
From FFXI Wiki
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Guild Enrollment

Players may enroll as a member of this guild by talking to Thubu Parohren at (C-8) in Port Windurst.

Hours of Operation

Related NPCs

Port Windurst


NPC Name Purpose Zone Location
Graegham Guild Merchant Selbina (H-9)
Mendoline Guild Merchant Selbina (H-9)

Other Zones

Rank Tests

Guild Point items

Rank Item Points
Novice Robber Rig 1,500
Apprentice Fisherman's Belt 10,000
Novice Frog Fishing Key Item 30,000
Journeyman Waders 70,000
Artisan Fisherman's Apron 100,000
Artisan Net and Lure 50,000
Adept Serpent Rumors Key Item 95,000
Veteran Mooching Key Item 115,000
Veteran Fishing Hole Map 150,000
Veteran Fisherman's Sign 200,000
Veteran Fishermen's Emblem 15,000
Veteran Anglers' Almanac 20,000 (Available at level 98)

Items that enhance this skill

Item Bonus Obtained From
Trainee's Spectacles +1 (Latent Effect: Fishing Skill 40 or lower.) Son and Father
Fisher's Torque +2 Outer Horutoto Ruins
Fisher's Rope Angler's Discernment +1 Maze of Shakhrami (Treasure Casket)
Fisherman's Tunica +1 Crafted
Angler's Tunica +1 Crafted
Fisherman's Gloves +1 Crafted
Angler's Gloves +1 Crafted
Fisherman's Hose +1 Crafted
Angler's Hose +1 Crafted
Fisherman's Boots +1 Crafted
Angler's Boots +1 Crafted
Fisherman's Belt +3 (Enchantment - Advanced Synthesis Image Support) Guild Points (10,000)
The Big One

+1 (Key Item - Moghancement: Fishing (Skill))
Moglification: Fishing instead if placed together with Fisherman's Sign

Net and Lure

+1 (Key Item - Moghancement: Fishing (Skill))
Moglification: Fishing instead if placed together with Fisherman's Sign

Guild Points (50,000)
Fishing Hole Map

+1 (Key Item - Moghancement: Fishing (Skill))
Moglification: Fishing instead if placed together with Fisherman's Sign

Guild Points (150,000)
Fisherman's Sign

+1 (Key Item - Moghancement: Fishing (Skill))
Moglification: Fishing instead if placed together with Fishing Hole Map, Net and Lure, or The Big One

Guild Points (200,000)
Fishermen's Stall +5 (Key Item - Mega Moglification: Fishing) Synergy
Waders +2 Guild Points (70,000)
Fisherman's Apron Reduces chances of fishing up items. Guild Points (100,000)
Fisherman's Smock +1 & Reduces chances of fishing up items. Synergy
Tlahtlamah Glasses +1 RoE: Thanks for All the Fish
Kachina Gloves Makes fishing rods harder to break. RoE: Thanks for All the Fish
Fisherman's Feast Fishing skill increase rate + 5%
Cheer: Baby Eft Fishing skill increase rate + 1%


Item Bonus Obtained From
Seabird's Ring Increases ability to fish low-rank fish.
Noddy Ring Fishing skill (artisan and above): Reduces chances of fishing up monsters.
Puffin Ring Fishing skill (journeyman and above): Increases chances of fishing up large prey.
Albatross Ring Enchantment: Increases stamina while fishing Pirate's Chart (Quest)
Penguin Ring Enchantment: Increases skill at tiring fish Brigand's Chart (Quest)
Heron Ring Fishing support: Reduces fish stamina recovery Moblin Maze Mongers - Aquatic Depopulation Team
Seagull Ring Fishing support: Increases fish stamina reduction Moblin Maze Mongers - Aquatic Depopulation Team
Duck Ring Enchantment: Fishy Intuition Participate in Fish Ranking

Records of Eminence → Fishing: General

Pelican Ring Enchantment: Increases rate at which fishing skill is gained
  • Participate in Fish Ranking

Records of Eminence → Fishing: General


Although the effect is rather useless, these items grant Moghancement: Fishing (Items).


Rod Name R E Description
Bamboo Fishing Rod A fishing rod made of bamboo.
Carbon Fishing Rod A carbon fiber fishing rod.
Clothespole A mahogany fishing rod designed for catching big fish.
Composite Fishing Rod A fishing rod made of different materials, designed for catching big fish.
Ebisu Fishing Rod +1 Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif A legendary fishing rod that appears in Far Eastern mythology.
Ebisu Fishing Rod Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif A legendary fishing rod that appears in Far Eastern mythology.
Fastwater Fishing Rod An elm fishing rod designed for fast-water fishing.
Glass Fiber Fishing Rod A glass fiber fishing rod.
Goldfish Basket Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif A tiny bowl filled with water. Used for storing goldfish.
Halcyon Rod A synthetic rod designed by the Alchemist's Guild.
Hume Fishing Rod A traditional Hume fishing rod, made mainly of wood.
Judge's Rod A fishing rod.
Lu Shang's Fishing Rod +1 Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif A legendary fishing rod believed to have caught a sea dragon.
Lu Shang's Fishing Rod A legendary fishing rod believed to have caught a sea dragon.
Maze Monger Fishing Rod Ex-Icon.gif A technologically advanced fishing rod born from the genius minds of the Moblin Maze Mongers.
Mithran Fishing Rod A traditional Mithra fishing rod designed for catching big fish.
Single Hook Fishing Rod A glass fiber fishing rod designed for catching big fish.
Tarutaru Fishing Rod A traditional Tarutaru fishing rod, made mainly of wood.
Willow Fishing Rod A fishing rod made of willowwood.
Yew Fishing Rod A fishing rod made of yew.

Bait List

Bait Name R E Description
Ball of Crayfish Paste A ball of ground crayfish mixed with grains. Bait.
Dried Squid Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif This squid has been gutted and dried.
Drill Calamary Ex-Icon.gif A small cephalopod with a characteristic pointed shell. Bait.
Dwarf Pugil Ex-Icon.gif An extremely rare species of tiny pugil. Bait.
Fly Lure A fishing lure made in the shape of a caterpillar.
Frog Lure A fishing lure made in the shape of a frog.
Giant Shell Bug A parasite of the "Dreadbug." Bait.
Goliath Worm Ex-Icon.gif An enormous worm that lives in the upper layer of earth, favored by Gigas for use in fishing. Bait.
Ball of Insect Paste A ball of crushed insects mixed with grains. Bait.
Judge Fly Rare-Icon.gif Ex-Icon.gif Bait.
Judge Minnow The deity of fishing dwells within this lure.
Judge's Lure Bait.
Large Maze Monger Ball Ex-Icon.gif A ball of ground fresh ingredients passed down via a secret Moblin recipe, manufactured by the Moblin Maze Mongers. Big fish bait.
Little Worm A common dirt worm. Bait.
Lizard Lure A fishing lure made in the shape of a small lizard.
Lufaise Fly Found in the Lufaise Meadows, these energetic flies are perfect for using as bait in Frog Fishing.
Lugworm A marine worm that lives under beach sand. Bait.
Maze Monger Minnow Ex-Icon.gif The Moblin Maze Mongers' very own interpretation of the standard minnow fishing lure.
Meatball A ball of ground meat mixed with grains. Bait.
Minnow A fishing lure made in the shape of a small fish.
Peeled Crayfish A peeled crayfish. Big fish bait.
Peeled Lobster Peeled gold lobster or istakoz. Big fish bait.
Regular Maze Monger Ball Ex-Icon.gif A ball of ground fresh ingredients passed down via a secret Moblin recipe, manufactured by the Moblin Maze Mongers. Bait.
Robber Rig A fishing apparatus comprised of several luminescent hooks. The hooks are designed to latch on to the fish's scales.
Rogue Rig A fishing apparatus comprised of several hooks. The hooks are designed to latch on to the fish's scales.
Piece of Rotten Meat Rotten animal meat. It smells awful. Bait.
Sabiki Rig A fishing apparatus comprised of several baited hooks. Designed for catching small fish.
Ball of Sardine Paste A ball of ground sardine mixed with grains. Bait.
Sea Dragon Liver Ex-Icon.gif Bait.
Shell Bug A parasitic bug found in Quadav shells. Bait.
Shrimp Lure A fishing lure made in the shape of a shrimp.
Sinking Minnow A fishing lure made in the shape of a small fish. Designed for catching bottom fish.
Slice of Bluetail A slice of bluetail or uskumru. Big fish bait.
Slice of Moat Carp A slice of moat carp. Bait.
Slice of Cod Slices of tiger cod. Big fish bait.
Slice of Sardine Slices of bastore sardines or hamsi. Big fish bait.
Super Scoop A round, flat scoop used for catching goldfish. The bast parchment on its surface rips easily.
Ball of Trout Paste A ball of ground shining trout or alabaligi mixed with grains. Bait.
Worm Lure A fishing lure made in the shape of a worm.

How to Fish

To start, equip the rod you wish to use in your ranged weapon slot, bait in your ammo slot and any other enhancement gear you would like in other slots. When you find the body of water you would like to fish at, go to the context menu (press enter with no target) and select fish, or put /fish into your chat window. Your character will extend their rod and hear a drip. After a moment you will either get a message like the below, or "You didn't catch anything." If its a message like the below, Fish On! and your character will begin to strain with the rod. As you do, blue or gold arrows will point left or right, which you should respond by pressing the corresponding direction to tire out the catch. When the arrows stop appearing entirely and the fish's health gague empties, press confirm to reel in the catch. If you press enter before the fish is tired, your line will break and possibly your rod; either way you'll lose your bait. If you wish to cancel the reeling in process, such as you having a monster or item on the line, press escape to cut your line. You will lose your bait in the process.

Fishing Fatigue

  • You may catch a maximum of 200 fish and or items per day resetting at Japanese midnight.
  • If you are below level 20 or the account is less than 2 weeks old the maximum fish per day is 10.
  • Fatigue will gradually affect the delay you need between casts.

Fishing Messages

  • Small fish: "Something caught the hook!"
  • Large fish: "Something caught the hook!!!"
  • Non-fish targets: "You feel something pulling at your line."
  • Monsters: "Something clamps onto your line ferociously!"

Other Fishing Messages

  • "Your keen angler's senses tell you that this is the pull of a <<fishname>>!"
→ This message will tell you what fish you currently have on your line.
  • "This strength... you sense you are on the verge of an epic catch!"
→ This message is usually seen when fishing up LARGE fish that are bigger than their normal parameters would normally account for.

Fish By Skill Level Tier

Note: Fish information here is mirrored. To edit a specific fish, edit it on that item page.

Amateur (1-10)

Fishing Information
Fish Zone Rod Bait
Lamp Marimo - (0)

Lamp Marimo icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Bibiki Urchin - (3)

Bibiki Urchin icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Phanauet Newt - (4)

Phanauet Newt icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Cobalt Jellyfish - (5)

Cobalt Jellyfish icon.png

Denizanasi - (5)

Denizanasi icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Crayfish - (7)

Crayfish icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Ulbukan Lobster - (7)

Ulbukan Lobster icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Bibikibo - (8)

Bibikibo icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Bastore Sardine - (9)

Bastore Sardine icon.png

Hamsi - (9)

Hamsi icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Senroh Sardine - (9)

Senroh Sardine icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

§: Fish may be too small     #: Line may snap     Bold: Best Setup

Recruit (11-20)

Fishing Information
Fish Zone Rod Bait
Moat Carp - (11)

Moat Carp icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Ra'Kaznar Shellfish - (12)

Ra. Shellfish icon.png
Small! Fish

Bastore Sweeper - (12)

Bastore Sweeper icon.png
Small! Fish

Mackerel - (13)

Mackerel icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Greedie - (14)

Greedie icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Copper Frog - (16)

Copper Frog icon.png

Senroh Frog - (16)

Senroh Frog icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Yellow Globe - (17)

Yellow Globe icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Muddy Siredon - (18)

Muddy Siredon icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Istavrit - (18)

Istavrit icon.png
Large!!! Fish

Translucent Salpa - (18)

Translucent Salpa icon.png
Small! Fish

Quus - (19)

Quus icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Forest Carp - (20)

Forest Carp icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Tiny Goldfish - (20)

Tiny Goldfish icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Hoptoad - (20~21)

Hoptoad icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

§: Fish may be too small     #: Line may snap     Bold: Best Setup

Initiate (21-30)

Fishing Information
Fish Zone Rod Bait
Cheval Salmon - (21)

Cheval Salmon icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Contortopus - (22)

Contortopus icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Yorchete - (23?)

Yorchete icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

White Lobster - (23)

White Lobster icon.png
Small! Fish

Fat Greedie - (24)

Fat Greedie icon.png

Moorish Idol - (26)

Moorish Idol icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Gurnard - (26)

Gurnard icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Nebimonite - (27)

Nebimonite icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Tricolored Carp - (27)

Tricolored Carp icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Blindfish - (28)

Blindfish icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Pipira - (29)

Pipira icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Tiger Cod - (29)

Tiger Cod icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Caedarva Frog - (30)

Caedarva Frog icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Elshimo Frog - (30)

Elshimo Frog icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Bonefish - (30-31?)

Bonefish icon.png

§: Fish may be too small     #: Line may snap     Bold: Best Setup

Novice (31-40)

Fishing Information
Fish Zone Rod Bait
Giant Catfish - (31)

Giant Catfish icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Yayinbaligi - (31)

Yayinbaligi icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Deademoiselle - (31)

Deademoiselle icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Lungfish - (31)

Lungfish icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Gigant Octopus - (32)

Gigant Octopus icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Dark Bass - (33)

Dark Bass icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Crystal Bass - (35)

Crystal Bass icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Ogre Eel - (35)

Ogre Eel icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Mussel - (36)

Mussel icon.png
Small! Fish

Shining Trout - (37)

Shining Trout icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Alabaligi - (37)

Alabaligi icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Veydal Wrasse - (37)

Veydal Wrasse icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Blowfish - (38)

Blowfish icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Nosteau Herring - (39)

Nosteau Herring icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Coral Butterfly - (40)

Coral Butterfly icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

§: Fish may be too small     #: Line may snap     Bold: Best Setup

Apprentice (41-50)

Fishing Information
Fish Zone Rod Bait
Gugru Tuna - (41)

Gugru Tuna icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Lakerda - (41)

Lakerda icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Brass Loach - (42)

Brass Loach icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Zafmlug Bass - (43)

Zafmlug Bass icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Ruddy Seema - (44)

Ruddy Seema icon.png
Small! Fish

Gold Lobster - (46)

Gold Lobster icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Istakoz - (46)

Istakoz icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Black Eel - (47)

Black Eel icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Yilanbaligi - (47)

Yilanbaligi icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Cone Calamary - (48)

Cone Calamary icon.png

Kalamar - (48)

Kalamar icon.png

Icefish - (49)

Icefish icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Frigorifish - (49)

Frigorifish icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Sandfish - (50)

Sandfish icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Giant Donko - (50)

Giant Donko icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Duskcrawler - (50)

Duskcrawler icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Ashen Crayfish - (50)

Ashen Crayfish icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

§: Fish may be too small     #: Line may snap     Bold: Best Setup

Journeyman (51-60)

Fishing Information
Fish Zone Rod Bait
Monke-Onke - (51)

Monke-Onke icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Dragonfish - (52)

Dragonfish icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Red Terrapin - (53)

Red Terrapin icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Shall Shell - (53)

Shall Shell icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Vongola Clam - (53)

Vongola Clam icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Istiridye - (53)

Istiridye icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Kaplumbaga - (53)

Kaplumbaga icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Black Prawn - (54)

Black Prawn icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Bluetail - (55)

Bluetail icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Uskumru - (55)

Uskumru icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Voidsnapper - (55)

Voidsnapper icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

  • (G-9) from 23:00 - 4:00
    Mosquito Pond
  • (E-10) from 6:00 - 11:00
    West side of the Bridge
  • (J-7) from 16:00 - 21:00
    East River
Gold Carp - (56)

Gold Carp icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Sazanbaligi - (56)

Sazanbaligi icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Dragonfly Trout - (56-58)

Dragonfly Trout icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Pelazoea - (58)

Pelazoea icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Trilobite - (59)

Trilobite icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Thysanopeltis - (59)

Thysanopeltis icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Elshimo Newt - (60)

Elshimo Newt icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

§: Fish may be too small     #: Line may snap     Bold: Best Setup

Craftsman (61-70)

Fishing Information
Fish Zone Rod Bait
Bhefhel Marlin - (61)

Bhefhel Marlin icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Kilicbaligi - (61)

Kilicbaligi icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Trumpet Shell - (63)

Trumpet Shell icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Yawning Catfish - (63-66)

Yawning Catfish icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

King Perch - (65)

King Perch icon.png
Large!!! Fish

Malicious Perch - (65)

Malicious Perch icon.png
Large!!! Fish

  • Foret de Hennetiel (I-11), (J-11)
    Pathways adjacent to secret beach
    Must not be standing on sand
    Must face toward purple water
Noble Lady - (66)

Noble Lady icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Betta - (66)

Betta icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Shockfish - (66-68)

Shockfish icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Crescent Fish - (69)

Crescent Fish icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Zebra Eel - (70)

Zebra Eel icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

§: Fish may be too small     #: Line may snap     Bold: Best Setup

Artisan (71-80)

Fishing Information
Fish Zone Rod Bait
Bladefish - (71)

Bladefish icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Rhinochimera - (73)

Rhinochimera icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Dwarf Remora - (73-75)

Dwarf Remora icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Apkallufa - (75)

Apkallufa icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Tavnazian Goby - (75)

Tavnazian Goby icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Kayabaligi - (75)

Kayabaligi icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Silver Shark - (76)

Silver Shark icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Clotflagration - (77)

Clotflagration icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Ca Cuong - (78)

Ca Cuong icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Jungle Catfish - (80)

Jungle Catfish icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

§: Fish may be too small     #: Line may snap     Bold: Best Setup

Adept (81-90)

Fishing Information
Fish Zone Rod Bait
Three-eyed Fish - (81)

Three-eyed Fish icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Gavial Fish - (81)

Gavial Fish icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Pirarucu - (81)

Pirarucu icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Bloodblotch - (81-83)

Bloodblotch icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Garpike - (83)

Garpike icon.png
Small! Fish

Bastore Bream - (86)

Bastore Bream icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Mercanbaligi - (86)

Mercanbaligi icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Black Ghost - (88)

Black Ghost icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Dorado Gar - (89)

Dorado Gar icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Ahtapot - (90)

Ahtapot icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Grimmonite - (90)

Grimmonite icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

§: Fish may be too small     #: Line may snap     Bold: Best Setup

Veteran (91-100)

Fishing Information
Fish Zone Rod Bait
Gigant Squid - (91)

Gigant Squid icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Emperor Fish - (91)

Emperor Fish icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Morinabaligi - (91)

Morinabaligi icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Megalodon - (93)

Megalodon icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Black Sole - (96)

Black Sole icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Dil - (96)

Dil icon.png
Small! Fish
(Salt Water)

Tiger Shark - (99)

Tiger Shark icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Key Item Required:
Anglers' Almanac

Pterygotus - (99)

Pterygotus icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

§: Fish may be too small     #: Line may snap     Bold: Best Setup

Expert (101-110)

Fishing Information
Fish Zone Rod Bait
Takitaro - (101)

Takitaro icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Sea Zombie - (101)

Sea Zombie icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Titanictus - (101)

Titanictus icon.png

Kalkanbaligi - (105)

Kalkanbaligi icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Turnabaligi - (100)

Turnabaligi icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Armored Pisces - (108)

Armored Pisces icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Giant Chirai - (110+)

Giant Chirai icon.png

Crocodilos - (110+)

Crocodilos icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Titanic Sawfish - (103)

Titanic Sawfish icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

  • Manaclipper (Maliyakaleya Reef Route)
    Only bites after the NPC talks about violent currents, but not after leaving the reef area.
Tricorn - (103?)

Tricorn icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Key Item Required:
Frog Fishing

Cave Cherax - (110+)

Cave Cherax icon.png

May Break:
Far East Puffer - (110+)

Far East Puffer icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

  • (G-9) from 23:00 - 4:00
    Mosquito Pond
  • (E-10) from 6:00 - 11:00
    West side of the Bridge
  • (J-7) from 16:00 - 21:00
    East River
Mola Mola - (110+)

Mola Mola icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Gerrothorax - (110+)

Gerrothorax icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Gugrusaurus - (110+)

Gugrusaurus icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Key Item Required:
Serpent Rumors

Lik - (110+)

Lik icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Key Item Required:
Serpent Rumors

Shen - (110+)

Shen (fish) icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Kokuryu - (110+)

Kokuryu icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Key Item Required:
Serpent Rumors

Sekiryu - (110+)

Sekiryu icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Key Item Required:
Serpent Rumors

Soryu - (110+)

Soryu icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Key Item Required:
Serpent Rumors

Cameroceras - (110+)

Cameroceras icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Ancient Carp - (110+)

Ancient Carp icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Hakuryu - (110+)

Hakuryu icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Key Item Required:
Serpent Rumors

Tusoteuthis Longa - (110+)

Tusoteuthis Longa icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Phantom Serpent - (110+)

Phan. Serpent icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Key Item Required:
Serpent Rumors

Ryugu Titan - (110)

Ryugu Titan icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Abaia - (110+)

Abaia icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Red Bubble-Eye - (110+)

Red Bubble-Eye icon.png
Small! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Quicksilver Blade - (110+)

Quick. Blade icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Matsya - (110+)

Matsya icon.png

Remora - (110+)

Remora icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

Dragon's Tabernacle - (110+)

Dra. Tabernacle icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Salt Water)

Key Item Required:
Serpent Rumors

Lord of Ulbuka - (110+)

Lord of Ulbuka icon.png
Large!!! Fish
(Fresh Water)

§: Fish may be too small     #: Line may snap     Bold: Best Setup

Fishing Guides


This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.

Pages in category "Fishing"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.