Category:Reforged Relic Armor +3

From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from Reforged Relic Armor +3)
Artifact Armor
Original Reforged
Artifact · +1 Reforged · +1 · +2 · +3
Relic Armor
Original Reforged
Relic · +1 · +2 Reforged · +1 · +2 · +3
Empyrean Armor
Original Reforged
Empyrean · +1 · +2 Reforged · +1 · +2 · +3

Reforged Relic Armor +3 is a category of armor and garb that is further upgraded Reforged Relic Armor from the goblin Aurix via the ??? in Ru'Lude Gardens (G-8), near the AH, to the final item level 119 version.
This page shows the items required to upgrade your Reforged Relic Armor 119 +2 to their Item Level 119 +3 versions using items from Dynamis - Divergence and Vagary.

AugRank.pngNote: Augments are the same potency between all Relic Armor +2 and Reforged equivalent pieces.

In order to talk to her and create this armor, the following conditions must be met:

  • You must have defeated the corresponding Dynamis Divergence zone Mid-Boss Statue NM while on the corresponding job.
    • Note: As of the November 2021 Version Update, players can now defeat 100 squadron enemies to unlock the ability to upgrade that area's Relic +3 slot on the job that the player defeated the enemies on. This is an alternate method to earn Relic +3 armor instead of defeating the Mid-Bosses in each zone. See the section below for details.
Slot Zone
Feet San d'Oria
Hands Bastok
Head Windurst
Legs Jeuno
Body All 4 Zones

It takes one game day to complete the reforging process.

Alternate Upgrade Method

As of the November 2021 Version Update, players can alternatively defeat 100 squadron enemies during the first wave to unlock the ability to upgrade that area's Relic +3 slot. This is an alternate method to earn Relic +3 armor instead of defeating the Mid-Bosses in each zone.

When a player defeats 100 squadron enemies on the same job in each of the four Dynamis - Divergence zones, or defeats the Mid-Boss in all four zones, they are awarded with the appropriate Key Item job shard. Earning one of these shards signifies that the player has unlocked the ability to upgrade all five slots of that job's relic armor to +3.

Players still unlock one slot at a time as before, and the Key Item is not required to begin the process. As an example: If a player enters Dynamis - San d'Oria (D) as Warrior and defeats 100 Squadron monsters, the Key Item is not obtained but the ability to upgrade Warrior Feet relic armor to +3 is unlocked. Key Item Courageous warrior's shard will only be obtained when the same is done in Bastok, Windurst, and Jeuno as Warrior.

If a player has previously unlocked all five slots of relic armor on a job, that job's shard is automatically received after entering a Dynamis - Divergence zone after the November 2021 Version Update, or after clicking on the enigmatic footprints after the Jan 2022 Version Update.



White Mage

Black Mage

Red Mage



Dark Knight








Glyphic Attire Set +3
Slot Base Required Shard Void Ingredient Slot Ingredient Reforged Armor
Head Glyphic Horn +2 Headshard: SMN x3 Voidhead: SMN x3 Defiant Scarf x3 Glyphic Horn +3
Augment-Icon.png Enhances "Astral Flow" effect.
Body Glyphic Doublet +2 Torsoshard: SMN x3 Voidtorso: SMN x3 Hades' Claw x3 Glyphic Doublet +3
Augment-Icon.png Reduces Merit "Blood Pact" MP cost.
Hands Glyphic Bracers +2 Handshard: SMN x3 Voidhand: SMN x3 Macuil Plating x3 Glyphic Bracers +3
Augment-Icon.png Increases Merit "Blood Pact" magic burst damage.
Legs Glyphic Spats +2 Legshard: SMN x3 Voidleg: SMN x3 Tartarian Soul x3 Glyphic Spats +3
Augment-Icon.png Increases Merit "Blood Pact" magic accuracy.
Feet Glyphic Pigaches +2 Footshard: SMN x3 Voidfoot: SMN x3 Plovid Flesh x3 Glyphic Pigaches +3
Augment-Icon.png Increases Merit "Blood Pact" magic critical damage.

Blue Mage






Rune Fencer

Pages in category "Reforged Relic Armor +3"

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