dispels and Sacrosanctity used before Shinobi, adds kill order doesn't matter that much.
After killing all adds, kill Garuda before touching boss.
As soon as it re-summons Garuda, switch to and kill Garuda. Switch back to the boss, finish zerging and it's an easy win.
Key Item Suggestions:
Volume 2 Archives
Volume 2, March 2025, Arcana | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Adamantoise | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Antlion | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies:
Key Item Locations: |
Volume 2, March 2025, Arcana | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Uses the following moves:
Casts the following spells:
None observed.
Setups and Strategies:
Key Item Locations: |
Volume 2, March 2025, Avatar | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Beast | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies:
Key Item Locations:
Volume 2, March 2025, Plantoid | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Bomb | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Only a single enemy is present at a time. Setups and Strategies:
Key Item Locations: |
Volume 2, March 2025, Buffalo | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Bugard | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Casts the following spells:
Setups and Strategies:
Key Item Locations: |
Volume 2, March 2025, Mandragora | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Beasts | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Undead | ||||||||||||||||||
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Volume 2, March 2025, Craklaw | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Areas to find Aquans
Setups and Strategies:
Easy: Fairly easy fight, went much better with Amchuchu and Valiance. I could probably swap out Qultada, but I get lazy with the Dispels, so someone has to do it... General recommendations: Make sure to have Barwater on all in AOE range, if you can use shadows (and keep 2-3 up) they will help mitigate AOE damage, save TP to kill Calappa Calappa when it spawns. Make sure you've got someone to dispel/finale/dark shot it - it likes to use Magic/Physical Defense Boosts. I think you can be fairly flexible with party set ups. You can go with Tank, WHM, support (RDM, BRD, COR), 2 DD, 1 BLM or SCH for MB. Buff, run in, smash it's face. Very Easy: Has a few AOE moves - only one that did a lot of damage (700-800 to trusts was Sundering Snip, the others did about 100-200 damage to trusts) Two times during the fight it spawned a Calappa Calappa, a crab, which went down with 1 WS (12k Savage Blade on one and a 5k on the other, chat log never said I defeated it, just said "Calappa Callapa falls to the ground" there was no DOT on it, and I never disengaged the Boss - so I'm not entirely sure what made it go away.) General recommendations: Make sure to have Barwater on all in AOE range, if you can use shadows (and keep 2-3 up) they will help mitigate AOE damage, save TP to kill Calappa Calappa when it spawns. Make sure you've got someone to dispel/finale/dark shot it - it likes to use Magic/Physical Defense Boosts. I think you can be fairly flexible with party set ups. You can go with Tank, WHM, support (RDM, BRD, COR), 2 DD, 1 BLM or SCH for MB. Buff, run in, smash it's face.
Volume 2, March 2025, Dragon | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Demon | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Obtaining Key Item= Castle Zvahl Keep HP 1
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Volume 2, March 2025, Arcana | ||||||||||||||||||
Uses typical Doll TP abilities.
Both use typical TP abilities for their families. Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Dvergr | ||||||||||||||||||
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Volume 2, March 2025, Elementals | ||||||||||||||||||
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Volume 2, March 2025, Flan | ||||||||||||||||||
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Volume 2, March 2025, Fly | ||||||||||||||||||
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Volume 2, March 2025, Funguar | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Matsui-P's hint on the forums reads: Normal features a battle against mushrooms. When fighting them, it’s best to remember that darkness is best banished using light
so how you handle the dark elemental present will be key. After all, mushrooms grow best where it’s dark... This relates to the fight. When the fight first starts, only Yartsa Gunbu will be there. After a timed amount, a dark elemental will spawn. The dark elemental allows smaller funguars called Skullcaps to spawn. Both the dark elemental and skull caps start with random hate. It is easy to have a trust party overwhelmed with adds. If the dark elemental is not defeated within enough time a second elemental will spawn, causing even more adds. All funguars will use their respective familial abilities. When a dark elemental is defeated, a light elemental will spawn and take no actions against you or Yartsa Gunbu. At this time, the boss becomes very weak to light elemental damage. It is possible to brute force defeat Yartsa, however it is not recommended unless properly geared. Setups and Strategies:
Mainly running ambuscade gear with no gear swap using Scissorleg Xerin, with trusts Rahal/Zeid II/Shantotto II/Koru-moru/Kupipi. iLVL 119 Start the fight engaging Yartsa Gunbu. When the dark elemental spawns, kill it quickly. Your jug pet's TP moves will kill adds in sufficient time. Once the dark elemental is defeated, switch back to Yartsa Gunbu. I had to repeat the process twice before being able to burn the boss down for the last push. Adds will kill your trusts in no time, so watch out and use AoE from your pet if you can. It is possible to intimidate Yartsa Gunbu, making killer instinct even better than just damage and damage reduction. Just remember for the bonus of Killer Instinct, you must use a vermin-class jug pet.
Volume 2, March 2025, Gallu | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Casts the following spells:
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Key Item Locations: |
Volume 2, March 2025, Gnole | ||||||||||||||||||
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Greater Bird
Volume 2, March 2025, Greater Bird | ||||||||||||||||||
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Volume 2, March 2025, Harpeia | ||||||||||||||||||
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Volume 2, March 2025, Hecteyes | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Casts the following spells: Fire IV, Firaga II
Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Key Item Locations: Bostaunieux Oubliette Survival Guide Warp Leeches. |
Volume 2, March 2025, Hippogryph | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Casts the following spells:
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Key Item Locations: |
Volume 2, March 2025, Hydra | ||||||||||||||||||
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Key Item Locations:
Volume 2, March 2025, Leech | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies: Key Item Locations:
Volume 2, March 2025, Lizard | ||||||||||||||||||
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Magic Pot
Volume 2, March 2025, Magic Pot | ||||||||||||||||||
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Volume 2, March 2025, Matamata | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: One mob only. Does normal matamata moves including bite that ignores shadows, frontal AoE bite, and AoE spin move. In addition, he does the following: Scalding breath: frontal breath move Tail Thwack: AoE, up to 20' range Embalming Earth: AoE damage, takes all shadows. Up to 30' range. Erases all debuffs. Debilitating Spout: Conal damage, hate reset, full dispel Cranial Thrust: Conal damage, ignores shadows Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Alternative is two tanks in melee range and everyone else out of AoE range. Two tanks is due to hate reset of debilitating spout.
Key Item Locations: |
Volume 2, March 2025, Mantid | ||||||||||||||||||
Seems to get a defense reduction as its HP is reduced
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Volume 2, March 2025, Morbol | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: It's a Morbol, it hates you and everyone you love. If you listen closely you can hear a Taru Paladin asking for Haste from somewhere between it's teeth. Ohh yeah and all Morbol abilities. Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Plantoids | ||||||||||||||||||
Uses the following moves:
Casts the following spells:
August 2024 version has the following bonus Hallmark mechanic. Performing the following actions will spawn Balloons from each NM. Each Balloons grants 100 Hallmarks upon defeat.
Setups and Strategies:
Key Item Locations: |
Volume 2, March 2025, Aquan | ||||||||||||||||||
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Volume 2, March 2025, Pteraketos | ||||||||||||||||||
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Volume 2, March 2025, Raaz | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Casts the following spells: Seemed to follow a pattern of casting Zealous Snort on himself for Haste, followed by Sweeping Gouge, Terrifying Snap (10 second-ish stun), Thump (minor knockback), Punt (large knockback). After Punt, hate seemed to reset for primary aggro target, and go to next highest. It bounced off my August trust and myself the entire time. One of his abilities appeared to be a frontal AOE since other trusts were getting hurt by something. Setups and Strategies:
Key Item Locations: |
Volume 2, March 2025, Plantoid | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Only Elecampane has to be defeated to win but defeating adds will remove some boss buffs. Setups and Strategies: Very Difficult:
Sea Monk
Volume 2, March 2025, Sea Monk | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Slime | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Snoll | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Spider | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Setups and Strategies: Pretty basic spider fight. On Difficult, I went NIN with all support trusts (BRDx2, RDM, WHMx2) and just self-skillchained it to death. Trust and NIN enfeebles (blind, slow, paralyze) seemed to stick ok. Was able to tank easily with MNK/WAR and SAM/WAR on difficult as well.
There are two different Taurus encounters in Vol 2: Taurus+Ahriman+Imp and Taurus+Demon.
Volume 2, March 2025, Taurus | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Taurus | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Treant | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Splendid Sakura: Has a 20' Plague aura. Uses the following TP Moves:
Languishing Larch: Has a 20' Amnesia aura. Very resistant to sleep. Hibernating Hickory: Has a 20' Silence aura. Very resistant to sleep. Fight starts with just Splendid Sakura, but she will spawn in Languishing Larch and Hibernating Hickory on top of herself individually at specific HP thresholds (66%, 50%, 20%, maybe more). If damage is high, multiple will appear at the same time. On Difficult and Very Difficult, it seems to spawn both adds simultaneously at the final HP threshold. Setups and Strategies: It's important to defeat the adds quickly, with priority going to the ones that affect your job more. Languishing Larch will spawn in on top of the boss once sufficient damage is dealt, immediately inflicting Amnesia to everyone nearby, making ignoring it difficult in favor of just killing the boss quickly. Healer trusts such as Apururu will generally stay out of range of Pinecone Bomb and wake people up, but Splendid Sakura uses it very frequently and will sometimes sleep the healer based on positioning, which can lead to a bad situation. If Hibernating Hickory is up, it will prevent your trusts from healing at all unless it is moved away or dealt with quickly, generally making it a higher priority to kill unless you aren't using trusts. The only real differences on higher difficulties noticed were the double add spawn at low HP (which could potentially be attributed to burst damage just knocking it down two HP thresholds) and perhaps more frequent use of Pollenstorm. Beyond that, the stats of the enemies are just higher.
Volume 2, March 2025, Tiger | ||||||||||||||||||
Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Birds | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Undead | ||||||||||||||||||
Uses the following moves:
Casts the following spells:
Spooky Monsters:
Spooky Skeleton:
Spooky Hound:
Spooky Ghost:
Setups and Strategies:
Key Item Locations: |
Volume 2, March 2025, Aquan | ||||||||||||||||||
This month's Normal Ambuscade features an uragnite. The uragnite’s damage taken will be reduced to 1 while it’s in its shell, so it might help to bring jobs and alter egos that can deal multiple hits in quick succession. Additionally, there is a way to deal extra damage even while it’s sheltered if you meet certain conditions, so be on the lookout for that.
Setups and Strategies:
Key Item Locations:
Volume 2, March 2025, Vermin | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: The order in which monsters are defeated affect the name and strength of the next monster. Each iteration is stronger than the last and gaining different traits/abilities. Monsters do not seem to have enmity between fights. Allowing you to summon trusts between each one. Setups and Strategies: Recommended to fight the Wamoura Last, with an order of Beetle → Chapuli → Wamoura.
Volume 2, March 2025, Wivre | ||||||||||||||||||
Notes: Setups and Strategies:
Volume 2, March 2025, Wyrm | ||||||||||||||||||
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Volume 2, March 2025, Wyvern | ||||||||||||||||||
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Volume 2, March 2025, Cockatrice | ||||||||||||||||||
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