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General Information
<Write about the job here>
- (B) The Big 3 and Minor 4 Debuffs: While it is debatable if as a Red Mage you need to be casting buffs first or second this is determined by two things. How many other Red Mages are there and where are you in the Party/Alliance. Debuffs fall into two sets, the Big 3 (Dia, Frazzle, and Distract) and the Minor 4 (Slow, Paralyze, Blind, Addle). Everything else is situational as the spell may be resisted or the monster is immune to it.
- (B.1) The Big 3: Dia, Frazzle, Distract: Your big three Debuffs are here. While Trash Mobs die fast enough that you won’t land all debuffs on all of them, bosses are a special breed and need special attention from Red Mages.
- (B.1.a) Dia: A Red Mages big debuff, Dia III drops a target’s DEF by ~20% (208/1024) and stacks with Angon (DRG), Box Step (DNC), and Indi/Geo-Frailty (GEO). When coupled with a COR’s Light shot, Dia III become Dia IV increasing the Defense Down by 2.73 (28/1024) for a total of ~23% (236/1024). This is priority 1 for Red Mage on bosses.
- (B.1.b) Frazzle: Frazzle II needs to be casted in Max Magic Accuracy Gear to avoid being resisted. Frazzle is an “All-or-Nothing” effect meaning it either lands or is fully resisted. The spell caps at 350 Enfeebling Magic Skill for a potency of 40 Magic Evasion which an additional 10 Magic Evasion when the Red Mage has 50 (or more) MND than the target.
- Frazzle III is to be casted in a Maximum Potency set, which is a combination if MND and Enfeebling Magic Potency + gear. This is also an “All-or-Nothing” spell. Frazzle III will inflict a -120 Magic Evasion debuff when skill is capped at 625. It also benefits from the MND Bonus of an additional 10 Magic Evasion for a total of 130. Should it land, then the timer is reset and upgrades Frazzle II to Frazzle III. If it misses, the mob still has Frazzle II on it.
- (B.1.c) Distract: Where Frazzle is Magic Evasion Down, Distract is Evasion Down. The values are the same as Frazzle to include the MND bonus and the same gear sets used to cast Frazzle II and Frazzle III should be used to cast Distract II and Distract III.
- (B.2) The Minor 4: Slow, Blind, Paralyze, Addle: The staple of being a Red Mage back in the 75-days, these four spells contribute significantly beyond compare. Slow, Blind, and Paralyze serve to slow the monster’s ability to attack and land hits while Slow, Paralyze, and Addle hinder a monster’s ability to cast spells.
Abilities and Traits
ExpandJob Traits
10, 30, 50, 70, 81
Resist Petrify
Gives a Chance to Completely Resist the Petrifiy status effect
10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%
15, 35, 55, 76, 89, 150jp, 500jp, 1125jp, 2000jp
Fast Cast
Reduced Spell Casting times, and Recasting times by 1/2 the ammount. Caps at 80%
10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 32%, 34%, 36%, 38%
20, 40, 86
Magic Attack Bonus
Improves power of magic spells.
20, 24, 28
25, 45, 96
Magic Defense Bonus
Improves defense against magic spells.
10, 12, 14
Tranquil Heart
Reduces enmity gain when casting healing magic.
1~25 (skill based)
31, 53, 75, 91
Clear Mind
Raises amount of MP recovered while resting.
3, 6, 9, 12
Damage Limit+
Grants a bonus to maximum physical damage. (increases PDIF)
85, 95
Magic Burst Bonus
Improves magic burst damage. Does not Count towards Cap
5%, 7%
87, 97
Shield Mastery
Grants bonus TP when blocking an attack with a shield. Also prevents spell interruption.
10TP, 20TP
ExpandJob Ability
Reduces Casting and recasting time of spells to 0 for 60 Seconds.
Swaps Current HP and MP Values.
Triples Enhancing Magic Duration Cast on Self. Triples Enspell Damage. Increases Physical Accuracy. increases Recast times by 25%
Increases potency of Enfeebling Magic by 100% on normal monsters, and 25% on Notorious Monsters for 60 seconds. Only impacts the base of the spell - not the dStat value.
Make the next spell you cast, or target party member casts, instant with no recast time.
Forces next enfeebling spell to always land, unless the target has perfect immunity against the status effect.
ExpandGroup 1
Convert Recast
Shorten recast time by 20 seconds.
Not a useful Merit category in any regard. Disregard these.
Fire Magic Accuracy
Increase the accuracy of Fire spells by 3.
Bolsters the accuracy of Addle.
Ice Magic Accuracy
Increase the accuracy of Ice spells by 3.
Bolsters the accuracy of Distract, Paralyze & Bind. Most valuable Group 1.
Wind Magic Accuracy
Increase the accuracy of Wind spells by 3.
Bolsters the accuracy of Gravity & Silence.
Earth Magic Accuracy
Increase the accuracy of Earth spells by 3.
Bolsters the accuracy of Slow.
Lightning Magic Accuracy
Increase the accuracy of Lightning spells by 3.
Dont take these.
Water Magic Accuracy
Increase the accuracy of Water spells by 3.
Increases the accuracy of Poison.
Standard Selections
5/5 Ice Magic accuracy, 5/5 Wind Magic Accuracy
ExpandGroup 2
Enfeebling Magic Duration
Increase enfeebling magic duration by 6 seconds.
Relic Reforged grants +3 Per merit.
Magic Accuracy
Increase magic accuracy by 5.
Relic Reforged Grants an additional +3 per merit.
Enhancing Magic Duration
Increase enhancing magic duration by 6 seconds.
Relic Reforged grants an additional +3 per merit. useful if you are running haste rotations in alliance content.
Immunobreak Chance
Increase chance of Immunobreak occurrence by 3 percent.
Relic Reforged Increases the Rate by 1% Per merit. Take this if you are struggling to land enfeebles.
En-spell Damage
Increase damage of Enspell effect by 3, and Enspell II effect by 6.
Not worth investing points into
Increase accuracy by 5.
Not worth investing points into
Standard Selections
5/5 Magic accuracy, 5/5 Immunobreak Chance
Job Points & Gifts
ExpandJob Points
Job Point Category
Total Value
Chainspell Effect
Increases elemental magic damage while under the effects of Chainspell
Stymie Effect
Increases the effect duration of enfeebling magic spells while under the effects of Stymie.
Convert Effect
Reduces the amount of HP consumed when using Convert.
Magic Accuracy Bonus
Increases magical accuracy.
Composure Effect
Increases physical accuracy while under the effects of Composure.
Magic Atk. Bonus
Enhances Magic Atk. Bonus.
Saboteur Effect
Increases enfeebling magic accuracy while under the effects of Saboteur.
Enfeebling Magic Duration
Increases enfeebling magic effect duration.
Quick Magic Effect
Reduces MP consumption while under the effects of Quick Magic.
Enhancing Magic Duration
Increases enhancing magic effect duration.
Gift Category
Enspell Damage
Increased Enspell Damage
Magic Accuracy Bonus
Increased Magic Accuracy
Magic Attack Bonus
Increased Magic Attack
Magic Defense Bonus
Increased Magic Defense
Magic Evasion Bonus
Increased Magic Evasion
Physical Accuracy Bonus
Increase Physical and Ranged Accuracy
Enfeebling Magic Skill Bonus
Increased Enfeebling Magic Skill
Enhancing Magic Skill Bonus
Increased Enhancing Magic Skill
Fast Cast Effect
Decreases casting and recasting time
Capacity Point Bonus
Increased Capacity Points Earned
Milestone Gifts
Superior 1 (50)
Enables the player to equip items marked as Superior 1 (Su1)
Superior 2 (100)
Enables the player to equip items marked as Superior 2 (Su2)
New Spells (100)
Fire V, Blizzard V, Aero V, Stone V, Thunder V, Water V
Superior 3 (500)
Enables the player to equip items marked as Superior 3 (Su3)
New Spells (550)
Addle II, Distract III, Frazzle III
Superior 4 (1200)
Enables the player to equip items marked as Superior 4 (Su4)
New Spell(1200)
Refresh III, Temper II
Superior 5 (2100)
Enables the player to equip items marked as Superior 5 (Su5)
★Master! (2100)
Reduces the recast of Chainspell and Stymie
Support Jobs
RDM is arguably the most Support job Reliant job in the entire game. RDM has the ability to maximize support jobs like none other due to the sheer flexibility of the job. Most jobs will only ever need two to three support jobs on hand to play optimally, but Red Mage can legitimately utilize nearly every single support job in the game in various situations.
Future Master levels Notes: Anything Regarding future Master Levels should be considered purely opinion, as many of these changes have not happened, and may be implemented counter to our current understanding of the games mechanics (E.G. Spells being removed from SJ)
Casting Support Jobs
Expand Scholar
- Scholar is hands down the best caster support job for Red Mage. It offers RDM extreme flexibility with its enhancing magic, and the ability to access nearly all status removal spells. It also helps bolster Redmages Lacking magic skills up to B Rank for Dark, Divine, healing, and Elemental Magic. Storm Spells help maximize their Elemental and Healing magic, and AOE control spells are invaluable.
- Abilities: Light Arts, Dark Arts, Sublimation
- Light Arts - Increases your current Skill level for Enfeebling, healing, enhancing and Divine to B. reduces Mana costs, casting and recasting time for White magic. Increases mana costs, casting and recasting time for black magic.
- Dark Arts - Increases your current skill level for Enfeebling, Elemental, and Dark Magic to B. reduces Mana costs, casting and recasting time for Black Magic. Increases mana costs, casting and recasting time for White Magic.
- Traits: Resist Silence II, Max MP Boost
- Enhancing Magic: Storm Spells
- Elemental Magic: Helix Spells
- Healing Magic: Reraise, Erase, Blindna, Cursna, Paralyna, Poisona, Silena, Viruna, Stona(MLv.5)
- Future Master Levels: Things to keep in mind as master levels progress.
Expand Black Mage
- Black Mage is one of the weaker sub jobs available to Red Mage. It features a few useful tools such as Sleepga,Stun and Elemental Seal, but is largely not used in most situations.
- Future Master Levels: Things to keep in mind as master levels progress.
Expand White Mage
- Whitemage Is one of Red Mage's WORST support job selections, until master level 10 is achieved. After Master level 10, you gain access to Curaga III, which fixes any Healing focused Redmages Spell kit, and allows them to cope with frequent incoming AOE Damage.
- Abilities: Divine Seal
- Traits: Auto-Regen, Magic Defense Bonus II
- Healing Magic: Reraise, Erase, Blindna, Cursna, Paralyna, Poisona, Silena, Stona, Viruna
- Divine Magic: Holy, Repose (MLv.20)
- Enhancing Magic: Teleport & Recall Magic, Auspice (MLv:30)
- Notes: while rdm has access to perfect gear for holy bursting, it still fails to compete with other elemental bursting options.
- Future Master Levels: Things to keep in mind as master levels progress.
Expand Blue Mage
- Blue Mage is one of the Unsung Support Jobs of Red Mage. It offers them a wide range of flexibility, from having good AOE Enmity spells, to having Access to increasingly unique buffs/debuffs as master levels progress. Red Mage is blessed with enough magic accuracy to reliably land debuffs from blue mage on most Apex tier monsters.
- Abilities: Burst Affinity, Chain Affinity
- Traits: Blue Mage Job Traits
- Blue Magic:Blue Magic
- Note: Offensive Elemental blue magic can still be used to Great effect- see damage examples.

- Note: These damage values were utilizing GEO & Corsair Buffs, Unbuffed expect to see 20-40k depending on gear.
- Future Master Levels: Blue mage gains such a diverse selection of traits and spell effects that time will tell on how viable this Sub Job will become.
Tanking Support Jobs
Expand Rune Fencer
- Rune Fencer Pre-Master levels is a rather Lackluster support job. It really only brings enhanced elemental resilience, and increased parry rates as its features. With Master levels, it has gotten slightly more powerful. At Master Level 45 RUN becomes a VERY potent tanking Support Job for Red Mage due to access to Foil, allowing RDM To functionally "Aoe Tank" using Diaga, and repeatedly casting foil using a SIRD + Enmity Set.
- Abilities: Runes, Vallation, Swordplay, Swipe, Lunge, Pflug, Valiance (MLv:5)
- Traits: Tenacity, Auto Regen, Inquartara, Tactical Parry, Accuracy Bonus (MLv:10)
- Divine Magic: Flash
- Spells: Foil (Mlv:45)
Expand Paladin
- Paladin is a fairly potent Tanking support job option for Red Mage. Red Mage makes a Disturbingly adequate Main tank when subbing Paladin with the proper gear selection - Even more so when paired with proper support buffs to shore up their Defense Score.
DD Support Jobs
Expand Ninja
- Ninja is the Gold Standard for Red Mage support jobs, mostly due to Dual Wield III. RDM also has the casting speed to keep Utsusemi more than relevant as a defensive option.
Expand Dancer
- Very strong subjob, but suffers from Sambas Not working with en-spells, and offers one less tier of Dual Wield than Ninja. Other advantages are access to Box Step (defense down), Quickstep (evasion down), and Healing Waltz (remove debuffs on self and others). Unfortunately all dancer abilities consume TP to use, reducing your WS frequency, or just being inaccessible if you're not meleeing, and it is highly debatable if the additional toolset is worth losing that tier of Dual Wield, not to mention adding a number of actions to a job that is already pretty busy in general.
At MLv.30, Chocobo Jig is a pretty nice QoL.
- Abilities:Sambas, Steps, Jigs, Flourishes I, Flourishes II, Waltzes, Contradance(MLv.30), Chocobo Jig(MLv.30)
- Traits: Evasion Bonus, Resist Slow, Dual Wield, Accuracy Bonus, Skillchain Bonus (tier II at MLv.45)
Expand Dark Knight
- A viable support job, mostly for its access to stun.
- Abilities: Arcane Circle, Last Resort, Weapon Bash, Souleater, Consume Mana
- Traits: Attack Bonus, Desperate Blows, Smite, Resist Paralyze, Arcana Killer, Occult Acumen (tier II at Mlv.45), Stalwart Soul
- Dark Magic: Absorb Magic, Stun
Expand Warrior
- A solid support job to be used with Fencer builds.
- Red Mage is easily one of the most gear intensive class in the entire game. In order to maximize this job to it's full potential expect to utilize between 150 and 250 pieces of gear from various content. Red Mages needs to come prepared to fill in multiple roles from Debuffer, Healer, Enhancer, Nuker/Burster, and Melee. In some content, Red Mages can find themselves serving as an Evasion-Style Tank with their gear and subjobs. Its greatest weapon is its versatility meaning the more you are prepared to do, the better you can contribute in group content.
Ultimate Weapons
Swords and Daggers
Staves and Clubs
Job Specific Equipment
- Atrophy Armor is the upgraded artifact armor set for Red Mages. It features an extremely Spread out selection of improvements to redmage, and has no general focus.
- Mandatory +3: Atrophy Gloves +3, Atrophy Tabard +3, Atrophy Tights +3
Optional +3: Atrophy Boots +3, Atrophy Chapeau +3
- Note: All upgrade items assume maximum upgrade amounts needed.
- Vitiation Armor is the upgraded Relic Armor Set for Red Mages.
- Mandatory +3: Viti. Chapeau +3,Viti. Tabard +3,Vitiation Boots +3
Optional +3:
- Note: All upgrade items assume maximum upgrade amounts needed.
- Lethargy Armor is the upgraded Empyrean Armor Set for Red Mages.
- Mandatory +3: Leth. Chappel +3,Lethargy Sayon +3,Leth. Ganth. +3,Leth. Fuseau +3,Lethargy Houseaux +3
Optional +3:
- Note: All upgrade items assume maximum upgrade amounts needed.
Noteworthy Gear Sets
- Malignance Armor is commonly used in TP and DT sets for Red Mages.
- Amalric Attire is commonly used in Magic Accuracy, Magic Damage, and Magic Bursts sets for Red Mages. The set is created by trading Alphollon C Meriard either Vexed (NQ) or Jinxed (HQ) items and Venerian Abjuration.
Gear Sets
Enfeebling Magic Sets
Disclaimer: This is a guide. There are many different methods to building Enfeebling Magic equipment sets. Please use the discussion page if you feel a set is using sub optimal gear. Please also feel free to spot-check my math on enfeebling performance levels
- Duration Formula: ((Spell base × Saboteur) + (6s × RDM Group 2 Merit Point Level) + (3s × RDM Relic Head Group 2 Merit Point Level Augment) + RDM Enfeebling Job Points + RDM Stymie Job Points + Gear that list Seconds) × (Augments Composure Bonus) × (Duration listed on Gear) × (Duration Augments on Gear)
- Potency Formula: floor(floor((Base Potency × Saboteur) + {dStat Modifier}) × (Enfeebling Magic Effect+ Gear))
- Note: All spell potencies assume Max dMND or dINT, Mastered Redmage, and MLv.30
Note: While the Murgleis III is considered to be the "best" magic accuracy option, the contemplator performs at such a close level to the murgleis, that no amount of insanity can justify investing in this weapon solely for a MACC Set. (108 Macc & 12 int/MND VS 80 MACC, 20 Enf Skill +32 MND and +22 INT. the Magic Skill and Higher Mind/INT options come to less than a fraction of a percent difference in performance.) As such its been removed from all ACC sets as to not confuse anyone into thinking this weapon is the end all be all.
Skill Based Enfeebling Magic
- These spells adjust their potency based on your total enfeebling magic skill. due to the accuracy bonus from skill, it is far better to prioritize skill over accuracy. Newer Redmages not as geared yet, can use these gear sets as a guide, and simply use Lower quality variants of this gear until gaining the higher quality variants. There are better options than lower quality variants for sure, but its best to not waste time getting those unless you really need to. RDM Very comfortably follows the +0>+1>+2>3 path on gear due to their JSE Reliance.
Note: all Expected values are based on 2100 JP + Full Merits + MLv. 30 Skill
Note: Always override Hand equipment on enfeebles with the Lethargy Gantherots +1 under the effects of saboteur
Skill Based Spells: Frazzle III, Distract III, Poison, Poison II
- Frazzle III
- Description: Lowers target's magic evasion
- Element:

- Notes: Cannot immunobreak. Casting Frazzle II in full magic accuracy, can help this spell land at full power
- Overwrites: Frazzle, Frazzle II
- Known Formula: floor(floor((Floor(6/21) x (Enfeebling Skill - 205)) × Saboteur) + {Floor(dMND/5)}) × (Enfeebling Magic Effect+ Gear))
- Known Caps: 50 dMND, 625 Skill
- Expected Value/Saboteur: Normal: [200/407], Boss: [200/268]
- Distract III
- Description: Lowers target's Evasion
- Element:

- Notes: Cannot Immunobreak. One of the most potent evasion down effects in the game.
- Overwrites: Distract, Distract II, Most Evasion Boost/Bonus Effects.
- Known Formula: floor(floor((Floor(6/21) x (Enfeebling Skill - 190)) × Saboteur) + {Floor(dMND/5)}) × (Enfeebling Magic Effect+ Gear))
- Known Caps: 50 dMND, 610 Skill
- Expected Value/Saboteur: Normal: [200/407], Boss: [200/268]
- Poison
- Description: Poisons an enemy and gradually reduces its HP.
- Element:

- Notes: Has no dStat. Potency vastly outperforms skill due to its miniscule Skill cap.
- Overwrites: None
- Known Formula: floor(floor(((Skill-225)/5 × Saboteur) + {dStat Modifier}) × (Enfeebling Magic Effect+ Gear))
- Known Caps: 500 Skill
- Expected Value/Saboteur: Normal: [100/194], Boss: [100/131]
- Poison II
- Description: Poisons an enemy and gradually reduces its HP.
- Element:

- Notes: Has no dStat. Potency outperforms skill for now. May change in the future if higher skill becomes available in potency slots.
- Overwrites: Poison, Poisonga, Cannot Overwrite itself or higher poison values.
- Known Formula: floor(floor((((Floor(82+(180/783) x (Skill-500)) × Saboteur) + {dStat Modifier}) × (Enfeebling Magic Effect+ Gear))
- Known Caps: No Known Cap; Damage formula has multiple skill based tiers, potentially a new tier at some point beyond 500 skill.
- Expected Value/Saboteur: Normal: [184/374], Boss: [184/247]
Magic Accuracy Based Enfeebling Magic
- These are spells that have a primary focus on Magic Accuracy, to assist in ensuring they land. these are generally crowd controll spells, that can be life or death to land them on the first cast in many cases. these generally do not have a dStat, or have an inconsequential dStat. In some cases Duration is better, in others potency might be a factor, and in one accuracy is the only thing that matters.
Note: Always override Hand equipment on enfeebles with the Lethargy Gantherots +1 under the effects of saboteur
Magic Accuracy & Duration Spells: Sleep, Sleep II, Bind, Break, Silence
- Sleep
- Description: Puts the target to sleep.
- Element:

- Notes: Can immunobreak. Has full and half resist states. Duration is especially valuable. Disregard potency. Broken by damage & DOT. Does not work on undead.
- Overwrites: None
- Known Formula: 60s Base. See Duration Formula
- Known Caps: None
- Expected Value/Saboteur: Normal: [145/266], Boss: [145/185]
- Sleep II
- Description: Puts the target to sleep.
- Element:

- Notes: Can Immunobreak. Has full and half resist states. Duration is especially valuable. Disregard potency. Broken by damage & DOT. Does not work on undead.
- Overwrites: Sleep, Sleepga, Tier 1 Lullabys
- Known Formula: 90s Base. See Duration Formula
- Known Caps: None
- Expected Value/Saboteur: Normal: [199/382], Boss: [199/259]
- Break
- Description: Petrifies target to prevent them from acting.
- Element:

- Notes: Duration is especially Valuable. Disregard Potency. is not broken by Active Damage over time Effects. broken by damage. Works on Undead.
- Overwrites: None
- Known Formula: 30s Base. See Duration Formula
- Known Caps: None
- Expected Value/Saboteur: Normal: [90/151], Boss: [90/110]
- Bind
- Description: Binds an enemy in place, immobilizing it.
- Element:

- Notes: Duration is especially Valuable. Disregard Potency. is not broken by Active Damage over time Effects. broken by damage. Works on Undead.
- Overwrites: None
- Known Formula: Unknown. appears to have either a random base, or resist state applied at times.
- Known Caps: Unknown.
- Expected Value/Saboteur: 30~500s. My longest bind on record was in the ball park of 4 minutes.
- Silence
- Description: Silences an enemy, preventing Spell Casting.
- Element:

- Notes: This spell can be used with either Duration, or Accuracy set ups depending on the encounter. Utilize Chironic Hose +1 Immunobreak if attempting to silence a difficult target
- Overwrites: None
- Known Formula: 120s Base. See Duration Formula
- Known Caps: None
Magic Accuracy & Potency hybrid Spells: Gravity, Gravity II
Note: Utilize the Magic Accuracy & Duration Set if Accuracy/duration is a more pressing concern.
- Gravity
- Description: Weighs target down reducing movement speed.
- Element:

- Notes: Has no dStat. Only saboteur and potency effects the movement speed reduction.
- Overwrites: None
- Known Formula: floor(floor((26% × Saboteur) + {dStat Modifier}) × (Enfeebling Magic Effect+ Gear))
- Known Caps: None
- Expected Value/Saboteur: Normal: [40%/84%], Boss: [40%/54%]
- Gravity II
- Description: Weighs target down reducing movement speed.
- Element:

- Notes: Has no dStat. Only saboteur and potency effects the movement speed reduction. Using all available Potency & Saboteur you can reduce non-notorious monsters movement below 0% resulting in an unbreakable pseudo bind effect lasting several minutes.
- Overwrites: Gravity
- Known Formula: floor(floor((26% × Saboteur) + {dStat Modifier}) × (Enfeebling Magic Effect+ Gear)
- Known Caps: None
- Expected Value/Saboteur: Normal: [49%/104%], Boss: [49%/67%]
Pure Magic Accuracy Spells: Frazzle II, Dispel
- Frazzle II
- Description: Reduces Targets Magic evasion
- Element:

- Notes: Use this spell to help land full power frazzle. casting this in Full acc gear allows it to land much easier than Frazzle III.
- Overwrites: Frazzle
- Known Formula: floor(floor((((skill-150)/5) × Saboteur) + {dStat Modifier/4}) × (Enfeebling Magic Effect+ Gear))
- Known Caps: 350 Skill, 50 dMND
- Expected Value/Saboteur: Normal: [-65/-123], Boss: [-65/-84]
- Dispel
- Description: Removes Enhancing effects from Target.
- Element:

- Notes: Invaluable. Utilize with Any level of Dls. Torque +2 to remove two effects at once.
- Overwrites: None
- Known Formula: None
- Known Caps: None
MND Based Enfeebling Magic
- These are spells that have a dMND function applied to the spells potency, that compares your Mind at the time of casting, to your targets Mind at the time of casting. Spells like Shock or Impact can help boost their potency. most spells have an individal spell cap to dMND. Unlike most other spells that have lower tiers, Mind modified spells generally do not have any noteworthy benefits or advantages to casting a lower version of the spell (E.G. sleep >SleepII).
Mind Scaling Spells: Paralyze, Paralyze II, Addle, Addle II, Slow, Slow II
- Slow II
- Description: Reduces enemies Attack speeds
- Element:

- Notes: Can immunobreak. dMND. Roughly 12.5% Slow At base (only this is multiplied by saboteur term).
- Overwrites: Slow
- Known Formula: ((12.5 x Saboteur) + ((75 + dMND) x 0.15) X Potency)/100
- Known Caps: -75 dMND, +75 dMND.
- Expected Value/Saboteur: Normal: [54%/75%], Boss: [54%/61%]
- Paralyze II
- Description: Occasionally interrupt enemy attacks and spellcasting.
- Element:

- Notes: Can immunobreak. Has a base activation rate of 10% (only this is multiplied by saboteur term), Stacks with indi/geo paralyze for nearly 100% paralyze in optimal settings.
- Overwrites: Paralyze
- Known Formula: ((10 x Saboteur) + ((40 + dMND) x 0.25) X Potency)/100
- Known Caps: -40 MND, +40 MND
- Expected Value/Saboteur: Normal: [59%/76%], Boss: [59%/65%]
- Addle II
- Description: Decreases an enemy's magic accuracy and increases its spellcasting time.
- Element:

- Notes: Can immunobreak. Reduces Magic accuracy, which effectively translates to magic evasion for yourself and others. Also applies a 25-40% increased spell casting/recasting time penalty.
- Overwrites: Addle
- Known Formula: ((50 x Saboteur) + (dMND/5)) X Potency)
- Known Caps: -100 MND, +100 MND
- Expected Value/Saboteur: Normal: [107/194], Boss: [107/136]
INT Based Enfeebling Magic
- These are spells that have a dINT function applied to the spells potency, that compares your intelligence at the time of casting, to your targets intelligence at the time of casting. Spells like Burn or Impact can help boost their potency. most spells have an individal spell cap to dINT
Intelligence Scaling Spells: Blind, Blind II
- Blind II
- Description: Reduces enemies Attack Accuracy
- Element:

- Notes: Can immunobreak. dINT.
- Overwrites: Blind
- Known Formula: No known modern formula dated after the merit change. Previous stat caps were +/- 120dINT with no impact from skill. the dINT likely has not changed, however our access to potency gear has substantially changed. My current estimates for blind II place it at 300~310 Accuracy down on a normal target, and 195~200 on a boss target. Please take this as the anecdote that it is. As this is dealing with monster accuracy, its exceedingly difficult to manually test to a precise value.
- Known Caps: -120 dINT, +120 dDINT.
- Expected Value/Saboteur: Normal: [142/300~310], Boss: [142/195~200]
Non-Scaling Enfeebling Magic
- These Spells need No Accuracy, skill, and have no dStat Modifier, and generally cannot be resisted. This makes duration boosts the most valuable stat to apply to them.
Non-Scaling Spells: Inundation
Note: You only Need +4 Treasure Hunter in total, or even None at all. Can also select Dark matter Augment TH. Set is just to emphasize bringing +4 TH for this spell. Note: Wh. Rarab Cap +1 is an easy access non-ilevel TH Piece if you can snag one
- Inundation
- Description: Increases Skillchain damage taken when multiple players perform skillchains using different weapon types.
- Element:

- Notes: Skillchain damage taken increases by 20% each time multiple players perform a skillchain for each unique weapon type that has participated in the skillchain. E.G. Empyreal Arrow -> Another Player's Gravitation WS -> Savage Blade = +44% Skillchain damage, which makes the Naegling + Ullr combo particularly potent for RDM.
- Cannot be resisted at all.
- Duration over ten minutes if applied under Saboteur with full duration gear.
- Potency does not scale from gear, level, or stats.
- Commonly used to apply treasure hunter. Can also use conserve MP if you want, but no big deal.
- Can easily push a 4 Step Double Light to the 999,999 Damage cap on most targets if you have 5 unique weapons participating.
- Common 4 Step SC for Kei for example is Empyreal Arrow (RDM) -> Leaden Salute (COR) -> Mordant Rime (BRD) -> Knights of Round (RDM) -> Ukko's Fury (WAR). After KOTR, Inundation's damage multiplier is 1.72, then Ukko's Fury will create a Double Light skillchain which has a 2.0 skillchain level multiplier and 2.07 Inundation multiplier.
- Overwrites: Inundation
- Known Formula: 1.2^(Number of unique weapon types used in skillchains while Inundated - 1)
- Known Caps: 12.8x Damage: using all 15 weapon types, including "pet" type.
- Expected Value/Saboteur: Only duration is adjusted by saboteur.
Enhancing Magic Sets
Understanding the difference between which buffs are skill or time based is crucial. Haste and Flurry, Refresh, Regen, and Protect and Shell are all duration based. The rest are skill based capping at various levels between 350 to 500 skill with Temper and the Enspells being uncapped. When factoring additional duration on a piece of gear, pieces with "Additional Duration" and those which are augmented to have "Additional Duration" considered different in the formula and are multiplicative. Two pieces with a 25% increase natively are added together to form a 50% increase, while a piece with a 25% increase and one augmented with a 25% increase will earn you a 56% increase. An example is the Ghostfyre Cape compared to a Sucellos's Cape, a fully augmented Ghostfyre Cape will give you more duration than the Sucellos Cape.
- Enhancing Duration Formula: (Base Duration + (6s × RDM Group 2 Merit Point Level) + (3s × RDM Relic Hands Group 2 Merit Point Level Augment) + RDM Job Points + Gear that list Seconds) × (Augments Composure Bonus) × (Duration listed on Gear + Naturalist's Roll) × (Duration Augments on Gear) × (Rune Fencer Gifts)
- Note: Consider using Conserve MP pieces for Protect V, Shell V, or Reraise. In most situation, maximizing duration, maintaining 30 to 50% PDT, and minimizing "HP Dip" are more important than saving some MP on casting costs.
Skill Based Enhancing Sets
- These Spells need No Enhancing magic, Duration, or stats to maximize their values. These skills may scale with skill, but are capped naturally by job master. They do however scale with spell specific gear to push them beyond their normal boundaries. Spells may move out of this category as time progresses if SE ever adjusts their formulas to allow for greater skill impact, as most of these spells cap as if they were still using level 75 cap.
Skill Based Enhancing Sets: Aquaveil, Stoneskin
- Aquaveil
- Description: Prevents Spell interruption from taking damage while active.
- Element:

- Notes: Caps at 2 Interrupts from Skill, at 355 Skill. RDM Will natively cap skill on this spell with no skill gear or merits. With gear, this can be expanded to 8 total interruptions.
- Duration gear is unnecessary for this spell. The spell naturally hits 30 minute duration under composure. Additional duration is needless.
- Conserve MP gear is unnessary for this spell. Even at a perfect MP Conservation rate - it only saves 6 MP which is less than a single refresh tic.
- Using Full SIRD on this set is the recommended tactic, as it will allow you to cast up to Eight spells without being interrupted, which can let you cast other spells under heavy fire, without having to rely on SIRD to get them off. (E.G. AOE Pulling and casting a cure spell, or a blue magic spell for enmity)
- Recommended set has 28 PDT on it, but if you are taking heavy fire- recommend using the Loricate Torque +1, and Nyame Flanchard to bolster this to 42%. 1 interrupt is a nice trade for less damage taken while casting
- If using 5/5 SIRD Merits, Freke ring Can be exchanged for Gelatinous Ring +1 to bring you to 49% PDT and substantially higher HP
- Duration: 10 Minutes
- Overwrites: Aquaveil
- Known Formula: 2 + Interruption Gear
- Known Caps:
Note: Only the stoneskin pieces are mandatory. The remaining Pieces are to minimize "Hp Dip" during swaps, and minimize Recasting Time.
- Stoneskin
- Description: Absorbs a certain amount of damage from physical and magical attacks.
- Element:

- Notes: prevents any debuffs, spell interuption, and being awakened from damage taken while active and unbroken by the hit (being hit for 0). Coupled with Phalanx, stoneskin can withstand incredible amounts of attacks.
- Scales with Skill and Mind. Redmage will naturally cap both the skill and mind factors naturally by level 99.
- Caps at 475 with gear
- Duration: 5 Minutes
- Overwrites: Stoneskin
- Known Formula: Enhancing Magic Skill + 3×MND - 190
- Known Caps: 350 HP Base
Enhancing Duration Sets
- These Spells get the most out of prioritizing Enhaning magic duration. they generally do not scale with skill, or redmage needs little to no skill to cap them. Spells may move out of this category as time progresses if SE ever adjusts their formulas to allow for greater skill impact, as most of these spells cap as if they were still using level 75 cap values.
Enhancing Duration Sets: Barspell, Blink, Haste, Haste II, Flurry, Flurry II
- Colada: +4% Enhancing Magic Duration
- Telchine Armor Set: +25 Magic Evasion, +5% Fast Cast, +10% Enhancing Duration
- Ghostfyre Cape: +10 Enhancing Magic Skill, +20% Enhancing Magic Duration
- Barspell
- Description: Bar-Element: increases magic evasion against Specified element. Bar-Status: Increases Magic evasion against specified status.
- Element:
- Notes: Scales with Skill. Redmage does not naturally naturally cap its potency at ML30 - At least +14 Enhancing magic in gear is required to cap. Pre master levels 44 Enhancing magic skill in gear is needed to cap.
- Duration: 8 Minutes
- Overwrites: Barspell
- Known Formula:
- Known Caps: 500 Enhancing Magic Skill
- Protect V
- Description: Enhances target's defense.
- Element:

- Notes: Increases target's defense by 220.
- Duration: 30 Minutes
- Overwrites: Protect V
- Known Value: None
- Known Caps: None
- Shell V
- Description: Enhances target's magic defense.
- Element:

- Notes: Increases target's MDT by 29%.
- Duration: 30 Minutes
- Overwrites: Shell V
- Known Value: None
- Known Caps: None
- Haste II
- Description: Increases target's attack speed and reduces Recast times.
- Element:

- Notes: Grants 30% Magic Haste
- Duration: 3 Minutes
- Overwrites: Haste, Haste II, Flurry, Flurry II
- Known Formula: None
- Known Caps: None
- Flurry II
- Description: Increases target's ranged attack speed.
- Element:

- Notes: Grants 30% Snapshot
- Duration: 3 Minutes
- Overwrites: Haste, Haste II, Flurry, Flurry II
- Known Formula: None
- Known Caps: None
- Blink
- Description: Creates shadow images that each absorb a single attack directed at you.
- Element:

- Notes: Does not scale with anything - however the recommended set is the most effective set to utilize.
- No gear increases maximum number of blinks
- Unknown Chance to fail to negate an attack
- Duration: 5 Minutes
- Overwrites: Blink
- Known Formula: None
- Known Caps: 2 Negated attacks
- Spike Spells
- Description: Grants magical spikes which deal damage and additional effects based on spell.
- Element:
- Notes: Damage scales with INT, not skill.
- Damage is effected by Magic Attack Bonus/Magic Defense Ratio
- Duration: 3 Minutes
- Overwrites: Spike Spells
- Known Formula: Blaze: floor((INT+50)/12), Ice/Shock: floor((INT+50)/20)
- Known Caps: Blaze: 25 Damage, Ice/Shock: 15 Damage
Elemental Magic Sets
- The Cycle of Nuking: Red Mages who leveled up during the era before Treasures of Aht Urhgan will remember the long wait for parties. Often looked down upon as a poor healer, crappy damage dealer, and bringing nothing unique to parties, Red Mages often followed Black Mages and Summoners to their solo camps. Though they are not the expert Magic Damage Dealer that a Black Mages, Geomancers, or Scholars are they have many tools at your disposal. The cycle of Sleep-Gravity-Nuke and Repeat were a staple and remain with us to this day. With spells such as Gain-INT, Geocolure spells, rolls, and songs, a Red Mage can produce high nuking and magic burst damage in events such as Vagary and Omen.
Healing Magic Sets
Misc Magic Sets
Idle Sets
Enspell Sets
- The Spellsword in you: As one of the last aspect of being a Red Mage, this is an overlooked one. A fully buffed Red Mage focused in Enspell Damage can contribute some solid damage in certain situations. Fully buffing your Enchancing Magic Skill as well as gear will contribute to the damage seen. Enspell is additional damage every hit and while Enspell II has higher damage, it only lands per attack round. When Enspell is coupled with Temper (Double Attack) or Temper II (Triple Attack), you will see a significant amount of magic damage. Just don’t forget that in group content, this isn’t your primary focus.
TP Sets
Melee Sets
Weapon Skill Sets
Items with the description <elemental>-magic attack bonus+X works differently from normal magic attack bonus items. They act as multipliers at the very end, meaning "Pixie hairpin +1" does not add magic attack bonus +28, but rather multiply the total WS damage by 1.28.