Community Paladin Guide

From FFXI Wiki

General Information

  • One of the original six Advanced Jobs, as well as the direct opposite of Dark Knight.
  • One of the two standard tank jobs in the game.
  • Possesses the highest base Physical Defense rating and the most Physical Defense Traits of any job in the game.
  • Is a safe choice for breaking into content.


  • Traditional Tank with emphasis on physical damage mitigation.
  • Keeps the monster's attention away from the other front-line and back-line players/characters by maintaining high levels of Enmity.
  • Paladin's role has expanded in the healing category with the addition (and expansion) of the job ability Majesty.
    • Through the use of the ability Majesty, single-target Cures are expanded to Area of Effect status.

Food and Medicines



  • Miso Ramen icon.png Miso Ramen
  • Stats: HP+100, STR+5, VIT+5, DEF+10% (Max. 170), "Magic Def. Bonus"+5, Magic Evasion +10% (Max. 50),"Resist Slow" +10.
    • The best defensive tanking food there is. It couples HP+, Defense, and Magic Evasion+ all into one food.
      • Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.
  • Om. Sandwich icon.png Om. Sandwich
  • Stats: HP+11% (Max. 150), VIT+7, MND+7, Accuracy+11% (Max. 80), DEF+11% (Max. 120), Enmity+4.
    • Introduced in The Voracious Resurgence missionline. Comparable to Miso Ramen in HP and Defense; exchanging Magic Evasion and Magic Defense Bonus for Accuracy and Enmity.
    • Purchased from the Auction House. Crafted only.


  • Black Curry Bun icon.png Black Curry Bun
  • Stats: (DEX+2, VIT+4, INT+1, Accuracy+5, Ranged Accuracy+5, Evasion+5, DEF+15% (Max. 180), "Resist Sleep"+3, HP recovered while healing +2, MP recovered while healing +1)
    • The next best thing. This food actually has 10 more defense than Miso Ramen, but lacks the other benefits. The silver lining is that they are a fourth to a fifth the price of Miso depending on the market.
      • Purchased from the Curio Moogle for 4,000 gil, 48,000 a stack.
  • Tavnazian Taco icon.png Tavnazian Taco
  • Stats: (HP+20, MP+20, DEX+4, VIT+6, AGI+4, CHR+4, DEF+25% (Max. 150), HP and MP recovered while healing +1)
    • The once famous food. There is no reason to really use this anymore, but if you are a lower level it will grant more defense than one of these higher level items given its lower cap, but higher percentage increase.
      • Purchased from the Curio Moogle for 4,000 gil, 48,000 a stack.
  • Rabbit Pie icon.png Rabbit Pie
  • Stats: (STR+5 VIT+5 INT-2 Attack+25% (Max. 100) Ranged Attack+25% (Max. 100) DEF+25% (Max. 100))
    • An honorable mention. The attack and defense parameters aren't as high given it's hybrid status but definitely worth looking at.
      • Purchased from Curio Moogle for 3,000 gil, 36,000 gil a stack.
  • Fried Popoto icon.png Fried Popoto
  • Stats: (HP +30, VIT +2, Element: Fire +20, Defense +20% (Cap:145), Subtle Blow +8)
    • This food is as cheap as it gets, excluding the crystal it costs less than 300 gil to make 6 of these a synth. Making these in bulk to store and use for Ambuscade spam and similar events will cost you next to nothing. Even if you have to shout and pay a level 90+ cook 50-100k to make them for you. It would still only cost you roughly 10-20k a stack of Fried Popotos.
      • Purchased from the Auction House, crafted only.


  • Echo Drops icon.png Echo Drops
    • Useful for when silenced and no one else can (or is able to) Silena you. Keep these stocked.
  • Remedy icon.png Remedy
    • Useful for curing most debuffs curable with -na spells (ie: Paralyna). You can receive 12 a month for free from ambuscade. Keep these stocked.
  • Reraiser icon.png Reraiser / Hi-Reraiser icon.png Hi-Reraiser
    • Nothing wrong with keeping extra sources of Reraise in your pocket. Keep these stocked.
  • Holy Water icon.png Holy Water
    • Extremely useful to have, especially when spell priority or universal cool downs from back=line supports are bottle necked... Keep them stocked.
  • Panacea icon.png Panacea
    • Sometimes you are overwhelmed with a number of debuffs (like an Impact) that need Erase and this is much faster than waiting on a support to erase them. Keep these stocked.
  • Vile Elixir icon.png Vile Elixir / Vile Elixir +1 icon.png Vile Elixir +1
    • You never know when these might come in handy. Even for other party members... Great for putting in a bazaar for back-line supports when in a pinch as well! A single Vile Elixir or HQ can save you in those situations. Keep these stocked.
      • Purchased from the Curio Moogle; 20,000 Gil for NQ. 40.000 Gil for HQ.
      • Often cheaper to buy off the Auction House.
      • A number of NM's and various content drop these for free as well.
  • Antacid icon.png Antacid
    • Great for switching food on the fly when the situation calls for it. Keep a few, just in case.

Support Jobs

  • Support jobs or sub jobs can range and vary. The main two are going to be Warrior and Blue Mage with special mention going to Dark Knight as well as Rune Fencer.
    • All have their uses and should be used accordingly. The higher end / more challenging content will most likely lean towards the use of BLU.
    • However as Power Creep continues with newer & stronger armor sets (but more specifically Master Level increases), the likelihood is RUN will become the prevalent sub job.
  • For the sake of thoroughness, please see below for a variety of support jobs and reasons advocating for their use.

Fighter's Mask icon.png Warrior
A classic support job, reminiscent of ye olden level 75 cap days that has fallen by the way side. Warrior still has uses while soloing and/or low-manning content.

Master Levels
Mirage Keffiyeh icon.png Blue Mage
Quite possibly one of the most solid support jobs Paladin can sub. Blue Mage offers strong physical defense through the spell Cocoon as well as an array of enmity generating spells to keep the monster(s) focused on you.
Spells are set up within a point system customized to the players particular needs for Job Traits and utility purposes alike.
  • Spells & Traits: Please reference Notes on /BLU section below.
Bale Burgeonet icon.png Dark Knight
An aggressive support job with high spike enmity options. Dark KnightS sacrifices defense for offense, but with the direction that gear and Master Levels are going, lapses in defensive layers are becoming less of a concern.

Master Levels
Erilaz Galea icon.png Rune Fencer
Regarded as the other main tank of the current game. Rune Fencer aims more broadly at defending against magic damage and status effects. Offers quite a bit in terms of defensive layers & enmity tools.

Valiance (ML5) Stoneskin (ML5) Magic Defense Bonus III & Accuracy Bonus I (ML5) Foil!!! (ML45)

Acad. Mortarboard icon.png Scholar
With the rise of Aminon being fought, this is a new subjob for PLD's arsenal. This is the most versatile subjob for main healing. It helps boost lacking magic skills up to B+ Rank for Healing Magic, Enhancing Magic and Enfeebling Magic. Storm Spells help maximize their Healing magic, and AOE buff spells are invaluable; such as Regen III, Aquaveil, and Phalanx.

Master Levels

Tanking: Mitigation & Enmity

  • A Paladin's job of tanking can be split into two [simplified] schools of thought: 1) Mitigating incoming damage and negative status effects through layering defensive measures; and 2) Maintaining a high(er) level of enmity over other party and/or alliance members. Please see below.

Layering Defenses

  • Ah Defense. As mentioned above, the key to mitigating damage and negative statuses is through layering defenses against them.
  • On the physical side for Paladin, it starts with the most basic of stats of Vitality and Physical Defense. Further enhanced by stats such as Physical Damage Taken -% (PDT-%) gear and its more advanced form Damage Taken -% (DT-%) gear. Paladin also specializes in shield blocking which further reduces damage when facing an attacking monster upon successful block. There are various spells and abilities which augment physical defenses such as Protect, Phalanx, Sentinel and Rampart.
  • On the magical side for Paladin, it starts with the the stats of Intelligence, Mind, Magic Defense and Magic Evasion. Further enhanced by magic damage taken -% (MDT-%) gear and its more advanced form Damage Taken -% gear (which covers bother Physical and Magical damage, but also the less often seen Breathe damage). There are various spells and abilities which augment magical defenses such as Shell (which is itself a form of MDT-%) and Fealty for example.


  • Enmity itself can be divided into two specific measurable types: Cumulative Enmity and Volatile Enmity.
  • Cumulative Enmity is largely static and typically builds slower than its counterpart. Cumulative Enmity is reduced by outside actions such as taking damage and getting debuffed (negative status effects).
  • Volatile Enmity is more fluid in that it builds quickly--typically (but not always) at a rate of three times that of Cumulative Enmity. Volatile Enmity however, natively reduces overtime. Approximately 60 Volatile Enmity per second.
  • Please see Enmity Table section below for the measurable caps on both types of enmity.
  • Enmity in general can be split across three categories: Curing, Damage, and Actions. The first two are fairly self-explanatory but here is a direct link for further explanation: Damage and Cure Enmity Gain. Please see below for Actions.
  • Virtually every player action in the game generates enmity. Although most don't do much, "enmity actions" would be actions with notable enmity value(s) attached. (Such as Flash or Provoke)

Enmity Table

  • As per the Enmity page:
  • The cap enmity is 60,000 total (30,000 each of Cumulative (CE) and Volatile Enmity (VE)).
  • If multiple players have enmity on a monster (on the hate list), the monster will target the player on the hate list with the highest combined enmity values.
  • In the case of multiple players having identical enmity values (being at enmity cap for example), a monster will target the player that acted most recently.

Enmity Table
Ability Cumulative Enmity Value Volatile Enmity Value
Invincible 1 CE1 7,200 VE
Shield Bash 450 CE 900 VE
Sentinel 0 CE 900 VE
Rampart 320 CE 320 VE
Palisade 900 CE 1,800 VE
Majesty 0 CE 300 VE
Divine Emblem 0 CE 300 VE
Fealty 1 CE 300 VE
Chivalry 1 CE 300 VE
Intervene ??? CE ??? VE
Spell Cumulative Enmity Value Volatile Enmity Value
Flash 180 CE 1,280 VE
  1. The Cumulative Enmity Value for Invincible is 2,001 with 20/20 Job Points invested in the Invincible Category. Please reference the Job Points section below.

Notes on Tanking /BLU

Blue Mage as a sub (or support job) has been a main stay for PLD for a quite some time now. "/BLU" provides a number of benefits both directly and indirectly to help bolster the player's defenses and Enmity gain & retention. Those familiar with setting their Blue Magic spell list may already know this but it's worth mentioning that you only are able to set 14 spells or a total of 30 points (whichever comes first) as a Level 49 /BLU. With Master Levels allowing access to Blue Magic spells from Levels 50~59, at Master level 10, those caps increase to 16 spells and 35 set points, respectively.

See below for a list of spells to think about setting:

  • Non-Mastered
  • Direct Uses
    • Cocoon: Increases Physical Defense rating by 50%.
    • Bomb Toss and Cursed Sphere are both Medium Range (13.5 Yalm distance) spells for multi-target Area of Effect pulls (7 Yalm Radius).
    • Blank Gaze: Single-target Enmity spell.
    • Jettatura: Front conal Enmity Spell (9 Yalm range, 30~45° cone).
    • Caster-Focused Area of Effect Enmity Spells: As the bullet point indicates, /BLU has a variety of AoE spells focused around the caster which can be used to either tag a group of mobs or bolster the Enmity already established on a group of enemies.
      • Sheep Song, Stinking Gas, Soporific, and Geist Wall.
      • Please Note: There is a 15 target maximum initial Enmity establishing limit. So for example, if there is a group of 20 monsters and you cast an AoE Enmity spell covering all 20, only 15 will add you to their Enmity List. Anything past that limit has to be either tagged individually one at a time or AoE'd outside of that initial 15 targets.
  • Stat Gains
    Yes, stat gains. Even with the amount of stats given by Item Level equipment, you still will have some spell slots left over to add additional stats according to your own personal preferences. In this case, listing spells which add a few extra points of HP as it's objectively the most reasonable gain one can get out of the list and may push you over a HP threshold:
  • Master Level 5+:

/BLU Enmity Table

Enmity Table
Spell Cumulative Enmity Value Volatile Enmity Value
Blank Gaze 320 CE 320 VE
Jettatura 180 CE 1,020 VE
Sheep Song 320 CE 320 VE
Stinking Gas 320 CE 320 VE
Geist Wall 320 CE 320 VE
Soporific 320 CE 320 VE
Cold Wave
320 CE 320 VE

Picking your Spells

Brahmsz (talk): This is more of a personal notation, but your set list of spells while limited in capacity by sub is a still a matter of personal preference. All the spells listed here should have their respective links but in an abundance of caution for those who will likely skip over these sorts of things here's some tips:

  • MP Cost, Casting time, Casting & AoE Range, and Stat Gains (HP) are all considerations for what spells you choose.
    • Personally, I lean more into a spell set that favors HP gains to push my HP cap over a given threshold, for example.
      • As such, I avoid Soporific & Geist Wall as they both have HP-10, for example.
    • Of the 4 non-Master Level AoE spells available, Sheep Song has the lowest MP Cost (22MP), followed in order by Soporific (24MP), Stinking Gas (44MP), and Geist Wall (46MP).
      • Stinking Gas has the longest casting time at 4 seconds compared to 3 seconds for the others.
        • Geist Wall has the shortest recast time (30 sec), followed by Stinking Gas (37s), Sheep Song (60s), and Soporific (90s).
    • Cursed Sphere has a lower MP Cost (32v42), Cast Time (3v4), and Recast (20v25) over Bomb Toss while having the same Casting & AoE Range.

Abilities, Traits, Merits, and Job Points

Abilities and Traits


Group 1
Name Description Level Notes
Shield Bash Recast Shorten recast time by 2 seconds. 0/5 Shield Bash timer has been significantly reduced to 60 seconds. The additional seconds off are not worth it.
Holy Circle Recast Shorten recast time by 10 seconds. 0/5 Artifact feet already boost the duration to 4:30 with a recast of 5:00.
Sentinel Recast Shorten recast time by 10 seconds. 5/5 You want to reduce the downtime of this ability. 5/5 takes off 50 seconds from the recast.
High value investment.
Cover effect length Lengthen time of effect by 4 seconds. 0/5 Cover has fallen out of use and extending duration will not help in most situations.
Rampart Recast Shorten recast time by 4 seconds. 5/5 You want to reduce the downtime on Rampart as well.
High value investment.
Group 2
Name Description Level Notes
Fealty Grants a powerful resistance to enfeebling magic. Recast: 10min.
Increase duration by 5 seconds.
1/5 to 4/5 Invest at least one point While the description simply says enfeebling magic, Fealty also has clutch uses against certain non-spell / TP-based status effects and even some elemental damaging spells.
The augmented relic body will increase the duration of Fealty by 4 seconds per merit level.
This is still a 10 minute ability and comes down to person preference.
Chivalry Converts TP to MP. Recast: 10min.
Increase amount of MP granted by 5%.
1/5 to 4/5 Invest at least one pointThe bare minimum return on Chivalry with 1,000 TP should be mid 600's.
The augmented relic hands will increase the TP-based portion of the MP restoration by 10%.
This is still a 10 minute ability and comes down to person preference.
Iron Will Adds a spell interruption down effect to Rampart.
Increase effect by 19%.
0/5 Shield Mastery gives 100% Spell Interruption Rate down upon a successful block, making Iron Will largely antiquated and unnecessary.
Guardian Reduces enmity loss while using Sentinel.
Increase effect by 19 percent.
5/5 Highly Desirable. The enmity loss reduction on this trait is hefty and should be embraced wholeheartedly.

Job Points

Job Points
Name Description Notes on Effects
Invincible Effect Increases the amount of static enmity accrued from activating Invincible. Increases static enmity under Invincible by 100 per point for a total of 2,000.
Intervene Effect Increases damage dealt when using Intervene. Increase damage dealt by Intervene by 2% per point for a total of 40%.
Holy Circle Effect Reduces the amount of damage taken from Undead while under the effects of Holy Circle. Reduces the amount of damage taken from Undead while Holy Circle is active by 1% per point for a total of 10%.
Sentinel Effect. Increases enmity while under the effects of Sentinel. Increases enmity while Sentinel is active by 1 per point for a total of 20 enmity.
Shield Bash Effect Increases damage dealt with Shield Bash. Increases damage dealt by Shield Bash by 10 per point for a total of 200 damage.
Cover Duration Increases the effect duration of Cover. Increase effect duration of Cover by 1 second per point for a total of 20 seconds.
Divine Emblem Effect Increases divine magic damage while under the effects of Divine Emblem. Increases magic damage dealt by the Banish and Holy spells by 2 per point for a total of 40 damage.
Sepulcher Duration Increases the effect duration of Sepulcher. Increases effect duration of Sepulcher by 1 second per point for a point of 20 seconds.
Palisade Effect Increases the effect duration of Palisade. Increases the effect duration of Palisade by 1 second per point for a total of 20 seconds.
Enlight Effect Increases additional light damage and physical accuracy while under the effects of Enlight. Increases Enlight's en-spell damage and physical accuracy by 1 per point for a total of 20 in each category.


Swords & Shields

Taking a moment to touch upon sword and shield choices for Paladin. There is a variety of sword choices to choose from. And while your mileage may vary depending on which sword you choose to wield, there are only a handful of shields for use in endgame scenarios.


  • Eminent Scimitar: Quite possibly the earliest and easiest iLvl sword you can obtain (since there is no Homestead/Bayld swords for Paladins).
    • Cost: 7,000 Sparks.
  • Voluspa Sword: Honorable mention. If you started collecting Domain Points from Domain Invasion, an extremely easy iLvl 119 sword. An added bonus is Volupsa Sword gains large stat increases during Domain Invasion.
    • Cost: 80 Domain Points from Zurim.
  • Kaja Sword / Naegling: Highly recommended Offensive benchmark target. Granting access to Savage Blade weapon skill AND granting an additional 15% damage bonus to all hits of Savage Blade.
    • Cost: 16,250 Hallmarks to upgrade from a base Tokko Sword to Kaja Sword. 26,250 Hallmarks and one Pulse Weapon to fully upgrade to Naegling.
  • Nixxer: Recommended Defensive benchmark target. Standard physical damage tanking sword. Featuring Physical Damage Taken -6% and Shield Blockrate +3%. Pairs nicely with a Priwen or Ochain.
    • How to obtain:
      • Chance drop from Palila in Escha - Ru'an.
      • Can also be purchased for 200 Domain points from Zurim.
  • Brilliance: Honorable mention. Featuring a base Enmity +7, an additional +15 damage to Enlight (as well as enspell duration +15 seconds), and Damage Taken -3%. Max augment provides an additional Enmity +7 for a total of 14, +10 shield skill, as well as +15 to Divine Magic skill and base DMG, respectively. Pairs nicely with a Priwen or Srivatsa.
    • How to obtain:
      • Randomized prize from successfully defeating Sajj'aka in Wave 3 of Sinister Reign. Randomized augments upon presentation of prize choice...
        • Good luck!
  • Malignance Sword: Honorable mention. Magic Defense Bonus +8, Fast Cast +8%, Refresh +1, and Resist All Status Ailments +10. This is definitely a "nice to have in your repertoire" sword.
    • How to obtain:
      • Chance drop from Maiden of the Dusk High Tier Mission Battle.
      • Cost: 10 Merit Points and <ahem> proper access requirement: Complete Wings of the Goddess mission line.
        • Good luck!
  • Sakpata's Sword: Honorable mention. HP+100, MP+40, Fast Cast +10%, Damage Taken -10%, and Potency of "Phalanx" effects received +5.
    • How to obtain: Purchasable from the Pilgrim Moogle in Rabao after successfully defeating the Atonement 3 NM Kalunga in Sheol: Gaol of Odyssey.

Shortened for Divergence, Aeonic, Mythic, Prime, Empyrean, & Relic weapons. Descriptions herein assume 119 (III).

  • (D) Cabal. Sword icon.png Cabal. Sword / Moralltach icon.png Moralltach: Paladin's Divergence weapon, the former being the HQ1 and the latter being the HQ2. On paper, these are decent hybrid melee weapons sporting Accuracy / Attack +40 to +50, HP +120 to 130, MP +60 to 70, and converting 2% to 3% of Maximum HP to Defense. However, the real benefit of these swords are their Path C augments: an additional HP +200 to 250, Cure Potency +20% to 25% and Refresh +3 to 4 respectively. Pairs very nicely with the job ability Majesty.
    • Requirements:
      • To equip Caballarius Sword, the player requires "Superior 4" status: 1,200 Job Points spent/invested.
      • To equip Moralltach, the player requires "Superior 5" status: Job Mastery; 2,100 Job Points spent/invested.
  • (A) Sequence icon.png Sequence: The one of the two Aeonic pieces Paladin has access to (the other being the shield Srivatsa). Aeonics are the only ultimate weapon category to boast TP Bonus +500. Sequence's aftermath effect unlocks Level 4 skillchain properties Radiance and/or Umbra, respectively. Fair warning though, Sequence's associated weaponskill Requiescat is mainly a utility weaponskill and as such should not be depended upon for damage.
  • (M) Burtgang icon.png Burtgang: Paladin's ultimate job-specific Mythic weapon. One of the few in-game weapons that breaks the physical damage taken cap (PDT II -18%), raising it to a maximum of PDT -68%. Has a massive Enmity +23 as well as Enmity reduction upon taking damage of approximately -20%. Burtgang's associated weaponskill Atonement has a finite damage cap, but in exchange gives a massive enmity boost upon use, which can go a long way in higher end content.
  • (P) Caliburnus (Level 119) icon.png Caliburnus (Level 119): Paladin's Prime One-Handed Sword. Relatively speaking, there isn't much to say about it other than it is an ultimate weapon.
  • (E) Almace icon.png Almace: One of two Empyrean weapons Paladin has access to (The other being the greatsword Caladbolg). Almace comes with an additional DEX+50, which helps to further boost it's associated weaponskill Chant du Cygne as well as an attached Aftermath effect of Occasionally Triples Damage.
  • (R) Excalibur icon.png Excalibur: Paladin's original ultimate [Relic] weapon. Also, one of two Relic weapons Paladin has access to (the other being the greatsword Ragnarok). Allowing the use of the weaponskill Knights of Round with an attached Aftermath effect of Regen +30 & Refresh +3 on the user.
    • Notes:
      • Has a hidden effect of dealing triple damage on the first swing of an attack round 13% of the time.
      • Deals slashing damage damage equal to 25% of the wielder's current HP. This displays as an "Additional Effect" line in the in-game chat log.
      • At Rank 15 Augmentation, the wielder also gains an additional Shield Blockrate +10%.


  • Priwen icon.png PriwenPriwen description.png: Recommended benchmark target for new or returning players to the job. It comes with Damage Taken -6%, Phalanx reduction received +2, and triples blockrate under Reprisal(!!!). If you don't mind losing TP switching this in for phalanx is not a bad idea.
    • Priwen can be further enhanced through augmentation.
      • At rank 15, Priwen gains HP +50, Magic Evasion +50, and an additional Damage Taken -3%.
    • Requirements:
  • Blurred Shield icon.png Blurred ShieldBlurred Shield description.png / Blurred Shield +1Blurred Shield +1 description.png: Most likely one of the first shield investments into a dd or hybrid build. Accuracy/Attack +15 to 20, Shield Blockrate +5 to 10%, Weaponskill Damage +5 to 7%, and the HQ version's Fencer bonus +1 make these an excellent choice for content where you can afford to melee and tank.
    • Requirements:
      • To equip Blurred Shield/ +1, the player requires "Superior 2" status: 100 Job Points spent/invested.
  • Ajax +1 icon.png Ajax +1Ajax +1 description.png: A very niche shield that provides Enhancing Magic Received Duration +10% when augmented to Rank 15, making it quite interesting for longer buffs if you don't mind losing TP. The Enhancing Magic Duration effect is an augment and is quite strong. Enhancing Magic Duration effect and the equipment augment version of the effect are added at separate steps in the formula to further multiply the duration of Enhancing spells.
  • Sacro Bulwark icon.png Sacro BulwarkSacro Bulwark description.png: Another fascinating entry deserving of honorable mention. Has Damage Taken -10%, Shield Blockrate +15%, spell interruption rate -7%, and the Cure Potency +5%. It's a bit niche, but makes for an excellent "support tank" shield. Pairs nicely with the job ability Majesty for an increase in cure power.
    • How to Obtain:
      • Chance drop from Divine Interference High-Tier Mission Battlefield.
      • Cost: 10 Merit Points and <ahem> proper access requirement: Complete Treasures of Aht Urhgan mission line.
        • Good luck!
  • Adamas icon.png AdamasAdamas description.png: Another very niche shield. still deserving of honorable mention. The predecessor to Priwen during the 99-Cap era of the game, Adamas is the only other shield in the game with the "Enhances Reprisal" effect (triples blockrate under Reprisal). Adamas also provides a significant boost to Resist All Status Ailments of 20%. Pairs nicedly with a Malignance Sword.
REAP Shields

  • Aegis icon.png AegisAegis (Level 99 II) description.png: Paladin's long held, original, tried and true shield. One of three Relics Paladin has access to. The first piece of equipment in game to break a particular damage taken cap (MDT II -50%) for a maximum of magic damage taken -87.5%. Makes magic damage received barely noticeable, even on the highest content. It also augments Shield Bash by adding an additional 250 damage. Aegis' biggest downside is that as a non-iLevel shield, its blockrate will be floored to the bare minimum 5%.
  • Ochain icon.png OchainOchain (Level 99 II) description.png: Paladin's original physical damage answer to Aegis. Ochain is one of three Empyreans Paladin has access to. It's also one of two shields with the Size 6 designation. While Ochain is also a non-iLevel shield, it has a hidden effect of a starting blockrate at "~108%".1 The size 6 shield designation of Ochain comes with a small caveat: despite Ochain's size 6 designation, it actually has a reduced physical damage reduction upon successful block.2 All that said, Ochain's blockrate is still monstrous (even with the widened gap between player skill and mob level in higher end content) and provides one of the best layers of physical defenses in the game.
  1. The 108% is reflective of a player character at level 99 player, so long as their Shield Skill is equivalent to mob combat skill/level. At level 99, Shield Blockrate begins to uncap at mob level 107.
  2. Physical damage reduction upon successful block is determined by shield size. Each size up gains an increase in physical damage reduction upon successful block up to size 5. see chart below
  • Srivatsa icon.png SrivatsaSrivatsa description.png: Srivatsa is one of two Aeonics Paladin has access to. Arguably the best hybrid build shield a Paladin can equip. Sporting the highest defense stat at 150 defense, HP +150, Accuracy/Attack +35, enmity +15, Damage Taken -8%, and a 5% chance of damage annulment. The downside is that prior to Master Levels the player has to build around it to make it truly effective. Pairs nicely with Caballarius Sword / Moralltach for a massive HP boost. With enough master levels (20+) and enough +block rate (at least +8) against high level enemies this shield can rival Ochain. This does not mean it is always better, but in some situations it might overtake other options and is worth making.
  • Duban (Level 119) icon.png Duban (Level 119)Duban (Level 119) description.png: And a new challenger enters the ring. Duban is a part of the Prime Weapon line. Duban was given a Size 6 designation, meaning it has the benefit of Ochain's enhanced blockrate, but with the advantage of item level status.

Shield Size Chart

See Shield Skill for information about block rate and damage reduction.

Standard Shields

Shield Size Base Damage Reduction Base Block Rate
1 -20% 55%
2 -40% 40%
3 -50% 45%
4 -65% 30%

Ultimate Shields

Shield Total Damage Reduction Base Block Rate
Aegis Srivatsa -75% 50%
Ochain Duban -60% ~108%

Notes Concerning Priwen, Ochain, Duban, & Srivatsa

--Brahmsz (talk) After a series of conversations, questions, and misunderstandings, adding this set of notes to hopefully clear up and give a better understanding of how these three shields compare and can be used in content. 01:44, 26 October 2022 (EDT)

How They Compare
  • So let's start with some basic comparisons:
    • Priwen is Size 3; Srivatsa is Size 5; and Ochain is Size 6. Please review above chart for physical damage reduction on successful block and unadjusted starting blockrates.
    • Priwen is the only non-ultimate shield of the three.
      • Priwen is also the only shield of the three that has the rare "Enhances Reprisal" stat attached.
    • Ochain is the only non-item level (iLVL) shield of the four.
      • Ochain has a hidden unnamed status effect (likely tied to its Size 6 classification) that grants it an extraordinarily high blockrate.
    • As of the November 2022 Update, Duban is now officially the second Size 6 shield in the game.
    • Of the three item level shields (Priwen, Dubann, & Srivatsa), Srivatsa has the highest Shield Skill+ attached (More on this later).
How They Work
  • I would strongly encourage people read the Shield Skill page to get a better understanding of how shield blocking works.
    • The extremely simplified explanation is thus: there are four components to shield blocking; (1) Player Shield Skill; (2) Mob Combat Skill; (3) Unadjusted starting blockrate based on the Shield Size; and (4) blockrate adjustment based on level adjustment.
  • So how do these shields function in combat situations?
  • Let's break this down into two (three) situations: Reprisal active; Palisade active; Reprisal AND Palisade on cooldown (or dispelled).
  • Reprisal increases blockrate by 50% (current blockrate x1.50) and increases Shield Skill by 15% (skill x 1.15).
    • Priwen enhances Reprisal's effect, doubling it to a 3.0 multiplier, and gains a moderate increase in its Shield Skill.
    • Ochain's & Duban's blockrates simply gets better with a 1.5 multiplier.
    • Srivatsa sees gains from the 1.5 Reprisal effect, but gains ground via the 1.15 skill multiplier as it has the highest item level Shield Skill+.
  • Palisade is a flat percentage-based increase to blockrate. Base Palisade grants +30% blockrate. With 20/20 Job Points invested in Palisade, the increase is +50% blockrate.
    • The blockrate percentage Palisade grants is applied regardless of player Shield skill or floored (5%) blockrate.
    • What this means is… Palisade can be utilized to close the gap on blockrate when say… Reprisal is on cooldown/dispelled or the fourth component of blockrate adjustment based on level adjustment warrants it.
    • Please be advised that Palisade has a secondary and more prudent purpose for tanking besides increasing blockrate.
  • This leaves the third situation of Reprisal AND Palisade on cooldown (or dispelled).
    • Priwen falls behind in such a situation. Due in part to not only its status as a "normal" Size 3 shield, but the higher level the Mob or Content the player is facing, the dramatically lower Priwen's blockrate becomes in this situation.
    • Ochain's and Duban's blockrates remain high regardless. Due in large part to their special Size 6 shield classifications and the significant blockrate that provides.
    • Srivatsa falls somewhere in the middle between the previous two. As stated, Srivatsa is not only equivalent to ILVL 122, it offers the highest Shield skill of any shield PLD can wear. As a size 5 shield (not to mention classification as an ultimate armament), Srivatsa enjoys higher thresholds of physical damage reduction on successful block and unadjusted starting blockrate.
    • Without diving into my personal view, here is how it breaks down:
      • Priwen works perfectly fine as long as Reprisal is active.
      • Ochain simply works, but Duban effectively replaces it if you have one.
      • Srivatsa takes some work to build around at first but gains significant ground as your gear improves.
    • Ultimately, it is your choice to use whichever shield you feel more comfortable with for physical defense scenarios. This guide exists to provide you with information, in order to make informed choices.

Great Sword Options

REMA Great Swords

Club Options

Spear Options


Job Specific Equipment

Artifact Armor

Reverence Armor Set
Item Upgrade? Notes
Rev. Coronet +3 icon.png
Rev. Coronet +3366px link=
No Middling HP+ & Enmity+. Cover has lost a lot of use so the duration effect isn't likely to change anything. Fully upgraded +3 isn't worth the cost outside of completionist circles.
Rev. Surcoat +3 icon.png
Rev. Surcoat +3366px link=
Yes Major piece with high upgrade value. Massive HP+ swap piece with a significant amount of Fast Cast and Damage Taken-% attached.
Rev. Gauntlets +3 icon.png
Rev. Gauntlets +3366px link=
Yes Moderately high HP+ and middling Enmity+. Shield Mastery +2 effect won't move the needle much. Fully upgraded +3 isn't worth the cost outside of completionist circles.
Rev. Breeches +3 icon.png
Rev. Breeches +3366px link=
Yes Still a major HP+ swap piece with the highest HP for this slot. Physical Damage Taken -% is still fairly high and helps balance out sets when swapping in accessories or gear with HP+ augments is a pain on the higher end of the spectrum.
Rev. Leggings +3 icon.png
Rev. Leggings +3366px link=
Yes Provides one of the largest chunks of shield skill for a shield block build; significant Damage Taken to MP conversion (Your Mileage May Vary); as well as extending Holy circle's duration to four and half minutes and augmenting its damage reduction & damage multiplier effects. Niche but still significant.

Relic Armor

Caballarius Armor Set
Item Upgrade? Notes
Cab. Coronet +3 icon.png
Cab. Coronet +3366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Enhances "Iron Will" effect
Yes Worth it just for the Rampart duration alone. HP+ and Enmity+ are bonuses. Iron Will augment is only active while worn.
Cab. Surcoat +3 icon.png
Cab. Surcoat +3366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Enhances "Fealty" effect
Yes High HP+, Damage Taken-%, and Enmity+. While Cover may not see as much use, the damage conversion is still noticeable. Fealty Duration is also a significant gain when it is available.
Cab. Gauntlets +3 icon.png
Cab. Gauntlets +3366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Enhances "Chivalry" effect
Yes Significant HP+ and matching Enmity+ with other sources. Augment increases TP to MP conversion of Chivalry. Worth it just for transforming Shield Bash into a highly accurate non-elemental dispel.
Cab. Breeches +3 icon.png
Cab. Breeches +3366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Enhances "Invincible" effect
YMMV A middle of the road all-round piece. Upgrade discretion up to the player, but keep it around and upgrade at your leisure. Augment extends Invincible by 10 seconds.
Cab. Leggings +3 icon.png
Cab. Leggings +3366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Enhances "Guardian" effect
Yes Low to average HP+ and Enmity+ compared to other sources. Worth upgrading just for augmenting and extending Sentinel window. Make it and embrace it.

Divergence Weapon
Item Upgrade? Notes
Cabal. Sword icon.png
Cabal. Sword366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Path C
Great sword when you are needing to be the main healer.
Moralltach icon.png
Moralltach366px link= Augment-Icon.png
Path C
Step up from the su4, but for the additional benefits of HP+50, +5% cure, and +1 refresh. Not worth the price tag, unless you're a HQ collector.

Divergence Neck Accessory
Item Upgrade? Notes
Kgt. Beads +2 icon.png
Kgt. Beads +2366px link= Augment-Icon.png
N/A The HQ1 and HQ2 have use cases from the HP+ & DT-% stats. Beneficial for general tanking purposes and is a useful swap for Savage Blade due to the MND+. Don't bother with the NQ...

Empyrean Armor

Chevalier Armor Set
Item Upgrade? Notes
Chev. Armet +3 icon.png
Chev. Armet +3366px link=
Yes! Moderate HP+, Fast Cast+%, Shield Skill+, and Converts Physical Damage to MP with significant Damage Taken-%.
Chev. Cuirass +3 icon.png
Chev. Cuirass +3366px link=
Yes Moderately high HP+ and significant Spell Interruption Rate Down+%. Tying the damage taken-% stat to the player's enmity is both a gift and a curse.
Chev. Gauntlets +3 icon.png
Chev. Gauntlets +3366px link=
Maybe Low HP+. Lacks Enmity but significant damage taken-%. Rare stat of Shield Defense Bonus+.
Chev. Cuisses +3 icon.png
Chev. Cuisses +3366px link=
Yes! Moderate HP+ and high damage taken-%. Adds rare stat of Enmity Retention +12.
Chev. Sabatons +3 icon.png
Chev. Sabatons +3366px link=
Yes Low HP+ but moderately high Enmity+ as well as Fast Cast compared to other sources. Worth it just for Divine Emblem+ enhancement.

Empyrean Armor Accessories
Item Upgrade? Notes
Creed Collar icon.png
Creed Collar366px link=
N/A Rare stat of enmity retention. Your May Mileage Vary, but still recommended.
Creed Baudrier icon.png
Creed Baudrier366px link=
N/A High use piece. Moderate Defense & Magic Defense Bonus , High HP & Enmity. Highly recommended!!
Chev. Earring +2 icon.png
Chev. Earring +2366px link= Augment-Icon.png
N/A High physical defense, moderate Shield Skill+, and Cure Potency+ for its slot. Augment offers high amount of damage taken -%, all of which is helpful for building future sets around.

New and/or Returning Players Sets

  • One of the biggest challenges a Paladin will ever face isn't a NM or content event, but balancing their HP pool across various sets.
  • All sets herein should be regarded as benchmark targets to gauge gear progression.
  • For more advanced sets, please scroll down to Advanced Section (10.3).

Tanking Sets

  • Generalized Tanking sets for those new to PLD or returning after a long period of time.
Fresh to 99 (119)  
Nixxer icon.pngNixxer description.png
Priwen icon.pngPriwen description.png 32x32.png Charitoni Sling icon.pngCharitoni Sling description.png
Sulevia's Mask icon.pngSulevia's Mask description.png Twilight Torque icon.pngTwilight Torque description.png Ethereal Earring icon.pngEthereal Earring description.png Upsurge Earring icon.pngUpsurge Earring description.png
Sulevia's Plate. icon.pngSulevia's Plate. description.png Sulevia's Gauntlets icon.pngSulevia's Gauntlets description.png Sulevia's Ring icon.pngSulevia's Ring description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Sulevia's Cuisses icon.pngSulevia's Cuisses description.png Sulevia's Leggings icon.pngSulevia's Leggings description.png
  Damage Taken -50%.
Basic Abjuration 119  
Nixxer icon.pngNixxer description.png
Aegis (Level 99) icon.pngAegis (Level 99) description.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum icon.pngStaunch Tathlum description.png
Souveran Schaller icon.pngSouveran Schaller description.png
Loricate Torque icon.pngLoricate Torque description.png Ethereal Earring icon.pngEthereal Earring description.png Odnowa Earring icon.pngOdnowa Earring description.png
Souveran Cuirass icon.pngSouveran Cuirass description.png
Souv. Handschuhs icon.pngSouv. Handschuhs description.png
Gelatinous Ring icon.pngGelatinous Ring description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Souveran Diechlings icon.pngSouveran Diechlings description.png
Souveran Schuhs icon.pngSouveran Schuhs description.png
  Damage Taken -34%
PDT -22%
MDT -6%
MDT(II) -50%
HQ Abjuration 119  
Nixxer icon.pngNixxer description.png
Ochain icon.pngOchain description.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Souv. Schaller +1 icon.pngSouv. Schaller +1 description.png
Loricate Torque +1 icon.pngLoricate Torque +1 description.png Odnowa Earring icon.pngOdnowa Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Souv. Cuirass +1 icon.pngSouv. Cuirass +1 description.png
Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
Gelatinous Ring +1 icon.pngGelatinous Ring +1 description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Souv. Diechlings +1 icon.pngSouv. Diechlings +1 description.png
Souveran Schuhs +1 icon.pngSouveran Schuhs +1 description.png
  Damage Taken - 38%
DT -10% (set bonus)
PDT -26%
MDT -11%
  • Think of this set as more of a bookmark.
  • NQ Sulevia set is the absolute bare minimum entry-level set a new PLD should have.
    • The Sulevia set also doubles as a solid foundation for building Hybrid sets which will be covered later.
  • NQ Souveran is the basic benchmark of a PLD's tank sets.
  • NQ Souveran will be a noticeable upgrade in just HP+ alone.
    • All 119 Abjurations can now be bought for 400 Domain Invasion points each from Zurim.
  • HQ Souveran set.
    • The advantages the HQ set has over the NQ is increased HP as well as the set bonus:
      • Damage Taken-2% per piece for a total of Damage Taken -10% while wearing all 5 pieces.
    • Please note: Only the Body and Legs have "Cure Received +15%" as the cap on Cure Received is 30%.
  • This HQ set is just a benchmark and not indicative of the next step forward.
A Note on Shield Block Tank Sets

-- Brahmsz (talk) -- Been giving this a fair amount of thought and decided Shield Block builds deserved a mention here in the New/Returning section. 16:35, 8 June 2021 (EDT)

  • There are currently two approaches to a Paladin Shield Block build: 1) Shield Skill+. 2)Shield Block+. Each with their own strengths and weaknesses.
    • The idea behind a Shield Skill+ build is to close the gap between you the player's Shield skill and the target enemy's combat skill (specifically under Reprisal).
      • Please see the Shield Skill page for the most up-to-date formula on how shield skill works and effects blockrate.
    • The idea behind a Shield Block+ build is to raise the "floor" of a given shield size's Blockrate (and further augment Reprisal).
  • Will focus on Skill+ suggestions in this section. For Block+ suggestions, please refer to 7.3.1 below.
Shield Skill+  
Brilliance icon.pngBrilliance description.png
Srivatsa icon.pngSrivatsa description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Chev. Armet +3 icon.pngChev. Armet +3 description.png Combatant's Torque icon.pngCombatant's Torque description.png Foresti Earring icon.pngForesti Earring description.png Chev. Earring +2 icon.pngChev. Earring +2 description.png
32x32.png Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png Rev. Leggings +3 icon.pngRev. Leggings +3 description.png
  Skill +225
Skill +258 (Reprisal)
  • By no means a fully functional set.
    • Fit as many examples of Shield-Skill-focused gear as I could think of.

Enmity (General) Sets

  • General use enmity set(s) for non-specific actions/abilities.
Enmity Set 1  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Charitoni Sling icon.pngCharitoni Sling description.png
Rev. Coronet +1 icon.pngRev. Coronet +1 description.png Unmoving Collar icon.pngUnmoving Collar description.png Friomisi Earring icon.pngFriomisi Earring description.png 32x32.png
Rev. Surcoat +1 icon.pngRev. Surcoat +1 description.png Rev. Gauntlets +1 icon.pngRev. Gauntlets +1 description.png Provocare Ring icon.pngProvocare Ring description.png Apeile Ring icon.pngApeile Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Rev. Breeches +1 icon.pngRev. Breeches +1 description.png Cab. Leggings icon.pngCab. Leggings description.png
  Enmity +59~63
Enmity Set 2  
Brilliance icon.pngBrilliance description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Iron Gobbet icon.pngIron Gobbet description.png
Souveran Schaller icon.pngSouveran Schaller description.png
Moonbeam Necklace icon.pngMoonbeam Necklace description.png Friomisi Earring icon.pngFriomisi Earring description.png Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png
Souveran Cuirass icon.pngSouveran Cuirass description.png
Souv. Handschuhs icon.pngSouv. Handschuhs description.png
Supershear Ring icon.pngSupershear Ring description.png Apeile Ring icon.pngApeile Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Souveran Diechlings icon.pngSouveran Diechlings description.png
Eschite Greaves icon.pngEschite Greaves description.png
  Enmity +103~114
Enmity Set 3  
Burtgang icon.pngBurtgang description.png Srivatsa icon.pngSrivatsa description.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Souv. Schaller +1 icon.pngSouv. Schaller +1 description.png
Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Trux Earring icon.pngTrux Earring description.png Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png
Souv. Cuirass +1 icon.pngSouv. Cuirass +1 description.png
Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
Supershear Ring icon.pngSupershear Ring description.png Eihwaz Ring icon.pngEihwaz Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Souv. Diechlings +1 icon.pngSouv. Diechlings +1 description.png
Eschite Greaves icon.pngEschite Greaves description.png
  Enmity +128
  • Again, consider this set as more of a bookmark.
  • Very reasonable and obtainable as an entry set.
  • Abj. 119 sets are Exclusive only.
    • So you can have multiple copies of individual pieces in order to suit your needs.
    • All 119 Abjurations can now be bought for 400 Domain Invasion points each from Zurim.
  • A significantly higher amount of +enmity.
  • Note:
  • HQ set.
  • A significantly higher amount of +enmity over the first set.
  • Foot Slot Alternative: Augmented Yorium Sabatons (Enm+10, PDT+4, M.Eva+20)
  • This HQ set is just a benchmark and not indicative of the next step forward.

Flash (Magic Enmity) Sets

  • Enmity sets for use with Flash.
  • Flash/Magic Enmity sets are slightly more complicated than the above Enmity (General) Sets, balancing enmity with recast time.
Flash Set 1  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Charitoni Sling icon.pngCharitoni Sling description.png
Chevalier's Armet icon.pngChevalier's Armet description.png Unmoving Collar icon.pngUnmoving Collar description.png Friomisi Earring icon.pngFriomisi Earring description.png Loquac. Earring icon.pngLoquac. Earring description.png
Rev. Surcoat +1 icon.pngRev. Surcoat +1 description.png Rev. Gauntlets +1 icon.pngRev. Gauntlets +1 description.png Provocare Ring icon.pngProvocare Ring description.png Apeile Ring icon.pngApeile Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Rev. Breeches +1 icon.pngRev. Breeches +1 description.png Cab. Leggings icon.pngCab. Leggings description.png
  Fast Cast +18%
Enmity +49~53
Flash Set 2  
Brilliance icon.pngBrilliance description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Carmine Mask icon.pngCarmine Mask description.png
Moonbeam Necklace icon.pngMoonbeam Necklace description.png Friomisi Earring icon.pngFriomisi Earring description.png Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png
Souveran Cuirass icon.pngSouveran Cuirass description.png
Souv. Handschuhs icon.pngSouv. Handschuhs description.png
Supershear Ring icon.pngSupershear Ring description.png Apeile Ring icon.pngApeile Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Souveran Diechlings icon.pngSouveran Diechlings description.png
Carmine Greaves icon.pngCarmine Greaves description.png
  Fast Cast +31%
Enmity +71~82
Flash Set 3  
Burtgang icon.pngBurtgang description.png Srivatsa icon.pngSrivatsa description.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Carmine Mask +1 icon.pngCarmine Mask +1 description.png
Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Trux Earring icon.pngTrux Earring description.png Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png
Souv. Cuirass +1 icon.pngSouv. Cuirass +1 description.png
Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
Supershear Ring icon.pngSupershear Ring description.png Eihwaz Ring icon.pngEihwaz Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Souv. Diechlings +1 icon.pngSouv. Diechlings +1 description.png
Carmine Greaves +1 icon.pngCarmine Greaves +1 description.png
  Fast Cast +34%
Enmity +92
  • This set isn't a large deviation from the above general enmity set.
  • See above set comment about Abjuration 119 pieces.
  • A noticeable increase in Fast Cast and Enmity over the first set.
  • HQ set.
  • This HQ set is just a benchmark and not indicative of the next step forward.

Phalanx Sets

  • General equipment sets to further enhance the damage mitigation effect of Phalanx on the Paladin.
  • Enhancing Magic on Paladin (with merits) caps at 350 skill before gear.
    • Phalanx potency caps at 500 Enhancing Magic skill.
    • Phalanx is roughly 1 damage absorbed every 29 Enhancing Magic skill.
    • Which is why "Phalanx+" gear is always better as it is added as a flat dmg reduction after the enhancing skill is counted up, for example if you have -32 from skill and 20 from gear it would become -52.
    • As the formula for Phalanx floors the result, keep in mind that overshooting or undershooting a threshold means you're likely wasting stats. Keep this in mind when gearing as you might be able to substitute +enhancing skill items that are not contributing.
    • Master Levels will change the skill tiers for the player, but that is more of a concern for the Advanced Section Magic Casting Sets. (11.4.6)
  • If a Red Mage (or a SCH/RDM for Accession + Phalanx) is in the party with you, the "phalanx received" will also effect the potency of Phalanx II when cast on you.
Notable Phalanx Tiers
Skill: 300 329 358 386 415 443 472 500
-Dmg: -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35
Phalanx Set 1  
32x32.png Priwen icon.pngPriwen description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Yorium Barbuta icon.pngYorium Barbuta description.png
32x32.png Augment. Earring icon.pngAugment. Earring description.png 32x32.png
Yorium Cuirass icon.pngYorium Cuirass description.png
Yorium Gauntlets icon.pngYorium Gauntlets description.png
32x32.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Weard Mantle icon.pngWeard Mantle description.png
Olympus Sash icon.pngOlympus Sash description.png Yorium Cuisses icon.pngYorium Cuisses description.png
Yorium Sabatons icon.pngYorium Sabatons description.png
  Enh. skill: 358
Add. -22 Dmg
after Enh. Skill
Phalanx Set 2  
32x32.png Priwen icon.pngPriwen description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Yorium Barbuta icon.pngYorium Barbuta description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png Andoaa Earring icon.pngAndoaa Earring description.png
Yorium Cuirass icon.pngYorium Cuirass description.png
Souv. Handschuhs icon.pngSouv. Handschuhs description.png
32x32.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Weard Mantle icon.pngWeard Mantle description.png
Olympus Sash icon.pngOlympus Sash description.png Yorium Cuisses icon.pngYorium Cuisses description.png
Souveran Schuhs icon.pngSouveran Schuhs description.png
  Enh. skill: 358
Add. -24 Dmg
after Enh. Skill
Phalanx Set 3  
Deacon Sword icon.pngDeacon Sword description.png Priwen icon.pngPriwen description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Yorium Barbuta icon.pngYorium Barbuta description.png
Incanter's Torque icon.pngIncanter's Torque description.png Mimir Earring icon.pngMimir Earring description.png Andoaa Earring icon.pngAndoaa Earring description.png
Yorium Cuirass icon.pngYorium Cuirass description.png
Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
Stikini Ring +1 icon.pngStikini Ring +1 description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Weard Mantle icon.pngWeard Mantle description.png
Olympus Sash icon.pngOlympus Sash description.png Yorium Cuisses icon.pngYorium Cuisses description.png
Souveran Schuhs +1 icon.pngSouveran Schuhs +1 description.png
  Enh. Skill: 388
Add. -30 Dmg
after Enh. Skill
  • Souveran Hands and Feet have a default Phalanx+4 attached.
    • All 119 Abjurations can now be bought for 400 Domain Invasion points each from Zurim.
  • Souveran+1 Hands and Feet have a default Phalanx+5 attached.
  • As mentioned above, this HQ set is just a benchmark
Phalanx Set 4  
Sakpata's Sword icon.pngSakpata's Sword description.png Priwen icon.pngPriwen description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Yorium Barbuta icon.pngYorium Barbuta description.png
Incanter's Torque icon.pngIncanter's Torque description.png Mimir Earring icon.pngMimir Earring description.png Andoaa Earring icon.pngAndoaa Earring description.png
Yorium Cuirass icon.pngYorium Cuirass description.png
Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
Stikini Ring +1 icon.pngStikini Ring +1 description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Weard Mantle icon.pngWeard Mantle description.png
Olympus Sash icon.pngOlympus Sash description.png Sakpata's Cuisses icon.pngSakpata's Cuisses description.png Souveran Schuhs +1 icon.pngSouveran Schuhs +1 description.png
  Enh. Skill: 388
Add. -33 Dmg
after Enh. Skill
  • With Odyssey gear added.

Reprisal Sets

  • General equipment sets to further enhance the damage mitigation effect of Reprisal on the Paladin.
  • Reprisal increases block rate by 50% of your current block rate. (Current block rate × 1.5)
    • For Priwen: Current block rate × 3.
  • Also increases current shield skill by +15%.(x1.15)
    • The skill bonus is based on your current total shield skill at any given time, not statically calculated upon casting.
  • Reprisal no longer requires maximum HP swaps.
    • My suggestion: Focus on spell duration & enmity, with a bit of Fast Cast thrown in for good merit.
Reprisal Set 1  
Nixxer icon.pngNixxer description.png
Priwen icon.pngPriwen description.png
32x32.png Charitoni Sling icon.pngCharitoni Sling description.png
Eschite Helm icon.pngEschite Helm description.png
Unmoving Collar icon.pngUnmoving Collar description.png Friomisi Earring icon.pngFriomisi Earring description.png Loquac. Earring icon.pngLoquac. Earring description.png
Shabti Cuirass icon.pngShabti Cuirass description.png Eschite Gauntlets icon.pngEschite Gauntlets description.png
Provocare Ring icon.pngProvocare Ring description.png Apeile Ring icon.pngApeile Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Eschite Cuisses icon.pngEschite Cuisses description.png
Eschite Greaves icon.pngEschite Greaves description.png
  ???? HP
Reprisal Set 2  
Nixxer icon.pngNixxer description.png
Priwen icon.pngPriwen description.png
32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Carmine Mask icon.pngCarmine Mask description.png
Moonbeam Necklace icon.pngMoonbeam Necklace description.png Friomisi Earring icon.pngFriomisi Earring description.png Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png
Shabti Cuirass icon.pngShabti Cuirass description.png Souv. Handschuhs icon.pngSouv. Handschuhs description.png
Supershear Ring icon.pngSupershear Ring description.png Apeile Ring icon.pngApeile Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Souveran Diechlings icon.pngSouveran Diechlings description.png
Eschite Greaves icon.pngEschite Greaves description.png
  ???? HP
Reprisal Set 3  
Nixxer icon.pngNixxer description.png Priwen icon.pngPriwen description.png
32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Carmine Mask +1 icon.pngCarmine Mask +1 description.png
Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Trux Earring icon.pngTrux Earring description.png Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png
Shab. Cuirass +1 icon.pngShab. Cuirass +1 description.png Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
Supershear Ring icon.pngSupershear Ring description.png Eihwaz Ring icon.pngEihwaz Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Souv. Diechlings +1 icon.pngSouv. Diechlings +1 description.png
Eschite Greaves icon.pngEschite Greaves description.png
  ???? HP
  • Very reasonable and obtainable as an entry set.
  • See above comments about Abj. 119 gear.
  • HQ set.
  • This HQ set is just a benchmark and not indicative of the next step forward.

Enlight Sets

  • General equipment sets to further enhance the damage of Enlight and by extension Enlight II.
    • Similar to Dark Knight's Endark, a Paladin's Enlight spell comes with a secondary effect: Enhanced physical accuracy based upon Divine Magic skill at time of cast.
  • Divine Magic on Paladin (with merits and job points) caps at 440 before gear.
    • The pool of Divine Magic Skill gear a Paladin has access to is limited.
      • Not all gear listed here is necessary but is listed none-the-less as honorable mentions.
Enlight Set 1  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png Inquisitor's Chain icon.pngInquisitor's Chain description.png Knight's Earring icon.pngKnight's Earring description.png Divine Earring icon.pngDivine Earring description.png
Rev. Surcoat +1 icon.pngRev. Surcoat +1 description.png Eschite Gauntlets icon.pngEschite Gauntlets description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png
Altruistic Cape icon.pngAltruistic Cape description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Enlight Set 2  
Brilliance icon.pngBrilliance description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Jumalik Helm icon.pngJumalik Helm description.png Incanter's Torque icon.pngIncanter's Torque description.png Knight's Earring icon.pngKnight's Earring description.png Divine Earring icon.pngDivine Earring description.png
Rev. Surcoat +2 icon.pngRev. Surcoat +2 description.png Eschite Gauntlets icon.pngEschite Gauntlets description.png
Stikini Ring icon.pngStikini Ring description.png Stikini Ring icon.pngStikini Ring description.png
Altruistic Cape icon.pngAltruistic Cape description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Enlight Set 3  
Brilliance icon.pngBrilliance description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Jumalik Helm icon.pngJumalik Helm description.png Incanter's Torque icon.pngIncanter's Torque description.png Knight's Earring icon.pngKnight's Earring description.png Saxnot Earring icon.pngSaxnot Earring description.png
Rev. Surcoat +3 icon.pngRev. Surcoat +3 description.png Eschite Gauntlets icon.pngEschite Gauntlets description.png
Stikini Ring +1 icon.pngStikini Ring +1 description.png Stikini Ring +1 icon.pngStikini Ring +1 description.png
Altruistic Cape icon.pngAltruistic Cape description.png Asklepian Belt icon.pngAsklepian Belt description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
  • Very reasonable and obtainable as an entry set.
  • This set is just a benchmark and not indicative of the next step forward.

Fast Cast Sets

  • Pretty self-explanatory but general equipment sets to reduce spell casting & spell recast times.
    • Maximum achievable Fast Cast is 80%.
    • Recast reduction is half of the cast time reduction, rounded down to the nearest whole percentage.
      • Thus, Fast Cast's maximum contribution to recast reduction is 40%.
Fast Cast Set 1  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Chev. Armet +1 icon.pngChev. Armet +1 description.png 32x32.png Enchntr. Earring +1 icon.pngEnchntr. Earring +1 description.png Loquac. Earring icon.pngLoquac. Earring description.png
Odyss. Chestplate icon.pngOdyss. Chestplate description.png
32x32.png Prolix Ring icon.pngProlix Ring description.png 32x32.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
32x32.png Arjuna Breeches icon.pngArjuna Breeches description.png Odyssean Greaves icon.pngOdyssean Greaves description.png
  Fast Cast+37%
Fast Cast Set 2  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Carmine Mask icon.pngCarmine Mask description.png
Voltsurge Torque icon.pngVoltsurge Torque description.png Enchntr. Earring +1 icon.pngEnchntr. Earring +1 description.png Loquac. Earring icon.pngLoquac. Earring description.png
Rev. Surcoat +2 icon.pngRev. Surcoat +2 description.png Leyline Gloves icon.pngLeyline Gloves description.png
Prolix Ring icon.pngProlix Ring description.png 32x32.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
32x32.png Eschite Cuisses icon.pngEschite Cuisses description.png
Carmine Greaves icon.pngCarmine Greaves description.png
  Fast Cast+58%
Fast Cast Set 3  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Carmine Mask +1 icon.pngCarmine Mask +1 description.png
Orunmila's Torque icon.pngOrunmila's Torque description.png Enchntr. Earring +1 icon.pngEnchntr. Earring +1 description.png Loquac. Earring icon.pngLoquac. Earring description.png
Rev. Surcoat +3 icon.pngRev. Surcoat +3 description.png Leyline Gloves icon.pngLeyline Gloves description.png
Kishar Ring icon.pngKishar Ring description.png Naji's Loop icon.pngNaji's Loop description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
32x32.png Enif Cosciales icon.pngEnif Cosciales description.png Chev. Sabatons +3 icon.pngChev. Sabatons +3 description.png
  Fast Cast+76%
  • Enchntr. Earring +1 may set you back some in Gil if you were to buy it, however, but it is an easily accessible option.
    • Also obtainable as a possible reward for successful completion of Walk of Echoes battlefield #10 (Surged Only).
  • Odyssean Armor can be augmented with Fern Stones for up to 6% Fast Cast with Oseem in Norg
  • NQ Aburation-based set.
  • See above comments about Abj. 119 gear.
  • Third set may seem a bit out of order as it carries pieces from lvl 99 content.
  • Enif Cosciales' Fast Cast value is 8%.
  • As stated above, this set is just a benchmark and not indicative of the next step forward.

"Spell Interruption Rate Down"

  • Fairly self-explanatory but equipment sets designed to reduce likelihood of having spell casting interrupted by physical damage towards the user.
    • For situations where Fast Cast just isn't going to cut it and you NEED to get a specific spell off.
  • "SIRD" is a bit more advanced than the above mentioned Fast Casts sets. Listing it none-the-less for reference.
  • It is possible to reach -100% Spell Interruption Rate though gear and/or a combination of gear and merits.
    • Due to how Spell Interruption Rate is calculated, user must have a total of -102% Spell Interruption Rate Down.
  • As mentioned, Spell Interruption Rate can also be increased by merits.
    • Each increase to this merit category will grant you a 2% Spell Interruption Rate reduction, for a possible total of -10%.
      • It costs 15 merits to fully upgrade (1>2>3>4>5).
SIRD Set 1  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum icon.pngStaunch Tathlum description.png
Yorium Barbuta icon.pngYorium Barbuta description.png
Moonbeam Necklace icon.pngMoonbeam Necklace description.png Knightly Earring icon.pngKnightly Earring description.png 32x32.png
Yorium Cuirass icon.pngYorium Cuirass description.png
Yorium Gauntlets icon.pngYorium Gauntlets description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Audumbla Sash icon.pngAudumbla Sash description.png Yorium Cuisses icon.pngYorium Cuisses description.png
Yorium Sabatons icon.pngYorium Sabatons description.png
  Interruption -99%
SIRD Set 2  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum icon.pngStaunch Tathlum description.png
Souveran Schaller icon.pngSouveran Schaller description.png Moonbeam Necklace icon.pngMoonbeam Necklace description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Yorium Cuirass icon.pngYorium Cuirass description.png
Yorium Gauntlets icon.pngYorium Gauntlets description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png Audumbla Sash icon.pngAudumbla Sash description.png Founder's Hose icon.pngFounder's Hose description.png Yorium Sabatons icon.pngYorium Sabatons description.png
  Interruption -105%
SIRD - Max Per Slot  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Souv. Schaller +1 icon.pngSouv. Schaller +1 description.png Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Knightly Earring icon.pngKnightly Earring description.png Nourish. Earring +1 icon.pngNourish. Earring +1 description.png
Chev. Cuirass +3 icon.pngChev. Cuirass +3 description.png Eschite Gauntlets icon.pngEschite Gauntlets description.png
Evanescence Ring icon.pngEvanescence Ring description.png 32x32.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Audumbla Sash icon.pngAudumbla Sash description.png Founder's Hose icon.pngFounder's Hose description.png Odyssean Greaves icon.pngOdyssean Greaves description.png
  Interruption -170%
  • Capped with 2 merits invested for -103%.
  • See above comments on Alluvion Skirmish armor Augmenting.
  • Audumbla Sash obtained in exchange for 1,000 Domain Invasion points to Zurim.
  • Capped with 0 merits invested.
  • WELL overcapped! But listing all pieces to give you a choice and familiarity for various spells.
SIRD Alternatives 1  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Eschite Helm icon.pngEschite Helm description.png
Loricate Torque +1 icon.pngLoricate Torque +1 description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png
Eschite Breast. icon.pngEschite Breast. description.png
Regal Gauntlets icon.pngRegal Gauntlets description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png Rumination Sash icon.pngRumination Sash description.png Eschite Cuisses icon.pngEschite Cuisses description.png
Eschite Greaves icon.pngEschite Greaves description.png
  Interruption n/a
SIRD Alternatives 2  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Chev. Cuirass +2 icon.pngChev. Cuirass +2 description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png Cab. Breeches +3 icon.pngCab. Breeches +3 description.png 32x32.png
  Interruption n/a

Advanced Section

  • Inputting base HP values of each race for reference herein. Non-mastered but 15/15 HP Merits assumed.
    • Tarutaru: 1,798 HP
    • Mithra: 1,828 HP
    • Hume: 1,828 HP
    • Elvaan: 1,868 HP
    • Galka: 1,928 HP
  • Master Level HP per Level: +7.
    • Notable Master Level HP Values:
      • ML15. HP +105
      • ML29. HP +203
      • ML36. HP +252 HP
      • ML43. HP +301 HP
      • ML50. HP +350 HP

Sets by Brahmsz

  • Advanced Section with my own personal recommendations.
  • The following sets reflect an Elvaan with full HP merits. Non-Mastered.
  • No weapon(s) or shields will be included.

Tanking Sets

Tank Set I (Old)  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Souv. Schaller +1 icon.pngSouv. Schaller +1 description.png
Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Etiolation Earring icon.pngEtiolation Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Cab. Surcoat +3 icon.pngCab. Surcoat +3 description.png Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
Gelatinous Ring +1 icon.pngGelatinous Ring +1 description.png
Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Souv. Diechlings +1 icon.pngSouv. Diechlings +1 description.png
Souveran Schuhs +1 icon.pngSouveran Schuhs +1 description.png
  Damage Taken -32%
Set Bonus DT -6%
PDT -30%
MDT -13%
HP: 3,179~3,204
Block Set (Old)  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Odyssean Helm icon.pngOdyssean Helm description.png
Loricate Torque +1 icon.pngLoricate Torque +1 description.png Thureous Earring icon.pngThureous Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Cab. Surcoat +3 icon.pngCab. Surcoat +3 description.png Sakpata's Gauntlets icon.pngSakpata's Gauntlets description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Valorous Hose icon.pngValorous Hose description.png
Souveran Schuhs +1 icon.pngSouveran Schuhs +1 description.png
  Damage Taken -47%
PDT -9%
MDT -6%
HP: 2,964
  • This set doesn’t deviate much from the above 119 HQ Souveran Set.
  • It’s Weapon/Shield agnostic, and offered an all-round defense build.
  • Please refer to the below Idle Set II (Odyssey).
  • This set puts a strong emphasis on increasing shield blockrate.
    • Fair warning, the head and legs require Dark Matter augments. The highest I’ve personally managed to see/attain is ‘’’blockrate +9%’’’ but assume a possible cap of +10%.
  • This build has a potential Chance of Successful Blockrate of +36%.
    • Augemented Zwazo Earring +1 would bring that total to +39% in exchange for the HP+100/DT-3% from augmented Odnowa +1.
  • An Alternate leg swap is Arjuna Breeches for +3% block chance.
Tank Set II-A (Odyssey Era)  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Chev. Armet +3 icon.pngChev. Armet +3 description.png Unmoving Collar +1 icon.pngUnmoving Collar +1 description.png
Tuisto Earring icon.pngTuisto Earring description.png Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png
Sakpata's Plate icon.pngSakpata's Plate description.png Sakpata's Gauntlets icon.pngSakpata's Gauntlets description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png
Chev. Cuisses +3 icon.pngChev. Cuisses +3 description.png Sakpata's Leggings icon.pngSakpata's Leggings description.png
  Damage Taken -50%
HP: 3,101
Block Set (Odyssey/Sortie)  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Chev. Armet +3 icon.pngChev. Armet +3 description.png Combatant's Torque icon.pngCombatant's Torque description.png Thureous Earring icon.pngThureous Earring description.png Chev. Earring +2 icon.pngChev. Earring +2 description.png
Sakpata's Plate icon.pngSakpata's Plate description.png Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Carrier's Sash icon.pngCarrier's Sash description.png Chev. Cuisses +3 icon.pngChev. Cuisses +3 description.png Rev. Leggings +3 icon.pngRev. Leggings +3 description.png
  Damage Taken -50%
HP: 2,988
  • With the advent of Odyssey, this set appears to be the next step forward.
    • Introduction of Sortie post-Odyssey makes capping Damage Taken even easier.
  • Offers higher Physical Defense, Magic Evasion, and Magic Defense Bonus over most anything else.
  • With an increasing focus on defensive measures (both physical and magical), this set emphasizes shield skill+ over blockrate+.
  • While I personally still like block chance+ gear, Master Levels and gear creep itself continue to make Reisenjima-based gearsets that much more outdated.
    • Foresti Earring can substituted in the Left Ear for further skill+.
      • Due to the current rarity of Chevalier's Earring +2, substitute neck slot to Knight's Beads +1/2 and utilize Thureous/Foresti earrings.
Convert DMG to MP  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Chev. Armet +3 icon.pngChev. Armet +3 description.png Creed Collar icon.pngCreed Collar description.png Etiolation Earring icon.pngEtiolation Earring description.png Ethereal Earring icon.pngEthereal Earring description.png
Rev. Surcoat +3 icon.pngRev. Surcoat +3 description.png Sakpata's Gauntlets icon.pngSakpata's Gauntlets description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Flume Belt +1 icon.pngFlume Belt +1 description.png Chev. Cuisses +3 icon.pngChev. Cuisses +3 description.png Rev. Leggings +3 icon.pngRev. Leggings +3 description.png
  Damage Taken -50%
HP: 3,092
Layered Defense Set  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Chev. Armet +3 icon.pngChev. Armet +3 description.png Warder's Charm +1 icon.pngWarder's Charm +1 description.png Tuisto Earring icon.pngTuisto Earring description.png Chev. Earring +2 icon.pngChev. Earring +2 description.png
Sakpata's Plate icon.pngSakpata's Plate description.png
Chev. Gauntlets +3 icon.pngChev. Gauntlets +3 description.png Shadow Ring icon.pngShadow Ring description.png Fortified Ring icon.pngFortified Ring description.png
Shadow Mantle icon.pngShadow Mantle description.png Plat. Mog. Belt icon.pngPlat. Mog. Belt description.png Chev. Cuisses +3 icon.pngChev. Cuisses +3 description.png Sakpata's Leggings icon.pngSakpata's Leggings description.png
  Damage Taken -50%
HP: 2,8??
  • Emphasis on MP restoration Idle.
  • Fairly self-explanatory. Multiple defensive layers. Survive.

Situational Sets

  • Situational awareness goes a long way...
  • Sets herein may or may not see as much use but are nice to have around when the circumstances come up.
Death Resist Set  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png Warden's Ring icon.pngWarden's Ring description.png Shadow Ring icon.pngShadow Ring description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Zombie Set  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Twilight Helm icon.pngTwilight Helm description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Twilight Mail icon.pngTwilight Mail description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
H.Water & Cursna  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png Nicander's Necklace icon.pngNicander's Necklace description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png Purity Ring icon.pngPurity Ring description.png Blenmot's Ring +1 icon.pngBlenmot's Ring +1 description.png
32x32.png Gishdubar Sash icon.pngGishdubar Sash description.png Shabti Cuisses +1 icon.pngShabti Cuisses +1 description.png 32x32.png
  • The Crepuscular set is the Item Level version to these, but with a far lower droprate.
  • I prefer to lean on Holy Waters over waiting on a Cursna.
  • Ring slot can easily be replaced with Eshmun's Ring if you prefer Cursna Received instead.
Shield Bash (Dispel)  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Loess Barbuta +1 icon.pngLoess Barbuta +1 description.png
Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Trux Earring icon.pngTrux Earring description.png Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png
Souv. Cuirass +1 icon.pngSouv. Cuirass +1 description.png
Cab. Gauntlets +3 icon.pngCab. Gauntlets +3 description.png Apeile Ring icon.pngApeile Ring description.png Apeile Ring +1 icon.pngApeile Ring +1 description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Souv. Diechlings +1 icon.pngSouv. Diechlings +1 description.png
Eschite Greaves icon.pngEschite Greaves description.png
Knock Back Redux  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png Vocane Ring +1 icon.pngVocane Ring +1 description.png 32x32.png
Philidor Mantle icon.pngPhilidor Mantle description.png 32x32.png Dashing Subligar icon.pngDashing Subligar description.png 32x32.png
Resistance Set  
Malignance Sword icon.pngMalignance Sword description.png Adamas icon.pngAdamas description.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Volte Cap icon.pngVolte Cap description.png Kgt. Beads +2 icon.pngKgt. Beads +2 description.png
Hearty Earring icon.pngHearty Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Sakpata's Plate icon.pngSakpata's Plate description.png
Macabre Gaunt. +1 icon.pngMacabre Gaunt. +1 description.png
Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Carrier's Sash icon.pngCarrier's Sash description.png Volte Hose icon.pngVolte Hose description.png Volte Boots icon.pngVolte Boots description.png
+109% Resist All
  • Mainly just the Maximum Enmity set (see below) with Cab. Gauntlets +3 swapped in.
  • +2 is enough to gain the Dispel additional effect.
    • Dispel effect on the gauntlets is 95% accuracy.
  • To my knowledge, Vocane Ring is the only way to reach a full +6 in Knock Back Reduction gear.
    • There are multiple back slot options & the single leg slot option.
  • Not capped on PDT.
  • Reminder, "Resist [Status]" gear is halved against NM's.

Enmity Sets

Functional Enmity Set  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Loess Barbuta +1 icon.pngLoess Barbuta +1 description.png
Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Trux Earring icon.pngTrux Earring description.png Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png
Souv. Cuirass +1 icon.pngSouv. Cuirass +1 description.png
Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
Supershear Ring icon.pngSupershear Ring description.png Eihwaz Ring icon.pngEihwaz Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Souv. Diechlings +1 icon.pngSouv. Diechlings +1 description.png
Eschite Greaves icon.pngEschite Greaves description.png
  Enmity +128
HP: 2,949
Maximum Enmity  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Loess Barbuta +1 icon.pngLoess Barbuta +1 description.png
Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Trux Earring icon.pngTrux Earring description.png Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png
Souv. Cuirass +1 icon.pngSouv. Cuirass +1 description.png
Yorium Gauntlets icon.pngYorium Gauntlets description.png
Apeile Ring icon.pngApeile Ring description.png Apeile Ring +1 icon.pngApeile Ring +1 description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Odyssean Cuisses icon.pngOdyssean Cuisses description.png
Eschite Greaves icon.pngEschite Greaves description.png
  Enmity +145
HP: 2,535. . .
  • Same set as the above 119 HQ Souveran Set in New/Returnees Section.
  • Assumes you're in the top ranked Unity.
  • Changes out four pieces of gear for a gain of 17 Enmity.
    • You also drops HP by approximately 414...
  • Assumes you're in the top ranked Unity.
MEv/MDB Enm. Set  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Yorium Barbuta icon.pngYorium Barbuta description.png
Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Tuisto Earring icon.pngTuisto Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Obviat. Cuirass +1 icon.pngObviat. Cuirass +1 description.png
Macabre Gaunt. +1 icon.pngMacabre Gaunt. +1 description.png
Vexer Ring +1 icon.pngVexer Ring +1 description.png Apeile Ring +1 icon.pngApeile Ring +1 description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Souv. Diechlings +1 icon.pngSouv. Diechlings +1 description.png
Chev. Sabatons +3 icon.pngChev. Sabatons +3 description.png
  Enmity +98
HP: 2,924
  • Sparked by conversations around Odyssey fights and Enmity swaps.
    • Currently, to the best of my knowledge the best M.Eva/MDB focused Enmity+ swaps you can wear.
  • Neck, R.Ring & Ammo slots negotiable depending on HP preferences.
  • Assumes you're in the top ranked Unity.

Hybrid Sets

  • Designed to contribute damage safely prioritizing HP > DT/PDT/MDT > Accuracy/Attack > STP/DA/TA/QA. In that order.
Hybrid I  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Rev. Coronet +3 icon.pngRev. Coronet +3 description.png Sanctity Necklace icon.pngSanctity Necklace description.png Odnowa Earring icon.pngOdnowa Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Cab. Surcoat +3 icon.pngCab. Surcoat +3 description.png Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Eschan Stone icon.pngEschan Stone description.png Rev. Breeches +3 icon.pngRev. Breeches +3 description.png Ar. Gambieras +1 icon.pngAr. Gambieras +1 description.png
  DT -30%
PDT -23%
MDT -8%
HP: 3,118
Hybrid II  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Flam. Zucchetto +2 icon.pngFlam. Zucchetto +2 description.png Sanctity Necklace icon.pngSanctity Necklace description.png Odnowa Earring icon.pngOdnowa Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Cab. Surcoat +3 icon.pngCab. Surcoat +3 description.png Sulev. Gauntlets +2 icon.pngSulev. Gauntlets +2 description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png
Sulev. Cuisses +2 icon.pngSulev. Cuisses +2 description.png Flam. Gambieras +2 icon.pngFlam. Gambieras +2 description.png
  DT -37%
PDT -10%
MDT -3%
HP: 2,731
Hybrid III  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Hjarrandi Helm icon.pngHjarrandi Helm description.png Combatant's Torque icon.pngCombatant's Torque description.png Mache Earring +1 icon.pngMache Earring +1 description.png Telos Earring icon.pngTelos Earring description.png
Hjarrandi Breast. icon.pngHjarrandi Breast. description.png Sulev. Gauntlets +2 icon.pngSulev. Gauntlets +2 description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Tempus Fugit +1 icon.pngTempus Fugit +1 description.png Sulev. Cuisses +2 icon.pngSulev. Cuisses +2 description.png Flam. Gambieras +2 icon.pngFlam. Gambieras +2 description.png
  DT -49%
HP: 2,653
  • The primary function for this build is to contribute damage without sacrificing much HP.
  • The damage you put out won't be spectacular but whatever you're facing's damage won't be either. lol
  • A more realistic hybrid build.
  • Sacrifices some HP, DT/PDT/MDT for STP/DA/TA.
  • Unrealistic expectations. A fun build non-the-less!
Hybrid IV  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Sakpata's Helm icon.pngSakpata's Helm description.png Combatant's Torque icon.pngCombatant's Torque description.png Cessance Earring icon.pngCessance Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Sakpata's Plate icon.pngSakpata's Plate description.png Sakpata's Gauntlets icon.pngSakpata's Gauntlets description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png
Sakpata's Cuisses icon.pngSakpata's Cuisses description.png Sakpata's Leggings icon.pngSakpata's Leggings description.png
  DT -50%
HP: 2,754
  • Sakpata.
    • Get it. Embrace it.

Weaponskill Sets

  • Here's where things start to get into the weeds. "How much of my defenses am I willing to sacrifice for bigger numbers?"
    • Insert Thanos.gif "Everything."
Savage Blade I (Old)  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Odyssean Helm icon.pngOdyssean Helm description.png
Kgt. Beads +2 icon.pngKgt. Beads +2 description.png
Thrud Earring icon.pngThrud Earring description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Valorous Mail icon.pngValorous Mail description.png
Odyssean Gauntlets icon.pngOdyssean Gauntlets description.png Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png
Valorous Hose icon.pngValorous Hose description.png
Sulev. Leggings +2 icon.pngSulev. Leggings +2 description.png
  2,357 HP
Savage Blade II  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Odyssean Helm icon.pngOdyssean Helm description.png
Kgt. Beads +2 icon.pngKgt. Beads +2 description.png
Thrud Earring icon.pngThrud Earring description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Sakpata's Plate icon.pngSakpata's Plate description.png Sakpata's Gauntlets icon.pngSakpata's Gauntlets description.png Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png
Sakpata's Cuisses icon.pngSakpata's Cuisses description.png Sulev. Leggings +2 icon.pngSulev. Leggings +2 description.png
  2,507 HP
Savage Blade III  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png
Kgt. Beads +2 icon.pngKgt. Beads +2 description.png
Thrud Earring icon.pngThrud Earring description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png
Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Sailfi Belt +1 icon.pngSailfi Belt +1 description.png
Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  2,384 HP
  • Pre-Odyssey Set.
  • Weeeee! Throw caution to the wind!
  • Safe Set.
  • Doubles as a Knights of Round set.
  • Notes on Neck:
    • If you wanna be a cheapskate: Fotia Gorget. If you wanna Savage like a big boi: Kgt. Beads +1 or +2.

Atonement I  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Loess Barbuta +1 icon.pngLoess Barbuta +1 description.png
Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Trux Earring icon.pngTrux Earring description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Souv. Cuirass +1 icon.pngSouv. Cuirass +1 description.png
Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
Vexer Ring +1 icon.pngVexer Ring +1 description.png Eihwaz Ring icon.pngEihwaz Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Souv. Diechlings +1 icon.pngSouv. Diechlings +1 description.png
Eschite Greaves icon.pngEschite Greaves description.png
  2,828 HP
  • Doubles as a General Enmity Set.

Chant du Cygne I  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Flam. Zucchetto +2 icon.pngFlam. Zucchetto +2 description.png Fotia Gorget icon.pngFotia Gorget description.png Cessance Earring icon.pngCessance Earring description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Hjarrandi Breast. icon.pngHjarrandi Breast. description.png Flam. Manopolas +2 icon.pngFlam. Manopolas +2 description.png Flamma Ring icon.pngFlamma Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Valorous Hose icon.pngValorous Hose description.png
Flam. Gambieras +2 icon.pngFlam. Gambieras +2 description.png
  2,481 HP
Chant Du Cygne II  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Valorous Mask icon.pngValorous Mask description.png
Fotia Gorget icon.pngFotia Gorget description.png Cessance Earring icon.pngCessance Earring description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Hjarrandi Breast. icon.pngHjarrandi Breast. description.png Flam. Manopolas +2 icon.pngFlam. Manopolas +2 description.png Begrudging Ring icon.pngBegrudging Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Valorous Hose icon.pngValorous Hose description.png
Valorous Greaves icon.pngValorous Greaves description.png
  2,350 HP
  • Safe set.
  • All in.

Requiescat I  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Aurgelmir Orb +1 icon.pngAurgelmir Orb +1 description.png
Hjarrandi Helm icon.pngHjarrandi Helm description.png Fotia Gorget icon.pngFotia Gorget description.png Cessance Earring icon.pngCessance Earring description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Sakpata's Plate icon.pngSakpata's Plate description.png Sakpata's Gauntlets icon.pngSakpata's Gauntlets description.png Petrov Ring icon.pngPetrov Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Fotia Belt icon.pngFotia Belt description.png Sakpata's Cuisses icon.pngSakpata's Cuisses description.png Sakpata's Leggings icon.pngSakpata's Leggings description.png
  2,449 HP
  • Requiescat is already a poopy weaponskill...
  • You can quite legitimately get away with just filling in as much Acc/Att and Mult-Attack as possible and call it a day.

Magic Evasion Sets

  • Resisting Status Ailments as well as Non-Elemental damage such as Mijin Gakure.
    • Secondary benefit being Magic damage and Breathe damage reduction via resistance check.
      • ie: 1/2 resist (50% damage taken); 1/4 resist (25% damage taken); 1/8 resist (12.5% damage taken).
        • 1/8 resistance tier on elemental damage is also a possibility if Magic Evasion is high enough and a modicum amount of elemental resist is stacked on as well.
    • Note: "Resist All" and "Resist [Insert Ailment]" gear's effectiveness is automatically halved against NM's.
M.Evasion Set I  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum icon.pngStaunch Tathlum description.png
Volte Salade icon.pngVolte Salade description.png Moonbeam Necklace icon.pngMoonbeam Necklace description.png Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Flashward Earring icon.pngFlashward Earring description.png
Chozor. Coselete icon.pngChozor. Coselete description.png Macabre Gaunt. icon.pngMacabre Gaunt. description.png
Purity Ring icon.pngPurity Ring description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Carrier's Sash icon.pngCarrier's Sash description.png Volte Brayettes icon.pngVolte Brayettes description.png Founder's Greaves icon.pngFounder's Greaves description.png
  578 M.Eva
2,328 HP
M.Evasion Set II  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Volte Salade icon.pngVolte Salade description.png Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Sanare Earring icon.pngSanare Earring description.png
Volte Haubert icon.pngVolte Haubert description.png Macabre Gaunt. icon.pngMacabre Gaunt. description.png
Purity Ring icon.pngPurity Ring description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Carrier's Sash icon.pngCarrier's Sash description.png Volte Brayettes icon.pngVolte Brayettes description.png Volte Sollerets icon.pngVolte Sollerets description.png
  661 M.Eva
2,341 HP
M.Evasion Set III  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Volte Cap icon.pngVolte Cap description.png Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Sanare Earring icon.pngSanare Earring description.png
Sacro Breastplate icon.pngSacro Breastplate description.png Volte Bracers icon.pngVolte Bracers description.png Vengeful Ring icon.pngVengeful Ring description.png Purity Ring icon.pngPurity Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Carrier's Sash icon.pngCarrier's Sash description.png Volte Brayettes icon.pngVolte Brayettes description.png Volte Sollerets icon.pngVolte Sollerets description.png
  685 M.Eva
2,434 HP
  • With the exception of gear from the Volte Armor Set, this set is fairly simple to put together.
  • Don't forget you can equip an augmented Priwen for an additional M.Eva+50.
  • Skip to sets IV ~ VI if you have Odyssey: Sheol Goal (Atonement's 3 & 4) & Sortie access access.
  • Next step up from first set.
  • Skip to sets IV ~ VI if you have Odyssey: Sheol Goal (Atonement's 3 & 4) & Sortie access.
  • Alternate body swap: Fully Augmented Obviat. Cuirass +1 for an equal amount of M.Eva.
  • Skip to sets IV ~ VI if you have Odyssey: Sheol Goal (Atonement's 3 & 4) & Sortie access.
M.Eva Set IV (Odyssey)  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Sakpata's Helm icon.pngSakpata's Helm description.png Warder's Charm +1 icon.pngWarder's Charm +1 description.png Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Sanare Earring icon.pngSanare Earring description.png
Sakpata's Plate icon.pngSakpata's Plate description.png Sakpata's Gauntlets icon.pngSakpata's Gauntlets description.png Vengeful Ring icon.pngVengeful Ring description.png Purity Ring icon.pngPurity Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Plat. Mog. Belt icon.pngPlat. Mog. Belt description.png Sakpata's Cuisses icon.pngSakpata's Cuisses description.png Sakpata's Leggings icon.pngSakpata's Leggings description.png
  737 M.Eva, MDB +46
2,677 HP
INT +189
MND +89
M.Eva Set V (Odyssey)  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png Warder's Charm +1 icon.pngWarder's Charm +1 description.png Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Sanare Earring icon.pngSanare Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png Vengeful Ring icon.pngVengeful Ring description.png Purity Ring icon.pngPurity Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Plat. Mog. Belt icon.pngPlat. Mog. Belt description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  737 M.Eva, MDB +33
2,717 HP
INT +228
MND +103
M.Eva Set VI (Sortie)  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Vanir Battery icon.pngVanir Battery description.png
Chev. Armet +3 icon.pngChev. Armet +3 description.png Warder's Charm +1 icon.pngWarder's Charm +1 description.png 32x32.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png Chev. Gauntlets +3 icon.pngChev. Gauntlets +3 description.png Shadow Ring icon.pngShadow Ring description.png Vexer Ring +1 icon.pngVexer Ring +1 description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
32x32.png Chev. Cuisses +3 icon.pngChev. Cuisses +3 description.png Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  611+ M.Eva, MDB +39~
2,629+ HP
INT +239
MND +???
  • Odyssey gear, particularly Sakpata has changed the standard.
    • Get access to Kalunga and embrace the blurple.
  • Nyame set has equal Magic Evasion and HP.
    • Has lower MDB but has much higher INT/MND.
    • Accessible after defeating Bumba.
  • This set is a new addition after the previous two.
  • Takes a dip in Magic Evasion to focus on more balanced stats.
    • Utilizes Empyrean +3 as other choice swaps to focus gain additional Absorption and Nullification properties.
      • Accessible from Sortie Basement access and appropriate currency & materials.
  • Waist and Earring left open as these options are open to personal preference:
    • Waist options- Platinum Moogle Belt or Carrier's Sash.
    • Ear1 options- Eabani Earring or Sanare Earring.

Magic Casting Sets

  • Keep in mind you tend to lose HP while swapping. Especially for FC, so add in HP+ gear where you can or feel that you should.
Fast Cast  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Carmine Mask +1 icon.pngCarmine Mask +1 description.png
Orunmila's Torque icon.pngOrunmila's Torque description.png Enchntr. Earring +1 icon.pngEnchntr. Earring +1 description.png Loquac. Earring icon.pngLoquac. Earring description.png
Rev. Surcoat +3 icon.pngRev. Surcoat +3 description.png Leyline Gloves icon.pngLeyline Gloves description.png
Kishar Ring icon.pngKishar Ring description.png Rahab Ring icon.pngRahab Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
32x32.png Enif Cosciales icon.pngEnif Cosciales description.png Chev. Sabatons +3 icon.pngChev. Sabatons +3 description.png
2337 HP. . .
Spell Interrupt Down  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Souv. Schaller +1 icon.pngSouv. Schaller +1 description.png Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Knightly Earring icon.pngKnightly Earring description.png Nourish. Earring +1 icon.pngNourish. Earring +1 description.png
Chev. Cuirass +3 icon.pngChev. Cuirass +3 description.png Yorium Gauntlets icon.pngYorium Gauntlets description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Audumbla Sash icon.pngAudumbla Sash description.png Founder's Hose icon.pngFounder's Hose description.png Odyssean Greaves icon.pngOdyssean Greaves description.png
  Interrupt -160%
Enhancing Duration  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
Shab. Cuirass +1 icon.pngShab. Cuirass +1 description.png Regal Gauntlets icon.pngRegal Gauntlets description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
  +30% Enh. Duration
  • This should be the maximum amount of Fast Cast a Paladin can wear.
  • Enif Cosciales grants FC+8%.
  • As seen above, this set drops your HP... hard.
  • Pick and choose which pieces are worthwhile.
  • Here as a reminder of all the options available.
  • Also, a quick reminder that Spell Interruption Rate can be merited!
  • Can be used with the Protect & Shell line, Phalanx, Reprisal, and Crusade, if self-cast, respectively. (If you so choose.)
  • Can be pushed further with an augmented Ajax +1 shield for an additional 10%*.
    • *Gear with Augmented Enhancing Magic Duration is a separate term from the non-augmented variety and will act multiplicatively.
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Loess Barbuta +1 icon.pngLoess Barbuta +1 description.png
Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Rev. Surcoat +3 icon.pngRev. Surcoat +3 description.png Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
Vexer Ring +1 icon.pngVexer Ring +1 description.png Eihwaz Ring icon.pngEihwaz Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Souv. Diechlings +1 icon.pngSouv. Diechlings +1 description.png
Chev. Sabatons +3 icon.pngChev. Sabatons +3 description.png
  +112 Enmity
+25% Fast Cast
3,012 HP
Flash SIRD  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Souv. Schaller +1 icon.pngSouv. Schaller +1 description.png
Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Rev. Surcoat +3 icon.pngRev. Surcoat +3 description.png Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
Vexer Ring +1 icon.pngVexer Ring +1 description.png Eihwaz Ring icon.pngEihwaz Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Audumbla Sash icon.pngAudumbla Sash description.png Founder's Hose icon.pngFounder's Hose description.png Odyssean Greaves icon.pngOdyssean Greaves description.png
  +57 Enmity
+20% Fast Cast
2,985 HP
  • When casting under Divine Emblem, a Fast Cast Augment cape is preferable.
  • Flash SIRD set can still reach capped Spell Interruption Rate by swapping in Chev. Cuirass +3, Chev. Sabatons +3.
    • Enmity gain of 17, Fast Cast gain of 4%.
    • These swaps would also drop HP by approximately 71 HP.
Cure (Capped)  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Egoist's Tathlum icon.pngEgoist's Tathlum description.png
Loess Barbuta +1 icon.pngLoess Barbuta +1 description.png
Sacro Gorget icon.pngSacro Gorget description.png Tuisto Earring icon.pngTuisto Earring description.png Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png
Souv. Cuirass +1 icon.pngSouv. Cuirass +1 description.png
Macabre Gaunt. +1 icon.pngMacabre Gaunt. +1 description.png
Vexer Ring +1 icon.pngVexer Ring +1 description.png Eihwaz Ring icon.pngEihwaz Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Souv. Diechlings +1 icon.pngSouv. Diechlings +1 description.png
Chev. Sabatons +3 icon.pngChev. Sabatons +3 description.png
  Cure Pot.+50%
Cure Rec.+30%
2.977 HP
Cure SIRD (Capped)  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Souv. Schaller +1 icon.pngSouv. Schaller +1 description.png
Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Tuisto Earring icon.pngTuisto Earring description.png Nourish. Earring +1 icon.pngNourish. Earring +1 description.png
Souv. Cuirass +1 icon.pngSouv. Cuirass +1 description.png
Macabre Gaunt. +1 icon.pngMacabre Gaunt. +1 description.png
Gelatinous Ring +1 icon.pngGelatinous Ring +1 description.png
Eihwaz Ring icon.pngEihwaz Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Audumbla Sash icon.pngAudumbla Sash description.png Founder's Hose icon.pngFounder's Hose description.png Odyssean Greaves icon.pngOdyssean Greaves description.png
  Cure Pot.+50%
Cure Rec.+30%
2,847 HP
  • Capped Cure Potency, Cure Potency Received, and PDT.
  • A drop of 100 HP in exchange for uninterruptible self-cure bombing.
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Odyssean Helm icon.pngOdyssean Helm description.png
Unmoving Collar +1 icon.pngUnmoving Collar +1 description.png
Mimir Earring icon.pngMimir Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Odyss. Chestplate icon.pngOdyss. Chestplate description.png
Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Weard Mantle icon.pngWeard Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Sakpata's Cuisses icon.pngSakpata's Cuisses description.png Souveran Schuhs +1 icon.pngSouveran Schuhs +1 description.png
3,146 HP
Phalanx SIRD  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Souv. Schaller +1 icon.pngSouv. Schaller +1 description.png
Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Mimir Earring icon.pngMimir Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Odyss. Chestplate icon.pngOdyss. Chestplate description.png
Souv. Handsch. +1 icon.pngSouv. Handsch. +1 description.png
Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Weard Mantle icon.pngWeard Mantle description.png
Audumbla Sash icon.pngAudumbla Sash description.png Founder's Hose icon.pngFounder's Hose description.png Odyssean Greaves icon.pngOdyssean Greaves description.png
2,699 HP
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Loess Barbuta +1 icon.pngLoess Barbuta +1 description.png
Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Shab. Cuirass +1 icon.pngShab. Cuirass +1 description.png Regal Gauntlets icon.pngRegal Gauntlets description.png Vexer Ring +1 icon.pngVexer Ring +1 description.png Eihwaz Ring icon.pngEihwaz Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Souv. Diechlings +1 icon.pngSouv. Diechlings +1 description.png
Chev. Sabatons +3 icon.pngChev. Sabatons +3 description.png
  3,041 HP
Reprisal SIRD  
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png Sapience Orb icon.pngSapience Orb description.png
Souv. Schaller +1 icon.pngSouv. Schaller +1 description.png
Moonlight Necklace icon.pngMoonlight Necklace description.png Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Shab. Cuirass +1 icon.pngShab. Cuirass +1 description.png Regal Gauntlets icon.pngRegal Gauntlets description.png Gelatinous Ring +1 icon.pngGelatinous Ring +1 description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Audumbla Sash icon.pngAudumbla Sash description.png Founder's Hose icon.pngFounder's Hose description.png Odyssean Greaves icon.pngOdyssean Greaves description.png
  2,720 HP
  • Reprisal no longer requires maximum HP swaps.
    • My suggestion: Focus on spell duration & enmity, with a bit of Fast Cast thrown in for good merit.

Sets by Galkapryme

  • PLD According to G-Pryme: Est. 1 Jan. 2025 (Under Construction)
  • These sets are based off a Galka PLD/RUN ML 44 with full HP merits, Enmity+ merits, and SIRD merits. The numbers may vary depending on subjob, Unity rankings, and whichever way the Van A'Diel winds blow.
  • I don't bother with "Old" sets, "New and Returning Player" sets or TP sets/Hybrid sets. You can find those above. A PLD's primary function is to tank, and in many cases cure (though my base set includes a nice balance of defense and offense). I will try limit the sets to those, and I will also provide WS sets, as they have utility in Endgame. However, there's already a wiki page for almost all job WS sets.
  • Sword and Shield will be included in the sets; While I understand that we use different weapons with different sets, my intent is to match the optimal sword and shield with the appropriate set.
  • Upcoming Sets: Enmity (spiked), FC, Bash, Cure, Phalanx, SIRD,

Tanking Sets

Primary Engaged Set  
Burtgang icon.pngBurtgang description.png
Duban (Level 119 III) icon.pngDuban (Level 119 III) description.png 32x32.png Coiste Bodhar icon.pngCoiste Bodhar description.png
Chev. Armet +3 icon.pngChev. Armet +3 description.png Kgt. Beads +2 icon.pngKgt. Beads +2 description.png
Foresti Earring icon.pngForesti Earring description.png Chev. Earring +1 icon.pngChev. Earring +1 description.png
Chev. Cuirass +3 icon.pngChev. Cuirass +3 description.png Chev. Gauntlets +3 icon.pngChev. Gauntlets +3 description.png Gelatinous Ring +1 icon.pngGelatinous Ring +1 description.png
Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Chev. Cuisses +3 icon.pngChev. Cuisses +3 description.png Chev. Sabatons +3 icon.pngChev. Sabatons +3 description.png
  DT: Capped
DEF: 1998
HP: 3109
Enmity: 74
MEVA: 642
MDB: 34
SIRD: 20
Enmity Retention  
Burtgang icon.pngBurtgang description.png
Srivatsa icon.pngSrivatsa description.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Chev. Armet +3 icon.pngChev. Armet +3 description.png Kgt. Beads +2 icon.pngKgt. Beads +2 description.png Foresti Earring icon.pngForesti Earring description.png Chev. Earring +1 icon.pngChev. Earring +1 description.png
Adamantite Armor icon.pngAdamantite Armor description.png Cab. Gauntlets +3 icon.pngCab. Gauntlets +3 description.png Apeile Ring +1 icon.pngApeile Ring +1 description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Chev. Cuisses +3 icon.pngChev. Cuisses +3 description.png
Chev. Sabatons +3 icon.pngChev. Sabatons +3 description.png
  DT: Capped
HP: 3219
Enmity: 102
MEVA: 548
MDB 46
Malignance Sword icon.pngMalignance Sword description.png Duban (Level 119 III) icon.pngDuban (Level 119 III) description.png 32x32.png Vanir Battery icon.pngVanir Battery description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png Warder's Charm +1 icon.pngWarder's Charm +1 description.png Eabani Earring icon.pngEabani Earring description.png Flashward Earring icon.pngFlashward Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png Vengeful Ring icon.pngVengeful Ring description.png Purity Ring icon.pngPurity Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Asklepian Belt icon.pngAsklepian Belt description.png Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png
  PDT: 41%
MDT: Capped
MEVA: 794
MDB: 44
HP: 3,101
  • Base tank set that balances DEF, HP, Acc, Attk, block rate, and enmity.
  • Suitable options include Aegis, Srivatsa, Adamantite Armor, Staunch Tathlum +1, and some others. However, I find this to be a good balance.
  • This set focuses on maintaining capped CE loss reduction and balancing that with DEF, HP, and DT down.
  • Some better stats than the base set, but a little less DEF and weak in the MEVA department.
  • This set focuses specifically on MEVA but does have 44 MDB. A specific MDB set will be added later.

Burtgang icon.pngBurtgang description.png
Aegis icon.pngFile:Aegis description.png 32x32.png Vanir Battery icon.pngVanir Battery description.png
Sakpata's Helm icon.pngSakpata's Helm description.png Warder's Charm +1 icon.pngWarder's Charm +1 description.png Spellbr. Earring icon.pngSpellbr. Earring description.png Sanare Earring icon.pngSanare Earring description.png
Adamantite Armor icon.pngAdamantite Armor description.png Sakpata's Gauntlets icon.pngSakpata's Gauntlets description.png Vexer Ring +1 icon.pngVexer Ring +1 description.png Vexer Ring +1 icon.pngVexer Ring +1 description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Creed Baudrier icon.pngCreed Baudrier description.png Sakpata's Cuisses icon.pngSakpata's Cuisses description.png Sakpata's Leggings icon.pngSakpata's Leggings description.png
  DT: Capped
HP: 3035
MDB 69
Excalibur icon.pngExcalibur description.png
Aegis icon.pngFile:Aegis description.png 32x32.png Vanir Battery icon.pngVanir Battery description.png
Sakpata's Helm icon.pngSakpata's Helm description.png Coatl Gorget +1 icon.pngCoatl Gorget +1 description.png Spellbr. Earring icon.pngSpellbr. Earring description.png Sanare Earring icon.pngSanare Earring description.png
Adamantite Armor icon.pngAdamantite Armor description.png Sakpata's Gauntlets icon.pngSakpata's Gauntlets description.png Shadow Ring icon.pngShadow Ring description.png Vexer Ring +1 icon.pngVexer Ring +1 description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Asklepian Belt icon.pngAsklepian Belt description.png Sakpata's Cuisses icon.pngSakpata's Cuisses description.png Sakpata's Leggings icon.pngSakpata's Leggings description.png
  DT: Capped
DEF: 1741
HP: 2830
Enmity: 14
MEVA: 678
MDB: 66
SIRD: 20

Sets by Community, for community

Weaponskill Sets

Knights of Round  
Excalibur (Level 119 III) icon.pngExcalibur (Level 119 III) description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png Coiste Bodhar icon.pngCoiste Bodhar description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png
Rep. Plat. Medal icon.pngRep. Plat. Medal description.png Lugra Earring +1 icon.pngLugra Earring +1 description.png
Thrud Earring icon.pngThrud Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png
Nyame Gauntlets icon.pngNyame Gauntlets description.png
Epaminondas's Ring icon.pngEpaminondas's Ring description.png Regal Ring icon.pngRegal Ring description.png
Rudianos's Mantle icon.pngRudianos's Mantle description.png
Kentarch Belt +1 icon.pngKentarch Belt +1 description.png
Nyame Flanchard icon.pngNyame Flanchard description.png
Nyame Sollerets icon.pngNyame Sollerets description.png

Situational Sets

Idle Full Refresh  
Moralltach icon.pngMoralltach description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png Homiliary icon.pngHomiliary description.png
Jumalik Helm icon.pngJumalik Helm description.png Creed Collar icon.pngCreed Collar description.png Moonshade Earring icon.pngMoonshade Earring description.png
Crepuscular Mail icon.pngCrepuscular Mail description.png Regal Gauntlets icon.pngRegal Gauntlets description.png Stikini Ring +1 icon.pngStikini Ring +1 description.png Stikini Ring +1 icon.pngStikini Ring +1 description.png
32x32.png Fucho-no-Obi icon.pngFucho-no-Obi description.png Odyssean Cuisses icon.pngOdyssean Cuisses description.png
Odyssean Greaves icon.pngOdyssean Greaves description.png
32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png Stone Gorget icon.pngStone Gorget description.png 32x32.png Earthcry Earring icon.pngEarthcry Earring description.png
32x32.png Stone Mufflers icon.pngStone Mufflers description.png 32x32.png 32x32.png
32x32.png Siegel Sash icon.pngSiegel Sash description.png Haven Hose icon.pngHaven Hose description.png 32x32.png