Merit Points

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(Redirected from Phantom Roll Recast)
New Merit Animation.JPG

Upon attaining Level 75, players should visit the Nomad Moogle in Ru'Lude Gardens next to Maat to receive Key Item Limit breaker, allowing them to accumulate Limit Points in place of Experience Points. For every 10,000 Limit Points, 1 Merit Point will be awarded to augment the player's stats and abilities. These points will automatically accrue at 75 but the key item is required to assign them. A new Merit Point option under Status in the Main Menu will display to track and assign these points.

Assigned Merit Points semi-permanently—in that they can be undone, if desired—enhance a player through increasing skills, adding job-specific abilities and traits, unlocking new Weapon Skills, or raising attributes such as STR and Critical Hit rate.

Additionally, they can be exchanged to participate in High-Tier Mission Battlefields or deposited with Emporox to purchase various items and equipment.

Using Merit Points to enhance your Character

  • Inside the Mog House (or Rent-a-Room), a player is able to spend and cancel merit points by accessing the merit point menu.
  • In this menu, all the categories available for upgrade are highlighted. Only skills available on the current 75 job can be accessed (e.g., you can't raise your Great Katana skill for your Samurai while browsing the menu as a Corsair).
  • Different Merit Points are divided into categories and have different costs and category maximums, as is laid out in the table below.
Category Detail Progression Category Maximum

Merit Capacity
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 75
Merits 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 9 9 9
HP/MP +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 +100 +110 +120 +130 +140 +150
Level/Capacity+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Merits 1 3 5 7 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39
Level/Capacity+ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Merits 42 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 48 48 48 48
Level/Capacity+ 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Merits 48 48 48 48 48 48 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51
Attributes Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 105
Merits 3 6 9 9 9 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 18 18
Base Stat +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15
Combat Skills Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 152
Merits 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
Skill +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 +14 +16
Magic Skills Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 112
Merits 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
Skill +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 +14 +16
Other Level 1 2 3 4 5 10
Merits 1 2 3 4 5
% Per ±1 ±2 ±3 ±4 ±5
Group 1 Level 1 2 3 4 5 10
Merits 1 2 3 4 5
Gain See Job Specific Merit Points
Group 2 Level 1 2 3 4 5 10
Merits 3 4 5 5 5
Gain See Job Specific Merit Points
Weapon Skills Level 1 2 3 4 5 15/25*
Merits 20 22 24 27 30
WSC 73% 76% 79% 82% 85%

There are 5 general Merit Point categories that apply to all jobs, then one category for each job that only has an effect when you are on that job, and one category specifically for meritable Weapon Skills.

The 5 general categories are fairly straightforward, but the job specific categories often adjust things about the individual job (like Warcry recast).

The Weapon Skill Merit Point category has a base potential of 15 upgradable levels. To unlock this category you must talk to the Nomad Moogle next to Maat and complete Martial Mastery. It can be expanded to 25 total levels by obtaining the Key Item Primer on Martial Techniques and Key Item Treatise on Martial Techniques with Deeds of Heroism. Each Key Item expands the category by 5 additional levels.

General Merit Points

  • HP/MP (Also includes a "Merit Points" category) : Increases HP or MP by 10 per merit level. Increases maximum possible merit points by 1 per merit level.
  • Attributes : Increases any Base Stat of your choice by +1 per merit level.
  • Combat Skills : Increases any physical skill by +2 Skill per merit level.
    • This applies to both offensive (like Dagger) and defensive (like Parrying) skills.
  • Magic Skills : Increases any magical skill by +2 Skill per merit level.
  • Other : As you might expect, this is the most heterogeneous "general" category.

General Merit Points are also available when you are on jobs below level 75, though the number of merits available is restricted. The below table shows how many merit levels are available at each job level. So if you were a level 99 Samurai with 12 STR merits and you changed to a level 75 Warrior, you would only have +10 STR from merits.

Merit Point Level Progression
Level 10 20 30 40 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 80 80 80 80
# of Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Job Specific Merit Points

Job Specific merit points are divided into two categories (Group 1 and Group 2). Group 1 typically contains adjustments to the job, like decreasing timers or increasing potencies of job abilities/magic. Tier 2 typically contains Job Traits, Job Abilities, and Spells that can be activated through merits and enhanced with further merits. None of these merits are available below level 75 (for instance, if you level sync).


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Berserk Recast -10 Seconds
Defender Recast -6 Seconds
Warcry Recast -10 Seconds
Aggressor Recast -10 Seconds
Double Attack Rate +1%
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Warrior's Charge +5% Triple Attack
Tomahawk +0:15 Duration
Savagery +100 TP Bonus
Aggressive Aim Ranged Accuracy +4


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Focus Recast -10 Seconds
Dodge Recast -10 Seconds
Chakra Recast -10 Seconds
Counter Rate +1%
Kick Attack Rate +1%
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Mantra +4% HP Boost
Formless Strikes -5% Damage Penalty
Invigorate +24 Seconds Duration
Penance +20 Seconds Duration

White Mage

Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Divine Seal Recast -20 Seconds
Cure Cast Time -4%
Barspell Effect +2 M.Eva and +2 MDB
Banish Effect +2 Damage and +2 Seconds
Regen Effect +1 HP/tick
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Martyr +5% HP Restored
Devotion +5% MP Restored
Animus Solace +2% Maximum Damage absorbed by Stoneskin during Afflatus Solace
Animus Misery +5% Total Damage Stored during Afflatus Misery

Black Mage

Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Elemental Seal Recast -20 Seconds
Fire Magic Potency +2 Element: Fire MAB
Ice Magic Potency +2 Element: Ice MAB
Wind Magic Potency +2 Element: Wind MAB
Earth Magic Potency +2 Element: Earth MAB
Lightning Magic Potency +2 Element: Thunder MAB
Water Magic Potency +2 Element: Water MAB
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Ancient Magic Magic Attack Bonus MAB +3
Ancient Magic Magic Burst Damage Magic Burst +3%
Elemental Magic Magic Accuracy M.Acc +5
Elemental Magic Debuff Duration Duration +12 sec.
Elemental Magic Debuff Effect -2 Base Stat; +1 HP/Tick
Aspir Absorption Amount +4% MP Absorbed

Red Mage

Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Convert Recast -20 Seconds
Fire Magic Accuracy +2 Element: Fire M.Acc
Ice Magic Accuracy +2 Element: Ice M.Acc
Wind Magic Accuracy +2 Element: Wind M.Acc
Earth Magic Accuracy +2 Element: Earth M.Acc
Lightning Magic Accuracy +2 Element: Thunder M.Acc
Water Magic Accuracy +2 Element: Water M.Acc
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Enfeebling Magic Duration +6 sec.
Magic Accuracy Magic Accuracy +5
Enhancing Magic Duration +6 sec.
Immunobreak Chance +3%
En-spell Damage I's: +3 dmg; II's: +6 dmg
Accuracy Accuracy +5


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Flee Recast -10 Seconds
Hide Recast -10 Seconds
Sneak Attack Recast -2 Seconds
Trick Attack Recast -2 Seconds
Triple Attack Rate +1%
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Assassin's Charge +5% Quadruple Attack
Feint +25% TH upgrade rate
Aura Steal +20% Absorb Rate
Ambush Accuracy +3


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Shield Bash Recast -2 Seconds
Holy Circle Recast -10 Seconds
Sentinel Recast -10 Seconds
Cover Effect Length +4 Seconds
Rampart Recast -4 Seconds
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Fealty +0:05 Duration
Chivalry +5% TP return
Iron Will -19% Spell Interruption Rate
Guardian -19% Enmity Loss

Dark Knight

Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Souleater Recast -12 Seconds
Arcane Circle Recast -10 Seconds
Last Resort Recast -10 Seconds
Last Resort Effect +2% Attack, -2% Defense
Weapon Bash Recast -6 Seconds
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Dark Seal -10% Dark Magic casting time
Diabolic Eye +5 Accuracy
Muted Soul -10 Enmity
Desperate Blows Effect +2% Job Ability Haste


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Killer Effects +1% Intimidation Rate
Reward Recast -3 Seconds
Call Beast Recast -10 Seconds
Sic/Ready Recast -2 Seconds
Tame Recast -20 Seconds
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Feral Howl +5 Accuracy
Killer Instinct +0:10 Duration
Beast Affinity +2 Pet Level
Beast Healer +1 HP/tick


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Lullaby Recast -1 Second
Finale Recast -1 Second
Minne Effect +2 Defense
Minuet Effect +1 Attack
Madrigal Effect +1 Accuracy
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Nightingale +25% Instant Cast rate
Troubadour +25% Magic Accuracy
Con Anima -1% PDT
Con Brio -1% MDT


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Scavenge Effect +?% Chance
Camouflage Recast -10 Seconds
Sharpshot Recast -10 Seconds
Unlimited Shot Recast -6 Seconds
Rapid Shot Rate +1%
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Stealth Shot -10 Enmity
Flashy Shot +5% Ranged Attack
Snapshot -2% Delay
Recycle Rate +5%


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Third Eye Recast -2 Seconds
Warding Circle Recast -10 Seconds
Store TP Effect +2 Store TP
Meditate Recast -6 Seconds
Zanshin Attack Rate +1%
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Shikikoyo +12% TP Shared
Blade Bash +15 seconds Plague
Ikishoten +3 TP for Zanshin attacks
Overwhelm +5% for the first three merits
+2% for the last two merits


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Subtle Blow Effect +1 Subtle Blow
Katon Effect +2 Element: Fire MAB, +2 Sec.
Hyoton Effect +2 Element: Ice MAB, +2 Sec.
Huton Effect +2 Element: Wind MAB, +2 Sec.
Doton Effect +2 Element: Earth MAB, +2 Sec.
Raiton Effect +2 Element: Thunder MAB, +2 Sec.
Suiton Effect +2 Element: Water MAB, +2 Sec.
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Sange +25 Ranged Accuracy
Ninja Tool Expertise +5%
Yonin Effect HP +50
Innin Effect Skillchain Dmg/MBB +1%
Ninjutsu Magic Accuracy Magic Accuracy +5
Ninjutsu Magic Attack Bonus MAB +4


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Ancient Circle Recast -10 Seconds
Jump Recast -2 Seconds
High Jump Recast -4 Seconds
Super Jump Recast -6 Seconds
Spirit Link Recast -3 Seconds
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Deep Breathing Breath +10%
Angon +0:15 Duration
Empathy +1 Copied Effect
+200 EXP
Strafe +5 M.Acc


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Avatar Physical Accuracy +3 Accuracy
Avatar Physical Attack +2 Attack
Avatar Magical Accuracy +3 Magic Accuracy
Avatar Magical Attack +2 Magic Attack Bonus
Summoning Magic Cast Time -5%
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Meteor Strike +400 TP Bonus
Heavenly Strike +400 TP Bonus
Wind Blade +400 TP Bonus
Geocrush +400 TP Bonus
Thunderstorm +400 TP Bonus
Grand Fall +400 TP Bonus

Blue Mage

Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Chain Affinity Recast -4 Seconds
Burst Affinity Recast -4 Seconds
Monster Correlation +1/128 ƒTP
Physical Potency +2 Blue Magic Accuracy
+4/256 Attack
Magical Accuracy +2 Blue Magic Accuracy
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Convergence +5 Magic Attack Bonus
+5 Magic Accuracy
Diffusion +5% Duration
Enchainment +100 TP Bonus
Assimilation +1 Set Point


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Phantom Roll Recast -2 Seconds
Quick Draw Recast -2 Seconds
Quick Draw Accuracy +2 Magic Accuracy
Random Deal Recast -40 Seconds
Bust Duration -10 Seconds
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Snake Eye +10% XI Chance
Fold +10% Phantom Roll reset rate
Winning Streak +0:20 Duration
Loaded Deck -10% Failure Rate


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Automaton Skills +2 All Skills
Maintenance Recast - 3 Seconds
Repair Effect +2% HP Granted
Activate Recast -40 Seconds
Repair Recast -3 Seconds
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Role Reversal +5% HP Granted
Ventriloquy +5% Enmity difference
Fine-Tuning +5 Acc/R.Acc/Eva/MDB
Optimization +5% Attack/Defense
+5 Magic Attack Bonus


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Step Accuracy +3 Step Accuracy
Haste Samba Effect +10/1024 Job Ability Haste
Reverse Flourish Effect +30 TP
Building Flourish Effect +1% Atk/Crit. Rate, +2 Acc
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Saber Dance +5% Samba duration
Fan Dance -5% Waltz recast
No Foot Rise +1 Finishing Move
Closed Position +3 Eva/Acc


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Grimoire Recast -2 Seconds
Modus Veritas Duration +10%
Helix Magic Acc./Atk. +3 Magic Accuracy
+2 Magic Attack Bonus
Max Sublimation +10 MP
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Altruism +5 Magic Accuracy
Focalization +5 Magic Accuracy
Tranquility -10 Enmity
Equanimity -10 Enmity
Enlightenment +5 INT/MND
Stormsurge +1 Stat. Bonus


Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Full Circle Effect 5% MP
Ecliptic Attrition Recast 10s Reduction
Life Cycle Recast 10s Reduction
Blaze of Glory Recast 20s Reduction
Dematerialize Recast 20s Reduction
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Cure Recantation 5% HP
Primeval Zeal 10% Cast Reduction
Mending Halation 5% HP recovery
Radial Arcana 3% MP recovery

Rune Fencer

Group 1
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Rune Enhancement Effect Rune Potency +2
Vallation Effect MDT -1% to Element.
Lunge Effect Accuracy +3 per Rune
Pflug Effect Resist Rate +1 per Rune
Gambit Effect 10s Reduction
Group 2
Enhancement Effect/Merit
Battuta Parrying +4%
Count Damage +4
Rayke Duration +3s
Inspiration 10% Cast Time reduction
Sleight of Sword Subtle Blow +5

Weapon Skill Merit Points

At level 96 and beyond, powerful Weapon Skills can be unlocked through merit points. An initial 20 points opens the skill, but it will take 123 points (20 > 22 > 24 > 27 > 30) to fully power it up.

The Weapon Skill Merit Point category has a base potential of 15 upgradable levels. It can be expanded to 25 total levels by obtaining the Key Item Primer on Martial Techniques and Key Item Treatise on Martial Techniques with Deeds of Heroism. Each Key Item expands the category by 5 additional levels.

Weapon Skill Modifier Jobs
Shijin Spiral DEX MNK, PUP
Resolution STR WAR, PLD, DRK, RUN
Upheaval VIT WAR, DRK, RUN
Stardiver STR WAR, SAM, DRG
Blade: Shun DEX NIN
Tachi: Shoha STR SAM
Apex Arrow AGI RNG, SAM
Last Stand AGI THF, RNG, COR


  • June 2004 [Update Details]: 'Moogle Merit Management' System introduced.
  • September 2004 [Update Details]: Categories are expanded to include Combat skills, Magic Skills, and Other skills.
  • February 2005 [Update Details]: Categories are expanded to include Job-Specific Upgrades. These are known as Group I or Tier I merits.
  • December 2005 [Update Details]: Increase in maximum number of upgrades per item and per category.
  • July 2006 [Update Details]: New Job-specific abilities and traits, new spells, songs and bloodpacts are added. These are known as Group II or Tier II merits. Also, Group I merit categories for Blue Mages, Corsairs, and Puppetmasters are added.
  • March 2007 [Update Details]: The ability to switch between experience and merit points mode outside your Mog House is added, as long as a level restriction is not in place (this includes Besieged). Additionally, an animation visible to other players happens when you attain a merit point..
  • June 2007 [Update Details]: Increase in maximum number of upgrades in the categories "Combat Skills" and "Magic Skills." Total combat skills went from 12 -> 20; total magic skills increased from 8 -> 16. Group II merit categories introduced for Blue Mages, Corsairs, and Puppetmasters.
  • December 2010 (Update Details): Maximum storable merits increased from 10 -> 20.
  • May 2011 (Update Details): Increase in maximum number of upgrades in the category "HP/MP" from 8 -> 12. Increase in maximum number of upgrades in the category "Attributes" from 5 -> 8. Increase in maximum number of upgrades in the category "Combat Skills" from 20 -> 32. Increase in maximum number of upgrades in the category "Magic Skills" from 16 -> 24. Increase in maximum number of upgrades in the category "Other" from 8 -> 10, individual cap increased from 4 -> 5.
  • December 2011 (Update Details): Increase in maximum number of upgrades in the category "HP/MP" from 12 -> 15. Increase in maximum number of upgrades in the category "Attributes" from 8 -> 12. Maximum storable merits increased from 20 -> 30. Merit weapon skill category added.
  • March (Update Details) and May 2012 (Update Details): Group II merited abilities which previously had a reduced timer with each upgrade were modified so that the timer starts at its previous minimum and the ability's effectiveness is instead increased with each merit upgrade.
  • July 2012 (Update Details): Increase in maximum number of upgrades in the category "Attributes" from 12 -> 24. Individual attribute cap remained at 12.
  • April 2013 (Update Details): Geomancy and Handbell skills were added to the "Magic Skills" category which also had its maximum number of upgrades increased from 24 -> 32. Restructure of the "Merit Weapon Skill" category so that lower tier upgrades are slightly more expensive but significantly more effective.
  • June 2014 (Update Details): Added "Maximum Merit Points" to the "HP/MP" category. Maximum number of merits that can be applied to individual "Attributes" increased from 12 -> 15. Maximum number of merits that can be applied to individual defensive "Combat Skills" (Evasion, Parrying, Shield, Guard) increased from 4 -> 8. Total number of merits that can be spent on the "HP/MP" category increased from 15 -> 45. Total number of merits that can be spent on the "Attributes" category increased from 24 -> 45. Total number of merits that can be spent on the "Combat Skills" category increased from 32 -> 56. Total number of merits that can be spent on the "Magic Skills" category increased from 32 -> 48.
  • August 2015 (Update Details): The Attributes category has had its maximum ability increases raised from 45 -> 60. The Combat Skills category has had its maximum ability increases raised from 56 -> 112. The Magic Skills category has had its maximum ability increases raised from 48 -> 80.
  • November 2015 (Update Details): The HP/MP category maximum was increased from 45 -> 75 (The Merit Point maximum values were increased from 15 to 45. Players could now hold 75 total merits at any time). The Attributes category was increased from 60 -> 105, thus allowing every stat to become 15/15. The Combat Skills category was increased from 112 -> 152, thus allowing every skill to become 8/8. The Magic Skills category was increased from 80 -> 112, thus allowing all magic skill to become 8/8.
