
From FFXI Wiki

Figured having a staging place would be useful for anything I'd likely be working on, guides, changes, things to keep note of, anything before I make actual changes.

Beginner Sets for Chrissy

NQ Idle  
Iridal Staff icon.pngIridal Staff description.png Irenic Strap icon.pngIrenic Strap description.png 32x32.png Arasy Sachet icon.pngArasy Sachet description.png
Beckoner's Horn icon.pngBeckoner's Horn description.png Caller's Pendant icon.pngCaller's Pendant description.png Caller's Earring icon.pngCaller's Earring description.png Influx Earring icon.pngInflux Earring description.png
Shomonjijoe icon.pngShomonjijoe description.png Glyphic Bracers icon.pngGlyphic Bracers description.png Evoker's Ring icon.pngEvoker's Ring description.png Stikini Ring icon.pngStikini Ring description.png
Campestres's Cape icon.pngCampestres's Cape description.png Lucidity Sash icon.pngLucidity Sash description.png Assiduity Pants icon.pngAssiduity Pants description.png Beck. Pigaches icon.pngBeck. Pigaches description.png
  Starter Set



CatsEyeXI Staging



Abilities and Traits

Job Traits
Lvl. Name
1 Trait Name
Job Ability
Lvl. Name
1 Ability Name



Lvl. Name Icon Acquisition
1 Spell Water-BLM-Icon.gif NPC or Shop
Lvl. Name Icon Acquisition
2 Spell II Wind-BLM-Icon.gif NPC or Shop



Abilities and Traits


Players with a Black Belt icon.png Black Belt may re-obtain their Brown Belt icon.png Brown Belt via a quest from Raving Fist in Mhaura.

  • This is for using it for level cap content.



Abilities and Traits


Beastmaster Jug Pets were adjusted in order to address the seriously lacking attributes.

  • The adjustments were made in two parts: Ready Strength and Stats.

Ready Strength:
All jug pets have had their damage dealing Ready abilities increased based on the following factors:

  • Job level (x / 75 if main job, x / 37 if sub job)
  • CHR stat (x / 43, this does NOT include base CHR, only the +CHR)

What this means:
The formula for the increase is: (% of max player level) + (% of CHR stat)

If player is BST75 main job and has CHR +80 (again, NOT including base stats), then:

Player Level: 75 / 75. CHR: 80 / 43
  • Total Ready damage increase: (75 / 75) + (100 / 43) = 1 + 1.86 = 2.86x damage increase

If player is BST60 main job and has CHR +20 (again, NOT including base stats), then:

Player Level: 60 / 75. CHR: 20 / 43
  • Total Ready damage increase: (60 / 75) + (20 / 43) = 0.8 + 0.47 = 1.27x damage increase

If player is BST30 sub job and has CHR +8 (again, NOT including base stats), then:

Player Level: 30 / 37. CHR: 8 / 43
  • Total Ready damage increase: (30 / 37) + (12 / 43) = 0.81 + 0.28 = 1.09x damage increase

You will never suffer a damage loss, it will only be subject to an increase in damage. Additionally, any buffs received from gear will still be accounted for, this is just a bonus on top.

  • We recommend you have a <wait 2> after the Ready ability in order for it to accurately.
    • Check your CHR stat in case of latency issues.

ALL jug pets have had their DEF increased by a flat 10%

The following jug pets have been granted additional enmity for tanking purposes:

Jug Pet Enmity+
Crab Familiar 10
Courier Carrie 15
Beetle Familiar 10
Panzer Galahad 15

In addition, these stats have added to the following jug pets:

Jug Pet Stat Value+
Sheep Familiar ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Hare Familiar ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Crab Familiar ACC 30
ATT 25
DEF 105
Courier Carrie ACC 30
ATT 35
DEF 105
Homunculus ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Flytrap Familiar ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Tiger Familiar ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Flowerpot Bill ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Eft Familiar ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Lizard Familiar ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Mayfly Familiar ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Funguar Familiar ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Beetle Familiar ACC 30
ATT 35
DEF 105
Antlion Familiar ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Mite Familiar ACC 30
ATT 113
Lullaby Melodia ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Keeneared Steffi ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Flowerpot Ben ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Saber Siravarde ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Coldblood Como ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Shellbuster Orob ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Voracious Audrey ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Ambusher Allie ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Lifedrinker Lars ACC 30
ATT 113
Panzer Galahad ACC 30
ATT 35
DEF 105
Chopsuey Chucky ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Amigo Sabotender ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45
Turbid Toloi ACC 30
ATT 88
DEF 45



Abilities and Traits


To unlock Runefencer you must first obtain the trust Maat by complete Shattering Stars for six or more jobs then speak to them in Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5). You can then complete the quest Runic Insurrection to unlock it.



♦ When you have completed the Runefencer unlock quest, speak to Volgoi in Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5) to unlock it and obtain a scroll of Foil (Scroll) icon.png Foil.

Lvl. Name Icon Acquisition
4 Barstone Wind-WHM-Icon.gif Hasim
6 Barsleep Light-WHM-Icon.gif Hasim
8 Barwater Thunder-WHM-Icon.gif Hasim
9 Barpoison Thunder-WHM-Icon.gif Hasim
10 Shell Light-WHM-Icon.gif Various
11 Barparalyze Fire-WHM-Icon.gif Hasim
12 Baraero Ice-WHM-Icon.gif Hasim
15 Aquaveil Water-WHM-Icon.gif Various
16 Barfire Water-WHM-Icon.gif Hasim
17 Barblind Light-WHM-Icon.gif Hasim
20 Barblizzard Fire-WHM-Icon.gif Hasim
20 Protect Light-WHM-Icon.gif Various
22 Barsilence Ice-WHM-Icon.gif Hasim
23 Regen Light-WHM-Icon.gif Tya
24 Barthunder Earth-WHM-Icon.gif Hasim
30 Shell II Light-WHM-Icon.gif Quelpia
35 Blink Wind-WHM-Icon.gif Various
Lvl. Name Icon Acquisition
38 Barvirus Water-WHM-Icon.gif Hasim
40 Protect II Light-WHM-Icon.gif Quelpia
42 Barpetrify Wind-WHM-Icon.gif Hasim
45 Blaze Spikes Fire-BLM-Icon.gif Quest
45 Flash Light-WHM-Icon.gif Brave Ox
48 Regen II Light-WHM-Icon.gif Tya
50 Shell III Light-WHM-Icon.gif Hasim
55 Stoneskin Earth-WHM-Icon.gif Various
58 Foil Wind-WHM-Icon.gif Quest
60 Protect III Light-WHM-Icon.gif Hasim
62 Refresh Light-WHM-Icon.gif BCNM
65 Ice Spikes Ice-BLM-Icon.gif Drop
68 Phalanx Light-WHM-Icon.gif BCNM
70 Regen III Light-WHM-Icon.gif Drop
70 Shell IV Light-WHM-Icon.gif Drop
74 Crusade Light-WHM-Icon.gif Brave Ox



Abilities and Traits


Cardinal Chant was altered to provide an affinity boost to magic based on the position a GEO is facing based on the compass in game.
Affinity is a separate Magic Damage multiplier for a particular element. It sits at a 1.0 in the equation, and increases when affinity is added.

  • For refence below, an NQ elemental staff adds 0.05 to the multiplier. An HQ adds 0.1.
    • Those staves also add magical accuracy based on this of +10 and +20.

Collimated Fervor enhances the bonuses of Cardinal Chant by 50%.

Cardinal Chant Directions
Cardinal Chant
Tier I Level 25 +0.05 Affinity +5 Magic Accuracy
Tier II Level 45 +0.1 Affinity +10 Magic Accuracy
Tier III Level 65 +0.15 Affinity +15 Magic Accuracy

Reminder: To gain these benefits, the Geomancer must be facing in the direction of the compass when casting.



Geocolure spells are learned through use of Geomantic Reservoirs after learning the corresponding Indicolure spell.
While they may be available at the appropriate level of Geomancer as a sub-job, only main job Geomancers may cast Geocolure spells.

Lvl. Name Icon Acquisition
1 Indi-Poison Water-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
4 Indi-Voidance Wind-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
4 Stone Earth-BLM-Icon.gif Various
5 Geo-Poison Water-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
8 Geo-Voidance Wind-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
9 Water Water-BLM-Icon.gif Various
10 Indi-Precision Thunder-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
14 Aero Wind-BLM-Icon.gif Various
14 Geo-Precision Thunder-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
15 Drain Dark-BLM-Icon.gif Quest
15 Indi-Regen Light-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
16 Indi-Attunement Light-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
19 Fire Fire-BLM-Icon.gif Various
19 Geo-Regen Light-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
20 Geo-Attunement Light-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
22 Indi-Focus Dark-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
24 Blizzard Ice-BLM-Icon.gif Various
25 Stonera Earth-BLM-Icon.gif Sylvie
26 Geo-Focus Dark-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
28 Indi-Barrier Earth-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
29 Thunder Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif Various
30 Indi-Refresh Light-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
30 Aspir Dark-BLM-Icon.gif Quest
30 Indi-CHR Light-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
30 Watera Water-BLM-Icon.gif Sylvie
32 Geo-Barrier Earth-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
33 Indi-MND Water-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
34 Indi-Fury Fire-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
34 Geo-Refresh Light-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
34 Geo-CHR Light-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
34 Stone II Earth-BLM-Icon.gif Chutarmire
35 Aera Wind-BLM-Icon.gif Sylvie
35 Sleep Dark-BLM-Icon.gif Various
36 Indi-INT Ice-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
37 Geo-MND Water-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
38 Geo-Fury Fire-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
38 Water II Water-BLM-Icon.gif Chutarmire
39 Indi-AGI Wind-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
40 Indi-Fend Water-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
40 Geo-INT Ice-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
40 Fira Fire-BLM-Icon.gif Sylvie
Lvl. Name Icon Acquisition
42 Aero II Wind-BLM-Icon.gif Chutarmire
42 Indi-VIT Earth-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
43 Geo-AGI Wind-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
44 Geo-Fend Water-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
45 Indi-DEX Thunder-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
45 Blizzara Ice-BLM-Icon.gif Sylvie
46 Fire II Fire-BLM-Icon.gif Chutarmire
46 Indi-Acumen Ice-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
46 Geo-VIT Earth-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
48 Indi-STR Fire-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
48 Indi-Slow Earth-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
49 Geo-DEX Thunder-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
50 Blizzard II Ice-BLM-Icon.gif Chutarmire
50 Geo-Acumen Ice-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
50 Thundara Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif Sylvie
52 Indi-Torpor Ice-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
52 Geo-STR Fire-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
52 Geo-Slow Earth-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
54 Thunder II Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif Chutarmire
56 Geo-Torpor Ice-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
58 Indi-Slip Earth-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
58 Stone III Earth-BLM-Icon.gif Susu
61 Water III Water-BLM-Icon.gif Susu
62 Geo-Slip Earth-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
64 Aero III Wind-BLM-Icon.gif Susu
64 Indi-Languor Dark-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
67 Fire III Fire-BLM-Icon.gif Susu
68 Indi-Paralysis Ice-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
68 Geo-Languor Dark-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
70 Blizzard III Ice-BLM-Icon.gif Susu
70 Indi-Vex Light-GEO-Icon.gif Sylvie
70 Sleep II Dark-BLM-Icon.gif Susu
70 Stonera II Earth-BLM-Icon.gif Sylvie
72 Geo-Paralysis Ice-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
73 Thunder III Thunder-BLM-Icon.gif Susu
74 Geo-Vex Light-GEO-Icon.gif Reservoir
74 Indi-Haste Wind-GEO-Icon.gif AF Quest
74 Geo-Haste Wind-GEO-Icon.gif AF Quest
74 Indi-Frailty Wind-GEO-Icon.gif AF Quest
74 Geo-Frailty Wind-GEO-Icon.gif AF Quest
75 Watera II Water-BLM-Icon.gif Sylvie