Endgame Progression Guide

From FFXI Wiki

So, you've finally hit level 99. Congratulations! What now? You're probably overwhelmed by all the endgame content, and have no idea where to start or what's accessible.
This guide will explain in detail what various endgame events are, what you can get out of them, and when you can take part in them. This guide is set up to walk you through from the first minute as a level 99 all the way to decked out in Best In Slot (BIS) gear - regardless of your job!
It will also assume you have no knowledge of FFXI's endgame events, and will try to aim towards doing as much as possible solo.

This guide is roughly arranged in the order that I recommend you attempt to take events on, but I don't recommend trying to complete each event 100% before moving on to the next. Get a few pieces of gear, or make a bit of progress in it, then you'll be able to move on to the next.
You want to always be moving forward. Try not to get bogged down in any one event. You can always come back to farm gear later, and it'll probably go much faster later with more gear under your belt.

Each section of this guide is collapsed by default to make reading easier. Click the [Expand] button on the right-side of any section to expand it for more information.

A Quick Reminder

Before we get started in the guide proper, have you started on your Coalition Assignments and Mog Garden tasks yet? There is more info on these in the Initial Gearing section below, but they take real-life MONTHS of progress to max out. If you haven't started on them yet, it's a great idea to do so as soon as you can!
Now's also a good time to make sure you have started your timers for Traverser stones for Abyssea and Voidstones for Void Watch - both of these build up in the background over time, so you want to get those timers rolling as soon as you can!


Deciding on your Jobs

How to Evaluate Equipment and Build a Gearset

Recommended Trusts

Fresh 99 & Initial Gearing

Intermediate Records of Eminence Objectives

How to Earn Gil as a New Player

Domain Invasion

Ambuscade - Very Easy Difficulty

Main Storylines

Weapon Skill Quests

Job Points & Capacity Points

Level 119 UNMs

Yorcia Weald Alluvion Skirmish

Reforged JSE Armor

Ambuscade - Normal Difficulty

Escha Ru'Aun Warders

NQ Abjuration Gear

Level 122 UNMs

High Tier Mission Battlefields

RoE Trust Quests

Master Levels

Odyssey - Sheol A

Alternative Vagary Battlefields

Escha Ru'Aun Geas Fete

How to Earn Gil as an Experienced Player


Dynamis Divergence - Waves 1 & 2

Ambuscade - Very Difficult & Pulse Weapons

Level 125-128 UNMs

Odyssey - Sheol B

Reisenjima Geas Fete

Sinister Reign

HQ Abjuration Gear

How to Earn Gil as an Advanced Player

Geas Fete HELMs & Gods

Dynamis D. - Wave 3

Odyssey - Sheol C & Segment Farming

Odyssey - Sheol Gaol

Ultimate / REMA Weapons

Other Content

What Next?


If you have any questions, comments, or feedback on this guide or any of its contents, please feel free to contact me either here on the BG Wiki at User_talk:Cassiani, or send me a /tell in-game: I'm Cassiani on the Asura server.