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"Well, I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I haven't been a rogue most of my life." - Jack Nicholson

Forum Discussion

THFicon.gif Feel free to ask questions about Thief or the guide in the Forum Discussion.

Why THF?


  • Frequent movement is engaging.
  • Usefulness in multiple Ultimate Weapons.
  • Empyrean, Mythic, Aeonic, and Ambuscade weapons all have clear uses.
  • Enmity control.
  • Powerful skillchain closer and partner.
  • Excellent evasion, and a tendency towards being given very good accuracy equipment.
  • PiErCiNg DaMaGe.
  • TrEaSuRe HuNtEr.
  • If you do more than just apply TH directly to the forehead. THF can be the keystone of a small farming group for Divergence, etc.
  • Multiple damage types of piercing, slashing (Naegling icon.png Naegling), and even in the extreme niche the use of H2H (Karambit icon.png Karambit) or Archery (Ullr icon.png Ullr) make it more flexible than a job like MNK.
  • Larceny is potentially very useful and key to certain zerging strategies.


  • Frequent movement is enraging.
  • Empyrean, Mythic, Aeonic, and Ambuscade weapons all have clear uses.
  • Most other jobs are more applicable with less total investment.
  • Not a "Heavy DD".
  • Lack of interested from the community at inclusion.
  • The average player gives a negative perception of a THF. I know this applies to any job, but for some reason stands out for THF.
  • Also, once again, not a "Heavy DD."
  • Lacking oomph in its toolkit.
  • "Mandau"? More like "Badnow".
  • What the fuck, SE?
  • Requirement of a deep investment if you wish to be all the Thief you can be.
  • Most other jobs are more applicable with less total investment.
  • Funky looking Job Specific Armor?
  • Why not just be a DNC at this point? Did I mention DNC? Yeah...

Traits and Abilities

Job Ability
Lvl. Name Equipment of Note
1 Perfect Dodge Plun. Armlets icon.png
5 Steal Various Items
15 Sneak Attack Nothing Worthwhile
25 Flee Pill. Poulaines +3 icon.png
30 Trick Attack Nothing Worthwhile
35 Mug Plun. Bonnet +3 icon.png
45 Hide Pillager's Vest icon.png
65 Accomplice Skulker's Bonnet +1 icon.png
65 Collaborator Skulker's Bonnet +1 icon.png
75 Merit Points Assassin's Charge Yes, but don't merit this.
75 Merit Points Feint Plun. Culottes icon.png
77 Despoil Skulk. Culottes +1 icon.png
87 Conspirator Skulker's Vest +1 icon.png
93 Bully
96 Larceny


Merit Points
Name Description Level Notes
Group 1
Flee Recast Shorten recast time by 10 seconds. 0/5 Not needed, and the points are better spent elsewhere.
Hide Recast Shorten recast time by 10 seconds. 0/5 Not needed, and the points are better spent elsewhere.
Sneak Attack Recast Shorten recast time by 2 seconds. 0/5~5/5 I went 3/5 just to balance out with TA, but 5/5 is MAXIMUM DPS POWAR!!!!!
Trick Attack Recast Shorten recast time by 2 seconds. 0/5~5/5 It is sometimes easier or more useful to connect TA than SA.
Triple Attack Rate Increase triple attack rate by 1 percent. 5/5 Max this out.
Group 2
Assassin's Charge Will triple your next attack. Recast: 5min.
Increase chance of fourfold attack by 5 percent.
0/5 This JA didn't scale well. We TP so quickly, and TA does little for WS damage, it's not worth it.
Feint Your next attack will greatly reduce an enemy's evasion. Recast: 2min.
Increase chance of Treasure Hunter level up by 25 percent.
5/5 Helps with Treasurer Hunter gains, and your Relic Pants increase the effect by 10 per level. Good idea to max this.
Aura Steal Adds a Dispel effect to Steal. Occasionally absorbs dispelled effect.
Increase absorb rate by 20 percent.
1/5~5/5 There is an argument to be made that you should forgo ambush and just max this, but I feel Ambush comes into play more often.
Ambush Grants an accuracy bonus to melee and ranged attacks from behind an enemy.
Increase accuracy bonus by 3.
0/5~4/5 This isn't amazing, but a passive minor bonus is better than nothing.
Relic Body +3 with Tauret Evisceration pairs nicely with this.

Support Jobs

Fighter's Mask icon.png Warrior

This is your highest damage option for sub jobs if your attack isn't capped due to Berserk and Warcry. Aggressor is not the worst thing to have either. However, it lacks Invisible, Sneak, damage mitigation, or healing, and as such is only viable when you have reliable healing or are fighting a monster with no Area of affect moves/spells/abilities.

Chaos Burgeonet icon.png Dark Knight

This is a more useful sub than you might think, and not just for niche situations. The Attack Bonus trait is the highest you will get and Last Resort will be identical to Berserk for a Thief. Since this guide clearly only advocates for Wanton Disregard, you also get Soul Eater to eat away at 8.5%-7% of your HP a swing. Whew baby! Otherwise, if you go from needing attack to capping it. Then the Damage Limit+ trait is actually a solid boost.
As for niche situations, Poisonga is really useful for applying Treasure Hunter to a field of monsters in an event such as Omen or Divergence. Especially since it gets resisted most of the time against anything foe of consequence. Stun isn't the worst thing, and allows for slight enmity control of stray foes.

Drachen Armet icon.png Dragoon

Enmity shedding with High Jump aside, the WS Damage Boost trait is what makes this the best sub for DDing while attack capped. The Conserve TP isn't terrible either given that Double Attack as a trait is weak for THF. The Accuracy Bonus will certainly come into play too. Despite lacking an ability to raise your attack when needed. The sub offers you a lot without lowering your defense further. Once you gain Super Jump this sub synergizes nicely with Collaborator, Accomplice, and Sneak Attack.

Dancer's Tiara icon.png Dancer

This sub offers sufficient utility, as well as healing should you be doing an event where trusts are not allowed or there are some shall we say— issues.
Dancer provides Sneak and Invisible, and eventually the most important bonus from any sub, Chocobo Jig. Haste Samba is "aggressively medium", while lacking buffs, but a Box Step right before you go to WS is a nice contribution to the group. Skillchain Bonus is generally underrated, and can really make the sub worthwhile in the right hands. Speaking of which: Subtle Blow.
This is one of the main subs for "soloing" as a Thf. While leveling, the time to start using Dancer as your Support is at 40 so you have access to Dual Wield.

Ninja Hatsuburi icon.png Ninja

Sometimes you just need damage or TP move mitigation. This sub also offers sneak and invisible.
Since Thief doesn't get native Dual Wield until Level 83, subbing Ninja starting at Level 20 is the best option until you reach 40. You may then use Dancer as your support.
From 50+ /NIN will still provide another tier of Dual wield until 90/98 when a third is granted and then natively gained.

Runeist Bandeau icon.png Rune Fencer

This is the defensive subjob of choice if shadows aren't viable, which is a lot of endgame content. Magic defense bonus, Runes, Vallation/Valiance are sweet for magical mitigation. Runes will offer you 58 resistance of an element of your choice.
Thief (as well as Dancer) may also push upwards of a 20% parry rate with this sub, Turms Leggings +1, and a parry +5 augment on an Ambuscade cape. Pretty neat.

Note: I wrote the sub /50+ sections assuming that the cap will eventually be /68.

Weapon Skills

  • Dancing Edge Scission SC Icon.png / Detonation SC Icon.png - Useful in multistep skillchaining to add an extra step in either a dark or light sequence. The damage is unremarkable and comparable to Exenterator.
  • Shark Bite Fragmentation SC Icon.png - Another skillchain weapon skill, but this one is stronger.
  • Evisceration Gravitation SC Icon.png - Still mostly for skillchaining unless you are wielding the Tauret icon.png Tauret. With which the damage shoots up, and Evisceration becomes your primary WS when Sneak Attack and Trick Attack are down. Evisceration with your trusty Ambuscade dagger is a superior choice over utilizing other popular weapons when your attack is lower than the monster's defense.
  • Aeolian Edge Impaction SC Icon.png / Scission SC Icon.png / Detonation SC Icon.png - Magical AoEs goes woooooosh woooosh wooooosh wooosh, dead mobs. Aeolian Edge is used for AoE burning monsters.
  • Exenterator Fragmentation SC Icon.png / Scission SC Icon.png - It is sad how bad this is for a merited/Aeonic weapon skill. The only reason to use it is for skillchaining with an Aeneas icon.png Aeneas.
  • Mercy Stroke - Don't use Mandau icon.png Mandau.
  • Rudra's Storm Dark SC Icon.png / Distortion SC Icon.png - Our weapon skill with the strongest damage potential. You need the attack to push big Rudra's though.
  • Mandalic Stab Fusion SC Icon.png / Compression SC Icon.png - Mandalic is ideal for closing light skillchains with Sneak or Trick Attack. The 75% attack bonus on Mandalic Stab makes it likely to be a superior choice of weapon skill for a when your attack is lower than the monster's defense.

Choosing Weapon Skills

Skillchaining should be prioritized by any job, within reason. As should a set with Skillchain Damage Bonus. Especially now that the Nyame armor and an augmented Warder's Charm +1 exists. Skillchaining is simply free damage, and when multistepped it is a lot of free damage.
THF is somewhat obviously not a WAR. Playing it like a heavy DD with Treasure Hunter, and simply spamming your most powerful weapon skill is often wasted potential, and why other jobs are preferred by the average adventurer. Dagger intentionally has lower damage and better Skillchain properties compared to something like Great Sword. Which skillchains like absolute ass. Don't play against the grain because THF already has ground to make up as a DD, so skillchain.

Otherwise, your weapon skill with the most damage potential is naturally Rudra's Storm. However, outside of factoring in skillchains, Rudra's is not always the best choice. It really suffers when your attack is starved. Which would be easiest to define as either a negative (sub 1.0) pDIF or a low pDIF around the 1.0 range. Which would be even easier to define as "NO STRONK, NEED MOAR BUFFS/DEBUFFS."
In such a case if you have a well augmented Vajra then it is your ideal choice for spamming stacked and unstacked Mandalic Stabs. Your second best and most likely choice would be to use Tauret with unstacked evisceration spam, and stacked Rudra's.


  • Skillchain within reason. Otherwise:

Are your metaphorical nuts buffed?:

  • Then Rudra's the night away.

Are your metaphorical nuts not being buffed?:

  • Then Tauret Evisceration spam unstacked, and stack RS.
  • Unless you have an augmented Vajra, and then you can Mandalic Stab the night away.


Level 1 → 2:

  • Liquefaction SC Icon.png Liquefaction → Impaction SC Icon.png Impaction = Fusion SC Icon.png Fusion
  • Induration SC Icon.png Induration → Reverberation SC Icon.png Reverberation = Fragmentation SC Icon.png Frag
  • Detonation SC Icon.png Detonation → Compression SC Icon.png Compression = Gravitation SC Icon.png Gravitation
  • Transfixion SC Icon.png Transfixion → Scission SC Icon.png Scission = Distortion SC Icon.png Distortion

Level 2 → 3:

  • Gravitation SC Icon.png Gravitation → Fragmentation SC Icon.png Frag = Fragmentation SC Icon.png Frag
  • Distortion SC Icon.png Distortion → Fusion SC Icon.png Fusion = Fusion SC Icon.png Fusion
  • Fusion SC Icon.png Fusion → Gravitation SC Icon.png Gravitation = Gravitation SC Icon.png Gravitation
  • Fragmentation SC Icon.png Frag → Distortion SC Icon.png Distortion = Distortion SC Icon.png Distortion
  • Fusion SC Icon.png Fusion ↔ Fragmentation SC Icon.png Frag = Light SC Icon.png Light
  • Gravitation SC Icon.png Gravitation ↔ Distortion SC Icon.png Distortion = Dark SC Icon.png Dark

Level 3:

  • Light SC Icon.png Light ↔ Light SC Icon.png Light = Light SC Icon.png Light/Radiance
  • Dark SC Icon.png Dark ↔ Dark SC Icon.png Dark = Dark SC Icon.png Dark/Umbra



Treasure Hunter

TH Gear Options  
Gandring icon.pngGandring description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png Plun. Armlets +3 icon.pngPlun. Armlets +3 description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Skulk. Poulaines +3 icon.pngSkulk. Poulaines +3 description.png
  TH +12

Look, we all seem to act like Treasure Hunter is some mystery, but it is not.

  • A THF also must be on the hate list for TH to be active. It can't just stand there and give the effect.
  • TH is actually a type of debuff. So it is safe to say that the Thief must act offensively against the target to apply the effect, and not simply gain hate with a non-offensive ability or spell on a party member with enmity.
  • This means you don't have to melee, but you must use something like Bully or Provoke. Collaborator, Warcry, etc will get you on the list, but not apply TH.
  • This can be seen in Voidwatch where TH grants a bonus to uncapped lights. The bonus only occurs if the Thief acts offensively against the target, and not for being in party or idly using something on a party member with hate.
  • You may remove TH equipment and retain the current effect.
  • If the monster goes idle then TH is lost.
  • TH caps at +8 on equipment. This includes your trait of +3.
  • Procs increase TH further to 12, and upwards of 14 with Job Point Gifts.
  • TH makes things drop more frequently, stop nitpicking how much it matters.
  • Here is a the official SE post on TH. It won't mean anything to most players. All you need to know is what was just said prior.
  • If an item shares the same drop slot then Treasure Hunter will not increase drop rate.
  • Stop being weird and making up rumors:
  • A THF doesn't need to land the last hit.
  • No special item helps with TH or drop rates other than TH+ items.
  • Moon phases are for boobs in tinfoil hats.
  • Dying on THF doesn't reset TH value

Procing TH

  • Multiple Thieves may work in tandem to each proc and raise the same TH level of a foe.
  • No matter how much TH+ equipment you wear, you may not proc higher than TH 8 → 9 for the first proc.
  • Wearing a total Treasure Hunter level equal to or lower than the current TH level on an opponent decreases the chance of procing TH.
  • You must have at least a level higher than the current level applied to increase the rate of TH procs.
  • Proc occurences caps at a set rate.[1] Wearing more TH+ than the next level will not increase the rate it increases.
  • This fixed proc rate of TH increase is not static for all levels. TH proc rates are capped at a fixed rate, but that set rate decreases with each level increase on TH. [2]
  • Those two official posts are a perfect example of why players are confused. SE's messaging has lead to confusion, but now that we know, it is simple.
  • Nonetheless, you need to be above the current level to avoid a decrease in proc rate.
  • TH may proc on a WS, but you wont receive a message.
  • TH Only procs on the first hit of an attack round.


Eminent Dagger icon.png Eminent Dagger366px link= More than likely your first ilevel weapon.

Homestead Dagger icon.png Homestead Dagger366px link= This is the most easily obtained ilvl 119 dagger. It will provide you a solid accuracy boost for early levels.

Atoyac icon.png Atoyac366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Acc +30
Occ. Atk. Twice
Acc +15
This is from the Wildskeeper Reive NM Tchakka in Foret de Hennetiel so it shouldn't be terribly difficult for a new player to acquire. It can be augmented with occasionally attacks twice. This will be your best offhand early in your Thieving. Keep in mind the lower skill comes with lower accuracy, but the augments should compensate for that a bit.
Fight Hurkan in Marjami Ravine for the augment.

Izhiikoh icon.png Izhiikoh366px link= Take a few moments to acquire this in Delve. This dagger will serve you well until you obtain something better like a Shijo, Kaja Knife, or even a Taming Sari.

Sabebus icon.png Sabebus366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Path B
This dagger is able to serve you as a stop gap if you take a moment to get it. You may offhand it over Atoyac if you need the accuracy, but then again you can just use the Homestead Dagger for that purpose. At least until you move on to a better dagger like the Ternion Dagger +1, Jugo Kukri +1, or Shijo.
Can't see a reason to get this over the Izhiikoh in the mainhand as they are roughly equal to obtain in difficulty; all things considered.

Sandung icon.png Sandung366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Acc +50
Crit +5%
TA +3%
A good choice for the Treasure Hunter +1 or accuracy, but is poor on DPS despite the bonus to Weapon Skill Damage. If you finished Rhapsodies of Vana'diel you may augment it, but by that point you shouldn't bother.

Once augmented this is still only good dagger to help reach necessary levels of accuracy if you fall short, and even then that is an very poor excuse to use this.

  • The bottom line is that working on the following daggers as offhands such as Ternion Dagger +1, Shijo, or even a Taming Sari or augmented Skinflayer are significantly better daggers and uses of time.
There is no reason to ever mainhand this dagger either thanks to the Kaja Knife. Do not waste your time ever making this.
TL;DR: Garbage, get a Shijo (D) instead.

Ipetam icon.png Ipetam366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Crit Dmg. +
You get this for free from Intermediate RoE objectives, but this isn't worthwhile to augment. Just get the Izhiikoh and save yourself time and money.

Jugo Kukri +1 icon.png Jugo Kukri +1366px link= Augment-Icon.png
DMG +13
Acc +40
Eva +20
This dagger is fairly easy to acquire from the UNM Vedrfolnir if you have some friends and Baraera, but the initial problem is the lack of accuracy. Upon augmenting this becomes a nice offhand, especially for the evasion. However, augmenting Ternion +1 would be the better choice.

Ternion Dagger +1 icon.png Ternion Dagger +1366px link= Augment-Icon.png
DMG +17
Acc +40
WSD +5%
Roughly equal in its unaugmented form to offhanding a Jugo +1, but with an accuracy boost that becomes the determining factor. This is an incredibly solid offhand when augmented though. Barring any accuracy needs, it is not the best offhand for the leading combinations such as Tauret/Gletis or Shijo, Aeneas/Twash, TwashR15/Gletis, or TwashR15/Cento, but it has some real value still.

The evasion is slightly better than other offhand options as well. Furthermore, the dagger has Subtle Blow on it, and can also be used as an offhand by other jobs such as BST or NIN if you are a fan of niche situations.

  • While this dagger is outclased by Gleti's Knife R0+ it is still a good choice, and the best one until then for most weapon combos.

Shijo icon.png Shijo366px link= Augment-Icon.png
D) TA +2
DW +5%
DEX +15
With the introduction of this dagger as a reward from Domain Invasion, any Thief can obtain this with almost no effort in 2-3 real days. Path D will serve as an offhand until you obtain Taming Sari or an augmented Skinflayer.

While working on Kaja Knife, pair this offhand with your Izhiikoh unless you feel like obtaining two. In which case create a Path C for your mainhand with Path D in your offhand. You should just have a Kaja Knife mainhand though instead of a second Shijo.

  • Your Izhiikoh has now reached the end of it's mileage at this point.

Taming Sari icon.png Taming Sari366px link= Augment-Icon.png
DMG +15
TH +1
For newer THFs this is the best mainhand dagger you can get before Kaja/Tauret, Ultimate Weapon, or a very well augmented Skinflayer. The base stats are solid, but the potential augments are icing on the cake. If you can put up with doing enough Sinister Reign runs.
The Max Augments are Damage +15, Strength +10, Dexterity +10 and Treasure Hunter +1, but DMG +14, STR and DEX +9/8 are much more common and perfectly acceptable. This is a pain to augment though given the nature of random Sinister Reign augments.

Skinflayer icon.png Skinflayer366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Acc/Atk +
Crit. Dmg +
This is a pretty decent dagger if you play the augment game with Oseem, and competes with or all things depending may even surpass a Taming Sari if you get great augments. Aim for DEX+ and Crit Dmg+ or TA+, if it is a mainhand then DMG+ as well.

Even with the inclusion of this to Domain Invasion, it is hard to justify even aiming for this dagger anymore given the introduction of the superior Tauret. Even the Kaja Knife is a superior choice and saves you the time and effort. Besides, you have Herculean to spend time augmenting anyway instead, and the DI poits are better spent on an Odr Earring. If this was just handed to you though rather than bought with DI points, then given the aforementioned it may still be a good choice for your THF.

  • Use a Kaja Knife instead, and spam Evisceration and SA or TA Rudras when the timers are up and you will outperform a Skinflayer or Taming Sari in your mainhand.

Centovente icon.png Centovente366px link= Augment-Icon.png
TP Bonus +1k
Ah yes, the offhand for THFs trying to win Daddy's Love™ on the parse in the hopes that he return from a 20 year trip to get some cigarettes. All while they just try to prove that "THF IS THE BEST JOB GUIZ!"
When augmented with 1,000 TP bonus this dagger can serve as the best offhand for Rudra's Storm and Mandalic Stab thanks to their fTP scaling. The caveat being that you will be sitting with about ~225 accuracy less in your offhand than your main. As long as that doesn't impair your hitrate too much then this offhand can excel for Twashtar R15 or Vajra R15.
This is not an offhand for Aeneas or Tauret.

When it comes to Twashtar/Centovente, you must be well buffed, and the mob debuffed so that you aren't being cockblocked by your PDIF. Otherwise, Tauret/Gleti's Knife would be a superior combo, and that is a more frequent occurrence than people seem to realize or give credit to.

  • Don't tell the posters on that though. They might be thrown into a tailspin when faced with navigating situations they don't just ignore when considering weapon choices! "YEAH, BUT MY GROUP OR ANY GOOD GROUP SHOULD ALWAYS MEET THE CRITERIA THAT I SAY THEY SHOULD WHICH MAKES THIS "BIS"!" - The general attitude of the "pros" on

Gleti's Knife icon.png Gleti's Knife366px link= Augment-Icon.png
DMG +10
Atk +40
Acc +10
This is generally the best offhand for situations which don't involve Centovente. Especially so for Tauret, as this dagger makes the perfect offhand companion for it as well as a Twashtar or Vajra in need of accuracy. Which likely also means being in need of the sweet attack boost a fully augmented Gleti's Knife provides.

Rank this up to R25 if you can, but it is also good at R0, and replaces Ternion R15 outside of niche stuff.

Crepuscular Knife icon.png Crepuscular Knife366px link= This occupies an odd spot in world of daggers. It is not an easy drop to obtain due to the bullshit droprate. You wouldn't use it over Gleti's while being uncapped on attack. If you have a Twashtar then you wouldn't use it over Centovente when capping attack unless you can't hit the target. A Twashtar would also be a better offhand for Aeneas while capping attack.

Otherwise, this dagger is right there for the top spot as an offhand when capping attack, but not capping accuracy. It isn't that different from using Gleti's Knife though, and the additional effect is the same as the Twilight Knife. Which is so lame now that it shouldn't have even been added.
If this were an easy drop then there be something to being so niche, but honestly, why do you do these things SE?

Tauret icon.png Tauret366px link= An Ultimate Weapon in all but definition. The final two stages of the Ambuscade dagger are the best you can get short of Aeneas or Twashtar, and even then it is not far away. In attack starved situations a Tauret is also the best you can get sans an R15 Vajra, and should be what you use if under-buffed. Evisceration +50% turns what is already a good weapon skill into the best option when Sneak Attack and Trick Attack aren't ready. The weapon also nice for Aeolean Edge given its nice magical stats.

All around, Tauret is quite a bone to be thrown.
It is very obtainable for all players, given enough patience.

The Kaja Knife stage before the Tauret will be the best knife for aspiring Thieves before upgrading to the final stage or an Aeneas or Twashtar.
  • Offhand this with a Shijo Path D or the superior Gleti's Knife.

Ultimate Weapons

Augment Rank 0  

Mandau (Level 119 III) icon.png Mandau (Level 119 III)366px link= Oh how times change. Mandau was once a mighty weapon, but nowadays it is nothing except an ornamental time sink. Rudras and even Mandalic dance all over Mercy Stroke so the pittance of an aftermath from this weapon isn't even worth activating. Normally a Relic weapon is still at least better than other ordinary options, but even a decently augmented Taming Sari is a much better weapon than this. So why bother?

That is right, Mandau is worse than just using a crappy Taming Sari Augment-Icon.png, and the attack+ doesn't even work in the offhand. Wow.

Certainly, not all that glitters is gold.

Vajra (Level 119 III) icon.png Vajra (Level 119 III)366px link= It is okay to love the Vag, but not the Vajra as this weapon seems to have somewhat of a cult status. Where certain players will swear by it as the best dagger. Certainly it can be as well, but ultimately it is not the best dagger at R0.

A Thief already runs a high rate of multi attack, and the order of effects occuring is Quad → Triple → Double → Occ. Attacks twice or thrice. This means the gain in swings from activating AM3 on this weapon is greatly diminished which eats away at its performance. Roughly, you will only be swinging about +10% more depending on your gear and buffs.
The next caveat of this weapon is that it is very dependent on successfully utilizing Sneak and Trick Attack. Every time the monster turns during SA or a player moves during TA it is a bigger deal than with other weapons.
Bottom line, this weapon is better than most, but generally not the best. If you are in serious need of only the fusion property from Mandalic to close skillchains or in some situation where you are holding TP to 3,000 regularly then this weapon has a chance at beating out the rest. Overall, these are not a common occurrences, and the bonuses of Aeneas will carry the day time and again.
Vajra is not a weak dagger or even far behind. The issue is that Rudra's is a beast, and an R0 Aeneas feeds that beast better. Things do change though with the boost to R15.

Twashtar (Level 119 III) icon.png Twashtar (Level 119 III)366px link= This is the Empyrean dagger, and will be set to one of your two hands if you acquire it. It generally beats out any competition from ordinary weapons, and best sits in your offhand if you acquire it and either the mythic Vajra (Level 119 III) or ideally an Aeneas. I say generally because newer daggers post R15, such as Gleti's Knife. Are power creeping their way into taking the place of R0 options.

Aeneas icon.png Aeneas366px link= Everyone calls this dagger "anus", and that is why you should make it. By everyone I mean me, but hey.

This weapon excels both while performing skillchains and for turning your brain off to spam with, thanks to its TP Bonus and STP+. This also means you can not over hold TP with this weapon when you apply it to that coveted position of smooth brain spamming. So try not to WS over a TP Bonus total of 2k. A little less is fine, and if it would mean missing out on a SC. Then it be even better not to hold TP at all.
Given how easy it is to make now, and given how well it preforms at R0. This is the only Ultimate Weapon dagger I feel a casual THFs should go make. Aeneas and a Tauret will cover your needs on THF without going down the equipment rabbit hole.

With Aeneas equipped, THF has the ability to either create solo Umbra or Radiance, but this is more often a situational need rather than a mandated playstyle of the weapon. That being said, with buffs such as Allies Roll or SCD+ equipment, Aeneas can bring out powerful Umbra's. The Radiances's would be a matter of the skillchain damage given how weak Exenterator is, but being a later step in the chain helps a little bit at least.
Skillchains represent the potential for a huge damage increase, but more often players tend to look for a way to brute force through things instead. Aeneas is both a respectable brute force weapon, and an excellent weapon to skillchain with.

  • These skillchains are still valid for general use without Aeneas, but simply create double light or dark instead.
Augment Rank 15  

Mandau (Level 119 III) icon.png Mandau (Level 119 III)366px link= Augment-Icon.png
DMG +7
Mercy Stroke +20%
TA dmg +10%
Nope, Mandau still sucks. What are you, farming dragon beads or something?

Vajra (Level 119 III) icon.png Vajra (Level 119 III)366px link= Augment-Icon.png
DMG: +15
Mandalic Stab +15%
Acc/MAcc +30
Fuck yeah, augments!

Mythics in general received the largest boost and leveling of the playing field when it comes to R15s. First off, to get it out of the way. Yes, it does push out our strongest Fusion SC Icon.png Fusion WS. Then again, it is our only Fushion WS. However will you apply such earth-shattering information?! I can't even fathom.
Furthermore, while Vajra takes less of a DPS hit from a full Malignance DT set than the other daggers. THF still does have all that native TA as well as other MA gear, and the AM3 doesn't really help with our WSs. Malignance alone doesn't abruptly flip the landscape of a competent THF with Aeneas or Twashtar in favor of Vajra. No matter how thoroughly parroted into a platitude 5/5 Malignance is.
However, your Malignance set and its obvious utility does level the playing field. To the point where you could potentially write off such a potential DPS Vajra win on paper. As being edged out due to the fact that AM3 maintenance and landing consistent SA/TAs is not to be taken for granted. Despite any of this, it stands to reason that there is a more justification to forge a Vajra first before the far less versatile Twashtar.
Now, as far as the less beaten path goes. Yes, this weapon does still lag behind during those moments where you are fully buffed. Which is to say that you are capping attack, spamming Rudras, and pretending to be all the WAR-esque THF that you can be. Hopefully, that is not why you are reading this though.
All in all, Vajra excels in three notable situations.

  1. SkIlLcHaInInG.
    Vajra provides a powerful Fusion SC Icon.png Fusion option, but the extra 30% critical damage bonus to SA/TA allows Vajra to provide the strongest stacked SC closers. Yes-- stronger. This does happen.
  2. "Severely" low pDif.
    The buffed Mandalic Stab is really great for times when you are not anywhere near capping attack, and R15 excels at this over Tauret. This will happen.
  3. Underestimating your pDif.
    Just because you are buffed, doesn't mean you are capping attack. Vajra can bridge that gap while potentially utilizing Pdl bonuses as well. This will happen.

Twashtar (Level 119 III) icon.png Twashtar (Level 119 III)366px link= Augment-Icon.png
DMG: +4
Rudra's Storm +10%
Everyone's favorite pie server, and in-law stabber at an American Thanksgiving.

R15 really recaptured the Twatswatter in everyone's imagination. Well, that and the TP Bonus of Centovente in the offhand. In a buffed to the 9s sort of situation, Twash/Cento will represent your maximum of raw DPS output potential if you you can overcome that 225 accuracy difference from using it.
So be all the THF that you can be while you chase after daddy's love on the parse. He may just come back from that vacation to pick up some milk and cigs. Only if you replace the lack of his love for your mommy with your XI parse numbers though.

Word to the wise, but unless you start the fight with 3k TP, do not aim for AM3. Instead you should have a constant stream of AM1. During SA and TP overflow, the irregular AM2. AM3 is wasted damage potential, especially with Centovente. Otherwise, this dagger is straight forward.
Do not mistake the importance of your pDif though when it comes to Rudras spam, ergo the focus of this weapon. If things aren't lining up in your favor for buffs/debuffs then even Tauret/Gleti's would be a superior combo to Twash or Aeneas.
Ultimately Twash is rather one dimensional. Though, the dominate dimension of general attention, and that is unambiguous damage.

  • R0 Aeneas/Twash or Gletis Ranything or Terion +1 R15, should rather easily out preform R0 Twash/Cento. Make sure you augment your Twashtar.

Aeneas icon.png Aeneas366px link= Augment-Icon.png
DMG: +6
Exenterator +10%
Acc/MAcc +30
Please make sure you read the R0 description first.
Now, I am not sure what world we went from in the years this guide has been around. Where to the question of daggers, the answer ad nauseum was a rather universal parroting of "Aeneas/Twash". Now the same birds are squawking in a way that leads the average inquisitive player to feel compelled to make Twash or be a weak Thief. It takes on a life of its own in the community. A tone has also emerged amongst all the muddled banter. One over the years of the guide being "off", "wrong", or "mistaken".
Yes, Centovente changes things, and my harping of an aforementioned world didn't once include that dagger.
Yes, R15 Twash gets a 10% boost to Rudra's Storm.
Yes, I am going to be comparing R15 Aeneas to R15 Twash because that is fair.
Lets break this down a bit though. Before the increase in cynicism upon myself from this guide gets the best of me.

Peanut Gallery: "Look at all that DEX on Twashtar! Rudra's is like 80% DEX! Twash must be much stronger!"

  • Weapon damage and Rudra's 80% DEX modifier are added to each other at the same time in the WS damage equation. That is then multiplied by your TP (fTP), and then to the ratio of your attack over the monster's defense (pDif). That is a picture of your WS damage in a nutshell. (Weapon Damage + fSTR + WSC) x fTP x pDif. That Rudra's bonus on Twash is added on after the fact.
  • Since these are added together first. 80% of that extra 20 DEX over Aeneas's 18 extra base damage doesn't matter as much as you might think it does.
  • Increasing a smaller multiplier in a multi-step damage equation generally helps more than increasing a larger multiplier further. In this case your smaller multipliers are fTP and pDif.
  • For Twash/Gleti vs Aeneas/Twash it is only a difference of +10 for Rudra's or Shark Bite, +3 for Mandalic, and -1 for Evis. All essentially in favor of Twash, but this is not a powerful factor compared to fTP and pDif. You could honestly pretend the DEX/AGI and Weapon Damage of the weapons don't even exist, and the combo delays are equal. Twash/Cento is not in dispute here.
  • This all changes for Aeneas/Gleti's. Which you should use if you aren't capping attack or are making Radiance.However, I don't believe it really changes the overall picture.
  • Unless you have a bad COR that crookeds a Samurai Roll instead of Chaos Roll in such a situation. Hey, now..
  • Now, Rudra's Storm fTP is 5.0, 10.19, and 13 at 1k, 2k, and 3k respectively, and scales with TP between values.
  • The crux of either dagger combo is ultimately how long you hold TP.
  • Holding TP past 2,000 diminishes the gains from fTP for Rudra's. So you gain more DPS by WSing rather than holding further. Especially if you can SC.
  • Aeneas gains TP more than a whole attack round faster than Twash/Gleti's on average. Thanks to the STP and TP Bonus allowing you to WS sooner.
  • This provides a psuedo offset to the 10% boost to Rudras Storm from Twashtar. You ideally are WSing more often with Aeneas than with Twash.
  • Even if Twash produces stronger Rudra's. Both weapons formidable for general DPS.

Peanut Gallery: "But Empyrean Aftermath!!!1"

  • What about it? Your total DPS ratio between white damage to WS damage is lopsided towards WS damage. Chasing after AM3 is going to cost your overall DPS, and AM1 with some AM2 doesn't really move the needle. Your gear choices would be far more significant than your empyrean AM.
  • This is all without even discussing skillchains. Which is a rather open ended topic. I sat down maping out some theoretical examples on Umbra and Radiance compared to other daggers. Only to stop and ask myself why the fuck I was even doing this. Honestly, as long as you keep what is said in the guide. Then you should be capable of evaluating the value of skillchains and multi-stepping.
    The best part of Aeneas is that it is ideally suited towards multi-stepping while also being able to spam Rudras otherwise.
    Exenterator needs any boost it can get, and R15 is one. Yes, you should carry the Sacro MantleSacro Mantle description.png and Nyame Path B. You should do that for any dagger. Start asking your COR to ditch Chaos Roll for Allies when you are capping your pDif, and go to town.
    While often overlooked, using the Obi according to the day/weather of your SC damage will go further too. Keep in mind that this depends on targeting the elemental weakness of your enemy as a Dark or Light SC is not just light or dark damage.
    See the Resist aka "SDT" page for more on that.
    All in all, yes, any dagger can SC, but thanks to the stats on Aeneas. It has more going for it when multi-step SCing with other WSs like Shark Bite, Dancing Edge, or Mandalic than its competitors.

Gandring icon.png Gandring366px link= Augment-Icon.png
DMG +5
EVA +100
EVA TP +50
DMG +5
Follow-up attack +50%
"Subtle Blow II" +25
Ultimate? I think not, but it costs moneys, has lolTH+, and provides some super niche utility. So that must be worth something, ultimately.

Great for evasion or for being one of our few Subtle Blow II options. Otherwise, it isn't some DD powerhouse. Just like THF.


  • Mandau still sucks.
  • Aeneas is great at SkIlLcHaInInG. R15 is even better.
  • R15 Twash and R15 Aeneas preforming Rudra's Storms is a competitive combo, and could be considered a DPS wash overall. Look, the dev team balanced something!
  • If you are capping attack then Aeneas/Twash should out preform Twashtar/Gleti.
  • If you are not capping attack then Aeneas/Gleti should preform closely to Twash/Gleti.
  • I would give the edge to R15 Twash there.
  • I am going to put Aeneas/Gleti in the unattack capped unstacked Rudra's set though, just to fuck with people who don't read the guide.
  • If you are holding TP, and not WSing efficiently then Twash will win, obviously.
  • Don't be afraid to WS at lower TP to SC with another player. That is also part of how you take advantage of Aeneas.
  • R15 Twash is a superior combo to R15 Aeneas if:
  • You are offhanding Centovente, spamming Rudras, and are not inhibited by that 225 accuracy loss.
  • You WS ASAP to make optimal use of the offhand.
  • I have witnesses far too many THFs hitting 2-3k TP with Twash/Cento before WSing.
  • Just because you see that you did the most powerful WS numbers. Doesn't mean your overall DPS is reflecting your suboptimal WS frequency.
  • R15 Vajra/Centovente is a superior combo to everything if:
  • You are spamming Mandalic while also rather attack starved and are not inhibited by the accuracy loss.

Dagger creation order:
The order I would recommend a THF create daggers in is Kaja Knife/Shijo D → Tauret/Gleti's KnifeAeneas/Gleti's Knife → Gleti's R25 → Vajra R15 → Twashtar R15 → Aeneas R15.

  • Stop at Aeneas in that sequence if you aren't trying to come to content as a THF over other jobs.

Equipment Sets

Prioritizing Equipment

There are two main sets a THF needs. The first major one is the TP set in which you first want to cap your delay reduction. The next are your WS sets, and obviously you should have some DT sets as a third priority if you want to be valued. Woah, lets cool it on that sick elitist rhetoric, right?
Well, if you didn't care then you wouldn't be reading any advice on being better. So, dont be that guy, and make some defensive sets for physical, magical, magic evasion, evasion, etc. As long as you cap Damage Taken you can always go back later and min max out some sets, but have something worthwhile to resort to. Fortunately, there are sets below for you!

So your TP set on THF generally requires 26% equipment haste, 44% magic haste, and a certain amount of dual wield based on the buffs you have. You can go to Attack Speed for the more intricate numbers. If you're fully buffed though, you need DW+11, or DW+6 if you've acquired 550 JP.

After you've reached that (or very close) you need to stack accuracy until you are around the accuracy cap for the content you're doing. This is going to vary, but sometimes other players or pages on the wiki will explain the accuracy required. Parsing with third party tools is the best way to get this right otherwise.

Next step is to stack Triple Attack and Store TP. I'd value +2~2.5 STP similar to 1% Triple Attack. This comparison is going to change based on your gear and buffs, as the more TA you get, the more STP helps, and vice versa, so try for a general balance around that ratio.

If you can't decide between two pieces after all of that is considered, choose the one with more magic evasion or defensive stats, as you can't deal any damage while dead.

For weapon skills you largely need one type of gear, which is to stack DEX and Weapon skill damage+. Rudra's Storm and Mandalic Stab are our two strongest WS and both scale nicely with just those two main stats. Evisceration needs crit damage and then crit rate gear, as well as some more Accuracy+ to consider
For Exenterator, just stack AGI/ACC/ATT as it doesn't crit and doesn't scale well with WSD. Rudra's is your bread and butter WS, strong both stacked and unstacked, but you need attack buffs to really pump out any cool numbers. In a scenario where you have to deal without attack buffs, Mandalic, which has a native attack boost to it, can outpace Rudra's. This is true in general, but especially is with an augmented mythic.

If you are just a mule/new THF looking to be better than worthless. Toss on your Tauret/Shijo and spam Evisceration while SCing with SA or TA Rudras.


Job Specific Equipment
Item Upgrade? Notes
Pill. Bonnet +3 icon.png
Pill. Bonnet +3366px link=
Yes While eventually being replaced for unstacked WSs. This is the best for stacked WSs.
Pillager's Vest +3 icon.png
Pillager's Vest +3366px link=
Yes Great for TPing.
Pill. Armlets +3 icon.png
Pill. Armlets +3366px link=
Maybe The TA bonus is not worth using them for.
These hands are a piece for DW sets when underbuffed.
Pill. Culottes +3 icon.png
Pill. Culottes +3366px link=
Yes Good for Evisceration, and TPing.
Pill. Poulaines +3 icon.png
Pill. Poulaines +3366px link=
No Essentially only for Flee or Movement Speed.
You don't need these, and know if you will make them on your own.
Plun. Bonnet +3 icon.png
Plun. Bonnet +3366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Aura Steal
Maybe Great for unstacked WSs before Nyame R20+, but then replaced.
Retains its place as a macro piece for HP Mug and Aura Steal if you merit it.
Plunderer's Vest +3 icon.png
Plunderer's Vest +3366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Adds TA to Ambush
Yes Evisceration, Ambush TPing if merited, and Unstacked WSs before Nyame.
Plun. Armlets +3 icon.png
Plun. Armlets +3366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Perfect Dodge
Yes PD and TH.
Plun. Culottes +3 icon.png
Plun. Culottes +3366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Yes Unstacked WS, and Feint usage.
Plun. Poulaines +3 icon.png
Plun. Poulaines +3366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Assassin's Charge
Yes TP feet.
Skulker's Bonnet +3 icon.png
Skulker's Bonnet +3366px link=
Yes An essential piece for Collaborator enmity gain, TP gain, and PDL.
Skulker's Vest +3 icon.png
Skulker's Vest +3366px link=
Yes Excellent for WSs starting at +2. The Conspirator STP augment is more of a bonus as it isn't worth TPing in this with it on as the game isn't alliance based anymore.
Skulk. Armlets +3 icon.png
Skulk. Armlets +3366px link=
No Are you solo Sneak Attacking for damage? Well, you shouldn't be.
Skulk. Culottes +3 icon.png
Skulk. Culottes +3366px link=
Maybe I am not a fan of these pants. They tend to lack gear haste in setups, and they aren't better for Evisceration over Pillagers.
Their evasion is really only 6 over Malignance as they lack agility. They can be used in some niche sets, but they can just as easily be an inventory slot saved.
Skulk. Poulaines +3 icon.png
Skulk. Poulaines +3366px link=
Yes TH, and excellent evasion DT piece.

TP Sets

I wanted to make up some tiered TP sets for THF. The following tries to balance progression while avoiding pointless time sinks early on. For example, I won't be suggestiong that you augment full sets of Alluvion Skirmish equipment.
  • These are not DT sets. I am not telling you to wear these into all situations.
TP Sets Criteria:
  • Includes the 5% DW+ gift, anything lower doesn't.
  • Max Tier: 119 Abjurations (HQ), Divergence +3, Odyssey, Sortie +3, Sortie +1/2 ear, Expensive HQ Synths, Odyssey Augmented, Nyame B R20/25 etc.
  • No DM augments.

New THF  
Homestead Dagger icon.pngHomestead Dagger description.png Eminent Dagger icon.pngEminent Dagger description.png 32x32.png Hagneia Stone icon.pngHagneia Stone description.png
Espial Cap icon.pngEspial Cap description.png Peacock Charm icon.pngPeacock Charm description.png Suppanomimi icon.pngSuppanomimi description.png Brutal Earring icon.pngBrutal Earring description.png
Shned. Tabard +1 icon.pngShned. Tabard +1 description.png Espial Bracers icon.pngEspial Bracers description.png Enlivened Ring icon.pngEnlivened Ring description.png Rajas Ring icon.pngRajas Ring description.png
Bleating Mantle icon.pngBleating Mantle description.png Nusku's Sash icon.pngNusku's Sash description.png Espial Hose icon.pngEspial Hose description.png Espial Socks icon.pngEspial Socks description.png
  Lowest Tier

Not So New THF  
Izhiikoh icon.pngIzhiikoh description.png Atoyac icon.pngAtoyac description.png
32x32.png Hagneia Stone icon.pngHagneia Stone description.png
Skulker's Bonnet icon.pngSkulker's Bonnet description.png Asperity Necklace icon.pngAsperity Necklace description.png Heartseeker Earring icon.pngHeartseeker Earring description.png Dudgeon Earring icon.pngDudgeon Earring description.png
Qaaxo Harness icon.pngQaaxo Harness description.png
Qaaxo Mitaines icon.pngQaaxo Mitaines description.png
Epona's Ring icon.pngEpona's Ring description.png Rajas Ring icon.pngRajas Ring description.png
Bleating Mantle icon.pngBleating Mantle description.png Patentia Sash icon.pngPatentia Sash description.png Iuitl Tights icon.pngIuitl Tights description.png
Qaaxo Leggings icon.pngQaaxo Leggings description.png
  Lower Tier

Izhiikoh icon.pngIzhiikoh description.png Ternion Dagger +1 icon.pngTernion Dagger +1 description.png 32x32.png Ginsen icon.pngGinsen description.png
Skulker's Bonnet +1 icon.pngSkulker's Bonnet +1 description.png Erudit. Necklace icon.pngErudit. Necklace description.png Suppanomimi icon.pngSuppanomimi description.png Cessance Earring icon.pngCessance Earring description.png
Mummu Jacket icon.pngMummu Jacket description.png Mummu Wrists icon.pngMummu Wrists description.png Epona's Ring icon.pngEpona's Ring description.png Rajas Ring icon.pngRajas Ring description.png
Canny Cape icon.pngCanny Cape description.png
Patentia Sash icon.pngPatentia Sash description.png Meg. Chausses icon.pngMeg. Chausses description.png Plun. Poulaines icon.pngPlun. Poulaines description.png
  Low Tier

Kaja Knife icon.pngKaja Knife description.png Shijo icon.pngShijo description.png
32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb icon.pngAurgelmir Orb description.png
Adhemar Bonnet icon.pngAdhemar Bonnet description.png
Erudit. Necklace icon.pngErudit. Necklace description.png Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png Cessance Earring icon.pngCessance Earring description.png
Pillager's Vest +2 icon.pngPillager's Vest +2 description.png Adhemar Wristbands icon.pngAdhemar Wristbands description.png
Epona's Ring icon.pngEpona's Ring description.png Petrov Ring icon.pngPetrov Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Patentia Sash icon.pngPatentia Sash description.png Samnuha Tights icon.pngSamnuha Tights description.png
Plun. Poulaines +1 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +1 description.png
  Mid Tier (w/o 550 JP)

Tauret icon.pngTauret description.png Shijo icon.pngShijo description.png
32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb icon.pngAurgelmir Orb description.png
Skulker's Bonnet +2 icon.pngSkulker's Bonnet +2 description.png Asn. Gorget +1 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +1 description.png
Skulker's Earring icon.pngSkulker's Earring description.png Dedition Earring icon.pngDedition Earring description.png
Pillager's Vest +3 icon.pngPillager's Vest +3 description.png Adhemar Wristbands icon.pngAdhemar Wristbands description.png
Gere Ring icon.pngGere Ring description.png Hetairoi Ring icon.pngHetairoi Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Windbuffet Belt +1 icon.pngWindbuffet Belt +1 description.png Gleti's Breeches icon.pngGleti's Breeches description.png
Herculean Boots icon.pngHerculean Boots description.png
  High Tier

Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png
Twashtar (Level 119 III) icon.pngTwashtar (Level 119 III) description.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Skulker's Bonnet +3 icon.pngSkulker's Bonnet +3 description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Dedition Earring icon.pngDedition Earring description.png Skulk. Earring +2 icon.pngSkulk. Earring +2 description.png
Pillager's Vest +3 icon.pngPillager's Vest +3 description.png Gleti's Gauntlets icon.pngGleti's Gauntlets description.png
Gere Ring icon.pngGere Ring description.png Hetairoi Ring icon.pngHetairoi Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Gleti's Breeches icon.pngGleti's Breeches description.png
Plun. Poulaines +3 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +3 description.png
  Max Tier

AM3↑ TP  
Vajra (Level 119 III) icon.pngVajra (Level 119 III) description.png
Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png
32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Skulker's Bonnet +3 icon.pngSkulker's Bonnet +3 description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Dedition Earring icon.pngDedition Earring description.png Skulk. Earring +2 icon.pngSkulk. Earring +2 description.png
Malignance Tabard icon.pngMalignance Tabard description.png Gleti's Gauntlets icon.pngGleti's Gauntlets description.png
Gere Ring icon.pngGere Ring description.png Chirich Ring +1 icon.pngChirich Ring +1 description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Malignance Tights icon.pngMalignance Tights description.png Plun. Poulaines +3 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +3 description.png
  Max Tier

TP Accuracy Sets

Based on the Max Tier TP set.

  • Need to be redone after the +3 Sortie equipment was released. --Spicyryan (talk) 11:51, 16 October 2022 (EDT)

Accuracy Lite  
Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png Twashtar (Level 119 III) icon.pngTwashtar (Level 119 III) description.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Adhemar Bonnet +1 icon.pngAdhemar Bonnet +1 description.png
Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png Dedition Earring icon.pngDedition Earring description.png
Pillager's Vest +3 icon.pngPillager's Vest +3 description.png Adhemar Wrist. +1 icon.pngAdhemar Wrist. +1 description.png
Gere Ring icon.pngGere Ring description.png Hetairoi Ring icon.pngHetairoi Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Pill. Culottes +3 icon.pngPill. Culottes +3 description.png Plun. Poulaines +3 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +3 description.png
  +73 Accuracy

Accuracy Mid  
Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png Twashtar (Level 119 III) icon.pngTwashtar (Level 119 III) description.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Malignance Chapeau icon.pngMalignance Chapeau description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png Dedition Earring icon.pngDedition Earring description.png
Pillager's Vest +3 icon.pngPillager's Vest +3 description.png Adhemar Wrist. +1 icon.pngAdhemar Wrist. +1 description.png
Gere Ring icon.pngGere Ring description.png Hetairoi Ring icon.pngHetairoi Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Pill. Culottes +3 icon.pngPill. Culottes +3 description.png Plun. Poulaines +3 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +3 description.png
  +128 Accuracy

Accuracy High  
Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png Twashtar (Level 119 III) icon.pngTwashtar (Level 119 III) description.png 32x32.png Yamarang icon.pngYamarang description.png
Malignance Chapeau icon.pngMalignance Chapeau description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png Telos Earring icon.pngTelos Earring description.png
Pillager's Vest +3 icon.pngPillager's Vest +3 description.png Adhemar Wrist. +1 icon.pngAdhemar Wrist. +1 description.png
Chirich Ring +1 icon.pngChirich Ring +1 description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Pill. Culottes +3 icon.pngPill. Culottes +3 description.png Plun. Poulaines +3 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +3 description.png
  +190 Accuracy

Accuracy Max  
Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png Twashtar (Level 119 III) icon.pngTwashtar (Level 119 III) description.png 32x32.png C. Palug Stone icon.pngC. Palug Stone description.png
Pill. Bonnet +3 icon.pngPill. Bonnet +3 description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Crep. Earring icon.pngCrep. Earring description.png Telos Earring icon.pngTelos Earring description.png
Pillager's Vest +3 icon.pngPillager's Vest +3 description.png Adhemar Wrist. +1 icon.pngAdhemar Wrist. +1 description.png
Cacoethic Ring +1 icon.pngCacoethic Ring +1 description.png
Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Pill. Culottes +3 icon.pngPill. Culottes +3 description.png Plun. Poulaines +3 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +3 description.png
  +228 Accuracy

Low Tier Accuracy  
Kaja Knife icon.pngKaja Knife description.png Shijo icon.pngShijo description.png
32x32.png Honed Tathlum icon.pngHoned Tathlum description.png
Meghanada Visor +1 icon.pngMeghanada Visor +1 description.png Ej Necklace icon.pngEj Necklace description.png Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Mache Earring icon.pngMache Earring description.png
Mummu Jacket +1 icon.pngMummu Jacket +1 description.png Mummu Wrists +1 icon.pngMummu Wrists +1 description.png Chirich Ring icon.pngChirich Ring description.png Mummu Ring icon.pngMummu Ring description.png
Ground. Mantle +1 icon.pngGround. Mantle +1 description.png Hurch'lan Sash icon.pngHurch'lan Sash description.png Meg. Chausses +1 icon.pngMeg. Chausses +1 description.png Rawhide Boots icon.pngRawhide Boots description.png
  Set for New Players

Mid Tier Accuracy  
Tauret icon.pngTauret description.png Shijo icon.pngShijo description.png
32x32.png C. Palug Stone icon.pngC. Palug Stone description.png
Pill. Bonnet +2 icon.pngPill. Bonnet +2 description.png Erudit. Necklace icon.pngErudit. Necklace description.png Cessance Earring icon.pngCessance Earring description.png Odr Earring icon.pngOdr Earring description.png
Pillager's Vest +2 icon.pngPillager's Vest +2 description.png Floral Gauntlets icon.pngFloral Gauntlets description.png
Cacoethic Ring +1 icon.pngCacoethic Ring +1 description.png Chirich Ring +1 icon.pngChirich Ring +1 description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Olseni Belt icon.pngOlseni Belt description.png Pill. Culottes +2 icon.pngPill. Culottes +2 description.png Herculean Boots icon.pngHerculean Boots description.png
  Newish Players

DW Sets

Random DW Delay Requirements With Cap Gear Haste
Haste Spell Tier Other Buffs DW To Cap (550 JP+)
Capped Magical Haste 6%
No Haste Honor March (+3) and Victory March (+7) 8%
No Haste Soul Voice Honor March (+4) 22%
No Haste Soul Voice Honor March (+3) 24%
II Haste Samba (10%) 13%
II Haste Samba (5%) 20%
II No Other Buffs 26%
I Embrava 11%
I Honor March (+4) 24%
I Honor March (+3) 25%
I Joachim's Victory March 25%
I Haste Samba (10%) 30%
I Haste Samba (5%) 34%
I No Other Buffs 37%
No Haste No Other Buffs 44%
  • Its fine to be a percent over or under depending on your gear.
  • For instance 6% is the DW required to hit a minimum delay with capped magical haste, but Reiki Yotai is 7%, and the best gain to opportunity cost.

Haste II Only  
Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Skulker's Bonnet +2 icon.pngSkulker's Bonnet +2 description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Suppanomimi icon.pngSuppanomimi description.png
Pillager's Vest +3 icon.pngPillager's Vest +3 description.png Adhemar Wrist. +1 icon.pngAdhemar Wrist. +1 description.png
Gere Ring icon.pngGere Ring description.png Hetairoi Ring icon.pngHetairoi Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Samnuha Tights icon.pngSamnuha Tights description.png
Plun. Poulaines +3 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +3 description.png
  Glass Cannon
26% DW
+299 Acc

Haste II Only  
Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Malignance Chapeau icon.pngMalignance Chapeau description.png
Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Suppanomimi icon.pngSuppanomimi description.png
Pillager's Vest +3 icon.pngPillager's Vest +3 description.png Adhemar Wrist. +1 icon.pngAdhemar Wrist. +1 description.png
Gere Ring icon.pngGere Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Malignance Tights icon.pngMalignance Tights description.png Plun. Poulaines +3 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +3 description.png
  Hyrbrid DT
26% DW
+361 Acc
28% PDT
18% MDT

Haste II Only  
Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png 32x32.png Yamarang icon.pngYamarang description.png
Malignance Chapeau icon.pngMalignance Chapeau description.png
Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Telos Earring icon.pngTelos Earring description.png
Pillager's Vest +3 icon.pngPillager's Vest +3 description.png Pill. Armlets +3 icon.pngPill. Armlets +3 description.png Gere Ring icon.pngGere Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Malignance Tights icon.pngMalignance Tights description.png Plun. Poulaines +3 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +3 description.png
26% DW
+424 Acc

Haste I Only  
Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Skulker's Bonnet +2 icon.pngSkulker's Bonnet +2 description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Suppanomimi icon.pngSuppanomimi description.png
Adhemar Jacket +1 icon.pngAdhemar Jacket +1 description.png
Pill. Armlets +3 icon.pngPill. Armlets +3 description.png Gere Ring icon.pngGere Ring description.png Hetairoi Ring icon.pngHetairoi Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Samnuha Tights icon.pngSamnuha Tights description.png
Plun. Poulaines +3 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +3 description.png
  Glass Cannon
37% DW
+310 Acc

Haste I Only  
Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Malignance Chapeau icon.pngMalignance Chapeau description.png
Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Suppanomimi icon.pngSuppanomimi description.png
Adhemar Jacket +1 icon.pngAdhemar Jacket +1 description.png
Adhemar Wrist. +1 icon.pngAdhemar Wrist. +1 description.png
Gere Ring icon.pngGere Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Malignance Tights icon.pngMalignance Tights description.png Herculean Boots icon.pngHerculean Boots description.png
  Hyrbrid DT
37% DW
+350 Acc
30% PDT
18% MDT

Haste I Only  
Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png 32x32.png Yamarang icon.pngYamarang description.png
Malignance Chapeau icon.pngMalignance Chapeau description.png
Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Suppanomimi icon.pngSuppanomimi description.png
Adhemar Jacket +1 icon.pngAdhemar Jacket +1 description.png
Pill. Armlets +3 icon.pngPill. Armlets +3 description.png Gere Ring icon.pngGere Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Pill. Culottes +3 icon.pngPill. Culottes +3 description.png Plun. Poulaines +3 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +3 description.png
37% DW
+428 Acc

Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png 32x32.png Yamarang icon.pngYamarang description.png
Malignance Chapeau icon.pngMalignance Chapeau description.png
Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Suppanomimi icon.pngSuppanomimi description.png
Adhemar Jacket +1 icon.pngAdhemar Jacket +1 description.png
Herculean Gloves icon.pngHerculean Gloves description.png
Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Malignance Tights icon.pngMalignance Tights description.png Herculean Boots icon.pngHerculean Boots description.png
  37% DW
+350 Acc
42% PDT
28% MDT

Haste II Only  
Kaja Knife icon.pngKaja Knife description.png Shijo icon.pngShijo description.png
32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb icon.pngAurgelmir Orb description.png
Adhemar Bonnet icon.pngAdhemar Bonnet description.png
Erudit. Necklace icon.pngErudit. Necklace description.png Suppanomimi icon.pngSuppanomimi description.png Cessance Earring icon.pngCessance Earring description.png
Pillager's Vest +2 icon.pngPillager's Vest +2 description.png Adhemar Wristbands icon.pngAdhemar Wristbands description.png
Epona's Ring icon.pngEpona's Ring description.png Moonbeam Ring icon.pngMoonbeam Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Patentia Sash icon.pngPatentia Sash description.png Pill. Culottes +2 icon.pngPill. Culottes +2 description.png Herculean Boots icon.pngHerculean Boots description.png
  New THF (w/o 550 JP)
31% DW
+287 Acc

DT Sets

Philosophy: There is no universal best set. So, if you aren't going to make more than one DT set then stop reading this guide. If you also frequently use the term "Best in Slot" then you can also gtfo.

  • At the very least, you should have a capped DT set, a hybrid set, and and a decent idle DT set.

Full DD DT NQ  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum icon.pngStaunch Tathlum description.png
Adhemar Bonnet icon.pngAdhemar Bonnet description.png
Loricate Torque +1 icon.pngLoricate Torque +1 description.png Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png Cessance Earring icon.pngCessance Earring description.png
Meg. Cuirie +2 icon.pngMeg. Cuirie +2 description.png Herculean Gloves icon.pngHerculean Gloves description.png
Moonbeam Ring icon.pngMoonbeam Ring description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Patentia Sash icon.pngPatentia Sash description.png Meg. Chausses +2 icon.pngMeg. Chausses +2 description.png Herculean Boots icon.pngHerculean Boots description.png
  -50% PDT
-22% MDT

Full DD DT HQ  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Malignance Chapeau icon.pngMalignance Chapeau description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Pillager's Vest +3 icon.pngPillager's Vest +3 description.png Malignance Gloves icon.pngMalignance Gloves description.png Gelatinous Ring +1 icon.pngGelatinous Ring +1 description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Malignance Tights icon.pngMalignance Tights description.png Plun. Poulaines +3 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +3 description.png
  -50% PDT
-35% MDT
+568 Magic Evasion
+551 Evasion

Hybrid DD DT  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Malignance Chapeau icon.pngMalignance Chapeau description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png Dedition Earring icon.pngDedition Earring description.png
Pillager's Vest +3 icon.pngPillager's Vest +3 description.png Malignance Gloves icon.pngMalignance Gloves description.png Gere Ring icon.pngGere Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Pill. Culottes +3 icon.pngPill. Culottes +3 description.png Plun. Poulaines +3 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +3 description.png
  -26% PDT
-16% MDT
+517 Magic Evasion
+505 Evasion

"If a mob so much as
breathes in your
general direction."
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Malignance Chapeau icon.pngMalignance Chapeau description.png Warder's Charm +1 icon.pngWarder's Charm +1 description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Hearty Earring icon.pngHearty Earring description.png
Malignance Tabard icon.pngMalignance Tabard description.png Malignance Gloves icon.pngMalignance Gloves description.png Purity Ring icon.pngPurity Ring description.png Shadow Ring icon.pngShadow Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Malignance Tights icon.pngMalignance Tights description.png Malignance Boots icon.pngMalignance Boots description.png
  -50% PDT
-48% MDT
"Very suspect!"

Magic Evasion Macro  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Malignance Chapeau icon.pngMalignance Chapeau description.png Warder's Charm +1 icon.pngWarder's Charm +1 description.png Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Flashward Earring icon.pngFlashward Earring description.png
Malignance Tabard icon.pngMalignance Tabard description.png Malignance Gloves icon.pngMalignance Gloves description.png Purity Ring icon.pngPurity Ring description.png Vengeful Ring icon.pngVengeful Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Engraved Belt icon.pngEngraved Belt description.png Malignance Tights icon.pngMalignance Tights description.png Malignance Boots icon.pngMalignance Boots description.png
  -34% PDT
-38% MDT
+794 Magic Evasion

Magic Hybrid DD  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Yamarang icon.pngYamarang description.png
Malignance Chapeau icon.pngMalignance Chapeau description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Suppanomimi icon.pngSuppanomimi description.png Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png
Pillager's Vest +3 icon.pngPillager's Vest +3 description.png Malignance Gloves icon.pngMalignance Gloves description.png Gere Ring icon.pngGere Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Engraved Belt icon.pngEngraved Belt description.png Malignance Tights icon.pngMalignance Tights description.png Malignance Boots icon.pngMalignance Boots description.png
  -37% PDT
-27% MDT
+664 Magic Evasion
Evasion +600

DD Evasion  
Twashtar (Level 119 III) icon.pngTwashtar (Level 119 III) description.png
Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png
32x32.png Yamarang icon.pngYamarang description.png
Malignance Chapeau icon.pngMalignance Chapeau description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png Balder Earring +1 icon.pngBalder Earring +1 description.png
Malignance Tabard icon.pngMalignance Tabard description.png Malignance Gloves icon.pngMalignance Gloves description.png Gere Ring icon.pngGere Ring description.png Petrov Ring icon.pngPetrov Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Malignance Tights icon.pngMalignance Tights description.png Malignance Boots icon.pngMalignance Boots description.png
  Evasion +723

Mostly Max Evasion  
Gandring icon.pngGandring description.png
Jugo Kukri +1 icon.pngJugo Kukri +1 description.png
32x32.png Yamarang icon.pngYamarang description.png
Turms Cap +1 icon.pngTurms Cap +1 description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Infused Earring icon.pngInfused Earring description.png
Malignance Tabard icon.pngMalignance Tabard description.png Raetic Bangles +1 icon.pngRaetic Bangles +1 description.png Vengeful Ring icon.pngVengeful Ring description.png Ilabrat Ring icon.pngIlabrat Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Svelt. Gouriz +1 icon.pngSvelt. Gouriz +1 description.png Malignance Tights icon.pngMalignance Tights description.png Turms Leggings +1 icon.pngTurms Leggings +1 description.png
  Evasion +915

Tank /RUN Evasion  
Gandring icon.pngGandring description.png
Acrontica icon.pngAcrontica description.png 32x32.png Yamarang icon.pngYamarang description.png
Malignance Chapeau icon.pngMalignance Chapeau description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png Balder Earring +1 icon.pngBalder Earring +1 description.png
Malignance Tabard icon.pngMalignance Tabard description.png Turms Mittens +1 icon.pngTurms Mittens +1 description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png Gelatinous Ring +1 icon.pngGelatinous Ring +1 description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Reiki Yotai icon.pngReiki Yotai description.png Malignance Tights icon.pngMalignance Tights description.png Turms Leggings +1 icon.pngTurms Leggings +1 description.png
  Evasion +799
PDT -47%

WS Sets

Rudra's Unstacked Sets

Izhiikoh icon.pngIzhiikoh description.png Jugo Kukri +1 icon.pngJugo Kukri +1 description.png 32x32.png Jukukik Feather icon.pngJukukik Feather description.png
Uk'uxkaj Cap icon.pngUk'uxkaj Cap description.png
Moepapa Medal icon.pngMoepapa Medal description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Mache Earring icon.pngMache Earring description.png
Meghanada Cuirie icon.pngMeghanada Cuirie description.png Meghanada Gloves icon.pngMeghanada Gloves description.png Ramuh Ring icon.pngRamuh Ring description.png Ramuh Ring icon.pngRamuh Ring description.png
Kayapa Cape icon.pngKayapa Cape description.png Artful Belt icon.pngArtful Belt description.png Manibozho Brais icon.pngManibozho Brais description.png
Meg. Jambeaux icon.pngMeg. Jambeaux description.png
  Low Tier

Kaja Knife icon.pngKaja Knife description.png Shijo icon.pngShijo description.png
32x32.png Jukukik Feather icon.pngJukukik Feather description.png
Pill. Bonnet +2 icon.pngPill. Bonnet +2 description.png Caro Necklace icon.pngCaro Necklace description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Ishvara Earring icon.pngIshvara Earring description.png
Herculean Vest icon.pngHerculean Vest description.png
Meg. Gloves +1 icon.pngMeg. Gloves +1 description.png Ramuh Ring +1 icon.pngRamuh Ring +1 description.png Karieyh Ring icon.pngKarieyh Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Grunfeld Rope icon.pngGrunfeld Rope description.png Lustratio Subligar icon.pngLustratio Subligar description.png
Lustratio Leggings icon.pngLustratio Leggings description.png
  Mid Tier

Tauret icon.pngTauret description.png Shijo icon.pngShijo description.png
32x32.png C. Palug Stone icon.pngC. Palug Stone description.png
Skulker's Bonnet +2 icon.pngSkulker's Bonnet +2 description.png Asn. Gorget +1 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +1 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png
Skulker's Vest +2 icon.pngSkulker's Vest +2 description.png Meg. Gloves +2 icon.pngMeg. Gloves +2 description.png Ilabrat Ring icon.pngIlabrat Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Grunfeld Rope icon.pngGrunfeld Rope description.png Lustr. Subligar +1 icon.pngLustr. Subligar +1 description.png
Lustra. Leggings +1 icon.pngLustra. Leggings +1 description.png
  High Tier

Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png
Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png
32x32.png Seeth. Bomblet +1 icon.pngSeeth. Bomblet +1 description.png
Plun. Bonnet +3 icon.pngPlun. Bonnet +3 description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png
Skulker's Vest +3 icon.pngSkulker's Vest +3 description.png Meg. Gloves +2 icon.pngMeg. Gloves +2 description.png Ilabrat Ring icon.pngIlabrat Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Kentarch Belt +1 icon.pngKentarch Belt +1 description.png
Plun. Culottes +3 icon.pngPlun. Culottes +3 description.png Plun. Poulaines +3 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +3 description.png
  Max Tier (Uncapped)
No Nyame

Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png
Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png
32x32.png Seeth. Bomblet +1 icon.pngSeeth. Bomblet +1 description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png
Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png
Skulker's Vest +3 icon.pngSkulker's Vest +3 description.png Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Ilabrat Ring icon.pngIlabrat Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Kentarch Belt +1 icon.pngKentarch Belt +1 description.png
Plun. Culottes +3 icon.pngPlun. Culottes +3 description.png Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  Max Tier (Uncapped)
With Nyame

Twashtar (Level 119 III) icon.pngTwashtar (Level 119 III) description.png
Centovente icon.pngCentovente description.png
32x32.png Crepuscular Pebble icon.pngCrepuscular Pebble description.png
Skulker's Bonnet +3 icon.pngSkulker's Bonnet +3 description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Odr Earring icon.pngOdr Earring description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png Meg. Gloves +2 icon.pngMeg. Gloves +2 description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Kentarch Belt +1 icon.pngKentarch Belt +1 description.png
Lustr. Subligar +1 icon.pngLustr. Subligar +1 description.png
Lustra. Leggings +1 icon.pngLustra. Leggings +1 description.png
  Max Tier (Atk Cap)
W/R20 Nyame

Twashtar (Level 119 III) icon.pngTwashtar (Level 119 III) description.png
Centovente icon.pngCentovente description.png
32x32.png Crepuscular Pebble icon.pngCrepuscular Pebble description.png
Skulker's Bonnet +3 icon.pngSkulker's Bonnet +3 description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Odr Earring icon.pngOdr Earring description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Kentarch Belt +1 icon.pngKentarch Belt +1 description.png
Plun. Culottes +3 icon.pngPlun. Culottes +3 description.png Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  Max Tier (Atk Cap)
W/R25 Nyame

Rudra's Stacked Sets

Izhiikoh icon.pngIzhiikoh description.png Jugo Kukri +1 icon.pngJugo Kukri +1 description.png 32x32.png Yetshila icon.pngYetshila description.png
Uk'uxkaj Cap icon.pngUk'uxkaj Cap description.png
Moepapa Medal icon.pngMoepapa Medal description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Mache Earring icon.pngMache Earring description.png
Meghanada Cuirie icon.pngMeghanada Cuirie description.png Meghanada Gloves icon.pngMeghanada Gloves description.png Ramuh Ring icon.pngRamuh Ring description.png Ramuh Ring icon.pngRamuh Ring description.png
Kayapa Cape icon.pngKayapa Cape description.png Artful Belt icon.pngArtful Belt description.png Pillager's Culottes icon.pngPillager's Culottes description.png Meg. Jambeaux icon.pngMeg. Jambeaux description.png
  Low Tier

Kaja Knife icon.pngKaja Knife description.png Shijo icon.pngShijo description.png
32x32.png Yetshila icon.pngYetshila description.png
Pill. Bonnet +2 icon.pngPill. Bonnet +2 description.png Caro Necklace icon.pngCaro Necklace description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Ishvara Earring icon.pngIshvara Earring description.png
Meg. Cuirie +2 icon.pngMeg. Cuirie +2 description.png Meg. Gloves +2 icon.pngMeg. Gloves +2 description.png Ramuh Ring +1 icon.pngRamuh Ring +1 description.png Karieyh Ring icon.pngKarieyh Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Grunfeld Rope icon.pngGrunfeld Rope description.png Lustratio Subligar icon.pngLustratio Subligar description.png
Lustratio Leggings icon.pngLustratio Leggings description.png
  Mid Tier

Tauret icon.pngTauret description.png Shijo icon.pngShijo description.png
32x32.png Yetshila icon.pngYetshila description.png
Pill. Bonnet +3 icon.pngPill. Bonnet +3 description.png Asn. Gorget +1 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +1 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png
Skulker's Vest +2 icon.pngSkulker's Vest +2 description.png Meg. Gloves +2 icon.pngMeg. Gloves +2 description.png Ilabrat Ring icon.pngIlabrat Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Artful Belt +1 icon.pngArtful Belt +1 description.png Pill. Culottes +3 icon.pngPill. Culottes +3 description.png Herculean Boots icon.pngHerculean Boots description.png
  High Tier

Vajra (Level 119 III) icon.pngVajra (Level 119 III) description.png
Twashtar (Level 119 III) icon.pngTwashtar (Level 119 III) description.png 32x32.png Yetshila +1 icon.pngYetshila +1 description.png
Pill. Bonnet +3 icon.pngPill. Bonnet +3 description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Odr Earring icon.pngOdr Earring description.png
Skulker's Vest +3 icon.pngSkulker's Vest +3 description.png Meg. Gloves +2 icon.pngMeg. Gloves +2 description.png Ilabrat Ring icon.pngIlabrat Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Grunfeld Rope icon.pngGrunfeld Rope description.png Plun. Culottes +3 icon.pngPlun. Culottes +3 description.png Lustra. Leggings +1 icon.pngLustra. Leggings +1 description.png
  Max Tier (Uncapped)
No Nyame

Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png
Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png
32x32.png Yetshila +1 icon.pngYetshila +1 description.png
Pill. Bonnet +3 icon.pngPill. Bonnet +3 description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Odr Earring icon.pngOdr Earring description.png
Skulker's Vest +3 icon.pngSkulker's Vest +3 description.png Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Ilabrat Ring icon.pngIlabrat Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Kentarch Belt +1 icon.pngKentarch Belt +1 description.png
Plun. Culottes +3 icon.pngPlun. Culottes +3 description.png Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  Max Tier (Uncapped)
With Nyame

Twashtar (Level 119 III) icon.pngTwashtar (Level 119 III) description.png
Centovente icon.pngCentovente description.png
32x32.png Yetshila +1 icon.pngYetshila +1 description.png
Skulker's Bonnet +3 icon.pngSkulker's Bonnet +3 description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Odr Earring icon.pngOdr Earring description.png
Skulker's Vest +3 icon.pngSkulker's Vest +3 description.png Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Kentarch Belt +1 icon.pngKentarch Belt +1 description.png
Plun. Culottes +3 icon.pngPlun. Culottes +3 description.png Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  Max Tier (Atk Cap)
W/R25 Nyame


Izhiikoh icon.pngIzhiikoh description.png Jugo Kukri +1 icon.pngJugo Kukri +1 description.png 32x32.png Yetshila icon.pngYetshila description.png
Uk'uxkaj Cap icon.pngUk'uxkaj Cap description.png
Soil Gorget icon.pngSoil Gorget description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Mache Earring icon.pngMache Earring description.png
Meghanada Cuirie icon.pngMeghanada Cuirie description.png Mummu Wrists icon.pngMummu Wrists description.png Ramuh Ring icon.pngRamuh Ring description.png Ramuh Ring icon.pngRamuh Ring description.png
Rancorous Mantle icon.pngRancorous Mantle description.png Shadow Belt icon.pngShadow Belt description.png Pillager's Culottes icon.pngPillager's Culottes description.png Mummu Gamashes icon.pngMummu Gamashes description.png
  Low Tier

Kaja Knife icon.pngKaja Knife description.png Shijo icon.pngShijo description.png
32x32.png Yetshila icon.pngYetshila description.png
Adhemar Bonnet icon.pngAdhemar Bonnet description.png
Fotia Gorget icon.pngFotia Gorget description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Mache Earring icon.pngMache Earring description.png
Abnoba Kaftan icon.pngAbnoba Kaftan description.png Mummu Wrists +1 icon.pngMummu Wrists +1 description.png Ramuh Ring +1 icon.pngRamuh Ring +1 description.png Ramuh Ring +1 icon.pngRamuh Ring +1 description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Pill. Culottes +2 icon.pngPill. Culottes +2 description.png Adhemar Gamashes icon.pngAdhemar Gamashes description.png
  Mid Tier

Tauret icon.pngTauret description.png Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png 32x32.png Yetshila icon.pngYetshila description.png
Adhemar Bonnet icon.pngAdhemar Bonnet description.png
Fotia Gorget icon.pngFotia Gorget description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Odr Earring icon.pngOdr Earring description.png
Plunderer's Vest +2 icon.pngPlunderer's Vest +2 description.png Mummu Wrists +2 icon.pngMummu Wrists +2 description.png Mummu Ring icon.pngMummu Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Pill. Culottes +3 icon.pngPill. Culottes +3 description.png Adhemar Gamashes icon.pngAdhemar Gamashes description.png
  High Tier

Tauret icon.pngTauret description.png Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png
32x32.png Yetshila +1 icon.pngYetshila +1 description.png
Adhemar Bonnet +1 icon.pngAdhemar Bonnet +1 description.png
Fotia Gorget icon.pngFotia Gorget description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Odr Earring icon.pngOdr Earring description.png
Plunderer's Vest +3 icon.pngPlunderer's Vest +3 description.png Adhemar Wrist. +1 icon.pngAdhemar Wrist. +1 description.png
Ilabrat Ring icon.pngIlabrat Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Pill. Culottes +3 icon.pngPill. Culottes +3 description.png Adhe. Gamashes +1 icon.pngAdhe. Gamashes +1 description.png
  Max Tier (Uncapped)

Tauret icon.pngTauret description.png Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png
32x32.png Yetshila +1 icon.pngYetshila +1 description.png
Skulker's Bonnet +3 icon.pngSkulker's Bonnet +3 description.png Fotia Gorget icon.pngFotia Gorget description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Odr Earring icon.pngOdr Earring description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png Adhemar Wrist. +1 icon.pngAdhemar Wrist. +1 description.png
Ilabrat Ring icon.pngIlabrat Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Pill. Culottes +3 icon.pngPill. Culottes +3 description.png Adhe. Gamashes +1 icon.pngAdhe. Gamashes +1 description.png
  Max Tier (Atk Cap)


Izhiikoh icon.pngIzhiikoh description.png Jugo Kukri +1 icon.pngJugo Kukri +1 description.png 32x32.png Thew Bomblet icon.pngThew Bomblet description.png
Meghanada Visor icon.pngMeghanada Visor description.png Soil Gorget icon.pngSoil Gorget description.png Tati Earring icon.pngTati Earring description.png Brutal Earring icon.pngBrutal Earring description.png
Meghanada Cuirie icon.pngMeghanada Cuirie description.png Meghanada Gloves icon.pngMeghanada Gloves description.png Garuda Ring icon.pngGaruda Ring description.png Garuda Ring icon.pngGaruda Ring description.png
Ik Cape icon.pngIk Cape description.png Light Belt icon.pngLight Belt description.png Meg. Chausses icon.pngMeg. Chausses description.png Meg. Jambeaux icon.pngMeg. Jambeaux description.png
  Low Tier

Kaja Knife icon.pngKaja Knife description.png Shijo icon.pngShijo description.png
32x32.png Seeth. Bomblet +1 icon.pngSeeth. Bomblet +1 description.png
Adhemar Bonnet icon.pngAdhemar Bonnet description.png
Fotia Gorget icon.pngFotia Gorget description.png Tati Earring icon.pngTati Earring description.png Brutal Earring icon.pngBrutal Earring description.png
Meg. Cuirie +1 icon.pngMeg. Cuirie +1 description.png Meg. Gloves +1 icon.pngMeg. Gloves +1 description.png Garuda Ring +1 icon.pngGaruda Ring +1 description.png Garuda Ring +1 icon.pngGaruda Ring +1 description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Meg. Chausses +1 icon.pngMeg. Chausses +1 description.png Meg. Jam. +1 icon.pngMeg. Jam. +1 description.png
  Mid Tier

Tauret icon.pngTauret description.png Shijo icon.pngShijo description.png
32x32.png Seeth. Bomblet +1 icon.pngSeeth. Bomblet +1 description.png
Skulker's Bonnet +2 icon.pngSkulker's Bonnet +2 description.png Fotia Gorget icon.pngFotia Gorget description.png Brutal Earring icon.pngBrutal Earring description.png Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png
Plunderer's Vest +2 icon.pngPlunderer's Vest +2 description.png Meg. Gloves +2 icon.pngMeg. Gloves +2 description.png Ilabrat Ring icon.pngIlabrat Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Meg. Chausses +2 icon.pngMeg. Chausses +2 description.png Plun. Poulaines +2 icon.pngPlun. Poulaines +2 description.png
  High Tier

Aeolian Edge

Aeolian Edge  
Kaja Knife icon.pngKaja Knife description.png Levante Dagger icon.pngLevante Dagger description.png 32x32.png Seeth. Bomblet +1 icon.pngSeeth. Bomblet +1 description.png
Highwing Helm icon.pngHighwing Helm description.png Sanctity Necklace icon.pngSanctity Necklace description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Friomisi Earring icon.pngFriomisi Earring description.png
Samnuha Coat icon.pngSamnuha Coat description.png
Leyline Gloves icon.pngLeyline Gloves description.png
Shiva Ring +1 icon.pngShiva Ring +1 description.png Dingir Ring icon.pngDingir Ring description.png
Toro Cape icon.pngToro Cape description.png Eschan Stone icon.pngEschan Stone description.png Limbo Trousers icon.pngLimbo Trousers description.png Adhemar Gamashes icon.pngAdhemar Gamashes description.png
  Downgrades Tier

Aeolian Edge  
Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png Malevolence icon.pngMalevolence description.png
32x32.png Seeth. Bomblet +1 icon.pngSeeth. Bomblet +1 description.png
Herculean Helm icon.pngHerculean Helm description.png
Baetyl Pendant icon.pngBaetyl Pendant description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Friomisi Earring icon.pngFriomisi Earring description.png
Herculean Vest icon.pngHerculean Vest description.png
Herculean Gloves icon.pngHerculean Gloves description.png
Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png Karieyh Ring +1 icon.pngKarieyh Ring +1 description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Orpheus's Sash icon.pngOrpheus's Sash description.png Herculean Trousers icon.pngHerculean Trousers description.png
Herculean Boots icon.pngHerculean Boots description.png
  Max Tier

Aeolian Edge  
Gandring icon.pngGandring description.png
Malevolence icon.pngMalevolence description.png
32x32.png Seeth. Bomblet +1 icon.pngSeeth. Bomblet +1 description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png
Baetyl Pendant icon.pngBaetyl Pendant description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Friomisi Earring icon.pngFriomisi Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png
Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png Dingir Ring icon.pngDingir Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Orpheus's Sash icon.pngOrpheus's Sash description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  Maxer Tier

Other WS

Solo Shark Bite  
Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png
32x32.png Seeth. Bomblet +1 icon.pngSeeth. Bomblet +1 description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png
Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png
Skulker's Vest +3 icon.pngSkulker's Vest +3 description.png Meg. Gloves +2 icon.pngMeg. Gloves +2 description.png Ilabrat Ring icon.pngIlabrat Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Grunfeld Rope icon.pngGrunfeld Rope description.png Plun. Culottes +3 icon.pngPlun. Culottes +3 description.png Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  Max Tier (Uncapped)

Solo Shark Bite  
Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png Twashtar (Level 119 III) icon.pngTwashtar (Level 119 III) description.png 32x32.png Crepuscular Pebble icon.pngCrepuscular Pebble description.png
Pill. Bonnet +3 icon.pngPill. Bonnet +3 description.png Asn. Gorget +2 icon.pngAsn. Gorget +2 description.png
Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png
Gleti's Cuirass icon.pngGleti's Cuirass description.png Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png
Toutatis's Cape icon.pngToutatis's Cape description.png
Kentarch Belt +1 icon.pngKentarch Belt +1 description.png
Gleti's Breeches icon.pngGleti's Breeches description.png Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  Max Tier (Atk Cap)

Dancing Edge  
Aeneas icon.pngAeneas description.png Gleti's Knife icon.pngGleti's Knife description.png
32x32.png Seeth. Bomblet +1 icon.pngSeeth. Bomblet +1 description.png
Skulker's Bonnet +3 icon.pngSkulker's Bonnet +3 description.png Warder's Charm +1 icon.pngWarder's Charm +1 description.png
Balder Earring +1 icon.pngBalder Earring +1 description.png Sherida Earring icon.pngSherida Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png Gere Ring icon.pngGere Ring description.png Mujin Band icon.pngMujin Band description.png
Sacro Mantle icon.pngSacro Mantle description.png Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  Max Tier

Mercy Stroke  
Rusty Dagger icon.pngRusty Dagger description.png Richard. Axe +3 icon.pngRichard. Axe +3 description.png Failnaught icon.pngFailnaught description.png Naji's Loop icon.pngNaji's Loop description.png
Shitotsu Hachimaki icon.pngShitotsu Hachimaki description.png 32x32.png Crapaud Earring icon.pngCrapaud Earring description.png Badlands Salt icon.pngBadlands Salt description.png
Salty Bretzel icon.pngSalty Bretzel description.png Toad Mittens icon.pngToad Mittens description.png Garbage's Coffer icon.pngGarbage's Coffer description.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Stumbling Sandals icon.pngStumbling Sandals description.png
  Don't Use Mercy Stroke


Here is my podcast episode on THF

Last Edit


Not when it was last "updated", but last edited:

  • Last Edited by Favre: 01/07/2024