CatsEyeXI Content

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CatsEye is home to a variety of custom content. In addition, some content found in retail FFXI may be changed on this server to varying degrees. These changes and additions are detailed below.

If content is not listed here (or on other CatsEyeXI pages such as Systems or NPCs) then assume it is the same as retail. Also, keep in mind with any link you click that if the URL or title of the wiki page does not say "CatsEyeXI" in it, then you are looking at retail info, which may or may not be accurate to this server.

Just getting started? Check out the New Player Guide (ACE) or New Player Guide (Crystal Warrior)!

AMAN Trove

AMAN Trove.jpg

A.M.A.N. Trove is a Russian roulette style event for rewards, available to CatsEyeXI Accelerated ACE and Wings-Era Warrior WEW accounts. Where players are presented with a grid of chests, of which one is a deadly mimic. The more chests a player opens the more rewards they may obtain, and the better quality those rewards may be.

  • Players must have an account older than 30 days in order to participate in the event.
  • ACE players must complete the Records of Eminence → Basic → Exploring a Trove as a prerequisite.
  • WEW players are flagged eligible without doing any Records of Eminence objective due to lack of access to them.

Players wishing to participate need only trade a Mars Orb icon.png Mars Orb or Venus Orb icon.png to the BCNM entrance at Horlais Peak and try their luck.

Silver Vouchers may be obtained in a few ways:


While based on the retail AMAN Trove event, the version on CatsEye varies in a few ways.

  • Only occurs in Horlais Peak.
  • Only allows for one person to enter at a time for a limit of 10 minutes.
  • The Mimic that may spawn is not able to be defeated and will not restore the center chest.
  • Boxes do not add items to the pool based on their noise type, but instead increase the potential of the entire pool itself.
    • E.g. Players on retail often leave immediately after receiving a "Loud Thud" as it loads exclusive items.
      Our Loud Thud/Rainbow chest does not, but instead increases the quality of the pool more than a "Noise" or "Thud" would.
      • Loud Thuds are required to reach the highest tiers of rewards.
  • Monthly Records of Eminence AMAN Trove objectives are not implemented.
  • Orbs are not accepted by Greyson after they are used.

Orb Differences

While many of the same rewards are available between the orbs—including Defending Ring icon.png Defending Ring—there are some key differences between a Mars and Venus.

  • Venus Orbs increase in treasure quantity and quality quicker than a Mars Orb.
  • Venus Orbs have extra rewards that a Mars does not, including Limbus materials, ENM crafting materials, ZNM/Dynamis NM drops, ZNM pop items, and the potential for a unique reward exclusive to Trove for a perfect run.


Spawned in the ENM The Wyrmking Descends as you would in retail. The changes to our Bahamut are straightforward.

  • When a wyrm is spawned, Bahamut displays a message of its shields going up. Bahamut will take no damage during this period.
    • The shields will fall when the wyrm on the battlefield is defeated. A wyrm spawns once every 20%.
      • Wyrms behave like their HNM equivalents, including flight.
        • Vrtra will use a single target charm roughly every 30-60 seconds.
  • The drop slots and chances remain the same as retail except for the following exceptions:
Wyrm Drops

Adaman Ingot icon.png Adaman Ingot, Angel Skin icon.png Angel Skin, Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth, Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot,
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log, Dragon Bone icon.png Dragon Bone, Eltoro Leather icon.png Eltoro Leather, Galateia icon.png Galateia, Kejusu Satin icon.png Kejusu Satin,
Luminium Ore icon.png Luminium Ore, Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot, Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair, Southern Pearl icon.png Southern Pearl, Unicorn Horn icon.png Unicorn Horn, Viridian Urushi icon.png Viridian Urushi, Wyrm Horn icon.png Wyrm Horn

Bahamut's unique drops (except the Dragon Staff icon.png Dragon Staff) have also been enhanced.
Bahamut's Enhanced Drops
Bahamut's Staff icon.png Bahamut's Staff DMG:55 Delay:366 Element: Fire+30 MP+30
Summoning Magic Skill +10
"Blood Boon"+5
Avatar Perpetuation -3
Avatar: "Regen"+3
Lv.75 SMN
Bahamut's Zaghnal icon.png Bahamut's Zaghnal DMG:24 Delay:480 Element: Fire+30
Accuracy+5 Attack+5
Occasionally attacks 2 to 3 times
Vs. Beast and Plantoid: Crit. Rate +7%
Bahamut's Mask icon.png Bahamut's Mask DEF:32 Element: Fire+10
Accuracy+4 Haste+4% Enmity+8
Enhances "Dragon Killer" effect
Bahamut's Hose icon.png Bahamut's Hose DEF:31 DEX+6 Element: Fire+20
"Kick Attacks"+6
Breath damage Taken -5%
Enhances "Dragon Killer" effect

Custom Drops

Certain foes have had their drops altered on the server.

Custom Drops
The mobs below all drop Alexandrite at the following rate:

Alexandrite icon.png Alexandrite (100%)
Alexandrite icon.png Alexandrite (50%)
Alexandrite icon.png Alexandrite (25%)
Ctn. Purse (Alx.) icon.png Cotton Coin Purse (10%)
Ctn. Purse (Alx.) icon.png Cotton Coin Purse (5%)

Monster Zone

Arrapago Apkallu
Emperor Apkallu
Lamia Bellydancer
Lamia Deathdancer
Lamia Graverobber
Lamia Idolater
Lamia Necromancer
Lamia No 19
Lamia Palace Guard
Lamia Toxophilite
Lamie Bellydancer
Lamie Deathdancer
Lamie Necromancer
Lamie Toxophilite
Lil' Apkallu
Merrow Bladedancer
Merrow Songstress
Merrow Typhoondancer
Merrow Wavedancer
Nix Bladedancer
Nix Songstress
Nix Typhoondancer
Nix Wavedancer
Qiqirn Treasure Hunter
Zareehkl the Jubilant

Arrapago Reef

Lamia Dancer
Lamia Dartist
Lamia Fatedealer
Lamia Graverobber
Merrow Chantress
Merrow Icedancer
Merrow Kabukidancer
Merrow Shadowdancer
Qiqirn Astrologer
Qiqirn Treasure Hunter

Arrapago Remnants

Troll Sabreur
Troll Shieldbearer

Bhaflau Thickets

Lamia Necromancer
Lamia Toxophilite

Caedarva Mire

Dorgerwor the Astute
Farlarder the Shrewd
Gurfurlur the Menacing
Hilltroll Elite Guard
Hilltroll Mirror Guard
Kirlirger the Abhorrent
Moblin Billionaire
Moblin Millionaire
Qiqirn Diamantaire
Qiqirn Mercenary
Troll Artilleryman
Troll Cameist
Troll Combatant
Troll Cuirasser
Troll Engraver
Troll Gemologist
Troll Grenadier
Troll Ironworker
Troll Lapidarist
Troll Machinist
Troll Mythril Guard
Troll Scrimer
Troll Smelter
Troll Stoneworker
Troll Targeteer
Woodtroll Elite Guard
Woodtroll Mirror Guard


Darting Kachaal Ja
Devout Radol Ja
Dragonscaled Bugaal Ja
Forbidding Koheel Ja
Gulool Ja Ja
Hundredfaced Hapool Ja
Mamool Ja Blusterer
Mamool Ja Bounder
Mamool Ja Chamberlain
Mamool Ja Conservator
Mamool Ja Diver
Mamool Ja Frogman
Mamool Ja Infiltrator
Mamool Ja Lurker
Mamool Ja Mimer
Mamool Ja Mimicker
Mamool Ja Palatine
Mamool Ja Philosopher
Mamool Ja Pikeman
Mamool Ja Savant
Mamool Ja Sophist
Mamool Ja Spearman
Mamool Ja Stabler
Mamool Ja Strapper
Mamool Ja Treasurer
Mamool Ja Zenist
Qiqirn Goldsmith
Sagelord Molaal Ja
Shadelurking Zolool Ja


Qiqirn Archaeologist
Qiqirn Treasure Hunter

Nyzul Isle Assault

Mamool Ja Bounder
Mamool Ja Savant
Mamool Ja Sophist
Mamool Ja Zenist
Woodtroll Dark Knight
Woodtroll Monk
Woodtroll Ranger
Woodtroll Warrior

Wajaom Woodlands
Copycat Infinity Core icon.png Infinity Core (100%)
Early Bird Catches the Wyrm

Sweet Tea icon.png Sweet Tea (100%)
Ridill icon.png Ridill(5%)

Horns of War

Defending Ring icon.png Defending Ring (5%)
Savory Shank icon.png Savory Shank (100%)

Operation Desert Swarm

Antares Harness icon.png Antares Harness (5%)
Infinity Core icon.png Infinity Core (100%)

The Hills Are Alive

Hauteclaire icon.png Hauteclaire (5%)
Red Pondweed icon.png Red Pondweed (100%)

Today's Horoscope Infinity Core icon.png Infinity Core (100%)
Angra Mainyu

Backlash Torque icon.png Backlash Torque (10%)
Nethercant Chain icon.png Nethercant Chain (20%)
Strigoi Ring icon.png Strigoi Ring (5%)


Alert Ring icon.png Alert Ring (10%)
Netherpact Chain icon.png Netherpact Chain (20%)
Succor Ring icon.png Succor Ring (5%)

Apocalyptic Beast

Fatality Belt icon.png Fatality Belt (10%)
Netherspirit Chain icon.png Netherspirit Chain (20%)
Zilant Ring icon.png Zilant Ring (5%)

Cirrate Christelle

Jinx Ampulla icon.png Jinx Ampulla (10%)
Nethereye Chain icon.png Nethereye Chain (20%)
Veela Ring icon.png Veela Ring (5%)

Diabolos Club
Diabolos Diamond
Diabolos Heart
Diabolos Spade

Acubens Helm icon.png Acubens Helm (5%)
Agrona's Leggings icon.png Agrona's Leggings (5%)
Beguiling Collar icon.png Beguiling Collar (10%)
Bobcat Belt icon.png Bobcat Belt (10%)
Leonine Mask icon.png Leonine Mask (10%)
Marching Belt icon.png Marching Belt (10%)
Netherfield Chain icon.png Netherfield Chain (20%)
Verthandi's Gem icon.png Verthandi's Gem (5%)

Dynamis Lord

Hecate's Cape icon.png Hecate's Cape (10%)
Nightfall icon.png Nightfall (5%)
Nocturnus Helm icon.png Nocturnus Helm (5%)
Nocturnus Mail icon.png Nocturnus Mail (5%)
Reign Grip icon.png Reign Grip (10%)
Rubber Harness icon.png Rubber Harness (20%)
Tiercel Necklace icon.png Tiercel Necklace (10%)

Goblin Golem

Fierce Belt icon.png Fierce Belt (10%)
Galdr Ring icon.png Galdr Ring (5%)
Repelling Collar icon.png Repelling Collar (10%)
Rubber Chausses icon.png Rubber Chausses (20%)

Gu'Dha Effigy

Choreia Earring icon.png Choreia Earring (10%)
Corneus Ring icon.png Corneus Ring (5%)
Halting Stole icon.png Halting Stole (10%)
Rubber Soles icon.png Rubber Soles (20%)

Overlord's Tombstone

Hirudinea Earring icon.png Hirudinea Earring (10%)
Karka Ring icon.png Karka Ring (5%)
Nyx Gorget icon.png Nyx Gorget (10%)
Rubber Cap icon.png Rubber Cap (20%)

Tzee Xicu Idol

Blobnag Ring icon.png Blobnag Ring (5%)
Pagondas Earring icon.png Pagondas Earring (10%)
Rubber Gloves icon.png Rubber Gloves (20%)
Veela Cape icon.png Veela Cape (10%)

Lesser NMs
Ash Dragon Dragon Staff icon.png Dragon Staff (30%)
Bune Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales (25%)
Charybdis Angel Skin icon.png Angel Skin (7%)
Guivre Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales (25%)
Novv the Whitehearted Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair (10%)
Ocean Sahagin Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair (33%)
Oupire Hagun icon.png Hagun (15%)
Roc Shining Cloth icon.png Shining Cloth (25%)
Ungur Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales (25%)
Zuug the Shoreleaper Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair (10%)
Kaiser Behemoth
(North West Apollyon)
Behemoth Meat icon.png Behemoth Meat (10%)
Normal Monsters
Eschan Proxie
(Escha - Ru'Aun)

Bead Pouch icon.png Bead Pouch (22%)
Porxie Pork icon.png Porxie Pork (4%)

(Escha - Ru'Aun)
Angel Skin icon.png Angel Skin (4%)<

Custom Monsters

The server hosts various custom foes or EXP camps.

Crystal Warrior

Content so large it needs it own page.


Every day, resetting at Japanese Midnight, are a random series of daily objectives for players of CatsEye. Completing these objectives rewards players with the Obsidian Fragments currency.

Dailies are doled out at random by the malcontent goblins of Lower Jeuno at (H-8), and they are:

Daily Goblins
Goblin Reward Objective
Fishtix 100 Find a Secret Chest.
Use "/huh motion" in order to be given the direction of the chest.

0-25 Yalms: "Right Next to you"
25-50 Yalms: "Very Close"
50-100 Yalms: "Close"
100-150 Yalms: "Far"
150-200 Yalms: "Distant"

Murdox 200 Defeat a select type and quantity of monster.

Note: A player or their trusts must defeat it for credit.
Another player or their trusts in their party defeating the foe will not grant credit.

Mistrix 300 Craft and sign a random item.
Saltlix 400 Defeat an NM.
Beetrix 500 Obtain a random item.

Reset Option:
If you find the objective assigned to you too difficult you have the option to reset the requested objective. Trade the goblin exactly 50,000 gil (15,000 gil if CW) and the objective will change.

  • You can only use the reset three times per vana day. After three resets it can not be reset further.
  • Your three resets are shared between goblins, but only one goblin may be reset per trade.
  • Once you complete the quest it can not be reset further.

Daily Quest Rewards

After completing 1-5 Daily Quests, Goldilox will allow players to open a daily chest with rewards based on the number of daily quests completed. The contains:

  • Bonus Obsidian Fragments
  • Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin icon.png Mtl. Beastcoin icon.png Gold Beastcoin icon.png Plt. Beastcoin icon.png Beastcoins
  • Fire Ore icon.png Elemental Ores and similar items
  • A chance to find Ramutear icon.png Goblin Stones used in new high-level synthesis recipes
  • A chance to find high-level endgame synthesis materials Divine Log icon.png Behemoth Hide icon.png Venomous Claw icon.png Galateia icon.png etc.

Obsidian Fragments are awarded to the player upon completion of a daily quest. These can be exchanged with Goldilox in Lower Jeuno (H-8).

Daily Points Exchange (ACE)
Item Cost
Battledore icon.png Battledore 800
Chocobo Wand icon.png Chocobo Wand 800
Lotus Katana icon.png Lotus Katana 800
Shinai icon.png Shinai 800
P. Sprig. Club icon.png Purple Spriggan Club 900
Spelunker's Helm icon.png Spelunker's Helm 900
Corolla icon.png Corolla 900
Celeste Cap icon.png Celeste Cap 900
Slime Cap icon.png Slime Cap 900
Slime Shield icon.png Slime Shield 1,000
Vile Elixir icon.png Vile Elixir 1,500
Ark Tachi icon.png Ark Tachi 1,500
Ark Tabar icon.png Ark Tabar 1,500
Ark Scythe icon.png Ark Scythe 1,500
Ark Saber icon.png Ark Saber 1,500
Ark Sword icon.png Ark Sword 1,500
Ark Shield icon.png Ark Shield 1,500
Cloudy Orb icon.png Cloudy Orb 1,500
Burning Hktk. Eye icon.png Burning Hakutaku Eye 1,500
Damp Hktk. Eye icon.png Damp Hakutaku Eye 1,500
Earthen Hktk. Eye icon.png Earthen Hakutaku Eye 1,500
Golden Hktk. Eye icon.png Golden Hakutaku Eye 1,500
Wooden Hktk. Eye icon.png Wooden Hakutaku Eye 1,500
Eyepatch icon.png Eyepatch 2,000
Vile Elixir +1 icon.png Vile Elixir +1 2,000
P. Spriggan Coat icon.png Purple Spriggan Coat 2,000
Sandogasa icon.png Sandogasa 3,000
Sky Orb icon.png Sky Orb 3,000
Dinner Hose icon.png Dinner Hose 3,000
Dinner Jacket icon.png Dinner Jacket 3,000
Worn Sack (DD +1) icon.png Pouch of Forgotten Thoughts 3,000
Worn Sack (DD +1) icon.png Pouch of Forgotten Hopes 3,000
Worn Sack (DD +1) icon.png Pouch of Forgotten Touches 3,000
Worn Sack (DD +1) icon.png Pouch of Forgotten Journeys 3,000
Worn Sack (DD +1) icon.png Pouch of Forgotten Steps 3,000
Cobalt Ore icon.png Cobalt Ore 3,000
Wolfram Steel icon.png Wolfram Steel 3,000
Amir Puggaree icon.png Amir Puggaree 4,500
Amir Korazin icon.png Amir Korazin 4,500
Amir Kolluks icon.png Amir Kolluks 4,500
Amir Dirs icon.png Amir Dirs 4,500
Amir Boots icon.png Amir Boots 4,500
Pln. Qalansuwa icon.png Pahluwan Qalansuwa 4,500
Pln. Khazagand icon.png Pahluwan Khazagand 4,500
Pln. Dastanas icon.png Pahluwan Dastanas 4,500
Pln. Seraweels icon.png Pahluwan Seraweels 4,500
Pln. Crackows icon.png Pahluwan Crackows 4,500
Yigit Turban icon.png Yigit Turban 4,500
Yigit Gomlek icon.png Yigit Gomlek 4,500
Yigit Gages icon.png Yigit Gages 4,500
Yigit Seraweels icon.png Yigit Seraweels 4,500
Yigit Crackows icon.png Yigit Crackows 4,500
Star Orb icon.png Star Orb 4,500
Behemoth Suit icon.png Behemoth Suit 4,500
Behemoth Masque icon.png Behemoth Masque 4,500
Wyrmking Suit icon.png Wyrmking Suit 4,500
Wyrmking Masque icon.png Wyrmking Masque 4,500
Silver Voucher icon.png Silver Voucher 5,000
Comet Orb icon.png Comet Orb 5,000
Nomad Cap icon.png Nomad Cap 5,000
Moon Orb icon.png Moon Orb 6,000
Redeyes icon.png Redeyes 6,000
Cipher- Sakura icon.png Cipher: Sakura 7,000
Cipher- Moogle icon.png Cipher: Moogle 7,000
Red Crab Mount icon.png Red Crab Mount 8,000
Askar Zucchetto icon.png Askar Zucchetto 9,000
Askar Korazin icon.png Askar Korazin 9,000
Askar Manopolas icon.png Askar Manopolas 9,000
Askar Dirs icon.png Askar Dirs 9,000
Askar Gambieras icon.png Askar Gambieras 9,000
Denali Bonnet icon.png Denali Bonnet 9,000
Denali Jacket icon.png Denali Jacket 9,000
Denali Wristbands icon.png Denali Wristbands 9,000
Denali Kecks icon.png Denali Kecks 9,000
Denali Gamashes icon.png Denali Gamashes 9,000
Goliard Chapeau icon.png Goliard Chapeau 9,000
Goliard Saio icon.png Goliard Saio 9,000
Goliard Cuffs icon.png Goliard Cuffs 9,000
Goliard Trews icon.png Goliard Trews 9,000
Goliard Clogs icon.png Goliard Clogs 9,000
Red Raptor Mount icon.png Red Raptor Mount 10,000
Sweet Tea icon.png Sweet Tea 10,500
Savory Shank icon.png Savory Shank 10,500
Red Pondweed icon.png Red Pondweed 10,500
Novennial Coat icon.png Novennial Coat 15,000
Novennial Hose icon.png Novennial Hose 15,000
Novennial Dress icon.png Novennial Dress 15,000
Novennial Boots icon.png Novennial Boots 15,000
Decennial Coat icon.png Decennial Coat 15,000
Decennial Crown icon.png Decennial Crown 15,000
Decennial Tights icon.png Decennial Tights 15,000
Decennial Dress icon.png Decennial Dress 15,000
Decennial Tiara icon.png Decennial Tiara 15,000
Decennial Hose icon.png Decennial Hose 15,000
Levitus Mount icon.png Levitus Mount 15,000
Golden Bomb Mount icon.png Golden Bomb Mount 15,000
Noble Chocobo Mount icon.png Noble Chocobo Mount 20,000
Cipher- Brygid icon.png Cipher: Cornelia 20,000
Tidal Talisman icon.png Tidal Talisman 30,000
Ixion Mount icon.png Ixion Mount 30,000
Byakko Mount icon.png Byakko Mount 50,000
Daily Points Exchange (WEW)
Item Cost
Red Cryptex icon.png Red Cryptex 100
Dst. Engraving icon.png Dst. Engraving 100
7-Knot Quipu icon.png 7-Knot Quipu 100
Galka Fang Sack icon.png Galka Fang Sack 200
Jade Cryptex icon.png Jade Cryptex 200
Silver Engraving icon.png Silver Engraving 200
Mithra Fang Sack icon.png Mithra Fang Sack 200
13-Knot Quipu icon.png 13-Knot Quipu 200
R. Leather Missive icon.png R. Leather Missive 200
T. Leather Missive icon.png T. Leather Missive 300
Hound Fang Sack icon.png Hound Fang Sack 300
S. Leather Missive icon.png S. Leather Missive 300
B. Leather Missive icon.png B. Leather Missive 400
D. Leather Missive icon.png D. Leather Missive 400
C. Leather Missive icon.png C. Leather Missive 400
Bunny Fang Sack icon.png Bunny Fang Sack 500
Toolbag (Shihe) icon.png Toolbag (Shihei) 600
Toolbag (Shino) icon.png Toolbag (Shino) 600
Toolbag (Sanja) icon.png Toolbag (Sanja) 600
Hi-Potion icon.png Hi-Potion 1,000
Hi-Ether icon.png Hi-Ether 1,000
Silent Oil icon.png Silent Oil x4 1,200
Prism Powder icon.png Prism Powder x4 1,200
Vile Elixir icon.png Vile Elixir 2,000
Anniversary Ring icon.png Anniversary Ring 2,000
Decennial Ring icon.png Decennial Ring 2,000
Wardrobe icon.png Wardrobe 7/8 Slot 3,000
Dinner Hose icon.png Dinner Hose 3,000
Dinner Jacket icon.png Dinner Jacket 3,000
Crusade (Scroll) icon.png Crusade 3,000
Silver Voucher icon.png Silver Voucher 3,000
Cobalt Ore icon.png Cobalt Ore 3,000
Wolfram Steel icon.png Wolfram Steel 3,000
Warp Cudgel icon.png Warp Cudgel 4,500
Cipher- Sakura icon.png Cipher: Sakura 5,000
Cipher- Moogle icon.png Cipher: Moogle 5,000
Reraise Earring icon.png Reraise Earring 6,000
Reraise Hairpin icon.png Reraise Hairpin 7,000
Novennial Coat icon.png Novennial Coat 8,000
Novennial Hose icon.png Novennial Hose 8,000
Novennial Dress icon.png Novennial Dress 8,000
Novennial Boots icon.png Novennial Boots 8,000
Decennial Coat icon.png Decennial Coat 15,000
Decennial Crown icon.png Decennial Crown 15,000
Decennial Tights icon.png Decennial Tights 15,000
Decennial Dress icon.png Decennial Dress 15,000
Decennial Tiara icon.png Decennial Tiara 15,000
Decennial Hose icon.png Decennial Hose 15,000

Domain Invasion

CatsEyeXI Domain Invasion.png

CatsEyeXI's Domain Invasion system is entry-level endgame content. Groups of players participate in a fight through several areas to against unique and formidable foes.
All players in the zone will be able to participate, whether they are grouped up or not. Trusts may also be called by Crystal Warriors.
The following is unique to Domain Invasion:

  • Trusts may be resummoned after the player has gained enmity.
  • Crystal Warriors may call up to two trusts.


Domain Invasion Battle Order
Foe Order Zone
Colkhab 1st Ceizak Battlegrounds
Tchakka 2nd Foret de Hennetiel
Achuka 3rd Morimar Basalt Fields
Yumcax 4th Yorcia Weald
Hurkan 5th Marjami Ravine
Kumhau 6th Kamihr Drifts
All battles may only be reached by utilizing the Spicy Traveler NPC above the Auction House in Lower Jeuno.
  • Players must be level 75 to utilize Spicy Traveler.

Notorious monsters zones progress sequentially, with a cooldown of 5 minutes between them.
Giving players an opportunity to travel to the next area before the battle begins.

Upon admission to the battlefield, each player will receive the effect of Elvorseal. The player must keep this status effect on them to receive credit during the fight.
Being KOed will result in loss of this status, but not remove credit accumulated to that point.

Domain Invasion Bosses

Among other rewards such as high-purity bayld, Domain Invasion bosses drop unique rare/ex weapons with the Domain Incursion property.

While within Domain Invasion, "Domain Incursion" weapons grant the following bonuses:

  • Store TP +5, Regen +5, Refresh +3, Damage Taken -5%
  • Pet: Magic Attack Bonus +5 Magic Defense Bonus +5

Note: All rewards except for the "Domain Incursion" weapons are slotted drops. This means Treasure Hunter will only improve the rates of these Domain specific weapons and not of anything else.

Domain Invasion Bosses
  • Possesses en-aero.
  • Gains a Perfect Dodge effect during its aura.
    • Aura is removed by dealing 400+ Element: Ice ice damage in a single blow.
  • Assisted by two bees and a chapulli at 75%, 50%, and 25%.
Mandibular Lashing Physical Damage 1P: Damage, Stun, and Poison.
Vespine Hurricane Magical Damage Element: Wind Conal: Damage, Magic Defense Down, and Attack Down. Ignores shadows.
Stinger Volley Magical Damage Element: Wind Conal: Damage, Paralyze, and Curse (zombie) for 5-10 seconds. Ignores shadows.
Droning Whirlwind Magical Damage Element: Wind AoE: Damage, Dispel, and gains aura. Removes shadows.
Incisive Denouement Physical Damage 1P: Damage and Enmity reset.
Incisive Apotheosis Magical Damage Conal: Weakness (10s) and Enmity reset.
Drops: Behemoth Meat icon.png Behemoth Meat (24%), Cobalt Ore icon.png Cobalt Ore (24%), Pearlscale icon.png Pearlscale (10%), Wolfram Steel icon.png Wolfram Steel (24%), Hatxiik icon.png Hatxiik (15%), Kuakuakait icon.png Kuakuakait (15%), Taikogane icon.png Taikogane (15%), Bztavian Stinger icon.png Bztavian Stinger (5%)
Hatxiik icon.png Hatxiik
DMG:46 Delay:288 STR+3 VIT+3 Element: Wind+20 Axe skill +3 "Double Attack"+2% "Domain Incursion"
Kuakuakait icon.png Kuakuakait
DMG:92 Delay:492 STR+3 VIT+3 Element: Wind+20 Polearm skill +3 Haste+1% Pet: HP+25 Regen +1 "Domain Incursion"
Taikogane icon.png Taikogane
75 NIN
DMG:36 Delay:227 DEX+3 AGI+3 Element: Wind+20 Evasion+3 Katana skill +3 Parrying skill +5 Critical hit rate +2% "Domain Incursion"
  • Possesses en-water.
  • Aura is removed by dealing 400+ Element: Thunder lightning damage in a single blow.
Aquatic Lance Magical Damage Element: Water Conal: Damage, Magic Defense Down, and Defense Down.
Carcharian Verve Magical Damage Element: Water 1P: Damage and gains aura.
Marine Mayhem Magical Damage Element: Water AoE: Damage, Attack Down, and Drown (-15/tic).
Pelagic Cleaver Physical Damage AoE: Damage and Max HP Down (-25%).
Protolithic Puncture Physical Damage 1P: Critical damage and Enmity reset.
Tidal Guillotine Magical Damage Element: Water Conal: Critical damage. Removes shadows.
Drops: Behemoth Meat icon.png Behemoth Meat (24%), Cobalt Ore icon.png Cobalt Ore (24%), Pearlscale icon.png Pearlscale (10%), Wolfram Steel icon.png Wolfram Steel (24%), Atoyac icon.png Atoyac (15%), Azukinagamitsu icon.png Azukinagamitsu (10%), Atetepeyorg icon.png Atetepeyorg (15%), Rockfin Tooth icon.png Rockfin Tooth (5%)
Atoyac icon.png Atoyac
DMG:33 Delay:200 DEX+3 AGI+3 Element: Water+20 Evasion+3 Dagger skill +3 "Subtle Blow"+5 "Domain Incursion"
Azukinagamitsu icon.png Azukinagamitsu
DMG:81 Delay:450 STR+3 DEX+3 Element: Water+20 Great Katana skill +3 "Skillchain Bonus"+3 "Domain Incursion"
Atetepeyorg icon.png Atetepeyorg
DMG:48 Delay:432 AGI+3 MND+3 Element: Water+20 Marksmanship skill +3 Ranged Accuracy +5 Magic Accuracy +5 Magic Attack Bonus +5 Enmity-5 "Domain Incursion"
  • Possesses en-fire.
  • Aura is removed by dealing 400+ Element: Water water damage in a single blow.
Batholithic Shell Status Enhancement Gains Blaze Spikes, Stoneskin, Haste, Attack Boost, and Magic Attack Boost.
Blistering Roar Physical Damage AoE: Damage, Terror, Defense Boost, and gains Aura. Removes 3 shadows.
Incinerating Lahar Magical Damage Element: Fire AoE 10': Damage and Weakness (10s).
Pyroclastic Surge Magical Damage Element: Fire AoE: Damage and Addle.
Searing Serration Physical Damage 1P: Damage. Removes 4 shadows.
Tyrannical Blow Magical Damage Element: Fire: Damage and Plague. Ignores shadows.
Volcanic Stasis Magical Damage Element: Fire Conal: Damage and Dispel. Ignores shadows.
Drops: Behemoth Meat icon.png Behemoth Meat (24%), Cobalt Ore icon.png Cobalt Ore (24%), Pearlscale icon.png Pearlscale (10%), Wolfram Steel icon.png Wolfram Steel (24%), Maochinoli icon.png Maochinoli (15%), Xiutleato icon.png Xiutleato (15%), Gabbrath Horn icon.png Gabbrath Horn (5%)
Maochinoli icon.png Maochinoli
DMG:+18 Delay:+96 STR+3 DEX+3 Element: Fire+20 Attack+5 Evasion+5 Hand-to-Hand skill+3 Guarding skill+5 "Store TP"+3 Pet: Regen+1 Double Attack +2% "Domain Incursion"
Hidden Effect under effect of Elvorseal: Automaton Magic Skill +5
Xiutleato icon.png Xiutleato
DMG:41 Delay:240 STR+3 VIT+3 Element: Fire+20 Sword skill+3 Shield skill+3 Magic Accuracy+2 Physical damage taken-2% "Domain Incursion"
  • Possesses en-stone.
  • Aura is removed by dealing 400+ Element: Wind wind damage in a single blow.
Firefly Fandango
Potted Plant
Root of the Problem
Drops: Behemoth Meat icon.png Behemoth Meat (24%), Cobalt Ore icon.png Cobalt Ore (24%), Pearlscale icon.png Pearlscale (10%), Wolfram Steel icon.png Wolfram Steel (24%), Ixtab icon.png Ixtab (15%), Tamaxchi icon.png Tamaxchi (15%), Yggdreant Bole icon.png Yggdreant Bole (5%)
Tamaxchi icon.png Tamaxchi
DMG: 31 Delay:216 INT+3 MND+3 Element: Earth+20 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+5 Club skill +3 Magic Accuracy +2 "Cure" potency +10% "Domain Incursion"
Ixtab icon.png Ixtab
DMG: 93 Delay:504 STR+3 VIT+3 Element: Earth+20 Great axe skill +3 "Store TP"+5 "Domain Incursion"
  • Possesses en-thunder.
  • Aura is removed by dealing 400+ Element: Earth earth damage in a single blow.
Crashing Thunder
Reverberating Cry
Reverse Current
Static Prison
Drops: Behemoth Meat icon.png Behemoth Meat (24%), Cobalt Ore icon.png Cobalt Ore (24%), Pearlscale icon.png Pearlscale (10%), Wolfram Steel icon.png Wolfram Steel (24%), Animikii Bullet icon.png Animikii Bullet (15%), Hunahpu icon.png Hunahpu (15%), Kaquljaan icon.png Kaquljaan(15%), Xbalanque icon.png Xbalanque(15%), Waktza Rostrum icon.png Waktza Rostrum (5%)
Animikii Bullet icon.png Animikii Bullet
DMG:80 Delay:240 Ranged Accuracy+25 Magic Accuracy+10 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+5
Hunahpu icon.png Hunahpu
75 BST
DMG: 46 Delay:288 STR+3 DEX+3 Element: Thunder+20 Axe skill +3 Pet: Accuracy+5 Haste+1% "Domain Incursion"
Kaquljaan icon.png Kaquljaan
DMG:83 Delay:480 DEX+3 AGI+3 Element: Thunder+20 Attack+5 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+5 Great Sword skill +3 Parrying skill +5 Magic Accuracy+4 "Double Attack"+2% "Domain Incursion"
Xbalanque icon.png Xbalanque
DMG:93 Delay:528 STR+3 DEX+3 Element: Thunder+20 Attack +5 Scythe skill +3 Magic Accuracy+4 "Double Attack"+2% "Domain Incursion"
  • Possesses en-blizzard.
  • Aura is removed by dealing 400+ Element: Fire fire damage in a single blow.
Biting Abrogation
Brain Freeze
Glacial Tomb
Glassy Nova
Permafrost Requiem
Polar Roar
Drops: Behemoth Meat icon.png Behemoth Meat (24%), Cobalt Ore icon.png Cobalt Ore (24%), Pearlscale icon.png Pearlscale (10%), Wolfram Steel icon.png Wolfram Steel (24%), Ajjub Bow icon.png Ajjub Bow (15%), Baqil Staff icon.png Baqil Staff(15%), Nepote Bell icon.png Nepote Bell(15%), Cehuetzi Claw icon.png Cehuetzi Claw (5%)
Ajjub Bow icon.png Ajjub Bow
DMG:76 Delay:540 AGI +6 Element: Ice+20 Archery skill +3 Ranged Accuracy +5 Ranged Attack +5 Rapidshot +5 "Domain Incursion"
Baqil Staff icon.png Baqil Staff
DMG:57 Delay:402 MP+10 INT+3 MND+3 Element: Ice+20 "Occult Acumen"+20 Staff skill +3 Accuracy+6 Magic Accuracy+4 Avatar Perpetuation -2 Pet: Regen +1 Double Attack +2% "Domain Incursion"
Nepote Bell icon.png Nepote Bell
75 GEO
MP+20 INT+2 Handbell Skill +6 Luopan: DT -1%

Gaining Points

Note: The most points a player can hold is 65,535 Escha Beads. As of July 25th 2024 Escha Beads have been replaced by Domain Shards and are uncapped currency.

To earn Domain Shards you must take offensive actions against the notorious monster. Your actions are counted and will determine your Domain Shards reward. Each action, including auto attacks, spells, and abilities, will give different amounts of points that factor into your bead reward.

  • Pet and Trust actions count towards the player character that summoned them.

The formula used to determine your final Domain Shards reward is:

Shards rewarded = (base + random) * daily_quest_bonus * participation%.

Daily Repeat Bonus

Players receive a cumulative bonus to Domain Shards as well as to their Trusts inside Domain Invasion for each full boss rotation completed. This resets with at JST midnight. Players also earn a Reliquary icon.png Domain Coffer with each full boss rotation.

Domain Invasion Bonuses
# Player Trust
Completed Bead Bonus HP/MP Refresh Regen "Cure" Potency I/II "Waltz" Potency Stats* HP/MP Recovery -DT% HP/MP Refresh
1 +10% +15% 1 3 +2% +4% +7 +8 4.5% +10% +0
2 +20% +30% 2 6 +4% +8% +14 +16 9.0% +20% +0
3 +30% +45% 3 9 +6% +12% +21 +24 13.5% +30% +1
4 +40% +60% 4 12 +8% +16% +28 +32 18.5% +40% +2
5 +50% +75% 5 15 +10% +20% +35 +40 22.0% +50% +3

* Refers to Attack/Accuracy/Ranged/Magic etc.

Exchanging Domain Shards

Speak with Domain Officer in Upper Jeuno at (G-9) to redeem Domain Shards for items.

Domain Shards Exchange
Consumables & Materials
Pearlscale icon.png Pearlscale 250
Aged Box (Bayld) icon.png Aged Box (Bayld) 3,000
Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair 5,000
Scintillant Ingot icon.png Scintillant Ingot 5,000
Beech Log icon.png Beech Log 10,000
Khimaira Horn icon.png Khimaira Horn 15,000
Prism Powder icon.png Aether Dust 15,000
Holla Ring icon.png Teleport Ring: Holla 5,000
Mea Ring icon.png Teleport Ring: Mea 5,000
Dem Ring icon.png Teleport Ring: Dem 5,000
Bztavian Stinger icon.png Bztavian Stinger 30,000
Rockfin Tooth icon.png Rockfin Tooth 30,000
Gabbrath Horn icon.png Gabbrath Horn 30,000
Yggdreant Bole icon.png Yggdreant Bole 30,000
Waktza Rostrum icon.png Waktza Rostrum 30,000
Cehuetzi Claw icon.png Cehuetzi Claw 30,000
Cipher- Mayakov icon.png Cipher: Mayakov 50,000
Weapons & Armor
Barkborer icon.png Barkborer 20,000
Ermine's Tail icon.png Ermine's Tail 20,000
Eventreuse icon.png Eventreuse 20,000
Koggelmander icon.png Koggelmander 20,000
Onishibari icon.png Onishibari 20,000
Scheherazade icon.png Scheherazade 20,000
Zaide icon.png Zaide 20,000
Zonure icon.png Zonure 20,000
Narmar Boomerang icon.png Narmar Boomerang (Lv. 75) 25,000
Cloud Hairpin icon.png Cloud Hairpin (Lv. 75) 25,000
Gnole Crown icon.png Gnole Crown 15,000
Adsilio Boots icon.png Adsilio Boots 10,000
Adsilio Boots +1 icon.png Adsilio Boots +1 15,000
Antica Ring icon.png Antica Ring 15,000
Antica Band icon.png Antica Band 15,000
Gnole Torque icon.png Gnole Torque 15,000
Lyc. Earring icon.png Lycopodium Earring 20,000
Lycopodium Sash icon.png Lycopodium Sash 20,000
Mamool Ja Earring icon.png Mamool Ja Earring 20,000
Mamool Ja Mantle icon.png Mamool Ja Mantle 20,000
Crested Torque icon.png Crested Torque 25,000
Setae Ring icon.png Setae Ring 15,000
Megasco Earring icon.png Megasco Earring 25,000
Salire Belt icon.png Salire Belt 25,000
Charitoni Sling icon.png Charitoni Sling 20,000
Dew Silk Cape icon.png Dew Silk Cape 10,000
Dew Silk Cape +1 icon.png Dew Silk Cape +1 15,000
Emico Mantle icon.png Emico Mantle 15,000
Fylgja Torque icon.png Fylgja Torque 15,000
Fylgja Torque +1 icon.png Fylgja Torque +1 25,000
Incubus Earring icon.png Incubus Earring 15,000
Incubus Earring +1 icon.png Incubus Earring +1 25,000
Ire Torque icon.png Ire Torque 15,000
Ire Torque +1 icon.png Ire Torque +1 25,000
Lmg. Medallion icon.png Lmg. Medallion 15,000
Lmg. Medallion +1 icon.png Lmg. Medallion +1 25,000
Pythia Sash icon.png Pythia Sash 15,000
Pythia Sash +1 icon.png Pythia Sash +1 25,000
Toxon Belt icon.png Toxon Belt 15,000
Toxon Belt +1 icon.png Toxon Belt +1 25,000
Crafting & Hobbies
Alchemst. Torque icon.png Alchemist's Torque 15,000
Carver's Torque icon.png Carver's Torque 15,000
Tanner's Torque icon.png Tanner's Torque 15,000
Smithy's Torque icon.png Smithy's Torque 15,000
Goldsm. Torque icon.png Goldsmith's Torque 15,000
Bone. Torque icon.png Boneworker's Torque 15,000
Weaver's Torque icon.png Weaver's Torque 15,000
Culinarian's Torque icon.png Culinarian's Torque 15,000
Fisher's Torque icon.png Fisher's Torque (Lv. 75) 15,000
Field Torque icon.png Field Torque (Lv. 75) 15,000
Field Rope icon.png Field Rope (Lv. 75) 15,000
Unlock an Aeonic Weapon Skill 50,000

Domain Coffer

Reliquary icon.png Domain Coffers are obtained by players that complete a full rotation of boss kills.

  • This is specified as a kill of each of the bosses
  • They do not need to be killed consecutively
  • Kills are reset on daily reset (JST midnight)
  • Reliquary icon.png Domain Coffers sometimes contain an Soiled Letter icon.png Adoulin Letter which spawns a battle against two fomors in Uleguerand Range
    • Keep the RUN and GEO fomors separated or you'll have to deal with Amnesia
  • Coffers drop an amount of H-P Bayld (+1 drops more)
  • Coffers CAN drop materials from the below table (not guaranteed):
General Drops
Domain Materials from Domain Coffer/+1

Bztavian Stinger icon.png Bztavian Stinger, Rockfin Tooth icon.png Rockfin Tooth, Gabbrath Horn icon.png Gabbrath Horn,
Yggdreant Bole icon.png Yggdreant Bole, Waktza Rostrum icon.png Waktza Rostrum, Cehuetzi Claw icon.png Cehuetzi Claw

Domain Materials from Domain Coffer+1 Exclusively

Bztavian Wing icon.png Bztavian Wing, Rockfin Fin icon.png Rockfin Fin, Gabbrath Meat icon.png Gabbrath Meat,
Yggdreant Root icon.png Yggdreant Root,Waktza Crest icon.png Waktza Crest, Cehuetzi Pelt icon.png Cehuetzi Pelt

Elemental Ores

Fire Ore icon.png Fire Ore, Ice Ore icon.png Ice Ore, Wind Ore icon.png Wind Ore, Earth Ore icon.png Earth Ore, Lightning Ore icon.png Lightning Ore, Water Ore icon.png Water Ore, Light Ore icon.png Light Ore, Dark Ore icon.png Dark Ore

Daily Domains Conquered Bonus

Upon reaching certain milestones of domains conquered each day you can exit and talk to the Spicy Traveler to gain loot and additional stat bonuses.

Domains Conquered Domain Bonuses Personal Loot
25 All Attributes+ (+10) 5 H-P Bayld
50 Accuracy+/Magic Accuracy+ (+?) Reliquary icon.png Domain Coffer
75 Amchuchu's Armoury (Gives temp items every Domain: Catholicon, Dusty Elixir, Body Boost, Mana Boost) Boss material that drops from Reliquary icon.png Domain Coffer
100 Attack/M.Attack + (+~50?) Reliquary icon.png Domain Coffer +1
125 Double Attack/Fast Cast+% (+?%) (Seems relatively high) Boss material that drops exclusively from Reliquary icon.png Domain Coffer +1

Domain NMs

Domain NMs allow players to participate in exciting new content in exchange for Domain Shards earned during Domain Invasion.

Lesser Domain NMs

The Domain Officer can authorize players to fight these NM battles for 75,000 Domain Shards each

Velkk Intruder
Yuhtunga Jungle (K-8)
  • The battle is capped to 6 players
  • Uses Mighty Striks at 75/50/25%
  • Assisted by Elementals at 80/60/40/20%
  • Assisted by Velkk Savage at 10%
  • Velkk Savage has a permanent Hundred Fists and Mighty Strikes effect
Unique Drops: Brocade Obi icon.png Charmer's Sash, Lilitu Headpiece icon.png Tribal Wreath, Enticer's Pants icon.png Enticer's Pants, Loyalist Sabatons icon.png Siren's Sollerets

Greater Domain NMs

The Domain Officer can authorize players to fight NM battles for 200,000 Domain Shards each

  • Any of the three NMs may be selected
  • Each NM has a chance to roll as high quality
  • NMs are based off the original Domain Invasion bosses
  • Unique materials are used in new crafting recipes
General Drops
Domain Materials

Bztavian Stinger icon.png Bztavian Stinger, Rockfin Tooth icon.png Rockfin Tooth, Gabbrath Horn icon.png Gabbrath Horn,
Yggdreant Bole icon.png Yggdreant Bole, Waktza Rostrum icon.png Waktza Rostrum, Cehuetzi Claw icon.png Cehuetzi Claw,
Bztavian Wing icon.png Bztavian Wing, Rockfin Fin icon.png Rockfin Fin,
Yggdreant Root icon.png Yggdreant Root,Waktza Crest icon.png Waktza Crest, Cehuetzi Pelt icon.png Cehuetzi Pelt

Elemental Ores

Fire Ore icon.png Fire Ore, Ice Ore icon.png Ice Ore, Wind Ore icon.png Wind Ore, Earth Ore icon.png Earth Ore, Lightning Ore icon.png Lightning Ore, Water Ore icon.png Water Ore, Light Ore icon.png Light Ore, Dark Ore icon.png Dark Ore

Crafting Materials

Divine Log icon.png Divine Log, Bloodwood Log icon.png Bloodwood Log, Beech Log icon.png Beech Log, Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood
Adaman Ingot icon.png Adaman Ingot, Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot, Oxblood icon.png Oxblood, Angel Skin icon.png Angel Skin,
Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair, Luminium Ore icon.png Luminium Ore, P. Brass Ore icon.png P. Brass Ore, Phrygian Ore icon.png Phrygian Ore,
Thokcha Ore icon.png Thokcha Ore, Cashmere Wool icon.png Cashmere Wool, Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth,
Venomous Claw icon.png Venomous Claw, Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide

La Theine Plateau (G-11)
Behemoth 2.png
  • High magic damage and Regain effect
  • Thunderbolt applies a powerful Shock effect to all targets
Unique Drops: Cerberus Hide icon.png Amphisbaena Hide VC, Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide U, Behemoth Horn icon.png Behemoth Horn U, Cipher- Ingrid II icon.png Cipher: Ingrid II VR,
Medium's Sabots icon.png Medium's Sabots, Samnuha Tights icon.png Samnuha Tights, Samnuha Coat icon.png Samnuha Coat, Purgation icon.png Purgation
La Theine Plateau (G-11)
15% chance to spawn
Behemoth 3.png
  • Very high magic damage and powerful Regain effect
  • Thunderbolt applies a powerful Shock effect to all targets
Unique Drops: Cerberus Hide icon.png Amphisbaena Hide G, Ochu icon.png Ochu U, Cipher- Ingrid II icon.png Cipher: Ingrid II R,
Medium's Sabots icon.png Medium's Sabots, Samnuha Tights icon.png Samnuha Tights, Samnuha Coat icon.png Samnuha Coat, Purgation icon.png Purgation
Konschtat Highlands (J-4)
  • High attack damage and Double Attack rate
  • Trembling applies Paralysis and Poison effects
Unique Drops: Hydra Fang icon.png Battosai Fang VC, Hydra Fang icon.png Hydra Fang U, Hydra Scale icon.png Hydra Scale U, Cipher- Ingrid II icon.png Cipher: Ingrid II VR,
Uk'uxkaj Cap icon.png Uk'uxkaj Cap, Uk'uxkaj Boots icon.png Uk'uxkaj Boots, Floral Gauntlets icon.png Floral Gauntlets, Vampirism icon.png Vampirism
Konschtat Highlands (J-4)
15% chance to spawn
  • Very high attack damage and Double Attack rate
  • Trembling applies Paralysis and Poison effects
Unique Drops: Hydra Fang icon.png Battosai Fang G, Taming Sari icon.png Taming Sari U, Cipher- Ingrid II icon.png Cipher: Ingrid II R,
Uk'uxkaj Cap icon.png Uk'uxkaj Cap, Uk'uxkaj Boots icon.png Uk'uxkaj Boots, Floral Gauntlets icon.png Floral Gauntlets, Vampirism icon.png Vampirism
Tahrongi Canyon (E-9)
Adamantoise 4.png
  • High magic damage and Fast Cast effect
  • Aqua Breath applies a powerful Drown effect
Unique Drops: Adamantoise Shell icon.png Tortuga Shell VC, Adamantoise Shell icon.png Adamantoise Shell U, Adaman Ore icon.png Adaman Ore U, Cipher- Ingrid II icon.png Cipher: Ingrid II VR,
Jumalik Helm icon.png Jumalik Helm, Jumalik Mail icon.png Jumalik Mail, Dampening Tam icon.png Dampening Tam, Divinity icon.png Divinity
Tahrongi Canyon (E-9)
15% chance to spawn
Adamantoise 3.png
  • Very high magic damage and increased Fast Cast effect
  • Aqua Breath applies a powerful Drown effect
Unique Drops: Adamantoise Shell icon.png Tortuga Shell G, Malevolence icon.png Malevolence U, Cipher- Ingrid II icon.png Cipher: Ingrid II R,
Jumalik Helm icon.png Jumalik Helm, Jumalik Mail icon.png Jumalik Mail, Dampening Tam icon.png Dampening Tam, Divinity icon.png Divinity

Pearlscale (Elvorseal Status)

Pearlscale description.png

  • Players can purchase a custom item called Pearlscale from Nolan in Norg at (I-7).
    • They also occasionally drop from bosses.
  • Using this item after being incapacitated will replace your Elvorseal status, thus allowing you to continue building up your points during the battle after a death or a wipe.
    • Players should keep a few of these on hand once they’ve accumulated enough points.
  • Once the notorious monster is defeated all players in that zone will lose the effect of Elvorseal, Domain Shards will be rewarded and treasure may drop.


Dragonslaying is an endgame battle system unique to CatsEyeXI. All participants must first complete the quest:

  • Speak to Valsang in Viette's Weapons, Upper Jeuno (G-8)
  • Travel to Mhaura enter Sailors Stay (I-8) first floor and speak to Sigmund
  • Outpost to Zi'Tah travel to (H-7). Should be a small tunnel north trade a pickaxe to the Pile of Stones
  • Return to Sigmund in Mhaura- Quest Complete
  • Speak to Sigmund again so you can store merit points

Once complete, merit points can be banked at Sigmund, enabling players to purchase pop items as indicated in the table below:

Merit Points Cost
Item CatsEyeXI Accelerated Crystal WarriorWings-Era Warrior Dragons
Torque icon.png Golden Bangle 50 25 Element: Fire Searing Eldrake (Lv60)
Element: Ice Glacial Wyvern (Lv60)
Gold Bangles icon.png Golden Rings 200 75 Element: Earth Midgardsormr
Element: Water Arfarvegr
Element: Thunder Skrudningr
Gold Bangles +1 icon.png Golden Rings +1 300 125 Element: Wind Brjota

Dragonslaying: Materials

All dragons drop a variety of tradable items including new crafting materials.

Element: Fire Searing Eldrake Lv60

Beast Blood icon.png Beast Blood VC, Dragon Blood icon.png Dragon Blood VC, Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales VC,
Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore VC, Darksteel Ore icon.png Darksteel Ore VC, Gold Ore icon.png Gold Ore VC,
Flame Geode icon.png Flame Geode C, Bomb Ash icon.png Bomb Ash U, Sulfur icon.png Sulfur R

Element: Ice Glacial Wyvern Lv60

Beast Blood icon.png Beast Blood VC, Dragon Blood icon.png Dragon Blood VC, Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales VC,
Mythril Ore icon.png Mythril Ore VC, Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore VC, Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore VC,
Snow Geode icon.png Snow Geode C, Ice Cluster icon.png Ice Cluster U, Sulfur icon.png Sulfur R

Greater Wyrms Element: EarthElement: WaterElement: Thunder

Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale VC, Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth VC, Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot C,
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log VC, Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood VC, Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth VC,
Adaman Ingot icon.png Adaman Ingot VC, Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair VC, Dragon Talon icon.png Dragon Talon C,
Dragon Meat icon.png Dragon Meat C, Dragon Heart icon.png Dragon Heart C, Cashmere Wool icon.png Cashmere Wool C,
Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide C, Thokcha Ore icon.png Thokcha Ore U, Molybdenum Ore icon.png Molybdenum Ore U,
Kunwu Ore icon.png Kunwu Ore U, Oxblood icon.png Oxblood R, Wyrm Horn icon.png Wyrm Horn R

Dragonslaying: Battles

Element: Fire Searing Eldrake Lv60
Ifrit's Cauldron (J-9) Map 7
Dragon 2.png
  • This encounter is level capped (60)
  • Access to two-hour ability
  • Reduced melee attack delay
  • Heavy Stomp and Body Slam apply a Burn effect
  • Petro Eyes resets enmity on the target
  • Additional effect: Element: Fire Fire damage
  • High damage resistance
Unique Drops: Fire Bead icon.png Cinderstone U Peridot Earring icon.png Adept's Earring U
Element: Ice Glacial Wyvern Lv60
Xarcabard (J-8)
Wyvern 1.png
  • This encounter is level capped (60)
  • Access to two-hour ability
  • Reduced melee attack delay
  • Deadly Shriek applies a Frost effect
  • Gains Blink effect after using Wind Wall
  • Additional effect: Element: Ice Ice damage
  • High damage resistance
Unique Drops: C. Ice Shard icon.png Rimestone U Viator Cape icon.png Hierarch's Mantle U
Element: Earth Midgardsormr
Meriphataud Mountains (K-11)
Wyrm (Ouryu).png
  • Immune to Sleep, Lullaby, Gravity and Silence
  • Gains Stoneskin effect after Hurricane Wing
  • Hurricane Wing applies Slow effect to target
  • Three Mountain Darters will spawn every 10%
  • Additional effect: Element: Earth Earth damage +30-60
  • Flying phases with Element: Earth Earth based breath attacks
  • Begins with extremely high damage resistance
  • Can be weakened multiple times
  • Resists Element: Thunder thunder based spells
Unique Drops: Saida Ring icon.png Titanium Band C, Buremte Hat icon.png Erudite Cap C, Xux Trousers icon.png Acrobat's Breeches C,
Diamond Knuckles icon.png Steady Fists R, Clay Amulet icon.png Timeless Ocarina R, Coffee Powder icon.png Fine Ochre R

1-2x: M.Abjuration- Ft. icon.png M.Abjuration: Ft. A.Abjuration- Hn. icon.png A.Abjuration: Hn. E.Abjuration- Lg. icon.png E.Abjuration: Lg. W.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png W.Abjuration: Bd.

Element: Water Arfarvegr
Pashhow Marshlands (G-6)
Wyrm (Jormungand).png
  • Immune to Sleep, Lullaby, Gravity and Silence
  • Gains Blood Weapon effect after Hurricane Wing
  • Hurricane Wing applies Drown effect to target
  • Four Swamp Snippers that cast spells will spawn at 30%
  • Additional effect: Element: Water Water damage +30-60
  • Flying phases with Element: Water Water based breath attacks
  • Begins with extremely high damage resistance
  • Can be weakened multiple times
  • Resists Element: Fire fire based spells
Unique Drops: Ejekamal Mask icon.png Assailant's Visor C, Olympus Sash icon.png Subtle Sash C, Otomi Gloves icon.png Ornate Gloves C,
Fettering Blade icon.png Unbreakable R, Arasy Sachet icon.png Soothing Sachet R, Coffee Powder icon.png Fine Ochre R

1-2x: N.Abjuration- Lg. icon.png N.Abjuration: Lg. A.Abjuration- Ft. icon.png A.Abjuration: Ft. M.Abjuration- Hn. icon.png M.Abjuration: Hn. D.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png D.Abjuration: Bd.

Element: Thunder Skrudningr
Jugner Forest (K-9)
Wyrm (Vrtra).png
  • Immune to Sleep, Lullaby, Gravity and Silence
  • Gains Shock Spikes effect after Hurricane Wing
  • Hurricane Wing applies powerful Stun effect to target
  • Two Forest Wyverns spawn every 25% (75/50/25)
  • Additional effect: Element: Thunder Lightning damage +30-60
  • Flying phases with Element: Thunder Lightning based breath attacks
  • Begins with extremely high damage resistance
  • Can be weakened multiple times
  • Resists Element: Water water based spells
Unique Drops: Quauhpilli Helm icon.png Conqueror's Helm C, Checkered Scarf icon.png Loxo Scarf C, Jeweled Collar icon.png Covenant Belt C,
Cutlass icon.png Stormblade R, Blood Stone icon.png Bolt Stone R, Coffee Powder icon.png Fine Ochre R

1-2x: E.Abjuration- Hn. icon.png E.Abjuration: Hn. W.Abjuration- Hd. icon.png W.Abjuration: Hd. D.Abjuration- Lg. icon.png D.Abjuration: Lg. N.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png N.Abjuration: Bd.

Element: Wind Brjota
Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle (F-9)
Unique Drops: Ejekamal Boots icon.png Ruthless Greaves C, Buremte Gloves icon.png Swift Gages C, Xux Hat icon.png Windfall Hat C, Tomoe icon.png Hurricane R,
Kustawi icon.png Turbulence R, Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot G, Serica Cloth icon.png Serica Cloth R

1-2x: E.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png E.Abjuration: Bd. A.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png A.Abjuration: Bd. P.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png P.Abjuration: Bd. H.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png H.Abjuration: Bd.

Dragonslaying: Upgrades

All items from Dragonslaying can be upgraded at Ivaldi using Dragon Killer Points and crafting materials. To learn the requirements, trade an eligible item to Ivaldi or refer to the tables below:

Searing Eldrake
Item AugRank.png A1 100 DKP AugRank.png A2 200 DKP AugRank.png A3 300 DKP AugRank.png A4 400 DKP AugRank.png A5 500 DKP
Peridot Earring icon.png Adept's Earring Silver Ingot icon.png Silver Ingot x1
Gold Ingot icon.png Gold Ingot x1
HP+3 MP+3 Silver Ingot icon.png Silver Ingot x2
Gold Ingot icon.png Gold Ingot x2
HP+6 MP+6 Silver Ingot icon.png Silver Ingot x3
Gold Ingot icon.png Gold Ingot x3
HP+9 MP+9

Platinum Ingot icon.png Platinum Ingot x2
Gold Ingot icon.png Gold Ingot x3

HP+12 MP+12 Platinum Ingot icon.png Platinum Ingot x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
HP+15 MP+15
Conserve MP+2
Fire Bead icon.png Cinderstone Garnet icon.png Garnet x1
Sunstone icon.png Sunstone x1
Garnet icon.png Garnet x2
Sunstone icon.png Sunstone x2
Ruby icon.png Ruby x1
Fire Ore icon.png Fire Ore x1
Ruby icon.png Ruby x2
Fire Ore icon.png Fire Ore x2
Fire Bead icon.png Fire Bead x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Glacial Wyvern
Item AugRank.png A1 100 DKP AugRank.png A2 200 DKP AugRank.png A3 300 DKP AugRank.png A4 400 DKP AugRank.png A5 500 DKP
Viator Cape icon.png Hierarch's Mantle Silk Cloth icon.png Silk Cloth x1
Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x1
Pet: DEF+1
Silk Cloth icon.png Silk Cloth x2
Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x2
Pet: DEF+2
Silk Cloth icon.png Silk Cloth x3
Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x3
Pet: DEF+3

Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x2
Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x3

Pet: DEF+4
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Fast Cast+2%
Pet: DEF+5
C. Ice Shard icon.png Rimestone Goshenite icon.png Goshenite x1
Zircon icon.png Zircon x1
Goshenite icon.png Goshenite x2
Zircon icon.png Zircon x2
Diamond icon.png Diamond x1
Ice Ore icon.png Ice Ore x1
Diamond icon.png Diamond x2
Ice Ore icon.png Ice Ore x2
Ice Bead icon.png Ice Bead x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Item AugRank.png A1 200 DKP AugRank.png A2 400 DKP AugRank.png A3 600 DKP AugRank.png A4 800 DKP AugRank.png A5 1000 DKP
Saida Ring icon.png Titanium Band Platinum Ingot icon.png Platinum Ingot x1
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x1
Platinum Ingot icon.png Platinum Ingot x2
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x2
Platinum Ingot icon.png Platinum Ingot x3
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x3
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x2
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x3
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Damage taken -2%
Buremte Hat icon.png Erudite Cap Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x1
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x1
Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x2
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x2
Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x3
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x3
Cashmere Thrd. icon.png Cashmere Thrd. x2
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x3
Cashmere Thrd. icon.png Cashmere Thrd. x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Fast Cast +2%
Xux Trousers icon.png Acrobat's Breeches Ovinnik Leather icon.png Ovinnik Leather x1
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x1
Ovinnik Leather icon.png Ovinnik Leather x2
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x2
Ovinnik Leather icon.png Ovinnik Leather x3
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x3
Behem. Leather icon.png Behem. Leather x2
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x3
Behem. Leather icon.png Behem. Leather x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Dual Wield+2
Diamond Knuckles icon.png Steady Fists Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot x1
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x1
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot x2
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x2
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot x3
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x3
Divine Lumber icon.png Divine Lumber x2
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x3
Divine Lumber icon.png Divine Lumber x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Item AugRank.png A1 200 DKP AugRank.png A2 400 DKP AugRank.png A3 600 DKP AugRank.png A4 800 DKP AugRank.png A5 1000 DKP
Ejekamal Mask icon.png Assailant's Visor Platinum Ingot icon.png Platinum Ingot x1
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x1
Platinum Ingot icon.png Platinum Ingot x2
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x2
Platinum Ingot icon.png Platinum Ingot x3
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x3
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x2
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x3
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Double Attack+2%
Otomi Gloves icon.png Ornate Gloves Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x1
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x1
Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x2
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x2
Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x3
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x3
Cashmere Thrd. icon.png Cashmere Thrd. x2
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x3
Cashmere Thrd. icon.png Cashmere Thrd. x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Magic crit rate +2%
Olympus Sash icon.png Subtle Sash Ovinnik Leather icon.png Ovinnik Leather x1
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x1
Marksmanship skill+1
Ovinnik Leather icon.png Ovinnik Leather x2
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x2
Marksmanship skill+2
Ovinnik Leather icon.png Ovinnik Leather x3
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x3
Marksmanship skill+3
Behem. Leather icon.png Behem. Leather x2
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x3
Marksmanship skill+4
Behem. Leather icon.png Behem. Leather x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Marksmanship skill+5
Fettering Blade icon.png Unbreakable Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot x1
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x1
Parrying Rate+1%
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot x2
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x2
Parrying Rate+2%
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot x3
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x3
Parrying Rate+3%
Divine Lumber icon.png Divine Lumber x2
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x3
Parrying Rate+4%
Divine Lumber icon.png Divine Lumber x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Parrying Rate+5%
Magic dmg. taken -2%
Item AugRank.png A1 200 DKP AugRank.png A2 400 DKP AugRank.png A3 600 DKP AugRank.png A4 800 DKP AugRank.png A5 1000 DKP
Quauhpilli Helm icon.png Conqueror's Helm Platinum Ingot icon.png Platinum Ingot x1
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x1
Platinum Ingot icon.png Platinum Ingot x2
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x2
Platinum Ingot icon.png Platinum Ingot x3
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x3
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x2
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x3
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Dual Wield+2
Jeweled Collar icon.png Covenant Belt Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x1
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x1
Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x2
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x2
Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x3
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x3
Cashmere Thrd. icon.png Cashmere Thrd. x2
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x3
Cashmere Thrd. icon.png Cashmere Thrd. x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
BP ability delay-2
Checkered Scarf icon.png Loxo Scarf Ovinnik Leather icon.png Ovinnik Leather x1
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x1
Ovinnik Leather icon.png Ovinnik Leather x2
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x2
Ovinnik Leather icon.png Ovinnik Leather x3
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x3
Behem. Leather icon.png Behem. Leather x2
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x3
Behem. Leather icon.png Behem. Leather x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Cutlass icon.png Stormblade Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot x1
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x1
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot x2
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x2
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot x3
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x3
Divine Lumber icon.png Divine Lumber x2
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x3
Divine Lumber icon.png Divine Lumber x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Item AugRank.png A1 200 DKP AugRank.png A2 400 DKP AugRank.png A3 600 DKP AugRank.png A4 800 DKP AugRank.png A5 1000 DKP
Ejekamal Boots icon.png Ruthless Greaves Platinum Ingot icon.png Platinum Ingot x1
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x1
Platinum Ingot icon.png Platinum Ingot x2
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x2
Platinum Ingot icon.png Platinum Ingot x3
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x3
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x2
Titanium Ingot icon.png Titanium Ingot x3
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Store TP +2
Xux Hat icon.png Windfall Hat Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x1
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x1
Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x2
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x2
Rainbow Cloth icon.png Rainbow Cloth x3
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x3
Cashmere Thrd. icon.png Cashmere Thrd. x2
Wamoura Cloth icon.png Fable Cloth x3
Cashmere Thrd. icon.png Cashmere Thrd. x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Store TP+2
Buremte Gloves icon.png Swift Gages Ovinnik Leather icon.png Ovinnik Leather x1
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x1
Ovinnik Leather icon.png Ovinnik Leather x2
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x2
Ovinnik Leather icon.png Ovinnik Leather x3
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x3
Behem. Leather icon.png Behem. Leather x2
Bronze Scales icon.png Wyrm Scale x3
Behem. Leather icon.png Behem. Leather x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Double Attack+2%
Tomoe icon.png Hurricane Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot x1
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x1
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot x2
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x2
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot x3
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x3
Divine Lumber icon.png Divine Lumber x2
Old Tiger's Fang icon.png Wyrm Tooth x3
Divine Lumber icon.png Divine Lumber x3
Scarletite Ingot icon.png Embersteel Ingot x1
Triple Attack+2%

Fomor Kings

Fomor NMs

The following Fomor NMs in Shadowreign (WotG) areas new drop currency used in a special battle system.

Their unique drops can also be augmented at Indech, as detailed below:

Fomor Kings
NM Item AugRank.png A1
Wolfram Steel icon.png Wolfram Steel x2
Cobalt Ore icon.png Cobalt Ore x2
1000 Muiridian Favor
AugRank.png A2
Wolfram Steel icon.png Wolfram Steel x4
Cobalt Ore icon.png Cobalt Ore x4
2000 Muiridian Favor
AugRank.png A3
Wolfram Steel icon.png Wolfram Steel x6
Cobalt Ore icon.png Cobalt Ore x6
3000 Muiridian Favor
Tethra Bloodbead Gorget icon.png Bloodbead Gorget VIT+1
Phys. dmg. taken -2%
Ethniu Bahram Cuisses icon.png Bahram Cuisses STR+1
Dbl. Atk. +2%
Lugh Setanta's Led. icon.png Setanta's Led. CHR+1
Store TP +2
Elatha Bricta's Cuffs icon.png Bricta's Cuffs MP+5
Enhancing Mag. Duration +3
Enhancing Mag. Duration +4
Enhancing Mag. Duration +5
Enhancing Mag. Recast -2
Buarainech Shrewd Pumps icon.png Shrewd Pumps MP+5
Magic Accuracy+1
Magic Accuracy+2
Magic Accuracy+3
Haste +1%


Indech, king of the Fomorians can be found at the Frozen Crown in Beaucedine Glacier (S) (It's actually Withered Crown and can be found at I-7....)

Muiridian Gold
Item Cost
Battle Fomor Kings 30
Vaquero Hat icon.png Vaquero Hat 100
Levin icon.png Levin 200
Muiridian Favor
Item Cost
Cobalt Ore icon.png Cobalt Ore 800
Wolfram Steel icon.png Wolfram Steel 800
Gr. Blk. Thread icon.png Fable Thread 1500
Titanium Ore icon.png Titanium Ore 1500

Forgotten Kings

For 50 Muiridian Gold, Indech will allow players to participate in a challenging endgame battle against all 5 Fomor Kings simultaneously.

  • All participants will gain Muiridian Favor, used to augment existing Fomor NM equipment and purchase materials
  • Upon clearing the battle, the spawner can access a special chest containing unique rewards and Vulcanite Ore icon.png Spectral Ores used in the creation of Blurred Weapons.
Forgotten Kings
Equipment Materials Potions
Sulevia's Ring icon.png Slumber Ring C
Sand Charm icon.png Ghost Pendant C
Tiger Mantle icon.png Somber Shroud C
Vampiric Claws icon.png Terror Talons C
Fire Ore icon.png Elemental Ore G
Vulcanite Ore icon.png Spectral Ore G
Vulcanite Ore icon.png Spectral Ore U
Adamantoise Shell icon.png Adamantoise Shell U
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log U
Adaman Ore icon.png Adaman Ore U
Orichalcum Ore icon.png Orichalcum Ore U
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood U
Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair U
Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth U
Angel Skin icon.png Angel Skin U
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood U
Eye Drops icon.png Eye Drops C
Echo Drops icon.png Echo Drops C
Holy Water icon.png Holy Water C
Potion +1 icon.png Potion +1 C
Ether +1 icon.png Ether +1 C
Elixir icon.png Elixir U
Ether +2 icon.png Ether +2 R
Potion +2 icon.png Potion +2 R
Remedy icon.png Remedy R


CatsEyeXI Garrison.png
There is a custom Garrison system on CatsEye.
  • Players may initiate Garrison regardless of nation control over the region.
  • Players may initiate a Garrison every 30 minutes instead of once per conquest tally.
  • A bonus NPC from a random custom quest on the server takes part in the battle.
    • Their stats are the same as the other NPCs, but they have a regen effect.
  • Helper NPCs scale with the number of participants, but cap at 12.
    • NPCs spawn at the same level as the Garrison level cap.
  • Foes scale with the number of participants.
  • Outposts are unlocked after successfully completing a Garrison in the same result as if a player had done a supplies run to unlock it.
  • Players will receive additional EXP, additional rewards, and a custom currency named "Garrison Points".
    • Players may exchange Garrison Points with Garret in Ru'Lude Gardens (H-9).
      • Players will recieve additional rewards from Garret for completing set number of Garrisons in a single day.
    • Additional rewards are denoted with a (drop rate) next to their name.
  • Crystal Warrior Unbreakable Crystal Warriors will shatter upon death during Garrison despite being level-synced content.
    • This is by design to balance the risk and reward expected with Unbreakable Crystal Warriors.

CatsEyeXI Garrison
Lvl Cap Outpost Zone Enemies Trigger Item EXP Reward Garrison Points Reward List
20 North Gustaberg Quadav Dst. Engraving icon.png Dst. Engraving 2,000 250

Garrison Sallet icon.png Garrison Sallet
Garrison Tunica icon.png Garrison Tunica
Garrison Gloves icon.png Garrison Gloves
Garrison Hose icon.png Garrison Hose
Garrison Boots icon.png Garrison Boots
Mannequin Legs icon.png Mannequin Legs
Mannequin Feet icon.png Mannequin Feet
Iron Ingot icon.png Iron Ingot (24%)
Lizard Helm icon.png Lizard Helm (10%)
Lizard Jerkin icon.png Lizard Jerkin (10%)
Lizard Gloves icon.png Lizard Gloves (10%)
Lizard Trousers icon.png Lizard Trousers (10%)
Lizard Ledelsens icon.png Lizard Ledelsens (10%)

20 West Ronfaure Orc Red Cryptex icon.png Red Cryptex
20 West Sarutabaruta Yagudo 7-Knot Quipu icon.png 7-Knot Quipu
30 Buburimu Peninsula Goblin Mithra Fang Sack icon.png Mithra Fang Sack 3,000 300

Military Axe icon.png Military Axe
Military Gun icon.png Military Gun
Military Harp icon.png Military Harp
Military Pick icon.png Military Pick
Military Pole icon.png Military Pole
Military Spear icon.png Military Spear
Elm Lumber icon.png Elm Lumber (24%)
Wool Hat icon.png Wool Hat (10%)
Wool Robe icon.png Wool Robe (10%)
Wool Cuffs icon.png Wool Cuffs (10%)
Wool Slops icon.png Wool Slops (10%)
Chestnut Sabots icon.png Chestnut Sabots (10%)

30 Jugner Forest Orc Jade Cryptex icon.png Jade Cryptex
30 Meriphataud Mountains Yagudo 13-Knot Quipu icon.png 13-Knot Quipu
30 Pashhow Marshlands Quadav Silver Engraving icon.png Silver Engraving
30 Qufim Island Gigas R. Leather Missive icon.png R. Leather Missive
30 Valkurm Dunes Goblin Galka Fang Sack icon.png Galka Fang Sack
40 Beaucedine Glacier Gigas T. Leather Missive icon.png T. Leather Missive 4,000 400

Variable Cape icon.png Variable Cape
Variable Mantle icon.png Variable Mantle
Variable Ring icon.png Variable Ring
Protean Ring icon.png Protean Ring
Mecurial Earring icon.png Mecurial Earring
Silk Cloth icon.png Silk Cloth (24%)
Iron Visor icon.png Iron Visor (10%)
Iron Scale Mail icon.png Iron Scale Mail (10%)
Iron Fng. Gnt. icon.png Iron Finger Gauntlets (10%)
Iron Cuisses icon.png Iron Cuisses (10%)
Iron Greaves icon.png Iron Greaves (10%)

40 The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah Goblin Hound Fang Sack icon.png Hound Fang Sack
40 Yuhtunga Jungle Sahagin S. Leather Missive icon.png S. Leather Missive
50 Eastern Altepa Desert Antica D. Leather Missive icon.png D. Leather Missive 5,000 500

Amorph Earring icon.png Amorph Earring
Aquan Earring icon.png Aquan Earring
Arcana Earring icon.png Arcana Earring
Beast Earring icon.png Beast Earring
Bird Earring icon.png Bird Earring
Demon Earring icon.png Demon Earring
Dragon Earring icon.png Dragon Earring
Lizard Earring icon.png Lizard Earring
Undead Earring icon.png Undead Earring
Refresh Earring icon.png Refresh Earring
Accurate Earring icon.png Accurate Earring
Darksteel Ingot icon.png Darksteel Ingot (24%)
Alumine Moufles icon.png Alumine Moufles (15%)
Sollerets icon.png Sollerets (15%)
Steel Visor icon.png Steel Visor (15%)
Wool Gambison icon.png Wool Gambison (10%)
Kote icon.png Kote (10%)
Dino Trousers icon.png Dino Trousers (10%)
Wool Socks icon.png Wool Socks (10%)
Shinobi Hakama icon.png Shinobi Hakama (10%)

50 Xarcabard Demon B. Leather Missive icon.png B. Leather Missive
50 Yhoator Jungle Tonberry C. Leather Missive icon.png C. Leather Missive
Uncapped Cape Teriggan Goblin Bunny Fang Sack icon.png Bunny Fang Sack 6,000 600

Mighty Axe icon.png Mighty Axe
Mighty Bow icon.png Mighty Bow
Mighty Cudgel icon.png Mighty Cudgel
Mighty Knife icon.png Mighty Knife
Mighty Lance icon.png Mighty Lance
Mighty Patas icon.png Mighty Patas
Mighty Pick icon.png Mighty Pick
Mighty Zaghnal icon.png Mighty Zaghnal
Nukemaru icon.png Nukemaru
Rai Kunimitsu icon.png Rai Kunimitsu
Platinum Ore icon.png Platinum Ore (24%)
Darksteel Cap icon.png Darksteel Cap (15%)
Beak Jerkin icon.png Beak Jerkin (15%)
Green Beret icon.png Green Beret (15%)
Arhat's Sune-Ate icon.png Arhat's Sune-Ate (5%)
Byrnie icon.png Byrnie (5%)

Garrison Points Exchange
Item Garrison Points Cost
Fire Cluster icon.png Fire Cluster x12 500
Ice Cluster icon.png Ice Cluster x12 500
Wind Cluster icon.png Wind Cluster x12 500
Earth Cluster icon.png Earth Cluster x12 500
Lightning Cluster icon.png Lightning Cluster x12 500
Water Cluster icon.png Water Cluster x12 500
Light Cluster icon.png Light Cluster x12 500
Dark Cluster icon.png Dark Cluster x12 500
Cherry Macaron icon.png Cherry Macaron x12 500
Saltena icon.png Saltena x12 500
Stuffed Pitaru icon.png Stuffed Pitaru x12 500
Aged Box (Bayld) icon.png Aged Box (Bayld) 1,000

Garrison Upgrades

Crystal Warrior Crystal Warriors may upgrade pieces of the Garrison Tunica set using materials gained during Allied Incursion by trading the required items to Garret in Ru'Lude Gardens

Garrison Upgrades
Armor Materials Garrison Points Result
Garrison Sallet icon.png Garrison Sallet Ram Leather icon.png Orcish Leather x6
Gold Thread icon.png Quadav Thread x2
3000 Sallet +1 icon.png Garrison Sallet +1
Garrison Tunica icon.png Garrison Tunica Silk Cloth icon.png Yagudo Cloth x8
Gold Thread icon.png Quadav Thread x4
5000 Nomad's Tunica icon.png Garrison Tunica +1
Garrison Gloves icon.png Garrison Gloves Ram Leather icon.png Orcish Leather x4
Gold Thread icon.png Quadav Thread x2
2000 Nomad's Gloves icon.png Garrison Gloves +1
Garrison Hose icon.png Garrison Hose Silk Cloth icon.png Yagudo Cloth x6
Gold Thread icon.png Quadav Thread x4
4000 Nomad's Hose icon.png Garrison Hose +1
Garrison Boots icon.png Garrison Boots Ram Leather icon.png Orcish Leather x4
Gold Thread icon.png Quadav Thread x2
2000 Nomad's Boots icon.png Garrison Boots +1


In order to better balance the free time of players, HNMs respawns and potential spawn windows were adjusted. Gone are the famous three hours spent camping Fafnir.

  • Now players need only camp it for 30 minutes every 21 hours. Where it can spawn once every 5 minutes in that time until force spawning at 30.
  • Four HNMs are force spawned on the server:
    • King Behemoth, Nidhogg, and Aspidochelone are force spawned with their corresponding retail pop item.
    • King Vinegarroon is force spawned by trading a Venomous Claw to ??? in the spawn area for it.
    • Any other HNMs are timed spawned see below.
  • Note: Players are not allowed to use shorthand to claim NMs as it allows you to target and act on things without selecting the target first. Any players found doing this or attempting to circumvent claim shield will be banned.

Certain HNMs also have custom drops associated with them.

HNM Timers
HNM Respawn and Window
King Arthro
Shikigami Weapon
Lord of Onzozo
21-21.5 hours
5 minute windows
57-58 hours
10 minute windows
Gurfurlur the Menacing
Gulool Ja Ja
81-82 hours
10 minute windows
Land Kings

Bodb's Cuffs icon.png Bodb's Cuffs (15%)
Ea's Dastanas icon.png Ea's Dastanas (15%)
Freyr's Gloves icon.png Freyr's Gloves (15%)
Phobos's Gnt. icon.png Phobos's Gauntlets (15%)
Tsukikazu Gote icon.png Tsukikazu Gote (15%)


Behemoth Meat icon.png Behemoth Meat (20%)

King Behemoth

Behemoth Meat icon.png Behemoth Meat (20%)


Anu's Gages icon.png Anu's Gages (15%)
Enyo's Gauntlets icon.png Enyo's Gauntlets (15%)
Hoshikazu Tekko icon.png Hoshikazu Tekko (15%)
Nemain's Cuffs icon.png Nemain's Cuffs (15%)
Njord's Gloves icon.png Njord's Gloves (15%)


Avalon Shield icon.png Avalon Shield (5%)
Bodb's Robe icon.png Bodb's Robe (15%)
Ea's Doublet icon.png Ea's Doublet (15%)
Freyr's Jerkin icon.png Freyr's Jerkin (15%)
Oily Trousers icon.png Oily Trousers (5%)
Phobos's Cuirass icon.png Phobos's Cuirass (15%)
Tsukikazu Togi icon.png Tsukikazu Togi (15%)


Anu's Doublet icon.png Anu's Doublet (15%)
Avalon Breastplate icon.png Avalon Breastplate (5%)
Enyo's Brstplate icon.png Enyo's Breastplate (15%)
Hoshikazu Gi icon.png Hoshikazu Gi (15%)
Nemain's Robe icon.png Nemain's Robe (15%)
Njord's Jerkin icon.png Njord's Jerkin (15%)


Deimos's Cuirass icon.png Deimos's Cuirass (15%)
Enlil's Gambison icon.png Enlil's Gambison (15%)
Freya's Jerkin icon.png Freya's Jerkin (15%)
Hikazu Hara-Ate icon.png Hikazu Hara-Ate (15%)
Macha's Coat icon.png Macha's Coat (15%)
Mrgn. Cotehardie icon.png Morgana's Cotehardie (5%)


Animator +1 icon.png Animator +1 (10%)
Antares Harness icon.png Antares Harness (5%)
Anu's Tiara icon.png Anu's Tiara (15%)
Enyo's Mask icon.png Enyo's Mask (15%)
Hofud icon.png Hofud (5%)
H.kazu Hachimaki icon.png Hoshikazu Hachimaki (15%)
Nemain's Crown icon.png Nemain's Crown (15%)
Njord's Mask icon.png Njord's Mask (15%)
Star Sapphire icon.png Star Sapphire (10%)
Valkyrie's Fork icon.png Valkyrie's Fork (5%)

Gulool Ja Ja

Ancient Torque icon.png Ancient Torque (5%)
Bodb's Slops icon.png Bodb's Slops (15%)
Delta Earring icon.png Delta Earring (10%)
Ea's Brais icon.png Ea's Brais (15%)
Freyr's Trousers icon.png Freyr's Trousers (15%)
Ja Ja's Chestplt. icon.png Ja Ja's Chestplate (35%)
Kubira Beads icon.png Kubira Bead Necklace (10%)
Matron's Knife icon.png Matron's Knife (5%)
Morgana's Choker icon.png Morgana's Choker (10%)
Phobos's Cuisses icon.png Phobos's Cuisses (15%)
Tsukikazu Haidate icon.png Tsukikazu Haidate (15%)
Yoichi's Sash icon.png Yoichi's Sash (10%)

Gurfurlur the Menacing

Aslan Cape icon.png Aslan Cape (10%)
Barb. Zerehs icon.png Barbarossa's Zerehs (5%)
Deimos's Cuisses icon.png Deimos's Cuisses (15%)
Enlil's Brayettes icon.png Enlil's Brayettes (15%)
Freya's Trousers icon.png Freya's Trousers (15%)
Gleeman's Cape icon.png Gleeman's Cape (10%)
Gurfurlur's Helmet icon.png Gurfurlur's Helmet (35%)
Hikazu Hakama icon.png Hikazu Hakama (15%)
Macha's Slops icon.png Macha's Slops (15%)
Ritter Gorget icon.png Ritter Gorget (10%)
Yoichi's Sash icon.png Yoichi's Sash (10%)
Zahak's Mail icon.png Zahak's Mail (5%)

Hundredfaced Hapool Ja Shining Cloth icon.png Shining Cloth (10%)

Animator +1 icon.png Animator +1 (10%)
Bodb's Crown icon.png Bodb's Crown (15%)
Ea's Tiara icon.png Ea's Tiara (15%)
Freyr's Mask icon.png Freyr's Mask (15%)
Phobos's Mask icon.png Phobos's Mask (15%)
Star Sapphire icon.png Star Sapphire (10%)
T.kazu Jinpachi icon.png Tsukikazu Jinpachi (15%)
Valhalla Breastplate icon.png Valhalla Breastplate (5%)
White Tathlum icon.png White Tathlum (5%)


Animator +1 icon.png Animator +1 (10%)
Black Tathlum icon.png Black Tathlum (5%)
Deimos's Mask icon.png Deimos's Mask (15%)
Enlil's Tiara icon.png Enlil's Tiara (15%)
Freya's Mask icon.png Freya's Mask (15%)
Hikazu Kabuto icon.png Hikazu Kabuto (15%)
Macha's Crown icon.png Macha's Crown (15%)
Star Sapphire icon.png Star Sapphire (10%)
Valhalla Helm icon.png Valhalla Helm (5%)


Anu's Brais icon.png Anu's Brais (15%)
Barb. Moufles icon.png Barbarossa's Moufles (5%)
Buccaneer's Belt icon.png Buccaneer's Belt (10%)
Enyo's Cuisses icon.png Enyo's Cuisses (15%)
Fragarach icon.png Fragarach (5%)
Hoshikazu Hakama icon.png Hoshikazu Hakama (15%)
Iota Ring icon.png Iota Ring (10%)
Medusa's Armlet icon.png Medusa's Armlet (35%)
Nemain's Slops icon.png Nemain's Slops (15%)
Njord's Trousers icon.png Njord's Trousers (15%)
Omega Ring icon.png Omega Ring (10%)
Yoichi's Sash icon.png Yoichi's Sash (10%)


Limbus is accessible to those who have completed Promathia Mission 7-5. There is no cooldown time on an entry item "soap" (Cosmo-Cleanse) from Sagheera in Port Jeuno. Players may do it continually.

Apollyon Drop Master Table
Material North East Smoky Chip icon.png South East Smalt Chip icon.png North West Magenta Chip icon.png South West Charcoal Chip icon.png
Argyro Rivet icon.png Argyro Rivet (WAR) Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 1 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Ancient Brass icon.png Ancient Brass (MNK) Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 1 (25%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Benedict Yarn icon.png Benedict Yarn (WHM) Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 5 (13%)
Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 1 (25%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Diabolic Yarn icon.png Diabolic Yarn (BLM) Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 5 (13%)
Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 1 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Cardinal Cloth icon.png Cardinal Cloth (RDM) Floor 1 (25%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Light Filament icon.png Light Filament (THF) Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 1 (25%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 2 (25%)
White Rivet icon.png White Rivet (PLD) Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Black Rivet icon.png Black Rivet (DRK) Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Fetid Lanolin icon.png Fetid Lanolin (BST) Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 5 (13%)
Floor 1 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Brown Doeskin icon.png Brown Doeskin (BRD) Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 1 (25%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Charcoal Cotton icon.png Charcoal Cotton (RNG) Floor 1 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Astral Leather icon.png Astral Leather (SMN) Floor 1 (25%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 4 (125%)
Kurogane icon.png Kurogane (SAM) Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 1 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 5 (13%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Ebony Lacquer icon.png Ebony Lacquer (NIN) Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 5 (13%)
Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Blue Rivet icon.png Blue Rivet (DRG) Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Flameshun Cloth icon.png Flameshun Cloth (BLU) Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 5 (13%)
Floor 1 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 1 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Canvas Toile icon.png Canvas Toile (COR) Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Corduroy Cloth icon.png Corduroy Cloth (PUP) Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 5 (13%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Gold Stud icon.png Gold Stud (DNC) Floor 1 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 1 (25%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Electrum Stud icon.png Electrum Stud (SCH) Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 3 (13%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 2 (25%)
Floor 4 (13%)
Temenos Drop Master Table
Material Western Emerald Chip icon.png Eastern Scarlet Chip icon.png Northern Ivory Chip icon.png Emerald Chip icon.png Central F1 Scarlet Chip icon.png Central F2 Ivory Chip icon.png Central F3
Ecarlate Cloth icon.png Ecarlate Cloth (WAR) Floor 6 (25%) Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 7 (25%)
Win (13%) Win (25%)
Ut. Gold Thread icon.png Ut. Gold Thread (MNK) Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 7 (13%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 6 (25%)
Floor 7 (13%)
Win (13%) Win (25%)
Benedict Silk icon.png Benedict Silk (WHM) Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 6 (25%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Win (25%) Win (13%)
Diabolic Silk icon.png Diabolic Silk (BLM) Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 6 (13%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Win (25%) Win (13%)
Rby. Silk Thread icon.png Rby. Silk Thread (RDM) Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 7 (25%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Win (25%) Win (13%)
Supple Skin icon.png Supple Skin (THF) Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 7 (13%)
Floor 6 (25%)
Floor 7 (13%)
Win (25%) Win (13%)
Snowy Cermet icon.png Snowy Cermet (PLD) Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 6 (25%)
Floor 6 (13%)
Floor 7 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Win (13%) Win (25%)
Dark Orichalcum icon.png Dark Orichalcum (DRK) Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 7 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 6 (13%)
Floor 7 (25%)
Win (25%) Win (13%)
Smalt Leather icon.png Smalt Leather (BST) Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 6 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 6 (13%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Win (13%) Win (25%)
Coiled Yarn icon.png Coiled Yarn (BRD) Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 6 (25%)
Floor 6 (25%)
Floor 7 (13%)
Win (25%) Win (13%)
Chameleon Yarn icon.png Chameleon Yarn (RNG) Floor 6 (13%)
Floor 7 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 7 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Win (25%) Win (13%)
Glittering Yarn icon.png Glittering Yarn (SMN) Floor 6 (25%)
Floor 7 (13%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Win (25%) Win (13%)
Scarlet Odoshi icon.png Scarlet Odoshi (SAM) Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 6 (13%)
Floor 6 (25%)
Floor 7 (13%)
Floor 7 (25%) Win (13%) Win (25%)
Plaited Cord icon.png Plaited Cord (NIN) Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 7 (25%)
Win (25%) Win (13%)
Cbl. Myth. Sheet icon.png Cbl. Myth. Sheet (DRG) Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 7 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 6 (13%)
Win (25%) Win (13%)
Luminian Thread icon.png Luminian Thread (BLU) Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 6 (13%)
Floor 7 (25%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 7 (13%)
Win (25%) Win (13%)
Silkworm Thread icon.png Silkworm Thread (COR) Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Floor 7 (13%)
Floor 6 (13%)
Floor 7 (25%)
Win (13%) Win (25%)
Pantin Wire icon.png Pantin Wire (PUP) Floor 6 (25%)
Floor 7 (13%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 6 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 4 (25%)
Win (25%) Win (13%)
Filet Lace icon.png Filet Lace (DNC) Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 5 (25%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 6 (25%)
Win (13%) Win (25%)
Brilliantine icon.png Brilliantine (SCH) Floor 6 (13%)
Floor 7 (25%)
Floor 1 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Floor 2 (13%)
Floor 3 (25%)
Win (25%) Win (13%)

Nyzul Isle

Nyzul Isle Investigation generally functions correctly, but lamp floors can hit a bug where you can't go up a floor.

  • Due to this, players may skip lamp floors once per hour via the command !skipfloor.
Nyzul Drops
Floors Items and Drop Rate
Floor 20

Askar Gambieras icon.png Askar Gambieras (5%)
Denali Gamashes icon.png Denali Gamashes (5%)
Goliard Clogs icon.png Goliard Clogs (5%)

Floor 40

Askar Dirs icon.png Askar Dirs (7%)
Denali Kecks icon.png Denali Kecks (7%)
Goliard Trews icon.png Goliard Trews (7%)

Floor 60

Askar Manopolas icon.png Askar Manopolas (8%)
Denali Wristbands icon.png Denali Wristbands (8%)
Goliard Cuffs icon.png Goliard Cuffs (8%)

Floor 80

Askar Korazin icon.png Askar Korazin (9%)
Denali Jacket icon.png Denali Jacket (9%)
Goliard Saio icon.png Goliard Saio (9%)

Floor 100

Askar Zucchetto icon.png Askar Zucchetto (10%)
Denali Bonnet icon.png Denali Bonnet (10%)
Goliard Chapeau icon.png Goliard Chapeau (10%)


  • Respawn windows for foes that drop pop items for the gods, such as Despot. Are all one to two or two to three hour respawns instead of two to four or three to six hours.
  • Brigandish Blade does not require the Buccaneer's Knife icon.png Buccaneer's Knife to be defeated.
  • Additional drops have been added to NMs.
Additional Sky Drops
Foes Items and Drop Rate
Brigandish Blade
Mother Globe
Olla Grande

Bldwd. Lumber icon.png Bloodwood Lumber (10%)
P. Brass Ore icon.png Palladian Brass Ore (10%)
Phrygian Ore icon.png Phrygian Ore (10%)
Thokcha Ore icon.png Thokcha Ore (10%)


Bldwd. Lumber icon.png Bloodwood Lumber (10%)
P. Brass Ore icon.png Palladian Brass Ore (10%)
Thokcha Ore icon.png Thokcha Ore (10%)


H.Abjuration- Ft. icon.png Hadean Abjuration: Feet (10%)
P.Abjuration- Ft. icon.png Phantasmal Abjuration: Feet (10%)


H.Abjuration- Hd. icon.png Hadean Abjuration: Head (10%)
P.Abjuration- Hd. icon.png Phantasmal Abjuration: Head (10%)


H.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png Hadean Abjuration: Body (10%)
P.Abjuration- Bd. icon.png Phantasmal Abjuration: Body (10%)


H.Abjuration- Hn. icon.png Hadean Abjuration: Hands (10%)
P.Abjuration- Hn. icon.png Phantasmal Abjuration: Hands (10%)


H.Abjuration- Lg. icon.png Hadean Abjuration: Legs (10%)
P.Abjuration- Lg. icon.png Phantasmal Abjuration: Legs (10%)

Sky 2.0 (Escha - Ru'Aun)

Sky 2.0 offers a remixed perspective on the traditional Sky Gods: Byakko, Genbu, Seiryu, Suzaku and Kirin.
These monsters have been buffed from their original versions and have been completely redesigned to include custom abilities and mechanics. The battles are designed to challenge alliances of fifteen to eighteen geared and coordinated players. Some will require alternative strategies and precise gameplay.

Entry Requirements


Preparing for Battle:

  • Dremi at (H-11) accepts 25 Corresponding Genbu Scrap icon.png Scraps as indicated in the table below
  • After trading enough scraps, the player will be able to initiate the battle at a "Beacon" located on one of the four islands
  • Islands are accessed by interacting with the Eschan Portal #1 near Dremi.
  • Upon defeating each NM, the player who spawned it will receive a Key Item.png Key Item used for Kirin

Battle Mechanics

Each foe has its own unique set of mechanics.

Mob Tactics Drops
Tiger 2.png

Requires: Byakko Scrap icon.png Byakko Scrap x25
Awards: Key Item.png Byakko's Pride
  • Using the weapon skill Atonement or any enfeebling magic will result in the death of a random party member, elegy and flash work.
  • Uses Mijin Gakure at 60%, 30% and 10% on the dot.
  • Casts AoE enfeebling spells such as Breakga, Slowga, Bindga, etc.
Malboro Fiber icon.png Malboro Fiber VC
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood VC
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log C
Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide C
Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot C
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood C
Cerberus Hide icon.png Cerberus Hide C

Assault Earring icon.png Assault Earring U
Balestarius icon.png Balestarius U
Cuchulain's Mantle icon.png Cuchulain's Mantle R
Nimue's Tights icon.png Nimue's Tights R

Deimos's Leggings icon.png Deimos's Leggings R
Enlil's Crackows icon.png Enlil's Crackows R
Freya's Ledelsens icon.png Freya's Ledelsens R
Hikazu Sune-Ate icon.png Hikazu Sune-Ate R
Macha's Pigaches icon.png Macha's Pigaches R

Jokushu Haidate icon.png Ripped Haidate R
Jokushu Chain icon.png Jokushu Chain R
Adamantoise 3.png

Requires: Genbu Scrap icon.png Genbu Scrap x25
Awards: Key Item.png Genbu's Honor
  • Nin shadows will be wiped immediately, blink(spell) still works.
  • Casting Flash on Genbu will cause him to use an AoE charm ability.
  • Casting any magic of an element matching the Vana’diel day will result in an alliance wipe, possibly including Skill chains.
  • Uses Invincible and Mighty Strikes.
  • Gains access to Gates of Hades below 25% health.
  • Many of Genbu’s resistances can be nullified by proccing him using a Samurai 5-step skillchain.
Adamantoise Shell icon.png Adamantoise Shell VC
Divine Log icon.png Divine Log VC
Venomous Claw icon.png Venomous Claw C
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood C
Adaman Ingot icon.png Adaman Ingot C
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood C
Behemoth Hide icon.png Behemoth Hide C

Fenian Ring icon.png Fenian Ring U
Ruler icon.png Ruler U
Gnadbhod's Helm icon.png Gnadbhod's Helm R
Witch Sash icon.png Witch Sash R

Deimos's Gnt. icon.png Deimos's Gnt. R
Enlil's Kolluks icon.png Enlil's Kolluks R
Freya's Gloves icon.png Freya's Gloves R
Hikazu Gote icon.png Hikazu Gote R
Macha's Cuffs icon.png Macha's Cuffs R

Genmei Kabuto icon.png Cracked Kabuto R
Genmei Earring icon.png Genmei Earring R
Wyvern 1.png
Requires: Seiryu Scrap icon.png Seiryu Scrap x25
Awards: Key Item.png Seiryu's Nobility
  • Alternates between Physical Damage physical damage absorption (100%>80%, 60%>40%) after using Dark Nova and Magical Damage magical damage absorption (80%>60%, 40%>20%) after using Vortex.
  • Dark Nova and Vortex reset enmity on players hit. Incorrect damage type significantly heals Seiryu, and can trigger phase reversals and K.O. mechanics
  • Can teleport often. Will immediately cast AOE Elemental Magic (Tornado) or Dark Magic (Drain ~350 damage + heal) on all players within 30' of its target after teleportation
  • Greatly resists Summoning Magic damage and Blue Magic spell damage. Susceptible to Ice Elemental Magic and Paralyze.
  • Successfully hitting Seiryu with a Zephyr icon.png Zephyr will partially remove some of his resistances and additional effects.
  • If any member of the alliance dies while Seiryu is under 25% HP, Seiryu unlocks Benediction.
  • Will enter a raged mode after thirty minutes from spawn time.
Dragon Talon icon.png Dragon Talon VC
Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth VC
Dragon Blood icon.png Dragon Blood C
Dragon Meat icon.png Dragon Meat C
Malboro Fiber icon.png Malboro Fiber C
Dragon Heart icon.png Dragon Heart C
Cashmere Wool icon.png Cashmere Wool C

Prester icon.png Prester U
Koschei Crackows icon.png Koschei Crackows U
Zha'Go's Barbut icon.png Zha'Go's Barbut R
Crapaud Earring icon.png Crapaud Earring R

Bodb's Pigaches icon.png Bodb's Pigaches R
Ea's Crackows icon.png Ea's Crackows R
Freyr's Ledelsens icon.png Freyr's Ledelsens R
Phobos's Sabat. icon.png Phobos's Sabat. R
T.kazu Sune-Ate icon.png T.kazu Sune-Ate R

Kobo Kote icon.png Ruined Kote R
Kobo Obi icon.png Kobo Obi R
Roc 2.png
Requires: Suzaku Scrap icon.png Suzaku Scrap x25
Awards: Key Item.png Suzaku's Benefaction
  • This battle is a DPS check. Periodically Suzaku will spawn a minion, with a self-destruct timer of 25 seconds.
  • Each time a minion spawns, it will buff Suzaku’s damage rating.
  • The more minions that are allowed to spawn, the higher his damage rating can get.
  • Minions are vultures and have approximately 5,000 HP and can use Mighty Strikes. They will spawn aggro'd on top of a random alliance member.
  • Suzaku has access to Blood Weapon.
Siren's Hair icon.png Siren's Hair VC
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot VC
Damascene Cloth icon.png Damascene Cloth C
Beetle Blood icon.png Beetle Blood C
Shining Cloth icon.png Shining Cloth C
Venomous Claw icon.png Venomous Claw C
Dragon Scales icon.png Dragon Scales C

Roundel Earring icon.png Roundel Earring U
Enhancing Mantle icon.png Enhancing Mantle U
Cuchulain's Belt icon.png Cuchulain's Belt R
Karasutengu icon.png Karasutengu R

Anu's Gaiters icon.png Anu's Gaiters R
Enyo's Leggings icon.png Enyo's Leggings R
H.kazu Kyahan icon.png H.kazu Kyahan R
Nemain's Sabots icon.png Nemain's Sabots R
Njord's Ledelsens icon.png Njord's Ledelsens R

Shukuyu Sune-Ate icon.png Scuffed Sune-Ate R
Shukuyu Ring icon.png Shukuyu Ring R
  • There is currently no information posted about this NM.
Mulcibar's Scoria icon.png Mulcibar's Scoria G
Mulcibar's Scoria icon.png Mulcibar's Scoria VC
Shining Cloth icon.png Shining Cloth VC
Damascus Ingot icon.png Damascus Ingot C
Ocl. Ingot icon.png Ocl. Ingot C
Cerberus Claw icon.png Cerberus Claw C
Cerberus Hide icon.png Cerberus Hide C

Ree's Headgear icon.png Ree's Headgear U
Wise Strap icon.png Wise Strap U
Diverter's Ring icon.png Diverter's Ring U

Hachiryu Haramaki icon.png Hachiryu Haramaki R
Nanatsusaya icon.png Nanatsusaya R
Shlng. Baghnakhs icon.png Shlng. Baghnakhs R
Dorje icon.png Dorje R

Reiki Osode icon.png Tattered Osode R
Reikiono icon.png Reikiono VR


There are custom changes to Sea on CatsEyeXI. Below are the NMs that were changed.

Aern 2.png
Has a 60% chance to reraise.
Drops: Deed of Moder. icon.png Deed of Moderation, Vice of Avarice icon.png Vice of Avarice, Altruistic Cape icon.png Altruistic Cape
Jailer of Hope
  • Level 92 Warrior with a high double attack rate.
  • Heavily resistant to Bind, Gravity, Lullaby, Paralyze, Poison, Silence, Sleep, and Stun.
  • Resists Element: Thunder thunder based spells.
  • When it uses Aerial Collision it will immediately follow it up with a second aerial collision.
  • Uses Two-Hour ability Mighty Strikes every 90 seconds, starting at 95% HP or lower.
  • After using Plasma charge for 60 seconds it can cast Burst II or Thundaga III with enhanced Fast Cast.
  • Has additional melee effect of en-stun.
Drops: Hope Torque icon.png Hope Torque(15%), Galateia icon.png Galateia, H.Q. Phuabo Org. icon.png H.Q. Phuabo Org.
Jailer of Justice
  • Level 92 Beastmaster with a high double attack rate.
  • Has a 30 minute rage timer
  • Heavily resistant to Bind, Gravity, Lullaby, Paralyze, Poison, Silence, Sleep, and Stun.
  • Will use a single-target charm in exactly 4 minute intervals.
  • Will spawn a Qn'xzomit every 30 seconds for maximum of 6 pets out.
    • Qn'xzomit are level 82 Ninjas, will cast Ninjutsu spells,and use Two-Hour ability Mijin Gakure.
Drops: Justice Torque icon.png Justice Torque(15%), Kunwu Iron icon.png Kunwu Iron, H.Q. Xzomit Organ icon.png H.Q. Xzomit Organ
Jailer of Prudence

Note: One Jailer of Prudence must die and fully despawn before defeating the second. If both are defeated together then no loot pool will load.

  • Each is a level 92 Thief.
  • Has a 30 minute rage timer
  • Heavily resistant to Bind, Gravity, Lullaby, Paralyze, Poison, Silence, Sleep, and Stun.
  • Will use Two-Hour ability Perfect Dodge every 10% HPP starting at 95% HP.
  • When one Prudence uses a weapon skill, the other will mimic and also use a weapon skill.
  • Has high evasion
  • Has unique battle mechanics based on its animation state.
    • These alternate every 20 to 45 seconds
  • Mouth open animation
    • Attack bonus
    • Lowered defense.
    • Triple attack bonus
    • Weak to magic damage
  • Mouth closed animation
    • Lowered attack.
    • Defense bonus.
    • Triple attack reduced.
    • Immune to magic damage.
Drops: Prudence Torque icon.png Prudence Torque(15%), Mercurial Kris icon.png Mercurial Kris(15%), Toreador's Ring icon.png Toreador's Ring(15%), Beech Log icon.png Beech Log, H.Q. Hpemde Org. icon.png H.Q. Hpemde Org.
Jailer of Love
  • Heavily resistant to bind, gravity, lullaby, paralyze, poison, silence, sleep, and stun.
  • Level 95 Black mage and Summoner job.
  • Has an 80 minute rage timer.
  • Has high evasion.
  • Has additional melee effect of en-paralyze.
  • All enfeeble spells are area of effect.
  • On spawn it is unkillable, it has very high regen and magic defense.
    • Once you defeat 9 Qn'xzomit and 9 Qn'hpemde Jailer of Love will become weakened, lowering its regen and magic defense.
    • Ruphuabo's do not count towards weaking Jailer of Love
  • Uses Two-Hour ability Astral Flow every 10% HP starting at 90% HP and once more at 5% HP.
  • Can have a maximum of 9 pets out at once.
  • Pets are summoned 3 at a time every 2.5 minutes
  • Every 2 minutes Jailer of Love will change its elemental phase.
    • This is visible by a special animation
    • Its spells available change
    • Casting the same element its currently on will CURE Jailer of Love
  • Qn'xzomit, Qn'hpemde, and Ruphuabo are level 82.
  • Qn'xzomit are ninjas, will cast Ninjutsu spells and use Two-Hour ability Mijin Gakure.
Drops: Love Torque icon.png Love Torque (15%), Kejusu Satin icon.png Kejusu Satin (24%), Kejusu Satin icon.png Kejusu Satin (24%), Kejusu Satin icon.png Kejusu Satin (24%), Yovra Organ icon.png Yovra Organ (24%), First Virtue icon.png Suspended Virtue G,
One of the following: (10%)
  • Borealis icon.png Bifrost (10%)
  • Drepanum icon.png Broken Promise (10%)
  • Ikarigiri icon.png Carver (10%)
  • Xoanon icon.png Elegy's Respite (10%)
  • Karambit icon.png Face Breakers (10%)
  • Himthige icon.png Hax (10%)
  • Ephemeron icon.png Somnia Melodiam (10%)
  • Ullr icon.png Tonzoffun (10%)
  • Sagasinger icon.png Undulant Black (10%)
  • Dolichenus icon.png Raqia (10%)
Absolute Virtue
Aern 2.png

First Virtue icon.png Suspended Virtue
Drops: Medada's Ring icon.png Virtue Ring* C, Ninurta's Sash icon.png Virtue Sash* C, Torque icon.png Virtue Torque* C, First Virtue icon.png Shining Memory** U

* Used in the Synergy Furnace system
** Can be exchanged at the ??? to choose any Jailer of Love weapon


ZNM Additional Rewards

  • Each ZNM grants all participants Zeni Battle Points
  • 3000 Zeni Battle Points can be used to open the Zeni Chest next to Sanraku
  • Zeni Chest contains valuable crafting materials, unique cosmetics and pop items

ZNM Battle Mechanics

There are many custom changes to ZNMs on CatsEyeXI. Tier 3 and 4 ZNMs have been customized. All are immune to bind, gravity, lullaby, silence, sleep, and slow. All are susceptible to stun and paralyze. All T3 and T4 ZNMs have rage timers of either 30 or 60 minutes. These fights are balanced for twelve to eighteen players. Some will require alternative strategies and precise gameplay. Below are additional changes to the ZNMs.

Armed Gears
Archaic Gears 1.png


  • Uses Mighty Strikes every 2 minutes.
  • Weak to Ice element.
  • Absorbs Lightning damage.
  • Rages after 30 minutes.
Drops: A. Gears' Fragment icon.png Armed Gears' Fragment (Charcoal grey seal) G, Tomoe icon.png Tomoe, Aurum Sabatons icon.png Aurum Sabatons, Earth Grip icon.png Earth Grip, Oracle's Gloves icon.png Oracle's Gloves, Thunder Grip icon.png Thunder Grip
Gotoh Zha the Redolent
Mamool Ja 2.png


  • Uses Manafont once between 95%-66% health.
  • Uses Benediction once at 25% health.
  • Shock Spikes cannot be removed.
  • Has enhanced Fast Cast.
  • Weak to Ice element.
  • Rages after 30 minutes.
Drops: G. Zha's Necklace icon.png Gotoh Zha's Necklace (Deep purple seal) G, Naglering icon.png Naglering, Aurum Cuisses icon.png Aurum Cuisses, Enkidu's Mittens icon.png Enkidu's Mittens, Light Grip icon.png Light Grip, Water Grip icon.png Water Grip
Wivre 1.png


  • Uses Mighty Strikes at 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%.
  • Uses Benediction once at 25% health.
  • Critical hit rate and critical hit damage increased.
  • Weak to Wind and Ice elements.
  • Rages after 30 minutes.
Drops: Dea's Horn icon.png Dea's Horn (Chestnut-colored seal) G, Cletine icon.png Cletine, Enkidu's Subligar icon.png Enkidu's Subligar, Oracle's Pigaches icon.png Oracle's Pigaches, Fire Grip icon.png Fire Grip, Dark Grip icon.png Dark Grip
Vampyr 1.png


  • Uses Astral Flow and summons a helper once at 95%-65%.
  • Uses Blood Weapon at 25%.
  • Dread Spikes cannot be removed.
  • Weak to Light element.
  • Rages after 30 minutes.
Drops: Nosferatu's Claw icon.png Nosferatu's Claw (Purplish grey seal) G, Labrys icon.png Labrys, Aurum Gauntlets icon.png Aurum Gauntlets, Enkidu's Leggings icon.png Enkidu's Leggings, Earth Grip icon.png Earth Grip, Wind Grip icon.png Wind Grip
Khromasoul Bhurborlor
Troll 2.png


  • Uses Invincible at 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%.
  • Occasional en-petrify which cannot be removed.
  • High Defense.
  • Reprisal and Phalanx effects that cannot be removed.
  • Absorbs Earth and Thunder elemental damage.
  • Weak to Water element.
  • Rages after 30 minutes.
Drops: Bblr.'s Vambrace icon.png Bblr.'s Vambrace (Gold-colored seal) G, Simba Buckler icon.png Simba Buckler, Oracle's Gloves icon.png Oracle's Gloves, Enkidu's Subligar icon.png Enkidu's Subligar, Ice Grip icon.png Ice Grip, Dark Grip icon.png Dark Grip
Wamoura 1.png


  • Uses Benediction at 25%.
  • Occasional MP Drain on attack which cannot be removed.
  • Blaze Spikes cannot be removed.
  • Absorbs Fire elemental damage.
  • Weak to Ice and Thunder elements.
  • Rages after 30 minutes.
Drops: Acham.'s Antenna icon.png Acham.'s Antenna (Copper-colored seal) G, Organics icon.png Organics, Oracle's Braconi icon.png Oracle's Braconi, Aurum Sabatons icon.png Aurum Sabatons, Ice Grip icon.png Ice Grip, Thunder Grip icon.png Thunder Grip
Mahjlaef the Paintorn
Soulflayer 2.png


  • Uses Manafont at 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%.
  • Ice Spikes cannot be removed.
  • Ocassional MP drain on attack that cannot be removed.
  • Absorbs Water elemental damage.
  • Weak to Thunder, LIght, and Dark elements.
  • Rages after 30 minutes.
Drops: Mahjlaef's Staff icon.png Mahjlaef's Staff (Fallow-colored seal) G, Legion Scutum icon.png Legion Scutum, Oracle's Braconi icon.png Oracle's Braconi, Aurum Gauntlets icon.png Aurum Gauntlets, Fire Grip icon.png Fire Grip, Thunder Grip icon.png Thunder Grip
Experimental Lamia
Lamia 2.png


  • Uses Eagle Eye Shot at 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%.
  • Will summon two helpers.
  • Occasional En-Water which cannot be removed.
  • Absorbs Water elemental damage.
  • Weak to Thunder element.
  • Rages after 30 minutes.
Drops: Ex. Lamia Armband icon.png Ex. Lamia Armband (Taupe-colored seal) G, Mekki Shakki icon.png Mekki Shakki, Enkidu's Leggings icon.png Enkidu's Leggings, Aurum Cuisses icon.png Aurum Cuisses, Water Grip icon.png Water Grip, Earth Grip icon.png Earth Grip
Orobon 1.png


  • Uses Hundred Fists at 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%.
  • Enwater which cannot be removed.
  • Occasional En-Drain which cannot be removed.
  • Absorbs Water elemental damage.
  • Weak to Wind element.
  • Rages after 30 minutes.
Drops: Nuhn's Esca icon.png Nuhn's Esca (Sienna-colored seal) G, Oninohocho icon.png Oninohocho, Enkidu's Mittens icon.png Enkidu's Mittens, Oracle's Pigaches icon.png Oracle's Pigaches, Wind Grip icon.png Wind Grip, Light Grip icon.png Light Grip
Hydra 1.png


  • Uses Mighty Strikes every 2 minutes.
  • Absorbs Water elemental damage.
  • Weak to Earth and Thunder elements.
  • Rages after 60 minutes.
Drops: Tinnin's Fang icon.png Tinnin's Fang (Lilac-colored seal) G, Alkalurops icon.png Alkalurops, Shusui icon.png Shusui, Enkidu's Cap icon.png Enkidu's Cap, Enkidu's Harness icon.png Enkidu's Harness, Oracle's Cap icon.png Oracle's Cap, Hachiryu Sune-Ate icon.png Hachiryu Sune-Ate, Hydra Fang icon.png Hydra Fang, Hydra Scale icon.png Hydra Scale, Hydra Meat icon.png Hydra Meat
Cerberus 1.png


  • Uses Chainspell at 90%, 70%, 50%, and 30% health.
  • Absorbs Fire elemental damage.
  • Occasionally has En-Poison.
  • Powerful Regen effect while Blaze Spikes is active.
  • Weak to Water element.
  • Rages after 60 minutes.
Drops: Sarameya's Hide icon.png Sarameya's Hide (Bright blue seal) G, Foolkiller icon.png Foolkiller, Pachipachio icon.png Pachipachio, Oracle's Cap icon.png Oracle's Cap, Oracle's Robe icon.png Oracle's Robe, Aurum Armet icon.png Aurum Armet, Hachiryu Haidate icon.png Hachiryu Haidate, Cerberus Claw icon.png Cerberus Claw, Cerberus Hide icon.png Cerberus Hide, Cerberus Meat icon.png Cerberus Meat
Khimaira 1.png


  • Absorbs Thunder elemental damage.
  • Weak to Earth and Ice elements.
  • Rages after 60 minutes.
Drops: Tyger's Tail icon.png Tyger's Tail (Lavender-colored seal) G, Antares icon.png Antares, Enforcer icon.png Enforcer, Enkidu's Cap icon.png Enkidu's Cap, Aurum Armet icon.png Aurum Armet, Aurum Cuirass icon.png Aurum Cuirass, Hachiryu Kote icon.png Hachiryu Kote, Khimaira Horn icon.png Khimaira Horn, Khimaira Mane icon.png Khimaira Mane, Khimaira Tail icon.png Khimaira Tail

Seasonal Events

Colossal Clamming Competition

The Clamming Event runs every week after Conquest Tally and ends 10 minutes after the Emperor Clam is found. There is a 1 million gil prize each week for the first player to successfully catch and hand in an Shen (fish) icon.png Emperor Clam
  • Each bucket costs 3000 gil (1000 gil for Crystal Warriors) and holds up to 50pz
  • Upon collecting 45pz, players can upgrade the bucket a further 50pz (Up to 200pz)
  • Upgraded buckets hold more items and have increased rates for rare items but also have a higher chance of "Clamming Incidents"

The competition currently rotates between the following areas:

Valkurm Dunes
Item Rarity Weight (pz)
Seashell icon.png Seashell VC 6
Pebble icon.png Pebble C 6
Crab Shell icon.png Crab Shell C 7
Fish Scales icon.png Fish Scales U 3
Turtle Shell icon.png Turtle Shell U 11
Coral Fragment icon.png Coral Fragment U 6
Shall Shell icon.png Shall Shell U 6
Nebimonite icon.png Nebimonite R 6
Silver Beastcoin icon.png Silver Beastcoin R 6
Rock Salt icon.png Rock Salt R 6
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip R 6
Orichalcum Ore icon.png Orichalcum Ore VR 20
Sheep Tooth icon.png Sheep Tooth VR 3
Oxblood icon.png Oxblood VR 6
H.Q. Crab Shell icon.png H.Q. Crab Shell VR 11
Angel Skin icon.png Angel Skin VR 3
Wyvern Scales icon.png Wyvern Scales SR 6
Shen (fish) icon.png Emperor Clam SR 7
Buburimu Peninsula
Item Rarity Weight (pz)
Seashell icon.png Seashell VC 6
Shen (fish) icon.png Emperor Clam SR 7
Cape Teriggan
Item Rarity Weight (pz)
Seashell icon.png Seashell VC 6
Shen (fish) icon.png Emperor Clam SR 7

Holiday Event

CatsEyeXI runs a Holiday event during the month of December.


Assist the Smilebringer and his happy helpers share the Starlight Cheer across Vana'diel by preparing and delivering presents. Participating in mini-games and defeating Treants will allow players to accumulate Starlight Cheer from each activity once per Earth day. Each mini-game has its own additional rewards.

Starlight Cheer is accumulated, not spent, meaning once a player reaches 5 Starlight Cheer, they will be able to receive all 5 point items.

Starlight Cheer
Dream Bell icon.png Dream Bell 5
Dream Mittens icon.png Dream Mittens 5
Dream Trousers icon.png Dream Trousers 5
Dream Pants icon.png Dream Pants 5
Hagoita icon.png Hagoita 10
Dream Bell +1 icon.png Dream Bell +1 15
Dream Mittens +1 icon.png Dream Mittens +1 20
Snow Bunny Hat icon.png Snow Bunny Hat 25
Snowman Cap icon.png Snowman Cap 30
Dream Trousers +1 icon.png Dream Trousers +1 35
Dream Pants +1 icon.png Dream Pants +1 35
Poele Classique icon.png Poele Classique 40
Kanonenofen icon.png Kanonenofen 40
Pot Topper icon.png Pot Topper 40
Starlight Cake icon.png Starlight Cake 45
Cour. des Etoiles icon.png Cour. des Etoiles 50
Silberkranz icon.png Silberkranz 50
Leafberry Wreath icon.png Leafberry Wreath 50
S. Bunny Hat +1 icon.png S. Bunny Hat +1 70
Caliber Ring icon.png Caliber Ring 75
Caliber Ring icon.png Caliber Ring 85
Caliber Ring icon.png Caliber Ring 100

Twinkle Treants

Players must first speak to the Moogles in each area to be capped to Level 20, found at:

Players will receive 1 Starlight Cheer per region, per day, by defeating the Twinkle Treants.

  • Note: Twinkle Treants respawn every 20 minutes.
    • Players may type !present to help locate a tree.
      • N.Gustaberg F-9 at the top of the cliff

Upon defeating each treant, participating players will be able to click the "Glittering Gift" left behind to receive a Special Present!

  • The first Special Present in each zone will reward the Nation Tree furnishing.

After the first trees are acquired, the player will then receive the Jeunoan Tree. Each subsequent present will reward a random item:

Special Presents
Windurstian Tree icon.png Windurstian Tree
Bastokan Tree icon.png Bastokan Tree,
San d'Orian Tree icon.png San d'Orian Tree,
Jeunoan Tree icon.png Jeunoan Tree
Ginger Cookie icon.png Ginger Cookie x15~25
Air Rider icon.png Air Rider x5~10
Anct. Beastcoin icon.png Anct. Beastcoin
O. Bronzepiece icon.png O. Bronzepiece x1~3
1 Byne Bill icon.png 1 Byne Bill x1~3
T. Whiteshell icon.png T. Whiteshell x1~3
Alexandrite icon.png Alexandrite x2~4
Leafkin Bopper icon.png Leafkin Bopper
Snowman Knight icon.png Snowman Knight
Snowman Miner icon.png Snowman Miner
Snowman Mage icon.png Snowman Mage

Additional rewards are unlocked for all players upon reaching community milestones. These can be redeemed under the trees at the following locations:

The server will receive an announcement for every 25 Treants defeated!

Community Milestones
Dream Stocking 25
Dream Platter 50
Dream Coffer 75
Lamb Carving 100
Qiqirn Sack 200
??? 300

Holiday Helpers

Assist the Helpers to prepare and deliver presents. There are three types of Helpers, each with their own unique rewards. Each Helper mini-game will award one Starlight Cheer per Earth day. You must speak to the Helpers first to be eligible for completion. All 3 Nation's are linked as one quest. Helpers are located in the following areas:

Delivery Helper

Delivery Helpers need you to help deliver presents to the children of Vana'diel. Deliver the present to the specified NPC then return to the Wrapping Helper to receive your reward.

You must deliver the Kiddie Present (1) icon.png Kiddie Presents to the following locations:

Bastok Markets
Jolie (I-9) inside Trader's Home
Wumbah (J-8) South east
Egbert (I-5)Inside house by magic shop
Dhi Jahya (E-10) Second Floor of the armor shop, on the balcony
Windurst Waters
Hapi-Chapea (F-9/10)in the building a floor above the restaurant
Elulu (G-8)Up top behind decoration
Gifu-Geru (I-8) South
Mimima (C-11) Windurst Waters South--inside Tarutaru times building
Southern San d'Oria
Excelliard (M-7) 2nd Floor 1st House
Magnelie (E-7)
Ralaufaux (D-6) 2nd Floor
Alfene (I-8)

First Reward: Dream Robe

Second Reward: Dream Robe +1

<<<If you drop the reward or the +1, the next time you complete it you will get the one you dropped>>>

Wrapping Helper

Wrapping Helpers need you to open shipments of presents for them to wrap. The shipments are located in South Gustaberg (J-7), East Ronfaure and West Sarutabaruta. You must defeat a Level 10 "Starlight Box" for a chance to find the present. Finding the correct box awards one Starlight Cheer. Return to the Wrapping Helper to receive your reward.

First Reward: Dream Hat

Second Reward: Dream Hat +1

<<<If you drop the reward or the +1, the next time you complete it you will get the one you dropped>>>

Courier Helper

Courier Helpers need you to find the lost presents scattered throughout the outside areas. The Lost Present moves to a new location each time it is found. Presents can be found at the following locations: (Use the command !present for hints!)

  • East Ronfaure: (K-5), (I-5) Behind Tower, (I-8), (J-6) NE of mountain, (H-10), (H-11) In corner of ruins, (I-9) East side of stone wall, (G-7)
  • South Gustaberg: (I-10), (K-9), (F-8), (G-8), (H-8), (I-8)top of vomp hill first S path
  • West Sarutabaruta: (G-7), (I-5), (?-?), (J-6), (?-?)

Upon clicking the Lost Present, you will receive one Starlight Cheer. Return to the Courier Helper to receive your reward.

First Reward: Dream Boots

Second Reward: Dream Boots +1

<<<If you drop the reward or the +1, the next time you complete it you will get the one you dropped>>>

Halloween Event

CatsEyeXI runs a Halloween event around the month of October.


Reisenjima Sanctorium

  • There are various antagonist from the XI storylines here. You can interact with several but only 2 have dialouge.
    • Decrepit S. Lord will give you rewards (listed below) in exchange for M. Slime Spirit icon.png M. Slime Spirit that you have traded him.
    • Lady Lilith has a prompt and her actions are based off your response.
  • There is no way to warp out unless you talk to Lady Lilith so it is recommended to bring a warp item.

Castle Zvahl Baileys

  • If you have not unlocked the Survival Guide, do so now so you can teleport directly to Castle Zvahl Bailey making the first 2 sections optional.
  • Nearly every enemy drops 1 M. Slime Spirit icon.png M. Slime Spirit upon defeat.
  • Please try and be courteous to your fellow players and try not to pull more than one enemy.
  • Once you get enough M. Slime Spirit icon.png M. Slime Spirit for your reward. You can click on unlabled point in the Green Swirl at the entrance of Castle Zvahl Baileys and it will prompt you if want to return to Reisenjima Sanctorium.

Additional Zones