CatsEyeXI NPCs

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Revision as of 13:25, 31 January 2025 by Splurfy (talk | contribs)

This page is for custom NPCs created on the server. For NPCs native to the game from retail, see the event associated with them.

  • E.g. Nolan is attached to Domain Invasion so see the CatsEyeXI Content page.
    Meanwhile, Oboro is associated with weapon creation so see their section on the CatsEyeXI Systems page.
    • If a retail NPC has no real relation to Content or Systems, such as the Curio Moogle, it is here.
      • Otherwise this page houses unique NPCs not found in retail FFXI.

Aether Traveler

Every Friday/Saturday (Between JST Midnights), the Aether Traveler visits Port Jeuno with a new selection of wares.

  • Each item on offer can be purchased for Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragments obtained from Aether Caskets and various endgame systems
  • One item from each category may be purchased per week
  • All players will have the same weekly selection of items
  • Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragments may be stored and retrieved at the Aether Traveler
  • Players may earn 5 additional Shivatear icon.png Aether Fragments each week by fulfilling the Aether Traveler's request

(Weekly requests are different for each player)

Aether Traveler
Date Equipment Currencies Materials Spawners Mystery item
??? Box icon.png ??? (15 AF)
2024/11/15 Ritter Gorget icon.png Ritter Gorget (10 AF) 100 Byne Bill icon.png 100 Byne Bill (2 AF) Coffee Powder icon.png Fine Ochre (10 AF) Themis Orb icon.png Themis Orb (15 AF) -
Previous Weeks
Date Equipment Currencies Materials Spawners
2024/11/8 Aesir Mantle icon.png Aesir Mantle (10 AF) Flaxen Pouch icon.png Muiridian Gold (3 AF) Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth (3 AF) Diorite icon.png Diorite (2 AF)
2024/11/2 Kubira Beads icon.png Kubira Beads (10 AF) 100 Byne Bill icon.png 100 Byne Bill (2 AF) Hydra Scale icon.png Hydra Scale (5 AF) Atropos Orb icon.png Atropos Orb (5 AF)
2024/10/25 Rose Strap icon.png Rose Strap (10 AF) Koma icon.png Wyrm Gold (5 AF) Hydra Scale icon.png Hydra Scale (5 AF) Beastly Shank icon.png Beastly Shank (10 AF)
2024/10/18 Delta Earring icon.png Delta Earring (10 AF) 100 Byne Bill icon.png 100 Byne Bill (2 AF) Hydra Fang icon.png Hydra Fang (10 AF) Hi-Reraiser icon.png Goblin Brew (2 AF)
2024/10/11 Omega Ring icon.png Omega Ring (10 AF) 100 Byne Bill icon.png 100 Byne Bill (2 AF) Hydra Scale icon.png Hydra Scale (10 AF) Atropos Orb icon.png Atropos Orb (5 AF)
2024/10/4 Iota Ring icon.png Iota Ring (10 AF) M. Silverpiece icon.png M. Silverpiece (2 AF) Vulcanite Ore icon.png Spectral Ore (15 AF) Diorite icon.png Diorite (2 AF)

Crooked Jones

Sinister Stash

Located in Norg at (H-8), Crooked Jones collects fish from the Fishing Ventures system in exchange for a new currency called "doubloons". Each day, one lower tier fish will be selected (max. 60 each), one middle tier fish will be selected (max. 40 each), and one legendary fish will be selected (max. 15). These fish must be traded to the Sinister Stash next to Crooked Jones. Multiple different fish of varying quantities can be traded at once. Players must be at least 20 fishing to interact with Jones and his stash.

Crooked Jones' Store
Item Doubloons Info
Caver's Shovel icon.png Brigand's Shovel 5000 Required to participate in Treasure Hunts
Crab Cap +1 icon.png Crab Cap +1 8000 Gain various Crab costumes
Pirate's Chart icon.png Buccaneer's Chart 10000 Used to spawn a new encounter in Cape Terrigan
Eyepatch icon.png Brigand's Eyepatch 12000 Improves rate of gold arrows and increases daily capacity
Red Crab Mount icon.png Red Crab Mount 15000 CatsEyeXI Accelerated ACE Only
Shaper's Shawl icon.png Shaper's Shawl 15000 Crystal Warrior CW Only
Volley Earring icon.png Rusty Fishing Hook 20000 Used in the process of creating the Fishing ultimate weapon

Treasure Hunts

Once the player has obtained the Caver's Shovel icon.png Brigand's Shovel, Crooked Jones will give the option to participate in a Treasure Hunt. This may be done once per day.
A Garlaige Key icon.png Pirate's Key must first be obtained from fished up monsters in a specified area. Upon obtaining the key, Jones will reveal the location of the buried treasure. Using the Brigand's Shovel, players must find the exact location and open the chest with the Pirate's Key, yielding many doubloons and multiple new items.

  • Players may obtain various rewards including Dwarf Pugil icon.png legendary fish bait, a Pirate's Chart icon.png Pirate's Chart, and the unique Pirate's Chart icon.png Buccaneer's Chart.

Buccaneer's Chart

After obtaining a chart, players may trade it to the Unsettled Sand at (H-9) in Cape Teriggan. The fight is a higher version of the same one for the Pirate's Chart fight. You will fight against a Sahagin, a Manta, and a Crab.

  • Level 70 Cap.
  • 3 Players.
  • 30 Minutes.

Notable rewards include:

Crystal Crunch

Crystal Crunch are located near guilds and allow players to exchange Crystals at a rate of 3 to 1.

  • Either crystals or clusters are supported.

Curio Moogle


Curio Moogles are handy little helpers located near the Mog House of the port areas in the three nations.

Players may buy various food, medicines, keys, or even trusts from them, but certain items requires one of the two "Rhapsody" Key Item available on the server.
These are received from Momiji in Lower Jeuno at (I-6).

Curio Offerings
Item Price Rhapsody Key Item
Potion icon.png Potion 1,500
Hi-Potion icon.png Hi-Potion 3,500
X-Potion icon.png X-Potion 7,500 White
Mulsum icon.png Mulsum 500
Ether icon.png Ether 1,000
Hi-Ether icon.png Hi-Ether 3,500
Super Ether icon.png Super Ether 7,500 White
Elixir icon.png Elixir 20,000
Hi-Elixir icon.png Hi-Elixir 40,000
Vile Elixir icon.png Vile Elixir 25,000 Crimson
Vile Elixir +1 icon.png Vile Elixir +1 50,000 Crimson
Antidote icon.png Antidote 300
Eye Drops icon.png Eye Drops 1,000
Echo Drops icon.png Echo Drops 1,750
Prism Powder icon.png Prism Powder 3,500
Silent Oil icon.png Silent Oil 3,500
Deodorizer icon.png Deodorizer 250
Poison Potion icon.png Poison Potion 4,000
Tincture icon.png Tincture 2,000
Remedy icon.png Remedy 8,000 Crimson
Panacea icon.png Panacea 30,000 Crimson
Reraiser icon.png Reraiser 10,000
Hi-Reraiser icon.png Hi-Reraiser 20,000 White
Super Reraiser icon.png Super Reraiser 50,000 Crimson
Item Price Rhapsody Key Item
Hatchet icon.png Hatchet 500
Pickaxe icon.png Pickaxe 200
Sickle icon.png sickle 300
Stone Quiver icon.png Stone Quiver 400
Bone Quiver icon.png Bone Quiver 680
Iron Quiver icon.png Iron Quiver 1,200
Beetle Quiver icon.png Beetle Quiver 4,000
Silver Quiver icon.png Silver Quiver 4,000
Horn Quiver icon.png Horn Quiver 8,000
Sleep Quiver icon.png Sleep Quiver 12,000
Scorpion Quiver icon.png Scorpion Quiver 12,000
Demon Quiver icon.png Demon Quiver 25,000 White
Kabura Quiver icon.png Kabura Quiver 30,000 Crimson
B. Bolt Quiver icon.png B. Bolt Quiver 400
Bln. Bolt Quiver icon.png Blind Bolt Quiver 6,000
Ac. Bolt Quiver icon.png Acid Bolt Quiver 12,000 White
Slp. Bolt Quiver icon.png Sleep Bolt Quiver 12,000 White
Bld. Bolt Quiver icon.png Bloody Bolt Quiver 12,000 White
Vn. Bolt Quiver icon.png Venom Bolt Quiver 12,000
Hol. Bolt Quiver icon.png Holy Bolt Quiver 12,000
M. Bolt Quiver icon.png Mythril Bolt Quiver 12,000
D. Bolt Quiver icon.png Darksteel Bolt Quiver 16,000
Brz. Bull. Pouch icon.png Bronze Bullet Pouch 400
Bullet Pouch icon.png Bullet Pouch 6,000
Spar. Bul. Pouch icon.png Spartan Bullet Pouch 6,000
Iron Bull. Pouch icon.png Iron Bullet Pouch 15,000
Silv. Bul. Pouch icon.png Silver Bullet Pouch 15,000 White
Cor. Bull. Pouch icon.png Corsair Bullet Pouch 15,000 Crimson
Stl. Bull. Pouch icon.png Steel Bullet Pouch 20,000 White
Sh. Pouch icon.png Shuriken Pouch 3,000
Juji Sh. Pouch icon.png Juji Sh. Pouch 6,000
Manji Sh. Pouch icon.png Manji Shuriken Pouch 8,000
Fuma Sh. Pouch icon.png Fuma Shuriken Pouch 10,000 White
Ninjutsu Tools
Item Price Rhapsody Key Item
Toolbag (Uchi) icon.png Toolbag (Uchi) 5,000
Toolbag (Tsura) icon.png Toolbag (Tsura) 5,000
Toolbag (Kawa) icon.png Toolbag (Kawa) 5,000
Toolbag (Maki) icon.png Toolbag (Maki) 5,000
Toolbag (Hira) icon.png Toolbag (Hira) 5,000
Toolbag (Mizu) icon.png Toolbag (Mizu) 5,000
Toolbag (Shihe) icon.png Toolbag (Shihei) 12,500 White
Toolbag (Jusa) icon.png Toolbag (Jusa) 12,500
Toolbag (Kagi) icon.png Toolbag (Kagi) 12,500
Toolbag (Sai) icon.png Toolbag (Sai) 12,500
Toolbag (Kodo) icon.png Toolbag (Kodo) 12,500
Toolbag (Shino) icon.png Toolbag (Shinobi-Tabi) 12,500
Toolbag (Sanja) icon.png Toolbag (Sanjaku-Tenugui) 12,500
Toolbag (Soshi) icon.png Toolbag (Soshi) 7,500
Toolbag (Ino) icon.png Toolbag (Inoshishinofuda) 30,000 Crimson
Toolbag (Cho) icon.png Toolbag (Chonofuda) 30,000 Crimson
Toolbag (Shika) icon.png Toolbag (Shikanofuda) 30,000 Crimson
Fire Card Case icon.png Fire Card Case 10,000
Earth Card Case icon.png Earth Card Case 10,000
Water Card Case icon.png Water Card Case 10,000
Wind Card Case icon.png Wind Card Case 10,000
Ice Card Case icon.png Ice Card Case 10,000
Thnd. Card Case icon.png Thunder Card Case 10,000
Light Card Case icon.png Light Card Case 10,000
Dark Card Case icon.png Dark Card Case 10,000
Trump Card Case icon.png Trump Card Case 25,000 Crimson
Item Price Rhapsody Key Item
Uleguerand Milk icon.png Uleguerand Milk 120
Orange au Lait icon.png Orange au Lait 500
Apple au Lait icon.png Apple au Lait 750
Pear au Lait icon.png Pear au Lait 1,500 White
Pamama au Lait icon.png Pamama au Lait 3,000 Crimson
Orange Juice icon.png Orange Juice 250
Melon Juice icon.png Melon Juice 2,500 White
Yagudo Drink icon.png Yagudo Drink 4,000 Crimson
Rice Ball icon.png Rice Ball 160
Tonosama R.Ball icon.png Tonosama Rice Ball 6,000 Crimson
Meat Jerky icon.png Meat Jerky 250
Rice Dumpling icon.png Rice Dumpling 3,500 White
Meat Mithkabob icon.png Meat Mithkabob 4,000 White
Boiled Crab icon.png Boiled Crab 2,000
Fish Mithkabob icon.png Fish Mithkabob 5,000 Crimson
Coeurl Sub icon.png Coeurl Sub 8,000 Crimson
Roast Pipira icon.png Roast Pipira 900 Crimson
Anchovy Slice icon.png Anchovy Slice 500
Marinara Slice icon.png Marinara Slice 4,500 Crimson
Pot-au-feu icon.png Pot-au-feu 7,000 Crimson
Jack-o'-Lantern icon.png Jack-o'-Lantern 1,000
Crab Sushi icon.png Crab Sushi 5,000 White
Fin Sushi icon.png Fin Sushi 7,000 Crimson
Bream Sushi icon.png Bream Sushi 7,500 Crimson
Dorado Sushi icon.png Dorado Sushi 8,000 Crimson
Butter Crepe icon.png Butter Crepe 4,100 White
Chocolate Crepe icon.png Chocolate Crepe 4,100 Crimson
Apple Pie icon.png Apple Pie 600
Melon Pie icon.png Melon Pie 2,000
Cream Puff icon.png Cream Puff 3,000 White
Roast Mushroom icon.png Roast Mushroom 350
Ginger Cookie icon.png Ginger Cookie 33
Sugar Rusk icon.png Sugar Rusk 5,000 White
Chocolate Rusk icon.png Chocolate Rusk 10,000 Crimson
Cherry Macaron icon.png Cherry Macaron 5,000 White
Coffee Macaron icon.png Coffee Macaron 10,000 Crimson
Saltena icon.png Saltena 3,000
Elshena icon.png Elshena 5,000 White
Montagna icon.png Montagna 7,000 Crimson
Stuffed Pitaru icon.png Stuffed Pitaru 3,000
Poultry Pitaru icon.png Poultry Pitaru 5,000 White
Seafood Pitaru icon.png Seafood Pitaru 7,000 Crimson
Shiromochi icon.png Shiromochi 8,000 Crimson
Kusamochi icon.png Kusamochi 10,000 Crimson
Akamochi icon.png Akamochi 8,000 Crimson
Beef Stewpot icon.png Beef Stewpot 7,500
Zaru Soba icon.png Zaru Soba 8,000 Crimson
Fire Cluster icon.png Fire Cluster 15,000
Ice Cluster icon.png Ice Cluster 10,000
Wind Cluster icon.png Wind Cluster 10,000
Earth Cluster icon.png Earth Cluster 10,000
Lightning Cluster icon.png Lightning Cluster 10,000
Water Cluster icon.png Water Cluster 10,000
Light Cluster icon.png Light Cluster 15,000
Dark Cluster icon.png Dark Cluster 15,000
Item Price Rhapsody Key Item
Instant Warp icon.png Instant Warp 1,000
Instant Reraise icon.png Instant Reraise 1,000
Instant Retrace icon.png Instant Retrace 1,000
Instant Protect icon.png Instant Protect 3,000
Instant Shell icon.png Instant Shell 3,000
Instant Stoneskin icon.png Instant Stoneskin 3,000
Cipher- Koru-Moru icon.png Cipher: Koru-Moru 350,000
Cipher- Zeid II icon.png Cipher: Zeid II 250,000 White
Cipher- Semih icon.png Cipher: Semih 200,000 White
Cipher- Qultada icon.png Cipher: Qultada 500,000 Crimson
10130 icon.png Cipher: Elivira 750,000 Crimson
Cipher- Kupofried icon.png Cipher: Kupofried 500,000 Crimson
Cipher- Naja icon.png Cipher: Naja 500,000 Crimson
Cipher- Lehko icon.png Cipher: Lehko 500,000 Crimson
Cipher- Uka icon.png Cipher: Uka 500,000 Crimson
Item Price Rhapsody Key Item
Rnp. Chest Key icon.png Ranperre Chest Key 20,000
Dgr. Chest Key icon.png Dangruf Chest Key 20,000
Hrt. Chest Key icon.png Horutoto Chest Key 20,000
Gls. Chest Key icon.png Ghelsba Chest Key 20,000 Crimson
Plb. Chest Key icon.png Palborough Chest Key 20,000 Crimson
Gds. Chest Key icon.png Giddeus Chest Key 20,000 Crimson
Ordelle Chest Key icon.png Ordelle Chest Key 20,000 Crimson
Gusgen Chest Key icon.png Gusgen Chest Key 20,000 Crimson
Shk. Chest Key icon.png Shakhrami Chest Key 20,000 Crimson
Davoi Chest Key icon.png Davoi Chest Key 20,000 Crimson
Bdx. Chest Key icon.png Beadeaux Chest Key 20,000 Crimson
Oztroja Chest Key icon.png Oztroja Chest Key 20,000 Crimson
Dlk. Chest Key icon.png Delkfutt Chest Key 20,000 Crimson
Fei'Yin Chest Key icon.png Fei'Yin Chest Key 20,000 Crimson
Zvahl Chest Key icon.png Zvahl Chest Key 20,000 Crimson
Eld. Chest Key icon.png Eldieme Chest Key 20,000 Crimson
Nest Chest Key icon.png Nest Chest Key 20,000 Crimson
Grl. Chest Key icon.png Grl. Chest Key 20,000 Crimson


Cumetouflaix is a custom CatsEyeXI NPC located in Port Jeuno at (F-8) who stores and exchanges Anct. Beastcoin icon.png Ancient Beastcoins

EXP Guide

The EXP Guide is a book located at the Auction House in Lower Jeuno. It warps players for free to a list of XP camps in Signet and Sanction related zones.
Trade 1 gil for a secret menu.

EXP Guide (S)

The EXP Guide (S) is a book located near the Mog House in Ru'Lude Gardens. It warps players for free to a list of XP camps in Sigil related zones.
Trade 1 gil for a secret menu.

  • Players must first complete the level 60 cap quest Blast to the Past by speaking to Ash. Located near the near the tree west of to the maw in Batallia Downs (S).

The levels on the pages are when the corresponding monsters are Tough~Very Tough, and Decent Challenge~Even Match by the end of the level range.

Suggested Locations
Monster Lvl Name Zone Note
10-12 Tunnel Worm North Gustaberg (S) Spread from (G-8/9) to (H/I/J-9)
12-14 Walking Sapling
15-18 Vulture
10-12 Tiny Lycopodium West Sarutabaruta (S) (G/H-6) near outpost or Windurst Waters zonelines
13-15 Savanna Rarab West Sarutabaruta (S) NE of the maw or Windurst Waters zoneline
10-13 Carrion Worm East Ronfaure (S) (F-7)
11-15 Forest Hare East Ronfaure (S) (H-7)
12-14 River Crab East Ronfaure (S) Spread through the rivers, few in number
14-17 Pugil
16-18 Wild Sheep East Ronfaure (S) Spread out grazing around eastern part of (I-7)
18-21 Crawler West Sarutabaruta (S) SE corner of (I-7)
18-22 Stone Eater North Gustaberg (S) (E-9) and along path
21-23 Rock Lizard
21-23 Scarab Beetle East Ronfaure (S) Around NE corner of (G-8)
22-25 Carrion Crow West Sarutabaruta (S) South half of (H-7)
22-25 River Crab West Sarutabaruta (S) F-10/11
25-28 Ornery Sheep North Gustaberg (S) (K-7)
28-31 Lycopodium Sauromugue Champaign (S) All Around (G-6)
28-31 Lycopodium Batallia Downs (S) Fort on the hill at (I-9)
29-31 Sadfly
32-35 Clipper Batallia Downs (S) Coast of (I-10) or ideally the Walls at (J-6/7)
28-31 Lycopodium Batallia Downs (S) Near Upper Jeuno (K-8/9)
Mobs are few in number, solo player camp.
24-27 Stalking Sapling
36-37 Ba
34-36 Goliath Beetle Vunkerl Inlet (S) (F-9) near bridge
35-38 Carrion Marabou
35-37 Savanna Dhalmel West Sarutabaruta (S) (J-4/5)
35-38 Huge Spider North Gustaberg (S) (E-11)
38-41 Stag Beetle Jugner Forest (S) (K-9)
38-41 Land Pugil Jugner Forest (S) East half of (J-11) near the river
38-41 Snipper
40-43 War Lizard Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) G/H-6. Beware of linking Emela-ntouka Sound
40-42 Maneating Hornet North Gustaberg (S) ~(J-7) Mid to top Zegham Hill
41-43 Coppercap North Gustaberg (S) SE corner of (H-6)
44-47 Diving Beetle Sauromugue Champaign (S) (G-7/8)
45-47 Colibri East Ronfaure (S) (H-9/10)~(I-9/10)
45-47 Ladybug
45-48 Hawker Rolanberry Fields (S) (I-13)
46-48 Lynx Sauromugue Champaign (S) Spread around (K-7/8/9)
46-48 Smilodon Batallia Downs (S) Fort on the hill at (F-5)
47-50 Forester Beetle
49-51 Lynx Meriphataud Mountains (S) (E-5),(G-5),(H-5),(I-5)
62-64 Biddybug Jugner Forest (S) (J-5) Take Survival Guide from Batallia (S)
62-64 Robber Crab Vunkerl Inlet (S) (G/F-10)
62-64 Stygian Pugil
68-70 Electrumcap Crawlers' Nest (S) (G-9) Map 2 Deadend room
68-72 War Lynx Meriphataud Mountains (S) (K-4/5) (Less preferred choice to Processionaires)
69-71 Processionaire Crawlers' Nest (S) (E/F-8) Map 2
73-75 Grauberg Hippogryph Grauberg (S) (G-7/8)
75-77 Sidhe Grauberg (S) (F-5)
78-80 Cyhiraeth Beaucedine Glacier (S) (F-7) Nue Tower
79-82 Savage Ruszor Xarcabard (S) (I-7)
80-82 Caracal Xarcabard (S) (G-7) (Lynx)


Freya is an NPC in Tavnazian Safehold at (H-8) who stores all of your Dynamis currency and forgotten items.


CatsEyeXI Garbagio.png

Garbagio's Goodwill Ranks
Level Rank Reward
10 Garbage Peph. Hive Chip icon.png Peph. Hive Chip x8
20 Outlander Silk Thread icon.png Silk Thread x5
30 Apprehensive Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log x2
40 Persuadable Kunwu Ore icon.png Kunwu Ore x3
50 Acquainted Kejusu Satin icon.png Kejusu Satin
60 Familiar Unicorn Horn icon.png Unicorn Horn
70 Friendly Dragon Bone icon.png Dragon Bone
80 Comrade Eltoro Leather icon.png Eltoro Leather
90 Jovial Viridian Urushi icon.png Viridian Urushi
100 Affectionate Wyrm Horn icon.png Wyrm Horn
110 Kindred Spirit Poroggo Cassock icon.png Poroggo Cassock
Garbagio is a custom CatsEyeXI NPC located in Port Jeuno at (I-8) which consumes certain items in exchange for rewards.
Garbagio has a custom crafting system built into it which skills up "Garbagio Goodwill" when items are traded to it.

Certain items have a skill prerequisite before Garbagio will accept the item.

  • There is currently no skill-up cap on any item (ie. You may trade 0s all the way to 110).

Leveling has its own ranks, one time rank rewards, and HQ tiers similar to regular crafting. Results will improve in HQ tiers over the item level of 11, 31, 51, and 71.

  • This raises the rate of rarer items and does not increase the rate of more common items.

Finally, there is a chance Garbagio will give a bonus roll and re-rolls a free item from the trade. The chance of this increases with player rank.

Accepted Items
Tradable Item Level Reward
Byd. Coffer Key icon.png Coffer Keys 0 Crystals, Shihei, Potion/Ether Drop, Remedy, Imperial Bronze/Silver, Beastmen/Kindred Seal, or Ancient Beast Coin.
Cursed Hauberk icon.png Cursed Armors 0 Corresponding Aquarian Tatter icon.png abjuration tatters for Augments.
E.g. Cursed Mitts icon.png Cursed Mitts return Aquarian Tatters.
Relic Sword icon.png Base Relic Weapons 0 O. Bronzepiece icon.png/M. Silverpiece icon.png NQ/HQ Currency and Forgotten Hope icon.png Forgotten items.
Orchid Chip icon.png Limbus Chips
Gold Stud icon.png AF+1 Materials
0 Pebble, Ancient Beast Coin, NQ Organs, Ghrah M Chip, or HQ Organs.
▼ The following items levels are 10: Hands/Feet, 20: Head, 30: Legs, 40: Body ▼
Sha'ir Manteel icon.png Sha'ir Manteel Armor Set 10~40 Materials corresponding to item's ingredients.
Plastron icon.png Plastron Armor Set
Blessed Bliaut icon.png Blessed Bliaut Armor Set
Dragon Mail icon.png Dragon Mail Armor Set
Dragon Harness icon.png Dragon Harness Armor Set
Hachiman Domaru icon.png Hachiman Domaru Armor Set
Igqira Weskit icon.png Igqira Weskit Armor Set
Khimaira Jacket icon.png Khimaira Jacket Armor Set
Lord's Cuirass icon.png Lord's Cuirass Armor Set
Unicorn Harness icon.png Unicorn Harness Armor Set
Chasuble icon.png Chasuble Armor Set
Yasha Samue icon.png Yasha Samue Armor Set
  • Garbagio only accepts the NQ variety of these armors.


Geppetto is a custom CatsEyeXI NPC located in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-6). This NPC exchanges incorrectly coded attachments for the correct ones, making them exchangeable to Tateeya in the Automaton Workshop in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-7).

  • Note: Geppetto will not exchange out of era attachments.

Gobbie Mystery Box

Gobbie Mystery Box NPCs reward players with random items in exchange for 50 points. You gain 10 points per real-life day.

  • New players must wait 14 real-life days before using the Gobbie Box.
  • The goblin gives out any item it would in retail. This includes useless items that can not be used on CatsEyeXI.
    • This will not be updated as the list is absolutely massive and would have to be done manually for tens of thousands of entries.
  • Crystal Warriors and Wings Era Warriors cannot use the Gobbie Mystery Box.

Players may also exchange exchange 25 Merit Points for a SP Gobbie Key icon.png Special Gobbie Key. Which allows a free box opening when traded.

  1. Trade any of the Gobbie Mystery Box Goblins 1,000 gil.
  2. The Goblin will prompt you to confirm that you wish to spend 25 merit points in exchange for a key.
  3. After confirming, you will receive the key and your merit points will be consumed.


Goldilox is a Custom CatseyeXI Goblin NPC located in Lower Jeuno at (H-8). They trade for Obsidian Shards earned from Lower Jeuno Goblin Dailies


Hunter is a custom CatsEyeXI NPC located in Lower Jeuno (I-6).

The objective is to defeat a powerful notorious monster and obtain the title. The target will change weekly on conquest reset Sunday morning (JP midnight).
Once you have the title Hunter is asking for, return for a reward. The reward and amount is randomized. This quest may be completed once per real life week.
The title must be obtained from defeating the NM. You can not use the bard NPC to change your title.

CatsEyeXI Hunter.png
Possible NM Request
(Aspidochelone Sinker)
(Cerberus Muzzler)
Dynamis Lord
(Lifter of Shadows)
(Byakko Tamer)
(Genbu Cracker)
(Seiryu Clipper)
(Suzaku Plucker)
(Kirin Dismantler)
(Hydra Headhunter)
(World Serpent Slayer)
(Khimaira Carver)
King Behemoth
(Behemoth Dethroner)
King Vinegarroon
(Vinegar Evaporator)
(Kirin Captivator)
(Nidhogg Slayer)
(Oupire Impaler)
(Apollyon Ravager)
(Temenos Liberator)
(Tiamat Trouncer)
(Vrtra Vanquisher)


Junknix is a custom CatsEyeXI NPC Located in Lower Jeuno at H-8, in between the AH and the Merry Minstrel Meadhouse / accross from the daily goblins.
Trade him "junk" for gils and Counterfeit Gil icon.png Gils and Scraps, a custom currency used in his own shop.

  • Talk to him first to activate the quest, then trade any item. You don't need to talk to him for subsequent trades.
  • The amount of gil/scraps is rounded up per trade, so trading a stack of item might reward less than trading items individually if you have some time to waste.

Item Cost (Scraps)
Ctn. Purse (Alx.) 400
Moat Carp Creel x4 600
Darksteel Ore x12 1200
Orichalcum Ore x12 5000
Epic Lure
Used to spawn ??? who drops a Soulfl. Tentacle icon.png Slimy Tentacle
for creating a Great Club +1 icon.png Kraken Club +1 via Synergy


Limitrix is a custom CatsEyeXI NPC located in Lower Jeuno in the goblin shop.
This NPC will reset your merits spent once per level-75 job.

  • If the refunded merits are greater than the amount you can hold, he'll kindly keep them safe for you to redeem later.
CatsEyeXI Limitrix.png

Marceo's Guttable Fish

Marceo is a custom CatsEyeXI NPC located in Norg at (H-9) which allows players (Lvl. 15+) to trade fish for rewards.

Fish Rewards
Fish Level 10-70
Greedie icon.png (14)

Sardine Ball icon.png Sardine Ball x1~6 VC
Crayfish Ball icon.png Crayfish Ball x1~6 VC
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin VC
Peeled Crayfish icon.png Peeled Crayfish x1~6 U
Remedy icon.png Remedy U
Bronze Mog. Belt icon.png Bronze Moogle Belt R
Moat Carp Creel icon.png Moat Carp Creel VR
Rancid Coffee icon.png Rancid Coffee VR

Copper Frog icon.png (16)
Copper Frog

Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing x1~3 VC
Copper Ore icon.png Copper Ore x1~2 C
Pebble icon.png Pebble C
Mercury icon.png Mercury U
Tin Ore icon.png Tin Ore x1~2 R
Zinc Ore icon.png Zinc Ore R
Moat Carp Creel icon.png Moat Carp Creel VR

Forest Carp icon.png (20)
Forest Carp

Insect Ball icon.png Insect Ball x1~6 VC (70%)
Norg Earring icon.png Norg Earring C
Gold Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin U
Scarlet Stone icon.png Scarlet Stone VR

Gurnard icon.png (26)

Shihei icon.png Shihei x1~6 VC
Chestnut Log icon.png Chestnut Log C
Elm Log icon.png Elm Log C
Oak Log icon.png Oak Log C
Beastmen's Seal icon.png Beastmen's Seal U
Wind Arrow icon.png Wind Arrow x3~9 U
Moat Carp Creel icon.png Moat Carp Creel U
Giant's Earring icon.png Giant's Earring SR

Blindfish icon.png (28)

Dst. Nugget icon.png Darksteel Nugget VC
Dst. Nugget icon.png Darksteel Nugget x1~2 C
Eye Drops icon.png Eye Drops C
Sairui-Ran icon.png Sairui-Ran x1~6 U
Dark Cluster icon.png Dark Cluster U
Dark Card icon.png Dark Card x1~6 U
Blinding Potion icon.png Blinding Potion R
Goblin Mess Tin icon.png Goblin Mess Tin R
Rebel Earring icon.png Rebel Earring SR

Pipira icon.png (29)

Saruta Cotton icon.png Saruta Cotton x1~3 C
Moko Grass icon.png Clump of Moko Grass x1~3 C
Silk Thread icon.png Silk Thread x1~2 U
Moat Carp Creel icon.png Moat Carp Creel x1~3 C
Grain Seeds icon.png Grain Seeds x1~4 C
Clear Earring icon.png Clear Earring x1 SR
Papaka Grass icon.png Papaka Grass x1~3 VC
Crawler Calculus icon.png Crawler Calculus x1 C

Yayinbaligi icon.png (31)

Rosewood Log icon.png Rosewood Log VC (20%)
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log VC (20%)
Chimera Blood icon.png Chimera Blood C
Nashmau Earring icon.png Nashmau Earring U
Imp Horn icon.png Imp Horn U
Water Card icon.png Water Card x1~6 U
Almond icon.png Almond R
Alexandrite icon.png Alexandrite R
Imp. Brz. Piece icon.png Imp. Brz. Piece R

Veydal Wrasse icon.png (37)
Veydal Wrasse
Moat Carp Creel icon.png Moat Carp Creel VC
Ram Horn icon.png Ram Horn VC
Ebony Log icon.png Ebony Log C
Uragnite Shell icon.png Uragnite Shell C
Iron Nugget icon.png Iron Nugget x1~3 U
Aht Urhgan Brass icon.png Aht Urhgan Brass U
Aileron Mantle icon.png Aileron Mantle VR
Cocoon Band icon.png Cocoon Band SR
Nosteau Herring icon.png (39)
Nosteau Herring
Gelid Aggregate icon.png Gelid Aggregate VC
Raptor Skin icon.png Raptor Skin C
Cockatrice Skin icon.png Cockatrice Skin U
Ice Card icon.png Ice Card x1~6 U
Jusatsu icon.png Jusatsu x1~6 U
Ice Arrow icon.png Ice Arrow x3~9 U
Beastmen's Seal icon.png Beastmen's Seal U
Moat Carp Creel icon.png Moat Carp Creel R
Ice Gauntlets icon.png Ice Gauntlets R
Prouesse Ring icon.png Prouesse Ring VR
Coral Butterfly icon.png (40%)
Coral Butterfly

Lugworm icon.png Lugworm x1~3 VC
Sheep Wool icon.png Sheep Wool C
Kingdom Earring icon.png Kingdom Earring U
Republic Earring icon.png Republic Earring U
Federation Earring icon.png Federation Earring U
Duchy Earring icon.png Duchy Earring U
Selbina Earring icon.png Selbina Earring U
Mhaura Earring icon.png Mhaura Earring U
Karakul Wool icon.png Karakul Wool VR

Giant Donko icon.png (50)
Giant Donko
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore VC
G. Bird Plume icon.png G. Bird Plume C
Manticore Hair icon.png Manticore Hair C
Moat Carp Creel icon.png Moat Carp Creel U
Beetle Shell icon.png Beetle Shell U
Rabao Earring icon.png Rabao Earring U
Spider Web icon.png Spider Web R
W. Spider's Web icon.png W. Spider's Web R
Storm Zucchetto icon.png Storm Zucchetto R
Melaco Mittens icon.png Melaco Mittens SR
Vongola Clam icon.png (53)
Vongola Clam
Pearl icon.png Pearl VC
Auric Sand icon.png Auric Sand VC
Coral Fragment icon.png Coral Fragment U
Black Pearl icon.png Black Pearl U
Bibiki Urchin icon.png Bibiki Urchin U
Coral Fungus icon.png Coral Fungus U
Vivified Coral icon.png Vivified Coral R
Storm Loop icon.png Storm Loop R
Liminus Earring icon.png Liminus Earring VR
Southern Pearl icon.png Southern Pearl UR
Kaplumbaga icon.png
Kaplumbaga (53)
Puk Egg icon.png Puk Egg VC
Apkallu Egg icon.png Apkallu Egg C (20%)
Turtle Shell icon.png Turtle Shell C
Date icon.png Date U
Flan Meat icon.png Flan Meat U
Demon Blood icon.png Demon Blood R
Swamp Ore icon.png Swamp Ore R
Vampiric Mitts icon.png Vampiric Mitts R
Vampiric Boots icon.png Vampiric Boots R
Pigeon's Blood icon.png Pigeon's Blood Ruby VR
Elshimo Newt icon.png (60)
Elshimo Newt

Pebble icon.png Pebble VC
Insect Wing icon.png Insect Wing x2~3 C
Crawler Egg icon.png Crawler Egg U
Moat Carp Creel icon.png Moat Carp Creel R
Kazham Pineapl. icon.png Kazham Pineapple R
Beehive Chip icon.png Beehive Chip VR
Fruit Seeds icon.png Fruit Seeds VR
Giant Stinger icon.png Giant Stinger VR

Kilicbaligi icon.png
Kilicbaligi (61)
Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore x1~3 VC
Alexandrite icon.png Alexandrite x1~6 C
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore x1~2 C
Marid Tusk icon.png Marid Tusk C
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore U
Luminium Ore icon.png Luminium Ore R
Gigant Squid icon.png Gigant Squid R
Imp. Slv. Piece icon.png Imp. Slv. Piece R
Immortal's Shotel icon.png Immortal's Shotel R
Numen Staff icon.png Numen Staff SR
Crescent Fish icon.png (69)
Crescent Fish
T. Whiteshell icon.png T. Whiteshell VC
Beehive Chip icon.png Beehive Chip U
Kaolin icon.png Kaolin U
Doll Shard icon.png Doll Shard U
Platinum Leaf icon.png Platinum Leaf U
Fresh Mugwort icon.png Fresh Mugwort U
W. Spider's Web icon.png W. Spider's Web U
Dhalmel Hair icon.png Dhalmel Hair R
Wild Onion icon.png Wild Onion R
Ataractic Solea icon.png Ataractic Solea R
Grapevine Cape icon.png Grapevine Cape SR
Arachne Web icon.png Arachne Web SR
Fish Level 70-150
Tavnazian Goby icon.png
Tavnazian Goby (75)
O. Bronzepiece icon.png O. Bronzepiece VC
Mythril Nugget icon.png Mythril Nugget x1~3 VC
Moat Carp Creel icon.png Moat Carp Creel C
Giant Bird Fthr. icon.png Giant Bird Feather C
Black C. Feather icon.png Black C. Feather C
Erik's Axe icon.png Erik's Axe R
Tavnazian Salad icon.png Tavnazian Salad VR
Metasoma Katars icon.png Metasoma Katars SR
Silver Shark icon.png
Silver Shark (76)
Silver Nugget icon.png Silver Nugget x1~2 VC
Fire Crystal icon.png Any Crystal C
Tiger Hide icon.png Tiger Hide U
Moat Carp Creel icon.png Moat Carp Creel x1~3 U
Beastman Blood icon.png Beastman Blood R
Gold Nugget icon.png Gold Nugget x1~2 VR
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayld SR
Eudaemon Cape icon.png Bonze Cape SR
Jungle Catfish icon.png (80)
Jungle Catfish

Moat Carp Creel icon.png Moat Carp Creel x2~4 VC
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log C
Wild Pineapple icon.png Wild Pineapple C
Malboro Vine icon.png Malboro Vine C
Crawler Egg icon.png Crawler Egg U
Pamamas icon.png Pamamas U
Elshimo Frog icon.png Elshimo Frog R
Thundermelon icon.png Thundermelon R
Kitron icon.png Kitron x2~3 VR

Gavial Fish icon.png
Gavial Fish (81)
1 Byne Bill icon.png 1 Byne Bill VC
Ram Horn icon.png Ram Horn C
Chicken Bone icon.png Chicken Bone C
Moat Carp Creel icon.png Moat Carp Creel U
Antlion Jaw icon.png Antlion Jaw U
Gargouille Horn icon.png Gargouille Horn U
Wyvern Scales icon.png Wyvern Scales U
Sniper's Collar icon.png Sniper's Collar R
Silver Mog. Belt icon.png Silver Moogle Belt VR
Black Ghost icon.png (88)
Black Ghost
Alexandrite icon.png Alexandrite x6~18 VC
Karakul Skin icon.png Karakul Skin C
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore C
Petrified Log icon.png Petrified Log C
Moat Carp Creel icon.png Moat Carp Creel C
Im. Tea Leaves icon.png Imperial Tea Leaves R
Luminium Ore icon.png Luminium Ore x1~2 R
Kocco's Earring icon.png Kocco's Earring R
Bond Cape icon.png Bond Cape SR
Morinabaligi icon.png (91)
Marid Tusk icon.png Marid Tusk VC
Date icon.png Date C
Moat Carp Creel icon.png Moat Carp Creel x2~3 C
Lacquer Tree Log icon.png Lacquer Tree Log C
Flan Meat icon.png Flan Meat U
Im. Tea Leaves icon.png Imperial Tea Leaves R
Spider Web icon.png Spider Web x1~3 R
Imp. Slv. Piece icon.png Imp. Slv. Piece R
Mana Ampulla icon.png Mana Ampulla SR
Megalodon icon.png (93)

Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore x1~3 C
Black C. Feather icon.png Black Chocobo Feather x1~2 C
Blk. Tiger Fang icon.png Black Tiger Fang x1~3 U
Smilodon Hide icon.png Smilodon Hide x1~3 U
Kopparnickel Ore icon.png Kopparnickel Ore x1~2 U
1 Byne Bill icon.png One Byne Bill R
T. Whiteshell icon.png Tukuku whiteshell R
O. Bronzepiece icon.png Ordelle Bronzepiece R
Lycopodium Flower icon.png Lycopodium Flower R

Tiger Shark icon.png (99)
Tiger Shark
Rabbit Hide icon.png Rabbit Hide VC
Fire Crystal icon.png Fire Crystal U
Ice Crystal icon.png Ice Crystal U
Wind Crystal icon.png Wind Crystal U
Earth Crystal icon.png Earth Crystal U
Lightng. Crystal icon.png Lightning Crystal U
Water Crystal icon.png Water Crystal U
Light Crystal icon.png Light Crystal R
Dark Crystal icon.png Dark Crystal R
Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore R
Potestas Bomblet icon.png Potestas Bomblet SR
Sea Zombie icon.png (100)
Sea Zombie
Drill Calamary icon.png Drill Calamary VC
Fire Cluster icon.png Any Cluster x2~4 U
Orichalcum Ore icon.png Orichalcum Ore R
Rancorous Mantle icon.png Rancorous Mantle SR*
Titanictus icon.png (104+)

Fire Cluster icon.png Any Cluster x2~4 VC
Fish Bones icon.png Fish Bones C
Petrified Log icon.png Petrified Log C
Phoenix Feather icon.png Phoenix Feather R
Pebble icon.png Pebble R
Counterfeit Gil icon.png 2850 Gil R
G. Bird Plume icon.png Giant Bird Plume VR

Armored Pisces icon.png (108)
Armored Pisces
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore VC
Moat Carp Creel icon.png Moat Carp Creel C
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore x1~2 U
Iron Ore icon.png Silver Ore U
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore U
Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore U
Iron Sand icon.png Iron Sand U
Adaman Ore icon.png Adaman Ore R
Wizzan Grip icon.png Wizzan Grip SR
Cave Cherax icon.png (130)
Cave Cherax
Dwarf Pugil icon.png Dwarf Pugil VC
Fire Cluster icon.png Any Cluster x1~3 U
Luminium Ore icon.png Luminium Ore R
Dragonkin Earring icon.png Dragonkin Earring SR*
Abaia icon.png (110+)

Acorn icon.png Acorn VC
Fire Cluster icon.png Any Cluster x1~4 U
Gnole Claw icon.png Gnole Claw R

Quick. Blade icon.png (130)
Quicksilver Blade
Karakul Meat icon.png Karakul Meat VC
Fire Cluster icon.png Any Cluster x1~3 U
Im. Tea Leaves icon.png Imperial Tea Leaves R
Ossa Grip icon.png Ossa Grip SR*
Matsya icon.png (150)

H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayld VC
Coral Fragment icon.png Coral Fragment U
Fire Cluster icon.png Any Cluster x2~4 R
Kitron icon.png Kitron R
Thokcha Ore icon.png Thokcha Ore R
P. Brass Ore icon.png Palladian Brass Ore R
Phrygian Ore icon.png Phrygian Ore R
Shaper's Shawl icon.png Shaper's Shawl R* (5%)

  • * Players will receive a random elemental cluster (or listed item below for higher-level fish) when rolling a Rare/Ex item they already have.
    • Sea Zombie (100): Rancorous Mantle -> Blank Key
    • Cave Cherax (130): Dragonkin Earring -> Aether Key
    • Quicksilver Blade (130): Ossa Grip -> Elementium Ingot
    • Matsaya (150): Shaper's Shawl -> Prismatic Key

Mnejing's Puppetmaster Shop

Mnejing is a custom CatsEyeXI NPC located in Aht Urhgan Whitegate at (G-10) which:

Myrios (The Collection)

Myrios at (J-8) in Lower Jeuno is trying to collect one of every item. Help him complete each collection and earn unique rewards.

Armoury: Skill Torques
Loricate Torque +1 icon.png Elementium Trq. +1 * Evasion Torque icon.png Evasion Torque Parrying Torque icon.png Parrying Torque Shield Torque icon.png Shield Torque
Guarding Torque icon.png Guarding Torque Divine Torque icon.png Divine Torque Dark Torque icon.png Dark Torque Enhancing Torque icon.png Enhancing Torque
Enfeebling Torque icon.png Enfeebling Torque Elemental Torque icon.png Elemental Torque Healing Torque icon.png Healing Torque Smn. Torque icon.png Smn. Torque
Ninjutsu Torque icon.png Ninjutsu Torque String Torque icon.png String Torque Wind Torque icon.png Wind Torque
Reward: Incanter's Torque icon.png Incanter's Torque

* See: Custom Recipes


Oboro allows players to create powerful job specific weapons in exchange for materials.

  • Crystal Warriors must have reached Rank 10.
  • ACE/WEW Players must have reached Rank 10 and have completed The Warrior's Path.
  • Upon trading the required items, players must wait until Japanese Midnight to receive their reward.

Oboro Weapons
Item Description Trade
Minos icon.png Minos
75 WAR
DMG:95 Delay:504 HP+20 VIT+6 Attack+8 Enmity+4
"Double Attack"+3% Retaliation +3%

Gabbrath Horn icon.png Gabbrath Hornx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Toporok icon.png Toporok
Dark Amood icon.png Dark Amood

Nyepel icon.png Nyepel
75 MNK
DMG:+20 Delay: +51 HP+35 STR+4 VIT+4 Attack+8 Enmity+4
Guarding Skill +15 Store TP +5 Counter+6

Rockfin Tooth icon.png Rockfin Toothx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Koenigs Knuckles icon.png Koenigs Knuckles
Behemoth Cesti icon.png Behemoth Cesti

Sindri icon.png Sindri
75 WHM
DMG:49 Delay:324 MP+15 MND+6 Accuracy+8 Magic Accuracy+4 Enmity-4
"Double Attack"+3% Converts 1% of "Cure" amount to MP

Bztavian Stinger icon.png Bztavian Stingerx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Brise-os icon.png Brise-os
Sacred Wand icon.png Sacred Wand

Kaladanda icon.png Kaladanda
75 BLM
DMG:58 Delay: 366 MP+20 All Stats+6 All elemental resistances+20 "Iridescence" (10%)
Elemental magic casting time-8% Occult Acumen+50
Hidden Effect: All elements: Magic Potency+15%, Magic Accuracy+30

Waktza Rostrum icon.png Waktza Rostrumx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Iridal Staff icon.png Iridal Staff
Chatoyant Staff icon.png Chatoyant Staff

Egeking icon.png Egeking
75 RDM
DMG:43 Delay: 236 HP+15 MP+15 STR+4 MND+4 Accuracy+8 Magic Accuracy+4 Magic Attack Bonus+4 Enmity-4
Phalanx+3 Sword enhancement spell damage+6

Yggdreant Bole icon.png Yggdreant Bolex2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Anelace icon.png Anelace
Apaisante icon.png Apaisante

Sandung icon.png Sandung
75 THF
DMG:35 Delay: 200 HP+15 DEX+4 AGI+4 Accuracy+8 Evasion+5 Enmity+4
Triple Attack+1% Additional effect: Silence(10%)

Cehuetzi Claw icon.png Cehuetzi Clawx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Odorous Knife icon.png Odorous Knife
Garuda's Dagger icon.png Garuda's Dagger

Priwen icon.png Priwen
75 PLD
Def:30 HP+20 Phalanx+1 Physical Damage Taken-3% Enhances "Reprisal" effect Regen+1

Gabbrath Horn icon.png Gabbrath Hornx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Januwiyah icon.png Januwiyah
Tariqah icon.png Tariqah

Cronus icon.png Cronus
75 DRK
DMG:99 Delay: 528 HP+15 MP+15 STR+4 INT+4 Attack+12 Magic Accuracy+6 Enmity-4
Additional effect: HP Drain (10% proc) Refresh+1

Rockfin Tooth icon.png Rockfin Toothx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Orichalcum Scythe icon.png Orichalcum Scythe
Smiting Scythe icon.png Smiting Scythe

Arktoi icon.png Arktoi
75 BST
DMG:48 Delay: 276 HP+20 STR+5 CHR+5 Attack+10 Enmity-5
Enhances "Killer" effects
Pet: Attack+8 "Double Attack"+3%

Bztavian Stinger icon.png Bztavian Stingerx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Veldt Axe icon.png Veldt Axe
Furnace Tabarzin icon.png Furnace Tabarzin

Terpander icon.png Terpander
75 BRD
HP+15 MP+15 Enmity-4 String Skill+8 Ballad+2 Lullaby+3

Waktza Rostrum icon.png Waktza Rostrumx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Shofar +1 icon.png Shofar +1
Cyt. Anglica +1 icon.png Cyt. Anglica +1

Lionsquall icon.png Lionsquall
75 RNG
DMG:42 Delay:600 HP+20 AGI+6 Ranged Attack+15 Magic Attack Bonus+8 Enmity-4
"Rapid Shot"+5 Store TP+5

Yggdreant Bole icon.png Yggdreant Bolex2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Hellfire icon.png Hellfire
Matchlock Gun +1 icon.png Matchlock Gun +1

Kurikaranotachi icon.png Kurikaranotachi
75 SAM
DMG:82 Delay:450 HP+20 STR+4 AGI+4 Attack+8 Ranged Attack+8 Enmity-4
"Zanshin"+4 Skillchain Damage+4%

Cehuetzi Claw icon.png Cehuetzi Clawx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Butachi icon.png Butachi
Shirogatana icon.png Shirogatana

Shigi icon.png Shigi
75 NIN
DMG:32 Delay:190 HP+20 DEX+6 Attack+8 Ranged Attack+8 Magic Attack Bonus+8 Enmity+4
Store TP+5 "Ninja Tool Expertise"+5

Gabbrath Horn icon.png Gabbrath Hornx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Hirenjaku icon.png Hirenjaku
Izayoi icon.png Izayoi

Areadbhar icon.png Areadbhar
75 DRG
DMG:94 Delay:492 HP+20 STR+4 VIT+4 Attack+8 Enmity-4
Jump TP Bonus+30 Jump: "Double Attack"+3% Wyvern: Accuracy+8 Damage Taken-3%

Rockfin Tooth icon.png Rockfin Toothx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Orichalcum Lance icon.png Orichalcum Lance
Mezraq icon.png Mezraq

Gridarvor icon.png Gridarvor
75 SMN
DMG:60 Delay:366 MP+35 INT+6 MND+6 Accuracy+8 Enmity-4 "Iridescence" (15%)
Depending on day: Avatar perpetuation cost-5
Avatar: Accuracy+8 Haste+4%

Bztavian Stinger icon.png Bztavian Stingerx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Flete Pole icon.png Flete Pole
Iridal Staff icon.png Iridal Staff

Mimesis icon.png Mimesis
75 BLU
DMG:43 Delay:236 HP+15 MP+15 STR+6 INT+6 MND+6 Accuracy+8 Magic Attack Bonus+4 Magic Accuracy+4 Enmity+4
Fast Cast+5%

Waktza Rostrum icon.png Waktza Rostrumx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Steel Kilij icon.png Steel Kilij
Killer's Kilij icon.png Killer's Kilij

Deathlocke icon.png Deathlocke
75 COR
DMG:35 Delay:480 HP+15 MP+15 AGI+6 Ranged Accuracy+8 Magic Accuracy+5 Magic Attack Bonus+5 Enmity-4
Rapid Shot+5% Store TP+5

Yggdreant Bole icon.png Yggdreant Bolex2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Hexagun icon.png Hexagun
Silver Cassandra icon.png Silver Cassandra

Ohtas icon.png Ohtas
75 PUP
DMG:+20 Delay: +84 HP+20 DEX+4 AGI+4 Accuracy+8 Evasion+5 Enmity-4
Repair Potency+10%
Pet: Accuracy+8 Double Attack +3%
Hidden Effect: Pet: Ranged Acccuracy+8

Cehuetzi Claw icon.png Cehuetzi Clawx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Adaman Sainti icon.png Adaman Sainti
Buzbaz Sainti icon.png Buzbaz Sainti

Polyhymnia icon.png Polyhymnia
75 DNC
DMG:35 Delay: 194 HP+20 DEX+4 AGI+4 Accuracy+8 Evasion+5 Enmity+4
Damage Taken -3% "Samba" Duration+20

Gabbrath Horn icon.png Gabbrath Hornx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Adder Jambiya icon.png Adder Jambiya
Behemoth Knife icon.png Behemoth Knife

Coeus icon.png Coeus
75 SCH
DMG:58 Delay: 366 MP+40 INT+8 Enmity-4 "Iridescence" (10%)
Grimoire: Spellcasting time -8% "Regen" Duration +20 Conserve MP +8
Hidden Effect: All elements: Magic Potency+15%, Magic Accuracy+30

Rockfin Tooth icon.png Rockfin Toothx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Iridal Staff icon.png Iridal Staff
Chatoyant Staff icon.png Chatoyant Staff

Dunna icon.png Dunna
75 GEO
MP+25 INT+4 Enmity-4 Handbell skill +15 Luopon: Damage Taken -3%

Bztavian Stinger icon.png Bztavian Stingerx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Im. Wootz Ingot icon.png Im. Wootz Ingot
Star Sapphire icon.png Star Sapphire

Aettir icon.png Aettir
75 RUN
DMG:85 Delay: 480 HP+20 MP+15 DEX+4 AGI+4 Accuracy+8 Magic Accuracy+8 Enmity+5
"Lunge"+5 Magic Damage Taken II -5%

Waktza Rostrum icon.png Waktza Rostrumx2
H-P Bayld icon.png H-P Bayldx200
Pealing Nagan icon.png Pealing Nagan
Mythril Heart icon.png Mythril Heart

Organ-Harvestor's Sea Storage

CatsEyeXI Organ-Harvestor.png

EDIT: This information is outdated. The new NPC is Vision, a purple eye beside Sagheera at I-8 in Port Jeuno.
Organ-Harvester is a custom CatsEyeXI NPC located in Port Jeuno at (F-8).
This NPC allows players to store/retrieve any Organ or Temenos/Apollyon item. These items are used to:

Domain Traveler (Domain Invasion Warp)

Domain Traveler is located above the Auction House in Lower Jeuno. This sexy beast will warp lucky dames and dudes to the currently active Domain Invasion battle in exchange for 2,000 gil.

  • Players must be level 75 to use Spicy Traveler.
  • Players who have completed two or more Dailies warp for free.
  • After 100 trips with the Traveler, they will graciously reward you with a Domain Ring. This will restore your Elvorseal the same as a Pearlscale would, without taking up extra inventory.
    • The ring has a finite number of charges. Once consumed, you may recharge it by trading the ring and 50k to the Domain Traveler.

There are two copies of this NPC with the same functionality:


Squires offer storage for various armor sets. Unlike retail, Squires are able to store AugRank.png augmented items and retrieve them with augments intact. Similar to Porter Moogles, armor sets do not have to be complete and players may trade individual pieces. Items from any combination of different sets can be traded at the same time. Squires are stationed at the following locations:

Squires are accessible by all game modes and can store the following sets:

Sylvie's Geomancer Magic Shop

Sylvie is a custom CatsEyeXI NPC located in Ru'Lude Gardens at (H-5). After unlocking GEO, Sylvie will open her Geomancer Magic Shop where you can purchase spells. Geocolure spells are obtained by hunting Geomantic Reservoirs in the field. The following spells have been customized for level 75 gameplay and are obtained directly as a reward upon completion of the final GEO artifact armor quest.

Sylvie (UC) Trust.jpg
Indicolure Spell Cost
Indi-Poison icon.png Indi-Poison 1,000
Indi-Voidance icon.png Indi-Voidance 3,720
Indi-Precision icon.png Indi-Precision 11,400
Indi-Regen icon.png Indi-Regen 23,350
Indi-Attunement icon.png Indi-Attunement 24,250
Indi-Focus icon.png Indi-Focus 66,920
Indi-Barrier icon.png Indi-Barrier 109,260
Indi-Refresh icon.png Indi-Refresh 110,000
Indi-CHR icon.png Indi-CHR 110,000
Indi-MND icon.png Indi-MND 139,400
Indi-Fury icon.png Indi-Fury 152,700
Indi-INT icon.png Indi-INT 209,120
Indi-AGI icon.png Indi-AGI 226,400
Indi-Fend icon.png Indi-Fend 240,000
Indi-VIT icon.png Indi-VIT 237,400
Indi-DEX icon.png Indi-DEX 82,992
Indi-Acumen icon.png Indi-Acumen 264,400
Indi-STR icon.png Indi-STR 220,800
Indi-Slow icon.png Indi-Slow 334,600
Indi-Torpor icon.png Indi-Torpor 318,750
Indi-Slip icon.png Indi-Slip 431,600
Indi-Languor icon.png Indi-Languor 441,850
Indi-Paralysis icon.png Indi-Paralysis 403,040
Indi-Vex icon.png Indi-Vex 440,000
Elemental Spell Cost
Fira (Scroll) icon.png Fira 34,000
Thundara (Scroll) icon.png Thundara 54,600
Blizzara (Scroll) icon.png Blizzara 46,440
Aerora (Scroll) icon.png Aerora 26,600
Stonera (Scroll) icon.png Stonera 22,490
Stonera II (Scroll) icon.png Stonera II 156,000
Watera (Scroll) icon.png Watera 21,000
Watera II (Scroll) icon.png Watera II 155,000

Teodor's Chair Shop

Nothing much to say here... Many of the crafting recipes for chairs are not yet coded, so we've made them available in a custom shop in the Throne Room (pun intended).

Chair Cost
Imperial Chair icon.png Imperial Chair 100,000
Decorative Chair icon.png Decorative Chair 100,000
Ornate Stool icon.png Ornate Stool 100,000
Refined Chair icon.png Refined Chair 100,000
Portable Container icon.png Portable Container 100,000
Chocobo Chair icon.png Chocobo Chair 100,000
Ephramad. Throne icon.png Ephramad. Throne 200,000
Leaf Bench icon.png Leaf Bench 200,000
Astral Cube icon.png Astral Cube 200,000
Shadow Throne icon.png Shadow Throne 500,000

Vision AF+1 Augments

Vision is a custom CatsEyeXI NPC located in Port Jeuno at (I-8).
This NPC will give powerful augments to your Artifact + 1 Armor.
You can also augment normal quality Geomancer and Rune Fencer artifact armors with Vision.

Trade the requested rare items from Al'Taieu along with your armor for augmentation.

CatsEyeXI Vision.png

Ul'moria Efflux

(Must have completed Sea Collection turn in from Myrios in Lower Jueno) (This function is now performed by Vision in Port Jeuno (I-8))

  • Used to trade HQ organs to NQ organs. You must trade 10 HQ organs to receive 1-??? amount of the same NQ organ and a chance at Luminian Tissues.
  • Also used to trade 1 Yorva Organ into any 1 NQ organ of your choosing.
  • Located at H-12, just east after zoning in from Sealion's Den