Category:Records of Eminence

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Records of Eminence was introduced on December 10, 2013. It allows you to undertake up to 30 objectives at once to earn Sparks of Eminence and Experience Points. Some objectives also award Unity Accolades, Capacity Points, items, or a permanent bonus to Capacity Point gains.

Limited-time Challenges cycle every 4 hours, are automatically active, and do not count toward the 30-objective limit.

Some objectives are repeatable. Repeatable objectives reward Sparks, EXP, ACC, and CP on subsequent clears, but no items. Objectives which reset (D)aily, (W)eekly, or (M)onthly grant all rewards on each completion.

Records of Eminence (Quest) must be completed before you can select additional objectives.

As of the May 2021 Update, the total number of Records of Eminence which count toward "Number Completed" in-game is 1075.


Records of Eminence NPCs
Southern San d'Oria (G-10) Bastok Markets (E-11)
Windurst Woods (J-10) Western Adoulin (H-11)

Objective List

Note: Dealing damage of a type a monster absorbs (eg. Puks with wind damage) counts toward "Cure" quests.

Limited-time Challenges

These challenges are automatically assigned at specific times of the day. The first successful completion awards the player with a Copper Voucher, Sparks Of Eminence, and Experience Points, subsequent completion of the challenge only rewards Sparks and Experience. The challenge may be repeated for up to 4 hours after the challenge is assigned.

Timed Challenge.jpeg

Starts At Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
23:00 (-1) PST
02:00 EST
07:00 UTC
16:00 JST
Vanquish Arcana Crack Treasure Caskets Physical Damage Kills Magic Damage Kills Vanquish Birds Vanquish Amorphs Vanquish Undead
03:00 PST
06:00 EST
11:00 UTC
20:00 JST
Gain Experience Vanquish Aquans Vanquish Beasts Vanquish Plantoids Vanquish Lizards Vanquish Vermin Spoils (Seals)
07:00 PST
10:00 EST
15:00 UTC
00:00 (+1) JST
Vanquish Birds Vanquish Amorphs Vanquish Undead Vanquish Arcana Crack Treasure Caskets Physical Damage Kills Magic Damage Kills
11:00 PST
14:00 EST
19:00 UTC
04:00 (+1) JST
Vanquish Lizards Vanquish Vermin Spoils (Seals) Gain Experience Vanquish Aquans Vanquish Beasts Vanquish Plantoids
15:00 PST
18:00 EST
23:00 UTC
08:00 (+1) JST
Vanquish Undead Vanquish Arcana Crack Treasure Chests Physical Damage Kills Magic Damage Kills Vanquish Birds Vanquish Amorphs
19:00 PST
22:00 EST
03:00 (+1) UTC
12:00 (+1) JST
Spoils (Seals) Gain Experience Vanquish Aquans Vanquish Beasts Vanquish Plantoids Vanquish Lizards Vanquish Vermin

Limited Time Challenge Objectives (Detail)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Gain Experience Earn 5000 Exp. 5000 Yes 300 1500 300 Copper Voucher
Magic Damage Kills Defeat Exp-yielding monsters with magic 20 Yes 300 1500 300 Copper Voucher
Obtain Seals Obtain 3 of any type of burning circle Seals 3 Yes 300 1500 300 Copper Voucher
Vanquish Aquans Defeat Exp-yielding Aquans 20 Yes 300 1500 300 Copper Voucher
Vanquish Beasts Defeat Exp-yielding Beasts 20 Yes 300 1500 300 Copper Voucher
Vanquish Lizards Defeat Exp-yielding Lizards 20 Yes 300 1500 300 Copper Voucher
Vanquish Plantoids Defeat Exp-yielding Plantoids 20 Yes 300 1500 300 Copper Voucher
Vanquish Vermin Defeat Exp-yielding Vermin 20 Yes 300 1500 300 Copper Voucher
Crack Treasure Caskets Open Treasure Caskets 20 Yes 300 1500 300 Copper Voucher
Crack Treasure Chests Open Treasure Chests 20 Yes 300 1500 300 Copper Voucher
  • "Gain experience" pertains only to experience from regular kills, including Abyssea. Experience gained from completing objectives, Voidwatch, Adoulin quests, Fields of Valor, Abyssea chests, and items does not count.
  • The objective pertaining to 3 seals includes Beastmen's Seal, Kindred's Seal, Kindred's Crest, High Kindred's Crest, and Sacred Kindred's Crest. All 5 varieties of seals now count towards completion of this objective. You can also get a mixture of any.
  • The Defeat 20 Aquans, Beasts, Lizards, Plantoids, and Vermin objectives pertains only to experience-yielding monster kills outside of Dynamis and Abyssea.



Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
First Step Forward Speak to one of the following Records of Eminence guides: Rolandienne in Southern San d'Oria (G‑10), Isakoth in Bastok Markets (E‑11), Fhelm Jobeizat in Windurst Woods (J‑10), Eternal Flame in Western Adoulin (H‑11). 1 No 100 300
All for One Speak to one of the following Unity Concord guides: Urbiolaine in Southern San d'Oria (G-10), Igsli in Bastok Markets (E-11), Teldro-Kesdrodo in Windurst Woods (J-10), Nunaarl Bthtrogg in Western Adoulin (H-11). 1 No 100 300 1000 Concordoll
Vanquish One Enemy Defeat one monster outside of a city. 1 No 100 500
Undertake a FoV Training Regime Examine a Field Manual and undertake a Fields of Valor Training regime. 1 No 100 500
Heal Without Using Magic Recover at least 1 HP by using the /heal command. 1 No 100 500
Undertake a GoV Training Regime Examine a Grounds Tome and undertake a Grounds of Valor Training regime. 1 No 100 500
Stepping into an Ambuscade Procure information about Ambuscade by speaking with Gorpa-Masorpa in Mhaura (G-9) 1 No 100 300 Ambuscade Primer Volume Two
Call Forth an Alter Ego Call forth an alter ego by speaking to one of the following NPCs:
Gondebaud, Southern San d'Oria (L-6)
Clarion Star, Port Bastok (K-7)
Wetata, Windurst Woods (G-10)
1 No 100 300 Cipher: Valaineral
Alter Ego: Valaineral Call forth an alter ego of Valaineral. 1 No 100 300 Cipher: Mihli
Alter Ego: Mihli Aliapoh Call forth an alter ego of Mihli Aliapoh. 1 No 100 300 Cipher: Tenzen
Alter Ego: Tenzen Call forth an alter ego of Tenzen. 1 No 100 300 Cipher: Adelheid
Alter Ego: Adelheid Call forth an alter ego of Adelheid. 1 No 100 300 Cipher: Joachim
Alter Ego: Joachim Call forth an alter ego of Joachim. 1 No 100 500
Exploring the Trove Speak with Greyson in Lower Jeuno (G-11) and hear an explanation on A.M.A.N. Trove. 1 No 100 500
Assist Channel Speak to the A.M.A.N liaison in front of the Mog House in San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst and hear an explanation on the Assist Channel feature. 1 No 100 300


  • For a complete walkthrough on this RoE category (besides the Mentor License objective) visit this guide.
Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks CP Item
Achieve Level 99 Achieve a main job level of 99. 1 No 200 300 Kupon A-PK109 x5
An Eminent Scholar Collect 2000 sparks of eminence and speak to a Records of Eminence NPC. 1 No 200 200 Kupon W-EMI
An Eminent Scholar 2 Collect 4000 sparks of eminence and speak to a Records of Eminence NPC. 1 No 200 200 Kupon A-EMI
An Eminent Scholar 3 Collect 6000 sparks of eminence and speak to a Records of Eminence NPC. 1 No 200 200 Kupon A-EMI
Always Stand on 117 Achieve an item level of 117 and speak to a Records of Eminence NPC. 1 No 200 300 Cipher: Koru-Moru
Taming the Wilds Successfully complete a wildskeeper reive. 1 No 200 1000 Kupon AW-WK
Skirmisher: Rala Waterways Vanquish the requisite number of monsters in a Skirmish in Rala Waterways [U]. 10 No 200 1000 Kupon W-SRW
Skirmisher: Cirdas Caverns Vanquish the requisite number of monsters in a Skirmish in Cirdas Caverns [U]. 10 No 200 1000 Kupon W-SCC
Skirmisher: Yorcia Weald Vanquish the requisite number of monsters in a Skirmish in Yorcia Weald [U]. 10 No 200 1000 Kupon A-SYW
Repelling an Ambuscade Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Ambuscades. 1 No 200 1000 Kupon I-AF109
Artifact Reforger Reforge an artifact chestpiece to item level 109 or 119, equip it, and speak to a Records of Eminence NPC. 1 No 200 300 Maliyakaleya Orb
Artifact Reforger 2 Reforge an artifact chestpiece to item level 119, equip it, and speak to a Records of Eminence NPC. 1 No 200 500
A. Skirmisher: Rala Waterways Vanquish the requisite number of monsters in an Alluvion Skirmish in Rala Waterways [U]. 10 No 200 1000 Kupon W-ASRW
A. Skirmisher: Cirdas Caverns Vanquish the requisite number of monsters in an Alluvion Skirmish in Cirdas Caverns [U]. 10 No 200 1000 Kupon W-ASCC
A. Skirmisher: Yorcia Weald Vanquish the requisite number of monsters in an Alluvion Skirmish in Yorcia Weald [U]. 1 No 200 1000 Kupon A-ASYW
Mentor License Complete the following Records of Eminence objectives and speak with the A.M.A.N. Mentor coordinator:

20+ Combat (Wide Area) objectives, 40+ Combat (Region) objectives, 30+ Content objectives, and 10+ Achievements objectives.

1 No 1000 5000 Mentor status


Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
Speak to Carpenters' Guild Master Speak to Cheupirudaux in Northern San d'Oria (F‑3). 1 No 100 500
Speak to Blacksmiths' Guild Master Speak to either Ghemp in the Metalworks (E-7) or Mevreauche in Northern San d'Oria (E-6). 1 No 100 500
Speak to Goldsmiths' Guild Master Speak to Reinberta in Bastok Markets (H-8). 1 No 100 500
Speak to Weavers' Guild Master Speak to Ponono in Windurst Woods (G-12). 1 No 100 500
Speak to Tanners' Guild Master Speak to Faulpie in Southern San d'Oria (D-8). 1 No 100 500
Speak to Boneworkers' Guild Master Speak to Peshi Yohnts in Windurst Woods (H-12). 1 No 100 500
Speak to Alchemists' Guild Master Speak to Abd-al-Raziq in Bastok Mines (L-7). 1 No 100 500
Speak to Culinarians' Guild Master Speak to Piketo-Puketo in Windurst Waters (E-9). 1 No 100 500
Woodworking: Padded Box Synthesize a Padded Box the requisite number of times. 1 No 100 500
Smithing: Bronze Knife Synthesize a Bronze Knife the requisite number of times. 1 No 100 500
Goldsmithing: Copper Ring Synthesize a Copper Ring the requisite number of times. 1 No 100 500
Weaving: Headgear Synthesize a Headgear the requisite number of times. 1 No 100 500
Tanning: Leather Bandana Synthesize a Leather Bandana the requisite number of times. 1 No 100 500
Boneworking: Shell Powder Synthesize Shell Powder the requisite number of times. 1 No 100 500
Alchemy: Black Ink Synthesize Black Ink the requisite number of times. 1 No 100 500
Cooking: Pebble Soup Synthesize Pebble Soup the requisite number of times. 1 No 100 500

Quests 1

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
Mog House Exit: San d'Oria Complete Quest: Growing Flowers 1 No 100 300
Mog House Exit: Bastok Complete Quest: A Lady's Heart 1 No 100 300
Mog House Exit: Windurst Complete Quest: Flower Child 1 No 100 300
Mog House Exit: Jeuno Complete Quest: Pretty Little Things 1 No 100 300
Mog House Exit: Aht Urhgan Complete Quest: Keeping Notes 1 No 100 300
Obtain a Support Job Complete Quest: Elder Memories or The Old Lady 1 No 100 500
Obtain an Alter Ego: San d'Oria Complete Quest: Trust: San d'Oria 1 No 100 500
Obtain an Alter Ego: Bastok Complete Quest: Trust: Bastok 1 No 100 500
Obtain an Alter Ego: Windurst Complete Quest: Trust: Windurst 1 No 100 500
Obtain a Chocobo License Complete Quest: Chocobo's Wounds 1 No 100 600
Obtain Job: Paladin Complete Quest line that begins with: A Squire's Test 1 No 100 300
Obtain Job: Dark Knight Complete Quest: Blade of Darkness 1 No 100 300
Obtain Job: Beastmaster Complete Quest line that begins with: Save My Son 1 No 100 300
Obtain Job: Bard Complete Quest line that begins with: The Old Monument 1 No 100 300
Obtain Job: Ranger Complete Quest: The Fanged One 1 No 100 300
Obtain Job: Samurai Complete Quest: Forge Your Destiny 1 No 100 300
Obtain Job: Ninja Complete Quest: Ayame and Kaede 1 No 100 300
Obtain Job:Dragoon Complete Quest: The Holy Crest 1 No 100 300
Obtain Job: Summoner Complete Quest: I Can Hear a Rainbow 1 No 100 300
Obtain Job: Blue Mage Complete Quest: An Empty Vessel 1 No 100 300
Obtain Job: Corsair Complete Quest: Luck of the Draw 1 No 100 300
Obtain Job: Puppetmaster Complete Quest: No Strings Attached 1 No 100 300
Obtain Job: Dancer Complete Quest: Lakeside Minuet 1 No 100 300
Obtain Job: Scholar Complete Quest: A Little Knowledge 1 No 100 300
Obtain Job: Geomancer Complete Quest: Dances with Luopans 1 No 100 300
Obtain Job: Rune Fencer Complete Quest: Children of the Rune 1 No 100 300

Quests (Artifact 1)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
WAR Artifact Quest I Speak to Phara in Bastok Mines (J‑9) as a warrior, complete the quest "The Doorman," and obtain a Razor Axe. Requirement: WAR Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
WAR Artifact Quest II Speak to Phara in Bastok Mines (J‑9) as a warrior, complete the quest "The Talekeeper's Truth," and obtain a pair of Fighter's Calligae. Requirements: WAR Lv.50+, completion of "The Doorman" 1 No 100 300
WAR Artifact Quest III Speak to Deidogg in Bastok Mines (H‑6) as a warrior, complete the quest "The Talekeeper's Gift," and obtain a pair of Fighter's Lorica. Requirement: Completion of "The Talekeeper's Truth" 1 No 100 300
MNK Artifact Quest I Speak to Oggbi in Port Bastok (E‑6) as a monk, complete the quest "Ghosts of the Past," and obtain a pair of Beat Cesti. Requirement: MNK Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
MNK Artifact Quest II Speak to Oggbi in Port Bastok (E‑6) as a monk, complete the quest "The First Meeting," and obtain a pair of Temple Gaiters. Requirements: MNK Lv.50+, completion of "Ghosts of the Past" 1 No 100 300
MNK Artifact Quest III Speak to Ayame in the Metalworks as a monk, complete the quest "True Strength," and obtain a pair of Temple Hose. Requirements: Completion of "The First Meeting" 1 No 100 300
WHM Artifact Quest I Speak to Narcheral in Northern San d'Oria (M‑6) as a white mage, complete the quest "Messenger from Beyond," and obtain a Blessed Hammer. Requirement: WHM Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
WHM Artifact Quest II Examine the Door: Prince Regent's Rm in Chateau d'Oraguille (H‑8) as a white mage, complete the quest "Prelude of Black and White," and obtain a pair of Healer's Duckbills. Requirements: WHM Lv.50+, completion of "Messenger from Beyond" 1 No 100 300
WHM Artifact Quest III Examine the Door: Prince Regent's Rm in Chateau d'Oraguille (H‑8) as a white mage, complete the quest "Pieuje's Decision," and obtain a Healer's Briault. Requirement: Completion of "Prelude of Black and White" 1 No 100 300
BLM Artifact Quest I Speak to Chumimi int he basement of Heavens Tower as a black mage, complete the quest "The Three Magi," and obtain a Casting Wand. Requirement BLM Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
BLM Artifact Quest II Speak to Chumimi in the basement of Heavens Tower as a black mage, complete the quest "Recollections," and obtain a pair of "Wizard's Sabots]]. Requirements: BLM Lv.50+, completion of "The Three Magi" 1 No 100 300
BLM Artifact Quest III Speak to Chumimi in the basement of Heavens Tower as a black mage, complete the quest "The Root of the Problem," and obtain a Wizard's Petasos. Requirement: Completion of "Recollections" 1 No 100 300
RDM Artifact Quest I Speak to Sharzalion in Southern San d'Oria (K-6) as a red mage, complete the qest "The Crimson Trial," and obtain a Fencing Degen. Requirement: RDM Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
RDM Artifact Quest II Speak to Curilla in Chateau d'Oraguille (I-90 as red mage, complete the quest "Enveloped in Darkness," and obtain a pair of Warlock's Boots. Requirements: RDM Lv.50+, completion of "The Crimson Trial" 1 No 100 300
RDM Artifact Quest III Speak to Curilla in Chateau d'Oraguille (I-9) as a red mage, complete the quest "Peace for the Spirit," and obtain a Warlock's Chapeau. Requirement: Completion of "Enveloped in Darkness" 1 No 100 300
THF Artifact Quest I Speak to Nanaa Mihgo in Windurst Woods (J-3) as a thief, complete the quest "The Tenshodo Showdown," and obtain a Marauder's Knife. Rrequirement THF Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
THF Artifact Quest II Speak to Nanaa Mihgo in Windurst Woods (J-3) as a thief, complete the quest "As Thick as Thieves." and obtain a Rogue's Bonnet. Requirements: THF Lv.50+, completion of "The Tenshodo Showdown" 1 No 100 300
THF Artifact Quest III Speak to Nanaa Mihgo in Windurst Woods (J-3) as a thief, complete the quest "Hitting the Marquisate," and obtain a pair of Rogue's Poulaines. Requirement: Completion of "As Thick as Thieves" 1 No 100 300
PLD Artifact Quest I Speak to Ailbeche in Northern San d'Oria (J-9) as a paladin, complete the quest "Sharpening the Sword," and obtain an Honor Sword. Requirement: PLD Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
PLD Artifact Quest II Speak to Ailbeche in Northern San d'Oria (J-9) as a paladin, complete the quest "A Boy's Dream," and obtain a pair of Gallant Leggings. Rrequirements: PLD Lv.50+, completion of "Sharpening the Sword" 1 No 100 300
PLD Artifact Quest III Examine the Door: Prince Royal's Rm in Chateau d'Oraguille as a paladin, complete the quest "Under Oath," and obtain a Gallant Surcoat. Requirement: Completion of "A Boy's Dream" 1 No 100 300
DRK Artifact Quest I Speak to Raibaht in the Metalworks (G-8) as a dark knight, complete the quest "Dark Legacy," and obtain a Raven Scythe. Requirement: DRK Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
DRK Artifact Quest II Speak to Cid in the Metalworks (H-8) as a dark knight, complete the quest "Dark Puppet," and obtain a pair of Chaos Sollerets. Requirements: DRK Lv.50+, completion of 'Dark Legacy" 1 No 100 300
DRK Artifact Quest III Enter Beadeaux from the Pashhow Marshlands as a dark knight, complete the quest "Blade of Evil," and obtain a Chaos Burgeonet. Requirement: Completion of "Dark Puppet" 1 No 100 300
BST Artifact Quest I Speak to Brutus in Upper Jeuno (G-7) as a beastmaster, complete the quest "Wings of Gold," and obtain a Barbaroi Axe. Requirement: BST Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
BST Artifact Quest II Speak to Brutus in Upper Jeuno (G-7) as a beastmaster, complete the quest "Scattered Into Shadow," and obtain a pair of Beast Gaiters. Requirements: BST Lv.50+, completion of "Wings of Gold" 1 No 100 300
BST Artifact Quest III Examine the Door: Merchant's House in Lower Jeuno (G-10) as a beastmaster, complete the quest "A New Dawn," and obtain a pair of Beast Trousers. Requirement: Completion of "Scattered Into Shadow" 1 No 100 300

Quests (Artifact 2)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
BRD Artifact Quest I Speak to Mertaire in Lower Jeuno (I-8) as a bard, complete the quest "Painful Memory," and obtain a Paper Knife. Requirement: BRD Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
BRD Artifact Quest II Speak to Bki Tbujhja in Lower Jeuno (I-8) as a bard, complete the quest "The Requiem," and obtain a pair of Choral Slippers. Requirements: BRD Lv.50+, completion of "Painful Memory" 1 No 100 300
BRD Artifact Quest III Speak to Imasuke in Port Jeuno (E-6) as a bard, complete the quest "The Circle of Time," and obtain a pair of Choral Justaucorps. Requirement: Completion of "The Requiem" 1 No 100 300
RNG Artifact Quest I Speak to Perih Vashai in Windurst Woods (K-7) as a ranger, complete the quest "Sin Hunting," and obtain a Sniping Bow. Requirement: RNG Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
RNG Artifact Quest II Speak to Perih Vashai in Windurst Woods (K-7) as a ranger, complete the quest "Fire and Brimstone," and obtain a Hunter's Beret. Requirements: RNG Lv.50+, completion of "Sin Hunting" 1 No 100 300
RNG Artifact Quest III Speak to Perih Vashai in Windurst Woods (K-7) as a ranger, complete the quest "Unbridled Passion," and obtain a pair of Hunter's Socks. Requirement: Completion of "Fire and Brimstone" 1 No 100 300
SAM Artifact Quest I Speak to Jaucribaix in Norg (K-8) as a samurai, complete the quest "The Sacred Katana," and obtain a Magoroku. Requirement: SAM Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
SAM Artifact Quest II Speak to Jaucribaix in Norg (K-8) as a samurai, complete the quest "Yomi Okuri," and obtain a pair of Myochin Sune-Ate. Requirements: SAM Lv.50+, completion of "The Sacred Katana" 1 No 100 300
SAM Artifact Quest III Speak to Jaucribaix in Norg (K-8) as a samurai, complete the quest "A Thief in Norg!?," and obtain a Myochin Kabuto. Requirement: Completion of "Yomi Okuri" 1 No 100 300
Nin Artifact Quest I Speak to Ryoma in Norg (H-8) as a ninja, complete the quest "20 in Pirate Years," and obtain an Anju and Zushio. Requirement: NIN Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
NIN Artifact Quest II Speak to Ryoma in Norg (H-8) as a ninja, complete the quest "I'll Take the Big Box," and obtain a Ninja Hakama. Requirements: NIN Lv.50+, completion of "20 in Pirate Years" 1 No 100 300
NIN Artifact Quest III Speak to Ryoma in Norg (H-8) as a ninja, complete the quest "True Will," and obtain a suit of Ninja Chainmail. Requirement: Completion of "I'll Take the Big Box" 1 No 100 300
DRG Artifact Quest I Speak to Miaux in Northern San d'Oria (E-6) as a dragoon, complete the quest "A Craftsman's Work," and obtain a Peregrine. Requirement: DRG Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
DRG Artifact Quest II Speak to Ceraulian in Port San d'Oria (I-10) as a dragoon, complete the quest "Chasing Quotas," and obtain a pair of Drachen Brais. Requirements: DRG Lv.50+, completion of "A Craftsman's Work" 1 No 100 300
DRG Artifact Quest III Speak to Rahal in Chateau d'Oraguille (H-9) as a dragoon, complete the quest "Knight Stalker," and obtain a Drachen Armet. Requirement: Completion of "Chasing Quotas" 1 No 100 300
SMN Artifact Quest I Examine the Door: House of the Hero in Windurst Walls (G-3) as a summoner, complete the quest "The Puppet Master," and obtain a Kukulcan's Staff. Requirement: SMN Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
SMN Artifact Quest II Examine the Door: House of the Hero in Windurst Walls (G-3) as a summoner, complete the quest "Class Reunion," and obtain a pair of Evoker's Spats. Requirements: SMN Lv.50+, completion of "The Puppet Master" 1 No 100 300
SMN Artifact Quest III Examine the Door: House of the Hero in Windurst Walls (G-3) as a summoner, complete the quest "Carbuncle Debacle," and obtain an Evoker's Horn. Requirement: Completion of "Class Reunion" 1 No 100 300
BLU Artifact Quest I Speak to Waoud in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (J-10) as a blue mage, complete the quest "Beginnings," and obtain an Immortal's Scimitar. Requirements: BLU Lv.40+, completion of "Immortal Sentries" 1 No 100 300
BLU Artifact Quest II Speak to Waoud in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (J-10) as a blue mage, complete the quest "Omens," and obtain a pair of Magus Charuqs. Requirements: BLU Lv.50+, completion of "Beginnings" 1 No 100 300
BLU Artifact Quest III Speak to Waoud in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (J-10) as a blue mage, complete the quest "Transformations," and obtain a Magus Keffiyeh. Requirement: Completion of "Omens" 1 No 100 300
COR Artifact Quest I Examine the ??? target in Arrapago Reef (H-10) as a corsair, complete the quest "Equipped for All Occasions," and obtain a Trump Gun. Requirement: COR Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
COR Artifact Quest II Examine the ??? target in Arrapago Reef (H-10) as a corsair, complete the quest "Navigating the Unfriendly Seas," and obtain a pair of Corsair's Culottes. Requirements: COR Lv.50+, completion of "Equipped for All Occasions" 1 No 100 300
COR Artifact Quest III Enter Aht Urhgan Whitegate (J-12) as a corsair, complete the quest "Against All Odds," and obtain a Corsair's Tricorne. Requirement: Completion of "Navigating the Unfriendly Seas" 1 No 100 300
PUP Artifact Quest I Speak to Iruki-Waraki in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-9) as a puppetmaster, complete the quest "The Wayward Automaton," and obtain a Turbo Animator. Requirement: PUP Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
PUP Artifact Quest II Speak to Iruki-Waraki in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-9) as a puppetmaster, complete the quest "Operation Teatime," and obtain a pair of Puppetry Churidars. Requirements: PUP Lv.50+, completion of "The Wayward Automaton" 1 No 100 300
PUP Artifact Quest III Speak to Iruki-Waraki in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-9) as a puppetmaster, complete the quest "Puppetmaster Blues," and obtain a Puppetry Taj. Requirement: Completion of "Operation Teatime" 1 No 100 300

Quests (Artifact 3)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
DNC Artifact Quest I Speak to Laila in Upper Jeuno (G-7) as a dancer, complete the quest "The Unfinished Waltz," and obtain a War Hoop. Requirement: DNC Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
DNC Artifact Quest II Speak to Laila in Upper Jeuno (G-7) as a dancer, complete the quest "The Road to Divadom," and obtain a pair of Dancer's Tights. Requirements: DNC Lv.50+, completion of "The Unfinished Waltz" 1 No 100 300
DNC Artifact Quest III Speak to Laila in Upper Jeuno (G-7) as a dancer, complete the quest "Comeback Queen," and obtain a Dancer's Casaque. Requirement: Completion of "The Road to Divadom" 1 No 100 300
SCH Artifact Quest I Speak to Erlene in The Eldieme Necropolis (S) (J-8) as a scholar, complete the quest "On Sabbatical," and obtain a Klimaform Schema. Requirement: SCH Lv.40+ 1 No 100 300
SCH Artifact Quest II Speak to Erlene in The Eldieme Necropolis (S) (J-8) as a scholar, complete the quest "Downward Helix," and obtain a pair of Scholar's Bracers. Requirements: SCH Lv.50+, completion of "On Sabbatical" 1 No 100 300
SCH Artifact Quest III Speak to Erlene in The Eldieme Necropolis (S) (J-8) as a scholar, complete the quest "Seeing Blood-red," and obtain a Scholar's Mortarboard. Requirement: Completion of "Downward Helix" 1 No 100 300
GEO Artifact Quest I Speak to Sylvie in Western Adoulin (I-5) as a geomancer, complete the quest "For Whom the Bell Tolls," and obtain a Dowser's Wand and Filiae Bell. Requirements: GEO Lv.90+, Completion of "Elementary, My Dear Sylvie" 1 No 100 300
GEO Artifact Quest II Speak to Sylvie in Western Adoulin (I-5) as a geomancer, complete the quest "The Bloodline of Zacariah," and obtain a pair of Geomancy Mitaines. Requirement: Completion of "For Whom the Bell Tolls" 1 No 100 300
GEO Artifact Quest III Speak to Sylvie in Western Adoulin (I-5) as a geomancer, complete the quest "The Communion," and obtain a pair of Geomancy Pants. Requirement: Completion of "The Bloodline of Zacariah" 1 No 100 300
RUN Artifact Quest I Speak with Octavien in Eastern Adoulin (I-8) as a rune fencer, complete the quest "Forging New Bonds," and obtain a Beorc Sword. Requirements: RUN Lv.90+, Completion of "Endeavoring to Awaken" 1 No 100 300
RUN Artifact Quest II Speak with Octavien in Eastern Adoulin (I-8) as a rune fencer, complete the quest "Legacies Lost and Found," and obtain a pair of Runeist Trousers. Requirement: Completion of "Forging New Bonds" 1 No 100 300
RUN Artifact Quest III Speak with Octavien in Eastern Adoulin (I-8) as a rune fencer, complete the quest "Destiny's Device," and obtain a Runeist Coat. Requirement: Completion of "Legacies Lost and Found" 1 No 100 300

Level Cap Increase

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
Level Cap Increase: 55 Speak to Maat in Ru'Lude Gardens at (H-5) and complete the quest "In Defiant Challenge" Must be level 50. 1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 60 Speak to Maat in Ru'Lude Gardens and (H-5) complete the quest "Atop the Highest Mountains" Must be level 51+. 1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 65 Speak to Maat in Ru'Lude Gardens and (H-5) complete the quest "Whence Blows the Wind" Must be level 56+. 1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 70 Speak to Maat in Ru'Lude Gardens and (H-5) complete the quest "Riding on the Clouds" Must be level 61+. 1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 75 Speak to Maat in Ru'Lude Gardens and (H-5) complete the quest "Shattering Stars" Must be level 66+.
Can be completed by any job except: BLU, COR, PUP, DNC, SCH, GEO and RUN.
1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 80 Speak to Nomad Moogle in Ru'Lude Gardens and (H-5) complete the quest "New Worlds Await" Must be level 75. 1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 85 Speak to Nomad Moogle in Ru'Lude Gardens and complete the quest "Expanding Horizons" Must be level 76+. 1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 90 Speak to Nomad Moogle in Ru'Lude Gardens and complete the quest "Beyond the Stars" Must be level 81+. 1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 95 Speak to Nomad Moogle in Ru'Lude Gardens and complete the quest "Dormant Powers Dislodged" Must be level 86+. 1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 99 Speak to Nomad Moogle in Ru'Lude Gardens and complete the quest "Beyond Infinity" Must be level 91+ and complete the quest: Prelude to Puissance. 1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 75 (BLU) Complete the quest "The Beast Within" Must be level 66+. 1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 75 (COR) Complete the quest "Breaking the Bonds of Fate" Must be level 66+. 1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 75 (PUP) Complete the quest "Achieving True Power" Must be level 66+. 1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 75 (DNC) Complete the quest "A Furious Finale" Must be level 66+. 1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 75 (SCH) Complete the quest "Survival of the Wisest" Must be level 66+. 1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 75 (GEO) Complete the quest "Elementary, My Dear Sylvie" Must be level 66+. 1 No 100 300
Level Cap Increase: 75 (RUN) Complete the quest "Endeavoring to Awaken" Must be level 66+. 1 No 100 300

Storage Expansion

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
Inventory Expansion 35 Speak to Bluffnix in Lower Jeuno (H-9), complete the quest "The Gobbiebag Part I," and expand your inventory to hold up to 35 items. Requirement: Reputation of "That name is vaguely familiar..." or the like. 1 No 100 300
Inventory Expansion 40 Speak to Bluffnix in Lower Jeuno (H-9), complete the quest "The Gobbiebag Part II," and expand your inventory to hold up to 40 items. Requirements: Completion of "The Gobbiebag Part I," reputation of "That name is vaguely familiar..." or the like. 1 No 100 300
Inventory Expansion 45 Speak to Bluffnix in Lower Jeuno (H-9), complete the quest "The Gobbiebag Part III," and expand your inventory to hold up to 45 items. Requirements: Completion of "The Gobbiebag Part II," reputation of "That name is vaguely familiar..." or the like. 1 No 100 300
Inventory Expansion 50 Speak to Bluffnix in Lower Jeuno (H-9), complete the quest "The Gobbiebag Part IV," and expand your inventory to hold up to 50 items. Requirements: Completion of "The Gobbiebag Part III," reputation of "That name is vaguely familiar..." or the like. 1 No 100 300
Inventory Expansion 55 Speak to Bluffnix in Lower Jeuno (H-9), complete the quest "The Gobbiebag Part V," and expand your inventory to hold up to 55 items. Requirements: Completion of "The Gobbiebag Part IV," reputation of "That name is vaguely familiar..." or the like. 1 No 100 300
Inventory Expansion 60 Speak to Bluffnix in Lower Jeuno (H-9), complete the quest "The Gobbiebag Part VI," and expand your inventory to hold up to 60 items. Requirements: Completion of "The Gobbiebag Part V," reputation of "That name is vaguely familiar..." or the like. 1 No 100 300
Inventory Expansion 65 Speak to Bluffnix in Lower Jeuno (H-9), complete the quest "The Gobbiebag Part VII," and expand your inventory to hold up to 65 items. Requirements: Completion of "The Gobbiebag Part VI," reputation of "That name is vaguely familiar..." or the like. 1 No 100 300
Inventory Expansion 70 Speak to Bluffnix in Lower Jeuno (H-9), complete the quest "The Gobbiebag Part VIII," and expand your inventory to hold up to 70 items. Requirements: Completion of "The Gobbiebag Part VII," reputation of "That name is vaguely familiar..." or the like. 1 No 100 300
Inventory Expansion 75 Speak to Bluffnix in Lower Jeuno (H-9), complete the quest "The Gobbiebag Part IX," and expand your inventory to hold up to 75 items. Requirements: Completion of "The Gobbiebag Part VIII," reputation of "That name is vaguely familiar..." or the like. 1 No 100 300
Inventory Expansion 80 Speak to Bluffnix in Lower Jeuno (H-9), complete the quest "The Gobbiebag Part X," and expand your inventory to hold up to 80 items. Requirements: Completion of "The Gobbiebag Part IX," reputation of "I hear your name mentioned quite often these days" or the like. 1 No 100 300
Mog Safe Expansion: 60 Speak to the moogle in your nation's Mog House and complete "Give a Moogle a Break" to expand your mog safe's storage capacity to 60 items. Requirements: At least one minute elapsed after placing a Bronze Bed furnishing, reputation of "That name is vaguely familiar..." or the like. 1 No 100 300
Mog Safe Expansion: 70 Speak to the moogle in your nation's Mog House and complete "The Moogle's Picnic!" to expand your mog safe's storage capacity to 70 items. Requirements: At least one minute elapsed after placing a Mahogany Bed furnishing, reputation of "Widely known..." or the like. 1 No 100 300
Mog Safe Expansion: 80 Speak to the moogle in your nation's Mog House and complete "Moogles in the Wild" to expand your mog safe's storage capacity to 80 items. Requirements: At least one minute elapsed after placing a Noble's Bed furnishing, reputation of "Generally well known..." or the like. 1 No 100 300

Quests (Weapon Skills)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
Asuran Fists Speak to Oggbi in Port Bastok (E-6), complete the quest "The Walls of Your Mind," and obtain the weapon skill "Asuran Fists." 1 No 100 300
Evisceration Speak to Jakoh Wahcondalo in Kazham (J-9), complete the quest "Cloak and Dagger," and obtain the weapon skill "Evisceration." 1 No 100 300
Savage Blade Speak to Curilla in Chateau d'Oraguille (I-9), complete the quest "Old Wounds," and obtain the weapon skill "Savage Blade." 1 No 100 300
Ground Strike Speak to Gumbah in Bastok Mines (J-7), complete the quest "Inheritance," and obtain the weapon skill "Ground Strike." 1 No 100 300
Decimation Speak to Brutus in Upper Jeuno (G-7), complete the quest "Axe the Competition," and obtain the weapon skill "Decimation." 1 No 100 300
Steel Cyclone Speak to Iron Eater in the Metalworks (J-8), complete the quest "The Weight of Your Limits," and obtain the weapon skill "Steel Cyclone." 1 No 100 300
Spiral Hell Speak to Novalmauge in Bostaunieux Oubliette (G-8), complete the quest "Souls in Shadow," and obtain the weapon skill "Spiral Hell." 1 No 100 300
Impulse Drive Speak to Balasiel in Southern San d'Oria (F-7), complete the quest "Methods Create Madness," and obtain the weapon skill "Impulse Drive." 1 No 100 300
Blade: Ku Speak to Ryoma in Norg (H-8), complete the quest "Bugi Soden," and obtain the weapon skill "Blade: Ku." 1 No 100 300
Tachi: Kasha Speak to Jaucribaix in Norg (K-8), complete the quest "The Potential Within," and obtain the weapon skill "Tachi: Kasha." 1 No 100 300
Black Halo Speak to Kuroido-Moido in Port Windurst (E-7), complete the quest "Orastery Woes," and obtain the weapon skill "Black Halo." 1 No 100 300
Retribution Speak to Shantotto in Windurst Walls (K-7), complete the quest "Blood and Glory," and obtain the weapon skill "Retribution." 1 No 100 300
Empyreal Arrow Speak to Perih Vashai in Windurst Woods (K-7), complete the quest "From Saplings Grow," and obtain the weapon skill "Empyreal Arrow." 1 No 100 300
Detonator Speak to Cid in the Metalworks (H-8), complete the quest "Shoot First, Ask Questions Later," and obtain the weapon skill "Detonator." 1 No 100 300

Missions (Rhapsodies of Vana'diel)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 1-1 Begin "Flames of Prayer" from any area adjoining a mog house in one of the starting nations. Requirement: Lv.3+ 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 1-2 Complete your home nation's missions up to rank 3 and begin "A Land After Time." Requirement: Completed "Flames of Prayer." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 1-3 Complete your home nation's missions up to rank 6 and begin "Volto Oscuro." Requirement: Completed "A Land After Time." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 2-1 Examine the Oaken Door in Norg (K-8) and complete up to "Crashing Waves." Requirement: Completed "Ring My Bell." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 2-2 Examine the Door: "Marble Bridge" in Upper Jueno (F-7) and complete up to "Inescapable Binds." Requirement: Completed "Crashing Waves." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 2-3 Examine the Imperial Whitegate in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-9) and complete up to "Reunited." Requirements: Completed "Desert Winds." Completed "Inescapable Binds." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 2-4 Enter Alzadaal Undersea Ruins and complete up to "From the Ruins." Requirement: Completed "Reunited." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 2-5 Complete up to "Of Light and Darkness" by examining any of the Cavernous Maws in the following locations: Batallia Downs (H-5), Rolanberry Fields (H-6), Sauromugue Champaign (K-9). Requirement: Completed "From the Ruins." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 2-6 Examine the ??? target in Misareaux Coast (G-5) and complete up to "The Decisive Heroine." Requirement: Completed "Of Light and Darkness" 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 2-7 Complete up to "Over the Rainbow" By visiting any of the Shattered Telepoints in the following locations: La Theine Plateau (J-8), Konschtat Highlands (I-7), Tahrongi Canyon (I-6). Requirement: Completed "The Decisive Heroine" 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 2-8 Enter Escha - Ru'Aun and complete up to "Banished." Requirement: Completed "Over the Rainbow." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 2-9 Complete up to "Uncertain Futures" By visiting any of the Shattered Telepoints in the following locations: La Theine Plateau (J-8), Konschtat Highlands (I-7), Tahrongi Canyon (j-6).[sic] Requirement: Completed "Banished". 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 3-1 Begin "Darkness Beckons" from any area adjoining a mob house in one of the starting nations. Requirement: Completed "Uncertain Futures" 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 3-2 Arrive at Reisenjima and complete up to "The Crucible." Requirement: Completed "Darkness Beckons." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 3-3 Enter Ceizak Battlegrounds and complete up to "Tears of the Generals." Requirement: Completed "The Crucible" 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 3-4 Speak to Ploh Trishbahk in Eastern Adoulin (K-9) and complete up to "Eyes on You." Requirement: Completed "Tears of the Generals." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 3-5 Enter the Hall of the Gods and complete up to "Become Something More." Requirement: Completed "Eyes on You" 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 3-6 Enter Reisenjima Sanctorium and complete up to "Unshakable Nightmares." Requirement: Completed "Become Something More." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 3-7 Enter the Walk of Echoes and complete up to "Sin." Requirement: Completed "Unshakable Nightmares." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 3-8 Inspect the Transcendental Radiance in Desuetia - Empyreal Paradox and complete up to "Vessel of Light." Requirement: Completed "Sin." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 3-9 Enter Reisenjima Sanctorium and complete up to "Way to Divinity." Requirement: Completed "Vessel of Light." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 3-10 Enter the Empyreal Paradox and complete up to "An Unending Song." Requirement: Completed "Way to Divinity." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 3-11 Enter any area adjoining a mog house in one of the starting nations and complete up to "Absolute Trust." Requirement: Completed "An Unending Song." 1 No 300 500
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Chapter 3-12 Complete "A Rhapsody for the Ages." First time completion of this objective will confer a 10% capacity point bonus. Requirement: Completed "Absolute Trust." 1 No 300 500

Missions (San d'Oria)

Note: the guards referenced by these objectives are Grilau - Northern San d'Oria (D-8), Endracion - Southern San d'Oria (F-9), and Ambrotien - Southern San d'Oria (K-10)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
San d'Oria Rank 1-1 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Smash the Orcish Scout." Requirement: Aligned with San d'Oria. 1 No 300 500
San d'Oria Rank 1-2 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Bat Hunt." Requirements: Aligned with San d'Oria, completion of "Smash the Orcish Scout." 1 No 300 500
San d'Oria Rank 1-3 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Save the Children." Requirements: Aligned with San d'Oria, completion of "Bat Hunt" 1 No 300 500
San d'Oria Rank 2-1 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "The Rescue Drill." Requirements: Aligned with San d'Oria, Completion of "Save the Children," accumulationm of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
San d'Oria Rank 2-2 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "The Davoi Report." Requirements: Aligned with San d'Oria, completion of "The Rescue Drill," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
San d'Oria Rank 2-3 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Journey Abroad." Requirements: Aligned with San d'Oria, completion of "The Davoi Report," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
San d'Oria Rank 3-1 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Infiltrate Davoi." Requirements: Aligned with San d'Oria, completion of "Journey Abroad," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
San d'Oria Rank 3-2 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "The Crystal Spring." Requirements: Aligned with San d'Oria, completion of "Infiltrate Davoi," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
San d'Oria Rank 3-3 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Appointment to Jeuno." Requirements: Aligned with San d'Oria, completion of "The Crystal Spring," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
San d'Oria Rank 4 Speak to Nelcabrit in Ru'Lude Gardens (G-9) and complete "Magicite." Requirements: Aligned with San d'Oria, completion of "Appointment to Jeuno," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
San d'Oria Rank 5-1 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "The Ruins of Fei'Yin." Requirements: Aligned with San d'Oria, completion of "Magicite," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
San d'Oria Rank 5-2 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "The Shadow Lord." Requirements: Aligned with San d'Oria, completion of "The Ruins of Fei'Yin," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
San d'Oria Rank 6-1 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Leaute's Last Wishes." Requirements: Aligned with San d'Oria, completion of "The Shadow Lord," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500

Missions (Bastok)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
Bastok Rank 1-1 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "The Zeruhn Report." Requirements: Aligned with Bastok, accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500

Missions (Windurst)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
Windurst Rank 1-1 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "The Horutoto Ruins Experiment." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 1-2 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "The Heart of the Matter." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "The Horutoto Ruins Experiment," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 1-3 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "The Price of Peace." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "The Heart of the Matter," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 2-1 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Lost for Words." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "The Price of Peace," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 2-2 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "A Testing Time." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "Lost for Words," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 2-3 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "The Three Kingdoms." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "A Testing Time," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 3-1 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "To Each His Own Right." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "The Three Kingdoms," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 3-2 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Written in the Stars." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "To Each His Own Right," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 3-3 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "A New Journey." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "Written in the Stars," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 4-1 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Magicite." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "A New Journey," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 5-1 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "The Final Seal." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "Magicite," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 5-2 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "The Shadow Awaits." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "The Final Seal," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 6-1 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Full Moon Fountain." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "The Shadow Awaits," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 6-2 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Saintly Invitation." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "Full Moon Fountain," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 7-1 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "The Sixth Ministry." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "Saintly Invitation," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 7-2 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Awakening of the Gods." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "The Sixth Ministry," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 8-1 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Vain." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "Awakening of the Gods," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 8-2 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "The Jester Who'd Be King." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "Vain," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 9-1 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Doll of the Dead." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "The Jester Who'd Be King," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500
Windurst Rank 9-2 Speak to the guard in front of the Gatehouse and complete "Moon Reading." Requirements: Aligned with Windurst, completion of "Doll of the Dead," accumulation of a certain number of rank points. 1 No 300 500

Missions (Zilart)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
Rise of the Zilart 1 Complete "The New Frontier" mission starting in Norg. Requirement: Completed a rank 5-2 home nation mission. 1 No 300 500

Missions (Promathia)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
Chains of Promathia Chapter 1 Complete every Chains of Promathia mission up to and including "The Mothercrystals.". 1 No 300 500

Missions (Aht Urhgan)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
Treasures of Aht Urhgan 1 Begin "Treasures of Aht Urhgan" and progress up to "A Mercenary Life" by obtaining a boarding permit as part of the "The Road to Aht Urhgan" Jeuno quest. 1 No 300 500

Missions (Altana)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
Wings of the Goddess 1 Begin Wings of the Goddess and progress up to "Back to the Beginning" by examining any of the Cavernous Maws in the following locations: Batallia Downs (H-5), Rolanberry Fields (H-6), Sauromugue Champaign (K-9). 1 No 300 500

Missions (Adoulin)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp
Seekers of Adoulin Chapter 1 Speak to Darcia in Lower Jeuno (H-7) and complete up to "Arciela Appears Again." 1 No 300 500

Combat (Wide Area)

Combat (General)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Vanquish Multiple Enemies I Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies. 200 Yes 1000 5000 100
Vanquish Multiple Enemies II Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies. 500 No 2000 6000
Vanquish Multiple Enemies III Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies. 750 No 5000 10000
Level Sync to Vanquish Enemies Defeat the requisite nujmber of experience-yielding enemies while level synced at level 98 or below. 200 No 2000 6000 200
Level Sync to Vanq. Enemies II Defeat the requisite nujmber of experience-yielding enemies while level synced at level 98 or below. 20 Yes 200 600 20
Deal 500+ Damage Deal 500 or more points of damage to an enemy the requisite number of times. 200 Yes 1000 5000 100
Deal 1000+ Damage Deal 1000 or more points of damage to an enemy the requisite number of times. 150 No 1000 5000
Deal 1500+ Damage Deal 1500 or more points of damage to an enemy the requisite number of times. 100 No 1000 5000
Deal 2000+ Damage Deal 2000 or more points of damage to an enemy the requisite number of times. 100 No 2000 5000 Copper Voucher x6
Deal 10-20 Damage Deal 10 to 20 points of damage to an enemy the requisite number of times. 10 No 300 2500
Deal 110-120 Damage Deal 110 to 120 points of damage to an enemy the requisite number of times. 10 No 300 1500
Deal 310-320 Damage Deal 310 to 320 points of damage to an enemy the requisite number of times. 10 No 300 1500
Deal 510-520 Damage Deal 510 to 520 points of damage to an enemy the requisite number of times. 10 No 300 1500
Deal 1110-1120 Damage Deal 1110 to 1120 points of damage to an enemy the requisite number of times. 10 No 300 1500 Copper Voucher x2
Total Damage I Deal the requisite amount of total damage to enemies. 100000 No 1000 5000 Beitetsu Parcel
Total Damage II Deal the requisite amount of total damage to enemies. 200000 No 3000 7000 Beitetsu Box
Total Damage III Deal the requisite amount of total damage to enemies. 300000 No 3000 7000 Beitetsu Box
Total Healing I Heal either yourself, a party member, or an alliance member the requisite amount. 10000 No 1000 2500 Boulder Case
Total Healing II Heal either yourself, a party member, or an alliance member the requisite amount. 20000 No 3000 7000 Boulder Box
Total Healing III Heal either yourself, a party member, or an alliance member the requisite amount. 30000 No 3000 7000 Boulder Box
Total Damage Taken I Take the requisite amount of total damage from enemies. 10000 No 1000 1000 Copper Voucher x2
Total Damage Taken II Take the requisite amount of total damage from enemies. 20000 No 3000 5000 Copper Voucher x4
Total Damage Taken III Take the requisite amount of total damage from enemies. 30000 No 3000 7000 Copper Voucher x6
Weapon Skills I Use weapon skills the requisite number of times. 100 No 500 2500
Heal for 500+ HP Heal either yourself, a party member, or an alliance member the requisite amount. 100 No 2000 6000
Heal for 750+ HP Heal either yourself, a party member, or an alliance member for 750 or more HP the requisite amount. 100 No 3000 7000 Pluton Box

Combat (Spoils) 1

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco
Spoils (Fire Crystal) Obtain a fire crystal as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 10 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Ice Crystal) Obtain a ice crystal as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 10 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Wind Crystal) Obtain a wind crystal as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 10 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Earth Crystal) Obtain a earth crystal as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 10 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Lightning Crystal) Obtain a lightning crystal as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 10 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Water Crystal) Obtain a water crystal as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 10 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Light Crystal) Obtain a light crystal as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 10 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Dark Crystal) Obtain a dark crystal as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 10 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Flame Geode) Obtain a flame geode as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Snow Geode) Obtain a snow geode as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Breeze Geode) Obtain a breeze geode as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Soil Geode) Obtain a soil geode as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Thunder Geode) Obtain a thunder geode as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Aqua Geode) Obtain a aqua geode as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Light Geode) Obtain a light geode as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Shadow Geode) Obtain a shadow geode as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Ifritite) Obtain a ifritite as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Shivite) Obtain a shivite as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Garudite) Obtain a garudite as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Titanite) Obtain a titanite as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Ramuite) Obtain a ramuite as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Leviatite) Obtain a leviatite as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Carbite) Obtain a carbite as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20
Spoils (Fenrite) Obtain a fenrite as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 3 Yes 200 1000 20

Combat (Spoils) 2

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco
Spoils (Bat Wing) Obtain a bat wing as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Black Tiger Fang) Obtain a black tiger fang as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Flint Stone) Obtain a flint stone as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Rabbit Hide) Obtain a rabbit hide as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Honey) Obtain a pot of honey as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Sheepskin) Obtain a sheepskin as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Lizard Skin) Obtain a lizard skin as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Beetle Shell) Obtain a beetle shell as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Zeruhn Soot) Obtain a pinch of Zeruhn soot as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Silver Name Tag) Obtain a silver name tag as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Quadav Helm) Obtain a Quadav helm as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Treant Bulb) Obtain a treant bulb as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Wild Onion) Obtain a wild onion as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Sleepshroom) Obtain a sleepshroom as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Sand Bat Fang) Obtain a sand bat fang as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Zinc Ore) Obtain a chunk of zinc ore as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Giant Bird Feather) Obtain a giant bird feather as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Three-leaf Mandragora Bud) Obtain a three-leaf mandragora bud as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Four-leaf Mandragora Bud) Obtain a four-leaf mandragora bud as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Cornette) Obtain a cornette as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Yuhtunga Sulfur) Obtain a pinch of Yuhtunga sulfur as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Snobby Letter) Obtain a snobby letter as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Yagudo Bead Necklace) Obtain a Yagudo bead necklace as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Woozyshroom) Obtain a woozyshroom as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Beehive Chip) Obtain a beehive chip as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Remi Shell) Obtain a Remi shell as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10
Spoils (Twinstone Earring) Obtain a twinstone earring as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 2 Yes 100 300 10

Combat (Region)

Combat (Original Areas 1)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Conflict: West Ronfaure Defeat the requisite number of enemies in West Ronfaure. 10 Yes 10 500 5 Navarin
Subjugation: Jaggedy-Eared Jack Defeat Jaggedy-Eared Jack, who resides in West Ronfaure. 1 No 250 500
Conflict: East Ronfaure Defeat the requisite number of enemies in East Ronfaure. 10 Yes 10 500 5 Brass Harness
Subjugation: Swamfisk Defeat Swamfisk, who prowls East Ronfaure. 1 No 250 500
Conflict: Ghelsba Outpost Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Ghelsba Outpost. 10 Yes 10 500 5 Sardonyx Earring
Subjugation: Thousandarm Deshglesh Defeat Thousandarm Deshglesh, who prowls Ghelsba Outpost. 1 No 250 550
Conflict: Fort Ghelsba Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Fort Ghelsba. 10 Yes 10 500 5 Amethyst Earring
Subjugation: Hundredscar Hajwaj Defeat Hundredscar Hajwaj, who prowls Fort Ghelsba. 1 No 500 1000
Conflict: Yughott Grotto Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Yughott Grotto. 10 Yes 10 500 5 Onyx Earring
Subjugation: Ashmaker Gotblut Defeat Ashmaker Gotblut, who prowls Yughott Grotto. 1 No 250 500
Conflict: King Ranperre's Tomb Defeat the requisite number of enemies in King Ranperre's Tomb. 10 Yes 10 100 5 Opal Ring
Subjugation: Barbastelle Defeat Barbastelle, who prowls King Ranperre's Tomb. 1 No 250 500
Conflict: Bostaunieux Oubliette Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Bostaunieux Oubliette. 10 Yes 15 100 5 Accura Cape
Subjugation: Bloodsucker Defeat a notorious bloodsucker that prowls Bostaunieux Oubliette. 1 No 500 1000
Conflict: Valkurm Dunes Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Valkurm Dunes. 10 Yes 11 550 5 Silver Ring
Subjugation: Valkurm Emperor Defeat the Valkurm Emperor, who prowls Valkurm Dunes. 1 No 250 550
Conflict: Konschtat Highlands Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Konschtat Highlands. 10 Yes 11 550 5 Lapis Lazuli Ring
Subjugation: Bendigeit Vran Defeat Bendigeit Vran, who prowls the Konschtat Highlands. 1 No 250 600
Conflict: Gusgen Mines Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Gusgen Mines. 10 Yes 11 100 5 Amethyst Ring
Subjugation: Juggler Hecatomb Defeat Juggler Hecatomb, who prowls the Gusgen Mines. 1 No 250 600
Conflict: La Theine Plateau Defeat the requisite number of enemies in La Theine Plateau. 10 Yes 11 550 5 Sardonyx Ring
Subjugation: Bloodtear Baldurf Defeat Bloodtear Baldurf, who prowls La Theine Plateau. 1 No 500 1000
Conflict: Ordelle's Caves Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Ordelle's Caves. 10 Yes 12 100 5 Clear Ring
Subjugation: Morbolger Defeat Morbolger, who prowls Ordelle's Caves. 1 No 500 1000

Combat (Original Areas 2)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Conflict: Jugner Forest Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Jugner Forest. 10 Yes 12 600 5 Meat Mithkabob x12
Subjugation: King Arthro Defeat King Arthro, who prowls Jugner Forest. 1 No 500 1000
Conflict: Batallia Downs Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Batallia Downs. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Invisible Mantle
Subjugation: Lumber Jack Defeat Lumber Jack, who prowls Batallia Downs. 1 No 500 1000
Conflict: Eldieme Necropolis Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Eldieme Necropolis. 10 Yes 14 100 5 Swordbelt
Subjugation: Cwn Cyrff Defeat the Cwn Cyrff, who prowls the Eldieme Necropolis. 1 No 250 800
Conflict: Davoi Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Davoi. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Banded Mail
Subjugation: Hawkeyed Dnatbat Defeat Hawkeyed Dnatbat, who prowls Davoi. 1 No 250 600
Conflict: North Gustaberg Defeat the requisite number of enemies in North Gustaberg. 10 Yes 10 500 5 Jack-o'-Lantern
Subjugation: Maighdean Uaine Defeat Maighdean Uaine, who prowls North Gustaberg. 1 No 250 500
Conflict: South Gustaberg Defeat the requisite number of enemies in South Gustaberg. 10 Yes 10 500 5 Doublet
Subjugation: Carnero Defeat Carnero, who prowls South Gustaberg. 1 No 250 500
Conflict: Zeruhn Mines Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Zeruhn Mines. 10 Yes 10 100 5 Amber Earring
Conflict: Palborough Mines Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Palborough Mines. 10 Yes 10 500 5 Tourmaline Earring
Subjugation: Zi'Ghi Boneeater Defeat Zi'Ghi Boneeater, who prowls the Palborough Mines. 1 No 250 500
Conflict: Dangruf Wadi Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Dangruf Wadi. 10 Yes 10 100 5 Amber Ring
Subjugation: Teporingo Defeat Teporingo, who prowls Dangruf Wadi. 1 No 250 500
Conflict: Pashhow Marshlands Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Pashhow Marshlands. 10 Yes 12 600 5 Crab Sushi x12
Subjugation: Ni'Zho Bladebender Defeat Ni'Zho Bladebender, who prowls Pashhow Marshlands. 1 No 250 700
Conflict: Rolanberry Fields Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Rolanberry Fields. 10 Yes 13 650 5 High Breath Mantle
Subjugation: Simurgh Defeat Simurgh, who prowls Rolanberry Fields. 1 No 500 1000
Conflict: Crawlers' Nest Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Crawlers' Nest. 10 Yes 14 100 5 Corsette
Subjugation: Demonic Tiphia Defeat Demonic Tiphia, who prowls Crawlers' Nest. 1 No 250 800
Conflict: Beadeaux Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Beadeaux. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Brigandine
Subjugation: Zo'Khu Blackcloud Defeat Zo'Khu Blackcloud, who prowls Beadeaux. 1 No 250 700

Combat (Original Areas 3)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Conflict: West Sarutabaruta Defeat the requisite number of enemies in West Sarutabaruta. 10 Yes 10 500 5 Chocomilk
Subjugation: Nunyenunc Defeat Nunyenunc, who prowls West Sarutabaruta. 1 No 250 500
Conflict: East Sarutabaruta Defeat the requisite number of enemies in East Sarutabaruta. 10 Yes 10 500 5 Linen Robe
Subjugation: Spiny Spipi Defeat Spiny Spipi, who prowls East Sarutabaruta. 1 No 250 500
Conflict: Giddeus Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Giddeus. 10 Yes 10 500 5 Opal Earring
Subjugation: Hoo Mjuu the Torrent Defeat Hoo Mjuu the Torrent, who prowls Giddeus. 1 No 250 500
Conflict: Toraimarai Canal Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Toraimarai Canal. 10 Yes 15 100 5 Red Cape
Subjugation: Oni Carcass Defeat the Oni Carcass, who prowls Toraimarai Canal. 1 No 250 800
Conflict: Inner Horutoto Ruins Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Inner Horutoto Ruins. 10 Yes 10 100 5 Clear Earring
Subjugation: Maltha Defeat Maltha, who prowls the Inner Horutoto Ruins. 1 No 250 500
Conflict: Outer Horutoto Ruins Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Outer Horutoto Ruins. 10 Yes 10 100 5 Lapis Lazuli Earring
Subjugation: Bomb King Defeat the Bomb King, who prowls the Outer Horutoto Ruins. 1 No 250 500
Conflict: Buburimu Peninsula Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Buburimu Peninsula. 10 Yes 12 600 5 Onyx Ring
Subjugation: Helldiver Defeat Helldiver, who prowls Buburimu Peninsula. 1 No 250 600
Conflict: Tahrongi Canyon Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Tahrongi Canyon. 10 Yes 11 550 5 Tourmaline Ring
Subjugation: Serpopard Ishtar Defeat Serpopard Ishtar, who prowls Tahrongi Canyon. 1 No 250 600
Conflict: Maze of Shakhrami Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Maze of Shakhrami. 10 Yes 12 100 5 Bone Earring
Subjugation: Argus Defeat Argus, who prowls the Maze of Shakhrami. 1 No 500 1000
Conflict: Meriphataud Mountains Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Meriphataud Mountains. 10 Yes 12 600 5 Apple Pie x12
Subjugation: Daggerclaw Dracos Defeat Daggerclaw Dracos, who prowls the Meriphataud Mountains. 1 No 250 600
Conflict: Sauromugue Champaign Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Sauromugue Champaign. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Black Cape
Subjugation: Roc Defeat a notorious roc that prowls Sauromugue Champaign. 1 No 500 1000
Conflict: Garlaige Citadel Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Garlaige Citadel. 10 Yes 14 100 5 Qiqirn Sash
Subjugation: Serket Defeat Serket, who prowls Garlaige Citadel. 1 No 500 1000
Conflict: Castle Oztroja Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Castle Oztroja. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Pyro Robe
Subjugation: Lii Jixa the Somnolist Defeat Lii Jixa the Somnolist, who prowls Castle Oztroja. 1 No 250 800

Combat (Original Areas 4)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Conflict: Beaucedine Glacier Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Beaucedine Glacier. 10 Yes 14 700 5 Mohbwa Scarf
Subjugation: Nue Defeat Nue, who prowls Beaucedine Glacier. 1 No 250 700
Conflict: Ranguemont Pass Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Ranguemont Pass. 10 Yes 11 100 5 Beetle Earring
Subjugation: Gloom Eye Defeat Gloom Eye, who prowls Ranguemont Pass. 1 No 250 700
Conflict: Fei'Yin Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Fei'Yin. 10 Yes 14 100 5 Tortoise Earring
Subjugation: Goliath Defeat the Goliath, who prowls Fei'Yin. 1 No 250 800
Conflict: Xarcabard Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Xarcabard. 10 Yes 14 700 5 Gold Earring
Subjugation: Biast Defeat Biast, who prowls Xarcabard. 1 No 500 1000
Conflict: Castle Zvahl Baileys Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Castle Zvahl Baileys. 10 Yes 15 750 5 Hi-Potion Tank
Subjugation: Duke Haborym Defeat Duke Haborym, who prowls Castle Zvahl Baileys. 1 No 500 1000
Conflict: Castle Zvahl Keep Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Castle Zvahl Keep. 10 Yes 15 750 5 Hi-Ether Tank
Subjugation: Baron Vapula Defeat Baron Vapula, who prowls Castle Zvahl Keep. 1 No 250 800
Conflict: Qufim Island Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Qufim Island. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Focus Collar
Subjugation: Dosetsu Tree Defeat the Dosetsu Tree, who prowls Qufim Island. 1 No 500 1000
Conflict: Lower Delkfutt's Tower Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Lower Delkfutt's Tower. 10 Yes 13 100 5 Snoll Gelato x12
Subjugation: Epialtes Defeat Epialtes, who prowls Lower Delkfutt's Tower. 1 No 250 700
Conflict: Middle Delkfutt's Tower Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Middle Delkfutt's Tower. 10 Yes 13 100 5 Sole Sushi x12
Subjugation: Ogygos Defeat Ogygos, who prowls Middle Delkfutt's Tower. 1 No 250 700
Conflict: Upper Delkfutt's Tower Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Upper Delkfutt's Tower. 10 Yes 14 100 5 Yellow Curry Bun x12
Subjugation: Enkelados Defeat Enkelados, who prowls Upper Delkfutt's Tower. 1 No 250 800
Conflict: Behemoth's Dominion Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Behemoth's Dominion. 10 Yes 14 100 5 Fish Mithkabob x12

Combat (Adoulin 1)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp CP Acco
Conflict: Rala Waterways I Defeat the requisite number of Spoutdrenched Toads in Rala Waterways. 5 Yes 100 500 100 10
Conflict: Rala Waterways II Defeat the requisite number of Stillwater Funguars in Rala Waterways. 5 Yes 100 500 100 10
Conflict: Rala Waterways III Defeat the requisite number of Pewter Diremites in Rala Waterways. 5 Yes 100 500 100 10
Conflict: Ceizak Battlegrounds I Defeat the requisite number of Blanched Mandragoras in Ceizak Battlegrounds. 5 Yes 100 500 100 10
Conflict: Ceizak Battlegrounds II Defeat the requisite number of Careening Twitherym in Ceizak Battlegrounds. 5 Yes 100 500 100 10
Conflict: Ceizak Battlegrounds III Defeat the requisite number of Resplendent Luckybugs in Ceizak Battlegrounds. 5 Yes 100 500 100 10
Conflict: Yahse Hunting Grounds I Defeat the requisite number of Calfcleaving Chapulis in Yahse Hunting Grounds. 5 Yes 100 500 100 10
Conflict: Yahse Hunting Grounds II Defeat the requisite number of Twitherym Infestations in Yahse Hunting Grounds. 5 Yes 100 500 100 10
Conflict: Yahse Hunting Grounds III Defeat the requisite number of Nettled Wasps in Yahse Hunting Grounds. 5 Yes 100 500 100 10
Conflict: Foret de Hennitiel I Defeat the requisite number of Perfidious Crabs in Foret de Hennetiel. 5 Yes 110 500 100 11
Conflict: Foret de Hennitiel II Defeat the requisite number of Scummy Slugs in Foret de Hennetiel. 5 Yes 110 500 100 11
Conflict: Foret de Hennitiel III Defeat the requisite number of Vorst Gnats in Foret de Hennetiel. 5 Yes 110 500 100 11
Conflict: Morimar Basalt Fields I Defeat the requisite number of Sinewy Matamata in Morimar Basalt Fields. 5 Yes 110 500 100 11
Conflict: Morimar Basalt Fields II Defeat the requisite number of Tephra Lizards in Morimar Basalt Fields. 5 Yes 110 500 100 11
Conflict: Morimar Basalt Fields III Defeat the requisite number of Maca Macas in Morimar Basalt Fields. 5 Yes 110 500 100 11
Conflict: Yorcia Weald I Defeat the requisite number of Snapweeds in Yorcia Weald. 5 Yes 120 500 100 12
Conflict: Yorcia Weald II Defeat the requisite number of Cheeky Opo-opos in Yorcia Weald. 5 Yes 120 500 100 12
Conflict: Yorcia Weald III Defeat the requisite number of Bronzecaps in Yorcia Weald. 5 Yes 120 500 100 12
Conflict: Marjami Ravine I Defeat the requisite number of Vinelash Vultures in Marjami Ravine. 5 Yes 120 500 100 12
Conflict: Marjami Ravine II Defeat the requisite number of Stryxes in Marjami Ravine. 5 Yes 120 500 100 12
Conflict: Marjami Ravine III Defeat the requisite number of Lapinions in Marjami Ravine. 5 Yes 120 500 100 12

Combat (Adoulin 2)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp CP Acco
Conflict: Kamihr Drifts I Defeat the requisite number of Snowpelt Rabbits in Kamihr Drifts. 5 Yes 130 500 100 13
Conflict: Kamihr Drifts II Defeat the requisite number of Cicatricose Raaz in Kamihr Drifts. 5 Yes 130 500 100 13
Conflict: Kamihr Drifts III Defeat the requisite number of Shaggy Ovim in Kamihr Drifts. 5 Yes 130 500 100 13
Conflict: Sih Gates I Defeat the requisite number of Bonarias in Sih Gates. 5 Yes 160 500 100 16
Conflict: Sih Gates II Defeat the requisite number of Loathsome Obdellas in Sih Gates. 5 Yes 160 500 100 16
Conflict: Sih Gates III Defeat the requisite number of Ferocious Funguars in Sih Gates. 5 Yes 160 500 100 16
Conflict: Moh Gates I Defeat the requisite number of Conflagrant Erucas in Moh Gates. 5 Yes 160 500 100 16
Conflict: Moh Gates II Defeat the requisite number of Erythemic Efts in Moh Gates. 5 Yes 160 500 100 16
Conflict: Moh Gates III Defeat the requisite number of Writhing Leeches in Moh Gates. 5 Yes 160 500 100 16
Conflict: Cirdas Caverns I Defeat the requisite number of Subterrane Spiders in Cirdas Caverns. 5 Yes 160 500 100 16
Conflict: Cirdas Caverns II Defeat the requisite number of Livid Umbrils in Cirdas Caverns. 5 Yes 160 500 100 16
Conflict: Cirdas Caverns III Defeat the requisite number of Flatus Acuexes in Cirdas Caverns. 5 Yes 160 500 100 16
Conflict: Dho Gates I Defeat the requisite number of Velkk Magi in Dho Gates. 5 Yes 160 500 100 16
Conflict: Dho Gates II Defeat the requisite number of Ripsaw Jagils in Dho Gates. 5 Yes 160 500 100 16
Conflict: Dho Gates III Defeat the requisite number of Unyielding Tarichuks in Dho Gates. 5 Yes 160 500 100 16
Conflict: Woh Gates I Defeat the requisite number of Metalcruncher Worms in Woh Gates. 5 Yes 160 500 100 16
Conflict: Woh Gates II Defeat the requisite number of Drusy Twitherym in Woh Gates. 5 Yes 160 500 100 16
Conflict: Woh Gates III Defeat the requisite number of Wheezing Acuexes in Woh Gates. 5 Yes 160 500 100 16
Conflict: Outer Ra'Kaznar I Defeat the requisite number of Restless Twitherym in Outer Ra'Kaznar. 5 Yes 170 500 100 17
Conflict: Outer Ra'Kaznar II Defeat the requisite number of Bristlehair Bats in Outer Ra'Kaznar. 5 Yes 170 500 100 17
Conflict: Outer Ra'Kaznar III Defeat the requisite number of Astringent Acuexes in Outer Ra'Kaznar. 5 Yes 170 500 100 17
Conflict: Ra'Kaznar Inner Court I Defeat the requisite number of Bilespouting Acuexes in Ra'Kaznar Inner Court. 5 Yes 180 600 100 18
Conflict: Ra'Kaznar Inner Court II Defeat the requisite number of Scowling Vodorigas in Ra'Kaznar Inner Court. 5 Yes 180 600 100 18
Conflict: Ra'Kaznar Inner Court III Defeat the requisite number of Unrepentant Byrgen in Ra'Kaznar Inner Court. 5 Yes 180 600 100 18

Combat (Zilart 1)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Conflict: Sanctuary of Zi'Tah Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Sanctuary of Zi'Tah. 10 Yes 12 600 5 Echo Drops x12
Conflict: Ro'Maeve Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Ro'Maeve. 10 Yes 16 800 5 Mulsum x12
Conflict: Boyahda Tree Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Boyahda Tree. 10 Yes 16 100 5 Deodorizer x12
Conflict: Dragon's Aery Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Dragon's Aery. 10 Yes 17 850 5 Super Ether
Conflict: Eastern Altepa Desert Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Eastern Altepa Desert. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Prism Powder x12
Conflict: Western Altepa Desert Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Western Altepa Desert. 10 Yes 14 700 5 Silent Oil x12
Conflict: Quicksand Caves Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Quicksand Caves. 10 Yes 15 100 5 Gaia Mantle
Conflict: Gustav Tunnel Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Gustav Tunnel. 10 Yes 16 100 5 Jester's Cape
Conflict: Kuftal Tunnel Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Kuftal Tunnel. 10 Yes 14 100 5 Peiste Mantle
Conflict: Cape Teriggan Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Cape Teriggan. 10 Yes 16 800 5 Beak Necklace
Conflict: Valley of Sorrows Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Valley of Sorrows. 10 Yes 16 800 5 Coral Gorget
Conflict: Yuhtunga Jungle Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Yuhtunga Jungle. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Torque

Combat (Zilart 2)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Conflict: Sea Serpent Grotto Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Sea Serpent Grotto. 10 Yes 13 100 5 Brocade Obi
Conflict: Yhoator Jungle Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Yhoator Jungle. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Twinthread Obi
Conflict: Temple of Uggalepih Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Temple of Uggalepih. 10 Yes 15 100 5 Peiste Belt
Conflict: Den of Rancor Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Den of Rancor. 10 Yes 16 100 5 Rainbow Obi
Conflict: Ifrit's Cauldron Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Ifrit's Cauldron. 10 Yes 16 100 5 Sun Earring
Conflict: Ru'Aun Gardens Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Ru'Aun Gardens. 10 Yes 70 850 7 Purple Earring
Conflict: Ve'Lugannon Palace Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Ve'Lugannon Palace. 10 Yes 70 100 7 Yellow Earring
Conflict: Shrine of Ru'Avitau Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Shrine of Ru'Avitau. 10 Yes 70 100 7 Green Earring
Conflict: Labyrinth of Onzozo Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Labyrinth of Onzozo. 10 Yes 14 700 5 Zircon Earring
Conflict: Korroloka Tunnel Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Korroloka Tunnel. 10 Yes 12 600 5 Aquamarine Earring

Combat (Promathia 1)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Conflict: Oldton Movalpolos Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Oldton Movalpolos. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Moon Earring
Conflict: Newton Movalpolos Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Newton Movalpolos. 10 Yes 16 800 5 Night Earring
Conflict: Lufaise Meadows Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Lufaise Meadows. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Melody Earring
Conflict: Misareaux Coast Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Misareaux Coast. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Eris' Earring
Conflict: Phomiuna Aqueducts Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Phomiuna Aqueducts. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Fang Earring
Conflict: Riverne - Site #A01 Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Riverne - Site #A01. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Carapace Ring
Conflict: Riverne - Site #B01 Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Riverne - Site #B01. 10 Yes 14 700 5 Trumpet Ring
Conflict: Sacrarium Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Sacrarium. 10 Yes 14 700 5 Sun Ring
Conflict: Promyvion - Holla Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Promyvion - Holla. 10 Yes 12 600 5 Fluorite Ring
Conflict: Promyvion - Dem Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Promyvion - Dem. 10 Yes 12 600 5 Chrysoberyl Ring
Conflict: Promyvion - Mea Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Promyvion - Mea. 10 Yes 12 600 5 Jadeite Ring
Conflict: Promyvion - Vahzl Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Promyvion - Vahzl. 10 Yes 14 700 5 Zircon Ring

Combat (Promathia 2)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Conflict: Al'Taieu Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Al'Taieu, the celestial capital. 10 Yes 70 850 7 Aquamarine Ring
Conflict: Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi. 10 Yes 70 850 7 Moon Ring
Conflict: Garden of Ru'Hmet Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Garden of Ru'Hmet. 10 Yes 80 900 8 Moonring Blade
Conflict: Carpenters' Landing Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Carpenters' Landing. 10 Yes 11 550 5 Painite Ring
Conflict: Bibiki Bay Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Bibiki Bay. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Hard Leather Ring
Conflict: Attohwa Chasm Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Attohwa Chasm. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Demon's Ring
Conflict: Pso'Xja Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the ruins of Pso'Xja. 10 Yes 14 700 5 Gold Ring
Conflict: Uleguerand Range Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Uleguerand Range. 10 Yes 16 800 5 Behemoth Mantle

Combat (Aht Urhgan)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Conflict: Bhaflau Thickets Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Bhaflau Thickets. 10 Yes 60 800 6 Tower Shield
Conflict: Mamook Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Mamook. 10 Yes 70 850 7 Ritter Shield
Conflict: Wajaom Woodlands Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Wajaom Woodlands. 10 Yes 60 800 6 Arachne Obi
Conflict: Aydeewa Subterrane Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Aydeewa Subterrane. 10 Yes 60 800 6 Koenigs Belt
Conflict: Halvung Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Halvung. 10 Yes 70 850 7 Marid Belt
Conflict: Mount Zhayolm Defeat the requisite number of enemies on Mount Zhayolm. 10 Yes 70 850 7 Peace Cape
Conflict: Caedarva Mire Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Caedarva Mire. 10 Yes 60 800 6 Tarutaru Sash
Conflict: Arrapago Reef Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Arrapago Reef. 10 Yes 70 850 7 Lynx Mantle
Conflict: Alza. Undersea Ruins Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins. 10 Yes 70 850 7 Rainbow Cape

Combat (Goddess 1)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Conflict: East Ronfaure [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in East Ronfaure [S]. 10 Yes 11 550 5 Coeurl Gorget
Conflict: Jugner Forest [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Jugner Forest [S]. 10 Yes 14 700 5 Hoplon
Conflict: Batallia Downs [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Batallia Downs [S]. 10 Yes 12 600 5 Jeweled Collar
Conflict: La Vaule [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in La Vaule [S]. 10 Yes 70 850 7 Orichalcum Earring
Conflict: Eldieme Necropolis [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Eldieme Necropolis [S]. 10 Yes 16 800 5 Smilodon Mantle
Conflict: North Gustaberg [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in North Gustaberg [S]. 10 Yes 11 550 5 Darksteel Nodowa
Conflict: Grauberg [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Grauberg [S]. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Platinum Earring
Conflict: Vunkerl Inlet [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Vunkerl Inlet [S]. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Phantom Earring
Conflict: Pashhow Marshlands [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in the Pashhow Marshlands [S]. 10 Yes 16 800 5 Coral Earring
Conflict: Rolanberry Fields [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Rolanberry Fields [S]. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Darksteel Shield
Conflict: Beadeaux [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Beadeaux [S]. 10 Yes 70 850 7 Star Earring
Conflict: Crawlers' Nest [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Crawlers' Nest [S]. 10 Yes 16 800 5 Crimson Earring

Combat (Goddess 2)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Conflict: West Sarutabaruta [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in West Sarutabaruta [S]. 10 Yes 11 550 5 Darksteel Gorget
Conflict: Fort Karugo-Narugo [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Fort Karugo-Narugo [S]. 10 Yes 12 600 5 Wivre Gorget
Conflict: Meriph. Mountains [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Meriphataud Mountains [S]. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Darksteel Buckler
Conflict: Sauro. Champaign [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Sauromugue Champaign [S]. 10 Yes 13 650 5 Wivre Shield
Conflict: Castle Oztroja [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Castle Oztroja [S]. 10 Yes 70 850 5 Crimson Ring
Conflict: Garlaige Citadel [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Garlaige Citadel [S]. 10 Yes 16 800 5 Orichalcum Ring
Conflict: Beaucedine Glacier [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Beaucedine Glacier [S]. 10 Yes 70 850 7 Star Ring
Conflict: Xarcabard [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Xarcabard [S]. 10 Yes 80 900 8 Acheron Shield
Conflict: Castle Zvahl Baileys [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Castle Zvahl Baileys [S]. 10 Yes 80 900 8 Orochi Nodowa
Conflict: Castle Zvahl Keep [S] Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Castle Zvahl Keep [S]. 10 Yes 80 900 8 Cerberus Ring

Combat (Abyssea)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Conflict: Abyssea - La Theine Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Abyssea - La Theine. 30 Yes 80 900 8 Muzzling Collar
Conflict: Abyssea - Konschtat Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Abyssea - Konschtat. 30 Yes 80 900 8 Al Zahbi Sash
Conflict: Abyssea - Tahrongi Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Abyssea - Tahrongi. 30 Yes 80 900 8 Sanctuary Obi
Conflict: Abyssea - Attohwa Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Abyssea - Attohwa. 30 Yes 80 900 8 Beir Belt
Conflict: Abyssea - Misareaux Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Abyssea - Misareaux. 30 Yes 80 900 8 Aisance Mantle
Conflict: Abyssea - Vunkerl Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Abyssea - Vunkerl. 30 Yes 80 900 8 Eloquence Cape
Conflict: Abyssea - Altepa Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Abyssea - Altepa. 30 Yes 80 900 8 Vigilance Mantle
Conflict: Abyssea - Uleguerand Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Abyssea - Uleguerand. 30 Yes 80 900 8 Phrygian Ring
Conflict: Abyssea - Grauberg Defeat the requisite number of enemies in Abyssea - Grauberg. 30 Yes 80 900 8 Arewe Ring

Combat (Escha 1)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp CP Acco Item
Conflict: Escha - Zi'Tah I Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Yztargs in Escha - Zi'Tah. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Zi'Tah II Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Bugards in Escha - Zi'Tah. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Zi'Tah III Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Tarichuks in Escha - Zi'Tah. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Zi'Tah IV Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Shadow Dragons in Escha - Zi'Tah. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Zi'Tah V Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Mosquitos in Escha - Zi'Tah. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Bead Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Zi'Tah VI Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Puks in Escha - Zi'Tah. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Bead Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Zi'Tah VII Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Opo-opos in Escha - Zi'Tah. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Bead Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Ru'Aun I Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Il'aerns in Escha - Ru'Aun. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Ru'Aun II Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Phuabo in Escha - Ru'Aun. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Bead Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Ru'Aun III Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Euvhi in Escha - Ru'Aun. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Ru'Aun IV Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Clionidae in Escha - Ru'Aun. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Bead Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Ru'Aun V Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Hpemde in Escha - Ru'Aun. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Ru'Aun VI Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Amoebans in Escha - Ru'Aun. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Bead Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Ru'Aun VII Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Xzomit in Escha - Ru'Aun. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Ru'Aun VIII Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Murex in Escha - Ru'Aun. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Bead Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Ru'Aun IX Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Ghrahs in Escha - Ru'Aun. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch
Conflict: Escha - Ru'Aun X Defeat the requisite number of Eschan Limules in Escha - Ru'Aun. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Bead Pouch

Combat (Escha 2)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp CP Acco Item
Conflict: Reisenjima I Defeat the requisite number of Obstreperous Panopts in Reisenjima. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Bead Pouch
Conflict: Reisenjima II Defeat the requisite number of Snaggletoothed Tigers in Reisenjima. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch
Conflict: Reisenjima III Defeat the requisite number of Agitated Chapulis in Reisenjima. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Bead Pouch
Conflict: Reisenjima IV Defeat the requisite number of Indomitable Faaz in Reisenjima. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch
Conflict: Reisenjima V Defeat the requisite number of Territorial Mantises in Reisenjima. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Bead Pouch
Conflict: Reisenjima VI Defeat the requisite number of Devouring Mosquitos in Reisenjima. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch
Conflict: Reisenjima VII Defeat the requisite number of Lentic Toads in Reisenjima. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Bead Pouch
Conflict: Reisenjima VIII Defeat the requisite number of Quarrelsome Hippogryphs in Reisenjima. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch
Conflict: Reisenjima IX Defeat the requisite number of Rampaging Beetles in Reisenjima. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Bead Pouch
Conflict: Reisenjima X Defeat the requisite number of Glowering Ladybugs in Reisenjima. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch
Conflict: Reisenjima XI Defeat the requisite number of Lucani in Reisenjima. 10 Yes 300 900 150 30 Silt Pouch


Fishing: General

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Speak to Fisherman's Guild Master Speak to Thubu Parohren in Port Windurst (C-8). 1 No 100 500 Willow Fishing Rod
Reel in a Catch Apply bait to a fishing rod, cast it into the water, and reel in a fish. 1 No 100 500 Little Worm x99
Reel in Multiple Small Fish I Reel in the requisite number of small fish. 30 Yes 100 100 10 2000 Fishing Guild Points
Reel in Multiple Big Fish I Reel in the requisite number of big fish. 30 Yes 100 100 10 2000 Fishing Guild Points
Reel in Multiple Rusted Objects Reel in the requisite number of rusted objects. 10 Yes 100 200 10 2000 Fishing Guild Points
Total Enemies Reeled In Reel in the requisite number of enemies. 10 Yes 100 300 10 3000 Fishing Guild Points
Participate in Fish Ranking Trade a fish to Chenon in Selbina (H-9) and have it ranked. 1 No 100 500 Duck Ring
Total Catches (Anywhere) Reel in the requisite number of catches. 100 Yes 500 500 50 3000 Fishing Guild Points
Total Catches (Saltwater) Reel in the requisite number of saltwater catches. 50 Yes 250 250 25 Nebimonite x12
Total Catches (Freshwater) Reel in the requisite number of freshwater catches. 50 Yes 250 250 25 Moat Carp x12
Fish with a Willow Fishing Rod Reel in the requisite number of catches with a willow fishing rod. 10 No 100 100 Yew Fishing Rod
Fish with a Yew Fishing Rod Reel in the requisite number of catches with a yew fishing rod. 15 No 150 150 Bamboo Fishing Rod
Fish with a Bamboo Fishing Rod Reel in the requisite number of catches with a bamboo fishing rod. 20 No 200 200 Fastwater Fishing Rod
Reel in 10 Different Catches Reel in 10 different catches. 1 No 500 500 Fisherman's Belt
Reel in 25 Different Catches Reel in 25 different catches. 1 No 1500 500 Brigand's Chart
Reel in 50 Different Catches Reel in 50 different catches. 1 No 1500 500 Pirate's Chart
Reel in 75 Different Catches Reel in 75 different catches. 1 No 1500 500 Lik x3
Reel in 100 Different Catches Reel in 100 different catches. 1 No 1500 500 Gugrusaurus x3

Fishing: Tenacity

This category is opened during the quest Thanks for All the Fish and the objectives can only be completed while wearing a Lu Shang's Fishing Rod.

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Reel Endurance 1 Wear down a catch's endurance for the required duration (in seconds) while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. The catch (including monsters) must be successfully reeled in to count. 180 No 1500 500 Fisherman's Feast x3
Reel Endurance 2 Wear down a catch's endurance for the required duration (in seconds) while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. The catch (including monsters) must be successfully reeled in to count. 600 No 1500 500 Fisherman's Feast x5
Reel Endurance 3 Wear down a catch's endurance for the required duration (in seconds) while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. The catch (including monsters) must be successfully reeled in to count. 1200 No 1500 500 Fisherman's Feast x8
Reel Endurance 4 Wear down a catch's endurance for the required duration (in seconds) while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. The catch (including monsters) must be successfully reeled in to count. 1800 No 1500 500 Fisherman's Feast x10
Reel Endurance 5 Wear down a catch's endurance for the required duration (in seconds) while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. The catch (including monsters) must be successfully reeled in to count. 2700 No 1500 500 Fisherman's Feast x12
Reel Endurance 6 Wear down a catch's endurance for the required duration (in seconds) while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. The catch (including monsters) must be successfully reeled in to count. 3600 No 1500 500 Kachina Gloves
Reel Endurance 7 Wear down a catch's endurance for the required duration (in seconds) while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. The catch (including monsters) must be successfully reeled in to count. 5400 No 1500 500 Fisherman's Feast x15
Reel Endurance 8 Wear down a catch's endurance for the required duration (in seconds) while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. The catch (including monsters) must be successfully reeled in to count. 7200 No 1500 500 Fisherman's Feast x20
Catch Size and Weight Reel in enough catches that their combined size and weight equals the designated value while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 100000 No 1500 500 Tlahtlamah Glasses
Region: Ronfaure Reel in a catch in Ronfaure the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP
Region: Gustaberg Reel in a catch in Gustaberg the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP
Region: Sarutabaruta Reel in a catch in Sarutabaruta the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP
Region: Zulkheim Reel in a catch in Zulkheim the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP
Region: Kolshuhu Reel in a catch in Kolshushu the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP
Region: Norvallen Reel in a catch in Norvallen the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP
Region: Derfland Reel in a catch in Derfland the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP
Region: Aragoneau Reel in a catch in Aragoneau the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP
Region: Qufim Reel in a catch in Qufim the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP
Region: Fauregandi Reel in a catch in Fauregandi the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP
Region: Kuzotz Reel in a catch in Kuzotz the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP
Region: Vollbow Reel in a catch in Vollbow the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP
Region: Elshimo Lowlands Reel in a catch in Elshimo Lowlands the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP
Region: Elshimo Uplands Reel in a catch in Elshimo Uplands the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP
Region: Li'Telor Reel in a catch in Li'Telor the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP
Region: Selbina - Mhuara Ferry Reel in a catch in Selbina - Mhuara Ferry the required number of times while Lu Shang's fishing rod is equipped. 75 No 1500 500 2500 Fishing GP


RoE Crafting.png

Crafting: General

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Total Successful Synthesis Attempts Succeed at synthesizing materials the requisite number of times. 30 Yes 100 500 10

Crafting: Escutcheons (Woodworking)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Guild Master's Request 1 Synthesize a Woodworking Set 65 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Vortex Crystal, Walnut Lumber, Silk Thread
12 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 2 Synthesize a Rosenbogen the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Dark Crystal, Rapid Bow, Leshonki Bulb, Red Rose, Mercury, Fiend Blood, Dryad Root
20 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 3 Synthesize a Pluto's Staff the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Wind Crystal, Ebony Lumber Dark Bead
10 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 4 Synthesize a Couse +1 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Fire Crystal, Brass Ingot, Darksteel Ingot x2, Ash Lumber
5 No 100 500 Titanium Frame: Woodworking

Crafting: Escutcheons (Clothcraft)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Guild Master's Request 1 Synthesize a Clothcraft Set 64 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Geo Crystal, Wool Thread, Silk Cloth x2
12 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 2 Synthesize a War Shinobi Gi the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Earth Crystal, Darksteel Chain x2, Darksteel Sheet x2, Rainbow Thread, Raxa x3
20 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 3 Synthesize a Silk Cloak +1 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Earth Crystal, Gold Thread, Silk Cloth x5
10 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 4 Synthesize a Arh. Jinpachi +1 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Wind Crystal, Darksteel Sheet, Darksteel Chain, Silk Cloth x2
5 No 100 500 Titanium Frame: Clothcraft

Crafting: Escutcheons (Alchemy)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Guild Master's Request 1 Synthesize a Alchemy Set 65 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Fluid Crystal, Invitriol, Acid Baselard
12 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 2 Synthesize a Sekishitsu the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Fire Crystal, Honey, Vermilion Lacquer, Lacquer Tree Sap x4
20 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 3 Synthesize a Cermet Kukri +1 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Fire Crystal, Cermet Chunk, Ebony Lumber, Wyvern Skin
10 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 4 Synthesize a Cutlass +1 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Fire Crystal, Cermet Chunk x3, Darksteel Ingot
5 No 100 500 Titanium Frame: Alchemy

Crafting: Escutcheons (Bonecraft)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Guild Master's Request 1 Synthesize a Bonecraft Set 65 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Vortex Crystal, Ladybug Wing x2
12 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 2 Synthesize a Darksteel Shield the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Earth Crystal, Ash Lumber, Darksteel Sheet x3, Wyvern Scales x4
20 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 3 Synthesize a Coral Greaves +1 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Earth Crystal, Leather Highboots, Coral Fragment x2, Rainbow Thread
10 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 4 Synthesize a Merman's Leggings the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Earth Crystal, Coeurl Leather x2, Coral Fragment, Wyvern Scales
5 No 100 500 Titanium Frame: Bonecraft

Crafting: Escutcheons (Cooking)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Guild Master's Request 1 Synthesize a Cooking Set 65 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Pyre Crystal, Mhaura Garlic, Bay Leaves, Olive Oil, Wild Onion, Eggplant, Mithran Tomato, Zucchini, Paprika
12 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 2 Synthesize a Humpty Dumpty the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Fire Crystal, Silk Cloth, Rock Salt, Pine Nuts, Simsim, Asphodel, Kazham Pineapple, Apkallu Egg, Burdock
20 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 3 Synthesize a Patlican Salata +1 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Fire Crystal, Eggplant x2, Mhaura Garlic, Olive Oil, Yogurt, Rock Salt, Black Pepper, Selbina Butter
10 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 4 Synthesize a Marinara +1 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Fire Crystal, Mhaura Garlic, Olive Oil, Rock Salt, Spaghetti, Jacknife, Pomodoro Sauce, Kalamar, Bastore Sweeper
5 No 100 500 Titanium Frame: Cooking

Crafting: Escutcheons (Goldsmithing)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Guild Master's Request 1 Synthesize a Goldsmithing Set 65 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Geo Crystal, Moonstone, Gold Earring
12 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 2 Synthesize a Sha'ir Manteel the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Earth Crystal, Cashmere Cloth, Gold Sheet, Gold Thread x2, Ruby, Sapphire, Velvet Cloth x2
20 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 3 Synthesize a Gold Patas +1 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Fire Crystal, Gold Ingot, Mercury, Patas
10 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 4 Synthesize a Brass Jadagna +1 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Fire Crystal, Aht Urhgan Brass Ingot, Jadagna, Karakul Leather
5 No 100 500 Titanium Frame: Goldsmithing

Crafting: Escutcheons (Leathercraft)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Guild Master's Request 1 Synthesize a Leathercraft Set 66 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Geo Crystal, Iron Scales, Ram Leather x2, Black Tiger Leather
12 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 2 Synthesize a Wivre Shield the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Earth Crystal, Darksteel Sheet x3, Wivre Hide x2, Ash Lumber
20 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 3 Synthesize a Feral Gloves the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Earth Crystal, Cuir Gloves, Tiger Leather
10 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 4 Synthesize a Silk Pumps +1 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Earth Crystal, Gold Thread x2, Silk Cloth x2, Sheep Leather
5 No 100 500 Titanium Frame: Leathercraft

Crafting: Escutcheons (Smithing)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Guild Master's Request 1 Synthesize a Smithing Set 65 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Pyre Crystal, Darksteel Ingot, Mahogany Lumber, Cockatrice Skin
12 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 2 Synthesize Adaman Cuisses the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Fire Crystal, Adaman Sheet, Darksteel Sheet, Tiger Leather, Gold Ingot, Mercury.
20 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 3 Synthesize a Mikazuki +1 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Fire Crystal, Copper Ingot, Mythril Ingot x3, Tama-Hagane, Ash Lumber, Cotton Thread, Lizard Skin.
10 No 100 500 5,000 Guild Points
Guild Master's Request 4 Synthesize a Hara-Ate +1 the requisite number of times.
Recipe: Fire Crystal, Iron Sheet x3, Iron Chain x2, Sheep Leather, Silk Thread, Silk Cloth.
5 No 100 500 Titanium Frame: Smithing


Harvesting (General)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Total Successful Harvesting Attempts Succeed at harvesting the requisite number of times. 300 No 2000 6000 200
Total Suc. Harvesting Attempts II Succeed at harvesting the requisite number of times. 30 Yes 200 600 20

Harvesting (Original Areas)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Harvesting: East Ronfaure Successfully harvest materials in East Ronfaure the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12
Harvesting: Ghelsba Outpost Successfully harvest materials in Ghelsba Outpost the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12
Harvesting: Gusgen Mines Successfully harvest materials in Gusgen Mines the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Jugner Forest Successfully harvest materials in Jugner Forest the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12
Harvesting: Zeruhn Mines Successfully harvest materials in Zeruhn Mines the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Palborough Mines Successfully harvest materials in Palborough Mines the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: West Sarutabaruta Successfully harvest materials in West Sarutabaruta the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Sickle x12
Harvesting: Giddeus Successfully harvest materials in Giddeus the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Sickle x12
Harvesting: Buburimu Penisula Successfully harvest materials in Buburimu Penisula the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12
Harvesting: Tahrongi Canyon Successfully harvest materials in Tahrongi Canyon the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Maze of Shakhrami Successfully harvest materials in Maze of Shakhrami the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Yughott Grotto Successfully harvest materials in Yughott Grotto the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12

Harvesting (Adoulin 1)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Harvesting: Ceizak Battlegrounds I Successfully harvest materials in Ceizak Battlegrounds the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Trailblazing Sickle x12
Harvesting: Ceizak Battlegrounds II Successfully harvest the requisite amount of isleracea heads in Ceizak Battlegrounds. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Harvesting: Yahse Hunting Grounds I Successfully harvest materials in Yahse Hunting Grounds the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Trailblazing Hatchet x12
Harvesting: Yahse Hunting Grounds II Successfully harvest the requisite amount of urunday logs in Yahse Hunting Grounds. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Harvesting: Foret de Hennetiel I Successfully harvest materials in Foret de Hennetiel the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Trailblazing Sickle x12
Harvesting: Foret de Hennetiel II Successfully harvest the requisite amount of saffron blossoms in Foret de Hennetiel. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Harvesting: Morimar Basalt Fields I Successfully harvest materials in Morimar Basalt Fields the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Trailblazing Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Morimar Basalt Fields II Successfully harvest the requisite amount of midrium ore in Morimar Basalt Fields. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Harvesting: Yorcia Weald I Successfully harvest materials in Yorcia Weald the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Trailblazing Hatchet x12
Harvesting: Yorcia Weald II Successfully harvest the requisite amount of guatambu logs in Yorcia Weald. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Harvesting: Marjami Ravine I Successfully harvest materials in Marjami Ravine the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Trailblazing Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Marjami Ravine II Successfully harvest the requisite amount of titanium ore in Marjami Ravine. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Harvesting: Kamihr Drifts I Successfully harvest materials in Kamihr Drifts the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Trailblazing Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Kamihr Drifts II Successfully harvest the requisite amount of gelid aggregates in Kamihr Drifts. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Harvesting: Sih Gates I Successfully harvest materials in Sih Gates the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Trailblazing Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Sih Gates II Successfully harvest the requisite amount of rhodium ore in Sih Gates. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Harvesting: Moh Gates I Successfully harvest materials in Moh Gates the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Trailblazing Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Moh Gates II Successfully harvest the requisite amount of vanadium ore in Moh Gates. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Harvesting: Cirdas Caverns I Successfully harvest materials in Cirdas Caverns the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Trailblazing Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Cirdas Caverns II Successfully harvest the requisite amount of scholar stones in Cirdas Caverns. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Harvesting: Dho Gates I Successfully harvest materials in Dho Gates the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Trailblazing Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Dho Gates II Successfully harvest the requisite amount of snowsteel ore in Dho Gates. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Harvesting: Woh Gates I Successfully harvest materials in Woh Gates the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Trailblazing Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Woh Gates II Successfully harvest the requisite amount of bismuth ore in Woh Gates. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Harvesting: Outer Ra'Kaznar I Successfully harvest materials in Outer Ra'Kaznar the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Trailblazing Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Outer Ra'Kaznar II Successfully harvest the requisite amount of Ra'Kaznar ore in Outer Ra'Kaznar. 1 Yes 300 1500 30

Harvesting (Zilart)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Harvesting: Yuhtunga Jungle Successfully harvest materials in Yuhtunga Jungle the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12
Harvesting: Yhoator Jungle Successfully harvest materials in Yhoator Jungle the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12
Harvesting: Ifrit's Cauldron Successfully harvest materials in Ifrit's Cauldron the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Korroloka Tunnel Successfully harvest materials in Korroloka Tunnel the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12

Harvesting (Promathia)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Harvesting: Oldton Movalpolos Successfully harvest materials in Oldton Movalpolos the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Newton Movalpolos Successfully harvest materials in Newton Movalpolos the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Lufaise Meadows Successfully harvest materials in Lufaise Meadows the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12
Harvesting: Misareaux Coast Successfully harvest materials on the Misareaux Coast the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12
Harvesting: Carpenters' Landing Successfully harvest materials in Carpenters' Landing the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12
Harvesting: Attohwa Chasm Successfully harvest materials in Attohwa Chasm the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12

Harvesting (Aht Urhgan)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Harvesting: Bhaflau Thickets Successfully harvest materials in Bhaflau Thickets the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Sickle x12
Harvesting: Mamook Successfully harvest materials in Mamook the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12
Harvesting: Wajaom Woodlands Successfully harvest materials in the Wajaom Woodlands the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Sickle x12
Harvesting: Halvung Successfully harvest materials in Halvung the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Mount Zhayolm Successfully harvest materials on Mount Zhayolm the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Caedarva Mire Successfully harvest materials in Caedarva Mire the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12

Harvesting (Goddess)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Harvesting: East Ronfaure [S] Successfully harvest materials in East Ronfaure [S] the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12
Harvesting: Jugner Forest [S] Successfully harvest materials in Jugner Forest [S] the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12
Harvesting: North Gustaberg [S] Successfully harvest materials in North Gustaberg [S] the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Grauberg [S] Successfully harvest materials in Grauberg [S] the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Sickle x12
Harvesting: West Sarutabaruta [S] Successfully harvest materials in West Sarutabaruta [S] the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Sickle x12
Harvesting: Fort Karugo-Narugo [S] Successfully harvest materials in Fort Karugo-Narugo [S] the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12

Harvesting (Abyssea)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Harvesting: Abyssea - La Thiene Successfully harvest materials in Abyssea - La Thiene the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12
Harvesting: Abyssea - Tahronghi Successfully harvest materials in Abyssea - Tahronghi the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Abyssea - Attohwa Successfully harvest materials in Abyssea - Attohwa the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Pickaxe x12
Harvesting: Abyssea - Misareaux Successfully harvest materials in Abyssea - Misareaux the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Hatchet x12
Harvesting: Abyssea - Grauberg Successfully harvest materials in Abyssea - Grauberg the requisite number of times. 5 Yes 100 500 10 Sickle x12


Content (Ambuscade)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp CP Item
Ambuscade Primer Vol. 1 (Daily) (Daily) Assist Abdhaljs in his research by vanquishing the requisite number of ??? in non-Legion areas. 1 No 100 100 0 Ambuscade Primer Volume One
Ambuscade Primer Vol. 2 (Daily) (Daily) Assist Abdhaljs in his research by vanquishing the requisite number of ??? in non-Legion areas. 1 No 100 100 0 Ambuscade Primer Volume Two
Intense Ambuscade (M) (Monthly Objective) Clear an intense Ambuscade on any difficulty the requisite number of times. 1 No 200 0 1000 Abdhaljs Seal
Ambuscade (W) (Weekly Objective) Successfully complete any Ambuscade the requisite number of times.
  • Also resets after server maintenance.
1 No 100 200 0 Abdhaljs Seal
Ambuscade Primer Vol. 1 Assist Abdhaljs in his research by vanquishing the requisite number of experience-yielding ??? in non-Legion areas. Varies Yes 100 300 0 Ambuscade Primer Volume One
Ambuscade Primer Vol. 2 Assist Abdhaljs in his research by vanquishing the requisite number of experience-yielding ??? in non-Legion areas. Varies Yes 100 300 0 Ambuscade Primer Volume Two

Lair Reives

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp CP Acco
Lair Reives: Ceizak Battlegrounds Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Lair Reives in Ceizak Battlegrounds. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Lair Reives: Yahse Hunting Grounds Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Lair Reives in Yahse Hunting Grounds. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Lair Reives: Foret de Hennetiel Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Lair Reives in Foret de Hennetiel. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Lair Reives: Morimar Basalt Fields Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Lair Reives in Morimar Basalt Fields. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Lair Reives: Yorcia Weald Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Lair Reives in Yorcia Weald. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Lair Reives: Marjami Ravine Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Lair Reives in Marjami Ravine. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Lair Reives: Kamihr Drifts Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Lair Reives in Kamihr Drifts. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Lair Reives: Cirdas Caverns Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Lair Reives in Cirdas Caverns. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Lair Reives: Outer Ra'Kaznar Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Lair Reives in Outer Ra'Kaznar. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Lair Reives: Ra'Kaznar Inner Court Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Lair Reives in Ra'Kaznar Inner Court. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50

Colonization Reives

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp CP Acco
Colonization Reives: Ceizak Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Colonization Reives in Ceizak Battlegrounds. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Colonization Reives: Yahse Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Colonization Reives in Yahse Hunting Grounds. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Colonization Reives: Hennetiel Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Colonization Reives in Foret de Hennetiel. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Colonization Reives: Morimar Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Colonization Reives in Morimar Basalt Fields. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Colonization Reives: Yorcia Weald Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Colonization Reives in Yorcia Weald. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Colonization Reives: Marjami Ravine Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Colonization Reives in Marjami Ravine. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Colonization Reives: Kamihr Drifts Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Colonization Reives in Kamihr Drifts. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Colonization Reives: Sih Gates Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Colonization Reives in Sih Gates. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Colonization Reives: Moh Gates Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Colonization Reives in Moh Gates. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Colonization Reives: Cirdas Caverns Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Colonization Reives in Cirdas Caverns. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Colonization Reives: Dho Gates Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Colonization Reives in Dho Gates. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Colonization Reives: Woh Gates Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Colonization Reives in Woh Gates. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Colonization Reives: Outer Ra'Kaznar Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Colonization Reives in Outer Ra'Kaznar. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50
Colonization Reives: Ra'Kaznar I.C. Emerge victorious from the requisite number of Colonization Reives in Ra'Kaznar Inner Court. 5 Yes 500 2500 1250 50

Wildskeeper Reives

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp CP Acco Key Item
Subjugation: Colkhab Defeat Colkhab, who prowls Ceizak Battlegrounds, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 1000 5000 1250 100 Matriarch Naakual paragon
Subjugation: Tchakka Defeat Tchakka, who prowls Foret de Hennetiel, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 1000 5000 1250 100 Riptide Naakual paragon
Subjugation: Achuka Defeat Achuka, who prowls Morimar Basalt Fields, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 1000 5000 1250 100 Firebrand Naakual paragon
Subjugation: Yumcax Defeat Yumcax, who prowls Yorcia Weald, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 1000 5000 1250 100 Ligneous Naakual paragon
Subjugation: Hurkan Defeat Hurkan, who prowls Marjami Ravine, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 1000 5000 1250 100 Booming Naakual paragon
Subjugation: Kumhau Defeat Kumhau, who prowls Kamihr Drifts, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 1000 5000 1250 100 Flashfrost Naakual paragon

Content (Other)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Total Suc. Chocobo Digs Succeed at chocobo digging the requisite number of times. 30 Yes 100 500 10
Mons.: Total Monsters Vanquished Defeat the requisite number of regular monsters while possessing a monster in Monstrosity. 100 Yes 1000 5000 100
Unlock Treasure Chests and Coffers Unlock the requisite number of Treasure Chests or Treasure Coffers using keys. 1 Yes 200 1000 20
Reaching the Crest Successfully clear a battlefield requiring an orb. (Beastman/Kindred Seals or Kindred/High Kindred/Sacred Kindred Crests). 1 Yes 500 2500 50
Subjugation: Kirin Defeat Kirin, who resides in The Shrine of Ru'Avitau 1 Yes 1000 5000 100 Copper Voucher
Subjugation: Genbu Defeat Genbu, who resides in Ru'Aun Gardens 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Suzaku Defeat Suzaku, who resides in Ru'Aun Gardens 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Seiryu Defeat Seiryu, who resides in Ru'Aun Gardens 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Byakko Defeat Byakko, who resides in Ru'Aun Gardens 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Jailer of Justice Defeat the Jailer of Justice, who resides in Al'Taieu 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Jailer of Hope Defeat the Jailer of Hope, who resides in Al'Taieu 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Jailer of Prudence Defeat the Jailer of Prudence, who resides in Al'Taieu 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Jailer of Love Defeat the Jailer of Love, who resides in Al'Taieu 1 Yes 1000 5000 100 Copper Voucher
Subjugation: Battleclad Chariot Defeat the Battleclad Chariot, which resides in Zhayolm Remnants 1 Yes 500 2500 50
Subjugation: Armored Chariot Defeat the Armored Chariot, which resides in Arrapago Remnants 1 Yes 500 2500 50
Subjugation: Long-Bowed Chariot Defeat the Long-Bowed Chariot, which resides in Bhaflau Remnants 1 Yes 500 2500 50
Subjugation: Long-Armed Chariot Defeat the Long-Armed Chariot, which resides in Silver Sea Remnants 1 Yes 500 2500 50

Content (Dynamis 1)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Subjugation: Overlord's Tombstone Defeat the Overlord's Tombstone, which resides in Dynamis - San d'Oria, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Bladeburner Rokgevok Defeat Bladeburner Rokgevok, who resides in Dynamis - San d'Oria, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Steelshank Kratzvatz Defeat Steelshank Kratzvatz, who resides in Dynamis - San d'Oria, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Bloodfist Voshgrosh Defeat Bloodfist Voshgrosh, who resides in Dynamis - San d'Oria, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Spellspear Djokvukk Defeat Spellspear Djokvukk, who resides in Dynamis - San d'Oria, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Gu'Dha Effigy Defeat the Gu'Dha Effigy, which resides in Dynamis - Bastok, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Zo'Pha Forgesoul Defeat Zo'Pha Forgesoul, who resides in Dynamis - Bastok, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Ra'Gho Darkfount Defeat Ra'Gha Darkfount, who resides in Dynamis - Bastok, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Va'Zhe Pummelsong Defeat Va'Zhe Pummelsong, who resides in Dynamis - Bastok, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Bu'Bho Truesteel Defeat Bu'Bho Truesteel, who resides in Dynamis - Bastok, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Tzee Xicu Idol Defeat the Tzee Xicu Idol, which resides in Dynamis - Windurst, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Xuu Bhoqa the Enigma Defeat Xuu Bhoqa the Enigma, who resides in Dynamis - Windurst, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Fuu Tzapo the Blessed Defeat Fuu Tzapo the Blessed, who resides in Dynamis - Windurst, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Naa Yixo the Stillrage Defeat Naa Yixo the Stillrage, who resides in Dynamis - Windurst, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Tee Zaksa the Ceaseless Defeat Tee Zaksa the Ceaseless, who resides in Dynamis - Windurst, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Goblin Golem Defeat the Goblin Golem, which resides in Dynamis - Jeuno, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Quicktrix Hexhands Defeat Quicktrix Hexhands, who resides in Dynamis - Jeuno, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Feralox Honeylips Defeat Feralox Honeylips, who resides in Dynamis - Jeuno, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Scourquix Scaleskin Defeat Scourequix Scaleskin, who resides in Dynamis - Jeuno, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Wilywox Tenderpalm Defeat Wilywox Tenderpalm, who resides in Dynamis - Jeuno, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30

Content (Dynamis 2)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Subjugation: Angra Mainyu Defeat Angrya Mainyu, who resides in Dynamis - Beaucedine, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Taquede Defeat Taquede, who resides in Dynamis - Beaucedine, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Pignonpausard Defeat Pigninpausard, who resides in Dynamis - Beaucedine, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Hitaume Defeat Hitaume, who resides in Dynamis - Beaucedine, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Cavanneche Defeat Cavanneche, who resides in Dynamis - Beaucedine, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Dynamis Lord Defeat the Dynamis Lord, who resides in Dynamis - Xarcabard, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Duke Haures Defeat Duke Haures, who resides in Dynamis - Xarcabard, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Marquis Caim Defeat Marquis Caim, who resides in Dynamis - Xarcabard, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Baron Avnas Defeat Baron Avnas, who resides in Dynamis - Xarcabard, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Count Haagenti Defeat Count Haagenti, who resides in Dynamis - Xarcabard, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30

Content (Limbus)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Spoils (Ivory Chip) Obtain an ivory chip as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Spoils (Scarlet Chip) Obtain a scarlet chip as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Spoils (Emerald Chip) Obtain an emerald chip as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Spoils (Orchid Chip) Obtain an orchid chip as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Spoils (Cerulean Chip) Obtain a cerulean chip as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Spoils (Silver Chip) Obtain a silver chip as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Spoils (Smoky Chip) Obtain a smoky chip as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Spoils (Magenta Chip) Obtain a magenta chip as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Spoils (Charcoal Chip) Obtain a charcoal chip as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Spoils (Smalt Chip) Obtain a smalt chip as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Proto-Ultima Defeat Proto-Ultima, which resides in Temenos, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 1000 5000 100 Copper Voucher
Subjugation: Proto-Omega Defeat Proto-Omega, which resides in Apollyon, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 1000 5000 100 Copper Voucher

Content (ZNM)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Subjugation: Vulpangue Defeat Vulpangue, who resides in Wajaom Woodlands, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Chamrosh Defeat Chamrosh, who resides in Mamook, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Cheese Hoarder Gigiroon Defeat Cheese Hoarder Gigiroon, who resides in Alzadaal Undersea Ruins, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Brass Borer Defeat the Brass Borer, which resides in Mount Zhayolm, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Claret Defeat Claret, who resides in Mount Zhayolm, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Ob Defeat Ob, who resides in Alzadaal Undersea Ruins, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Velionis Defeat Velionis, who resides in Arrapago Reef, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Lil' Apkallu Defeat Lil' Apkallu, who resides in Arrapago Reef, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Chigre Defeat Chigre, who resides in Aydeewa Subterrane, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Iriz Ima Defeat Iriz Ima, who resides in Wajaom Woodlands, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Lividroot Amooshah Defeat Lividroot Amooshah, who resides in Bhaflau Thickets, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Iriri Samariri Defeat Iriri Samariri, who resides in Mamook, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Anantaboga Defeat Anantaboga, who resides in Mount Zhayolm, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Reacton Defeat Reacton, who resides in Halvung, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Dextrose Defeat Dextrose, who resides in Halvung, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Wulgaru Defeat Wulgaru, who resides in Alzadaal Undersea Ruins, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Zareehkl the Jubilant Defeat Zareehkl the Jubilant, who resides in Arrapago Reef, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Verdelet Defeat Verdelet, who resides in Caedarva Mire, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Armed Gears Defeat the Armed Gears, which resides in Alzadaal Undersea Ruins, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Gotoh Zha the Redolent Defeat Gotoh Zha the Rdolent, who resides in Wajaom Woodlands, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Dea Defeat Dea, who resides in Bhaflau Thickets, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Nosferatu Defeat Nosferatu, who resides in Aydeewa Subterrane, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Khromasoul Bhurborlor Defeat Khromasoul Bhurborlor, who resides in Mount Zhayolm, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Achamoth Defeat Achamoth, who resides in Halvung, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Mahjlaef the Paintorn Defeat Mahjlaef the Paintorn, who resides in Caedarva Mire, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Experimental Lamia Defeat the Experimental Lamia, which resides in Caedarva Mire, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30
Subjugation: Nuhn Defeat Nunh, who resides in Arrapago Reef, the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 300 1500 30

Content (Vagary)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp CP Acco Item
Subjugation: Rancibus Defeat Rancibus, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U], the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Vial Of Plovid Effluvium
Subjugation: Palloritus Defeat Palloritus, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U], the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Vial Of Defiant Sweat
Subjugation: Putraxia Defeat Putraxia, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U], the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Macuil Horn
Subjugation: Plouton Defeat Plouton, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U], the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Dark Matter
Subjugation: Perfidien Defeat Perfidien, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U], the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Tartarian Chain
Subj.: Putraxia 1 (W) Defeat Putraxia, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U], the requisite number of times. 1 No 500 2500 2500 50 Macuil Plating
Subj.: Putraxia 2 (W) Defeat Putraxia, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U], the requisite number of times. 1 No 500 2500 2500 50 Macuil Horn
Subj.: Rancibus 1 (W) Defeat Rancibus, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U], the requisite number of times. 1 No 500 2500 2500 50 Plovid Effluvium
Subj.: Rancibus 2 (W) Defeat Rancibus, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U], the requisite number of times. 1 No 500 2500 2500 50 Plovid Flesh
Subj.: Palloritus 1 (W) Defeat Palloritus, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U], the requisite number of times. 1 No 500 2500 2500 50 Defiant Scarf
Subj.: Palloritus 2 (W) Defeat Palloritus, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U], the requisite number of times. 1 No 500 2500 2500 50 Defiant Sweat
Subj.: Perfidien 1 (W) Defeat Perfidien, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U], the requisite number of times. 1 No 500 2500 2500 50 Tartarian Soul
Subj.: Perfidien 2 (W) Defeat Perfidien, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U], the requisite number of times. 1 No 500 2500 2500 50 Tartarian Chain
Subjugation: Plouton 1 (W) Defeat Plouton, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U], the requisite number of times. 1 No 500 2500 2500 50 Hades' Claw
Subjugation: Plouton 2 (W) Defeat Plouton, who resides in Outer Ra'Kaznar [U], the requisite number of times. 1 No 500 2500 2500 50 Dark Matter

Content (Omen)

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp CP Acco Item
Subjugation: Fu Defeat Fu, who resides in Reisenjima Henge, the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Fu's Scale
Subjugation: Kyou Defeat Kyou, who resides in Reisenjima Henge, the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Kyou's Scale
Subjugation: Kei Defeat Kei, who resides in Reisenjima Henge, the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Kei's Scale
Subjugation: Gin Defeat Gin, who resides in Reisenjima Henge, the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Gin's Scale
Subjugation: Kin Defeat Kin, who resides in Reisenjima Henge, the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Kin's Scale

A.M.A.N. Trove

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp CP Acco Item
A.M.A.N. Trove (M) Speak to Greyson in Lower Jeuno (G-11) and hear an explanation on A.M.A.N. Trove 1 No 500 5000 5000 Mars Orb
Examine a Home Point (M) Examine a Home Point in your home nation. 1 No 500 5000 5000 Silver Voucher
Auction an Item (M) Place items for sale in the Auction House the requisite number of times. 1 No 500 5000 5000 Silver Voucher
Unity Chat Greetings (M) Use the auto-translate function to say {Hello!} in Unity Chat the requisite number of times. 1 No 500 5000 5000 Silver Voucher
Conquest Participation (M) Participate in Conquest and vanquish the requisite number of monsters. 30 No 500 5000 5000 Silver Voucher
Besieged Participation (M) Participate in Besieged the requisite number of times. 2 No 500 5000 5000 Silver Voucher
Campaign Participation (M) Participate in Campaign battles and receive the requisite amount of Allied Notes. 5000 No 500 5000 5000 Silver Voucher
Reive Participation (M) Participate in reives and receive the requisite amount of Bayld. 5000 No 500 5000 5000 Silver Voucher
Ambuscade Participation (M) Form a party and participate in Ambuscade the requisite number of times. (Alter Egos do not count as party members for this objective.) 1 No 500 5000 5000 Silver Voucher
Omen Participation (M) Form a party and participate in Omen the requisite number of times. (Alter Egos do not count as party members for this objective.) 1 No 500 5000 5000 Silver Voucher
Dynamis - Divergence Participation (M) Form a party and participate in Dynamis - Divergence the requisite number of times. (Alter Egos do not count as party members for this objective.) 1 No 500 5000 5000 Silver Voucher


Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp CP Acco Item
Sheol A Arrive and examine the Otherworldy Vortex (Perdition Floor A-7) in Sheol A.
Requirements: 45 days or more must have passed since character creation.
1 No 1000 10000 10000 100 L. Lu. Scale Box
Sheol B Arrive and examine the Otherworldy Vortex (Perdition Floor A-6) in Sheol B.
Requirements: 45 days or more must have passed since character creation.
1 No 1000 10000 10000 100 L. Lu. Hide Box
Sheol C Arrive and examine the Otherworldy Vortex (Perdition Floor A-4) in Sheol C.
Requirements: 45 days or more must have passed since character creation.
1 No 1000 10000 10000 100 L. Lu. Wing Box


Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp CP Acco Item
Subjugate: Ghatjot Defeat Ghatjot in Sortie the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Old Case
Subjugate: Leshonn Defeat Leshonn in Sortie the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Old Case
Subjugate: Skomora Defeat Skomora in Sortie the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Old Case
Subjugate: Degei Defeat Degei in Sortie the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Old Case
Subjugate: Dhartok Defeat Dhartok in Sortie the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Old Case +1
Subjugate: Gartell Defeat Gartell in Sortie the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Old Case +1
Subjugate: Triboulex Defeat Triboulex in Sortie the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Old Case +1
Subjugate: Aita Defeat Aita in Sortie the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Old Case +1
Subjugate: Aminon Defeat Aminon in Sortie the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 100 Old Case +2


Job Levels 1

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Item
Level 30 Warrior Reach level 30 in the warrior job 1 No 100 500 Death for Dimwits x12
Level 50 Warrior Reach level 50 in the warrior job 1 No 200 500 Striking Bull's Diary x12
Level 75 Warrior Reach level 75 in the Warrior job 1 No 300 500 Ravager's Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Warrior Reach level 99 in the warrior job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.1 x2
Level 30 Monk Reach level 30 in the monk job 1 No 100 500 Mikhe's Memo x12
Level 50 Monk Reach level 50 in the monk job 1 No 200 500 Kayeel-Payeel's Memoirs x12
Level 75 Monk Reach level 75 in the monk job 1 No 300 500 Tantra Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Monk Reach level 99 in the monk job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.2 x2
Level 30 White Mage Reach level 30 in the white mage job 1 No 100 500 Coveffe Barrows Musings x12
Level 50 White Mage Reach level 50 in the white mage job 1 No 200 500 Altana's Hymn x12
Level 75 White Mage Reach level 75 in the white mage job 1 No 300 500 Orison Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 White Mage Reach level 99 in the white mage job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.3 x2
Level 30 Black Mage Reach level 30 in the black mage job 1 No 100 500 Bounty List x12
Level 50 Black Mage Reach level 50 in the black mage job 1 No 200 500 Dark Deeds x12
Level 75 Black Mage Reach level 75 in the black mage job 1 No 300 500 Goetia Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Black Mage Reach level 99 in the black mage job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.4 x2
Level 30 Red Mage Reach level 30 in the red mage job 1 No 100 500 Investigative Report x12
Level 50 Red Mage Reach level 50 in the red mage job 1 No 200 500 Aid for All x12
Level 75 Red Mage Reach level 75 in the Red Mage job 1 No 300 500 Estoqueur's Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Red Mage Reach level 99 in the red mage job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.5 x2
Level 30 Thief Reach level 30 in the thief job 1 No 100 500 Dagger Enchiridion x12
Level 50 Thief Reach level 50 in the thief job 1 No 200 500 Swing and Stab x12
Level 75 Thief Reach level 75 in the thief job 1 No 300 500 Raider's Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Thief Reach level 99 in the thief job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.1 x2

Job Levels 2

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Item
Level 30 Paladin Reach level 30 in the Paladin job 1 No 100 500 Swing and Stab x12
Level 50 Paladin Reach level 50 in the Paladin job 1 No 200 500 The Successor x12
Level 75 Paladin Reach level 75 in the Paladin job 1 No 300 500 Creed Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Paladin Reach level 99 in the Paladin job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.2 x2
Level 30 Dark Knight Reach level 30 in the Dark Knight job 1 No 100 500 Ludwig's Report x12
Level 50 Dark Knight Reach level 50 in the Dark Knight job 1 No 200 500 Mieuseloir's Diary x12
Level 75 Dark Knight Reach level 75 in the Dark Knight job 1 No 300 500 Bale Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Dark Knight Reach level 99 in the Dark Knight job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.3 x2
Level 30 Beastmaster Reach level 30 in the Beastmaster job 1 No 100 500 Striking Bull's Diary x12
Level 50 Beastmaster Reach level 50 in the Beastmaster job 1 No 200 500 Ludwig's Report x12
Level 75 Beastmaster Reach level 75 in the Beastmaster job 1 No 300 500 Ferine Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Beastmaster Reach level 99 in the Beastmaster job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.4 x2
Level 30 Bard Reach level 30 in the Bard job 1 No 100 500 Breezy Libretto x12
Level 50 Bard Reach level 50 in the Bard job 1 No 200 500 Cavernous Score x12
Level 75 Bard Reach level 75 in the Bard job 1 No 300 500 Aoidos' Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Bard Reach level 99 in the Bard job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.5 x2
Level 30 Ranger Reach level 30 in the Ranger job 1 No 100 500 Perih's Primer x12
Level 50 Ranger Reach level 50 in the Ranger job 1 No 200 500 Barrels of Fun x12
Level 75 Ranger Reach level 75 in the Ranger job 1 No 300 500 Sylvan Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Ranger Reach level 99 in the Ranger job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.1 x2
Level 30 Samurai Reach level 30 in the Samurai job 1 No 100 500 Noillurie's Log x12
Level 50 Samurai Reach level 50 in the Samurai job 1 No 200 500 Clash of Titans x12
Level 75 Samurai Reach level 75 in the Samurai job 1 No 300 500 Unkai Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Samurai Reach level 99 in the Samurai job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.2 x2

Job Levels 3

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Item
Level 30 Ninja Reach level 30 in the Ninja job 1 No 100 500 Kagetora's Journal x12
Level 50 Ninja Reach level 50 in the Ninja job 1 No 200 500 Yomi's Diagram x12
Level 75 Ninja Reach level 75 in the Ninja job 1 No 300 500 Iga Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Ninja Reach level 99 in the Ninja job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.3 x2
Level 30 Dragoon Reach level 30 in the Dragoon job 1 No 100 500 Clash of Titans x12
Level 50 Dragoon Reach level 50 in the Dragoon job 1 No 200 500 Kayeel-Payeel's Memoirs x12
Level 75 Dragoon Reach level 75 in the Dragoon job 1 No 300 500 Lancer's Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Dragoon Reach level 99 in the Dragoon job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.4 x2
Level 30 Summoner Reach level 30 in the Summoner job 1 No 100 500 Astral Homeland x12
Level 50 Summoner Reach level 50 in the Summoner job 1 No 200 500 Kayeel-Payeel's Memoirs x12
Level 75 Summoner Reach level 75 in the Summoner job 1 No 300 500 Caller's Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Summoner Reach level 99 in the Summoner job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.5 x2
Level 30 Blue Mage Reach level 30 in the Blue Mage job 1 No 100 500 Swing and Stab x12
Level 50 Blue Mage Reach level 50 in the Blue Mage job 1 No 200 500 Life-form Study x12
Level 75 Blue Mage Reach level 75 in the Blue Mage job 1 No 300 500 Mavi Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Blue Mage Reach level 99 in the Blue Mage job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.1 x2
Level 30 Corsair Reach level 30 in the Corsair job 1 No 100 500 Dagger Enchiridion x12
Level 50 Corsair Reach level 50 in the Corsair job 1 No 200 500 Barrels of Fun x12
Level 75 Corsair Reach level 75 in the Corsair job 1 No 300 500 Navarch's Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Corsair Reach level 99 in the Corsair job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.2 x2
Level 30 Puppetmaster Reach level 30 in the Puppetmaster job 1 No 100 500 Mikhe's Memo x12
Level 50 Puppetmaster Reach level 50 in the Puppetmaster job 1 No 200 500 Dagger Enchiridion x12
Level 75 Puppetmaster Reach level 75 in the Puppetmaster job 1 No 300 500 Cirque Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Puppetmaster Reach level 99 in the Puppetmaster job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.3 x2

Job Levels 4

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Item
Level 30 Dancer Reach level 30 in the Dancer job 1 No 100 500 Dagger Enchiridion x12
Level 50 Dancer Reach level 50 in the Dancer job 1 No 200 500 Mikhe's Memo x12
Level 75 Dancer Reach level 75 in the Dancer job 1 No 300 500 Charis Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Dancer Reach level 99 in the Dancer job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.4 x2
Level 30 Scholar Reach level 30 in the Scholar job 1 No 100 500 Kayeel-Payeel's Memoirs x12
Level 50 Scholar Reach level 50 in the Scholar job 1 No 200 500 Ferreous's Diary x12
Level 75 Scholar Reach level 75 in the Scholar job 1 No 300 500 Savant's Seal: Feet x4
Level 99 Scholar Reach level 99 in the Scholar job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.5 x2
Level 30 Geomancer Reach level 30 in the Geomancer job 1 No 100 500 Hrohj's Record x12
Level 50 Geomancer Reach level 50 in the Geomancer job 1 No 200 500 The Bell Tolls x12
Level 75 Geomancer Reach level 75 in the Geomancer job 1 No 300 500 Indi-Frailty
Level 99 Geomancer Reach level 99 in the Geomancer job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.6 x2
Level 30 Rune Fencer Reach level 30 in the Rune Fencer job 1 No 100 500 Mieuseloir's Diary x12
Level 50 Rune Fencer Reach level 50 in the Rune Fencer job 1 No 200 500 Swing and Stab x12
Level 75 Rune Fencer Reach level 75 in the Rune Fencer job 1 No 300 500 Crusade
Level 99 Rune Fencer Reach level 99 in the Rune Fencer job 1 No 400 500 Rem's Tale Ch.7 x2


Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Item
Fame: San d'Oria Increase your fame in San d'Oria to the highest level and speak with Namonutice in Southern San d'Oria (K-6) 1 No 300 500 Copper Voucher
Fame: Bastok Increase your fame in Bastok to the highest level and speak with Flaco in Port Bastok (E-6) 1 No 300 500 Copper Voucher
Fame: Windurst Increase your fame in Windurst to the highest level and speak with Zabirego-Hajigo in Windurst Waters (F-10) 1 No 300 500 Copper Voucher
Fame: Norg Increase your fame in Norg to the highest level and speak with Vaultimand in Norg (H-8) 1 No 300 500 Copper Voucher
Fame: Abyssea - La Thiene Increase your fame in Abyssea - La Thiene to the highest level and speak with Namonutice (A) in Abyssea - La Thiene (E-3) 1 No 300 500 Copper Voucher
Fame: Abyssea - Konschtat Increase your fame in Abyssea - Konschtat to the highest level and speak with Flaco (A) in Abyssea - Konschtat (I-13) 1 No 300 500 Copper Voucher
Fame: Abyssea - Tahrongi Increase your fame in Abyssea - Tahrongi to the highest level and speak with Zabirego-Hajigo (A) in Abyssea - Tahrongi (H-12) 1 No 300 500 Copper Voucher
Fame: Abyssea - Attohwa Increase your fame in Abyssea - Attohwa to the highest level and speak with Mendi (A) in Abyssea - Attohwa (G-10) 1 No 300 500 Copper Voucher
Fame: Abyssea - Misareaux Increase your fame in Abyssea - Misareaux to the highest level and speak with Izabele (A) in Abyssea - Misareaux (K-7) 1 No 300 500 Copper Voucher
Fame: Abyssea - Vunkerl Increase your fame in Abyssea - Vunkerl to the highest level and speak with Gulemont (A) in Abyssea - Vunkerl (H-12) 1 No 300 500 Copper Voucher
Fame: Abyssea - Altepa Increase your fame in Abyssea - Altepa to the highest level and speak with Honoi-Gomoi (A) in Abyssea - Altepa (K-5) 1 No 300 500 Copper Voucher
Fame: Abyssea - Uleguerand Increase your fame in Abyssea - Uleguerand to the highest level and speak with Magriffon (A) in Abyssea - Uleguerand (G-11) 1 No 300 500 Copper Voucher
Fame: Abyssea - Grauberg Increase your fame in Abyssea - Grauberg to the highest level and speak with Parnika (A) in Abyssea - Grauberg (D-14) 1 No 300 500 Copper Voucher
Fame: Adoulin Increase your fame in Adoulin to the highest level and speak with Iyvah Halohm in Eastern Adoulin (G-8) 1 No 300 500 Copper Voucher


Unity shared and unity specific RoE quests are not repeatable, but are reset at certain times, like the daily objectives.

Unity (Shared A)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Unity Communique (UC) Talk to comrades in Unity chat the designated number of times (party member messages do not count). 1 100 500 100
Home Point Comrade (UC) Form a party with a comrade from the same Unity and examine a home point. 1 100 500 100
Vanquish Multiple Enemies (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies. 20 100 500 300
Vanquish Aquans (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding aquans. 20 100 500 300
Van. Amorphs with Ph. Damage (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding amorphs using physical damage. 20 100 500 400
Vanquish Beasts with Magic (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding beasts using magic damage. 20 100 500 500
Total Suc. Wood. Syntheses (UC) Succeed at performing woodworking syntheses the requisite number of times. 10 100 500 300
Total Suc. Leath. Syntheses (UC) Succeed at performing leathercraft syntheses the requisite number of times. 10 100 500 300
Total Suc. Mining Attempts (UC) Succeed at mining the requisite number of times. 10 100 500 300
Van. Enemies w. Unity Leader (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies while in the company of a Unity alter ego. 10 100 500 500

Unity (Shared B)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Unity Communique (UC) Talk to comrades in Unity chat the designated number of times (party member messages do not count). 1 100 500 100
Chocobo Digging (UC) Succeed at Chocobo Digging the requisite number of times. 10 100 500 100
Vanquish Multiple Enemies (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies. 20 100 500 300
Vanquish Arcana (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding arcana. 20 100 500 300
Van. Undead with Ph. Damage (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding undead using physical damage. 20 100 500 400
Vanquish Plantoids with Magic (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding plantoids using magic damage. 20 100 500 500
Total Suc. Black. Syntheses (UC) Succeed at performing blacksmithing syntheses the requisite number of times. 10 100 500 300
Reel in Multiple Small Fish (UC) Reel in the requisite number of small fish. 20 100 500 300
Total Suc. Logging Attempts (UC) Succeed at logging the requisite number of times. 10 100 500 300
Van. Enemies w. Unity Leader (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies while in the company of a Unity alter ego. 10 100 500 500

Unity (Shared C)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Unity Communique (UC) Talk to comrades in Unity chat the designated number of times (party member messages do not count). 1 100 500 100
Home Point Comrade (UC) Form a party with a comrade from the same Unity and examine a home point. 1 100 500 100
Vanquish Multiple Enemies (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies. 20 100 500 300
Vanquish Vermin (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding vermin. 20 100 500 300
Van. Birds with Ph. Damage (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding birds using physical damage. 20 100 500 400
Vanquish Lizards with Magic (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding lizards using magic damage. 20 100 500 500
Total Suc. Gold. Syntheses (UC) Succeed at performing goldsmithing syntheses the requisite number of times. 10 100 500 300
Reel in Multiple Large Fish (UC) Reel in the requisite number of big fish. 20 100 500 300
Total Suc. Harvesting Attempts (UC) Succeed at harvesting the requisite number of times. 10 100 500 300
Van. Enemies w. Unity Leader (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies while in the company of a Unity alter ego. 10 100 500 500

Unity (Shared D)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Unity Communique (UC) Talk to comrades in Unity chat the designated number of times (party member messages do not count). 1 100 500 100
Mons.: Tot. Monsters Vanquished (UC) Defeat the requisite number of regular monsters while posessing a monster in Monstrosity. 20 100 500 100
Vanquish Multiple Enemies (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies. 20 100 500 300
Vanquish Beasts (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding beasts. 20 100 500 300
Van. Aquans with Ph. Damage (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding aquans using physical damage. 20 100 500 400
Vanquish Amorphs with Magic (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding amorphs using magic damage. 20 100 500 500
Total Suc. Cloth. Syntheses (UC) Succeed at performing clothcraft syntheses the requisite number of times. 10 100 500 300
Total Suc. Bone. Syntheses (UC) Succeed at performing bonecraft syntheses the requisite number of times. 10 100 500 300
Total Suc. Mining Attempts (UC) Succeed at mining the requisite number of times. 10 100 500 300
Van. Enemies w. Unity Leader (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies while in the company of a Unity leader alter ego. 10 100 500 500

Unity (Shared E)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Unity Communique (UC) Talk to comrades in Unity chat the designated number of times (party member messages do not count). 1 100 500 100
Home Point Comrade (UC) Form a party with a comrade from the same Unity and examine a home point. 1 100 500 100
Vanquish Multiple Enemies (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies. 20 100 500 300
Vanquish Plantiods (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding plantoids. 20 100 500 300
Van. Arcana with Ph. Damage (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding arcana using physical damage. 20 100 500 400
Vanquish Undead with Magic (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding undead using magic damage. 20 100 500 500
Total Suc. Cook. Syntheses (UC) Succeed at performing cooking syntheses the requisite number of times. 10 100 500 300
Total Saltwater Catches (UC) Reel in the requisite number of saltwater catches. 20 100 500 300
Total Suc. Logging Attempts (UC) Succeed at logging the requisite number of times. 10 100 500 300
Van. Enemies w. Unity Leader (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies while in the company of a Unity alter ego. 10 100 500 500

Unity (Shared F)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Unity Communique (UC) Talk to comrades in Unity chat the designated number of times (party member messages do not count). 1 100 500 100
Level sync to vanquish enemies (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies whilst level synced. 20 100 500 100
Vanquish Multiple Enemies (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies. 20 100 500 300
Vanquish Lizards (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding lizards. 20 100 500 300
Van. Vermin with Ph. Damage (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding vermin using physical damage. 20 100 500 400
Vanquish Birds with Magic (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding birds using magic damage. 20 100 500 500
Total Suc. Alchemy Syntheses (UC) Succeed at performing alchemy syntheses the requisite number of times. 10 100 500 300
Total Freshwater Catches (UC) Reel in the requisite number of freshwater fish. 20 100 500 300
Total Suc. Harvesting Attempts (UC) Succeed at harvesting the requisite number of times. 10 100 500 300
Van. Enemies w. Unity Leader (UC) Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies while in the company of a Unity alter ego. 10 100 500 500

Unity (Aldo)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Dagger Weapon Skills (UC) [Aldo 1-1] Use dagger weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Sanctuary of Zi'Tah (UC) [Aldo 1-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in the Sanctuary of Zi'Tah. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Hounds (UC) [Aldo 1-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding hounds. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Bastet (UC) [Aldo 1-4] Defeat Bastet, who resides in the Sanctuary of Zi'Tah, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Aldo 1-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Doll Shard) (UC) [Aldo 2-1] Obtain a doll shard as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Morimar Basalt Fields (UC) [Aldo 2-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in the Morimar Basalt Fields. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Dolls (UC) [Aldo 2-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding dolls. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Nocuous Weapon (UC) [Aldo 2-4] Defeat the Nocuous Weapon, which resides in the Inner Horutoto Ruins, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Cure Status Ailments (UC) [Aldo 2-5] Cure status ailments of a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Marksmanship Weapon Skills (UC) [Aldo 3-1] Use marksmanship weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Boyahda Tree (UC) [Aldo 3-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in the Boyahda Tree. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Slimes (UC) [Aldo 3-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding slimes. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Aquarius (UC) [Aldo 3-4] Defeat Aquarius, who resides in the Boyahda Tree, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Aldo 3-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Bird Egg) (UC) [Aldo 4-1] Obtain a bird egg as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Western Altepa Desert (UC) [Aldo 4-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in the Western Altepa Desert. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Crow-Type Birds (UC) [Aldo 4-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding crow-type birds. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Cactuar Cantautor (UC) [Aldo 4-4] Defeat the Cactuar Cantautor, who resides in the Western Altepa Desert, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Magic Bursts (UC) [Aldo 4-5] Perform the requisite number of magic bursts. 10 100 500 500

Unity (Apururu)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Club Weapon Skills (UC) [Apururu 1-1] Use club weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: West Sarutabaruta (UC) [Apururu 1-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in West Sarutabaruta. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Bees (UC) [Apururu 1-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding bees. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Tom Tit Tat (UC) [Apururu 1-4] Defeat Tom Tit Tat, who resides in West Sarutabaruta, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Apururu 1-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Silk Thread) (UC) [Apururu 2-1] Obtain silk thread as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Buburimu Peninsula (UC) [Apururu 2-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Buburimu Peninsula. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Crawlers (UC) [Apururu 2-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding crawlers. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Buburimboo (UC) [Apururu 2-4] Defeat Buburimboo, who resides in Buburimu Peninsula, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Cure Status Ailments (UC) [Apururu 2-5] Cure status ailments of a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Staff Weapon Skills (UC) [Apururu 3-1] Use staff weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Castle Oztroja (UC) [Apururu 3-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Castle Oztroja. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Ghosts (UC) [Apururu 3-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding ghosts. 10 100 500 500
Subj.: Mee Deggi the Punisher (UC) [Apururu 3-4] Defeat Mee Deggi the Punisher, who resides in Castle Oztroja, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Apururu 3-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Saruta Cotton) (UC) [Apururu 4-1] Obtain saruta cotton as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Foret de Hennetiel (UC) [Apururu 4-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Foret de Hennetiel. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Mandragoras (UC) [Apururu 4-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding mandragoras. 10 100 500 500
Subj.: Juu Duzu the Whirlwind (UC) [Apururu 4-4] Defeat Juu Duzu the Whirlwind, who resides in Giddeus, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Magic Bursts (UC) [Apururu 4-5] Perform the requisite number of magic bursts. 10 100 500 500

Unity (Ayame)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Great Katana Weapon Skills (UC) [Ayame 1-1] Use great katana weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
North Gustaberg (UC) [Ayame 1-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in North Gustaberg. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Worms (UC) [Ayame 1-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding worms. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Stinging Sophie (UC) [Ayame 1-4] Defeat Stinging Sophie, who resides in North Gustaberg, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Ayame 1-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Cockatrice Meat) (UC) [Ayame 2-1] Obtain cockatrice meat as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Yahse Hunting Grounds (UC) [Ayame 2-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Yahse Hunting Grounds. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Cockatrices (UC) [Ayame 2-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding cockatrices. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Tococo (UC) [Ayame 2-4] Defeat Tococo, who resides in South Gustaberg, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Cure Status Ailments (UC) [Ayame 2-5] Cure status ailments of a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Archery Weapon Skills (UC) [Ayame 3-1] Use archery weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Crawlers' Nest (UC) [Ayame 3-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in the Crawlers' Nest. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Lizards (UC) [Ayame 3-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding lizards. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Aqrabuamelu (UC) [Ayame 3-4] Defeat Aqrabuamelu, who resides in the Crawlers' Nest, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Ayame 3-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Land Crab Meat) (UC) [Ayame 4-1] Obtain land crab meat as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Beadeaux (UC) [Ayame 4-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Beadeaux. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Crabs (UC) [Ayame 4-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding crabs. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Ge'Dha Evileye (UC) [Ayame 4-4] Defeat Ge'Dha Evileye, who resides in Beadeaux, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Magic Bursts (UC) [Ayame 4-5] Perform the requisite number of magic bursts. 5 100 500 500

Unity (Flaviria)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Polearm Weapon Skills (UC) [Flaviria 1-1] Use polearm skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Cirdas Caverns (UC) [Flaviria 1-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Cirdas Caverns. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Pugils (UC) [Flaviria 1-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding pugils. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Hovering Hotpot (UC) [Flaviria 1-4] Defeat the Barbaric Weapon, who resides in Garlaige Citadel, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Flaviria 1-5] Heal a party of alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Beetle Shell) (UC) [Flaviria 2-1] Obtain a beetle shell as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: East Ronfaure (UC) [Flaviria 2-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in East Ronfaure. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Beetles (UC) [Flaviria 2-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding beetles. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Bigmouth Billy (UC) [Flaviria 2-4] Defeat Bigmouth Billy, who resides in East Ronfaure, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Cure Status Ailments (UC) [Flaviria 2-5] Cure status ailments of a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Sword Weapon Skills (UC) [Flaviria 3-1] Use sword skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Xarcabard (UC) [Flaviria 3-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Xarcabard. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Goobbues (UC) [Flaviria 3-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding Goobbues. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Barbaric Weapon (UC) [Flaviria 3-4] Defeat the Barbaric Weapon, who resides in Xarcabard, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Flaviria 3-5] Heal a party of alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Bone Chip) (UC) [Flaviria 4-1] Obtain a Bone Chip from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Woh Gates (UC) [Flaviria 4-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Woh Gates. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Skeletons (UC) [Flaviria 4-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding Skeletons. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Hyakume (UC) [Flaviria 4-4] Defeat the Barbaric Weapon, who resides in Ranguemont Pass, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Magic Bursts (UC) [Flaviria 4-5] Perform the requisite number of Magic Bursts. 10 100 500 500

Unity (Invincible Shield)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Axe Weapon Skills (UC) [Invincible Shield 1-1] Use axe weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: South Gustaberg (UC) [Invincible Shield 1-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in South Gustaberg. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Sea Monks (UC) [Invincible Shield 1-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding sea monks. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Leaping Lizzy (UC) [Invincible Shield 1-4] Defeat Leaping Lizzy, who resides in South Gustaberg, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Invincible Shield 1-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Sleepshroom) (UC) [Invincible Shield 2-1] Obtain a sleepshroom as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Pashhow Marshlands (UC) [Invincible Shield 2-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Pashhow Marshlands. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Funguars (UC) [Invincible Shield 2-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding funguars. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Bloodpool Vorax (UC) [Invincible Shield 2-4] Defeat Bloodpool Vorax, who resides in Pashhow Marshlands, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Cure Status Ailments (UC) [Invincible Shield 2-5] Cure status ailments of a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Great Axe Weapon Skills (UC) [Invincible Shield 3-1] Use great axe weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Ceizak Battlegrounds (UC) [Invincible Shield 3-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Ceizak Battlegrounds. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Flies (UC) [Invincible Shield 3-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding flies. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Be'Hya Hundredwall (UC) [Invincible Shield 3-4] Defeat Be'Hya Hundredwall, who resides in Palborough Mines, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Invincible Shield 3-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Raptor Skin) (UC) [Invincible Shield 4-1] Obtain raptor skin as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Beaucedine Glacier (UC) [Invincible Shield 4-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Beaucedine Glacier. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Raptors (UC) [Invincible Shield 4-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding raptors. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Gargantua (UC) [Invincible Shield 4-4] Defeat Gargantua, who resides in Beaucedine Glacier, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Magic Bursts (UC) [Invincible Shield 4-5] Perform the requisite number of magic bursts. 5 100 500 500

Unity (Jakoh Wahcondalo)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Dagger Weapon Skills (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 1-1] Use dagger weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Yuhtunga Jungle (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 1-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Yuhtunga Jungle. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Sheep (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 1-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding sheep. 10 100 500 500
Subj.: Mischievous Micholas (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 1-4] Defeat Mischievous Micholas, who resides in the Yuhtunga Jungle, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 1-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Scorpion Claw) (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 2-1] Obtain a Scorpion Claw from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: East Sarutabaruta (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 2-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in East Sarutabaruta. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Scorpions (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 2-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding Scorpions. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Sharp-Eared Ropipi (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 2-4] Defeat the Sharp-Eared Ropipi, who resides in East Sarutabaruta, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Cure Status Ailments (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 2-5] Cure status ailments of a party or alliance member other than yourself the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Archery Weapon Skills (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 3-1] Use archery weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Marjami Ravine (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 3-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Marjami Ravine. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Opo-opos (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 3-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding opo-opos. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Ah Puch (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 3-4] Defeat Ah Puch, who resides in the Outer Horutoto Ruins, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 3-5] Heal a party of alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Black Tiger Fang) (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 4-1] Obtain a black tiger fang as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Sea Serpent Grotto (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 4-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Sea Serpent Grotto. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Tigers (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 4-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding tigers. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Fyuu the Seabellow (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 4-4] Defeat Fyuu the Seabellow, who resides in Sea Serpent Grotto, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Magic Bursts (UC) [Jakoh Wahcondalo 4-5] Perform the requisite number of magic bursts. 10 100 500 500

Unity (Maat)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Hand-to-Hand Weapon Skills (UC) [Maat 1-1] Use hand-to-hand weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Yorcia Weald (UC) [Maat 1-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Yorcia Weald. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Leeches (UC) [Maat 1-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding leeches. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Canal Moocher (UC) [Maat 1-4] Defeat the Canal Moocher, who resides in Toraimarai Canal, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Maat 1-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Spider Web) (UC) [Maat 2-1] Obtain a spider web as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Rolanberry Fields (UC) [Maat 2-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Rolanberry Fields. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Spiders (UC) [Maat 2-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding spiders. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Eldritch Edge (UC) [Maat 2-4] Defeat the Eldritch Edge, who resides in Rolanberry Fields, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Cure Status Ailments (UC) [Maat 2-5] Cure status ailments of a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Great Sword Weapon Skills (UC) [Maat 3-1] Use great sword weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Meriphataud Mountains (UC) [Maat 3-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Meriphataud Mountains. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Wyverns (UC) [Maat 3-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding wyverns. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Patripatan (UC) [Maat 3-4] Defeat Patripatan, who resides in the Meriphataud Mountains, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Maat 3-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Hecteyes Eye) (UC) [Maat 4-1] Obtain a hecteyes eye from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Sauromugue Champaign (UC) [Maat 4-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Sauromugue Champaign. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Hecteyes (UC) [Maat 4-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding hecteyes. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Bashe (UC) [Maat 4-4] Defeat Bashe, who resides in Sauromugue Champaign, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Magic Bursts (UC) [Maat 4-5] Perform the requisite number of magic bursts. 10 100 500 500

Unity (Naja Salaheem)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Club Weapon Skills (UC) [Naja Salaheem 1-1] Use club weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Bhaflau Thickets (UC) [Naja Salaheem 1-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Bhaflau Thickets. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Evil Weapons (UC) [Naja Salaheem 1-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding evil weapons. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Emergent Elm (UC) [Naja Salaheem 1-4] Defeat the Emergent Elm, which resides in Bhaflau Thickets, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Naja Salaheem 1-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Puk Wing) (UC) [Naja Salaheem 2-1] Obtain a puk wing as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: West Ronfaure (UC) [Naja Salaheem 2-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in West Ronfaure. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Puks (UC) [Naja Salaheem 2-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding puks. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Fungus Beetle (UC) [Naja Salaheem 2-4] Defeat the Fungus Beetle, who resides in West Ronfaure, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Cure Status Ailments (UC) [Naja Salaheem 2-5] Cure status ailments of a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Staff Weapon Skills (UC) [Naja Salaheem 3-1] Use staff weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Wajaom Woodlands (UC) [Naja Salaheem 3-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Wajaom Woodlands. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Elementals (UC) [Naja Salaheem 3-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding elementals. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Jaded Jody (UC) [Naja Salaheem 3-4] Defeat Jaded Jody, who resides in Wajaom Woodlands, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Naja Salaheem 3-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Dhalmel Meat) (UC) [Naja Salaheem 4-1] Obtain dhalmel meat as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Kamihr Drifts (UC) [Naja Salaheem 4-2] Vanquish the requsite number of enemies in Kamihr Drifts. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Dhalmel (UC) [Naja Salaheem 4-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding dhalmel. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Trembler Tabitha (UC) [Naja Salaheem 4-4] Defeat Trembler Tabitha, who resides in the Maze of Shakhrami, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Magic Bursts (UC) [Naja Salaheem 4-5] Perform the requisite number of magic bursts. 5 100 500 500

Unity (Pieuje)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Club Weapon Skills (UC) [Pieuje 1-1] Use club weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Rala Waterways (UC) [Pieuje 1-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Rala Waterways. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Rabbits (UC) [Pieuje 1-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding rabbits. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Rambukk (UC) [Pieuje 1-4] Defeat Rambukk, who resides in East Ronfaure, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Pieuje 1-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Bat Fang) (UC) [Pieuje 2-1] Obtain a Bat Fang from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: La Theine Plateau (UC) [Pieuje 2-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in La Theine Plateau. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Bats (UC) [Pieuje 2-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding Bats. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Tumbling Truffle (UC) [Pieuje 2-4] Defeat the Tumbling Truffle, who resides in La Theine Plateau, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Cure Status Ailments (UC) [Pieuje 2-5] Cure status ailments of a party or alliance member other than yourself the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Staff Weapon Skills (UC) [Pieuje 3-1] Use staff weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Eldieme Necropolis (UC) [Pieuje 3-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in the Eldieme Necropolis. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Treants (UC) [Pieuje 3-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding treants. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Duke Decapod (UC) [Pieuje 3-4] Defeat Duke Decapod, who resides in East Sarutabaruta, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Pieuje 3-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Bomb Ash) (UC) [Pieuje 4-1] Obtain bomb ash as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Davoi (UC) [Pieuje 4-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Davoi. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Bombs (UC) [Pieuje 4-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding bombs. 10 100 500 500
Subj.: Poisonhand Gnadgad (UC) [Pieuje 4-4] Defeat Poisonhand Gnadgad, who resides in Davoi, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Magic Bursts (UC) [Pieuje 4-5] Perform the requisite number of magic bursts. 10 100 500 500

Unity (Sylvie)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Club Weapon Skills (UC) [Sylvie 1-1] Use club weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Sih Gates (UC) [Sylvie 1-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Sih Gates. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Acuex (UC) [Sylvie 1-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding acuex. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Intulo (UC) [Sylvie 1-4] Defeat Intulo, who resides in Bibiki Bay, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Sylvie 1-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Demon Horn) (UC) [Sylvie 2-1] Obtain a demon horn as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conf.: Konschtat Highlands (UC) [Sylvie 2-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Konschtat Highlands. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Demons (UC) [Sylvie 2-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding demons. 10 100 500 500
Subj.: Marquis Naberius (UC) [Sylvie 2-4] Defeat Marquis Naberius, who resides in Castle Zvahl Baileys, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Cure Status Ailments (UC) [Sylvie 2-5] Cure status ailments of a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Staff Weapon Skills (UC) [Sylvie 3-1] Use staff weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Dho Gates (UC) [Sylvie 3-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Dho Gates. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Velkk (UC) [Sylvie 3-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding Velkk. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Dune Widow (UC) [Sylvie 3-4] Defeat Dune Widow, who resides in the Eastern Altepa Desert, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Sylvie 3-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Twitherym Wing) (UC) [Sylvie 4-1] Obtain a twitherym wing as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Qufim Island (UC) [Sylvie 4-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies on Qufim Island. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Twitherym (UC) [Sylvie 4-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding twitherym. 10 100 500 500
Subj.: Atkorkamuy (UC) [Sylvie 4-4] Defeat Atkorkamuy, who resides on Qufim Island, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Magic Bursts (UC) [Sylvie 4-5] Perform the requisite number of magic bursts. 10 100 500 500

Unity (Yoran-Oran)

Name Text Obj Sparks Exp Acco
Club Weapon Skills (UC) [Yoran-Oran 1-1] Use club weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Giddeus (UC) [Yoran-Oran 1-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Giddeus. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Efts (UC) [Yoran-Oran 1-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding efts. 10 100 500 500
Subj.: Herbage Hunter (UC) [Yoran-Oran 1-4] Defeat Herbage Hunter, who resides in Tahrongi Canyon, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Yoran-Oran 1-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Rotten Meat) (UC) [Yoran-Oran 2-1] Obtain rotten meat as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Moh Gates (UC) [Yoran-Oran 2-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Moh Gates. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Antica (UC) [Yoran-Oran 2-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding Antica. 10 100 500 500
Subj.: Antican Praefectus (UC) [Yoran-Oran 2-4] Defeat Antican Praefectus, who resides in Quicksand Caves, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Cure Status Ailments (UC) [Yoran-Oran 2-5] Cure status ailments of a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Staff Weapon Skills (UC) [Yoran-Oran 3-1] Use staff weapon skills the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Conflict: Toraimarai Canal (UC) [Yoran-Oran 3-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in the Toraimarai Canal. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Couerls (UC) [Yoran-Oran 3-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding Coeurls. 10 100 500 500
Subjugation: Ose (UC) [Yoran-Oran 3-4] Defeat Ose, who resides in the Labyrinth of Onzozo, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Heal Unity Allies (UC) [Yoran-Oran 3-5] Heal a party or alliance member of the same Unity other than yourself the requisite number of times. 30 100 500 500
Spoils (Dullahan Armor) (UC) [Yoran-Oran 4-1] Obtain dullahan armor as a reward from battle the requisite number of times. 5 100 500 500
Conflict: Outer Ra'Kaznar (UC) [Yoran-Oran 4-2] Vanquish the requisite number of enemies in Outer Ra'Kaznar. 10 100 500 300
Vanquish Dullahan (UC) [Yoran-Oran 4-3] Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding Dullahan. 10 100 500 500
Subj.: Capricious Cassie (UC) [Yoran-Oran 4-4] Defeat Capricious Cassie, who resides in Fei'Yin, the requisite number of times. 1 100 500 1000
Magic Bursts (UC) [Yoran-Oran 4-5] Perform the requisite number of magic bursts. 10 100 500 500

Unity (Wanted)

The Wanted quests do not reward Accolades for completion, they cost Accolades to participate and reward a coffer for each time you kill the respective NM.

Name Zone Position Recommended level Accolade cost Sparks Exp CP Item
Subjugation: Hugemaw Harold (UC) East Ronfaure (J-8)(H-9)(J-10) 75 300 500 2500 Hugemaw Harold's Coffer
Subjugation: Bounding Belinda (UC) South Gustaberg (G-8)(E-7)(G-7) 75 300 500 2500 Bounding Belinda's Coffer
Subjugation: Prickly Pitriv (UC) East Sarutabaruta (I-7)(J-9)(G-9) 75 300 500 2500 Prickly Pitriv's Coffer
Subjugation: Ironhorn Baldurno (UC) La Theine Plateau (G-8)(G-9)(I-9) 99 500 750 4000 Ironhorn Baldurno's Coffer
Subjugation: Sleepy Mabel (UC) Konschtat Highlands (F-5)(H-8)(G-9) 99 500 750 4000 Sleepy Mabel's Coffer
Subjugation: Valkurm Imperator (UC) Valkurm Dunes (D-6)(E-8)(K-9) 119 2000 1000 5000 1000 Valkurm Imperator's Coffer
Subjugation: Serpopard Ninlil (UC) Tahrongi Canyon (I-9)(E-9)(H-8) 119 500 750 4000 Serpopard Ninlil's Coffer
Subjugation: Abyssdiver (UC) Buburimu Peninsula (K-9)(K-6)(H-7) 119 2000 1000 5000 1000 Abyssdiver's Coffer
Subjugation: Intuila (UC) Bibiki Bay (I-6)(G-8)(H-10) 119 2000 1000 5000 1000 Intuila's Coffer
Subjugation: Emperor Arthro (UC) Jugner Forest (I-9)(I-6)(J-11) 122 2500 1250 6000 1500 Emperor Arthro's Coffer
Subjugation: Orcfeltrap (UC) Jugner Forest (I-9)(H-9)(I-11) 119 2000 1000 5000 1000 Orcfeltrap's Coffer
Subjugation: Lumber Jill (UC) Batallia Downs (E-5)(J-7)(H-9) 125 3000 1500 7500 2000 Lumber Jill's Coffer
Subjugation: Joyous Green (UC) Jugner Forest (J-9)(H-9)(I-6) 122 2500 1250 6000 1500 Joyous Green's Coffer
Subjugation: Strix (UC) Rolanberry Fields (E-11)(F-8)(J-8) 125 3000 1500 7500 2000 Strix's Coffer
Subjugation: Warblade Beak (UC) Meriphataud Mountains (K-11)(G-9)(I-9) 122 2500 1250 6000 1500 Warblade Beak's Coffer
Subjugation: Arke (UC) Sauromugue Champaign (J-9)(G-8)(L-7) 125 3000 1500 7500 2000 Arke's Coffer
Subjugation: Largantua (UC) Beaucedine Glacier (K-9)(K-8)(J-7) 125 3000 1500 7500 2000 Largantua's Coffer
Subjugation: Beist (UC) Xarcabard (I-9)(I-8)(I-7) 125 3000 1500 7500 2000 Beist's Coffer
Subjugation: Jester Malatrix (UC) Qufim Island (I-8)(G-8)(G-7) 119 2000 1000 5000 1000 Jester Malatrix's Coffer
Subjugation: Cactrot Veloz (UC) Eastern Altepa Desert (G-10)(I-5)(J-9) 122 2500 1250 6000 1500 Catrot Veloz's Coffer
Subjugation: Woodland Mender (UC) Yhoator Jungle (G-10)(I-10)(H-7) 122 2500 1250 6000 1500 Woodland Mender's Coffer


The Records of Eminence objective First Step Forward must be completed before this category is accessible!

15th Vana'versary I

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Item
Mythril Marathon Insert Mine Gravel into the special device in Palborough Mines and receive Mythril Sand the requisite number of times.

(You may convert up to 8 per trade, and use multiple trades per level pull for a single efficient trip)

10 No 50 1115 Ancient Melody: O
Mythril Marathon (W) (Weekly) Insert Mine Gravel into the special device in Palborough Mines and receive Mythril Sand the requisite number of times.

(You may convert up to 8 per trade, and use multiple trades per level pull for a single efficient trip)

10 No 50 1115
The Star of Tenshodo (W) (Weekly) Speak with Nanaa Mihgo in Windurst Woods (J-3) and complete the quest Mihgo's Amigo. 1 No 50 1115
Claret Carp (W) (Weekly) Fish up Moat Carp the requisite number of times. 10 No 50 1115
Gastro-revolution (W) (Weekly) Use normal-quality Hard-boiled eggs or San d'Orian Grapes the requisite number of times. 1 No 50 1115
Cure for What Ails You (W) (Weekly) Use the White Magic spell Cure on skeleton monsters the requisite number of times. 10 No 50 1115
Jinx (W) (Weekly) Perform syntheses on Lightsday the requisite number of times. 10 No 50 1115
Stop Right There! (W) (Weekly) Use the Black Magic spell Bind (and land it) on monsters the requisite number of times. 10 No 50 1115
Signet, brb (W) (Weekly) Receive the effects of Signet from guards the requisite number of times. 1 No 50 1115

15th Vana'versary II

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Item
Selbinary Receive Magicked Skulls as spoils the requisite number of times. 1 No 50 1115 Ancient Melody: M
Selbinary (W) Receive Magicked Skulls as spoils the requisite number of times. 1 No 50 1115
Mhauranian (W) Receive Bloody Robes as spoils the requisite number of times. 1 No 50 1115
Sunsand Rush (W) Speak with Baldric in the Metalworks (G-9) and complete the quest Stardust. 1 No 50 1115
Gastro-revolution 2 (W) Use normal-quality Meat Mithkabobs or Apple Pies the requisite number of times. 1 No 50 1115
Crustacean Infusion (W) Perform Fusion Skillchains on crabs the requisite number of times. 10 No 50 1115
Yaaar! (W) Encounter pirate ships while on a sea route the requisite number of times. 1 No 50 1115
Colorless (W) Trade crystals to the teleports and receive Faded Crystals the requisite number of times. 1 No 50 1115
No Time to Be Sheepish (W) Vanquish Battering Ram in La Theine Plateau the requisite number of times. 1 No 50 1115

15th Vana'versary III

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Item
Papyrus Pursuer Receive an Ancient Papyrus as spoils the requisite number of times. 1 No 50 1115 Ancient Melody: E
Papyrus Pursuer (W) Receive an Ancient Papyrus as spoils the requisite number of times. 1 No 50 1115
Hide-and-Go-Seek (W) Synthesize Dhalmel Leather the requisite number of times. 1 No 50 1115
Full Deck (W) Speak with Chululu in Lower Jeuno (I-8) and complete either of the quests Collect Tarut Cards or All in the Cards. 1 No 50 1115
Unwavering Protector (W) Speak with Rondipur in Northern San d'Oria (F-6) and complete the quest Escort for Hire (San d'Oria). 1 No 50 1115
Sit (W) Recover HP by healing the requisite number of times. 100 No 50 1115
Gastro-Revolution 3 (W) Use Squid Sushi or Roast Mushroom the requisite number of times. 1 No 50 1115
It's All a Blur (W) Perform Distortion Skillchains on Beetle family monsters the requisite number of times. 10 No 50 1115
All That Glitters... (W) Fish up Crystal Bass the requisite number of times. 10 No 50 1115

15th Vana'versary IV

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Item
Miratete 1 Speak with Rouva in Southern San d'Oria (I-8) and complete the quest Spice Gals. Requirement: Completion of Promathia Mission 3-1. 1 No 50 1115 Ancient Melody: G
Miratete 1 (W) Speak with Rouva in Southern San d'Oria (I-8) and complete the quest Spice Gals. Requirement: Completion of Promathia Mission 3-1. 1 No 50 1115
Miratete 2 (W) Speak with Jonette in Tavnazian Safehold (G-9) and complete the quest Secrets of Ovens Lost. Requirement: Completion of the quest Spice Gals. 1 No 50 1115
A Strong Fellowship (W) Survey Promyvion with your fellow and receive Tactics Pearl the requiste number of times. 1 No 50 1115
Red Rover (W) Receive Carbuncle's Ruby as spoils the requiste number of times. 1 No 50 1115
100 or Bust (W) Vaniqush monsters and achieve an experience point chain bonus of 100. 1 No 50 1115
Break the Blockade (W) Participate in a Campaign battle in an area occupied by the Beastmen Confederate and auto-attack Fortifications the requiste number of times. 20 No 50 1115
Gastro-Revolution 4 (W) Use normal quality Yellow Curry or Ginger Cookie the requisite number of times. 1 No 50 1115
Crustacean King (W) Vanquish Clipper in Qufim Island the requisite number of times. 1 No 50 1115

15th Vana'versary V

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Item
Say "Cheese"! Trade Soul Plates to Sanraku in Aht Urghan Whitegate (E-8) and recieve the requisite amount of zeni. 1000 No 50 1115 Ancient Melody: A
Say "Cheese"! (W) Trade Soul Plates to Sanraku in Aht Urghan Whitegate (E-8) and recieve the requisite amount of zeni. 1000 No 50 1115
Auction House Blues (W) Emerge victorious from Besieged the requisite amount of times.
  • You must recieve Imperial Standing to be eligible.
1 No 50 1115
Let Me Solo This (W) Participate in the Assault mission Excavation Duty and cast Bio on brittle rocks the requisite amount of times. 5 No 50 1115
Ring Around the Rosie (W) Complete the Assault mission Lost and Found the requisite amount of times. Requires Sergeant Major rank. 1 No 50 1115
The One True Path (W) Examine the Cradle of Rebirth in Attohwa Chasm (J-9) while in possession of a Mimeo Stone the requisite amount of times. 1 No 50 1115
☆ (W) Defeat Maat in the battlefield Shattering Stars the requisite amount of times. 1 No 50 1115
Gukumatz (W) Defeat Gukumatz in Abyssea - Misareaux the requisite amount of times. 1 No 50 1115
See the Unseen (W) In Abyssea, transform the key item Clear demilune abyssite into the key item Colorful demilune abyssite the requisite amount of times. 1 No 50 1115

17th Vana'versary

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Item
"True Love" Participation Participate in the Battlefield "True Love." 1 No 50 1117 Mandragora Pouch
"A Fond Farewell" Participation Participate in the Battlefield "A Fond Farewell." 1 No 50 1117 Moogle Sacoche

Special Events

Vana'bout Daily

To get this category to appear, you must complete Stepping into an Ambuscade RoE objective under Tutorial-> Basics.

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Plaudits
Clear Ambuscades (VBD) Clear any Ambuscade the requisite number of times. 3 No 500 2500 10
Heal 300+ HP (VBD) Heal yourself, a party member, or alliance member for at least 300 HP in any Ambuscade the requisite number of times. 10 No 500 2500 10
Deal 500+ Ice Damage (VBD) Deal 500 ice elemental damage to monsters in any Ambuscade the requisite number of times. 10 No 500 2500 10
Deal 500 Lightning Damage (VBD) Deal 500 lightning elemental damage to monsters in any Ambuscade the requisite number of times. 10 No 500 2500 10
Deal 500+ Wind Damage (VBD) Deal 500 wind elemental damage to monsters in any Ambuscade the requisite number of times. 10 No 500 2500 10
Execute Skillchains (VBD) Execute a skillchain in any Ambuscade the requisite number of times. 10 No 500 2500 10
Don't Die (VBD) Clear any Ambuscade without dying the requisite number of times. 3 No 500 2500 10
Execute Weapon Skills (VBD) Execute weaponskills in any Ambuscade the requisite number of times. 20 No 500 2500 10
Execute Magic Bursts (VBD) Execute magic bursts in any Ambuscade the requisite number of times. 10 No 500 2500 10
Clear Normal Difficulty (VBD) Clear any Ambuscade on normal difficulty or higher the requisite number of times. 3 No 500 2500 10

Vana'bout Round

To get this category to appear, you must complete Stepping into an Ambuscade RoE objective under Tutorial-> Basics.

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Plaudits
Deal Damage (VB) Deal the requisite amount of damage to monsters in any Ambuscade. 100000 No 1000 5000 30
Clear within Five Minutes (VB) Clear any Ambuscade within five minutes the requisite number of times. 20 No 1000 5000 30
Asquire Hallmarks (VB) Receive the requisite number of hallmarks from any Ambuscade. 36000 No 1000 5000 30
Acquire Gallantry (VB) Receive the requisite number of gallantry from any Ambuscade. 24000 No 1000 5000 30
Receive Damage (VB) Receive the requisite amount of damage from monsters in any Ambuscade. 100000 No 1000 5000 30


RoE Quests

To get this category to appear, you must complete 50 unique objectives in other categories (the "Number Completed" in the quest screen, which ignores (D), (W), and (M) RoE quests), then speak to Nantoto at (H-8) in Lower Jeuno. Each objective has an increasing number of unique objectives to unlock.

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Item Unique RoE Needed
Telepoint Pilgrimage Investigate all six telepoints that exist in Vana'diel. 1 No 500 2500 Copper Voucher x3 50
Culling the Darkness Defeat the requisite number of shadows in the Eldieme Necropolis. 10 No 500 2500 Copper Voucher x5 100
Petals of Recollection Set off an ouka ranman in an area of your choice. 1 No 3 10 - 103
Grudge Defeat the requisite number of Yagudo High Priests in Castle Oztroja. 1 No 500 2500 Copper Voucher x12 150
Golden Rule Cast spells that revive adventurers from being knocked out the requisite number of times. 1 Yes 10 200 - 200
Impermanence Gather up a vessel that has lost its light and a stolen intellect, then offer these two hollow entities to a mage who resides within a hall where the Goddess is both venerated and detested. 1 No 500 2500 - 250
Panta Rhei Amass the purest, the most ephemeral, and the most corrupt of tears, then carry them to a certain precipice that looks out upon an ancient magical city. 1 No 500 2500 - 300
Leonine Excruciation Defeat Apademak, who prowls Abyssea - Uleguerand, by yourself the requisite number of times. 1 No 3000 7000 - 349
Shiver Me Timbers Defeat Dimgruzub, who prowls the Arrapago Reef, by yourself the requisite number of times. 1 No 3000 7000 - 393
Go With the Flow Outfit yourself with a certain shield after wresting it from the hands of the villain who stole it, then examine the records of an individual who thought constantly of Ouschrahd. 1 No 500 2500 - 473
Over Ninety-Thousand Deal 99,999 points of damage. 1 No 9999 9999 - 600
Minnow Wrangler Reel in the smallest catch possible. 1 No 500 2500 - 700
A Thousand Cuts Become knocked out from a Damage Over Time effect. 1 Yes 100 - - 800
Disappointment Valley While letting everything hang free, find the tome with an illegible spine. 1 No 500 2500 - 900
Remembrance of Flowers Past Just like old times, set off an ouka ranman in the same location you chose in the "Petals of Recollection" objective. 1 No 7388 37339 Copper Voucher x99 999

RoE Quests 2

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Item
The Ygnas Directive 1 Figure out where Ygnas has been sneaking off to and report back to Fremilla.

See: The Ygnas Directive for further details.

1 No
The Ygnas Directive 2 Figure out the mystery behind the missing tomatoes and report back to Fremilla.

See: The Ygnas Directive for further details.

1 No
The Ygnas Directive 3 Figure out exactly what Ygnas has been up to and report back to Fremilla.

See: The Ygnas Directive for further details.

1 No
The Ygnas Directive 4 Figure out the nature of the relationship between the young woman at the Cafe des Larmes and Ygnas and report back to Fremilla.

See: The Ygnas Directive for further details.

1 No
The Ygnas Directive 5 Figure out exactly what is going on with Ygnas and report back to Fremilla.

See: The Ygnas Directive for further details.

1 No
The Ygnas Directive 6 Figure what is going on outside of Adoulin and report back to Fremilla.

See: The Ygnas Directive for further details.

1 No
The Arciela Directive 1

See: The Arciela Directive for further details.

1 No

RoE Quests 3

The following five RoEs are available after the following criteria have been met:

Upon completion of any of these objectives, you must redeem your cipher, talk to Jamal, zone out of Ru'Lude Gardens, and talk to Jamal again to start the next objective.

  • If you're stuck on a dialogue with Jamal where he talks about "working on preparation for my next study..." you can simply go speak with Marjory.
  • It is possible to receive ciphers while dead so long as your party emerges victorious.
Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Item
Quell Your Rage Emerge victorious in combat against Ark Angel GK by using a Phantom gem of rage on any difficulty level. 1 No 1000 5000 Cipher: Ark GK
Temper Your Arrogance Emerge victorious in combat against Ark Angel EV by using a Phantom gem of arrogance on any difficulty level. 1 No 1000 5000 Cipher: Ark EV
Stifle Your Envy Emerge victorious in combat against Ark Angel MR by using a Phantom gem of envy on any difficulty level. 1 No 1000 5000 Cipher: Ark MR
Overcome your Cowardice Emerge victorious in combat against Ark Angel TT by using a Phantom gem of cowardice on any difficulty level. 1 No 1000 5000 Cipher: Ark TT
Eliminate Your Apathy Emerge victorious in combat against Ark Angel HM by using a Phantom gem of apathy on any difficulty level. 1 No 1000 5000 Cipher: Ark HM

The following three RoEs are available after the following criteria have been met:

  • Obtain the Job breaker Key ItemKey Item (ability to earn Capacity Points).
  • Must have completed Jamal's five Ark Angel RoEs above, and redeemed the ciphers.
  • Must have at least 86 Trusts in your spell list, not including UC Leaders.

After completing the above RoEs, zone and speak to Jamal to wrap up his dialogue. Next, speak to Marjory to begin. She will give you the Memory gem key item and allow you access to the first quest. Completing these three RoEs and returning to Marjory will increase the level of your summoned trusts (see Marjory).

  • If you're stuck on a dialogue with Jamal where he talks about "working on preparation for my next study..." you can simply go speak with Marjory.
Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Item
Filled to Capacity Vanquish monsters together with an alter ego in non-Abyssea areas and earn the requisite number of capacity points. 500000 No 1000 5000 Cipher: Ingrid II
Over Capacity Vanquish monsters together with an alter ego in non-Abyssea areas and earn the requisite number of capacity points. 500000 No 1000 5000 Cipher: Rosulatia
Way Over Capacity Vanquish monsters together with an alter ego in non-Abyssea areas and earn the requisite number of capacity points. 500000 No 1000 5000 Cipher: August

RoE Quests 4

To get this category to appear, you must complete The Voracious Resurgence Mission 4-4, then speak to Elijah at (G-6) in Upper Jeuno.

  • Additional objectives appear after completion of each consecutive chapter of The Voracious Resurgence Missions. You need to speak with Elijah each time you are eligible for more quests in order to unlock them permanently.
  • Objectives may be repeated once a month.
  • Peculiar Footprints reappear after 3 minutes from target death.
Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Cap Item
Peculiar Foes I (M) (Monthly) Vanquish the fiend (Awoken Hildesvini) that appears at the Peculiar Footprints in Wajaom Woodlands (H-13).

Quickest Transportation: Unity (135) Teleportation to Wajaom Woodlands.

1 No 500 10000 30000 Silver Voucher
Peculiar Foes II (M) (Monthly) Vanquish the fiend (Awoken Mokkuralfi) that appears at the Peculiar Footprints in Mount Zhayolm (I-10).

Quickest Transportation: Voidwatch Teleportation to Mount Zhayolm.

1 No 500 10000 30000 Silver Voucher
Peculiar Foes III (M) (Monthly) Vanquish the fiend (Awoken Vampyr Jarl) that appears at the Peculiar Footprints in Caedarva Mire Hediva Isle (I-6).

Quickest Transportation: Unity (135) Teleportation to Caedarva Mire.

1 No 500 10000 30000 Silver Voucher
Peculiar Foes IV (M) (Monthly) Vanquish the fiend (Awoken Gorgimera) that appears at the Peculiar Footprints in Beaucedine Glacier (K-6).

Quickest Transportation: Home Point to Fei'Yin and cast Escape. Alternate: Unity (128) Teleportation to Fei'Yin, and then run back to Beaucedine Glacier.

1 No 500 10000 30000 Silver Voucher
Peculiar Foes V (M) (Monthly) Vanquish the fiend (Awoken Ariri Samariri) that appears at the Peculiar Footprints in Palborough Mines (G-10) Map 3.

Quickest Transportation: Home Point #1 Teleportation to Palborough Mines.

1 No 500 10000 30000 Silver Voucher
Peculiar Foes VI (M) (Monthly) Vanquish the fiend (Awoken Hrungnir) that appears at the Peculiar Footprints in Aydeewa Subterrane Map 2 (E-7).

Quickest Transportation: Survival Guide Teleportation to Aydeewa Subterrane.

1 No 500 10000 30000 Silver Voucher
Peculiar Foes VII (M) (Monthly) Vanquish the fiend (Awoken Morbol Emperor) that appears at the Peculiar Footprints in Arrapago Reef Map 3 (H-6).

Quickest Transportation: Survival Guide Teleportation to Caedarva Mire, and then run East, back to Arrapago Reef.

1 No 500 10000 30000 Silver Voucher
Peculiar Foes VIII (M) (Monthly) Vanquish the fiend (Awoken Stoorworm) that appears at the Peculiar Footprints in Reisenjima Etheral Ingress #9.

Quickest Transportation: Dimensional Ring to Reisenjima > Ethereal Ingress #9 Warp.

1 No 500 10000 30000 Silver Voucher
Peculiar Foes IX (M) (Monthly) Vanquish the fiend (Awoken Dendainsonne) that appears at the Peculiar Footprints in Western Altepa Desert (I-6)

Quickest Transportation: Unity Warp (125) Teleportation to Western Altepa Desert, the Peculiar Footprints is to the North West of where you zone in.

1 No 500 10000 30000 Silver Voucher
Peculiar Foes X (M) (Monthly) Vanquish the fiend (Awoken Freke) that appears at the Peculiar Footprints in Batallia Downs (J-7) (on the road).

Quickest Transportation: Home Point teleportation to Upper Jeuno #1 (E) then zone into Batallia Downs.

1 No 500 10000 30000 Silver Voucher
Peculiar Foes XI (M) (Monthly) Vanquish the fiend (Awoken Tanngrisnir) that appears at the Peculiar Footprints in Qufim Island (G-8).

Quickest Transportation: Home Point teleportation to Qufim Island.

1 No 500 10000 30000 Silver Voucher
Peculiar Foes XII (M) (Monthly) Vanquish the fiend (Awoken Nihhus) that appears at the Peculiar Footprints in Kamihr Drifts (F-8).

Quickest Transportation: Home Point to Ra'Kaznar Inner Court and cast Escape. Alternate: Waypoint enigmatic device warp to Outer Ra'Kaznar, then walk out the door.

1 No 500 10000 30000 Silver Voucher
Peculiar Foes XIII (M) (Monthly) Vanquish the fiend (Awoken Hakenmann) that appears at the Peculiar Footprints in Rala Waterways (N-5).

Quickest Transportation: Home Point #1 teleportation to Eastern Adoulin, then enter Rala Waterways at (F-7).

1 No 500 10000 30000 Silver Voucher
Peculiar Foes XIV (M) (Monthly) Vanquish the fiend (Awoken Andhrimnir) that appears at the Peculiar Footprints in Newton Movalpolos (L-9).

Quickest Transportation: Home Point #1 teleportation to Newton Movalpolos.

1 No 500 10000 30000 Silver Voucher
Peculiar Foes XV (M) (Monthly) Vanquish the fiends (Awoken Angantyr), (Awoken Hjorvarth), and (Awoken Hrani) that appear at the Peculiar Footprints in Xarcabard (D-8).

Quickest Transportation: Home Point to Castle Zvahl Keep and cast Escape. Alternate: Survival Guide Teleportation to Castle Zvahl Baileys, and then run back to Xarcabard.

1 No 500 10000 30000 Silver Voucher

Daily Objectives

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Acco Item
Vanquish Multiple Enemies (D) Daily Objective: Defeat the requisite number of experience-yielding enemies. 30 No 100 500 10 Copper Voucher
Buff Allies (D) Daily Objective: Buff a party member or alliance member other than yourself the requisite number of times. 50 No 300 1500 30 Copper Voucher
Heal for 500+ HP (D) Daily Objective: Heal a party or alliance member other than yourself for 500 or more HP the requisite number of times. 30 No 300 1500 30 Copper Voucher

Monthly Objectives

Note: These objectives change from version update to version update (Monthly).

Name Text Obj Repeat Sparks Exp Cap Deeds
Grow and Harvest (M) Monthly Objective: Harvest items you have grown the requisite number of times.

Note: Mog Garden will not count for this objective. This needs to be done via Gardening in the Mog House.

See the Gardening page for pots, how to garden, and the harvest time for seeds.
1 No 50 500 500 10
Experience Chains (M) Monthly Objective: Defeat monsters and have an experience chain bonus of 5 the requisite number of times. 1 No 100 1000 1000 10
Wanted (M) Monthly Objective: Defeat monsters in Wanted Battles the requisite number of times. 1 No 200 2000 2000 10
High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) Monthly Objective: Emerge victorious from ☆Waking Dreams on any difficulty level the requisite number of times. 1 No 1000 5000 5000 10

Monthly Objective Rotation

Group A
January, April, July, October
Group B
February, May, August, November
Group C
March, June, September, December
Mog Garden Items (M) Goblin Mystery Box (M) Grow and Harvest (M)
Coalition Assignments (M) Chocobo Races (M) Experience Chains (M)
Delve (M) Walk of Echoes (M) Wanted (M)
High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M) High-Tier Mission Battlefields (M)


See: Sparks Of Eminence