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Amchuchu · Ark Angel EV · Ark Angel HM · August · Curilla · Gessho · Mnejing · Rahal · Rughadjeen · Trion · Valaineral
Melee Fighter
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Ranged Fighter
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Offensive Caster
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Unity Concord
Aldo (UC) · Apururu (UC) · Ayame (UC) · Flaviria (UC) · Invincible Shield (UC) · Jakoh Wahcondalo (UC) · Maat (UC) · Naja Salaheem (UC) · Pieuje (UC) · Sylvie (UC) · Yoran-Oran (UC)



Amchuchu trust.jpg

Rune Fencer / Warrior


Flash, Foil, Stoneskin, Refresh, Phalanx, Regen I - IV, Protect I - IV, Shell I - V, Bar-element spells


Berserk, Provoke, Embolden, Battuta, Vallation, Valiance, Swordplay, Vivacious Pulse, Rune Enhancement, One for All, Swipe, Lunge

Weapon Skills

Dimidiation Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png, Power Slash Transfixion SC Icon.png, Sickle Moon Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses Inspiration (50% Fast Cast effect during Vallation, is party-wide during Valiance), Converts 5% of Physical Damage Taken to MP.
  • Only casts enhancing spells on herself.
  • Uses Embolden when casting Protect.
  • She can rapidly generate Volatile Enmity for initial threat or recovery from enmity reset attacks with a cornucopia of abilties and spells like Provoke, Flash, and Foil.
  • Uses Runes resisting the element of the current day. After taking magic damage, uses the appropriate Bar-spell and changes runes.
  • Uses One for All in response to enemies casting high-tier damaging spells.
  • Magic Bursts Level 4 Light or Level 4 Darkness skillchains using Lunge.
  • Berserk could be a risk when using Amchuchu outside of her role as a magic tank.
  • Holds up to 3000 TP to close skillchains. Weapon skills are a lower priority,

Ark Angel EV

Ark Angel EV
AAEV Trust.jpg

Paladin / White Mage


Flash, Phalanx, Cure I - IV, Enlight, Reprisal


Chivalry, Palisade, Sentinel, Divine Emblem, Rampart, Shield Strike

Weapon Skills

Chant du Cygne Light SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png, Vorpal Blade Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Dominion Slash (AoE) None, Arrogance Incarnate (AoE Spirits Within) None

  • Trade the Cipher: Ark EV item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Warp to Tu'LiaRu'Aun Gardens #4 to battle the Ark Angel with a Phantom gem of arrogance on any difficulty.

Players will be unable to receive the alter ego when trading the Cipher if they have not completed the Rhapsodies of Vana'diel mission "Exploring the Ruins." Completing that cutscene/mission will allow the cipher to be traded.

Special Features
  • Possesses Fast Cast, Cure Potency Bonus+50%, Damage Taken-10%, HP+20%, MP+50%, Converts 5% of Damage Taken to MP.
  • Lacks Provoke; however, AAEV's additional Fast Cast trait reduces the recast time on Flash and Reprisal for solid enmity control.
    • Recast times can be improved further by providing Haste.
  • AAEV has improved Shield stats compared to other trusts, implied by the [Nov 2021 Patch Notes]. This would also make her Reprisal better.
  • Ark Angel Elvaan doesn't use any WHM-only abilities or spells, but /WHM has Auto-Regen and Magic Defense Bonus, making her a good physical/magical hybrid tank.
  • Uses Rampart when her target is under the effects of Chainspell, Manafont, or Astral Flow.
  • Uses Shield Strike to interrupt enemies casting high tier spells.
  • Holds up to 2000 TP to try to close skillchains.
  • With two weapon skills that have no skillchain properties, tends to not interrupt skillchains performed by other party members.
Trust Synergy
  • ArkEV / ArkHM / ArkMR / ArkGK / ArkTT: When all 5 Ark Angels are summoned, they possess a Magic Evasion bonus (see: Resist).

Ark Angel HM

Ark Angel HM
AAHM Trust.jpg

Ninja / Warrior


Migawari: Ichi, Utsusemi: Ichi/Ni, Hojo: Ichi/Ni, Kurayami: Ichi/Ni


Innin, Yonin, Provoke, Berserk, Warcry

Weapon Skills

Chant du Cygne Light SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png, Swift Blade Gravitation SC Icon.png, Cross Reaver (Unique Conal Stun) None

  • Trade the Cipher: Ark HM item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
    • Complete Dawn and all its cutscenes.
    • Be in possession of the Bundle of scrolls key item.
    • Have obtained the additional following Trust spells: Rainemard, Ark Angel GK, Ark Angel EV, Ark Angel MR, & Ark Angel TT
    • Speak with Jamal in Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5).
      • After trading Ark Angel TT 's cipher, you must speak to Jamal, zone, and speak to Jamal again to unlock the Objective for Cipher: Ark HM. Be sure before zoning Jamal asks you to "Please come by again later."
      • You may need to zone and talk to him again if you haven't talked to him since trading Ark Angel TT 's cipher in order for him to unlock the Objective.
    • Complete the Records of Eminence Objective: Eliminate Your Apathy
Warp to Tu'LiaRu'Aun Gardens #1 to battle the Ark Angel with a Phantom gem of apathy on any difficulty.

Players will be unable to receive the alter ego when trading the Cipher if they have not completed the Rhapsodies of Vana'diel mission "Exploring the Ruins." Completing that cutscene/mission will allow the cipher to be traded.

Special Features
  • Possesses HP+20%
  • Possesses an Utsusemi +1 trait which grants AA HM an extra shadow.
  • If there is a NIN, PLD, or RUN in the party, behaves as a damage dealer: Uses Innin, Berserk.
  • If there are no other tanks in the party, behaves as a tank: Uses Yonin, Warcry.
  • Uses Provoke in both situations in order to be sub tank.
  • Casts debuffs when does not have hate.
  • Starts fights with Migawari if available.
  • Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP and does not try to skillchain.
Trust Synergy
  • ArkEV / ArkHM / ArkMR / ArkGK / ArkTT: When all 5 Ark Angels are summoned, they possess a Magic Evasion bonus (see: Resist).


August Trust.jpg

Paladin / Warrior


Cure I - IV, Flash, Holy II, Reprisal


Sentinel, Provoke, Divine Emblem, Palisade, Daybreak (Wings)

Weapon Skills
Special Features
  • Possesses HP+10%
  • Uses Divine Emblem to enhance Holy II.
  • August's attacks are not affected by Sambas.
  • August wears the Founder's Gear and has accordingly all Killer Effects and high resistance to Terror.
  • August can switch weapons at will while auto attacking and performing weapon skills, it is unknown if this changes his damage type or is merely cosmetic.
  • He has been observed wielding H2H, Dagger and Axe, Bow (Auto Attacks), Great Axe and Scythe (Alabaster Burst), Great Sword (Tartaric Sigil), Dual Katanas and Great Katana (Noble Frenzy) Club and Staff (Fulminous Fury), All Weapons combined (No Quarter), and Flute (Daybreak) in addition to his default Sword and Shield.
  • August is considered to be wielding a Great Sword for the purposes of Damage Limit+ and Inundation. [Reference:Patch Notes]
  • Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP and does not try to skillchain.
  • Daybreak (~3 min cooldown, ~1 min 30 sec duration)
    • When August's HP drops below a certain threshold (~66%), he uses Daybreak if it's available which partially restores some HP and MP, resets his TP, and activates an aura with wings of light
    • Daybreak is a -50% PDT effect, full Erase, Stats boost, Regen, and Store TP
    • During Daybreak, August's next weapon skill will be Fulminous Fury or Noble Frenzy, followed by No Quarter
    • Daybreak is removed after the use of No Quarter.
    • Daybreak's cooldown may start when No Quarter is used (meaning it's about a 1.5min cooldown) Information Needed


Curilla Trust.jpg

Paladin / Paladin


Cure I - IV, Flash



Weapon Skills

(5)Red Lotus Blade Liquefaction SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, (25)Seraph Blade Scission SC Icon.png, (50)Swift Blade Gravitation SC Icon.png, (60)Vorpal Blade Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses MP+30%, Guardian (Sentinel enmity loss -95%), Sentinel Recast merited (-50 sec), Cure Potency Bonus+25%, and Cure Casting Time Down.
  • Does not use Provoke, but will use Flash. This leads to poor hate control.
  • Uses TP randomly and does not try to skillchain.
  • Cures players and trusts in yellow (<75%) HP.
Trust Synergy
  • Curilla: Rainemard casts Phalanx II (unlocked at level 75) only on Curilla and himself. His Phalanx, like his Enspells, also appears to benefit from his extremely high enhancing magic skill, his Phalanx II is -35 damage.


Gessho trust.jpg

Ninja / Warrior


Utsusemi: Ichi/Ni, Hojo: Ichi/Ni, Kurayami: Ichi/Ni


Provoke, Yonin, Shiko no Mitate (Yagudo Parry), Rinpyotosha (Yagudo Howl: Attack Boost)

Weapon Skills

Happobarai (Yagudo Sweep) Reverberation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Hane Fubuki (Feather Storm) Transfixion SC Icon.png, Shibaraku (AoE) Dark SC Icon.png/Gravitation SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Will only use the highest tier debuff available, but will use both Utsusemi spells.
  • Will maintain Yonin full time.
  • Greatly benefits from capping magical haste as it will allow for better maintenance of Utsusemi shadows.
  • Holds TP until 1500 to try to close skillchains.
  • Gessho is a good tank choice for players trying to avoid Light-based damage since his weapon skills won't accidentally open Light skillchains.
  • Special abilities:
    • Shiko no Mitate : Defense Boost + Stoneskin + Issekigan
    • Rinpyotosha : Party members gain a 3 minute Attack Boost (+25% Attack) effect. 5 minute cooldown.


Mnejing trust.jpg

Paladin / Paladin "Valoredge"


Strobe I - II (Provoke), Shield Bash (Stun), Disruptor (Dispel), Flashbulb (Flash)

Weapon Skills

Chimera Ripper Induration SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, String Clipper Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Shield Subverter (Conal AoE, Silence) Light SC Icon.png/Fusion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Passive -37.5% Damage Taken Reduction.
  • Possesses lower HP than most tanks, but takes significantly less damage.
  • Possesses a moderate amount of MP, despite the fact he cannot use magic.
  • Possesses Barrier Module (Increased Block Chance, Shield Mastery)
  • Mnejing will hold up to 1500 TP to close skillchains; however, he will not always choose to close with a weapon skill which will create the highest tier skillchain possible.
    (i.e.: he will sometimes use Chimera Ripper to skillchain with Savage Blade to create a tier 1 skillchain instead of Shield Subverter to create a tier 3 skillchain)
  • Mnejing tries to interrupt TP-abilities with Shield Bash.
  • Mnejing will Flash its target using the Flashbulb (Mnejing's Flash generates considerable enmity).
  • Mnejing can use the effects of his attachments (Strobe, Barrier Module, Flashbulb, and Disruptor) despite not having any maneuvers effects.
Trust Synergy
  • Nashmeira: Mnejing receives increased defense (+10%) and increased enmity (+10%) (not compatible with Nashmeira II).


Rahal Trust.jpg

Paladin / Warrior


Cure I - IV, Flash, Phalanx, Enlight


Sentinel, Berserk, Provoke, Shield Bash

Weapon Skills

Fast Blade Scission SC Icon.png, Seraph Blade Scission SC Icon.png, Swift Blade Gravitation SC Icon.png, Savage Blade Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses Dragon Killer.
  • Rahal is an aggressive tank who uses Berserk.
  • Prioritizes Flash over Provoke.
  • Will only cast Cure when a party member is below 33% health and will use the highest tier available.
  • Will only use Sentinel when he is below 33% health.
  • He tries to interrupt TP-abilities and high-tier spells with Shield Bash.
  • Holds up to 2500 TP to close skillchains.


Rughadjeen Trust.jpg

Paladin / Paladin


Holy, Flash, Cure I - IV, Raise


Sentinel, Divine Emblem, Holy Circle, Chivalry

Weapon Skills

Power Slash Transfixion SC Icon.png, Sickle Moon Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Ground Strike Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png, Victory Beacon (Conal AoE) Light SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses Fast Cast, Cure Potency Received +30%, Damage Taken -5%, HP+20%, MP+20%.
  • He wields the Algol and so has an enfire effect and a 3% triple attack rate.
  • Uses Holy Circle if the enemy is Undead.
  • Will only cast Cure I - IV when a party member is below 75% (yellow) HP or asleep.
  • Tries to use weapon skills at 1000 TP, but it is lower priority.
  • Uses Chivalry at 50% MP if it's available.
  • Will cast Raise on KO'd party members in casting range.
Trust Synergy
  • Mihli Aliapoh/Gadalar/Zazarg/Najelith: Rughadjeen empowers the other serpent generals. [Official Synergy Hint]
    • Mihli Aliapoh gains +25% Cure Potency increase.
    • Gadalar gains +25 Magic Attack Bonus. For a total +90 MAB at level 99 (+40 BLM job traits. +25 Gadalar trait. +25 Synergy).
    • Najelith gains +40 ranged accuracy and enhanced Barrage accuracy.
    • Zazarg gains ~5-15%Question damage.
  • When any other serpent generals are in the party, Rughadjeen has Damage Taken -29% while in combat with a foe.


Trion Trust.jpg

Paladin / Warrior


Cure I - IV, Flash


Provoke, Sentinel

Weapon Skills

Red Lotus Blade Liquefaction SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Savage Blade Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, Royal Bash (Shield Bash) None, Royal Savior (Palisade, Sentinel, Stoneskin) None

  • Complete the initiation quest in San d’Oria.
  • Must be Rank 6 or higher in any nation.
Special Features
  • Royal Bash is stronger than a normal Shield Bash. Royal Saviour is a secondary, stronger version of Sentinel. Trion alternates between this and the normal version of Sentinel.
  • Trion tries to interrupt TP-abilities with Royal Bash.
  • Uses TP randomly and does not try to skillchain.
  • With his two defensive TP moves, he's not likely to interrupt skillchains much.
Trust Synergy
  • Pieuje (UC) only uses Regen when healing his brother Trion.


Valaineral Trust.jpg

Paladin / Warrior


Cure I - IV, Flash, Protect IV - V, Reprisal, Enlight, Phalanx


Provoke, Sentinel, Majesty, Defender, Fealty, Divine Emblem, Chivalry, Palisade, Rampart

Weapon Skills

Circle Blade Reverberation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Sanguine Blade None, Savage Blade Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, Uriel Blade (AoE) Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses Enmity+, Cure Potency Bonus+50%, Spell interruption rate decrease, Refresh+ (+3mp/tick Auto Refresh, stacks with PLD trait), and Damage Taken -8%, HP+10%, MP+20%
  • Uriel Blade can be used under 1000 TP based on certain conditions, making him excellent at engaging multiple targets. He can even use it when engaging a single target and any time the player draws enmity. This makes him a good SC opener for Ark GK, who can use that to close Light SCs right after engaging an enemy with no TP requirement for either of them.
  • Very powerful at low levels due to his special ability letting him use Uriel Blade before he has access to it as a normal weapon skill (lv.50).
  • Casts Protect spells on himself under the effect of Majesty with the added defense of Shield Barrier (defense varies by ilvl, up to 350), but does not attempt to overwrite other Protect effects even if he would gain more defense from doing so.
  • Uses Divine Emblem before casting Flash if it is available.
  • Rampart will be used when his target is under the effect of Chainspell, Manafont, or Astral Flow.
    • Against SMNs, Rampart trigger seems to be based on whether there's an avatar summoned. Certain Tonberry NMs have a Light Spirit or their avatar appears after Astral Flow, which could explain why Rampart didn't trigger. Verification Needed
  • Fealty can be used under certain conditions including anticipating Mijin Gakure and negating its damage.
  • Uses weapon skills randomly around 2000 TP and does not try to close skillchains.

Melee Fighter


Abenzio Trust.jpg

Monk / Warrior

Weapon Skills

Blank Gaze (Conal paralysis) None, Antiphase (AoE silence) None, Uppercut Liquefaction SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Blow (Damage + Stun) None

Special Features
  • Possesses HP+20%
  • Abenzio's job is Monk unlike most Goobbue which are Warriors.
    • He has the normal MNK/WAR traits, but he does Kick Attacks with his arm vines because Goobbue don't have a kick animation.
  • Possesses a monstrous Max HP Boost among other Job Traits, but doesn't use Job Abilities.
  • As a Plantoid, he intimidates beasts, is intimidated by vermin, and is subject to Plantoid Killer.
  • Uses TP randomly and does not try to skillchain.
  • Summoning, Dismiss and death text can only be understood if summoner is wearing (or lockstyled) mandragora costume gear (Mandragora Suit and Mansque, etc).


Abquhbah Trust.jpg

Warrior / Monk


Berserk, Warcry, Restraint

Weapon Skills

Combo Impaction SC Icon.png, Backhand Blow Detonation SC Icon.png, Salaheem Spirit None

Special Features
  • Salaheem Spirit
    • All nearby party members receive a +24 bonus to all base attributes, i.e.: STR, DEX, etc. (Bonuses degrade over time: about a rate of -1 per tock. Usually +13 to +16 left when the effect ends based on initial duration).
    • Duration is based on TP (~70 seconds @1500 TP, ~90 seconds @2000 TP, 120 seconds @3000 TP)
    • Salaheem Spirit's attribute bonus seems to be determined on your level ÷ 4 (+18 @ level 72, +24 @ level 99)
  • Holds up to 1500 TP to try to close skillchains.
  • When not able to close a skillchain, uses Berserk + Warcry + random weapon skill.
  • Without any conditions to increase Salaheem Spirit usage: maintaining the bonus is up to luck. External TP Bonuses (Shiva GUI.png) and TP gain rate increases (Regain/Haste/Store TP/Double Attack) can help.


Aldo trust.jpg

Thief / Ninja


Bully, Sneak Attack, Assassin's Charge

Weapon Skills

Lock and Load Fusion SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, Shockstorm Edge (AoE) Impaction SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Iniquitous Stab Gravitation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, Choreographed Carnage Dark SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses THF/NIN traits, limited to Treasure Hunter I.
  • Holds up to 2000 TP in order to close skillchains. If he's not able to close a skillchain, will use Assassin's Charge in combination with the WS.
  • Can be made to spam Shockstorm Edge (to close) by opening with a Weapon Skill that leaves no alternative (like Cyclone)
  • Lock and Load is a marksmanship weapon skill, which Aldo seems to have a lower proficiency in since this weapon skill misses more often than others.
  • Uses Sneak Attack regardless of positioning and does not try to combine it with weapon skills.
    • Will use Bully before Sneak Attack (to remove the directional requirement on Sneak Attack), so try readying a skillchain when you see Aldo use Bully.
    • Sneak Attack does not work on ranged or magic weapon skills.
  • Gains TP quickly with Dual Wield and Triple Attack trait: 50 TP/hit x2.
Trust Synergy
  • Aldo/Lion/Zeid: When two or three of them are in a party together, they gain a power boost from each of the others in the party. [Official synergy hint]
    • Aldo gains an “enhances Dual Wield effect” bonus (Requires level 20 or greater). Adds a chance for extra attacks instead of reducing delay: his TP gain is still multiples of 50. (similar to Hattori Garb Set) [Reference:Patch Notes]
    • Lion gains an attack speed increase ~6%/~12%.
    • Zeid gains an attack bonus ~10%/~20%.


Areuhat Trust.jpg

Warrior / Paladin


Aggressor, Berserk, Blood Rage

Weapon Skills

Seraph Blade Scission SC Icon.png, Vorpal Blade Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Savage Blade Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, Hurricane Wing (AoE) Scission SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Dragon Breath (Conal AoE) Light SC Icon.png/Fusion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses enhanced Blood Rage duration (60s duration, 5m cooldown).
  • Areuhat is capable of wielding TP attacks commonly employed by wyrms.
  • Even in her Elvaan form, she is susceptible to Monster Correlation: She can intimidate Demons and be intimidated by them in turn.
  • She waits for Warcry effects to expire before using Blood Rage, but it will sometimes be immediately overwritten by other Warrior trusts using Warcry at the same time she casts Blood Rage since they tend to have the same buffing logic.
  • Holds up to 2000 TP to close skillchains.

Ark Angel GK

Ark Angel GK
AAGK Trust.jpg

Samurai / Dragoon


Hasso, Konzen-ittai, Hagakure, Meditate, Sekkanoki, Jump, High Jump

Weapon Skills

Tachi: Fudo Light SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png, Tachi: Gekko Distortion SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, Tachi: Kasha Fusion SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, Tachi: Yukikaze Induration SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Dragonfall (AoE Damage + Bind) None

Warp to Tu'LiaRu'Aun Gardens #5 to battle the Ark Angel with a Phantom gem of rage on any difficulty.

Players will be unable to receive the alter ego when trading the Cipher if they have not completed the Rhapsodies of Vana'diel mission "Exploring the Ruins." Completing that cutscene/mission will allow the cipher to be traded.

Special Features
  • Possesses HP+20%
  • Occassionally able to use Weapon Skills without consuming TP. Can do this to close Skillchains under 1000 TP or to use Dragonfall twice at high TP.
    • There is a short delay before he can use it again.
  • Has a high TP return on Jump (790 TP), uses it at low TP.
  • Uses High Jump when in the top enmity slot.
  • He will use Konzen-ittai if available when the player has 1000 TP but he does not. Never tries to close a Skillchain with it.
  • Holds up to 3000 TP to try to close skillchains.
  • If Sekkanoki and Meditate are available, self-skillchains at 2000 TP.
Trust Synergy
  • ArkEV / ArkHM / ArkMR / ArkGK / ArkTT: When all 5 Ark Angels are summoned, they possess a Magic Evasion bonus (see: Resist).

Ark Angel MR

Ark Angel MR
AAMR Trust.jpg

Beastmaster / Thief


Sneak Attack, Trick Attack

Weapon Skills

Cloudsplitter Dark SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png, Calamity Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Rampage Scission SC Icon.png, Havoc Spiral (AoE) None

  • Trade the Cipher: Ark MR item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
Warp to Tu'LiaRu'Aun Gardens #3 to battle the Ark Angel with a Phantom gem of envy on any difficulty.

Players will be unable to receive the alter ego when trading the Cipher if they have not completed the Rhapsodies of Vana'diel mission "Exploring the Ruins." Completing that cutscene/mission will allow the cipher to be traded.

Special Features
Trust Synergy
  • ArkEV / ArkHM / ArkMR / ArkGK / ArkTT: When all 5 Ark Angels are summoned, they possess a Magic Evasion bonus (see: Resist).


Ayame Trust.jpg

Samurai / Samurai


Meditate, Hasso, Third Eye

Weapon Skills

(1)Tachi: Enpi Transfixion SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, (9)Tachi: Hobaku Induration SC Icon.png, (23)Tachi: Goten Transfixion SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, (33)Tachi: Kagero Liquefaction SC Icon.png, (49)Tachi: Jinpu Scission SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, (55)Tachi: Koki Reverberation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, (60)Tachi: Yukikaze Induration SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, (65)Tachi: Gekko Distortion SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, (71)Tachi: Kasha Fusion SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png

  • Complete the initiation quest in Bastok.
  • Must be Rank 3 or higher in any nation.
Special Features
  • Skillchains:
    • Once the player uses a Weapon Skill with Ayame summoned, she will hold off using weapon skills until the player has 1000 or more TP.
    • This helps to open the highest level Skillchain possible determined by the previously used weapon skill.
    • Ayame will always try to open a Skillchain rather than close it.
    • She will Weapon Skills regardless how much HP is remaining on the current monster.
    • Holds TP until 3000 to open skillchains for the player.
  • Uses Meditate, when the ability is ready, in situations where the player has TP but she does not.
  • Only uses Third Eye when she pulls hate.

Babban Mheillea

Babban Mheillea
Babban Mheillea Trust.jpg

Monk / Monk

Weapon Skills

Wild Oats Transfixion SC Icon.png, Headbutt None, Photosynthesis (Grants Regen) None, Petal Pirouette (Resets foe's TP to zero) (AoE) None

Special Features
  • Possesses Job Traits but no Job Abilities. HP-10%
  • Guards and Counters melee attacks directed at her.
  • As a Plantoid, she is subject to Plantoid Killer (intimidated by Vermin).
  • Uses TP randomly and does not try to skillchain.
  • Has a large HP pool common to non-humanoids.
  • Petal Pirouette normally reduces enemy TP to 0, but it has a reduced effect on NMs: enemy's remaining TP will be written in the log.
  • Photosynthesis will only be used during daytime (6:00~18:00).
  • Summoning, Dismiss and death text can only be understood if the summoner is wearing (or lockstyle) mandragora costume gear (Mandragora Suit and Mansque, etc).


Balamor Trust.jpg

Dark Knight / Black Mage


Absorb-STAT spells

Weapon Skills

Feast of Arrows Gravitation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, Last Laugh (Drain HP) Dark SC Icon.png/Gravitation SC Icon.png, Regurgitated Swarm Fusion SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, Setting the Stage Gravitation SC Icon.png/Induration SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses HP+40%, MP+100%
  • Is Undead so he takes damage from Cure spells and cannot be healed by Curing Waltzes or Divine Waltz.
  • Immune to Drain type spells and drain effects from TP moves such as Blood Saber but can still be damaged by them.
  • Can use Last Laugh to drain HP from enemies.
  • Uses TP randomly and does not try to skillchain.
  • Auto-attack is dark elemental magic damage. May appear to be AoE even though it is not.
    • Since his attacks are special moves, he does not benefit from Sambas or Haste, but likewise is not affected by Slow or Spikes.


Chacharoon Trust.jpg

Thief / Ranger

Weapon Skills

Sharp Eye (Conal) None, Tripe Gripe None, Pocket Sand (Conal) None

Special Features
  • Possesses HP-10%, MP-10%
  • Very low delay, but also has relatively low base damage.
  • Occasionally performs a throwing ranged attack on the enemy.
  • Chacharoon's Sharp Eye resembles a Gaze attack but it has no directional requirement.
  • The status effects Chacharoon applies could be used in kiting or evasion strategies.
    • The effect may be difficult to land on higher level enemies.
    • Gravity and Defense Down are Element: Wind wind-based status effects.
    • If half-resisted, duration will be halved.
  • Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP.
  • Tripe Gripe and Sharp Eye do not deal damage, only applying status effects:
Trust Synergy


Cid Trust.jpg

Warrior / Ranger


Berserk, Aggressor

Weapon Skills

True Strike Detonation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Hexa Strike Fusion SC Icon.png, Fiery Tailings (AoE) Light SC Icon.png/Fusion SC Icon.png, Critical Mass Fusion SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Both melees and shoots.
  • Uses Aggressor hopefully augmented with Aggressive Aim merits. Verification Needed
  • Saves up to 2500 TP waiting to close a skillchain.
  • Will save Berserk until he is about to use a weapon skill.


Darrcuiln Trust.jpg

Warrior / Red Mage "Beast"

Weapon Skills

Howling Gust Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, Starward Yowl Gravitation SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, Righteous Rasp Fusion SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, Aurous Charge Liquefaction SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, Stalking Prey (AoE) Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses HP+~42%
  • Has several auto-attack animations. Although none can miss, only the roar appears to do magic damage (element unknown). He will exclusively roar if the monster is out of range.
  • Since his attacks are special moves, he does not benefit from Sambas or Haste, but likewise is not affected by Slow or Spikes.
  • Has a large HP pool common to non-humanoids.
  • Can treat as a Warrior for job interaction purposes (buffs/behaviors of other trusts).
  • Holds TP randomly between (1500-2000), but does not attempt to close skillchains.
Trust Synergy
  • Morimar: Darrcuiln and Morimar will uses TP moves more often when summoned together.
    • Darrcuiln will use TP moves with 1000 TP, regardless of whether Morimar is ready to complete a skillchain or not.
    • Note: If Morimar's aura is up, Darrcuiln behaves normally and saves its TP until 1500-2000.


Excenmille Trust.jpg

Paladin / Paladin


Flash, Cure I - IV



Weapon Skills

Double Thrust Transfixion SC Icon.png, Leg Sweep Impaction SC Icon.png, Penta Thrust Compression SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Uses TP randomly and does not try to skillchain.
  • Uses Sentinel and Flash on cooldown for enmity.
  • Casts Cure on party members in orange HP (<50%).
  • Prioritizes healing if there is no WHM in the party.
    • Cure threshold changes to party members under <75%.

Excenmille (S)

Excenmille (S)
Excenmille S Trust.jpg

Warrior / Paladin


Stag's Call

Weapon Skills

Songbird Swoop Reverberation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Gyre Strike (Paralyze) Fragmentation SC Icon.png, Orcsbane (AoE) Light SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png, Stag's Charge Gravitation SC Icon.png/Induration SC Icon.png


Notice: Acquiring this trust is a long process of 12 quests; many of which have "a game day of waiting" between them. Setting aside a good amount of time is advised to see this done. The starting quest = Gifts of the Griffon and you don't need to be allied to San d'Oria (S) in order to start or obtain this trust.

Special Features
  • Stag's Call is an AoE Haste +15%, Attack +15%, and MAB +15 buff which lasts for 3 minutes (recast is 5 minutes).
  • Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP.


Fablinix trust.jpg

Thief / Red Mage


Stun, Enwater, Cure I - IV

Weapon Skills

Bomb Toss (AoE) Liquefaction SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Goblin Rush Fusion SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses MP+250%.
  • Occasionally uses his crossbow in addition to dagger melee attacks. The long ranged attack delay can cause him to miss Stun opportunities.
  • Casts Stun to interrupt enemy TP moves.
  • Uses Cure spells on party members in orange HP (<50%) or asleep, with higher priority for the tank (<75%).
  • Holds up to 1500 TP in order to close skillchains.
  • Fablinix's high MP pool and access to Stun at the BLM level (lv.42) may give the impression that he is a BLM or has multiple main jobs. However, if you use him in area with subjob restrictions he will have 0 MP. If you give him at least +8MP through AoE Food (before applying his +350%) or by raising your item level, he will still be able to cast Stun but none of the other spells. He might have a different version of Stun than players, which may explain reports of his Stun recast being shorter.


Gilgamesh Trust.jpg

Samurai / Warrior


Hasso, Third Eye, Sekkanoki, Hagakure

Weapon Skills

Tachi: Goten Transfixion SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Tachi: Kasha Fusion SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, Iainuki Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png, Tachi: Kamai (AoE) Gravitation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Holds up to 2000 TP to close skillchains.
  • If he has 2000 TP and Sekkanoki is ready, he self Skillchains.


Halver Trust.jpg

Paladin / Warrior


Cure I - IV, Flash


Berserk, Rampart, Provoke, Sentinel

Weapon Skills

Penta Thrust Compression SC Icon.png, Impulse Drive Gravitation SC Icon.png/Induration SC Icon.png, Raiden Thrust Transfixion SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses MP+30%
  • Uses Berserk as often as possible.
  • When party member's HP is low (under 40%), he acts like a tank and uses his abilities and magic more frequently.
  • Uses Sentinel and Rampart as soon as he starts doing tank behavior.
  • Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP, but it is lower priority.

Ingrid II

Ingrid II
Ingrid II Trust.jpg

White Mage / Warrior


Banish I - III, Cursna, Holy



Weapon Skills

Merciless Strike Detonation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Moonlight None, Inexorable Strike Light SC Icon.png/Fusion SC Icon.png, Ruthlessness (Conal Drain) None

Special Features
  • Possesses Undead Killer, Banish effectiveness vs Undead +10 (28/256).
  • Saves up to 2500 TP while waiting to close a skillchain.
  • Ingrid II's weapon skills are especially effective at creating Light-based skillchains.
  • Ingrid II only casts spells in order to Magic Burst, doing so with the Banish line of Divine Magic.
  • Moonlight use doesn't appear to be triggered by anything specific (such as her or party members lacking MP).
  • Self-Aggrandizement: Recovers HP and removes one status ailment for the entire party. Used when 3 or more party members are in yellow HP (<75%) or a party member is asleep. Recast: 00:30.
  • Ingrid II is especially effective against undead enemies due to her propensity to create Light skillchains and magic bursting with powerful Banish spells.


Iroha Trust.jpg

Samurai / White Mage


Protectra V, Shellra V


Hagakure, Hasso, Meditate, Third Eye, Save TP (400), Blessing of Phoenix (one time Reraise)

Weapon Skills

Amatsu: Hanadoki (Magical DamageElement: Light) Reverberation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Amatsu: Choun (Magical DamageElement: Fire) Liquefaction SC Icon.png, Amatsu: Fuga (Magical DamageElement: Fire) Impaction SC Icon.png, Amatsu: Gachirin (Magical DamageElement: Light) Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses MP+50%
  • If Hagakure and Meditate are available, does not try to close skillchains created by other weapon skills or existing skillchains: focuses on making a solo skillchain at 2000 TP.
  • Iroha's skillchain is as follows: Hanadoki > Choun = Liquefaction > Fuga = Fusion > Gachirin = Light > Gachirin = LightLight.
  • Holds up to 2500 TP to close skillchains.
  • Has access to Protectra V and Shellra V at level 75 but no lower tier versions.
  • Iroha possesses the blessing of Phoenix which will revive her at full HP if she is killed in battle (occurs only once per summoning).

Iroha II

Iroha II
Iroha II Trust.jpg

Samurai / White Mage


Protectra V, Shellra V, Flare II


Hasso, Save TP (400), Meditate, Third Eye

Weapon Skills

Amatsu: Kyori (Magical DamageElement: Fire) Induration SC Icon.png, Amatsu: Hanadoki (Magical DamageElement: Light + Chance to Dispel) Reverberation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Amatsu: Suien (Magical DamageElement: Fire) Fusion SC Icon.png, Amatsu: Gachirin (Magical DamageElement: Light) Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png, Rise From Ashes (AoE Restore HP + MP + Stoneskin)None

Special Features
  • Possesses HP-5%, MP+250%
  • Gains 205 TP per hit.
  • Has access to Protectra V and Shellra V at level 75 but no lower tier versions.
  • Iroha will normally hold her TP in order to close any potential skillchains.
  • When Iroha has 2000+ TP and Meditate is ready, she will attempt to perform a 4 part Double Light skillchain.
  • Iroha will magic burst fire-based skillchains using a near instant cast Flare II.
  • This version of Iroha has taken on a fiery new appearance and the blessing of Phoenix was upgraded; her Reraise was replaced with the AoE healing skill, Rise From Ashes.
  • Rise from Ashes is a weapon skill that restores 25% HP of all party members, restores MP, and provides a 500HP Stoneskin buff.
    • She will use Rise From Ashes if 3 or more party members are at yellow HP (75%) or if a party member is asleep.

Iron Eater

Iron Eater
IronEater Trust.jpg

Warrior / Warrior


Provoke, Berserk, Restraint

Weapon Skills

Shield Break Impaction SC Icon.png, Armor Break Impaction SC Icon.png, Steel Cyclone Distortion SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png

  • Complete the initiation quest in Bastok.
  • Have obtained the following Trust spells: Naji, Ayame, & Volker
Special Features
  • Possesses 5/5 Double Attack merits, enhanced Double Attack rate, enhanced Store TP.
  • Will only use Provoke if your HP is low.
  • Will use Restraint and waits until 35~40 attacks have landed (long after reaching 3000 TP) to use a random weaponskill.
  • While not using Restraint, uses TP as soon as he gets it.


Klara Trust.jpg

Warrior / Warrior


Berserk, Provoke, Warcry

Weapon Skills

Fast Blade Scission SC Icon.png, Vorpal Blade Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Savage Blade Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, Temblor Blade (AoE) Reverberation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png


Notice: Acquiring this trust is a long process of 12 quests; many of which have "a game day of waiting" between them. Setting aside a good amount of time is advised to see this done. The starting quest = Better Part of Valor and you don't need to be allied to Bastok (S) in order to start or obtain this trust.

Special Features
  • Temblor Blade is a significantly stronger variant of Circle Blade.
  • Uses TP as soon as she gets it.
  • Provokes when the player is in orange (50%) HP.

Lehko Habhoka

Lehko Habhoka
Lehko Trust.jpg

Thief / Black Mage


Single-target elemental nukes I - II

Weapon Skills

Iridal Pierce (AoE) Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png, Lunar Revolution (Conal) Gravitation SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, Debonair Rush Scission SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Inspirit (AoE HP+MP restore+Erase) None

Special Features
  • Possesses MP+150%, enhanced Magic Accuracy.
  • Has an abnormally high Double/Triple attack rate.
  • Tends to use a weapon skill right when he hits 1000TP.
  • Regularly uses a throwing Ranged Attack in conjunction with his auto-attacks.
    • Spells are used more frequently against enemies resistant to Piercing piercing damage, such as elementals.
  • Occasionally uses elemental magic for moderate damage. (Does not attempt to magic burst)
  • Use of Inspirit does not appear to be triggered by party condition (i.e. he can use it if everyone is at full HP).

Lhe Lhangavo

Lhe Lhangavo
Lhe Lhangavo Trust.jpg

Monk / Warrior


Dodge, Chakra, Impetus, Focus, Formless Strikes, Provoke

Weapon Skills

Backhand Blow Detonation SC Icon.png, Raging Fists Impaction SC Icon.png, Dragon Kick Fragmentation SC Icon.png, Asuran Fists Gravitation SC Icon.png/Liquefaction SC Icon.png

Special Features

Lhu Mhakaracca

Lhu Mhakaracca
LhuMhakaracca trust.jpg

Beastmaster / Warrior


Feral Howl, Berserk, Aggressor

Weapon Skills

Spinning Axe Liquefaction SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Rampage Scission SC Icon.png, Onslaught Dark SC Icon.png/Gravitation SC Icon.png, Decimation Fusion SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Favors Spinning Axe.
  • Gains 91 TP per hit.
  • Uses TP as soon as she gets it.
  • Uses Feral Howl when the enemy is < 20% HP, which can help to prevent abilities triggered by low-hp (e.g. Healing abilities, Final Sting), especially job abilities you wouldn't be able to Stun normally (e.g. Benediction, Mijin Gakure)


Lilisette Trust.jpg

Dancer / Dancer

Weapon Skills

Whirling Edge (AoE) Distortion SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, Dancer's Fury Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, Rousing Samba None, Sensual Dance None, Thorn DanceNone, Vivifying Waltz (Divine Waltz II)None

Special Features
  • Even though she appears to Dual Wield, she only attacks with a single attack per round.
  • Does not try to participate in skillchains.
  • Waits until ~1500 TP to use a TP move, Vivifying Waltz and Thorn Dance are prioritized when conditions are met.
  • Vivifying Waltz will be used @ 1500 TP when at least 2 party members are in yellow HP (<75%), or as soon as 1000 TP when a party member is in orange (<50%) HP. The amount healed varies with TP.
  • All of Lilisette's abilities are considered TP moves and will return 0 TP if not damaging to the enemy.
  • Rousing Samba does not create samba animations on attacks, and is an AoE critical hit rate (10%).Information Needed
  • Sensual Dance is an AoE party attack (15%) and magic attack boost, but can miss party members due to positioning.
    • Sensual Dance affects other party members with Lilisette in their line of sight (like a beneficial Gaze attack), and does not include herself.
    • Sensual Dance can affect Lilisette, but the positioning is different. One way to do it is for Lilisette to be in front of the target and behind the player (the "Trick Attack to the face" position) and still close to the target. Then they would need to be facing each other to both receive the buff.
    • The two boosts applied during Sensual Dance can wear off at different times, one at ~50 seconds, the other at ~55 seconds.
  • Thorn Dance is a self-targeted Defense Bonus used when taking the top enmity slot. She can prioritize this ability and use it under 1500 TP.

Lilisette II

Lilisette II
Lilisette II Trust.jpg

Dancer / Warrior


Rousing Samba

Weapon Skills

Whirling Edge Distortion SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, Dancer's Fury Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, Vivifying Waltz None

Special Features
  • Holds up to 2000 TP to close skillchains.
  • Appears to have a very fast attack rate and TP gain even with low/moderate Haste.
  • Like other Alter Ego II's, her weapon skills have been changed to single target.
  • Vivifying Waltz changed to trigger when 3 party members in yellow HP (<75%), and will be used with at least 1000 TP.
  • Rousing Samba changed to a normal samba ability that casts 350 TP, so Lilisette II can easily maintain the effect.
  • Rousing Samba is an AoE critical hit rate (10%) Information Needed.
  • She's valuable for party members using weapon skills with crit TP modifiers such as Victory Smite.
  • If you avoid using weapon skills she can skillchain with (like Rudra's Storm), she will save TP for healing.
  • Rousing Samba has a noticeably higher effect on Lilisette herself, granting her an extremely high critical hit rate (approx. 75%).


Lion Trust.jpg

Thief / Thief

Weapon Skills

Walk the Plank (AoE) Light SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png, Pirate Pummel Fusion SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Powder Keg (Conal) Fusion SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, Grapeshot (Conal) Reverberation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses THF traits such as Treasure Hunter I, Gilfinder, and Triple Attack.
  • Uses TP as soon as she gets it.
  • If the enemy is readying a TP move when she is ready to use a weapon skill, Lion will stun it with Grape Shot.
  • Walk the Plank - AoE damage, bind, knock back, and dispel.
  • Pirate Pummel - Damage and burn effect.
  • Powder Keg - Conal damage, knock back, defense down, and magic defense down.
  • Grape Shot - Conal damage and stun effect.
Trust Synergy
  • Aldo/Lion/Zeid: When two or three of them are in a party together, they gain a power boost from each of the others in the party. [Official synergy hint]
    • Aldo gains an “enhances Dual Wield effect” bonus (Requires level 20 or greater). Adds a chance for extra attacks instead of reducing delay: his TP gain is still multiples of 50. (similar to Hattori Garb Set) [Reference:Patch Notes]
    • Lion gains an attack speed increase ~6%/~12%.
    • Zeid gains an attack bonus ~10%/~20%.

Lion II

Lion II
Lion II Trust.jpg

Thief / Ninja


Utsusemi: Ichi/Ni

Weapon Skills

Walk the Plank Light SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png, Pirate Pummel Fusion SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Powder Keg Fusion SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, Grapeshot Reverberation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses THF/NIN traits such as Treasure Hunter I, Gilfinder, and Triple Attack
  • Lion II's weaponskills are single target versions of Lion's weaponskills, with the same name and animation.
  • Holds up to 3000 TP to try to close skillchains.
  • Walk the Plank - Damage, bind, knock back, and dispel.
  • Pirate Pummel - Damage and burn effect.
  • Powder Keg - Damage, knock back, defense down, and magic defense down.
  • Grape Shot - Damage and stun effect.


Luzaf trust.jpg

Corsair / Ninja


Quick Draw, Triple Shot

Weapon Skills

(5)Bisection Scission SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, (25)Akimbo Shot Compression SC Icon.png, (50)Leaden Salute Gravitation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, (60)Grisly Horizon Dark SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses Skillchain Bonus, Magic Accuracy Bonus, Quick Draw Recast Down and Quick Draw Magic Accuracy from Merits, and A+ skill ranks on Sword, Dagger, and Gun [Official Note]
  • Does not use Phantom Roll.
  • Dual wields and shoots, leading to high rate of TP gain.
  • Uses Quick Draw to deal damage based on the enemy's elemental weakness(s).
  • Holds up to 2500 TP waiting for the player to reach 1000%+ and then weapon skills in order to open a skillchain.
  • Prefers to open skillchains for his player but will close skillchains opened by another party member or trust.
  • Selects one of his weapon skills randomly upon summoning and uses it exclusively unless attempting to close a skillchain.
  • Great choice for closing Distortion and Darkness skillchains with other trusts due to not having access to Light, Fusion or Fragmentation properties.


Maat trust.jpg

Monk / Thief


Mantra, Perfect Counter, Formless Strikes

Weapon Skills

Asuran Fists Gravitation SC Icon.png/Liquefaction SC Icon.png, One-Ilm Punch Compression SC Icon.png, Combo Impaction SC Icon.png, Dragon Kick Fragmentation SC Icon.png, Howling Fist Transfixion SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Bear Killer (Conal) Reverberation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses Treasure Hunter
  • Mantra gives both an HP boost as well as Haste.
  • Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP.
  • Uses Formless Strikes for enemies resistance to blunt damage (slimes, leeches).


Matsui P Trust.png

Ninja / Black Mage


Utsusemi: Ichi/Ni/San, Elemental Ninjutsu (San), Single-target elemental nukes I, Burn, Migawari: Ichi, Kakka: Ichi, Myoshu: Ichi, Yurin: Ichi, Aisha: Ichi, Aspir, Stun


Innin, Sange, Elemental Seal, Futae, Mana Wall

Weapon Skills

(1)Blade: Rin Transfixion SC Icon.png, (9)Blade: Retsu Scission SC Icon.png, (55)Blade: Ei Compression SC Icon.png, (60)Blade: Jin Impaction SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, (66)Blade: Ten Gravitation SC Icon.png, (72)Blade: Ku Gravitation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, (75)Blade: Kamu Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, (85)Blade: Hi Dark SC Icon.png/Gravitation SC Icon.png, (91)Blade: Shun Fusion SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png

  • If you have completed the quest Trust: Windurst, Trust: Bastok, or Trust: San d'Oria, you will automatically obtain the alter ego upon logging in.
    • No message will be displayed signifying that you have acquired the alter ego.
  • If you have not completed the quest Trust: Windurst, Trust: Bastok, or Trust: San d'Oria, you must first complete it and then relog or change areas.
    • No message will be displayed signifying that you have acquired the alter ego.

Matsui-P was/is only available during the following times:

From December 2020 until May 2021.
From November 2022 until May 2023.
From March 2025 until September 2025.
Special Features
  • Prioritizes elemental ninjutsu and black magic spells.
  • Magic bursts skillchains with Ninjutsu tier San and elemental magic tier I enhanced by Futae.
  • Under specific conditions outlined below, uses weapon skills when the player reaches 1000 TP in order to open skillchains.
  • Has callouts in party chat, making him easy to use.
    • Announces when his TP is 1000.
    • Before using a weapon skill, he will announce the skillchain property you can follow up with for a Light or Darkness skillchain.
    • You can see these callouts when the Chat Filter option for "Messages from alter egos" says OFF.
  • Casts Burn to lower enemy INT and prime them for Magical Damage.
  • Casts Stun to interrupt enemy TP moves, and reduces monster TP gain with Myoshu.
  • Generates TP rapidly with Daken, enhanced by Sange, though he often stops attacking to cast spells.
  • High accuracy and damage for a trust.
  • Prioritizes reapplying shadows and doesn't perform weaponskills if shadows are removed.
  • Skillchains:
    • Once the player uses a Weapon Skill with Level 2 Skillchain Properties while Matsui-P is summoned, he will use weapon skills when the player has 1000 or more TP.
    • He only starts skillchains that would create Light or Darkness skillchains with the previously used weapon skill.
    • He has no Distortion weapon skills, so he has no reaction to players using Gravitation weapon skills.
    • Holds TP until 3000 to open skillchains for the player. Uses a random weapon skill at 3000 TP if conditions are not met.
  • Matsui-P's skills and behavior were decided by the winner of the "Alter Ego Design Campaign – One Venturous Tarutaru!" competition.
    • The development team made this comment on the contest entry: "This alter ego would be able deal lots of damage at once by using Ninjutsu to magic burst! Mana Wall doesn't seem possible due to the support job's level..."
    • SE stated that any equipment would be cosmetic.


Maximilian Trust.jpg

Thief / Ninja

Weapon Skills

Fast Blade Scission SC Icon.png, Vorpal Blade Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Swift Blade Gravitation SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Dual Wields swords.
  • Possesses typical THF/NIN traits such as Treasure Hunter I, Dual Wield, Triple Attack.
  • Tries to open skillchains when the player reaches 1500 TP. Does not try to open skillchains with other trusts.
  • The weapon skill he opens with is random.
  • Will close skillchains with players and other trusts if possible, otherwise uses a weapon skill at 2500 TP.


Mayakov Trust.jpg

Dancer / Warrior


Drain Samba I - III, Haste Samba, Feather Step, Saber Dance, Climactic Flourish

Weapon Skills

Coming Up Roses Light SC Icon.png/Fusion SC Icon.png, Fast Blade Scission SC Icon.png, Swift Blade Gravitation SC Icon.png, Vorpal Blade Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses 5/5 Haste Samba Effect merits (10% job ability Haste).
  • Uses Saber Dance upon engaging and refreshes it as often as possible.
  • Uses Haste Samba when another party member is on a main job with access to Cure (WHM,RDM,SCH,PLD) or when the enemy is undead, otherwise uses Drain Samba.
  • Debuffs enemies using Feather Step while building Finishing moves to perform Climactic Flourish.
  • Tends not to weapon skill very frequently due to spending TP on Feather Step as often as possible.
  • Weapon skills more frequently once Feather Step's Daze reaches level 10; only occasionally using Feather Step to maintain the Daze effect.
  • If he has enough TP for a weapon skill, uses Climactic Flourish first.
  • Holds up to 2000 TP to wait for Climactic Flourish recast: does not try to skillchain.


Mildaurion Trust.jpg

Paladin / Samurai

Weapon Skills

Light Blade Light SC Icon.png/Fusion SC Icon.png (Physical), Stellar Burst Dark SC Icon.png/Gravitation SC Icon.png (Magical), Great Wheel Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png (Physical AoE + Knockback), Vortex Distortion SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png (Magical:Wind)

Special Features
  • Possesses MP+100% (but doesn't use MP), Double Attack.
  • Attacks with palm blasts that are blunt damage (tested on warder of temperance).
  • Her attacks and abilities are Zilartian themed: uses the fighting stance of the Mammets and weapon skills of Kam'lanaut and Eald'narche with some differences.
  • Tries to open skillchains when the player reaches 1500 TP. Does not try to open skillchains with other trusts.
  • The weapon skill she opens with is random. Easy to skillchain with: all of her weapon skills have level 2 properties.
  • Will close skillchains with players and other trusts if possible, otherwise uses a weapon skill at 3000 TP.


Morimar Trust.jpg

Beastmaster / Warrior


Vehement Resolution

Weapon Skills

12 Blades of Remorse (AoE) Light SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png, Into the Light Fusion SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Arduous Decision (Silence) Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, Camaraderie of the Crevasse Detonation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses HP+10%
  • Vehement Resolution consumes Morimar's TP, fully heals him, erases his debuffs, and makes him glow. (3 minute cooldown)
  • Morimar will not attempt to close skillchains in this glow-state and his next WS will be 12 Blades of Remorse with 2000 TP.
  • Since his attacks are special moves, he does not benefit from Sambas or Haste, but likewise is not affected by Slow or Spikes.
  • Saves up to 2000 TP waiting to close a skillchain.
Trust Synergy
  • Darrcuiln: Darrcuiln and Morimar will uses TP moves more often when summoned together.
    • Darrcuiln will use TP moves with 1000 TP, regardless of whether Morimar is ready to complete a skillchain or not.
    • Note: If Morimar's aura is up, Darrcuiln behaves normally and saves its TP until 1500-2000.
  • Teodor: Unknown


Mumor trust.jpg

Dancer / Warrior


Stutter Step, Haste Samba, Drain Samba/II/III, Saber Dance, Violent Flourish

Weapon Skills

Skullbreaker Induration SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png

Special Features
Trust Synergy
  • Uka Totlihn: By summoning them both at the same time, the stats of the abilities they use will increase. [Official Synergy Hint]
    • Mumor gains ~10% enhanced samba duration. (Stacks with Saber Dance: 108s -> 120s)
    • Uka gains ~10% enhanced waltz potency. (Curing Waltz V: 1067 HP -> 1173 HP)

Naja Salaheem

Naja Salaheem
Naja Trust.jpg

Monk / Warrior


Focus, Dodge, Counterstance

Weapon Skills

True Strike Detonation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Black Halo Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, Hexa Strike Fusion SC Icon.png, Peacebreaker Distortion SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Peacebreaker is a single-target, low damage weaponskill with an additional effect of 20% Defense Down and 20% Magic Defense Down (lasts up to 30s).
  • Naja gains 100 TP per Hit.
  • Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP.


Naji Trust.jpg

Warrior / Warrior



Weapon Skills

Burning Blade Liquefaction SC Icon.png, Red Lotus Blade Liquefaction SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Vorpal Blade Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png

  • Complete the initiation quest in Bastok.
Special Features
  • Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP, does not try to skillchain.
  • Provokes on cooldown.

Nanaa Mihgo

Nanaa Mihgo
Nanaa Trust.jpg

Thief / Thief



Weapon Skills

Wasp Sting Scission SC Icon.png, Dancing Edge Scission SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, King Cobra Clamp (AoE) Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses Treasure Hunter I
  • King Cobra Clamp stuns the target(s).
  • Despoil places the stolen item in the summoner's inventory.
  • Can be resummoned to reset the Despoil timer (5 minutes) after use.
  • Uses TP as soon as she gets it.


Nashmeira Trust.jpg

Puppetmaster / White Mage


-na spells, Cure I - IV

Weapon Skills

Imperial Authority (Stun) Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png

Special Features
Trust Synergy
  • Grants trust synergy bonuses to her automaton companions Mnejing and Ovjang. [Official Note]
    • Mnejing receives increased defense (+10%) and increased enmity (+10%).
    • Ovjang receives reduced enmity (-10%) and increased magic damage (+10%)

Nashmeira II

Nashmeira II
Nashmeira II Trust.jpg

White Mage / Puppetmaster


Cure I - VI, Curaga I - V, -na spells, Erase

Weapon Skills

Imperial Authority (Stun) Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses HP-10%, MP+15%
  • Uses Curaga spells when 3 or more party members are below 75% hp or affected by sleep.
  • Uses Imperial Authority at 1000 TP.


Noillurie trust.jpg

Samurai / Paladin


Cure I - IV


Hasso, Third Eye, Meditate, Sekkanoki

Weapon Skills

Tachi: Jinpu Scission SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Tachi: Yukikaze Induration SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Tachi: Gekko Distortion SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, Tachi: Kasha Fusion SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, Tachi: Kaiten Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png

Special Features
Trust Synergy
  • Excellent skillchain partner with Iroha II due to her frequency in opening Light skillchains with Tachi: Kaiten.


Prishe Trust.jpg

Monk / White Mage


Cure I - IV

Weapon Skills

Knuckle Sandwich (Element: Light damage) Fusion SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, Nullifying Dropkick Induration SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Auroral Uppercut (Element: Light damage) Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png

Players will be unable to receive the alter ego if the quests Storms of Fate or Shadows of the Departed are in progress or if Apocalypse Nigh is in progress and the event scene occurring in Sealion's Den is not completed.
During the scene where you acquire her trust, she will ask if you've "...been to see her yet?" regarding Ulmia. Assuming that Ulmia is not a pre-requisite for getting Prishe's trust (Verification Needed), Prishe will have different dialogue depending on whether or not you've unlocked her already.
If you have already unlocked Ulmia, she'll respond "You actually got her to go along with it!?" ..."Well done, pal!"
Special Features
  • Possesses HP-5%, MP+75%
  • Will only cast Cure when a party member is at very low health.
  • Uses TP as soon as she gets it.
Trust Synergy
  • Ulmia: Prishe and Ulmia will prioritize supporting each other
    • Ulmia will cast Pianissimo and Sentinel's Scherzo on Prishe if she takes a large amount of damage in a single hit and two songs are already active. This seems to prevent the player from receiving Scherzo after AoE damage. (Doesn't apply to Prishe II)
    • Prishe will cast Cure spells on Ulmia at yellow (75%) HP.

Prishe II

Prishe II
Prishe II Trust.jpg

White Mage / Monk


Curaga I - V


Psychoanima, Hysteroanima

Weapon Skills

Knuckle Sandwich (Element: LightMagical Damage) Fusion SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, Nullifying Dropkick Induration SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Auroral Uppercut (Element: LightMagical Damage) Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses HP+10%, MP+10%
  • Psychoanima : Prishe gains physical damage immunity for <5 seconds. Used when brought to low HP with a physical attack, only available once per summon.
  • Hysteroanima : Prishe gains magical damage immunity for <5 seconds. Used preemptively in response to her target starting to cast a high-tier damaging AoE spell, only available once per summon.
    • Log will read "Prishe resists the effects of the spell!"
  • Prishe will cast Curaga spells to wake up any players/trusts affected by sleep or when players are in critical HP.
  • Uses TP as soon as she gets it.
  • Does damage equivalent to a melee fighter trust, but as a WHM it may be difficult to get support spells like Haste II.
Trust Synergy


Rainemard trust.jpg

Red Mage / Paladin


Enspells, Haste/II, Distract/II, Frazzle/II, Phalanx/II, Protect I - V, Shell I - V, Refresh



Weapon Skills

Burning Blade Liquefaction SC Icon.png, Red Lotus Blade Liquefaction SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png Vorpal Blade Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Savage Blade Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Will only cast Haste II and other enhancing magic spells on himself.
  • Casts Enspells on himself based on the enemy's weaknesses (Note: he may change his Enspell each time he engages with a different enemy family).
  • Rainemard's Enspells are extremely powerful: capable of dealing 50-350+ damage depending on his level/ilevel and stat buffs (MAB, etc).
  • Casts Refresh when he falls below 50% MP.
Trust Synergy
  • Curilla: Rainemard casts Phalanx II (unlocked at level 75) only on Curilla and himself. His Phalanx, like his Enspells, also appears to benefit from his extremely high enhancing magic skill, his Phalanx II is -35 damage.

Romaa Mihgo

Romaa Mihgo
Romaa Mihgo Trust.jpg

Thief / Warrior


Feint, Aura Steal, Sneak Attack, Trick Attack

Weapon Skills

Fast Blade Scission SC Icon.png, Vorpal Blade Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Savage Blade Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, Cobra Clamp(Conal AoE, Stun, Paralyze) Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png


Notice: Acquiring this trust is a long process of 12 quests of which a few have "a game day of waiting" between them. Setting aside a good amount of time is advised to see this done. The starting quest = The Tigress Stirs and you don't need to be allied to Windurst (S) in order to start or obtain this trust.

Special Features
  • Will use Aura Steal to take buffs off mobs. This can Steal items also, which will be added to the player's inventory.
  • Will only use Trick Attack and Sneak Attack when positioned correctly with the player, does not try to combine with weapon skills.
  • Uses TP as soon as she gets it.
Trust Synergy
  • Nanaa Mihgo/Lehko Habhoka:Information Needed


Rongelouts Trust.jpg

Warrior / Warrior


Berserk, Aggressor, Warcry

Weapon Skills

Tongue Lash (AoE Terror) None, Red Lotus Blade Liquefaction SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Savage Blade Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, Seraph Blade Scission SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses enhanced Warcry duration (50 seconds)
  • Has a unique Beastmen Killer trait.
  • Gains 75 TP on hit.
  • Uses TP as soon as he gets it.
  • Tongue Lash causes an AoE Terror effect. Seems to have a short duration (~2 seconds)


Selhteus Trust.jpg

Paladin / Samurai

Weapon Skills

Luminous Lance Light SC Icon.png/Fusion SC Icon.png, Rejuvenation (HP+MP+TP restore) None, Revelation Fusion SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Has 50 Regain. MP+100% (but doesn't use MP).
  • Uses unique weaponskill Rejuvenation in response to the player taking a hit that depletes them to at least yellow HP or when the player is asleep. Restores HP, MP, TP to the entire party. Used every 30 seconds.
  • Be aware that he will not move into range to engage in combat on his own; it is recommended to summon him early in your trust order to ensure he will be in range to attack.
  • Holds TP until 3000 to try to close skillchains.
  • Luminous Lance is a ranged weapon skill.
  • Is treated as a Paladin: Does not use Paladin abilities, but impacts behavior of trust supports or off-tanks like Ark HM and behavior of certain enemies like Bozetto Necronura.

Shikaree Z

Shikaree Z
Shikaree Z Trust.jpg

Dragoon / White Mage


Cure I - IV, Haste, -na Spells, Erase.


Jump, High Jump, Super Jump, Ancient Circle

Weapon Skills

Raiden Thrust Transfixion SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Skewer Transfixion SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Wheeling Thrust Fusion SC Icon.png, Impulse Drive Gravitation SC Icon.png/Induration SC Icon.png

  • Complete Three Paths.
    • Speak to Perih Vashai in Windurst Woods (K-7) Note: you must have the Windurst Trust Permit.
    • If you are on some Promathia Missions after 5-3 (8-2 for sure) you will not be able to acquire this trust until completing those missions.
Special Features
  • Possesses HP-10%, MP+100%
  • Uses Ancient Circle if the enemy is a dragon
  • Super Jump is used when ShikareeZ is in the top enmity slot
  • Gains 205 TP on hit; has high TP return on Jump (655 TP) and High Jump (1065 TP).
  • Holds TP to 2000 to try to close skillchains.
  • Saves Cure for party members under 50% HP or affected by Sleep
  • Prioritizes Haste over other spells, except to cast Erase when Slow would prevent Haste.


Tenzen Trust.jpg

Samurai / Samurai


Hasso, Save TP (400), Meditate, Hagakure, Third Eye

Weapon Skills

Amatsu: Torimai Transfixion SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, Amatsu: Kazakiri Scission SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Amatsu: Yukiarashi Induration SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Amatsu: Tsukioboro Distortion SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, Amatsu: Hanaikusa Fusion SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, Amatsu: Tsukikage Dark SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Gains 203 TP per hit.
  • Holds TP until 1500 to try to close skillchains.
  • If Meditate and Hagakure are both available, can do 3-step self-skillchains.
  • Nearly all of Tenzen's weapon skills are variants of normal Great Katana weapon skills.
  • Amatsu: Tsukikage is a unique weapon skill only usable by Tenzen.


Teodor Trust.jpg

Black Mage / Dark Knight


-ja Spells, -ga Spells (Magic Burst only)


Start from Scratch

Weapon Skills

Sinner's Cross Gravitation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, Ravenous Assault (Drain) None, Frenzied Thrust Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, Open Coffin Fusion SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, Hemocladis (Restores Teodor's HP) Dark SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses HP+35%, MP+50%
  • Teodor cannot be healed via curative magic. (Trusts with healing magic will not attempt to heal him)
  • Normal attacks have different attributes depending on their motion.
    • A slash with his cane is Slashing slashing
    • An attack causing an explosion with his left hand is a Element: Dark darkness attribute special attack
    • Horizontal striking attack has a Silence Additional Effect.
  • Since his attacks are treated as special techniques, his attack interval is not affected or influenced by Haste, Slow, En-spell, Samba, Spikes, etc.
  • Uses TP randomly and does not try to skillchain.
  • Uses Start from Scratch under 50%, which consumes TP, erases negative status effects, and gives him a dark aura.
  • When he has the dark aura on, he will build TP to 2000 and use Hemocladis, and loses the aura.
  • Only uses his elemental magic to magic burst.
Trust Synergy
  • Morimar: Unknown

Uka Totlihn

Uka Totlihn
Uka Totlihn Trust.jpg

Dancer / Warrior


Quickstep, Drain Samba/II/III, Reverse Flourish, Haste Samba, Curing Waltz I - V, Healing Waltz

Weapon Skills

Judgment Impaction SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Heals party members with Curing Waltzes when they're below 66% HP.
  • Builds finishing moves using Quickstep and expends them on Reverse Flourish to gain TP.
  • Once Quickstep is at daze lv.5, only re-applies it when it's <10s from expiring.
  • Uses Reverse Flourish only with 5 finishing moves and when TP is low.
  • When above 2000 TP, uses Judgment. Does not try to skillchain.
  • Has Healing Waltz but only removes status effects from herself.
  • Uses Haste Samba when another party member is on a main job with access to Cure (WHM,RDM,SCH,PLD) or when the enemy is undead, otherwise uses Drain Samba.
Trust Synergy
  • Mumor: By summoning them both at the same time, the stats of the abilities they use will increase. [Official Synergy Hint]
    • Mumor gains ~10% enhanced samba duration. (Stacks with Saber Dance: 108s -> 120s)
    • Uka gains ~10% enhanced waltz potency. (Curing Waltz V: 1067 HP -> 1173 HP)


Volker Trust.jpg

Warrior / Warrior


Aggressor, Berserk, Defender, Provoke, Retaliation, Warrior's Charge, Warcry

Weapon Skills

Berserk-Ruf (Attack Boost) None, Fast Blade Scission SC Icon.png, Savage Blade Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, Spirits Within None, Vorpal Blade Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png,

  • Complete the initiation quest in Bastok.
  • Must be Rank 6 or higher in any nation.
Special Features
  • If there is a NIN, PLD, or RUN in the party, behaves as a damage dealer: Uses Aggressor, Berserk.
  • If there are no other tanks in the party, behaves as a tank: Uses Defender, Retaliation.
  • Uses Provoke in either role to maintain enmity as a tank or off-tank.
  • Uses weapon skills at 2000 TP with Warrior's Charge if it's available; does not try to skillchain.


Zazarg Trust.jpg

Monk / Monk



Weapon Skills

Howling Fist Transfixion SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Dragon Kick Fragmentation SC Icon.png, Asuran Fists Gravitation SC Icon.png/Liquefaction SC Icon.png, Meteoric Impact Dark SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png

Players will be unable to receive the alter ego if he is being held prisoner by beastmen forces in Beseiged.
Special Features
  • Uses the unique weapon skill Meteoric Impact.
  • Focuses when needed based on high enemy evasion.
  • Uses TP as soon as he gets it.
Trust Synergy


Zeid Trust.jpg

Dark Knight / Dark Knight


Absorb spells (Includes Absorb-Attri and Absorb-TP), Endark, Drain/Aspir I/II, Stun


Last Resort, Nether Void, Souleater

Weapon Skills

Freezebite Induration SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Ground Strike Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png, Abyssal Drain (Drain) None, Abyssal Strike (Stun) None

Special Features
  • At low HP, uses HP draining weapon skills and Nether Void for Drain II.
  • Uses Absorb-TP in the second half of the battle (when an enemy has TP).
  • Only uses Souleater when a healer is present (Automaton doesn't count).
  • Uses TP as soon as he gets it.
  • If the enemy is readying a TP move when he is ready to use a weapon skill, attempts to stun it with Abyssal Strike.
  • Casts Stun to interrupt enemy TP moves.
Trust Synergy
  • Aldo/Lion/Zeid: When two or three of them are in a party together, they gain a power boost from each of the others in the party. [Official synergy hint]
    • Aldo gains an “enhances Dual Wield effect” bonus (Requires level 20 or greater). Adds a chance for extra attacks instead of reducing delay: his TP gain is still multiples of 50. (similar to Hattori Garb Set) [Reference:Patch Notes]
    • Lion gains an attack speed increase ~6%/~12%.
    • Zeid gains an attack bonus ~10%/~20%.

Zeid II

Zeid II
Zeid II Trust.jpg

Dark Knight / Warrior


Stun, Absorb-Attri


Last Resort, Souleater

Weapon Skills

Ground Strike Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Will exclusively use Ground Strike for his Weapon Skill (Note: he will not know Ground Strike until a specific level (appears to be level 50), leading him to hold 3000 TP indefinitely if summoned below said level).
  • Tries to Skillchain with others, otherwise saves TP to 3000 and then uses it.
  • Uses Stun to stop enemy abilities.
  • Only uses Souleater when a healer is present (Automaton doesn't count).
  • Tends to gain TP very fast due to Desperate Blows while using Last Resort.
Trust Synergy

Ranged Fighter


Elivira trust.jpg

Ranger / Warrior


Berserk, Barrage, Decoy Shot, Double Shot

Weapon Skills

Coronach Dark SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png, Slug Shot Reverberation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Heavy Shot Fusion SC Icon.png, Split Shot Reverberation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses Store TP-30, Melee Attacks and Ranged Attacks: TP+100%
  • When using Coronach, Elivira benefits from the relic aftermath (enmity -10).
  • Elivira will melee the enemy if in range and perform ranged attacks regardless of position.
  • Elivira will hold her position when engaging an enemy, she will neither move in or out.
  • Summoning Elivira early in the trust order helps to ensure she is in melee range and increase her TP gain.
  • Elivira tends to use TP immediately upon reaching 1000%; however, she will close a skillchain if possible.
  • Gains 127 TP with Sword hits, 178 TP with Marksmanship.


Makki-Chebukki Trust.jpg

Ranger / Black Mage


Flashy Shot, Sharpshot, Barrage

Weapon Skills

Sidewinder Reverberation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Empyreal Arrow Fusion SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, Dulling Arrow Liquefaction SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, Flaming Arrow Liquefaction SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses MP+100%, Store TP-40, Ranged Attacks: TP+100%
  • Will try to stay out of melee range.
  • Uses weapon skills at 2000 TP and does not try to skillchain.
  • During Lightsday, Makki-Chebukki will move out of range but take no other actions. As soon as the day changes he will resume fighting normally (resummoning is not necessary).
  • Gains 168 TP per attack.


Margret Trust.jpg

Ranger / Thief


Decoy Shot, Double Shot, Barrage, Sharpshot, Stealth Shot

Weapon Skills

Sidewinder Reverberation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Arching Arrow Fusion SC Icon.png, Refulgent Arrow Reverberation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, Piercing Arrow Reverberation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses Treasure Hunter, Store TP+40, Ranged Attacks: TP+100%
  • Will try to stay out of melee range.
  • Margret tends to support her TP-abilities with as many job abilities as possible.
  • Uses weapon skills at 2000 TP and does not try to skillchain.
  • If the enemy has less than a certain threshold of HP (10-15%), Margret will hold off using weapon skills or abilities and only auto-attack.
  • Margret is fairly poor at opening or closing high tier skillchains due to only having a single weaponskill with dual element properties (Arching Arrow).
  • Gains 252 TP per attack.


Najelith trust.jpg

Ranger / Ranger


Barrage, Double Shot

Weapon Skills

Cyclone Detonation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Sidewinder Reverberation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Empyreal Arrow Fusion SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, Typhonic Arrow (Conal AoE) Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses enhanced Critical Hit Rate, Melee Attacks and Ranged Attacks: TP+100%.
  • Holds position while engaged and performs ranged attacks.
  • Melee attacks and performs ranged attacks if in melee range.
  • Holds TP till about 1500% in an attempt to close a skillchain.
  • Tends to use Cyclone if allowed to weapon skill outside of a skillchain.
Trust Synergy

Semih Lafihna

Semih Lafihna
Semih Trust.jpg

Ranger / Warrior


Sharpshot, Barrage, Stealth Shot, Double Shot

Weapon Skills

Sidewinder Reverberation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Arching Arrow Fusion SC Icon.png, Stellar Arrow Dark SC Icon.png/Gravitation SC Icon.png (AoE), Lux Arrow Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses Store TP+40, Ranged Attacks: TP+100%
  • Will try to stay out of melee range.
  • Semih Lafihna will hold up to 2000 TP to try to close skillchains.
  • Lux Arrow and Stellar Arrow are both able to close Tier 3 skillchains and can close double tier 3 skillchains as well.
  • Exercise caution when using Semih around multiple foes as Stellar Arrow is an AoE attack centered around its target.
  • She is an extremely strong trust to use while leveling up due to her access to Sidewinder and Arching Arrow at low levels.
  • Sidewinder is her best WS for damage, use Lux Arrow for Defense Down, Stellar Arrow for Evasion Down.
  • Gains 252 TP per hit.

Tenzen II

Tenzen II
Tenzen II Trust.jpg

Samurai / Ranger

Weapon Skills

Oisoya Light SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses Store TP+10, Ranged Attacks: TP+100%
  • Will try to stay out of melee range.
  • Oisoya is a variant of Namas Arrow with identical enmity properties.
  • Gains 252 TP per hit maximum when over level 90, based on Samurai Store TP traits.
  • Only uses his weaponskill to open skillchains when another party member has 1000 TP. Will wait at 3000 TP indefinitely if no other party members gain TP.

Offensive Caster


Adelheid Trust.jpg

Scholar / Black Mage


Cure I - IV, Helices, Single-target elemental nukes I - V, Storms, Stun


Dark Arts, Addendum: Black

Weapon Skills

Binding Microtube Gravitation SC Icon.png/Induration SC Icon.png, Paralyzing Microtube Induration SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, Silencing Microtube Liquefaction SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Twirling Dervish (AoE) Light SC Icon.png/Fusion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Adelheid casts a Storm on herself corresponding to the enemy's weakness if possible, otherwise matches the current day, followed by a -helix and nukes of her storm's element unless magic bursting a skillchain.
    • Will change storms under certain conditions such as BLMs casting Freeze (which modifies enemy resistances).
    • For Light/Dark storms, she only casts helix since there are no matching elemental nukes.
  • During a skillchain, magic bursts a helix matching the skillchain's element without preparing a -storm first.
  • Casts Stun to interrupt enemy TP moves.
  • Casts Cure spells on party members under 33% (red) hp, with a higher threshold and priority for the tank.Verification Needed
  • Despite using Dark Arts, her healing potency/cost/cast times do not appear to suffer any detrimental effects.Verification Needed
  • Gains 100 TP per hit with her melee attacks. Tries to use TP as soon as she gets it, but may have other priorities.
  • Adelheid's weapon skills all do magic damage and the Microtubes additionally apply status effects.
  • Her weapon skills seem to have a longer delay before you can skillchain with them: try timing follow-up weapon skills starting from when the vial explodes, not from when the ability is used.
  • Twirling Dervish requires level 50.


Ajido Trust.jpg

Black Mage / Red Mage


Cure I - IV, Dispel, Single-target elemental nukes I - V, Slow, Paralyze

Weapon Skills

Special Features
  • Possesses Cure Potency Bonus+25%, Fast Cast Bonus , Magic Burst Bonus, A+ skill in Elemental, Enfeebling, and Healing magic skill.
  • Does not melee, but instead uses short-ranged palm blasts.
  • Possesses neither TP moves nor abilities that utilize TP.
  • Ajido-Marujido prioritizes Dispel over elemental spells.
  • Ajido-Marujido will not attempt to cast elemental/enfeebling magic on an enemy that is sure to resist it.
  • When he draws hate, he will stop casting spells and start to use his weak attacks until the enemy attacks someone else.
  • Ajido-Marujido has higher ratings in his magic skills than normal black mages.
Trust Synergy
  • Apururu: Apururu will prioritize supporting her brother, Ajido-Marujido.
    • Status Removal and Haste priority changes to Ajido-Marujido > Player > Herself > Others.
    • If multiple party members meet the conditions for Devotion, will use it on Ajido-Marujido preferentially.
    • Apururu gains +25% Cure Potency Bonus.

Ark Angel TT

Ark Angel TT
AATT Trust.jpg

Black Mage / Dark Knight


Single-target elemental nukes I - V, Sleepga/II, Bio/II, Poison/II, Aspir, Stun


Elemental Seal, Last Resort, Souleater

Weapon Skills

Guillotine Induration SC Icon.png, Amon Drive (AoE Paralyze+Petrify) None

  • Trade the Cipher: Ark TT item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
    • Complete Dawn and all its cutscenes.
    • Be in possession of the Bundle of scrolls key item.
    • Have obtained the additional following Trust spells: Rainemard, Ark Angel GK, Ark Angel EV, & Ark Angel MR
    • Speak with Jamal in Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5).
      • After trading Ark Angel MR 's cipher, you must speak to Jamal, zone, and speak to Jamal again to unlock the Objective for Cipher: Ark TT. Be sure before zoning Jamal asks you to "Please come by again later."
    • Complete the Records of Eminence Objective: Overcome your Cowardice
Warp to Tu'LiaRu'Aun Gardens #2 to battle the Ark Angel with a Phantom gem of cowardice on any difficulty.
Players will be unable to receive the alter ego when trading the Cipher if they have not completed the Rhapsodies of Vana'diel mission "Exploring the Ruins." Completing that cutscene/mission will allow the cipher to be traded.
Special Features
  • Possesses HP+20%, MP+50%
  • Ark Angel Tarutaru uses Last Resort and Souleater whenever the recast is ready and tries to keep up Poison and Bio fulltime on the enemy.
  • At the start of the fight and each time after using Amon Drive, he casts Sleepga, augmented by Elemental Seal if the recast is ready.
  • He only uses elemental spells to magic burst skillchains, often trying to burst two spells on the same skillchain (the second burst failing most of the time due to high casting times).
  • Aspir is used to burst Compression-skillchains and also casted freely when his MP is below 50%, but are only used against enemies which have MP.
  • Will also Sleep/Sleep II single target enemies.
  • Casts Stun based on enemy TP moves.
  • Uses weapon skills at 2000 TP and does not try to skillchain.
  • Avoids casting spells that would be resisted.
  • Does not magic burst targets where he doesn't have enough magic accuracy.
Trust Synergy
  • ArkEV / ArkHM / ArkMR / ArkGK / ArkTT: When all 5 Ark Angels are summoned, they possess a Magic Evasion bonus (see: Resist).

Domina Shantotto

Domina Shantotto
Domino Shantotto trust.jpg

Black Mage / Dark Knight


Single-target elemental nukes I - V

Weapon Skills

Guillotine Induration SC Icon.png, Cross Reaper Distortion SC Icon.png, Shadow of Death Induration SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png , Salvation Scythe Dark SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Starts battles with Tier V nukes before meleeing.
  • Occasionally nukes as long as she isn't in the top enmity slot, does not try to magic burst.
    • Spells are used more often against enemies resistant to Slashing slashing damage, such as elementals.
  • Only uses darkness-aligned elemental spells (Element: EarthElement: WaterElement: Ice), ignoring enemy weakness.
  • Salvation Scythe inflicts Poison, Bio, Paralyze and Slow.
  • Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP.


Gadalar Trust.jpg

Black Mage / Black Mage


Firaga I - III, Blaze Spikes

Weapon Skills

Spinning Scythe Reverberation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, Spiral Hell Distortion SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, Salamander Flame (aoe fire) Light SC Icon.png/Fusion SC Icon.png, Vorpal Scythe Transfixion SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png

Players will be unable to receive the alter ego if he is being held prisoner by beastmen forces in Besieged.
Special Features
  • Possesses MP+25%, Magic Attack Bonus+25
  • Favors Firaga III regardless of surrounding enemies.
    • Avoids casting spells that would have a low Magic Hit Rate, also uses lower tier spells depending on magic accuracy and level.
  • Gadalar recovers MP when he is hit with physical attacks.
  • Uses TP as soon as he gets it.
  • Favors Salamander Flame, a unique AoE weapon skill that also applies Dia III for 30 seconds.
Trust Synergy
  • Rughadjeen empowers the other serpent generals. [Official Synergy Hint]
    • Gadalar gains +25 Magic Attack Bonus. For a total +90 MAB at level 99 (+40 BLM job traits. +25 Gadalar trait. +25 Synergy).
    • Rughadjeen has Damage Taken -29% while in combat with a foe.


Ingrid Trust.jpg

White Mage / White Mage


Haste, Banish I - III, Cursna

Weapon Skills

Seraph Strike Impaction SC Icon.png, Judgment Impaction SC Icon.png, Hexa Strike Fusion SC Icon.png

Players will be unable to receive the alter ego between the time the mission Beauty and the Beast is undertaken and the mission Glimmer of Portent is completed.
Special Features
  • Possesses Undead Killer, Banish effectiveness vs Undead +10 (28/256) .
  • Engages and closes in to melee her target. (Ingrid gains 100 TP/hit)
  • Holds up to 1500 TP in order to close skillchains.
  • Cycles through Banish spells (highest tier to lowest), making her useful for Undead targets.
  • Places extreme priority on using Cursna should any party members be Doomed/Cursed.
  • Casts Haste on the player regardless of job and on other party members with melee jobs.


Kayeel Trust.jpg

Black Mage / Summoner


Single-target elemental nukes I - V, Multi-target elemental nukes I - III, -aja, Ancient Magic/II

Weapon Skills

Gate of Tartarus Dark SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png, Tartarus Torpor (AOE Sleep, M.Def/M.Eva down) None, Sunburst Compression SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Kayeel-Payeel has a very high amount of Fast Cast and tries to magic burst spells.
  • He can only cast spells of the Ice and Lightning elements, ignores enemy weaknesses.
  • Quickly burns through his MP with spells like Burst II/Freeze II and -aja III spells.
  • He benefits from the relic aftermath of Gate of Tartarus (refresh 8 mp/tick) and will use it when he runs out of MP.
  • Does not engage, but will attack with his staff if the enemy is nearby.
  • Uses weapon skills at 1500 TP but does not try to skillchain.
Trust Synergy

Robel-Akbel: Robel-Akbel and Kayeel-Payeel will cast spells much more frequently: improved Fast Cast effectQuestion


Kukki Trust.jpg

Black Mage / Black Mage


Single-target elemental nukes I - V, Multi-target elemental nukes I - III, -aja, Elemental Debuff spells, Sleepga I - II

Weapon Skills

Special Features
  • Tries to stay a distance (~15') away from the monster when he doesn't have hate.
  • Kukki-Chebukki just uses spells matching the element the current day.
    • On Darksday, he only casts Sleepga II and Sleepga (doesn't have Bio, Drain, or Aspir).
    • On Lightsday, does nothing along with Makki-Chebukki since he has no Light-based spells.
  • Casts lower-tier spells against enemies with low HP to conserve MP.
  • Gains TP from Occult Acumen trait but can't use it.
Trust Synergy
  • When all three are present, Makki-Chebukki can cause Kukki-Chebukki to cast Meteor by shouting “MEEE”. Kukki-Chebukki and Cherukiki may join with “TEEE” and “ORRR!” which increases the damage of the spell. A player-BLM CAN join this Meteor-casting.
  • They gain a small amount of mp when they do their emotes.
    • They take turns emoting, so it's like the 3 of them have 1 Refresh (+3mp/tick) effect that they have to share.


Leonoyne Trust.jpg

Black Mage / Paladin


Ice Spikes, Blizzaga I - III

Weapon Skills

Freezebite Induration SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png , Herculean Slash Induration SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png , Shockwave Reverberation SC Icon.png, Spine Chiller (Terror) Distortion SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses MP+25%
  • Spine Chiller causes a short duration Terror effect (Extremely low proc rate).
  • Casts Ice Spikes if its not active.
  • WSs at 1000% regardless of SC condition.
  • Favors Blizzaga III regardless of surrounding enemies.
    • Avoids casting spells that would have a low Magic Hit Rate, also uses lower tier spells depending on magic accuracy and level.
  • Has permanent Enblizzard effect (30+ damage even at low levels).
  • Leonyone recovers MP when he is hit with physical attacks.

Mumor II

Mumor II
Mumor II trust.jpg

Black Mage / Dancer


Single-target elemental nukes I - V, Stun, -ja Spells (Magic Burst + Aura only)


Firesday Night Fever (boost to all status, grants visible aura)

Weapon Skills

Lovely Miracle Waltz Liquefaction SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Shining Summer Samba Liquefaction SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, Neo Crystal Jig Fusion SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, Super Crusher Jig Gravitation SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, Eternal Vana Illusion Fusion SC Icon.png, Final Eternal Heart (AoE) Fragmentation SC Icon.png

  • Trade the Cipher: Mumor II item to one of the beginning Trust quest NPCs, which may be acquired via:
    • Sunbreeze Festivals
      • You have to get a "perfect score" (8 dancing syncs) twice. (First to get the costume outfit, and then a second time in said outfit to get the Trust Cipher.)
    • Mog Pell (Ochre)
Special Features
  • Possesses HP+15%
  • Uses highest-tier elemental magic spell available, avoids casting spells that the enemy is resistant to but doesn't accurately target enemy weaknesses.
    • Tends to run out of MP very quickly. Firesday Night Fever will fully recover MP, but she only uses it at low HP
  • Stays in melee range and attacks with her wands, does not appear to be affected by Haste Verification Needed
  • Casts Stun to interrupt enemy TP moves
  • Firesday Night Fever (5 min cooldown, ~4 min duration)
    • When her HP drops below 50%, uses Firesday Night Fever if it's available which fully recovers her HP and MP
    • Has a pink sparkling aura
    • No longer freely casts single target nukes. Only casts during magic burst using -ja spells or to cast Stun
    • Will use her weapon skills in this order: Neo Crystal Jig -> Super Crusher Jig -> Eternal Vana Illusion-> Final Eternal Heart (aoe)
    • Firesday Night Fever ends when she uses Final Eternal Heart*
    • Firesday Night Fever lasts about 4 minutes, based on her low attack rate and TP gain
      • *There is a glitch where if Mumor lands the finishing blow on an enemy with Final Eternal Heart: the aura does not stop, she no longer uses weapon skills, and cannot re-activate Firesday Night Fever to heal herself.


Ovjang trust.jpg

Red Mage / Black Mage "Stormwaker"


Slow, Silence, Paralyze, Dispel, Single-target elemental nukes I - IV

Weapon Skills

Sixth Element Dark SC Icon.png/Gravitation SC Icon.png, Knockout Scission SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, Slapstick Reverberation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses MP+20%
  • Holds TP until 1500 to try to close skillchains.
  • Gains TP slowly: she occasionally attacks between casts.
  • Prioritizes Dispel.
  • Prefers Sixth Element.
Trust Synergy
  • Nashmeira: Ovjang receives reduced enmity(-10%) and increased magic damage(+10%).


Robel Trust.jpg

Black Mage / Summoner


Single-target elemental nukes I - V, -aja, Stun

Weapon Skills

Spirit Taker None, Null Blast (restores MP equal to damage dealt) Fusion SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, Quietus Sphere (AOE Dark) Dark SC Icon.png/Gravitation SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Robel-Akbel avoids casting elemental magic that his target would resist. Does not accurately target weaknesses.
  • Attempts to magic burst off skillchains using -aja tier spells.
    • Robel will often try to double burst a skillchain but rarely succeeds without some kind of external fast cast bonus.
  • Robel-Akbel will use elemental magic of a tier that is sufficient to KO his current target (assuming the attack is not resisted), thus conserving his MP for future battles.
  • Unlike most magic wielding trusts, Robel-Akbel can sustain his magic attacks for long periods of time due to Occult Acumen and Null Blast (which he prioritizes when low on MP).
  • Casts Stun in response to enemy TP moves.
  • Will stand in place after engaging, only attacking enemies with his staff if they are within melee range.
  • Gains TP from casting spells and can use certain weapon skills at range.
  • Uses weapon skills at 2000 TP. Does not try to skillchain.
    • Null Blast - Converts damage dealt to MP. Additional effect: Magic evasion down.
Trust Synergy
  • Kayeel-Payeel: Robel-Akbel and Kayeel-Payeel will cast spells much more frequently: improved Fast Cast effectQuestion
  • Karaha-Baruha: Robel-Akbel opens skillchains when Karaha-Baruha is at 1000 TP.


Rosulatia Trust.jpg

Black Mage / Dark Knight


Stone I-V

Weapon Skills

Baneful Blades None, Depraved Dandia None, Dryad Kiss (Haste+Regen) None, Matriarchal Fiat (AoE) None, Wildwood Indignation None

Special Features
  • Possesses HP+30%, MP+100%
  • Casts only earth elemental magic spells.
  • Like other non-humanoids, has a large amount of max HP and MP.
  • Stops casting spells when in the top enmity slot.
  • Melee attacks are special moves; she does not benefit from Sambas or Haste, but likewise is not affected by Slow or Spikes.
  • Uses Dryad Kiss at yellow HP (<75%) to gain a strong Regen (amount depends on lvl)
  • Uses TP randomly.
  • Does not try to magic burst.
  • Rosulatia is a plantoid, so she can intimidate beasts and is intimidated by vermin.


Shantotto Trust.jpg

Black Mage / Black Mage


Single-target elemental nukes I - V

Weapon Skills

Special Features
  • When Shantotto draws hate, she will stop casting until the enemy attacks someone else.
  • Shantotto will use the highest tier of elemental magic she can access by default.
  • If fighting a weaker enemy or an enemy at low HP, Shantotto will use use lower tier spells in order to conserve her MP.
Trust Synergy

King of Hearts uses the full range of his enhancing spells on Shantotto in the same way as on himself and his player and even prioritizes her over the player and himself. (Does not apply to Shantotto II or Domina Shantotto)

Shantotto II

Shantotto II
Shantotto II Trust.jpg

Black Mage / White Mage


Single-target elemental nukes I

Weapon Skills

(5)Lesson in Pain Distortion SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, (25)Empirical Research Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, (50)Final Exam Light SC Icon.png/Fusion SC Icon.png, (60)Doctor’s Orders Dark SC Icon.png/Gravitation SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses HP-10%, BLM/WHM traits with additional Magic Burst Bonus+30, Elemental Magic Damage+ based on lvl
  • Auto-attacks are magic damage of all elements, damage type is the element with the lowest resistance.
  • Shantotto only uses tier 1 spells; however, she possesses extremely high Elemental Magic Damage+.
    • This Elemental Magic Damage+ only affects spells, unlike the Magic Damage (Statistic) which would affect Weapon Skill and Skillchain Damage.
    • Elemental Magic Damage+ varies by level: +784 at ilvl 120 (total of +979 with the standard Magic Damage+195 that caster trusts receive at ilvl)
    • Magic Attack Bonus is the standard amount: BLM Trait value, with an additional +25 at ilvl which may require Key Item Rhapsody in Fuchsia for total of +65.
  • Shantotto's tier 1 magic spells are comparable in power to spells appropriate to her actual level.
  • As a result of only using tier 1 magic she will almost never run out of MP regardless of the duration of a battle.
  • Shantotto will magic burst any skillchains, and she often double bursts for massive damage in a very short period of time.
  • Due to all of these factors Shantotto is widely regarded as the absolute best trust available for magic damage and magic bursting.
  • However, she has relatively low HP and defenses making her very fragile and susceptible to dying from enemy AoE attacks.
  • When aiming for magic burst and casting normally, avoids casting spells based on enemy resistances but doesn't accurately target weaknesses if multiple elements meet a certain magic accuracy threshold.
  • Shantotto will hold up to 2500 TP to close skillchains.
  • Lesson in Pain - Element: Dark Damage and Magic Evasion Down.
  • Empirical Research - Information Needed Damage and 25 Magic Defense Down.
  • Final Exam - Element: Light Damage.
  • Doctor's Orders - Element: Dark Damage.


Ullegore trust.jpg

Black Mage / Dark Knight


Single-target elemental nukes I - V, Comet, Stun

Weapon Skills

Bored to Tears (Slow) None, Envoutement (Magical DamageElement: Dark) None, Memento Mori (M.Atk. Boost) None, Silence Seal (AoE Silence) None

Special Features
  • Possesses a massive MP pool (approx 5000 at i119). HP+30%, MP+300%
  • Will use Memento Mori before casting Comet.
  • Casts Stun to interrupt enemy TP moves.
  • Ullegore is thematically a Corse: he uses Corse abilities as weaponskills, and can intimidate Arcana.
  • But since he is a man in a costume, does not exhibit Undead traits: Ullegore can be cured, he is not intimidated by Arcana, and HP/MP can be drained from him with Drain/Aspir.
  • Likewise, he does not exhibit Demon traits, even if he is called a Demon King on his Trust cipher.
  • Ullegore's Envoutement skill does not apply Curse like a normal Corse.
  • Uses a unique attack Bored to Tears, which is accompanied by a message stating that "The <target> has become noticeably bored"; This applies a Slow less potent than Slow II



Cherukiki Trust.jpg

White Mage / Black Mage


Cure I - VI, Protect/ra I - V, Shell/ra I - V, Regen I - IV, Haste, Slow, Paralyze, Silence

Weapon Skills

Players will be unable to receive the alter ego between the time the mission The Warrior's Path is offered and the boss of the mission Dawn is defeated.
Special Features
  • Possesses Regen Effect merits, Enhanced Regen potency.
  • Does not engage.
  • Favors Regen spells over Cure spells.
  • Tries to stay a distance (~15') away from the monster when she doesn't have hate.
  • Native Regen effect of 5hp/tick.
  • Casts Haste on the player, herself, and melee damage dealers in the party (with the exception of NIN).
Trust Synergy

Kukki-Chebukki & Makki-Chebukki: Will assist casting Meteor on enemy.

  • They gain a short Refresh effect when they do their emotes.
    • They take turns emoting, so it's like the 3 of them have 1 Refresh (+3mp/tick) effect that they have to share.

Ferreous Coffin

Ferreous Coffin
FerreousCoffin trust.jpg

White Mage / Warrior


Cure I - VI, Raise I - III, -na Spells, Haste

Weapon Skills

Randgrith Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Auto Refresh II. HP-10%, MP+35%
  • Will only cast Raise III on KO party members in casting range.
  • Will only cast status ailment removal spells on the player with the highest enmity.
  • Has a high Cursna success rate (only casts on the highest threat player) Official note
  • Ferreous Coffin only uses Randgrith and benefits from relic aftermath (acc +20).
  • Will use TP as soon as he gets it, so he is good at maintaining enemy Evasion Down and initiating Light skillchains.
  • Casts Haste on party members regardless of job.


Karaha-Baruha Trust.jpg

White Mage / Summoner


Cure I - VI, Protect/ra I - V, Shell/ra I - V, -na Spells, Haste, Barelementra

Weapon Skills

Spirit Taker None, Sunburst Compression SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, Starburst Compression SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, Howling Moon (AoE) Dark SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png, Lunar Bay Gravitation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • HP-10%, MP+20%
  • Possesses very high max MP and low HP on par with Summoner main-job. Has the lowest HP among the healers.
  • Will attempt to close a Skillchain so long as he has 1000 or more TP.
  • Will save his TP until 3000 to use Spirit Taker if unable to close a skillchain and he has less than full MP.
  • Will cast Barelementra after taking damage from a skill or spell with elemental properties.
Trust Synergy
  • Star Sibyl: Karaha-Baruha gains an additional 2 MP/tick auto-refresh (3 MP/tick total) while engaged with a foe.
    • Karaha-Baruha uses Dark weapon skills which deal more damage with Star Sibyl's Indi-Acumen effect.
  • Robel-Akbel: Robel will prioritize opening skillchains for Karaha to close.


Kupipi Trust.jpg

White Mage / White Mage


Cure I - VI, Protect/ra I - V, Shell/ra I - V, -na Spells, Slow, Paralyze, Erase

Weapon Skills

Starlight None, Moonlight None

  • Complete the initiation quest in Windurst.
Special Features
  • Prioritizes immediate removal of status ailments.
  • Will stay in place after engaging up to 20 yalms, allowing the player to pull the monster away. If pulled beyond that, she will move to be within 15 yalms.
  • Uses Cure spells on party members in orange HP (<50%) or asleep, with higher priority for the tank or current target of the foe (<75%).
  • Will cast single target Protect and Shell on players that get dispelled or otherwise lack the buff.
    • Prioritizes -na and then healing spells over buffing and finally enfeebling.
      • Enfeebling is the lowest priority. Casts Slow first followed by Paralyze, and casts no other enfeebles.
    • Overwrites a lower tier Protect of Shell with a higher tier single target if applicable.

Mihli Aliapoh

Mihli Aliapoh
Mihli Trust.jpg

White Mage / White Mage


Cure I - VI, Protect/ra I - V, Shell/ra I - V, -na Spells, Slow, Paralyze


Afflatus Solace

Weapon Skills

True Strike Detonation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, Brainshaker Reverberation SC Icon.png, Hexa Strike Fusion SC Icon.png, Scouring Bubbles (AoE) Dark SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses Cure Potency Bonus+5%.
  • Possesses Healing Magic Skill+: estimated to be 500.
    • Compared to other trusts, this translates to about another 5% increase to the base Cure and +2% Cursna success rate.
  • Prioritizes herself first with status removal.
  • Uses Cure spells on party members in orange HP (<50%) or asleep, with higher priority for the tank (<75%).
  • Uses TP randomly and does not try to skillchain.
Trust Synergy


Monberaux Trust.jpg

Paladin / Rune Fencer "Chemist"


Cover, Mix (See Below)

Weapon Skills

Special Features
  • Possesses MP-90%.
    • His ilvl stat gains are the same as a tank's. Fashioned after the Final Fantasy V job, Chemists have high stamina and a magic penalty.
    • Has typical PLD/RUN traits such as Resist Sleep and Tenacity.
    • Internal PLD job impacts behavior of trust supports like Koru-Moru or off-tanks like Ark HM and behavior of certain enemies like Bozetto Necronura.
  • If you drew enmity and are being targeted, Monberaux will use Cover if you stand behind him.
  • Does not engage.
  • Functionally immune to Paralyze.
    • Can be affected by the Paralysis status, but it cannot proc in any meaningful way as all weaponskills (which Monberaux's item uses count as) cannot be paralyzed.
  • Muddle, the status preventing usage of items, will prevent him from using Chemist abilities.
    • Chemist abilities can still be used while under the effect of Amnesia.
  • Status removal abilities (listed below) become AoE after donating Gil to Monberaux. Donation amount is 10% of the Gil you currently have on hand, with a 10,000g lower limit and 100,000g upper limit. Donating more does not change the effect. Upgrade lasts until the next Conquest Tally.
    • Temporary moving your Gil in your Mog Garden Gil repository chest or alt and keep 100,000 Gil on you allow you to have the AoE effect for 10,000 Gil and can take your Gil back after the trade.
  • Uses one ability every 3-4 seconds as needed.
  • Uses the following abilities:
    • Potion: Restores 50 HP.
    • X-Potion: Restores 150 HP.
    • Hyper Potion: Restores 250 HP.
    • Max. Potion: Restores 500 HP.
    • Mix: Max. Potion: Restores 700 HP.
    • Mix: Final Elixir: Restores HP/MP fully in an area up to two times. Requires Elixir and Hi-Elixir donation to Monberaux in Upper Jeuno. Used when a party member is asleep.
    • Mix: Panacea-1: Removes erasable ailments.
    • Mix: Gold Needle: Removes Petrification.
    • Mix: Vaccine: Removes Plague.
    • Mix: Para-b-gone: Removes Paralyze.
    • Mix: Antidote: Removes Poison.
    • Mix: Eye Drops: Removes Blind.
    • Vaccine: Removes Plague.
    • Echo Drops: Removes Silence.
    • Holy Water: Removes Curse, Zombie, and Doom.
    • Mix: Guard Drink: Grants Protect (220 defense, 5 minutes, AoE) and Shell (-29% MDT, 5 Minutes, AoE). Sheltered Ring and Brachyura Earring do not apply.
    • Mix: Insomniant: Grants Monberaux Negate Sleep.
  • Mix II: These potions share a 60 second cooldown. Used with high priority.
    • Mix: Life Water: Grants Regen (20/tick, 1 minute, AoE).
    • Mix: Elemental Power: Grants Magic Attack Boost (+20, 1 minute, AoE).
    • Mix: Dragon Shield: Grants Magic Defense Boost (+10, 1 minute, AoE).
    • Mix: Samson's Strength: Grants STR/DEX/VIT/AGI/INT/MND/CHR Boost (+10, 1 minute, AoE).
    • Mix: Dark Potion: Deals Element: Dark magical damage (666 fixed damage, ignores resistance and magic defense).
  • Mix III: Potions with a separate 90 second cooldown.
    • Mix: Dry Ether Concoction: Restores 160 MP.


Ygnas Trust.jpg

White Mage / Paladin


Cure I - VI, Protect/ra I - V, Shell/ra I - V, -na Spells, Erase, Haste

Weapon Skills

Deific Gambol (AoE) None, Phototropic Blessing None, Phototropic Wrath None, Sacred Caper None

Special Features
  • Possesses HP+10%, MP+10%, Cure Potency +50%, Fast Cast +50%, Converts 5% of "Cure" amount to MP, Regain (30 TP/tick).
  • Ygnas prefers to heal with his most mp-efficient healing spell, which is Cure III at level 99.
    • Uses Cure III on the tank at yellow HP(<75%) or other party members at orange HP(<66%).
    • Uses Cure VI on party members at low HP (<45%).
  • Can be intimidated when curing party members who have Plantoid Killer.
  • Will not engage, and stands out of range.
  • Will not use a weaponskill until reaching 3,000 TP unless party members have taken damage, much like Selh'teus.
    • Deific Gambol causes AoE Damage.
    • Phototropic Blessing is an AoE Heal, 30/tick Regen, +25% Defense, and MDB+ for 60 seconds.
    • Phototrophic Wrath is an AoE Haste II Verification Needed, attack +25%, MAB +Question, and 23 damage Enlight (decays by 1 each hit) for 60 seconds.
    • Sacred Caper inflicts Magical DamageElement: Light damage and Rasp.
Trust Synergy
  • Arciela or Arciela II: Ygnas will gain a 2/tick Indi-Refresh.
  • Darrcuiln/Morimar/August/Teodor/Rosulatia:Information Needed.



Arciela Trust.jpg

Red Mage / Paladin


Refresh/II, Haste/II, Protect I - V, Shell I - V, Slow/II, Paralyze/II, Addle, Dispel


Bellatrix of Light, Bellatrix of Shadows

Weapon Skills

Guiding Light (AoE Atk+Def+M.Atk+M.Def Up) None, Illustrious Aid None, Dynastic Gravitas None

Special Features
  • Possesses MP+20%, Regain (25 TP/tick), RDM/PLD traits including Auto-Refresh I.
  • Tends to behave more as a support as opposed to Arciela II.
  • Uses Refresh and Haste only on the player and herself, prioritizing the player.
  • Will always overwrite Haste with Haste II.
  • Auto-attacks seem to be light elemental regardless of stance, and are effected by MAB/MDB.
  • Bellatrix of Light - Enables enhancing magic and Illustrious Aid
  • Bellatrix of Shadows - Enables enfeebling magic and Dynastic Gravitas.
    • No cooldown on changing between the two stances, she will switch as needed to cast spells based on priority.
  • Dynastic Gravitas - Inflicts amnesia on nearby enemies.
  • Guiding Light - Nearby party members gain increased attack, defense, magic attack, and magic defense for 30 seconds. Usable from either stance. The effect overwrites and prevents application of Cocoon and Saline Coat.
  • Illustrious Aid - Restores HP to nearby party members. Used when multiple party members are in yellow HP (<75%).
  • Stationary Behavior: will stay in place after engaging. If allies/enemies are out of her casting range and in line of sight, she will slowly inch toward them until they're in casting range.
Trust Synergy

Arciela II

Arciela II
Arciela II Trust.jpg

Red Mage / Black Mage


Refresh/II, Haste/II, Flurry II, Protect I - V, Shell I - V, Slow/II, Paralyze/II, Addle, Dispel, Single Target Elemental Nukes I - V


Ascension, Descension

Weapon Skills
Special Features
  • Possesses MP+50%, increased Enhancing Magic duration (+25%).
  • Tends to behave much more offensively as compared to Arciela I.
  • Possesses an extremely potent Fast Cast, spells she casts appear to be cast instantly.
  • She will often double magic burst with two tier 5 spells or a tier 5 and tier 4 spell.
  • Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP.
  • When at low HP, can use TP move Naakual's Vengeance to fully restore HP and MP. (5 minute cooldown)
  • Can have a tendency to run out of MP due to double magic bursting high tier elemental magic.
  • Ascension (Light mode - Enhancing magic - Healing Magic - Light based WSs - Light-aligned Elemental Magic (Element: FireElement: WindElement: Thunder)
  • Descension (Dark mode - Enfeebling magic - Darkness based WSs - Darkness-aligned Elemental Magic (Element: EarthElement: WaterElement: Ice))
    • Spends about 90 seconds in each mode before switching.
  • Casts buffs on party members based on job:
Flurry II: RNG, COR
*Haste II grants 307/1024 Magical Haste.
Refresh II: WHM, BLM, RDM, PLD, SMN, GEO, RUN, SCH*, or any character with WHM subjob.
*Will stop casting Refresh on a SCH once they use Sublimation
Trust Synergy


Joachim Trust.jpg

Bard / White Mage


Sword/Blade Madrigal, Battlefield/Carnage Elegy, Advancing/Victory March, Army's Paeon I - VI, Mage's Ballad I - III, Valor Minuet I - V, Knight's Minne I - V, Cure I - IV, Erase, -na Spells

Weapon Skills

Special Features
  • Doesn't melee but performs a throwing ranged attack (traverser stones?).
  • By default he sings March and Madrigal (level permitting).
  • Waits for his songs to expire before changing songs; does not overwrite songs.
  • Song Priority:
  • Casting Cure takes higher priority than songs, so he's more likely to be using Ballad than Paeon.
    • Until the party's supports are out of MP, then he starts casting Paeons due to the resulting lack of healing.
  • Victory March grants 155/1024 (15.14%) Magical Haste.
  • Blade Madrigal grants +60 Accuracy.
    • None of Joachim's songs gain any instrument/equipment bonuses.

King of Hearts

King of Hearts
King of Hearts Trust.jpg

Red Mage / White Mage


Refresh/II, Haste/II, Dia/II/III, Temper, (92)Firaga IV, Cure I - IV, Phalanx/II, -na Spells, Erase

Weapon Skills

Bludgeon Fusion SC Icon.png/Liquefaction SC Icon.png, Shuffle (Dispel) None, Deal Out (AoE) None, Double Down None

Special Features
  • Possesses HP+25%, MP+80%
  • Benefits from a permanent Composure effect and gains +50% Enhancing Magic duration when casting on other targets than himself.
  • Is considered Arcana, thus is susceptible to Monster Correlation effects.
  • The King of Hearts mainly acts as a RDM but has access to spells of WHMs and BLMs.
  • Opens the fight up with Dia before any other spells. (Will continually attempt to Dia an enemy even if the enemy is immune)
  • Will cast Cure on any players at 50% or less HP.
  • Prioritizes Erase and -na spells above other spells. Will quickly cast these on any trust or party member immediately after being debuffed, starting with the master and itself.
  • Casts Haste, Refresh, and Phalanx on the player regardless of their job or enmity.
    • Will not cast Haste or Refresh on other players or trusts.
    • King of Hearts thinks the player is his master, Ambassador Karababa (BLM).
  • Casts Phalanx on the party member or alter ego with the highest enmity on King's current target's list.
  • Will magic burst Firaga off of Liquefaction SC Icon.png Liquefaction, Fusion SC Icon.png Fusion, or Light SC Icon.png Light skillchains.
  • From time to time the King of Hearts may randomly “Level Up”, which restores some HP and MP as well as unlocking access to Bludgeon. It doesn’t seem to be actively triggered, but may occur at any time during combat.
  • Uses TP randomly and does not try to skillchain.
  • Prioritizes Shuffle when able to Dispel an enemy buff.
  • *Haste II grants 307/1024 Magical Haste.
Trust Synergy
  • Shantotto: King of Hearts uses the full range of his enhancing spells on Shantotto in the same way as on himself and his player and even prioritizes her over the player and himself. (Does not apply to Shantotto II or Domina Shantotto)


Koru-Moru Trust.jpg

Red Mage / White Mage


Refresh/II, Haste/II, Flurry/II, Protect I - V, Shell I - V, Phalanx II, Slow/II, Dia/II/III, Distract/II, Dispel, Cure I - IV



Weapon Skills

Special Features
  • Does not engage.
  • Will only use Convert at very low MP, making him susceptible to DoT or AoE death.
  • Will not cast a higher-tier debuff if the enemy already has a lower-tier applied.
  • Will cast Phalanx II even if Phalanx is already applied. However, Phalanx II will not be cast over Barrier Tusk.
    • Koru-Moru's Phalanx II reduces damage received by 31 at level 99.
  • Will cast Distract II on enemies with High Evasion as classified by the /check command for the PC.
  • Casts buffs on party members based on job:
Flurry II: RNG, COR
*Haste II grants 307/1024 Magical Haste.
Refresh II: WHM, BLM, RDM, PLD, SMN, GEO, RUN, SCH*, or any character with WHM subjob.
*Will stop casting Refresh on a SCH once they use Sublimation


Qultada Trust.jpg

Corsair / Ranger


Triple Shot, Double-Up, Snake Eye, Corsair's Roll, Chaos Roll, Hunter's Roll, Evoker's Roll, Fighter's Roll, Light Shot, Dark Shot

Weapon Skills

Savage Blade Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Scission SC Icon.png, Burning Blade Liquefaction SC Icon.png, Sniper Shot Liquefaction SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, Detonator Fusion SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png

Special Features
  • Possesses Winning Streak (level 75: +100s Phantom Roll duration)
  • Qultada dispels with Dark Shot and enhances Dia with Light Shot but never uses Quick Draw just to deal damage.
  • Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP.
  • Qultada's standard Phantom Rolls are Chaos Roll and Fighter's Roll.
    • He replaces Chaos Roll with Hunter's Roll if his player's accuracy against the currently fought enemy is under a certain threshold.
    • He replaces Fighter's Roll with Evoker's Roll if any party member has low MP (<66%).
    • He replaces Fighter's Roll with Corsair's Roll if his player has Dedication or Commitment active (excluding the special Dedication status from Cipher: Kupofried).
  • Will Double-Up on any non-lucky roll value between 1 and 6 and can bust his rolls.
  • He uses Snake Eye when he is one point away from a lucky roll or from 11.
  • Doesn't perform weaponskills until finished applying Phantom Rolls.
    • When he has a busted roll, he doesn't WS until the bust effect expires.


Ulmia Trust.jpg

Bard / Bard


Sword/Blade Madrigal, Hunter's/Archer's Prelude, Advancing/Victory March, Valor Minuet I - V, Mage's Ballad I - III, Sentinel's Scherzo



Weapon Skills

  • Complete Dawn.
    • Examine the Dilapidated Gate in Misareaux Coast (I-11).
      • Please note that there are two Dilapidated Gates in the zone.
Players will be unable to receive the alter ego if the quest Storms of Fate is in progress after viewing the event at the Dilapidated Gate in Misareaux Coast (F-7) until the battlefield is completed.
Special Features
  • Does not engage.
  • Recasts her songs shortly before they wear off.
  • Song Priority:
  • Pianissimo will be used for the player under certain conditions after Ulmia has two songs on the party.
    • Scherzo after taking a large amount of damage, or afflicted with the Weakness status.
    • Ballad if the player's MP is under 75% and main job is WHM, BLM, RDM, SMN, GEO, or SCH.
    • Prelude and Minuet if main job is RNG or COR.
  • Ballad logic:
    • Ulmia tracks rate of MP usage to determine the target party member spending the highest percentage of their MP. ([1] BG-Forum)(Official explanation - In Japanese)
      • It is possible for all party members to be at low MP and double Marches are still being played, due to failing this MP consumption check.
      • You can try forcing yourself to be the ballad target by resummoning Ulmia then pulling with a spell.
    • Cast Ballad if target party member's MP is below a certain threshold:
      • 75% if 3 or more party members (out of 6) have native MP, based on main and sub job.Verification Needed
      • 33% if 2 or fewer party members (out of 6) have native MP.Verification Needed
      • Can do double Ballads, depending on MP and timing of 2nd song expiration.Verification Needed
  • *Advancing March grants 108/1024 Magical Haste.
  • *Victory March grants 155/1024 Magical Haste.
Trust Synergy
  • Prishe: Prishe and Ulmia will prioritize supporting each other
    • Ulmia will use Pianissimo and cast Sentinel's Scherzo on Prishe if she takes a large amount of damage in a single hit and two songs are already active. This seems to prevent the player from receiving Scherzo after AoE damage. (Doesn't apply to Prishe II)
    • Prishe: Prishe will cast Cure spells on Ulmia at yellow (75%) HP. (Other party members are healed at low HP)
    • Prishe II: Prishe II normally only has access to Curaga spells, but will cast Cure spells on Ulmia.



Brigid Trust.jpg

Geomancer / Bard





Weapon Skills


Incorporeal Trust

This Trust is unaffected by all attacks, skills, and magic, and thus cannot die.

Special Features


Cornelia Trust.jpg

Geomancer / Bard





Weapon Skills


Incorporeal Trust

This Trust is unaffected by all attacks, skills, and magic, and thus cannot die.

  • If you have completed the quest Trust, you will automatically obtain the alter ego upon logging in after the Monday, September 11, 2017, version update.
    • No message will be displayed signifying that you have acquired the alter ego.
  • If you have not completed the quest Trust, you must first complete it after the Monday, September 11, 2017, version update and then relog or change areas.
    • No message will be displayed signifying that you have acquired the alter ego.
  • Cornelia was/is only available during the following times:
    • From September 2017 until May 2018.
    • From May 2022 until November 2022.
    • From June 2024 until December 2024.
Special Features


Kupofried Trust.jpg

Geomancer / Bard





Weapon Skills


Incorporeal Trust

This Trust is unaffected by all attacks, skills, and magic, and thus cannot die.

Special Features

Kuyin Hathdenna

Kuyin Hathdenna
Kuyin Hathdenna Trust.jpg

Geomancer / Bard





Weapon Skills


Incorporeal Trust

This Trust is unaffected by all attacks, skills, and magic, and thus cannot die.

Special Features


Moogle trust.jpg

Geomancer / Bard





Weapon Skills


Incorporeal Trust

This Trust is unaffected by all attacks, skills, and magic, and thus cannot die.

Special Features
  • Indi-Refresh (3 MP/tick at lv. 99) stacks with player-cast Indi-Refresh.
    • This Indi-Refresh also grants an increase to magical skill gain rate.


Sakura trust.jpg

Geomancer / Bard





Weapon Skills


Incorporeal Trust

This Trust is unaffected by all attacks, skills, and magic, and thus cannot die.

Special Features
  • Indi-Regen (6 HP/tick at lv. 99) stacks with player-cast Indi-Regen.
    • This Indi-Regen also grants an increase to physical combat skill gain rate.

Star Sibyl

Star Sibyl
Star Sibyl trust.jpg

Geomancer / Bard





Weapon Skills


Incorporeal Trust

This Trust is unaffected by all attacks, skills, and magic, and thus cannot die.

Special Features
  • Has full time Indi-Acumen (Magic Attack Boost). +19 at level 99.
  • This sphere effect also has a +19 Magic Accuracy boost at level 99.

Unity Concord

Aldo (UC)

Aldo (UC)
Aldo (UC) Trust.jpg

Thief / Ninja


Bully, Sneak Attack

Weapon Skills

(50)Sarva's Storm Dark SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png

  • Be a member of the Aldo Unity Concord.
    • Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features
  • Possesses 5/5 Triple Attack Rate merits at lv75.
  • Excellent skillchain partner with thieves using Rudra's Storm.
  • Uses Sneak Attack when behind the target or after using Bully, but does not try to combine it with weapon skills.
  • Uses Sarva's Storm whenever another party member has 1000 TP in order to open skillchains.
  • If no other party members gain TP, will use Sarva's Storm at 3000 TP.

Apururu (UC)

Apururu (UC)
Apururu (UC) Trust.jpg

White Mage / Red Mage


Cure I - VI, Curaga I - V, Protect/ra I - V, Shell/ra I - V, -na Spells, Erase, Stoneskin, Haste


Martyr, Devotion, Convert

Weapon Skills

(50)Nott None

  • Be a member of the Apururu Unity Concord.
    • Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt (this is also how you re-obtain it in the event you've lost it).
Special Features
  • Possesses Regain (75 TP/tick).
  • Does not melee or cast spells on enemies, relying on Regain for TP.
  • Uses TP to recover MP. It is a low priority, and at 3000 TP she may continue casting Cure until she is out of MP.
    • The really high Regain compared to other trusts is balanced by the high MP cost of Curaga.
  • Will use Curaga spells when 3 or more party members are in yellow HP (<75%) or asleep.
  • Casts Haste on the player, herself, and melee damage dealers in the party (with the exception of NIN).
  • Uses Convert and Martyr only at very low MP (<10%).
  • Casts Stoneskin on herself and tries to keep it applied.
  • Uses Devotion on party members that have <20% MP.
  • Tries to stay a distance (~15') away from the monster when she doesn't have hate.
  • Devotion and Martyr have a shorter range (10.6'), so pay attention to her movements if you need those effects.
Trust Synergy
  • Apururu will prioritize supporting her brother Ajido-Marujido.
    • Status Removal and Haste priority changes to Ajido-Marujido > Player > Herself > Others.
    • If multiple party members meet the conditions for Devotion, will use it on Ajido-Marujido preferentially.
    • Apururu gains +25% Cure Potency Bonus.

Ayame (UC)

Ayame (UC)
Ayame (UC) Trust.jpg

Samurai / Warrior


Blade Bash, Sengikori, Hasso, Third Eye, Shikikoyo, Meditate

Weapon Skills

(5)Tachi: Jinpu Scission SC Icon.png/Eks.gif, (25)Tachi: Koki Reverberation SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, (50)Tachi: Mudo Eks.gif/Distortion SC Icon.png, (60)Tachi: Kasha Fusion SC Icon.png/Eks.gif, (70)Tachi: Ageha Compression SC Icon.png/Eks.gif

  • Be a member of the Ayame Unity Concord.
    • Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features
  • Possesses 5/5 Shikikoyo merits at level 75 (shared TP +48%)
  • Skillchains
    • Specializes in two-person 3-step or 5-step skillchains with the player, resulting in higher Skillchain damage and Magic Burst Damage Bonus with each step.
    • Completes skillchains while using Sengikori if ready.
    • Only closes skillchains started by the player (or their pet). Waits at 3000 TP until conditions are met.
    • Always closes a higher level skillchain, ignores the skillchain if she can't.
    • Due to the weapon skills available, cannot close skillchains started with Distortion or Fusion.
    • Does not close Level 4 Light skillchains, Tachi: Mudo is only used to close Darkness.
    • Always chooses Tachi: Ageha following a Detonation opener.
    • Level 1 Chainbound (Status) will be closed by Tachi: Koki for Fragmentation.
    • Abilities are used based on skillchain level and battle condition, so she may Meditate before a weaponskill instead of waiting for you to reach 1000 TP.
  • Ayame's consistent weapon skill choice and timing make her a good choice for parties who want to set up magic bursts of a specific element boosted by Sengikori (+25% Magic Burst Damage).
  • High TP gain rate with Hasso/Zanshin and >250 TP per hit depending on level of SAM Store TP trait.
  • Tachi: Ageha is the 2015 version.
    • Defense Down could need more TP and Magic Accuracy than the player's version to land on high-level enemies.
    • Trust weapon skills have different IDs than the ones players use and have a separate implementation.
  • When she has 2000+ TP, she uses Shikikoyo on the party leader after they use a weapon skill.
    • After summoning Ayame, if she reaches 2000 TP before the party leader has used a weapon skill, uses Shikikoyo immediately.
  • If she gets hate, uses Third Eye.
  • Stuns enemies with Blade Bash, only to interrupt spellcasting.

Flaviria (UC)

Flaviria (UC)
Flavira (UC) Trust.jpg

Dragoon / Warrior


Jump, High Jump, Super Jump, Angon, Berserk

Weapon Skills

(5)Skewer Transfixion SC Icon.png/Impaction SC Icon.png, (25)Impulse Drive Gravitation SC Icon.png/Induration SC Icon.png, (50)Celidon's Torment Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png

  • Be a member of the Flaviria Unity Concord
    • Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features
  • Possesses merits in Jump recast down, High Jump recast down, and Angon at level 75.
  • Uses weapon skills at 1000 TP. Does not try to skillchain.
  • Celidon's Torment is a Unity Leader version of Camlann's Torment which has a similar Ignores Defense property.
  • Aggressive weapon skill usage and Jumps enhanced by Berserk, boosted Unity Leader stats (and Flaviria Unity Shirt), and early access to higher level weapon skills make Flaviria a strong physical damage dealer to have while leveling.

Invincible Shield (UC)

Invincible Shield (UC)
Invincible Shield (UC) Trust.jpg

Warrior / Corsair


Provoke, Aggressor, Restraint, Retaliation, Warcry, Blood Rage, Tomahawk, Savagery

Weapon Skills

(5)Raging Rush Induration SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, (25)Steel Cyclone Distortion SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, (50)Soturi's Fury Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png

  • Be a member of the Invincible Shield Unity Concord.
    • Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features

Jakoh Wahcondalo (UC)

Jakoh Wahcondalo (UC)
Jakoh Wahcondalo (UC) Trust.jpg

Thief / Warrior


Conspirator, Trick Attack, Sneak Attack, Feint

Weapon Skills

(5)Dancing Edge Scission SC Icon.png/Detonation SC Icon.png, (25)Evisceration Gravitation SC Icon.png/Transfixion SC Icon.png, (50)Sarva's Storm Dark SC Icon.png/Distortion SC Icon.png

  • Be a member of the Jakoh Wahcondalo Unity Concord.
    • Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features
  • Uses weapon skills at >2000 TP with Trick Attack and/or Sneak Attack.
    • Holds up to 3000 TP to wait for positioning.
    • Weapon skill used is random. Does not try to close skillchains.
  • Will open with Feint and uses it on cooldown.
  • Wields a knife. Gains 55 TP on hit.

Maat (UC)

Maat (UC)
Maat (UC) Trust.jpg

Monk / Warrior


Chakra, Counterstance, Impetus

Weapon Skills

(50)Hollow Smite Light SC Icon.png/Fragmentation SC Icon.png

  • Be a member of the Maat Unity Concord.
    • Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features
  • Possesses increased Kick Attacks rate.
  • Exclusively uses Hollow Smite as his weaponskill. If called below level 50, he will not have a way to spend TP.
  • Uses Hollow Smite under any the following conditions:
    • To open skillchains for the player when they have 1000 TP.
    • To close a skillchain started by other party members if possible.
    • When Maat (UC) has 3000 TP.

Naja Salaheem (UC)

Naja Salaheem (UC)
Naja Salaheem (UC) Trust.jpg

Monk / Warrior

Weapon Skills

(5)Peacebreaker Distortion SC Icon.png/Reverberation SC Icon.png, (25)Hexa Strike Fusion SC Icon.png, (50)Nott None, (60)Black Halo Fragmentation SC Icon.png/Compression SC Icon.png, (70)Justicebreaker Dark SC Icon.png/Gravitation SC Icon.png

  • Be a member of the Naja Salaheem Unity Concord.
    • Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features
  • Possesses Quadruple Attack, Triple Attack, Store TP, and Gilfinder traits.
  • On summoning will pick a club weapon skill from her list and use that exclusively, re-summoning her will randomize the choice of weapon skill again, in this way you can "pick" her weapon skill.
  • 200 TP per hit.
  • Uses weapon skills when another party member has 1000 TP, otherwise holds TP indefinitely.
  • Her Multi-Attack rate is very high: can a great skillchain partner for other trusts or yourself.
  • But the damage is low to balance out the number of swings, and you may worry about feeding TP (Monster TP Gain).
  • Peacebreaker applies a 20% Defense Down and 20% Magic Defense Down to the target for up to 30 seconds.
  • Justicebreaker applies a 10% Defense Down and 10% Magic Defense Down to the target for up to 60 seconds.
  • She has no MP so Nott only serves to restore her HP, which can make her very survivable if she has the required accuracy.
  • With another party member like Ajido-Marujido who builds but doesn't spend TP, you may get Naja to self-skillchain Darkness with Justicebreaker.

Pieuje (UC)

Pieuje (UC)
Pieuje (UC) Trust.jpg

White Mage / Paladin


Cure I - VI, -na Spells, Erase, Esuna, Protect/ra I - V, Shell/ra I - V, Auspice, Haste


Afflatus Misery, Sacrosanctity

Weapon Skills

(5)Starlight None, (25)Moonlight None, (50)Nott None

  • Be a member of the Pieuje Unity Concord.
    • Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features
  • Possesses Regain (34tp/tick), WHM/PLD traits including Auto Refresh and Resist Sleep.
  • Stays in place after engaging, but will attack with a club if the enemy is nearby.
    • When positioned in attack range, he'll be able to use MP recovery moves more often, making up for his lower max MP compared to Tarutaru trusts.
  • Afflatus Misery and Auspice together give him an Enlight effect, increasing his accuracy.
  • Will use Esuna in Misery stance, removing 2 debuffs from himself and any other party members in range with the same debuff.
  • Casts Haste on players regardless of job.
  • Sacrosanctity defends your party from enemy SP abilities like Manafont, Chainspell, and Astral Flow.
  • Uses TP for MP recovery. Prefers Nott.
Trust Synergy
  • Trion: Pieuje only uses Regen on Trion. Pieuje prioritizes Trion > Player > Others when casting Haste and -na Spells

Sylvie (UC)

Sylvie (UC)
Sylvie (UC) Trust.jpg

Geomancer / White Mage


Cure I - IV, -na Spells, Erase, Haste, Indi-Haste, Indi-Fury, Indi-Precision, Indi-Refresh, Indi-Regen, Indi-Acumen, Indi-Languor



Weapon Skills

(50)Nott None

  • Be a member of the Sylvie Unity Concord.
    • Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features
  • Possesses Regain+50, Damage Taken-25%, Enhanced Indicolure duration (6 minutes total, includes Entrust effects).
  • Will change Indicolure spells based on accuracy requirements, and the main job of the player.
  • Does not melee or cast spells on enemies, relying on Regain for TP.
  • Follows the player or trust in front of her in the party lineup.
  • Casts Haste on the player who summoned her (regardless of job) and any physical melee damage dealers in the party.
  • Uses Entrust on the player unless their main job is GEO where she will Entrust the first PLD, RUN, or NIN in the party instead.
    • Even if the player's Entrust is on that target, Sylvie will overwrite it with her Entrust.
  • Will cast Indicolure spells based on the player's job and hit rate, ranged hit rate, or item level:
Indi-Fury (+37.5% Attack/Ranged Attack) or Indi-Precision (+56 Accuracy/Ranged Accuracy) and Entrust Indi-Frailty (-12.5% Defense):
    WAR, MNK, THF, BST, DRK, DRG, SAM, BLU, PUP, DNC based on hit rate
    RNG, COR based on ranged hit rate
Indi-Haste (+28.8% haste) and Entrust Indi-Refresh (+5/tick): PLD and RUN
Indi-Haste (+28.8% haste) and Entrust Indi-Regen (+30/tick): NIN
Indi-Acumen (+21 Magic Attack) or Indi-Focus (+55 Magic Accuracy Verification Needed) and Entrust Indi-Refresh (+5/tick): BLM, RDM, SCH based on the difference between your level or item level and the enemy's level. Indi-Focus is used when the enemy's level is higher than the player's level or item level by 5 or more.
Indi-Refresh (+8/tick) and Entrust Indi-Acumen (+12 Magic Attack): WHM, BRD, SMN
Indi-Refresh (+8/tick) and Entrust Indi-Languor (-41 Magic Evasion Verification Needed): GEO
*Sylvie only uses Entrust with a player GEO who does not have an Indicolure on themself, but Sylvie's Indi-Languor will go on the first PLD, RUN, or NIN in the party.
  • Below level 93, Sylvie won't use any of the above Indi- spells until everything's available, regardless of your job. (i.e., she is waiting until Indi-Haste's level, whether you need it or not)
    • Indi-Regen available at Level 20.
      • Provides about level÷3 hp/tick, reaching the maximum +30hp @ 89. About equivalent potency to the highest level Regen Spells available.
    • Indi-Refresh available at Level 30. Used instead of Indi-Regen if your main job has MP: WHM, RDM, BLM, SCH, SMN, GEO, PLD, RUN, BLU, DRK.
      • Provides +2mp @ 32, +3mp @ 58, +4mp @ 84, +5mp @ 98.
    • Gains Geomancy+3 at level 99.
  • Uses TP to recover MP.

Yoran-Oran (UC)

Yoran-Oran (UC)
Yoran-Oran (UC) Trust.jpg

White Mage / Black Mage


Protectra I - V, Shellra I - V, -na spells, Cure I - VI, Erase, Stoneskin


Afflatus Solace

Weapon Skills

(50)Nott None

  • Be a member of the Yoran-Oran Unity Concord.
    • Obtain 5000 Unity Accolades through Records of Eminence objectives for a Partial Personal Evaluation of 5pt.
Special Features