
From FFXI Wiki
Revision as of 01:28, 20 December 2024 by Dexprozius (talk | contribs)
User Talk Page
Server: Asura
Playing Since: October, 2003
Tarutaru Icon.png Muleprozius Galka Icon.png Awc Elvaan Icon.png Xenonzius Mithra Icon.png Cheaprozius

WAR 99 31 MNK 99 36
WHM 99   BLM 99  
RDM 99 35 THF 99 38
PLD 99   DRK 99 40
BST 99 37 BRD 99 50
RNG 99 43 SAM 99 36
NIN 99   DRG 99 45
SMN 99   BLU 99 50
COR 99 50 PUP 99  
DNC 99 33 SCH 99 28
GEO 99 40 RUN 99 44
Alchemy 6  
Bonecraft 70  
Clothcraft 70  
Cooking 78  
Fishing 110 Obtained The Ebisu Fishing Rod +1!
Goldsmithing 0  
Leathercraft 70  
Smithing 0  
Synergy 1  
Woodworking 70  
Choc. Digging Amateur
San d'Oria Flag.jpg Rank 10 Bastok-Flag.jpg Rank 10 Windurst-Flag.jpg Rank 10
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
Aht Urhgan Eternal Mercenary
Assault Rank Captain
Altana Left We Forget
Campaign Medal of Altana §§§§
Adoulin The Light Within
Rhapsodies A Rhapsody for the Ages
Voracious Your Decision
A Crystalline Prophecy Missions Complete A Moogle Kupo d'Etat Missions Complete A Shantotto Ascension Missions Complete
Abyssea Storyline Complete Voidwatch Storyline Complete Leafkin Temp.png Complete
Mog Garden Ranks
Arboreal Grove 7
Costal Fishing Net 7
Garden Furrows 7
Mineral Vein 7
Monster Rearing 7
Pond Dredger 7
Coalition Ranks
Couriersicon.png Legend
Inventorsicon.png Legend
Mummersicon.png Legend
Peacekeepersicon.png Legend
Pioneersicon.png Legend
Scoutsicon.png Legend
Master Trials
Fermion Sword icon.png
Irradiance Blade icon.png
Aphelion Knuckles icon.png
Mizukage Naginata icon.png
Hedron Dagger icon.png
Celestial Spear icon.png
Not Obtained
Ohakari icon.png
Not Obtained
Nation Bastok
Allied Forces Cobra Unit Windurst-Flag.jpg
Unity Sylvie

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Last Updated by Dexprozius: 20 12 2024
Ultimate Weapons
Apocalypse icon.png Apocalypse (119 III AugRank8c.png) Annihilator icon.png Annihilator (119 III AugRank15c.png) Gjallarhorn icon.png Gjallarhorn (99)
Carnwenhan icon.png Carnwenhan (119 III AugRank15c.png) Gastraphetes icon.png Gastraphetes (119 III AugRank15c.png) Tizona icon.png Tizona (119 III AugRank15c.png) Death Penalty icon.png Death Penalty (119 III AugRank15c.png) Idris (Level 119) icon.png Idris (119 III AugRank1c.png) Epeolatry (Level 119) icon.png Epeolatry (119 III AugRank15c.png)
Twashtar icon.png Twashtar (80) Almace icon.png Almace (85) Caladbolg icon.png Caladbolg (119 III AugRank15c.png) Armageddon icon.png Armageddon (119 III AugRank15c.png) Daurdabla icon.png Daurdabla (99 II)
Godhands icon.png Godhands (119 AugRank15c.png) Aeneas icon.png Aeneas (119 AugRank1c.png) Trishula icon.png Trishula (119 AugRank15c.png) Heishi Shorinken icon.png Heishi Shorinken (119 AugRank1c.png) Dojikiri Yasutsuna icon.png Dojikiri Yasutsuna (119 AugRank1c.png) Fail-Not icon.png Fail-Not (119) Fomalhaut icon.png Fomalhaut (119 AugRank15c.png) Marsyas icon.png Marsyas (119)
Enhancement Level
Max HP 15/15
Max MP 15/15
Maximum Merit Points 45/45
Enhancement Level
Enmity Increase 0/5
Enmity Decrease 0/5
Critical Hit Rate 5/5
Enemy Critical Hit Rate 0/5
Spell Interruption Rate 5/5
Total: 10/10
Enhancement Level
STR 15/15
DEX 15/15
VIT 15/15
AGI 15/15
INT 15/15
MND 15/15
CHR 15/15
Combat Skills
Enhancement Level
Hand-to-Hand Skill 8/8
Dagger Skill 8/8
Sword Skill 8/8
Great Sword Skill 8/8
Axe Skill 8/8
Great Axe Skill 8/8
Scythe Skill 8/8
Polearm Skill 8/8
Katana Skill 8/8
Great Katana Skill 8/8
Club Skill 8/8
Staff Skill 8/8
Archery Skill 8/8
Marksmanship Skill 8/8
Throwing Skill 8/8
Guarding Skill 8/8
Evasion Skill 8/8
Shield Skill 8/8
Parrying Skill 8/8
Magic Skills
Enhancement Level
Divine Magic Skill 8/8
Healing Magic Skill 8/8
Enhancing Magic Skill 8/8
Enfeebling Magic Skill 8/8
Elemental Magic Skill 8/8
Dark Magic Skill 8/8
Summoning Magic Skill 8/8
Ninjutsu Skill 8/8
Singing Skill 8/8
String Instrument Skill 8/8
Wind Instrument Skill 8/8
Blue Magic Skill 8/8
Geomancy Skill 8/8
Handbell Skill 8/8
Weapon Skills
Enhancement Level
Shijin Spiral 0/5
Exenterator 1/5
Requiescat 1/5
Resolution 5/5
Ruinator 1/5
Upheaval 1/5
Entropy 1/5
Stardiver 5/5
Blade: Shun 1/5
Tachi: Shoha 1/5
Realmrazer 1/5
Shattersoul 1/5
Apex Arrow 1/5
Last Stand 5/5
Total: 25/15
Fighter's Mask icon.png Warrior
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Berserk Recast 5/5
Defender Recast 0/5
Warcry Recast 5/5
Aggressor Recast 0/5
Double Attack Rate 0/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Warrior's Charge 1/5
Tomahawk 4/5
Savagery 5/5
Aggressive Aim 0/5
Total: 10/10
Temple Crown icon.png Monk
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Focus Recast 0/5
Dodge Recast 0/5
Chakra Recast 0/5
Counter Rate 5/5
Kick Attack Rate 5/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Mantra 4/5
Formless Strikes 1/5
Invigorate 0/5
Penance 5/5
Total: 10/10
Healer's Cap icon.png White Mage
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Divine Seal Recast 0/5
Cure Cast Time 0/5
Barspell Effect 5/5
Banish Effect 0/5
Regen Effect 5/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Martyr 1/5
Devotion 4/5
Animus Solace 5/5
Animus Misery 0/5
Total: 10/10
Wizard's Petasos icon.png Black Mage
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Elemental Seal Recast 0/5
Fire Magic Potency 0/5
Ice Magic Potency 5/5
Wind Magic Potency 0/5
Earth Magic Potency 0/5
Lightning Magic Potency 5/5
Water Magic Potency 0/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Ancient Magic MAB 0/5
Ancient Magic MB Dmg. 0/5
Elemental Mag. Acc. 5/5
Ele. Mag. Debuff Dur. 0/5
Ele. Mag. Debuff Pot. 5/5
Aspir Abs. Amount 0/5
Total: 10/10
Warlock's Chapeau icon.png Red Mage
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Convert Recast 0/5
Fire Magic Accuracy 0/5
Ice Magic Accuracy 5/5
Wind Magic Accuracy 5/5
Earth Magic Accuracy 0/5
Lightning Magic Accuracy 0/5
Water Magic Accuracy 0/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Enfeebling Magic Duration 2/5
Magic Accuracy 0/5
Enhancing Magic Duration 5/5
Immunobreak Chance 3/5
Enspell Damage 0/5
Accuracy 0/5
Total: 10/10
Rogue's Bonnet icon.png Thief
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Flee Recast 0/5
Hide Recast 0/5
Sneak Attack Recast 3/5
Trick Attack Recast 2/5
Triple Attack Rate 5/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Assassin's Charge 0/5
Feint 5/5
Aura Steal 1/5
Ambush 4/5
Total: 10/10
Gallant Coronet icon.png Paladin
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Shield Bash Recast 0/5
Holy Circle Recast 0/5
Sentinel Recast 5/5
Cover Effect Length 0/5
Rampart Recast 5/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Fealty 2/5
Chivalry 3/5
Iron Will 0/5
Guardian 5/5
Total: 10/10
Chaos Burgeonet icon.png Dark Knight
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Souleater Recast 0/5
Arcane Circle Recast 0/5
Last Resort Recast 5/5
Last Resort Effect 5/5
Weapon Bash Recast 0/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Dark Seal 5/5
Diabolic Eye 0/5
Muted Soul 0/5
Desperate Blows Effect 5/5
Total: 10/10
Beast Helm icon.png Beastmaster
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Killer Effects 0/5
Reward Recast 0/5
Call Beast Recast 5/5
Sic/Ready Recast 5/5
Tame Recast 0/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Feral Howl 0/5
Killer Instinct 5/5
Beast Affinity 5/5
Beast Healer 0/5
Total: 10/10
Choral Roundlet icon.png Bard
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Lullaby Recast 0/5
Finale Recast 0/5
Minne Effect 5/5
Minuet Effect 5/5
Madrigal Effect 0/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Nightingale 5/5
Troubadour 5/5
Foe Sirvente 0/5
Adventurer's Dirge 0/5
Total: 10/10
Hunter's Beret icon.png Ranger
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Scavenge Effect 0/5
Camouflage Recast 0/5
Sharpshot Recast 5/5
Unlimited Shot Recast 0/5
Rapid Shot Rate 5/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Stealth Shot 0/5
Flashy Shot 0/5
Snapshot 5/5
Recycle Rate 5/5
Total: 10/10
Myochin Kabuto icon.png Samurai
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Third Eye Recast 0/5
Warding Circle Recast 0/5
Store TP Effect 5/5
Meditate Recast 0/5
Zanshin Attack Rate 5/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Shikikoyo 0/5
Blade Bash 1/5
Ikishoten 4/5
Overwhelm 5/5
Total: 10/10
Ninja Hatsuburi icon.png Ninja
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Subtle Blow Effect 5/5
Katon Effect 0/5
Hyoton Effect 0/5
Huton Effect 2/5
Doton Effect 0/5
Raiton Effect 3/5
Suiton Effect 0/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Sange 1/5
Ninja Tool Expertise 0/5
Yonin Effect 0/5
Innin Effect 0/5
Ninjutsu Magic Accuracy 5/5
Ninjutsu Mag. Atk. Bonus 4/5
Total: 10/10
Drachen Armet icon.png Dragoon
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Ancient Circle Recast 0/5
Jump Recast 3/5
High Jump Recast 2/5
Super Jump Recast 0/5
Spirit Link Recast 5/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Deep Breathing 0/5
Angon 5/5
Empathy 5/5
Strafe 0/5
Total: 10/10
Evoker's Horn icon.png Summoner
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Avatar Physical Accuracy 5/5
Avatar Physical Attack 0/5
Avatar Magical Accuracy 0/5
Avatar Magical Attack 5/5
Elemental MP Cost 0/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Meteor Strike 1/5
Heavenly Strike 1/5
Wind Blade 5/5
Geocrush 1/5
Thunderstorm 1/5
Grand Fall 1/5
Total: 10/10
Magus Keffiyeh icon.png Blue Mage
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Chain Affinity Recast 0/5
Burst Affinity Recast 5/5
Monster Correlation 0/5
Physical Potency 0/5
Magical Accuracy 5/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Convergence 1/5
Diffusion 4/5
Enchainment 0/5
Assimilation 5/5
Total: 10/10
Corsair's Tricorne icon.png Corsair
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Phantom Roll Recast 5/5
Quick Draw Recast 5/5
Quick Draw Accuracy 0/5
Random Deal Recast 0/5
Bust Duration 0/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Snake Eye 5/5
Fold 1/5
Winning Streak 2/5
Loaded Deck 2/5
Total: 10/10
Pup. Taj icon.png Puppetmaster
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Automaton Skills 5/5
Maintenance Recast 0/5
Repair Effect 5/5
Activate Recast 0/5
Repair Recast 0/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Role Reversal 1/5
Ventriloquy 1/5
Fine-Tuning 3/5
Optimization 5/5
Total: 10/10
Dancer's Tiara icon.png Dancer
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Step Accuracy 0/5
Haste Samba Effect 5/5
Reverse Flourish Effect 5/5
Building Flourish Effect 0/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Saber Dance 1/5
Fan Dance 4/5
No Foot Rise 5/5
Closed Position 0/5
Total: 10/10
Scholar's M.board icon.png Scholar
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Grimoire Recast 0/5
Modus Veritas Duration 0/5
Helix Magic Acc./Atk. 5/5
Max Sublimation 5/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Altruism 0/5
Focalization 4/5
Tranquility 0/5
Equanimity 0/5
Enlightenment 1/5
Stormsurge 5/5
Total: 10/10
Geomancy Galero icon.png Geomancer
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Full Circle Effect 0/5
Ecliptic Attrition Recast 5/5
Life Cycle Recast 0/5
Blaze of Glory Recast 5/5
Dematerialize Recast 0/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Curative Recantation
Primeval Zeal 0/5
Mending Halation 0/5
Radial Arcana 5/5
Total: 10/10
Runeist Bandeau icon.png Rune Fencer
Group 1
Enhancement Level
Rune Enhancement Effect 0/5
Vallation Effect 5/5
Lunge Effect 0/5
Pflug Effect 0/5
Gambit Effect 5/5
Total: 10/10
Group 2
Enhancement Level
Battuta 4/5
Rayke 1/5
Inspiration 5/5
Sleight of Sword 0/5
Total: 10/10
Ravager's Mask icon.png Warrior
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Increases critical hit rate by 5% 100
Superior 3 500
Increases critical damage dealt by 2% 500
Increases damage from weapon skills by 3% 550
Superior 4 1200
Increases critical hit rate by 5% 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Bhikku Crown icon.png Monk
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Decreases hand-to-hand delay by 5 100
Superior 3 500
Increases chance of countering attacks by 2% 500
Increases damage from counterattacks by 5% 550
Superior 4 1200
Decreases hand-to-hand delay by 5 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Ebers Cap icon.png White Mage
Total Job Points Obtained: 18
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Reraise IV 100
Superior 3 500
Reduces cast time of healing magic by 2% 500
Increases the amount of HP restored by Regen by 5 550
Superior 4 1200
Full Cure 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Wicce Petasos icon.png Black Mage
Total Job Points Obtained: 1
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Fire VI, Blizzard VI, Aero VI, Stone VI, Thunder VI, Water VI 100
Superior 3 500
Reduces cast time of elemental magic by 2% 500
Aspir III 550
Superior 4 1200
Death 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Lethargy Chappel icon.png Red Mage
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Fire V, Blizzard V, Aero V, Stone V, Thunder V, Water V 100
Superior 3 500
Decreases cast time by 2% and recast time by 1% 500
Addle II, Distract III, Frazzle III 550
Superior 4 1200
Refresh III, Temper II 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Skulker's Bonnet icon.png Thief
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Increases the maximum value of Treasure Hunter by 1, for a value of 13 100
Superior 3 500
Critical Damage Bonus 500
Dual Wield Effect 550
Superior 4 1200
Increases the maximum value of Treasure Hunter by 1, for a value of 14 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Chevalier's Armet icon.png Paladin
Total Job Points Obtained: 6
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Enlight II 100
Superior 3 500
Critical Defense Bonus 500
Increases the effectiveness of Protect effects received by 10% 550
Superior 4 1200
Physical Defense Bonus 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Heathen's Burgonet icon.png Dark Knight
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Endark II 100
Superior 3 500
Weapon Skill Damage Bonus 500
Drain III 550
Superior 4 1200
Increases the amount of HP that Dread Spikes steals by 20% 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Nukumi Cabasset icon.png Beastmaster
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Sic and Ready Recast Time 100
Superior 3 500
Increases TP bonus of Fencer by 50 500
Increases pet attributes by 8 550
Superior 4 1200
Increases familiar TP bonus by 40. 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Fili Calot icon.png Bard
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Fire Threnody II, Ice Threnody II, Wind Threnody II, Earth Threnody II, Lightning Threnody II, Water Threnody II, Light Threnody II, Dark Threnody II 100
Superior 3 500
Increases wind instrument skill by 8. 500
Reduces the casting time of songs by 5%. 550
Superior 4 1200
Increases the effect duration of songs by 5%. 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Amini Gapette icon.png Ranger
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Reduces ranged attack delay while under the effects of Velocity Shot by 5%. 100
Superior 3 500
ncreases critical damage dealt by ranged attacks by 2%. 500
Increases the number of projectiles from Barrage by 1. 550
Superior 4 1200
Reduces ranged attack delay while under the effects of Velocity Shot by 5%. 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Kasuga Kabuto icon.png Samurai
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Hasso and Seigan Effect 100
Superior 3 500
Increase skillchain damage by 2%. 500
Increases the number of evasions from Third Eye by 1. 550
Superior 4 1200
Hasso and Seigan Effec 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Hattori Zukin icon.png Ninja
Total Job Points Obtained: 1
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Utsusemi: San 100
Superior 3 500
Increases the chance of throwing a shuriken while auto-attacking by 3%. 500
Increases the effect duration of ninjutsu by 10%. 550
Superior 4 1200
Increases weapon skill damage by 5%. 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Peltast's Mezail icon.png Dragoon
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Wyvern Attribute Increase Effect 100
Superior 3 500
Increases wyvern magic accuracy and evasion by 10. 500
Reduces the recast delay of Restoring Breath and Smiting Breath by 10 seconds. 550
Superior 4 1200
Wyvern Attribute Increase Effect 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Beckoner's Horn icon.png Summoner
Total Job Points Obtained: 2
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Reduces Blood Pact recast time by 5 seconds. 100
Superior 3 500
Increases summoning magic skill by 8. 500
Increases the effects of Avatar's Favor by 1. 550
Superior 4 1200
Reduces Blood Pact recast time by 5 seconds. 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Hashishin Kavuk icon.png Blue Mage
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
ncreases job traits gained from equipped blue magic by 1. 100
Superior 3 500
Increases blue magic skill by 8. 500
Blue Magic Effect 550
Superior 4 1200
Increases job traits gained from equipped blue magic by 1. 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Chass. Tricorne icon.png Corsair
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Reduces ranged attack delay by 5%. 100
Superior 3 500
Increases ranged attack damage by 2% when performed at an appropriate distance. 500
Reduces the recast delay of Quick Draw by 10 seconds per 1 charge point. 550
Superior 4 1200
Reduces ranged attack delay by 5%. 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100

Maculele Tiara icon.png Dancer
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Increases the maximum number of finishing moves that may be stored by 2. 100
Superior 3 500
Increases skillchain damage by 2%. 500
Reduces attack delay by 5% when a weapon is equipped in each hand. 550
Superior 4 1200
Increases the maximum number of finishing moves that may be stored by 2. 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Arbatel Bonnet icon.png Scholar
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Sandstorm II, Rainstorm II, Windstorm II, Firestorm II, Hailstorm II, Thunderstorm II, Aurorastorm II, Voidstorm II. 100
Superior 3 500
Increases magic burst damage by 3%. 500
Reduces stratagem recast time by 15 seconds per 1 charge point. 550
Superior 4 1200
Geohelix II, Hydrohelix II, Anemohelix II, Pyrohelix II, Cryohelix II, Ionohelix II, Noctohelix II, Luminohelix II 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Azimuth Hood icon.png Geomancer
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Fire V, Blizzard V, Aero V, Stone V, Thunder V, Water V 100
Superior 3 500
Increases magic damage by 3. 500
Aspir III 550
Superior 4 1200
Fira III, Blizzara III, Aerora III, Stonera III, Thundara III, Watera III 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100
Erilaz Galea icon.png Rune Fencer
Total Job Points Obtained: 2100
Gifts Total
Superior 1 50
Superior 2 100
Increases the duration of enhancing magic effects received by 10% 100
Superior 3 500
Increases parrying chance by 2%. 500
Temper 550
Superior 4 1200
Increases the duration of enhancing magic effects received by 10%. 1200
Superior 5 2100
Master! 2100