Jan. 1st, 2014
Happy New Year 2014
From the 1st to the 10th, Jubilant Alicorn roamed Vana’diel.
Trading items to Jubilant Alicorn may have awarded players the new Okadomatsu, or the Tsukubaneita (later renamed to Hagoita). There was nothing special about the furnishing, it only provided Moghancement: Gardening. The club dispenses Ichinintousen Koma fireworks. These fireworks were popular with players, as it was the first of it's kind. It turned players into a spinning top for a small amount of time.
The New Year’s event moved out of Abyssea and into Xarcabard. Fablinix was in the area with Goblin Year-ringers. When adventurers traded Fablinix a Kadomatsu, they would be awarded with the Ake-Ome Spirit for Monstrosity.
Jan. 1st, 2014
First Alter Ego Extravaganza
The first alter ego extravaganza ran from January 1st, 2014 thru February 2nd, 2014.
The offerings for the first go-around were sparse, but this was the first opportunity to obtain the following Trusts:
- Tenzen, Mihli Aliapoh, Valaineral, and Joachim. Lion was mentioned in the event announcement, but she was exclusive to the January 2014 Login Campaign.
All of these trusts became a staple in adventuring. Particularly Joachim with his Bard songs. Players found the fact that he threw pebbles (probably Traverser stones) amusing.
Jan. 10th, 2014
Repeat Login Campaign #7
This was the first opportunity to obtain Lion's trust. She was not very noteworthy as far as usefulness. She was, however, a highly sought after trust just for the novelty having her adventure with you once more.
Also of note this was the first time the Goblin Stew 880 was available from the Login Campaigns. Gobbiebag materials were closely controlled by crafters, so the prices were easily manipulated. This item avoided the trouble in gathering materials. To this day it is still a popular item, even if it is obtained by other means now. This is due to the stew costing less than all four items for most late Gobbiebag stages. Not to mention the rarity in even finding the items for sale anymore.
Month: January 2014
- View the entire item list here.
Jan. 21st, 2014
Batallia Downs leg of Meeble Burrows released
Job Adjustments
- Beastmaster
- Familiars summoned with Call Beast had their strength and damage of their special abilities increased.
- Ninja
- Tonko: Ichi's duration increased from 180 seconds to 420 seconds.
- Tonko: Ni's duration increased from 300 seconds to 600 seconds.
- Monomi: Ichi's duration increased from 180 seconds to 420 seconds.
- Dragoon
- The damage wyverns deal has been increased along with their accuracy.
- Summoner
- The damage elementals and avatars deal has been increased along with their accuracy and enmity they generate.
- Puppetmaster
- Dancer
- Spectral Jig's duration has been adjusted to always last 180 seconds.
- Treasure Hunter effects were implemented and can be used in Very Difficult HTMBs that previously existed (Ark Angels and Divine Might).
- Records of Eminence adjustments include:
- New objectives were added, specifically one time only objectives for defeating many different Notorious Monsters.
- Players can now choose to buy one, three, or twelve skill up books in one transaction.
- Time periods for limited time challenges were adjusted to what they are today.
- Home Points were added to Upper Delkfutt's Tower (F-9) and The Shrine of Ru'Avitau (H-7) to easily reach the new High-Tier Mission Battlefields that were added.
- The Colonization rate increase from successful lair and colonization Reives is now larger than before.
- The following adjustments have been made to Monstrosity.
- The attribute "Grants one additional song effect" has been added to Colibri Instinct III.
- The following obtainment methods have been introduced for the items below.
- The following commands have been introduced: /ignorefaith and /ignoretrust
- The following currencies have been added to the Currencies menu:
- Cave Conservation Points, Moblin Pheromone Sacks, Imperial Army I.D. Tags, Op Credits, Coalition Imprimaturs, Traverser Stones, Voidstones, Kupofried's Corundums
Interesting fixed issues
- The issue wherein familiars would not generate enmity from using the raaz special attack Sweeping Gouge.
- The issue wherein the number of allied notes needed to exchange for rewards displayed at 1.5 times the normal value when players were under the effects of Sigil.
- The issue with Records of Eminence wherein exchanging A.M.A.N. vouchers while in possession of over 50,000 Fields of Valor points would cause the quest “Succor to the Sidhe” to reset and cause any weapons entrusted to Callisto to vanish.
- The issue wherein players would exhibit unintentionally slow movement speeds when moving sideways after locking onto a target.
High-Tier Battlefields
The Vanir Gun was a great addition at the time, since the only other options for Corsair were their Mythic Weapon or Empyrean Weapon. Vanir Knife was a good new weapon for Aeolian Edge, as well as offhand. The return of the classic Haubergeon as the new Mes'yohi Haubergeon was a popular piece for a brief amount of time after implementation.
The new PUP attachments were locked behind the HTMB item Vanir Battery. Players wanted this item to simply equip, so it made the item fairly rare due to the demand from both crafters and melee jobs. The Wyrm Blood had no use until the July 2014 update when it was finally added to a recipe. This caused some confusion in which players thought it had to have a use, and scoured the guild recipe lists to see what it was for. A bad part of the attachment was poor translations on each language. French/German update notes talked about “Haste” while update notes about Japanese and English text was “physical delay”. The English .DAT description was “Haste”.
Crafted Armor
The Haruspex set had nice INT and MND, but not as much MAB or Magic Damage as seen on other pieces which limited its usefulness. Haruspex Hat had 8% Fast Cast, which was great for Blue Mage, and a great Precast Stun piece for Scholar. The appearance was fugly as hell, however.
The Shabti Gauntlets were a desired piece due to the highest amount of PDT available in the hands slot for tanks. Even after 10 years, the Shabti Cuirass +1 still has a purpose today as the highest Enhancing Magic Duration piece for Paladin swaps.
There were two controversial parts of this update. The first one was that this armor was Item Level 115, and purchasable on the Auction House. This was the first update that allowed players to theoretically skip levelling. Players used to have to work to achieve every Item Level they could after they hit 99, and there were shouts that said things like “IL 110”, requiring players to have an overall Item Level of 110 on their gear to join. With this armor easily attainable, it only took a trip to the Auction House after hitting Level 99.
Secondly, this new armor all used ugly recycled armor designs. Level 7 Lizard Armor was used for the new Aetosaur Jerkin set. These pieces were quite popular due to the ease of obtaining them. For some time, it felt like Adoulin turned into Valkurm Dunes with so many players wearing these pieces of armor as stepping stones while they upgraded their gear to Item Level 119 pieces.
Pet Damage Increases
The adjustment for pet levels dependent on a player’s item level was now much more noticeable. Surprisingly, there were no nerfs to offset all the damage increases for pets. People were noticing nearly double the damage on the same monsters with normal attacks after the update.
Records of Eminence
Players thought they would receive more than just EXP and Sparks for completing the new Notorious Monster records of eminence objectives. Some thoughts were that they would have a low chance of rewarding the NM drop item, and some thought REM upgrade mats (Beitetsu/Plutons/Riftborn Boulders) would drop. This was quickly debunked after it was discovered that these objectives were only able to be completed only once.
Freshly Picked Vana'diel #3
Feb. 6th, 2014
Valentione's Day Seasonal Event
Dates: February 6th thru February 17th.
No changes were made to the event from the previous year.
Feb. 10th, 2014
Repeat Login Campaign #8
Naja Salaheem's cipher became first available during this Login Campaign. Similar to Lion she was mainly a novelty trust coming along with her fabled Morningstar. She was a Monk main job; likely a homage to the time that she used Hundred Fists during the Treasures of Aht Urhgan Missions.
Sky NM System pop items were added to the login campaign this month for the first time. Even though most of the equipment has been out of date for awhile at this point, some gems still existed. Examples included the Genbu's Shield and Crimson Cuisses.
Finally, this was the first login campaign where the Kupon I-Seal was obtainable. Due to it's usefulness, this item became a staple every login campaign that it appeared. It helped immensely with the procurement of Empyrean Armor.
Month: February 2014
- View the entire item list here.
Feb. 15th, 2014
Debut of A New World - Intimate Music from Final Fantasy
A New World: intimate music from Final Fantasy was a concert project premiered at London's LSO St. Luke's Jerwood Hall on February 15th 2014. A New World: intimate music from Final Fantasy aimed to deliver the same great Final Fantasy music as the large Distant Worlds orchestra, but on a smaller and more personal scale. Instead of a full orchestra, A New World made use of a string quartet, piano and guitar solos, duos, trios and other mixed groups of instrumentalists to reach more Final Fantasy fans around the world. Arnie Roth worked as the Music Director for both Distant Worlds and A New World.
Roth's reasons for starting A New World was the awareness of the inherent limitations of size and scale with the Distant Worlds concerts, as there are many cities, smaller concert venues, universities, colleges, and conventions with Final Fantasy fan bases that cannot manage presenting something the size of Distant Worlds, both from the required physical space as well as the number of musicians needed.
In March 2013, Roth had the Intimate Evening event in Chicago as a test run for A New World, as was the short chamber music performance in Chicago and London before the 25th Anniversary celebration concerts in November of the previous year. The choices of repertoire for A New World: intimate music from Final Fantasy have been made by Square Enix and Arnie Roth in consultation with Nobuo Uematsu.
A New World was set to include a good representation of music from throughout the history of Final Fantasy, but there is almost no overlap of repertoire between Distant Worlds and A New World, but the intention has been to include many new pieces in the intimate concert that fans have been requesting. The two concerts provide different experiences, and compliment each other. Distant Worlds continued touring the major cities and concert venues around the world, while A New World presents the intimate chamber music concerts of Final Fantasy music in many locations and venues where Distant Worlds cannot perform.
A New World is still performing around the world to this day. Final Fantasy XI tracks are frequently played in their shows. Visit their website to see upcoming concert dates. Like Distant Worlds, multiple albums have also been released and are available on popular music purchasing platforms.
Feb. 18th, 2014
Reforged Relic Armor Implemented
Job Adjustments
- Puppetmaster
- In addition to their current effects, equipped maneuvers now receive three effects under the overdrive ability.
- Only three effects may be gained, even if multiple maneuvers of the same type are equipped.
- This does not affect the priority queue for weapon skills used by the automaton.
- The Turbo Charger and Turbo Charger II attachments have been adjusted.
- The haste effects granted by these attachments are now affected by the total value of magical effects rather than the total value from equipment.
- For Turbo Charger II only, haste values have been increased for when two or more wind maneuvers are equipped.
- Dancer
- Curing Waltz, Healing Waltz, and Divine Waltz variations no longer share the same recast timer.
- Recast times for abilities of the same family remain shared.
- The recast times for the following abilities have been reduced.
- Rune Fencer
- The ability Swipe was added.
- Level 25, recast time 90 seconds. Consumes one rune to deal elemental damage to the target. The most recent applied rune will be consumed.
- The ability Vivacious Pulse was added.
- Level 65, recast time 60 seconds. Restores the caster's HP. When casted with an active rune, a bonus will be given to healing based on the type of rune harbored. Ability does not consume runes.
- The job trait Accuracy Bonus was added at level 50.
- The ability Rune Enchantment was adjusted
- Runes will no longer be nullified by the effects of dispel. In addition, recast time and enmity generated from harboring runes will be halved in order to accommodate the need for players to quickly switch runes due to the addition of the above new abilities.
- Prishe, Ulmia, Iron Eater, and Gadalar Trust Magic were added.
- Geomancer and Rune Fencer Relic Armor was implemented.
- Reforged Relic Armor was added for all jobs, while only Reforged Relic Armor +1 Head, Hands, and Feet were added. Body and Legs were not implemented until March 2014.
- Records of Eminence objectives pertaining to Chocobo Digging and Synthesis were added.
- The amount of fame required to undertake certain quests in San d'Oria, Bastok, Windurst, Jeuno, Selbina, Mhaura, the Tenshodo, and other areas that require a fame rank were reduced.
- This note is ambiguous. What was adjusted was the amount of "points" needed for a fame rank increase. After this update, increasing your fame rank took around 25% of the effort it did before for each rank. Meaning you could complete approximately 75% less quests overall in order to maximize your fame. Ranks for each quest did not change.
- The Dullahan monster family was added.
- Oston will now provide players with Yorcia Visage I in exchange for obsidian fragments.
- Lola will now provide players with simulacra, lebondopt wings, and wailing, ghastly, and verdigris stones in exchange for Pulchridopt Wings acquired from skirmishes in Outer Ra'Kaznar.
- Players in possession of the
Vial of transmelange found in Outer Ra'Kaznar skirmishes may certain equipment to Divainy-Gamainy in Western Adoulin and pay bayld to further enhance them to +2/+1 versions.
- Divainy-Gamainy will now inscribe Skirmish Weapons "+2" versions, and Skirmish Armor "+1" versions with arcane glyptics for players who trade them together with wailing stones acquired in Outer Ra'Kaznar skirmishes and pay bayld.
- Ornery Dhole will now provide players with wailing stones, wailing stones +1, and wailing stones +2 in exchange for obsidian fragments, and vice versa. He will also now provide players with wailing stones/+1/+2 in exchange for verdigiris stones/+1/+2 at the rate of 5:1.
- Enmity generated from dealing damage has been adjusted.
- Enmity generated from dealing damage to enemies of level 100 or greater no longer accumulates as quickly.
- The "Enmity+X" and "Enmity-X" statistics found on equipment have undergone the following adjustments.
- Those receiving damage from a foe while wearing "Enmity-X" equipment will experience greater enmity reductions, while those wearing "Enmity+X" equipment will experience lesser enmity reductions.
- Weapons with the "Additional effect: Weakens defense" attribute will not trigger this effect when the auto attack target is under the effect of the dragoon ability Angon.
- Reive Adjustments:
- Two exclamation points will display above the heads of Naakuals when players succeed in changing the beasts' battle mode during Wildskeeper Reives.
- Examining the ??? target at the entrance to Wildskeeper Reives now provides an option to view the status of the battle, including the Naakual's current HP and HP trends. This is only available to players who are able to participate.
- Delve Adjustments:
- The HP of NMs that appear in the field has been decreased to approximately one-third of their previous values, and the amount of mweya plasm received when vanquishing these foes has also been decreased.
- The drop rate of yggzi beads has been increased.
- The HP of NMs appearing in fractures now varies based on the number of party members. The values remain the same for parties of eighteen players.
- Forri-Porri will now provide the following items in exchange for mweya plasm.
- Two exclamation points will display above the heads of the fracture leaders when players succeed in changing the beasts' battle mode.
- Monstrosity Adjustments:
- The minimum number of players required to participate in the following battlefields were lowered from three to one.
- Players are now able to bring Trust Magic into the Beyond Infinity battlefield.
- Note that players will not be able to call forth alter egos within the battlefield itself, so have them prepared before entry.
- Cicatricose Raaz inhabiting Kamihr Drifts will now drop Warthog Meat.
- In Voidwatch, certain alignment values gained from triggering voidwalker weaknesses have been raised.
- Bronze Bullets may now be equipped by all jobs.
- The reason for this was that the Decazoom Mk-XI was implemented in this update. It would have been awkward to not have any type of ammunition to use with this item, even though it is a novelty.
- Survival Guides have been introduced in outposts and near conquest flags within the areas below.
- The amount of Experience Points lost due to being knocked out has been reduced to 25% of the previous value.
- The old value was 2,400 EXP lost before any Raise effect. Post-update, this amount was lowered to a maximum of 600 EXP lost before Raises.
- The
Moghancement: Experience quickly lost popularity around this time. The 5% saved EXP that it offered was negligible with how quickly EXP could be earned and how little EXP it saved a player.
- Taxes on bazaars have been abolished.
- Listing fees for items on the Auction House have been lowered.
- After the May 10th 2011 version update when the Auction Houses were merged, it was cheaper to place the same item on the Auction House for the same price in cities such as Bastok rather than Jeuno or Whitegate. Now, all Auction Houses had the same formula for listing items.
- Universal fee after this version update: Single item: 1% of listing price + 1 gil / Stacked item: 0.5% of listing price + 4 gil. The maximum fee of 10,000 gil for an item was not introduced until 2015.
- Coalition Assignments have undergone the following adjustments:
- The use of waypoints, transport magic, or transportation items during Provide, Deliver, and Support assignments no longer causes key items to be lost.
- The amount of certain rewards earned from completing Support assignments has been adjusted.
- The order of options in Home Point menus have been adjusted.
- "Travel to another home point" will now be the first option, and destinations will now be displayed by region.
- The length that oil lamps in Phomiuna Aqueducts can be used has been increased. This has been implemented to help players complete the mission solo.
- A new method for opening the door in the Sacrarium has been added. This has been implemented to allow players to complete the mission solo.
- The number of Pulchridopt Wings stored has been added to the Currencies menu.
- In the event that the game crashes during certain cutscenes that take place in the Arrapago Reef during the quest "Against All Odds" and the mission "The Black Coffin", players may now examine the glowing object set in the reef to teleport to Nashmau.
- Measures have been taken to address the issue of blackouts occurring during the quest "Songbirds in a Snowstorm."
- Measures have been taken to address the issue of the game crashing during the mission "Ghosts of the Past."
- Text command added: /checkparam
- Displays the following attributes of either you or your familiar in the log window.
- Total attack power for main weapon slot / Total accuracy for main weapon slot / Total attack power for sub-weapon slot / Total accuracy for sub-weapon slot / Total ranged accuracy / Total ranged attack / total evasion / Total defense
- This command cannot be used on alter egos, fellows, or charmed enemies.
Interesting fixed issues
- The issue wherein the dark knight ability Soul Enslavement would occasionally absorb enemies' MP under certain conditions.
- The issue wherein chapulis would occasionally not take damage under certain conditions.
A small preview video was created to advertise the February 2014 Version Update, resembling the December 2013 Version Update video.
Job Adjustments
This update was arguably Dancer's single best buff they have ever given the job. Dividing Waltz's timers allowed the job to function as it should have to begin with, a healer with less restrictions. TP Reset abilities were still much more dangerous to a Dancer's party than Silence was to a White Mage.
Rune Fencer's adjustments were referred to as "perplexing". The good changes weighed the same as the bad. The Relic Armor graphics gave Rune Fencers the nickname "Peach Fencer".
/checkparam command
This command was the first time that a player as well as pet’s accuracy and evasion were visible in-game. This helped confirm many mechanics that we figured were the case for a long time, such as certain amounts of DEX and AGI giving Accuracy and Evasion. It also helped demystify some myths such as Hidden Effects and whether or not they existed on equipment.
After this point we started to pay more attention to monster’s accuracy and evasion, and how much accuracy we needed to hit the cap of 95%. Rather than just speculation and talking out of our asses, actual mechanics and math became the mainstream of the game from this point onwards. Speculation and false narratives were still around, but less rampant.
Reforged Relic Armor
Reforged Relic Armor was already announced late 2013 and was supposed to be added in the December update. It was delayed until now. Many players voiced their concerns that they were still working on upgrading their Reforged Artifact Armor, and that their completed pieces might already be out of date just three months later. Another big question was what would happen to the augments on Relic Armor? Would they disappear, forcing players to get macro pieces for Job Abilities? Would they become stronger? What kind of materials will be needed?
In the end, the same augments persisted across these new armor variants. Before this update, many players did not bother upgrading all of their Relic to the +2 stage unless the piece proved to be incredibly useful. The attraction of the base statistics on Reforged Relic Armor caused more players than before to have access to the augment buffs as a bonus. Another pleasant surprise to players was that the same Artifact armor Rem's Tales were used for Relic armor rather than new chapters being introduced.
It was disclosed on the Official Forums a couple weeks before the update that Dynamis currency might be needed for upgrades, which caused the prices of currency to rise in January. Even before this, players instead focused on farming High-Tier Mission Battlefields rather than Dynamis for Gil. The demand for Plutons/Beitetsu/Riftborn Boulders was much higher than Dynamis currency. If players wanted to make a Relic Weapon, it made more sense at the time to sell these stones and straight up buy Dynamis currency. With the switch in player farming habits decreasing availability, paired with the new currency demand for Reforged Relic Armor, Dynamis currency saw a temporary hike in price around this time. The "Forgotten" items saw a price hike as well, since the demand increased. It usually ended up being cheaper to just purchase 2x 100 pieces instead of the Forgotten items for the Magian Trial. Similar with Artifact Armor upgrades could skip Limbus, players did not have to end up clogging up Dynamis to upgrade their pieces since so many upgrade paths were introduced.
Voidwatch and Delve materials were used for upgrading Reforged Relic Armor +1, so that artificially extended the viability of Voidwatch simply for synthesis material purposes. Merit Points were still easily attainable via Voidwatch chests, so players still did not mind doing the content at this point since High-Tier Mission Battlefields continued to be released.
Inventory woes began to creep back around this time due to the large amount of macro swaps that players now needed to keep up with after so many gear options have been introduced. This may have been a blessing in disguise, because that meant that each piece or Artifact vs Relic was unique enough to work on upgrading both sets. 80 inventory slots just was not enough anymore. Storage Slips helped with overall character storage, but jobs could easily use more than 80 pieces of equipment now.
New Trust Magic
Trust NPCs that had a cutscene associated with acquiring them added a nice touch. When it came to ciphers, players were disappointed that no such scene existed. Naja's scene, for instance, would have had a lot of potential for laughs. Instead, they just threw her into the Login Campaign.
With access to Ulmia, players now had access to four songs when they summoned both her and Joachim. It was too bad that players usually received Ballad or Paeon, however...
Delve Changes
Before this update Dakuwaqa and Muyingwa were already able to be killed with a small party. Adapting the HP by such a large amount made the fights more efficient with less players. There no longer was a need to have a Linkshell for Delve anymore, and these changes effectively killed 18 man content until Dynamis - Divergence.
Yell PUGs had no problem farming the content, but a form of reliable Stun was still needed. A low Stun recast timer was needed, but too much Magic Accuracy had to be sacrificed for Fast Cast causing resist issues for your average mage. With the continued implementation of Item Level mage gear, Stun builds became easier to optimize.
HP adaptation changes along with materials being purchasable with Plasm introduced many more Synthesis Materials into circulation for Reforged Relic Armor upgrades and crafting.
Many players felt like the biggest issue with Delve was how easy it was to obtain "RME level" weapons. At this point it only took a week or less casually playing for a random tagalong to purchase a powerful weapon like Oatixur with Plasm.
Skirmish Changes
The new Vial of transmelange to upgrade armor and weapons to Item Level 119 was a rare drop. Players reported up to 0 drops in 19 runs. Other than Augments being reset, the random chance of a good augment with Wailing Stones was very low. Lastly, players focused on Skirmish rather than Delve due to the new armor and unknown potential of Augments. This caused the server load to be higher in Skirmish areas, resulting in another "Retry festival" (AKA "Shush Online", referring to the menu noises when attempting to spam entry) in an attempt to enter before other players.
Many pieces, notably the Mage sets, remained useful for years to come if good augments were attained.
Seekers of Adoulin Missions
The mission mini-games with Teodor were a huge annoyance right after implementation. Methods to alleviate the annoyance were not added until years later. The extensive Lore added in these missions was an annoyance to players who did not care about the story, as the cutscenes were much longer in general than missions in the past.
Outer Ra'Kaznar was introduced with these missions, and adventurers had to figure out how to traverse the complex upper and lower floors of this area to reach the center elevator at the end. The Inner Court was not added until later in the year.
The Ashu Talif Quests
The quest line for the Ashu Talif story was hard to complete due to the player requirements before this update. That being said, some gear remained very rare and hard to get. In particular, this included the Barbarossa's Zerehs and Barbarossa's Moufles. The Zerehs were a coveted piece in the Level 75 cap era, and remained elusive the entire time.
In addition to armor, the following Puppetmaster Attachments remained very rare because these quests were one of their main acquisition sources at the time: Reactive Shield, Optic Fiber, Turbo Charger, Dynamo, Economizer, Schurzen, Tranquilizer, Condenser. After the level cap increased, virtually nobody completed these quests. Not to mention, they were unpopular content to begin with. Changing the entry to 1 player helped the situation, but the quests remained annoying to farm due to the once per Earth Day lock out. Until the Attachment's sale NPCs were added in 2015, these items remained hard to find. Before they were sold via NPC, the very useful attachments such as the Tranquilizer sold for astronomical prices when they were placed on the Auction House.
The History of Bazaar Taxes
Taxes for items placed in a player's Bazaar were implemented in the December 19th, 2002 update. A 10% fee was set at this time for Lower Jeuno and Ru'Lude Gardens, as those two Jeuno zones were the only places with an Auction House. A 5% fee assessed in Port Jeuno and Upper Jeuno. As we talked about back then in this History project, Auction House NPCs were added later to Port Jeuno and Upper Jeuno. This is why those zones are NPCs rather than an actual Auction House counters. The Bazaar tax was implemented so that AFK players trying to sell items in their Bazaar did not congest Jeuno. Bazaar taxes gave birth to "Rolmart" on most servers where mules and players would AFK right outside of Lower Jeuno to sell their wares in Bazaars in order to avoid the Jeuno tax. On some worlds, this location was outside of Upper Jeuno in Batallia Downs instead.
When Zilart was added in April 2003 there were initial Bazaar taxes of 15% in Kazham, 10% in Rabao, and 5% in Norg. These were quickly abolished in July 2003.
In April 2006, Bazaar tax for Aht Urhgan Whitegate was implemented to be the same as Jeuno's areas at 10%. In May 2006, a 10% tax was applied to Al Zahbi so players would not take up spots in Besieged while AFK. During this same update, Jeuno tax was lowered to 5%. During the first couple months of TOAU's release, there were often system messages warning players that Whitegate was overloaded and that players would be automatically moved from the zone or disconnected if they did not leave. Additionally, it was common for the Delivery Box to fail to open, as well as the door from Whitegate to Al Zahbi. At peak times on the weekend, over 500 players could be found in Whitegate.
In August of 2007, a 10% tax was added to the Chocobo Circuit and September 2007 it was added to the The Colosseum.
Bazaar tax was removed from Jeuno in December 2008, and from all bazaars in this update in February 2014.
Freshly Picked Vana'diel #4
Feb. 19th, 2014
The Doll Festival Seasonal Event
Dates: February 19th thru March 4th.
No changes were made to the event itself, except that the Festival Dolls furnishing was placed within the Mog Gardens during the event.
Mar. 10th, 2014
Repeat Login Campaign #9
Cipher: Lehko was added as the unique item in this campaign, and it was the first opportunity to obtain him.
Cipher: Zeid returned for those who missed it the first time around in December 2013's campaign.
Month: March 2014
- View the entire item list here.
Mar. 10th, 2014
11th Vana'versary Campaign
For unknown reasons, another set of campaigns ran from March 10th until March 17th. A new campaign doubling the Skirmish simulacra segments was run during this time.
Mar. 18th, 2014
Egg Hunt 2014
Dates: March 18th thru April 2nd.
New in 2014 was the Hatchling Shield. Three new redeemable word combinations were added, and Copse Candy could be by turning in eggs that spelt "LEAFKIN".
Jeweled Egg furnishings were now displayed in players Mog Gardens.
Mar. 18th, 2014
Fishing System Revamp and Job Point System Debut
New Features & Content
- The Lockstyle feature was added in this update.
- The Job Points system was introduced, allowing players to further advance their character's strength.
- To compliment Capacity Points, Experience Points and Capacity Points gained when fighting in a party was reduced in outdoor areas. The reduction is lessened in the following dungeons. Square-Enix's vision was that "Outdoor areas are for soloing, dungeons are for partying".
- The Fishing system was completely renovated, and the arrow mini game we have today was introduced.
- These adjustments were implemented to reduce the performance gap between the various platforms and to streamline the process of obtaining certain materials by making them easier to obtain than before for those of the appropriate skill level.
- The link to see all of the pre-update and post changes to Fishing can be found here.
- New quests have been introduced for Seekers of Adoulin areas.
- Additions and adjustments for the Trust initiative included:
- New alter egos have been added to the Trust initiative.
- Character specific messages now appeared from summoned Trust NPCs in Party chat. These included when summoning, releasing, and when being KO'd in battle.
- Trust Magic can now be used in mutliple new Mission BCNMs.
- This included tough battles such as (Nation Missions 2-3) (Dragon BCNM fights), Nation Missions 5-1 and 5-2 (Fei'Yin BCNM and Shadow Lord), Promyvion Missions for CoP, Mammets and Ouryu fights for CoP, and also Diabolos fight for CoP.
- New objectives have been added to Records of Eminence.
- In order to compliment Capacity Points, average monster levels were increased in the following areas:
- The amount of merit points needed to purchase requisite Key Items for the following High Tier Mission Battlefields was decreased:
- An upper limit was set for Treasure Hunter.
- Many new monster families were added to Monstrosity.
- Players could now travel to Ifrit's Cauldron, Mount Zhayolm, and The Garden of Ru'Hmet to participate in Monstrosity.
- The names of the following instincts have changed.
- Slime Instincts I-III are now Astoltian Slime Instincts I-III.
- Spriggan Instincts I-III are now Eorzean Spriggan Instincts I-III.
- Combat and magic skills may now be increased while participating in Reives.
- Campaign has undergone the following adjustments
- Combat and magic skills may now be increased while participating in campaign battles.
- The following adjustments will be made to Influence, both when victorious and when defeated.
- When victorious: Influence will increase, and enemy force influence will decrease, at a greater rate than previously.
- When defeated: Influence will decrease, and enemy force influence will increase, at a lesser rate than previously.
- Respawn times for the following notorious monsters have been greatly reduced.
- The effects of slow now properly apply to enemies in the new Delve content.
- There is a possibility that this change will be applied to other monsters in the future.
- Makel-Pakel now occupies the Celennia Memorial Library, waiting for adventurers to trade him job-specific back equipment.
- He will grant adventurers an item of their choice from the list below in exchange for three other items from the list:
- Reforged Relic Armor +1 Body and Legs can now be created and obtained.
- Due to the delay in the new Delve areas, they could not be immediately created.
- The attributes of the following items have been adjusted.
- Chariot Band
- Pre-adjustment: Maximum duration: 90 min. Maximum bonus: 500 Recast time: 16 hours
- Post-adjustment: Maximum duration: 720 min. Maximum bonus: 750 Recast time: 1 hour
- Empress Band
- Pre-adjustment: Maximum duration: 180 min. Maximum bonus: 1000 Recast time: 16 hours
- Post-adjustment: Maximum duration: 720 min. Maximum bonus: 3000 Recast time: 1 hour
- Emperor Band
- Pre-adjustment: Maximum duration: 210 min. Maximum bonus: 2000 Recast time: 16 hours
- Post-adjustment: Maximum duration: 720 min. Maximum bonus: 3000 Recast time: 1 hour
- Names of the following pieces of equipment have been adjusted.
- Storage Slip 17 and Storage Slip 18 were added, allowing the storage of Reforged Relic Armor and their +1 variants.
- Transportation devices have been placed at the following coordinates in the lower section of Outer Ra'Kaznar so that players may return to the entrance.
- Players may now peruse the bidding history of posted items before submitting their own to the auction house.
- Home Points have undergone the following adjustments.
- The following descriptors regarding the location of certain home points have been introduced to the destination menu that appears after selecting on the "Travel to another home point" option and then designating a region.
- (A) for home points situated near auction houses
- (E) for home points situated near area exits and entrances
- (M) for home points situated near Mog Houses
- New commands:
- /lockstyle on/off
- /hidefaith / /hidetrust
Interesting fixed issues
- The issue wherein alter egos would continually use attacks causing status ailments against monsters immune to said ailments.
- The issue in the Full Moon Fountain battlefield "Waking the Beast" wherein defeating Carbuncle Prime under certain conditions would cause him to not appear again, rendering the battlefield impossible to clear.
- The issue wherein the player opening or closing the door during the event for acquiring Curilla's alter ego would cause the door to open or close during the cut scene.
- The issue with the Total Healing I objective in Records of Eminence wherein heals from non-automatons were not properly reflected.
- [PlayStation 2 Only]
- The issue in the Seekers of Adoulin mission "To the Victor..." wherein winning three times at Boom or Bust would occasionally cause one's computer to blackout or freeze.
Job Points
Merit Point parties made a... slow return. Many Job Point categories were unappealing upon first implementation because they only added two categories for each job. Additionally, each category only went up to 10 maximum upgrades. The available upgrades at this time for each job can be found at this Job Points page historical edit. Gifts were also not introduced until the end of 2014. Not many players rushed out to farm up Job Points for things such as Mijin Gakure effect, or Elemental Seal's reduced enmity effect...
It was a surprising change that you needed to earn Job Points on the job you wanted to use them on, unlike Merit Points. This caused some jobs to be undesirable for parties again, just like what happened during the Merit Point party era. Players saw this as a way of artificially extending the game's life.
With the increased level of monsters in the two Gates areas, melee accuracy became an issue. After more Job Point categories were added, Magic Burst parties became quite popular again due to the almost guaranteed damage that could be dealt.
Reforged Armor
With the Reforged Relic Armor +1 body and leg slots released, it became apparent that the newest armor they have now released didn't have enough differentiation between sets. If you were to figure out the differences with all of the stat barf, the gaps were not really noticable. The only big noticeable differences were special stats for macro swaps to enhance abilities.
Dark Knight was the clear loser on stats for their armor. To add insult to injury, they were also not added onto the new Fucho-no-Obi (which was initially typo'd for the English client, and it read Refresh+11 instead of Refresh+1.)
New Trusts
Ingrid was only appealing due to casting Haste, but Cherukiki casts it too so Ingrid was pushed to the sidelines and largely regarded as not very useful. On the other hand Cherukiki did not use Erase, so Kupipi was still top of the line for a Trust healer.
At this time players realized that Trusts are not always available. Many players were asking how to obtain Lion if they missed her in the login campaign. It came to everyone's realization that all trusts would not always be available at any given time. This issue would always be present for the rest of the game's life. Every few Login Campaigns became the most popular way of obtaining limited time Trusts.
It was now evident that Trust magic would continue to be released in the future due to it's popularity. Valkurm Dunes's fate was all but sealed. It was now more efficient to level up from 1-99 with three trusts instead of deal with looking for parties in the dunes. "/sea all inv" was now a thing of the past.
Cait Sith Avatar
At last, a new Avatar that did not involve Astral Flow to use was added. Unfortunately, Cait Sith was written off as a vanity pet upon first implementation. Additionally, it was confusing that it's available Blood Pacts did not extend to higher than levels than 75 until Regal Gash was added later.
Quality of Life enhancements
Next to Home Point warping, the ability to see an item's sale history during the sell process on the Auction House was the best quality of life improvement that we have ever seen. Prior to this, players needed to either use ffxiah.com to find the latest price or peruse through the huge amount of items for sale to find the correct category that an item is sold under. This change was so good that even middle 2000s era private servers use this function even when it was added in 2014.
The lowered price of HTMB Key Items was also seen as being able to participate in three fights before having to reload your merits. Before, you could only participate in two. Having the Key Item, and having enough merits to purchase one additional key item. Now you can have the key item, and purchase two more before running out of merit points.
With the addition of being able to trade in three Reive JSE Capes for the one of your choosing, some players finally obtained their desired cape. There were stories of the correct one never dropping for some players since implementation. Naturally, this was a slap in the face as at this point many players threw away the capes they did not desire in exchange for precious inventory space.
The results of the player survey conducted earlier in 2014 were released in early April. The outcome was clear that players were happy with the significant adjustments that SE has done to improve the game's playability. Players respected that SE was actually looking for input on game changes with these new surveys.
Treasure Hunter Changes
Less confusion and rumors surrounded Treasure Hunter after this update. It was clear that Thief main only needed +8 Treasure Hunter on gear. The chat log also now displayed a message when the level of TH on a monster increased.
An unintended consequence of these changes resulted in players trying to reach the maximum of TH+14 now before killing a monster. NMs would often be held for extended, unnecessary periods of time causing slight congestion issues in instances and a delay in respawn times.
Mage jobs would now seek the Chaac Belt as a macro piece to ensure some type of Treasure Hunter was on every monster that was killed. More Treasure Hunter+ equipment (for jobs other than Thief) was not added for a few years after this update, so the Chaac Belt remained a desired piece for some time.
Before the advent of this feature, players could always glance at a character and know what appearance armor that player was wearing. What was that cool piece of body armor they had on? Just examine them and find out. Now, players could make a lockstyle set wearing anything they wanted that the job they were on could wear. At this point, the main silly armor in the game was the Chocobo Suit. Players would experiment with mixing and matching odd outfits such as the seasonal event equipment thrown into their regular Item Level 119 gear with humorous results. You would have been yelled at for joining a Capacity Points party wearing a santa hat. Now? It was the norm. Chocobos were levelling everywhere.
Upon first implementation, you needed to manually equip items you wanted to lockstyle and use the command to keep your appearance. Then you had to change back to your normal equipment. This effect also did not persist through zoning, so macros were frequently used to lock custom sets. From this point on, Square Enix added many more Level 1 armor pieces to give players more of a choice on their lockstyles.
Final Fantasy XIV also introduced their glamour system in March of 2014 in version update 2.2. Their system went to another level, as it involved much monetization of unique pieces that could be purchased for real world money. Final Fantasy XI did not get that involved into it, but many players expected it to eventually happen.
Records of Eminence Quests
The quest Leonine Excruciation was added in this version update. The total number of Records of Eminence quests required to undertake this quest was 349. It was a weird number, but the total number of quests able to be completed at this time was 350. The hurdles to receive this quest were very high. To reach that number of quest completions at the time also involved defeating multiple NMs with spawn intervals of 21 hours or more.
With future RoEs added later, along with Trusts being usable in Abyssea, it became much easier to complete Leonine Excruciation.
Freshly Picked Vana'diel #5
Mar. 18th, 2014
The Second FFXIV/DQX Collaboration Event
The Anniversary MMO Collaboration Event ran again from March 18th until April 15th. The original end date was supposed to be April 9th. When the April version update was implemented, the NPCs for the event disappeared due to a bug (or incompetence/forgetfulness) making it impossible to participate. As a measure for this issue, the end date was extended.
This iteration of the event had some major additions compared to the first one that ran in December 2013. The following new items were added, along with two new species for Monstrosity.
Mar. 21st, 2014
Delayed Delve Additions
New Features & Content
- New Delve areas that were initially planned to be implemented in the previous update were released. They were delayed for three days for further testing.
Delve Additions
On one hand, Delve was now easier when entering with less than 18 players. On the other hand, it was unfortunate that Delve did indeed kill alliance 18 man content. Alliance content would not return until the release of Omen and Dynamis - Divergence years later. Another downside was that because the content was so easy with HP scaling, players found the META to be to brute force attack the NMs and not even pay attention to the mechanics of the monsters. It took longer to figure out NM behavior this time because it was more efficient to just kill everything as quick as possible.
A little realized issue with Delve now was that players simply entered the fractures to obtain the Key Items, then they avoided setting foot in the content again. They would have rather just farmed singular NM pops outside of the fracture to farm Plasm after being able to purchase the equipment in town.
Some new Delve accessories that were added proved useful for years to come: Isa Belt and Chaac Belt to name a couple.
Unfortunately, the crafting materials from the new Delve zones that were required for the Reforged Relic Armor +1 body and leg pieces were also wanted for new Synthesis recipes. New top tier equipment like the Yetshila +1 were highly sought after. Dual usage like this caused the price of these materials to be inflated for months.
Mar. 26th, 2014
Vana'diel Tribune Chronicles Book
Released only in Japanese, the Vana'diel Tribune Chronicles book is a collection of all of the Vana'diel Tribune, Vana'diel Tribune II, and Vana'diel Tribune III entries.
Click below to enlarge.
Over 320 topics were published in the book, including commentary from staff members. A Campaign Code was included with the book, granting players the weapons Decazoom Mk-XI and Escritorio. The codes have since expired, and are no longer redeemable.
The gun resembles a camera. When aimed, it appears the player is taking a picture with it.
The polearm resembles a pen. When swung, ink droplet effects appear.
Apr. 1st, 2014
Adjustments to Service Prices
The Japanese Government raised sales tax from 5% to 8% on April 1st, 2014. This was the first increase in sales tax in 17 years. This increase caused a rush of sales in March, which was followed by a severe economic downturn. Accordingly, the price of Final Fantasy XI's subscription service increased by 3% for Japanese players. The base fees were not increased.
- Until March 31, 2014: 1,239 Yen per month base fee, and 105 yen per character slot after tax.
- After April 1, 2014: 1,274 Yen per month base fee, and 108 yen per character slot after tax.
World Transfer Service
In addition to the tax increase, the World Transfer service underwent a massive alteration. Until March 31st, 2014 the transfer service cost 3,150 Yen ($25 USD) and could only be performed once in 90 Earth Days. After April 1st, 2014 the service fee was lowered to 1,800 Yen ($18 USD) and the delay between transfers for a character was cut to a measly 3 days!
A side effect of this change was that the World Transfer service was in no doubt used much more now with the reduced price and short reuse timer. This would be a way to avoid another massive server merger, along with the invent of Trusts which now tailored to lower world population to still complete events.
The changes no doubt increased the income generated by Final Fantasy XI for Square-Enix, resulting in a good business decision.
Due to how significant the wait time reduction was, many players thought this was an April Fools Day joke because it started on April 1st.
Auction House Effects
The biggest effect that the World Transfer service had was the transfer of goods between worlds was prominent. From this point onwards, legitimate players as well as RMT would make a living buying high ticket items low and selling high between Worlds. Crafters could also import materials and export goods if they could afford the real world price. Rare crafted items and goods would now be seen popping up more readily on less populated Worlds.
The most obvious repercussion of the transfer delay change was that characters could easily be sold quickly after a name change. Buyers would prefer a character that could be transferred immediately to go to the world of their choice, rather than sitting for 3 months waiting for the transfer service to become available.
RMT would now also be able to transfer massive amounts of Gil for less overhead to the world they needed it on.
Player Created Worlds
In 2014, Asura became the "Join Asura" meme world for returnees and current players alike. Some say that this was due to the growing population of Reddit, and the Reddit linkshell streaming FFXI online and recruiting players to come join Asura. This was more appealing due to cheaper world transfers for returnees who saw their friends all stopped playing.
Apr. 1st, 2014
Second Alter Ego Extravaganza
The "Spring Alter Ego Extravaganza" (second alter ego extravaganza) ran from April 1st, 2014 thru April 30th, 2014.
New trusts included Sakura, Ovjang, and Mnejing. The four trusts from the New Year's exp returned for those who missed them: Tenzen, Mihli Aliapoh, Valaineral, and Joachim.
Even though the Spring Alter Ego campaigns today has different a lineup, this was an exception so returning players had more trust options.
Trust Synergy
With the addition of Nashmeira's puppets Ovjang and Mnejing alongside of the new Trust party chat spam, players then got the idea that Trust Synergy might be a thing. This stemmed from the fact that the message that Trusts when they are summoned varied based on the other Trusts active in the party.
Testing began to occur with these three trusts to see if having all of them in a party at the same time gave any benefits. It was soon found that indeed this was the case.
Apr. 8th, 2014
Race Equalization & Addition of Item Level 119 JSE Weapons
Job Adjustments
- Bard
- Song effects may now be overwritten regardless of their remaining duration.
- Records of Eminence adjustments:
- New objectives were added.
- The conditions for acquiring starfall tears needed for the quest Panta Rhei have been changed.
- Players are now able to acquire starfall tears even if they are not currently on the quest To Catch a Falling Star.
- Items for characters of level 51 or greater can now be obtained for Sparks of Eminence.
- Time-limited challenges have undergone the following time adjustments.
- Pre-adjustment: 5:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. (JST) → Post-adjustment: 5:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (JST)
- Pre-adjustment: 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (JST) → Post-adjustment: 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (JST)
- Pre-adjustment: 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. (JST) → Post-adjustment: 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. (JST)
- The following additions and adjustments have been made to the quest The Forbidden Path
- Players are now able to proceed with the quest even if they trade the Testimony for a job which is not their main job to Writhing Flame.
- Players will now be able to receive the rewards for completing the quest from Velda-Galda even if their main job is Geomancer or Rune Fencer.
- Rewards for the “Patrol” line of Coalition Assignments have been increased for the following areas.
- Racial HP and MP maximums have been adjusted.
- Maximum HP Adjustments
- The hierarchy of racial HP levels remains unchanged.
- Galka > Elvaan > Hume = Mithra > Tarutaru
- Races Affected
- Hume / Elvaan / Tarutaru / Mithra
- Race Unaffected
- Galka
- The hierarchy of racial MP levels also remains unchanged.
- Tarutaru > Hume = Mithra > Elvaan > Galka
- Races Affected
- Hume / Elvaan / Mithra / Galka
- Race Unaffected
- Tarutaru
- Battlefield adjustments:
- The content level of the below battlefields now displays for "very easy," "easy," and "normal" settings.
- ★Tails of Woe / ★The Worm's Turn / ★Steamed Sprouts / ★Dismemberment Brigade / ★Grimshell Shocktroopers / ★Divine Punishers / ★Amphibian Assault / ★Jungle Boogymen / ★Kindred Spirits / ★Legion XI Comitatensis / ★Demolition Squad / ★Brothers D'Aurphe / ★Ark Angels 1-5 / ★Pentacide Perpetrator / ★Return to Delkfutt's Tower / ★The Celestial Nexus / ★The Savage / ★The Warrior's Path
- Completion status of the following battlefields can now be viewed.
- Battlefields viewable by speaking to Shami in Port Jeuno (H-8) and selecting "Review unsealed orbs"
- ★Tails of Woe / ★The Worm's Turn / ★Steamed Sprouts / ★Factory Rejects / ★ Dismemberment Brigade / ★Grimshell Shocktroopers / ★Divine Punishers / ★Amphibian Assault / ★Jungle Boogymen / ★Kindred Spirits / ★Legion XI Comitatensis / ★Demolition Squad / ★Brothers D'Aurphe
- Battlefields viewable by speaking to Trisvain in Northern San d'Oria (J-7), Raving Opossum in Port Bastok (J-11), or Mimble-Pimble in Port Windurst (L-5) and selecting " View accomplishments"
- ★Ark Angels 1-5 / ★Pentacide Perpetrator / ★Return to Delkfutt's Tower / ★The Celestial Nexus / ★The Savage / ★The Warrior's Path
- The avatar Cait Sith's abilities Eerie Eye and Mewing Lullaby are now listed under the Blood Pact: Ward command category instead of Blood Pact: Rage.
- Players are now able to use the thief ability Despoil against enemies of the following families.
- Alter egos have undergone the following adjustments.
- Tank alter egos now approach even closer to targets when engaged in battle.
- Many alter ego-specific weapon skills, such as Prishe's Knuckle Sandwich, now possess skillchain elements.
- Alter egos are now permitted to enter the following battlefields.
- The following items have had their item levels removed from the help text.
- The following additions and adjustments have been made to bonanza kupons.
- Ra’Kaznar Visages have been added to the list of items available for exchange from the following kupons.
- Yorcia Visage II have been added to the list of items available for exchange from Kupon I-S2.
- A Home Point has been added to Riverne - Site B01 at the coordinates E-8.
- Alter egos have undergone the following adjustments.
- Spaces have been deleted from NPC names so that alter egos naming conventions now coincide with those of PC ones, enabling them to be used in parties that include other PCs in the future.
- The placeholders <p1> through <p5> may now be used to specify alter egos
- The following additions have been made to the auction house.
- The number of the same type of item already on the market that players currently wish to post now displays in their transaction histories.
- The categories for items players wish to post now display in their transaction histories.
- Item categories will not display for items that have no successful bids.
- The number of fish players can reel in for one day (fatigue) has undergone the following adjustment.
- Pre-adjustment: Characters would become fatigued more rapidly if their main job level was lower than level 20.
- Post-adjustment: Characters whose main job is lower than level 20 will become fatigued at the normal rate as long as one of their jobs is level 20 or higher.
- The Effects section of the Config menu has undergone the following adjustments.
- Battle effects for one's pets are now included under "You."
- Battle effects for party members' pets are now included under "Party."
- The command /checkparam has undergone the following adjustment.
- Using the command will now display the average item level of equipment worn.
- Calculation
- (Weapon Item Level + Armor Item Level) / 2
- The number used for the weapon item level in the above formula is the highest item level of all weapons equipped in the main, sub, ranged, and ammo slots.
- The number used for the armor item level in the above formula is the average of headgear, bodygear, handgear, leggear, and footgear worn.
- Notes
- Fractions are rounded down to the nearest whole number.
- Average item levels affect the level of alter egos called forth and the information displayed when using /check on enemies.
- Players' average item levels will not display if they are not currently wearing any item level equipment.
- Average item levels do not display for pets
- New Commands:
- /returnfaith (or /refa)
- /returntrust (or /retr)
- These above two commands cannot be used while players have a weapon drawn.
- Measures have been taken to address the issue with Salvage content wherein players would occasionally be unable to equip pieces of equipment even after removing Pathos of Alzadaal restrictions.
- Measures have been taken to address the issue wherein "X" would display in the equipment menu even after Encumbrance had been removed.
Interesting fixed issues
- The issue wherein the target cursor would float in midair when targeting the Veil in Yorcia Weald.
- The issue wherein alter egos active during the following missions would cast spells and abilities that were then recorded in the chatlog during cutscenes.
- The issue wherein having mannequins located in the Mog House in the player's home nation equip pulse panoplia would occasionally cause their visual effects to display in Rent-a-Rooms in other nations and Mog Gardens.
JSE Weapons
The Oboro JSE weapons seemed to be part of the relaxation efforts that the developers were attempting to implement so new and returning players could more easily join veterans in endgame content. Final Fantasy XI had to adapt to new trends in video games these days, and "rather somewhat easy to obtain" powerful weapons gave players a great starting boost in order to dive head first into endgame content. Many of these weapons were on par (some better) than Delve boss weapons. Upon first implementation, the requirements to begin forging these weapons were not able to be solo'd; assistance was still required from other players.
At first, the total cost of materials required to make one weapon on any given world was around 10 million Gil. Plutons, Beitetsu, and Riftborn Boulders shot up in price and were in high demand for a few weeks. The only use for these stones before this update were to upgrade Ultimate Weapons to Item Level 119, and each weapon only required 300 of their respectful stone. Due to low demand and high availability, there was a plethora across all worlds. Some players made millions quickly flipping these stones after the update by purchasing them for dirt prices from bazaars of those who had them listed for pre-update prices. At this time it was common to just throw away these stones due to their low value and high cost of time and inventory to sell them.
The Sandung was finally the Thief's Knife all grown up. Terpander was now a staple for all new Bards, and three songs were accessible without any Abyssea shenanigans. Dunna became the end all be all GEO bell. It is unclear why a better Handbell has not been added to the game since this update. Aettir and Ohtas are great honorable mentions. Perhaps even some of the top choices for Rune Fencer and Puppetmaster respectfully. The Priwen did not obtain much attention upon first being added. We were still a long time away from the big Paladin adjustments that took advantage of it.
Race HP and MP Equalization
Races all had their max HP and MP values increased to be much closer to each other, but at the same time no maximums were decreased. Before this update, Tarutaru could easily stay at 1 HP for many early levels with enough HP to MP converting equipment like Astral Rings. Galka Paladins at level 50 did not natively have the 150 MP required without MP+ gear or food in order to cast Raise. Apple Pies were necessary for Galkas to use for early levelling. Additionally, Galka would always choose MP merits in that category.
After this change, Tarutaru still excelled with the most MP and Galka still had the most HP.
This change was scheduled to be added in the March update, but it was pushed back. The reasoning was that program-wise, there are monsters that consult the race stat tables to determine their own statistics.
Bard Song Adjustments
Before this update a song could not be overwritten by the same song unless the one that was already active had less than 120 seconds remaining (2 minutes, the base duration). If a Bard tried to do so, they used to just receive a "Song has no effect" message in the log. This was problematic in situations where you wanted to use NiTro and overwrite songs already on your party with longer duration songs. This could not be done without first singing enough songs to take off the songs already on your party, and then re-singing the songs you actually wanted. A lot of damage from DDs could be lost to do this.
After this change, the song with the lowest duration remaining is now overwritten first. Carnwenhan was known a hindrance in some situations due to how long songs lasted and that they could not be easily overwritten. Bards sang songs of praise and rejoiced after this long awaited annoyance was fixed.
Sparks of Eminence Exchange
It was this update where Sparks of Eminence became a viable source of Gil by purchasing high level equipment and selling it to an NPC. Acheron Shields were not purchasable until January 2015's update, but players could still obtain 500,000 Gil by exchanging capped Sparks for other items added in this update.
Freshly Picked Vana'diel #6
Apr. 10th, 2014
Repeat Login Campaign #10
Cipher: Luzaf was added as the unique item in this campaign, and it was the first opportunity to obtain him.
The Worm Feelers and it's +1 version were added as a new Lockstyle piece. Because of how silly and unique they were, many players spent their extra login points on this item during this campaign. The Copper Voucher was added for an astronomical 1,000 points, which hopefully nobody purchased.
Month: April 2014
- View the entire item list here.
Apr. 11th, 2014
April Campaigns "For The Discriminating Adventurer" & Meeble Burrows Campaign #1
The first Meeble Burrows campaign was held from April 11th, 2014 thru May 8th, 2014. This event was the first opportunity to obtain the new Mundus Shield.
The following campaigns were also held at the same time:
Many items normally obtained from Wizened Worms were swapped for more valuable items during this campaign.
Notable item swaps are below.
Wizened Tunnel Worm
Wizened Morion Worm
Wizened Phantom Worm
Mundus Shield
Useful as a lockstyle piece, the Mundus Shield was initially only available during the handful of times the Meeble Burrows campaign was held. It was a desired and unique item due to the outline of Vana'diel on the shield.
The Pixioche was dispensed from the shield. In the Japanese client, this item is named Dwarf Bread. This is homage to Final Fantasy III, where an item in that game is called the Gnomish Bread. When used, it displays the World Map in the game. This is a connection to the fact that the Mundus Shield displays a map of Vana'diel on it.
The event overall was only viewed as an additional way to obtain Arise (Scroll) and Meteor (Scroll). Naturally, players complained that they would rather have the unique items from the event such as the Dervish Sword instead of a scroll.
Drop rates did not increase with this campaign. The original items that were replaced were already rare to obtain, so it was not like scrolls rained from the sky and crashed the markets. Meebles still proved tricky at this point, so multiple players were needed for some of the objectives to obtain worms. At this time, Arise was still selling for around 6 million gil across worlds.
Apr. 17th, 2014
First Double Capacity Points Campaign
For 72 hours the first Double Capacity Points Campaign ran from April 27th at 11PM to April 20th. The first 16 Capacity Points campaigns were a simple double points received mechanic. This was due to the slower pace of killing monsters that players had in the early days of power creep. After that, the chain bonus campaigns were held as players became more powerful.
Apr. 21st, 2014
Suspension of the Test Server
The Test World Udine was quietly suspended on April 21st, 2014, and no further version updates were added to the world after this date. The service was not officially closed until July 26th, 2016.
The reasonings behind this may have been due to the results of a community poll conducted in December and January 2014.
- 82% of poll participants said they have never logged into the test server.
- 11% said they don't log in often.
- 5% said they log in if interested in an upcoming feature.
- 1% said they log in almost every time there is an update.
- 1% said they log in often.
The Test World was created with the name Undine, and service was opened on August 29th, 2011. Large scale version updates were added to this world for players to login and test changes and upcoming new features before they were added on the live worlds. Feedback was accepted from players, and sometimes consideration was made based on that feedback to change version update contents. One such instance involved feedback on Level 99 Ultimate Weapons and the item requirements to upgrade them via Trial of the Magians.
.DAT mining would occur on this world, and upcoming information was available pretty far in advance of the live world version updates. A few times during it's operation, official test events were held. Most notably, the event to test Legion held by Square Enix staff was rather popular.
The biggest drawback to the test server was the requirement to install a separate client in order to login. This was entirely different than the existing game data, so around 11GB of disk space needed to be used. Registration was also required using your POL data.
Apr. 24th, 2014
The Feast of Swords Seasonal Event
Dates: April 24th thru May 8th.
No changes were made to the event itself, except that the Kabuto-kazari furnishing was placed within the Mog Gardens during the event.
Apr. 24th, 2014
Final Fantasy XI represented in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call
Returning to Theatrhythm, FFXI was again represented in the game. Main characters Shantotto and Prishe returned, but they were now accompanied by the new characters Aphmau and Lilisette. Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call was released in Japan on April 24th, 2014, and worldwide on September 19th, 2014.
Music in the game included the following tracks:
- "Mog House"
- "Recollection"
- "Vana'diel March"
- "Ronfaure"
- "Gustaberg"
- "Sarutabaruta"
- "Heavens Tower"
- "Voyager"
- "Selbina"
- "The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah"
- "Battle Theme"
- "FFXI Opening Theme"*
- "Awakening"
- "Fighters of the Crystal"
- "Ragnarok"
- "Shinryu"
May 1st, 2014
Second Double Capacity Points Campaign
This time for 96 hours, a Double Capacity Points Campaign ran from May 1st at 11PM to May 4th.
At this time, parties with great setups and members would only obtain around 20,000-30,000 CP an hour (1 Job Point). Any more than that per hour was very rare. The major inhibitor for people not participating in Capacity Point parties wasn't the time it took to get points, it was the fact that the time it took to get those points was stomped out and invalidated by the fact that the points were by and large useless. Sure, there was probably at least one person who totally wanted that extra 10 potency on their Minne songs. That didn't mean they were in the majority, and it didn't mean that they should have went out and did it then instead of waiting for what the future brought.
May 10th, 2014
Repeat Login Campaign #11
Cipher: Najelith was added as a unique item in this campaign, and it was the first opportunity to obtain her.
The Worm Masque and it's +1 version were added as a new Lockstyle piece. This item was even more ridiculous looking than the Hand to Hand counterpart, especially on Galka due to it's size.
The most discussed item in this campaign was the Savory Shank. It was the first opportunity that Savory Shanks were obtainable with login points, rather than just Beastly Shanks. Many players maxed out their account's mule rosters for more login points and more Savory Shanks.
It is worth noting that this was the only login campaign that the Timepiece was obtainable from. It has remained unique to the Gold World Pass recruitment program after this campaign.
Month: May 2014
- View the entire item list here.
May 15th, 2014
Mog Wardrobe implemented and Leafallia opened
Job Adjustments
- Paladin
- The amount of blocked damage dealt back to enemies with Reprisal has been adjusted.
- Pre-adjustment: Half one's maximum HP
- Post-adjustment: Double one's maximum HP
- Corsair
- The following phantom rolls have become more potent.
- Blue Mage
- The applicable job trait gained when setting a blue magic spell now displays in the help text along with its accompanying value.
- The following job traits will become incrementally more potent depending on the total of set blue magic job trait values displayed in the help text.
- Physical Attack Bonus / Defense Bonus / Evasion Bonus / Accuracy Bonus / Magic Atk. Bonus / Magic Def. Bonus Conserve MP
- Geomancer
- The innate damage reduction of Luopans was increased from 30% to 50%.
- New quests have been introduced for Seekers of Adoulin areas.
- Ergon Weapons were introduced, along with their relative quests and required items.
- New alter egos were added, including the long awaited Maat as well as Gessho.
- Records of Eminence changes:
- The maximum coalition rank has been increased to eight, and additional coalition services have been made available.
- Two new Job Point categories were added to each job.
- Chain Bonuses have been added to Capacity Points gains.
- Players will now be able to earn additional capacity points for continuously vanquishing monsters of a certain minimum level that yield capacity points within a given timeframe.
- The value of this bonus will increase as capacity point-yielding monsters of a certain level or higher are defeated. The upper limit of this bonus is determined by the level of monsters killed, with greater rewarded reaped from higher level foes.
- Capacity points may now be earned from foes appearing in Cirdas Caverns (U).
- This only applies to Delve content.
- The degree to which experience and capacity point acquisition decreases while in a party in the following areas has been lessened.
- Trust Magic adjustments:
- Alter Egos may now be called forth in all Shadowreign areas in the past.
- Alter Egos may now be called forth in Campaign.
- Zeid's combat tactics and actions underwent wide-reaching improvements.
- Nanaa Mihgo will now use Despoil under certain circumstances.
- Ranged attack, as well as the attack, accuracy, and frequency of use of ranged weapon skills have been adjusted.
- Certain alter egos will now display special animations under particular circumstances.
- Food items that bestow effects on both PCs and pets have been introduced.
- Adventuring Fellows underwent the following adjustments:
- Completing the quest A Trial in Tandem Revisited will enable fellows to reach a maximum level of 99. This change will occur retroactively.
- Players of level 99 with level 99 fellows will have their fellow’s levels increase with the player’s average equipped item level.
- Players with an active fellow will no longer suffer experience gain reductions.
- The following Reive momentum bonuses have been added and have a total of five levels of effect.
- Potency
- Fast Cast
- Store TP
- Subtle Blow
- Monstrosity has undergone the following adjustment:
- The order in which the following instincts display in the “Faculties” section of the main menu option “Customization” has been changed.
- Pre-adjustment: Hume's Instinct I, Elvaan's Instinct I, Tarutaru's Instinct I, Mithra's Instinct I, Galka's Instinct I, Hume's Instinct II, Elvaan's Instinct II, Tarutaru's Instinct II, Mithra's Instinct II, Galka's Instinct II.
- Post-adjustment: Hume's Instinct I, Hume's Instinct II, Elvaan's Instinct I, Elvaan's Instinct II, Tarutaru's Instinct I, Tarutaru's Instinct II, Mithra's Instinct I, Mithra's Instinct II, Galka's Instinct I, Galka's Instinct II
- New accessories obtainable by exchanging Sparks of Eminence have been added.
- The NPC Runje Desaali will accept equipment obtainable from the Peacekeepers' Coalition or Sparks of Eminence in exchange for Bayld.
- She will pay players one-fifth of the bayld used to purchase Peacekeepers’ Coalition or Records of Eminence equipment respectively by trading the equipment to her.
- The Treasure Hunter bonus for the Plunderer's Armlets +1 has been increased from +2 to +3.
- "Physical damage taken –x%" and "Magic damage taken –x%" has been changed to "Physical damage taken II –x%" and "Magic damage taken II –x%" for the following items:
- The level 75-99 versions of the shield Aegis (including the afterglow version).
- The level 75-99 and item level 119 version of the sword Burtgang (including the afterglow versions)
- The great sword Aettir
- New home points have been established in the following areas.
- “Misc. 2” and “Alchemy 2” categories have been added to the auction house.
- About Misc. 2: Trigger items and items required for participating in certain content have been moved from Misc. to Misc. 2.
- About Alchemy 2: Fireworks and similar usable items have been moved from Alchemy to Alchemy 2.
- Certain The Mog Tablet Quest rewards have been adjusted.
- The amount of zeni for which Sanraku in Aht Urhgan Whitegate will sell trigger items that spawn zeni notorious monsters will be set to the minimum value whenever a server is restarted for reasons such as maintenance.
- The following options have been added to the Config menu on the title screen.
- Logout destination
- Enables players to select whether they would like to return to the title screen or the character select screen upon logging out.
- Background Aspect Ratio
- Enables the player to set the resolution of the title screen background.
- These features are only available on the PlayStation2 and Windows versions of FINAL FANTASY XI.
- When the background music changes back from fishing music to music of the area in which the player resides, the music will start from where it originally left off.
- These features are only available on the PlayStation2 and Windows versions of FINAL FANTASY XI.
- The chat filter has been adjusted so that turning on the “System Lv. 1 (“Check” notices)” option will filter the chat log displayed when equipment is changed.
Interesting fixed issues
- The issue in Monstrosity wherein the eye colors of Antlion sub-families was incorrect.
- The issue wherein, when under the effects of “Battuta” and being the victim of an attack where multiple strikes occur at once, the rune fencer would counterattack even if the second attack missed.
- The issue wherein the abilities “Frog Song” and “Frog Chorus” used by poroggos would cause the targeted players to become transparent if the abilities missed.
- The issue wherein chocobo riding animations were incorrect.
- Chocobo movement animation was broken because of the global movement speed increase update.
- Chocobos were animating really slowly, they appeared to be moving less than two steps per second while still running the normal speed. If you walked on one, it'd look like it was skiing.
- Because SE adjusted the animations to be the same as before for the new normal movement speed (125% normal movement speed), but left the movement speed cap (200% normal movement speed) intact, Chocobos were running up against the movement speed cap at only 200%/125% = 160% player running speed. Thus, Chocobo max speed corresponded with the Chocobo's animation for running 160%/200% = 80% of top speed. Thus, Chocobos could never reach their fastest running animation.
A trailer was created to showcase the May 2014 update.
Mog Wardrobe
By far on top of the list of Quality of Life adjustments was the invention of the Mog Wardrobe. Even though only one was added for this update, the fact was it was free and accessible to everybody. This was the first time that equipment was able to be used from an inventory location other than your actual "Inventory". It was common before this for players to have 79/80 inventory filled with equipment, and that one space available for treasure drops that needed to be immediately thrown into another inventory system.
Before the Wardrobes players would have to pick and choose what equipment to bring with them for certain situations and events. Full equipment sets and gear swaps were not usable on gear intensive jobs like Blue Mage due to space constraints. It was common back then to only swap a few pieces rather than entire gear sets for spells and abilities. Another common tactic was to find gear that had multiple purposes as well as usable across multiple jobs rather than elect to use that one piece that was best for only one job.
A clear disadvantage to more inventory was longer load times. It was a small price to pay to more efficiently play your job.
Speaking of the name "Mog Wardrobe", it reminded me of this official art from 2004 by Fumio Minagawa. You can click for a larger version.
Ergon Weapons and Coalitions
Thus began the "6 month lockout" to rank up your Coalitions to Legend in order to obtain an Ergon Weapon. Before Legend was a requirement for Ergons, players simply ignored the Coalition Assignments as there was no worthwhile benefit of having them ranked up. This requirement was often compared to the difficulty in obtaining other Ultimate Weapons. For Mythics, all Assaults had to be completed for each Mythic that was created. Coalitions, on the other hand, were a one time thing.
Players mistook the Idris's "Geomancy+10" stat as "Geomancy Skill+10" instead of the actual effect it grants. The weapon was chalked up as only useful for Luopan DT-, on top of the additional 20% that this update gave (Innate Luopan Damage was increase from -30% to -50%). Rune Fencer did not come into it's own quite yet. It was still known as a niche tank compared to Paladin. For this reason, many players felt like it was a waste to dump millions of Gil into the Epeolatry at this time.
Putting PDT II on Epeolatry was a dumb thing to do. It was an expensive band-aid you need to function in any real capacity on the job. It killed any hope that SE would fix RUN's glaring issues as a tank vs physical attacks. Since they can just point at the Ergon weapon and say "use that."
High-Purity Bayld was a nice addition to the in-game economy, and gave players a reason to continue to farm Reives of all kinds and to continue to participate in SoA content. The High-Purity Bayld requirement for all four stages of the Ergon was quickly compared to Alexandrite, but the one problem with that the population of the game was triple the numbers as it was now. Alexandrite was much more available, even though twice as much as required for a Mythic.
It seemed unreasonable to earn 131 million Bayld to convert it to High-Purity Bayld yourself. Players were hoping that there would be some kind of HP Bayld Pouch introduced to the game in order to get more than one per event. If you had friends to help towards your cause, they could assist by donating the HP Bayld they received from Reives as well as convert their leftover Bayld for you. It was not a bad way to progress if you were able to net multiple per Reive. One problem that emerged was that some players wanted to hoard their HP Bayld at first because some of the player base thought that Ergon weapons would be created for the other jobs as well.
After the update, some players were shouting to purchase HP Bayld for 50,000 Gil each, which equaled out to 655 million Gil. It was very difficult to get ahold of HP Bayld yourself at a reasonable price when players with stockpiles of Gil were willing to dump it all to complete a weapon quickly.
Seekers of Adoulin Missions
The new mid-mission reward Adoulin's Refuge was a great tool to help with the inevitable death fest that Yumcax becomes. It was common for that Wildskeeper Reive to last up to an hour only due to AoE Doom spam.
Job Point Expansion
The clear winner of the point allocation expansion was Samurai with their excellent Hasso category. Capacity Chains greatly increased the capability of CP Parties on higher level monsters in the Gates areas, but complaints surfaced with how little time was allowed to keep Capacity Point chains compared to the extra long timeframe for Experience Point Chains.
New Coalition Equipment
The new +1 variants of equipment added in this update were a great stepping stone for fresh level 99 players to jump right to Item Level 119. They were all very inexpensive and easy to obtain.
By far the equipment that turned the most heads were the Sifahir Slacks. Item Level 119 Empyrean armor was not yet released, and this was a great alternative to the White Mage Empyrean +1 legs with it's MP return to HP healed calculation.
These BCNMs were somewhat unpopular other than those legs. The rest of the unique equipment pieces were somewhat underwhelming.
Aspect Ratio
Even though this sounds like an incredibly minor adjustment, the fact that the title menu background aspect ratio could not be adjusted above 4:3 for the last 12 years was just ridiculous. It was a huge turn off for new players to boot up the game after such a difficult journey to install and update it only to be greeted by a horrible preview of the game. Not to mention the nightmare that player creation is and how those models look nothing like the in game characters. Little quality of life adjustments like this can go a long way.
The Aegis and Burtgang had MDT II and PDT II functionality since the May 2011 version update, but this update is when the statistics were officially added to the game and the help text was made more clear to players. These pieces of equipment along with the Aettir were the first to have the "II" designations.
Freshly Picked Vana'diel #7
May 16th, 2014
Final Fantasy XI celebrates its 12th anniversary of service
On May 16, 2014, FINAL FANTASY XI celebrated its 12th anniversary of service.
Login Campaigns continued due to their popularity. Daily Active Users was a common metric in online service games now, and these campaigns helped increase those numbers.
Producer Matsui announced the continuation of monthly version updates. Additionally, he stated that the development team would continue to implement quality of life improvements to help players who could not commit to long play sessions.
May 16th, 2014
12th Vana'versary Mog Bonanza
New to this Bonanza was the Bayld Crystal, the equivalent of the Cat's Eye for Ergon Weapons. At this time the item did not have a name. It was simply called "???" until the item's name was decided on later.
Marble sales were from May 16th until June 18th. Results were announced on July 18th.
Note: See the 12th Vana'versary Mog Bonanza page for details on the event such as prizes and results.
May 16th, 2014
12th Adventurer Appreciation Campaign
A new anniversary event was held from May 16th until June 2nd which had a Moogle vs Goblin theme. Appropriately enough, it was called the Mooblin Battle. Speaking to a Moogle in a starting nation would grant players a Moogle or Goblin outfit (head and body), and they would then be eligible for the Level Cap status to participate in the fray after equipping the set. Items implemented included:
Three new Trust ciphers were available from this event. Players on the Moogle side could get the Cipher: Moogle, and they could then switch to the goblins for the Cipher: Fablinix. Managing to obtain 3,000 points on either side awarded Cipher: Aldo.
A new Experience Point Bonus ring, the Duodecennial Ring was added along with the first Capacity point bonus ring Vocation Ring.
Jun. 10th, 2014
Repeat Login Campaign #12
Cipher: Domina was added as a unique item in this campaign, and it was the first opportunity to obtain her. Worm Feelers returned for those who missed them the first time.
New to this campaign were all Job Testimonies for 200 points. Additionally, Strongboxes were added for players to easily participate in Stronghold Invasion content in La Vaule (S) if they wished.
Month: June 2014
- View the entire item list here.
Jun. 10th, 2014
Nanaa Mihgo's performance at E3 2014
The Final Fantasy XI band Nanaa Mihgo's performed "live" on the opening day of E3 2014 as part of Square Enix's presentation. The video itself seemed like it was pre-recorded and simply streamed online, even though it was advertised to be a live performance from Japan.
The band recorded a new song "Eternal Wind" from Final Fantasy III specifically for the Square Enix presentation. This song was also added into Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
In the middle of the video, footage from their 11/11/13 performance was played.
Band members remained the same for this performance:
- Machi Okabe (Violin)
- Takuro Iga (Piano)
- Naoshi Mizuta (Bass, effects, and percussion)
Jun. 11th, 2014
June Campaigns
Three campaigns were held from June 11th thru June 15th.
Jun. 17th, 2014
The Great Weapon Skill Revamp
Job Adjustments
- Paladin
- New spell: Crusade (Lv. 88, Recast time: 10 seconds) Facilitates enmity gain.
- Ninja
- New Ninjutsu was added:
- Gekka: Ichi (Lv. 88, Recast time: 30 seconds) Facilitates enmity gain.
- The tool Ranka is required to use this ability.
- Yain: Ichi (Lv. 91, Recast time: 30 seconds) Suppresses enmity gain.
- The tool Furusumi is required to use this ability.
- Geomancer
- The effects of indicolure geomancer spells are now determined by the state of the player at the end of casting. In other words, the effects of an indicolure spell will not change once cast, even if the player changes equipment.
- The effects of the geomancer ability Bolster will activate even while under the effects of an indicolure spell.
- Rune Fencer
- New spell: Crusade (Lv. 88, Recast time: 10 seconds) Facilitates enmity gain.
- When enchanted with three runes and using a "Ward:" ability, the effects of the ability will no longer disappear when suffering from the effects of a dispel-type ability.
- Casting Rune Enchantment will no longer generate enmity.
- New quests have been added to Seekers of Adoulin areas.
- Ergon weapon-specific weapon skill quests have been added:
- Non-accessory weapons and armor of item level 115 dropped by Naakuals in wildskeeper reives will now be eligible for augmentation via Prah Janimhar.
- The maximum rank for Mog Garden gathering nodes has been raised to the final rank of seven.
- Records of Eminence adjustments:
- A new type of objective—daily objectives—have been introduced.
- New objectives have been added.
- The following additions and adjustments have been made to Super Kupowers.
- Thrifty Transit:
- Pre-adjustment: Outpost teleportation services incur no charge.
- Post-adjustment Outpost teleportation services and teleportation between outposts with survival guides incur no charge, and players are able to receive teleportation services between San d’Oria, Bastok, Windurst, Mhaura, and Selbina from Explorer Moogles.
- Due to this change, the Super Kupower "Ease of Exploration" has been abolished.
- Martial Master:
- Pre-adjustment: Combat skills and magic skills increase more rapidly.
- Post-adjustment: Combat, magic, and automaton skills increase more rapidly.
- A new super Kupower, “Crystal Caboodle,” has been added.
- Crystals are more likely to be obtained from areas affected by the Super Kupower, and may also be obtained from beastmen-controlled regions.
- Quests and missions have undergone the following adjustments.
- The applicable events in the quest Sin Hunting have been changed to occur regardless of Vana'diel time and phase of the moon.
- The amount of Earth time that must pass to proceed with the following quests and missions has been decreased.
- All Weapon Skills have been overhauled including:
- Out of 204 Weapon Skills, 199 underwent changes.
- Changes included increases to weapon skill stat modifiers, increases when the user has 2,000 or 3,000 TP, and even some overall boosts to weapon skill strength and/or magic accuracy.
- A full list of post-adjustments can be found here on the official forum post.
- TP accumulation formula has been changed for all weapons.
Pre Update Delay → TP calculation
Modified Delay
TP gained
Post Update Delay → TP calculation
Modified Delay
TP gained
- Merit Points have undergone the following additions and adjustments:
- A new entry, "Maximum Merit Points," has been added to the "HP/MP" merit point category.
- Adjust your maximum number of merit points by 1 point.
- This category may be increased a maximum of fifteen times.
- The maximum number of points that can be spent in the following general categories has been increased.
Combat Skills
Magic Skills
- The maximum number of points that can be spent in the following specific categories has been increased.
Specific attributes
Guarding, Parrying, Shield, and Evasion skills
- The amount of TP players generate from attacking has been increased.
- Skillchains have been adjusted to that they may no longer be resisted, but their potency will now vary depending on the resistance values of the target
- Trusts have undergone the following adjustments:
- Players are now able to call forth alter egos while in a party containing other players.
- Alliances may not be formed when in a party comprised of other players and alter egos, parties may not contain multiple alter egos of the same NPC, and only the party leader is able to summon forth alter egos.
- The last restriction is in place for the June 2014 version update in order to prevent a particular bug from occurring.
- In addition, alter egos may not be summoned in the first 120 seconds after being invited to a party as a temporary measure in order to prevent a separate bug from occurring.
- Players are now able to call forth alter egos in the following areas and content.
- Battlefields requiring microcosmic and macrocosmic orbs.
- Alter egos may not be summoned while in the battlefields, and hence must be called forth in advance.
- Battlefields occurring in Seekers of Adoulin missions.
- Alter egos will disappear upon entering, and hence need to be called forth again if present before entering the battlefield.
- Skirmishes in Rala Waterways [U], Cirdas Caverns [U], Yorcia Weald [U], and Outer Ra'Kaznar [U].
- Alter egos will disappear upon entering, and hence need to be called forth again if present before entering the battlefield.
- Alter egos may now receive the effects of Avatar's Favor and of Ensphere and Afterglow effects from equipment.
- The following specific alter egos have been adjusted.
- Tenzen
- Attributes have been adjusted.
- Ayame
- Attributes and action logic have been adjusted.
- Under particular conditions, Ayame will now use weapon skills before players.
- Mhili Aliapoh
- Attributes and action logic have been adjusted.
- Mhili will now use Afflatus Solace.
- Adventuring Fellows may now be used in the following areas.
- Skirmishes have undergone the following adjustments.
- The number of participants required for skirmishes has been reduced from three to one.
- The following adjustment has been made to Yorcia Weald [U].
- A new Noetic Ascension boon, "Decreased Defending Time," has been added.
- The following adjustment has been made to Outer Ra'Kaznar [U].
- The hierarchy of drop rates for spoils has been adjusted.
- Pre-adjustment: Ghastly Stones > Verdigris Stones > Wailing Stones > Pulchridopt Wings
- Post-adjustment: Pulchridopt Wings > Ghastly Stones > Verdigris Stones > Wailing Stones
- The likelihood that players will receive the key item Vial of transmelange has been raised.
- The following adjustment has been made to a specific Noetic Ascension boon.
- Pre-adjustment: Fenestral Fragments +-
- Post-adjustment: Fenestral Fragments +
- Lola in Eastern Adoulin (G-8) now offers a more generous exchange rate for Pulchridopt Wings. She now charges five Lebondopt Wings instead of the previous thirty.
- The statue segment combination players have assembled now displays in the log window upon entering the world of skirmishes.
- Delve has undergone the following adjustment.
- Notorious monsters fought on the surface will now always drop the yggzi beads corresponding to their particular area.
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields have undergone the following adjustments.
- The merit point requirements for receiving phantom gems have been eased.
- The chapters of Rem's Tale that drop in high-tier mission battlefields will now be fixed per battlefield rather than randomized.
- Seraphicaller and Divinator now also drop in the following battlefields.
- Reives have undergone the following adjustments.
- Lair reives in Yorcia Weald, Marjami Ravine, Kamihr Drifts, and Outer Ra'Kaznar have undergone the following adjustments.
- Respawn delay will be decreased from fifteen minutes to five minutes.
- Lair HP, intermediary rewards, and experience/bayld gains for successful completion will be increased.
- Colonization Reives in Yorcia Weald, Marjami Ravine, Kamihr Drifts, Dho Gates, and Outer Ra'Kaznar have undergone the following adjustments.
- Reive terrain obstacle HP has been decreased.
- Reive terrain obstacles now take more damage. This adjustment also applies to Woh Gates.
- Intermediary rewards and experience/bayld gains for successful completion have been increased. This adjustment also applies to Woh Gates.
- The following have been added to Wildskeeper Reives.
- Aged Box (Bayld) containing quantities of High-Purity Bayld have been added to the list of rewards obtainable when vanquishing Naakuals.
- This reward is only available to players who have achieved at least a certain evaluation level in the corresponding wildskeeper reive.
- Players may receive new equipment rewards when vanquishing Yumcax and Kumhau.
- These rewards are only available to players who have achieved at least a certain evaluation level in the corresponding wildskeeper reive.
- Funguar-type monsters inhabiting Cirdas Caverns and Sih Gates may now drop Verboshrooms.
- Coastal Sahagin inhabiting Sea Serpent Grotto may now drop scrolls of Army's Paeon V.
- Certain Trolls inhabiting Halvung may now drop vials of Moblin Oil.
- The number of participants required for entering the following Seekers of Adoulin mission battlefields has been decreased from three to one.
- The following additions and adjustments have been made to crafting guilds.
- Synthesis materials have been added to guild merchants' list of wares.
- The materials will never go out of stock, nor will their prices fluctuate. Furthermore, more of them will become available as players' craft ranks rise.
- Guilds no longer close on certain days.
- High-quality versions of the following items have been introduced.
- Employing wind crystals to synthesize shall shells and istiridye will now yield the following items.
- Red mages, rangers, ninjas, and corsairs may now equip Atoyacs and Macoquetzas.
- The skill level required to synthesize the following items has been adjusted.
- The following types of ammunition have been introduced.
- The following ninja tools have been added.
- The following vendors now sell additional wares.
- Storage Slip 19 has been introduced, allowing storage of Scenario Reward II equipment.
- The attribute "Geomancy +5" has been added to the handbell Dunna.
- The vendoring prices of many items have been lowered.
- Soryu / Sekiryu / Hakuryu / Kokuryu / Black Bolt / Red Viola Pot / Blue Viola Pot / Yellow Viola Pot / White Viola Pot / Tathlum / Steel Scales / Iyo Scale / Manji Shuriken / Brass Zaghnal / Brass Zaghnal +1 / Silver Belt / Silver Belt +1 / Brass Finger Gauntlets / Brass Finger Gauntlets +1 / Brass Cuisses / Brass Cuisses +1 / Gold Chain / Headgear / Headgear +1 / Doublet / Doublet +1 / Kite Shield / Kite Shield +1 / Cotton Headband / Erudite's Headband / Bracers / Bracers +1 / Wool Cap / Wool Cap +1 / Black Mitts / Mage's Mitts / Leather Bandana / Leather Bandana +1 / Leather Vest / Leather Vest +1 / Studded Trousers / Strong Trousers / Cuir Trousers / Cuir Trousers +1 / Raptor Trousers / Dino Trousers / Battle Boots / Battle Boots +1 / Behemoth Mantle / Behemoth Mantle +1 / Fang Necklace / Spike Necklace / Bone Axe / Bone Axe +1 / Beetle Ring / Beetle Ring +1 / Beetle Gorget / Green Gorget / Turtle Shield / Turtle Shield +1 / Black Ink / Deodorizer / Hushed Baghnakhs / Poison Baselard / Python Baselard / Sieglinde Putty / Poison Baghnakhs / Poison Baghnakhs +1 / Targe / Targe +1 / Shell Powder
- Many Synthesis Materials are now stackable to 12 instead of unstackable.
- Displayed TP values have been increased by a factor of ten.
- As a result of this change, the help text for some items and abilities has been altered.
- Party member TP and alliance member MP and TP now display in the party list.
- In accordance, a text command has been added to hide/display party and alliance member TP values.
- The coordinates of a player's current location will now display adjacent to the current time, below the compass.
- Specific icons will now display to indicate whether an item is stored in one’s inventory or Mog Wardrobe.
- Gathering points where players may mine, log, or harvest items will now display a visual effect.
- Mining flash Blue, Logging flash Orange, and Harvesting flash Green.
- HELM spots within Adoulin areas do not have these new effects.
- Key items have been added to open the special doors in Eldieme Necropolis and Halvung.
- In Monstrosity, players may now sort the instincts list by cost.
- The following categories have been added to the currency menu.
- Daily Tally Points / A.M.A.N. vouchers stored / Bloodshed Plans / Umbrage Plans / Ritualistic Plans / Tutelary Plans / Primacy Plans
- Portafurnaces may now be used in the following areas.
- Wajaom Woodlands / Bhaflau Thickets / Mt. Zhayolm / Caedarve Mire / East Ronfaure [S] / Jugner Forest [S] / Vunkerl Inlet [S] / Batallia Downs [S] / North Gustaberg [S] / Grauberg [S] / Pashhow Marhslands [H] / Rolanberry Fields [S] / West Sarutabaruta [S] / Fort Karugo-Narugo [S] / Meriphataud Mountains [S] / Sauromugue Champaign [S] / Yahse Hunting Grounds / Ceizak Battlegrounds / Foret de Hennetiel / Yorcia Weald / Morimar Basalt Fields / Marjami Ravine / Kamihr Drifts
- A "Synthesis" option has been added to the main menu.
- This option contains the submenus "Crystal Synthesis" and "History," although the latter option is unavailable as of the June 2014 version update.
- Owing to this change, certain main menu categories have been reordered. The “Play Time” option is now located under "Status."
- Mog Lockers have undergone the following adjustment.
- When expanding the Mog Locker, the system in which a certain period of Earth time must pass before expanding the locker again has been abolished.
- Lighting in cavernous sections of the following areas has been adjusted.
- The following text commands have been added.
- /lastsynth - Allows you to perform the last synthesis attempted again.
- In order to perform synthesis using this command, the required items must be located in the player's inventory. Signed materials may not be used in a synthesis performed in this way, but as of the June 2014 version update, a bug exists in which the following items may erroneously be used.
- Noble's Bed / Desk / Tarutaru Desk / Water Barrel / Tarutaru Folding Screen / 9-Drawer Almirah / 6-Drawer Almirah / 3-Drawer Almirah / Blue 9-Drawer Almirah / Blue 6-Drawer Almirah / Blue 3-Drawer Almirah / Green 9-Drawer Almirah / Green 6-Drawer Almirah / Green 3-Drawer Almirah / Yellow 9-Drawer Almirah / Yellow 6-Drawer Almirah / Yellow 3-Drawer Almirah / White 9-Drawer Almirah / White 6-Drawer Almirah / White 3-Drawer Almirah / Fine Parchment / Enchanted Ink / Padded Box / Tavnazian Salad / Green Curry / Black Curry / Red Curry / Yellow Curry / Coeurl Sautee / Batagreen Sautee / Windurst Salad / Beaugreen Sautee
- /aim - readies the player's ranged weapon.
- /partyinfo - Controls what party or alliance member information is displayed in the party window.
- The location in the inventory menu where the number of stacked items is displayed has been adjusted
Interesting fixed issues
- The issue wherein enemies not native to Dho Gates would spawn there.
- The issue wherein alter egos were able to employ healing magic on their masters even when the players were under the effects of status ailments and such that rendered them unable to be healed.
- The issue wherein both the materials and equipment players traded to Divainy-Gamainy, Benjamien, or Heemo-Weemo would be lost if the server were to go down while those NPCs were in the process of engraving arcane glyptics.
Weapon Skill Changes
Prior to the changes in this update, developers mentioned on the official forums that they were probably not going to alter the new Merit Point Weapon Skills since they were already used the most up to this point.
Overall, these boosts were wonderful. Weapons such as Dagger had substantial increases in weapon skill damage. Weapon skills like Catastrophe now had modifiers that made sense; STR and INT instead of AGI and INT. Melee now had a reason to save their TP higher than 1000 rather than burning it right away. They also removed Alpha correction from Weapon Skill Correction; this meant that all weapon skills received an additional 15% WSC (multiplied; not necessarily an added 15% to, say, 30% STR to make 45%, but rather you no longer remove 5% from the 30).
Hybrids were now affected by a weapon's Item Level. This was also the update where Hybrid weapon skills became viable. Hybrids got even better as more magic attack and magic accuracy gear was released via Alluvion Skirmish Armor in the February 2015 update that melee could use. Of particular note was Cloudsplitter. It was notorious for being a pretty bad weapon skill that was unique to Farsha until the November 2013 version update. This is when the Empyrean Weapon Skill quests were added to be usable with any weapon of that type.
For those who might have difficulty understanding the gravity of the weapon skill changes, here are some notes that Byrth posted on the official forums.
- Weapon Skills have stat modifiers that determine base damage. The magnitude of these modifiers matters more for high fTP WSs (WSs with a lot of hits or high first-hit fTP) than for WSs with low fTP. So SE's decision to increase Evisceration (realistically a 6 fTP base) from a 30 to 50% DEX mod is more significant than, say, their decision to increase Tachi: Kaiten from a 60% to an 80% STR mod (3 fTP).
- Weapon Skills also use TP Anchor Points to determine the effect of TP over 100 (fTP+, Crit rate +%, Additional effect duration, etc.) The way that it is commonly represented, TP modifier is calculated piecewise like this:
- TP modifier = Bottom Anchorpoint + (Top Anchorpoint - Bottom Anchorpoint)*(TP - Bottom Anchorpoint TP)/100
- So the 100 TP and 200 TP anchorpoints determine the potency of TP between 100 and 200 TP. The 300 TP anchorpoint is only used if you have 200-300 TP (rarely), so it's not very important.
- Finally, some notes were added for a few weapon skills that had overall damage boosts besides stat modifiers and tp modifiers.
- "The attack power of the weapon skill itself will also be raised." - Change to the the fTP of the weaponskill.
- "Twofold attack for the first stage only" - Doubling attack on the first hit (a la Viper Bite).
- "The calculation used for determining maximum damage will be adjusted." Increase of damage "cap". Atonement was capped at 750 damage.
An added bonus from Weapon Skill damage increases were the increase in Skillchain damage. This was especially true due to unresistable skillchains. Skillchain Bonus traits and stats on equipment were now given second thoughts, as it became more significant and worthwhile. As if the weapon skill increases were not enough, Samurai saw an extra damage buff from the additional Skillchain damage that was possible now.
Easy Mode
"An easy game became easier" was the sentiment now with how powerful players have become after these weapon skill adjustments. The balance they have found isn't bad, but things were getting boring and old quickly. They could not go on revamping old content and BCs forever. Seekers of Adoulin Missions were coming out very slow. This delayed future, harder content such as Vagary and Sinister Reign. Players were now reminiscing the difficulties of Voidwatch and Legion.
TP Change
This update made TP a 3000 point scale instead of 300. TP has always been 3000 behind the scenes but the game never showed decimal points. Before this change, if you used Store TP and gained 12.7 tp per hit you would just see 12. Now you would see the 127 TP per hit with 3000 being the max. It actually let players see subtle changes in Store TP gear, and TP gain was more exact than the old 300-point scale. Overall, TP gain on weapons was increased too.
Some gear added in the previous two updates had "TP Bonus+1000" and "Regain+10" on their stats. After these items were DAT mined, some players were flipping a lid thinking these items were incredibly broken. The stats were simply added prematurely and actually reflected the 3000 TP scale implemented in this update.
Wildskeeper Reive Adjustments
This update was about the 5th time additions have been made to Wildskeeper Reives after they were implemented. Yes, the event felt grindy and repetitive on one hand. On the other, it was like Besieged where everyone was welcome to come and help fight. Nobody was considered a hindrance regardless of their gear level. You could dip out and take a break at any point during the "WKR Train" rather than feeling glued to the screen. When you returned from a break, simply rejoin the train and continue farming High-Purity Bayld.
Synthesis Changes
This update consisted of the most changes to crafting since cap increases to level 110. All of the changes that were implemented were intended as quality of life improvements to open the door for more players to check out the crafting system, while at the same time managing to be a refreshing change for veteran crafters. The /lastsynth command was considered to be one of the best Synthesis quality of life enhancements ever added.
Crafting Kits were essentially a fast track to levelling sub crafts with minimal effort. Using kits was rarely cheaper than actually gathering materials and using the old recipes, but it was far more convenient. Another way to look at them were as unlimited synthesis materials for certain synths. Players frequently hit brick walls on their crafting journey due to lack of materials on the Auction House. Kits paired with unlimited stock of certain items from Guilds opened more paths for levelling crafts and supplied a few more items to the economy. The items purchasable from NPCs seemed to have been strategically chosen, rather than random junk. At this point in the game, nobody bothered farming things like Giant Femurs anymore. This also opened the door for more Guild Point items to be made each day instead of being skipped due to farming inconveniences.
At last, ores/logs/hides became stackable. They should have been this way from the beginning of service. Stackable materials affected all crafts in one way or another. It also was a major HELM quality of life improvement. One particular item that became stackable which did not have much of an impact on crafting was the Yagudo Necklaces. It would have made the quest Mihgo's Amigo much easier near the beginning of service if they were stackable.
Speaking of HELM/Gathering, the new glow spots that were implemented for Harvesting/Mining/Logging made the experience much more enjoyable. Previously, players had to spam their target keys/buttons and watch the lower right of the screen to see if they targeted a gathering point. This was particularly annoying in zones with multiple floors, such as Palborough Mines where this action would target things above or below you. Even though fan made marked maps online still proved useful, they were less critical for new players to try out the content. This change did not suddenly cause players to flock to HELM, as it proved less useful these days with Mog Gardens being a thing now.
Eminent Equipment
There were a few surprising but pleasant equipment additions to Records of Eminence NPCs in exchange for Sparks of Eminence. The Eminent Bullets gave Corsair a new easily accessible bullet option. Eminent Arrows were finally a great Samurai high level arrow, albeit a bit of a niche following at this time. The new Eminent Flute had an unheard of All Songs +2 on it. It became the go-to entry and mule Bard instrument while freeing up inventory space. These were the days before the great Bard buff, so songs were much less potent. The additional +2 from Gjallarhorn (Level 99) was pretty insignificant. We are talking about a measly +8 attack and +6 accuracy when going from All Songs +2 to All Songs +4. It took quite the effort to farm up "Song +3" instruments, and a lot of players didn't bother with that now. The fact that it was added right after Terpander left more players thinking about diving into Bard.
Geomancy+ and Phantom Roll+
This buff was explained on the official forum to be more than just skill+ before Idris came out, but it was not disclosed on what exactly it did. This update added the first "Geomancy +x" equipment to the game via Handbells. After Geomancers saw the benefit of the stat, the value of the Idris became apparent. Of particular note was GEO Refresh. With a +5 bell and capped skill/merits, GEO's Refresh now gave +10 MP per tick. Precision and Fury also received huge buffs. With these boosts paired up with the Weapon Skill revamp, GEO suddenly became an even better party buffer job.
Phantom Rolls also had improvements from the powerful rings that were implemented. The rings gave incredibly significant boosts to all Rolls, increasing Corsair's overall buff potency. As a example: Chaos Roll gave 31.2% Attack boost when rolling an 11. Adding the new Barataria Ring gave an additional +15% attack bonus to this amount if an 11 was rolled.
Bard saw no improvements to song potency in this update. This was the turning point where GEO became a more desired job than Bard for melee parties. Especially if they had an Idris. This META would not change until Bard song buffs later on.
WKR Augments
It is worth noting that "Occasionally Attacks Twice" was added in this update as a possible augment for the Item Level 115 Wildskeeper Reive weapons. The proc rate was found to be about 40%. While this had a lot of potential, plugging in the numbers to the DPS spreadsheets did not beat Item Level 119 weapon stats. High level content proved that these weapons lacked accuracy and skill levels to prove viable replacements. Nevertheless, they were fun toys to play around with in old content such as Dynamis or Salvage.
Freshly Picked Vana'diel #8
Jun. 23rd, 2014
Mog Garden Campaign
The next Mog Garden campaign was held from June 23rd to July 8th.
This campaign brought back double the shining stars from the previous iteration, but there was a new addition.
The Flotsam had additional items added to it. During the campaign, a second (usually more valuable) item is now obtainable every time the Flotsam is retrieved. Players reported obtaining Savory Shanks and 100 iterations of Dynamis currency, all the way down to less useful Mannequin parts.
Jun. 23rd, 2014
Mog Garden Campaign
Celestial Nights returned from June 23rd to July 8th.
The only addition this year was the new Komanezumi fireworks. They were obtained during subsequent completions after all other rewards were given to the player.
Jun. 24th, 2014
“Wish on a strip of paper” contest
Returning from 2013, the Tanabata event returned for Japanese players from June 24th until July 6th.
Players were asked to download one of three “bamboo strip” images (pictured to the right), each strip was colored and themed after one of the three nations. They had to write a wish on it, and then post it on the entry thread on the official forum. The example image to the right says “May you win first place in Mog Bonanza”.
The reward for participating was only a Cracked Nut, but a plethora of players participated in this event due to the cultural significance. See the entry thread here if you wish to look at the entries.
Tanabata (or 七夕) is a southeast Asian festival part of the larger festival called Obon. Nationwide, it is common practice to write a wish on a strip of paper and decorate it with bamboo leaves. The custom of decorating strips of paper on bamboo grass began in the Edo period.
Jun. 26th, 2014
Double Experience Points Campaign
A Double Experience Points Campaign was held from June 26th until June 29th.
Jun. 30th, 2014
The First Summer Alter Ego Extravaganza
The first iteration of the Summer Alter Ego Extravaganza ran from June 30th to July 31st.
With it was the first opportunity to obtain the following Trusts:
It is worth mentioning that Ferreous Coffin is the first and only Trust that casts Raise on KO'd players. With it now possible to party up with other players, this proved to be an invaluable resource in a tight spot.
Jul. 1st, 2014
Second Version Update Survey Results
Survey results were announced for the February thru April version update changes.
A few notes from this survey:
- A large number of players were happy with the changes to Dancer's Waltz being separate timers.
- An overwhelming number of players were dissatisfied with the Job Points system. This was certainly due to the poor first choices of upgrades available upon first addition of the system. Some of the categories were so bad that once you had a Job Point, you didn't want to spend it on the "upgrades" that were available.
- Many players were happy with Combat and Magic skills being able to be increased within Reives.
- Almost half of the player base was happy with the HP and MP changes of each race, addition of /checkparam, and storage options.
- The highest satisfied results were the Auction House UI (sales history when listing an item) changes, as well as the elimination of Bazaar taxes. These results were 66% and 59% "satisfied".
View the full survey results here.
Jul. 8th, 2014
Two new Adventurer Campaigns held
From July 8th thru July 29th the new Campaign Festa adventurer campaign was held for the first time. New drops were added to the beastmen god BCNMs in Campaign Ops. These included Ultimate Weapon materials.
Also, from July 8th thru July 22nd the new Alter Ego Expo also debuted. This new campaign increased Trust's maximum HP and MP by 1.5x. Alongside of this, all Trusts had a strong resistance to status ailments.
10,000 pieces
Rumors began circulating that 10,000 pieces of currency dropped from this event. Because this tier of currency has never been obtainable without trading the goblins 100x 100 pieces, players dismissed this claim as a photoshop and hearsay. As more Campaign Festa events were held, more reports came in over the years. Eventually it was accepted by the community that these Dynamis pieces can drop in this event, but they have UR rarity. Other than the low chance at 10,000 pieces, Heavy Metal and Heavy Metal Pouches had much higher rates and were overall pretty common to receive. It was a fun change of pace to do these BCs if they were accessible. In order for these Campaign Ops to be accessible, the beastmen stronghold area needed to be under Allied control. This was difficult to accomplish without cooperation from other players. Adventurers were very shocked that Fiat Lux dropped Umbral Marrow. These were found pretty quickly.
Jul. 8th, 2014
Monster Rearing, Level Sync Trusts, and Synthesis History Menu Introduced
- The following items may now be planted in Mog Garden furrows.
- New objectives have been added to Records of Eminence.
- Certain conditions for progressing with missions and quests have been revised. Players will no longer have to wait for Japanese midnight, or, when applicable, midnight on Japanese Monday, to progress in the following quests and missions. Instead, waiting periods will be set at a maximum of one minute (Earth time).
- Targets under the effects of Weight no longer have their physical evasion decreased.
- This change was in response to the new Distract spell that has this same physical evasion decrease effect.
- Colonization Reives in Foret de Hennetiel, Yorcia Weald, Morimar Basalt Fields, Marjami Ravine, Kamihr Drifts, Cirdas Caverns, Dho Gates and Woh Gates have undergone the following adjustments.
- The number of monsters that spawn has been decreased.
- Monster respawn time has been increased from one minute to five minutes and monster detection radii have been decreased. These two changes also apply to colonization reives in Yahse Hunting Grounds, Ceizak Battlegrounds, Sih Gates, and Moh Gates.
- Wildskeeper Reives have undergone the following adjustments.
- The number of monsters spawning in wildskeeper reives in Yorcia Weald has been decreased.
- Wildskeeper reives in Ceizak Battlegrounds now have a chance to drop a new katana. Prah Janimhar in Western Adoulin (J-9) can engrave this new katana with arcane glyptics.
- Trusts have undergone the following adjustments:
- Alter egos may now be called forth when level synced.
- Alter egos may now be used in the following Treasures of Aht Urhgan mission battlefields: The Black Coffin / Shield of Diplomacy / Puppet In Peril
- The movement logic of alter egos has been adjusted for when they are not in combat.
- The following alter egos have received adjustments.
- Volker
- Capabilities and action logic have been adjusted.
- Under certain circumstances, Volker will switch between offense and defense.
- Aldo
- Capabilities have been adjusted.
- The “enhances Dual Wield effect” bonus that Aldo receives under certain conditions will now occur when the player is level 20 or greater.
- Salvage has undergone the following adjustments.
- In the Unlocking a Myth line of quests, the number of skillchains required to complete the quest is now set as if players have reached floor 100 in Nyzul Isle, regardless of how many floors they have completed.
- The effects of slow will now properly work on certain enemies residing in Adoulin areas whose autoattacks are area of effect.
- These adjustments also affect those Delve monsters that were modified in the March 18, 2014 version update.
- Skirmishes have undergone the following adjustments.
- The hierarchy of spoil drop rates in Outer Ra’Kaznar [U] has been adjusted.
- Pre-adjustment: Pulchridopt Wings > Ghastly Stones > Verdigris Stones > Wailing Stones
- Post-adjustment: Pulchridopt Wings > Ghastly Stones = Verdigris Stones = Wailing Stones
- In accordance with this adjustment, the drop rate of wailing stones has been increased and that of ghastly stones has been decreased.
- The types and number of stones that Lola in Eastern Adoulin (G-8) will exchange for pulchridopt wings has been adjusted as follows.
- The effects that display upon completion of casting Gekka: Ichi and Yain: Ichi have been modified.
- Some blue magic help text has been changed.
- The name of the blue magic spell Pyric Bulwark has been adjusted to Polar Bulwark.
- The following vendors sell new magic scrolls.
- Runje Desaali in Eastern Adoulin (J-10) now accepts the following items.
- 2,000 Bayld: Eminent Flute / Eminent Bell / Influx Earring / Upsurge Earring / Allegro Earring / Impregnable Earring / Flashward Earring / Spellbreaker Earring / Merirosvo Ring / Enlivened Ring / Vehemence Ring / Longshot Ring / Fistmele Ring / Perception Ring / Acumen Ring
- 4,000 Bayld: Tlalpoloani / Macoquetza / Camatlatia / Icoyoca / Tlamini / Suijingiri / Zoquittihuitz / Quauhpilli Helm / Chocaliztli Mask / Xux Hat / Quauhpilli Gloves / Xux Trousers / Chocaliztli Boots
- The following items' icons have been adjusted.
- Vendoring prices have been reduced for the following items.
- The following types of ammunition that may be stored in pouches and quivers have been added.
- Oversized Fangs may now be mined in Kamihr Drifts.
- The following items are now stackable in groups of twelve:
- The /lastsynth text command will now undertake the synthesis located on the top of the synthesis history list rather than the most recent recipe synthesized.
- Home Points have been added to the following areas.
- Survival Guides have been added to the following areas.
- The categories in the “Comment” option under the “Search” sub-menu have been modified.
- New command: /targetbnpc - Targets the closest NPC or monster within a certain radius that can participate in battle.
- The text command “/follow” will now work on invisible players in all areas and content other than Ballista and Brenner.
- A loading icon will now display in the top right of the screen when item data is being updated upon changing areas or performing other actions.
- In Monstrosity, it is now possible to unsort instincts.
Interesting fixed issues
- The issue wherein performing certain actions while calling forth alter egos while already in a party would place players in "Seeking Party" mode.
- The issue wherein performing the /hidefaith or /hidetrust text commands while the icon type is set to 1 in the Misc. section of the Config menu option would set the icon type to 2.
- The issue with the /lastsynth text command wherein augmented items would be selectable as materials.
- The issue wherein certain terrain features in Yorcia Weald (E-9) were occasionally stacked on top of each other.
- (July 11th) An issue wherein the server will go down if a Geomancer becomes charmed while deploying a colure spell.
Job Buffs
The additional effect added to Corsair's Roll to also enhance Capacity Points was not the most discussed buff this update. Job Points were not spectacular enough to be worried about earning more at the time. Players with a decent amount of points just felt like the enhancements did not make them feel stronger than before having any. Instead, players were hyped up for Flurry, Distract, and Frazzle. These new spells along with GEO now having access to a GEO haste spell (which even gave 33% haste!) rendered them the new go-to party buffers. Players debated on how these new spells could greatly change party dynamics. It was also worth mentioning the potential for Red Mage as a sub job for access to the Tier I versions of these spells. It became more favorable to GEOs to cast spells such as Frazzle upon pulling to easily be placed on the hate list.
Blue Mage received Subduction this update. It turned them into AoE killing machines in all types of content.
Bard was left in the dark in the previous two updates. The new instrument added did not help veteran Bards. The job essentially turned into a Scherzo bitch for the handful of fights that Scherzo was useful for at the time.
New Home Points and Survival Guides
The thought behind adding even more Home Points and Survival Guides was that the developers had the vision in mind that players should be able to start an event within 5 minutes of logging in. The locations added in this update were extreme hikes to access, so all of these teleportation locations were very welcome. They were so off the beaten path that was even difficult for some players to figure out how to get to these locations without assistance and tips from others.
Synthesis History
The Synth History menu was not as convenient as the /lastsynth command, but it was still nice nonetheless. Not many players realized that you could "Favorite" a recipe to keep it on the history.
For unknown reasons, the Japanese client displayed craft levels under the Synthesis History box. This was absent in the English Client. Perhaps it was due to the limited characters available. No official explanation has ever been given.
Monster Rearing
Upon first implementation of the Monster Rearing system, there was little point in participating in the content. Mementos and Cheers were not added to the game until the December 2014 update. The only purpose was expanded wares via the Green Thumb Moogle, as well as baby monsters. Later on as more ranks and monsters were added to the system, the wares for sale became excellent sources for crafters. A clear material availability advantage was present for those who had high ranks unlocked.
Stat Rings
The stat rings added in this update blew all previous stat rings out of the water because of the extra types of accuracy/resistances on the +1 versions rather than just pure Stat bonuses. Players were hoping that there was a use for the Avatarite stones added, and this was it. They were previously only used for Trials of the magians for certain paths.
Silent Change
This update quietly adjusted the Barone armor sold from the Tavnazian NPCs. Due to the lore setting in Tavnazia, the sell price for Barone was mysteriously set to 40x the current price. The Barone Gambieras were at over 25,000,000 gil to purchase them. It was said by developers that the reason for this was because Tavnazia was a secluded place. The value of items was much higher due to the rarity of materials in the lore, and as such the price to make such things was much more.
Freshly Picked Vana'diel #9
Jul. 8th, 2014
End of German and French Language Support
This update marked the official end of in-game French and German language support for Final Fantasy XI. The announcement was made on April 30th that these options would no longer be supported as of the July 2014 version update due to the declining number of French and German players. Players who spoke these languages could continue to play the game in English, and French and German customer support was still available.
German and French languages were supported from March 8th, 2007 until July 8th, 2014. Ending support for two additional languages did not improve the localization issues that continue to plague the English version of the game.
It may have been possible for fans to distribute translated DAT files for these languages, but it would have been a massive undertaking to keep up with every version update.
Jul. 10th, 2014
Repeat Login Campaign #13
The link to the English campaign page was broken for more than 12 hours on the website after the event was posted on PlayOnline.com, even after reports on the official forum. It was a nice coincidence... Right after support for the German and French versions of the game ended.
Cipher: S. Sibyl was added as a unique item in this campaign, and it was the first opportunity to obtain her. Two new fans: Kyuka Uchiwa and the Kyuka Uchiwa +1 were added to coincide with the yearly Mumor Superheroine Show/Sunbreeze Festival. The Kyuka Uchiwa +1 was spoken highly of as one of the best weapons to learn Blue Magic due to the low damage and high rate of multi attack. All you needed to do was set Scholar as your subjob and cast Fire weather on yourself.
Returning this month was the Bomb Masque / +1. Also, Stronghold Invasion pop items for Castle Oztroja (S) were available this month.
Month: July 2014
- View the entire item list here.
Jul. 17th, 2014
First Double Salvage Plan Drop Campaign
The campaign was held from July 17th until August 3rd.
It was a bit of a mystery to players on why they would make such a campaign at this point in the game. Players were not lacking Plans for Salvage II, this campaign just caused more unneeded stuff to throw away. What would have proven more useful is if the bosses instead dropped an additional piece.
Players speculated that Salvage III was on the way, and this event was a precursor to allow players to stock up their plans.
Jul. 29th, 2014
The Fantastic Fraulein Mumor Superheroine Stage Show: Dynamic Doppelgangers
The Mumor event returned between July 29th to August 19th.
This year, there were two Mumor NPCs. One was the real Mumor, and it was hard to target the correct NPC. If you bought fireworks from the NPCs during the performance break, you would receive a bonus for the next round.
New this year were the Kengyu Happi / Kengyu Hanmomohiki and Shokujo Happi / Shokujo Hanmomohiki kimono sets. The main prize, however, was the new Mumor Trust.
Jul. 31st, 2014
Double Capacity Points and Double Simulacra Segment Drop Rate Campaigns
Two more campaigns were held from July 31st.
Jul. 31st, 2014
The 12th Vana’diel Census
The final Vana'diel Census was conducted on May 16th, 2014 but the results were released on July 31st. This was a very condensed form of the Vana'diel Census with basic information disclosed.
No further census has been taken since the 12th in 2014. It was mentioned on Freshly Picked Vana'diel #30 that it was a very difficult task to aggregate and format the data unless it was prepared in advance. Even if you aggregated it, it is not very interesting and players may dismiss the results as skewed. It was also claimed that the cost to conduct the census was large. As such, the administration team has "prioritized responding to the official forums instead of conduct the census". It is unlikely it will ever happen again.
The final Census can be found here.
Aug. 10th, 2014
Repeat Login Campaign #14
Cipher: Uka was added as a unique item in this campaign, and it was the first opportunity to obtain her. She synergized very well with Mumor who just was added the month before.
Synthesis Kits were added, but only for Smithing and Woodworking which left players scratching their heads. Odious items debuted for the first time this campaign. Additionally, the eyes required for the Hakutaku Eye Cluster were available for some unknown reason. Hakutaku and the Optical Hat were very out of date now. A nice addition were the Sky Notorious Monster System god seals for easy Kirin spawns. Ark weapons also returned alongside the new Avatarite gems used for the new Stat rings added in the July update.
Month: August 2014
- View the entire item list here.
Aug. 12th, 2014
Alouvion Skirmish, Ra'Kaznar Inner Court, and Equipment Sets released
Job Adjustments
- Warrior
- The job trait “Max HP Boost” has been added.
- Warriors receive this trait at level 30, with the effect increasing in stages at levels 50, 70, and 90.
- Thief
- The recast time of the job ability Mug has been decreased from fifteen minutes to five minutes.
- Paladin
- The job trait “Max HP Boost” has been added.
- Paladins receive this trait at level 45, with the effect increasing at level 85.
- Cumulative enmity will now increase when using the following job abilities.
- Dark Knight
- The casting time of the following spells has been decreased from two seconds to 0.5 seconds.
- Ninja
- The job trait “Max HP Boost” has been added.
- Ninjas receive this trait at level 20, with the effect increasing in stages at levels 40, 60, 80, and 99.
- Dragoon
- Wyverns’ defense, magic defense, and Subtle Blow effects have been increased.
- Blue Mage
- The attack power of physical blue magic spells has been increased.
- Job abilities, magic, food, and equipment that affect physical attack are now reflected in the attack power of physical blue magic spells.
- With regard to those effects that raise physical attacks by a percentage, the attack of physical blue magic spells will vary based on the strength of the weapon wielded in the main hand.
- Puppetmaster
- Weapon skills used by automatons have undergone the following adjustments.
- The attribute modifiers of the following weapon skills have been increased.
- String Clipper / Arcuballista / Slapstick / Daze / Knockout / Bone Crusher / Armor Piercer
- The TP-related modifiers of the following weapon skills have been increased.
- Chimera Ripper / Arcuballista / Cannibal Blade / Daze / Knockout / Bone Crusher / Armor Piercer/ Magic Mortar
- The damage-related modifiers of the following weapon skills have been increased.
- Chimera Ripper / Arcuballista / Slapstick / Daze / Knockout / Bone Crusher
- The attack-related modifier of String Clipper has been increased.
- Geomancer
- The potency of the following geomancer spells has been increased.
- The effect equipment has on the following geomancy spells has been enhanced.
- Rune Fencer
- The job trait “Max HP Boost” has been added.
Rune fencers receive this trait at level 20, with the effect increasing in stages at levels 40, 60, 80, and 99.
- A new Coalition Assignment, "Gather: Ra'Kaznar Inner Court," has been added.
- New Trusts were added:
- Rainemard, Excenmille (S), Klara, and Romaa Mihgo.
- A new feature for players to search for quests and NPCs offering tutorial objectives has been added to the following NPCs. They are known as Quest Guide NPCs.
- New Records of Eminence objectives have been added.
- Mog Gardens have undergone the following adjustments:
- Monster Rearing has undergone the following adjustments.
- When selecting “Send it back home” after speaking with Chacharoon, Chacharoon’s dialogue will change based on the number of days the player has been caring for the monsters.
- Under certain conditions, a message will now display in the chat log when feeding a monster something that may greatly speed up its growth.
- A new monster will no longer succumb to darkness for the first two days (Earth time) after starting to rear it.
- The requirements for attaining certain Monster Rearing-related designations have been lowered.
- Monsters’ mood and degree of satisfaction will now change when feeding them while their growth style is set to “enjoying the moment.”
- Monsters will no longer change in appearing when feeding them something that may greatly speed up their growth is their growth style is set to “enjoying the moment.”
- Moblin Maze Mongers has undergone the following adjustments.
- The amount of time that must pass between ordering mazes has been decreased from twenty-four hours (Earth time) to twenty hours.
- The amount of marbles that must be paid to Duplidoc in Lower Jeuno (H-9) to purchase a maze tabula has been decreased from twenty to five.
- A new cutscene, which introduces the NPC to which players can turn in their adventurer coupon, has been added to the opening sequence that plays after creating a new character.
- The amount of obsidian fragments obtainable from vanquishing monsters in skirmishes has been increased.
- The maximum value of the equipment attribute “Enmity+” has been increased.
- The visual effects accompanying the use of abilities of wyverns, avatars, automatons, and beastmasters’ familiars are no longer displayed.
- Two new Job Point categories were added to each job.
- Trust Magic has undergone the following adjustments:
- Alter egos may now be called forth in the following Treasures of Aht Urhgan mission battlefields.
- Shades of Vengeance / Gaze of the Saboteur / Path of Darkness / Nashmeira’s Plea
- The following alter egos have been adjusted.
- Curilla: MP has been increased.
- Excenmille: Combat skills and “Store TP” effect have been increased.
- A category called “Trust” has been added to the action menu.
- Trust spells originally appearing in the magic list have been moved to this category.
- Alter egos may now be called forth after joining those battlefields in which they are usable.
- Note that any alter egos summoned prior to joining will vanish upon entry.
- The visual and audio effects accompanying the calling forth of an alter ego have been changed.
- The level of Velkk in Dho Gates needing to be vanquished for the quest “Velkkovert Operations” has been lowered.
- A new katana has been made available as spoils for vanquishing Muyingwa in Delve and through exchange with Forri-Porri in Western Adoulin.
- A new item, the Warp Ring, has been added and is available in exchange for Conquest Points.
- The Warp Cudgel item has undergone the following adjustments.
- The time it takes for the cudgel to become usable after equipping it has been reduced from thirty seconds to ten seconds.
- The recast time has been reduced from one hour to one minute.
- Players may now display the TP of wyverns, avatars, automatons, and beastmasters’ familiars using the text command /partyinfo showtp on.
- A "Title Music" option enabling players to select which song plays has been added to the Config menu of the title screen.
- Sorting one magic list will no longer sort other magic lists.
- When failing a synthesis from the “History” menu, the icon displayed will now change.
Interesting fixed issues
- The issue wherein the following alter egos would not use Cure when located more than a certain distance from the player.
- Cherukiki / Nashmeira / Fablinix / Noillurie / Ferreous Coffin
- The issue wherein wyverns would prioritize alter egos when using Healing Breath.
- The issue wherein attempting to perform synthesis from the “History” menu under certain conditions would display a strange message.
August 2014 Version Update Promotional Trailer
Job Adjustments
Fury's effect was boosted from +12.5% attack to +31.2% attack with a combined Handbell and Geomancy skill of 800. With Dunna, it was even more at +44.9% attack. Barrier was increased from +17% defense to +36.3% defense with 800 skill. Dunna made this jump to +59.7% defense. These were not small numbers. Geomancer was now a force to be reckoned with.
Seekers of Adoulin Missions
There was a bug in the previous set of Seekers of Adoulin missions. Specifically, The Lightsland. If you obtained one of the three neck rewards, equipped it, and then spoke to the NPC again players were unintentionally able to obtain a second neck reward item. This bug was fixed, but the way these extra equipment pieces that were obtained was addressed was in this new set of missions. In the mission The Charlatan where players obtained a +1 version of the necklace chosen, you were unable to proceed unless any extra necklaces obtained previously via the glitch were thrown away. It was rumored that the previous bug that existed was the only reason that +1 versions of these items were created. The stats on the +1 items were so much better so players who illegitimately had two necklaces felt like they were still receiving and upgrade when they were forced to throw away the second necklace.
The new area Ra'Kaznar Inner Court felt incredibly large, but vastly empty. There were even special teleport animations created specifically for this zone. The only purpose it served was to travel to the end of it for the Seekers of Adoulin Missions. It is a shame that so many development resources went into creating such a unique area that was never repurposed for any additional content.
Alluvion Skirmish
With the new Alluvion Skirmish finally came new weapons to compete with Delve boss weapons. These unique weapon models felt like they should have been used for a new version of Adoulin's Ultimate Weapons rather than wasted on an easily accessible event like Skirmish. As players put it, the graphics were "pretty bitchin'".
What was also bitchin' was the very nice augment system that came with these weapons. Rather than stones erasing all augments for every trade, each variety of stone granted it's own augment slot. It was easy to target the slot you wanted to upgrade and not have to worry about a stat you wanted to keep. Customization options seem to have been nearly endless for what you wanted to build.
These weapons were rather short lived in their lifespan, with a few niche exceptions. Naturally, players saw the DAT mine stats and disappointment ensued about the low base damage and higher delay. Augments helped lower the delay and increase base damage. The Kumbhakarna was incredibly useful for Beastmaster with the Pet TP bonus. Ipetam stayed useful for Bard idle indefinitely. Many of the Skirmish Weapon +2 versions outclassed these new augments, however.
The Linos was quickly found to provide an "All Songs +2" augment, effectively making it "All Songs +3". With the price of the augment stones (Not to mention it was the rarest stone needed for this augment), it may have been cheaper to just create a Gjallarhorn (Level 99) if you had bad luck.
A screenshot was posted on FFXIAH.com four days after the update (see below). It features a Linos augment having "All Songs +3". This would have been the equivalent of a Gjallarhorn (Level 99). Eventually this was debunked as a photoshop because the poster was hiding the instrument in-game and would not let anyone examine them to see it for themselves. Even if this augment was real, it would honestly not have been much of a difference compared to Gjallarhorn at this time. Many other Relic Weapons were outclassed at this point in the game even at Item Level 119 I strength (119 III were not out yet). Song buffs were pitiful after the Geomancer and Corsair buffs. Who cares if Gjallarhorn now had a competitor with an incredibly rare chance to get the augment? Gjallarhorn still had skill boosts, which were hard to come by in 2014.
Equipment Sets
After implementation of Equipment Sets, it was such a convenient feature that many players who did not use Gearswap luas rewrote their entire macro sets to use Equipment Sets. One issue that players ran into was that at first, macros could be backed up to the server but the contents of equipment sets could not. After reinstalling the game, data corruption, or moving PCs, it was quite a hassle to recreate your equipment sets. There was a growing demand for set backups, but it was not possible to do this until after the August 2015 version update. One year after Equipment Sets were added.
Job Point Expansion
The categories added to Job Points in this update finally showed promise on useful categories to invest in for some jobs. For others, it did not help. Beastmaster for instance had two amazing categories: Pet attack speed and Reward effect.
Earning Capacity Points was still a big drag. The new area Ra'Kaznar Inner Court did not add any viable camps.
Title Music
Historically, title music added to the main menu was the Vana'diel March theme for the most current expansion you had installed. There was no way to change this if you did not care for the newest iteration of the theme. With the addition of this new feature, players can now pick the theme they would like to hear every time they launched the game. It was a nostalgia trip to have the original Vana'diel Theme or the one from Chains of Promathia playing again.
Warp Ring
This update introduced the Warp Ring, as well as huge adjustments to the Warp Cudgel. It only made sense to allow easier Warps after how quickly players can move throughout the world with Home Points and Survival Guides. The Warp Ring was said by some to be one of the best items ever added to the game. The item saved on inventory space as well as add to convenience.
The April 2013 update lowered the cudgel timer to 1 hour, but that was even too long. Multiple cudgels were still needed to be held at any time so you were not stuck somewhere after participating in game content. The Warp Ring greatly solved this predicament, without the need to repurchase a cudgel after it ran out. It was foolish to use a Warp Cudgel charge when you were in town just to return to your Home Point. Before Home Point teleportation, players would level Black Mage to 17 for the sole reason of being able to Warp themselves to their home point without a "D3", or "death warp". Running to your Mog House was still required to change your subjob, and then you had to remember to change it back after warping.
Crafting Torques
The remaining four Crafting Torques that offered Crafting Skill +2 were added to the game files in July 2014, but they became available in August 2014. A post on the official forums disclosed this information. For some reason, it was not announced in the official update notes that equipment was added to Grounds of Valor caskets. It was also unclear and never answered why these crafts did not have a torque added back in 2011 when the other crafting torques were implemented.
Freshly Picked Vana'diel #10
Aug. 15th, 2014
Discontinuation of UltimatePay
UltimatePay was an alternative for those without bank accounts or credit cards to pay for online services such as games or digital goods. Essentially, they were rechargable credit cards. Consumers of this brand were unable to recharge their cards beginning on August 15th, 2014, and the last day to redeem their credit was on October 31st, 2014.
This only affected a minority of players of FFXI, but more seemed to be affected who played FFXIV. A common way to pay for the games was to use these cards to pay for Crysta, and then the Crysta was used for their subscriptions. These players had to replace their cards with a prepaid Visa or Mastercard to continue to play.
Aug. 21st, 2014
Simultaneous Mog Garden and Skirmish Campaigns
Two more campaigns were held from August 21st until August 31st.
Aug. 28th, 2014
Longest Double Capacity Points Campaign yet
The longest Double Capacity Points campaign yet - 9 days long - was held from August 28th until September 5th.
Sep. 1st, 2014
Salvage Bans 2.0
News broke out on September 1st that players were getting banned or suspended for a Salvage II exploit that was recently fixed. This exploit was in the game since the introduction of Salvage II, but only hit critical mass the last couple months before the exploit was patched.
The exploit allowed players to defeat the mini boss and mega boss in all Salvage II zones by first defeating them like normal. Afterwards if you position hacked down to the floor below the mini boss, teleporting back up forced these bosses to respawn. Each time this happened, the player would have a guaranteed Linen Coin Purse for each mega boss kill, and a chance at a Cotton Coin Purse for each mini boss kill.
Players who were banned reported the ability to obtain 3,000 alexandrite per run if you were efficient and had good equipment.
Right before the fix, Mythic Weapons began popping up like crazy. The markets on all worlds were flooded with available Alexandrite at 40% less than it was before the exploit made its way around. Players noticed that their friends would enter Salvage as MNK subbing DRK, or other similar non-THF jobs and stay in the zone for the entire 100 minutes.
Justice not served?
Three day suspensions were handed out to some exploiters, some were permanently banned, and others did not get punished at all. This was typical Square Enix and how they decided to handle the situation. Dishing out uneven justice. Rumors were that Square Enix did not want to invest enough time into FFXI to perform a "thorough investigation" like they did with the first Salvage bans, and the bans were issued with half-assed proof.
Most players believed that those who exploited this glitch should have all been permanently banned. It was a blatant and unfair advantage for those that performed the exploit.
Exploiters defended their actions with the following reasonings:
- "Extra Alexandrite didn't hurt anyone"
- "Gil was spread around by the hundreds of millions. That helped legit players too"
- "Changing the market wasn't harmful, it's just different"
- "If they ever looked at how many alexandrite were being generated, they would have noticed the problem months ago"
- "I handed out millions of gil to friends and crafters, and asked for nothing in return. I bid 100k on an item instead of looking at the last sale. Why? I was happy to see others get nice things"
Sep. 5th, 2014
Second Double Synthesis Skill Increase Campaign
The second time the Double Synthesis Skill Increase Campaign ran was from September 5th until September 6th. Exactly 24 Earth Hours.
It was unknown why this was only active for 24 hours. The last time this campaign ran (which was the first time), it ran for 14 days. Many players missed out on this event, or just forgot it was going on.
Sep. 9th, 2014
Incursion and Surged Walk of Echoes Battle Content Added
Job Adjustments
- Beastmaster
- Dragoon
- As a wyvern’s level rises, the dragoon’s physical attack and defense will increase, and the player also receives a haste effect.
- Physical attack and defense has increased by 4% for each wyvern level up to a cap of 20%, and the haste effect has increased by 2% per level up to a cap of 10%.
- These benefits are only conferred while the player’s wyvern is active. If the wyvern falls in battle or is dismissed, the benefits are lost.
- Owing to this adjustment, the physical attack and defense bonus conferred by the Spirit Surge ability has been changed to 25%.
- The Strafe job trait, originally obtainable via merit points, is now earned by leveling up. The trait is first acquired at level 20, with the effect increasing in stages at levels 40, 60, and 80.
- Owing to this adjustment, the Merit Group 2 category Strafe has been renamed to Strafe Effect
- Name change: Strafe is now Strafe Effect
- Strafe Effect: From Increase accuracy by 5 to Increase accuracy by 10.
- The amount of time required for a breath to activate has been decreased from three seconds to one second.
- Blue Mage
- Blue mages are now capable of learning the following spells:
- Restoral (Lv.99, Recast time: 10 sec.)
- Restores the caster’s HP.
- Rail Cannon (Lv.99, Recast time: 180 sec.)
- Deals light damage to an enemy.
- Diffusion Ray (Lv. 99, Recast time: 45 sec.)
- Deals light damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster.
- Sinker Drill (Lv.99 Recast time: 75 sec.)
- Delivers a fivefold attack. Damage varies with TP.
- New spells only available under the effects of Unbridled Wisdom:
- Uproot (Lv.99, Recast time: 30 sec.)
- Deals light damage to enemies within range. Also removes status ailments from caster.
- Crashing Thunder (Lv.99, Recast time: 30 sec.)
- Deals lightning damage to enemies within range.
- Polar Roar (Lv.99, Recast time: 30 sec.)
- Deals ice damage to enemies within range. Additional effect: Bind.
- Dancer
- A new ability, Contradance, has been added.
- Contradance (Dancer Lv.50, Recast time: 5 minutes, Effect duration: 60 sec.)
- The next waltz used while under the effects of Contradance will restore an increased amount of HP. If Healing Waltz was used, the effect will extend to an area centered on the target player.
- The maximum Step level has been increased.
Player Level
Step Level Maximum
- The new Seekers of Adoulin Quest A Thirst for Eternity was added.
- The Gobbie Mystery Box system was overhauled to what it is today.
- The Special Dial was added in this version update.
- Dials 1-5 now cost 10 tally each.
- The amount of tally received when trading rare items, and the maximum that may be received each day was increased.
- Daily tally from before the update was carried over.
- Six additional mystery box locations were added or moved.
- New objectives were added to Records of Eminence.
- Monster Rearing adjustments:
- Conditions for progressing with the following missions and quests have been changed:
- Capacity Points can now be earned from the treasure coffers that appear after clearing the following battlefields requiring either Microcosmic Orbs or Macrocosmic Orbs:
- Alter Egos have undergone the following adjustments:
- Killer job trait effects are now applied.
- Alter egos can be summoned during a reive regardless of enmity.
- The following alter egos have been adjusted.
- Naja
- Combat skills have been increased.
- Mumor / Uka Totlihn
- Owing to the changes made for dancers, the maximum level for steps has been increased.
- The following monster abilities have been adjusted:
- Abyssic Buster
- The duration of the amnesia effect has been reduced.
- Typhoean Rage
- This ability no longer removes players’ equipment.
- Keraunos Quill
- This ability no longer causes encumbrance.
- Raksha: Vengeance / Eradicator
- The effect duration of the weakened state has been reduced.
- Ballistic Kick
- This ability no longer removes players’ equipment. The duration of the encumbrance effect has been reduced.
- Besieger’s Bane
- The duration of the terror effect has been reduced.
- Enthrall
- The duration of the charm effect has been reduced.
- Hurricane Breath
- Attack power has been reduced.
- The following adjustments have been made to Alluvion Skirmishes
- A message will be displayed in the log window whenever and whenever a skirmish is finished.
- The color of the message displayed in the log window when a boss monster appears has been changed.
- The icons of the following items have been changed.
- The
Rare attribute has been removed from the following items.
- The locations of home points, telepoints, and survival guides are now displayed on maps.
- When teleporting between home points or using the teleportation assistance function of survival guides, players are now able to check the exact location of their destination.
- Players are now able to rearrange party members in the party list.
- Party member order may be changed by selecting “Rearrange” from the Party section of the main menu. Selecting this option will display party members’ main and support jobs to the left of their names.
- A new command, /itemsearch, has been added.
- /itemsearch
- This function allows players to search all storage systems for items that exactly match the text entered, with successful hits displayed in list format. Note that items which span multiple words must be enclosed in quotation marks (e.g. /itemsearch “Cizin Helm”).
- Fellows summoned by the player and alter egos are no longer targets for the argument <stnpc>.
- Meriri and Kuzah Hpirohpon of the Weavers’ Guild in Windurst Woods (F-12) now sell synthesis kits and synthesis materials, respectively.
Interesting fixed issues
- The issue wherein selecting "Change Name" from the "Set Equipment Set" submenu would occasionally erroneously change the name to that of a different equipment set.
- The issue wherein the names and actions of certain NPCs appearing in the opening scene taking place in Windurst Waters were incorrect.
- The issue wherein targeting an NPC or monster while designating a player name with the /pcmd add command would occasionally cause the target to be invited to the party.
Job Adjustments
The Beastmaster jug pets were all available for purchase from vendors upon implementation, and they were all set at very reasonable prices. Nothing special was added to them other than giving old pets the Item Level treatment with stats.
The Dancer adjustment looked nice on paper, but building that amount of steps was rather pointless. By the time you reached the higher steps, the monsters typically were dead. The change failed to address the problems with the job, but any buff was better than no buff. The biggest issue with the job was that the longer a monster was alive, the deadlier it became. Dancer did not bring anything to the table to help with this problem.
The job's major problem as a healer was AoE debuff spam on all content. The secondary problem was AoE damage spam. Contradance was insufficient to address either problem. Dancer didn't have any useful party buffs. They provided 1.5% JA Haste that some people needed and then another 8.5% JA Haste that no one but Dancer gears for. To add insult to injury, any job in the game was capable of providing the necessary 1.5% JA Haste (and still having another 3.5% JA Haste that no one gears for).
As a DD/Debuffer, Dancer's main problem was their debuffing totally destroyed their DPS. Even assuming you stack with Weapon Skills, you still lost at least 1/15 of your DPS. (More like 1/10 with Presto.)
Dragoon adjustments finally received a full time Beserk/Defender without penalties. It was also a Hasso effect while the Wyvern was out.
Blue Mage getting new spells so quickly was unexpected. Restoral and Sinker Drill in particular became some of the most useful spells.
Gobbie Mystery Box
The Gobbiebox was revamped this update to what we have today. Not many players used the old Mystery Box feature, so practically the entire player base had huge amounts of stored tally to burn because it carried over. Naturally, players wanted a "Daily task" to put out more than just a vendorable item. Abjurations were a nice score upon first implementation. Especially the Legion level 99 sets, as they still had limited uses as well as a rarity factor.
BG Wiki DAT miners had the ability to know what came from the box right away because a new item tag called "Flag02" was thrown up on over 8,000 items within the DATs. We were just oblivious as to what the flag actually meant. It would not be until around a year later that I had big brain energy and made the connection that "Usable within Mog Gardens" was "Flag03". It was added to many items in a future mog garden update. Those items happened to be ones that were "usable". That gave me the idea to look back and see which update it was that Flag02 was added. Sure enough, it was the same one where the Gobbie Mystery Box was revamped. Why create a labor intensive task of editing 8,000 items unnecessarily? This is SE we are talking about.
Quality of Life Improvements
SE continued to add unexpected Quality of Life improvements to the game with this update. The ability to sort party members should have been a day one feature. This made <p2> thru <p6> macros much more accessible. Many players ended up sorting their party members the same way each time - for example: tank in slot 2, DDs in slot 3 and 4, support in slot 5 and 6. Layouts similar to this in every party made the game more enjoyable from a support role's aspect.
The /itemsearch command was much less intuitive than the //findall windower addon, which came out in 2013. Items needed to be fully spelt out as well as placed in quotes if it was a two word item. Nevertheless, it was wonderful to see SE continue to incorporate popular Windower addons in the game itself. Players on console or those who did not use windower could take advantage of /itemsearch.
Adding icons to the maps seemed previously to be an impossible task. SE surprised us and followed suit with modern video games by adding this feature. The map popup during teleportation was reminiscent of the Auction House sales popup box. It was unneeded, but a really nice touch for players going to a specific coordinate in the zone they were going to.
Reive Adjustments
With the removal of the Rare tag, players could now collect capes faster than before to trade multiples of the same one for the one they want. Previously, if you had the cape in your inventory and the game tried to give it to you again, nothing would happen.
The ability to resummon trusts at any point in a Reive was also a great quality of life adjustment and made the content more easily accessible and solo friendly.
The quality of the armor that was added for Incursion was nothing notable. They were largely not worth the effort for players to boost the difficulty of the event. The title Nilotican Decimator forever remained notoriously hard to get because of the lack of participation. It required Content Level 143, and you had to defeat Vanquisher Gramk-Droog.
JSE Capes now had a random Augment on them when they dropped from the new Incursion content. Augments were also not added on these capes from any other source. Augments were also not announced anywhere, so at first players thought that more gear could drop from this event with Augments attached. Refractive Crystals were also not added until the February 2015 update, so players flocked to Incursion in hopes of getting a better JSE cape for their jobs. Augmented capes overshadowed any other armor added to Incursion. If these were not added, the event was sure to have been a failure upon release.
Mecistopins Mantles were also introduced with this content, granting huge bonuses to Capacity Points. Luckily the chances of obtaining a cape from a coffer were rather high. The Capacity Point bonus augment was always guaranteed to be on the cape, and the chances of it being on the high side were good. Players would almost always lock these capes in for their Capacity Points parties, but it proved difficult for DDs to keep them on full time due to a rather large loss in Accuracy from their normal back pieces in that slot. This was especially noticeable in the early stages of a player obtaining their Capacity Points on a new job. It was also the first "permanent" source of Capacity point bonuses (Rings were just effects), so they were quite a big deal.
As noted in the Freshly Picked Vana'diel - July 2016 Edition, the development team released details on the chances of obtaining the Capacity Point bonuses augment. Assuming flat distributions, you would expect 1/180 Mantles to be +50% Capacity Points bonus on average, which would be 18000 normal coffers or 1800 Grand coffers.
10%-32%: 90% chance
33%-50%: 10% chance
By mid-November 2014, a group was able to defeat Level 143 Vanquisher Gramk-Droog. A post was made on the official forums reporting that the NM was defeated and all progress Key Items were lost when the group attempted to level up the event again, and no reward was given. Unfortunately, it seemed that SE did not anticipate anybody would be able to defeat him at this point in the game. It was obvious that no planning was in place in the event that this did occur. With the final outcome of the event now public knowledge, players stopped trying to progress and just farmed capes.
Walk of Echoes
A case of whiplash seemed to be on players minds at this point in the game. We went from a marginal, horizontal gear progression system. This all changed when Delve being released with major equipment upgrades. Now with WoE v2 and Incursion, we were back to marginal gear upgrades. The only thing Square was consistent about was it's inconsistency.
Players were not looking forward to spamming low tier fights for 3 hours just to get a chance of the high tier fight. On top of that, you had another small chance at the reward you wanted. Many of the +1 version of items from Walk of Echoes only offered slight stat increases... or nothing. Items such as the Windbuffet Belt +1 had minor but significant increases from it's NQ counterpart. Vellaunus' Mantle +1 had a neat new Dual Wield stat added to it. The Pixie Hairpin +1 stood out from this point onwards as one of the best Dark Magic Affinity pieces ever added to the game.
These HQ items were somewhat awkward for crafters. These were the first substantial Non Rare Exclusive items that were added to the game that had "+1" in the name. Because of SE's previous naming schemes players assumed they were somehow crafted with the old versions of the items rather than direct drops like they were.
Freshly Picked Vana'diel #11
Sep. 10th, 2014
The Third FFXIV/DQX Collaboration Event
The Anniversary MMO Collaboration Event ran again from September 10th to October 2nd.
No changes were made from the previous run of the event.
Sep. 10th, 2014
Return to Vana'diel & Discount Campaigns
The Return Home campaign was quite popular at this time due to the client being somewhat easy to download directly from the Square Enix website for the first time. It was only available for the duration of this campaign, however. It did return later on full time.
Even though the free to play time was one week, it was the first free play period in quite awhile.
Sep. 10th, 2014
Idyllic Vana'diel Initiative
- Any adventurers who logged in from September 10th to September 17th received a
Mog Pell (Green). This was the first time this item was handed out to players. The list of items exchangable for the voucher differed when it was first implemented. One of these items were up for grabs:
- Eminent Baghnakhs / Eminent Dagger / Eminent Scimitar / Eminent Sword / Eminent Axe / Eminent Voulge / Eminent Sickle / Eminent Lance / Eminent Wand / Eminent Staff / Eminent Pole / Eminent Bow / Eminent Crossbow / Eminent Gun / Eminent Sachet / Eminent Flute / Eminent Bell / Eminent Shield / Kaitsuburi / Ichimonji-Yofusa / Em. Animator
- Goblin Suit / Green Moogle Suit / Goblin Masque / Green Moogle Masque / Morbol Cap / Morbol Shield / Alliance Shirt / Alliance Pants / Alliance Boots / Worm Feelers / Worm Masque / Kyuka Uchiwa / Ark Tachi / Ark Saber / Ark Scythe / Ark Tabar / Ark Sword / Chocobo Masque / Chocobo Suit / Bomb Masque
- 10 copper A.M.A.N. vouchers
- Wildskeeper Reive Campaign
- Campaign Festa
- Abyssea Battle Content Campaign
- Alter Ego Extravaganza Unlimited: 11 different Trusts were available - essentially all of the limited time Trusts implemented up to this date that are now in the Alter Ego Extravaganza were available from both sets simultaneously. Tenzen, Mihli, Valaineral, Joachim, Sakura, Ovjang, Mnejing, Eliviria, Noillurie, Ferreous Coffin, and Lhu Mhakaracca.
Sep. 10th, 2014
Active Adventurer Appreciation Campaign #1
Players who had an active, paid subscription at any point from July 1st, 2014 until August 31st, 2014 were given a Mog Pell (Red). This was also the first time that the item was provided to players. Compared to the Mog Pell (Green), it had a much better selection of available items when it was exchanged.
- 40 Beastmen's Seals / 40 Kindred's Seals / 40 Kindred's Crests / 40 High Kindred's Crests / 40 Sacred Kindred's Crests
- Rala Visage IV / Cirdas Visage IV / Yorcia Visage IV / Ra'Kaznar Visage IV / Faithful's Torso IV / Faithful's Legs IV / Eudaemon Sword / Eudaemon Cape / Eudaemon Ring / Eudaemon Sash / Eudaemon Shield
- 12 Wailing Stones +1 / 12 Snowslit Stones +1 / 12 Leafslit Stones +1 / 12 Snowtip Stones + 1 / 12 Leaftip Stones +1 / 12 Snowdim Stones +1 / 12 Leafdim Stones +1 / 12 Snoworb Stones +1 / 12 Leaforb Stones +1 / 8 Pulchridopt Wings / 8 Lebondopt Wings
- Duodecennial Ring / Vocation Ring
- Cipher: Zeid / Cipher: Lion / Cipher: Naja / Cipher: Lehko / Cipher: Luzaf / Cipher: Najelith / Cipher: Aldo / Cipher: Moogle / Cipher: Fablinix / Cipher: D. Shantotto / Cipher: S. Sibyl / Cipher: Uka
The Vocation Ring was a popular choice due to the Capacity Points drag.
Sep. 10th, 2014
Repeat Login Campaign #15
Cipher: Kuyin was added as unique items in this campaign, and it was the first opportunity to obtain her.
Level 15, 25, and 35 Usukane Salvage Armor pieces were available during this campaign. Even though the equipment was far outdated at this point, it was still really surprising to see such hard to obtain pieces in the level 75 golden era available for login points.
Because the Salvage Plans were able to be sent to the same characters on a POL account, they were a popular choice.
Month: September 2014
- View the entire item list here.
Sep. 10th, 2014
Blazing Buffaloes 2014
Dates: September 10th to September 24th.
The Red Sash and the Dash Sash returned in this campaign, which were last available in 2005.
The Mock Hare furnishing was added to the table in the Mog Gardens.
Sep. 24th, 2014
Alter Ego Expo Redux
The Alter Ego Expo, boosting Trust Magic's stats, ran from September 24th to Octoper 9th.
- Maximum HP and MP will be increased by a factor of 1.5.
- A strong resistance to status ailments will be granted.
Sep. 30th, 2014
Autumn Alter Ego Extravaganza
September 30th to October 31st
This was the first opportunity to obtain the following Trusts:
- Rahal, Koru-Moru, and Cid
Returning trusts were Sakura, Ovjang, and Mnejing.
Koru-Moru became a player favorite with his excellent support role, alongside Kupipi as a white mage.
Oct. 2nd, 2014
Double Experience Points & Additional Seal Battlefields Spoils Campaigns
Oct. 7th, 2014
Atomos Avatar Addition & Avatar High Tier Battlefields
Job Adjustments
- Warrior
- The effects of the job ability Berserk now increase in stages as the player rises in level. Physical attack increases by approximately 1% per stage at levels 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90, and reaches a maximum of approximately 30% when combined with the original effects.
- The effects of the job ability Defender now increase in stages as the player rises in level. Physical defense increases by approximately 1% per stage at levels 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90, and reaches a maximum of approximately 30% when combined with the original effects.
- Thief
- Dagger skill has been raised from A to A+.
- Beastmaster
- Axe skill has been raised from A to A+.
- Familiars summoned using the Call Beast ability now have increased physical, ranged, and magic accuracy when level 100 or above.
- Ninja
- A new job trait, Daken, has been added.
- When equipped with a shuriken, the ninja will occasionally throw it upon autoattacking.
- This trait is learned at level 25 and increases in stages at level 40, 55, 70, and 95.
- Under normal circumstance, shuriken thrown using Daken will not be consumed.
- Sange has undergone the following adjustments.
- Sange (Recast time: 3 min., effect duration: 60 sec.)
- Daken will always activate but consume shuriken while active. Increase ranged accuracy by 25.
- Katana skill has been raised from A to A+.
- Throwing skill raised to A+.
- Dragoon
- Wyverns now have increased physical, ranged, and magic accuracy when level 100 or above.
- Summoner
- The new avatar Atomos was added, and the quest A Forbidden Reunion to obtain it was added.
- A new job ability, Apogee, has been added.
- Apogee (Lv. 70, Recast time: 5 min., Effect duration: 60 sec.)
- Decreases the recast time on the next blood pact, but causes it to consume more MP.
- The job ability Avatar's Favor has been changed.
- Penalties, including those to physical and magic attack, have been abolished.
- The avatar's perpetuation cost now increases.
- Avatars now have increased physical, ranged, and magic accuracy when level 100 or above.
- Blue Mage
- The casting time of the following spells has been decreased.
- The effect duration of the following spells has been increased.
- The MP cost of Triumphant Roar has been decreased.
- The efficacy of Regeneration has been increased.
- Attribute adjustments have been added to the following spells.
- Sword skill has been raised from A to A+.
- Puppetmaster
- Hand-to-Hand skill has been raised from B+ to A+.
- Automatons now have increased physical, ranged, and magic accuracy when level 100 or above.
- Dancer
- The following job abilities have undergone adjustments.
- The recast time for Steps has been decreased from fifteen to five seconds.
- The recast time for the job ability Presto has been decreased from thirty to fifteen seconds.
- The job ability Climactic Flourish now receives a damage boost varying with charisma.
- The job ability Striking Flourish has had its recast time decreased from 120 to thirty seconds and now receives a damage boost varying with charisma.
- The job ability Ternary Flourish has had its recast time decreased from 120 to forty-five seconds and now receives a damage boost varying with charisma.
- Dagger skill has been raised from B+ to A+.
- Geomancer
- A new job ability, Entrust, has been added.
- Entrust (Lv. 75, Recast time: 10 min., Effect duration: 60sec.)
- The next indicolure spell cast may target a party member.
- An epilogue has been added to the quest A Thirst for Eternity.
- New alter ego Lilisette was added.
- New objectives have been added to Records of Eminence.
- The following adjustments have been made to the Gobbie Mystery Box:
- The scene that plays between opening a treasure coffer and receiving the items has been shortened.
- The treasure coffers are no longer targetable.
- The Trust initiative has undergone the following adjustments.
- Alter egos may now be called forth in the following mission battlefields.
- Ingrid now has the job trait Undead Killer.
- Walk of Echoes adjustments:
- Players will now be forced out immediately after a walk has been cleared.
- Rewards gleaned from victory may be obtained from the treasure coffers located near the Echo Disseminator.
- Leaving Walk of Echoes for another area without first claiming your rewards will relinquish your right to claim them.
- Kupofried’s Medallions may now be purchased from the Echo Disseminator.
- The amount of time for a walk to become active once it has been defeated has been reduced from ten minutes to one minute (Earth time).
- If a battle has not been started for a particular walk after a certain amount of time, the forces within will determine whether the walk becomes a surge or endowed walk.
- After a surge or endowed walk has been cleared, the forces within will now determine whether a surge or endowed walk will take place during the next respawn.
- Experience Points and Capacity Points may now be earned from Stormy Autochthons in alluvion skirmishes and from all monsters in Yorcia Weald (U).
- Points earned from these monsters do not benefit from chain bonuses or the effects of dedication.
- Certain special techniques used by monsters have undergone the following adjustments.
- Fuscous Ooze
- This ability no longer removes players' equipment.
- The amount of time the player may not change equipment after being a victim of this attack has been changed from forty seconds to between thirty and forty-five seconds.
- Mucilaginous Ooze
- This ability no longer removes players' equipment.
- The amount of time the player may not change equipment after being a victim of this attack has been changed from ninety seconds to between sixty and ninety seconds.
- Fuma Shuriken and Iga Shuriken have undergone the following adjustments.
- The stack size has been increased from 12 to 99.
- The sale value has been decreased.
- The amount created via synthesis has been increased.
- Hachiya Shuriken are now purchasable with sparks of eminence from the following NPCs.
- Trading ninety-nine of the following types of shuriken to Ominous Cloud of Troupe Valeriano together with a wijnruit will provide players with an item that stores the appropriate amount of shuriken.
- Suppa Shuriken are now available from [[[Craggy Bluff]] in the Peacekeepers' Coalition in Eastern Adoulin (F-7) in exchange for bayld.
- The damage type of the thrown weapon Nokizaru Shuriken has been changed from slashing to piercing.
- The amount of time that must pass for the Warp Ring to be used after equipping has been reduced from 30 seconds to 8 seconds.
- The amount of time that must pass for the Warp Cudgel to be used after equipping has been reduced from 10 seconds to 3 seconds.
- The number of equipment sets able to be registered has been increased from 20 to 100.
- The following icons will now be displayed on the map.
Devices that can be teleported to stationed in areas such as the Chocobo Circuit, Delkfutt’s Tower, The Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi, and other such locations.
Places where players can travel between the current time and the Shadowreign era, as well as cavernous maws connecting to Abyssea.
Places where it is difficult to tell there is a staircase or similar vertical transit device.
For characters that have just been created, tutorial NPCs and NPCs accepting adventurer coupons.
- Home Points have been added to the following locations.
- Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-9) / Aht Urhgan Whitegate (F-6) / Aht Urhgan Whitegate (F-10) / Mt. Zhayolm (D-8) / Cape Teriggan (F-5) / Xarcabard [S] (H-9) / The Boyahda Tree (J-12) / Den of Rancor (I-8) / Fe’Yin (I-5) / Ifrit’s Cauldron (G-6) / Quicksand Cave (C-8) / Southern San d’Oria (E-8) / Northern San d’Oria (F-5) / Bastok Mines (K-7) / Bastok Markets (I-8) / Port Bastok (E-6) / The Metalworks (F-8) / Windurst Waters (J-8) / Rabao (G-6) / Norg (G-7) / Western Adoulin (H-12) / Eastern Adoulin (G-10)
- Mog Gardens have undergone the following adjustments.
- Tree pruning, weed removal, and excavation may now be attempted multiple times at once.
- When selecting a furrow, the location of the cursor has been changed from “Inspect the garden” to “Harvest crops.”
- The job-specific capes obtainable from Wildskeeper Reives and Incursion are now able to have their arcane glyptics removed by trading them to Makel-Pakel in the Celennia Memorial Library.
- Trading these items to Makel-Pakel and having the arcane glyptics removed will enable the player to trade three of them for one of their choice as per usual.
- All stones currently obtainable via skirmishes will be able to be stored with Divainy-Gamainy in Western Adoulin (J-10).
- A new Currency 2 menu is available under Status in the main menu.
- This submenu contains some currencies that were previously found in the currency menu in addition to the number and type of skirmish stones stored with Divainy-Gamainy in Western Adoulin (J-10).
- When the player has selected the option “Decline destination confirmation” for waypoints, the visual effect accompanying teleportation will not be displayed.
- The background music for Incursion has changed.
- The client load required for the /itemsearch command has been lessened.
Interesting fixed issues
- The issue with Rala Waterways wherein engaging in combat on certain bridges would occasionally cause the monsters to fall off.
- The issue with Walk of Echoes wherein teleporting to a walk via the Echo Disseminator would occasionally cause the player to appear in an awkward location.
- Various issues with quests wherein NPCs would be located in awkward locations or facing incorrect directions.
Job Adjustments
All the skill changes were inconsequential. PUP's was the best, and it picked up ~2 base damage, 20 Attack, and 16 Accuracy.
Warrior: The changes did not hurt the job, but they did not address any of the job's issues.
Ninja: Before this update, Throwing skill was regarded as a meme and nobody bothered with it. Players did not want to have to level their Throwing skill for the new Daken trait. The only players who had Thief or Ranger levelled had any amount of Throwing skill already. Luckily it was very easy to level up Throwing casually with this Job Trait and no extra effort. With the addition of the Job Trait and Occasionally Attacks Twice gear, Ninjas could now easily self skillchain.
The new Happo Shuriken used the expensive Waktza Rostrum as a recipe in the synthesis, but surprisingly Daken did not consume Shurikens if you were not using Sange. This did not make much sense in terms of what shurikens are like in real life, but this is Final Fantasy!
Overall, the Trait was very well received. The damage increase and TP gain that Ninjas received was a wonderful addition to the job.
Blue Mage: The spells that had durations increased were rarely used before. They were just not worth it for the effect duration received. Now that they could be kept up for much longer (50% to 300% duration/potency), they made it onto Blue Mage's spell lists a lot more frequently. These spell changes should have been done a long time ago.
Summoner: Atomos, as expected, was situational and worse than anticipated. Players were hoping for another Avatar that had a set of Blood Pact Wards and Rages. SE then went for a twofer with the adjustments to Avatar's Favor. Diabolos was useful for AoE Refresh, but it became more difficult now with increase Perpetuation cost. Apogee was somewhat disappointing. Summoners wished that it was a stance instead of a 5 minute job ability. It was an ability. It was there. It did not hurt.
Dancer: The Step changes in this update were pretty OP. Dynamis farming became so much easier while subbing Dancer because of how much easier it was to proc monsters. The downside to this upgrade was that the changes made the job even further handicapped by the game's Job Ability delay. They picked the worst of all possible ways to address the problems they created last update when they increased the max step level to 10.
Geomancer: The new Entrust ability was wonderful for Geomancers to stay off of the front line, and instead grant another Indicolure effect safely from the back lines. Before the update hit, players assumed assumed that Entrust did not allow a second Indi spell and would instead grant your single Indi spell on another player. Allowing Geomancers to have a third bubble pushed it even further to the top of the desired buffing jobs.
High Tier Mission Battlefields
The proc system returned with the new Avatar HTMB fights, and they offered a pretty nice challenge on Difficult or Very Difficult. Players were not a fan of the single Key Item used for every Avatar, however. It would have made more sense to have one Key Item per battlefield, allowing players to have one of each stored on their characters. This would be reminiscent of the old Avatar BC farming players used to do to earn money back in the day with Avatar BCNM rotations.
Overall, the equipment that came from these new BCNMs was not very noteworthy. There were a few exceptions of course, but at 20 merits a pop it felt like HTMBs should have been slightly more rewarding. No, merits were not hard to come by. They just required time that players did not have much of.
The Donar Gun was the first Thief and Ninja gun added in quite some time. The Voltsurge Torque shined as one of the best, easiest to come by Fast Cast torques for many jobs for a long time.
HTMBs were praised for overall loot acquisition compared to the 75 days. Back then it used to take over a year to get the most wanted equipment. Nowadays, all of the loot from a BC can be capped for a party in around 10~12 hours depending on luck. Even if it wasn't all the best stuff, a lot of situational items came from HTMBs.
Walk of Echoes
By far one of the best adjustments to the WoE content was the ability to purchase a new Kupofried's medallion inside of the area instead of having to zone back out to Xarcabard (S) every time. It was annoying as hell to do this between every instance.
The adjustment from 10 minutes to 1 minute for Walks to respawn helped lower the price of items on the Auction House due to more Surge walks appearing overall.
Freshly Picked Vana'diel #12
Oct. 10th, 2014
Repeat Login Campaign #16
Cipher: Karaha was added as unique items in this campaign, and it was the first opportunity to obtain him.
Additionally, the the all new Cait Sith Guard was available for the first time in this campaign. It was a popular pickup due to how cute it was for Lockstyle sets.
Empyrean Armor +2 upgrade items returned which were also a popular pick.
Month: October 2014
- View the entire item list here.
Oct. 17th, 2014
Surge Walk Campaign
A new campaign was held from Oct 17th to Oct 21st for the newly implemented Surge Walks in Walk of Echoes. All walks powered up to surge mode for the duration of the campaign. This campaign helped stock the Auction House with the highly desired Windbuffet Belt +1.
Oct. 21st, 2014
The Harvest Festival 2014
Dates: October 21st - November 4th
New this year were the Flan Masque and Flan Masque +1 for trading treats to the Flan type mobs added to the event.
Oct. 27th, 2014
Another Double Capacity Points Campaign
Another 9 day Double Capacity Points Campaign was held from October 27th until November 4th.
Oct. 28th, 2014
Active Adventurer Appreciation Campaign #1
Like the previous iteration, players who had an active, paid subscription at any point from September 1st, 2014 until October 31st, 2014 were given a Mog Pell (Red).
Nov. 10th, 2014
Repeat Login Campaign #17
Cipher: Abenzio was added as unique item in this campaign, and it was the first opportunity to obtain it. Additionally, the the all new Lycopodium Masque was available for the first time in this campaign.
Frayed Pouches/Sacks (Coins/Die/Residue for Unlocking Empyrean Weaponskills) returned after a 6 month hiatus. It was questionable why these items were in the campaign since so many coins were now in circulation from Surge Walks.
Month: November 2014
- View the entire item list here.
Nov. 10th, 2014
Idyllic Vana'diel Initiative
Dates: November 10th - November 25th
- Mog Pell (Green) was received for the first time a character logs in during the campaign period.
- An SP Gobbie Key was given to adventures once a day after logging in.
- Double Experience Points Campaign
- Double Capacity Points Campaign
- Adoulin Dial Campaign
- Wildskeeper Reive Campaign
- Meeble Burrows Campaign
- Mog Gardens Campaign
- Abyssea Battle Content Campaign
- Double Simulacra Segment Campaign
- Skirmish Treasure Coffer Upgrade Campaign
- Alter Ego Extravaganza Unlimited
- Tenzen, Mihli, Valaineral, Joachim, Sakura, Ovjang, Mnejing, Elivira, Noillurie, Ferreous Coffin, and Lhu Mhakaracca were available.
- No new trusts were available, only repeats.
Nov. 10th, 2014
Seekers of Adoulin Conclusion Released & Unity Concord Implemented
New Features & Content
- The final chapter of Seekers of Adoulin Missions were added, which was Chapter 5.
- The new area Ra'Kaznar Turris was added.
- The Unity Concord system was introduced.
- Accordingly, Unity Trust Leaders were also implemented.
- Unity Chat was added.
- The Linkshell Concierge has been added.
- Upon first implementation, there were 14 NPCs in different locations.
- NPCs held linkpearls for different categories of play.
Job Adjustments
- Beastmaster
- New Jug Pet familiars have been added.
- A new job ability, Bestial Loyalty, has been added.
- Bestial Loyalty (BST Lv.23, recast time: twenty minutes)
- Summons a familiar without consuming the content of its jug.
- The job ability Ready will now enable the familiar to use special attacks even at less than 1000 TP as long as the charge requirements are met.
- Special attacks whose strength varies with TP will continue to do so even after this adjustment.
- Summoner
- Skillchain attributes have been added to the following Blood Pacts: Rage
- The job ability Avatar's Favor has undergone the following adjustments.
- New sections of existing areas have been added.
- These areas can be accessed by possessing a particular key item.
- A new entrance to Outer Ra'Kaznar from Woh Gates has been discovered.
- Mog Gardens adjustments:
- New fertilizer has been added for purchase from the Green Thumb Moogle.
- The effects of the active fertilizer will now display when selecting a gathering point.
- When gathering multiple times from an arboreal grove or mineral vein, the gathering attempts will stop partway if the effects of the fertilizer disappear.
- Monster Rearing adjustments:
- Rank 2 was added to rearing
- Cockatrice, Raptor, and Eft families were added to raise.
- The following items may now be fed to monsters.
- Fishing nodes have been added to Sih Gates.
- The following NPCs directing players to local quests have been added.
- Information on Records of Eminence and the Trust initiative can now be obtained from the following NPCs.
- Chocobo Racing adjustments:
- It is now possible to skip the cutscenes accompanying completed official races and free runs.
- The maximum cost for participating in free runs has been increased.
- The cost will continue to reset to midnight (JST) as previously.
- Prizes will no longer be awarded for novices races I-III if those races have already been completed previously.
- Players will continue to receive rewards for their first clear.
- Notorious monsters have been added to the following areas.
- The strength and effects of weapon skills used by alter egos has been increased.
- The duration of the charm effect of the monster ability Soothing Aroma has been decreased.
- The drop rate of plans in the following Salvage remnants has been doubled.
- The attack of the following monsters residing in Eastern Ulbuka has been decreased.
- Clots residing in Eastern Ulbuka now have a chance to drop clot plasma.
- High-Tier Mission Battlefields have undergone the following adjustments.
- The merit point requirements for receiving phantom gems have been eased.
- The
Rare attribute has been removed from the following items and are now stackable in groups of twelve.
- The help text for the following items have changed.
- Theraisie in Upper Jeuno (G-6) now sells the following items.
- Icons indicating the following NPC will now appear on the map.
- The icon below indicating the following NPCs will now appear on the map.
- A new text command, /unity (/u) has been added.
- This command enables players participating in unity chat to speak with others of the same unity regardless of distance or area.
- An entry for Unity (Unity name) has been added to the /search and /sea text commands.
- The command enables players to search for characters by unity name.
- A new Unity chat channel has been added, and was added under the Chat menu category.
- A new entry to search by Unity has been added to the Search section of the main menu.
- A new currency, Unity accolades, has been added to the currency menu.
- The layout of the elemental attribute values displayed in automatons' equipment screens has been modified.
- Pre-Adjustment:
- Post-Adjustment:
- A Survival Guide has been added to the following locations:
- Area names shown in Survival Guides can now be displayed by expansion pack
- Areas names can now be displayed by expansion pack when selecting "Other mysteries" and then the "Select by content" options from a Survival Guide.
- A Home Point has been added to Leafallia(H-8).
Interesting fixed issues
- The issue wherein Cherukiki's alter ego would not cast haste while in combat with a foe having excessively high fire resistance.
- The issue with the avatar Atomos wherein using his blood pact would cause status ailments he was suffering from to be applied to party members.
- The issue with trading items wherein it was occasionally impossible to remove items from the trade window.
November 2014 Version Update Promotional Trailer
Unity Concord
Reception around the preview released on the official forum was that Unity would further segregate the community with so many different Unity factions to choose from. Yoran Oran and Sylvie Unity Factions were not available until August 2015. Unity Chat seemed to be intended for players who didn't know how to make friends or join a linkshell in game. Before learning specifics about the pop system, players also thought that the Unity NM system would be full of drama over claims like the 75 cap days.
At first, Unity Wanted Battles required 3 players in order to participate in the fights. This was done to promote teaming up with others in your Unity and to fight together. Overall reception about the Unity Rank statistic on equipment was that fighting for a higher rank was not worth the extra bonus. Do not count on it, and then if you got it then it was a neat extra. Unity Faction allegiance did not matter for choice of items available or equipment bonuses. The main purpose was the Trust you received and minor daily RoEs.
Wanted Battles were a nostalgia trip for players to fight old school NMs again with an Item Level twist. The force spawn system was a very good addition so there were no arguments or drama about claims. The pop and battle system felt akin to Voidwatch. Gear that was released at first seemed like a mixture of sidegrades and some nice stand out pieces (such as the Regal Pumps +1, Augury Cuisses +1, and Macabre Gauntlets +1). SP Gobbie Key were added in exchange for Unity Accolades, but upon first release players focused on spending their accolades for armor and weapon upgrades. The ability to obtain the +1 version of armor at a very low rate from coffers was a very unexpected surprise. Speaking of unexpected, the newly added Unity Warps opened the door to even more convenient teleportation options around Vana'diel.
Other players felt disheartened and skeptical about a system that seemed unnecessarily convoluted. Unity seemed to be a low budget attempt at rehashing content to keep players busy for a long time with the least amount of effort spent on creating it. Veteran players were dreaming about moderately challenging, deep, articulated content that focused on organized groups instead of low budget content aimed at small groups of multiboxed characters.
Major Unity Bug
Immediately after the update, players who joined a Unity would have their equipped Linkshell or Pearlsack downgraded to a Linkpearl. An emergency maintenance almost immediately after the update maintenance fixed this issue. Players who were affected had to contact a GM in-game to get assistance in having these items returned to them.
Seekers of Adoulin Conclusion
After the entire story was released, Famitsu published an article in December 2014 that revealed there is a hidden parameter between your character and Arciela called intimacy. If you chose strange options during the mission cutscenes, such as "staring at your chest", the intimacy level dropped sharply. If you chose a good one, it would increase. Intimacy only had a couple of effects in the game. One was during the mission Seekers of Adoulin Mission 4-1-2. The item requested during the cutscene depended on your intimacy level. The lower your level, the "harder" the item requested. During the final mission cutscene in Seekers of Adoulin Mission 5-5-1, if you continued to click no and obtained Arciela's spare bonnet, your intimacy level drops to the lowest tier. The level was irrelevant at this point in time, but later on after the Records of Eminence quest The Arciela Directive was released, your intimacy level once again had an effect on which sweet was requested towards the end of the quest.
SE did a good job making all of the final reward rings very desirable. Many players wanted the Refresh rings. This was before Dark Matter augments, so the Treasure Hunter ring was also a good choice to pair with Chaac Belt for TH+2 on non Thief jobs. Many players wanted the ability to purchase an additional ring, such as the crafting ring, because of the vast differences between them. A modest fee of a couple million Bayld and all WKR Key Items seemed fair to do this. Naturally, over time some rings became less desirable with new rings introduced later.
For the first time in nine years, a song with vocals is added to the game as the final closing ballad.
In Freshly Picked Vana'diel #23, it was discussed that Seekers of Adoulin was intended to have a sixth chapter that was set in the area of Tartarus. In the unreleased lore, Hades created this area. Hades would have taken the power of August and manifested into a final boss. Additionally, Balamor was set to obtain the powers of Ultima and become a final boss as well. This idea was shelved due to circumstances such as development scale and time investment required to create it. Concept artwork is shown below. Click an image for a larger view.
Freshly Picked Vana'diel #13
Nov. 10, 2014
Forever Today: FINAL FANTASY XI Seekers of Adoulin OST PLUS On Sale Online Only
Forever Today: FINAL FANTASY XI Seekers of Adoulin Original Soundtrack PLUS, containing six previously unreleased songs and well as two versions of the eponymous expansion's ending song, Forever Today, became available for online purchase only. The soundtrack's website features comments from Naoshi Mizuta and singer Mika Kobayashi.
Nov. 11th, 2014
Return to Vana'diel & Discount Campaigns
The next Return Home campaign was only two months after the previous free play period. The game client was available again from the Playonline website, so many players took advantage of this campaign.
Nov. 25th, 2014
Pictlogica Final Fantasy Crossover Event
This new event ran from November 25th to December 9th
The collaboration featured a total of 11 new items available in Final Fantasy XI as furnishings (wall hunt portraits). Each of which depicts a famous NPC from the world of Vana'diel in retro style pixel art. Unlike other events, SE disclosed how to get these different portraits.
- Logging in or changing areas:
- Guardian Board, Stoic Board, Wizardess Board
- These boards were available once upon logging in during the campaign period. You obtained the board corresponding to your country of allegiance. The other two boards were not obtainable in this manner even if you changed nations during the campaign period.
- Harvesting a furrow that has been planted with Arborscent Seeds:
- Exchangeable for 1,000 Unity Accolades each:
In addition, a temporary dial "Pictlogica Dial" was added to the Gobbie Mystery Box that could be opened once per Earth Day.
Pictlogica Final Fantasy was a free to play illustrated action puzzle iOS and Android game released only in Japan featuring pixel art from the FINAL FANTASY series. In September 2018, Square Enix announced that the game's online services would be shut down on November 30 and that the game will later be replaced by a version that is playable offline.
These boards were storable via Storage Slip 19 at the time of their implementation. If this was not the case, they would have certainly all been thrown away due to inventory constraints. They could not be sold on the Auction House or delivered to same account characters, but they could be sold in Bazaars. There was no benefit of obtaining all 11.
At the time of implementation, the placement height of the portrait was low. This was probably due to only the player's character perspectives being considered rather than camera angles. Oftentimes these portraits were hidden behind other furniture placed around them on the floor. In response to this, developers wanted to ensure that even players who played as a Tarutaru could also see these portraits. When the Mog House second floor was added, these problems were somewhat resolved.
This event only ran twice. This time in 2014, and again in 2017. These portraits are now hard to come by. With Pictlogica no longer in online service, it is unlikely that this event will ever return.
Nov. 11th, 2014
Sunshine Seeker
A new seasonal event was released from November 11th to November 25th. This event was skipped in 2015 for some reason. This event took place in the home nations and was related to the quest Babban Ny Mheillea. You could obtain Mandragora lockstyle equipment, as well as an exclusive (to this event) Trust Babban.
The first iteration of this event had a bug where players could defeat the monsters that roamed the cities with a ranged attack. This allowed the event to be completed without any hindrances, so players were flocking to it to quickly get their rewards. This glitch was fixed in an emergency maintenance on November 17th.
Dec. 2nd, 2014
New Campaign & Two Additional Campaigns
Dates: 12/2/14 - 12/18/14
This was the first time that the Bonus Bayld Campaign was held.
Dec. 10th, 2014
Gifts System introduced along with Superior Levels
Job Adjustments
- Summoner
- New Blood Pacts were added.
- Blood Pact: Ward: Pacifying Ruby (Lv.99)
- Reduces Enmity of target party member.
- Blood Pact: Rage: Conflag Strike (Lv.99)
- Deals fire elemental damage. Additional effect: Burn.
- Blood Pact: Rage: Crag Throw (Lv.99)
- Delivers a ranged attack that slows target.
- Blood Pact: Ward: Soothing Current (Lv.99)
- Increases potency of cure effects received for party members within area of effect.
- Blood Pact: Ward: Hastega II (Lv.99)
- Gives party members within area of effect the effect of "Haste."
- Blood Pact: Ward: Crystal Blessing (Lv.99)
- Confers a TP bonus on party members within area of effect.
- Blood Pact: Rage: Volt Strike (Lv.99)
- Delivers a threefold attack that stuns target.
- Cait Sith’s damage type has been changed from hand-to-hand to blunt.
- Blue Mage
- New blue magic spells are learnable.
- Molting Plumage (Lv.99 Recast time: 25 sec.)
- Deals wind elemental damage in a fan-shaped area originating from caster.
- Nectarous Deluge (Lv.99 Recast time: 45 sec.)
- Deals water elemental damage to enemies within range. Additional effect: Poison.
- Sweeping Gouge (Lv.99 Recast time: 120 sec.)
- Delivers a twofold attack. Additional Effect: Decreases defense. Additional effect duration varies with TP.
- Atra. Libations (Lv.99 Recast time: 180 sec.)
- Steals HP from enemies within range. Ineffective against undead.
- Puppetmaster
- The animations and animation lock for maneuvers have been removed.
- The harlequin frame and stormwaker frame weapon attributes have been changed from hand-to-hand to blunt.
- New quests have been introduced for Seekers of Adoulin areas.
- Unity adjustments:
- New Wanted objectives have been added to the following areas. The appropriate NM is listed below the area in the same order:
- The graphic for Ethereal Junctions accompanying Wanted battles has been changed to what it is today.
- Cheer effects have been added to Monster Rearing.
- Records of Eminence has undergone the following additions and adjustments:
- New objectives have been added.
- The Unity objective "Spoils: Two-Leaf Mandragora Bud (UC)" for Apururu now requires saruta cotton instead of two-leaf mandragora buds.
- New NPCs selling maps have been added to the following locations.
- New maps available for purchase have been added to the following NPCs
- Gil and experience rewards have been added to the following quests due to the addition of new maps for purchase.
- Certain entries for NPCs in Celennia Memorial Library have been updated.
- Some of the correct responses in the quest A Thirst for Eternity are now different based on how far the player has progressed in the mission.
- Up on making an attempt to open the Gobbie Mystery Box, the amount of daily tally point needed to use a dial will be displayed.
- Weapon skills have undergone the following adjustments.
- The potency of the following weapon skills has been increased.
- The TP Bonuses for the following weapons has been increased.
- Bonuses for the following weapon skills that only applied for initial hits will now be applied to all hits.
- The maximum accuracy of one-handed weapons equipped as the main weapon has been increased from 95% to 99%.
- Owing to this change, the maximum accuracy of abilities that rely on main weapon accuracy has also been raised from 95% to 99%.
- Further, some monster damage types have been changed from hand-to-hand to blunt.
- Fellows and alter egos enjoy this benefit as well.
- The maximum accuracy of beastmaster familiars, wyverns, avatars, and automatons has been increased from 95% to 99%.
- In line with this change, familiars summoned using the following items have had their damage types changed from hand-to-hand to blunt.
- Carrot Broth / Famous Carrot Broth / Bug Broth / Quadav Bug Broth / Berbal Broth / Singing Herbal Broth / Carrion Broth / Cold Carrion Broth / Meat Broth / Warm Meat Broth / Tree Sap / Scarlet Sap / Fish Broth / Fish Oil Broth / Seedbed Soil / Sun Water / Grasshopper Broth / Noisy Grasshopper Broth / Mole Broth / Lively Mole Broth / Blood Broth / Clear Blood Broth / Antica Broth / Fragrant Antica Broth
- New foods that increase the effects for both players and familiars have been added.
- The Trust initiative has undergone the following adjustments.
- Alter egos may now be called forth in the following mission battlefields.
- The Temple of Uggalepih / Through the Quicksand Caves / Ark Angels one through five / Delkfutt's Tower / The Celestial Nexus
- Alter egos may now be called forth in the following quest battlefields.
- Apocalypse Nigh / Pentacide Perpetrator / Storms of Fate
- The "reduces knockback distance" attribute on the Repulse Mantle and Vocane Ring now reads "reduces knockback distance +2"
- Log windows may now be separated
- Window 1 and Window 2 have been added to the tabs displayed when expanding the log window.
- Timestamps may now be displayed in the log window.
- The Status submenu will now display a character's average item level and ability to equip superior equipment.
- It is now possible to confirm your destination when teleporting using waypoints.
- Item help text will now be displayed when selecting an item from the following NPCs.
- Greeter Moogles / Records of Eminence NPCs / A.M.A.N. NPCs
- A new homepoint has been added in Castle Zvahl Keep (S) (G-7)
- Survival Guides have been added to the following locations.
- Carpenters' Landing (J-10) / Bibiki Bay (H-7) / Miseraux Coast (G-7) / Tavnazian Safehold (H-6) / Phomiuna Aqueducts (J-10) / The Sacrarium (E-7) / Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-8) / Wajaom Woodlands (C-8) / Nashmau (G-8) / Mamook (J-7) / Aydeewa Subterrane (H-10) / Southern San d’Oria [S] (K-10) / East Ronfaure [S] )J-11) / Jugner Forest [S] (G-11) / Vunkerl Inlet [S] (E-7) / Batallia Downs [S] (F-9) / Bastok Markets [S] (G-4) / North Gustaberg [S] (F-7) / Grauberg [S] (L-4) / Pashhow Marshlands [S] (K-11) / Rolanberry Fields [S] (I-14) / Windurst Waters [S] (F-5) / West Sarutabaruta [S] (I-5) / Fort Karugo-Narugo [S] (I-5) / Meriphataud Mountains [S] (L-8) / Sauromugue Champaign [S] (K-11) / Beaucedine Glacier [S] (G-7) / Castle Zvahl Baileys [S] (J-8) / Garlaige Citadel [S] (G-7) / Crawlers’ Nest [S] (M-8) / Eldieme Necropolis [S] (J-9) / Rabao (G-11) / Kazham (G-9) / Norg (H-9)
- Some UI and text command elements have been changed in preparation for the ability to equip two linkshells, which is scheduled to be implemented in the future.
- A new message has been added when speaking with Grrk-Frut the Charlatan in Marjami Ravine (I-11) while in possession of six Incursion key items and at the maximum content level for Incursion.
- The key items will continue to be removed as previously.
- Windows and Xbox 360 only:
- New icons and colors designating the role and allegiance of a particular alter ego have been added to the Trust magic list.
Interesting fixed issues
- The issue with Corsairs' Beast Roll wherein busting would occasionally cause pet attack to decrease.
- The issue with the Records of Eminence objective “Heal for 500+ HP (D)” wherein healing players in other Unities, alter egos, fellows, and pets would not count toward the total.
- This bug fix also applies to instances where heals would not be counted owing to the actions of other players.
- The issue with chat channel settings wherein moving the mouse over the arrow icon to the right of "Tell" would display an unnatural icon. Further, selecting this option would select "Shout."
June and July's version update survey results can be seen here.
Superior Level
The preview on the official forums about Superior Level alluded that the equipment would have stats beyond typical Item Level 119 gear and be quite strong. In reality, the majority of the items were essentially casual tier RoE upgrades. There were exceptions though, such as the Sombra Tights with Dual Wield for BLU. All of the items in this update were synthesized, which finally threw crafters a bone.
This system had a lot of potential, but SE did not take advantage of it. Superior Level equipment was the only Item Level 119 gear available on the Auction House. Many new and returning players would purchase this armor hoping to have easy to obtain equipment to reach Item Level 119, but not understand why they could not equip it.
In future updates, not many Superior Level armor pieces were released. It was evident that this system was pretty much abandoned by the developers. Future Superior Level equipment felt like an attempt to keep the statistic relevant rather than properly planned out. This was probably for the best, however. Players were afraid that Capacity Point parties would be locked and segregated to SU level. For instance, SU3 players would not want to take an SU0 player. That tier player would have an almost impossible task of finding other SU0 players to start off with.
Sure, 50 Job Points were not a lot. What about next Gift update? The future was unknown. The only constant that we from past updates that we have learned was that there would be more grinding. A lot more.
Suddenly, Job Points were not nice little bonuses. Now they were actually required for significant job enhancements in the form of Gifts. Many jobs still had the same issue getting into Capacity Point parties that they had in the Merit Party days. They were simply not part of the META, so they were overlooked. It was even more detrimental that Job Points needed to be earned on the job that they would be invested in. There was no way around the fact that many jobs were undesirable. Not many people tried to organize CP groups. When you did, it could have taken hours to fill a party, supposing you even managed to. Gifts gave players a reason to grind out Capacity Points even if their job's categories sucked. Gifts were guaranteed to gift a nice boost.
The immediate response to Gifts were that gear lock outs were attached as Superior Level. The requirement to grind Capacity Points just fueled the fire on botting them instead of actually playing the game. Far too little content provided CP. Coalition Assignments, Reives, BCNMs, penny value CP from RoE, and steep entry requirements for good camps all played a factor in the current outlook on CP and Gifts.
Job Adjustments
Summoner was long awaiting Hastega II since Red Mage Received Haste II. This made them slightly more appealing for Capacity Points parties, and opened the door to more summoner soloing opportunities. Volt Strike was overall stronger than Chaotic Strike, so it became the go to for Ramuh. The remaining new blood pacts were all good, but a couple were niche uses such as Leviathan's. The increase to Avatar Accuracy was drooled over. Around this time, developers were discussing Avatar's Favor and that the next tier would be achieved at 575 Summoning Magic Skill. It was impossible to obtain this at this point in time, so summoners were looking forward to what the future brought.
For Blue Mage, Molting Plumage bumped up Dual Wield to IV tier. This was great but annoying, as now Blue Mages needed to figure out what spells to drop to make room for this new one. CDC and Savage Blade were also indirect Blue Mage buffs due to their massive increases in damage.
Puppetmaster update was a step in the right direction and made it so PUPs could be less frugal with maneuvers. Before, some PUPs would do maybe 1 between fights, but now they could just toss them up as needed. More than anything it helped Automatons. PUPs still suffered from deploy delay. Mainly that it was a 10 second recast and has job ability delay. On fast fights where you were killing things in under 10 seconds, there are a lot of times where automatons just missed the chance to engage/has to wait till the mob was at 50%. For CP parties this was a pain. The main issues with pet jobs at the moment was the lack of accuracy gear.
Weapon Skill Buffs
This update buffed fTP values of many 1 handed weapon skills. All TP tiers were greatly increased for all weapon skills that were altered. This was the update that Savage Blade became incredibly strong. Before this update, it was essentially a meme weapon skill that nobody ever used. Many weapon skills were increased by 80% or more in damage. These 1 handed changes also gave much more value to weapon skill gorgets and belts. Many players who had no use for these items went out to farm theirs after this update.
Rudra's Storm was unintendedly overbuffed. The weapon skill was dealing an amazing 6-20x the damage when stacked with SATA. These numbers were more damage than Tachi: Fudo and was compared to Ukko's Fury of the Abyssean era. It was found later that this power was due to an error in the correction calculation formula when using the weapon skill at 3000 TP. fTP was enhanced to the following:
- 1000 TP: 6.0
- 2000 TP: 15.0
- 3000 TP: 20.0
These numbers were lowered in the March 2015 Version Update to what we have today:
- 1000 TP: 5.0
- 2000 TP: 10.19
- 3000 TP: 13
The following Dagger weapon skill's fTP were slightly lowered in March as well, albeit not as drastically as Rudra's Storm:
Chacharoon's Cheers
With the addition of Cheer effects, players who neglected participating in Monster Rearing jumped on a bandwagon together to catch up to get useful bonus effects. The nature of the cheers as key items disclosed all of their benefits up front instead of a guessing game on what each one did. Rank 1 and 2 effects were rather modest, but as time went on and more monsters and ranks were added the effects were enhanced. The sheer scope of bonuses ranging from experience bonuses, to combat skill gain rates, to trust bonuses, all the way to synthesis skill gain rates made Cheers attractive to nearly all adventurers. Even better yet, these bonuses could be changed at any time for a modest Shining Star fee.
Survival Guides
Pairing the new Survival Guides with the Unity warps, navigating all over Vana'diel was now a breeze. Adding Maps to vendors allowed new players a much easier time navigating around instead of first having to complete a quest. This change did improve the overall feel of how welcoming the game felt to newbies.
Freshly Picked Vana'diel #14
Dec. 10th, 2014
"Quadruple your Fun" Campaigns
Dates: 12/10/14 - 12/18/14
Dec. 11th, 2014
Repeat Login Campaign #18
Cipher: Rughadjeen was added as unique item in this campaign, and it was the first opportunity to obtain him. Two more new items included the Cait Sith Cap /+1 as well as Star Sprinkles.
Makel's Grab Bag was the focus of players for this campaign. Using it grants a random augmented Reive JSE Cape. At a hefty 1,000 points each, this limited the capes to 4 maximum for the month for one character because they were not sendable from mules.
Month: December 2014
- View the entire item list here.
Dec. 18th, 2014
Vana'diel New Year Campaigns
Dates: December 18th to January 14th
This set of campaigns was the longest running campaign yet. This was the first time that the Double Unity Accolade Campaign was run. It was surprising how quick a campaign was introduced for such new content.
Dec. 18th, 2014
"Quadruple your Fun" Campaigns
Dates: 12/10/14 - 12/18/14
Dec. 18th, 2014
au Easy Payment Campaign
Beginning December 18th, a new payment service called "au Easy Payment" began to be accepted within Square-Enix accounts for Japanese customers as a form of recurring payment for Crysta.
A campaign for Japanese players was held from December 18th, 2014 - January 31st, 2015. Players who switched to this new form of payment and charged 1,000 yen for Crysta, setup a recurring payment, and are still using the recurring option by the end of the campaign were eligible. Additionally, customers who purchased 3,000 yen worth of crysta as a non recurring payment were also eligible.
Finally, qualifying players had to enter on the official website after qualifying to be entered in the drawing. 5,000 Crysta was given away to 1,000 different players.
Dec. 24th, 2014
I Dream of Mog Bonanza 2015
New to this Bonanza was the Dense Cluster, the equivalent of the Cat's Eye for Empyrean Weapons. Around this time in the game's life, H-P Bayld were rather rare to come by. The Bayld Crystal was a popular choice for Rank 1 winners.
Lockstyle item Celeste Cap was added to rank 4, and Corolla was added to rank 2 for some reason. It became a meme quickly that Toyota Corollas were available for rank 2. The item served no other purpose except for lockstyle.
Marble sales were from December 24th until January 27th. Results were announced on February 19th.
Note: See the I Dream of Mog Bonanza 2015 page for details on the event such as prizes and results.